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Rat Shanks slander will never die
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Mihawk is shit.
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Hmm. Giant lolis you say.
Bonney x Shonks soon
>King Harald's revolutionary movement to pacify Elbaf was inspired by Mother Caramel, who was actually a child trafficker working for CP0
>Mosa who's been in contact with Loki is probably a Cipher Pol
I want to say "It's their arc" but then I remember most of the current CP0 are literally just CP9 getting promoted, despite their ultimate failure. I cringed and I wish those CP9 rejects other than Lucci and Kaku don't appear.
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>"You know Luffy, with great power comes great Freedom. Gol D. Roger called it "The human burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Shanks looks directly at the camera.
>"The fishmen, the okamas, the giants...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the adam tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Luffy. We'll have every fishman under the sea dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me lose my arm to a weak ass seaking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the World Government Gorosei party."
Was this the first apperance of Shonks?
Holy Knights basically replaced the CP0s, it's just classic Oda character bloat.
>Shonks about to slice off Luffy's head
>Suddenly, his blow is parried by another sword
>It's Shinks!!
Then Shunks come to help his bro Shonks...
Don't forget the mysterious Shynks...
>Oda to his cohesion
rip lyl, i mean, shynks. we'll never forget you.
>the government glowies and child traffickers want your country to demilitarize and join their international trade, also you're not allowed to say bad words anymore
What oh what oh what could Oda possibly mean by this?
I'd like CP0 to have significant role in Elbaf while the Holy Knights come in full force during the last poneglyph chase/Revolutionary War, but that if CP0 weren't just CP9 in white suits.
Oda really killed the hype surrounding CP0 by putting losers like Jyabura and Kumadori. Now it's certain they're gonna be irrelevant jobbers like they always are.
Their sister, Shankas, comes to break up the fight...
El hershankos the goat no bizzy bap crodie
If Garp obtained Pirate King tier strength from punching boats without haki, Laboon should be top 1
That reminds me, how fucking old is Guernica?
He was present when Caramel was thinking about selling kid Linlin to the marines and he's still alive when Big Mom have basically become a granny with triple digit offsprings.
He's even older than Garp.
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Least gay Zolobro:
He moved on to mountains to train against Chinjao.
Would you steal the body of your busty dream girl if it meant ruling the world, immortality, and unmatched powers?
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>0 fanart of her on the internet
Looks like I'm going to have to do it...
>was the flashback in the first episode/ chapter the first appearance of el rato?
you tell me
Shanks got his arm eaten by a shark in like episode 2 but Oda tries to make it seem like he's worthy of respect
The holy knights can't be too strong short of maybe the Captain. Rocks pirates fought the holy knights, multiple marines, a Gorosei, Garp, and the Roger pirates all at once.
they're probably roughly admiral tier considering the elders were too.
This is how One Piece will end. ,Reminder .Will of D = Will of David
Merry = Baphomet
Sunny = Demiurge
>muh racism (Fishmen)
>muh feminism (99% of females)
>muh based faggots (Bon Clay, Izo, Kiku)
>muh based trannies (Ivakov and the Revolutionary Army)
>muh evil Germany66 nazis
>muh based jews (Vegapunk)
>muh open borders (Wano)
>WE WUZ KANGS (Lunarians)
Luffy is going to destroy the red line to make All Blue/Reunite Laboon/Destroy Fishman Island/Make a New World Map and merge all the islands together into a single continent (One Piece) because "we're all the same and should live together" in real commie jew tikkun olam tower of babel garbage
The bandaged Knight is Ginny yea?
i'd like her to breastfeed me
Mosa is a pure earnest maiden, even if they're an old ugly man
The elders were probably once GN given they all have warrior in their titles and Garling became one. They were probably the strongest of them.

