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Happy 5th of July


More Communism: https://pastebin.com/VUcQpTZG

Character AIs:

Previous Thread: >>8308827
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Anyone have the new wedgie wednesday? kemono seems broken.
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Thanks :D

remember gooners, when you see two retards arguing over the dubest shit in these threads, picture them as the two dorkiest girls fighting over nerd shit you don't care about, pulling the other one's panties with each insult
Has anybody in here actually been given a wedgie or any other bullying technique (swirlies, wet Willies) in real life by a bully? The closest I've had is an older cousin who used to wedgie the hell out of me as a kid
had my pants pulled down once at basketball practice but that wasn’t for bullying
Explain further
She would do it all the time when I was distracted playing video games and stuff like that. She thought it was hilarious and was a lot bigger than me back then so I couldn't really do much about it. I used to wear cheap cotton Hanesso a lot of pairs would end up ripped
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You should've gotten her back.
Yeah, what this guy said. Why were you such a fag about it? Be a man.
Captcha: B00B
pale Makoto thighs and yanked spiderweb briefs woooooOWOWow
Holy FUCK!!

Wh-where's Gyatt-kun??!
The google drive link doesn't work anymore aaaa
What’s the appeal of wedgies? I’m just curious.
Where are you from and how did you get here?
I just decided to check this thread out because I was curious. Wedgies are kind of cute, but I can’t really figure out why. It’s definitely the underwear aspect, at least that’s a big part of it.
Personally it's the whole package of it. Pain, ass focus, humiliation, power dynamic stuff, etc.
The underwear is a nice perk, yeah. I think the appeal mainly comes from a muted form of sadomasochism. From the perspective of the giver or the witness, the wedgie is a childish form of inflicting pain and humiliation on someone, made even more embarrassing because of that childishness. It’s a way to wound your victim’s dignity, and that feeds into the sadism. The masochism gets escalated for the victim in the same way. Why wedgies and not just spanking or something? Because they’re so immature, I think that’s the main reason. Like pulling someone’s pants down, but with pain and grabbing underpants.
Interesting. I’m not really into sadomasochism or power dynamics, I just like cute, immature fetishes and I like seeing girls embarrassed and having their underwear exposed
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there are a bunch of subsets I've noticed people hyperfocus on. Some make the art showing it as painful as posible, others focus on displaying the underwear with the most rididulous patterns imaginable leaning more into the humiliation aspect.

