Without defaulting to a purely "old good, new bad" argument, is it better, i.e., more impressive, to consume and be familiar with the classic or "canon" of anime or to primarily watch and stay up to date with modern/seasonal shows? Do you follow the same consumption pattern for other media like books, movies, and vidya? If not, what makes watching anime different? Some pros and cons of each:Canon pros>understanding later references and homages>cultural and historical significance>timeless storytelling and themes>more complex narratives>signals dedication to and respect of the hobby >old slop (and there was a lot) has been filtered out by the "test of time">better fansubs, typically Canon cons>limited accessibility>limited variety>disconnect and alienation from most modern viewers>younger generations have an inborn dislike of older stylesSeasonal pros>relevance and engagement>diverse offerings>technological and artistic developments>accessibility and community>watching the rare hidden to-be-canonized gem as it airs>easier to find and purchase merchSeasonal cons>forgettable and/or low quality content>high noise to signal ratio>burnout>lack of historical context>dependence on trends and modern astroturfed/guerilla "hype marketing"
>>275243844Watch good showsSkip bad shows>limited accessibilitySkill issue
You can simply watch both, anime doesn't take that much time.
>>275243844I don't care about the age of things, I just fuck with what I fuck with, this obsession of eras is retarded.
>>275244122This.It doesn't matter if the old or new is better. If it's engaging enough for you, that's it.
>>275243844Focusing on staying up to date with new shows mostly just means you choose to watch bad shows you haven't watched instead of good shows you haven't watched, which makes you a retard.
The "canon" is worthless when most anime watchers are worthless morons who can't judge quality for shit on their own and need constant external validation to hold an opinion.I have my own "canon" and the rest of the world can go fuck themselves.
>>275243844If you can't find a balance between finding new stuff you like and enjoying the classics I'm going to assume you're just faking being an anime fan for posturing reasons
Back in the day only good shows were worth translating and fansubbing and recording to physical media (VHS tapes) to be traded in-person. It was due to this extra effort to watch anime that made it impressive to have watched a lot.Now with streaming and fast download speeds worldwide, it's more impressive to keep a never ending roster of seasonal shows.