That said I don't know if I would call them admiral tier, just immortal. Franky, Bonney, and Luffy all blew apart Saturn, and the giants rekt a few of the Gorosei. They're just immortal. Once their weakness is found then what? Franky can one shot them with his beams?
Holy Luna Kino

I kind of think we're about to get the reveal of a new clan of high speed fighters and that person is related to Cavendish. I can't explain it but that person looks like someone who would be drawn as a speed build and looks like Cavendish.
Big Mom's daughters were all baddies
To me they look sad and well Bonnie is around and kinda needs a mother.
Knight betrayal would be a bit crazy though.
That or Ginny clone
Personally I'm willing to bet for either of those but clone would be more sensible
It's definitely Ginny in some form or the other
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Absolutely. I wish the less popular ones got more love.
>Where have the God Knights been this whole time! Ass pull!

They've been there the whole time. They even participated in Marinefold by stopping Kaido from helping his old crew member Whitebeard.
What are we expecting in this year's jump festa?
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Furthermore Kaido fought Shanks. It wasn't a doppelganger. Notice the scars?

So how did Shanks get from Kaido to Marinefold so fast? Teleportation. There is no El Hermano or even Redhair pirates. They're the God Knights and it was right under our nose.
carrot is shit
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My HEROES will save Elbaf and execute all the traitors with public blood-eagling.

