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General for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related channels, but any and all youtubers are accepted.

>All YouTube related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>Differentiate between creators, and the avatars themselves
>No uploads for any real life pics of creators, whether directly or externally.
>No flaming, or drama spamming under any circumstance.
>No diaper or scat porn.
>YouTubers with more than 25,000 subscribers are barred from participation in the threads.
>Have fun and happy fapping.

CHANNEL JAIL (Don't post, or discuss these channels before the given date passes):
>HappyLikeAWall (July 25th, 2024)
>Chaos55t(July 20th, 2024)
>PinkInk (July 25th, 2024)

>Fanfics:https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc(last updated circa. mid 2023)
>The OSP Archive:https://mega.nz/folder/Ia90TbQR#2clwpj3Y0sP9sN98x4yLZQ(last updated June 2024)

Last thread: >>8327181
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He finally caved in
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>Differentiate between creators, and the avatars themselves
I see a new rule was added but not the rule we needed.

What we needed was
>no posting of underage youtubers

We know you're the pinkink anon
>Chaos55t(July 20th, 2024)
Curious why you banned her. Are you just mad I post her art
Sad because I was drawing one of them
Which one were you drawing...

What the dates mean
This thread is going to be absolutely shit

I don't mean her just the word you paranoid mf
What do you even mean
No I know exactly what you meant. I'm just saying this thread is going to be absolute dogshit
And just like that the thread is dead!
What the fuck are you talking about? Anon is saying that due to the odd rules in the OP

At least I don't get brain damage
>YouTubers with more than 25,000 subscribers are barred from participation in the threads.
Jaiden is right there in your OP. Explain yourself now.
All I know is you're the-one-who-must-not-be-named's simp.
See this guy gets it!
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Op jeeds to get stepped on.

Your new rules are shit
Technically it's the 21st where I'm at so i can post chaos without worry
>No uploads for any real life pics of creators, whether directly or externally.
Boooo, worst rule
Hate being unable to share hot as hell bikini pics of Shannon Gurr or hot pics of Jaiden Titfuck
The rule says you gotta wait until july. But please post some. The op doesn't deserve respect
>pics of jaiden titfuck
Is op out of his fucking mind
You know what,. Happy get your white ass and your bootlicking cronies in here
You know what fuck this make a new thread without these shitty rules
It's what she gets for having a last name that sounds like "Titfuck" even if her tits aren't necessarily up for the task
Anon the "no IRL pics" has been a rule here for a long time.
For picrel, yes, but everyone was fine with using catbox for IRL pics
Oh, I thought jaiden had nudes leaked or something
I'm pretty sure he's just salty I keep posting art of her
I want to but I fear it'd get deleted
Yeah! Her last name!
Jaiden Kiyomi Dittfach, or Titfuck

I wish
All we got are shitty deepfakes or porn art that focuses more on the avatar than on Dittfach
Again I say post chaos art. The op is undeserving of our respect
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Once again I am requesting art of shortstack chaos
Last of the official art for now.

Uncensored c an be found on kemono
Not quite, the old rule was
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot
This means you just had to use catbox but with the new rule its banned entirely.

Op really just sucks honestly
>tfw making Red-Tavern card and getting that "isn't this kinda fucking silly?"-moment
Life sure is something. Should use own art on it, but my only doodle of Red is the old anal pic(that I realized was in the google drive collection which is both flattering and embarrassing).
TF are these rules?
I vote new thread, this one aint worth it

Can we get an Anon who actually has brainmatter please
I want to but I fear it'll get labeled as spam and deleted since there is already this thread and the previous one currently up
New thread being made. Please be patiently
It is done

Lets have a good thread everything
Hiiiii <3
This thread was abandoned
The others also don't seem very active at this time

>Disabled hide sensitive media on twitter posts for no reason

I didn't do shit? Literally fuck off highgrand

Who's that person
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hello mrs.likeawall
>>Differentiate between creators, and the avatars themselves
shit thread, but based
what got you into drawing and how did you start?
Attention. On Twitter, she whined for attention a lot and berated her followers because in her words they weren't supporting her enough or else her videos would have gotten popular. Thankfully when the baller video came out it blew up and she finally shut up a little.
baller video?
I know one of you is the fartfag. You're not subtle.
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That's not what went down. Please just stfu and leave me be. You're downright obsessed
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yo Happy, do you have a compilation of facial expressions for your character anywhere, or something like that? I don't know the exact term for this, like a reference sheet but just displaying different emotions. sry I'm not an artist
What the fuck is the point of including the fanfics with dead links if we can't even read em?
there are methods
Happylikeawall.carrd.co features a tutorial and all channel talking sprites are up on my patreon at the moment
Would you like to share with the class?
Nothing. I just did it a lot growing up. I always find it such a odd question that's very hard to answer so I ignored it before my bad
I was there witnessing it all. Don't you lie on my face.

