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Security Situation Edition

General thread for all your TG, TSF, and Gender Bender needs.

Rule 63 and similar content allowed, but try to keep it minimal. The primary focus here is on the transformation.

QoTT: Who are some of your favourite TG artists?

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8166850
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FtM TFs where the girl enjoys being a guy and has to feed off a guy’s masculinity to transform are underrated.

Nice one. I love willing TFs so this was pretty cool.
Absolutely ludicrous proportions
I'm interested to know what happens next here. Is FTM vampire sated forever? Does it eventually want to become female again and transfer masculinity to a woman? Does the masculinity wear off and she needs to feed again, if so what happens to the victim?
Is that a good thing or a bad thing for you?
There becomes a point where it crosses a threshold and becomes just distracting. This is way beyond that point.
I wonder what happened to siphorites? The last time activity was back in 2016
The worst part about her is the torso length in the last panel. Just what the fuck happened there.
MtF Version.
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Simple breast expansion version, if that's more your thing.
I checked the artist’s twitter/deviantart and didn’t see an explanation as to what happened after, so it might just be left up to the viewer’s imagination.

In my headcanon the female vampire needs to feed again to refuel the transformation like how regular vampires need to feed on blood as their food source. Maybe the male victims all turn back after a while similar to a person who lost a lot of blood needing time to make back the blood that was lost.
The improper pushup technique is ruining these animations for me
Like you would know lol
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Maybe the improper technique is what's driving the transformation.
What are some TG/TFTG story ideas you guys have? I'm interested in hearing them.
Apart from Mr. Venom I think a teen girl turning into the classic bad-boy heartthrob (think Edward from Twilight) from her fanfic would be neat.
A man experimenting with the dna of animals that could actually change their gender like frogs and clownfish, freak accident happens, becomes an aquatic superwoman with frog and fish features. Bottom line is she's a humanoid ambibian fish anthro thats 1/3rd mammal
I hope ics stll draws for the fun of it, without the quoteunquote jumping on that social bandwagon
Nice. There's never enough good FtM content out there. Would the girl start off as a popular girl, a normal girl, or a shy/quiet/nerdy girl?
One of those sort of "weird store full of cursed/magical artifacts that disappears by the next day" kind of tales but the idea of it being a group of boys who receive a magical pair of earrings that when worn turn the wearer into a milf, and they take turns wearing them to get into mischief that would need an adult.
Shy/quiet/nerdy and then all the popular girls swoon over him.
MC sets up elaborate scheme to get into the easy life by tricking his childhood best friend who comes from a rich family into "accidentally" triggering something that changes MC into a girl. She then pretends to believe she's always been a girl and has been in a steady relationship with him for years, knowing full well the best friend will take her in out of guilt.
Something happens to a boyfriend/girlfriend couple in their early to mid 20's. The boyfriend slowly starts turning into 30-40 year old MILF, and the girlfriend slowly starts turning into her young son. It might even progress until the former girlfriend is unbirthed into the former boyfriend.
A very feminine girl (big tits, shapely, etc.) fucks up and gets cursed somehow. She wakes up one morning with a penis (albeit a very small one). She's able to hide it for a bit, but it keeps getting larger over time. She's initially still able to wear jeans, but she's eventually forced to wear loose skirts. While this is happening, since she's producing way more male hormones, she slowly becomes more masculine. Her breasts and ass start shrinking, she gets taller, her hair shortens, she becomes less shapely, she gains body hair, her voice lowers in pitch, she starts growing facial hair, it becomes easier to build muscles, etc. Over time she transforms from the very feminine girl to an average girl to an androgynous-looking person to a femboy and then finally into an unmistakable male.
Pinocchio with a twist, every time an effeminate man denies being girly, he becomes more female to the point of being an attractive bombshell of a woman.
Love these ideas. Especially like gradual TFs with the girl-turned-guy getting flustered at how unmistakably masculine she/he is becoming. The only story that comes to mind that covers this is a deleted unfinished deviantart story called Jennifer's Mal(e)ady which was thankfully saved in the FtM story archive megaupload that gets posted here sometimes (shout out to the person who runs it).

