Really? Why are sub translations so lazy these days? They don't even bother translating attack names.
>>275253180These are the consequences of fansubs becoming less and less common.
>>275253429What happened to those legendary fansub groups?
>>275253527Finished school, probably.
>>275253527They were replaced by official translators that did a worse job.
>>275253527>>275253584The American attitude that you should turn your passion into a business has ruined every last creative pursuit.
>>275253180even in japanese it's just meaningless babble
>>275253527Lost most of their downloads/supporters to groups releasing shitty CR subs because they were faster which resulted in a cascade of drama and tore them apart.It was less than 10 years ago right? I'm not even old.
>>275253180>>275253621I asked my ani-ue how much it would cost to translate this today and he laughed and "Oh Foolish one, we cannot." There isn't anyone alive capable of gendering such refined chuunibabble into legible English.
>>275253527Daiz won.
>>275253666>Lost most of their downloads/supporters to groups releasing shitty CR subs because they were faster which resulted in a cascade of drama and tore them apart. >It was less than 10 years ago right? I'm not even old.Wait what? When did this happen? I thought everyone made fun of CR subs?
>>275253760>I thought everyone made fun of CR subs?They did, but they watched them anyway.
>>275253180Every Bleach fight is like>"Now I will use my hidden skill that I've never used before because it will kill me">"Unleash....Masamunegakikatananetotaredaisuki!">It doesn't do anything to the opponentDogshit show
New rule for /a/: if you bitch about translation you have to post your own translation to prove you know what you're talking about.
>>275253760We made fun of fansubs too. Rightly, because most of them were also shit.
>>275253887This is transphobic as fuck lol.
>>275253666So all fansub groups collapsed? Or do some still Exist?
>>275253616>american>most of the webnovel/manga shit is SEAfags mtling and asking for donationsThe fansub groups got jobs and lives and the people who grew up watching fansubs never learned Japanese. That's all.
>>275253887>you have to post your own translationThey were called fansubs
>>275253760You can get source quality, ad-free rips of shows minutes after airing for free from public trackers, usually with tl corrections, styling, choice of encoding options, etc.Yet a most pirate viewing is done on cancer bitrate streaming sites with several minutes of ads per episode for gooner mobile games.It sounds edgy to say a mass majority of the population is basically retarded, but it is a fact.
>>275253941Some exist, and sometimes even sub the few shows that don't get official subs. But most modern groups just edits of official subs.
>>275253760Fansubs aren't always immaculate either, so people just watch whatever's released fastest. If you've been around as long as you claim to be then you should already know translators hate being sniped.
>>275253180I admit this is pretty lazy. This isn't even a translation.
>>275253941Of course fan subbing still exists but it is not even close to what it used to be.No idea what the golden age in the 90s/2000s was like except you'd order tapes through IRC/BBS/etc. From then to around 2015, you would have to wait a couple of days at least after a Japanese release for subs. The most popular shows would have multiple groups "fighting" for first release. They had communities/fans and there was often internet drama.Sometimes a popular group would intentionally release retarded meme translations as a joke or to troll critics.Niche stuff would take way longer to get subtitled, if at all. Sometimes a small group of amateurs would form just to sub one show because no one else would.The speed and amount of content now is way, way better, but something was definitely lost from those days...
>>275254098>The speed and amount of content now is way, way betterOP's picture clearly proves that's a lie
>>275254116OP's image does not depict the speed or amount of subbed anime in any way. Do you not know what those words mean?
>>275253180Because there are too many series these days that need translating.
>>275253180It's possible that the Japanese rights holder obligated the localizer to use terms from the glossary their marketing department has compiled. Not an uncommon occurrence.
>>275254467There's no way they would do that
>>275254503Do they use the Japanese names in the dub? If so, it might have been mandated. I don't know what they use since I don't watch this show.
>>275254539The dub is weird. They translate some words and names but leave others untranslated. It's completely arbitrary.Like when One Piece fansubs used to refuse to translate the word "nakama".
has there been any anime original stuff?
>>275253621I think it makes fine semantic sense when you look at the kanji>死出六色浮文旗death-coming out can just be parsed as "of death"and the rest is just a string of adjectives modifying "flag"so "the six colored, floating symbol/pattern banner of death'
>>275254791It's apparently a loom, 機, and not a flag, since she's weaving some cloth. But yeah, it makes sense in English since she does indeed weave six cloth rolls with what can metaphorically be called the pattern of death.
