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Welcome to Nightmare Waifus, a thread for monster girls with an emphasis on the monstrous.

>Previous Thread here: >>8176102

>Older Threads:


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I've finished the story for you :https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/wanna-play-part-3-tiffanychucky.html
Hope you enjoy.
You're welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
I've finished the story for you :https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/under-your-bed-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
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Hey rice can I a request a story about a female death where anon having a rough week where his grandfather died a day after he turned 25 once getting home he goes to bed he finds him self in a foggy grave yard walking around finds himself in front of a king size bed with death herself on it (the pic) where she says she has been waiting for him and to come forward so she can look at her husband confused anon ask what she means and she responds with his grandfather promised anon as her husband if he could live to see his grandchildren grow to be 25 after that she pulls anon onto the bed and makes his clothes disappear and when he tries to protest calling her Mrs death she tells him to call her grimmy then proceeds to kiss him as she starts to ride him with them changing positions(doggy style,mating press and amazon position) after hours of love making they lay on the bed with grimmy saying she will see him tomorrow night and that he better be ready with that anon wakes up eager for the day to be over.
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Damn Rice two in one go! Awesome stories
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I'd like to request another "When in Pandemonium" story. This one's not a sequel, just another story involving Icia.

Again, split in two parts. Sorry.

The main character is a down-on-his-luck painter who's in a bit of a rut. He's suffering a major art block and is struggling to find inspiration. In an effort to break out of this rut, he decides to book a hotel room in Pandemonium for a week to see if the demonic realm might help inspire something.

Three days in, however, and he's come up empty-handed. Nothing in the city is speaking to him. Sitting at the hotel's bar, he debates whether to stay out the rest of his visit or pack up his things and leave early.

As he's sitting, he's suddenly joined by a pair of demonesses, one young and one old. The younger demoness, Commeandè, states that they noticed his downtrodden look and came over to offer him a good time. He declines the offer and explains his predicament to them. After he's done explaining, Commeandè begins feeling up her body, stating that if he wanted a model, she would happily do so.

"...Or if you want something more..." Commeandè reaches over and pulls open Icia's robe, exposing her body to him. He gazes upon Icia's form: the wrinkled skin, the sagging breasts, the flabby thighs and stomach with stretch marks. To most, she would be unsightly, revolting even.

To the artist, she was perfect. He finally found the subject of his next painting! Noticing his reaction, Commeandè comments on his fine taste and decides to leave, agreeing with Icia to meet back up later. With that, the artist takes his new model up to his room.
In his room he has an easel already set up in front of a sofa. He has Icia recline on the sofa with her robe wide open, showing every inch of her aged form, and he gets to work, making extra sure to paint in all the details.

Once he's finished, Icia walks over and looks at the painting, complementing him on his skills. He thanks her for modeling for him, but before he could escort her out, she suddenly grabs his arms and flops onto the bed, pulling him on top of her. Confused, he asks what she's doing, and she simply states that she wants to thank him for painting such a lovely painting of her.

After a moment of consideration, he decides that he at least owes her this much, so he undresses himself and begins making love to her. Much like how did when painting her, he give special attention to her body by groping and feeling it.

After he cums, he rolls off of her. As he's recovering, Icia decides she should meet back up with Commeandè, so she gets up, ties her robe back up, and leaves, wishing him luck on his future endeavors.

Now alone in his hotel room, the artist glances back at the painting, marveling at the work he's done. He wonders if he could display it at an expo or museum in the human world so people could gaze upon the old demoness' form.

That thought mixes in with the satisfaction of his work, and for the first time in a long time, he falls asleep with a smile on his face.
I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/a-date-with-death-grimmy.html
Hope you enjoy.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the stories, Anon.
Sounds like a good plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
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She's hot and all but you could do fucking nothing to pleasure her. You wouldn't even be useful as food
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/when-in-pandemonium-art-of-things-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
I did indeed like the story, Rice.