Saul will go first
Carrot is hot
I can only hope the giants will deliver.
They've been getting their fucking asses kicked for how long now?
They are the the strongest country.. but they also demilitarized themselves?
Loki was right about Shanks and Harold. They're cowards working for the world government. Loki will be final joiner.
To be fair their strongest 2 guys were fighting on an island for years and worn down, their other strongest two guys were tricked into working at Ennies Lobby, their ACTUAL strongest guy is chained up, their king pussy was killed, and Hajrudin was pretty much the only strong guy left and he's still young.
cinnamon's ass
my face
you do the math
It's pure headcanon for now that Dorry and Brogy are the 2 strongest Giants after Loki desu. Elbaf likely has thousands of warriors. They might have some strong ass Generals, and dozens of guys around Dorry and Brogy level. That said I think Dorry and Brogy probably are the second and third strongest guys, although I think it's very much possible that there's at least one or two guys inbetween Loki and them.
You forgot how their elders, also perceived as the strongest, jobbed to a hungry 6year old. Lol.
Yes, i know it's Big Meme, but still.
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Why are you people acting like Elbaf is just this one single village? Elbaf has a ton of villages, plus the huge as royal castle which we haven't even seen yet besides in pic related.
Who did that gigantic sword belong to?
You know, for a Giants' island, it doesn't actually feel that huge.
Might be because of the castle, the cannons and the tree. How big of a population do you think they would have? Scandis lived few and spread in numbers.
>No one noticed that the shanks who fought kaido had a completely different ship and crew on top of having an extra arm
Does Sengoku also have powerful haki in his God-Zoan state? Or is that just specific to the Nika fruit?
What if there is no el hermano and shanks has a split personality. Or he has something weird like blackbeard. What then?
Wannabee Joker-looking motherfucker
Big Shanks
Retards, it's obviously a WG clone like Stussy or the seraphim
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>You know, for a Giants' island, it doesn't actually feel that huge.
How? the tree is like 30 kilometers tall. and almost as wide. Actually that isn't that big in terms of a real life city when I think about it I guess.
The castle is pretty much at least 10 times higher than the One World Trade Center in in height alone in pic related.
No idea
The tree itself looks bigger than the island. The sea is closing around it.
It's also hard to gauge the upper layer. It just seems to be a mass of leaves. What's happening up there.
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Thousand Sunny is made from Adam wood. Do you think it's gonna receive some amps this arc?
Also, this was the first depiction of Elbaf.
Toei had a way with paintings.
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The Heaven Level is up there, but Idk if it's between the upper branches and leaves, or above the tree itself.
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Bros... how long has Oda been playing us for fools?
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yeah, except shanks is the clone
5 hours of nothing holy
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I just read the chapter.
How are people getting the idea that Shanks has a twin brother? Why can't that just be Shanks himself.
Because no one wants to believe Shanks is evil
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Starting to think it's literally just the same thing as Vegapunk.
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I find the idea of Shanks having an identical evil twin that style his hair and beard the exact same as him despite very different upbringing retarded a fuck but why would Shanks need to infiltrate Elbaf when he already friends with the giants?
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Meanwhile, in Hachinosu...
idk anon, maybe to not blow his own cover?
Mihawkbros... why isn't he on this spread?
Are we less relevant than Kuzan?
more like no one actually believes Shanks is evil, especially after film red
I hate the evil twin stuff because it takes out the nuance shanks' character could potentially have. Now he's no different than marco or whatever.
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Self-inserting as Pudding this time around, Augurfaggette?
It's Bon Clay you idiots.....
>Shonks has the exact same vocie as Shanks (Not only they have the same VA but he didn't try to sound a bit different in tone)
Failure on the anime or it is really Shanks?
If you think about it, while looking like a full-grown man, Hajrudin is still a teenager in giant years.
Magic 8 ball says it’s Shanks.
81/3=27 niggu
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Kek, no wonder they refused to make him the next the king and Elbaf would rather stay without one
Imagine the king of the strongest country in the world going extreme diff against some doffy familly jobber
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remember what the anime did to punk hazard Lucci
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Just sharing, anon...
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What do you think of the 100 year fight?
Based or cringe?
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>woke piece
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Luffy won't stand for this neutered Elbaf.
He will side with Loki.
Evil Shanks be like:
Seriously, what did he mean by this reaction?
>Princess Carino
Nami is also a CD.
Wano's borders were in fact not opened
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My moonrunes is mediocre but isn't Ripley saying she's from the last generation of warriors in a "final" (meaning elbaf isn't making any more warriors) sense?
often implies that it is the end of things and that it will never happen again to me.
Well the kids are literally scared at the idea of fighting, saying it's out of fashion.
Giants jobbed so hard they got psyopped into peace-loving faggots.
Don't be surprised if your country gets overrun one day.
By who non white americans like you?
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A completely neutered Elbaf would profit the WG the most. If they don't raise anymore warriors then they're vulnerable to invasion and WG been looking to breed giant warriors for centuries.
King Harald is a race traitor. And Saul should know that making Elbaf completely fangless isn't the solution when somethign as evil as the WG exist. Didn't he learn anything from Ohara destruction?
Yep, he's a clone. Vegapunk cloned Garling taking his DNA in God Valley through stussy
New movie maybe???
sweet, even more breaks...
it's going to be idolslop 2 electric boogaloo
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It's the first time I'm actually interested in the politics of a One PIece country
and not because of /pol/, I believe it could offer Luffy & Usopp some interesting characterization if Oda stays consistent with them. Luffy already called the kids lame in this chapter.
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>Don't use mean words!
>We don't like war anymore!
>Being a warrior is not cool, now we train cooks, janitors, fast food workers...
Why are the giant men so fucking ugly
>t. Gerd/Ripley/Elbaf lolis
Reminder that Luffy never liked passive faggots
He will side with Loki.
Screencap this post.
Are any marines named after real life pirates?
He already made a deal with Loki
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>Giant kids are scared of fighting because it's dangerous
>7 yo Luffy was fighting every day against wild beasts and Ace/Sabo
yes, Nerona Nami
Oda is just dabbing on gen Alpha
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final cleanup/details bare or lipstick?
Reminder that Usopp shit talked the Samurai way of life though.
Both looks nice!
>They can make as many giant soldiers as they want, no one can oppose the world government
Reading stuff like this is laughable when most giants in the series have been a bunch of jobbers. It's like Wano all over again. Oda hypes up the samurai or kaido through narration or what other characters say about them, but it turns out to be some nothing burger.
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>so what did you ask Santa Claus for Christmas /opg/-arinsu?
It worked for wano.
Akainu didn't send Kizaru because of the samurai, remember?
I guess I'll just go with the bare look and hope I can add lipstick as an alternate without issues, thanks.
Please understand, he was in danger then
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I think I need a break from being online.
I thought she was wearing a full diaper from the thumbnail.....
May whatever deity have mercy on what crumb of soul I have left....
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>Akainu is scared of the scabbard jobbers
It's too bullshit. Why couldn't Oda actually just make Wano strong instead of this bullshit.
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>I'm gonna make all fishmen my slaves, just like Jinbei
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probably a good idea...
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How do feel if the second hooded figure is Uta, or has Uta's design?
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tree expedition subplot soon
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everyone keeps saying that's shanks brother... This is clearly a woman
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it's based on a previous scene that first sparked the theory
both times "shanks" appears in a black cloak, both time "shanks" conveniently didn't show the side of his face showing the scar, both times "shanks" had none of his crewmembers with him. Both times "shanks" was associated with the world government leaders(first time, they talked to him without any fear whatsoever, as if he was just another world government employee, and now he uses the same teleportation method as the 5 stars guys)
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Jay D crashing out and taking off his suit after the stella clone was funny
So the groups are



