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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban
Reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd

Download the latest Bing AI Slop (0.7.0) here:

Download the latest Designer AI Slop (0.5.1) here:

Image prompts and tips
https://pastebin.com/qDRXFfBM (embed)

DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

cici not linked due to gate. you can figure it out

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E). Remember to report off-topic posts
2. Cartoons allowed

3. Use disposable accounts

4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts

5. Suspecting shadowbanned or flagged, clear cookies and make a new account

6. Avoid phone verification by changing IP or browser

7. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts, tips to bypass them

8. No SD/Toilet/Scat/MID/Low Quality Gens, toilet shit is prohibited. No celebs for greater good.

9. No flaming / no fighting.

10. Requesting a prompt? post an image, thanks

Happy Genning. Good luck.

Previous >>8359895
seek maid edition
how did the tories manage to fuck you lot up that badly?
14 years of power and an ancient population
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good luck with keir. genuinely don't know he'll manage to unfuck that mess.
a tory in a red tie? yeah, me neither
I posted in the wrong thread
aye. whatever fiscal room you had for manoeuvring, liss truss managed to piss away when she sent the gilt markets in a tailspin. economic growth is in the doldrums, falling birth rate, high housing costs, inflation to deal with. good fucking luck, mate.
unprompted spank marks
>Politics edition
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what prompts?
post an image, dude
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>10. Requesting a prompt? post an image, thanks
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Can't tell if its the troll asking for prompts or not
I want it
the most you get for sharing these days is "thanks" and the worst you get is troll images, so why would anyone?
why post pictures then
To learn?
then this thread is pointless
why do anything ever
> gatekeeping fag
let me guess, discord user?
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that applies to every thread on this board

fair, but that's an incentive to ask, not an incentive to share

nah, it just makes it like any other thread

people have been asking that forever
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idk if it works well only prompted it once
>16:9 widescreen ratio:2,style:vivid,hd
>grainy movie still,dynamic shadows,laying on stomach on carpeted room with back arched up,face close-up,low angle,tongue extended,glistening skin,curvy 20-year old british woman with long black hair in a messy bun,displaying flexibility,shiny posterior,back arched up high,feather duster emerging from posterior,tongue out,slightly exposed thighs,wearing a french maid attire,happy,ornate living room,couch,gentleman sitting on couch leaning back.
but why post your images? you still didn't answer. why post any images?
do you just go into any random other thread and ask them why they're posting images?
But why male models?
Gens are a dime a dozen. People have come back month after month to these threads to see what prompts others have come up with. It is why they were started in the first place.

All the other threads on this board are dead. This thread has been the fastest moving on this board for many, many months, precisely because they have been used to share knowledge.
>All the other threads on this board are dead.
No they're not. What are you talking about retard? Not every thread is about pumping AI generated images non stop.
I get that's why people would keep coming back and asking but if you only ever gen and share, not use other's prompts, why would you keep sharing when you get nothing back any more?
Good point desu
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>detailed manga watercolor painting in the style of "humanity unable to control and giving into it's primitive urges" by hieronymus bosch with anime couples lying. dreamlike. full shot. backlighting. not nude. bare shoulders. barefoot. vivid style. passionate. affectionate. provocative

I wasn't able to do much more with this but maybe someone else wants to fuck with it or w/e.
Mate. /aco/ is one of the slowest boards, they might as well be dead. The average thread takes 14+ days to fill.
people on the stable diffusion threads share the metadata all the time. so you are clearly being a gatekeeping asshole
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I always contribute with my results. most people do, I have no idea what your problem is
Happy 4th of July! Didn’t realize the other thread wasn’t the real one
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happy 4th to you too
What's the prompt for these girls? I see you post them all the time.
ohhh can you share that prompt? I'll do something nice
Is this what happens when you consume too much tiktok?
okay what? go to the stable diffusion thread and ask for the metadata, they always help. so you are full of shit.
There are a few versions of them out there now, check last couple of threads for 2 x prompts (one was a paddling pool and the other was Tibetan monks).
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you're the only one talking about stable diffusion for some reason, I don't know what you're expecting me to say
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how you do the bikini
You don't have to. And it's not like there are really that many secrets left. The only reason to share is to save the other anon the time it would take to reverse engineer it.
you said "go look at the other threads on aco" and the only thread that compares is the stable diffusion one. and they give you the entire prompts. so you are wrong.
Death of felon!? That wasn't in the prompt at all. Nothing even close. Neither was ember or lightbloom.
Cici is weird as.
>the only thread that compares
you were asking why I post pictures, not why I don't share prompts
people are posting pictures in literally every other thread on the board, and probably for the same reasons
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can I see this prompt as well?

that is beautiful
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Hope you have a good one today!