I'm almost tempted to writefag a continuation or re-write with the girl continuing her change and ultimately becoming a hunky guy the other girls drool over, maybe with some gradual acceptance followed by a personality shift to match the new appearance.
Classic /aco/ having terrible taste in everything. the AI tards might spam in the /d/ thread, but at least the people there don't post cg trash or FTM.
This a genderbend thread, not an MTF only thread. The /d/ thread even had someone post a FTM AI sequence there too.
Is there a clear definition on this board as to what classifies 'Western art' and 'Eastern art'? At what point does it become illegible to post here?
Keep it traditional. Constantinople is the dividing line of east and west.
Careful posting stuff like that anon, the line is very thin as to what counts as furry
I’ve seen Eastern art defined on here as art that is made by Easterners (i.e. Japanese/East Asian) or at the very least is an extremely convincing copy of the Eastern/anime art style drawn by a Westerner (an example would be the artist Arisane).

Western art is basically everything else including everything that would be posted on /co/ like Marvel/DC, or original Western artists who either don’t bother trying to emulate anime or have an anime-fusion art style that doesn’t ‘pass’ as true Eastern-made anime (see most anime-inspired cartoons from the 2000’s like Totally Spies).

This is only what I’ve seen so I could be off.
It shouldn't count as furry art. It's really just cat ears, a tail, and cat feet, all of which seem fine accorsing to the sticky. There's nothing major like a snout or fur all over.
Even then, according to the rules here any art that is either Western-styled or by a Western artist is acceptable. This would technically mean that an Eastern artists doing Western-styled art as well as Western artists doing Eastern-styled art would all be acceptable. The only thing that wouldn't be allowed is Eastern artists doing Eastern-styled art. So in theory, someone could post a Western artist doing the whole Eastern-style shebang (anime art, Japanese text, etc.) And it would be perfectly acceptable. But how would you prove that the artist is Western at that point?
>But how would you prove that the artist is Western at that point?
It would likely depend on if the artist has either stated personally to be a Westerner or maybe only posts the art in fluent English (or some other European/Western language) as some kind of ‘tell’ that they’re probably not an Easterner. Broken Japanese text might be another example.

And yeah essentially on /aco/ the only thing not allowed would be Eastern-styled art made by Easterners, and on /d/ only Western-styled art made by Westerners.
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Hey guys, drawfag here, asking for requests as always. I buyed the tablet and I want to try it with you gois
A femboy who wishes to become more feminine gets his wish twisted when he turns into a comparatively more masculine tomboy.

Bonus if other guys ask the new tomboy to step on them, which is the opposite of what the originally submissive femboy wanted.
Since nice weather has finally come, how about either a guy sunbathing turns into a girl, or a guy at the beach going into the water only to be taken out by a wave and walks back to shore as a girl.
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Father time turning into a smoking hot busty blonde babe after the timer hits 00:00

I'd like to see that in your style.
I wanna try to request that deathstalker tg again, that soldier turning into princess codile.

funny how nobody seems to try to make art off of that. Seen alot of dr jekyll and ms hyde alot.
Billy batson saying the word 'SHAZAM' only to tourn into carol danvers in her ms marvel costume, the leotard one with the high gloves and high boots
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Still no FTM right?
Here, have reference
Dee Dee transforming Dexter into a bimbo on a lab mishmash
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yeah, not really into it for requests, sorry
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requesting your take on this old strip
but not as long though
To this day I still don't get the message of this strip
>FTM vampire sated forever
God I wish I could be ftm vampire
Any good FtM stories you know of?
Theres this comic called a man's skin, but its too preachy
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this thread
I like to imagine needing multiple feedings to re-experience growing a dong over and over again, but permanent TF is neat too.

