Yikes! Do Japanese really watch shit like this?
Yeah, it's pretty nutty.
Post the Highschool of the Dead one
>>274757645Shame this show just kinda sucks for being so silly
>>274757645This is just vandread but dumber.
>>274757645Every anime needs at least one scene like this. Preferably every episode.
>>274757645That wasn't her shitting herself was it?Why did she fucking sit in it?
Imagine if the girls were really gassy. being in such close proximity and such a confined space. how lucky
ChatThis real?
>>274757880For the enjoyment of her co-pilot.
>>274757645man this show was absolute dogshit
>>274757880It's probably an edit.
>>274758105No it’s real I remember it
>>274758105This shit would have been a core memory if it actually happened. It's absolutely an edit.
>>274758105It's not real, I don't remember it
>>274758105Thank GOD, that would have made Trigger too based.ONE studio can't be responsible for saving anime twice.
>>274758144>core memorySeriously, what the fuck is wrong with this place nowadays?
>Zoomers genuinely don't remember DITFOn the one hand I want to tell you all to lurk more. On the other hand, as someone who DOES remember Darling In the Franxx, I'll say: you didn't miss much.
>>274757712Hey-! Based -Yuri Chad
>>274757645>>274757712I thought this thread was complaining about Franxx and not Miku sitting in her own mess. I take back my sage.
>>274758623We’re complaining?
>>274757645This did happen.
>>274758289>nowadaysMan you're fucking new.
>>274758400I feel like there have been a lot of newfags lately for some reason. I, for one, welcome them. Oldfags are the biggest boot licking mod cock sucking redditor faggots on the planet and I'm getting sick of them. I embrace the new generation and the inevitable george droyd anime.
>>274758105It has been posted so many times, called real and fake at the same time so many times.I think at this point we will never know, because no one watched this shit lmao
>>274757645WHAT THE FUCK?
>>274758959>lmaoGet out, zoomer.
>try to find the Kanna diaper webm on the archives to contribute>instead, find thousands of images of Goku from high quality "fight me irl he's gay baby vs vetega strength" discussion that shounenfags seem to partake in daily
>>274759503Sometimes I like those faggotsThey’re so surreal
>>274757645I'm white and I watch PEAK like this
>>274758959>no one watched this shitFranxx completely took over the board every week it aired
>>274757645that last part wasn't in the show
>>274759503if /dbs/ and /opg/ got nuked the average IQ of /a/ would go up by 25 points
>>274757645I'm sorry, did she shit her body suit???
>ditf is 7 years oldoh no
>>274758844Well, haven't really visited here that much in last 5-8 years or so, got truly back into anime quite recently. But some things I've now seen posted here are truly just baffling.
>>274759995scatfag edit
>>274759503I legit cried laughing reading these, you can feel the autism radiating from the image
it amazes me how many people think this actually happened. how are you all this new?
>>274758946What do you mean by that. I thought oldfags were supposed to be chill
>>274758105No. It's real.
>>274757765Vandread is dumb and bad so its double bad. I can't believe how it ended in a wet fart after setting things up so much. Fucking faggot didn't even bone Jura and her bitch girlfriend
>>274757645>>274760458Why? Why is this a thing?
>>274761421When you gotta go you gotta go.
>>274760314It was in the original ATX release. I was so shocked seeing it live that I got my finger stuck in my fingerbox.
>>274758105It is an edit.On a sidenote, the uniforms are based on traditional Shinto wedding attire.
>>274759781When she actually pisses in the diaper it's one of the hottest fucking things I've ever seen in an anime. Yes, I know I'm a degenerate, I don't care.
Mods please nuke the thread and ban everyone in it including myself
>>274757645Post moar faggot.
>>274761175Of course the tasteless harem retard would think Vandread is bad. Monogamy > your trash.
>>274758959Fuck you. I watched all 14 episodes and then stop when finished with an open ended but satisfying finale.
>>274762140>24 episodes of blueball ended with handholding is monogamy
>>274760458Wtf?! I was enjoying this until the last part.
>>274758105Schrodinger's poop
>>274760458>that ending
>>274757645Do you agree with this question; Darling in the Franxx was the the first FOTM anime, and set up on path to weebslop like Dandandan
>>274757645>they had to show this in the second episode because if they put it in the first almost everyone would quit in disgustHoly sunken cost fallacy
>>274757645>>274760458>>274763510I know these are disgusting fetishists but it's honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen
>>274763354>>274763510I thought the ending was cute. What didn't you like about it?
>>274757645This is a diaper shitting fetish edit and not in the show >>>/d/ + nsfw
>>274757645>I have the strangest boner>>274757880that was a butt dick bonerAnyhow, always be sure to poop BEFORE you put on a tight bodysuit.
Sketchman is a national treasure and he'll never even know the cultural impact of his work.
What other series could a similar scene be edited into?We're all on Christmas break and have weeks to redraw things frame-by-frame.
>>274760458God that’s hot.
>>274757645>>274760458i cant stop laughing
>>274757645do you not?
>>274759890DitF would have been better received if it was.
>>274761906What the fuck is that helmet?
>>274765004That's not a helmet.
>>274761421>>274763354>>274763510I haven't seen the anime, but it's obviously her tail, she's a dragon.
>>274765423I have seen it. Her tail isn’t that big…
peepee > poopoo
>>274765703They’re both great.
>>274765703It's not a fair comparison. Piss is well-represented in anime, while poop scenes are non-existent (except in niche, hardcore pornography). The genre is underexplored.
