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Previous Thread >>8295319

No Animal Genitalia (Specifically Dogcock Futa), Slob, Inflation, Fart, Grotesque art
If you want that - post somewhere else
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finally some good fucking food (not sarcastic)
finally a jade with a pussy! i don't really care one way or the other about futa most of the time, i just get tired of the monotony of every single jade picture being futa
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Every jade with a pussy is a nail in Andrew Hussie's coffin
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I miss the hot cosplayers.
I'm going to a con next week, maybe i'll see some cosplayers. There were some last year
hyper-testicles Kanaya is best Kanaya
Can't normally even entertain hypershit but for some reason this is working for me.
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Yeah, I only like low-end hyper breasts and specifically futa with hyper testicles. Kanaya feels just right having a realistic big dick paired with freakishly huge knee-knocking nuts. They're also really underutilized as a concept for more passive hot stuff, like Rose using them as her pillow or hugging them for comfort.
I appreciate your vision very much. It seems Homestuck porn is still teaching me things about myself 13 years later.
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I need a big mommy with a big sack
Please become shot.
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Thanks. I know what I like and why, and Homestuck is still good for a lot.
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It's Jade.
With paws, digitigrade feet, and full body fur.
Fuck off
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Sorry, if we have to put up with weird futa shit, you can put up with a little bit of peets from time to time.
I love that dude who keeps commissioning prospitcest, the image you posted is amazing
Is that guy who uses AI the alchemize items here? I want to see if he's got more stuff
That Aradia drawing from the last thread, at the very end, was that new?
I miss Busty-Gumshoe and Todoroki.
The Lysanthum one? No not particularly
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He's working on Beyond Canon now, dude. I don't think he's ever going back to making porn. Especially now that more eyes are on him. (also does anyone have his set of images of Jade getting impregnated by a basilisk)
Going from good porn to bad comics, shame
Where can i find more by the same creator?
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lysanthum? what name do they go by for beyond canon
Lysanthum never posted it officially, but he did insert it in his MEGA archive without telling anybody along with a few other drawings. Then he deleted it because children on Twitter found out he made porn before working on HS2.
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Haven, I think. He is @vintagefoods_ on Twitter.
Based Joey Joi
Nooo. Did anyone save his Mega?
>MxRP - Dead
>Cherubplay - Dead
>F-List - Err...
No hope.
all about them AI chatbots
Rose can finally suffer every extreme sexual nightmare imaginable
Is Cherubplay actually dead? I haven’t looked it up in years but I still think of a few roleplays I had done on there when I jerk off
You're not on Cherp? That place is active and has just about every fandom in it.
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I mean, considering the role of jadebloods within troll society, futa kanaya is really just a logical extension of canon
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Hot take: I don't mind futa and actually quite like it sometimes, I just wish there was more cuntboy stuff out there. It doesn't seem fair that we get 6 million pictures of futa Jade and like 5 pictures of cute troll cuntboys even though trolls are canonically hermaphrodites
>futa kanaya is really just a logical extension of canon
not remotely
>futa kanaya is really just a logical extension of canon
did we read the same comic
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Everyone, I have Lysanthum's Mega saved right before he nuked everything. At least I hope so? I don't know how up to date everything is. For proof, here is the Jade basilisk someone asked for.
You gonna upload it?
Are Lysanthum and Haven the same person?

Was doing something, my fault.

