I previously posted Salad Wizard. It's wort a read, especially if you like the works of Imitation Crystal, or tkmiz.>>274884106
I'm planning on posting every Ito story in chronological order. This will most likely mean that the newer collections will be posted out of the volume order, but whatever. Series, like Tomie, Uzumaki, or Remina, will be posted consecutively, even if other stories were published between chapters.I'm basing the order in this wiki page:
Done. Nothing like good old fashioned murder to unite a class.Do you like clingy girls?See you tomorrow!
>>274918039cool. great choice for this daily
>>274918136>so horny he turned into a ghoul
I'm not quite sure if the blacks are a stylistic choice, or just shoddy scanning.
>>274918467Thanks OP Yes. Not murderous ones though
>>274919105He was also only 17 writing it, I believe
I love Tomie so much. >that feel when no Kuroi Misa vs Tomie crossover.
>>274919836how would that even work? is misa going full black magic or simply troll tomie to death?
>>274919836misa winsblack magic 2 stronk
>>274917922Hey OP!
>>274920115Hey... you.
>>274919925is misa the most powerful character/entity off the dailies?
>>274918467It was bothering me, but I finally figured out what the inky blacks and sketchy art reminded me. Corto Maltese. I fucking love that comic.
>>274918467Thanks OP, I kept expecting a panel with "Fu fu fu, this is clearly the result of black magic" and Misa to just be sitting there in class with a decapitated monkey once Tomie came back
>>274920249Pretty sure that's Yoki
>>274920362patrician taste
>>274918125nice shades bro
>>274918107>dating a guy like yamamoto. how could she everwhat's that supposed to mean?
His arts come so far
>>274920996Jealous women
>>274918467did tomie kill her
>>274918312What a close-knit group, you don't find people trying to cover your murder anymore
>>274920812No profiteroles for you
>>274918312>>274918319>if we do this thing, it's our secret forever
where's my nigga mo?
>>274920249Not even the strongest witch.
>>274919836I love her more.
>>274920249it's Mo.
If you haven't read Tomie before, strap in, cause things are about to become much weirder.
>>274921347except she works for the man who beat Chuck Norris. and if there's one thing that Misa is weak against, it's a good beating.
>>274918334imagine the smell
>>274918467Thanks, anonsito.
>>274918356Wow that panel composition is great
>>274920249Misa get beaten by normal people
>>274920640There is at least one interview in which Ito mentions reading Eko Eko Azarak when he was a kid.
>>274918467>>274920362is this earlier on Ito's career? the art looks so much better.
>>274924477The second picture is Corto Maltese, an Italian comic book from 1967 by Hugo Pratt. Tomie was created in 1987, when Ito was around 24 years old
>>274924585I meant the Tomie chapter. I replied to the other post because he too recognized the art was different.
>>274924644Ahh sorry, still then, Tomie is his debut
>>274924644This chapter is his debut, I'm pretty sure.
>>274918039How many stories are there? How many dailies will it be?
>>274919925very much this with trolldom
>>274924757Not sure how many days all in all, but I'd say around 8-9 months in total.
>>274918312>"She's dead!">"Who cares, she was a bitch"Lmao>>274918319>>274918334>"Wait! She's still alive!">"Quick! Kill her!"LMAO
>>274918467Thanks OP>Do you like clingy girls?NO
>>274918227What does No Joke Ramen taste like
>>274927023I don’t like affection
>>274917948dem lips
>>274918467Thanks OP
>>274920996Keep reading, she means how Tomie was fucking the teacher
>>274918429>boy pushes her to keep running>the moment Tomie appears, she leaves himand Tomie is the bitch
>>274920249In your hearts you know that there is one who could beat all of them
>>274918125Really like the detail of the reflection in that guy's glasses
>>274926629So good it isn't funny.
>>274918312>>274918319>>274918334>>274918346>Tomie is accidentally killed>they all agree not to snitch>she's still alive and the teacher kills her on purpose>they STILL all agree not to snitch>they all help dispose of the bodyHow fucking awful was Tomie that not a single person cared?
