A very normal and light-hearted girls band anime which never fails to make you smile.
>>275241281Oh I am smiling.
>>275241281omg it's mortis
>have mental breakdown on-stage>damn girl can you do that again?
>have mental breakdown>become everyone's favorite characterWhy are we like this?
>so, please welcome, Mortis!
Uika is the one who actually embezzled the money. It was all part of her plan to make Saki live with her
>>275241547Learning that butterflies don't stretch their wings like that when alive greatly enhanced my appreciation for scenes like this
Which one is the coping mechanism, Mortis or quiet Mutsumi?
It seems that Mortis inherited mannerisms of her trauma mommies. Her speech was also quite similar to Sakiko's.Imagine the combined power of 2 most gigantic bitches in the universe.
>anti social shut-in who only gets enjoyment from playing guitarSo she's... Bocchi?
>>275241281Now I can FINALLY open all spoiler posts without the fear of being spoiled
How cute!
>>275241281Are you ready for new Bandori fans?
>>275241644Mana dies in 4 episodes.
>>275241607Only way to fix this is to have Saki and Soyo run a train on moots with their big fat dicks and cum inside her over and over until all the mortis leaks out her from her pussy
>>275241281Fun fact: the doll said もう大丈夫だよ if you speed up the part when it ate Mutsumi
>>275241666Guys I'm scared of my plushie now...
The life of Ave Mujica's scriptwriter.
Why does Mortis start talking like Sakiko does
>>275241764Imagine the smell
>>275241790Sakiko is a bad leader and Mortis has to take over
If someone was praised for sitting in chair I would be seething too
>>275241764Next episode she's just going to say fuck it and let Mutsumi ad lib all doll lore.
Don't go to Tsukinomori, kids.
>Appears>Makes you seethe
>>275241856Everyone in this picture is seething internally.
Just how crazy is uika going to get for saki?
I have a mental breakdown and I get treated like a freak. Mutsumi has a mental breakdown and everyone loves her.
>>275241590wait until you find out what the owl means
>>275241942Well, don't leave me hanging!
Mutsumi in a couple episodesTrust the plan
>>275241939You arent cute and rich, thats the difference
Basedortis > Basedorin
Wait, how is this 3edgy5me shit Bang Dream?Bandori is a game about cute girls playing music and being friends.
I hope Basedorin interacts with Mortis next episode
the band has so much pressure that even I'm feeling it
>>275241547Loli Mutsumi is so cute. I want to shower her with love and kisses.But then abuse her and tell her that everything is her fault. I love her very much.
>>275241856Wait..That Mutsumi pose...Looks familiar...
I hope Basedorin mindbreaks Mortis by introducing Anon as her gf
>no refunds
None of this would've happened if Mutsumi got a boyfriend
>>275241304What designer brand bag is Nyamu using?
>>275242100Soyo is an actress like Mutsumi's mother after all.
Threadly reminder that everything is ultimately Saki's fault and I hope she stays fucking miserable.
>>275242100Sakiko does that pose as well, so maybe it's an ojou-sama thing.
>>275242108>Be Ave Mujica>Half your fanbase is excited for your songs each show>The other half is expecting avant garde performance art pieces where you stand perfectly still and not breath for five hours straightCan't win 'em all
Soyo's soft and big Basedorins~
The way it looked like Mortis did a funeral for Mutsumi and layed her casket to the ground really gave me chills.
>>275242387it was cinema
>>275242186Not to worry, the only thing she wants is her father's approval and that has sailed.
>>275241672I fucking hate this imageWhy do ironic anime fan still plague this media
>>275242375Death to ϟϟoyo
>Ave Mujica is now being devoured by the fans and press who just want to see Mutsumi take after her momFucked up that Nyamu is right in the worst way possible for the band
>Sakiko the BITCHDont you need more practice Nyamu???>Umiri the STACEYThe fuck you talking about shes doing fineSakiko gaslighting got fucking DESTROYED
what if there are more mutsumis other than mutsumi and mortis
>>275242521How many voices does this bitch have in her head
Raana will save the day
>>275242531at least 12?
>>275242531At least 12 Mortises
>i do not fear death>becomes deathyep kino
>>275242635>Takes a huge dump all over Mutsumi>WHY ARENT YOU AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING I SAYSAVE ME UIKA
>>275241281>>275241347>>275241428ending in ep 3 made me kira kira less, doki doki more. i thought she was gonna listen to the sus doll and quit the band!
>>275242512Seeing Umiri and Nyamu stand up against Sakiko felt satisfying
How long was Mutsumi sitting lifeless on stage?
>>275242512It seemed to me that Umiri was trying to get Sakiko to pay more attention to the band members
>>275242512>>275242708Sakiko is really quick to pack her toys up and leave
What's Umiri's mental illness gonna be?
>>275242708Hey Taki remember that Sakiko bitch you hate I just made her have a mental breakdown lol
>>275242842yandere murder
Fuck Sakiko
>>275242885This is pure cinema
>>275242904Moots turned into a giga stacey
>>275242589>>27524260112 Mortii mind
>>275242885moots went schizo for sakiko so it won't happen, but it should
>>275242885Beat it, chick
>>275242857Who is she gonna murder?
>>275241281what happened to her face?
>>275242949anyone who makes Saki horny or happy.
>>275242980Me pls
>>275242885I hope Soyo is there to watch it happen, too. God, imagine.
>>275242993She's morting
And if you don't love me nowYou will never love me againI can still hear you sayin'YOU WOULD NEVER BREAK THE CHAIN
>>275242993ate too many lolis.
As much as I liked Nyamu and Umiri giving Sakiko lip she is right in wanting their band to at least play their songs to completion
Is this going to be every episode now?
>>275243091yeah and that's a good thing
>>275242885GOD role reversal is the hottest thing ever
>>275242589>>275242601The Seiyuu is trying too hard
>oh shit i need money>better abandon the soulful lyrical genius who inspired me to start a band so i can make one with more commercial appeal>if i include some celebrities we can use a viral marketing campaign>my band needs more pull with the tiktok demographic. i'll hire a makeup youtuber>will being 20% amateur hold our music back? whatever, we can distract the audience with skits>my batshit crazy celebrity friend keeps imploding on-stage? let's secretly larp our way out of this, i don't want to scare the investors>wtf businessmen and the youtuber are demanding we do the hashtag thing so our studio audience fanbase can take selfies in front of it?>WHAT ABOUT MY MUSICAL VISION?!
Next episode Mutsumi force feeds Soyo cucumbers
I don't think Sakiko knows what she truly wants.