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I am almost sure this is everything. Thank you, Anon.
Now hurry everyone make your own copy if this somehow gets deleted.
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Thank you for your service, anon
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Agreed. I like futa/female and Kanaya and Rose make a great pair for it.
>lysanthium nuked everything and abandoned smut
nothing good ever happens on this bitch of an earth
Except for this. Because his porn's ugly.
I've never found an AI bot worth a damn. Even when you pay for them, they have shit memories and decide to change the scenario left and right.
you gotta sillytavern it up
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Same, I don't care for chicks with dicks, but Kanaya being a very feminine dweeb makes it palatable. She should get to fuck girls.
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Also, dick jokes are always good
Thank you.
Whose next, Mindwipe?
That's what happens when you pander to the HS^2 crowd, they eat their own.
OP's Nepeta is so emo that I want to listen to some Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance unironically
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Not nearly enough, though, or the problem would have solved itself by now.
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draw one vagina, i beg you
Talkin bout the PENIS
i need to impregnate meenah oh my god
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>i need to impregnate meenah oh my god
You'd be the first, not one piece of art exists for that (except BD's)
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Best I can do is eggs
what was this guy's name again? dred? drak? wish he was still around, always did like his stuff
>Best I can do is eggs
60 pounds of plush ramtroll ass…
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sorry for being a faggot but oh my god i need to impregnate mituna.
> "but he's a guy!!!"
i am still cumming in his femboy ass and making him beg for me to breed him
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live your best life king
Honestly the suit feels more pornographic than him being naked.
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I like these two
People actually like John?
I thought most fans thought he was a cardboard cutout
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i guarantee whatever male character you project onto is just as bland as you think john is
>t. mad
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and most modern fans think Jade is a line backer tranny, so I don't give a fuck what other fans thinks
They have a Twitter, greenselkie.
I DO NOT care if he's a generic autistic nerd, I like him, and I want to be him!
me with Bro
JANE is for JOHN.
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That isn't hot, what are you doing?
>want to be him
>want to fuck him
I've been having romantic and sexual dreams about him for 14 years. Once he's officially a troon I think I'll finally be bitter and sad enough to leave this fandom.
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it upsets me that no one's really drawing rose anymore
can't swing a dead cat without hitting a jade or a nepeta or one of the fucking beforus trolls (thanks zoomers) but no one's got any appreciation for best girl
But best girl isn’t rose
>best girl.
roseniggers should just be happy and content with the fact that most people still believe rose is a girl instead of some sort of hermaphroditic Frankenstein's monster.
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Honestly, given the things that the artists have latched on to, I'm glad that Jade has basically become the thing that everyone gravitates towards. Roxy, Vriska and Terezi have been all but forgotten, and I'm glad for that.
Its fucking hot.
Give me some time and I might.
Have you seen most of the art these days? She still gets it pretty bad, since she's the target of said monster.
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Yeah they just make Rose fat and black instead.
>when the nudist genes win out over the strider genes in a knockout
what the fuck is that lmfao
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incest in wincest
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trigger warning: non-mayo image
John is a wonderful man, Kanaya is a beautiful woman. They're great apart, better together!
Yeah it's funny when they make jade this hulking black man and rose the little white waif
it's just BBC garbage with extra steps
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its hard to be into cuckshit/cheating kink but not raceplay, honestly. the venn diagram is a damn circle.
The irony of saying this with that image though.
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The suit is pretty sexy; I like how it's so skintight that you can see a little bulge on the sprites. Also there's that unused sprite of him grabbing his dick through his suit: https://homestuck.net/img/resources/assets/troll-sprites/alpha-trolls-sprites/MitunaCrotch.gif
Have you nerds considered -not- searching for images you hate? Most Homestuck girl art I've found in the last few years is very sane Jade and Terezi stuff.

The only I place I see the "muscular dickgirl Jade fucking fat black Rose" stuff is HERE, where people complain about it while posting it.
Anon just trying to browse the homesmut tag on twitter (you know, the last place any actual Hs porn gets posted) and you get so much awful shit it's insane.
I counted nearly 60 pics until the first non linebacker jade and even then it was a BD pic
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Really? Shit, I haven't even been doing Homestuck lately.
what do you do if not homestuck? other fanart or OC shit?
It was the selfcest image you did of 3 Jades, either way I personally would have skipped it because your 3d shit freaks me out but it does count as a normal jade so I stopped there. Please beg your wife to draw more Jade her style is cuter
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OC shit.

I'll be honest I'm not getting anything out of Homestuck anymore and neither is she. We've both come to accept that it'll never be good and it cannot ever be good. Just move onto greener pastures, trust me.
bd have you ever done rose in a shitty party city witch costume
i'm not asking that you do it now, it's just that i think i have some vague memory of it existing and want to know if i just made it up
BreedingDuties, love your art, and I respect that you understand when your love for an IP starts to fade away, I respect that.
My reccomendation? You get into a new kink. I think Breast and Ass Expansion is your kinda thing. I knoooooooow you love soft skin and plump rumps.
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A new fetish won't unfuck Homestuck
A new fetish is how we got into this fucked situation.
yes but every retard who is a little too into their fetish thinks theirs is the best one and would fix everything
I think not indulging fetishes in general would fix everything. A fetish in a work is something fans figure out over 40 volumes, not something you tell everyone.
Nothing will fix Homestuck.
I don't want Homestuck fixed, it's already finished and dead, and every meticulous fetish I have built up around it is already applied and true in the canonical ending of "They went to the new world and had insane ultrasex forever as immortal gods with infinite powers"
>I don't want Homestuck fixed
We know you don't futafag
Well yeah. I'm content with the ending, I never wanted epilogues or Homestuck 2 completely ruining what was a finished and open ending that let you imagine whatever you want. After the horrible garbage Hussie pushed out in Act 6, the least that could have been done is to leave the characters alone to a happy ending.

