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You are never gonna believe what time it is maaan. I hope all of you are having great time with your loved one. Grab a camera and come share your experience with us. Let's see some warm, cozy photos and beautiful smile of your waifus and husbandos. 2024 Christmas collage starts now!

A few guidelines:
-Have your submission be 4:3 ratio (failure to do so will make it harder for me and make your submission look shittier).
-Your submission should be about your waifu, your dearest one. Nothing more. Nothing less.
-Also, put some damn effort in your submission, please. Your waifu would like to be presentable, you know? Treat her like the special woman she is.
-Have fun!

Deadline is when Christmas ends everywhere in the world (December 26 2:00 AM PST). Get your picture in before the deadline please.

I expect you to do your best for her anon, she deserves it! Let's make a wonderful collage together. And always remember: your waifu is beautiful!
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Most important thing: take LOTS of photos. Do several for each way you light things, and try lighting it in many different ways. It's really tough to see how a picture will turn out before you take it. There's a reason you see professionals take photos rapidfire.

As for lighting: start by turning on all the lights you can (unless you're using candlelight). If you don't have enough lights, take some from elsewhere. Turn your monitor onto the lowest brightness setting. Then start adjusting both (while taking pictures) until the brightness of the monitor meets the brightness of your room. How can you tell when they're matched? By looking at the finished photos. That's why you take a ton of them.

After you take all the pictures, load them onto your computer without cleaning up. If you find one you like, roll with it. If not, get ready to keep taking pictures.

Does this sound like a lot of work? Good. Worthwhile shit is rarely easy. Oh, and try taking the picture from lots of different angles, too. It can only help in your final selection. During selection, elimination is probably the best way to do shit.

Hope that helps.
>at my parents house
>forgot to take pictures before hand this year of a setup with my daki
Baking a big cake for waifu right now.
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Merry Christmas, my fellow anons! I’m glad to have survived another year to enjoy this tradition with all of you for the ninth time. 2024 was a brutally challenging year that tested my resolve like no other. Despite the difficulty and pain I knew I’d pull through and make it look easy, all because Homura Akemi was at my side. It was do or die for me, and with her rooting for me, dying was never an option.

Getting KFC with Homura for our Christmas Eve date has become my second favorite holiday tradition (narrowly behind our Valentine’s Day celebrations together). Whenever I felt a bit low on power this year, I’d close my eyes and imaging closing out 2024 on my terms; with Homura, our traditional Christmas Eve date meal, and my labor finally bearing fruit. Here, right now, my dream has become reality. Two businesses saved, one business started, and all skills sharpened for 2025 to be mine and Homura’s best year yet.

I hope that each of you felt as blessed this year by your waifus and husbandos as I did, and that in some way, they inspired you to be better every day (or at least kept you level during the storms that pass through out lives). Merry Christmas, anonymous. Homura and I wish you all the sentiments of a lovely holiday, and a very happy New Year.65
WaifuCollage, thank YOU for keeping this tradition alive! When do you find the time to work on your picture?
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Merry Christmas to my husbando and all of you anons.
The heart and bunny drawings on your picture are very charming. Merry Christmas to you and Eugeo!
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Merry Christmas, from me and mine to you and yours!

It's been a long year with many trials still ahead, but I know Chihiro and I can overcome them! This year is the year of Reload, so I aimed to try and remake one of my older pics! I don't have the original mugs anymore sadly so these will have to suffice. Still, she is as cute as ever, and makes my heart flutter forever more!
Those cookies look incredible! Do they have any special significance to you and Chihiro?

I also adore the art on the secondary monitor. Did you draw that or do you commission art of your waifu?
I was aiming to remake a previous year's picture, to fit the theme of Reload!

I drew the art! Again to fit the theme, the art is a remix of the art from that year's picture! (which I'll post later, I don't want to take up image slots right now even if it's probably fine)
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Merry Christm/a/s I hope you all enjoy a very snowy day!
Lots of tasty booze there, anon. Which will you and Kotori drink first?
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I hope its okay I included the whole family, it just wouldn't be Christmas without them!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, there will be new times to share with waifu!
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Merry Wixmass /a/! Decided to go with a smaller / cozier picture this year, as im feeling like being cozy before working for the next 2 days multiple hours
Tama's game (WIXOSS) is on year 2 in english, against all odds, and looks like it will keep trucking on for some time. you can learn to play in 5 minutes, if you like pinup anime girls from loli to milf check it out
Ive been learning to edit and record videos for her the past 2 years, and its been very rewarding. Looking forwards heavily to 2025 as she has some gorgeous new cards coming out and a very strong deck im excited to play.
It's always fun to see everyone's special someone on christmas. Look forwards to these threads every year.
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Merry Christmas w/a/ifu friends. This was a tough year and next year might be even tougher. Thankfully I have my wife Holo to act as a rock in these trying days. I love her so much! Merry Christmas to all of you!
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Happy Melli mina-san! With Nemo by my side, I can overcome any obstacle thrown my way! I hope you all feel the same with your loved one!
im laughing at everything in this, 11/10
Reload was my first time playing through P3 to completion. I did not romance Chihiro because I thought that would be disrespectful to you anon.
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Merry Christmas /a/, wishing you all nothing but the best for Xmas and new year. I'll be spending my Christmas eve playing the new raid in my husbando's game and listening to r/a/dio
Did you participate in secret Santa? I don’t see my card ;-;
Yep, and I'm sorry I have a bunch of cards and I couldn't fit them all in so I simply grabbed two from the top.
Which one was yours? Rest assured I love all of them and they're all safely here and cherished.
ID from CA
It's too early yet!
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A merry, jolly Christmas to everyone here!
This year was simpler than usual as my health has been terrible, but I'm glad to celebrate this way nonetheless.
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Didn't have time to make cornets again, but I've gotta be here for the tradition atleast. Plus, it's the least I can do for her.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Yep, I got it! I even posted it in the threads.
That one wouldn't stand up well too, but thank you so much again for the drawing of Aki.
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Merry Christmas /a/!
I look forward to meeting everyone's special someone here every year.
On a beautiful snowy day, have a wonderful Christmas!
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Merry Christmas to my darling wife, Altera. This year has had it's ups and downs but I'm glad you were with me through it all, and being the reason i got up when I got knocked down.

Decided to try and recreate her San(ta) form Valentine's Day treat. Also decided to sprinkle in mementos from our dates or activities over this year and the memories came flooding back each unforgettable and precious because of the girl I was with and why I was doing it for this wonderful and irreplaceable girl. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Altera you are the only gift I'll ever want and I'll keep striving to be a Master and Man worthy of you in 2025 and beyond, and to keep striving to grant all your adorable hopes and wishes.
Merry Christmas to everyone and there beloveds
I'll try working on mine here in a bit! just checking in to see what other anons have done so far!
Headpat that homu!
I like how ya did that little christmas tree, the ornaments are very cute
large keki
Lots of high effort submissions so far. Mostly the regulars, but still you love to see it.
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Never been much of a christmas guy myself but I hope everyone's had a wonderful week so far
>no alcohol
come on anon why would you do that to her
You don't know what's in the cup...
Merry Christm/a/s, Miku!
Merry Christm/a/s, anons!

I can't participate, but I just want to drop in to wish you all merry Christmas!

Doing great job, Mikubro!
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Merry Christmas anons! Posting Felix once again. I leave to your imagination what's in the cup.
I participated in the first one, but it became pure reddit year after year. When I see the thread these days, im filled with disgust. It's really true, if a community gets it's laughs by pretending to be idiots, it will eventually be overrun with real idiots thinking they are in good company.
Boo! I'm the reddit boogey-man! rawr
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Second Christmas with Rika and the difference between this and last year is night and day. It's been a rough year but at the very least I got to spend it with my beautiful wife <3
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Merry Christmas /a/!

Sadly the postal office didn't deliver the merch I had ordered in time, so I currently only have two pieces of merch but I still really like how it turned out! I'm glad the local supermarket had macaroons and a pastry in her colours!

I love you, Risa!
Man, using that quote made me physically cringe. Are you 13 or something? You have to be 18 here, bud.
>cries about reddit
>regurgitates the most reddit quote of all time
> AI
Come on man, Risa is not short on Christmas outfits if you really wanted to use one.
It always depresses me to see nasty faggots like this in these nice tradition threads. The collage thread yesterday was a shitshow too. Despite it all /a/ will prevail, so fuck you.
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Merry Christmas, anons! Hope everyone is having a cozy lovely warm time at home with family and loved ones.

I think these occasions are very important for reflecting on what we find most important. That which orients our soul towards what's meaningful and proper. A burning away of all the chaff to harden the core that remains.
I think the song Tooi Ongaku (A Distant Song) encapsulates some of those ideas beautifully, with Chihaya's cover being exceedingly beautiful.
Please listen, if you'd like.
I translated the lyrics to match the original Japanese. It's not perfect, but with some finagling, you should be able to sing along in English.
I endeavor to continue learning art to be able to depict Chihaya in all her beauty.