>>274760458This one I appreciate on just a technical level. Clearly some effort was put in.It used to get posted on /wsg/ with the audio intact, so you could hear subtle crinkling And the last couple seconds were cut off to really confuse people on whether or not it was real
>>274760458This is awful.
>>274760761>I thought oldfags were supposed to be chillthe chill oldfags never bring attention to the fact they are, if you know someone is an oldfag from the first post on then its clear they are in here just because they are too insufferable to be accepted anywhere else
>>274757645chat is this real?
>>274763591Incredible stuff you can't make up
>>274757645I can never understand the appear of these shits
>>274759503I have lost track of how many times I try to find something completly unrelated to dragon ball only to have pages of /dbs/ ritual shitposting pop up in the archive. Hundreds and hundreds of the same posts.
>>274758959Franxx was extremely popular when it was airing.Up to a certain point at least, I remember it dropped the ball hard around midway.
>>274759503>>274767508Lel, guess I'm not the only one.
>>274762151So did she shit herself or no?
scatfags should be flushed to death
>>274761906And here comes a SHOCKING fact, bro: riding the robot is an alegory for sex. Notice how the female pilot is in all fours and feels pleasure on synchronizing while the male pilot grabs her from behind?...fucking kid.
>>274766427I guess there's the one in Made in Abyss but you don't get to see anything.
>>274767454If it was a regular size one, you'd hardly be able to see it.
>>274770218There's two in MiA's second season. But yeah you don't see anything and they decided to use the loudest stock farting/shitting SFX they could find.
>>274772455How do you know it's a stock sound effect?
>>274765004It's called a tsunokakushi (horn hiding hat). Think of it like their version of a bridal veil.>>274768152There's a crazy number of references throughout the series. Unfortunately westoids missed lots of them because they were too busy arguing about shipping. The final space battle scene is actually a wedding complete with groomsmen and bridesmaids right down to the choreography and throwing the bouquet. The very final scenes of the battle are an egg being fertilized and the creation of new life.
>>274760458Cool is into diapers but I don't think he goes that far unfortunately. The very first chapter of Kanna's spin-off has her and Saikawa farting though. Shouta almost dies.
>>274757880My immediate thought was, “why is her ass getting a boner?” Before realizing what was happening.
>>274758959I watched it. That scene is 100% real.
>>274757645An human paid another human to professionally edit this clip with his scat fetish.
>>274775715Actually incorrect. He did the edits on his own time because he wanted to. They weren't commissions.
>>274758959It's real. I watched it in its entirety.
>>274774052>smokingYes. Get that shit off my screen.
>>274757645>offended westoid retardAnime doing its job
>>274757645Thanks. Been searching for the webm for years.
>>274757645Kill yourself.
>>274772505self portrait?
>>274757645Testing this post
Could be worse...
>>274781014That one looks better though. Twice as much.
>>274759503Chads of /a/, dominating even the archivesReminder that Jiren is the most posted image on /a/
>>274781746It's only wet. No need to change.
>>274781944Cancer slowly killing the board. Imagine a world where mods actually enforced the no general rule. But apparently, thousands of cuck rp ritual shitposts in every thread is their ideal vision for /a/.
>>274761175The cg kills what little good this show had
>>274758946yes, hello newfriend. I am glad you are welcoming yourself.
>>274783854I was willing to overlook that for the worldbuilding with the girls and boys living on different planets but the plot turning into beat the evil bad alien empire is just flat and boring and i thought there was gonna be some interesting developments and boy i was wrong
>all edits nothing realAt least post the scene from tsugumomo
>>274758289>>274758844I don't understand, what's wrong with what he said?
>>274759503If there is a heart in dessicated corpse of board, it is to be found in /dbs/ and /dbs/ alone and I stand by this despite loathing dbspics whenever they wander outside of their e-favelas
>>274784467I haven't seen that one yet.
I dont remember miku growing a tail
>>274784571old man yelling at clouds basically
>>274757645peak fiction
>>274757645Yeah, the Japanese do seem to enjoy slop nowadays.
>>274788201At least the scene makes more sense now.
How is everyone on di/a/per doing tonight?
>>274787526explains why they like your favorite anime so much
>>274788644Crossing my fingers that we get an anime this year.
Kill yourselves. I welcome extreme measures.
>>274788644Post diapered mangoo
>>274789496Does she actually use them though?
>>274789537Close enough
>>274789568If that's the closest it gets, shame. I'll give it a read though.
>>274789591Its short but still kinda funny this manga never gets mentioned.
>>274757880What is she supposed to do? Ask the giant alien to wait while she takes a potty break?
>>274789629It was a retarded marketing ploy that deserved to fail.>LOOK THIS GENERIC MECHA MANGA IS ABOUT A GIRL WHO WEARS DIAPERS, HOW QUIRKY AND ORIGINAL! NO WE WON'T ACTUALLY SHOW THEM!Normalfags are going to whinge either way, so nobody benefits from that. It didn't help that she was an entirely unsympathetic and whiny hikkiNEET bitch.
>>274788254I legit had no clue what was going on in the original.
>>274790499I was always under the impression he wanted her to pass the drugs she was carrying inside her, but couldn't manage to push them out.
>>274790499It's a shitty verbal and visual pun on him urging her to literally "let out" ("hand over" would be the idiomatic translation of dasu here, though, but the translation where she gets told to give him her "due dues" localizes the pun well) the money and how her over the top groveling looks like she's straining to do her business.
>>274773964Cool is into diapers (boobs)
>>274789496>not posting the original diapergirl
Pullups are cute but everything else diaper related is disgusting. Scat, piss, huge diapers, it's all horrible.
