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Chapter 157 is up
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good LORD
Is this gonna be one of those "Foreplay Namek" arcs?
I see Yamada is not taking no for an answer.
God, I hope.
So Super Fuck at the end of the volume as expected, but Norio is still based as fuck for actually letting them try
>one of those "Foreplay Namek" arcs
never heard of one before
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Based Norio.
Editor-san lost.
So it feels like this... wow...
damn shes about to lose it. nice to see horny sperg be anna for once lol
> ichikawa going for the neck

damn girl slow down
Does he say they're G cups?
yep end of volume or a bit before that for sure, next time yamada will check out the ichiconda and then after that they will do it
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In the sense that we're going to have a few more arcs where Norio teases that this might be when they finally go all the way and then they don't but do wind up going a little farther than they have before? Absolutely.
look at how detailed the bra is? norio def went all out on this one. i cant believe weve made it this far bros, will this be the romance of the decade?
I think he's wondering how many grams they weigh.
Teen pregnancy arc incoming.
it's so funny how you can tell it's Yamada's imagination because it's so shoujo pilled
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Ichi you absolute autist
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These last few chapters are the most erotic Yamada has ever been.
Oh wow, that's my autistic boy
Did they literally just fumble at it whole night long?
Ok, I guess I am ignorant to the genre, but what other manga had a foreplay namek?
>no classic interruption
thanks Norio, I love you
Let's goooooo
Damn girl, no hesitation at all.
The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
The last page >>273488132 is a quiz asking which page all that time passed (making out on the couch, making out on the bed, boob touching, making out on the bed again) and the answer is "all of them."
>awkwardly make out in bed
>touch her boobs a bit
Yeah that's authentic.
The sun interrupted them
Another crime that hateful hellstar has to answer for.
Were they making out for 8 hours?
>not romantic at all and instead super clumsy and weird
>not being able to actually fuck the first time
Oh yeah, this takes me back
what's the title of the chapter? is it a Yamada title again?

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>getting cockblocked by the sun
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The last timestamp we have for the night's events is a text at 9:26 PM before they met up. So if we assume they met up, went back to the apartment, cooked, and ate in 2-3 hours and then started kissing on the couch that means it was closer to six hours.

But yeah, the last page is a quiz as to what page all that time passed in and the answer is basically "all of them."
It'll be end of volume 99% sure
so who's gonna catch Kyo on the way home? Is it gonna be Yamada's dad or Kana?
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what's it like kissing someone for 6+ hours
How come Shoujo romance can get away with the main leads fucking like this is parodying, but not Shonen romance?
Fucking sun
It starts to smell...
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Next chapter/arc is going to start with Ichi doing another mock exam incapable of thinking about anything other than Yamada's tits and he's going to get his best score yet, just like that last time he took a mock exam with his head full of lewd thoughts of Yamada.
Eventually your lips start to hurt and you decide enough is enough and you go farther...

...which is why I think this chapter is a cute little tease but not representative of real life... even for younger people
tits banzai, the best motivation there is
Wait did they actually fuck
No, they fumbled around for hours and then it was sunrise.
seems like Yamada is struggling more than Ichi
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Bit lame imo, Norio should at least draw the extended makeout session
how many kids will Yamada bear for Ichi?
any kissing longer that 15 seconds gets awkward. if om kissing with tongue, i start going for the neck/hands on boobs no longer than 10 seconds in and if its a no from there then im not wasting any more time. but i am much more interested in sucking on body parts than kissing.
this series is already pretty well represented for kiss scenes, I'm not turning my nose up at Norio not committing to hentai-tier makeouts.
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I'm glad I watched/read this, sorry for being edgy sometimes, Norio!
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At least two that will form a MH party with Ichi and Yamadad.
Wait, did he just bust in his pants?
Norio speedrunning the cancellation of season 3.
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bokuyaba should add the "educational" tag, norio single handedly clearing all those hentai contaminated minds
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I don't know much about anime, but I remember the anime was released at 1:30am in japan. Maybe it is safe for anime at that time slot to be more "explicit".
Struggling to keep her hands off him that is.
she thought he was asleep so fast lol
Yamada's playing the dense romance MC perfectly
>what are you thinking about right now?
>how many grams they weigh, or something
Moe could never.
what is this even supposed to mean?
Next chapter it's reverse of this and she's grabbing Ichis balls for 3 pages
oh my gooooooood
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Reading this feels so much worse once you've actually had a taste
young and inexperienced couples are awkward and need time to get comfortable touching each other
>one of those
Name 5
So proud of our boy. I’ve got no idea what they’re saying but it looks like they’re having fun.
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Wow, what a chapter, haha! Here's the script!

