Piccolo and Jiren shares some good similarities that inspires me to be calm and enjoy life. I started to meditate just because of them.
>>275142205>when Buu's potty is clean
>>275135697>Hmm.. Pic related? That was General Rilldo at his most powerful, right? Then how did Pan manage to kick him again and have an effect?What about picrel? I thought his most powerful form was the scrapyard form?>Pan travelled thousands of miles by herself?She was obeying someone...>I could have them sent to a gulag.I'd like to see that happen.>Literally nothing like that happened.How can I be sure?>Dr. Gero must've found a way to take souls from living people?I don't understand, what about their bodies?>That's the only condition to be met to get free stuff?Free stuff? He is their son, you know?>It was zero gravity..She fell because of zero gravity?>Next post.Right...>Any particular reason why?Pan cannot be trusted by herself, she's bound to cause mischief.>She did more than Trunks and I would say that's a lot.Trunks piloted the space machine, there's more to that than to wiggle a wheel from side to side...>Are you implying that General Rilldo broke his own face?He was measuring Pan's strength...>It's only a small ship and there is only one pilots entrance.The ship is round...>I can assure you, it is the exact same wall.I see...>Or what?It's another continuity error?>More to towards the left.I can't see it.>But she was also used as a host, right?I don't think so.>Eh? Then where is she?In his bottom.>She was his favourite doll.What about all the other ones?>That's because she was the newest doll in his collection.I actually think GT did a good job to show us how he really was when he got Pan.>I mean, he looks more normal now, but isn't it strange how he's wearing Pan's clothes?Pan was his favourite doll.>A hair cut or a moustach?How about a bandana? What type of moustache?
July? 2019.
At least reply to him in the same thread, you fucking coward little BITCH
Where is Tien in Daima?
>>275142398>p-p-please bump our threadNOAROOOO!
>>275142403He wasnโt invited to that flop fest.
>>275142264He'd look better in the 2nd version if he just shaved.
>>275142469>when Gohan and Trunks come from the future to fill your holes
>>275142111>meditateCompletely useless eastern mumbo jumbo
Can Sasuke finally fucking save this franchise and kill Daipa for good?
I am the single best way to experience Dragon Ball.
>>275142429RukiaDAMN... a toilet?? WHERE?!
>>275142466He also wasn't invited to Super Hero.
>>275142469LMAO WTF IS THAT IMAGE EVEN?>when goku pulls out his enormous throbbing cock
>>275142469>when goten and trunks are training outside.
>>275142469>when Goku and Bejita ended up being gay for each other
>>275141940No lies detected.
>>275142522That artist has a Tex Avery AWOOGA eyes fetish.
>>275142469>What they see
>>275142520Super hero is another flop fest like Daima.
>>275142630That's Chi-chi btw.
>>275142630>>What they see
Scat and CP.
>>275142522Gokek is confirmed to have a microdick though
>>275142686>abandoned his own miserable thread to post herePiccolo won.
>>275142630Thatโs Future Mai with bedhead btw.
Oh Fattyrennyroo! Where are you!
>>275142758I'm busy gooning.
>>275142741Why do you call him your bro when you hate him? Doesn't make sense...
>>275142777That's not exercise bro.
>>275142747KWAPB(Kek what a poopy bitch)
>>275142807It burns 5 calories a minute. Look it up.
>>275142838Based PiccoloCHAD, providing more content to the halls.
>>275142686>can't stop projecting his pedophilia and scat obsession onto PiccoloPiccolo won. SHITkia lost. Get over it.
>>275142854The Makima one is better.
Thanks for letting me clean your butt, Majin Buu, and don't forget to bring Yajirobe, The Ox King, Giran, Doskoi, The Demon King, The Guru, Majin Duu, all the male majin OCs, Pampukin, Dodoria, Android 19, Mr Hearts, Caroni, The Gran Supreme Kai, The Supreme Kai, Martinu, Monna, Dr Sherman Klump, Santa Claus, the Klump family, Rasputhia, Mark Henry, The Big Show, Yokozuna, Big Daddy V, Samoa Joe, Rikishi, Mr Popi, failed fusion Gotenks, Veku, Guldo, Toppo, King Kai, Botamo, Pintar, Bacteria...
>>275142873I hate you so mych
>>275142630>Goku lying in bed with a vacant smile as Bejita fucks a fucking tranny right next to himKEK
>902>mychIncoming meltdown in 3, 2, 1...
>>275142902Did you just make a typo?Did you just reply in my place, and make a fucking TYPO!!!!!Motherfucker i will kill youI will shoot you DEADYour TOMBSTONE will read "This retard died because he made a typo while butting into someone else's chat"
>>275142469>when goten and trunks tell you they are gay and want to marry
>death threats
https://desuarchive.org/a/search/text/bejitabro%20btw%20k%20on/page/1/Reminder it was Bejitabros that normalized moeposting
Despite everything the other scholars in the Hallowed Halls say and throw shit at, I still love Dragon Ball.Can (You) say the same?
>>275142243>What about picrel? I thought his most powerful form was the scrapyard form?Gohan was already established to be stronger than Frieza. Pan does not show all her cards at once and the fight with Nutt prtoves this.>She was obeying someone...They let her travel thousands of miles by herself?>I'd like to see that happen.Why?>How can I be sure?Pic related? That exactly what happened after it.>I don't understand, what about their bodies?They were tied up in hell.>Free stuff? He is their son, you know?Did Goten have to pay for the house?>She fell because of zero gravity?Only upon the reactivation of the gravity.>Right...Next post.>Pan cannot be trusted by herself, she's bound to cause mischief.Proof?>Trunks piloted the space machine, there's more to that than to wiggle a wheel from side to side...Sure, but Pan is fully able to pilot the ship and many other types of vehicle.>He was measuring Pan's strength...And she was measured to be at Buu's strength, right?>The ship is round...Round? I thought it was oval..>It's another continuity error?It's definitely not that.>I can't see it.Next pic related.>I don't think so.Are you telling me that Naturon only obsorbed Pan just for fun and nothing more?>In his bottom.Of his belly, right?>What about all the other ones?Dolltaki got bored of those dolls.>I actually think GT did a good job to show us how he really was when he got Pan.Explain?>Pan was his favourite doll.He did say that.>How about a bandana?That would over most of his hair, so it could work well.>What type of moustache?Once that suits his face shape.
