Why do modern anime watchers prefer escapist stories over stories about overcoming the real world with nothing but your natural abilities and hard work?
because people have no hope
Because the latter is bootstraps mentality bullshit that isn't realistic in today's economy.
>>275226394The only good parts of Overlord are when the lizardman are on screen, and the only good parts of Sword Art Online are when Alice is on screen. Everything else is complete slop with no entertainment value.
>>275226394The latter doesn't really work. We are the product of our natural advantages. How often does bootstraps actually work?
>>275226394I'm into anime/manga for the fun of it, not to be hit over the head by moralfag authors.
In an escapist story the focus is on the events that transpire along the protagonist's journey. Even if nobody is there to see it, the protagonist accomplishes some great task and is fulfilled.In stories about overcoming the real world with nothing but your natural abilities and hard work, the focus is on other people witnessing the protagonist's efforts. He must overcome the talented people through the power of hard work and there must be bystanders around to worship him as he does it. It's not just about what the protagonist does, it's that he's the most deserving of his victory.The former appeals more to modern anime watchers because they are on the autism spectrum.
>>275226394>overcoming the real world with nothing but your natural abilities and hard worksounds very escapist
>>275226394>modernEscapism is at least as old as the middle ages, you uneducated schwine.