>>274918334Not every day do you get a teacher who's dedicated enough to teach you anatomy during a geological field trip.
>>274929470The moral of this manga is to never, ever trust a woman
>>274918136Necrophilia is the definition of a victimless crime, it shouldn't be illegal.
>>274918062Pretty good hip sway
>>274918107>she's not coming back>>274918125>I'm back!>laughtrack, Seinfeld bass cords
>>274918312The way it's the teacher, the moral example of the class, who suggests it, and then everyone in class pushes the actual perpetrator to accept the situation, all of it feels very much in the vein of Japanese classroom bullying but magnified. The way it's hyper exaggerated into brutal murder and mutilation, culminating in the entire class hunting down the defectors to stop them, isn't terribly surprising in retrospect. Given some of Junji Ito's other stories. There's one that's basically a complete take down of the suicidal streak still prevalent in Japanese society, where the souls of the departed are still hideously suffering, not free even in death, driving them to seek revenge on the people who drove them to suicide to begin with.It's not like all of his work is like that, nor are all of them not just Junji Ito coming up with a sicko idea he wants to draw, but it's been regular enough to feel notable.
>>274917922how do you pronounce "tomie"?
>>274931818it rhymes with domie
>>274918312>>274918334Man, I feel stupid, never realized the teacher was doing all this shit for the possible pregnancy.
>>274920249Nah, she's pretty weak. I bet even the Wallabies could beat her.
>>274931818Toe me.
>>274918189I like it when it does the artsy thing of having only lineart for a panel
>>274918095wtf is plant watching
>>274932380Toe you
>>274932409It's like a dickfor
>>274931818too mi eeh
>>274918207>>274918227Schizo shit.
>>274933054Maruso was an absolute cutie.
>>274918334That's how you can tell he's a good teacher, he takes every didactic opportunity.
>>274918261>>274918273what a whore
>>274930651>How fucking awful was Tomie that not a single person cared?Tomie is always a bitch no question, but the teacher taking the lead and his natural authority over them helped out a lot. What's really interesting to me is the childhood friends offhand comment. Since this was Ito's début no lore had become established yet, but I wonder whether this was the "first" Tomie or if some pregnant woman accidentally swallowed a bit of her and birthed a Tomie that had to grow up normally.
>>274918467Does she regenerate from each piece? Does that mean there are 42 Tomie running around?
>>274920362That's right, his linework reminds me of Italian comic authors from the 70s.If anyone finds Juji Ito women erotic they should give Milo Manara a read.
>>274932379>even the Wallabies could beat herNot even the strongest black magic can help them win
>>274918312based, wish I had friends like these
>>274934708keep reading...
>>274918386I just love how knifeman attacks with disco stance and how Yamamoto counters him by breakdancing.
>>274918334Sensei REALLY didn't want a kid.
>>274918284Dang, Ito's art sure improved over the years.
>>274920362>no qt tomboy freckled IRA waifuIt's not fair.
>>274918439>>274918452cute outfit
>>274935516Music theme for their fight?
>>274920249The kids from Babylon are.
>>274921147Yeah these days they're all just like 'let's report it on TikTok'
>>274920249Misa jobs to delinquents HARD
>>274918107>>274918125I see what that guy who said he was actually a master of comedy was on about now.>>274918284Her hand sticking out of the panel's a nice touch.>>274918467All aboard the Ito train! This is gonan be fun, thanks a fuck tonne anon.>>274924135Neat.
>>274940163Only thing the scene needed was someone kicking her corpse
>>274940163This panel should be posted every time she dies in manga.>>274924135When you think about it, there are some clear parallels between the two, I wouldn't be surprised if Ito came up with the Tomie concept while trying to make sense of how Misa kept switching schools and personality every chapter in the manga.
>>274943523I am ready for crazy and silly Tomie
>>274934896Hey, they can win. Just not the big game ;____;
>>274918334Comedy writer.
Tomie Part 2: Morita Hospital
>>274946505in time
Done. What a polite head.Do you have any abnormal urges?See you tomorrow!
