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Previous Thread: >>8350516

No Animal Genitalia (Specifically Dogcock Futa), Slob, Inflation, Fart, Grotesque art
If you want that - post somewhere else
Keep the drama/arguing to a minimum, please.
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It died for a reason man.
The art these days is shit like jade fucking baby yiffy during a diaper change, it's all shit and it's time to just stop.
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There's still good art out there, but a lot of it is gay/male focused.
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BiPanic04 on twitter does some good female-focused stuff, but also draws futa (mostly troll girls with bulges) so if you're not into that then keep that in mind
I'm glad we got through 10 years of Homestuck before shit like that finally started to happen.
God HS2 is so fucking shit.
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aloafofcake (also on twitter) mainly draws gay stuff but they do draw girls sometimes as well and I think they have a very nice artstyle
Amporussy mostly draws guys/femboys but draws girls sometimes too
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BugButt666 also draws some very cute girls!!
Aipeco draws both guys and girls and has separate accounts for each, the female-focused one is AiPeCoVenus

sorry if I'm spamming/clogging the thread, I just wanted to offer some suggestions of artists to follow
why is her skin made of concrete
I think it's supposed to be freckles, they just look weird on grey skin.

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