>>275143031I won. Horeh!
>>275143063I love Dragon Ball but hate SHARTper.
>>275142515Dragon Ball Z...
>>275143113...'s final movie, BoG...
any reason why moepedos don't learn japanese and stay on japedo imageboards?
>>275143063I don't even need to say it. Only retards gets assblasted from the mockeries here.
>>275143146>not animated Done.>spamGentlemen...>>275143151Moeblobs are too lazy to make any effort that isn't masturbation.
Dogshit thread.
>>275143185>calling anyone else lazy when you are the fatass that uses AI to animate instead of learning how to actually do it
>>275143063Of course I do
>>275143185Jap dubs suck, that's why I only watch Shameel dubs.
>he used the image of Rukia getting impaled for his anti-Piccolo memeKek, even the Rukiafag hates Rukia.
>>275143284She tanked that btw
>>275143284Holy kek! How pathetic! He loses everytime.
>>275143303>jobbed to the Cowboy Bepop guyKWAB.
Why does the Piccolobro keep feeding the troll? Is he dumb?
>>275143313All you ever do is talk about him, its like you exist for the sole purpose of just making some dumb reaction to every thing he does. Just kill yourself already, parasite.
>>275143313>Holy kek! How pathetic!Your "hero" cursed himself.
>>275143352If Puar transformed into a girl and had sex with a man, could he get pregnant?
>>275143303Kaien was the most half-assed character design everLiterally just Ichigo with black hair, KEK
Moewives won.
>>275143509cute and canon
Post characters that can obliterate Jiren.
>>275143485We've ALL got a crying superman edit, buckaroo.
Why couldnโt Daima save the halls? You promised me it would.
Boring thread
>>275143063I love and know more about DB than most Scholars here!
Didn't the Rukiafag have a meltdown some time ago about people here not being his friend? I swear I saw a collage of it posted here once...
>>275143659Sorry I lied... I also tried to deflect to other better Dragon Ball series but it didn't work...
>>275143695No real women posts here. It's femboys and transgenders larping.
Is Frieza cute?
>>275143786He doesn't still think that, imagine still being an obsessed bitch over some stuff a guy said on the internet almost 3 years ago
>>275143659Was Super that bad that the Halls needed saving?
>>275143084>Gohan was already established to be stronger than Frieza.Huh? No he wasn't.>Pan does not show all her cards at once and the fight with Nutt prtoves this.Pan was obliterated by Dr. Rildo in less than one second...>They let her travel thousands of miles by herself?Goku was overseeing it...>Why?Because it would be funny.>Pic related? That exactly what happened after it.I don't understand what is happening in that pic.>They were tied up in hell.But they came back to life? How? And how were they able to get their bodies back?>Did Goten have to pay for the house?More or less...>Only upon the reactivation of the gravity.Goten wouldn't have fallen...>Next post.Okay...>Proof?Her washing the ship is just one of many examples...>Sure, but Pan is fully able to pilot the ship and many other types of vehicle.I doubt that Pan knows how to navigate...>And she was measured to be at Buu's strength, right?No, she was measured as being inferior to Rildo..>Round? I thought it was oval..That basically the same thing...>It's definitely not that.Proof?>Next pic related.Okay...>Are you telling me that Naturon only obsorbed Pan just for fun and nothing more?He did it out of spite.>Of his belly, right?No, his rear end.>Dolltaki got bored of those dolls.What was so special about Pan?>Explain?The way he just threw the other dolls to the floor, and the way it was portrayed, it was very well done.>He did say that.That would surely make him want to dress like her?>That would over most of his hair, so it could work well.>Once that suits his face shape.Okay...
>>275143877The Pancutie looks like THIS??
>>275143858You still sound very upset over it.
Why are Baki threads so gay?>>275135838
>>275143843OoOoOoOoOoOo, I will HAUNT you to the end of your days if this happensโฆ
Bleach lost.
>>Bleach lost.
>>275143849Yes, but not as cute as my Gigi.
>>275143921Moeshit is automatically gay.
Stop making fun of pukia
>>275144006TANKED, btw.
>>275143991>MS Paint Kai
vegeta won.
>Giselle: So I can't get a period?>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.>Giselle: What about eggs?>Doctor Piccolo: Nada.>Giselle: Do I at least have a womb?>Doctor Piccolo: Nope.>Giselle: So I can't get pregnant?>Doctor Piccolo: Pretty much.>Giselle:......so I'm not a woman, I'm just a man with a mutilated penis.>Doctor Piccolo: Correct.>Giselle gets up sadly to leave>Doctor Piccolo: Oh Mr. Gewelle.>Giselle: Y-Yeah?>Doctor Piccolo hands him a small object.>Doctor Piccolo: Don't forget your dilator.
>>275143084How long have you been having this conversation
>>275144071Kek. Canon.
>>275144071Reminder that this single pasta is what caused the anti-Piccolo forced hate campaign still going on to this day.
>>275142111So he is just Kurapika from HxH?
>The Rukiafag got obliterated on his own thread and he is spamming literal scat thereHoly mindbroken!
>>275144261Do you actually not leave your house or is this just a bot or something?>>275144209Are you sure it's that and not the fact that he's always there to give them attention every single day?
>>275144367>literal bullshit theoriesWhat is with these idiots and always making shit up?
>>275144383revenge bad
>>275144412>making shit up>>275144317
>>275144415revenge good
>>275144342Granolah isnโt cute and feminine so no.
>>275144442Where is this mythical scat spam of yours? i see no scat anywhere in this thread. Oh well, must just all be in your head..
>>275144374>RukiaToiletPaperShitter is Hiding behind Goku now
>>275144412The Piccolofag lives in lalaland where he believes his own schizo theories
>>275144484And with an unusual picture. Moeturds really can't falseflag.