A lot are either furry related or has some anime fandom stuff in it (not sure if it violates the Western-style rule), but off the top of my head some good human-to-human FTM stories are:

(standard girl wishes to become a guy and gets wish granted story)

(by the same author as the above story, a young businesswoman gets turned into a businessman as she waits to hear back about a promotion at work; it’s an implied unwilling TF if that’s more your speed)

(a MILF gets turned into a younger, hunky man via magic swim trunks)

There’s also the FtM story archive megaupload that an anon here curates with other pretty good stories in it:
It's okay if I use the miss shazam design (red custome)?
Its cool, so by all means go for it
Thats a pretty feel good picture, man with pet crab
It’s amazing how much a simple pinup can be improved by adding a speech bubble showing the reaction of the original self.
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what do you all think guys? I think it's a pretty good first try
Very nice work anon! The tablet really brings the art up a notch.
Lovin the lightning effect
Notice how reality changed at the last panel.
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the ultimate bimbofication
A young guy is turned into a nude chick in public?
This a genderbend thread, not just MTF thread
Fucking fag
We're all fags to a degree if we all be in this thread
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What do you mean?
Like, an adaptation of that sequence? Or a next step?
A guy stepping into a Time Machine (to the future or past) and stepping out as a woman from that era
What era?
Victrian, prehistoric, medieval Europe, pre-Columbian era?
Artists choice
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This is amazing. Love grotesque transformations into otherwise ‘normal’ end results.
I think it's just some kind of weird joke punchline from the 70's and nothing more.
Wrestler wakes up as a freshman year school girl
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I tried to experiment with this one, but I'm not sure if it looks good.
you all can tell me what you think
Nice ass
Nah, I like Kannel's proportions for women (humiliation fag here).
Looks pretty good! The shading especially works well.
Night bump
I had an artbook with many more strips from the same guy, he was a political cartoonist all his other works have some weird meaning behind them or at least a punchline.
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I like seeing when the man becomes a woman, becomes pregnant and births life.

That's my fetishism right there.
I had a pretty /d/ related idea where a guy has a succubus villainess alter ego he can turn into whose womb acts as a portal to unleash demon spawn into the world as his/her personal army. He sometimes gets into situations where the transformation/pregnancy will activate based on his horniness towards his alter ego, even at inconvenient moments.
That reminds me of that succubus hentai with that enchidna womb tattoo
Wait no, its enchidna cheat skill
Do you remember the name of it? It sounds familiar.
Wish i did
Ah well. Maybe one day I’ll commission a manga artist to draw a comic of the succubus TG alter ego idea as a replacement.
Arisia yoshi is kinda doing that fyi
Crap. I’ll have to tweak it slightly to make it distinct, maybe go for a comedy route.
Go horror, erotic horror like hammer's jekyll and hyde
That’s a pretty good idea. I’d probably also make it closer to the original jekyll and hyde story in that the guy genuinely likes becoming his succubus alter ego and gets addicted to it, causing him to slip more and more into her as time goes on.
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I realized I couldn't capture Dexter personality with her design -sigh- but overall I think it looks good
Have you tried squiggle loop de loop with the fringe line? Still looks okay.
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Holly shit, I can't believe it was so obvius, thx man, I think it looks a lot better now
Awesome sauce
Looks fine, bit I get what your mean, maybe the hair should look more red?
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here it is
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>someone takes pictures of a young guy
>every pic turns him more and more into a bimbo
Tramp stamp or womb tattoo? Or both at the same time?
I miss the Rule 63 threads with drawfags making gender bends of themselves and drawing porn of it
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Tramp stamp
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Congratulations from graduating from lewd artist to porn artist. I do like the horny faces, a mix of relief and joy.
Any other boys we could age up and turn into girls?

Farmer's daughter cricket green?
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Using the girls doll as a template while adding the buck teeth and freckles
I meant blush stickers, I always confuse the two somehow
Here's this week's story! A guy gets turned into a Hooters girl after making some crass comments.