personally I like when cute girl has cute butt and is a bit embarrassed
Same. I like when a girl has a cute butt, is embarrassed, and her underwear has a really embarrassing pattern.
The underwear is a pretty big part of it for me personally, espically if it rips or is some embarrassing color or has an embarrassing pattern or symbol or something on it
Agreed! I have a major fetish for embarrassing underwear.
Yeah well I like reducing high status women to the point of bullied schoolgirls so maybe I’m just better than you all
Any anons wanna take a crack at making an edit of this?
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Speaking of
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For every day i see a girl with a wedgie, I will post an image here. Today it was a young blonde wearing too much make-up who could not keep her ass from eating her shorts. She just have picked them out at least a dozen times, attempting discretion by pinching from below with index finger and thumb and flicking her wrist.
Idk about everyone else, but I just like butts and underwear. The whole power dynamic/masochism thing isn't the worst, but it can get really cringy sometimes.
Agreed. Especially when losers on these threads pretend that's the only valid way to like the fetish.
It has a particular kind of exposure that I don't really see anywhere else.
Shit, I was trying to reply to this
does anyone have that anime girl comic where they give each other wedgies one by one and they all get a hanging wedgie at the end wearing each others different undies?
You can find this easily. It’s Railgun.
got my briefs yanked by a roommate at a house party a few months back.
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As a kid I would get excited when I caught a glimpse of some girls panties, I think the attraction to wedgies came from that. I like seeing a girl get embarrassed via the public exposure of her underwear, it's painful and humiliating, but in a lighthearted, funny way. I don't care for the BDSM stuff, or anything super mean-spirited. With this it's just a cute, funny prank you can pull on your gf.
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I sometimes forget but it started the same for me as well. I even kept a damn log detailing underwear sightings I'd see in school, for a while.
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Can you tell us any specific stories or maybe the worst wedgie she gave you? Did she do anything else besides wedgies?
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You’re being gay again, stop that
which one of you did this https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/s/eX7oPnL79p
This has been around for years, it isn’t new
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Listen here baby penis, I’m not talking to you and the only reason anyone would care this much to reply instead of just keep scrolling would be if they were an insecure closeted faggot themselves.
I got wedgied a few times wearing a speedo trying to impress this girl I was seeing. We were both pretty drunk so I went to hug her then grab her ass, prompting her to yank it up then slap me in turn. Pretty hot honestly.
Persona protagonists are built for bullying.
my girlfriend does it all the time to me. she knows im into it and does it whenevr we're doin weird kink stuff. or just randomly sometimes
It’s impressive how FeatherCoat was one of the best wedgie artist and then just disappeared
Saw yet ANOTHER girl with a wedgie today. This time it was after she had stood up from sitting on a couch at a furniture store. Tall, light brown hair, braces. She did a full, shameless pick after her underwear got stuck.
Still gay, even gayer somehow
Damn you sound like you want to kiss a dude
Mad you don't get to kiss dudes?
The one I remember the most vividly was in front of a bunch of my aunts and cousins. She pulled them all the way up my back and shouted "wedgieeee!" While they all laughed. At the time it was the end of the world but looking back holyyyy shittt
I knew it you'd end up being the "chubby bayonetta" anon
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Politely requesting someone make a caption or greentext of Valentine losing a fight and getting an atomic wedgie.
I'm laughing at the comments on that post. "He did a sexual assault!" "He fucking assaulted you!"

Also, she was obviously turned on by it but decided to conduct a shit test which the guy obviously failed.
>>"Got-.. sloppy.."
>>Falling to one knee, Valentine succumbs to a mix of pain and fatigue.
>>Haggard breaths escape her masked lips as a lone, red hue squints over her shoulder.
>>That narrowed eye was quick to widen as she was abruptly shoved forward, forcing her on all fours.
>>She raised her voice to speak, only to bite back a gasp as the seat of her nurse's outfit was flipped up.
>>Hugging her ass are a pair of plain black panties- in stark contrast to her pale cheeks.
>>"It seems you're as perverse as you are stupid. Why don't you take a picture?"
>>She scoffs, giving her fat backside an exaggerated sway until two hands curl into her panties' black elastic with an underhanded grip.
>>A sharp tug stretches the waistband sky-high, causing everything beneath to ride up 'twixt her wobbly, pale cheeks.
>>"--EEK! D-damn you! What is this?!"
>> Her wide, red iris rolled back into her skull as her assailant worsened her wedgie with some firm tugs, earning a harmony of strained threads and pained groans from her taut undies stubbornly grounding themselves further up her ass.
>>Valentine's wide hips were soon aloft, suspended by her taut undies while she shamefully buried her reddening face against the ground.
>>Vertical yanks quickly turned horizontal; no longer dangling her ass by her panties, but instead forcing the waistband further up her back.
>>"Nng! Hnnf- ahn~..!"
>>The waistband climbed past her shoulders, over the nape of her neck, and soon bumped her medic cap off of her head.
>>Valentine can only cup her crotch and hiss through grit teeth as the fabric assaults her ass and pussy in equal measure.
>>Pushing her face off of the ground, she looks up- only to see the elastic band of her panties stretching over her forehead, and soon eclipsing her vision...
>>THWAP! "AHN-!"
>>Her back arches as her waistband fights to return to her waist, leaving her trapped in a deep, unrelenting atomic wedgie that she struggles to escape from.
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any one ever order off of clips4sale or any other website? any issues?
like ordering custom stuff, or buying videos people put up and sell? if the latter, manyvids hasn't given me any issues
Just make sure to buy directly from clip4sale. Some people set up their own stores a side from them and you end up months later with a random ps5 bought with your card.
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does anyone have sam's or wedgiegirl's videos? she used to do youtube videos/livestreams
Fellas, there seems to be another weirdo around again on DA. Some jackass named Wedgieguy1996