>>275254791Then why don't they include a simple translators note to clarify the meaning of the word in English. Bleach subs used to do that.
>>275255181lazy maybe?idk i havent seen a sub in 3 years
>>275253180how would you translate it, OP-sensei?
>>275253180It might as well say "ps ps ps ps" and the audience would be none the wiser
>>275255878With English words
>>275255878>>275256013Even Google translate is better than whatever they wrote in OP's picture. The translator apparently forgot the "translate" part of his job.
>>275253180Straight from Disney+Makes me wish for the days of fansubs again
>>275257975The fansub days were objectively worse, we just remember the cream of the crop and not the average Hadena-tier subtitles. Even some of the few better groups like gg and commie were often blasted for the constant trolling and taking liberties way too far. Commercial subtitles have lots of issues and often lack sovl, but they cover almost every single show, and on average the quality is noticeably higher.
>>275253760Fansubs were shit too and got deservedly mocked. The drama did them no favors.
CR subs are good 99% of the time.
>>275259014Then why did Crunchyroll just do huge layoffs to their staff?
>>275259172To save money and show better charts to the shareholders, obviously? Companies always optimize for more profit and less expenses.
>>275259014CR subs almost never take character personalities into account beyond obvious speech traits. Not too bad in anime since there's visual action and sound but it's still much worse, clear difference in books and VNs.For a period they had largely Korean translators without QA for some projects and put out almost duwang level stuff. That was like 10 years ago though.Not saying fansub era was better.
>>275259352Why would they do that when anime popularity is at an all time high, and CR is posting record profits?
>>275259573To post even higher profits. They don't want more money, they want all of the money. Especially with the new soulless MBA management, which always takes over companies that have any value. Those guys don't give a crap about anime or translations, only about making more money for themselves and the shareholders.
>>275253666Wasn't HorribleSubs basically just releasing CR rips like 15 years ago?
>>275258741Hadena was not even close to average and it's dishonest to pretend that they were. They were uniquely horrible, both in terms of how they'd butcher a script in incomprehensible ways and how arrogant they were despite their low quality. There was a vast middle ground between Hadena's gibberish and Commie/gg's trollsubs that you're ignoring.
>>275259817Yeah that's exactly what they were doing.But 15 years is near the very start and fan subbers held out (devolved into gay drama) for quite a while.
>>275259014I'd say they're usually decent, but 99% is a wild overexaggeration. Nowadays you have to hope the translator isn't the type that favors glorified dubtitles, that they actually give a shit about typesetting or translating songs, that they weren't just handed literal MTL gibberish to use by the licensor, or that they even put the right subs with the right show (they just fucked up Aquarion's subs yesterday). They were a lot more reliable back when there were more platforms competing with them and they couldn't overstretch themselves by monopolizing most of what airs in a season.
>>275259930>they'd butcher a script in incomprehensible ways and how arrogant they were despite their low qualityreminds me of the ESL Baki scanlator.
>>275259968A big reason why they were able to hold on is because Crunchyroll took forever to learn how to encode a video, so the picture quality of CR rips was garbage for a long time. That, and some other platforms would release their shows with hardsubs and watermarks that were more intrusive than the ones from Japanese TV stations. What finally killed fansubbing was when the remaining official platforms all used softsubs with decent video.
>>275253180It's 2025, everybody needs to stop speaking in their chingchong pingpong or click click cluck or wabba wabba woohoo pseudo-languages and learn English all ready.
>>275260213You mean you don't miss those massive desaturated 1080p releases of HD shows?Worst part is they're still much better than pirate streaming sites. Fuck this gay Earth.
>>275260791I'm not even one of those autists who notices minute differences between encodes and even I could tell their shit was bad. It was often blurry and full of artifacts and any panning shot would resemble a PowerPoint slideshow.
>>275254098>The most popular shows would have multiple groups "fighting" for first release. They had communities/fans and there was often internet drama. It wasn't about fighting for first release. It was about the audience that came with it. People would subscribe and donate money to the group that could achieve good quality the fastest. Speedsubs VS quality subs.The groups that won were usually the ones that achieved a good balance.