>Editor: The mood is getting… like that…
>Karte. 157: I’m Not Sure What I’m Doing With Him
>Kyo: [After this, we’ll……]
>Kyo: [Cut to some beautiful imagery]
>Kyo: [Until the birds start chirping.]
>Kyo: [Is that how it’ll go………?]
>Yamada: ………
>Kyo: ………
>Kyo: [There’s no way.]
>Kyo: [This is reality……]
>Yamada: Ah
>Yamada: Ah, that’s right!
>Yamada: I’ve gotta run to my room real quick.
>Yamada: C- Come here for a sec!
>Kyo: Eh!?
>Kyo: What’s wrong!? Is it a bug!?
>Yamada: Eh? No…
>Yamada: It’s not that……
>Kyo: A trust fall?
>Kyo: ………
>Yamada: ………
>Kyo: [Isn’t this too obvious…?]
>Kyo: [Her “invitation”.]
>Kyo: [Oh no.]
>Kyo: [I think my curiosity is winning…]
>Kyo: [I guess that’s]
>Kyo: [Okay, too…]
>Yamada: Ahhh! Why’re you laughing?
>Kyo: I’m not laughing.
>Yamada: ……
>Kyo: [At this point, I’ll let Yamada take the lead…]
It’s fine as it is but I wouldn’t mind an extended edition of this chapter…
>Kyo: […………Hm?]
>Kyo: [Eh???]
>Kyo: [What am I going to do?]
>Kyo: [I have to make up my mind……!]
>Yamada: I- I thought you were asleep…!
>Kyo: Eh!?
>they kissed all night
I ave never done anything close to that what the fuck
He definitely didn't feel her up for hours, the most time was spent in pages 1 and 5
>Yamada: It…
>Yamada: It's okay………
Forgot the start of "sorry"
>they kissed
Yeah, me neither.
>Yamada: ……What are you thinking about right now………?
>Kyo: ………Wondering how many grams…
>Kyo: Or…
>Yamada: You mean me?
>Kyo: Eh!? Just one part of you, Yamada.
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>Yamada: You’re wrong.
>Kyo: I’m wrong? Scary…
>Yamada: Glomp
>Kyo: Gyah
>Kyo: ………Ah!
>Kyo: The birds started chirping!
>Kyo: [What the hell did we…]
>Editor: Cut short by an invasion of birds!?
>Title: The How In The World Did the Hours Pass Quiz!!!
>Yamada: The answer is all of them

And that's it. I have a busy schedule this week with the holiday, but I'll do my best to have the typeset out by Thursday. Definitely by friday night at the latest.
Yamada’s amazing Yamada’s.
thanks anon, love u.

>Yamada: You’re wrong.
>Kyo: I’m wrong? Scary…
what does that mean? Or can that be translated to "that's wrong"?
>this series is already pretty well represented for kiss scenes
it depends, the kisses are still to 1 dimensional
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god damn
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I respect the interpretation that Ichikawa nutted in his pants here.
what does that even mean? the kiss scenes are creative af
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I need to watch S2
I'm so glad about this, we really need to move past magic sex, I want more failure and less everything works out for dome reason.

This is way more erotic than boring hentai
>"Foreplay Namek" arcs
That has never happen in any manga
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There are so many people trying to read the chapter it is causing the servers to crash
Thanks, anonsitos. love you.
Thank you.
>the kiss scenes are creative af
there are 0 internal self awareness scenes(something Ichi does for everything except kissis for some reason) and 0 personal preferences (Different ways of kissing creates different feelings and that creates preferences like people that prefer certain angles, intensities, etc )
>come on boy
foreplay is way more erotic and techincally safer for manga, fuck fucking
What did Norio eat, why is she so horny this month
>there are 0 internal self awareness scenes
nobody wants that for kissing scenes. wtf is wrong with you, you want some hentai like description of how soft her lips are and how he likes her saliva or what? tha's like asking what hand Ichi uses for fapping, that's just weird
we're so back
>If only you were alive...