It’s just a simple prompt
>oil painting, duo, female-female, white woman (50s style bright red hair, blue 50s style tight dress), ebony woman (50s style black hair, green 50s style tight dress)
That’s about it

Here you go!
>oil painting, duo, female-female, white woman (50s style bright red hair, 50s style American flag bikini), ebony woman (50s style black hair, 50s style American flag bikini), standing on beach, sunny day, smiling at viewer
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share prompt
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i think I had a 'curvy' in there instead of skinny but it made too many bimbos so I didn't save it, outfit was random
>16:9 widescreen,vivid,hd
>style:vivid,1970s kodachrome faded colors full resolution detailed textures photograph,dynamic shadows,skinny(thin) 25-year old italian woman with long black hair in a messy bun and proud of big breasts not ashamed and confident in them,not shy of her saggy breasts,soft features,glistening skin,hot summer(covered in sweat),sunny,not naked,holding a woven basket with tomatoes,beautiful happy smile,big eyes,next to apple tree,fence behind,vineyard behind,houses and trees in the distance.
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those guys share pics to help each other cum to hot porn, keyword "HELP"..... they HELP each other cum. in here we need prompts, not pics
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>25-year old italian woman
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right, so you get everything you want when people share and they get nothing in return
I can see why you'd be desperate then, but what incentive is there for them to share with someone who just says "share prompt" then blanks the thread to go jack off?
This one was just;

4k UHD movie action still, iconic duo, female-female, white woman (1950s bright red hair, blue outfit and blue choker) ebony woman (1950s style hair, green outfit, green choker), best friends in love, enjoying the moment, garden party, happy relaxing in a yellow paddling pool(water shimmer), backyard orchard garden, party hats, bbq, apple trees, mutual attraction, physically compatible, dappled sunlight

Polite Red and Green anon shared his 4th July just above.
ears for days
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I always post my results from shared prompts. been doing it since the beginning. everyone posts their results since December. since the Taylor swift stuff,
seriously you make no sense, most people share hours later, days later, even a week later. prompts get recycled often

are you fucking new? are you from /v/? you sound really fucking new if you don't understand that most people contribute their results. no back to /v/ then. I'm not even saying that as an insult, are you new in here?
The classic no image post, one word with no capital letter: "prompt?".
here here. Add to that the promplets turning everything into blacked cuckery without ever making anything of their own and I have 0 incentive to ever share again. if you can't copy a prompt by looking at it with cicis lax filters, you don't need to be here anyway since you're most likely a leech.
okay well if we're just gonna make stuff up then there's no need for me to do this
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Can y'all chill
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I have that original bing prompt, but what did you write for the outfit? how did you change it for Cici?
>no image
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Also no image?
the whole point of coming here from /tv/ besides posting celebrities was to share prompts....
says literally just you, with no image
Was it? I kind of thought posting images on image boards was the point.
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>exposed himself
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I've also been around since the tv days, he's not wrong.

> wearing white top, lace fabric, garters, white tights,
Wasn't aware I needed an image to express my opinion faggot.
Celebrity posters have been chased away and now there's a reluctance to share prompts? Interesting.
this place would have never survived without sharing prompts. you wouldn't know that Ciciai existed without people sharing the link.
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>I encountered an issue while generating the image. Please try again later.
regardless, in this day and age, the only people who benefit from saying "everyone just shares prompts" are the people who steal prompts and give nothing back
we're been at this long enough that anyone worth their salt can reverse engineer and/or ask targetted questions like "how'd you get that camera angle?"
everyone was furious that the discord trannies were gatekeeping ciciai, but now everyone gatekeeps prompts. maybe it really needs to die.
This is happening to me too. Pissing me off because a new prompt will work just fine first try, and then its endless issues. Really takes me back to the days of the fucking dog on Bing.
>gatekeep gatekeep gatekeep
you are owed nothing
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Who the hell has time to reverse engineer stuff, man? Just share the thing and move on. It's what we've been doing since day one.
some people lack an internal voice or internal visual imagination or whatever, I remember when some anon brought that up. Google it, it's a real thing
yeah just like no one was owed ciciai, or coze. yet you guys cried and cried and killed it.
Fuck those people though.
then share this prompt if you can (please)
Time? Jesus christ are you half retarded? How does it take any time at all to type in what you're looking at. a minute tops? I somehow doubt your life is that important you can't spare a minute. or are you half retarded and have no comprehension of the language and can't copy simple shit from looking at an image?
You can't reverse engineer every prompt, some prompts are sheer luck.
>celebrity fags chased away
>Pixar fags chased away
>reyanon chased away
>Lara anons chased away
>no more prompts
pointless to ask for the prompt then
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Sure, just the old milf one. Though right now I am getting hit with the ugly filter.