Thanks, though its mostly just nudes in a pose that implies sex, not really a bit step.
"You're really cute Daddy"
"Hey, Are you secretly a Hero or a Villain too?
Much obliged.
Gonna re-request my ppg request as the thread on /co/ got archived

Requesting this convict from the powerpuff girl episode Neighbor hood transforming into his character of maid Mary by way of magic corset shifting and redistributing his bulk into an hourglass figure while changing his face and growing blonde hair.
Amazing story, but I feel like his punishment was a little too extreme. I really like ditzy bimbo TG stories. Do you have anything similar?
the other thread got archived?!
I was just going there to continue(I got out of university almost half an hour ago)
They did a separate thread for the dial thing in case you were into that specifically
Generally most of my bimbo stories have punishment/identity death, but here are the previous ones I've written.

A guy mocks a woman for having breast implants and gets turned into a bimbo while on a date with her: https://www.deviantart.com/deviantnabu/art/Bimbo-TG-Chasing-Perfection-1002443316

A scientist rushes through an experiment to contact a different dimension and the dimension's bimbo energy leaks through, changing him: https://www.deviantart.com/deviantnabu/art/Bimbo-Scientist-TG-Unforeseen-Consequences-997061082

A journalist investigating missing people near a new commercial district is turned into an airheaded shopper by a machine beneath it: https://www.deviantart.com/deviantnabu/art/Airhead-Shopper-TG-Commercial-Incentives-993681925

A bratty rich guy gets turned into an airheaded bimbo while on a golf course so she can find a suitable husband for the family's fortune: https://www.deviantart.com/deviantnabu/art/Golfer-TG-Daddy-s-New-Favourite-977892212

While getting ready for a night out with a female friend, a guy is turned into a bimbo ready to hit the nightclub and bring a guy home: https://www.deviantart.com/deviantnabu/art/Bimbo-TG-Getting-Ready-for-the-Nightclub-919520990

I also wrote a bimbo ending to my CYOA story about a guy drinking a mysterious pink drink he finds in his fridge. It's written in the second person. I'm hoping to expand the CYOA story this summer with some more endings, including more bimbo ones:https://www.deviantart.com/deviantnabu/art/CYOA-TG-A-Drink-for-Bimbos-974566655
Artists choice but 80s would be cool
that ending though. lol.
>my knees hurt, so i'll do it.
>damn... i wanted bigger boobs.
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Honestly a lot of untouched potential when it comes to time travel tsf
>Inventor girl accidentally sends her crush thousands of years into the past
>Finds out he ended up getting sent back in time as a girl and ended up becoming her ancestor
>Now has to find a way to bring her back into the present as a guy without accidentally removing her bloodline out of existence
have you heard of a movie by the name of... predestination?
if not, then you're lucky. don't watch it.
I know of one willing bimbo TG with no humiliation/punishment but it’s an audio not a story. “Ignorance is Bliss” by WaverCD. It’s about an accomplished scientist who wants to retire early and creates a serum to turn himself into a carefree bimbo.
I’ve already written one about someone who is isekai’d into a medieval fantasy realm as a champion by its goddess of love and becomes infatuated with the first dumb peasant that grabs her ass and coerces her to have sex with him. It was originally based on the “Reverse Bounty Hunter” cyoa from /tg/‘s cyoa general but it’s original premise of being dominated by your own seduction target was overcome by being dominated by a random NPC
>sex related content: Secobd person POV, unwilling TF, identity death via seed overwriting soul, as many descriptions of the mind as the body, slow turn into yandere, self-sabotage
I’ve already written the grand majority of it and I have a feeling it’s something you guys would kill for. Gonna publish at the end of June, it has like half a dozen chapters. It’s fap material first so has little buildup to sex but the 2nd person viewpoint has (You) slowly descend into obsessive submission
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First person female POV anything. Suggestion: blowjob.
i finished it, sorry for taking so long but between university and commissions there's almost no time for request.
but I've thought about something, what do you all think about doing black and white pieces? that would make them easier and faster to make. So, I could probably post more frequently.
I'm asking because I want to see a consensus between everybody here.
sorry, see your comment to late:
I think it looks good. Black and white is underrated and I think yours is pretty good.