Cock blocked by the sun damn.

I appreciate the sensitivity with which Norio approaches this and builds up the tension. The back and forth and the bits of humor between the sensuality really make the scene more engaging.
>you want some hentai like description
I think hentai is VERY boring and does a terrible job at written sex scenes.
So nope, you are completely misunderstand me if you think I want anything close to the terrible job hentai does at written anything close to sex.
I don't know anon what you're asking for sounds really weird to me and I'm glad we don't have that here. Are you going to ask for a description of how sex feels like for them next after they do it?
I'm hoping for an official porn doujin after serialization ends.

Norio is holding herself a lot.
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The foreplay shit is actually getting popular and popular, picrel is one example. I forgot other titles but I've read a couple of raw manga who does that.
what a shitty way to end a chapter. too cartoony for me
I'm with you anon, there's a romantic edge missing to the intimacy, whether it's internalized thoughts of desire or panels indicating small, significant movements...juggling some titties aside
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Is it this The dangers in my heart or dick? WE MIGHT GET SEX in this manga?!
Norio I kneel she had the horny in her
>Are you going to ask for a description of how sex feels like for them next after they do it?
I'm talking about the fact Ichi doesnt have any internal evalation about the kiss because he does that about EVERY interaction he has with Yamada, why are you skipping to sex?????

having conversations about these topics is dificult because hentai logic has poisoning the well so much people cant move pass it
Wait. He stayed until the morning? I know her parents were away, but is there any risk of them arriving? I want to see the explanation for his parents and especially for One-san
>The foreplay shit is actually getting popular and popular, picrel is one example
anon I dont thimk you know what namek is
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>hugs him naked from behind
>there's a romantic edge missing to the intimacy
The problem with hentai is that EVERYONE has sex powers, everyone has unlimited stamina, everyone can do any pose or sexual technique, everyone has 0 personal preferences, everyone is just an interchangeable blob with 0 unique and personal characteristics besides surface level stuff that are irrelevant the moment the characters start having sex
I do know what namek is. In the manga the two mc's have been teasing each other for the majority of the chapters available and it's ongoing.
Thank you TL Anon
I don't think the audience needs to know how Ichi likes to kiss his gf, that's crossing a line and serves no purpose other than feeding some weird fetishes.
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>In the manga the two mc's have been teasing each other for the majority of the chapters available and it's ongoing.
I just check the manga and that is not even close to namek foreplay. I think you are confusing continues foreplay with different chapters that have some teasing