>>274784571It's a meme that originated outside 4chan, therefore it's bad.Googling it, it seems to be from the Pixar movie Inside Out.
>>274795118>It's a meme that originated outside 4chan, therefore it's badTwitterspeak is cancer and the less of it on 4chan the better
>>274795118I didn't even know that the term 'core memory' was a thing until I looked it up like you did. I just figured he meant something very memorable.
>>274793781There actually existed one named Tsukasa all the way back in the 80s, when the lolicon pioneer Uchiyama Aki was running a surreal diaper fetish manga called Andro Trio in a mainstream shounen magazine.
>>274795937Raws anywhere?
>>274796761You can find the entire series on Exhentai. It's an absolute acid trip, though.
>>274767148This is love.
>threads with diaper edit as OP is still up after over a day>snw thread deletedSausage.
>>274797057It’s true.
>>274763543FOTM has been a thing since at least 2006.
>>274757645....Who on the team though this was a good idea?
>>274757645Man I hate this edit so much it makes me sick to my guts
>>274759781they put a loli in an ecchi anime and they do fuck all with herwhat a waste of my fucking time
>>274757645Janny really liked this thread for some reason.
>>274783244Depends on how long she has been wearing it.
>>274800235If it’s not brown, not long enough.
>>274796987So cute.
>>274757645Shart in the FranXX
>>274760458Man, this is so good.
>>274759503The diaper duo is real.
>>274759945But /opg/ is the thinking cog of /a/
>>274795937>shonenThat first chapter is wild. Boys were eating good in the 80s.
>>274796776Is a translated version on there too? I've only seen the first chapter elsewhere.
>>274804004No, only the raws.
>>274795118I thought that movie sucked but if people want to use a term from it to refer to things that leave a lasting impression then whatever. It sounds very normal compared to other words that get spammed.
>>274801917I wish it continued but there wasn't really anything else left from the original scene to edit.
I always found this scene in the original Fate/Stay Night anime to be a bit strange.>>>/wsg/5774799
>>274807832Where did the smell come from?
>>274808146Tohsaka's anus.
>>274808305I'll clean her up then.
>>274808305She's like a snail except with poop instead of slime.
>>274794625It's when she's acting too much like a baby that I'm out.
>>274811114Yeah completely takes away from the whole humiliation aspect when they mentally regress to a toddler.
>>274798519Someone who needs a raise.
>>274788644Snuggly and soggy under my covers >.<
>Thread still upJannies clean up shitty threads but not the SHIT thread.Interesting
>>274813789I guess this discussion is just higher quality.
>>274781637Ok, I know FOR SURE this is an edit.Scarfags must be desperate to actually redraw scenes frame-by-frame.
>>274759503Fact: /a/ has had zero impact on site culture in the past decade outside of Dragon Ball Super threads
I'm President of Anime and I declare all diaper edits to be canon
>>274761939Post the scene pls
>>274785704in the OVA where they lose a game to a kami and get dressed up as punishment with one if them in a diaper and pacifier also supposedly in one of the regular episodes a sick boy gets put in a diaper
>>274816500What about them?
>>274794625If they're not being used for their intended purposes then what's the point
>>274757645Just for the record there's an earlier part to this edit where it's the changing room scene but their undies are edited into diapers. I think they were pull-ups styled. Anyway Ichigo should be forced to crawl around the house in only a big poofy diaper and pacifier while 02 points and laughs at her.
>>274772872>their version of a bridal veil.fun fact, "traditional shinto wedding" isn't traditional, it's a relatively modern invention based on western weddings
>>274772505Honestly it's so fucking funny to me how tsuk is a 100% match for the fat bastard phenotype.
anons, look out!
>>274817577Please aim at my waifu so I can watch her wet herself.
>>274817577At least it's not a no. 2 beam
The Shuumatsu Train anime had a scene where a character in a TV show got put in a diaper and she got embarrassed over it
>>274818395She should use both on Shouta when he least expects it.
poopy diaper
Does your waifu still fit in baby diapers
>>274819347She's pretty smol, I bet she would.
>literal shitposting
>>274819347Probably not. She's young but curvy.
>>274758213Trigger is probably hiding a lot if degenerate stuff at their studio.They straight up did a scat episode in Season 1.
>>274758289Rory's scat doujins.....
>>274820184I can't remember if I've read all of them but there was one I really liked.
I can't complain, DarFran is the reason Makeine exists.
>>274757765More like Aquarion but dumber.
>>274820867She's got nice thighs.
>>274781637The Dragon Maid one was funny, but this one is utterly disgusting. I'm out of this thread. See you around, weirdos. I hope you get help... and some basic hygiene standards.
>>274821763What's wrong with it?
I wonder how many anons actually wear diapers themselves, haha. Wouldn't that be weird?
>>274821908I don’t. I prefer seeing cute girls wearing them. Wouldn’t say no to it though.
reminder that FranXX is pronounced Frankiss and anyone pronouncing it franks is wrong
>>274821813you can see the shit permeate through her diaper, dude. doesnt that strike you as disgusting in the least? nevermind.. you probably used to it.
Just for the record diaperfags aren't necessarily scatfags. For most diaperfags the poop ideally stays inside the diaper out of sight. Some diaperfags are even disgusted with the idea of pooping in them itself. It's a spectrum. For the Japanese diaperfag community there is a notable intertwine with omorashi, with the focus in a lot of Japanese diaper art being on the pissing.
