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Mixed Edition

ENF = Embarrassed Nude Females
EUF = Embarrassed Undressed Females

Old Thread: >>8224723

Previous ENF Threads Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/ENF/

MEGA Anons Archive of Rookie's Comics: https://mega.nz/folder/qoImkS6L#83rXv2Cu-RNblqUcbbRsdQ

ENF Stories Collection:
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As nice as ENF is, it's nice to get some ENM from time to time.

This one's very cute. I'd like to see more of revrook’s characters interacting with boys.
I couldn't agree more. ENM/ENF content is all the more effective if there's some romantic feelings between the two.
As if there weren't enough people just posting men in these threads already
Nothing wrong with embarrassment being shared
And you can always disregard the thread theme
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Embarrassing panties are the absolute cutest.
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Yes, yes they are
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EUF Dreamer is one of my all time favourite artists.
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They’re really kinda the only driving force behind embarrassing underwear art, I wish more artists would do it, but at least other people commission it sometimes
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I also really like tighty-whities and briefs but that’s also pretty uncommon for females
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ENF with pubes is always the best.
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It’s a shame, really, since all the different colours and patterns are why I like undies in the first place, and he’s basically the only one who draws attention to such things. At least there’s someone who bothers to draw this stuff at all.
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Yeah something is better than nothing at least there are on occasion other artists who do it, and bonus points if the lady wearing the undies has some tough or important demeanor being embarrassed
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Love how her boobs are drawn.
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so I read the stories by this tlerone guy and realized I like stories where the girl is both so embarassed and turned on that orgasms with no (or minimal) touching
are there other stories with the same theme?
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She has very nice pubes.
writer likes pubes
Unfathomably based.
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What are some more uncommon ENF situations you'd like to see more of? For me it's nude women trying to pass themselves off as statues
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Gwen and Sakura is a very interesting combination. I like it.
Choovy3 is the artist they have quite a few other works featuring them in ENF situations I dunno why those two specifically but I like it too
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I love when people have autistic hyperfixations on certain fictional girls. I know I definitely have mine. It’s charming and rather cute.
Yeah I have mine too, I think almost everyone does at this point
I’d kill for some ENF scenarios with Nemona and Penny from Pokémon (they’re my hyperfixations at the moment). I’ve got a pretty good idea of how they’d act as well.
What I wouldn’t give for a full parody of Ripped Pants with Tracer and other overwatch girls but oh well maybe one day
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There’s this and it’s nice but I want the full episode
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I found some for ya, I dunno if you’ve already seen them though
That is so cute! Thank you so much, that is lovely. Penny is made for ENF.
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Oops I responded to the wrong post, whatever I don’t think it matters you’ll see it all the same
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Yeah no prob I don’t mind looking for more ENF material, I’d like for these threads to stay active
That is also very nice! Her face looks a bit odd, but any ENF of my favourite girls is fantastic! (Nice shiny Lechonk btw)

Not really a fan of this one. I prefer her proportions to be at least somewhat accurate. To each their own, though. I love that her hair is down, that way she’s truly in her most natural state. I like how shiny she is as well.

That’s a very nice one as well. Teleportation mishaps are always cute.
Cyberpunk military ladies being mindhacked, and then instructed to "disarm" and looted.
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I’ve found a bit more of penny they’re not gonna be perfect ENF or EUF depictions but some embarrassment is better than none imo
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More EUF than ENF this one
I requested this in a previous ENF thread, very happy with the result.
And this one, might not technically be ENF but both girls do seem to be embarrassed and are both showing bare breasts so that’s good enough for me
Yes I remembered that one but couldn’t remember how to find it, it came out nice, sadly I’ve missed my chance at the requests every time but one day I’ll get lucky and be there for them
I hope someone will do requests again. ENF is such a niche fetish, so having more art of it with certain characters is always great. I have some Nemona and Penny ENF, but it’s all aislop, and I don’t know if that would be accepted here.
Yeah maybe eventually we’ll get more ENF suggestion requesters and I know personally I’m not a fan of AI stuff but there’s some AI thread so if you did want to post it I’d say there
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I love this artist. I wish more of his works were translated.
Oh I know that pain, my friend I know it all too well
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Nude version!
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Girls being made into naked exhibits with their clothes on display
I just love when they use the original art style, always makes it so much better because it feels more immersive.
>elaborate piece of artwork
>don't draw any underwear
Consistent personal annoyance there.
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Anybody know if Herny's stuff on patreon is ENF focused or just pin-ups?
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Dunno but I found this
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Any of you have any suggestions for a ENF scenario set in a more wacky over the top setting akin to a golden age cartoon?
A character removing the clothing animation cel from another one
Cartoon, eh? The gag that starts at 2:50 of this bugs bunny cartoon, but with a girl and making her strip even her underwear.