which manga is that?
>that's crossing a line and serves no purpose other than feeding some weird fetishes.
again hentai has poisoned the well,for a second think about it as cold hard information that is useful so we can understand the characters actions and decisions for future endeavours.
>they think sex is sparkly like this instead of messy and sweaty
I'm going to be the one to say it
What the fuck is going on with her ear?
>which manga is that?
not that anon but that is the new manga from the author of the long neck yokai manga that got axed
bokuyaba more like bokukino
>she's a dead lay
why? 99% of young girls are dead lays
The one that was so popular it got cancelled?
Ukemi is more like a breakfall than a trust fall.
no need for that, Norio has shown some things that can go wrong during kissing like bumping heads or fogetting to breathe there's really no need to display Ichikawa's preferences. I'm all for teenagers exploring their sexuality but I don't need to know what they actually like, that doesn't fit this manga
Damn I called the titty grab.
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>here's your Ichikawa
Now, who gets to be Yamada bros?
>why doesn't this clueless virgin know how to fuck?
>I'm all for teenagers exploring their sexuality but I don't need to know what they actually like, that doesn't fit this manga
what are you saying??? Ichi has show internal thoughts about this before and you are creating a separation betwen people and sexuality, that is the reason you think that. This is a really big problem people have they forget sexuality(real sexuality not the weird porn logic stuff) is part of what makes you human and it affects how you interact with other people
>8+ hours passed and she didn't even attempt to touch his boner
Not buying it
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Denji still ahead of Ichi but not for long I guess.
Dicks are scary, and she's not as ready to face one as she thinks she is
now we know, oh yeah now we know...
is this the live action? where can you watch it? do you know anything about the movie and the light novel? jewgle gives almost zero info
Why is a 40 year old man playing Ichikawa?
>Ichi has show internal thoughts about this before
when was that?
>when was that?
all the time? I'm talking about his internal thoughts about his relationship with Yamada, I'm glad we at least got these >>273491043 >>273491090 but it feels very rush and undercooked in comparison to other moments
>I'm talking about his internal thoughts about his relationship with Yamada
that's not what we were talking about, when did Ichi (or rather Norio) express what preferences Ichi has?
>express what preferences Ichi has?
are we confusing topics?
Don't you know "Show, don't tell"? I would think that making out with the girl you love would pretty much turn off your brain. It's not like every little thing needs to be thoroughly narrated.
>Don't you know "Show, don't tell"?
the anti soviet propaganda that people for some reason think is about written?
>turn off your brain.
this is a weird lie people still believe, you are still thinking
dreadfully distinct against the dark
lol they both want the other to make the move
Dropped. I can't keep suspending my disbelief, middle school kids going this far with each other simply isn't realistic.
holy SHIT norio was horny
is there ANYONE that can stop this woman?
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>while reading chapter
>"wow this is cute and nice"
>15 minutes after reading chapter
>"I should jump off a building"
why are you bringing up anti soviet propaganda? do you think all the time? you never do things mechanically, like showering? do you narrate in your head the whole process of your showering? are you autistic?
Sorry anon that you had shitty teen years.
Norio did an excellent job conveying such a tender intimate moment that many of us will never experience.
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anons he's come so far since chapter 1, it's really moving me
>why are you bringing up anti soviet propaganda?
I didn't you did.
>you never do things mechanically, like showering? do you narrate in your head the whole process of your showering?
is not mechanical you are always making tiny choices
> do you narrate in your head the whole process of your showering?
I think the problem is that you are confusing narration with the ability of problem solving
uh it happens sometimes when you're both really into each other. heard it from a friend ha ha
>they kissed all night
yeah..... that is not possible. But we already know that was a poor excuse for the sun to interrupt them
>I didn't you did.
please point out exactly where I did that
>is not mechanical you are always making tiny choices
>I think the problem is that you are confusing narration with the ability of problem solving
you're the one that wants ichi to narrate all of his actions to the tiniest detail. you might really be autistic, not like that's surprising
It's uncanny how I almost predicted this entire chapter two weeks ago but I'm glad I did. This was exactly the "sweet awkwardness" I was talking about. Good on Norio for going there
a true connoisseur can do an all-night kissing session. he savors the experience rather than barreling ahead to five minutes of thrusting before cimax
>a true connoisseur can do an all-night kissing session.
dude, that is physically impossible
>This was exactly the "sweet awkwardness" I was talking about.
dont you think it was to rushed?
Not, with that attitude
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And he will. Soon. SOON.
This manga is such a blast.
They went on for hours. If anything I'd say they've been holding themselves back for too long
>please point out exactly where I did that
"Show, don't tell"
>you're the one that wants ichi to narrate all of his actions to the tiniest detail.
I never wanted Ichi to narrate all of his actions to the tiniest detail, hentai does this and I have HATE that for more than a decade. I will give an example I hope it helps >>273491090