You're talented
Prove then. I only ever mentioned that I'm sick of kids flocking to my shit or that my stuff constantly gets false flagged. I never once compared my Twitter following to my YouTube. I've told yall countless times I consider it seperate fanbases.

I did share my yt work on Twitter and SUGGESTED they come follow me but you can't cross reference those 2 completely different scenarios.

Please seek help. Having this type of burning hatred for a person to the point you're CONSTANTLY compelled to talk shit can not be healthy...
I personally don't think I'm talented. Everyone is capable of learning!!! I didn't pop out the womb knowing how to draw haha

Geez I wonder why one tends to clash with the other way too often, causing a toxic hellhole

That's a quite delusional statement since the stas mentioned here don't draw nearly as well as you
Nah you got talent girl, but you can always learn new stuff! Everyone starts somewhere like you said.
why do her characters look like theyre made out of unrendered fat
Why do you feel the need to come to 4chan to simp for this c*nt? You already have Twitter and you already do that there
Who the f are you even trying to fool?
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Oh, this is perfect
Fills out most of the expression range for this bot I'm working on. Maybe I'll visit the edit thread or something to have a full set made
Anyone hype for the upcoming Shenanigoons video? DBFZ Lobby ShenaniganZ 7?
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I only watch their Sonic stuff
Yeah shut up faggot
You first dimwit
Oh Heeeell nah, it's Anna!!
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I wish there was more art of them

Maybe I should commission some?
Do you guys ever occasionally feel ashamed for having a youtuber fetish or one in general?

I feel proud of both my YouTuber and fart fetish
looks like you were proved correct
Yeah I figured. As I said its not subtle that they were from here, the wording felt too deliberate.
As if there was only one anon with these fetishes
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Considering how universally hated it is in these threads I'd be surprised if there were more than 1.
We just know you were trying to shit up the thread anon
>Considering how universally hated it is in these threads I'd be surprised if there were more than 1.
I counted 2.

>We just know you were trying to shit up the thread anon
Why me?
You're welcome. Though they're somewhat outdated perhaps you can feed it my discord emotes they're on the download page
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>I counted 2
Let me guess, you are one of them.
>why me
Its obvious to me that its you
If it makes you feel better
Your actions are pathetic fartfag
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But guys! How often conflicted are you over the fact that whatever Youtuber's Avatar/Persona you lewd and sexualize may or may not be a massive left-leaning SJW? It is a fact most or A LOT of Youtubers and or content creators are bound to be left wing or outright SJWs with politics you not only disagree with, but unironically believe the mainstream media gaslighting that if you don't like the mainstream slop you must be some minority-hating racist bigot.

Or do you just simply do the ever trusted method of ignoring the politics and beliefs of said left-leaning sjw Youtubers/content creators and just fap to their sexually attractive avatars?
Kill yourself with a rusty razor
NTA, but can't ever bring myself whacking it off to someone like iilluminaughtii knowing her ideological stance, the drama and her not being a good person at all... Also because her Avatar's a literal pyramid head.

Any youtuber avatar that's a Marxist Leninist communist? (Not anarchist or demsoc)
Oh! Lemme help make it worse:

YouTuber Avatars who're not only female, but outright supports Palestine and Hamas and thinks Israel is the biggest greater evil because White people, capitalism and "Imperialism" bad. 'Cause yeah, I'm sure the islamic terrorists and average Palestinians they support will so totally welcome them with open arms and not rape or murderize them- or both! Because ya know?! Decolonisation and whatever the fuck the current trendy popular and politically correct thing to do is.
Who cares about porn politics
Kill yourself with a rusty razor