Are you still doing request?
Weightlifter bursting out of his clothes as he transforms into a short and thicc woman in the middle of a crowded gym. (ie butt swelling so large it rips his gym shorts clean off in the middle of doing a squat or deadlift).
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I have not, and from what little I've read on googling it, I'll take your advice and not
NTA, but I really like the big tittied Egyptian girl.

>what do you all think about doing black and white pieces?
The fact that you're taking requests is more than enough. Don't feel obligated to make every image coloured. Only colour the ones you really want to and leave anything else uncoloured.
for my friends on aco?
This is great!
Godbless your heart drawanon
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Sometimes i wish i was as good as you as an artist so that i could draw you somethibg in return.
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No probs guys. The only thing I could ask from you would be to follow me on my pages. I enjoy drawing for you all people, you usually have interesting ideas, also, when I started drawing this place was the only that turned the see me without tellin me my things were shit, and I appreciate that.
Where can I follow you?
You can search me on DeviantArt and X as jobichie
You should go check out Mr-Dna's stuff on deviantart some time
I have a couple questions, if you don't mind me asking.

Why do you like TG? What aspects of it that makes it appealing to you?

What are your favourite kinds of TG (bimbo, race change, age change, mental changes, etc.)?

What are some ideas you want to flesh out and/or draw some day?
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done done
and for your questions:

To be honest, I'm not sure, I don't know if this happens to all of you guys but the mere fact of watching a transformation, or looking at how the concept develops (the reaction of the subject, the dialogue, the rest of the history, etc), but it's the fetish that I most like. I remember looking at content related to it since a very young age, searching on yt histories of mtf histories made with wallaces pngs

2. To be honest I like them all, there's only one that I don't find appealing, skinsuits.

3. An idea I've had since some time ago was the one of a succubus taking vacations and leaving a guy on charge of her duties, having to collect impious souls transforming others person or due more carnal methods.
That tiny panel with eve feels like its got that neuron activation meme energy
>but the mere fact of watching a transformation, or looking at how the concept develops (the reaction of the subject, the dialogue, the rest of the history, etc), but it's the fetish that I most like
Same here, love watching the flashy fantasy sci-fi transformative stuff, but cant imagine seeing myself going for sexual reassignment surgery, its important to separate between fantasy an reality.
Agree with the main appeal being the magical transformation. The real life version doesn’t even come close and would suck to go through. It’s like comparing magical breast expansion to a real life boobjob surgery, the former is infinitely more appealing than the latter.
I couldn't have explained it better, that's where also the appeals come, the fiction part it's the biggest attractive to me, also when a girl looks cute.
But I have always wondered myself why is this so appealing for me and for a time I tough I may be becoming mad. But I've come to the conclusion that this is only a weird fetish among thousands (this board helped to see that)
Its a weird fetish propagated by far out concpts in sci-fi and fantasy media
Like body swapping
Full frontal nudity is the best kind of nudity in my honest opinion, pretty sweet eyefull.
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Like for example in the Disney short from the 40's 'Springtime for Pluto' this male caterpillar with a very manly voice turns into a spanish woman for no other reason than parental(husband) fanservice and that the animators did it just because anything is possible in a cartoon.
I feel its more like, if disney animated a cartoon for kids with a man dancing like that in the 40s, there will be strong vocal retaliation from parents.
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Here's my try on it, one version with an overall skirt and a normal one
Might be a bit of an odd question, but would it still count as MtF tg if it’s actually a reversion of a female character turning back into her original form, rather than an an original guy turning into a girl? I.e. Mystique reverting back after wearing a male disguise
Very homely
I guess?
an adaptation!
Can I suggest removing the lipstick and make the jawline a little more angular, like nancy green's
>there's only one that I don't find appealing, skinsuits.
Same. I've never understood why some people like bodysuit TG so much.
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Imagine waking up in a parallel world where ftm is the more popular fetish over m2f
I wouldn't be completely against that. FtM has its charm, and I think there are a lot of untapped ideas it can give. There also isn't nearly enough really solid FtM art and stories out there at the moment.
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>2. there's only one that I don't find appealing, skinsuits

