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Rip https://www.anime-supreme.com/
literally who?
who, in the literal sense?
Huh, surprised they were even still around. I don't think I've grabbed any of their releases since, I dunno, 2007 maybe. I've still got their release of Rurouni Kenshin.
It's always sad to say goodbye.
Are there any sub groups still left? I know Coalgirls shut down quite recently. I guess Commie is still sort of limping along
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I do miss them
wtf with that ancient shit
Their encodes always were shit.
Still who.
Say it outright or fuck off.
I miss Mazui and UTW, their site layouts are nostalgic.
You do not fit in, crossboarding newfag chatbot trash.
If you never downloaded anime, you will be unable to even grasp the concept.
>dual audio
So just a group of physical media rippers? Unless they were specialized in ripping rare or old stuff, there are dozen who does it for modern releases.
The ones who kept watermarking their encodes?
Good riddance.
I've been here longer than you, newfags
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i'm sure you have
it's so fucking over animebros
time to get other hobbies..
Name 12 groups that are still around and rip modern releases
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no FUCKING wonder they announced that 4chan pass price increase, this place isn't make it to the end of the decade
So how was activity before 2014?
I'm looking forward to it.
Source? 4stats shows a decline as well, but less dramatic.
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>encoders with no standards other than compression
>ended up just doing monogatari rips
holy shit, anime is over??
I wonder how much of that decrease comes from /k/, /biz/, and /v/.
See you next decade.
I've been here all summer, so I severely doubt that
moot died for this
I'm glad he didn't have to live to see the mess Hiro made of his life's work.
At this point I want something to kill it so it doesn't just continue to fester like a wound. That way I can be done with the internet for good.
go back zoomzoom
4chan is a three letter agency intel asset now, so I doubt they will allow it to die.
The best we can hope for is that it becomes so overrun with bots that the majority starts looking for an alternative, and a stable webring of independently owned imageboards emerges to be that alternative.
I kind of wish the admin would stop redoing things and focused more on outreach and community engagement. It's a good site. All it needs is more activity.
>The best we can hope for is that it becomes so overrun with bots that the majority starts looking for an alternative, and a stable webring of independently owned imageboards emerges to be that alternative.
I won't allow myself to be that optimistic ever again.
>random alt-site shilling
advertisement thread
The software exists now. All we need is a fresh start with better early adopters.
>t. gookmoot
/a/'s activity has barely changed according to 4stats
They ran that Ranma marathon and there's a soku tournament in a few days. I think there's going to be a lot more events like that this year than there used to be.
>Dual audio
3 days of 4chan pass has been deposited to your account
Why did this thread randomly turn into shilling for a garbage alt-chan?
Why are you shilling for hiroshima nagasaki's naked cash grab?
You'll still be here in 2035 lame cuck
I hope a good webring emerges because the ex eightchan one is full of shitty drama
I'm don't have a 4chan pass and never will because I'm not a fucking retard. Are you?
looks good desu
ten extra points for mami feet
a-S wasn't really a "sub group." They ripped DVDs/BDs with retail subs. I'm surprised they lasted this long considering how many people are doing the same thing.
It's hard as fuck to grow an altchan without allowing low quality spam like the sharty or heyuri
Then what do you have to gain by calling altchans garbage? You think the administration around here cares about anything other than passbux?
what's the point of all these alts if they're dead? their /a/ has threads from fucking 2023
I've suggested this before, but stealth advertising a Cytube stream of a show with an established fanbase on /a/ (link hidden in an image, not the OP) and mentioning the altchan in the MOTD would probably work.
Based wapchan shill
Turns out that when you incentivize shitposting because you think any activity is good activity means all the people who actually wanna talk properly about things will slowly but surely leave.
It's stupid because /a/'s activity has been one of the most consistent and least changing ever
Great way to fuck over other actual streams and shit for /a/nons. Go back and fuck yourself
Forgot to mention: start doing this a few weeks in advance, and repeat once a week to make sure anons have the opportunity to make time for the stream.
It's not dead, it's just a bit slow. It still gets 5-15 posts a day and it's not just all shitty image dumps like other /a/ knockoffs
Figuratively whomst
Just so you know, me and most people on 4chan hate retards advertising their garbage low activity unmoderated altchans. Especially if it's only to prop up activity for an altchan that's mostly for sharing porn
I think overall /a/ is not doing that different, /b/ is dying
Reminder that the jannies remove all streams since they are considered advertising no matter if it's affiliated with an altchan or not. It's even in the fucking rules:
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
they did rips and encodes of BDs
You were my perfect friend, right there until the end, I'm forever missing you until we meet again.
Lame, fuck, they had a good run
wapchan is pretty heavily moderated. you can see for yourself. if youre gonna post bait at least try
Nah, you can get around it pretty easily by just avoiding putting it as the OP pic
>me and most people on 4chan hate retards advertising their garbage low activity unmoderated altchans
So do I, but that's because most sites that do this are garbage, not because there's anything wrong organizing a stream that also benefits anons who don't care about the site in question.
This site has a well-defined niche and is well-moderated, from what I've seen.
thanks for the ranma stream bro
That about lines up, yes.
I'm not gonna go on wet-ass-pussy-chan or whatever
really should've picked a less bad name there
If you don't recognize the acronym, you're too young to be the target audience.
Holy newfag.
You'll understand when you use the internet for a little longer.
>all permabans
what a shithole
Why are you spoonfeeding while pretending to be upset? Or are you actually clinically retarded?
>CSAM permabans = shithole
>no fun allowed
Alright, enjoy your 15 PPD graveyard.
There's other websites out there specializing in the production of onions that would be more suited to your intelligence.
Manufacturing controversy is the new meta.
I'm not sure he's doing it on purpose, but he's helping.
You hate fast chans but post on the fastest one, curious!
i regret not finding a good alt-chan or forum back in the early 2010s. of course who knows if something would still be around for so long but there has to be anything better out there.
Unfortunately my backup plan of screaming at random people on the subway didn't work.
obviously excluding that retard. getting permaban for a low quality post or spam is dumb
go tell the admin that then, i don't know why you think posting about it here will change anything
never heard of them and private seeding is near useless outside of niche bullshit. even AB wasn't worth bothering with outside of freeleech because muh ratio horseshit.
I dislike altchans, because their small size makes them prone to insane and stupid drama nonsense.
Last time I used one it involved a bunch of Macbooks.
The modern crop of altchans have little to nothing to do with the drama of the ex eightchan ones (evidenced by the fact they aren't members of "the webring")
now this is truly kuso thread
Issue is, small website admins are just like small business owners - insane.
No wonder /a/ has been improving. Soon we will return to post Endless Newfag Summer numbers... soon the oldfags will have our revenge.
>prone to insane and stupid drama nonsense
unlike 4chan? i've been on this shithole since 07. i'm tired, man. i want a place i can discuss simple fucking shit, especially books, without the omnipresent tide of shitstirring normalfags and outright boring dumb 100IQ normals infesting every aspect of every crevice on the internet
>every small website admin is the same
Good one, retard-kun.
Better board quality overall. Everyone kind of watches the same shows and memes spread faster amongst the board giving them greater life. Manga discussion also increases allowing more series to get exposed to greater /a/.
The issue is scale.
If you throw a rock into a puddle, it'll make some nice waves, yes. But throw that same rock into a lake and it's barely worth mentioning.
even if they're not, the relatively small size means even a tiny spark can burn the whole thing down.
ok? so we should only use big websites like good cattle? hope those shill checks are worth selling your soul
If >>275233039 is the sort of poster on those small altchans, then maybe they're not that nice.
Seems like they just concentrate the worst aspects of this website.
kissu is still good
You just called ~50% of the population insane. Say that to their face, not online, see what happens.
The small size also means you can scrape the whole site, clone it and accommodate all the regular posters on a $5/month budget.
Because it has an admin and two mods who care. That's literally all it takes, but that's more than 4chan can muster.
Lots of altchans get spammed with CP and other unsavory elements, to eliminate competition. Silliness.
Lol their rips aren't even good who cares
Is that why you avoided mentioning it and instead focused on the ones you dislike?
>especially books
What we need is an imageboard with a reading club board. One thread per book. Only those who actually read it may reply. No posturing or meta nonsense.
Who to the what now?
I want a similar website but for 00's-10's anime
>csam spam
yeah that's a no from be dawg
>Say that to their face, not online, see what happens.
If they attacked me over it, they'd just prove my point.
It literally has a board for that.
>watermarks rips
Most websites don't have the two decades 4chan did to build up their ban lists.
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Yeah but
>ever seen the unseen?
You have to wait a day to maybe get a reply. Great as a novelty, not so much for actual discussion.
the one time I used an altchan I post my daki in a daki thread and someone replied saying they didn’t like how risqué it was so I never went back
Hiroshimoot is totally going to sell this site to Elon. kek. Also, it could be that with the email link, trolls and bots are less likely to spam posts over here. I do notice /v/ becoming a bit more tolerable to use these days.
Hiromoots is probably willing, but Elon isn't retarded enough to buy this site.
The real value of a website is the accounts and their social graph, which 4chan doesn't have.
Cultural influence is also a factor, but 4chan has been losing that race to xhitter and Discord for the last ~10 years.
Should've joined a discord.
Nah, he is that retarded. He's willing to pay chinks to play Diablo 4 and PoE2 just so he could brag how much of a hardcore gamer he is, only to get caught the second he started streaming. Dude's an autist with a god complex that craves acceptance from nerds while doing none of the actual leg work. I wouldn't even be surprised if he start posting his anime hot takes from Grok to pretend he watches anime. Also he posts /pol/ and QAnon bullshit on twitter. He definitely have some interest over this site and its users.
it was fine. bit fast desu