Instead we have to watch everyone continue to suffer and be humiliated, while conveniently ignoring the whole "we're gods who can alchemize anything to do anything" which is not supposed to get further writing that isn't nasty hot weird porn.
Huh, I was wondering why we hadn't seen any shitty Poser art in a while.

You weren't missed.
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Oh I'll show up every now and then again since there's still some waifu energy to be harvested, but I've moved onto better pastures. The question is, why haven't you?
What do you even replace Homestuck with?
>Chasing out every drawfag while whining that porn only caters to fat trannies
Theres the homesmut thread I know and love
What artists?
You're the kind of person to go to Cahokia and ask where the city is arent you
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You can't. You just have to enjoy better stories. If you like scifi, go watch Farscape. It's got Jim Henson puppets and truly creative aliens, but more importantly, very well realized characters.
Based farscape enjoyer
Feferi is definitely the easiest of the main girls, i think
Fishgirl is one of the few people we have who canonically rejects sexual advances.
You’d get a lot better mileage out of Terezi - no standards (clownfucker) - or one of the various Aradia versions - accepting but for different reasons at different times.
Feferi is fine with casual sex (especially if you hit her with a fish pun pickup line) but the second you bring up a serious relationship she’s out of there.
Feferi is easy and eager if you're nice and will reject you 200% of the time if you're an obvious scumbag

also she has the biggest breasts by a *staggering* margin
i made a newgrounds account just to block this guys art its so fucking dreadful, do me a favour and dont post it here
Some of us are here for good porn, something that you failed to make in, what, 15 years of trying? Artists are supposed to evolve their style, get better. You pumped out the same shit for over a decade, now you're just doing it in a different niche that no one will notice.

Like the guy said: you won't be missed.
Easy people
You can dislike what people put out but you don’t have to be a cunt about it
Insulting teebeeaych.
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imagine if we had a couple of real talented SFM homestuck artists using lovingly handmade from-scratch models instead of this shit that wouldn't look out of place in a banner ad for a mid-2000s website called fantasyfuck.xxx
There's that guy on reddit/xitter doing that.
Looks pretty good, but
>last update 2 months ago
>Some of us are here for good porn
No you're not, you're in a Homestuck thread.
It's pretty typical, the thread gets pissy and drives away every artist then complains that all we've got are the bottom of the barrel fat futa garbage.
Who do we even have left at this point? Minami?
What about jadequest?
That was the first artist the thread drove out, newfag.

They don't want decent suggestions, they want something to complain about. Raaarrggh, futashit! Gross asshole drawings! Trannies invade everything! This artist blocked me! I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay, post shaved pussy!
I can't even miss the Homestuck era when I missed the height of its popularity. I stand on an empire of dirt dressed in garbage.
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I might finish up what was there originally and slap it on itch or something.

The peanut gallery whining isn't why most artists aren't doing HS anymore. Most aren't doing HS because HS is now even worse than bad: It's just boring and mediocre.
Thinking on it every new piece of homesmut I've seen that isn't hideous has been commissioned.
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>They don't want decent suggestions, they want something to complain about.
Exactly. The real giveaway is when they start bringing up artists who don't even work anymore.
You can tell nuHomestuck is bad because it added a sassy tomboy and still managed to fuck that up.

Sort of.
they don't know how to make things sexy anymore, they're so fucking brain fried with their adherence to current social 'norms' and demands that they make every character a complete mess with no appeal
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That I saw people defending Rose in her Ellen-ass haircut is when i knew that things were too far gone.
Yiffy is unappealing because a) everything around her origins is awful and b) everything around her origins is awful and c) she doesn't fucking talk
Yiffy exisitng with dogdick Jade just makes it all shit. We can't have stuff like them both in a microbikini and yiffy embarrassed without it being some futa crap.
>It's just boring and mediocre.

