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One Page Thread
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Oral sex
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Love this series. Shame translations stopped because of the official website. Would have been nice to read the comments for each chapter.
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Holy sex...
Is Goinda a hafu?
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I read up to ch 9 of this.

Boy the childhood friend pissed me off. I'm glad there is closure on that front but I wish she was written out of the story.
this is very lewd
Up to c21 is available on mangakakalot and those kinds of sites, goddess and probably nyaa.
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Yeah, every character in this but the main girl, who feels like the author's mouth piece, are annoying at best and awful at worst. I don't get why some authors make every other character suck to make the main characters look great.

Not everything posted in this thread is a keeper.
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She wears fake breasts?
>Boku Wa Kimitachi Wo Shihai Suru
I knew it from that kind scene and the artstyle that it was the same author who made Hiroin wa Zetsubou shimashita
I legit don't understand what drives people to come to these threads and post porn.
The manga begins by stating how MC is boring and normal, in order to make him stand out every other character needs to actively suck
Some men just want to watch the world porn.
looks like mexican guts
Sometimes porn has a better plot than the manga posted in these threads
i read the whole thing, it's actually good
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Why this never happened with me?
why the fuck did this get axed
I miss him
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Better quality
>i read the whole thing
how did you to that when it's still ongoing? are you from the future?
It's kinda annoying how it's completely impossible to know about any licensed manga that isn't mangaplus. I've never even heard about this manga.
dumb newfriend
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Hopefully deal goes through, it'd suck if I lose my Leaf's warranty.
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>I legit don't understand what drives people to come to these threads and post porn.
These threads are mostly shilling threads.
Though this year mostly the entire board became a manga shilling board.
Suddenly both mangaplus and K-manga post all of their releases here all of a sudden. I think it's because the manga subplebbit is going to shit.
shit thread for pedos and sissies, as usual.
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>Why this never happened with me?
Haven't you ever had that cringe feeling when you look back at an episode in high school, and you just figure out that "man, that chick was totally flirting with me" but you didn't figure it out back then?
If there's no scanlations, it's borderline impossible to know about a manga. It's more or less the only promotion they get.
what's this one? Saucenao, google and yandex don't return anything
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there's a recent schizo posting pages from loli doujins. they are harder to find. you can safely assume it's that.
Saihate ni Madou
you're the schizo here
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google correctly identified the manga tho
shit thread, but there's a new nanba mg5 chapter for the yankiibous
No. I knew of one chick who flirted with me but she was a ugly.
Dumb normalfag.
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she looks like she's going to blow her brains out
also this is the second time I get tricked into checking out this manga, maybe I should read it after all even though I have no interest in idol culture
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She wanted to there, that or else snap and kick a faggot in the balls. I despise idol culture but it does make for a decent setting for this mystery/drama manga. I like Nana and a couple of the other girls, I like the cut-throat interactions and I'm interested to see what the tweeests are.
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not for me
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that was a waste of time. Could have been good if they focused on her masturbation sessions
Updates can't come fast enough.
use the lens
isn't it like, dozens of chapters behind raw
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her feet smell bad
Sauce? Literally nothing works.
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lmao i need to catch up
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Just following the OPT theme
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I wish I looked like this
Goinda's Naughty Secret
Azuki Azusa...
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>No English for that chapter
Can I at least get context for the foot kino? Google translate just says stuff about "sister" and "brother".
Shit son. I already spoonfed you enough
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Give the author's other works a read too.
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Lens doesn't work well in Benin.
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Love this series.
get fucked
>When you are a hot-blooded hero to such an extent that the alien assassin chick kisses you
me too. Has it ever had a storytime? I want more people to know about it
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yes, she's pretending to be a sex robot
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I'd at least wait for the full series to be translated into English before making a storytime of it.
this series is almost perfect
it just needs romance and then it's a 11/10
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Sei No Gekiyaku
Is it yaoi?
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use lens

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