Shonks is a clone of Shanks not his brother, only way it makes sense
good image
Will she have sexual tension with Luffy?
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>no Ulti yet
>last post 3hrs ago
Yeah i also like his videos on One Piece, fight me
Retrospectively one could headcanon this as Luffy's first contact with Conquerors Haki, well after Shanks.
who are the biggest clout leeches in One Piece?
>Tama(leeches off of Ace's clout and the crew)
>Yamato(also leeches off of Ace's and Oden's clout and the crew, Kaido too but parent idk if they count)
>Rosinante(leeches of Law's and Doflamingo's clout)
>Sabo(leeches of Luffy and Ace's clout)

not saying they are bad characters, infact I love Rosinante and think he is a Sabo done right and has plenty of things about him that makes him endeering from an independent standpoint, Reiju as well wasn't that much of a Sanji dickrider, she only helped him because she recognized how much Judge was a dick to him

also going by introduction otherwise I would've added Bonney clout leeching off of Luffy in Egghead mimicking his form
Garling and evil Shanks
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Yamato, she is poochie.
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Yamato literally introduced herself as Kaido's child, connected to Oden, Oden and been waiting for Luffy to show up to join his crew.
Oda will never be able to make a more forced character even if he tried.
guys...... is shanks.... is shanks evil?
connected to Ace, Oden*
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Nordic Goddess
I think Shanks having a "darker side" (not saying evil because he could have good reasons) is much more interesting than le evil twin.
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At the very least Shanks has an agenda of his own that he's kept secret.
>Blackbeard and Shanks both have split personalities
I mean, it could work
>Kaido too but parent idk if they count)
It counts since she literally just copies his attacks. I don't think we've seen too many parent/child dynamics, but most try to change it up in some way. Usopp doesn't even use guns like his father. The dumber thing is she's claiming to be Oden but doesn't even use a fucking sword.
Imagine being squished between her breasts.
like being trapped in the center of a mountain made of boobs, overwhelmed by her warmth and boob smell.
the pressure rising until your little friend pops followed by your skull!
dying happy~
Cavendish already filled that role
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Shanks often makes these ominous faces but idk if this is just to make him look cool or Oda hinting something
What if haha carrot had superfetation haha?
because buggy represents mihawk and croc
Wouldn't Blackbeard represent Kuzan then?
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I mean, I think both things are true. Shanks has shown his ruthless side multiple times and is said to have an agenda of his own. On the other hand I don't think the guy who snitched to the Gorosei and right now arrived on Elbaf is Shanks either.