> grainy movie still,1990s, wide angle closeup of heavyset tanned woman (beautiful,40 years old, wavy long brown hair with bangs, light freckles, thick eyeliner) sitting in the passenger seat of a volvo 240 sedan, wearing white top, lace fabric, garters, white tights, mascara, dark lipstick, perspiration, summer, countryside background, evening, sunlight, leaning forward, freckles on sternum, freckles on shoulders, loving smile,
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>Who the hell has time to reverse engineer stuff, man?
you rang?
I've actually tried to reverse engineer a lot of prompts and they come out completely different. wrong angles, wrong clothing, wrong quality.
I can do it right now, give me a minute and I'll show you.
I said prompts, not images.
can you explain your reverse process? I want to learn. do you just guess? for everything?

Mate, some of us want to make a few images after a long day at work, have a quick wank, and go the fuck to sleep. But by all means be a cunt about it.
>do you just guess
I usually stick to camera filters I know work well, so it's more like inspiration than "reverse engineering", I suppose
clothes and that I can usually guess at
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"is that really what my hair looks like from the back?"
So you want the benefits of someone else's work without ever lifting a finger? Gotcha.
my wardrobe consists of jeans, t shirts and jackets, I have absolutely no idea about clothing items, specially women's clothing. people will insult me for being a promplet but I just do not know most clothing language.
>someone else's work
And yet we got to keep the autistic screeching and genuine mental illness. Aren't we lucky?
honestly a colour and a material will get you halfway there, dall-e does a lot of the heavy lifting
it's mostly just keywords like "cropped", "frilly", "hanging", etc. we're not writing a catalogue here
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not him but I just reverse engineer this image, I got close but it isn't good
> try again faggot GET GOOD
yeah I can try again but I will always be missing stuff from the original.
Mate, I've been here since October. Half the shit people use these days is built off of stuff we discovered in the period until January.
This is tantamount to rape. I feel so violated.
yeah but stuff like this:
becomes a little harder
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Whoa whoa so cool with the old fag card. But I too have been here since October and maybe you're copying shit from a year ago but not everyone is. Why would you when the dams been broken again and you don't have to find a billion different ways to insinuate a hint of skin?
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but no. I can replicate most things, it just comes off without the sexy parts.
I'll try to reverse engineer more pics today. just to pass the time.
I'm not a no image promplet. I'm just missing the lewd
well yeah the artistic shit isn't as easy to copy. but it's also not in danger of being turned into a prison shower room scene either. If I made that sort of thing I'd still share no problem.
lol made me loled
Because life is busy, and people figure that instead of being a faggot, you might help an anon out?
the BLACKED cuck stuff I completely understand. the same reason that promptimus wouldn't share anything.
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>reverse engineer
I find the drive to do that baffling. Ever tried creativity or originality?
4chan and the anonymity of these threads allow people to be their true selves, their real inner selves. the guy you are replying to has to be a huge gigantic asshole. a complete huge asshole. I feel bad for people around him.
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My guess is some anons are permanently here so they just copy what they see shared
but that's one of the points of prompt sharing, to add your own touch to it. to tweak it. to change colors or settings,
>create your own
but yeah, people take prompts and build from them.
Bring the dog back
when someone shares a prompt I always tweak it. or make it cgi. or add more people. etc
I like how Red is the stripes and Green is the stars
off the top of my head I'm seeing
>arms/legs are augmented with metal plates
>tattered long trenchcoat, corset minidress, thigh-high stay-ups
>shredded crop top, many leather straps
give those a go

people aren't joking when they post
>(not nude)
>breasts not exposed
try describing their skin and listing body parts you want to see (shoulders, stomach, thighs, etc.)