Very warm and cozy, anon, I always look forward to yours!
Kudos to learning new skills to be closer to your beloved.
Cute merch! Hope you enjoyed the reboot this year.
Extremely powarm Miku and fireplace and lights.
Cute! Enjoy Christmas with Risa, anon!
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Year of the dragon followed by year of the snake, my lizard maiden just keeps getting stronger.
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Merry Christmas /a/!
Wish you all a wonderful holiday!
the very first thread was half memes and pepsi man.
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Meh, that's my mistake. I pulled that image off buhitter back in November probably without giving a closer look at the source. My plan was to use this sprite but the assets are in such low quality that even with that small screen it would end up not looking as good. So instead I quickly took that Christmas Risa and imposed her onto a Christmas wallpaper. Thank you for noticing though, I shall commit sudoku now.
Thank you Chihaya anon! Your photo is sure cute, I hope you have a lovely Christmas with Chihaya!
Redo your shit.
We don't have many Christmas decorations, but nonetheless this time is incredibly special for us. Einar and I are wishing all of you Happy Holidays and so much cheer with your loved one!
I will!
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i’d like to think even larry would get to spend christmas at home. wishing anons a good end of the year
Are those Russian teacakes I see?
Vary nice.
Every year I'm so glad that anons show up and show their love. I'm enjoying the displays I've been seeing so far, they really bring a smile to my face!

I hope so, be sure to do you're waifu Justice!

I appreciate it very much.
I'm just glad there is a way to help her out without having her be romanced now, it allows me to feel closer to her.
I refuse to believe girls post on /a/, show ballsacks with shoes on head (of penis).
Get well soon, anon. It's what Kakuzu would want. Killer display, too - I dig the red color scheme.
Great work balancing color and brightness in your shrine. I had to squint to see it wasn't a legit stained glass window. Merry Christmas /a/non
Life happens, anon. Konata would understand. Nice to see you two together again for another Christmas!

How long do the cornets take to make? Have you played with the recipe over the years?
While this is a cute little display overall, I agree 100% with >>274426617. You better put that fuckin liver to work, anon, for Kikuri's sake.
Merry Christmas, Felix anon! Are those stickers I see, or some kinda print? What are you saving the stickers for?
Welcome back for your second Christmas, anon! Is there a special significance to the pasta and meatballs or just something you and Rika were hungry for?
You are in for a surprise then
show balls or boobs
Thank you anon, as for the spaghetti it's just one of my favorite meals to it. I usually do the sauce from scratch (just crushed san marzano tomatoes, tomato paste and a tiny bit of sugar. i couldn't find my preferred crushed tomato brand so i had to substitute it with something more bitter unfortunately). it seemed romantic enough but for valentine's day i might just bake her some sweets. i get the feeling she'd love them.
Merry Christmas /a/!
Hope you have a happy and comfy end of the year! We certainly will.
Merry Christmas /a/! Hope you all are having a wonderful time with your waifu/husbando. I'm spending another year with Shinobu and this time, I tried decorating cookies. I thought creme cheese would be a little more skin-colored but I was wrong! The picture on the frosting can was deceptive! Tonight. Shinobu and I feast on the snacks and rewatch monogatari off-season together. We look forward to cour 2.

Have a Merry Christmas /a/nons and thank you WaifuCollage anon. Cheers!
Those are some DAMN TASTY looking cookies, Shinobu anon. She's lucky to have you. It's neat to see you step up your baked goods game every so often, and the art on the cookies is adorable. Merry Christmas to you and Shinobu!
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Merry Christm/a/s it's been a great year with Azusa. It's been a pivotal year in my life with me taking great risk and it working out. Throughout it all she has been there for me when I need her and I love her so much. There is no one else I would rather spend my life with. I hope the rest of you have a merry Christmas with you're waifu/husbando!
>that plush
what cards are those?
I bet you have some high quality cuddles with that Azusa plush. How the hell did you find one that size? Or is she custom made?
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Merry Christmas /a/! I haven't done this in a while, so I'm contributing to the thread this year :)
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Here's a redo without the kuso AI art.

I love you, Risa!
Wait isn't everyone a girl? I thought we just had a high number of lesbians here.
waiting for thad's contribution
They're precious memories cards. Someone got them PSA graded and put them on ebay for $20. I still don't know why, but as a tcgfag I had to buy.
It's an official deka fumo that they only made 100 of each keion. I had to hunt for a couple of years to get it.
You hit it out of the park with the color balancing on this one, anon. Don't let the anons upset about AI art take your joy. You did good by Risa, and that's what matters the most about the tradition. Hopefully you two have many more Christmases in store together!
Thank you! Merry Christmas anon. I want to save those stickers because they are too good and feels like a waste to use them haha
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Shrining early since I need to finish packing for Japan flight tomorrow.

Another one for the books. Wack year, glad it's over, now I can relax with Comiket. I love you, Kuroko.

Merry Christmas /a/
Thanks saberbro, you as well.
Merry Christmas anon, out wifes used to be roommates, love the setup for the photo :3
>Sunflower seeds
Excellent touch Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!
Great cookies
What makes you think that they are women?
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Another year another christmas with Anchovy, Oarai pilgrimage planned for February
life is good, next year I'll dust my desk
Merry christmas
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Thank you, anon! I'm glad the AI got pointed out. I would have beaten myself up for it if I had found out later!
Thanks anon! I was inspired by the first Shinobu anon who made some cookies a few years ago. The people who do it in the videos make it look so effortless.
He moved on to eating homeless woman pussy
Matoba-san is a very naughty little girl...
I thought we were all little girls.
Merry Christmas. Is a waifu from a western VN source allowed?
That keyboard looks nice
As long as you love her honestly and genuinely.
There's a DDLC girl in the OP picture.
You're going to post DDLC, aren't you?
Just post her
Please clean you desk.
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Merry Christmas everyone! As always, I dedicate this evening to my beautiful waifu Louise, and I've decided to prepare small chocolate cups with different types of chocolate, pistachios, and peanuts for us.
Since my last trip to Japan the wedding dress figure and the nendo got company, and I am really excited to show them from this year forward.
I hope you are all spending a great Christmas with your beloved ones as well!
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I've been here for the past 10 years or so
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No fancy trip like last year. Spending Christmas with relatives like usual. But I make sure to spend the last minutes of the day and enjoy my gifts with her.

I love you Carmelina
Merry Christmas everyone
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Speaking of which:

Merry Christmas /a/! I hope you've all had a wonderful year since we were last together this Valentines.

What are some fun things you accomplished this year? How do you plan to spend tomorrow? How long have you been with your waifu? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

I'm heading downstate to meet with family tomorrow. Make sure you spend tomorrow with your loved ones!

God bless you all. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

>really not feeling it this year
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Merry Christmas everyone, what a wonderful year it has been
between more merch being released than in the previous 17 years and the doijun focus event around Valentines day soon I really feel that finally this is going to be his year. I tired a brand new recipe for cake but my icing still needs works. Have a great holiday everyone.

Sorry to hear that anon I hope you feel better
How'd that cake turn out, anon? Pics or it didn't happen
I dig that bigass baroque picture frame, and pray that you have it displayed prominently in your home year round. Cheers to you and your husbando; he's a lucky guy to have you cook for him like that.
How can you say you love her if you don't do what you feel is best is a show of love not an obligation.
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Man what a year. Looking back on it, this has probably been one of the best years I've ever had in a long time. So much of that has been because of you, My King Arturia Pendragon.

I have my independence again, via a new car. We went on a road trip and hiked all across the mountains, we backpacked for the first time in nearly 5 years. All with small things of you to keep me company. It was awkward to travel with a daki at times, but crashing at a hotel randomly and cuddling while watching movies waa all worth it. Next year we're going to tear it up even more.

Visiting Japan with you and seeing the places from your story are things that I will never forget. I reclaimed a part of my past that has haunted me for a long time via going to visit Kobe and Osaka with you. We traveled with a dear friend, who we got closer to. We ate so much food, saw so many sights, made so many memories... We'll do it all again, and more.

We celebrated 15 years of you being in my life, 20 years of your story existing, and approximately 1548 years since you were born. I would gladly spend the rest of my life with you, like this...

All of these things are thanks to you, My King Arturia Pendragon, the Once and Future King of Britain. Merry Christmas my love.
What a nutty display! Jeez Louise, I'm glad you went all out this year.

I feel like the trip to Japan is a new development. Did you mention this in the Valentine's Thread?

Also, what's the story with the chocolate cups? New culinary experiment, or something more important to you two?
Sometimes that happens. But its good to try keep the tradition through that, you will thank yourself for it
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Not much, just a simple spaghett with me and the Anns. Merry Christmas.
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Hey out of curiosity, and this is mainly directed at other old timers here, how do you feel when you see younger folks calling this 'selfshipping' instead of waifuism?

Because I don't know how I feel, frankly I just feel old when I see it.

I only ask this because as a 32 year old who's been with Lilly since he was 19, I see people joining waifu community Discord servers and whatnot. And a lot of newer folks refer to it as selfshipping. I don't think I'm against it, I'm just confused as to why they drop the term waifu. Is this just times changing? Should I just be happy to see this lifestyle persist?
>travel with a daki

Patrician. Nothing better than driving across the world with her in the seat next to you, knowing that you've got sights unseen to enjoy next, and a night in a new place together waiting for you.