>>275142345See >>275144509
>BleachMmh... Based? YEP, BASED! I'm AMAZED by Bleach. The artstyle... the designs... the music... really great, like K-ON levels of greatness. Bejitabro btw.
Why would i hide behind Goku, you fucking tards?I hide behind no oneI post Ruki-san, and ONLY Ruki-san.
>>275144596This. She only goes behind Majin Buu but it is to clean his butt.
>>275144484>everyone against me is some boogiemanGonna call me FOAZ next or something you insane fat fuck? Wanna get blown the fuck out again?
>>275144484Stop giving it the attention it craves. It has come back literally everyday and the only reason why is because you keep feeding it.
And no, i'm not the damn Brazilian elf shitter. Say that again, and i'm shoving my foot in your ass.
>>275144623Are you implying that he is in love with the Piccolobro?
When will Goku and co rebel against the gods? I need edgy action in my story.Imagine if they all became Black versions of themselves like Goku Black. It would be pure KINO.
>>275144623Fuck you, asshole.Don't fucking call me "it"
>>275144619>scat fantasiesNo wonder you love Majin Buu. He's the worst villain of DBZ and he loves shitting and eating shit.
Everyone at a glance thinks the characters in Daima aren't actually turned back into kids, they're just minimized. That's why Roshi still has no hair, Goku and Vegeta don't have tails, Vegeta doesn't have his bangs, Bulma and Chi-Chi don't look like their kid selces, etc.Isn't this a sign of bad design?
>it replied to me
>>275144710You mad?
>>275144647You are the brazilian elf shitter. Not clean Buu Buu's good!
Rukia and Frieren? Queens of these illustrious halls.
>>275144689>He's the worst villain of DBZ and he loves shitting and eating shit.But enough talking about Rukia.
>>275144733>"Not clean" instead of "Now clean"I don't usually reply to you, but...Big yikes.
>>275144732Cute boy, but not as cute as Gigi.
>>275144748The bathroom's halls, that's it.
>>275144763EVERY time this retard gets called out he deflects to his boogeymanJesus Christ...
Reminder that the SHITmasu queer doesn't know the difference between "effect" and "affect".
Remember the retarded fat fuck thinks everyone attacking him is discord, then said anyone that anyone who uses LARDren is discord, and even said that the discord came in 2023, but LARDren has been used since 2020. Are you gonna keep hiding behind Piccolo while saying others are HBOC you FAT FUCK?
Reminder thr Rukiatroon admitted that Rukia is the queen of scat im the last thread.
>>275142111God DAMNIT Jiren is handsome and strong
>im the last thread.
>it called for backup
>>275144859>im the last threadMake sure that the next one who challenges me knows how to actually fucking spell.
I'm such a pooo queen!
>>275144964>AHHHHHHH!!!!!! GET IT OFF ME!!!! GET IT OFF!!!!
I can't stop posting off-topic garbage in the dragon ball super thread...
Took a break from these threads. Did anything new happen or is it still the same stuff?
Let me reiterate, The Four Cancers of these Halls are the>SHITrusfag>DOGlyMUTT>FATrenLARD>BleachTROONS
>>275145024Actually funny.
Damn. Thanks to these threads I remember Rukia everytime I take a shit.
>>275145060Why don't you go tell that joke to your dad?Oh, wait....
Neutralbro here, Piccolo won.
>>275145024>he is having scat fantasies about Rukia shitting on others againI will avert my gaze from your posts.
I'd tell you to hang yourself but the chair would break under your weight before your neck rolls gets into the noose. Go eat yourself into a heart attack you FAT FUCK.>>275145106You can go hang yourself though.
>>275145034Truly pathetic. I guess moeshitter dogs can't even tolerate themselves she they FLEE their degenerate threads (if they even have one) and come to beg for attention here.
>>275145138>retard spends weeks spamming AI slop videos>make your own one in response for lulz>NOOOOO only he can make them its wrong if you do it!!!!
>>275145106It's not a joke. I'm being honest. And I am not that Tienfag. I'm just posting funny Tien edits.
>>275145198You think i care? Why are you even talking to me? Piss off.
>the same posts>at the same time>everyday>for the past few weeks
>>275145106KEKYFUCKINGFART! His faggot dad did die.
>>275145196>Fregoli delusionI am averting my gaze from your gibberish. Just this.
>>275145235>Piss fantasies out of nowhere RukiaDAMN! What a toilet!
This is the final /dbs/ thread. Say your final goodbyes.
>>275145173Last i checked, you are a fat fucking whale and i weigh 120 lean.
>DiscordI will remain calm.
>>275145309Goodbye, toiletkia. You go bye bye.
>>275145047More like>moeshitter pedophiles>mentally ill rat obsessed with piccolo being a pedo>TardkuratsSome of them might fit all three
>>275145310And you're a retard that can't grasp the fact that I'm talking to BOTH you and the fatass hiding behind Piccolo.>>275145337Even in death you'd be a burden to your family, making them spend more on an XXL coffin and the crane needed to put you in the dirt.
>the pedo Piccolo meme failed>it resorted to copying the same AI spam
>>275142741Oh yeah? Well I bet rukia can't tank THIS!!!!!
>Goodbye, toiletkia. You go bye bye
>>275145407>spend more on an XXL coffin and the crane needed to put you in the dirt.KEKAROOO
>>275145298>what if Hiei from YuYu Hakusho was a female Saiyan
>>275145443Green pedo posting is larger than me. It's stuck really hard for some reason, i'm not sure really why.
>>275145445I need to see poop coming out of that ass immediately
>>275145445SHITkiabros, we lost...