>>274822846>mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness mental illness All I'm reading
>>274820867so humiliating
>>274822846I stopped reading after the first period. You are a massive retard oh my god.. how do you even function in society? You probably barely and rarely do, and everyone make fun of you everywhere you go. Throw away the diapers and learn to control your sphincter until you find a bathroom, you dingus.
goo goo gah gah
>>274823027But it's so lovely to be able to go whenever you'd like without worrying, and every time you do, you'll get even warmer and more snuggly. When you feel it coming, it doesn't mean you have to hold on tight and put everything on hold. In your diaper, it's perfectly okay to stay cozy and let it all out slowly, feeling it all around you like a warm hug. You can even snuggle in deeper as it gets softer and softer and more and more squishy and cuddly. Doesn't it sound just wonderful?>>274821908That would be very funny. Haha!
>>274823361babu babu
>>274823390Nobody will want to live with you except other weirdos and animals if this is how you feel about carrying shit and piss around your groin for hours or days like a big baby, you moron.
>>274824463too late, you're curious about it now, bet you're blushing in embarrassment over the thought of wearing one
>>274824509Nope. I just took a dump and a shower immediately after, and the first thing I did was get rid of every single trace of feces and piss on my skin because that's what hygiene is all about, you troglodyte. Being pristine is the best feeling in the world, on par with eating and sleeping.
>>274758105>Turing test status: passed
>>274824552That's what powder and rash cream is for
>>274824552Get the fuck off 4chan, normalfaggot
>this entire threadWhat's wrong with you to be into this, anon? I'll have to give you a thorough examination.
>diapers>grown girls acting like babiesMeh.It's best when it's deliberate and in their panties.
>>274757880I thought this was a weird af diaper edit
>>274825096Yes it's a diaper AND shitting edit. These two can happen simultaneously
>>274825436yeah IK, I mean that's what's what it is. It's an abdl edit.
>>274822734She's just peeing in that one, though. Not like it's leaking or anything, either.
>character is wearing a diaper>explosive diarrhoea at the first frame it's in full viewWhy do they keep doing this? It's supposed to be subtly erotic, not Keblam! at the first opportunity.
>>274827102who is "they"
>>274827102Western diaperfags can't into subtlety. If they draw an image with several characters, every single character in it has to be wearing one and unloading into it, regardless of their personality and character dynamics. There's so much art that would immediately be drastically improved if one just were to edit out the diaper worn by the obvious mommy of the image.
>>274827215What? There's more art with the mommy not diapered than otherwise
>>274826867>N-not like it's leaking or anything, mkay?still gross, you nasty ass diapernigger
The appeal of diapers to me is the humiliation and cuteness factor. Girls trying to hide diapers under their skirt, being pampered and treated like a little girl, or wearing them with other babyish clothes like a kindergarten outfit or randoseru is what it's all about. Girls getting fucked or fingered while wearing diapers is nice too. Scat is just nasty and piss is okay but unnecessary. I hate that messing is 99% of diaper art.
>>274827466>pee>grossReturn to whence you came from, normalfag.>>274827672>I hate that messing is 99% of diaper art.I'd say it's relatively rare on the Japanese end if anything, since unlike the west, they haven't developed a distinction between soiling and scat.
>>274827914>I'd say it's relatively rare on the Japanese end if anything, since unlike the west, they haven't developed a distinction between soiling and scat.There is plenty of garbage under the おむつ tag on pixiv. Maybe not as much scat as the west but it's still dominated by terrible ugly art.
>>274827672I'd say it's less humiliation for me and more about the caregiving aspect of it. Taking care of a girl to that extent is weirdly hot to me. Like they can't even control their own bladder and need to have someone else do it for them. Don't really like shit tho that's too far.
>>274827976Many of those are by western DeviantArt refugees. Just block the garbage artists with custom uBlock filters.
>>274813789Jannies are trannies,are you surprised they are ok with shit and diaper threads?
>>274828034Yeah girls being carried around, hand fed, teased, and doted on is really cute too as long as it doesn't have babytalk. That kills my boner.
>>274828385true baby talk is cringe af, just stick a paci in tho and it solves the problem.
>>274825021It really just boils down to the simple facts that diapers are comfortable and cute underwear that makes asses look even thicker and girls even more embarrassed at being seen in their underwear. If anything, whenever people react negatively to diapers (as opposed to and regardless of their contents or lack of them), it suggests that their parents' poor potty training methods instilled a trauma manifesting as irrational histrionics at the subject of diapers.>>274825093Omorashi without diapers is just unsanitary. Diapers keep it contained and easy to clean up.
>>274825021>Oshikko SenseiFucking lol
>>274822734That could be her dildo or anal jelly, anon.
>>274825093I do like that a lot but a diaper (usually) prevents it from leaking out of the sides.
>>274758959>no one watched this shit2018 isn't even that long ago. What happened that brought in this ammount of newfaggots to /a/? Was it covid?
>>274827102I much prefer when it’s solid but I’ll take what I can get.
>>274828034Some gentle teasing is fun (going both ways) but this is a major part of it.
>>274828142Mihari finally solved the piss problem. I’m surprised it took this long.
Anyone got the Hoshizuku Telepath edit?
>>274830127Not this one.
Mmm baby poo. Yummy in my tum tum.
>>274828987yeah, totally not disgusting, faggot!
>>274822846>Just for the record diaperfags aren't necessarily scatfags. Yeah we know, you're the type of bodily waste faggot with a """"SFW"""" softcore baby fetish.Thankfully the latter isn't gonna save you from the growing wrath of anti-NSFW policies nor change the fact you're another cringe ace faggot with an alt. fetish.