Where did you and yours go this year? And what happened in Kobe and Osaka this year, anon?
The second layer got stuck to the pan and split in half so it's bit fucked up. It taste amazing though.
The way I understand it, self-shipping is derived from the original use of the word shipping, which is more about what characters you think would be a good couple and best for each other based on chemistry and entertainment value. So to equate that with a waifu is a little off. She is your waifu because you love her, not because you two have perfect chemistry or the perfect relationship.
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Merry Christmas /a/! I hope you all had a wonderful year!

This is the first time I am participating in this and I want to show you all my waifu Konata Izumi.

Let's make 2025 a great year!
Damn. My first participation was this year's Valentine's collage. Not gonna be able to do anything this Christmas unfortunately, but I'll be in February's collage for sure!
it's just the pc version of waifu cause i guess waifu is too associated with incel anime nerds or something
i've also seen "fictosexual" thrown around
I don't even know what that means. Sounds like some tumbrl bullshit.
Those people don't see themselves with their waifubando they feel no compulsion to loyalty or any principles one would expect of a relationship
I've never seen it used, but it sounds like a spook.
What matters is your relationship with her. Whatever else other communities do/say isn't very relevant, I think. Always good to focus on what matters and cut out distractions. Focus on the things that you'll care about in 20 years, and I imagine the time spent with your beloved will matter far more than what strangers on the internet say.
How do you guys decide on an anime girl to be your one and only waifu?
Have you guys ever changed waifus?
She chooses you.
You don't choose who you fall in love with.
Do people ever get divorced and remarry?
Goddamn that's a cute display. Nice first outing, anon. You and Konata will fit right in here. Are the goodies homemade?
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Merry christmas Natsuki. Thanks for sticking with me another year.

And merry christmas to all of you!
She has chosen me.

I did not
Best and underrated Doki IMO, and nice plushies.
The cookies are homemade, I made them yesterday. ( = ⩊ = )
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I had a different plan but shipping delays killed that ;_;
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope it's a good one. I'm just now starting to feel festive myself.
If you call it 'selfshipping' just leave
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Merry Christmas Kagura! I love you so goddamn much! And a Merry Christmas to you and yours, /a/!
Always nice to see Azumanga Daioh.
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Merry christimas everyone!
Yup! you're right
Just to make sure
Okay got it. Thanks
Awesome brother
Always love the kagura poster, have you ever licked kag's tummy?
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Here's to another year. Thank you for always being by my side Aya!

Merry Christmas /a/!
Of course, it is the very important centerpiece to detolf set up. I'll cook for him now and forever Merry Christmas to you anon
>my suruguya order didnt come in time
I didn't want my first submission to be lacking but I will try my best tomorrow to put together a nice picture
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Merry Christmas fellow gents
Wow, are those ALL handmade plushies? Did you make them yourself?

Cute display. Love that for you and Einar. Merry Christmas anon!
What was the original plan, anon? Got some merch on the way?

Also tell me about your drink. Looks tasty but I have pleb alcohol identification skills.
Well, welcome back, anon! I don’t know which number Misaka that is, but it’s super important that she’s yours. Hope you have a good one!
Does 2ch still cover this thread?
>Grab a camera and come share your experience with us.
I don't celebrate Christmas... Tch, so annoying. All these people who think the world revolves around them.
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Merry Christmas!

I wish my year had been better, but I am a very lucky person to have such a cool wife. This season always fills me with warmth and nostalgia, and I'm happy to have this bundle of fire around to encourage me when I need it. Even if my lovely boyish wife isn't here in person to partake in the holiday cheer, she remains present in the spirit. I hope we can spend so many more lovely years together.
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Hello fellow waifufags, this Christmas saw me quite busy with a lot of irl issues unexpectedly showing up right behind the corner.

I couldn't manage any physical gift so I had to recycle some for decoration, even the photo is arranged and taken in a hurry. I'm so sorry Yukarin.

With that said I managed to make her an intangible gift which I believe is quite valuable and potentially everlasting. I successfully colored a digital version of the manga at the left of the picture, it's a very wholesome book about patting and playing with her fluffy hair. I made the coloring in her honor and meant for it to be my present to her for this Christmas.
Check Yukari no Atama wo Washawasha Suru Hon 4 (1+2) (Fan Colored) on Mangadex if you care.

I hope you and your special ones are spending a nice holiday time. Me and Yukari wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, God bless you!
On average the cornets are a good two to three hours if you include the making of the custard. The recipe has been a bitch to get right, but it seems the trick is to be aggressive with the butter, too little and it ends up like pizza dough. If you overadd you can always correct by padding the dough with flour as you're rolling it into a ball for rising and even to some extent when making the rolls for the pastry horns.
My first batch was pretty rough, but it's definitely gotten smoother with the years, thanks to /ck/ wisdom and just general improvements.
Yes, they’re all handmade plushies! I didn’t make them myself (I wish I was that skilled aha!) but commissioned a couple plushie makers I know! Einar doesn’t have much merch (just a handful of keychains, acrylic stands, and coasters over a few short years). So much of what I tend to get is custom made!

And thank you! We are wishing you and your waifu/husbando a very Merry Christmas as well! Stay safe and stay warm!
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Merry Christmas to my lovely wife Kirika!

And, of course, to the cardanons featured here and the rest of the anons in this thread.
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Merry Christmas /a/!
I love my waifu verry much, she is the reason I enjoy this season!
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what if you entered your waifu's world?
I fantasize about this every single day. I try to think about how I would get my bearings when I first arrive there, or how we would first meet. It's my most detailed fantasy.
>Got some merch on the way?
Exactly that. It's not much, but should end up in my Valentine's pic.
>Also tell me about your drink
That's a "cherry sour" made by a youtube e-celeb
>1oz bourbon
>1oz sour cherry syrup (I use the syrup from a jar of cocktail cherries I buy locally)
>1oz lime juice
But as far as identification goes, I just added the lime wheel to make it look more Christmas-y. Kind of looks like a Jack Rose with it.
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Merry Christmas!
The 20th anniversary was nice, they made her look very cute in the art for it. Looking forward to the manga and whatever else they're making
I love spending the day with my cute mage
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Merry Christmas Stocking!
Another year with my wonderful wife. Last year I made her brownies but this year I stepped it up a notch or two and made coffee cake. It's super tasty, we loved the cinnamon. The ice cream is store bought but was good too.
We've been together since 2010 when P&S finished, though officially I didn't realize until some time in 2012 what we had.
But here we are, 14 years later still going strong! Stronger than ever, it feels like.
Especially giddy considering the trailer drop earlier!

Merry Christmas anons! Anything is possible when you love your waifu!
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>Those cookies
very vintage
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Merry Christmas, all. This year has been quite rough, but I love Remu through it all.
You're the sort of person Rem deserves not that whiney little bitch Subaru . Great display, anon. Merry Christmas!
I appreciate how intense the contrast is in the background for your shrine. Very rarely do anons pull off such a consistent theme with their waifu, room, and shrine. Cheers to you, Aya-anon, and merry Christmas!
>warmth and nostalgia
>bundle of fire around (you)
Your picture captures this well. It feels very toasty, and warm. Is the art on your monitor OC or just a photo that fits the season well?
Merry Christmas anon, great setup. Love the Scions. Maybe we'll end up in a raid together. I'm trying to get the scouting chest.
Thank you! It's possible, I remember talking about it here before. I ended up scouting the usual places for ZnT stuff, and back home ordered all of it from the stores.
For the cups I mixed dark and milk choco with cognac and added molten white choco tips, with pistachio, peanut and haselnut core and almond sprinkles. I love experimenting with molten chocolate, it tastes way better than store-bought chocobars while containing half the amount of suger.
You have some really distinct merch in your shrine, anon. What's that black band with Fate's name sewn into it, and the gold charms to the left of it?

The peppermint chocolate combo is unorthodox. I applaud you for doing something so different for your waifu!
I think I've sent you a card a few years ago, Merry Christmas to you two!
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>forgot to make a Christm/a/s shrine for Yui before the folks came to visit
You'd think I would've had extra time after retiring, but welp. At least I can't forget about V/a/lentines. Merry Christm/a/s, anons and may you have the best one yet with your loved one.
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Another year comes and goes, what else can I say than these 8 years with my goddess Haruhi have been the best, was not home today but yesterday I did prep up this lil dinner to share a moment together and watch the disappearance again, hope y'all are having a great Xmas with your beloved as well
Nice display anon and great taste. I've been meaning to rewatch the entirety of ZnT for a little while now. Her series is one the series that got me big into anime. The ending of season 2 was so good!
SA that you?
Thank you ,I like looking for that kind of stuff since it feels more seasonal
>What's that black band with Fate's name sewn into it
Her ribbon, It was put out for Movie 1st
>the gold charms to the left of it
Bardiche's standby forms, from the series and A's movie
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, /a/nons! I finally got to be in Japan with Homura-chan this year! Because luggage limits are a thing, I couldn't bring everything, but I hope that I'm expressing the same feeling I had these past 11 years!