>>275142854you sonovabitch u got me
>>275143877>Huh? No he wasn't.Gohan did have the potential, didn't he?>Pan was obliterated by Dr. Rildo in less than one second...Pan's kick did have some kind of impact, right? You can see the expression on his face.>Goku was overseeing it...Maybe, but she was completely on her own, right?>Because it would be funny.People are sent to a gulag, for saying negative things about Pan?>I don't understand what is happening in that pic.Dr. Myuu made his attack.>But they came back to life? How? And how were they able to get their bodies back?They already had their bodies.>More or less...Did he? I never saw him do anything.. except shouting at his own niece..>Goten wouldn't have fallen...Proof?>Okay...Pic related?>Her washing the ship is just one of many examples...Cleaning the ship is mischief??>I doubt that Pan knows how to navigate...How was she able to find the Dragon Ball on planet Luud?>No, she was measured as being inferior to Rildo..I'm pretty sure the opposite was proven correct, right? Pan was shown to be as powerful as Majin Buu.>Proof?My previous pic related? It proves that repairs were carried out on that part of the ship, so it's bound to appear different, right?>Okay...Next post.>He did it out of spite.Okay, so you think that Pan, despite the fact he clearly used her powers and banadana, was inside him for no apparent reason other than spite?>No, his rear end.I can't believe that..>What was so special about Pan?Pan was his favourite doll.>The way he just threw the other dolls to the floor, and the way it was portrayed, it was very well done.Planet Luud wasn't exactly a desirable location to visit, so it makes sense that Dolltaki would rarely find anything new to add to his collection.>That would surely make him want to dress like her?Judging by your pic related, I'd say he looks much better than he did before.>Okay...I don't know why, but I think it's an improvement.
>made numerous scat edits>admitted Rukia loves poop>admitted Rukia is the poop queen >is making AI scat edits now
The halls have fallen...
>>275143908I do not look like that.
>>275145235>l-leave me alone!!Fucking pussy, holy KEK. Typical moescum.
>>275144089A few years.
I'm sick of the Gigi, Pan and Rukia spamming. They're all shit and annoying.
>>275145671Why have a multiyear spanning conversation? Why did it start?
>>275145615I did not call her the poop queen.I said /dbs/ is shit.Which is true, it is.
>>275145630Lets be honest here, Z and Super have produced the most memes. Anything else is secondary tier garbage. If it can't produce funny - it cant produce notoriety or memorable shit enough to worth making into memes PERIOD.
>piccoloCHAD actually made HBOCren cry and stop postingREAL CHADccolo bros are too strong...
>>275144089>>275145671Which one is the real Panbro?
>>275145687I'm sick of pretty much everything everyone does on here.But, not like they plan on stopping any time soon...
>>275145702>I think that /dbs/ is shit and that's why my beloved poop queen fits inKek. Done.
>>275145722What do you mean?
>>275145632shut up faggot
I want to see a pack of stray dogs violate my wife so bad
>>275145745You're not married, Nuly.
>>275145407You're on MY side!?!?!I can't believe this...Maybe i was wrong about you all this time...We must work together to defeat the SCATren menace.
>here Ichigo, let me share a bit of shart
>>275145745Bejitabro btw if you were wondering
>>275145702Kek, you retarded scat fetishis, keep contradicting yourself, 2D pedophile
>>275145745Krillin....enough with the BBC
>>here Ichigo, let me share a bit of shart
>>275145687Pan is good.
>>275145696I can't remember.
>>275145829You can tell he posted this with tears in his eyes, KEKY.
I'm doing this to Bergamo right now btw
>>275145477Unironically based
>>275145845>fetishisWhy the fuck do ALL of them SUCK at typing???That is the FOURTH typo i have seen ITT
>>275145856BBC is old news I want actual wild animals to jizz inside my wife and have her deny sex with me because I am not a wild animal!
>>275145866That piece of shit will never be good.
Remember when the rukia poster spent new years making lesbian prison rape fantasies?
Piccolo and poop. All that I can think.
>>275145926This is vile
>>275145937Kek. I do. How miserable. He has no friends.
Buu's nubile daughter
These threads really are the funniest shit on the chans.DBZ.org.gov.coom/shitpost/4chinz/basketweaving without question lol
Pan is a hero.
>>275145937No but i do remember when a single falseflagger used one Rukia pic and you fucking babies cried about it for hours thinking i had some feud with RomaineAnd of course the second i set you retards straight and tard wrangled you, it never got brought up again. :D
>>275145972Rukiabros, our yuri fantasies just got better!
>>275145937That was sad and yet it was so funny.
>>275146001>[fart noises]Huh?
>>275146020>wahhhh wahhhCry more, obsessed bitch.
>>275145937I dont even like Rukia I just liked pretending someone is against me because its a way to kill boredum in this shit general
>>275145920>improper punctuation Shut the fuck up, you hypocrite, avatarfagging moeshitter rat. You will never fit in here. Even the Halls' deep decadence, you FAIL to accommodate.
>>275146035>admits he has no friends
Are all Rukia/Bleachfags this insane?
I mean just imagine your wife in her nice dress crying as a bunch of mutts growl at her and bark while one of the mutts has a very visible red rocket and is eyeing your wife's exposed pussy hole. She tries to run away but is stopped by the dogs barking then threatening to bite her, she has to stay there and be raped by every single dog including the ones who arent evne there yet but will join in when they hear her human whore moaning in the distance, while you the husband record it with a camera and are jacking off while recording it.. Your wife being raped by animals and you get off to it.
I still have no idea what a "Rukia" is by the way.
>>275146071Kek, your seething is very funny. This guy sounds so pissed it's like he's about to start tearing up.
>035>"N-No I totally didn't have meltdown over an OC!"KWAB!
"Anime girl fart compilations" are the only thing in my Youtube history for the past 2 weeks
>>275146084>>275146058>the latest Majin is literally Majin Dooamazing
>>275146132Wasn't me.Same goes for 99% of all your other stupid accusations and rumors.
>>275146106It's been at least two years. It already catched on.
>>275146132Whatever makes you dance for me puppet btw Romaine is shit
>>275146119A girl who has a diarrhea fetish, strangely one where she enjoys giving herself violently brappy diarrhea but holds it in for hours, sometimes even days, just to enjoy the sensation of it sloshing and gurgling in her belly
>>275146131>all this white just for Majin Buu to clean himself on
>>275146148>BejiTARD HBOC
>>275144025come give my wife a kiss bejita>*K-Kakkarot...w-what are you doing?*dont be shy bejita, she's been craving that pure prince DNA for a while.>*Kakkarot, cease this nonsense at once!*>ENORMOUS sounding vaccume noises in the distanceUght oh bejita, here she comes>*KAKKAROT, W-WHAT IS THIS MADNESS*bejita, we're getting the suck, just relax your body and enjoy it. The rumors that I dont kiss my wife are definitely not true. you're about to see why first hand>*KKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOOT*
>the Diaper Duo is hereGokubros, Bejitabros, thank you for saving us!