El Hermano serves the World Government
Shanks wants to become Pirate King
Puff D. Daddy
>she has 1 more year
What if Buggy D. Clown wasnt a joke and its actually his name?
>flashback in the first episode
lol you don't know how retarded this sounds?
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This made me realize that the only straw hats that went to "school" are Sanji (Judge Flashback) and Robin
Zoro went to samurai school
Kuzan will not be entirely loyal to BB.
He wants to get OP but Mihawk and Croc just care about the money.
>Mihawk and Croc
Croc does, but Mihawk obviously has bigger ambitions
That's why I don't see Kuzan fighting a straw hat or Koby
I see dying against BB after trying to double cross him and help the SHs
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I mean the others had skilled mentors, Chopper, Franky had the best mentor in their respective field.
Usopp and Nami are self-taught I guess.
>el hermano memes
>one piece threads flying
People just want to shitpost, huh?
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I will keep calling Ratnks out until we get proof that the guy at the end of the chapter isn't Shanks.
Which won't happen because it's obviously Shanks.
where's CHADger?
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let's say EL HERMANO is not actually el hermano and it's just rat shanks
how the fuck will oda explain his previous behaviour? was he always a WG lapdog?
maybe the whole point of shanks stealing the nika fruit wasn't to have it for their crew but to turn it over to the WG since they wouldn't trust regular marines enough to do the job well
maybe he became a government lapdog since he became a pussy following roger's death, and the only reason he's looking for one piece now is because the WG ordered him to
also, curiously both of his most notorious scars were given by the people of the D. (one indirectly but still) in case he is a celestial dragon (former or otherwise)
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based and true
>Usopp, a massive pussy, is inspired by Elbaf
>Elbaf turned into a massive bunch of pussies

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My husband is there.
>no, this is not the right time to become Pirate King
>i have to plan for 20 more years... at least
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Blackbeard's Marineford design was top tier. I'm not the biggest fan of his current one, honestly.
What he wears now is a much more ornate version of that outfit.
He had to show off his victories somehow instead of looking like a random captain.
Has to be Sabo. He doesn't just have Ace's devil fruit, but he also took his haircut.
Little Garden is my favorite short arc for a reason
Based Galdino worshipper
Now he looks silly, dangerous and piratey, I think it suits him.
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You're right, for story reasons that makes sense. I just think on a pure aesthetics level his Marineford design looked cooler. I guess I'm not a fan of the longer, swirly beard.
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>(one indirectly but still)
>He doesn't know
It was all foreshadowed btw GODA. Why would a yonkou candidate lose his arm to some fish? You would be retarded to believe something like that
Length of the beard is his renown. It was inevitable.
He started off with barely some stubble.
You are right, It's a dumb complaint, to be fair. I just wish it was less swirly, I guess.
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One world one race one Land one peace onepiece
The biggest counter-argument to Shanks being a rat is that he stole the nika fruit from the government.
El hermano is far more believable than Imu being okay with Shanks fucking him over and still letting him use his demonic magic. Nigga executed a fucking Gorosei over a smaller fuck up, there's just no way Shanks wouldn't get the death penalty if he prevented Imu from acquiring the nika fruit.
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>Luffy in Elbaf
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I knew Shanks was a massive asshole
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>the only pirate who figured out the ratrace is a sham, is now retired and fucks in the clouds
Top anime betrayal
maybe Oda will throw us a bone yohoho and show us some of Brook's past
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i actually think it's possible he WAS okay with it back then, the fruit had escaped their grasp for hundreds of years and, implying that he had stolen the fruit from the marines because the elders/imu don't trust the marines enough to bring it safely, it was a genuine fumble so it'd be probably expected that it wouldn't work and it's not that huge of an issue
he executed saturn cuz he let shit leak to the entire world that was secret for 800 years in a very turbulent era, compared to pre-strawhats post-roger era which was relatively tame in happenings just losing the fruit that they've been losing for centuries is not as terrible in the context
what i don't understand is why shanks wouldn't just kill luffy, but maybe for some retarded reason the elders/imu didn't think it was necessary
maybe shanks was not aware of the fruit's importance back then, and since it didn't turn up on their crew imu would never know it was him who stole it
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...and Lafitte.
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Oh fuck I just realized.
Wasn't Lola supposed to marry the giant Loki?
The same Loki that killed Harold and is currently chained at the base of the adam tree in Elbaf?
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>Ohara books suddenly get gigantified without clear explanation
someone ate the mega mega no mi
Gigantifie Straw Hats soon.
Elbaf clearly has explicit magic that isn't related to devil fruits, hence the rainbow bridge.
imagine if their clothes didn't grew with them haha
Shanks didn't steal it from the marines, but from CP9 who were led by Who's who at the time.
And Who's who was thrown in impel down after this so they were clearly pissed about it. Obviously they couldn't track down Shanks so instead they lashed out on the agent who was carrying out the mission.
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Only Nami and Robin will be gigantified because that's Oda fetish.
>Kinemon, Momo and O-Tsuru help Brooke look for his contact lenses
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Lilith so lucky here…
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would she have accepted a marriage proposal then and there?
*farts stinkily in your face*