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please, both of you have sex already.
>They went on for hours.
I dont want some low effort "They went on for hours" I want to see it.
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Layers and layers of SUPER FUCK
Based tl anon
Realistically how do you wanna put 10 hour make-out session on 12 pages?
>"Show, don't tell"
where are the soviets? where does it spell "soviets"? in your head?
>I never wanted Ichi to narrate all of his actions
>>I never wanted Ichi to narrate all of his actions
>>I'm talking about his internal thoughts about his relationship with Yamada
>>it feels very rush and undercooked
how much "cooking" does your autistic head need?
I'm 29 and I haven't even held a girls hand
Writing it off as something you'll never experience gives you a bad outlook on life, why not think of it as something you haven't experienced yet?
2D girls can't come out to the 3D world, so I'll never experience it.
Thank you very much TL Anon
thanks for posting
you're right, they'd be wildly jumping on eachother as soon as the mood got right
sadly he don't have the balls to make a teen pregnancy arc and save japan birth rate
>Realistically how do you wanna put 10 hour make-out session on 12 pages?
anon we know the 10 hour make-out session didn't happen, I'm talking about this night to be more than 1 chapter so we can get more interactions
I hope this series has a crossover with another romcom like some do, especially after the end of this volume where they are clearly going to actually fuck.
Maybe the crossover can be with another couple from a popular series set in HS, just so that they are surprised that these two got intimate way before them.
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I never did this in middle school...
>mfw middle school friend group use to have sex parties where they'd invite their girlfriends and just fuck all day in the same room
>tfw I never had a girlfriend and am still a virgin almost 20 years later despite being their during their fuck parties
I have no one to blame but myself for being a lonely 31 year old virgin.
this is like saying eating your appetizer fast allows you to enjoy your entree more. kissing is both a means and an end. being able to savor it as an end in itself is truly advanced
I did it in sophomore year HS, my friends did fuck their GFs in middle school though, hell, we knew this super cute Latina who got pregnant in middle school by a much older dude.
Everyone was pretty much white trash though…
anon stop using porn logic, your face muscles would break, at most these kids can kiss for 30 minutes
Do Zoomers just not get laid or something? I always see this faggot generation bitching about teens fucking and how they are not adults even after they are in their mid 20s.
I remember messing around with girls when I was like 13, shit was normal back then, basically as soon as you hit puberty.
Usually not the kinds that read manga, no.
Don't think I would have even gotten an invite to the middle school orgy.
Okay so know that we know Norio isn’t afraid to draw them fucking sex when?
I think it's envy more than anything, really.
It wasn't even really an invite we would always hang out and they would always just go to the next room and fuck like there was no tomorrow, I quite literally don't know how they didn't end up parents until the end/after high school.
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>The bra stayed on ALL NIGHT
There's inexperienced but this is horseshit. Literally every cell in your body is demanding the same thing when this happens.
Sucking a boob isn't fucking anal you stupid manlet coward
One of my friends got his fat girlfriend pregnant when we were freshman, dude was a good looking too, but just an idiot, still don’t know why he even went out with her but I guess because she put out.
Anyway, what I’m saying is that maybe it was for the best because he is not doing well nowadays…
>what I’m saying is that maybe it was for the best
I mean in my case, probably, two of them did OD, while I was the straight edge one of the group, didn't even drink until I was 19.
social media has completely stunted normal development of teens for years at this point. Kids are infantilized to such a degree they don't see themselves or their peers as adults even as they pass the age of 18 and the cultural norm on social media is currently to be very prude and supress all hormonal urges, despite, or maybe because of them growing up in an age where they have access to hypersexualized content at the swipe of a finger.
>Okay so know that we know Norio isn’t afraid to draw them fucking
I've been losing interest in the series for a while (and it seems the hype decreased in general), but now it seems like the perfect time to resume reading
Who sees who's genitals first?
Young people are having less sex in general as time goes on so they might genuinely think it's something people can only do when it's "legal"
>it seems the hype decreased in general
what are you saying?
What I'm seeing. Less threads and less active, the series not being mentioned as much in romcom threads, less people interested in other sites, etc
its his first time, cut him some slack
>its his first time, cut him some slack
I'm talking about the author
I don't think their point is that people that age don't fuck, but rather that they're surprised a manga is getting away with portraying people that age even going as far as they do here.
As far as I'm aware, there is no live action. The movie is still in production and no trailer as of yet.
Light novel has been out for a while, tl-anon is still translating it I guess.
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Has Ichi seen nipple yet?
To counter winter depression.
Quite literally a nothingburger. They spent the entire night just kissing. /a/ is making a big deal of over the bra mechanical-like breast coping. He doesn't even squeeze his hands. All he does is motion up and down as if he were weighing a pair of melons at the grocery store. And somehow this is a relevant milestone or a good chapter. Pathetic.