Two scat obsessed retards, here 24/7 because neither of them have any loved ones. I take it back about LARDren though, he won't be a burden on his non-existent family, only a burden on the people forced to move a 600 pound carcass from his computer chair.
>>275146181What the fuck are you talking about?
>>275146078Didn't say that anywhere in that postNot sure why you braindead schizo morons always try to warp everything i say into meaning something else.
>>275146266Romaine is a shitty dyke that gets raped by women all the time, and she kneels to Rukia the queen of the galaxy. She literally eats Rukia's royal shit straight from her butt and takes absolute zero dildos in her cunt making her completely infertile for life
>>275146119It's another mentally ill moerat trying to force his generic FOTM shit. It had happened countless times already. And where are them all? Exactly. Same thing will happen again.
>>275146226She used to be cute in OG and DBZ...Now she's a balding bitch, I'd vomit just from a glance at this balding bitch
>>275146302>Romaine is a shitty dyke that gets raped by women all the timeRomaine does the raping
>the dog rape fanficWhat in the actual fuck is wrong with you people?
>>275146131>deflecting Learn proper punctuation, catalog crawling degenerate. BOOM.
>>275146119most countries have replaced Rukias with bidets by now
>>275146200Ewww bro that's gross
>>275146337No she got raped and turned into the bitch by Tuffle dykes and now has the seen the light that she is a slave to women and will eat their pussies whenever they command her to.
>>275146304Only this one is different because you stalking retards decided to make him a central fucking part of your threads for some reason, bring him up constantly, and have pretty much cemented that he's always going to end up tangled back into this shithole again practically every day.
>>275146375Tuffles are extinct and non canon. You are not a Dragon scholar if you couldn't even get this simple fact straight
>>275146337That big black tail.My boypussy.NOW.I want it to rip a hole in my taint and fuck the wound.
>>275146382>Only this one is different because you stalking retards decided to make him a central fucking part of your threads for some reason, bring him up constantly, and have pretty much cemented that he's always going to end up tangled back into this shithole again practically every day.>RTHly and Tienrus out of NOWHERE
>>275146369Rukia cleans no one's shit, she the queen of the galaxy. Her shit is cleaned up by female androids that eat it then vomit it on plants in her royal garden which is the size of a continent
>TRANNYuliban is here
>>275145929Only a scat obsessed pedophile would love this bitch.
I am Yuliban, creator of insane Dragon Ball fanfics, fear me.
>SHITkia thread diedPICCOLOROOOOOODeserved.
>>275146398Tuffles that lived on Plant are extinct, tuffles outisde of it still exist dumbass.
>>275146439>TRANNYuliban is here>Not even yzilma is hereBack to the Discord.
>favela elf is still broken by Pan
>sperging about Yuliban again
>>275146436Accurate depiction of what a woman brings to the table in a relationship
>>275146486>Yuliban>YzilmaAny more Y names I need to watch out for???
>>275146464There are none confirmed survivors dumbass? Tuffles were a Toei invention anyway. They are either non canon or extinct, pick your poison
>>275146532Nah, that nigga done softened up.I ain't seen no dead bitches in WEEKS.
>>275146495>Lucca in the thumbnail
>>275146259What the DUCK did you just say about Daddy me, you newROACH? Show some respect for the Chad that kept this place clean and running for almost a decade.
>>275144673That will never happen because then they'd have to actually animate decention action scenes, and people might watch it, and as we all know TOEI hates money.Hope this helps.
>>275146353What about India?
>TufflesTheyโre called Tsufurians.
>>275146337This was a recent commission wasn't it?
Actually it's Tufure.
>>275146573Did it really take that long for your sausage fingers to type that out, even with all the mistakes? Out of breath are we?
>>275146573You literally invite the scat posting catalog cucks here and then run away when it gets to be too much, you fat fucking FATrenFATASS.
>>275146599Yes. It's rude to say the F word.
>>275146620It must be since the last one Salvamakoto made was of Romaine beating up Caulifla instead of groping her.
>>275146597The government has installed Rukias on every street corner to encourage it's people to stop defecating on the streets
>>275146672When did Mikasa dye her hair blue?
>>275146665Kek. I laughed.
>>275146573SHITrenTARDS are the biggest joke in these halls.When i first arrived to this hellhole, they were treated like absolute clowns that no one took seriously.
>>275146620While looking for it with reverse image search I found a kiwi farms thread about Romaine.
>>275146640Fuck you, fucking fat fucking retarded fucking fuckup.
>Romaine came home one day to find her little sister snickering on the couch>Whats going on here?>Quiet slave I found some of your old friends they said they would give me this much money if they could turn you out>What? Romaine looks at the women who step out of the shadows for some reason>No it cant be you had life sentences!>Yh dumb saiyan bitch like our biology was changed so we dont age so life sentence is like detention to us and we were almost done with it anyway>Well you are free now so why are you here?>Romaine *she rubs her cheeks and her asscheeks* my bitch you didnt forget about me right? The one who made you a woman loving slave>No I could never forget one who made me feel so humialiated and weak yet I like it no I dont!>Isnt she adorable?>Eww gross I like penis look if your gonna rape my big sister do it already Im beginning to think the money wasnt worth being disgusted by this>Should we rape her too?>No we need clearness in these deals or no one will take them>Oh fine Romaine is the only one getting raped then>Wait Im not gay anymore dont touch me!>Shut up saiyan bitch! A Tuffle is speaking monkey get down on your knees now>Yes mistress! Your feet are looking very lovely today>I stomped on a 7 year old with these , I stopmed their brains out out their skull I mean *evil laugh* Hope you like cerebrospinal fluid because that was only 7 minutes ago>Um mistress even this is>SHUT UP BITCH SUCK THE FEET NOW!>Yes mistress I love your feet with the brain juice of an innocent child on it tastes so good *struggles to hold back her vomit*>Yh I cant watch this Im gonna go fuck my boyfriend somewhere else big sis make sure your nice to your rapist>Wait come back dont leave me alone they will>Sure thing pleasure doing business with you>*door slam>Well now that shes gone we can get really fucked up now hehehe you see this Romaine look its your favorite drink we made you drink it all the time>No please >Thats right period blood
>>275146382Not me, the degenerate rabble of the last couple months. The tenets against moerats were always G& ignore. It's the new wave of posters that know absolutely about the threads what your see today.I haven't posted in months. The garbage ritual where your have to input an email before posting combined with the threads dying is the reason.