Those are normal Marxist Leninist takes btw
To be fair when the youtuber is seemingly a cute girl and their avatar is also a cute or sexy girl, go to their social media and turns out to be a massive sjw and man hating feminist, can be a massive turn off and just kills the boner. And yeah it is ironic when gals like these are also rooting for islamists even if they're LGBT and engage in "Haram" activities and hobbies like drawing, anime, video games. Which would get them killed or stoned as per Shari'a Law. And imagine the irony that such gals are sjws, staunch feminists and terrorist supporters. But immediately get shocked on offended when their remotely cute and attractive Avatars get sexualized and made r34 of, yet somewhere down in their social media, they themselves probably drawn porn of their favorite fictional characters and other people's OCs.

Ultimately it's their godawful personalities, terrible character and disingenuousness that makes it hard to fap to their otherwise attractive Avatars.
cut yourself nigga, no one cares, it's porn, fap to it

bro gets turned on by what politics their youtuber has kek
needs more Smosh cast fanart
>t.i got low standards
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Guys, I'm confused, I thought I was hallucinating or something. Why do we have two active threads? The other one hasn't reached bump limit yet. Did I miss anything?
First you need to remember the last thread with all the arguments about Pinkink. Since the last time it happened didn't result in any changes, we decided that the next thread would contain the rule
However, Op here (likely the pedophile who likes to post pinkink in question,) made this one prematurely as soon as bump limit was reached, with some very shady changes, like
>No uploads for any real life pics of creators, whether directly or externally.
Directly contradicting our old rule that irl stuff was allowed as long as it was catboxed
>YouTubers with more than 25,000 subscribers are barred from participation in the threads.
Which looks like it was only here to stop Happy (and love her or hate her, you have to admit it's scummy)
And most relevant lyrics
>Differentiate between creators, and the avatars themselves
Which is a pretty obvious attempt at allowing Pinkink to be posted (despite the fact that, and I'll never be able to say this enough, SHE'S FIFTEEN)
So after a lot of bickering, this thread >>8331200 (aka the real thread) was made, restoring the old rules but making sure we had the new, agreed rule of no posting of children youtubers.
However, OP of this threads still clearly pissy, since he's certainly the one spamming that thread with fart fetish shit (which will be added to the >No scat and diaper rule in future threads)
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Knocked Up Shgurr
This is not happy. I went to her discord. used the search feature and she never mentions 4chan or any form of threads EVER.

Funny cunt moment.

how do you feel about this Ai images?
My server auto wipes chat dude you're mad

Okay so, I love them?? It's sourced from my stuff but the composition is so nice and detailed and it's honestly such a good source to reference and color pick from

This is just paranoid
Bro is a politicoomer
Not really. People constantly instigate stuff and cause issues over things other people said and I simply can't constantly be there and take "responsibility". It works for me. >>8338965

Go back to fighting your drama <3

At least you're ok with Ai, most artist get angry because they don't understand the process.
I think it's a kinda neat thing
It was a private commission from a fellow STA bondage enthusiast. I don't think it's posted anywhere sadly and this is all I have from it.
Not a fan of ai slop ngl
most artists get angry because they do

Yeah, the YouTuber's awful personality and character is a huge turn off, with their politics that may or may not make it worse.

She collaborated with that idiot of Hasan...
You bring this up every single time illy is mentioned. Idk if anyone here even watches her so who cares.

Besides there are better reasons to dislike her, for me its because she got ALOT of art of her on rule34 to just simply vanish, I don't remember how much vanished exactly but I know it was a significant ammount.
So much for the “no drama” rule.
you're a very rare minority m8, most people don't care
You do know it doesn't prevent the artist from creating art, right?

Which would you prefer? The Real Mona lisa that has historical and financial value or the Fake Ai mona lisa that Rick Harris from pawn stars is gonna tell you it's worth zilch?
>Idk if anyone here even watches her so who cares.

>She has ‧2.53M subscribers
>Her abortion video has gotten 3.3 million views

People do watch her, anon.
Yeah but do people HERE watch her. And more importantly, do they care
>Yeah but do people HERE watch her

With 3.3 million views, chances are pretty fucking high or else there wouldn't be rule 34 of her in the first place.
sort of a side tangent but I don’t think you should keep beefing with streamline workshop. shes just trying to get a rise out of you while claiming the moral high ground. I think its best if you just dissociate from the situation, just for your own peace of mind.
Anon its roxy, she'll never not respond to negative comments. Even if not engaging is the best option she won't do it, just look at these threads for example.