Rabbit Of Seville around 2:50 when bugs bunny cuts the buttons off Elmer Fudd's suspenders and his pants drop revealing comical underwear.

Or something similar to that overall animation, some kind of scenario where it's just so overwhelmingly high energy that the girl can't keep up and ends up stripped naked and exposed in various ways, like her dress tied up over her head or ends up upside down and her dress falls. Each time she realizes she's being exposed, gets angry/embarrassed and covers up, then tries to chase after him only for her to end up bamboozled again.
In one of the Flip the Frog cartoons "School Days" Flip accidentally snags a female character's underwear while sneaking into the class room.
Can't go wrong with inconvenient censoring where what's covering the woman's goods is so small it barely covers anything
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There's the whole useing dress as a parachute, optional for either EUF or ENF if the character's going command. One of the old Mickey Mouse cartoons has this sort of scenario with Minnie Mouse using her bloomers as a parachute.
Strip by plunger, I've seen a handful of old cartoons where characters get a plunger stuck to their clothing.
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how about imminent enf
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Animated Princess Peach ENF.
Here's the full video: https://www.deviantart.com/masterzenus/art/Yoshi-eats-Princess-Peach-s-dress-ENF-1068287646
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I think this is the end of the parody
Love Gwen’s pubes.
Can you post the rest?
>ENM/ENF content is all the more effective if there's some romantic feelings between the two.
I'm gonna ask a bunch of questions about what the thread prefers for a ENF/ENM scenario with romantic undertones.
Is it the first time they've seen the other naked?
Are they both naked, or just one of them?
If just one of them is naked, does the other one help them cover up?
If they are both naked, do they get dressed or become comfortable being naked together?

How does a double ENM/ENF even scenario occur?
>Is it the first time they've seen the other naked?
Depends on the relationship of the characters that are involved, but I personally prefer that it is the case

>Are they both naked, or just one of them?
I'd have them both naked to add to the embarrassment and awkwardness of the situation.

>If just one of them is naked, does the other one help them cover up?
I'm leaning towards yes. Though I could see some initial hesitation between the two in having the clothed one's hand so close to the nude one's junk

>If they are both naked, do they get dressed or become comfortable being naked together?
This is another question I feel varies depending on the choice of characters that are featured and the status of their relationship. I think I'm more interested in there being some slight hesitation in making themselves decent when they're finally given the opportunity.
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Sadly, that one is the ending, but I can post the first two images
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Followed by this one
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Why did he stop there? This is the perfect set up
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I’ve said it before, but the giant gay orgy pile has a ton of potential as an end scene, turning the men into women. Embarrassment isn’t shown in the episode, but I imagine that realizing that your days long fully televised gay orgy, completely entwined with tonnes of naked bodies, had no effect, some of the men were embarrassed. Watching them try to untangle themselves from the sex-tangle they find themselves in would be embarrassing too. Maybe a version that takes place in the panderverse.
Couple of things you guys might be into
That idea does not count as ENF and never will be.
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Nigga this is just outright gay
People struggle drawing more than 2 people at the time and you want them to draw a whole pile of them
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Not as gay as trying to take care of the planet, evidently
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Artist name?

The name in that watermark gives zero results anywhere
BiggTha7648, according to rule 34 where I found the pic.
this is my favorite too, girl is embarrassed but also turned on to the point of getting horny or cumming. There's a manga artist called Charu that does a lot of this sort of thing, but unfortunately the art isn't that great and also he seems fond of cuck themes in a lot of his stories.
Since the topic was brought up, who are some M/F couples that you would want to see embarrassed and naked together?
the graves siblings from the meme incest game
Harry and Hermione. In an alternate universe where Harry became prefect instead of Ron, Harry and Hermione accidentally both try to use the prefect's bath at the same time late one night.
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Very cute! I’d like to see revrook do more things with embarrassing panties.
Superman and Lois
Miles Morales and Kamala Khan
Casey Jones and April O’Neil
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those are all great
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Got it from Iguszilla on deviantart, they’re also on Twitter by the same name they commission a lot of ENF and EUF stuff from artists
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Figured I’d post the first one too, because it’s funny to see her smugness disappear as soon as her shorts rip
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