>>275261303>it's not about fighting for first release>explains why they would fight for first release>reddit spacingkill yourself
>>275261609They don't care about being first. They care about the audience that being first brings. If people went for the group that released the highest quality subs. Then groups would release the highest quality episodes possible. And we'd have drama over who translated more accurately, and huge internet arguments over the smallest details about English grammar.People would be arguing about whether a comma belongs in the translated sentence. Pages and pages of arguments over commas and apostrophes.
>>275254604Kaizakou fansubs atleast had an image explaining why they did that.
>>275254604>Like when One Piece fansubs used to refuse to translate the word "nakama".What?
You'd think that the reason for fansubbing would be because people love and wish to spread the medium, or the show they're subbing in particular. But no, it's ego.You have groups that rush to be the first to make a release, filled with mistakes, so they can be "The" group that's subbing that show. You have groups that take official subs and fill them with their retarded jokes and memes. And if a show is already subbed, no matter how poorly, often nobody else will bother to make their own subs for it, because it's just "not worth it".I remember when CR subs were considered shit. Now, you have to hope the fansubbers change as little as possible, because all they're gonna do is spray their own ego everywhere, and if there was any translation mistakes in the official subs, you can bet that's not going to get corrected, because fansubbers don't actually understand Japanese.MAL had a feature where people could write fansub reviews, but it barely helped, because groups would shit on each other's release and give themselves a good review instead, making the section pointless.Fansubbing is easier than ever, but it hasn't gotten any better.
>>275253180I actually like when they don't translate attack names
>>275253180Aren't bankais in bleach left untranslated?I don't see tengen myo or tensa zangetsu getting translated
>>275253973This is why democracy is working so well for a select few.
>>275263873>And if a show is already subbed, no matter how poorly, often nobody else will bother to make their own subs for it, because it's just "not worth it"That never used to be the case. If anything, it was the exact opposite problem: the most popular shows every season would be "oversubbed" by multiple different groups and people would bitch about that instead.What we have now is what everyone said they wanted for the past 20 years - official subs for the shows that get them and fansubbers focusing on retro and unlicensed shows instead. Now that it's finally ended up that way, people are starting to miss the old way. It's kind of like how everyone bitched about filler in anime until the industry listened to them, and now that they've gotten their way, they've started complaining that everything only airs for one or two cours at a time. A lot of anime fans just have no idea what they actually want.
>>275263873Well, there are quite a few subgroups that are still chugging along translating shows.
>>275264412That's a fucking retarded take. The issue currently is that """official""" subs are full of bias or done by ESLs with MTL. Official subs are somehow worse, that fansubs.As for filler, lots of people, including you, seems to think it's a not action focused episode, but what filler actually means is, well, filler. It does not add anything to the story besides filling the timeslot. Slower paced eps that focus the world or characters are not a filler.
>>275264412Most stuff gets subbed today yes, but usually the only available group has shit subs. If a show has shit subs, it's definitely worth having a different group work on it, especially if it's a good show. Problem is, that group usually ends up being shit too.Fillers have nothing to do with anime having 1-2 cours. The vast majority of anime has only had 1-2 cours for decades, you can make an argument on how 1 cour is becoming much more common than 2, but that's for business reasons, to market a show and see if it's profitable with less commitment.Fillers hardly ever affected more than a handful of (extremely popular) garbage shounen anime.
>>275263991>I actually like when they don't translate attack namesI know engrish sounds hip and cool to youBut I would like to know what the word actually means.
>>275264034>Aren't bankais in bleach left untranslated? >I don't see tengen myo or tensa zangetsu getting translatedIf the manga translates names, then so should the anime.
>>275264956The issue isn't the cour amount. The issue is that it takes years to make a single cour. What is the hold up? Even popular anime take forever for cour to get made. Why does Bleach take a year to make 13 episodes?Why does Gundam take a year?Why does One Punch Man take even longer?Studios should be cranking out that anime. It makes tons of money.
>>275264820>The issue currently is that """official""" subs are full of bias or done by ESLs with MTL. Official subs are somehow worse, that fansubs.That's not really disagreeing with my point. We used to have choices for at least some shows. If one group started mailing it in or trolling like Crunchyroll does now, you could just switch to another one. We don't have that anymore.Where we disagree is in where the blame lies. You seem to be blaming the fansubbers. I think the blame is on the average viewer who asked for this, who voted with their downloads for this, who consistently valued speed and immediate gratification over everything else, and ignored any potential downsides until they started happening and it was too late. The effort that went into fansubbing was already underrated at the time. It would be even less appreciated now that there are multiple generations who can barely use a computer, let alone download a torrent. I agree that there were too much egos and drama in the scene at its peak, but at the same time, you also can't expect people to keep spending time and effort on projects that will go unacknowledged by most.>As for filler, lots of people, including you, seems to think it's a not action focused episodeI never said this and I'm not sure where you're getting this from.