>>274918467I expected this to play out differently, like Yamamoto was going to go bury the heart somewhere, only to dig up another heart.I think this is delving into Japanese folklore again and now I'm lost.
>>274946855>this girl from the obituary page is cute, gonna remember her face
>>274946657That HUSSY
>>274946837What the hell does he see in her exactly
>>274946940Holy shit Is Tadashi the inspiration for Tohno Shiki?
>>274947087Thanks OP It's all a sign of being a healthy heterosexual male
>>274947612he wants to stick his dick in crazy
>>274924135all dailies are connected.
>>274947087Thanks OP>Do you have any abnormal urges?Eating choccolate
>>274946596Proto Kirie and Shuichi!
>>274947087tomie is my favourite recurring character
Finally a tomie storytime
>>274947647No urge of raping her
>>274951099They have to give it an eroge angle somehow
>>274951099Not yet
>>274947087>Do you have any abnormal urges?I'm perfectly normal, so every urge I have must be normal too.
>>274947207I mean , wouldn't you? The weird thing is a teenage boy checking out the obituaries in the first place.
>>274932409step 1: find plantstep 2: watch itezpz
>>274934708Short answer: yes
>>274946596Friends, haha...>>274946753damn, not even a word>>274946775>>274947087thanks, OP. Compared to freaks here? No
>>274950017Except that Kirie is less dumb, and Shuichi knows less.
Thinking about it men having the urge to kill and dismember Tomie is basically whatever she is' reproductive cycle.
>>274953939I thought we all knew what uremia was
>>274954055Uremia? I hardly know her!
>>274954055i know half of the daily readers are doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, politicians, pipe fitters, trained assassins, and witches, but there's still the other half
>>274947087Thanks, anonsito.
>>274954657>pipe fitters
>>274947087Thanks, anon! Can't wait for Glyceride! (I can, actually. So gross.)
>>274946855Her face is very punchable
>>274952265What if your urge is to act normal and you are actually crazy?
>>274956700Anon, that's simply impossible. A smart fella like me would know if something was wrong.
>>274947087Thanks OP
>>274954657Gigolos, olympic athletes, and physical culturists?
>>274946974That's some solid acting on sensei's part, they didn't suspect a thing.
>>274918273>>274918284Why didn't he give shit to the teacher too, though? Was getting cucked by your teacher simply expected during the Showa era or something?
>>274947046Actually hilarious.
>>274958095>Doctor...>That's no kidney...
>>274946989I want to fuck the smug nurse
>>274956542you just can't handle a smug woman
>>274917922cool i was thinking about getting the dbd skin that just came out cuz it was cool and now i can read where it's from
>>274946523damn, that's the most stylish breakout ever
>>274946552fucking psychiatristsuseless, as usual
This chapter has convinced me, we need to band together and take out Tomie. Who's with me?
>>274918176>cremated the remainsThank God.
>>274946596>a couple of bestiesss
>>274918227Reiko catches on quick to Tomie's nonsense.
>>274918273She really pulled out every fucking manipulation tactic in the book here.
>>274918312Interesting to note; this seems to be an inversion of Tomie's usual influence. Instead of making it so everyone around her turns into obvious psychos willing to kill anyone she points them at, it instead makes the entire class become closer together via bonding over their sheer HATRED of Tomie and ensures none of them snitch on any of the others, with the rest going to great lengths such as hunting down potential defectors later on. This then comes to a head when Tomie returns and this is what ACTUALLY sets off their downward spiral, as though the entire situation was engineered to drive them to the very pits of desperation to hide the original crime.I know this was super early on before the Tomie lore was mapped out but it's an interesting lense to view this from if you consider that Tomie effectively set the class up for self-destruction.
>>274918334Holy shit
>>274959237You clearly don't belong here, but I guess it's nice having more people here realizing how great Tomie is.
>>274918386That bottom right panel is hilarious.
>>274918467Thanks OP.>Do you like clingy girls?Nope.