>>274830681I think you got lost on your way to /pol/. We love fetishism here.
>>274830971What about children?
>>274829948>but a diaper (usually) prevents it from leaking out of the sideswhich is a shame :D
>>274828987>brownish-yellow anal jellySo poop but for cowards?>>274830085Is the show itself actually good?
Mmm toddlers
>>274831408That's the edit I wanted. No pissfag, but it's genius. The show itself starts cute like all kirara shows, though it turns a bit into forced drama in the second half, which many anons found annoying. If you generally like cute girls shows, I say give it a try.
>>274831408genius. i laughed hard, and i havent even heard of this show before
>>274795118>It's a meme that originated outside 4chan, therefore it's bad.Exactly
>>274795118>>274831766Like ToT.
>>274830971How is any of this /pol/? Are you clinically retarded?
>>274831408>So poop but for cowardsMore so "im not into it yet"
>>274833638Turds are political
>>274833638/a/ is a den of proud perverts, while whining about fetishes and being for censorship of them is peak /pol/ garbage. I'm surprised he didn't spew his meme "degeneracy" word.
>>274831408Can I join this club, or is it exclusively for high school girls and truck drivers?
>>274833704No way.
>>274819394Anon, I like lolis as much as the next guy, but this sounds too smol.
>>274834889I've toddlers
Need more DL content.
>>274834889I mean, she's not that small. Think Megumin sized. You would have to stretch them a bit, and I guarantee they'd overflow if she released a full tank.
>>274835536Don't forget astroglide and kids love the taste because it's glycerin and water based.
>>274835573How exactly do you know this? Is there something you want to share with the class?
>>274835601You can find all the ingredients on the website.
>>274835639I think I'll pass on buying the fast track to hell, anon.
>>274831897But ToT originated here. Sure, it was mostly picked up by people who use not only 4chan but also twitter and reddit and discord, but it still started here.
>>274835665With astroglide you can go as fast as you want
>>274835752I can't fuck 2d girls from anime video games, so the point is moot.
>>274835901>2DThat's retarded. Stop it.
>>274835536Depends on which tank she's emptying, I suppose.
>>274830971/pol/ is like your dad. Even if my father's dead, there'll always be someone there to scold me that intentionally unpotty training myself isn't a good idea, rather than everything being okay and different and special, then go on a long winded tangent on the worth of man quoting Aristotle and Roman emperors to back it up.
>>274838863I guess your psychological hangups really explain why young men need a father figure, yes.any father figure is better than whatever the internet offers them.
>>274823027Ryza's body is so erotic. I'd let her control my sphincter any day.
>>274838863The failing of most self indulgent diaperfags is their inability to do right by your people and your nation.We must secure the tapes of our people, and a future for white diapers.
>>274840279They won't be white for much longer...
>>274760239>boots in the bathWhat is she? Reptarded?
>>274823390What was it like getting molested?
>>274840645wow it's just CFNM fetish stuff
>>274839553I want her to lose control of hers.
>>274840962There's only one way to find out.
>>274758844Yeah I mean Darling in the Franxx aired only >7 years agoOh boy. I can't believe it's going to be 10 years since I joined this shithole. I guess I am here forever after all and I'm only 23 for fucks sake
Why is this literal fucking shit thread not deleted? Bring fascism back.
>>274839553The amount of time spent and plot importance of Mahiro wetting him/herself in the series was so much fun. True that it could all be solved with a little padding.
Meant to reply to >>274828142
>>274765283It's a battlestation!
>>274838863Man is not worthless but he is definitely not special
>>274768013No. It's a pervert edit.
>>274757645This thread needs to be purged and annexed from human experience. Two nukes wasn't enough.
>>274845347Hoping for a season 2 with even more wetting scenes.
>>274828142Now he won't need to get up during his gaming marathons until he runs out of food!
>>274845347Diaper practicality is underrated for this exact reason.
all of you are dumb stinky babies
>>274856900The ones with cute designs are even more practical.
>>274859422I've actually heard that some abdl diapers are better than medical diapers. Turns out people who want to wear diapers are better at making them.
>>274859802Huh, I didn't know that. I guess the medical ones are designed to be cheap to produce while the others are designed to be enjoyable to wear.
>>274859802They are. Medical diapers are designed to be changed ASAP, so they don't hold a lot and are mass produced. This is the same for drugstore adult diapers, they're cheap trash not designed for long-term wear and will leak almost instantly.ABDL diapers have a much higher super absorbent polymer (SAP) content, and are thus better for long-term wear. The tradeoff is they're somewhat more expensive.Some medical supply companies have had improved incontinence products because of push from ABDLs, and so they market their products to them on the side.
>>274758289its full of reddittors
>>274760458what the fuck is wrong with you people
>>274757645i-i dont remember seeing that last part...
>>274861073They improved a great scene.
>>274861493Check again.
>>274757645Now that's what I call a filler episode
>>274759503Fucking LMAO
I just hope none of you wet the bed past age 10.
>>274866174What's wrong with that? If properly managed even that isn't a problem. Sometimes the human body doesn't work properly, nothing to be ashamed about.
>>274866174Some incontinent people use the ab/dl fetish/lifestyle as a way to cope
>>274867631abdl really seems like an exclusively positive thing for anyone suffering from actual incontinence. Why wouldn't you want someone who views your physical issues as a positive?
>>274867631>copeHow will you cope when Mommy cradles you in her arms and smooshes your squishy diapee?