When I read that first paragraph, I got reminded of the time people were studying and photographing an exhibit at an art show and it turned out that it was literally a random piece of trash someone left lying around. People seriously thought it was part of the exhibit and tried to discern meaning from it.
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Hey rice could you do a story about blood wests prodigal daughter where the character was the fiancé of a dancer at the saloon but an accident takes her life but when evil spirits bring the dead back to life he flees to his ranch gets ambushed but is saved by his dead lover (the pic) who shoots the monster with a shotgun. Then she asks if he still found her beautiful in which he says yes she then drags him to the house barricades it then forces him on the ground then gently grinds her foot into his crotch asking who his mistress is before forcing him on all fours before milking his dick while her tongue now really long from the transformation comes from underneath her mask and gives him a rimjob afterwards puts him on a chair and starts riding him reverse cowgirl position then just before he cums she turns around wrapping her arms and legs around him to stare into his eyes as he cums inside her with the story coming to a close with her snuggling up to her lover.
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can we get a The forest green Rice
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Good to hear you enjoyed the story, Anon. And yeah, it was kinda supposed to invoke the same feeling as that as well.
Sounds like a good plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
That also sounds pretty good to me so I'll get to that as soon as I can as well.
You kidding? That's the perfect size for some living insertion.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-sand-shifts-prodigal-daughter.html
Hope you enjoy.
This is horrifying when you think about it
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Bros I made more shitty sketches of an OC for a story called "Monsterfucker". Empress Demon Liliveth. Everyone says she is a degenerate paraphiliac but she is secretly a lonely femcel with a masturbation addiction
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There is a bit of unintentional Midna in her design I've noticed
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/into-leaves-virginia.html
Hope you enjoy.
uuu! I like liking her!
Is this made by AI or is there a sauce?
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Hey rice got a diffrent request for a story for ya about a marvel comics character called itsy bitsy a woman spliced with spider man and Deadpool DNA they fight her and atomized her but she survives in the form of a spider where anon finds her and takes care of her while she heals with it taking a couple of months during so anon becomes her friend and makes her change her ways and fix things up between spider-man & Deadpool and makes a home in an abandoned warehouse where she makes the manger office her room one night anon gets a frantic call from her arrives at to find the inside covered in webs looking around for her starts to feel like he is being stalked then gets ambushed by a transformed itsy bitsy (left pic) who has gone into heat pins anon down and forces him into a kiss shoving her tongue deep into his throat while being careful with her mandibles to not cut his cheeks before getting him into a reverse mating press and fucking him for hours till they both pass out then in the morning when they wake up she horrified at what's she did with her trying apologizing to anon only for him to tell her to be quiet before dragging her into a deep kiss with them cuddling on the bed afterwards.
souce or artist?
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Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
keep us updated!
I love wifes with exotic proportions.
thanks for ref to more monsterous kino.
Nice drawings
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/up-water-spout-itsy-bitsy.html
Hope you enjoy.
It's all done, Anon. Mainly because I've got a hectic day tomorrow and it's easier to get it done now then put it on hold.
Thanks rice I hope your day goes well tomorrow.
She's AI. I call her the river goddess.
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Currently messing around with ai art and got this. Figured someone here might like it so here it is

Also >>8306513 nice Amelia
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Love you all the same, etc, etc.
That image's art, i believe.
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love the idea of horror waifus using glamours to hide their true nature, but the guy still loves her after seeing through it.
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Idk what this is, but I want to get it pregnant.
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If it catches you, you become fat too.
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love how Nosferatu girls are depicted as 90s hacker punks with a splash of BDSM vibe.
this. when I saw beyond the aquila rift in LD&R, i cranked it a couple of times to the thought of her emerging from the shadows and revealing her true form only to get caught completely off guard by an enthusiastic, horny, and malnourished protag jumping her. Bonus points for shit like >>8310156 where the creature in question is self aware, self conscious and/or insecure about their appearance so that the protag can shower them in affirmations and love-making.
Also keen on the idea of a cute nosferatu along these lines
having lost their libido due to being embraced but still doing lots of sexual favors for you because they think it's cute how you're attracted to them despite their appearance.
you know what? fuck it

hey rice, wordy anon here, it's been a while. you've always made some real bangers when it comes to shit like this, would you be interested in penning a story about a Ghoul under the control of >>8310157 >>8310159 who confesses their sexual attraction to her, and she responds by absolutely glowing at the unexpected praise and adoring how her appearance makes the protag horny eventually leading to her showing off her body, doing a strip tease while he masturbates, and then jerking him off herself while promising to feed him if he's cute/entertaining enough when he cums
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another story idea would be Nosferatu Nora Desmond from Sunset Boulevard, a faded star from Hollywood's golden age living in her run down mansion in the hills.
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Both of these sound like a good idea to me so I'll get to these as soon as I can. I'll probably mix the two ideas together as well during the process, we'll see what happens.
thanks for taking my suggestion. I have my own story in mind for Nosferatu Sunset Boulevard , but I'll keep it to myself
Hey rice, got an idea for ya.