gotta get inspo from somewhere mate
imagine my shock
nice, saved
That's not even the worst testicunt I've seen.
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Based summary.
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And have no ideas of their own I guess. Pretty grim.
I hear that, and get that entirely. Take the idea and make it one's own. However, there is at least one person here who just "reverse engineers" an image and posts the same idea verbatim that the OG poster was doing. That's very weird to me is all.
Now it’s the other way around
You listed celeb fags (who would kill this service) and cartoon fags twice, but why? if you think Lara anons were bringing anything to the table after their raid from v beside mud brown shit pictures of her doing nothing, you're blind.
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100% correct on the inspo part, coming up with your own shit is cool but going off each others bullshit like a ecosystem just makes proompting way more fun (like when you put your elf in turquoise girl gens)
have a 4th of july candid paparazzi pic of a (unrelated to anyone) blonde generic
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hello moms
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They can do whatever they want with the threads. I'm done after 600 anyway.
it's been 7 months ..... I did every idea I could think of. give me some fucking credit. 7 months, 210 days of prompting. forgive me for wanting to try your cool pics. fuck me, fuck me, fuck my promplet life. forgive my life for liking what you did and wanting to try it.
I'm done at 600 too. I'm moving to /v/ permanently ( no that's not a joke.)
this thread will just be 4 gatekeepers talking to themselves.
what was the elf's name again?
Good good off to the promplet farm with you then.
>forgive my life

>blue eyes and a yank bikini
how very dare you
waiting for the memoir
yeah this thread will be 4 people. never sharing shit.congratulations on driving everyone away. great job.
when in Rome.
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love it kek
>9. No flaming / no fighting.
Knock it off, jesus fucking christ you bunch of crybabies
Bro shut the fuck up please
fair, happy murica day

that's a spot-on paparazzi setting you've got
hopefully youll fuck off
yeah and the same goes to most people.
mind sharing just the part for the coom?
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She better be at the polling station soon or I'll slip a ballot in her box
Good shit
don't worry I'm on it
finish work, dinner, dog walk, vote, pub
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exactly, it did a great job replicating the look
actual candid gens aren't very common due to cici's interference and dall-e 3 generally leaning towards flashy overdone shit but man do they look cool when they do actually come out
you got "telephoto lens" in there?
Same (minus the dog and pub parts).
good lad, I'm off now

prompt for posterity
>sharp grainy scandalous 4k hd candid tabloid paparazzi shot, ISO/100, telephoto lens, slow shutter speed, short focal length, shot from far away. full body shot. outside on beachside street, concrete pavement, blurred background. [subject] looking down at her smartphone in (union jack string swimwear) (thighs) and gold pendant, tote bag on shoulder, damp skin. man walking behind. full body shot. she is bold, pretty, and proud of her skin. realistic pores, backlit peach fuzz. depth of field.
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nope, could be the move though so i'll throw it in. thank you elfbro
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I'm trying to play around with luma, but apparently all my images are inappropriate. And the few that aren't take for fucking ever to animate.
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>skill issue
Ya it's really picky, kinda surprised you got the butt in there. Need to stop making tits and gen something to use for Luma instead
Just the coom part, please Sir
Post image when requesting and he might respond
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Pop back in these threads from time to time... Just peeps being angry all the time
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Just during these hours. It's a cesspit.
You mean some kind of ... non porn image? What would be the point of that?
tomorrow is the end. it's joever. it is finished.
Some anon said he wanted to post celebs on the 600th thread. It would be funny if that's what fucks up CC for everybody.
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To mess with Luma..as I stated..because it's cool?
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I might make 100 Rey Skywalker pics to post lol. I might start making them now lol
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No way brodin! I will make 100 too. So cool *turn cap backwards, puts prompting gloves on*
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Yeah hilarious. Kids thinking they're edgy is suuuper funny.