>>274920249No, that's BUUUUTLER
>>274946657That fucking whore.
>>274946809She lies so fucking easily, it's insane.
>>274946907This is the ultimate fate of all who love evil women.
>>274946974How did he get away with this.
>>274947087>Do you have any abnormal urges?Compared to the average 4channer? I'm average.
>>274946677>>274946694>>274946712this is just how alpha stacies are, nothing weird about it
>>274961071>take out TomieFor a nice dinner!
>>274956542ANON DON'T
>>274957981He decided not to blame the man for getting some JK pussy when it was offered
>>274946795classic surgeon remark, lol
>>274946826fucking told, bitch
>>274947612supernatural attractiveness
>>274962917And Tomie is the dinner
>>274946552characters acknowledging what happened previous chapter? what the hell?
>>274921389This mid girl should be a background character at bestMaybe Junji just wanted to be around her and that's why she was chosen
>>274947087incredible page
>>274946883>>274946907she's so cute
>>274963405Good lad. Wise beyond his years.
Who would win?
>>274965990Kuroi Misa
>>274965990Tomie wins at dying.
I wish Itto write Misa
>>274966479Ito shines more as an artist than as a writer desu
>>274946974That's all it takes
>>274962156Nice try, but I won't stop loving loving evil girls.
>>274946795Salted senbei, number 1 cause of death i. Japan
>>274947028Very Fast Doctor Running at Incredible Hihg Speed
>>274929212I know but it sounds like Yamamoto was the problem
>>274947046This explains >>274918467 . A whole Tomie is growing out of the heart that reached the open sea.
>>274919836>>274919925Well, Misa definetly has good chances, last time Tomie went against dark magic user she actually failed to kill her target... unfortunately.
>>274919916>simply troll tomie to death?she might conjure up a demon from hell that specializes in trolling...
>>274965990For once, 3D>2D
>>274969698>unfortunatelyu wot m8
>>274969994I hate him
>>274918246Weird bubble at the end there
Looking at early Ito is interesting how his art got better but his panel composition and movement became duller.
>>274918386It's always great to see the early art of a well-known artist.
>>274947087Hello Tomie
>>274971109kek cute
>>274970695Except when the artist got worse
>>274974490>Laughing Araki.jpg.
>>274974783His art got worse? How much?
>>274957981teach is just too cool
>>274918227>Tomie: Is slutty>Everyone Else: Literally goes insaneHmm....
>would you love me if I was a worm?
>>274979034Thanks OP
>>274979139As a doctor can you reallly blame yourself for a kidney transplant growing a head?
>>274979820I mean, if I had been the surgeon, I wouldn't have used some random girl's organs with dubious consent. Probably.
>>274979872If I've learned anything from manga, it's that using the organs of scary ladies that were killed while they were out in dates for an impromptu donation NEVER works
>>274979237That's one way to do exposition I guess
Done. Oh, women. You know how much they hate competition. What are you hiding in your basement, anon?See you tomorrow!
>>274980095This is the Tomie chapter that always stuck with me.
>>274979946Honestly, he looks great in stripes
>>274979946Is that Takagi sensei?
>>274979103What a natural conversation. I often give recaps myself when talking with my colleagues.
>>274979654So this is how those manwha protagonists suddenly grow a head taller and become a chad overnight. The power of Tomie cells, huh...
>>274979929>>274979946Did he really stay in there for dog knows how long?
>>274979034nice cover
I know this is a weird place to ask, but does anyone have/know where to find the Game Club raws?I know (most of) it is available on Melonbooks, but creating an account there requires a Japanese phone number and proxy services don't do digital goods.I've also searched everywhere from private trackers to Japanese P2P clients, but they're nowhere to be found.Sorry for the off-topic post, I'm a little obsessed with this manga (and Yukina).
>>274979156>she's still alivesome greats doctors not gonna lie
>>274979223Imagine being so toxic that you generate a new kind of cancer
>>274980789He's clean shaven and doesn't look tired or nearly as dirty as he did at first. Living in that cabinet is probably just a time part job.