Just wondering if there’s anything we can do about this fella
Not your personal army
I genuinely can't think of anything in the world that matters less than this. Even the effort to make a comment is completely worthless. Why exactly did you post this?
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https://x.com/kuqfh/status/1810645074079818203?s=46&t=BKPr93PyPqfCYSrRBkdlww edit potential
yummy but our editors are sleeping
I found them and Jdownloader i tried using couldn't due adult content so i couldn't get some of the videos
you could sign into jdownloader to fix that. link the channel btw
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> find artist with cute artstyle
> keeps beefing with people about persona but w/e
> has an NSFW art account taking comms
> posts saying "ppl w/ fetishes please comm me"
> why not
> her arguing gets her run off twt

anyways here's what I got before that happened
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and an alternate sketch, probably woulda gone with this one
Do not engage with the mentally ill. We keep fucking telling you this and you keep not listening.
Is this about PickNPull?
believe it or not but this happened before the picknpull shit
trust me, I've learned
I'm afraid of it getting purged if you don't mind archiving it just in case i'm busy and away from my pc right now https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLInjI3hqwpqzzqC-VIKC6foLQhsTRyRx3
Man... no one is updating Sadgravy's kemono
I was willing to look past ignoring global rule 4 if he was posting little girls or some shit, but it's just an autistic guy involved in really petty drama. Strange thing to post about unless you're involved.
Someone bought his gum road on exhentai but stopped updating it
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Made a rough sketch of this idea with even rougher coloring
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Also, here are the lines in case you wanted to see em
Holy fucking based
I absolutely love her expression and her frilly undies, nice wedgie overall
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Does anybody have the Fire Emblem Edelgard wedgie story that Dangerwedgier wrote a couple of days ago saved? Figures one of the few times they actually write a story with a good swirly in it it gets erased.
Speaking of that convo, I have my own superniche waifu that I'm about to comm a pic of from Freidesuu
Does Glory even still have an ass after [spoiler]getting chromed up hard enough to burn out her magic[/spoiler]? Like, how much of her body is still original meat?
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Again, we're all on 4-chan, we're all fucked in the head one way or another.
It's fetish art, so she will if I say she does lol. Also your spoiler tag didn't work, rip.
Sorry to doublepost, but also in-game it looks like leg cyberware stops at the upper thigh. She likely has her bones reinforced, but if she keep the skin on her stomach she prolly also kept it on her pelvis as well.

Remember, she wasn't trying to turn herself into Adam Smasher, she was just trying to have enough chrome to (SPOILER), so she didn't need to try and convert every inch of herself.
Spoilers don’t work on red boards I think
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been a while since I tried to do this
Diffferent Anon. I had this cousin, she would tease me and shit, slightly physical stuff like wedgies, but also just wrestling and pinching mainly and she had like two years on me, but I started growing early. She still wore granny panties, and I remember she kept pinching me and I waited til she turned her back and I grabbed her panties and started pulling until it started ripping, there were holes along the elastic lines. She squealed and was kinda weird about it, but it didn't really seem that odd then. She kept making jokes about it after, even though stuff like that happened before, that was the biggest instance, she still makes jokes about it, but its pretty seperate from the rest of the families knowledge, although it happened a couple times around them, but they didn't find it weird, because of all the less sus stuff like pushing or wrestling, and more just kid stuff.
Looks awesome!
Your cousin wanted/wants to fuck you
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hey thanks!
the luna link from the pastebin doesnt work is there any way to fix it?

You should totally go in for the kill the next time you see her, try to get it on video. Really make the wedgie count.
>page 10
Anyone wanna help finding an old vid?