Okay but what about stuff like this? Would this be on the fence or over it?
Another example
I think these look great, but that they fall more on the side of body horror more than skinsuit, what I don't like about it is the fact that you only put a suit, I can't see the fun on that
I think its the disguise aspect of it
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Like this?
Now thats better
Those are some insane heels.
It's not easy being slutty
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Great pic! but, do you accept constructive criticism? The art is great, but as a comic is is hard to understand without context, Is like there is a panel or two missing.
I imagine that scenario would be caused by the majority of the world’s male population simultaneously no longer finding the idea of being/turning into a woman appealing, but then those opposite-sex fantasies transfer over to to women instead. It would be an interesting world to think about to say the least.

Frued would be rolling in his grave.

I can only speak for myself, but it’s not so much the skinsuit itself as it is the tropes and plots that commonly go with it.

The disguise aspect is definitely a big part of the appeal, and also the fact that the skinsuit-wearer is in a ‘dominant’ position most of the time. There’s this ‘sneaky’ power trip from either taking a woman’s identity for one’s own, or just pretending to be someone else for your own gain.

Ironically I actually greatly prefer physical transformations over skinsuits, but it’s rare to find ‘true’ TG that has the same tone and themes as skinsuits (not really into submissive/unwilling stuff), so I just have to make due with skinsuits and sometimes pretend it’s a physical TG.
Adam took a bite of the apple, turned into a copy of eve.
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Generally with skinsuit stuff I have to pretend that they get absorbed into the body, essentially everything inside the skin gets morphed into the organs of the body, or I feel the same way. Works great when it's stuff where the final result of the skinsuit is a smaller frame than their body was originally and they're being penetrated through the vagina, but obviously when there's "malfunctions" or stuff like their dick poking through the suit, I feel the same way as you. Stuff like pic related and the other examples are amazing though
To add to that, here's an example of stuff I like seeing when it comes to it, since them taking on slime properties wouldn't make sense otherwise.
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Forgot the pic
I'm the guy who usually makes these threads, and I have a question for you guys.

How would you feel if normal, non-TG transformations like FtF or MtM became an addition to these threads? TG would still be the main focus, but we'd just have the extra options of posting non-TG related TF content. If most of you guys are supportive of this, I'll add it to the next thread.
>FtF or MtM
Only if its beautification, not uglyfication
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Big fan of 'living suits that slowly merge with and/or convert your old body into the internal organs of one being'
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Pic definitely related, unattractive to attractive, which is kinda the point
Do you mean human-to-human TF? Usually when I hear MtM or FtF it’s often to denote a TF where the person’s species changes without any gender change, like in human-to-animal or human-to-monster TFs.

I know furry stuff isn’t allowed here but I’d love to see some human-to-monster/creature stuff if it’s clearly non-anthro. It’s unpopular and rare but I have terminal bad taste.
Wish notzackforwork would do more pixie cuts.
Not necessarily just human-to-human transformations, but also some other kinds of transformations without gender change like people turning into goblins and such.
Humanoid TFs are cool, I’d definitely be in support of non-TG versions being added to the thread.
>how would you feel if the TG thread stopped being a TG thread

Here's this week's story: a quick ending to my CYOA story where the reader is turned into Chell from Portal. Someone requested this ending a long time ago so it's good to finally get round to it.