The story's set in a sci-fi universe where the main character works as an inter-planetary courier. He typically does legit deliveries, but he'll help deliver or smuggle illegal items for the right price.

He just got through doing a job that took him to a very large city, and the job had paid particularly well, so he decides to treat himself. After considering his options, he decides to hit up a strip club that also doubled as a brothel.

This establishment had workers of various sexes and species across the galaxy, and after looking around at his options, he begins eyeing up the female of an eyeless, sharp-toothed species. Feeling adventurous, he books a private room with her.

Once they're in the room alone, she gets to work rubbing herself on him (maybe commenting on his scent) before asking what he wants to do. He asks her to use her tongue, which surprises her, as she didn't think he'd want her teeth near his privates. She obliges him, kneeling in front of him, undoing his fly, wrapping her tongue around his dick, and jerking him off, with him shooting his load straight into her maw.

After they're done, they walk back to the main area and part ways, with her telling him to stop by again some other time. The guy leaves the establishment and walks back to his ship, deciding that he's had enough fun and should check to see if any more jobs are available.
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Triple K.
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What ever happened to JLullaby? I really loved his art.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/forgotten-stars-nosferatu-style-vampire.html
Hope you all.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
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nice, not exactly what I had in mind but a lot better fleshed out than my story idea. Have some ideas for a sequel but I'll keep my mouth shut because autistic lore building
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/long-haul-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
I'm glad you enjoyed the story, even if it wasn't what you had in mind, Anon.
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I didn't have to pay for the story so I can't complain. If I wanted it exactly the way I thought of it I should have written it.

tl;dr no complaints from me
Once again nailing it Rice! Great job!
wordy anon here, loved it, thanks very much Rice!
Hey rice I got a request for a story about a guy that lives on a small island as a lighthouse keeper but he has been seeing a small light on the water in the distance every night for several weeks and every time he sees it he becomes entranced by it eventually he reaches a breaking point and takes a boat to check it out then waits for hours and is about to go back when he sees the light which begins to circle around the boat with him getting closer to what it is only to see fang filled face below the water then is knock on his back by the creature into the boat where it straddles him with him getting a good look at her(the picture)then she starts talking in language that he can't understand before dragging him into a kiss while ripping up his clothes then makes him suck her tits while giving him a nursing handjob till he cums with her chuckling then getting up and doing the pose in the picture where anon the starts fucking her hard for hours before cumming inside her with him leaning on her with her reaching behind her to rub his head then after that they have sex every night with her coming to the docks with anon nicknaming her blue due to the light on her lure then one night she comes to the docks before dragging anon to a kiss while kissing anon noticing lights behind her then seeing multiple of her species each with various colors coming on to the dock with hungry looks some licking they're lips while fondling their tits then the story ending with anon thinking he is going to have a rough night.
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Thats good to hear.
I'm glad you both enjoyed the stories as well.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Someone has the art of two swamp hags( or maybe they are female nurgle worshipers) doing a "ass kiss"(ass on ass basically)?
I hate to be a shill, but here's my draft story so far:


Big expansive monster-girl fucking setting. It's only a draft though.
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That doesn't stop her, why should you hesitate?
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/in-deep-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
It will take a long time until o find this art again
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Here ya are.
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>suction cup anuses
Ahh yes now I have a "why?" boner
Hey rice I loved the story keep up the good work
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Hey rice can I request a story about a female version of the first alien we see in men in black one where a guy has a taller muscular girlfriend that's the alien and couple of years into the relationship she shows him he true form with him accepting her for who she is not what she is after that she then decides he needs a reward with that gives him a deep sloppy kiss with her tongue coiling and tugging at his and stripping him while kissing then lifting him to where his legs are on her shoulders and giving him a sloppy blowjob till he cums while he is holding her head for support all the while she doesn't take her eyes off his after that she sets him down then leans against the wall with her legs spread with him getting the hint and fucking her rough against the wall while sucking her tits then getting locked in another sloppy kiss till they both cum with them then sliding down the wall while he is still deep inside her and still kissing her before they both go to the bed and fall asleep with story ending taking place months later with him and his now pregnant about to be wife in her human disguise getting married.
Hey Rice, could you do another Gears of War Story with the reader coming across either a ticker (without the bomb) or a digger (with the handle but no explosive). With the ticker, the reader’s 3 wretches capture and encircle the ticker, with the reader approaching it, and just gently mounting and fucking it. The wretches watch, and two of them start licking each other, while the thrid decides to help the reader with licking their balls while they fuck the ticker?

