What if you woke up and you were stuck as Momo? What would you do now?
Become turboslut and take virginities of random nerds and shotas.
>>275211185ugly losers don`t deserve hot girls
>>275211079Get raped by oji-sans I guess.
>>275211079Dan Da Dan is shit. Let it go already
>>275211079Try not to and then lose to the cock
>>275211268Yeah it sucks but Momo is is really hot and the OP is great.
>>275211210skinnyfat manlettes don't deserve hot guys either yet here we are
>>275211079I would literally behave just like Momo and probably get raped a lot
>>275211298really? there were hotter girls that season and better OPs
>>275211079agp faggot thread
>>275211483such as
>>275211079I wish I was her. The confidence... the promiscuity, the apathy over being raped... so hot
Oh no /a/ went from the homosexuality stage to the autogynophilia stage of the anime to trans pipeline
>>275211079I think I would love being Momo!
>>275211079I would be pregnant from rape
>>275211534Yeah, it's not even a joke anymore. Maybe it never was.
>>275211079Go to the mall and try on cute clothes
>>275211079I would be happy because I am momo!
I like Momo threads>>275211483I’m surprised no one posts the pink haired girl. I don’t like the granny because of her retarded hair but otherwise she would be hot too
>>275211268I've been enjoying it, and clearly lot of others too given how liked Momo is.
>>275213867You enjoy ogling Momo not the story
>>275211079Momo smells bad