This very site you are on still gets csam spam you pleb ass nigger.
Thats why this place has captcha, cloudflare, 900 second and email verification, im told :P
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Remember the time Hiro created his own isekai manga?

Its a shame seeing anything thats been around that long shut down.
To note 2020 was when they started implementing anti bot measures.
it's actually the opposite
tourists are staying and oldfags are leaving
Where the fuck are the oldfags going? And don't tell me they ALL stopped watching anime
Dude's like one of those teen billionaires from a comic book
see >>275232895
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I don't think people come here anymore. I think the internet has left 4chan behind and is doing unrelated things that i don't understand.
Come join us on Tiktok and Discord, anon.
We're all little girls there.
rip in piss oldfags, i still have the feeling of being a newfag even though i'm nearing on two decades in this place
>this place isn't make it to the end of the decade
2 more weeks. The other chans are completely dead post-wise but the websites are still up.
That said, I wonder if Hiroshimoot makes any profit from 4chan.
Ive got over 20TB of anime downloaded and some 400 blurays. I dont even care anymore.
idk man
they probably got real jobs and started a family or something
To think all those OCs, jokes, charts made by users 12 to 15 years ago left this place. And I'm pretty sure it's been happening for years.
Can exchange your tiktok invitation against a link to a good quality Paranoia Agent torrent?

All this confirms to me is that there never actually was election tourists coming here.
Traitors! They said they would never!
>and a stable webring of independently owned imageboards emerges to be that alternative
Uhhh doesn't that already exist
The loli that is smug and whatnot
Can't blame them with how shit things have become in the last years
Based wapchad
There absolutely was but i imagine they've been leaving out of boredom. It's so boring around here, trust me i'm anonthropologist, the graph posted perfectly correlates with my own observations. I think the shit-yourself-and-scream tactic has finally given results.
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Exit with every single subgroup. Soon my anime grils will speak in English using their Japanese voices and it's going to sound cursed as all fucks.
Idk senpai /a/'s posts seem to be less and less actual posts
the ex wholechan webring run by smug and other sites is pretty bad, and none of the admins really get along
there's a smaller association of more recent boards that has nothing to do with them. one of them was posted in this thread already
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ive been here since i was 12 and what is this saving posts from /l/ and /b/ onto floppy disks off a 54 modem. the only alt chan that was worth shit was not4chan when /l/ was kill and maybe 7chan for /cake/ and /ll/. basically alt chans were only ever good for hentai.
also im 34 and married but thanks to phones can continue yo shit post and be called a newfag in 2024. heil hortler lmao.
He's such a fucking narcissistic unhinged midwit it's unreal
He'd be just as big a lolcow as musk is today if nips didn't worship him due to his "owning the libs" moments and being too pussy to actually do anything
Fucking hell I wish people here cared
>Also, it could be that with the email link, trolls and bots are less likely to spam posts
Bro u have no idea what you're talking about.
Shills will buy passes and there's people who find ways around everything and are using it to keep shitting the boards up
NTA but Elon doesn't care about value he cares about getting attention and buying this site would be a W for that
/ak/ still puts out subs once in a blue moon
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Damn that brings me back, I have releases from almost all these groups. Things went from that to 90% horriblesubs to now with subsplease and re-encoders like ASW.
I don't know why you people keep insisting on doing the same thing over and over again then complaining about getting the same result. Pure insanity. The DoD and related Government agencies have been shitting up every discussion platform on the internet since the 80s and anyone that points out this fact is labeled insane. When it's the people that keep using the various large websites and before that mainstream email servers that are the insane ones. You use their honeypot then complain about the state of their honeypot.