Only by joining forces can Sakiko and Soyo defeat Mortis.
Soyo must probably hate Sakiko's ass by a fuck lot by now.>The mask reveal would've given her the impression that Sakiko left because Crychic wasn't good enough, and they were mere amateur stepping stones>She seems to be somewhat aware of Muts' condition, assuming that's the reason why she seemed nervous by the end of episode 3>Sakiko could very easily be blamed for Muts' crashout, even though it's the whole band's fault
The strongest bitch in history vs the strongest bitch of today
>>275243493So you're saying Soyo will hate Sakiko for torturing Mutsumi so much that it isn't fun any more?
not even 1.5 years of speculations prepared me for this
wtf I love Basedorin now
>>275243288Save her before it's too late, Taki
>>275242766Literally me.
>try to whiteknight saki-chan>cant argue back>*whimperCUTE
>>275243493Knowing Soyo she still will blame Mutsumi for every thing bitchy thing Sakiko does and will do
We should blame Kasumi instead
Now that Ave Mujica is no longer a band, Sakiko should just join MyGo.
Anons aren't ACTUALLY taking Nyamu's side over Sakiko's are they? Saki is making mistakes, but Nyamu is just an attention whore shit stirrer..... Wait I realize why /a/ is on her side.
>>275241304She’s easily the most /fa/ normally, which makes sense given who she is
>>275243606Uika is such a fucking simp lmao.
>>275243493soyo would never be mad at saki
>>275243606She had no comeback besides quitting sumimi tomorrow at 8am.
>>275243606Uika you fucking suck at being a white knight, still handsome
>>275241604Mutsumi is just the mob
STOP bullying Sakiko now she is trying her best she just isn't good at communicating okay
>>275243632Nyamu's faults are also Sakiko's faults because Sakiko is the one who brought that dumb bitch aboard.
>>275243661Uika, the cute but useless pushover bf (female)...
What was going through Uika's head when she canonically overheard this from the bushes?
>>275241604Glad it happened sooner than later, now we just need more Sakiko suffering.
>>275243680Post your tits or GTFO, Uika.
275243700Fuck off
>"Mutsumi is becoming an issue..."
>>275243632If Umiri the smart neutral girl in the group took Nyamu's side then what am I supposed to think anon
>>275243632Nyamu actually wants to achieve something and this is bad because...
>>275243713>I can be her anchor, just need more donuts
>>275243113Who's the banana of ave mujica?
>>275243743If the smart neutral girl in the group can't tell she was supposed to lighten Mutsumi's workload a week ago Ave Mujica is doomed.
i dont think theres going to be a happy endingin fact i think it is going to get a lot worse
>>275243680>she is trying her bestShe may be trying her best, but it fucking sucks. And unlike other people that suck at doing their best (like Moots), Sakiko sucking is also toxic as fuck to literally everyone around her.
Someone post the Uika conspiracy theory.
>>275243756Because she's a retard whose conception of success is making the line go up for a day.
>>275243768Maybe Umiri
I am gonna protect Saki-chan's world
>>275243807There are two Uika's
>MyGo lifted each other up>Ave Mujica will drag each other to the depths of hell
How bad will Saki flip out when Umiri quits sooner or later?
>>275243713>I can fix her
>>275243856That frame reminds me of Utena
>>275243856>>275243880That frame reminds me of Bad Apple.
>>275243880And what did we learn from Utena
>>275243856that frame reminds me of selfcest
>>275243807She can only mimic human interaction, but doesn’t understand it.
>>275243632Sakiko started a play troupe when only she really cares about her "vision". She's playing games with their livelihoods, and Uika's simping is dangerously enabling
>>275243680Sakiko is made for bullying, I don't make the rules.
I don't know about you guys but at this point Mutsumi, Umiri and Nyamu are the only likable characters in this show with redeeming qualities. Sakiko is a bitch and Uika is a simp
>>275243925Saki's cute foot
Every Mygomujica gets one punch each on Sakiko.
>MyGo"It's like K-On, but everyone hates themselves">Ave Mujica"It's like K-On, but everyone hates each other and themselves"
>>275243908That a 10 minute musical sequence can be repeated for 80% of a show.
>>275243947She had a hard life, and Uika is horny
when was the last time saki took a shower
>>275243984They are just childhood friends
>identify the most with mutsumi>think sakiko was right about everything with her this weekMaybe it's the self-loathing talking but speak up, stupid.
>>275243986Uiha showers her with tongue every night
>>275243986Uika forbids her from using shower
>>275243814Okay, I get it now. People that hate Nyamu are like 14 year olds.
>>275243908That a bird cannot fly without ripping open it's egg.
>>275244007Shut up Sakiko
Uika is totally gonna quit Sumimi after that not showing up to practice argument
Is this true
>guys let's just become a professional chair sitting ensemble it's what the audience wants
>>275244007It's really hard as someone who understands her situation. You know that it's not going to get any better if left alone, Saki and Nyamu's argument was borderline a parental spatWorse yet if you also relate to Nyamu, because Nyamu's 15 minutes in the spotlight are being eaten up for all of this
>>275243947MYGOMUJICA CHARACTER RANKINGS (AS OF AVE MUJICA EPISODE 3):>A catRaana>A good person, actually blamelessTomoriUmiri(?)Mana>Redeemable, not a bad personMootsTakiUikaAnon>Theoretically redeemable but they are TERRIBLE TERRIBLE peopleSoyoNyamuSaki Only Tomori can save all these nutcases with the purity of her soul.
>>275244007Sakiko was lashing out at literally everyone in this episode, Mutsumi getting the worst of it
>>275244095The audience both knows and has no idea what they want, it's a universal truth
>>275244095Is it Nyamu's fault the audience is apparently brain dead though
>>275244095To be fair, in a Bandori world where every other group of female friends is forming a band, maybe the chair sitting is truly fresh and stimulating to this world’s audience.
>>275244155i assume a lot of them got into the band through her shilling, so probably
Ave Mujica movie leaked
>>275244131Mutsumi is acting like a bitch, speak up
>>275244155The audience is simply excited by the new twist. It would be like if, on a meta level, the anime dropped the music and was just girls having the exact same dissociative breakdowns for 10 episodes. We'd all be bored before the end.
>Skies clear up, Mygo umbrellas ascending>Mutsumi reaching for her own umbrella>Mortis holding it out like it's her salvation>eats herThis has to be the most fucked up sequence they could have done
>>275244193>Mitsumi why the hell did you just sit on stage with a cucumber this last performance? Why would the fans want that?!>*blows smoke* You wouldn’t get it.