you tell me
It’s Carino>>274301982
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holy moly
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His daughter join them.
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Nerona Carino, Nami's older sister.
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The more I think about it the more Toki's character feels pointless.
Oda didn't need to have a woman coming from the void century to give Oden children.
So while I'm willing to accept that this character role is over, I believe that her real purpose was to introduce the toki toki no mi and the fact that some characters might be involved in time travel fuckery
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>Wano defended itself from the outside world/world government for several centuries
>this means they defended their country from multiple Kizaru tier Admiral level threats for all those several centuries
>Some shitter who wasn't even all that strong in the grand scheme of things just comes in there and conquers them with little problem
Nice worldbuilding there. Sasuga Hackda.
>yuki yuki no mi replace Nami’s tangerine
>I believe that her real purpose was to introduce the toki toki no mi and the fact that some characters might be involved in time travel fuckery
A lot of japanese theories on this, they seemed like schizo nonsense to me but after El Hermano...
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All hail, flame flame empress becca-sama!
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All of Wano just served as a justification for Momonosuke knowing Roger.
It's not her, schizo.
Oden-sama needed a super special wife.
So did the Vivifag end himself now that Kuma's df is confirmed not going anywhere?
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built for worship

no shit, i just fixed uta's shitty multi coloured hair
Hilarious how one panel ended both Bonneyfags and Vivifags kke
And Lilithfags I guess, if there were any. A Vegapunk joining was always a bit silly.
One Vegapunk joining would have rendered over half the crew useless
Heck It wasnt stated but as he learned quite a lot about the void century and memorized all of Ohara library I wouldn't be surprised if he could read ponegylphs.
I want Lilith to sit on my face, does that make me a Lilithfag?
holy beyond based
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Saga theme of final villain.

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>I'm going to store all the books Ohara got destroyed over at my demilitarized homeland that the WG has a historic interest in.

Saul is kind of an idiot.
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beccaneers butt
i need to look for new becca images tomorrow
Mihawk has already reached his goal, Croc however...
>head over CP9 custody or fight crocodile himself
Same with Robin
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goodnight /opg/
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Don't you just hate it when this happens?
Anyone feeling like something is going to happen to Robin soon? Once again in this chapter Oda emphasized how determined straw hats are to protect her.
I got that sense of dread.
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licky lick, last one i need to sleep
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/opg/ owes this man an apology
No, this is One Piece.
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Yeah, in a word without WG choosing to be a peaceful country is fine but in the OP world where they actually organize genocide festival this is fucking stupid.
Fap to Becca before sleep
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With the recent chapters and Shanks' arrival, same. It's her job to protect the legacy of Ohara now.
Not saying she will die. But Shonks might take her away.
That remains to be seen.
The stakes are THAT low? Damn
When Koby see becca:
Aren't they heading to school too
Unless they will meet Pranks before that.
On time.
Not him, but how the fuck have you not realized that since Alabasta?
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Yes. Imagine getting rejected by that ugly hog.
This is where his insanity kickstarted.
Idk. I find Sanji talking about protecting Nami weird. I get that he's a simp but protecting her from what?
We all have a bit of Loki inside of us. It just takes the right push to unleash him...
I was just joking. Of course I know that.
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>I get that he's a simp
You answered your own question.
In other word.
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our guy.......
keep coping clownbro
Doflamingo now in jail
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Paulie to my cock
Which OP girls should interact?
Is Rebecca legal in your country?
he literally looks like some greasy stick-thin 4channer
>5 Gorosei
>13 HKs, 12 members and 1 leader
>19 families total
This is how I think the WG hierarchy works
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>I know the human being and fish can co-exist peacefully.
Monet sexo
All of these harlots should be ignored and you attention diverted to the great visages of celestial dragon woman
made for paizuri
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I wish I was her slave
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I think it depends on if Shanks thought that he himself was the next Joyboy
Dumb rich girl doesn't know her own history
big brain
Yeah, usually he'd just say he will go wherever Nami is. Maybe the outfit puts him in a knightly mood.
He isn't out of the clear yet, his speed from fighting Kaido to Marineford has yet to be explained.
Everyone is goyim to Imu/Elders anon, including ordinary CDs
I just came put with the FUNNIEST op joke