>>274979872rat proportions Tomie no!
>>274979946what was he plan anyway, guy was like three weeks there
>>274980502the same
>>274980095Thanks, I- I don't have a basement..
>>274979510>plap plap plap plapHer footsteps can read my mind
>>274917922In highschool, I had the option to give one of these to a girl, either Tomie or Uzumaki.I chose Tomie. Was it the right decision?
>>274980057who would win, Tomie or the Thing?
>>274980922Couldn't find it either, but here is the scanlator's mangadex page's a link to their discord server there, maybe you can ask them directly.
>>274981530Probably not. Tomie is about an immortal female horror that every man wants to kill and/or rape.Uzumaki can be oddly romantic, at times.
>>274981477>he's not aware of his basement
>>274979063Ito's guys usually look so cute. But then they inevitably go bugfuck nuts.
>>274980077great page
>>274979156How is she still alive.
>>274981477Maybe you live in someone else's basement.
>>274979719Every word he said was based
>>274979237It's a supernatural abomination. I doubt radiation will so anything.
>>274982375you fool
>>274979254I feel bad for Sato - love in the Itoverse never works out.
>>274982325We all live in the basement of God also I live in an apartment.
>>274979296>>274979326Do not listen to the voice of kidney Satan.
>>274982413I've always wondered about living in an apartment. Does it feel like you're in your wizard tower?
>>274979946Is this guy going to keep showing up Has he been hiding in the cupboard for months
>>274979469She grew fast.
>>274980095Thanks OP I live in an attic, so a house
>>274979531This scene with Yukiko is early confirmation that all Tomie instances share the same consciousness, or at least, memories.
>>274979583Oh no, he's already falling for her.
>>274982461I live in a third floor so not at all. I've lived in places that feel like a house that's bigger and smaller at the same time and in others that feel like a nice beehive, but never in a skyscraper.
>>274979671Tomie stare in that bottom panel. Yukiko may as well be already gone.>>274979719Sato really just "no way fag'd" her. Nice.
>>274982498Gamma radiation, son.
The teacher's my new favourite character, and will continue to be if he keeps showing up like this
>>274980057RIP Yukiko ;_;
>>274980095Thanks OP. Don't have a basement.
>>274982574he did already, negation is the first step
>>274981658>Probably notI appreciate you saying this!>Tomie is about an immortal female horror that every man wants to kill and/or rape>Uzumaki can be oddly romanticBut damn, based on this, Uzumaki honestly sounds like it may have been better. Oh well, the past is the past.
>>274981658>>274982883 (me)I got confused and thought you meant "probably not a bad idea".To correct myself, I should have said thank you for your honesty.
Shouldn't the world be covered in Tomie at some point, like the "grey goo" scenario?
>>274979296conveniently onahole sized
>>274983349Anon no
>>274979156Oh hey Yukiko made it, I really hope nothing bad happens to her
>>274979929Ah ha ha ha
>>274984109>>274980057Oh ;_;
>>274980095Thanks, anonsito.
>>274983334Maybe Tomie has an unseen natural predator
>>274983571Anon YES
>>274984571Yeah, it's called Tomie.
>>274980613Sometimes I also wonder out loud about what my comic relief friends are doing to give a natural segue to the b-plot
>>274980613to be devil's advocate, doctors are very much used to constantly restate a patient's story and state
>>274979326I get that the supernatural factor in in play, but it's real bold to start with the seductress route when you look like a melted bratz doll
>>274985201I know for a fact from my travels into /trash/, /b/ and /d/ that that is not a deal breaker for many guys
>>274984393At least she's taller now
>>274981194did the Tomie in the basement forget about him?
>>274983334Good thing Tomie operates on highlander rules.>>274982533I wonder if there's any Yukiko left there, obviously not much, but still, will that particular Tomie still try to track down Tadashi? Like she wanted to do while she was still half-turned.