>>275265852>What is the hold up?They have to wait for the manga to get enough material to fill another 1-2 cours and for the studio and production committees to be done with whatever's ahead of it in the pipeline.
>>275253180I hate this shit too. What now? Official subs are too cool for notes?
I subbed a show once, and it was deleted from nyaa for some reason, that was pretty discouraging so I didn't bother doing it again
>>275253180>>275253429>>275253527Fansubs were always worse. Get over it.
>>275259573CR CEO wants to buy 3 more yachts
>>275253180I thought we didn't like localization
>>275253760Sniping is a real problem because your average braindead consumer monkey doesn't care about who does it best. They care about who does it first. If you put out chapters or episodes faster than anyone else, regardless of quality, trogs will give the shitty group all of the clicks. Shitty sniping groups just want clout and to feel like they own a series, this creates a race to the bottom where translations and video quality suffer because the only thing the mindless masses care about is getting more garbage on their plate. There's no discipline or restraint, so there's no incentive for TL groups and uploaders to do a good job. They are, in fact, actively punished for doing a good job because it means they're late to the party.
>>275266879>I want all the clicks!!!Honestly it's just as cancerous that fansubbing groups only fansub to feed their ego instead of caring to do a good job.
>>275266879It depends, Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan's normal scanlation group was waiting on raw or something, and some dude released some shitty tls, and most people decided to wait until the main group released.
>>275255181People get mad when you do that. Like if you translated Rasengan into Spiral Ball, or Kamehameha into Turtle Destruction Wave.
>>275264412>>275265852Filler collapsing comes from the anime industry getting tighter and tighter on accessible talent and labor. Japan is not a nation with a growing labor force, and outsourcing to Korea or SEA ain't what it used to be. Part of the death of filler is down to general rejection of it by fans, and much more is down to modern anime studios being crunched for workers and needing to take breaks to work on other projects in between their main series.
>>275267297This is exactly why there are no fansubbers left. The entitlement of people that consume fansubs is completely off the charts. Its better to just let dekinais dickride official memesubs than to spend 20 hours soloing an episode just to have 5 people watch it and the only acknowledgement is that someone screeched that they didn't like the font or a single line of translation.>b-b-but it shouldn't take 20 hours to sub 1 23 minute episode!!!!people do have to start somewhere, and doing the job that is usually split between like 4 or 5 people on top of needing to rewatch the thing 3 or 4 times after your done makes it take a long time. Even if I could cut it down in half if I got efficient by doing it for a couple months, is it still worth it if virtually nobody is interested, and the few people that are get madder over something small than they do at absolutely shit official subs? You could do everything right and there will be some motherfucker complaining that you didn't go out of your way to do karaoke for the subtitles or something. Its demoralizing I guess.
>>275267988I've seen people complain about the smallest things like you've said, it's usually either on "fansub reviewing sites" which are bullshit where one idiot thinks he's "proving" he's better than anyone else, or on 4chan, where it's either the same motivation, or rival groups trying to trash talk the competition, which is the same thing that happened in MAL fansub reviews.But on torrent sites, when someone does a genuine decent job, the response is pretty positive.And although it does take longer than the duration of the episode to sub it, it's really not very long. I don't expect karaoke, I don't want typesetting, I just want a translation. You can take official or someone else's subs, fix mistakes you find, restore whatever was omitted due to retarded "localization", and it really doesn't take that long. Most of the translating, and timing, is already done, you just fix what's broken. And you don't need to translate traffic signs or any irrelevant shit like that. The best releases, in fact, are usually not by a dedicated fansub group, but by some reasonable dude who took someone else's release, fixed all the faggotry, encoded the series and made a torrent.I get that it can be demoralizing when few people watch your release and some idiot tries damn hard to find something to complain about, but damn, really, why does it always have to be about boosting your ego? Why can't it be enough to know you've done a good job, and that there are some people smart enough to recognize that? Maybe if someone tried to raise the quality, standards would actually improve.