okay here it comes
pfft... JOBJI!
he probably worked with his brother to distract Kaido, I doubt Shanks hasn't cooperated with him to keep the "balance" a few times.
>Robin replace Vivi
Originally water 7 nakama before super cyborg join…
I think the over/under odds for the normal World Nobles to serve as a giant distraction to the actual ruling cabal is pretty good, everyone dislikes the World Government and people hate the World Nobles, but normal people don't seem to even know about the Five Elders and have positive thoughts about the Marines, when they're behaving well. The whole jig is up when the average person realizes there's actually no reasonable person at the very top of the hierarchy
where is the absurd tier list with EL HERMANO, pls i need it
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goodnight /opg/
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Spaniard based
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pop tarts on toaster?
I just want to fuck a girl with One Piece proportions so badly. Just once bros
>The age of consent in Indonesia is 15 years old according to the Indonesian Penal Code
Also in the silhouette his sword is on his right side, meaning he would have to draw it with his left arm, which he does not have anymore.
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>shut up you fucking CHUD!
I think it's supposed to make him look more like the actual Blackbeard, who also had a really long beard that he braided. He also lit it on fire to intimidate foes.
I will if you have sex with me you lolihag
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Austro-Hungarian dragon duo!
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Isn't islam great?
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I'm still of the belief that Nami actually is Giant from Elbaf that got miniaturized somehow.
>That foreshadowing page
>Oda says Nami is Swedish
>This recent cover
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And finally this old interaction with Usopp, with Nami asking Usopp if he wants to be a Giant. Remember that Vicky the Viking was a huge inspiration to Oda for making One Piece, and Vicky was a little orange-haired kid.
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Makes sense that Oda would put a "Viking" on the crew.
which way do you think is more likely, oda making harald's diplomatic plan a WGcuck one masterminded by the knights, or harald did nothing wrong and evil loki and his chud warrior mentality are holding elbaf back
Shit theory
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I sincerely believe Oda is doing the former. Loki is being portrayed as too grey-ish morally currently for him to be completely wrong, plus Luffy, Zoro and Usopp seems to react negatively to the woke Giant kids.
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Franky (cyborg) + Nami (royalty?) = Sanji
Brook (underworld) + Usopp (warrior dream) = Zoro (el rey inferno)
Chopper (zoan/hito) + Robin (revo/ancient kingdom connection) = Luffy