I'm worried that Workshop's about to tell the entire fucking drama to her woke dramatuber friends at vidcon, that would completely kill happy's YouTube career
they won’t destroy her career or anything but if they organize they can do some serious damage in ganging up on her. really both sides do have a point but I think happy was more in the right to call noi out for his behavior as it was dangerous.
I get what you're saying but its roxy, she's not going to stop responding. Its just how it is unfortunately. I've seen how she conducts herself here and on twitter
Who is noi exactly? I haven't looked into this situation.
some kid was plagerizing artists and was going into nsfw spaces deliberately. whenever he was called out he tried accuse people of grooming him an even tried to organize raids on servers that pushed him out. there are a couple docs on it and happy has a vid on her channel about it.

I've seen the dramatubers going to VidCon, yeah no way they won't gang against Happy, they are dumb wokies like Fionapollo, HarleyTBS and shit, with extremely toxic and easily influenceable fanbase of kids because dramatubers... They are dangerous pieces of shit
Unfortunately I do feel like I need to respond. It doesn't matter either way for the narratives these people push... But by talking I atleast get my side out. Streamline's video is blatant misinformation and it's such a hard watch because she literally speaks in circles for an hour and her only point is "noi is objectively bad but you're worse for calling it out and I don't like you" *brings up that I'm a zionist for absolutely no reason*

I prefer my style of constantly taking action. I see it pays off. I literally cannot make a response video at the moment debunking her bullshit cause I'm away from home for a while. I truly believe talking about it on Twitter has been the right move

Also may I just point out that I find it super ironic that I'm brought up on this thread and not the other one? Lol given the rules and all
The other thread is the better one

I predict that this is 100% going to happen. These dudes are going more videos about the drama and more and more, creating a never ending domino effect...
Honestly just be safe. Maybe get another more level headed acc member to mediate.

What's going to happen if Stream and her very antiporn friends find about the threads?
I think it’s because you’re far more prominent than Streamline has ever been (and probably will ever be).
you're a zionist? why the hell should a Dutch youtube animator have any opinion on that at all...
She's not
She just doesn't give much of a shit about the Israel Palestine conflict since it literally doesn't affect her
And according to Twitter, that makes you a genocide supporting, Israel following zionist
Yeah she was just saying a bunch of stuff to get people riled up.
This was before that actually. I was just frustrated with politics on my feed and then people started sending me gore, because that should "change my mind" or something??
You guys need help

Are you still getting a lot of Palestine related gore on your dms
It's settled down it didn't happen for a long time cause I stand my ground. Things have been good for a minute infact I tried hard on my new Twitter to not respond to people too much even had my bf log into my account to help me go on blocking sprees. I don't check my own dms anymore either because of how frequently I just receive bullshit in there. I'd still be fine if it wasn't for streamline deciding she needed a quick boost in views

Do you think this'll probably happen?
My YouTube career doesn't rely on involvement with other youtubers and mostly has its roots within the nsfw community itself so I highly doubt her woke squad will do much. I haven't done anything actually controversial or posted anything against tos, I'll be fine.

I can hardly prove that I didn't do something, when there's not even "proof" stating the context that I could expand on. They'll first need to come forward with concrete evidence of me grooming a kid or god do I know... Which they won't. Cause it didn't happen.

Sooner or later she'll pay for her behavior. I just doubt she's done yet. She's still talking on Twitter
Stating the contrary *

You underestimate these dramatubers who seem to always get approval by their majority woke fanbase. As someone said here, what's going to happen if they find out about the threads? (Keep in mind they're the most antiporn art YouTubers you'll ever seen) What if they talk to your haters or the people you cut relations with just to get fake information for their "happy exposed" videos? I hate to say it but your fanbase is too divided, you have a large, easily impressionable child fanbase and a minority of adults. This is serious

The adults would literally never win against the kids on one of your major platforms that is YouTube. There's a reason why YouTubers don't divide their fanbases and content. In those situations there could be serious in fighting

It's insane how highly up voted Stream is in comparison to her twitter follower count, if she had more twitter followers she'll always upvote you
Issue is that I simply never wanted nor needed the attention from the kids, and that my responsibility as a creator is done. My actual NSFW is behind a PayPal that requires ID verification or mastercard which is also issued to adults only.