Or with the digger, the reader finds a small armory of locus weapons, and finds a digger launcher and a few diggers without the explosives. The reader plays around with the mouth of one of the diggers, before thinking it would serve as a great living fleshlight. They begin using it, until one of the wretches or the berserker shows up and helps by licking and sucking the reader’s balls while still using the digger?
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Good to hear you loved the story, my guy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
This also sounds pretty good so I'll get to that after I finish the other story.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/close-encounters-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
imagine the hugs
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I've finished the story for you: https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/less-then-lethal-weapon-gears-of-war.html
Hope you enjoy.
A story suggestion: Anon is a guy who suffers from hallucinations. They aren't regular, but they happen often enough that he can easily identify them. Most of the time, they're just vague humanoid shapes, but on rare occasions, they are more vivid. For the more vivid ones, they always look inhuman (extra eyes, skeletal limbs, wrong proportions, etc.), but they always eventually fade away.

One night, as Anon is scrolling through his phone in bed, he notices a shape in his closet. He briefly freaks out, worried that someone had broken in, but he quickly realizes it's just another hallucination. However, as he stares at it, he realizes he hasn't had a hallucination quite like this before: It's in a very shapely (though still inhuman) feminine form and is staring directly at him.

Deciding to make the most of this hallucination, he unzips his pants and begins jerking off to its naked form. However, after a while, he's surprised to see one of the arms move to its crotch as it, too, seems to begin masturbating. The visual eggs him on further, and he begins speeding up, which seems to cause the hallucination to also speed up. Eventually, he reaches his climax, and he notes that the hallucination likewise seems to orgasm. Once he's done, he notices the hallucination move its hand back to its side, and after a while, it vanishes, just like usual. Musing on the fact that he just jerked off to a hallucination, Anon decides to go to sleep.

He wakes up the next morning and he gets up out of bed and walks to his closet to get a change of clothes. As he steps into his closet, he steps on something damp. He glances down and notices that a spot on the floor is wet.

...The same exact spot the hallucination had been standing the night before.

(I didn't describe the hallucination much because I wanna see what you can come up with. If you'd rather have a reference, then you can use this vid.)
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That sounds like a good idea to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
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I've finished the story for you :https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/youll-never-be-alone-again-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
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Hey rice can I request a story where nerdy unpopular guy gets invited to a party only to be tricked into being a offering for demon a ritual that the kids wanted to see if it would work with it indeed working but they didn't make protective circles around them making everyone except the guy who is tied down in a summoning circle to almost go insane and fall unconscious with the demon(the pic) appearing before the guy and stating it been awhile since she was summoned but she is disappointed to see what she called amateurs unconscious around her before going to the guy to kill him before getting a look at him then smelling that he was a virgin then tells him that plans have changed that was make him her personal toy before ripping his clothes off and forcing her self on him fucking him for hours with her ass and tits and even making him blow a load deep in her throat with story ending with the night almost over she decides to go back to her realm not before deeply kissing him but instead being pleasurable it's painful for him he also catches a glimpse from a full body mirror seeing a stream of light coming from his mouth to hers when it's over she says she only took half and when he ask she tells him she took half of his soul that way she be able to find him anywhere in the world with that she erases the minds of everyone at the party except the guys and tells him he'll see her soon.
Hey rice I wanted to post a story but I wrote it down then I got thinking more ideas and wrote 2 more parts to it is it ok if I post all the parts at once or would you prefer them one at a time I await your response also been really loving your stories and it a godsend I found you.
If we go to space, and there aren't blowjob aliens on your planet, that's an exterminatus.
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Sure, that sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Yeah, just post all the parts.
Hey there Rice Anon! If you don’t remember me, I’m the guy who requested the story slumber with the girly wolf cryptid. Call me Terra anon.