>>275244095>next step Nyamu wants to take is to start selling their used chairs
>>275244268Are the umbrellas saying that Mutsumi sees MyGO as salvation?
Tomori we need to get on the chair meta sit on my face while you do slam poetry
I feel so bad for Saki completely rewriting the lore after everytime they go out
send this to a friend and get him to watch this krkrdkdk show
>>275244193A joker problem requires a joker 2 solution....
OK, can we all stop questioning Nyamu's age and pushing that unfunny forced meme about her being a hag? She attends a school for acting and is LAYER'S kouhai. She's most definitely still a teenage girl between 14yo~17yo.
>>275244389ooc umiri, should not be smiling
>>275244407It’s only a small, curt smile
>>275244407Maybe shes actually happy
>>275244007>all of this could've been solved if people talked things out properly
>>275244377Being broken til she put back on the mask was such an easy setup too...
>>275244402But who will do it? Nyamu? Uika? Raana?
who is this in the OP?
I missed WDS... liked it more than this edge shit
Mortis had only bought time for Ave Mujica to be in a metastable state and the worst has yet to come.
>ep4>Muuko ~ Love!
At this rate, Ave Mujica would just be an anime about Sakiko and Nyamu fighting for custody over Mutsumi
>>275244505I think it's Umiri
was it drugs?
>>275244831She's talking with Mortis
total electronic celebrity death
Does anyone ANYONE unironically, genuinely, like Nyamu as a character?
Im gonna guess Umiri gets no development like Raana this season
>>275245013I do
>>275244937Anime Youtuber with 3.6 million subs
>>275243352Feels like the writer is trying to have their cake and eat it too with the subtext of selling out but also the pretentious artiste thing.
>>275245013'people' unironically, genuinely like real youtubers. i theorize she's just activating their simp response
>>275245013Yeah she's fun and I don't watch anime youtubers
>>275245013Episode 3 made me like her so yeah
>>275245017I hope not, I need Umiricky fanservice
>>275245017More like like Ricky.>>275244983>not a single Ave Mujica in sightSasuga
>>275245013She's very entertaining. Not every character needs to be righteously moral to be enjoyed.
>>275245013Nyamu is burning herself up at the edge of the spotlight, while Mutsumi can tank as many opportunities as she likes because she's set for life
>>275244534I like both
>>275241281I was entertainedMutsumi's bandMutsumi's show
>>275245013she's the soyo of the group. Exists to cause trouble and attract contrarians that think bad people are better
FUCK green and FUCK purple.I hate this fucking show but I can't stop watching because I want MyGo!!!!
TRADE OFFERAve Mujica gets SoyoMyGO gets UmiriYes or no?
Why do people hate Kasumi? I'm watching S1 for the first time to rid myself of the feel of Ave Mujica today. She's a perfectly fine protagonist in a perfectly serviceable storyline.
>>275245068I asked, thanks.
>>275245099I think it's just a point of conflict. Sakiko is a sellout but she thought she could be an artiste as well. Now she's running into the consequences of surrounding herself with bigger sellouts who straight up don't give a shit.
>>275245245you're not allowed to like season 1 sis...
>>275245231Anon. Saki is the Soyo of the group.
>>275245232Every episode without Anon is a wasted episode.
>>275245231Except Soyo still cares about other people. Nyamu is doing all of this for herself, she even said she's ready to leave the band if it means more opportunities. She's an opportunist at its finest.
>>275245013I love her as a character. As a person I find her awful, if understandable. She's engineering her own downfall harder than Sakiko.>>275245017Here's what we know about Umiri>she's in 30 bands>she doesn't like fame>jealous Taki has a band she can worry over>at some point someone will find her untrustworthy>her arc will have to do with fear>something about a box of photos and drinksSince she's a human and not a cat I don't expect her to be a detached observer forever. In fact her traits seem to be pointing to the opposite: getting frustratingly attached.
>>275245243Here's a better offer:MyGO gets Ave Mujica's guitarists, drummer and bassistSakiko gets nothing
>>275245245S1 was good though
>>275245231She's the Anon?
>>275245294You forgot the vocalist
>>275245013Yes shes rapebait
>>275245318MyGO already has Tomori, Uika and Mortis can stick to playing guitar
>>275245231Nyamu is the Anon without any of character development and also straight up doesn't give a shit about anyone else.
>>275245334Tomori sucks as a singer as heard here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUsrK5vp308.
Nyamu = Anon only makes sense if you're surface level looking at personalities and not the purpose they serve to the narrative
>>275245285Umiri is already being forced to engage due to all the bickering. She can't pretend to be detached anymore
>>275245364Both of them shake up the status quo to change the group
>>275245334Uika is a better singer. Tomori can stick to playing the triangle.
>>275245099The irony is deliberate, the show has been extremely self-aware thus far. Actual kino
Nyamu = AnonSaki = SoyoMutsumi = TomoriUmiri = RaanaUika = Taki
>>275245231It's kinda funny saying this but, Soyo might be a bitch but she's actually capable of caring for others. It's just that the pool of people she cares about is incredibly tiny and the way she tries to care for people is incredibly selfish and bitchy.Nyamu's kind of an actually unrepentant, selfish bitch who thinks of no one but herself.
>>275245498That make Nyamu hot
even if Nyamu was a caring, loving person nobody in the group is mentally stable enough to reciprocate it. They'll all selfish and self-serving individuals that don't care about others, Nyamu just owns that shit
Anon sincerely cares about people. She approached Tomori to look good but tried to help with Tomori's brain problems because Anon is a good person. There is zero indication Nyamu cares about anyone but herself. She doesn't even give a shit when a bandmate collapses onstage until she gets scared what the audience thinks.Anon is also the smartest character as evidenced by thinking that communication is good. Nyamu is the dumbest character as evidenced by thinking that interrupting every show with a sitting segment is good. Being evil is one thing, but that level of stupid is annoying to watch. At least Soyo was competent at being evil.
>>275241607Basedo already redeemed herself though.
>>275245596Anon was a bitch in the beginning using the weirdo girl to get popular
>>275245596>Anon is also the smartest character as evidenced by thinking that communication is goodAnon is the champion of running away from her problems. Even as far as episode 10 she needed a girl half as autistic as Mutsumi to chase her down and drag a conversation out of her.
i think it's really funny everyone praises this series for it's writing and then proceeds to misunderstand everything about characters
Thank you, Ave Mujica, for making Soyo look like a good person by comparison.>S1 ep 3Oh I got to kira kira hikaru finally.