Saint Seiya frozen arc look amazing
just you wait for the 50 chapter long harald backstory where he's merely trying to make elbaf better and loki's onscreen actions consist of him eating babies and whipping child slaves
that's how most flashbacks usually go, oda simply can't do one without having a character who is evil beyond comprehension
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Look what they need to do to mimic a fraction of our relevancy
>befriend young girl
Pedro and Ace shared something smoky
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You guys, why are you all so crazy with Becca lust?
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We don't know if Harald wanted to implement Carmel's beliefs about trade over war/his desire to turn Elbaf into a peaceful country before or after the worlds largest collection of scholarly documents ended up in his country, there's a big gap between when Harujan came back with Saul and when Loki decided to kill his dad. Giants live a really long time, having just a few scholars in the country would do great things, and the thing about Giants is that they seem to actually be too hard to suppress normally by the World Government. I would think that we're going to have Loki know just a little bit about the Void Century and the nature of the sun god the Elbalf giants worship to be wrong about some important things, like a weird mix of Blackbeard and Kaido's motivations.
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Vivi = ice queen warriors aka Egyptian valkyrie
I ship Izuna (Sasuke) and Tōka (Sakura)
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She is crazy sexy, that's why.
Harudjin want to bring back the old "giants" its so obvious oda is making fun of the new onions giants.
Watch usopp bring back old giant spirit and usopp will be the new king of elbaf with loki and hajrudin at his side.
>that they seem to actually be too hard to suppress normally by the World Government.
It's funnier when you know that the giant warrior pirates, Oimo and Kashi, lost to the water 7 goons..
Red Sonja reference
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>Oimo and Kashi, lost to the water 7 goons..
Did they? I remember that they defected and teamed up with Usopp
>both El Hermano and La Puta Negra are confirmed
This timeline ain't all bad
You forgot about Paulie and the Franky Family sisters making them cry? Anyways giants being a threat is a joke.
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>I am attracted to a 16 year old Nami clone número dos: color rosa
Hes the Wyper of Elbaf. An antagonist but not a villain
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It's like that everywhere except america
Japan was 13 until just recently
I can't believe that Nami's biological sister is a holy knight, Nami is so weak
>I cant believe that [headcanon]
Sanji will be used as hype tool again
So was el hermano until last week
>La Puta Negra
this changes everything.
Only for speedreading nigs. El hermano has been there since the HKs were mentioned for the first time before Egghead
>Oda copy Kishi
Zoro? Prince of the ancient legendary Sword Kingdom. This kingdom was responsible for making the 21 great swords. Zoro's royal blood allows him to wield each sword to their full potential. Legend says, that once every few centuries, a royal is born with special eye powers that turns the person into a demon and increases their haki power and sword skills tenfold. This kingdom also worshipped a God that has green hair, got lost easily, and loves to sleep.
>Japan was 13 until just recently
Because burgerfat and UN globalist demanded Japan uphold their new law
retard that was not the real plot twist

itachi did kill the clan and owed up to it, the real plot twist is that killing the clan was the right call, this was interpreted as a great plot twist by the fans

this image is a parody like "what if naruto's greatest plot twist was done in Oda style and it was just an evil twin all along"
>Thor Nami
Great theory
Zoro's mom is a literal bar whore
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Where is the afro?
Nikafy wrecks them since they dont have bullshit giga regen. Remember Bahrang Gun
Im convinced people in the Colosseum were jerking/schlicking of to Becky fighting
Lies. He is of noble blood, just like his rival, Sanji.
Remember that time Shanks drank sake with Whitebeard
the ancient kingdom is japan one piece takes place in the distant future of the earth
Elbaf could be as warmongering as they want as thats how empires expand, Oda is such a fucktard
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it was Robin's sweat
Literally all of the Japanese prefectures upped the age by themselves. Especially Tokyo/Kanto which set it to 18. It's pretty clear very few in Japan see 13 as good age anymore.
Harald realized they should unify rather than be divided clans maybe
It all roastie reactions
someone ate the futa futa no mi
Blame Oda for making Zoros mom an aids ridden whore
I think King Harald sucks!
okay chud
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Me too, and I fucking hate Saul too. Subversive kike should be blood-eagled by Dorry and Brogy.
>Laugh Tale
This is good
>Mary Geoise
This is bad.
There's no global standard. Even in the West.
We dont know if Saul is part of it desu
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I love the world government
Oda genuinely needs to put a hit on Sandman. It's getting to a point.
>10 hours
What killed the hype?
What did he do now?
How did he do it? Does this mean Kizaru can literally move at the speed of light? Wouldn't that make him the most broken character in One Piece
Early in NA, its where 80% of posts in /a/ come from
Elbaf doesn't expand. They just attack and rob more civilized folks.
the demiurge in a gnostic context is a figure that embodies rebellion and Lucifer
in a gnostic context is a bootlicker
El Hermano is here to kill Goofy, Puta came for Robin.
Most common worldwide is 16, also in America.
El hermano will get mid diffed
He confirmed that Oda doesn't draw the backgrounds and it triggers dickriders
Vivichads are still going strong though. Regardless of some schizo headcanon dying.
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Best ship
Just like me
Everyone's a dickrider when they don't agree with you KEK
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Loki doesn't look like that.

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