Mirror, Mirroron the /a/who's the smuggestof anime?
>homework thread
>>275348119I asked the mirror who's the biggest slut and it showed me her
>>275348119Honoka can't carry threads anymore after what she did.
>>275348119Remember what Honk did
>>275348353>meanwhile her in the manga
>>275348119nipple status?
>>275348461smug is worthless if it's the only state
>>275348435extremely based tastewhy was she so fucking smug??
>>275348580Canon, btw.
>>275348119Unforgivable and worthless skank. You ruined Love Live forever!
>>275348119Did she fart again?
>>275348119Atri was the smuggest girl last year.
>>275348232>>275348311The OrcTaku lurk out again . Unfortunately for you today is the Day of Victory Next comes the Retribution. The promised retribution.>>275348413I remember what she did. She gave us Love Live. Your crimes. Your crimes will not be forgotten. And for that you will pay.>>275348479The status is this. Retribution is coming OrcTaku.>>275348580Kill yourself OrcTaku faggot
>>275348688My bpd wife
>>275348692She did nothing wrong she never did anything wrong. And here I am again. Get Knight.>>275348841You are worthless. You are worth nothing nothing. Kill yourself >>275349444Are you feeling so worthless that you must shitpost again?
>>275348435You are a dead man walking OrcTaku. And for your crimes. For your crimes. You will pay.
>>>/b/916272529You are named what you are. You know what you are subhuman.>>>/b/916274177>>>/b/916275512There are those whose lives are worthless. There are those whose lives are not protected.And now. On this Historic Day of Retribution.
>>>/jp/48683399>>>/jp/48683421>>>/jp/48688060>>>/jp/48623615Her or not doesn't matter. I will always support her. Unconditionally. It is this love. That love that bought him back. >>>/jp/48558260Those who dared turn against her are not fans. And I fight against them.>>>/jp/48558298I am warning you.