Also a perfect descriptor of the shit you posted
So post what you like instead, hm? You're not a retard, are you?
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Trust me, you'll probably be a lot less impotently angry once you step away from the Homestuck.
John is too young for Bionicle, he'd be all about Ninjago.
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>Ninjago: January 14, 2011
>Bionicle final set wave: 2010
>Earth destroyed: 2009
I know what I'm about son.
>jade is my waifu -- ACK
The only way to not have a waifu ruined by Hussie is to pick a totally irrelevant character that has had all of three conversations. And even then you're probably not entirely safe.
>The only way to not have a waifu ruined by Hussie is to pick a totally irrelevant character that has had all of three conversations.
what do you think jadefags were trying to do?
Oh it's you. Moving on then.
> -- ACK!
Is that why there are so many ride-or-die Nepeta autists? Favorite character can't do anything bad if they don't do anything at all?
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She's cute.
She's harmless and doesn't have much of a personality beyond "uguuu stinky cave feral girl nya nya" so people latch on to her
What's a harmful character
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>What's a harmful character
Are you serious?
It's a character, they're not real
Man, I wish I had your unwarranted self-confidence, If I made anything like that garbage, I'd be too embarrassed to post it, but you've powered through and relentlessly pushed your own shit for years! I guess samefagging in every thread to make it look like we're not all sick of seeing you clog up every HS thread helps too though, huh.
>It's a character, they're not real
She's real to me, dammit
Your commitment to this bit is impressive, but seriously, is there any artist you actually do like? Because you obviously haven't made anything of your own.
Wake up babe new schizo dropped
Vriska? Characters who are aggressive/active enough to be threatening, while Nepeta is safe and simple enough to not feel dangerous.
He has at least one real fanboy, who will slobber over any low quality shit so long as it's JohnRose or DaveJade.
Or maybe people just like the art
No, we're not allowed to have that kind of tolerance here. You have to get outraged and assume everyone who likes something you don't like is a malicious actor/troll seeking to get your goat specifically. Letting people just post what they like is verboten, the OP agrees.
> SFM artists
>, the OP agrees.
ah let's get to the core issue here. What do you want to post, anon? scat?
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> Letting people just post what they like is verboten, the OP agrees.
Bad take dogfucker. >>8344065
Oh good now this artist is doing outright fucked up heinous shit.
is this your first time ever seeing pav's art? it's all like this.
>asks schizo to post what he likes instead of bitching about BD
>Starts posting lolicon dogdick shit
Oh, I see. It's like that.
It was adults at least before.
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well that's what happens when you're emboldened by all your friends coming together to defend you on twitter after you draw incest "because you really needed the money"
>ask people to post what they like
>they post what they like
>complain about what they like
>this whole thing was just JRfaggot throwing a tantrum again
Great. See it again in another month
Nah, there's another guy here. I don't care enough to reply to BD.
>the eternal jadefag
>complains he was kicked out of 109 homestuck threads
>but he will never tell you why
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It makes me feel bad for actual jadefans that liked her from the start
I liked Jade from the start. I also liked the idea of futa Jade long before Hussie had the notion to canonize it in a miserable NTR plot.
It's kind of a making the most of a bad situation, for me.
Jadefags don't claim him, we like our girls with hairy cooches, not animal dicks
all fans of green are equally debased
Bronya’s so cool though…
(Unfortunately most of her smut is pretty bad, all they had to do was do sexy things with the suspenders skirt, it’s so easy but no - that’s too hard for some people)
every hiveswap/friendsim troll is less than a half-baked fancharacter and they deserve zero attention
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I like this Rose, can you send me the sauce?
I wish I knew? Even looking it up on boorus again I don’t have a source for it
Presumably this is by the same person though so here
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They're just scrimbly bimblies, how or why am I meant to care about them
>bob cut
The man, the myth, the monster, Andrew Fauntleroy Hussie, initially intended for her hair to be a pixie cut, but you'd really only pick up on that if you studied her sprites and actual illustrations he made up close in a vacuum. Absolutely everyone deciding she had a bob instead, to the point where it was never questioned, was honestly a godsend.
Pubic stubble is underrated as hell.
>he doesn’t appreciate the exiles
Shit taste bitch.
there's nothing inherently wrong with pixie cuts honestly, her hs2 sprite just looks like dogshit
There isn't, it's just that nothing in the world is sexier than a blonde or white bob.
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you're so right and you should say it louder
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She looks like ellen.
Drawing Jade in HS2 stuff with a pussy is the ultimate power move
It was never a pixie
From her earlier appearance it goes down past the ears and to the jaw level
It’s directly based on Sabrina