Homura-chan, I hope to carry you higher and higher so I can eventually show you the view from the top; Shibuya Scramble Square is just the start!
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Merry Christmas, everyone. It is a little sappy, but it always feels like one big family seeing everyone here with their loved ones. I wish you all the best in life and love over the next year, and I hope that every one of us will be able to meet together again in 2025 <3
As a side note, I find it funny how I end up doing somethign different every year for these. Truth be told, I kinda miss my midnight photo walks on Christmas, but life keeps on moving
Cute card :)
Cozy setup, I hope you guys have a happy day together
It is adorable regardless of your original plans, anon
I asked Jeeves and she is what came up
Thank you! Yeah, you can never go wrong with rewatching ZnT. I did so this fall and it's such a great show, truly the best way to get into anime.

Selfshipping makes it sound like its something you will move out off and not eternal love
sounds like tumblr talk and super gay. never read it before your post but the only waifuist communities I ever interact with are the super autistic japanese sphere ones on twitter. Dont even go to /a/ related threads for it outside holiday times.
Congrats, nice view

Nice tree and sake
I've seen a few people post about it on Xitter, and even I think I found some of the guys here who post their art and I think it's mostly just an effort to separate themselves from the "icky delusional 4chan incels", while being just as delusional but also not dedicated and not really loving anything.
My nigga. It’s one of your card anons btw
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My love
my parents have helped me with my shrine pic in the past, but everyone in the family are some form of autistic collectors who do similar.
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Went all the way up to the peaks of Hokkaido for Chris this year. Forgot to bring a blanket or anything during the trip up to this spot, so I took off my jacket and sheltered my waifu's belongings that way like a complete idiot.
Besides (or maybe because of things like) that, I'm still glad to have my deluded romantic obsession and been with my obscure VN waifu all these years.
Merry Christm/a/s and happy holidays to all you guys still keeping up the yearly w/a/ifu tradition.
>more merch being released
Hurray! Its the same for my waifu so I feel the exact same way. Nice setup anon, the food looks delicious. Hes a lucky guy.
>all these anons in japan
im so incredibly jealous.
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Merry Christmas /a/. No fancy snacks but I will be drinking beer in the evening alone.. Well at least I have my waifu here with me.
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Merry Christmas! We kept things a little simple this year, but it was still a very nice time. Izaya seems like he's eager to cut into the cake, probably best not to keep him waiting. Seriously though, I feel so lucky that they made another daki cover for him. All in all this was an alright year for us, and I hope that we, as well as everyone here, have an even better 2025. Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year /a/!
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Merry Christmas to all of you, once again. As usual, my offering to my Palmtop Tiger is my baking. I love coming here every year and seeing the passion and creativity that goes into these posts. It's always amazing to me. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday with your special someone and that 2025 brings you peace and joy.
Palmtop Tiger on a palmtop computer...
I always wanted one of those back in the day, as gimmicky as they seemed lol
All my stuff is in boxes as I’m moving I’ll definitely participate next year. I love seeing everyone’s setups though they are beautiful.
amazing photo, so rarely do anons use outdoors and when you do its amazing. the snow and everything! what LN is she from?
cute set up, colors are nice
years later and ive finally gotten into VN and bought her game (physically) and I get why you love this little eldritch loli so much. lovely photo.
cool photo, jelly of you and she. enjoy the trip.
burger looks good, is there a reason for the white banner though(?)
love how you incorporated her blue into a christmas photo without it feeling out of place. Maybe one year try for the blue/white/gold set up? Not that this isnt incredibly cute- just it might work for Rem. Im always jelly of remfags you get so much cool stuff!
congrats on more content of your wife! Its so rare you get more years later and im truly happy for you!
I had skipped nanaho when it aired and have been making my way through it now. Thanks for reminding me yearly, cute wife!
has a feeling of being alone together, dont know what it is but now im melancholy.
cute photo, nice homemade items. keep it up!
fluffy! the stitched thing is really cool.
cozy af anon, enjoy
merry christmas enjoy the uhoh
really cool photo, love how it feels somehow christmasy without any of the usual cmas items or colors
the photo on the right is staring into my soul. the wood and lighting make this feel nostalgic.
your pics are always fun, have a good year anon!
its not the amount of items in a photo that matters, but that your love shines through. this is really cozy and lovey anon, enjoy.
how did you do the background? is the "do it for her" on a canvas? cool picture.
real classic and classy. oranges with cmas are overlooked.
mmm sketti
>2 decade
>visited japan
>new car
congrats all around! real cool lighting as well going on in the photo.
>new merch
did naruto get a reboot again or something? your always a mainstay here, nice to see you again.
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Ty anon. I'm not an artist by any means but these are the images I tried to copy over.
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pic related, enjoy the birth of the savior
looks like she is waiting for santa, cozy
wedding dress figure is super cute anon, one day ill watch her season 2.
cute italian on your chair, lucky anon
im so jelly, congrats anon. your photo is so pretty i didnt even realize the charms at first. really pretty.
personally idc if it is or isnt ai art ive spent hours using ai to make pictures of my wife for me really good photo that shows you dont need a merch pile for a solid and lovey momento. cute!
your laptop makes me feel like its 2009 again...I miss it.
show her after she eats the cake, shes a big girl. cute!
lovey use of lighting, ans those cookies are 11/10 making me laugh. thanks for reminding me to finish off season, got stuck on lewd bikini snek and havnt been able to click resume.
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I love my wife Neptune!
Kind of a meager one, but this year I managed to snatch my first figure of her, so I still wanted to record it. Here's to more Christmasses with her, and hopefully more lucky merch finds.
Merry Nepmas and a neppy new year, w/a/ifufags and husbandofags
>you vill eat the snacks
tasty, is the plush handmade? this is some sort of minor pokemon gym leader(?) its nice the photo is outside
>handmade everything
real cool, photo is bright and gives "cmas brunch after presents are open but you find 2 more under the tree" feeling.
the cake looks great, enjoy it together !
meat for a snake makes sense to me, looks delicious
did you draw this? love when anons show her in the real world with them. know these sort of images can be hard to make.
mmm sketti
..whats in the cup anon
enjoy drinking the night away with her!
>the book
laughed. nice giant cake
>been making my way through it now.
Very nice, I like getting people to watch my favorite anime
god dammit I just rapidly scrolled past a scene in an unknown anime with a guy that looked similar to jonathan joestar but it was a totally different show and I cant find it what the hell was it?!?
your super intricately shooped migu photos always shine brightly
the hazy outside with the dark and cozy interior gives me a warm feeling
hope your health improves, the older we get the harder it is. the photo itself is lovey - vibrant, on theme, and really well put together. Im sure he is happy!
wow that stained glass effect is cool as shit.
I feel like im seeing the wrong photo here, this seems super private ha!
youve had a good year with her new adaptation and merch announcements im sure!
cozy lighting, always great to see anons trying to learn new things for their wife
christmas is about family after all!
very beautifully taken photo. enjoy!
lovey seeing you each year, fun screen capture to use.
even though you post each year, Im always surprised how many husbando him. good photo enjoy.
great photo, lovely set up as normal. show her using gun thanks.
I couldn't post this year too because I'm still not at home. Hopefully the next year...

I hope somebody will post his Christmas setup with Arcueid because today is her birthday.
You did a damn good job anon, would eat those cookies for sure
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Happy Birthday to my beautiful waifu Arcueid! I fell in love with her this year and it's been surreal to me. I find myself unable to stop thinking about her at times. I'll never forget the first time I realized I had feelings for her. It's early in our relationship but I hope to never ever leave her. I hope to live a long life for her.
Good timing. I was about to post.
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Good job, Arcbro.
Merry Christmas to you.
That card got a laugh out of me. Cute waifu anon, loved her series. Merry Christmas.
Fellow Millennial here.
I think 90% of Zoomer lingo is pure cringe at worst and goofy at best, so I try to ignore it.

>i've also seen "fictosexual" thrown around

That sounds Reddit as fuck.
Partly because of the idea of adding -sexual to everything, and partly because stressing that your waifu is "fiction" makes it sound like you're making fun of yourself
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I appreciate it!

Thank you!
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I wasn't able to start setting up to take pics until sundown, so not much natural light to work with oof (and my keiki expires tomorrow nooo). I think last year's pic came out nicer, but it's still always fun to do this! This upcoming January "officially" marks 6 years since I fell in love with Kyouko!

Merry Christmas, Kyo! I love you so much!
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Given that it's Christmas and not Valentine's Day, this time I have prepared a Platonic altar dedicated to my favourite shipgirl, Shigure of Sasebo.

Since it's not a strictly romantic submission, it doesn't have to be part of the Christmas Collage.
It's just something I felt like doing this year.

Merri Kurisumasu, and remember: no rain lasts forever.
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First year spending Christmas at home in a long time, though coming to this thread always feels like coming home. Merry Christmas Eila, and Merry Christmas to all you wonderful 2d lovers and your beautiful wives. Here's to many many more, in the predictable and unpredictable futures alike.
Looks extremely cozy, I hope you two have a great new year.
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>did you draw this? love when anons show her in the real world with them. know these sort of images can be hard to make.
I did, I started learning to draw for Chihaya. Long ways to go yet, it's the hardest thing I've done so far.
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Merry Christmas /a/nons! I hope everyone here has had a fantastic year!

