If you can't at least name 5 directors (besides Shinkai, Miyazaki and Anno) and at least 3 animators you are not a real anime fan. If you fail this basic criteria you are nothing but a normalfag bandwagonner with no real interest in the medium.
Good thing I'm anonymous, so... yeah, you can't do anything about it.
>>275250566>caring about 3DGood one lmao.
>>275250566Only shinbo matters
>>275250566yuasa only has 30% hits anyway
>>275250566my mind doesn't work good at memorizing that type of stuffLike I've learned names in the past but that information just fades and unremembers itself because I have broken brain syndromeNoroyuki Abe and Kazuhiro Furahashi come to mind, assuming I spelled their names right
>>275250566>5 directorsWtf do you mean? Naming anime directors is easy as fuck.KonHosodaOshiiOtomoYamadaYuasaTominoWatanabeIkuharaShinboDezakiAnd these are all entry level tier
>>275251451Nice google search
>>275250566ok cool, loser. Still watched more anime than you.
>>275251535No shit Sherlock, if someone asks you to name 5 scientists you're gonna say shit like Newton and Einstein and Hawking unless you're an insufferable hipster or something
I can't remember Japanese names desu
>you don't care about animeI never did
>>275250566I only care about the writers.
You must be 18 or older to post on 4chan
>>275250566>post a hack among hacks
>>275251977I cant remember jackshit in generalSearching through memories for me is like a casting a fishing rod and hoping a memory bites the lure
Are there any new promising directors? I haven't been watching anime much the past 5 years.
>>275250566>you are not a real anime fanNever said I wasAnime is SHITAbsolute GARBAGE
>>275250566Who the fuck cares about animators?I only know Itano the macross missile man, Obari and the guy who does cube explosions in every anime he's ever worked on.