>>275245596This is a crazy post honestly
>>275245649An unironic testament to its writing quality when the characters are nuanced and multifaceted and need some digging to collectively iron out.
>>275245596>Nyamu is the dumbest character as evidenced by thinking that interrupting every show with a sitting segment is good.She just wants Mutsumi to perform, not necessarily keep doing the sitting thing every concert.
>>275245498Nyamu has to think about herself because everyone else in the group has a safety net, this is sidegig 1/X for Umiri, this is a passing fad for Uika and Mutsumi as far as the public cares.
>>275245596Anon even supports Tomori's weird hobbiesNeed me a girl like that in my life
>>275245802Pretty silly strategy then to try to cash out Ave Mujica as fast as possible. The band was already massively successful before her stunt in the first episode. Plenty of time to coast while broadening her options.
>>275245875Ecelebs aren't known to be very bright
>>275245875That's her fault for getting antsy, absolutely. I can claim that Sakiko kept her in the dark about her plans but it's also her pissing herself off over Mutsumi
I don't know how this bitch can just boss everyone around like she owns the band. She's a literal whotuber with no connections to the other ave members and yet somehow she's not afraid of being kicked out and replaced for running her mouth at every possible instance. The sheer audacity of this hired grunt to antagonize her boss is ridiculous
>>275245970They can't kick out Nyamu after what Mutsumi said because it would create more rumors
>>275245970Washed up ojou-samas when they meet a mad bitch
>>275245970Nyamu will fight with Sakiko over who gets to do business yuri with Mortis
>>275244124Soyo is a saint compared to the other 2Move her up
>>275245970she's a metaphor for the production committee
>>275241281404 girl doesn't look so good
>>275244124What did Taki do wrong?
tomori couldn't even save anon and you expect her to save mujica too? hahaha
>>275246099>tomori couldn't even save anon???Tomori quite literally saved Anon in episode 5
>>275245013She probably the best type of foil to have for everyone else in this group.
Mortisbros...What the fuck is happening??I'm SCARED
>>275245970>nooooo you can't speak up, just do everything Sakiko says!
When Nyamu gets redeemed in episode 10 people are gonna say something>Actually, Nyamu wasn't THAT bad of a person! Just like what they do with Soyo.
>>275246185?? Soyo is a massive bitch. People only started coming around to her because of the AnSy ship
>>275241320Very cute, very canon
>*fixes your band*
>Creates the band>Comes up with the look>Writes the play>Writes the music>Is somehow still the badguyIt isn't Saki's fault her band members are a simp, autist, attention whore, and part-timer. She can't read minds and if they want change they should maybe speak up or do some of the work instead of just complaining.
>>275245114You love to see it
>>275245245Kasumi is a great protag anyone saying otherwise is a shithead
>>275244124>mom died>dropped from opulence to poverty>dad lost his mind and disowned himself from youSakiko is a bitch by circumstance. Most people are not going to handle 1 of these things well, let alone all 3 at once. We even see she took the first 2 okay, responsibly picking up menial jobs to support her father, instead of casting him aside to keep her life of luxury, and happily working with Tomori. This is not an irredeemable black hearted bitch. This is someone drowning in stress. She's even attempted to stand up for Mutsumi multiple times and acknowledged she's putting too much pressure on her. She didn't force anyone into Ave Mujica either, they all willingly accepted her terms. Soyo and Nyamu have no excuses in comparison. But at least Soyo gaslit herself into thinking it was for the greater good. Nyamu better have some juicy fucking family drama to justify being this shortsighted and greedy.
>>275246269It's Saki's fault she invited a simp, autist, attention whore, and a part-timer to join her band
Tomori's lyrics would/will save Mutsumi..
>>275246269Saki get back to writing your script.
>>275246094Be in bitch mode 90% of the time.
>>275246351Trust in the post-it note plan
>Treats her members like shit>Is the bad guyYeah
the episode 10 plot twist will be kokoro being introduced to fix the shit hole ave mujica have trapped themselves in
Can I offer you an umbrella in these trying times?
>>275246169>will you give me your life>yes, i agree>nooo i want to do things "my" (no longer exists) way
>>275246269It's her fault for hiring Nyamu, you should know better than to hire a youtube e-celeb. Even Muts breakdown wouldn't have started until they got around to their mask reveal
Nobody takes your chuuni LARP seriously, Saki
>>275246342Being poor and suffering personal tragedy does not give you carte blanche to be a cunt.
>>275244124>Taki>RedeemableMaybe in death but not sure
>>275246447tsumaranai onna
>>275245013I don't like her but she's pretty entertaining to watch.Sadly being unlikable but entertaining doesn't translate well into sales in this kind of franchise.
>>275246385Do people still make AMVs? I can't help but feel like its guaranteed there will be a Mutsumi one with Starset: My Demons once this is all over
>Mortis' antics cause the band to rise in popularity>other four members start getting into crazy shit to keep up>at the end it's revealed one of them was just acting
What do you think Taki told Umiri about Saki?
>>275245875>>275245970>firsthand knowledge that mutsumi is batshit insane and can't even answer yes/no questions, let alone be relied on to act>completely forgets this and sperges out on set and in public because they're not pivoting to being the matsumi showShe's just so fucking dumb.
>>275246385I'm that umbrella.
Doing the face reveal when the hype is at its peak in Budoukan was the correct choice. The only mistake they made was not helping Mutsumi when she was going insane.
>>275246457Never did I say it did. All I'm saying is stress turns people into their worst selves. It doesn't make them irredeemable to their core.
>>275246515>The only mistake they made was not helping Mutsumi when she was going insane.
i hope ave mujica crashes and burns. There's no soul passion or love in this band. They deserve nothing. This series has to end with them accepting they're failures if they're together and moving on.