I wish I had better lighting but I just work with what I've got on hand

You should kiss that cinnnamon roll NOW

Absolutely gorgeous scenery here!
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Thank you to the anon who drew this! Your art has a lot of soul to it! I love how this turned out, if ya have an art account I can follow I'd be glad to follow ya
on point food choice
thats awesome anon, keep trucking at it arts all about practice hours
>the slot machine
damn anon thats cool. you live in japan or just have a full weeb house?
brojobs aint gay either. really cozy love the candles.
her looking at the merch pile os adorably funny. happy six years!
the high class lighting and set up until you notice the meme card made me laugh hard.
is that some kind of card or clear file you have framed?
the rack focus or whatever its called is real nice in this.
he looks like a real lady killer, enjoy your night!
your never alone with your waifu and Christ Jesus the Lord on his birthday!
That looks quite high-effort Anon. Seems like you may be a good cook

The keyboard being just the right colour is a nice touch

That looks delicious, but watch out, it looks like a couple of figures are this close to being impacted by it

The wallpaper Kyouko is looking at her fellow merch Kyos, good one

7 candles, is that meant to bring good luck?
Also, how do you feel about Neko Arc?

That's okay, don't feel self-conscious about skipping one sitting. Valentine's Day is only 40 days away

There's a lot of black in this Christmas picture, are you doing alright anon? No somber thoughts?

Help me out Anon, what's the context for that picture? Is she hugging someone?

Are you having two different type of cakes? They look pretty and colourful, I am just wondering about the ingredients

Go there at least once. You won't regret it.
"Weebs are disappointed by Japan because there are no subs there" is mostly a lame joke
Outdoor photos are always welcome as a source of novelty, and snow never fails to make Christmas better. Her hair colour resonates, too.

Fascinating. Treat yourself to some crab dishes while there and enjoy the wonderful white scenery.
Seems like you're really in the right place at the right time

Glad to see Oreimo hasn't been forgotten. While it's not my favourite LN/anime/VN of all times, it played a big role into consolidating my interest in romantic anime.
Good colour scheme overall

The local Sayafriend is quite the veteran, I never fail to spot you in these threads so long as I read them from top to bottom.
Unfortunately, I read her VN in a moment of bleakness and suffered heavy depression because of it; I'm glad that someone else was instead able to derive some long-lasting joy from her story

Good job.
Anime love makes simply more sense after visiting Japan yourself

Retiring? From?
It's good that you at least came by to say hello, though. No need to feel self-conscious about skipping one sitting.
And yes, I fully understand not wanting others to find out what you're up to, even though it's neither illegal nor immoral
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Merry Christmas!
Thank you both heheh! That's exactly what I was aiming for, so I'm glad you like it!
>is that some kind of card or clear file you have framed?
It's a card sleeve with her HDD form on it. I've been looking for the cards for a bit, as the series was used to launch a Weiss Schwartz competitor type thing that never got off the ground. It has some really adorable cart art by the original artist tho, so there's a few chase pieces.
>There's a lot of black in this Christmas picture, are you doing alright anon?
Even worse, I was kinda sleepy and forgot to think about the fact that my drawing would have to cover the whole display, but I still kinda like how it came out for a relatively fast thing.
>No somber thoughts?
Just the usual amount. Thanks for caring.
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Merry Christmas /a/, wishing you a warm and bright holiday!

It’s been an interesting year to say the least but I’m so happy to spend another wonderful year with my dearest Oberon! Kept things cozy this year as we’re entertaining a lot of visiting friends & family this holiday. We’re rocking matching holiday sweaters and will be talking everyone’s ear off about the many delicious high grade melons we’ve journeyed to try! Happy holidays!

Hello and Merry Christmas my friend! Good to see you and Altera doing well. That cake looks incredible, well done! How long did it take you to prepare that majestic treat?

Congratulations on hitting so many tremendous milestones this year, Saber is so lucky to have you! Have people asked about your daki during your travels? I also bring my Oberon everywhere and it always makes my day when people ask me about him!

Happy birthday Arc! Lovely ambiance and that card is hilariously cute. Please send some good luck for my neko arc rolls!
My waifu is from there. I want to visit it some day, preferably during winter too.
Cute moth
Merry Christmas my friend and I'm also glad to see you and Oberon going strong. Cute and elegant setup. Enjoy traveling far and wide with Oberon.
>How long did it take you to prepare that majestic treat?
Too long. The hardest parts were icing the cake and cookies and making a functionally stable gingerbread house.
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So noisy, but it can't be helped. I'll try harder in February, I promise. Merry Desumasu!
Have the nips posted yet?
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My folks know I've been obsessed with anime since high school, but they've never known about the shrines. They also like to come down to visit every other month kek.
>Retiring? From?
I used to do the yearly Christm/a/s and V/a/lentines videos for Anon and his Waifu but both inspiration and real life responsibilities have slowly gotten in the way of that, plus lack of originality in lyrics. Hope you're having a great Christmas though!

What are your plans for you and your waifu today? Baking cookies? Cuddling around a fireplace?
Chris and I are going to continue couch cuddling and watching movies before work later
I got a flat pack library for Christmas so I'm going to assemble it and she's going to watch me do it.
>That's okay, don't feel self-conscious about skipping one sitting. Valentine's Day is only 40 days away

If only.
The last time I posted was 2021...
Merry Christmas Lilliefriend, congrats on her new alt in Mastersex!
Thanks anon! I indeed snapped that pick as soon as I woke her up! I'll giver her a proper heads up next time. (^///^)
Looks great anon. What’s in the cakes?
I wish. I was in real hurry when packing my stuff to visit my family and I forgot my plushie. Without my daki and plushie I do miss her quite a lot. Best I can do is look at her picutres.
>What are your plans for you and your waifu today?
After family festivities, mining the internet for new pictures of her (excluding ai) and then rewatching her series or at least the episodes that she is in. I've heard a lot of artists only post on twitter/x nowadays so I'm trying to find a website that is twitter images but works more like an imageboard. I usually only use pixiv and some boorus.
the background is from the Just Natsuki mod, and yes its a canvas! I think I got it from one of those wallgreens online print deals they sometimes do.
Thank you mass-reply anon, we are really cozy here
Baked some Christmas pastries because we were way too tired to do so yesterday with my family, going to enjoy them with some more heavy drinks. Thinking about maybe retaking my photo for the thread with them but now I am lacking the cookies and its the wrong date so maybe thats dishonest. I am happy with the picture I took even if I was planning it to have those pastries originally
Thats a restaurant
Her new outfit is suprr cute, I love it so much
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And so another year ends. This is the 13th time I'm seeing it off with her in my heart. It's not a lucky number, and this year hasn't been too lucky either, I don't know how many more I have left in me. Still, as long as I'm down here, I'll try not to become an even bigger disappointment than I already am, for her sake.

Merry Christmas to all /a/nons. May your love remain eternal!
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Merry Bokumasu!
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Merry Christmas to Lisbeth/Rika and Merry Christmas to /a/ as well, at first the year wasn't seeming so well before really picking up in the second half and I am grateful.

I've wanted to participate in this for a while but I kept missing it until now.
I feel its a bit thrown together but I still like how it turned out.
I will strive to create one even further beyond next year.
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Thanks! I'm more than happy to keep the series alive in people's memory in my own small way.

That's a secret!

Happy New Year to you too!
Fun fact about that figure, I had personally requested abs for it, as the original garage kit was missing parts and needed a new torso and legs sculped for it. It cost me a pretty penny but it turned out amazing!
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It's been a rather interesting year for me. Working on self-improvement in certain aspects of my life. Hopefully these might result in a picture that actually looks nice and isn't on my dusty old desk for once and give my wife the nice space that she deserves. Merghy Crabmas.
I had been nervous about the new content after the initial hype wore off but the new trailer filled me with confidence again.

I can't wait to see more of my beautiful wife on screen!
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>What are your plans for you and your waifu today?

Suffering for 12~ hours while airborne.
very cheerful, I should play pokemon..that isnt pocket..
wow this is nice, love the idea and set up. really cute! the little added detail graphics are great as well.
green is under utilized as a cmas color, and perfect to spam DESU with.Merry Desumasu!
I thought the left wall was smoke for a minute. looks delicious anon!
welcome, hope your enjoying the day with her!
dont worry anon, its a nice bright picture. working on yourself is always hard, good luck and keep it up! someone should post the buyfag dakimakura copy pasta.
Thank you! There's a tiny bit of smoke from the incense, but mostly it's my camera being shitty. Also makes my chicken cacciatore look way too dark, though it's probably also my fault for trying too hard when I was making it. Still very good though!
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Merry Christmas everyone! Making some major life improvements which is pretty scary but waifu will always be by my side. This marks our 11th Christmas together so it's nice to take it easy this time of the year. Never a day I did not think about her. I thank the Lord that my love has never faltered. This has just been pretty okay year for me. I only hope to see the conclusion of her story once author finds an idea.
I was about to sit out this year, since I hadn't had the time to prepare much in the way of things to use for the shrine other than a new Christmas image of Nozomi (not pictured: her friends Nyuu and Yuka next to her), but then I got a little idea on the spur of the moment.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
what do you mean wut? I was showing off my Azumanga Daioh stuff.
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Merry Christmas /a/nons, from me and my Nozomu! It's our 11th Christmas together. I hope he likes the cake I made. I love him so much!
if she didn't wear a diaper would you still love her
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Thanks, glad the photo looks good. She's a character from the untranslated fandisc entry of a VN called Baldr Sky DiveX; funnily enough thanks to some translation drama it'll be forever be untranslated probably, which is kind of fitting for how much of a forgotten character she is even in the context of the series. Regardless, I've had this obssession for about almost a decade now, and still going strong as long as I'll be alive, I guess.
The snow really is fitting, isn't it? I'm happy to always have these Christmases with her that're much nicer than the one from the game she's from...
It's a lot nicer than even I expected visiting here. Best of luck!
Why should something as insignificant as the underwear a person is wearing affect how one feels about them one way or the other? What made me fall in love with her was her selflessness, determination and hidden inner courage.
you fell in love with her because of your diaper fetish but whatever you say anon
Those little cakes look great.
those are macarons
Quick brekkie before I gotta head out and cook for the folks. Merry Christmas, anons
I always appreciate seeing your displays for Nozomu. You seem very choosy about what items you display, and the care you put into your shrine is lovely. Well done, anon, and merry Christmas!
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Tonight we drink. Oh god how I missed drinking, especially my beloved absinthe. Had a stroke this summer so docs forbid me from doing anything fun. I still live, for now at least, but god knows how much time I have left. Serious medical conditions really make you feel like you're on borrowed time and it's running out. Fast. At least I'm getting better at sculpting. I'll make my dream of life sized Beatrice statue real, even if it will be last thing I'd do in me life.
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>still on thread 1 on the afternoon of the 25th

