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Candid bottomless female ideally. Not too much porn pandering, just regular girls doing what feels natural. Also general masturbation thread
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I always imagined Connie would jerk it quite a bit. At first it would be because she's into YA books and would eventually get into fanfics, and eventually she'd just do it because it's an easy way to catch a break between studying and Gem training.
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Girls masturbating together is so hot! Would love to see a fic about Alya convincing Marinette to try it
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>Girls masturbating together is so hot!
I agree, there should be more of it in art and fanfics.
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That's probably how much of her time was spent in that tower.
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More like general traced thread
has rudi wilson been ever posed here
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Masturbation is such a beautiful thing…
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I would strongly agree
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It's a comic called "In Space, No One Can Hear You Schlick". It's from the same artists that made Rock Cocks.
I can try posting some parts of the first chapter later today, if the thread is still up. The first chapter is more actual masturbation than the later chapters which deal with more alien sex.
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Posted all three chapters here >>8325257. First 15 pages are more masturbation-focused, as later in the comic things focus more on the main character's relationship with the other guy.
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That is so beautiful. I love when the beautiful, intimate aspect of masturbation is emphasised.
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I agree
It’s such a beautiful thing. It’s supposed to be a girl’s private time, so you’re not supposed to see it, which makes it more enticing (who among us hasn’t imagined a girl we like masturbating at least once?). But it’s also very beautiful seeing a girl so overwhelmed with pleasure. Her primal urges fulfilled at long last. All girls masturbate, no matter what type, and that’s such a fantastic thing.
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couldn't have said it better myself
There’s nothing cuter than a girl with her pants down to her ankles (or even completely nude) stimulating her most private areas. If I had the money, I would definitely commission art in a similar vain to >>8334410 and >>8335383 featuring my favourite fictional girls.

This is another favourite of mine. I love how she’s drawn, and the animation’s really cute.

Sorry if I sound a bit autistic in expressing my love for masturbation. I just love it so much. I love seeing girls in such private, intimate scenarios.
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>Sorry if I sound a bit autistic in expressing my love for masturbation.
I don't really mind it. I remember these threads used to have a lot more discussion a few years back anyway, which was pretty cool. I'm just glad people are contributing art to the thread, since it feels like masturbation feels almost too vanilla for this board sometimes.
Yeah, this board can get quite “exotic” for lack of a better term. As much as I love seeing pics, I love discussing sexy stuff as well. The simplicity of masturbation is definitely part of its appeal. In an age of weird fetishes (even I have a couple), it feels nice to be turned on by something so vanilla.
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LemonJooJoo on Twitter
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Masturbation feels better when you're surrounded by friends
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I agree, we need more mutual stuff
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Kinkymation is definitely one of my favourite NSFW artists at the moment, although it’s probably because she draws a lot of stuff involving Nemona, who is my go-to girl. Porn drawn by women is always very lovely and sweet.
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>Porn drawn by women is always very lovely and sweet.
can't second this enough.
I think it’s because they tend to emphasise the emotional and sensual aspects of sex and masturbation, which I love. The Tissue Box (authors of Rock Cocks) are the best example of this. Since they’re a couple, there’s a lot of scenes that emphasise the pure pleasure and bliss of sexual stimulation, and it feels like it’s born out of a place of genuine love and appreciation for the act of sex and masturbation, as opposed to some horny guy drawing girls with massive tits locked behind a paywall on patreon.
Be the change you want to see
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