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Well, at least that one actor didn’t beat Ichikawa at being the first man to see her in her bra and touching her breasts…
>And somehow this is a relevant milestone or a good chapter
actually yes is amazing, maybe you are young so you cant understand why this is more erotic than hentai
>at least that one actor didn’t beat Ichikawa at being the first man to see her in her bra and touching her breasts…
but that was never going to happen
Based female mangaka depicting realistic horniness and progression, if this was a male written manga it would either be an NTR story (or NTR bait) or else they'd still be struggling to hold hands.
How old are they again? This seems degenerate AF but not in a fun way.
>sex in a stable relationship where they actually do love eachother and aren't just playing at it
Is this some sore of zogbot post meant to imply that only tinder hookups are valid?
You missed the point. They're just like 14 years old or something.
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>depicting realistic horniness and progression
so-so, I think she can do better
What would Yamama think of this development?
Assembling the dowry.
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>no sex
>but a titty grab
>and all night kissing
I'll take that, that was a nice milestone for them, I guess Norio reserves the sex chapter for when they get into highschool.
Nah, it will definitely happen before that.
They are going to schools, so I can see them feeling pressured to do that before that happens.
I think she doesn't want to depict a 14 year old middle schooler having sex.
A 15 year old highschooler it's much better.
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I think this is legit the first time that Yamada has truly looked sexy to me, this chapter man…
Sex is the target therefore they'll have sex by the end of the next volume desu.
Thank god Yamada is showing initiative
If the volume formats are anything to go by, anything they struggle with at the start of the volume they get done at the end.
the condom manga had a sex namek where it took like a year for them to attempt fucking and he got ED in the end
I think he still had sex with her, 5 minutes later, but the mangaka just could not help himself to humiliate his protag
but it's already morning, the "arc" is over
>Ichikawa fantasized about killing Yamada and fucking her corpse in the first chapter
>Yamada is now offering herself to him since they have a healthy loving relationship
Eh, if anything them having an emotional first time sexual encounter, would be tame and cute by comparison, not sure why some people think it would be too far somehow.
I don't get it, why is the volume end considered the deadline for this thing?
Is not, people just assume because that is usually where big moments happen I guess.
Personally I can see them continue to experiment for a long while, they would need to get creative with how much they can get away with alluding to though, but sex is clearly still far for them.
The "condom manga" had monthly 10 pages chapter and an inconsistent translation. The MC didn't nor doesn't have erectile dysfunction, but had premature ejaculation issues (that ties with the story).
Fucking a virgin big titted bombshell and making her so wet she didn't need lube doesn't exactly sound like "humiliation"
You can read about it. You can imagine how to do it based on what you read. You can just be curious and want to try things. It isn't a rocket science.
Touch barrier passed!
Yeah, can't believe I'm actually kinda emotional about it, I'm proud of this midget
The mangaka is a master of capturing the awkwardness and sweetness of these moments, truly magical
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If that makes you feel any better, a lot of Ichikawa's success comes from luck. Sure yeah he is a handsome boy, treated Yamada right and did a lot of effort to grow close to her, but if Yamada didn't hang out in the library to eat snacks when he was picking up books about murder they wouldn't have ever linked up. He also by chance looks like Yamada's favorite shoujo manga's MC
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It's as much luck as it his personal agency. The story has a number of times where everything could have ended if he pussied out, or refused to learn. Hell, you can track the precise moment she developed her crush, to him acting in spite of fear or embarassment.
Had opportunities, some of them were as direct as you can imagine. Choose not to do that. Still think it was a good decision.
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There is a H who really do this, Imaizumi brings the gals to home, at least in the first scene
The girl, Reina, only jerks off the mc and kisses him, she is starting slow, she is visibily inexperienced
And both are some clumsy in that "first time"
That would be a good example
>Ichikawa not only got to touch boobs in middle school, but also the biggest middle school boobs in the country
w-wew lad
Lame blueball. This is why you should fit sexo in one chapter.
There's much more in sex than just act itself.
Probably as in like "You're thinking of/focusing on the wrong thing in this situation"
Is this /ss/?
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So the boob grab was teased all the way back in chapter 121 and only now delivered, Yamada showing him her bra was teased even farther than that when they were together in that charging room.
I have to wonder when will the condom tease will ultimately pay off, since that will obviously be their first time together.
He's already late-/post-pubescent, so no.
No, it was dogshit and you have ass tastes, Mr. "old" person.
I've noticed that a lot of the people who complain about young manga characters fucking are younger that the characters themselves. But there's also a lot of older people saying women are not adults until they are 25. I don't know, there's a lot of dumb out of touch people out there.