Is waifuism dying or something?

I remember some folks saying in the past that this bi-yearly thread struggles to attract newcomers
Almost forgot. Been so busy with the year and getting myself new merch.
>I remember some folks saying in the past that this bi-yearly thread struggles to attract newcomers
I wouldn't be surprised, most new commers are younger people who's only exposure to waifu culture is FOTM 'waifus' that people draw lewd for a week then move on.
4chan on a whole has changed and this sort of fun light thread doesn't attract young kids anymore. And some times it attracts schizo posters who get mad when posters here also post elsewhere or dont post elsewhere or whatever. Lots of random harassment through the years. Its why you probably only see the same people the last decade, they are use to it. zoomies and alpha cant handle bantz or schizos.
We usually get the second thread couple of hours before the deadline.

>Is waifuism dying or something?
It's literally banned on /a/. This is the last serious waifu thread that isn't deleted by mods after few hours. And that's just the most recent change. For years, any serious waifu thread would result in ban for OP and even all replying anons. Most waifuists migrated to other boards, chans, discords, and that's probably where all the fresh blood ends up.
More people participate in the valentines threads. But I think a lot of people are with family for another few hours and then we may get a small surge.
>And some times it attracts schizo posters who get mad when posters here also post elsewhere or dont post elsewhere or whatever. Lots of random harassment through the years.
No one cares if you post it else where. The people who gets harassed are people who have 3dpd gf, multiple waifus, ironic, etc.
you still have time, you can still put together something nice
I can't post anything because I haven't married my anime gifriend yet. We've only been dating a week and a half. Maybe next year.
Too late. I'm in bed sleeping. Is this a dream?
I've never ever ever managed to enter one of these. My waifu is my waifu. And
Based Shugo Chara friend
I guess as a zoomer and a (relative) newfag who only started participating in these threads last year I should give my input.
I had known about this tradition for a while now, since ronery anon's original Alone For Christmas video when I was 13. I didn't use 4chan at that time (thank god) and wouldn't for a few years but it did inspire me to get a pic with my 3ds camera of me holding up chicken tendies to my monitor with a picture of Miku on it. It's a shame that picture got lost trying to transfer SD cards, I'm sure it's a real gem.
I wouldn't do anything like that again for a few years despite having various waifus and husbandos, even when I was at peak chan usage. I guess I just kept forgetting and it somehow wasn't until a very lonely Christmas last year I got the idea to submit a very hasty entry with my current wife, Rika.
This is all to say there are still newcomers here even if they may be few and far between. Even when I took a break from the site earlier this year I made sure to submit something for Valentine's Day. Despite the website's problems, threads like this make it worth coming back to.
people were harassing the kaiba poster and some others because they also have twitters. some people are just crazy anon.
>having various
We all make decision we regret anon. But ever since I met Rika two years ago I've stayed loyal to her, and she's okay with my history.
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Merry Christmas, /a/

I have to be honest, it's been a really challenging year for us and I'm so glad it's almost over, I know next year will be better. I hope you all have had a good year, and if not I hope your love has kept your spirits up.
Actually one good thing happened this year. I finally finished Monogatari and I have to say not only do I absolutely love it, but I've seen a Shinobu friend here in past years and I want them to know I respect. She really creates the presence and aura of a goddess in every scene.

I really hope there's a Hanekawa friend though. I think for all her faults she's still just a good person with imposter syndrome, she deserves someone who loves her.
Dunno if it was Kaibaposter, but yeah I someone did called out someone(year ago?) but others told him to fuck off.
Like come on, I also posted my photos on twitter. Come at me motherfucker.
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Merry Christmas, /a/!

It's been an absolute mess, this year. Not much good happened apart from moving into a place that isn't moldy as fuck. However, it was a good time to be spending with my wonderful flat wife, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters. Next year I'll definitely have something nicer put up for her.

Greetings fellow Chihaya bro!
Time is funny like that. You think you'll have more of it when you retire or give something up, but you'll always find yourself short on time and then wonder how you did everything you used to do while doing the things you are currently doing.
>Is waifuism dying or something?
I'd argue "yes" among younger people. "Waifu" has become "comfort character" or "fictional other" to many of them, and they also seem unable to dedicate themselves to just one character.

I really don't wanna use reddit as an example because I hate it, but from what I've gathered the waifuism subreddit has lost traffic to ones where being "poly" is allowed and stuff.
How much longer do I have to make a picture?
10.5 hours, I believe. Until 2AM in Cali.
so I have until 5am on the ec?
I think so yeah!
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Back, let's see what you all have been up to

Your waifu is quite brave for dressing like that in winter

Good lighting, candles are always an easy path to victory

Now you look like a dedicated merch hunter. How many years did it take for such loot to fall all in your hands?

Zoomed in for the sake of a dramatic effect, mh? Intriguing. What's the green potion, by the wa-
Wow, intriguing. And you're also a sculptor?
Some interesting life you seem to have

Seeing two characters here? Going to guess Marin is the main one

You also seem to be dedicated to collecting merch and art, I respect such passion. I don't know your character, but he has to be an interesting guy in some way to motivate you to this level

It's the thought that counts, and you could say that you have enough items with you not to make it look too bare.
Just curious, aren't you going to drink anything with your snacks?

11 years of thinking of her every single day? Certainly worthy of respect, and almost certainly true love

Always nice to see you, Shoobfriend, your favourite character is adorable as usual. Still remember when she appeared the first time and people into GuP compared her to Erika
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Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you have a great holidays. I don't have anything to make a shrine with right now so here's how I'm spending this special day
>they also seem unable to dedicate themselves to just one character.

If people can have the same waifu as me, why should I not feel free to have two waifus? Sounds only fair if you ask me
Fair in what way?
I singed my hair on the candles while eating with her one year. It was so embarrassing. But yeah they and the Christmas light braid always help the scene glow.
>you find yourself a waifu
>your waifu cheats on you with some another anon
>to make up for the cuckoldry, you can now have an extra waifu
>the likelihood of meeting an anon who has the same two waifus as you is virtually non-existent
>you can once more feel unique
>Greetings fellow Chihaya bro!
Cheers, glad to see ya!
Always nice to see your Haya drawings, and other aidorus as well. I think your coloring is quite good, your drawings are bright and cheerful.
>>your waifu cheats on you with some another anon
? Are you saying it's a conscious action from her part?
Are you implying waifus have no agency?

If yes, aren't you just in love with a picture, and that's it?
I'm not
>aren't you just in love with a picture
Do you really want to down the absurd reductionism hole so we can say everything is just in our heads consequence of some chemicals?
Someone post the Object Oriented Programming Miku chart.
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Thank you, I try my best.
obscurechads get to disregard this topic
But we don't get any official merch...
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I prefer to think of the media you see you're waifu in as a brief snapshot that simply can't fill in all the details. For instance if two anons were to take Rei Ayanami as they're waifu and thought of what music she might enjoy, they'd probably think of different answers, but each is "right" to that anon. And I believe that principle applies to anything that doesn't outright contradict a canon source of information about her. You'll obviously have a lot of common ground with anyone who same the same character as they're waifu, but you both see her as a different complete person, so she's unique to (You). This is probably advanced autism/delusion, but so is having a waifu to begin with.
we collect all there is and create our own
Hi, husband of Ringo Oginome here, just want to let you guys know I'm not gone, just have had a very busy Thanksgiving and Xmas. Had a death in the family earlier this year which meant spending more actual time together with family.
Glad to see you guys keeping up the traditions.
very cute stuff anon
post 'em when u get back
2 characters? anon, that plushie is one of her cosplays canon to the series
Pic so she won't be completely absent from the thread.
No dinner pic this year, sorry.
Hope you guys have a happy holidays and new year!
Where is Kaiba anon? I came here to see that!
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My cutie under the christmas tree<3333
I'm sorry for your loss, Ringo anon. I hope spending time with your 3D family is helping keep your heart on the mend.