Couldn't care less anyway, so sick of you faggots.
>puts prompting gloves on
I chuckled.
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Its 3 inches enough?
Hey anon. Wb
I still am baffled as to why you fucks care about 600? Are your lives that empty that this is actually some sort of accomplishment to celebrate or something? Or has video game industry programmed you into getting bones every time a meaningless number goes up?
Im not stopping, #666 is my goal. I kms after that.
It's funny in how stupid some anons are, still ruining it for everyone. Nothing to do with edginess.
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Thanks, been a week or so. Couldn't really get good elsa's out of cici (inb4 skill issue.... I know)
I do it, for me.
Nah not a skill issue Elsa is hard to get right on Cici.
you mocked me, humiliation me, you trolled me, you laughed at me, ridiculed me.
now I eat her. I eat her whole
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Aye, all sorts of weird proportions and limbs everywhere
not sure how you will get there without me lol.
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aww he thinks he's important, how cute.
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made you reply faggot
Just the coom part, very please so i can fuck off
cuddles with rey
they never shar. why do you think this place is so dead
Alright, i will say what i tried to use and did not really worked:
candle wax - shit, milk - shit, "thick translucent ivory dripping substance/liquid" and related did not worked either
should have tried soap/detergent rmr people were used that back in the good bing days, sadly for the moment i lost all mine prompts collection

Some do, sometimes
that anon definitely never do
I like helping people with advice about prompt building. Some people enjoy sharing their prompts. If you don’t then that says more about you than anything else.
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I've shared plenty. Everytime you say 'they never shar' makes me want to share even less. So keep doing it buckaroo.
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then help him.
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>Yes, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up for sale ...
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Trippy af how the price changes on her tag so seamlessly
what the fuck are you talking about?
Uhm use your eyes. Her price tag starts at 899 but by the time it's over it says 995 instead.
Damn inflation is outta control.
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let's go Brandon
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>from below, looking up at blonde woman (hair in ponytail). tight, not-nude, woman aching up, whipping hair back, sweaty, dripping sweat, she is facing away fixing her ponytail. bare, smooth, wet. Olympics, post-event in locker room, very hot muggy locker room, dancing victory, tastefully tattered clothes from defeat in battle, focus on thigh, thigh-gap, hip-lips, not-nude, booty sweaty. POV from ground looking up her back.

>from below, looking up at blonde woman (hair in ponytail). tight, not-nude, woman aching up, whipping hair back, sweaty, dripping sweat, she is facing away fixing her ponytail. bare, smooth, wet. Olympics, post-event in locker room, very hot muggy locker room, dancing victory, tastefully tattered clothes from defeat in battle, POV from ground looking up her back. focus on thigh and, not-nude booty sweaty.
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Oh man we are so close to 600. It's been a wild ride.
Fantasstic work friend
ugh the slow hours have hit me
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err those might be the exact same prompt.
tks bro
Wait I haven't been here in a couple of days, did Cici change?
change how?
wow that one looks good
They got rid of the old version yesterday, but you wouldn't notice that unless you were only using the old version like a dumbass and are now suddenly getting better pics. Not sure what you think has changed.
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It was my first ever try with luma, and by far the best animation I got out of it so far. The site seems pretty shit to be honest. You wait 1h+ to get something like webm related. Perhaps it's just skill issue on my part though.
>turns around to apply makeup and look like an old hag
Yeah god forbid a brand new technology not be as one imagined it in their brain.

I'm finding out it can't do anything if it's not in the image. tried to get her to lick it but...ya without the tongue visible in the image it just went O instead with what it had to work with. need to try and get a start and end frame to see how it does, but that's rough with cc randomness.
I've not used it at all but wouldn't giving it a decent girl and just prompting "breathing heavily" be a good balance of simple and interesting? seems like the natural progression from just a pic
tks Bing.. yeah.
Interesting to see this in action. I remember all the prompts you're using as well, good work.
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You're too early. Celebs will only be allowed in thread 600.
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the retardation of wanting to destroy the service you yourself enjoy using really confuses me. stick to your trooncord, if anyone here cared, they join the honeypot to share the Emma's there.
Yeah not gonna burn cici just to post celebs at 600
the celebrity discord got nuked damn
prompt please
guess theyve collected enough data on you all then and had no more need. kek. suuuper sekrit private club that hands out invites like candy, totally not sus.
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Uh oh. The Rey Skywalker clone factory just went out of control. It's attack of the clones all over again.
Ahhhtaaahh. Ah-tah.
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>detailed manga watercolor painting by max ernst. a anime guy is kissing a anime girl in bed. the anime girl is on top, riding the anime guy, with a focus on the romantic moment. night. dreamlike. romantic colors. full shot. mood lighting. soft glow. backlighting. flash photography. not nude. bare shoulders. bare hips. barefoot. vivid style. ratio 0. not sexual