>>275246574t. Basedorin
>>275246342>She's even attempted to stand up for Mutsumi multiple times and acknowledged she's putting too much pressure on her.Are you high? All she did was berate herself for not tard-wrangling Mutsumi adequately. Not once has she asked her oldest friend if she was fucking daijoubu. Will be funny if she does it now after the voices already won
>>275246511Firsthand knowledge of shitall. Mutsumi is a celebrity kid, she wouldn't have made it this far if she had zero ability to suck it in and look pretty in front of cameraThey're all, as far as each other beyond Saki would know, professionals. Umiri was holding her to the same standards in the scheduling scene
So it's clear that moots had a mental breakdown and has disassociated from herself, completely becoming the mortis persona, but the question is WHY? it's not just the stress of being overworked, but the fear that the second band she's apart of is about to break up (clear parallel to tomorin) due to her actions and miscommunications (autism)Her giving in to mortis is her attempting to hold the band together because>1) she thinks she herself is incapable of doing so>2) she agrees with nyamshit that the audience wants her to performNotice how the doll mirrored the words that saki was saying to her. Saki asked "why arent you on my side" (a selfish thing to ask in the moment and definitely the wrong play, just saki being retarded once again) and the doll said "I'm the only one on your side"She made the connection between Mortis and Saki and felt that giving in was a way to save Saki because it's what the band needed. I don't think it was her coming to terms with needing to protect herself because if it was, she probably would have just left the band. She wanted a path that protects the band and saki first before herself. So, in a way, the doll presented a path that she disguised as self care for a moment, but it was really about Saki and Mujica
>>275246385I'm good thanks
now we've seen crychic break up from everyone's point of view except taki
I think what people are missing is that every other MyGoMujica does what they do for the sake of the group. Saki leaving CRYCHIC was her own twisted way of sparing them. Even Soyo's actions were for the band, she was just confused on which band she should be working towards. Nyamu is the only character who is completely selfish. She is the only one not just attempting to break the group, but trying to get others to as well.
I still laugh when I think about episode 2.>Saki: "Mutsumi saying something stupid was a failure of my people management.">Saki: "Mutsumi, you have to speak professionally."BAM DONE. PROBLEM FIXED. Truly the most effective manager.
Girl goes to doctor. Says she's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says she feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great performer Mortis is in town tonight. Go and see her. That should pick you up." Girl bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Mortis.”
>Doesn't greet her back>Only attempts to get her to fuck off by saying she doesn't use SNS (this is a lie) Mutsumi is a terrible person. This is how she'll act when you try to approach her
>>275246687That would just be Saki walking in and saying she's quitting and then a red screen with tinnitus noises in the background for several minutes
>>275246507Probably how she blew up at Tomori and disbanded Crychic. It would be interested if she also told Umiri about Sakiko running off crying after Haruhikage, and that could lead into the fight with Uika that is eventually going to happen.
Mutsumi is a failure
wheres nyamu channel #2
The CHAD MortisThe virgin Mutsumi
Did Nyamu didn't sign a NDA or Sakiko just too dumb as an employer ?
>>275246606>told mutsumi to stop being soyo's tool>covered for her during the interview>told nyamu to stop trying to pull her into her games>asked if she's comfortable doing the performanceOnce again, I'm not saying she handled this well. I'm not saying she isn't a bitch. But you're smoking the good shit if you think she didn't try at all. She can't read minds or figure out why her lifelong friend who swore to help her is suddenly frozen stiff. She could have stopped and really asked, but doubly again, she has too much on her own plate and is not handling this well. Does that make her a terrible friend? In the heat of the moment, sure. But overall no. Friends go through rough patches. None of this is as bad as what Soyo tried to do to her friends.
>>275246720>This is how she'll act when you try to approach herIt's actually so fucking hot when girls are that dead inside
>>275246631shiro is crazy and they didn't bother explaining why. Kokoro is crazy and they didn't bother explaining why. Mutsumi is crazy, that's all you need to know.
Nyamu is right. The world revolves around power and influence. They should embrace it and transform their life into art.
>>275246786She's literally just Bocchi
>>275242352Funny how they are getting famous on the basis of bombing every other performance.
>>275246786Nyamu will be the Anon to Mutsumi's Basedorin...
>>275246826>Mutsumi's Basedorin*Mutsumi's Tomori
>>275246625>have band member who visibly crumbles under any pressure and can barely say three words>last time she did say three words it turned into a media shitstorm that you threw a tantrum about>literally collapses onstage because she misplayed a note>she's asked whether she can recreate her unintentional collapse and doesn't confirm it>somehow take all this information and decide it's a good idea to use this girl's behavior as the focal point of your band
>>275246786Nyamu is a fucking cunt bitch and she should only be PLAPED and promptly disregarded
>>275241281I never watched banged ream before but I assumed it was a cute girl anime like love live and idolmaster. Was it, in fact, not about cute girls playing music?
>Soyo sees that Moots is not okay>tells Anon>brings her to school>Anon meets Moots and asks if she is daijobuAnon will save mujikas.
https://comic-growl.com/episode/2550912964996138452it's up
>>275246869it will be djb in the end i think
>>275241693Note: things were not in fact 大丈夫だよ
>>275246869The girls are all cute they play in a band >>275244389
>>275246870>tells AnonlolAs if Soyo will ever do that
>>275246869ave mujica is about cute girls sitting on a chair
>>275246869seasons 1-3 are about cute girls playing musicseasons 4-5 are about girls having nonstep mental breakdowns with some music inbetween that
It’s strange that no one pointed out that Mutsumi just had her mom acting talent all along but was suppressed due to her timid personality and this mortis just unlocked her potential I don’t think it’s personality disorder
>>275246875this is so brutal ;_; soyo, please..
>>275246910>seasons 1-3 are about cute girls playing musicexcept for...
This is obviously too evil and won't happen but if Sakiko reacted to the transformation with "Mutsumi you're finally back to normal smiling and chatting like you always used to" I would be hysteric with laughter.
>>275246631the sakibus is real
>>275246866By that point she'd been consistently riling up the media, leaning into it is a nightmare scenario but still very real.Multiple shows on their tour were asking for Mutsumi to spice up the performance at that point, she's already at a point where you can't smooth it over. Mutsumi is the main draw of Ave Mujica now.
>>275246698I don't think this was a good example of showing her being a shit manager. Sakiko clearly doesn't hate Mutsumi.I interpreted this as>Nyamubitch won't shut up about Mutsumi>I take the blame for her mistake>I then tell her off slightly so Nyamubitch would shut the fuck up
>EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT>narrator: everything was, infact, not alright
Ironic whores like Nyamu will never understand Mutsumi.
Ngl I can't remember which dumb fake name is who besides Mutsumi is Mortis.
I feel like a terrible person for feeling in love with Mutsumi because I saw her cute suffering.
"Ave Mujika is for life" sperg was a mistake. If Saki kept it professional she could threaten anyone with firing. Nyamuko is getting cocky
>>275247019Girls are the cutest when they're suffering
>>275247035At this point after Mutsumi said "This won't last forever" firing anyone would create nuclear drama in public
>>275247043I want to protect her, but I also want to destroy her.