When you're ready, come back and join us. If we're lucky, we'll see you in February!
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Yui and I will be in the same boat as you come tomorrow. Ganbatte, anon!
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merry 𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔tmas!
sire your image
The desserts look nice, Australia
maybe he's from straya
merry SWITCHMAS to all

finally made it to one of these christmas collabs, even had a physical copy of waifu's game on hand

would've shown it on my vita but its battery was ded :(
I just spend $180 on dakis. Is that bad or based?
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>Shinobu friend here
I appreciate the kind words and am glad you are enjoying the series. She is a goddess, but she is also a demon. She is cute, but also can be grotesque. She is funny and nonsensical, but can be deadly serious. She appears weak, but is very strong. Shes hot blooded, and shes cold blooded. Shes both sides of the same coin and I love everything about her.

I think there was a Hanekawa anon in the valentines collage or one of last years collages if my memory serves, so hopefully they'll post soon!
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the game, i mean, battle rockets sadly isn't on the switch

anyway here's my wife
That's roughly a price of a good cover and good pillow without shipping.
It's not the price that matters but the quality. You can easily buy shitty bootleg cover and bad pillow for more than this.

What inner pillow and cover did you get?
>inner pillow
None yet. Suggestions?
Was it a commission or are you just talking about the cover and inner? I have an obscure waifu and I wish I only needed to spend that much for a daki. I need to commission someone to draw a daki... it will probably cost a bit.
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Good evening /a/ and Merry Christmas, I am having a wonderful dinner, and I hope everyone is too.
As with 2024 Valentines, I will post a photo with all my love, and then connect a photo with the correct 4:3 ratio to this one.
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Hallo Hallo
I hope everyone had or still have a good time with you're waifu or husbando
I'm glad I had enough time to finish the Chie Fumo prototype (I had to sacrifice a bootleg one) the last weekend before christmas, it was very hard to do, but I liked the result, I should be able to use better fabrics next time
Today menu was Churrasca (stove bread) with cheese + Mango monster, very good since it's summer here
I wish you a good end of the year and a great new year full of happiness and success
Merry Christmas
Merry Chiemas!

Merry Christm@s and Happy New Year im@sbros

It doesn't help that tomorrow is a normal work day (same for new year) at least for me
I kneel
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Dakimakuri is fine, I have most of my dakis from there.
For the inner, I recommend you checking the current recommendations in buyfag thread. I personally use A&J DHR6500 and it's fine for me. It was a little too firm on first, but over time it became more soft. When I decide to replace it, I will probably get the same one or maybe something a bit more soft, but it's really a matter of personal preference and the position you sleep in. I sleep on my side hugging her face to face.
That's the beautiful irony to me. That she's in actuality a demon yet her attention feels like a providence from heaven. Just like how her ward is still part vampire yet is an exorcist's apprentice, leading others to salvation he'll never fully get.
Merry Christmas /a/!
Ended up a bit similar to last year but I think it turned out nice.
I hope you all had a nice Christmas with your loved one.
Image rotation should be fixed. I think I made that mistake the year before last too.
We do this every year
mods banning genuine waifu threads prevented actual communities from forming, and causing the older ones to disperse
also this thread was made relatively late, normally they're made on the evening of the 23rd.
Should I get two? One for lewd and one for nude cover? Or is one enough? Also, is there a good inner that ships through amazon?
>Now you look like a dedicated merch hunter. How many years did it take for such loot to fall all in your hands?
17 years, but the latest years have been good to me for new merch.
I spent over $600 on a rare, no longer in print, no art released dakimamura and I never once regretted it
Anon's princess Chie is so cute.
Very comfy cozy night you two've got going on, I'm sure you two had a wonderful time.
I always look forward seeing you two.
I think Chie is superlatively adorable, so I wanted to ask, is there any good (SFW) Chie doujin you might want translated? If so, I'd love to give you guys a present next year, if you wanted.

>Merry Christm@s and Happy New Year im@sbros
Thank you, and there's one more! >>274474809
>Should I get two? One for lewd and one for nude cover? Or is one enough?
Idk, do you want a nude one?
Although I do think cuddling naked is a nice intimate experience, dakis are not good for sex unless you come up with some clever onaho setup, so I only ever look at the naked sides of my dakis extremely rarely.
Is Mahiro even your waifu/husbano? If not, then you are probably asking in the wrong place.

>Also, is there a good inner that ships through amazon?
amazon.co.jp ships DHRs internationally IIRC.
>do you want a nude one?
I bought two. One nude, one lewd. I want the nude one because I sleep naked sometimes if its hot and I want her to match.
>Is Mahiro your waifu?
US reccomendations?
>topmost left image
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currently housekeeping, should take a while
>US reccomendations?
International is international. A&J is a Japanese company. Also go read the buyf/a/g guide.
Make sure to take our waifu on a grand adventure!
>also this thread was made relatively late, normally they're made on the evening of the 23rd.
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thank you and have a nice 2025
>is there any good (SFW) Chie doujin you might want translated? If so, I'd love to give you guys a present next year, if you wanted.
there is this one e-hentai org/g/2581264/2de58765dc or e-hentai org/g/1051493/08b909b479/

sorry for missing you, great work and Merry Christm@s and Happy New Year for you and your idol, full of good luck for this 2025

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Patrician taste all around
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I love you dearly Akari, you guide me through my hardest times. Is it 10 or 11 years now? You continue to be my source of strength and hope. I love you. Merry Christmas, everyone.
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Doujins received.
I had forgotten about the Valentine's thread, so look forward to them then!
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I'm not super happy with how my attempt to make Katsu Curry panned out, but I'm just happy I get to spend another year with my beloved Ashigara
That's a nice set anon. Your waifu is top qt
Update time.

You know the drill. Reply to this post if you were missed or see something wrong.

Sadly, I don't. I had to travel to celebrate Christmas with my family. But I'm still here for you guys.
>Do you really want to down the absurd reductionism hole
You started this by claiming that if your waifu appears to cheat on you with another anon, that's just an illusion somehow, it doesn't count, it's trivial, barely worth noting.

If a character can be loved like a human being, then they should also be seen as capable of doing right and wrong things, like a human being.

Someone post the It Takes Two To Avoid Cheating chart.

And if it doesn't exist, it should be created now
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Posting mine before it's over

Happy birthday and Merry Christmas to my beloved, is not much since she doesn't get that much merchandise and it's missing some Christmas feeling but I hope her presence makes up for it, I drew the illustration for a quick project I made during this week.

What a shallow, loveless take on waifuism.
>You started this by claiming that if your waifu appears to cheat on you with another anon, that's just an illusion somehow, it doesn't count, it's trivial, barely worth noting.
You're paranoid, I'm asking questions and you're seeing what isn't there.
Suit yourself then
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i'm so fucking hype
thank you for including my meager contribution
I wish I could participate but I don't own anything from my Waifu. I'm sorry anons :(
You have to commission shit.
It's not about owning bits of plastic or whatever, it's about love
>cook something nice
>add some Christmas decorations
>put waifu on full screen
Eating curry for Christmas with a loved one sounds good, I would. I would just add a spoon and a napkin, maybe a drink? Try simply to match her picture in a way and you should be fine

I like the Santa hat on the daki, nice touch

>17 years
>$600 on a single daki
I kneel

Springfield Anon, another poster I recognise. Glad you are here. Looks good, as usual

Now this is high energy. Don't think I have any feedback other than "it looks great"

Looks properly snowy and festive, you definitely got the mood right

On a side note: it seems that mass reply posts, even when well-intentioned, cannot be longer than X because the system sees them as "spam". Annoying
My waifu barely has merch, just trading cards, and due to circumstances I couldn't put the trading cards in the photo for a long ass time

it's about love, not what your wallet can do.
I recently tried it and got it down to "no more than 10 links"
Any more and you get the warning
Welcome aboard. I'm guessing you were holding the plate with your other hand as you took the photo? Any particular reason why you didn't want to just place it down? Just curious

Apologies. Sometimes I comment on altars I don't know the characters of and get burnt in the process

Lovely cake

If you have independent access to a printer (i.e. nobody will see what you're printing) you can just buy frames and fill them with your favourite pictures with little expenditure of time and money, and that can easily look more impactful than a generic figure of her not doing much
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Not an argument

>You're paranoid, I'm asking questions
A single question, and I addressed it.
Are you just going to ignore my counterpoint?
I'm not entertaining counterpoints to things I didn't say nor think, no. I'm trying to understand why would poly make things "fair".
So if having more than waifufags constitutes cheating, then what's a measure she'd have to take to avoid that? Or is basically any character who appears in any media looking for a potential mate?
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First, let's work out the theory.

If a waifu can be loved by multiple anons,
and every anon can have only one waifu...

What's the difference between this and an IRL relationship that is open only on one side?
I am not here to argument with you. I am just saying that you do not have a waifu. You are just a typical haremfag and you do not belong in here.
The non-reciprocation part.
If you really want to bring it down to full 3d, I think the most similar thing would be the most stanch idol otaku with their favorite idol. But I don't think that's close enough either.
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>I am not here to argument with you
>you do not belong in here

At least you're open about not having any arguments and not being willing to listen to whatever the other side has to state either.