>>274979049You'd think every single hospital would have this kind of spooky stories
>>274979063>>274982159it's the frumpy nurse for me
>>274979116I have to admit, the little kidney creature cracks me up
>>274979607Don't put your dick in the tumor dude
>>274979872shame, that was my favorite tomie so far
>>274979237headmie looks so stoned
>>274979547I like the random shot in the mirror. Ito really went for nonstandard paneling early on
>>274979654Gourmet cells.
>>274986474Why? It's not like you could get super cancer from it.
>>274979906not so smug now, bitch
>>274980001it's funny how mischievous takagi became
>>274980077goes hard
>>274980095Thanks OP>What are you hiding in your basement, anon?My house is technically a basement so everything I guess
>>274986783>douses you in gasoline and burns you alivetehe just a little mischief doc
>>274986938Just look at his general demeanor while sneaking around. He's a real menace. Grinch phenotype
>>274986783such a rascal.
>>274986765So weak. I bet Misa could tank that and immediately come back with a counter on his non-delinquent ass.
>>274987101>I bet-Know your place, witch.
>>274979156well then>>274979276The old "my love is the sea" doesn't work when you're underage like that>>274979469The wonders of a beauty mark>>274979906Tomie totally TANKED That>>274980077cool as hell>>274980095thanks, OP
I FUCKING love ryona
We needed Misa getting punched by a kid
>>274986783Tomie exposure made him into a gremlin.
>>274983334Keep reading. There's a reason it never reaches apocalyptic levels despite how virulent Tomie is.>>274986323Tomie genuinely seems to stop caring about a victim most of the time once they help her spread. At best, she forgets about them and at worst, she sends some new flunky to deal with them THEN forgets about them. She already had her fill of Tadashi so it's unlikely she'd follow up on him outside of maybe ensuring she gets a backup for Takagi or to maybe deal with a loose end, but even that's questionable.
>>274980077Pure cinema.
>>274980095Thanks OP
>>274988233That's what I meant, Tomie doesn't give two shits about past victims, so if she ever goes after the guy it would be due to Yukiko's influence, it would mean that there can be individual differences between Tomies depending on base material.
>>274979063She didn't even take his temperature. Did she just ask him and he knew?
>>274979103What an odd thing to say.
>>274982375It would probably make her stronger, if anything.
>>274986722What is Tomie's capture level?
>>274982393>>274989983Clearly they just needed MORE.
>>274989983Since Tomie feeds on radiation, doesn't that imply that it likely came from space?
>>274991118Not necessarily, she might be Godzilla's love child.
>>274987287poor misa
>>274989930>he doesn't know his own body temperatureEmbarrassing. I bet you need to use thermometers
>>274993314she deserved each and every single one of them
Luv Tomie, simple as.
>>274988153Tomie exposure merely helped unlock his latent ass gremlin potential that he always had in him.
>>274994185Who is this character
>>274994185Especially Silly Misa
Is Sato the only man who has easily resisted Tomie actively trying to charm him? What a based lad.
What would happen if you sexually harassed tomie as an ugly bastard? asking for a friend.
>>274996376We'll probably see
>>274994346>t. anon mid-disassembly of Tomie
>>274995836Misa Kuroi, from Eko Eko Azarak, another horror manga OP dumped recently
>>274994346Or you can make her worse?
>>274997679Tall order.
>>274970601Well, we can't all be Go Nagai.
"I love Tomie so much that I prefer to see fortytwo of them"
>>274994346I can fill her dark soul with light.
>>274918079>>274997679>>274998961She had a family and Reiko in the beginning.
>>274998652Separately, or all fused into one Gigatomie?
>>274980001That pose of his before he throws the cigarette is great, him running up the staris too.>>274980095Thanks anon. No basement.>>274982461Man living in a wizard tower'd be sweet.>>274982747I think so too anon.
Good Morning. I am not a fan of Tomie, she insists upon herself
>>275002484Quite literally
>>274980095Thank you for posting.
>>275004861Not here
>>275007285You wanna risk it?
>>274990069Not that high, but she requires special preparation
>>274999437>She had a familyAbout that anon...