At one time we had anonymous email servers that would route any message to millions of email servers on the planet. You could even post binaries that way. What does the DoD do? It spams hard until every last admin shut down their ability to route anon email. Now everyone must dox themself to post a message. Then they start spamming the fuck out of the entire network. It dies. People move on to the web to escape it.

Then we got a few good years on the web with the early forums and later imageboards. It was great. The DoD doesn't like this. What do they do? They spam the fuck out of them all and post pizza everywhere. You all move over to large big tech platforms and dox yourself for access. Despite the fact that they get worse every year you continue to use them. Some of you idiots even pay them for access. You have no right to complain when you're feeding the beast.

We don't need a new website. We don't need some autistic p2p network. We've had the technology for free speech on the internet since the 1960s. It's called anonymous email and a kill file. Yet none of you are willing to use it. You'd rather pay for dumb shit like youtube premium, hiromoot passes and suck some faggot's cock to get access to "private" torrents.

The web is truly the greatest containment board of them all. I'm still having censorship free discussions and downloading files from the same place I was getting them in 1993. The BBS and Usenet networks never died.
>muh free speech
kill yourself, no one cares that you're jacking off to pizza with your buddies
How does a nigga get into these 1993 methods of communication
Look at how quickly the DoD replies. They really hate when you point out what they're doing.

Look up the "Department of Defense Interactive Internet Activities" program if you don't believe me. Friendly reminder that the glowniggers have the largest collection of pizza on the planet. They're sitting on zetabytes of that stuff and they spam it anywhere they don't directly control. That's what happened to the webring and every other discussion platform that wasn't in their fold that had a chance of attracting a large user base.

Not going to anhero no matter how much you post it. Come put the bullet it my head you faggots. I dare you to come knock on the door again. You won't like the response I assure you.

Start with Fidonet.
>called the web
>invented by the military
>surprised military uses it to entrap and change discussion
why do you think they are so mad at chyna and tiktok right now retard.
>they spam it anywhere they don't directly control.
every single alt chan after moot sold /b/ to the feds was spammed with it to death.
>Everyone posting against me is employed by the DoD
Yeah yeah, me and the boys are eating mac and cheese and laughing over your posts right now.
I have like a terabyte of anime, ranging from 80s to today and only trigun and Slayers Collection was from [a-S].
So without [a-S] I'd have to download Trigun from somewhere else
Oh the horror.
Also can't see the watermark here.
Literally and unironically touch grass
What's your favorite brand of mac and cheese?
We already know the answer to this question btw.
There needs to be a word or phrase that encapsulates that esoteric feeling you get where a theory can't be 100% correct because you're being accused of being part of a group/demographic that you have no position in
t. zoomerboomerniggerwhitoidspicchinkmuttpajeetturdworldereuropooretc
>It wasn't just imageboards
reminder stormfront was removed even from tor networks.
>forgetting all the times you got called some combo of jew, NEET, wagie, tranny, chud, shill, and so on
welp it's been fun lads, see you guys back on gaia like the old days :D
Did you rape your kids yet?
hello newfag who thinks 2D=3D. go back 2 tiktok. oh wait you cant fag.
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It's going to be deleted for being off-topic because you're behaving like ACK when you accuse anyone and everyone who expresses some doubt as being part of the IIA.
At this point, only a fool would deny that three-letter agencies and other threat actors are targeting imageboards, as they do with any communication channel or community of note.
In order for other sensible and intelligent people to get on board, you must be prepared for them to doubt the veracity of your claims.
It won't do to simply outline this large shadowy program that is supposedly being carried out without first giving hard evidence. All you've given are suppositions which, unfortunately, don't count as facts.
>like ACK
is he still at it after all this time?
yes, you could just make real friends in real life, you fucking computer nerd loser
go out and get some beers with the boys, you retard
Mental illness.
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>get some beers with the boys, you retard
And mac and cheese and chips and fish.
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>not the "a-s" I actually care about
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One step further to complete Subtitles domination.
>ai subs enter chat
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dAIz? I see you've heard of it.
sounds like a good time
I'm sure this decrease is totally organic and not because of the draconian anti-spam measures like the captcha cooldown and more recently the e-mail sign-in requirement.
I was just pointing it out I don't care about that shitty 4chan clone
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One day the libs will get Twitter back and ban everybody and all the people 4chan lost to X (I know several) will return
I don't want them back.
twitter bans less then 4chan
The fappening did that?
This. RIP for the OG and horrible subs
The poltards are still here. They are one of the reasons why many creative people left.
cutting off your dick isnt creative and ive been here all summer
It's kinda funny - in a really retarded kind of way - how the intersectionality between 4chan and twitter made both sites vastly worse to use
I only use 4chan.
you can't do this to me
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Watch out for Taneli Daiz Vatanen
The public enemy of fansubbing #1 He is the main responsible for...