I remember I told you that I was going to make my own story and while I haven’t gotten around to doing that yet, I have started brainstorming the setting.

Basically the deal is that monsters are basically just another species alongside ours which have extreme variety. Humans work jobs during the day while they work jobs during the night creating a mutual relationship between the two, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any bigotry between the two.

For my first story im planning on using a bat like woman with vampiristic tendencies who likes alternative fashion.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/without-protection-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a good setting to me Terra Anon and I'm enjoying the idea of the alternative bat woman as well so keep up the good work.
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Hey rice I'm the guy that asked if I could post my three part story I'm doing that now with the first part starting in a fantasy setting where the anon of the story is a slave turned adventurer where he takes a job from a village to stop bandits that are using demons as soldiers once he destroys the bandit camp he finds out the three demons being used are slaves seeing this frees them finding out they are sisters despite not looking related the eldest (pic) is the only one that can speak in human tongue and tells him for freeing them they will willingly serve him after finding them clothes (which are just blankets to use as cloaks) go on jobs with him for a few weeks all the while the eldest demon teases him with her body till it becomes too much for him and while they are camping in the woods one night he sneaks off to rub one out while doing so the eldest demon sneaks behind him a starts jerking him off from behind while licking his neck before telling him to release his frustration out on her which he does fucking her tits and her pussy raw till he passes out on her with her then looking over at her sisters who were hiding the entire time and masturbating that they will get their turns in due time.
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Hey rice part 2 of the story in which the guy after fucking the eldest demon can't stop fucking her with every chance he gets whether it's in a town or the wood or one case a dangerous dungeon then one night he can't find her but finds a note saying she went hunting with no choice goes a little bit away from camp to try and rub one out getting into it he closes his eyes only to feel his dick get sandwiched between something rough yet soft opening his eyes and sees the second sister (pic) despite being younger she was bigger and taller than her eldest sister and built like a brick house she had his dick between her breast before smirking at him then letting her tongue play with his tip doing this till he came all over her face where she then sits up on his lap ride him (cowgirl) till with a final hard thrust makes him cum deep inside her where he then passes out again the story ending with her carrying him back to camp while affectionately licking his face.
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Hey rice final part of the story which has the guy trying to not have sex with the demons and is successful for a couple of weeks much the disappointment of the eldest sister and her young yet huge sister but they're youngest sister (pic) going absolutely crazy with the youngest sister being more of feral demon than her sisters using her instincts than brain feeling sorry for her youngest sister the eldest sister comes up with a plan so that night in the woods the eldest sister tells anon if he could go with her to gather firewood while doing so the guy finds himself alone only to be ambushed by the youngest sister who proceeds to shred his clothes then starts bouncing on his dick while gently biting him in various places leaving bite marks over his body not taking this lying down he pushes her down and fucks her in a mating press then she pushes him off then gets on all fours and sways her ass back and fourth making him fuck her hard and fast then after cumming inside her but finds she is so tight he can't pull out then she decides to drag him by is dick back to camp and much to his embarrassment is teased by the other sisters while inside the youngest who lays down next to the fire where the other two sisters start licking his face with the story ending a year later with guy coming back to camp after getting paid for a job is then tackled to the ground by his children with the mothers looking at the scene and laughing while all of them were breast feeding several babies.
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Sounds like a good set of plans to me so I'll get to them as soon as I can.
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>That Farm Over There
Very nice pictures. Yet from time to time I feel like there's hidden cuckholdry in some of the drawings. Not good
that's because you're a fat slob so you can't self insert as the MC, anon
I rarely have out of body experiences so seeing "myself" in third person just makes me think I'm looking at some other character different from myself, I think that's why.
>all 3rd person porn is cuckold porn in essence
>you're watching someone else rail the girl
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A recent addition suggests someone is missing out.
For me, it kind of implies the family sibling's POV
This is why the best (and most heterosexual) pictures only involve a single female
AI shart has fucking ruined these threads
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I've finished part 1 for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-demon-trilogy-part-1.html
Hope you enjoy.
Yeah, I agree with >>8334478 where it's another sister or a woman who is outside the farm family who she's talking too and all.
Nah, the foreman seems to be the only man in all of these, it's just that for that image they changed perspective from the foremans pov to just a standard image perspective.
Hey rice, it's the guy who requested >>8312606 again. Got another sci-fi story idea for ya.