There was this nerdy guy dribbling a basketball in a gym setting, and some fat dude eating chocolate was just watching. To impress a group of girls he goes up and gives the nerdy dude a wedgie, which gets one of the girls to shout "Uber Wedgie!" followed by them all chanting "wedgie".

Everyone is clearly an adult, no idea what it was from or where it is now but I'd love to watch that again.
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I know the exact vid you're talking about, but have no idea how to find it again. rip
Thanks mate
on the topic of lost media. does anyone have the image of two cheerleaders. one wearing a blue outfit receiving a wedgie from a girl im a red outfit. it had some text near the top something about it being a "yearbook'.
Since everyone is requesting
Does anyone have the video of a fat girl with long curly hair and emo look giving herself an atomic wedgie? her underwear was like a brilliant purple and it happens in a bed
It’s a homemade vid and was pretty popular in the 2010s YouTube
thanks anon
you're such a beast, thank you so much!
My buddy wrote a Bloodborne story https://www.deviantart.com/geniouspervert/art/Wedgie-Souls-Eileen-the-Crow-1074687476
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saved from an earlier thread, idk the source :(
It was a commission by Delpha Crisis. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/94795663
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This panel's driving me crazy, it really looks like Koyomi's picking a wedgie. Either from overdoing it like she said or from Tomo's locker room shenanigans that she's trying to hide the shame of.
Maybe she had buruma issue, those things are pretty small.
I thought of mentioning (naturally or forcefully) wedged bloomers but thought if she changed she would have already fixed it, my retardation simply wouldn't allow it.
Even if you fix that sort of thing there can be a lingering sting
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True, Tomo is very likely to go overboard in that situation. Especially if it's a "highest pull" competition she set up with Kagura.
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>"highest pull" competition she set up with Kagura.
We can assume Osaka was Kagura's designated test dummy right?
I was thinking they were both pulling Yomi's bloomers, seeing which leghole could be stretched the highest.
Besides, poor Osaka isn't a good point of comparison. Kagura would have her in the air within seconds! Koyomi's... weight would have her glued to the ground, evening the playing ground.
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Easy just wait till Yomi is close to Sakaki to even the playing field. But alright that does make more sense, she has less of a chance of getting back against the two of them and just ruining a pair of Yomi's bloomers for a competition would be a big nuisance for her which is funny.
Nice to see my comm still making rounds!
Sakaki would be a decent replacement, I doubt she'd know how to feel about it so she just freezes in place. Any kind of ridiculous wedgie-related shenanigans Yomi and Tomo could get involved in would be so in-character because Tomo hardly thinks about consequences, just pulling, getting too excited while pulling, and before she knows it Yomi is coughing up the flavor of spandex and cotton. I don't much like headcanoning characters as granny wearers, but I love the idea for Yomi. She needs it to cover her taiyaki weight, and as an added benefit it's resistant to the knuckleheads' antics. If only, the bloomers could not be so fortunate.
tl;dr give that chubby girl wedgies, ramble over.
Wedgie zine is such a funny concept to me, like it's literally just an infinite money gen for the dude.

You commission artists
Turn it into a zine
Gooners pay whatever you charge cause it's specifically art they've never seen so they HAVE to see it
You pay the artists specifically for that piece (or forget too for about a year)
Then you reap the continual money that comes in afterwards for like a fraction of the effort.

I genuinely hope artists realize the absolute ring they're being put on sooner or later