>Luigi out of nowhere
Hey, SHITrenTARD.Remember THIS?
>detailed lesbain rape fantasies about Romaine begin to be posted>suddenly Salvamakoto posts a new commission with Romaine engaging in Yuri behaviorInteresting...
>>275146689Why are you still posting your shitty art and samefagging, Seth?
>>275146767Kekychooky. Goku said this.
>>275146486You're next, jirenshitter.
>>275146795It's a 5 year old picture. It's not new
>>275146795I guess that confirms he browses here.
>>275146495>Based GintaCHADS enter threadWe dont deserve you
>>275146708>Twitter rat opinion Invalidated.
>>275146865I want to be breastfed by themโฆ
>>275146772He's just as obssesed with this place as the SHITkiaTWIG. The only thing stopping him from making a pathetic meltdown "my friends" post like the twig did is his delusion that people here actually like him.
>>275146852Don't reply to yourself.
>>275146635>no retort Next time watch your pretty mouth, pussy.
>>275146795>can't even reverse Google search an imageYou dumbass detective.
>Don't reply to yourself.
>>275145599>Gohan did have the potential, didn't he?Not at that time...>Pan's kick did have some kind of impact, right? You can see the expression on his face.What expression? He swatted Pan like a fly...>Maybe, but she was completely on her own, right?Goku was aware of her ki...>People are sent to a gulag, for saying negative things about Pan?Sure, I mean, you're the one in power.>Dr. Myuu made his attack.And?>They already had their bodies.How? Wasn't Dr. Gero completely destroyed?>Did he? I never saw him do anything.. except shouting at his own niece..His presence was wanted by his family...>Proof?He's a super saiyan.>Pic related?Yes, but what exactly does he mean? Is it explained what and how?>Cleaning the ship is mischief??The ship was sanitized...>How was she able to find the Dragon Ball on planet Luud?Trunks and Goku?>I'm pretty sure the opposite was proven correct, right? Pan was shown to be as powerful as Majin Buu.Goku claimed that Rildo could be as strong as Buu. Was Kuririn stronger than Cell? Was Tenshinhan stronger than Buutenks?>My previous pic related? It proves that repairs were carried out on that part of the ship, so it's bound to appear different, right?Hmm, I have many doubts...>Next post.Now?>Okay, so you think that Pan, despite the fact he clearly used her powers and banadana, was inside him for no apparent reason other than spite?Her Power??? What power?>I can't believe that..I saw it...>Pan was his favourite doll.I don't understand.>Planet Luud wasn't exactly a desirable location to visit, so it makes sense that Dolltaki would rarely find anything new to add to his collection.But the way he was portrayed made him look kind of rotten.>Judging by your pic related, I'd say he looks much better than he did before.It would have been funny if had done that.>I don't know why, but I think it's an improvement.What else could improve?
>doesn't deny replying to himselfDone.
>RukiaSHITBITCH freaking out againSaddest thread in years.What gonna make some shitty Frieza joke now? Bitch
>>275146777TienccoloTienrusTienjitaTienulyHow many more of these exists?
>>275146857I do find it VERY strange that there is a known effeminate twitter homo that has the same pro-Toei/anti-Toyo allegiances that SHITrenTARDS do.There wouldn't possibly be any connection between the two, right?.......
>>275146639Back up your slanderous BITCH babble or shut the FUCK UP.
Luv me peaceLuv me technologyLuv me planet'ate SaiyansSimple as
>Luigi is here now
>they're only finding out about the SHITrenfags scat obsession nowHave you humanoids forgetting about his condom shitting fiasco already?
>>275146944You should be the last thing to say bitch you raped by monkeys, Fuckable little bitch.
all this SHIT, all this FUCKING SHIT in my FUCKING THREAD
>>275146979They're tourists.
>>275147021Toriyama would be proud.
>>275146672>>275146689CEASE THIS AT ONCE.
>>275146906Amazing how even as a detective, Bejita will job
>Period blood from random inmates we tortured in their vaginas so its more like blood from the pusys than period blood but you get the idea>Bon fucking apetit drink it now bitch!>Dont worry you wont get AIDs I think>No i refuse I wont drink period blood anymore your delicious pus I mean nasty vagina juice yes! no! I wont do this anymore>You have no choice bitch it turns out you pissed off more than us>Huh?>Did you forget how Queen Rukia used you as a toilet then had you raped to death then resurrrected with no memory of that?>I uh what? What the fuck?>Yes you are now Queen Rukia's familiar which mean literally anything she says is law>And its been made legal for any woman, any teenage girl, and any female child to violate or beat you up whenever they want>That cant be true! Your just lying!>Oh really>*suddenly female robots show up out of nowhere*>Familiar #2445434343ID Romaine is resisting the Rukia's Gospel Chapter 3453 Verse 23a>Uh what the fuck is going on here?>FAMILIAR YOU ARE TO COMPLY WITH HER MAJESTYS WILLS OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES>This isnt fair!>EVERYONE IS LORD RUKIA'S SLAVE EVEN PEOPLE WHO ARE RICH NOW SHUT UP AND BE RAPED BY THESE FORMER CRIMINALS ALREADY ROMAINE>Heheheh thats right you piece of shit! I made it so any woman can harass and terrorize you for the rest of your life and even if you die Ill revive you so you can experience agony for the rest of eternity *evil laugh*>Rukia? How are you speaking in my mind?>Im Rukia I can do anything you piece of garbage, my femdroids before you leave lets give our old punching bag a flashback>YES ORDERS ARE OUR WILL LORD RUKIA NOW VOMITING OUT THE LORD'S FAECES SHE DEPOSITED 4 HOURS AGO>No plz stop>Holy fuck they are gonna shit on her this is so hot I thought we was gonna rape her but wow>*they puke a pile of shit on her that covers her from head to toe>Make sure you eat it all bitch or you will be tortured *evil laugh*
>>275147021An optional pedo prequel gagshitter made this thread?