Thirding. Maybe at most allow FtH or MtH but nothing where the gender stays the same.
Animation has audio, but since this is /aco/ I can only post a mute version.
There were a lot of good animations from that contest. Hope it happens again sometime soon.
The fact that the boyfriend ends up as the smaller and more submissive one is the best part.
I love the ftm archive. Is there an mtf one? I understand if there isn't since it's much easier to find online but i'd still like a go to collection.
Consider adding contagious!
>>8303969 Cape TG thread
You mean a curated/annotated collection like the Akashi FTM one? I'm not aware of any with that amount of effort.
I don't think there is one, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to start compiling now.
its a funny thing that MtF troons are either autistic diaper scat fags or rebranded incels trying to infiltrate dyke dating pools
in that case, seeing that you're here, which of the two are you?
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To be fair, unlike regular troons, most MtF TG fans are content to just create and consume fictional content about being a lesbian rather than infiltrating lesbian spaces in real life.
Is this all 2D, or is it a hybrid between 2D and 3D art?
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Dumping a comic
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Now this is when things start to heat up
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I like it when tgtf involves the belly fat shifting into fat breasts
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Also when the genitalia changes in a detailed sequence
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The end
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I miss Valkyrie Yuki.
That is an oddly specific character for a TG\
I’ve noticed canon-character TG covers a wide range of waifus people want to turn into, even lesser known ones.
The only thing missing is cumming out all the sperms
Indeed. It is one of the most crucial parts.
Helps you relate when you cum to it.
Glad others agree that the final expelling of sperm is an integral part of MtF TG.
I personally prefer the term 'fantasize'
I really like notzackforwork's art, but I feel like a lot of his 'final penis ejaculation' feel pretty lazy and poorly drawn in execution.
Is that a good or bad thing?
Fair enough. He’s one of the few artists I know of who almost always includes the final coom part, but I agree it could be depicted better.
I feel like he’s better at depicting the character’s reactions personally.
Scp-113 is underated in the fanarts of the scp community
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Anyone ready for summer?
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I'm ready.
If i could turn anything into something, i'd be women
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Maybe if she really got used to being a guy.
Really? That's it?
How many?
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The gold standard.
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I've just uploaded this week's story to DA - a guy after listening to a song on the radio gets turned into a curvy woman. This was a surprisingly wholesome story to do, I hope you fellas enjoy reading it.

Great story. Thanks for sharing.
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Mob from mob psycho possessed and turned into a thicc Hasshaku-sama(8 foot tall ghost lady in sundress)
Glad you enjoyed it anon. Next week's is a bodysuit story where a guy turns into a curvy dominatrix, I'll post it here when it's out for the public.

Do ya'll prefer the final ejaculation to be prolonged by cumming over and over until empty, or one big intense orgasm?
certainly sounds interesting to me
i'll surely read it
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is there any way to read them without a DA account? asking for a friend
It should be readable on my Patreon. I have everything there on early access so it publicly releases the same time as on DA. You might need to scroll down to see as there are a few week's worth of stories on there locked behind the paywall.

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how about this?
Danielle Phantom.
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wasted potential
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this isn't a xiaolin showdown, this is violent sex!
These are so good
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Is that Link?
It's female Link wearing Princess Styla's dress.
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thanks. any interesting characters to do? I'm kinda out of (western) subjects

jake long seems boring, johnny bravo/test have been done to death, jimmy, timmy, and dexter don't seem worth it...
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now that I think about it maybe woody would be a good choice since he's such a feature in figurine collections
Are you using AI to make these? If so what model and shit are you using? If not then what's the sauce?

Ben 10, el tigre, aang/sokka, flapjack
It's very obviously AI slop.

This one looks like it has a watermark on it so that's why I asked.
https://mega.nz/folder/JXFkURxb#cFUGup-x65MYGzlKo1666Q (I haven't sorted shit)

i think it just made the 'd' in the watermark out of the "d" on the danny phantom jumpsuit

give it a rest luddite
Thanks for the link. Not to sound completely autistic but are those Loras or are they actual models? Do I need to download the tags?
they're loras. tags and .tomls are training settings that can help you use the lora to more accurately recreate your style/character. If an image is provided with its png info intact it will tell you all the relevant settings/models/loras that were used to make the image. the meta is 288584/autismmix-sdxl from civit at the moment, i believe.
Drawbba the Hutt. I don't think he does a lot of TG art though. I follow him for ENF.
man I wish princess styla got more fan art she's a cutie I love her design it's such a waste she got stuck in a shitty game, you'd think she get at least get a bit of fetish art considering she's literally trapped in a latex suit.

also princess tg is best tg
>the implication of his mom having been a guy and ended up settling with his dad
im gonna coooom

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