Alright anons, Some miracle let this thread remain up. So let's keep up the topic. What anime girls do you think would be most likely to have an abdl fetish of some kind? I'd put my money on picrel I think. I mean Clara loves playing baby games. Wears onesies constantly. Is probably autistic. And her strongest fighting technique is to trap her opponents in an age regressing pocket dimension where she plays with them while stealing their mana.
>>274868372If Miyano wants to be as comfy and lazy as Tanaka, I'm sure diapers are not far down the path. She's baby already, and it would be a great fit for herUeno-san has surely experimented with them. She's already done enough experiments involving peeing.
>>274868372I’m fairly certain Kirara would make Puniru (or any random child, really) wear a diaper if she had them in her clutches for long enough. Although I’m not sure whether it’d be a fetish in her case because she’s completely fucking deranged.
Does anyone remember Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama?Belphegor's entire arc/gimmick is that she is so extremely shy around anyone, especially her big imposing love interest, that it causes her to immediately need to pee over any interaction (which is the same premise as Omujo I now realise). Hilarity ensures as they become closer and she comes to realise he's actually a big softie who loves teddy bears, strawberry cakes, and her, all along.
>>274869316I haven’t heard of it but she sounds fun to cuddle.
>>274869153Kirara is a demon. She's already corrupted millions.
>>274760458Thanks goodness that last part is just an edit...
>>274868372This sounds lovely, but the source material seems to be one of those endless battle shonen like Black Clover or Nanatsu no Taizai where I presume she's not really the focus compared to pure fun like MahoAko. I'll have to skim through all her "battles" while avoiding all the plot/lore ancient evil 12 heavenly generals magic scrolls transformation mumbo jumbo.
>>274869761Nah it's mostly pure fun. It's just like one sorta battle arc in like the third season where she learns to do that. She's basically the fem mc too.
>>274869788Thanks, anon. I'll use that information wisely.
>>274869858If it’s coming, she should let it out.
>>274869858>>274868372source is welcome to demon school iruma-kun fyi.
>>274869912But that would be embarrassing...
So what trauma triggers wearing and shitting in a diaper as an adult?
>>274870219>peeing in the pool>realise you can take the pool with you
>>274870219unironically it's probably most often just a fluke of brain wiring. Everyone wears diapers in early childhood and it's an article that covers your privates. Makes perfect sense that if you had any kind of sexual moment that early some people would develop a fascination with them.t. developed abdl fetish at like 4 when I was being taken out of pull ups
>>274870302Yeah? Is that right around when uncle decided to play special games with you?
This literal shit fetish doesn't belong anywhere while generic loli threads get deleted. Slit your throats, you disgusting subhumans.
>>274870353Nah was never done anything like that. You can have arousal at any age.
>>274870219I've always had very poor bladder control. You'll never try it unless there's some medical issue or you've read too much manga, but once you have for whatever reason, you realise immediately it's like sex. The embarrassment of peeing myself uncontrollably well into my teens at school and in bed did hurt at the time, and psychologist autism could claim it's trauma thing, but in all honestly, it's just comfy and feels nice.
>>274868372Fuck, now I forgot most anime I ever watched. In terms of mainstream anime Darkness from Konosuba probably indulges in ab/dl play both in private or public as part of her humiliation fetish. Going on a tangent, Megumin probably needs them after exhausting her body from explosion magic since she can't even move her body. Actually instead of guessing which characters are into this fetish, it's more that I could imagine what diaper-related scenarios they could be subjected into, for instance idol characters having to endorse brands or magical girl characters dealing with an ab/dl themed villain, or who would still wet the bed.
>>274869316Any characters with a piss trope or gag scene should be put in them full-time to prevent any puddles
>>274870219Some regress because they didn't have a fulfilling childhood, also some don't even like the act of pooping in them. It's more of a spectrum.
>>274759503I've discovered those "DragonBall" threads are surprisingly fun. You can post literally anything like it's [s4s], from crackpot UFO disclosure articles to pfbfpfbfpf gibberish or which Yuru Yuri girl is the strongest providing that you use gokuyelling.jpg or add ENTER, BAJETA, use CHAD/KEK excessively, etc. Half the posts are unintelligible jibberish peppered with "Vegata is gay". I'm not sure anyone on those threads even watches DragonBall or if it's just an excuse to shitpost like /tv/ Sneed or Bane threads. They're not obsessive fans like /g/ Apple or Brave Browser fanboy threads defending things at all. I couldnt spot a single wall of text from a genuine headcanon/theorycrafter autist and they all seem to all be thinly veiled Walk the Dinosaur WHO WAS RING setups.
Actually beneath Dragon Ball shitposters. At least they only bring up literal shit for insults. /a/ has reached a new fucking low.
>>274870587Did you ever have problems when you stayed over at a friend's house?
>>274870899>idol characters having to endorse brandsAnd they’ve got to use them on camera so the people at home can see that they work.
>>274869506And billions have been spilled in the school bathrooms thanks to her.
>>274870043It’ll be fine as long as nobody notices the diaper under her dress. I’m sure the noises could be explained somehow…
now THIS is a good thread
>>274873159for easy checking she should be made to wear just the diaper and nothing else
>>274757645Glad to see 2025 starting off strong for this board
You disgusting faggots need burned alive.WHERE ARE THE FUCKING MODS
>>274874240chill dude
I love how you can tell that there's a tourist absolutely seething at underwear of all things while the diaperchads enjoy themselves.>>274868372Rather than speculating, I'll just say that Tomoe from Mai-Otome, Yaya from Shugo Chara and Kishika from 100GF are shown to be into AB stuff. Kusuri from 100GF is a DL, too, and Hahari is clearly into being a mommy for ABDLs.