Why is the Rukia sperging about Yuliban? It's exactly like the RTHly did before.
>>275146738TL;DR, Nobody is reading your fucking gay fanshition.Keep it short and funny.
>>275147100That's someone else, he's tearing into Shitren fags atm
>>275147109>reincarnation >JanembaYou retarded moeshitter.
>Romaine breaks down crying while covered in a pile of smelly shit>Im freaky but I cant fuck her while shes dirty so Romaine eat all of that crap and we will reschedule this raping for a next time ok bitch>Romaine is too busy mentally breaking down under the pile of shit to hear them>*door slam>Romaine continues to cry while slowly trying to eat the shit>Ah that was a good fuck I love my boyfriend so much if only he knew I call every guy I cheat on him with "my boyfriend" hahahahaaa I like how he buys me stuff what a sucker, so anyways sis how are you doing you smell like shit literally is that shit on your mouth?>I can explain>Uh I knew gay people were weird but this is just ugh fucking clean yourself you disgrace>Yes...Yes mistress
>>275146840We love puppets here
>>275146756Someone rang?
>>275146772>uncensored moeshit in the image>fruitless attempt at slandering the figureheads of the threadsAsk me how i know a degenerate moerat made it. Denoued and discarded, catalog pedophile. BOOM. You'll never fit in.
>>275147102Yep, it's not even hot. I can't get into it with all the spelling errors and it needs more structure. I can't even jerk off to this.
>>275146890>no comma>IESLBKEK.
>>275146891I didnt, retard.
>>275147163>He thinks Im seriously applying any literary effort typing these fapficsGo fuck yourself you anti Rukia scum
>>275147189I can feel the tears behind this post
Is Toaluigi Smugpup?
>>275147075Gigi's husband
>>275147210You shouldn't need to apply effort.
>>275146772>the /trash/ vermins are backNo wonder these Halls have gone to shit.
>>275147102>Nobody is reading your fucking gay fanshition.Hey be nicer to ffvii remake
>>275147238You should be forced to eat a woman's shit while she rapes you with a strapon
>>275147246>WAHHHHH /treasure/ WAHHHHHHGOD, all you faggots do is complain.
>>275147163Oh yeah? Well Heres something you CAN jerk off to!
CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACKOh gods, what is wrong with her?CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACKShe just won't stop punching themCRACK CRACK CRACK CRACKWhy is Pan torturing her grandpa?CRACK CRACK CRACKCRACK goes the nuts of Tardku as Sexually Sadistic Pan begins torturing her grandfather with sick and extreme genital injury, helped by a sadomasochistic robotmanGoku's groin is now squishy and bloody and the man squeaks and squeals in yelps for help but Pan wants to make him suffer much MUCH moreShe was grinning when she inflicted a brutal groin injury and kept touching Goku in inappropriate waysWith a gigaton punch, she busted the nuts of Goku into a syrupy paste and scrolled the gore around his groin with her knuckles, pulling out prostate veins, making Goku sufferShe made Goku suffer badOh she made Goku suffer ๐น๐ฌ๐จ๐ณ bad
>>275147260What is wrong with you.
>>275147219You mean yours? Kekaroo.
>>275147246Why can't trash fags make there own threads instead of leeching off /dbs/ like a parasite?
>>275147276Goku goes to prison for statutory over this btw
>>275147304I enjoy imagining people being forced to eat the faeces that comes from a woman's ass while thye cry and have snot running down their nose, as beautiful women twerk around them shooting jets of diarrhea onto their crying face.
>275147260Could you please stop?>b-butStop.That is some fucking GROSS shit you just said.
>>275147276SHE'S FUCKING 3
>>275147272>he was rightFuckn off to your thread for furshit, subhuman bitch.
>>275147373...out of 5.
>>275147363>Toriyama: Boo reincarnated as an Aryan>Toyo: >Toriyama: The fuck did you just draw? Take off your pants
>>275147260Why are you so hostile? What did I do to you?
>>275147333That dumpster perished. The shitty threads can't even reach bump limit now.
>>275147373>SHE'S FUCKING 3
>>275147388I would, if i wasn't single handedly responsible for killing those threads.Now fuck off, and never tell me what to do or where to go ever again.
>>275147406You insulted Rukia therefore you must forced to eat shit from a woman's ass until all of that shit destrosy your stomach and poisons your bloodstream from your small intestine trying to extract stuff from the shit.
>>275147373At once????
>>275143063Scholars, Oldfags, Mediumfags and hell, even newfags wouldnt post in here if they didnt love the series or at least want to participate in our shitposting.Just dropping trvth nukes.
>>275147373Calm down Rom
>>275145445STOP masturbating to cartoons, you failure manchild PIECE OF SHIT.
>>275147418Extra pathetic because trash has a lower bump limit
>>275147431Open your fucking mouth again and I'll smash your teeth in with a 2x4. Don't ever talk without my permission again.
>>275147442I never insulted her. You are a strange person. You are making me like her less due to your actions.
>>275147486You should open your mouth when a woman is shitting and ensure it gets into your lungs
>>275143670This is your mascot. He's a master at taking the biggest BBC possible. His devilfruit allows his bootyhole to stretch out to twin tower proportions. He's possibly the gayest main character in fiction ever.C O P EOPE.
>>275146979Piccolo fags have scat obsession too.
>>275147431The only thing you retarded leeches killed is the wiki.