>>275246913She even has her dad's sense of comedic timing
>>275244983should've joined mygo yeah
>>275247016I remember Saki is Oblivionis and Nyamu is Amoris from the earlier episodes, and I remember Uika is Doloris because I have this silly image saved. Umiri's is the only one I can't remember off the top of my head.
>>275246974They can smooth it over by not agreeing to do dumb, risky shit that puts even more pressure on their mental patient, and go back to what got them there in the first place. Nyamu just couldn't accept that because she has the long term planning of a tick.
>>275247130Would it help if you could associate them with the actual terms and places?
>>275247163Saki - forgets how much she loves big dickUika - sorrowful she hasn't had any good dick in too longUmiri - fearful of big dickNyamu - loves big dickMutsumi - would die for some good dick
>>275247130That makes her Timoris by default. I remember each name, but not who has which.
>>275246893>As if Soyo will ever do thatShe does that every night tho
>>275247163>oblivionis is on the dark side of the moon>pushes everyone out of reach
>>275247130>Timoris - fear - umiri>Doloris - sorrow - uika>Mortis - death - mortis>Amoris - shit - nyamo>Oblivionis - memory(loss) - sakikoHope this helps
>dickschizo is here
Oblivionis - oblivious
Is there a spreadsheet on which scenes play which scores? Because I was watching that Mutsumi scene last night and realized that the track is already listed in MyGO Soundtrack album.I'm trying to find in which MyGO scene that particular track plays ...
>>275247130Umiri is Tummy.
>>275247298Timmy.*>Umiri tummy
>>275247317Umiri tummy
Bros.. i think these girls are mentally ill a little bit
>>275247135We've seen that interviewers zero in on her, and she gets requested the most for shoots. Mutsumi is the genie outside of the bottle. And people keep singling Nyamu out for it, but the rest of Ave Mujica save Sakiko are holding Mutsumi to a similar standard.
>>275247358who is this all powerful client
>>275247286Are you looking for 可哀想なお人形
>>275241850A literal mental asylum.
>>275247380The Audience
Must protect.
>>275247446this guy gets it
I hope they deliver the episode in which mutsumi forma de morida trashtalks nyuammu so bad to the point nyamu stars crying in frustration, I think mortis would be the only who could call nyammu shit out because as we seen in todays episode both sakiko and uika are useless when it comes to that and umiri outright doesnt do shit
>>275247358They didn't do the chair segment and no one but nyamu was crying about it. She starts every fight and does it in front of matsumi because if you're going to spew your retarded opinions about band direction why not do it where you're obviously triggering the crazy girl's PTSD.
>>275247386Yeah, I know the title, but I was looking at in which scene at MyGO anime that track plays, because istg I heard that track before this week Mujica
>>275247377Mashiro blaming will not be tolerated.
>>275247354Disgusting bellybutton
So Moots didn't actually suck at guitar, right? Every time we've seen her play, especially solo, she was really good. There definitely wasnt enough time between crychic and mujica for her to improve to the point where her bandmates are commenting about her never making mistakes. I think she was great when she was with crychic, but she was either holding herself to a really high standard and was too critical of herself because that's how she's been treated her whole life as a child of two celebrities OR it had to do with her being technically skilled, but not able to put her emotions into the music (autism) (this was her "guitar" saying that it wasn't able to sing)
>>275247485It's whenever Mutsumi shows up which is like 5 scenes lmao
>>275247472>no one but nyamu was crying about it.Stop speedwatching
>>275241850I mean, the entire cast of Morfonica are alright, aren't they?
Mortis is gonna go off on every member of Ave Mujica and CRYCHIC. What is she going to tell them?
>>275247495So in a way, that track was her leitmotif, huh ...
>>275247493It think it’s implying that her guitar play is pretty darn good but she’s still holding herself back.
>>275247493>not able to put her emotions into the music (autism) (this was her "guitar" saying that it wasn't able to sing)it's this
>>275247472>She starts every fight and does it in front of matsumiBecause Mutsumi is opting out of being an active member of the band except for the blowups, and Sakiko thinks she can just keep solemnly taking responsibility for it. Something that not even Saki believes works as we know
>>275247493Mutsumi is good at like guitar but she's like a doll. There is no emotion, no soul in her playing. CRYCHIC was sovl and she was the only one who played without soul. I'm pretty sure that's what she meant when she couldn't let the guitar "sing". She was just touching strings.
>>275247493I interpreted it more like stage fright/her feeling her music was too produced and less raw expression a la Tomori when performed for others.
Does Mutsumi now have a split personality or did the old Mutsumi basically just die?
>>275247510She not going to do thatMortis is probably a demon who is going to try to get the others to invite their own personal demons inShe's not going to immediately scorched earth the band, she's going to cause the other personas to manifest in the other band members. Her first target would be uika probably, as she's had a ton of episodes where she was prominent so far, but it wouldnt surprise me if they went with umiri first, as she's had the least screentime. In the end I think it will be sakiko or nymau who turn last
>>275247587>>275247577This is what I'm thinking is probably the case, too, especially considering all the parallels with tomori. The difference is that tomori learned how to engage and moots didn't
>>275247644Mortis took over
>>275247644Could be either orIve seen some anons say its disassociative personality disorderThere are some scenes from trailers that haven't been in the eps yet in which she looks like she's moots, but it definitely seems like Mortis is in control from here on out
>>275246869Season 1 to 3 was vanilla cute girls doing cute band things, MyGo and Ave Mujica that are going full bonkers
Mutsumi is gonna ruin everything
>>275247644The new one took over and put the old one to sleep in the guitar
>>275241281How long until Mortis does the Bully Maguire dance?
>>275247644honestly it could be bothI can see either personality being the coping mechanism
>>275246852Uika would actually say this
>>275247644Bros...https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dissociative-disorders/symptoms-causes/syc-20355215Moots is gonna be okay, r-right??
>>275247578>constantly antagonize and browbeat crazy girl while picking fights with her only friend>girl blows up>how can this be happening to me?
>>275247644Not even the narrator is sure whether it's 'sleep or death'. What we do know is that Mortis is in control for now.
What is the likelihood of us seeing a murder-suicide in the future?
>>275246094Inviting Umiri on her own and forced Tomori to choose between Soyo and Anon was a big no-no
>>275247867we just witnessed one, it's all in Mutsumi's head however
>>275247867Maybe if Anon gets pushed too far
>>275247867Greater than 0% which is something
>>275247867This is Bang Dream, not a fucking menhera yuri series
Place bets on the mental illnesses of the other girls and how they're going to manifest?Only one weve been truly able to pin down is Doloris being a psycho stalker who wants to rape sakiko or something of that natureNyamo might end up with some kind of delusions of grandure that surpass even saki's chunnivibes
How does Uika stay so fit eating donuts all the time?