Also why places like Kemono party are goated cause it's just legit making money off of others work
We all remember the last time somebody tried that. DangerWedgier ended up scamming a few artists and turning almost everybody else off on the idea. I'm pretty sure it's why so many people here rally for his shit to get leaked.
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I'll post one of my commissions here since there seems to be a good amount of Azumanga fans ITT
Also because he’s gay and retarded but mainly the first reason
What do you guys think about crushon.ai?
Wow, I love love love that, thank you for sharing. I don't think she quite understands.
I'm very late on this, but thank you for writing this. Valentine deserves more wedgies and this was hot to read.
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I can somewhat see your point but this is a situation where NONE of the art made for that zine would have ever have been produced without it. If you're that bothered by it, just grab it off kemono. This isn't even a BTC situation where you could claim that was "hogging" its artist, but this zine doesn't do that, and just supports certain artists to produce art that wouldn't exist otherwise.
Imagínate ser un artista que le pagan todos los meses por su trabajo y que vengan retrasados mentales a quejarse por eso, luego de tanto ardor anal la persona que siempre te pagaba ya no lo hace y como ya nadie más te paga dejas de dibujar.
¿Tú apoyas al artista? No
¿Que el artista trabaje con Danger te afecta a ti? No
¿El artista no le gusta oh está obligado a trabajar en esa revista? No
Entonces no vengas con una falsa moral cuando la persona que está apoyando el trabajo del artista es el, no tu.
Every commission is arguably art that would have never been made otherwise. You are not obligated to monetize art you paid for, even if the excuse is to make more money from the commissions. There are hundreds of users who also comm and just post what they paid for without charging anyone.
Just call it for what it is, a grift. Not my fault that mofo has no job. I ain't paying him to make commissions and write passionless blurbs
Lol. Lmao even
>I ain't paying him to make commissions and write passionless blurbs
then don't nigga
Glad you loved it, yeah her being confused was sort of my vision for it. I like Osaka so I'll probably commission more of her soon.
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mostly irrelevant to the thread but I sent that artist a thanks for their recent wedgie pictures and they sent me back something delightfully strange (I suppose it might be a thanks for my thanks)
Which artist?
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Oh you said “that” artist, not “an” artist. My bad, I misread
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glad you liked it anon! it was initially longer, but I had to cut it down and reword it to fit into 1000 characters.

did you just have that made, or did you happen to have one of her on all fours?
>did you just have that made, or did you happen to have one of her on all fours?
I had that image saved for quite some time but can't recall where it was from. Might've been from these threads or a long deleted DeviantArt post. Valentine is so funny to me because I love and lean more towards femdom and F/M stuff but she's one of the few characters who I can see being both dominated and dominant but her getting wedgied is so hot. I'd ask for more but I don't want to get greedy lmao. You did very well!
I'm also the guy who wrote the Fubuki greentext a while back so writing both femsub and femdom is fine with me. I gotta head out for a bit but I'll be around to talk and post more.
Your buddy sounds gay as hell
Then stop crying about it, retard
Your comm was really good and the panty choice is perfect. I hadn't considered it until these threads discussed it and i think those ugly beige grannies are perfect for her. She would indeed be one of those girls who wears shapewear and panties girls only would use in their periods in order to compress her belly and butt with that side effect of the wedgies the knuckleheads give her bigger than those with regular panties.
That is a really good comm, ty. that reaction is very fitting for Osaka, i like how shes on her tiptoes like shes still uncomfortable with her wedgie but shes confused about how to feel or what really happened
that's you
>based chad points out how the magazine is a dogshit scam
>braindead scam victim shows up to whiteknight for his autistic magazine overlord
>gets called out for it and tries to pretend he isn't the one crying
gayer post than a gay wedgie picture t b h, is this that goopy guy?
If course it is. Even when he’s right, the faggy cringe gives him away
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I want you to know that it brings me shame that someone like you agrees with me. My opinion remains, still fuck off.

I'm almost considering comparing this to highway blocking enviromentalists that get shit on even by regular enviromentalists. No one likes you, and you only put others off from the opinions you hold, even if they are right.
Just fucking posts wedgies
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good idea. Why didn't I think of that
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Lmao nice job finding a way to hardcore cope even in a conversation that you're winning dipshit.
Congratulations on your L.
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Thanks, I'll commission more of her soon. Probably in another outfit and with a background this time.
Since when does this guy speak fucking Chinese bro I just got whiplash randomly seeing him in the replies
Common waza W
Different anon. I wish you'd leave the community. You're the definition of "high off your own farts", Goopy. You're agreeing with my original point about Danger, but you're also such a deeply unpleasant person that I don't want you to agree with me. Ever.
>complains of someone being "high off your own farts"
>speaks as though he's in a mortal combat within a fetish thread
projecting, much?
You seem like, deeply autistic. (Derogatory)
Don't forget he also thinks he's talking to a person whose involvement he completely made up lmao. The gigacope is so real.
My fault for acknowledging his response. Literally had no idea who gopy was but now I do. I'll stick to writing wedgie smut
Your fault for coping and being retarded*