The main character works at a massage parlor that caters to species of all kinds. To that end, it has various tables set up to accommodate the different physiologies featured across the galaxy.

The main character has just finished work on a client and is checking the schedule to see who he's working on next. He becomes rather confused when he sees that his next client is of a quadrupedal species with natural armor plating. Quadrupedal clients aren't unusual (quite a few of them pay money to experience the touch of dextrous fingers), but with the armor plating, he can't exactly give this species a massage. The client's paying, though, so he can't really question them. With that, he goes ahead and calls them in.

The client walks in and he greets them. The client's species can't verbally communicate so they simply nod to him in response. He asks the client to select a table to use, and the client spends a few moments looking at them before walking over to one with a square hole cut out of it. The client climbs up on it and lays down. Suddenly, some of the plating on the client's underside begins opening up, and three pairs of fleshy breasts drop down through the hole and dangle from her body.
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Now finally understanding what his client wants, he gets to work. Slowly and methodically, he massages the client's breasts, with her making the occasional noise of contentedness throughout. As he's massaging them, he notes that the skin seems to be a bit dry, so he grabs a bottle of lotion. One by one, he thoroughly rubs the lotion into each breast, starting from the base and working his way to the nipple, until all six breasts have been attended to.

Now finish with his work, the main character wipes the remaining lotion off his hands and stands up, informing the client that he's done. The client's breasts retract back into her body and the plating slides shut as she stands up and stretches a bit before jumping down off the table. Even with her species' lack of speech, it's obvious that she's very pleased with the service, and she trots back out to the reception area. After a few moments, he gets pinged as the client makes her payment, with an extra tip thrown in.

With another satisfied customer under his belt, the main character walks into the break room with a smile on his face.
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I've finished the story for you:https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-demon-trilogy-part-2.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll add you to the queue.
Hello Rice, I am on my knees pleading for a nightmare waifu story.

Perhaps this can be a two parter, but I thought up a story of a high ranking space marine surviving a gauntlet of xenomorphs, only to be taken in as a mate by their queen. Part two introduces a Yautja predator who saves the mercenary and decides to carry the mercenary's superior genes, but the queen isn't truly opposed to the idea of "sharing."
But would these "blowjob aliens" be their own organisms separate from the planet's flora or rather plant-like (akin to a pitcher plant) lifeforms that are warm, wet, and shaped to receive human cock?
>started converting a sex doll into something extremely profane and demonic
Ha, I get to fuck a succubus.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-demon-trilogy-part-3.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll add you to the queue.
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Hey rice demon trilogy anon here just wanted to say thank for listening to my request and that the stories were awesome and came out better than I hoped.
>"Everything on this planet has evolved to suck human cock"
>what if the Disturbed guy had tits
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/clawing-hands-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
Glad you enjoyed the stories, Anon.
Damn. I might be a bit biased since I requested it, but I think that might be one of the best stories you've ever written, rice.

The way you described the guy massaging her breasts is top-notch. I actually found it more erotic than a lot of sex scenes you've written.

Not dissing how you write sex scenes, of course, but you really managed to nail the writing in this one.
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Goddess of the deep
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Skimming through old issues of Warren's 1984 (later changed to 1994) for items of interest and found this. It's based on the same story from I think Weird Fantasy that Amazing Stories lifted for the episode Miscalculation.
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Things kind of go downhill rapidly from here.
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I've finished part 1 of the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/of-acid-and-spines-part-1.html
Hope you enjoy.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and especially with the fact you enjoyed the breast massaging since I didn't really know if that came across as both erotic and sensible.
Hey, it's the guy that requested the two "Hide and Seek" stories a couple months back. It's been a while, but I feel inspired and want to request a part 3.

It's been a couple months since the guy had his second encounter with the monster, when he found it sleeping in the abandoned base. He's been trying to push the event out of his mind, but the memory of what he did in that moment mixed with the stress of constantly being hunted down has made it difficult to do so.