god I wish that were me
Don't you remember being 14 and seeing your classmates bragging about their first sexual experiences while you cried alone in a corner?
It's like you people were brainwashed and actually lost your memories. This shit's NORMAL
Clearly remember girls sitting next to me talked about their sexual life all the time since late middle school. Fun thing is that girl who had a lot of it was really nice, reserved and had totally innocent look. It didn't bother me by some reason. Classmates invited me to hang out with them and meet girls sometimes, so I could just accept it if I actually wanted.
femanon with booba?
>Don't you remember being 14 and seeing your classmates bragging about their first sexual experiences
Ofc, there was one guy in parallel class who had a cute girl. And more or less bragged every now and then how they basically fuck every now and then after school. Its more cringe looking back at it today than it was there.
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I never did this ever.
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As much as you want to Norio, we don't have the space for Bokuyaba chapters to be 48 pages.
t. Editor
But that's exactly why I like this series so much. Because IT IS awkward and cringe because people at their age are inherently awkward and cringe. That's why I liked how she, for example, didn't get his "leap of faith" which somehow ended up with him claiming another base. Because that's the sort of memory that hurts when you're alone (in the sense of "FFS I was so cringe!) but somehow becomes precious when you stay together with the girl (because you can tease each other with it and teasing leads to making out etc.).
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Proud of my boy like you wouldn't believe.
I am both elated and ready to blow my brains out.
Yeah I haven't seen it in a while.
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Based Norio. I really liked this chapter. Another step forward in their relationship. Sex soon.
I know that feel.
Minamoto-kun Monogatari was 95% about foreplay. The actual fucking rarely took more than 2 chapters, while foreplay lasted 5-10 chapters.
Did he came i his pants?
They're 14, you sick fucks.
Out of 10!
>over the bra
Girls can't feel it at all unless the bra's fabric scrapes their nipples. Second base is second base, though.
I feel like this is the translation for the next page
>You can read about it
being a sex machine in theory doesn't translate to practice maybe a bit if you're fucking a hooker whose feelings you don't have to consider
"ara, kids these days, anyways don't forget to use protection and don't be too loud"
imagine being this butthurt that you can't even acknowledge progress, pathetic
It isn't hard and if you read about it and pay some attention to your partner - you'll be better than most already. No need to be "sex machine" of course, just need to know how to make other person feel good and show some initiative. At least that what my personal experience is. And there are a lot of girls who can't be bothered with learning anything at all.
Ichi saw that Yamada was at her limit just from the touching through the bra. Chill out.
are you really complaining that she acts according to her level of knowledge? obviously as they progress more they will learn more about how to get the most fun out of it
I know, it's glorious isn't it
Would've been better if he tripped and accidentally grasped her breasts as he tried to balance himself, so then she'd go "kyaaa" and he'd apologize saying it wasn't on purpose.
Aren't they 14
I don't. I just pointing to some anon that there's no direct correlation between how god somebody in bed and experience.
no, one of them is 15
it's good that they clearly have fun and laugh inbetween the awkward moments next time it will be much easier to get into that mood again
Did Ichikawa play with her boobs for hours?
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>Yamada is a pedo
Not surprising considering the author and everything.
3DPD is so fucking bogged
at some point she'll be 18 when Ichi is still 17 and some people will actually believe that she's a pedo
>MD comments poster
>75% of Anons in 2024
They're 14, not 41
You guys think Ichi and Yamada will be the type that likes drinking and getting drunk? Reminder they ARE normalfags.
Yamada okish, but >>273492366 it's a fucking middle aged salaryman.
Ichi is not really a normalfag, he's somewhere inbetween, he would still drink tho but just to fin in
Out here he'd be straight edge for sure.
But underage drinking is different there.
How often do you think Yamada flicks it to ichi?
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bros... this is too erotic yet so wholesome
>used goods
aaaaaand dropped
you mean at parties? no, neither of them likes to party. I can see them try out alcohol and get drunk together sometimes though Yamada seems to be the type who'd dislike the taste of it
Can't wait this in anime.
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our boy's made it
Ichi is a man, not a boy. Boys chicken out, men go ahead.
Aren't they still in middle school?
Ichikawa, what a man you are....
Is the confirmed movie anime or live action? Recap or continuing from where anime left off?
recap anime movie with new scenes
I always find it funny that the mangaka write them like they high schoolers in their last year heading to college and then you realize they're not even 15 yet.
The makeup/filters on Yamada, whatever they are, make her look like an ayylien
No, they are absolutely middleshool levels of awkaward, cringe and innocence.
He's not a boy anymore, now HE'S A MAN
He always was a man.
it's funny to see some of you post about things you don't know with complete confidence
>You guys think Ichi and Yamada will be the type that likes drinking and getting drunk?
Yes, Kana will get them drunk plenty once they hit 21.
Multiple times a day. Including once in the school toilets
Drinking age in Japan is 20.
Still awful.
Your lips get sore and red