MX Media dropping honorifics
Leaking OreImo from ANN
Killing fansubbing in2010,2011,2012, 2013,2014 and 2015
Hostile takeover of Commie
The development of the .H264 10-bit profile
Attempted assassination of Coalgirls and Sakura!Fish
Successful assassination of ZeroYuki, Grumpy Jii-san, and Ken-sama
Successful assassination of Steve Jobs because Mac computers could not play 10-bit
Successful assassination of the authors of ‘Kaze no Stigma’, ‘MM!’, and 'Zero no Tsukaima'
Shutting down the NyaaTorrents tracker
Humiliating Mitsuhiro Ichiki
Shutting down lolipower.org
Shutting down megaupload.com
Removing loli and rape from TVTropes
Introducing Miura to iDOLM@STER, and constantly distracting Yoshihiro Togashi
The development of the future .H265 10-bit profile
Preventing KyoAni from adapting the continuation of FMP
Pushing to ban lolis in Japan
Hindering the development of VP9
Holding subs hostage and forcing people to use Commie.
Forcing Subdesu-H to hardsub and watermark hentai.
Imposing an anime embargo on Australia
Suggesting Rotoscoping for Aku no Hana
Convincing Anno to drop 2.0 subplots in favor of action to show off 10bit compression
Sabotaging official encoders' efforts in order to make hobbyists look good
The MPAA teaming up with CODA to stop you from downloading fansubs
Infinite Stratos 2
Successful assassination of Mangatraders to enforce his own Manga naming scheme
Cosplaying as One-Punch Man
Attempted assassination of TokyoToshokan (ongoing)
Attempted shutdown of ExHentai (ongoing)
Attempted assassination of Aseylum of Vers
Personally sending out DMCA takedown requests on behalf of Wani
Making UTW quit
Successful assassination of Gonzo, AIC, Madhouse, and Manglobe
Simultaneous kill of Nyaa, MAL and HorribleSubs
Successful assassination of Moot
Shutdown of Archive.moe
Funding FLCL remakes
Coercing nipplemod to go rogue
Successful assassination of Matsuki Miyu destroying any hope of of Tsukihime anime
Shutting down BakaBT
Shutting Down HH
Vandalizing Madokami so only Cartel can upload
Forcing down nyaa.pantsu using nyaa.si goons
The slow destruction of the MPC-HC project, leading to its death
Arresting of Mangamura admin
Successful assassination of Daisuki for competing with Crunchyroll
Leaking the AB code base with users' personal info
Funding and underwritting Sony's buyout of Funimation
Driving the Coalgirls admin insane, forcing him to quit and dissolve the group
Luring Nobuhiro Watsuki with jailbait, leading to his arrest and putting Rurouni Kenshin on indefinite hiatus
Consorting with Jacob, Destroyer of Porn
Shutting down ExHentai
Successful assassination of the r/a/dio admin for badmouthing him and the Cartel on-air
Convincing Kadokawa to fire Tatsuki from Kemono Friends S2
Successful assassination of Batoto
Backdooring Intel processors to sabotage non-10 bit releases
Shutting down HentaiHaven
Attempted assassination of Doki
Hacking and shutting down MangaDex
Provoking Nozomi Ginyoku into a rage getting his manga cancelled
Burning down KyoAni
Cancelling Comiket
Attempted assassination of Dao
Successful assassination of Erai-raws
Shutting down Aniwave and AnimeSuge
Signing an aquisition deal between Crunchyroll and Funimation
Sending DMCA notices to the nyaadevs GitHub repo
Successful assassination of Anime-Supreme

Somewhat glad this also means small to mid size boards get healthier discussion Even though this is also a factor that helps breed avatarfagging, nameposting and overall e-celeb schizos.
It astounds me how as the years go on, /x/ discussions become more and more sane due to the natural higher tolerance level (mind the obligatory shitposters who infiltrate everywhere); whereas every other board especially the bigger ones have tons and tons of endless newfags behaving as aggressively as possible with insane psychotic reactions to the most mundane of posts and opinions.
I love you
I think of Exiled-Destiny more than a-S when I think of oldfag dubfag rippers of last restort when I can't find an old fansub.
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no there definitely was
Shill spam doesn't equate to genuine activity.
Holy shit that's a horrible upscale
did you guys ever think the Vaxx killed a shitload of people and anons are just dead and not posting because of that?
still waiting for triad....

Traffic for desktop is almost the same in 2011 as 2014 when traffic dips and returns, desktop+mobile(whatever that means) increased but if it includes desktop then why include it twice to inflate numbers.
Mobile users increased but thats not because of election tourism, its because more people visiting started phonepostin.
Commie is just herkz keeping the corpse alive
Is this for just /a/ or all boards?
I just hope reddit turns "right" so all the /pol/ tourists can go back to their shitty homeland.
Is there anywhere you can get a rundown and updates on this guy? I mean, he appears on TV, does regular streams, tweets, etc yet none of this gets translated
>yet none of this gets translated
Probably because it's uninteresting trash. Nips just like him because he's acting like an american.
>You'd rather pay for dumb shit like youtube premium, hiromoot passes and suck some faggot's cock to get access to "private" torrents.
>I'm still having censorship free discussions and downloading files from the same place I was getting them in 1993. The BBS and Usenet networks never died.
Ironic that you say that, you need to suck dick to get into a private usenet indexer to download anything worth a shit these days
A huge amount of this decline is probably a result of them aggressively culling bot posting. Don't forget that in 2024 they added that "provide an email" thing to first time posters that also probably significantly cut down on automated posts.
The CP posts on altchans are just commercial spam.
>Mobile users increased but thats not because of election tourism, its because more people visiting started phonepostin.
Election tourists ARE phone posters. Smart phones are how the vast majority of people browse the internet these days.
it's so over
*dabs on u*
I don't even visit /a/ that much these days, did these old groups get completely forgotten now? Like, how many people would remember shitsen or dattebayo?
What percentage of /a/nons actually torrent their anime these days?
Actually now that you said that none of it would really be that interesting with how detached from the site he is. Does he even mention 4chan at all?
He actively ignores him. In one of his streams, where people give him money to answer questions, someone tried to ask him, but he didn't give a real answer (he didn't say much at all). Retard wasted his money on japanese musk.
so what does this all mean then
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the glowies won a long time ago
go be a hermit instead
He's a schizo.
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eh, people have been saying that for millennia, I thought this was supposed to be something groundbreaking
the decline from 2021 on only exists because i started taking my meds
Why would you expect anything groundbreaking from a bunch of raving autists here?
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>raving autists
I mean that's the keyword here, usually you at least get something kinda novel every now and then
Nothing to a sane and healthy mind.
Where the fuck am I supposed to go when this site shuts down? I can't believe I am actually afraid about this.
That's a sharp decline in 2021 and the trend remained since then.