Streamline constantly contradicts herself for instance saying I should've done more such as age restrict my videos, then she contradicts herself the next minute stating that it's pointless since kids lie about their age all the time. I'm going to try and point all these contradictions out and expose the fact her video consists of just bias. The views will hopefully outnumber hers but again... I can not make the video for potentially months as my personal situation rn is sorta complicated.

The kid in question is discussing my irl information and wants to doxx me over speaking out. That's what streamline is defending... I'm sick and tired that I as an adult creator just have to accept these things happening. It's absurd.
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>My actual NSFW is behind a PayPal that requires ID verification
didn't you just post pic related on twitter?
>I haven't done anything actually controversial
Didn't you also post on twitter that you thought a 15 y/o and a 20 y/o could be in love and date?

A dox could be fucking dangerous dude, the fact that your fans just mentally ill as shit, some of them literally want you dead (specially some violent anons on 4chan), some want to do nasty stuff, etc. I hope we don't get another Christina Grimmie situation.

Are you one of her haters from Stream Workshop or Noi? Are you collaborating with her haters? Go back to your African art studies degree moron

Out of all female YouTuber fanbases I'd say the happy one for some reason has the highest amount of seriously mentally ill people out of all, sometimes is female streamer level.
no I'm an unaffiliated incel freak. we exist!
She's also posted other nsfw content publically in the past. I remember the 2 strip games specifically. Granted she did delete those later but roxy deletes everything after awhile, its a cycle.
My Twitter IS an adult space though. At times I want to post my work to advertise my patreon where I make my living and there's nothing illegal about that no matter which way you spin it. I'd imagine some fans would be glad too to see the ocasional public nsfw piece

And yes it's true I delete stuff when I receive unnecessary backlash. Thanks to my bpd I get gaslit sort of easily and i retract myself a lot
I'm thinking clearly now though and I don't deserve this bs even regarding my age of consent opinions (That I still don't follow since I'm asexual and uh I don't really usually even hold my own bf's hand lol) in my country the laws are just different from America and the point I tried to make literally existed already in the form of romeo and julliete laws but of course Twitter spins that into "look guys, she's a nazi but also a pedophile now!"

It's my personal philosophy to be extremely honest. I'm not gonna pretend to be part of the woke club and then have a slip up on the future. I can't truly be canceled when I'm already collectively known as someone controversial if you think about it
Why is it whenever someone shares an oppinion that differs from someone else it has to be some mysterious group of people.

Before it was simps sent by happy and now its haters sent by someone else.

Maybe it can be just as simple as people disliking someone or something.
Dislike me or not, it's apparent that I'm not grooming any mf kids
I never argued you were roxy. I simply pointed out other times you posted nsfw publically since the claim your nsfw is behind a paywall is not entirely true. ( >>8343781 )
I didn't mean to imply that. I'm on my toes. Kids are actively raiding my discord server to provoke my "grooming" to fish for evidence but I cannot do anything because I'm the "adult with the big platform". I feel incredibly helpless. People just have this distaste for nsfw artists so I'm just screwed.

You should've bought a laptop
Maybe change the discord invite link and make it private for a bit. So only youband thise you trust have the link for now. I can't ensure it'll stop the unwanted people from getting in but its worth trying.
I did do that, but in my discord I put out a lot of evidence against all the claims AND streamlines bullshit. It's the only place where I'm not retained to character and image limited where I can freely get the truth out. I want people to have acces to that untill I'm able to make a good detailed video on the matter

Secondly I've been getting emails from fans worried cause they couldn't join my discord anymore and it made me feel bad :/

FUCK I definitely should've but I'm not normally away from my pc for long so it'd have been a waste of money! I also exclusively use Magix Vegas which barely even runs right on my pc and I'm running a something something 4080
>Secondly I've been getting emails from fans worried cause they couldn't join my discord anymore and it made me feel bad :/
Its a bit of a double edged sword I suppose, keeps raiders out but keeps fans out as well, personally though I'd say keeping raiders out should be higher priority

> It's the only place where I'm not retained to character and image limited where I can freely get the truth out.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "restrained by character and image limited" can you explain further please
Twitter only allows like 100 characters or so on a single tweet and 4 image uploads. It's just hard to get a complete story out without SEVERELY spamming your audience. People also can't read your tone, which will make you come off snarky etc. There's just a lot of things that don't work in my favor

Is it game over for your career?
>People also can't read your tone, which will make you come off snarky.
I mean you kinda do that to yourself buddy, in the majority of threads you've been in you tend to come off as rude and snarky. Like just look at your posts on this site, its really not people being unable to read tone.
Doubtful. She's been able to come back from drama before, I don't see how this one would be much different.

