Anime adaptation next season. From the same creator as Yuru Camp. Teaser:
>>275224069Will this be yuri?
>>275224069Been waiting for this for a while now I hope we get the Kagamihara clan cameo
>>275224069very boring
>>275224069Who's the Aoi of this series?
Where's the bird-watching anime?
>>275224426Where's the gardening club anime?
>>275224426There is a bird watching manga in one of the Kirara's and I thought it did have a anime in production?
>>275224726Yes, I mean that one. That's a Forward series, right?
>>275224069Will the whole anime be panoramic too?
>>275224069Who's the Nadeshiko of this series?
>>275224481This. I can't wait dirtfag vs hydrophony funposting.
>>275226113You really could have a lot of fun with a gardening club series: - The girl who joined because she liked ikebana - The girl who's obsessed with bonsai - The girl who's weirdly into cacti and extremophiles - Carnivorous plant girl - The odd loner survivalist girl who's mainly into it because she wants the best crops for her homestead - The shy jimiko who waters the flowerbeds around the school and talks to the plants all the time
Monopill me on this animeWhat's the premise?Are the girls cute?Will it be as good as Yuru Campu?
>>275224739I think so. It was announced for sometime this year back at that Kirara event last fall. But a exact date was not announced so I don't know which season it will be in.
>>275226872They are college age. They have a car not bikes. They have lots of photography equipment.
>>275226336>epiphyte collector>self sufficient autist>ferns collector>girl with weird fixation on rainbow corn>terrarium enthusiast
>>275226336>>275227540For me, it's the loner orchid girl who occasionally joins the main group and is surprisingly knowledgeable about all the other topics, too
>>275227811Yeah, she's great, I love the way she keeps appearing behind the newbie and dropping a random factoid about whatever is being discussed into the conversation in that tired sexy voice she has.
>>275227811Dumb ojou-sama who knows everything related to mushrooms but clueless about everything else.