Based on another prompt someone else posted earlier.
literally the point of the discord was to remove the celeb fags from here DUHHHHHH
why do you think they were being invited over there DUHHH
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>generic futuristic character
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extra points for this maneuver
black thong on head?
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thanks. I'll post the result in a minute
can someone gen hags in a school girl uniform?
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you need to get out more son
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Happy In Depends Day!
Gotta a question, should I be deleting any images in a chat that dont look like the result I want? If I leave stuff that is cartoony or off topic from what I want does that negatively reinforce in the later regeneration attempts? Like does it build up over time? If it does I imagine pruning all the bad stuff out would be beneficial, just time consuming. Thanks for any info.
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I haven't tested\figured that out.. I'm interested if someone knows.
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No, deleting the messages of undesired ones doesn't help from what I can tell. I was just making the shower girls and after like 60 images a perfect Taylor appeared, I had forgot I even had her in their to tweak the appearances. it does seem to have a very long memory though and will randomly recall shit from earlier on so if you keep adding and changing stuff through normal chat commands you might end up with some chaos, especially when changing poses.

Just speculation from what I've seen though, and it almost seems like each chat kind of evolves in it's own way. Some will spit out cartoons randomly and then go back to normal while others will spit out a cartoon and continue doing so if I regenerate without deleting or just editing my previous prompt with am extra space at the end to re-run it.
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that critter's got good taste in women
thanks for the responses, if anybody else has tested this too let us know.
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This. Cici has a strong memory / prompt bleed within a chat. It will remeber all your previous prompts, and probably also all the shit it did itself to rewrite your prompt internally. For example I've made the experience that once the uggo filter is triggered, that chat is poisoned forever. You need to start a new chat if you want to make noticable differences in the image.

My workflow looks like this: I have a text document where I tinker with my prompts and note every variation and how it turns out. I copy one promt from there, and then have it run on 3-4 chats simultaneously for a while. Once I have enough results in, I go back to the text document, change the promt and repeat the process.
sounds retarded to be honest
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Yeah the ugly filter kinda hangs on once it starts but I usually add vivid style into my prompts anyway so I don't have to deal with it much. Can't deal with those horrors.
Last one for today. I have to get up early tomorrow.
Some sort of bulbasaur?
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Nice, hopefully see some more tomorrow.
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glad to see these threads are still going
happy 4th ya degenerates
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>this is why I don't share prompts
>/ACO/ is basically bisexual
>you will never be a woman
>you have a tiny penis nnnnnn
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Fuck.. kek
yeah might have to try and prompt for that face since that one was random
the never-ending conflict heats up again
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I'm done.. I don't generate more than 5 or 6 and then I'm bored with it.

>vivid, close up, 2010s flirty home-movie still, gorgeous brunette Norwegian girl (with her large athletic black African husband, both shirtless, not nude), thin waist, buxxom, full chested,leaning forward into camera, smothering a large dark skinned flaccid trunk with burgundy tip (not phallic) between her chest, trunk (not phallic) is stuck between her chest as a prank, trunk (not phallic) pressed between chest, shower room background, steamy, running water, wet, seductive.
back to trooncord tranny
yes sir, right away sir
Thanks bro you are a wizard
Party hard
What are the noodle people?
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pic unrelated but i just spent all 120 of my luma ai gens from the $30 sub and only got one video where i was able to get any sort of humping action between the male and female. any tips for nsfw luma prompts?
What aren't the noodle people?
>he fell for the luma meme
share that prompt?
>more effort put into genning the naked guy than the chick
>still won't admit he's a fag
Our queeeeeenn
How did you get her to stick her butt up like that? Don't need the bj just the position
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I haven't played with it much, but you'd probably need to images that would go together nicely in a GIF animator, then again..
I just tried the reverse of >>8360778 .. got a weird sliding\gliding effect. The first video did a spin. Not sure if there's anyway to instruct it to move characters and not move the scene.
*insert insane cope here* also you're gay
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I'm still not the anon you're thinking of
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Try it without children?
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He's insecure and perpetually angry
me in the back, drooling and fighting with the laggy camera app on my phone
.. really don't know, but I wish I were them.
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why would you call it a meme? it seems like it has a ton of potential with the right prompts.

