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Based on countless isekais and native isekais, it seems the peak wish-fulfillment fantasy for japs is to be a white person in a medieval german/french town
I mean modern fantasy itself is born from tolkien romantizing medieval England
>native isekai
Stopped reading there, retard. That phrase doesn't exist.
Stop being an autist. Everyone understands what that word means.
And everyone who uses that forced meme understands why it is nonsensical and only uses it to get a rise out of people.
You're just offended when your favorite fantasy series is called native isekai cause you think isekai is an insult. It's just a useful word to describe certain fantasy shows that are not isekai but have that aesthetic that every isekai show has.
>just call it fantasy
There're many types of fantasy aesthetics. I am talking about a particular aesthetic here.
People who hate the term are just being disingenuous.
Fr fr. native isekai is peak bussin term. They are deadass coping if they don't accept it :skull:
Shut the fuck up. Don't start this shit again.
"Native isekai" is saying "Another world but not another world, just the world"
It's the same as "literally (but not literally, figuratively)"
Dude, don't mull over the details of the literal meaning. Focus on how the terms are used. Words get their meaning from the usage. People use oxymorons all the time.
It's not nonsensical. You have no idea what isekai means.
"hey this fantasy shit seems like an isekai show but all the main characters are native to the world"
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>fantasy shouldn't be called fantasy because magic and dragons are just normal and not fantasy in their world
This is how you sound.
>get a rise out of people.
No. I just use it cause I find it useful.
It's more being Japanese but in a RPG setting based on a highly idealized quasi late medieval European fantasy setting. Note the MCs are always Japanese and think/act like Japanese.

And given how popular Japanese high school settings are worldwide, none of us have any right to complain.
"I used to be a 17 year old male idol but I got hit by a truck and now I've been reincarnated as the one ring in Middle Earth"
>I mean modern fantasy itself is born from tolkien romantizing medieval England

The crazy thing about Tolkien is that it’s actually modern as hell. The hobbits are Victorian and Thorin was, too. The medieval stuff didn’t come into play until they reached Rohan.
not only the japanese, but the whole world.
old european towns are peak humanity.
Why can't you just say fantasy?
They're not anything apart from what they are in JRR's secondary world but he did heavily base them on Edwardians in the golden glow before WW1, but where no industrial life and landscape exists beyond their rural ones, without the intent for them to actually be rural Edwardians. 4ypxn
Most fantasy is actually renaissance without guns
before the word "isekai" existed the japanese made isekai with actually interesting worlds Marchen Awakens Romance is one (this one is set in a european world but because it is based on grim brothers stories)

Arata Kangatari (actuall original world idea that looks nothing like europe)

the Hack. series
>the Hack. series
serious question, what kind of hack would write the hack series?
that's because they don't know how sewer systems worked back then.
Of course...the "is a modern/sometimes non-modern fantasy anime made in Japan" aesthetic.
OP started it
>derails or kills discussion but it is somehow useful term
>serious question, what kind of hack would write the hack series?
Ever heard of the author of Sword Art Online?
Everyone wishes to be medieval, not just the Japanese
It's why GoT exists.
Also the Witcher from Poland.
And kingdom come deliverance

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