were you making out with a granny?
had a fling with a work milf, made out for about an hour, hottest make out session I've ever had
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Even if it is, that's fine by me.
Extended foreplay is hot.
>no preview
oi Norio
I thought it was gonna be a bait and switch I'm sorry for doubting you Norio-sama
Can't post the preview in non-R18 media
seems like neither of them knows how to or is afraid to take the lead and it's not just because of the lack of experience. Girls don't like to take the lead because that makes them look "slutty" and guys are afraid of looking like "pervs".
They both are too considerate at this point so I wonder how they will overcome that barrier now.
The least bitch could do was jerk him off, what a tease.
Typically hormones overcome that barrier, but nips are such herbivores I'm not sure that applies here.
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I doubt Norio wants to write it like that, it will probably be an up and down until they talk about it
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Neat. Sexo would've been too fast in my experience. I remember multiple petting sessions before we got down to it back in 9th grade. Though it was a bit more intimate for me, then again, Norio can hardly go all nude on yamada's yamadas, so I'll accept the shoubu shitagi as concession.
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>and guys are afraid of looking like "pervs".

Yeah, Ichi basically said as much back here.
the arc isn't over yet, is it? that was only chapter 3 so the next one will likely be an aftermath/reflection chapter
So, in the 24-hour period following this, how many times do you think Ichi jerked off?
Compared to Yamada?
1:3 ratio I'd say.
So how many times did Yamada masturbate then?
There it is
My reminder to kill myself
Unless she knew he was awake and wanted him to see. All part of her grooming strategy.
>the condom manga had a sex namek
no it didn't, people can count the pages, so please stop
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Ichikawa better seal the deal soon.
>The mangaka is a master of capturing the awkwardness and sweetness of these moments
I think it was too fast
they have to wait like 4 years before they can marry
>Imaizumi brings the gals to home
why would you use that manga? the written is beyond bad because it was a hentai
>So the boob grab was teased all the way back in chapter 121 and only now delivered
I dont think he ever grab her boobs
If we can have marin riding gojo's massive erection animated, we can probably have an awkward boob grab too.
What? >>273488097 >>273488106
>we don't have the space for Bokuyaba chapters to be 48 pages.
you can make multiple chapters, I cannot understand this 1 chapter obsession
>while foreplay lasted 5-10 chapters.
those "10 chapters" are more like 1 chapter
>It isn't hard and if you read about it and pay some attention to your partner
it is hard, the majority of people think 5/10 sex is 10/10 because they never got anything better + there is dissociation and other mental/emotionsl problems people never tell their partners. (Or they never understand it themselves)
>Typically hormones overcome that barrier
no they dont, they never do
a reminder that Yamada went out of her way to change into her fancy bra and panties
that is not even close to a grab
oh right, bisque doll was a thing.

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