>>274875117>/v/tard calling anyone else touristsYour disgusting shit is a crime against 2D and was rightfully never allowed before. Kill yourselves.
Kill yourself.
Human rights were a mistake.
>>274875285>>274875323calm down anons don't want you shitting yourself in anger without proper protection XP
Literal shit fetish subhumans need to forcibly deep throat a shotgun.
Drop into acid.
How is this thread real
This is literal shitposting. Enough.
>>274875426Report and spam. I've had enough.Literal shit for days now. They all need killed. Not /a/.
>>274875378>>274875407>>274875426>>274875491lmao vanilla faggot is mad
>>274870899Umika from Stardust Telepath seems like a bedwetter. The fact that >>274830127 is just flipping around the order of a few shots in the same scene makes it feel like even the actual series is alluding to it there.>>274875244You're clearly the crossboarder here, seeing as you're being this butthurt about a fetish this tame. You're not welcome here, normalfag.
How are subhumans like that fucking tolerated for days straight on fucking /a/. Literal shit is considered the lowest a person can go. This is what you allow to happen instead of spamming.
Reminder that this is one of the tamest least aggressive fetishes out there. Anons seething in this thread probably are into rape hentai or worse. Still kinda crazy this thread is up. It def shouldn't be on a blue board regardless.
>>274875591>hating shit now makes you a normalfag Blow your brains out, you literal shit taste nigger. You're fucking intolerable and don't deserve any peace at all on this board.Stop putting up with this, you cucks.
>anons are insulting me while I'm going wee in my paddingFank you so so much for playing wit mee! I love you all lots! *snugs tight*
>>274875692you're throwing a bigger tantrum than actual diaper-pooping babies bro
>>274875742Kill yourself. Take your "ur just as bad/worse" shit with you straight to Hell.No more.
>>274875713>going wee>britishsay nappy right now
>>274875688Rape is hot as fuck in regular anime or hentai. Shit is for disgusting subhumans and you can't even try justify anyone liking it. Fuck off.This is rock fucking bottom.
>>274875989>he admits that he's okay with rape, but consentual diaper play is immoral and wrongholy kek
>>274757645why did she shit herself?
>>274876069I mean, when ur in a situation like that you can't exactly just "go to the bathroom". I mean you know astronauts wear diapers right?
>>274876015Kill yourself, subhuman.
>>274875688>Most kinksIs that meant to be satire? It fails, if so.
>>274876093They're not diapers they're called Maximum Absorbency Garments
Fall into acid.
>>274876030yeah now say dummy
>>274875713you are so based mani dont even care if you're sitting in your actual feces and piss but you are my hero for pissing these people off
>>274876154I mean most kinks I know are about violating your SO in some of the worst ways humanly possible, but abdl is all about caring about your SO.
>>274876173Aw...you gonna cry and shit yourself?
Please stop fighting, everybody! There's enough room in anime land for us all!
>>274876264I could imagine the girls playing house with Mya-nee as the baby
>>274876179You're just making fun of me... I don't want to say it...
>>274876230Slit your throat.
>>274876422no no no, i'm making fun WITH you. totally different
>>274876264No, there isn't. Your disgusting mentally ill SHIT is a crime against the perfection of 2D.
>>274876492why don't you cry about goro, full on scat, rape, or the myriad of far far worse fetishes out there?
>>274876492you lost
>>274876422Aww. Dummy! EheheHappy!
>>274876518Rape doesn't belong with literal SHIT and gore.
>>274876622True, rape is vastly worse than everything else. Although most cases goro is up there too. Nonconsentual stuff is terrible frankly.
>>274876429Oi m8! Did u just post terroristic threats over a carrier service? I'm gonna report this to me local member of parliament. Forget being banned by channel four. You're going straight to gaol.
You are defending posting literal shit edits and disgusting ERP with braindead /v/ tier language. Kill yourselves.
>>274876069Extra cushioning.
>>274876737Calm down
do you guys think that in like 15-20 years ABDL is just going to be giving the diaper baby a smart phone to watch youtube videos with since that's what early childhood is now
>>274876875I don't want to think that far ahead. Makes me realize that the world we grew up in is gone and it ain't coming back.
>>274876875God, I hope not. I hate how my nephew is stuck in front of YouTube or the TV for most of the day. His attention span is nonexistent. He barely even acknowledges his own mother.
>>274876875hmmm, maybe. It's sorta based on whatever you experienced as a kid. I like to think there's something timeless about the way it's presented now, but idk. weird idea tho
>>274876777No. Your literal shit thread and ERP doesn't belong on this board. Kill yourself.
>>274876875There's nothing more embasarring that forcing someone to watch anime.
>>274876875kek, that's just the same as watching kiddy shows I think, though I get what you mean, considering how cloth + plastic pants seem to be more associated with the previous generation and its usage in ab/dl media has tapered off
>>274876919>>274876939>>274876945it's only a matter of time until the saturday morning cartoons and coloring books crowd is the next generations' old british sissy men. time is a cruel bitch
>>274877063I do not understando
Kill yourselves.
Worse than /dbs/
>>274876939>Youtube >TVBelieve it or not, there are worse things to be stuck on (Tiktok and Twitch).
Literal /b/ tier. Fucking disgraceful cucks.
>>274877347>>274877547Let me guess: you think gore and blood and violence are just so cool (except for this, no sir!)
Burn alive.
Why have you fucking faggots giving up spamming threads this shit off the board?