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Don’t die
That’s gay
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GOATdesuu delivers again.
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Dude, imagine using gigachad memes unironically.
Cry about it
This community is home to some of the biggest moralfaggots I’ve ever seen
Yeah, you
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anyone degenerate enough to send me pic of their mom in their prime(college years). so i can turn your mom into a "oc" that i can use to make wedgie commissions. disc: tiefetish
now this is kino
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That's what happens when a niche fetish gets bigger, some don't want to look "problematic" in the eyes of their retarded peers so they overcompensate to seem like a "good" community, even though it's just damn fetish. My favorite example are a group of outspoken anti-lolicons on twitter who are hardcore guro fetishists, it's bizzare to see them write essays bitching about one fetish and then click on their profile only to see some grotesque shit.
Imagine trying to pretend that pedoshit isn't bad but crying about guro at the same time lmao
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DC recently released a new comic where a superhero gives a female robber a wedgie.
I'm pretty sure anon is calling both bad, dude
Are there any archives of ds33wedgie's old art?
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Oh wow there really are people that think loli is somehow worse than mutilation art, that's insane how so you even rationalize that?
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Don't bother, you're responding to the DA janny, he's the only guy in these threads who specifically uses the phrase "pedoshit". Odds are he'll make several replies later seething as is his MO
Every time I see this girl I always think she's Komi initially. Sadgravy makes some of my favorite wedgie related content, makes me wish we had more Komi wedgie stuff.
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nice find, anon! 10/10
>Yang will never give you a wedgie
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Edit Version
Simple, but appreciated
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I’m not sure if this fits here but she’s picking out a wedgie in this and I find that really cute.
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This one is one of my favorites for Komi
Fits more than some of the shit posted here sometimes
I love how annoyed she looks, as if she doesn’t want you to see her doing something so embarrassing. Her bikini is also very nice, and her body is nice and slim.
This image makes me diamonds every time I see it.
Ruined makeup is a really underrated but hot detail that more artists need to use!
Now that you mentioned it, I don't really see it that often but I think it's pretty hot! I also love the foot to the back, it's such a "I own you now" gesture.
Does this count?
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mattyburrito?? i count it!
your mom
Is this the guy who did that Ralts wedgie animation from that one video?
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I think...Ivy Valentine should get defeated then given a series of wedgies and spankings until she's a blubbering mess.
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indeed it is
always loved his art style, wish he took commissions
Huh, just interesting he'd to that Ralts thing and then later on ackowledge awareness of the fetish.
Matt made 2 wedgie scenes and none was girls…
Never seen these videos before but they still felt nostlagic, makes me want to go back to the older internet eras
What ralts animation?
You know what gives me a great sense of melancholy? Writing.com. Grew up on that shitty website and read a lot of wedgie story interactive. It was huge when I was younger. Now it’s a ghost town

Awesomeanator, I’ll never forgive you for deleting your account and destroying everything. I wish there was an archive. So much lost
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What's even worse is that every new story there is either a badly written self-insert fic, reads like a discord chat log, or any interesting story has been derailed into being something a 12 year old who just discovered their fetish would write.
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It was literally linked 2 posts above you lmao