Can we not just make shit up to be mad about please
drawing jade without dog parts and normal human female parts is superior
>implying anyone's ever seen this panel
>implying this panel is even real
>implying this comic didn't start in act 6
this is a joke, obviously
If you put dog ears on her but don't give her a dick you're taking a stand against the gods themselves
It sounds like you've got a lot of unresolved issues.
Lalondes in general, all forms of either one, are dangerous as hell. Lab-grown aphrodisiacs in human form. They speak to my most primal and most developed senses in seductive whispers. They're probably the main reason I'm still stuck here. Need more #FFFFFF white Lalondes. Need more black Lalondes with white hair.
I wasn't mad about it, I just like to ramble about nonsense. It's possible I mistook a piece of early Zack Morrison fanart for a Hussie drawing but I can't find that piece to compare.
you're still cucking to andrew's whims. he turned jade into the monstrosity she is out of petulant boredom. A true man of knowing and of faustian spirit knows to reject these falsities and demons by rejecting not only jade's merging of bec, but ALL of post act 4 homestuck
Nah act 5 is good.
> I just like to ramble about nonsense.
We are not your therapists, please do this somewhere else.
Cause unless it’s horny focused nonsense that’s just shitposting
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I don't see how Rose's sexy hairstyle isn't horny rambling.
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I keep trying to move on from Homestuck, but no other media has ever given me the same feelings as the early acts.
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You gotta stop trying to fill that hole is how you do it. You have to move away, to let it heal and close up.
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Double posting to remark that think we're all each other's therapists by default, like it or not. The only reason we still congregate under the pretense of posting about this scorned IP is to work out our issues with how its downward spiral and disastrous endings left us feeling after investing in it for too long, and/or to jerk off, which is itself also a coping mechanism for our trauma. The people who had a normal relationship with this shit moved on before it even ended because they saw the writing on the wall before anyone else. Honestly, the only winners of this fandom are the Intermission fans who never really gave a shit about the rest of the comic in the first place.
Like I said earlier, you can't fill that Homestuck house icon-shaped hole in your heart. It's impossible, because nothing else is shaped like that. >>8344598 is right. You will never find another Homestuck, but you will find a plethora of better stories, and that is the key to moving on. My wound finally closed because so much time had passed between the comic's heyday and the present that I could no longer relate to the person I was when it was updating, and therefore could no longer feel his pain so vividly. Time truly does heal all wounds, but you have to let it.
Deltarune does it for me but then Toby decided three+ years between chapters.
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deltarune literally will not be finished until 2030 and that's so fucked up
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The Deltapause. Like father, like son. I always saw Spamton as a self-aware caricature of Toby's insecurities about one day ending up in the same position his felled and forgotten master did. I never really thought he could, but the fires of Development Hell can burn brightly enough to melt the flesh of the god he became. It remains to be seen which force will emerge triumphant from that conflagration. For what it's worth, I think Toby is too savvy to become a total failure in the same way. He saw the cautionary tale of Andrew Hussie for what it was. If he fails to stick the landing, his own perfectionism will be his undoing.