>>274877547i checked, there is no diaper thread on /b/
>>274877701there's one on /aco/ and /d/
>>274877684>ESL so enraged his English starts falling apart
>>274877701Kill yourself.
>>274877701Do the Andy Sixx Log threads count? It's been like 10 years and he's still at it.
>>274877642Yeah, and instead of literal shit, they're exactly what your defective kind deserves.
>>274877848>>274877892You sound like Barneyfag, just give it a rest and hide the thread my child.
>>274877892reminder guys this is the dude who's literally into rape. >>274876622>>274875989
If I have to do this alone because anons are lazy demoralized faggots, fine. Kill yourselves.
I love you, anon.t. anon
>>274877964You can sageru this thread but you will never sageru my spirit.
>>274877933Kill yourself, retarded tourist. Every rapefag is above you.
>>274877922No. Your shit thread doesn't belong on /a/. Kill yourself.
>>274878050morally? No way. What you're into is vastly vastly worse. You can't even perform your fetish irl without going straight to jail. Meanwhile ours is all about loving your SO and making sure they're comfortable and happy.
>Poop threadWhy are u like this /a/?
A literal shit fetishist has no opinion. Kill yourself.
>>274878169Who are you talking to?
A literal shit fetishizing moralfaggot thinks it can preach to you about hot rape scenes. Doesn't belong on this board either.
>>274878262so true. why don't you tweet about this so everyone can know
>>274878164Not /a/. Read how these defects respond you when you say to quit shitting up the board.
>>274878262It genuinely genuinely surprises me that yall are completely fine with having full on fucking rape fetishes, but consensual diaper-wearing? HOLY SHIT THAT'S WORSE THAN MURDER
>>274878297Kill yourself, retarded tourist. You all react the same with enough pressure.
>>274878302schizo, we were actually discussing anime earlier>>274868372
>>274878346And all women orgasm after enough rape, right?
>>274878323>y'allThanks for even more proof you don't belong here. Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
>>274878400>pag pag thinks American slang disqualifies them from using American sitekek
>>274878400I take it you've never been to Texas.
>>274757645Why is her boner where her ass is?
>>274878350You defend literal shit edits and ERP with baby talk being on /a/. Kill yourself.
>>274762151if only...
>>274878378Kill yourself, retarded tourist. /a/ loves rape, not shitting in diapers. Your kind isn't welcome here.
>>274878495I didn't defend op honestly I think this thread should probably die too desu, which is why I'm fucking with you to fill it up, but we were actually just discussing anime earlier
>>274817432>fun fact, "traditional shinto wedding" isn't traditional, it's a relatively modern invention based on western weddingsBullshit. This shit dates back to the Heian period, retard westerner. Not everything is downstream from the gay jew controlled ''west''.
>>274878547Oh. Thanks.
>>274875117Did you watch Hime-sama Goumon no Jikan Desu? There's a motherly character there that would probably fit into some relevant niche.
>>274878540>/a/ loves rapeFunny, last time I mentioned rape and acid attacks several people jumped to accuse me of being a third worlder. Perhaps these two facts have something to do with each other?
>>274878675They're /pol/tards, no different from bringing up shitlam when protagonists actually fuck every girl. But, of course, you would bring that off topic shit up. Kill yourself.
>>274878836>no different from bringing up shitlam when protagonists actually fuck every girl. I wish we didnt live with such estrogenic retards. The appeal of fucking every girl is painfully obvious. It also extends beyond fucking. Who wouldn't enjoy game night with a bunch of hot girls? Or just spending time with them in general.
How does /a/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
>>274878920Or spending time with them in diapers
>>274879009Kill yourself. Keep your literal shit fetish away from harems.
>>274878540Yeah, peeing in them is enough.
>>274879118There aren't enough of them in anime.
>>274879302The ending was clearly rushed and abrupt though it's because the author got injured or something. I wonder how the story would have turned out otherwise
>>274879473they kinda did all they really could with out full on going hentai. It was a fine end.
>>274879473I imagine that Ichigo would end up with Shouta and that her incontinence would be cured in the end, while Morei would become truly incontinent and end up with Ichigo's little brother.
>>274879302gyaru in tape up diapers was by far the hottest tho
>>274879302>entire series about a diaper harem>pee onlyUnfortunate. I didn't like the third girl.
>>274880088I mean can they even get away with messing without becoming full on hentai?
>>274879473He's just started a new series, but it's piss focused
>>274880088Yeah, Muni a shit. Also, look at that, we made it to bump limit. Eat your heart out, normalfags.
>>274880122I don't know. I haven't seen an ecchi series with it, although I haven't gone out of my way to look. All the series that are mentioned on /a/ only have pee.
>>274880167Truly crazy this didn't get banned. I wonder if a janny reported it and it just ended up getting left alone for some reason.
>>274879302>tsuttsu's latest work still not translated
This is the most successful any of Sketchman's animations has ever been. Amazing.
>>274880403I hope he makes more.
>>274880403Wait the franxx edit was fucking SKETCHMAN? His shit is terrible.
>>274880495He's always been awful at faces, but godly at drawing diapers.
>>274880605Shouldn't be a problem if he sticks to edits then. Someone else will have already drawn the faces.
>>274880236Pretty sure it got a Pastebin translation long ago.
>>274881093It's on Justpaste now. Add a dot, an it, a slash, and e60je, and there you have it.
>>274759503Have to literally stifle my laughter looking up piss fetish stuff in the archive at 4 in the morning only to find thousands of pages of the most autistic /dbs/ shitposting
It's finally time to change...
>4 day old diaper thread hits bump limit
>>274882286It must really stink by now.