>>275248013Intense Sakiko masturbation session every night
>>275248013She's a Plant
>>275247240>>Mortis - death - mortis
>>275248010It could be an industry shake-up thoughThere will be clones of this
>None of My GO and Ave Mujica girls have the tiny moon/star drawn in their eyes>Layer still has hers
>>275248135Anon, they will be in the game and they need to sell their merchsThey can't do that if they're ghosts
>Mutsumi sat for a while>Ave Mujica became daughter of Minami and Ta-kun and her 4 plebian friendsDo people really look up to celebrity kids like this?
Luv me Mortis'ate MutsumiSimple as
>>275246687So Taki's next then
>>275248166They could though
>>275247163>FarsideWhat would Saki tools look like?
So her whole deal is that she wants to be acknowledged for passion as a guitarist, but because she's so awfully mid at it, it always ate away at her. Instead everyone is pushing for her to take up her natural talent for acting, which she hates because they're only looking at her parents. Tough shit cucumber hair. Wait till you spent 8 years with your major only for your career to have nothing to do with it. Privileged ass mute bitch acts like being a functional part of society is the worst thing in the world. Little shitter princess can't even say good morning or hello like it would take so much effort. I hope oni Taki forces her to wait tables to give her a taste of adulthood
>>275248166Mana from Idoly Pride is dead but they still released her with multiple banners in their game.
>>275248234Completely misinterpreted
>>275248234I'm terrible at guitar too Mutsumi chan...and I've been playing for 20 years...
>>275248234How can one Anon be so wrong about everything?
who dis
>>275248234You are genuinely retarded if you think she's "mid" at guitarI fucking hate zoomzooms
>>275248323Idk but she cute
>>275248249She's ultra dead, even. ;_;
>>275248234Leave it to a fucking stream watcher to have the worst takes and interpretations imagineable
>>275248166>will beI don't play the game, there are currently no Ave Mujica content in the game right now?There's still a chance, then... or at the very they could get disbanded just like Crychic
>>275248323Game character, she's from the band Raise A Suilen/RAS. Bang Dream season 3 was about RAS though
>>275248332>Plays rhythm guitar for the fucking singer
>>275248058They're just friends. Her boyfriend handles those kind of requests
>does everything right>continues winningYeah my investment in Basedocoin is safe.
You only coddle Mutsumi because she's a cute girl. If this was a guy, he'd be chewed out like no tomorrow
>>275248323Tae's wife
>>275248367They are already confirmed to be added around the game's 10th anniversary, but are not in the game yet
>>275248373am i supposed to know her before watching this show?
>>275248166Anon doesn't know about Heaven Burns Red.
>>275248418No, it's just a cameo. Mygo had a few cameos too
What about Sakiko?
>>275248440bro they need real people to play the bands irl
I think Mortis is going to try to hide it at first but will inevitably begin talking about Mutsumi as if she's a different person.I think this is particularly going to happen with basedorinSoyo is going to confront her next episode and it's going to look like moots it talking about herself in the third person and this is going to freak her outSomething along the lines of>you never cared about mutsumi. You blamed her for everything. You didnt even try to understand her.>what are you saying?>I'm the only one who is on her side. You need to leave her alone.
Why is Mutsumi so attached to Sakiko? Is it because Sakiko was her only friend?
>>275248485i desperately want this to happen
>>275248508They're first cousins / childhood friends
>>275248508Everyone love SakikoSakiko is the most important characterSakiko should be on screen almost all the timeWhen Sakiko isn't on screen, everyone else should be asking, "where's Sakiko?"
>>275248524Childhood friends betray each other all the time.
>>275248508I guess Sakiko probably helped her out during their childhood with talking and stuff
>>275248508>Why is ____ so attached to Sakiko?Sakiko is canonically a lesbian succubus. It's the only explanation for so many girls losing their minds over her from the moment they met her.
>>275248485I think it's going to be more subtle. Saki and Soyo will be freaked out and think something is wrong. But everyone else will like the new, suave, outgoing Mutsumi. Saki's reservations will get treated as jealousy after Mutsumi becomes the lead writer of doll lore. Then eventually Mutsumi snaps and kills everyone.
I'd just like to remind you all that every bad thing that has ever happened in the mygojica universe is directly or indirectly the fault of NyamuAs penance, she must be punished by my cock. Endlessly.
>pushes her childhood friend awaySakiko is literally Miki Sayaka
>but what about Sakiko, think about her feelingsStfu it's Mortis time
>>275248608Sakiko was the one who recruited her, and every member of Ave Mujica. So technically, every bad thing that has ever happened is because of her. Hope she cries about it.
I'd just like to remind you all that every bad thing that has ever happened in the mygojica universe is directly or indirectly the fault of kasumiAs penance, she must be punished by my cock. Endlessly.
>>275248619Uika is no Kyouko.
>>275248619Sakiko's Retribution
>>275248599Well I think it will be subtle with everyone else, but I'm specifically mentioning soyo because she looked like she was going to confront her next episode, she doesn't have a direct path to "doing something" about it if she thinks moots has gone fucking NUTS as she only knows her and saki, who will undoubtedly avoid her, and they already have a history- basedorin blamed her, to her face, for ruining crychic, so in my eyes there's no doubt that Mortis saw this happen and will be eager to tell her off about it
>>275248619but Mutsumi is happy now
wtf she's 2d now
>>275248599>I think it's going to be more subtle. Saki and Soyo will be freaked out and think something is wrong. But everyone else will like the new, suave, outgoing Mutsumi. Saki's reservations will get treated as jealousyYeah they are teasing that for Sakiko already, where she finally notices something is very wrong at the end and the bit in the preview where all of them are on Mutsumi's side of the table and opposite Sakiko
>>275248622I'd just like to remind you all that every bad thing that has ever happened in the Evangelion universe is directly or indirectly the fault of AsukaAs penance, she must be punished by my cock. Endlessly.
>>275248704Me on the left
>>275248676I think that even though Soyo has been a psycho bitch to Matsumi, she's still one of the two people who understand her. So Soyo will eventually do something to pick up the Mutsumi pieces after Sakiko is turned on.
>>275248704They do it so seamlessly I honestly don't even notice when they do it
>>275248323tallest high schooler
>>275248738>heterophobiaLol>>275248751Possibly, but that's not going to stop Mortis from returning her cunt serve with a cunt set up and a cunt spike directly into the sand
>>275248323what does this cameo add to the story? it's just distracting
>>275248799I recognized the thing so I clapped.