So what caused this?
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I can't believe we are back to pre 2010 activity levels and hiroshima's response is just to increase pass prices. It's like he really wants to kill this site

Also we haven't started to see the full effects of the timer
moot really took a huge shit on the site as he was leaving.
Just kidding, I love that asshole
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rapeape lost
Lockdowns ended and a ton of normalfags stopped coming here because they weren't bored out of their minds at home anymore, is my guess.
Hiro is as in charge of 4chan as Biden has been in charge of America for the last 4 years. He probably goes months without even thinking about this site

>hiro's reign as 'admin' will soon be longer than moot's
Commie is just herkz or someone else doing a lazy encode and then loading crunchy subs on aegis just to remove honorifics if they were added in the first place.
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7 Blasphemous Subs
I noticed how we now have several generals for a bunch of shows that aren't even airing anymore and the 10 people that post on those just treat them like their own chatrooms.
Unironically slower /a/ has been far better for board quality than whatever nightmare the past 5 years have been. While I wish the mods would stop being fags about self-moderation (ESPECIALLY regarding shounenspic general threads) /a/ has generally seen a lot of off-topic spam lessen compared to almost every other board.
Yeah, it's kinda sad, some threads have basically become a General in all but name. It's why I don't even bother checking stuff like the GuP threads unless there's something new out. It's just people dumping pics and barely talking about the topic.
yep. every board is now just a bunch of general threada for shills lolcows and schizos to circlejerk and attention whore. its just a worse version of discord
That's good actually
4chan is already irrelevant in meme culture. Twitter and reddit has long since eclipsed it. This place is just an old folks home for ageing millennials getting angry over zoomer ragebait.
Nah, the saddest thing about commie releases is that herkz actually puts effort in these because he fansubs "for himself to watch" (his words)
It should have been that in 2014 but the fucking culture war interrupted the process.

I have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to be an internet grog.
>4chan is already irrelevant in meme culture. Twitter and reddit has long since eclipsed it.
Maybe it's just me but it feels like memes don't even really exist anymore
Some shitty buzzword will get spammed for 3 days and then it just falls off the edge of the earth, and that's it
Get a graph that counts the amount of messages that have >5 words. It would be a better metric of whether the anti bot shit worked or just killed the board
/qa/ was the last relevant board and jannies locked it forever
Statler and Waldorf threads are still popular. And chaosposting and others similar to it on /v/ was huge. But then again xhitter users love to post screenshots from that board.
>Where the fuck am I supposed to go when this site shuts down?
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Animetake.net is the GOAT
>last relevant board
/qa/ was fucked from the get go because it was just the equivalent of tech support where people rant at call centers, away from people with actual power to instill changes.
Holy fuck it's still alive somehow
That's just an aggregate site though.
What? It's gone
/qa/ was fun for about 6 months when it was unlisted, then someone blabbed
Literally seekrit club board
Nu-/qa/ gave you the great 'jak wars and moved to its own site, that was the last time 4chan had an impact on memes
iichan hk
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2004-fags... we'll have the last laugh
That's the best part of /a/ now.
>So what caused this?
I could probably go on a big gamer rant about it but I think a non-insubstantial amount of people have just gotten tired of wading through pure shit to get even a halfway decent conversation
When the average quality gets low enough, people start to think:
>Surely, there's NO POSSIBLY WAY it gets any worse than here
>Let's watch a new (old) anime
>Subbed by anime supreme
Ah fuck. Genuine RIP
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>a terabyte
She's out from prison
And married I heard
Has anyone been able to track her down? She has a new identity
Are you going to kill yourself if a hardware or software problem or lightning kills them all at once?
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Heh, nothing personnel... kid...
He problem has a backup, right anon? >>275248579
No, what's the point
I want to propose to her
That's an unrelated russian imageboard
Since we have old fags here and people are talking about Nevada-tan, does anyone remember there was a rock/metal song made about Nevada-tan?
I can't find it anymore, I swear it by Antipas group or something like that
Their conditions kinda suck but ok.
I also clone everything on a separate drive, that's why everything is A/B
But I admit I got lazy with that once I got Backblaze
Well fuck you russian iichan is more relevant
If you can speak russian then more power to you I guess
>Go to rules
>Word filters for offensive language
Ah. so its that kind of clone site.
I have the power of machine translation
Chihiro is still around. I joined their sub group to do QC like a year ago and it's been pretty nice. From what I understand, they took a pretty long haitus in the early or mid 2010's.
Yeah, it's a hugbox. A dead hugbox. Didn't even stick around on my alt chan crawl.
Many of the most popular boards are flooded with nothing but generals, twitter posts and rage bait. It's just not interesting
Except the activity remained around the same before and during the memedemic, so activty dropping even below pre-memedemic levels because of the end of lockdowns doesn't even make sense.

What you describe should have manifested in a more gradual trend and likely stabilized at some point.
Again, that decline was too sharp, which usually points to a major event or change and on top of that the downward trend hasn't stopped.

As another anon mentioned, 2020-2021 is around the time mods got more aggressive with their anti-spam/bot measures, so I'm inclined to believe that this is one of the major factors.
>2020-2021 is around the time mods got more aggressive with their anti-spam/bot measures, so
thats why 4cuck has more organic content and memes now...
Not that anon, but the discords that many, if not most, of discords that I had seen are like mini reddits, in which a cabal of moderators get dizzy with power and like to ban people if they perceive you looking at them in a funny way. I mean I get it there are rules and all that jazz, but some groups are can ban you for even replying with the wrong emoji. Despite all the changes, and mini shitstorms, I kinda like it here because you can talk your brains out with a certain expectation of not being permabanned for sneezing while the powers that be are flexin' their might.
>jobs and family
hmmm, while having some measure of truth, there are also oldfags like myself that like to delve in here for a brief breather from reality. If some of us had found a nice place to be with a bearable 3dpd, well, good for them i guess.
>I have like a terabyte of anime
kewt rookie numbers
Hmmm, I have several TB of anime, and I am really thinjking on doing a purge on shit that I had hoarded with the excuse that "I will watch it later" or series that aged like milk for me.
do you stash all your anime in BDRIPS or what?
I wonder if she's still as much of a fan of Battle Royale.
You joined the wrong discords. The right one is just a group of friends, no mods or power dynamics.
Let's be real though, if /a/utists can make friends outside 4chan, odds are they wouldn't still be stuck on /a/.
>reddit spacing
your opinion on this site isn't worth shit retard lurk more
rule 2 used to be something like "using bigoted words will get you permabanned" and it singled out a specific group of people who believe they're something they're not
this is all you need to know about what kind of people run that imageboard
4chan should have closed down when moot was done
Only one I've got:
Not looking very hard anon.
The newfags coming in are the phoneposters though
In my experience, I can make acquaintances, heck i even know some 4chan people on my memecountry, but I had lost contact with most of them. As for friends, I can count with the fingers of one hand those who will truly back me up when shit hits the fan, so realizing this, that most of the people I know wont contribute significantly to my life, I just let myself graciously fly under their social radar. I dont wish it to some of you, but when life puts you on a situation when you are neck deep in shit, you'll see who is a true bro and who is with you just for show / shits and giggles.
Despite all this, I still come to /a/ because most of my acquaintances are normies that only want tyo talk about tv series and movies i dont know shit about because I am not a trend chaser. I watch / hear / read what i want, but that puts me in a place in which I cant geek out about it 99.9% of my time, so, I still come here.
They outright refer to them as generals themselves yet they're allowed to stay up permanently
The show ended ages ago, the manga finished years ago and there is 0 new content for it yet we have permanent threads for it?
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He fucking won
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>2013 being the peak and that sharp decline
Wasn't that when GG and the exodus took place?
I miss 8ch so much.
That happened in 2014, around the summer or so to be exact.
It was full blown in 2015 8ch fell apart because of extreme issues with moderation, and none of the splinters had enough going on to justify looking at them outside of occasional curiosity, and the superiority complex they all have in being better than the other splinters AND this place only makes things worse
No joke I'm Nigerian and post there all the time kek
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Sounds about right but I don't remember what happened in 2013 to cause that high of a spike. Then again 2011-13ish was probably when the site was at its best for me.