In an effort to try and clear his mind, he's once again gone out on a supply run. During his excursion, he comes across another player's base, but he notices that the front door is open. He steps inside and looks around the place, and it appears that whoever owned this base had packed up in a hurry. He continues exploring the building, curious as to what would cause someone to bail out, when he comes across a door with "DO NOT ENTER" hastily scrawled on it.

At this point, he realizes he should probably leave, as whatever's behind that door can't be anything good, but his curiosity gets the better of him. He opens the door and finds a set of stairs leading down to the basement. With mild apprehension, he descends the stairs.

As he makes his descent, he becomes aware of some noises, but he can't quite identify what they are. Once he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he looks into the basement and his heart drops into his stomach. There in the middle of the room is one of the monsters caught in some kind of trap, its arms and legs unable to move. The noises he had been hearing were the monster struggling to break free.

However, that's not the reason his heart had dropped: To his horror, he recognizes the monster. As if cursed by some unholy amount of bad luck, the monster before him is once again the very same monster that he had twice encountered and who now haunted his thoughts.
He stands frozen in horror, staring at the monster. As he stands there, the monster finally notices him and it begins tearing at the trap in an effort to get to him. By now, his mind was screaming for him to race back up the stairs and far away from the building, but not only does his body not budge, his eyes are once again locked on to the creature's massive chest.

He stands there silently entranced by the creature's breasts, watching them sway and jiggle each time the creature tried lunging at him or breaking free of its restraints. As he stares, his mind enters a bit of a fugue state and he slowly approaches the back side of the creature, heedless of the inherent danger it poses. Now standing behind it, he stares at its vagina for a few moments before undoing his pants and sticking his dick into it.

With that, he begins fucking the creature, holding on to its waist in an effort to keep it still as it writhes and struggles. After a while, he transitions his hands up to its breasts as he begins grabbing and groping them. Eventually, he reaches his peak and cums directly inside of the creature.

Once he's finished, he pulls out and stares at her pussy, watching his cum drip out of it. However, after a few moments, his mind clears back up, and the full weight of what he just did hits him like a truck: He... He just fucked the creature. The same creature he jacked off to twice before.

The reality now having settled in, and with the creature now thrashing even harder against its restraints, the guy zips up his pants and full-on sprints up the stairs and out of the building. As he's running blindly to god-knows-where, the guilt, shame, disgust, panic, and sheer terror over what he did completely overwhelms him and he collapses on the ground, leaving him a crumpled mess as he experiences a full mental breakdown, tears streaming down his face.
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I've finished part two for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/of-acid-and-spines-part-2.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
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New onoskelis lora dropped.
Their Succubus game apparently had a big DLC a few months ago.
Not OR, but that was a great read! Goes to show anyone can write sexy stories without sex involved
Peak fiction.
The plump, kissable lips are what really makes her really sexy for me.

Monstrous features are all well and good, but I need a bit of appealing human features to really connect with a monstrous waifu. Otherwise, it's just a monster.
>Inhabitant's weaponry consist of weaponized fleshlights that make men compliant and suggestible
This is why I add huge breasts to all my monsters.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/06/hide-and-seek-part-3.html
Hope you enjoy.
I'm glad that you enjoyed it, Anon.
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That and the fact that she could explore your entire digestive tract with that tongue of hers.
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Hey rice can I ask for a story where a guy that lives near the woods hears what's seems to be fight between two animals one night near his house checks finds a dead bear and a badly injured creature (the picture) and nurses her back to help with him naming her Thurga she becomes his loyal companion helping defend his property from wild predators and helping him hunt and gather supplies then months later she starts acting weird with him not paying attention at the time then around midnight he wakes up feeling something off then looks to see something under the covers and lifts the covers up to find Thurga licking and wrapping her tongue around his dick he tries to stop her but only to be met with her growling so he lets her do what she wants eventually she gets up and plants her self all the way to the base of his dick (reverse cowgirl) and starts bouncing on his dick while looking over shoulder panting eventually it's too much and the guy comes deep inside her with them both passing out then a month later we see the guy coming home after bagging a bunch of rabbits only to be dogpiled his and Thurga's children with her laying on his porch watching them dogpile their father.
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/07/wild-things-oc.html
Hope you enjoy.
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The pastebin is dead.
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I got a bit of inspiration and made my own thing. Wanting to make more of it as well since I have a general idea in my head where all the characters end up and all : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/07/the-lamb-mastema.html
Hope you all enjoy.
Wow! That was REALLY unique and very different than what I was expecting.