>>275248799shows that Nyamu is a clout chasing loser who would do anything for views
>>275248799show that Nyamu is so bad Chu2 basically ignored her!
>>275248694>that picliterally who??????????
It'll be revealed that the entire thing was an act. A masterful performance put on by Mutsumi.
>>275247163And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
I think one of them is going to stab another on stageI think there's going to be some part of the lore/play where the dolls use a fake knife to kill one of the others and are supposed to throw out ribbons or fake blood in a theatrical manner, but the persona who took over is going to use a real knife and stab them for real at the end of the season. Im not saying it's going to be mortis, because I think the others will be taken over by their dolls, too.I think doloris is going to be directed to stab amoris for the play, but instead stabs sakiko for real due to her rejecting her advancesDoloris is yandere pushed to 11
I'd just like to remind you all that every bad thing that has ever happened in the Toge universe is directly or indirectly the fault of HinaAs penance, she must be punished by my cock. Endlessly.
>>275248878cool but consider this
Really liked MyGo, but Ave Mujica ain't the same. It's just jersey shore band version, put a bunch of mentally challenged people in a group and of course forced drama will happen. Mutsumi arc has been a drag. Hopefully it gets better
>>275248799Just old bandori desperate to stay relevant
Wish Uika was obsessed with me. I'd eat donuts with her every morning.
>>275246094She did nothing wrong!
>>275248970Bitches like uika are the kind of girl who will wake up up with a knife to your throat because she had a dream where you cheated on her
>>275248939you will watch this drama and like it
>>275248508They're sefures
>>275249044I thought this was going to be some Latin word when I googled it
>>275248999I'd never. Who would I cheat on her with? There's no one hotter.
>>275246457>to be a cunt.Which she is (mostly) not. A lot of the people around her are just sort of also cunts or kinda crazy. Or both.
wait why is she crying?
>>275249119It's a dream anonYou didn't actuallyShe just dreamt that you did
>>275248939In MyGO everyone was flawed but human and possible to empathize with. In Ave Mujica they could have shot one member at the beginning of the season and solved every problem so far. The drama is less puzzle pieces failing to fit together and more a retard repeatedly tripping over some kid's sandcastle.That said I liked most of the Mutsumi stuff so far.
>>275249123Leaking out the weakness
>>275249123She is on her periods.Spilled blood symbolism is for that
>>275248878>I think one of them is going to stab another on stageAnd everyone will clap and ask for it to happen again next week.
basedorin x mortin
>>275249133Sakiko, Mutsumi, and Nyamu are incredibly human in the ugly ways humans are. They're well rounded characters and while you might not empathize with them as none are blameless for their own suffering you should be able to sympathize with them sans Nyamu so far. They're interesting in the way protagonists of classical tragedies are. Also shooting Soyo would have solved every problem back then.
>>275248375You should watch It's MyGO!!!!! before watching Ave Mujica or you'll miss out on a lot of relevant details
>Saki is sound asleep>Uika sneaks into the attic with the stealth of a ninja and takes Saki's laptop>Opens it up and finds the script for the next show>Deletes a bunch of bullshit about Mortis sitting in chairs and Nyamu being retarded>Adds in a scene where Doloris and Oblivionis confess their undying love for each other and have a 20 minute make out session >Closes laptop
>>275249133only mutsumi is mentally challengedthe other members are just typical cunts in the music/showbiz industrypart of the appeal of mygo is how down to earth and relatable the girls are but even then it's debatable, because a lot of people also found mygo too exaggerated and melodramatic to be a realistic drama
>>275249195>the audience is literally going to be cheering as Sakiko bleeds out with the curtains dropping>producers have no idea what just happened because they think it was just miscommunication and uika fake stabbed the wrong doll, sakiko is just really good at playing along>other dolls have already overtaken their respective human beans, so they're not shocked and act into it to make everything seem alright>Sakiko is rushed to the hospital once the producers realize what happened. Chaos ensues as the public finds out it was a real stabbing> but in the process of going to the hospital Saki is overtaken by Oblivionis, who makes her forget everything. She wakes up with no memories outside of the doll lore and is the most detatched from "reality" than the rest of the band.>She convinces the producers that it WAS planned and that there was never any real danger as they practiced and chose the perfect spot to stab for minimal damage>entire world is now convincrd that the members of ave mujica are so dedicated to their art that they will self harm on stage for the lore>in reality the band is now a set of five demons and it becomes a true death metal band with them trying to make their fans mentally ill and possessed, too
>>275249123symbolism of her old, weak self dying
>>275249344>Sakiko having amnesia and thinking that Crychic has not disbanded and trying to get it backNow this would be kinema
>>275249261>Also shooting Soyo would have solved every problem back then.Tomori would still be miserable and afraid of bands. Anon and Rikki wouldn't have been pushed together.>sans Nyamu so farExactly. Everyone else is good. But every problem every episode is caused by this bitch refusing to shut up. Classical tragedies are about great people destroyed by flaws. Her only positive attribute is being a hard worker. Watching someone like that repeatedly ruin everything while plot armor protects her from getting replaced isn't enjoyable. Hopefully Mutsumi destroys her channel soon so she can move on from being a braindead psychopath.
>>275249847Presumably Sakiko would have just gone ahead and made Ave Mujica whether or not Anon went back to Japan or not. Anon kept Soyo's and Taki's mental illness in check here, so she's actually doing something good.
>>275249905Ave Mujica was Raana's fault. Things might have gone differently if they didn't play Haruhikage that day.
>>275249905If it weren't for Anon building MyGO, Sakiko would have never heard Haru Hikage again. She then became desperate enough to run to Uika and during the pillow talk after Uika offered to be her gt.vo. if she made a new band. I saw it all in my minds eye.
>>275249905Lesbianism isn't a mental illness.
>>275247507Only touko.
>>275247507Isn't the singer a schizo?
When are the MyGOATs going to take over the rest of the Ave Mujica eps? Waiting for the Ave Mujica "don't drink the punch performance" so I can see Anon and crew again
>>275250226Mental illness is soulful.
>>275250232>so I can see Anon and crew againSame.Strange that MC is not present when the anime is literally called "Bang Dream! Anon Tokyo! MyGO!!!!! Season 2: Ave Mujica: The Die Is Cast"
>>275248694Man, now that was one bitch who didn't know the meaning of the word 'chill'. In all senses.
>Mutsumi's sense has finally awoken. Let's see if she can make it as a dai star.
>>275250363Germany would've made a great Mujica.