Never watch new anime with your familyI made this mistake of watching a few series with my sister because she wanted to get familiar with the medium and every time there'd be some sudden 'siscon' moment that caused her to cringe. One time an anime sister was part of the harem and there was a major romantic breakthrough and my sis expressed her disgust at the idea they could be shipped. She must think by now that I share those perverted fantasies or something
Fuck your sister. And make her pregnant.
>>275187794Just admit that you want to fuck your sister and get it over with, coward.
>>275187794Don't listen to this >>275187864 guy. Use protection when fucking your sister, OP.
Your sister is a smart cookie.
God I wish I had a sister bros
>>275187932"Protection" is such a retarded term. Protection from what? Pregnancy? The reason sex exists? It's up there with "sex worker."
>>275187794>every time there'd be some sudden 'siscon' moment that caused her to cringe.She thinks about fucking you. Why else would she think that way?>One time an anime sister was part of the harem and there was a major romantic breakthrough and my sis expressed her disgust at the idea they could be shipped.She definitely wants to fuck you. Time to live out you hentai fantasies, anon. >>275187932Like they said, use protection. Don't produce retarded children.
>>275187794why don't you just watch a movie like Perfect Blue or some shit.
>>275187794she was into it, she just didn't want to show it
>>275187794Reminds of this Ghibli film I watched with my friends: the 2 main characters who were clearly lovebirds were revealed to siblings. It got cringey af and the group just lose interest in the filmIt's crazy how Japs put incest in everything, even sanitized Ghibli slops
>>275187794>every time there'd be some sudden 'siscon' moment that caused her to cringe. It made her uncomfortable because it appealed to her deep desires.Protect yourself or you'll be rapes by your sis one of these days, OP
>>275187794rape your sister lovingly of course
>>275187794op just remember that the one and only reason why incest is seen as taboo is because of the risk of genetic deformities in offspring meaning so long as you use contraceptives it is perfectly ok to fuck your go fuck your sister already and stop wasting time here.
>>275187794Your pic seems more brocon though.
>>275187794Struggle snuggle your imouto.
>>275189604>risk of genetic deformitiesIt's a lie btw, such fabrications were made to destroy the bonds of communities and the family unit.Anime still has some sense of traditional values by having loving siblings, but due to Tokyo it's become rarer than ever and the sister never wins or some NBR bs is pushed.
>>275187864>>275187932never change, /a/
>>275187794approach her hornily and tell her that anime has opened your eyes
Better to go for the direct approach.
>>275188027Protection from STDs. You don't want to get AIDS, do you?
>>275187864that's horrible
>>275191731>that's amazingFIFY
>>275190237No, that's true. I had a neighbors who were retarded, their parents were first cousins.
>>275187794I tried watching Monogatari with my sister but sadly she is a pleb and got bored.
>>275191934>cousinsThere's your problem, they're NBR