Does it need retranslation?
unironically soulless>b-but its more acurratejust learn japanese
>>275224600This is retarded. If I wanted a machine translation I'd do it myself.
>>275224640this was their best example of characters sounding more natural lol
>coloredinto the trash it goes
>>275224926colors make odas scribbles more readible
>No honorificsStill trash
>>275224600The barracuda dialogue is much better than that generic this>>275224640This
>pirate king>king of piratesOne is clearly inaccurate because they don't mean the same thing.
>>275224600If your translation needs this you've already lost
>>275224600>Official coloringI thought you were supposed to color them in yourself?
>>275224639Japanese isn't a language worth learning
>>275226608Name one that is.
>>275224600>the great treasure said to "connect all as one"Headcanon, or am I a speedreader? Or is that "reworked translation" actually correct?
>>275224640That is so japanese
>>275224600If Zoro, than Ruffy, no?
>>275224600English? NoLatin Spanish? Yes
Are they adding nakama back in as well?
>>275227626>つまり富と名声と力のひとつなぎの大秘至...あの「ワンピース」を目指呈すって事ですよ?He's repeating the intro scroll, basically. It's taking the idea of the One Piece containing "wealth, fame and power" too literally. I could not possibly tell you why "connect all as one" is in quotes either.
>>275224600>>275224640>>275226513Good opportunity for me to post this again.
>>275224600>You may be a barracuda, but I'ma great white shark>when compared to my mighty strength it is evident who is superiorHow could anyone read the stilted trash that is the 2nd line and think they improved it?
>>275228333What's wrong with it? It sounds like something from an old jrpg translation.
>>275224600>improved dialogueIs the one on the right supposed to sound more natural? >improved translation, this time by a professionalProfessional just means you get paid for something. It doesn’t mean you’re good. You’re just trading one person’s opinion for another because the only objectively correct translation would be to transliterate every word and then have half a page of TL notes explaining what everything means in context.
>>275227626They write that over "one piece" every time it's mentioned in the manga
>>275228303>seething retard refuses to accept that his way of doing things makes everything read like shit >writes an entire foreword about how he’s right and everyone else is dumb because he knows he’ll get shit onIs this supposed to prove something? Putting your opinion into a book doesn’t make it correct.
>>275228368>It sounds like something from an era when piss-poor transliteration was the norm yes, and?
>>275228616Ok, seething retard. Putting your opinion into a 4chan post doesn't make it correct either.>inb4 don't you have anything better than "no u"?You don't deserve anything better than "no u"
>>275228616If you can't tell you're reading a translation then it's a poor translation. What he says about "slick English cliches" really applies to One Piece in this case, or other kids manga (not that "serious" Japanese literature doesn't get butchered either), because the manga operates within a cultural framework and uses its own specific cliches to give context to the readers. Less context is always bad.
>>275228666Can you prove it's inaccurate? Many people say when you learn japanese you realize how retarded anime sounds.
>>275228941This, EOP babbies will never realize this. Localizers almost always brush this under the rug to the point of rewriting entire sentences, but there are famous times when a proper translation is done and achieved recognition that confuses and angers them i.e Shirou's "People die when they are killed".
>>275226513I love it when translators ommit stuff and don't even bother adding a note because it's "unprofessional"
>>275228262Interesting. That makes a bit more sense to me.The way "connect all as one" is worded almost made it sound like foreshadowing of that one popular fan theory that the One Piece is about connecting all oceans into a single one. And I would've been surprised if it had always been THAT explicit, but I somehow never heard of it.
>>275229099That's not a good comparison though, "People die when they are killed" sounds utterly retarded out of context while the other translation is just sort of clunky
>>275224600>>275226513>>275228303Tolkein said exactly the same when a Dutch "translator" localised LotR.In principle I object as strongly as is possible to the 'translation' of the nomenclature at all (even by a competent person). I wonder why a translator should think himself called on or entitled to do any such thing. That this is an 'imaginary' world does not give him any right to remodel it according to his fancy, even if he could in a few months create a new coherent structure which it took me years to work out. I presume that if I had presented the Hobbits as speaking Italian, Russian, Chinese, or what you will, he would have left the names alone. Or, if I had pretended that 'the Shire' was some fictitious Loamshire1 of actual England. Yet actually in an imaginary country and period, as this one, coherently made, the nomenclature is a more important element than in an 'historical' novel. But, of course, if we drop the 'fiction' of long ago, 'The Shire' is based on rural England and not any other country in the world – least perhaps of any in Europe on Holland, which is topographically wholly dissimilar. (In fact so different is it, that in spite of the affinity of its language, and in many respects of its idiom, which should ease some part of the translator's labour, its toponymy is specially unsuitable for the purpose.)
>>275224600>>275226513>>275228303The toponymy of The Shire, to take the first list, is a 'parody' of that of rural England, in much the same sense as are its inhabitants: they go together and are meant to. After all the book is English, and by an Englishman, and presumably even those who wish its narrative and dialogue turned into an idiom that they understand, will not ask of a translator that he should deliberately attempt to destroy the local colour. I do not ask that of a translator, though I might be glad of a glossary where (seldom) the meaning of the place-name is essential. I would not wish, in a book starting from an imaginary mirror of Holland, to meet Hedge, Duke'sbush, Eaglehome, or Applethorn even if these were 'translations' of 'sGravenHage, Hertogenbosch, Arnhem, or Apeldoorn! These 'translations' are not English, they are just homeless.
>>275229099>EOP babbiesSo this translation is of no concern to you, you're just here because you're obsessed with us