>Unironic scatfagLmao this fucking general I swear
My whole verse lost to a Saibaman....
>>275147486>Don't ever talk without my permission again.uwu that sounds hot
Imagine Pan in latex obliterating your groin and crucifying you while flaying you and the entire time the gruesome violence and sickening pain makes her orgasm repeatedly and she can barely get enough of your cries to die as she groin rapes you with a spike.hahaha that sounds pretty weird huhshe gets sexual pleasure from your extreme pain as you bear the burden of the cross after getting a giant jesus nail crucifixion through your groin genitalia haha she laughs sick in the head haha oh she has a knife and has you pinned and starts slicing your balls hahaha and you scream in agony and she giggles and the excitement is so great that she can't control her bodily functions I think she peed and sharted from excitement a little hahahajaja she is a little sick in the head hahahah uh oh, she's giggling again and she's pulling out your prostate veins through your wounds hahahaha i think she wants to hurt you a lot <3 owie!!!With a gigaton punch, she busts the nuts of (You) into a syrupy paste and scrolls the gore around your groin with her knuckles, pulling out prostate veins, making (You) sufferShe makes you suffer badOh she makes you suffer ๐น๐ฌ๐จ๐ณ badAnd she giggles sadistically as you cry out in terrible mortal pain, you suffer a heart attack from the pain and she reaches sexual climaxSexually Sadistic Pan gigglesOw wow she's having a hard time keeping it under control. Slice, slice hahaja listen to the screams. Wow Pan loves how tightly the latex feels against her ass. Cut cut, ouchie, she's cut off Gokek's manhood and shoved it down his throat and sucks out his prostate juices to make him cry hehehehee
>>275147535Jujutsu Kaisen...
>>275146979It's easy to find out who's a tourist and who isn't You could probably mention "Remember when Nagatoro was Bejita's wife" and they'd go "HUH??? GIGI HAS BEEN HIS FOR THE PAST (time since they joined) YOU UH....KEK!!!"
>>275147540>Kill Saiyans. Behead Saiyans. Roundhouse kick a Saiyan into the planet. Send low level baby Saiyans into a gas giant. Cut Saiyans tails off. Defecate in a Saiyans food. Launch Saiyans into the sun. Stir fry Saiyans in a wok. Toss Saiyans into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Saiyans Healing Pod. Judo throw Saiyans into a Super Nova. Twist Saiyans heads off. Report Saiyans to the Ginyu Force. Karate chop Saiyans in half. Trap Saiyans in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Crush Saiyans in the trash compactor. Liquefy Saiyans in a vat of acid. Eat Saiyans. Dissect Saiyans. Exterminate Saiyans in the gas chamber. Stomp Saiyan skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Saiyans in the oven.Drown Saiyans in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Saiyans with a ray gun. Kick old Saiyans down the planet's core. Feed Saiyans to Yakkon. Slice Saiyans with the Z-Sword.
>>275146708i miss this guy, please post more CHADgel CHADust
>>275147579Based!!!!Granolah discovers that there's a colony of Saiyan women living on Rygol-7, the planet the Saiyans conquered thanks to the great saiyanist known as Bardock's radical new invention, the artificial moonGranolah then becomes Jack the RipperTorturing and slaying and sexually murdering thousands of Saiyan womenHe attacks one girl using way too much of his power and rips her in half and uses her entrails to strangle other saiyan girls to deathThen also strangles another saiyan girl to death with her own tailIt's a monkey blood bath!!!Granolah the Ripper becomes a dashing aristocrat speaking in elegant couplets as he goes on wanton massacres and ultraviolenceThere's "tournaments" that are made to attract all these Saiyan women , where the only opponent is Granolah and his whole modus operandi is to inflict extreme gory ryona.The dumbass monkeys literally throw themselves at him thinking they're getting some epic fights, and all he keeps doing is beating them to death, leaving them quivering messy puddles of blood and organs. A totalitarian state he makes! Saiyan women specifically are targeted by the Granolah Laws, and must wear marks and live in ghettos and concentration camps Killing one is legally the same as killing a rat. Zero civil rights, ever. Brain chips monitor their brains, denying them free thought or the possibility of revolt. Public brutal beatings and torture and crowds gather to watch the monkeys get flogged and eaten by krakens. Babies fed to alligators.D--n it, how he nicks em!!!๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐ผ๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น ๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น๐น ๐น๐น๐น๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ๐ฏ!!!!!!!!!!!!
G the early trash and migrate.>>275147630>>275147630>>275147630
>>275147618>scat trash To the other one!
>>275147590>>275147590>WHY IS /DBS/ SO OBSESSED WITH [dragon ball canon]??
>>275147590Time honored tradition
I won
>>275147559Nagatoro was never Bejita's wife.>B-But Silence, miscreant. Your ship never took off.
>>275146408>in my taint and fuck the woundWho the fuck let chris-chan on 4chan?
>>275147276>goes the nuts
>>275147618>>275147648>>275147659>the illusion of choice They are both scat trash. I HATE the current state of these halls.
>>275147769Daima did nothing to stop it either. It somewhat accelerated it since it attracted newbitches.
>>275147210Shut up faggot, holy shit. Leave the pastas to people with real talent and not a permanent 5'oclock shadow and early age balding.
>>275147505This CHADnimation anihilates all others by comparison, a tornado had surrounded me and my screen when Goku was being swung around in circles, my surroundings shaking when their heads clashed... something Z, Grand Taco and SHITma could only ever DREAM of achieving. My WORD...
>>275147593Buu is shit and the worst Z villain, I'm glad he didn't get included in that videotoy
>>275147836It's because we pretended to hate it We already knew everyone was gonna be kids and it wasn't Super 2 but we still played up the sthick when the trailer premieredNewfags didn't know this and just thought "oh /dbs/ is getting a new show let's go check it out!!!" and saw our reactions and thought they were genuine and funny so they told their friends and they came and the rest is history
>>275147593>17 and 18There's a million characters id put in before themOr BulmaOr black
We should just start get used to redccolo closing threads out at this point.
I'm cuter than Jiren btw.
Giselle >>275149001
gigi and bejita won.