is anyone else also pissed off when anime characters eat luxury food items for a very long time while also commenting how its "umeee" and "osihiiiii" and shit?
>>275190725Motherfucker if I ate that I'd also go "Holy shit this is so good" and MMMMMMMM
>>275190809You'd proclaim that out loud?
>>275190836If I'm out with the lads yeah
>>275190725They take ONE fucking BITE, they never finish it. Bothers me a lot
>>275190725I thought it was the diagram of a penis.
>>275190836Hell yes, and I'd share it too.>>275191925Nobody is animating 5 minutes of eating a parfait when they've got 24 minutes to tell a story. You see them eat the first bite, and now you're clued into that they're eating it.Like at best they can have the parfait at various levels of being eaten if they're having a conversation while eating it, but usually having them eat one bite, and then at the end of the meal show it empty or just implying they ate it all is good enough.