I recall the admins having a constant bitch fight with each other and the feds shutting the site down due to the christchurch(?) shooter posting his manifesto there. Really interesting looking back at how many well knownish figures were regulars there.
We, the jews, fucking won
You gotta pay to watch your chinese cartoon
It was Christchurch, yes. I was there when shit hit the fan. I'm pretty sure everyone knew that the 8ch experiment was over once that dropped and mods started getting bitched at by journalists.
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>I do notice /v/ becoming a bit more tolerable to use these days
I took a peek (first peek since 2020) and it's just as unbearably braindead and shit as I remember it being. That anon is fucking lying.
Katawa Shoujo was released in 2012, and then [s4s] got created along with Tumblr raids and /mlp/ being an actual issue. Still find it humorous that I'm partially the reason everyone there hated 4am threads, but at this point I fully buy that the site got "bought out" early on and that's why it ended up the way it did
I imagine he thinks it's still like stepping in fresh dogshit without any shoes, but now there's a way to clean your foot off close by
The newfag timer, captchas, and other spam measures couldn't even stop the vidya ass threads for a day.
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>mfw the feds released their documents and showed hard evidence of them fedposting and samefagging them due to 8ch's ID system
Not shocked that it happened but shocked that there's hard evidence for it now.

No amount of antibot measures is going to fix /v/ even if it was successful. You'd need an entire restructure of the culture and have the jannies work overtime there even to hope to see change. If /a/'s jannies ever get as lax then this place will easily turn into /v/ in a week.
>a terabyte
what exactly did they do from like 06 til now? i mean in a mentionable release sense
just maintain distro of old stuff?
i'm surprised someone would have track of their decision all these years later
They watermarked right? Wonder if some shit stream site used their release.
>hard evidence
May I see it?
yeah, a good one
you're free to go to the onions board where they spam that shit constantly, the rest of us prefer to talk without retarded children shitting up the threads
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>Someone posts bullshit graph
>Everyone falls for it
If 4chin dying why newfags?
>4chan should have closed
You should have left
In the end of the day, this journey only ends with you
Meme culture is dead anyway. It's just short form video nowadays and who really cares that much about that?
Not many groups but random people easily rip their BDs and post them on nyaa.
Nobody cares. I do not care about rippers and fansubbers. I just download the one with lowest filesize and the most seeders
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I have like 800 shows on my HDD and I don't think I've ever downloaded their rips.
>ITT: imbeciles who have been talking to themselves for nearly 15 years get nostalgic over pixels
It makes it all the more apparent how dead this place is. The same threads exist forever
literally who
do NOT bully the last bastion of the russian chanverse
Do they even filter fags as part of a word, like normalfag?
I'm a retard, how did I not think about checking niconico
>do you stash all your anime in BDRIPS or what?
It's everything, I'm a hoarder. So for old anime I'll have VHS rips, DVD rips, and BD Remuxes
/b/ is dying for a different reason tho. The board used to be THE general board where people posted all sorts of content especially stuff that didn't have another board to belong to. As more boards have been added over the years /b/'s purpose has diminished. Now it's pretty much predominantly amateur porn, sex stories, AI/deepfake porn, etc.. (all of which technically don't have boards of their own).
The reason altchan's struggle is because they create too many boards from the get go and dilute their userbase. So there's no chance for the sparse userbase to develop a sense of community.
4chan started out with one board and then slowly split more boards off of it as the site outgrew it. You can't create an altchan with 10 boards right off the bat and expect them not to be dead as fuck.
I've been watching anime for over 15 years and I've never heard of them.
Bro, it's now 2025, a-s might unironically be considered before your time.
>Dual Audio
>Retail English subs
Literally who cares? The only time people care about encoders is when they're:
>poorfags who can't afford hard drive space
>third worlders who can't afford bandwidth.
>dealing with an official release that fucked up the scaling and introduced moire or banding
The rest of the time people only care about subtitle release groups, and no official English subs don't count, nor do the fucking cancerous release groups that release fucking dubtitles.
/b/ has been that way for 15+ years and you're pathetic.
15 years ago was when I started watching anime on streaming sites, but I was watching anime on YouTube as early as 2007 or 2008, and on TV as early as 2006 or so.
They flood the torrent sites, people will prefer them to better releases by obscure rippers out of ignorance. Also, many older anime is available ion decent quality (or at all) only from official releases.
>15 years ago
2010 predates /pol/ and a bunch of other shit. So you still had a ton of additional content getting posted on /b/. 2010 is back when /sci/, /lit/, and some other boards were added but people still actively discussed that shit on /b/ for years cause of retarded spam (e.g. /sci/ having tons of "what is the evolutionary purpose of <insert retarded thing>" and questions like "what would happen if a sun made of ice and a sun made of lava were to collide").
They make it impossible to actually discuss those series without dealing with a ton of schizos. We really should move them elsewhere and ban them from here.
Hilarious though that even these schizo threads have far more activity and sense of community than fucking altchans.
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Looking at 4stats, it's funny seeing how many boards get closer and closer to flatlining
So threads like /dbs/?
That's a mental health facility to keep those posters out of other threads
It's mostly just /b/, especially when you compare it to other big boards. A lot of the smaller blue boards have just always been kind of low activity. You see some downward movement on /v/ but similar upward movement on /vt/. /vg/ seems stable. The rest of the big boards all seem stable, including /pol/ (which is where a lot of /b/'s activity went), /tv/, /a/, /co/, /g/, /fit/, etc..
it sucks cause if you make a thread discussing Daima they flood it with unhinged schizo shit and make it impossible to actually discuss Daima. Even if the OP explicitly says that it's not the general and asks general users not to post in it.
To be fair, that altchan is so fucking dead that anyone posting there is probably just a hit & run spammer. If you look at the /all/ board (where a lot of that shit is being reported) the fifth thread down is from 2022.
Who even uses this term anymore except when wanting to emphasize the "white" aspect of it?
Thanks again anon, I've had this on repeat for an hour now
aren't these guys somewhat related to sakuracircle? yea that shit's hentai and who needs subs or that itself, but i at least recognize they've kept up releases
if not that, there's some people who have done xdcc/server seeding for various groups, before horrible, horrible, and now subsplease
I wish I could go back to watching shitty dubs on toonami in the early 2000s when anime was really new to me. weird I'm nostalgic for it now
i just hope you/re aware it's a troll image all these years later
Is it? All these fansub groups had people working on one or another group. Many groups were formed spontaneously because people from different groups got together and wanted to do a series.
i'll leave it to you to believe whatever you want, i'm not going to bother posting further about it, attempt for bait or not
Whatever you want to believe.
some people involved are literally dead, i'll at least not be shitting on them
Why would I be shitting on them?
One step forward two steps back
>decrease in traffic