I need to get around to posting these on my dA
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What are your biggest writing peeves? For me? It's the when the author makes the entire world, town, city, school, or just general setting of a story obsessed with wedgies.
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Yeah, that bothers me, too. Unless they go out of their way to make it make sense.
Either that or embrace the absurdity of it and have certain audience surrogate characters acknowledge how weird it is
More MattyBurrito Wedgies
I heard you're pretty strong. Let's wedgie fight! *insert image of Goku here*
I'm gonna be real, I'm really fucking tired of KittentheThird. You can't browse for any wedgie content anywhere without finding her. She's the Belle Delphine of the community.
Look at this fag thinking he’s some shonen protag
For me it's when the character wears like, heavily childish panties or something. I don't mind if they're embarrassing or whatever because I get the appeal but at the very least put some thought into it or something.
Maybe pet peeve isn't the right term but also when a wedgie fic involves a swirly and they go on to describe how foul and nasty the toilet is.
Also when a character gets a slight tug to their panties or is given one wedgie then immediately devolves into a whining and crying mess. Again I get the appeal but if I read a fic where say, Revy from Black Lagoon is given a wedgie, I'm going to roll my eyes if she's screaming "Mommy!" from one wedgie.
Yeah and she’s ugly as shit
>She's the Belle Delphine of the community.
Based Kitten
W take (no pun intended). I have to go back to old nostalgic content to have it do it for me now. Not a fan of the oversaturation that Kitten and Bonnie&Clyde deliver. Not that I’m ungrateful, they give content to others, which is cool for them, but to churn it out leaves me deflated. Like all good things, a wedgie of quality can’t be forced. It has to come naturally.
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when the story is set in some series, but the only thing the characters in that story share with the ones from the series is the name.

why go through the effort of making your setting a beloved series when you'll just write generic OCs in a run of the mill wedgie situation
Based takes
Bad fanfictions. Why use existing characters when everyone is just going to be insanely out of character.

I don't like superpowers or abilities or scifi devices in general. Normal girls being bullies and nerds are my thing.

Over sexual wedgies. This one is very much due to my own niche. But I prefer pg13 style wedgies over sexual ones. Clothes on. No orgasming or making out or touching or anything along those lines. I remember a while ago I read a story where someone was being hoisted up a flagpole, then out of nowhere someone yelled "bring out the dildos!". Was a no for me right there.

People trying to make it a deep piece of literature. In the end of the day this is all smut. Treat it as such. I haven't seen this one much, but every now and then someone will try put in seriously deep messages in their wedgie stories. I've seen topics like suicide, depression, anti bullying PSA, homelessness, and so on. Now of course you can have a good story as well as a smutty story. But I don't want to read about how someone is contemplating killing themselves while I'm trying to get my rocks off.

This one isn't too big of a deal. But in general I want to route for the nerd and I want the bully to eventually get what's coming to them. Let the nerd have the best grades or something and the bully be held back. Anything like that. Just don't like it when all the bully is perfect in every way and the nerd is the most pathetic thing ever.

A lot of this is personal taste though. I get that not everyone shares this.
Damn, white bread must be really spicy for you.
Especially after I cum on it
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These are all correct opinions though
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The based department called: you've gotta stop being so based, there isn't to go around for the rest of the members
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Wish I knew the sauce for this
well... where did you find it?
I hate when the writer shoe horns in every single character in the story getting a wedgie. I read one recently with Furina from Genshin as the focus and it started off well enough but then spiraled into every character she interacted with getting wedgies and all felt entirely forced.
I can’t tell you how many I’ve read where the fucking character shouts “ouchie!” like a five year old. Cause, ya know, that’s a normal reaction to public humiliation.
Got it from one of these threads years ago

Who was the author?
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That would annoy me and take me out of the story to see that. I give authors a bit of leeway when it comes to portraying them accurately since you know, fanfics of them getting wedgies isn't going to be super canon or anything but the amount of times I read fics where a character talks like that or goes "owie!". Make them grunt or go something like "what the fuck!"
Also I once read this fic of Bayonetta getting bullied and wedgied and while it was hot and somewhat accurate, out of nowhere they made her fart near the end repeatedly and it killed my boner. There was no warning or anything.
>Panties under spats
Yeah I'm thinking based. Guess Lady would also be the bully bait too.
Does anyone have the Pic of the girls from 'Bully' in hanging wedgies?
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Nvm found it! And it wasn't hanging wedgies
Post characters you wish got more wedgie content.
I'll start, I feel like Mirko is made for this and yet I've only ever seen a few pieces with her, including stories.
And a reverse caption for those into that.
Wish we got one with Ivy Valentine.
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Sargentyolo. It sucks because if it was just Furina getting humiliated it would be great but they keep tossing in other characters.
I just read it, and I ain't gonna sugarcoat it, it was really good. You can like what you like, different strokes for different folks, but "forced" is definitely not a valid criticism of that story.