This is literally a YouTuber with a considerable sub count, with the ability to influence literally everyone, probably told her woke dramatuber friends about the it and the fact that Happy's very vulnerable right now makes things even worse than on previous times
>with the ability to influence literally everyone,
No youtuber can influence literally everyone anon. Idk how big her channel is but maybe she could influence some people but not everyone.
Big doubt if anything I get more views

People here have called me snarky for literally saying I couldn't find a drawing they asked for. So I don't know if I should take your judgment seriously desu. Most people who take offense to how I talk have also been autists who literally read into my tone wrong so idk.

The only problem is that I currently cannot defend myself. She has my frequent harassers on her side and deflects every single piece of criticism with vague shit like "you can't cherry pick reality" while boasting on Twitter about her transparency. She's replying to every. Single. Comment. that speaks positively about me or criticizes her and was actively talking on Twitter for 24h straight yet all her followers kept going "damn happy should leave you alone already". I seriously question the intelligence of her fanbase when they are able to immediately take the side of someone who's self admitted to not actually being credible on this case & only speaking of personal bias. Maybe they're all just children.

Scary how these middle schoolers think and plan doxxing you and if they go jail for it they'll serve like 4 seconds there and leave and do it again
/ytg/ #101 is up! (the other /ytg/ #100 reached the bump limit):
Yep. That's why I made my whole "protect the adults" statement within my video. It clearly means that we need to be more skeptical towards accusations laid onto adults. But no, it's being reworded as me being a pedophile symphesizer??? Nasty shit
The art cc has disagreed before
I think Harley and Ponder tend to be more level headed, because again they’d be forced to defend Noi who as of now literally just made a new account to do the same shit again. The optics would look bad.

What's an art cc
Man that rule change is shit. Not as bad as the ones in this thread but that fucking sucks

Tbh Harleytbs seems to be the one to actually defend Noi in that situation and also he's woke afffff
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Shgurr breeding
the internal shot really elevates it
oh i found the right thread
Requesting a muscular humanized male version of the video removed Icon raping any female youtuber for violating the TOS
>exactly what happened
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Time that didn't come here. Does anyone have a request that I can make?, simply and in a sketch?

Greetings everyone by the way, I hurt my dominant hand so I can't draw so detailed.
This thread was abandoned. Go to the new one steca.
OKIDOKI thanks for your notice
Where is it?
Also, sauce?
It was already posted
The things I would do to huff this woman's sweaty ass, preferably when she's really gassy
such as?
You don't care, you're just bumping this dead thread
Kill yourself
Happy if I can put in my two cents, I sincerely think just stepping back from le internet bullahit is the best move. better yet do what I did and remind yourself that it's all literal losers and monkies that couldn't ddos a primary school computer trying to go after you.
(And also that literally no one can do much with your address cause if you aren't american swatting does jack squat LOL)

Happy's haters are as mentally ill as female twitch streamer ones, what would happen if they send packages to her home every fucking second or if they do unsolicited visits
>what would happen if they send packages to her home every fucking second

That's implying any of these goonbrains have the money or know how to do any of what you just listed.... '_'
Just let the fucking thread die already!

She's targeted by the UTTP as well btw, if they know about where she lives it'll be worse for her
They're never gonna let the thread die,
just keep posting until it hits the limit.
Otherwise it's gonna be up for a month, it's been bumped for 12 days straight.

Kill this gay thread, also who's the fag posting happy drawings
Imagine tiny mousegirl!Lilypichu all up in catgirl!Pokimane's cooch <3
>Jaiden deepfakes
What? How is there enough footage of her IRL face for a deepfake to even get made? And where can one find such a thing?

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