yes i want /a/ dead to go back to sekreetclub and no more shounenshit if that means less normalfags
you wish, it'll be all shounen general
/k/ommandos..are we gonna be okay?
>/tv/ bump for Joker 2
I don’t wanna lose you guys. This website sucks but it’s still great at times. I will never use Reddit

Doesnt mean he is wrong about that assumption.
Discord is inferior to forums because you need access to that discord server specifically in order to view its content, and it can all be erased when/if the server dies, or the poster deletes their account or gets banned.
Do not respond to me again, newfag nigger. If you're not 25+ at the very youngest, this conversation does not pertain to you.

What happened in 2013?
I i left this place for irl stuff around 2012 and didnt come back untill after 2014.
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maybe so, but things will never be quite the same again
dbs, gup, isekai, now even Yuri threads are turning into generals.
/a/ will become /ag/ by itself in the next 3 years. Nothing but generals because that's how low traffic is these days.
they should have let djt and sakurafish back in
Okay go enjoy your dead altchan then. Oh wait, you're here.
This is the endgame of "no fun allowed" rules autism. 4chan as an engine of creation doesn't work when the nail that sticks out gets hammered. Instead of an imageboard you have an ossified discussion forum. The community isn't allowed to pick which posts are boring, right, fun like the old essay on Anonymity that basically established 4chan as a distinct (post SA goons doing goon things) identity talks about.
2ch remains anarchic. It only sees intervention from law enforcement or fear thereof. There are no moderators. There are no janitors. It doesn't even have 2chan's vote delete system. It may be past its glory days in the eyes of most but it still looks like 2ch.
Does 4chan still look like 4chan? I don't think so. It doesn't make anything. Its users seem to be the most boring faggots in the world having boring safe conversations or else schizos that are so combative they stick around angrily yelling at things feeling justified in their heads to rail against the jannies or the glowies or whatever other boogeyman lives in their heads. The core user making an offcolor joke, throwing open photoshop or ffmpeg to riff on something, they've been systematically driven off the site. Only the boring and mentally ill margins remain.
Anime was in a great state and 4chan was still almost OK back then.
I'm not noticing any improvement. There's still a lot of low-quality posting here, though less than other boards.
If anything it's oldfags leaving, not newfags.
>muh oldfags leaving
The average age on this board has always been around 20. People leave and get replaced all the time.
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>around 20
>mfw 31
>/b/ is dying
/b/ has been dying since 2010
>The average age on this board has always been around 20.
pretty sure bots are much younger kek