Though, not too keen about reading gore and massive amounts of violence with sex scenes but that is just my personal preference.

That is an interesting world you just built. How long have you thought up of this? Is this a one-shot OR do you intent to write more?
do you have the other pic of the gal on the right telling you to breed her?
Loved the digger story and your own original piece rice!
Could you do a sequel to the Ayatan story rice? After completing gathering materials for and completing their quests and helping the family with their new names for Kaelli (daughter) and Gomaitru (mother), they (and Grandmother) decide to have another threesome. Since thry still dont have a proper lowr half, they try to imitate sex with using Kaellie's mouth?With Kaellie getting face fucked, sandwiched between Gomaitru and the reader making out with mother pushing Kaelie foreward , and Grandmother whispering from behind the reader while holding their hips while pulling the reader back.
Hey rice I've seen you in most of these threads and you tend to write multiple stories per thread and this has made me wonder something. How do you not get burnout from writing so many of these?
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I'm glad that you found it so interesting and I'm intending on writing more. Also it's fair that the graphic violence isn't your thing and all, it's mainly so graphic because this is the Lamb's first time doing this so everything's a bit messier and more graphic. As for the idea, the idea of the lamb is around 2/3 weeks old but the general idea for the heaven that you'll be seeing is much older. Hopefully I'll be able to give some lip service to some of the more obscure parts of biblical canon/Pseudepigrapha as well.
I'm glad you enjoyed the stories, Anon.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
They're usually so varied enough that there's always something new to write about so I never really get tired of it.
Rice had a new Idea for a story. A monster hunter on a quest that ends up getting raped by a female Rajang in heat.
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Man this scene really fucked me up as a kid, made me feel super weird. Is there more stuff with her in alien form? Maybe some transformation stuff?
There is, but I don't know how the thread would feel about tf stuff here. You might be better off looking it up
I just spent the last twenty minutes trying to find anything on this, and only came up with one additional image that's too large to post and that this is apparently something from My Favorite Martian. can I get artist source on that first image?
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I've finished the story for you : https://ricebowl70.blogspot.com/2024/07/ayatan-part-2-family-entrati.html
Hope you enjoy.
Sounds like a plan to me so I'll get to it as soon as I can.
I'm sure it's fine, just post it or a link to it if you can, just like >>8362205 I can't find too much
Oh, to be a fat tits monster's ugly bastard husband...
There is, in fact, a lot.
I guess I'll just have to take your word for it
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Hey rice can I make a request of a fantasy world where a poor anon unknowingly steals from the royal family and is sentenced to death by being tossed to a demon the king uses to keep the peasants in line anon is then tied naked to a large wooden board in a cell with a gate with it opening to reveal the demon(the picture) on the other side with her walking up to him laughing to herself before commanding her mouth tentacles to engulf his dick to the base with two sucking his balls and one giving him a rimjob then another forcing him into a sloppy kiss with the pleasure being almost painful with anon futilely trying scream and beg with the demon sucking load after load out of him till became to much for him and he passes out only to wake up still tied to the board with demon then speaking to him that his soul is a stubborn one and that she sucked him for hours before coming to a decision to ask the king if she could keep him as her toy with the king agreeing then her telling anon that if he lasts a week she might let him use her pussy with her warning it might kill him the moment she puts his dick in with anon letting out a short scream as her tentacles descend on him again with only thing coming from the cell is slurping sounds muffled screaming and the demons laughter echoing through the dark dungeon.
Or I suppose you could wait to be spoonfed.
You can also be the change you want to be in, in the world, and pay fetish artists to produce the smut you want.
These are all pulled from the same guy's Furaffinity gallery.
There's also a bunch of mid-transformation content.
Including lewds, so don't get on my case for not posting cunt out My Favorite Martian smut.
And transformation sequences, which can fairly reliably be found on >>>/trash/ where there's a semi-regular transformation general.
Anyway, good luck on your fetish journey.
Fuck yea. The OG nightmarefuel waifur
>The OG
Are you 12?
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Nope. But she was the first that helped me develop a nightmare-fuel with tits fetish.

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