I appreciate the honesty
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>7 candles
I had no specific intention, it just looked symmetrical.
>How do you feel about Neko Arc?
Neco-Arc's very cute and I have plenty of images of her saved, but I feel she's a separate being/existence from Arc, my one and only waifu.
Glad you like the shrine anons, Merry Christmas to all of you!
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Her story is over (not that I really cared about anyone but her) but I will continue to love and live for her.
>you can just buy frames and fill them with your favourite pictures
funny you say that, I've been carrying one of these or a wallet photo of her long before I had any "official" items
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>Still remember when she appeared the first time and people into GuP compared her to Erika
I happen to belong to that group as well. Fun times.
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>What are your plans for you and your waifu today?
We took a trip (read: "date") to South America it did NOT go well unfortunately.
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>trip to South America
>did not go well

Diarrhoea or mugged?
Big Spiders
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>South America it did NOT go well unfortunately.
>Big Spiders
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nvm, love your station though
hi thad
>South America
This so much. I can't stand it because it makes it sound like they're devising some made-to-appeal version of themselves and telling everyone how great a match they personally are, whereas I'm just some guy and I don't think I have any special traits that perfectly slot in with my wife. I just love her and would want to do what I can to show her that.
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One last Merry Christmas everybody
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Merry Christmas from Homura and me!

I wasn’t planning on participating this year, but I got really into collecting plushies lately, and thought it’d be fun to pose them all together (it was). Unfortunately I’m still recovering from a bad cold, but my love for her keeps me strong.
I hope everyone had a lovely time!
>She is your waifu because you love her, not because you two have perfect chemistry or the perfect relationship.

Similarly to how you ship two characters because you like the idea of them together, that's it
>I wasn’t planning on participating this year
why the fuck not, glad you did though. Nice setup
I hate young people.
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Merry Christmas to you fine people and your lovely special someones. It's frankly been a year of unprecedented hardship, but my love for Crona is still strong. It feels perhaps unfair to lean on him so heavily considering his own struggles, but there's nobody else I'd rather call on for the type of support only a life partner can give.

On a brighter note, the Soul Eater manga celebrated its 20th(!) anniversary this year. As part of the festivities, a new wave of official art and merch were released, in which Crona features with surprising prominence. New husbando goods over a decade after the series' end wasn't on my list for 2024, but it was a very welcome surprise. It's been great to see Crona get to properly share the limelight with the rest of the main cast, he certainly deserves the recognition. Maybe I can make a better spread showing off more of it for Valentines. And maybe make a more photogenic treat too, the icebox "cake" I made tastes ridiculously good but kinda just looks like mush outside of the pan.

Anyway, Merry Christmas and here's to hoping for a better 2025.
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This is my first time doing this so I tried my best
Why do you have hentai out in the open like that?
That's a great first showing anon.
ty anon
Since I failed to see anyone else claim her I decided to show my love for my one and only
Could've fooled me by saying this is your tenth year participating. Good stuff
Eh, there’s just a lot on my plate for a while now. I’d rather participate when my heart is fully into it, and I have an idea for something I want to do. It bums me out when I force it and the result just comes out looking awful.
And thank you, I’m glad to hear that!
>reverse search
>0 results
You are a true /a/non. I salute you
Merry Christmas!
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really? that's quite impressive if so
I've been cheating on my waifu
I don't feel worthy to contribute to these threads anymore
wtf. Elaborate. Is it just liking some girl in another series or something?
it's okay i fucked your waifu so there's no hard feelings
I can't believe /a/ is full of narcists
I bought a daki of a different girl
some things have happened and now I don't feel so steadfast in my faithful love anymore
You know you don't have to fuck and have a romantic interest in your pillow covers?
But losing your love for your waifu is still reason enough to fuck off.
I'm a haremchad
Who here does displays outside the major holidays/birthday? What about other characters for any reason?
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Hello fellow anons the past 2 years I've been her much earlier but this Christmas I was very busy with family and friends. Unfortunately I didn't have much private time to put together a very elaborate shrine like before but none the less have to do something for Yukari. This year was a great year not only did us GuP fans get DF4 but I also got my dream job after many years of hard work. I'm extremely grateful for Yukari being with me this year as it was a difficult road and hope to have another great one with her! Also I love seeing everyone in here again with the beloved on this special day! Cheers to you all and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Also collage anon here is the larger 7.2 MB file if that helps you at all: https://files.catbox.moe/s97i38.jpg
I don't have anything. Guess I'm skipping this one again, then.
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Melli Kuri to my favorite Santa! The best present of all is to be with those you cherish, I'm glad to have spent another year with someone as jolly as yourself. Merry Christmas Yui.
im a buyf/a/g so have multiple displays set up for various series I like, and a full-year waifu shrine thats in the top part of the biggest display unit. She also is most of the posters and such in the house.
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Merry Christmas
and a yousoro new year!
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Merry Christmas to my adorable chorogon wife Tohru!
I can't wait for the day I get to see her on the big screen, getting a Dragon Maid movie was something I always wished really hard for but didn't think was likely to happen, but Kyoani found a way

I kept to my idea of ditching the increasingly bloated shrine and used her
nendo for something a little more personal and I really liked how it turned out

If the image gets flipped by 4chan I'm sorry, it's already 3:4 and I didn't want to crop it
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Well I might of just missed the deadline (gomen organizer-kun), but I didn't even think I was even going to have the time to do one this year so I'm a happy camper! made some quick pistachio/lemon cookies for the occasion.
Buon natale and merry kurimasu /a/!
Good taste in girls and guns my man, I just took my 1903 out shooting the other day.
I have over 70 figures and bunch of other merch. It would be hard to not display it at all times, my whole room is like a shrine. It's all of my waifu's though.
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It's nice to see a fellow u149 waifufren! I hope you and Chie had a lovely christm@s together as well and a happy new year!
Looks like we're at the deadline now. It feels this year there's a lot less submissions than last unless it's just me, and that's unfortunate if so, but this thread is still comfy. Hopefully this thread won't be archived by the time I go to bed. Goodnight fellow waifu/husbandofrens, and see you all during Valentine's Day!
And it's done. Thank you all for joining in. Even if the collage turned out smaller, the love and effort you all put into it is strictly growing. And don't you worry, I will be doing this even if it will be just 10 of us who still care about our old imageboard tradition.
I hope you all had good time with your loved ones and I hope to see you all on Valentines Day. Merry Christmas, anons!

Full size image:

Previous collages:
I think this thread actually works best if it's 80 altars instead of 160, that makes it easier for everyone to receive feedback and harder for a photo to be outright lost in a sea of new posts.

Plus, Valentine's Day thread is always bigger.

What am I noticing, however, is that we are also seeing fewer altars dedicated to the same waifu.
Perhaps some anons do have a jealousy issue, as already alluded to in the thread.

Just a side remark
it could also be because less people = less of same character, maybe?
Thanks for the work anon! It looks great
>sorry for missing you, great work and Merry Christm@s and Happy New Year for you and your idol, full of good luck for this 2025
Thank you, and likewise to you as well, Chie Believer
Looks lovely, a shame you are a bit late, you definitely deserve to be in the collage.

As a general statement, I recommend being ready on Christmas' Eve rather than Christmas

Took me a few secons to figure out what side I was supposed to look at this from, but cute. What's an altar thread without a maid altar?

Love her lively expression, definitely fits the holiday

Great altar as well, I would only recommend not letting any figure obstruct the view of your glass, and also maybe to pick one more neutral imagery-wise? Unless it's somehow on-topic, is that some musician?

Don't feel about tardiness as long as there's a good reason. Glad this year was good for you, Christmas must have been especially sweet then

Looks great for a first attempt. Welcome aboard

Glad you could make it, Crona Anon. And yeah, sometimes food can taste a lot better than it looks, especially with photos (I have personal experience of going to Japan and taking pics of landmarks that look nowhere as inspiring in a photo than they do IRL)

What a cute assembly. What exactly is in the bowl, if I may ask? I'm assuming the mug contains kocha
Great work, thank you and everyone participating!
Thanks for doing this once again. I thought about skipping this year because I've been traveling and didn't have time to set up, but I realized that would be silly of me and I would regret it immediately. My entry this year did not have much going on but the process and the result made me feel the way I intended it to.
Thank you for your work
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thank you so much anon, enjoy the rest of the holiday!
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Thanks for the work, OP! I also see a cutie on the bottom right! Hope you all had a good Christmas!
Thank you for your service.

I'm honoured that you included me in the collage, even though my altar is more about platonic love (this one >>274453152).

And it seems that the average quality is as respectable as usual.
Christmas is officially over, so allow me to ask you all, how does Boxing Day (to use the Commonwealth name) make you all feel?
>how does Boxing Day [...] make you feel?
Not a huge fan, I often get knocked out.
>ukraine colors
Thank you for your work!
Thanks for making this. It's my first Christmas collage and it's kind of sad to see less shrines than last year but I will definitely be here next year too.
my favorite in the thread, love your pics anon. though you must have gotten sick of being compared to Thad all the time lol
is it just me where the full size img link is less clear then the one posted here?
Thank you for your service, collage anon!
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beautiful, merry christmas
KyoukoCHADS and HomuGODS won.

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