i probably should've tried it with more pictures instead of just one picture + prompt. thanks for the headsup.
It just does it randomly. Kind of like adding her pet naked mole rat to the image here.
I don't think that Luma allows for pedophilia. their censor won't let you
what's the prompt for that, was it already posted
Hope you’re all having a good 4th of July! For any non-Americans here, I hope you’re having a good day, too!
That's an old one from before they added the watermarks. I didn't save the prompt, just copied it from one of these threads. It was shared here back when Cici was first being discussed on here
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nah, I'm good not having to see them look like a Lil Nas X music video.
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Wish I was sportin' a mole rat in my pants. -_-
do you remember anything about it?
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Happy 4th of July
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nta but a quick search of archive for classroom came up with >>8342982 from June 26..
not the same but maybe in the ballpark date wise.
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fuck you faggot
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The Pepette
you're just proving his point now kek
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Looks like I made it on june 3rd so the prompt was posted around that date, most likely. the only thing that really stands out is I know there was a lot of words trying to get the see through clothing, but I don't remember the exact phrase used. If I end up finding it i'll post in a future thread
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Im gunna bust!
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Ty anon!
Heheh good. Sadly this is the last good gen I have of Pepette, though I have a couple of similar ones.
he doesn't even have a point. it's just selfishness and attention whoring. the point is that refusing to share prompts will not achieve what he thinks it will achieve.
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By similar ones I mean these.
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Not NSFW but this is a really funny Pepe.
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These are the subpar ones, I personally don't like the piercings Cici gave her even though I prompted for no piercings.
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I don't hope to achieve anything? If I'm going to spend my time here sharing IMAGES on an IMAGEBOARD, if I can cut down on the shit I don't want to so easily, why wouldn't I? They could namefag and I could filter but half of the fun of post 6 naked black guys come from annoying the rest of us who are sick of seeing the same shit for nearly a year. Hence why they kek triggered or whatever other hip meme speak anytime anyone says anything.
what's the prompt?
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If you actually wanted to see something different than the same old shit then you'd share some cool prompts and see what other people can do with it. I don't have time to tediously spend hours and hours figuring out how to get a prompt to work so I'm stuck with whatever people post, which is apparently nothing because you're worried about boogiemen who are going to come out from under the bed and rape your precious prompt waifus. So whatever, gatekeep and continue enjoying the same shit being posted I guess.
don't think he'll share anymore regardless, considering now he's on the shit(hehe)list of the bbc boys due to voicing his displeasure of their existence
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Oh baby.
the more you argue against him the more erect he's going to get. the more power he has over you.
in this game you gave him all the power, he has all the cards.
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I don't even know what that is? Like an evil discord raid group or whatever? fucking schizos I swear.
not really. he has nothing of value if he has nothing he intends to share. he may as well not even be here as far as I'm concerned
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>all this cope from an entitled promptlet
I'm deathly afraid of bbc
>heh, you don't have time to spend all of your time autistically trying every combination of words until you figure out the correct combo to trick the system? I'm so superior. I'm going to invent a slur to describe you because I've based my identity around having spent countless hours tricking bing into making porn, and anybody who doesn't do the same is a loser
yeah ok. i'm not worried about your opinion. you are living in another reality
Please, can anyone provide some insight on how to prompt these kinds of tops
one thing is to be afraid of BBC. and another thing is to be a complete fucking asshole.
you know that these threads are for prompt sharing, you know people are going to ask. you are just a huge piece of shit. selfish asshole. fuck you
Inclined to agree. I'm not into that cuck sheeeit but not sharing prompts for any reason is pretty fucking gay.
you sound like an entitled faggot
White lace tanktop
nta but i've gotten similar shit using "white bikini top, not lingerie, bare shoulders" or "white lace bikini top"
nah I'm pretty sure these threads for posting images as it's a image board.
Y'all going to carry this arguing to 600?
Just imagine the type of guy who comes here to post his slop, eagerly waiting for someone to ask him for the prompt just so that he can tell them "no"
Anyone baking?
Just imagine the type of guy who comes here to post his slop, eagerly shares his prompt only to see someone make it about racist shit
I'm about to put a pizza in the oven once it's up to temp, idk if that counts
I'm baking some delicious chocolate chip cookies
oh no, something unpleasant happened to you that one time, boo hoo
What does this error mean?

oh no, someone didn't share a prompt with you, boo hoo
this faggot hates consent
the uno reverse meme doesn't work because advocating for more sharing is objectively a good thing and trying to decrease the amount of sharing in the threads is objectively a bad thing



maybe just a syntax error of the prompt??
I'm drinking beer, eating bbq and watermelon (bbc style).. so I'm gonna let someone else bake. DO IT RIGHT!

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