Yes but why the surge of activity at that time, Did something happen?
>he average age on this board has always been around 20.
Wasn't there a recent survey that found the average to be around 29?
>has always
Why do newfags ALWAYS revise history?
Well yeah, the 10-year-olds who post in Dragonball, One Piece and Naruto threads are lowering that average a lot.
That's just why I remember, dumb zoomer.
But you have already established your newfaggotry for me to observe. Why would you doubly confirm this?
Why am I a newfag for using zoomer? I bet you use much more nu-words than I do.
>I use newfag words so you do too!
Every time.
Who are you quoting? Misusing the quote function is typical newfag behavior.
>no u
It's like I'm really on /v/!!
All your LARPing isn't helping with anything. When did you start posting on 4chan?
i wish /a/ was like /v/ at this point because they were smart to do /vg/
This image is correct.
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How are you blind to all the generals and the low-quality posting from newfags?
You're responding to a samefag.
No I'm not because I'm the one he replied to, newfag.
There always was low quality posting that always was attributed to newfags. Nothing changed.
I agree with you there. But the hostility (and overall population therefore frequency) has certainly increased.
Different anon here. I've left 4chan in 2012, decided to come back last year.
The quality of this board has dropped a lot. It's insane to me how many threads are dedicated to edgy kid shows like Naruto, Dragonball, One Piece and all that shounen trash. Back then it would have been unthinkable to see that shit here. Similarly, I assume it's these same kids who will show up in other threads just to shit on them. The amount of ignorance, about anime, about Japan, about tech, that I see is baffling too.
I don't believe your memory is good enough that you really remember what it was like after 12 years.
Naruto threads being allowed was the last nail in the coffin. It's been freefall from there.
A shitposter from ~2013 One Piece generals made it into my longterm memory because, while as autistic as they were, Rebecca-chan would sit in OP threads and argue with people all fucking day long. And by arguing I mean they would camp a thread and genuinely argue for 8-12 hours a day. And by argument I mean they would camp a thread for 8-12 hours a day and respond with multiple paragraphs to anyone who dared interact with them.
Good fucking god I wish modern shitposters weren't more obnoxious than EVERY tripfag who has ever existed. And that they could articulate themselves well. Nowadays it's all one-word or one-liner "haha gotchas" by underageb& who "come to 4chan to own those geek losers exclamation point"
So sickening.
I specifically remember tripfags in that era being extra cancerous attention whores. Some of them could throw entire threads into the abyss simply by appearing. It's why /a/ really fucking hates tripfags now.
>How are you blind to all the generals and the low-quality posting from newfags
hence i inferred to make a /ag/ retard
What is "csam spam"?
prob chainsaw man
So...CP? Wtf is "csam", fucking zoomers.
I don't think it's so long of a period that it'd be weird that I remember. In fact, I remember it well enough to say what I said with full confidence.
The board has undoubtedly gotten worse. While I cannot know users' ages for certain, I would guess that there are a lot of underageds now, as well as a lot of normalfags who are on 4chan for some fucking reason instead of places like reddit which are way more suitable for sheep-minded idiots who don't actually give a shit about anime.
To this day, I filter any tripfag I see that isn't dumping manga. And if the manga is shit he also gets filtered.
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If you could name AT LEAST eight thread-disrupting shitposting tripfags from [a/, I will take your post at face value.
Do your own research, newfag. Taiga and Lanced Jack were bad enough.
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So you can't name any? And out of the two you named, one was from /v/? As expected. I came here in 2007 and do not remember Taiga or where he/she was from
Still not eight so I won't bother responding to any reply of yours since you want to argue in bad faith.
I suppose he posted also on /v/. I don't need to prove anything to you newfag.
Why the fuck should anyone remember the name of a tripfag?
Tripfagging is only acceptable if you need to provide proof of which user you are, like if you're dumping manga, or are leaking some information. It's only done for as long as the thread is up.
Every other tripfag is a retard looking for attention, trying to act special in a website where "avatars" and "reputation" are just not a thing. If anything, they deserve to be forgotten. I don't even care if they're disrupting or not, they do not deserve attention.
wew lad
nta but it's not that hard to remember the general vibe the past gave. For a more obvious example, everyone who was around back then knows what happened to /b/ and what it was like back then. I agree that /a/ has changed but nowhere near the extent of /b/ or /v/ though.
Personally, I don't think /a/ changed that much either. Something like /dbs/ didn't exist, but they're their own isolated sub-culture on nu-/a/ anyway.
On another board, I have seen the same person aggressively shitpost within the same general for going on now what it his sixth (6th) consecutive year. Nonstop aggressive shitposting. Not one single time has this poster appeared to be human, humbled an honest discussion, 'broke out of character' so to say; nonstop aggressive spam, only broken up by occasional three-day bans, only to get right back into it with no subtlety or any attempt to hide what they are doing.
Six years.
I visit even other boards small enough to see the same recurring shitposters drop a fat dump in about 98% of all threads on the catalog--easily identifiable through usage of the same image or string of characters.
>but they're anonymous so that behavior is okay!
Please tell me how to filter these type of people. Especially the first example as that is the first person I have wanted to filter in real life and it makes me ashamed of myself. Take your time. I will wait. Save the snarky comments as they benefit nobody.
>but he's anonymous
/v/ is a lost cause. Honestly, it was shitty in 2012 already, with like 5 PC circle-jerking threads up at all times and mods who would delete threads about Japanese games on sight. But there were fun threads, like comic edits. Now, it's a surreal place, probably more than half the users are Indians paid to advertise games or to spread woke political agendas. And the general mindset of actual users seems to be "I must insult everyone else".
/a/ is in nowhere near as bad a shape as /v/, but it's still nasty now, compared to how it used to be. Shounen series dominate the board, which tells a lot about how the userbase has changed. I also don't see group activities, which used to be pretty frequent, I remember playing iSketch with an /a/-specific dictionary was really fun. I did notice an "/a/ sings" thread earlier, but that's about it.
Ah excuse the bottom greentext, I was editing.

Cool sexy ameture models
I didn't say that being anonymous automatically makes anything you post okay. There's plenty of anonymous idiots and yeah, it'd be nice to be able to filter them.
I said tripfagging is out of place. Why the fuck do they need people to "know" and "recognize" their names? Why can't they make the same posts, but anonymously? It's attention-whoring, it doesn't serve any purpose useful to other users or the quality of the discussion, it's just out of ego.
Unless, as mentioned above, it's a thread-specific thing where guaranteeing your identity actually has a purpose.
>dual audio
>English subtitles
>"last stronghold of all anime"
rest in piss
you've had 20 years to learn Japanese
Really? I think /vg/ and the other heavy handed changes to /v/ after 2010ish are what directly lead to gamergate being so fucking gay. Like moot and the mods set the whole thing up that blew up in their faces because they basically did everything in their power to make /v/ more serious business and less blue /b/. Well they got what they wanted, /v/ took that shit very, very seriously.
And then moot had the audacity to ask why things had gone so sideways and feel sorry for himself.
How was prison?
>creating a new board lead to gamergate
gamergate would have still happened, just on another board- you think generals would bury all shitposting. it was the first time an "outside channel" with a similar backing put the spotlight on 4chan consistently
I don't think it would've.
And by extension I think /pol/ never would have devolved into what it turned into either. If /v/ was still the shitty off-topic funboard none of those seeds would've taken root.
You are ignoring The Fappening being another attractor towards widespread normalfagism, and according to moot, almost bankrupted the website.
Imagine if 4chan died in 2015. It might be for the better but we would all be drastically different people so hard to tell.
>edgy kid shows
isn't that contradictory
Holy crap, I literally just went there like a week ago and thought "Wow, I can't believe this place is still up."
After I posted the message, I remembered an old thread where someone had come back to 4chan after a 8-years sentence, for killing his sister's rapist. I was wondering if someone would ask if I was in prison.
I wasn't in prison though, I quit 4chan because I was spending too much time on it. I came back because the current state of the Internet is unbearable, video game and anime communities are overflowing with sheep and tourists, and I have nobody to talk with about these topics. I figured 4chan would probably be the only place where you can have a talk with human beings that still use their own heads.
KEK this is why I'll never be able to leave this place. everywhere else is so much worse than here it's not even close.

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