Don't try to pretend that it's poorly-written just because it isn't your type of story. It's just the equivalent of slice-of-life.
It’s poorly written. Also fuck you, low IQ bitch.
before you guys start crying at eachother first you have to explain how this works
No racism outside of /b/
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It isn't poorly-written, you retard. Learn what the fuck you're talking about and then maybe you wouldn't have gotten called out for being completely wrong.
I like how the artist added the plane and clouds for no reason. Simple, yet soulful
Does anyone has kingconsultant stuff? Da just erased like 30 pics, F
Honestly, hanging wedgies where the victim is just slightly off the ground are way hotter than when they're like 5 feet of the ground
Mari is very lovely.
You sound just like that fag who was crying about Writing.com just a few posts up
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Bro, what is your beef with this guy? He didn't even say anything controversial, just that he misses old stories.
Are YOU Awesomeanator???
Holy tranny seethe
Does anyone have MercycakesCD content?
Who the actual fuck is Awesomeanator???
Most nonsensical insult ITT lmao
Nta, but insulting trannies is always valid
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Maybe you should learn what a trans person is first, retard. It doesn't mean "random person that I don't like" lul
You mean a pedophile?
Way to out yourself tranny
Not a good look to be defending troons after yet another one was outed as a pedo yesterday
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he had a big archive of interactive stories that spanned a lot of popular media, that many people added to over the years

NTA, but i'm sad that it's gone as well..
why are you trying to bring /pol/ shit to a fetish thread
Found the fox news viewer
statistics show Christians and conservatives have the highest likelihood for diddling kids.
Yeah, because CIS people never fuck kids. oh wait.
Studies show anons who don’t cite sources are usually lying

They’re all pedophiles or mentally ill children groomed into it by pedophiles. How is it this hard to figure that out?
Where are your sources for your reasons to hate tran folks? Think about it this way, you visit a forum where people post loli, aka kids, there are active pedos here. You regurgitate the same accusation-confession statements all the time, yet there are blogs showing criminal records of pastors and police officers who got caught diddling kids recently, but I've never legit heard of a trans pedophile.
I can list several convicted ones. You’re retarded and not worth engaging with.
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pretty good rat, unlike this thread full of pretty bad rats
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Post your wedgie fantasies
Also greentexts ideas, I feel like writing something
Always love reading about wedgies involving office lady types. Like they might act and look mature, but they never outgrew their dork and bullyable side
Then be a man and list them. I'll be able to list hundreds more officers and pastors with less of a search. I may not have known about the Ava Kris Tyson when I made my statement earlier, but one bad egg can't be used to outweigh hundreds of thousands of equally bad eggs.

You have a strong bias and you'd rather not engage with somebody who has a point. People around here circulate pictures of children, fictional or not, so where is your moral high ground? Are you here because you keep getting kicked out of social circles?
What in the Poland
Every time it happens people like you come to use the bad apple defense and whataboutisms, as if you would apply the same principles to any other group.
yes retard I'm aware priests diddle kids. So do trannies. I wouldn't want either to be near my child, but there won't be an angry mob who wants me fired from my job for thinking that about the priest. And there are no support groups trying to normalize being a priest
The anon in question isn't ready to tackle hard topics like per capita statistics, give xim time.
Per capita, transgenders are much more likely to molest children than priests, pastors, or any other group aside from public school teachers. This is publicly available information, not our fault you choose to ignore it.
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Please don't carry this unnecessary argument to next thread

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