Jon Bois's 17776 feels remarkably like very early Homestuck in tone, diction, and subject matter, to the point where some people thought Hussie wrote it. It's short and sweet. But that's the best I can do for you, and I'd argue Homestuck's evolving scope, complexity, and duration were as integral to its unique identity as John, Rose, and Dave, who are really weirdly similar to the three characters in that work.
>Honestly, the only winners of this fandom are the Intermission fans who never really gave a shit about the rest of the comic in the first place.
Maybe the answer is for us all to get into leprachaun porn.
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Sorry, no, I love the intermission but those people are fucking unhinged as well. The New Vegas stans of MSPA.
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Again don't try to go out finding something that's matching Homestuck's qualities. Just go out and find something else at all. It'll heal.
We'd better study that charms chart again. I'd better find that Crowbar/Snowman piece in my massive, unlabeled folder for this post. Fuck it, already lost motivation.
I never said they weren't unhinged. If you have problems with New Vegas, though, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, or at least explain your warped perspective so that I may attempt to understand.
Always true.
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I think this thread has gotten a little too down in the dumps for maintaining a porn thread for a dead webcomic. I'd like a new sight for sore eyes.
Does anyone know any good Furaffinity homesmut accounts?
I finally realize why is your art is shit...
>good Furaffinity homesmut accounts?
I have gone down that road out of curiosity and have found it's not really a good mix. Homestuck is squarely more "xeno" than "furry" for the most part. The aliens are all pretty humanoid for the most part. You'd think Bec Noir would be a hit over there, but not really. Consort porn is as "furry" as it really gets. Picrel isn't even from there but you might like it if you're asking for this overlap.
Thank you in advance. As far as I knew there was a furaffinity user with the pseudonym "kingGreen" who apparently comissioned more of the out there and bizarre homesmut that is poorly archived in boorus, and I was wondering if he was a good jumping off point for where all the sourceless homesmut art comes from.
That account is full of weird and poorly drawn Homesmut, yeah. If there's sourceless Homesmut I usually assume the pieces are remnants from the Tumblr purge that can no longer be traced to their source.
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Thank you for posting an image of terezi covered in cum I never knew about.
The people who want to fuck carapacians, cherubs, and Problem Sleuth characters are somehow the most normal fans left.
"most normal" in that they've stayed exactly as weird the whole time while the rest of us got worse
Do intermission fans hate Hussie too? Did Slick dying piss them off?
That just might objectively be the worst singular decision he ever made for the narrative.
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She has SOME good pics. More than other characters, I think.
Secondary opinion.
Secondaries are the only ones who care about these "characters."
Secondary opinion number 2.
What's the source on this image?
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>the story is so shit that Vriska just leaves the narrative
lmao even
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Wrong, dumbass, it's an edit.
So? It's clearly his own edit lmfao.
Not to be all internet forensics expert ITT but nah. Yiffy's face doesn't match the aliasing of the rest of it, Yiffy's hair doesn't have highlights or any shading at all, and the aliasing of her altered name is clearly different too. Even the background of the edited regions has different aliasing.
Also, xenopavilia is an attention whore tranny so any edits they make would doubtlessly be uploaded on their twitter immediately and not stowed away on an abandoned corner of 4chan.
you're just trying to make me look at futa porn from up close, i will not fall for this
not to play devil's advocate but xenopavilia's lineart is hilarously inconsistent. some nepeta(?) piece got posted recently that legit looks like an edit, but it's not an edit, it's just super shitty.
Homestuck characters are not sexy. They are tiny pixel dudes and do not have boobs or ass
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Vriska turns annoying again by the end of Act 6, but is unironically the best part of HS2 because she recognizes that the story is complete bullshit.
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>write a bad story
>but one of the characters says it sucks so it's good!!!
No. Vriska pointing out "that it sucks" is the authors spitting in your face. "here you go, sucker, we wrote a story so bad even the characters complain about it!"
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Who said the story is good? It's still total shit, but it makes Vriska the only relatable character.
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The bad story was already written, so isn't this more like the new guys saying "wow, that all sucked, yeah? let's do better going forward"
>your jade gf you had in high school that called you her moirail is never coming back
>she's literally a man now with a beard
It hurts. It hurts so much.
She's my wife now actually
>implying they'll do things differentl
Yeah the story is unsalvageable
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oh it will be different
it will be just as bad, but it'll be a different flavor of bad
Source. nOw.
i forgor
They probably will. I mean, HS^2 was fucking awful.
It must be noted, "unsalvageable" is not quite synonymous with "just as bad". You can upgrade from a calamity to a mess. 3/10 is a better score than 1/10, even if it's still a fundamentally low score.
FINALLY someone who isnt fucking retarded and can see its a edit lmao
What they did do different was the artstyle (way better than last time, and even outperforms some of Xamag's panels) and the pacing is slightly better. It still took the team 8 months to get Vriska to the plot point and obliterate her ass. Most updates are just "oh what's this character doing, and then we exposit the plot" like with the Meat timeline cast and commander Karkat. We still need to see if Jake finally stands up to Jane, remember?
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what y’all know about terezi being the ultimate cumdumpster
lalonde pussy got that shit that makes you not want to pull out no matter what
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>what y’all know about terezi being the ultimate cumdumpster
Its tough competition, but Terezi is the cumdump supreme
tub of lard is a valid classpect name (for jane crocker)
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kingdom of loathing ass classpect
top or bottom heavy?
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Why is every Terezi stan or kin I know a crazy cockslut.
bottom heavy rose my beloved
She's got them hips for tips
Run a train on them to find out.
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>Why is every Terezi stan or kin I know a crazy cockslut.
I dunno man, the connection is a mystery.
No joke I reconnected with one from highschool(she called me her Gamzee back then) and she has four kids with two different guys.
canon terezikin behavior
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>(she called me her Gamzee back then) and she has four kids with two different guys.
Some girls just know what they're about (stuffing on dick)
choo choo
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>"because you really needed the money"
tell me that s a joke, pls, no person is that retarded
Who did this edit?

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