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Vanilla Redux. NO futa or trans characters. NO AI.

Reminder to *report* ~and~ *ignore* all off-topic content and derailing in regards to it. If you reply, you are part of the problem. Do NOT engage with any shitposting, off-topic bait/drama, futa, diapers, derailing, spam, etc. Report any autistic textfucking/HMV/PMV/lyricspam/blacked/youtube rap/twitter repost/deuce ad posts from the /trash/ dildo spammer.

- This general *is* for FF14 OC, finding /gposing partners, help with modding, and lewd art that you either drew or commissioned yourself.
- This general is NOT for posting twitter/r34/booru/tslg/fanart content you didn't make, other FF games that aren't XIV, make a separate thread for that- you're allowed to.
- **Do NOT post** futa/shemales/traps/transgender, diapers, hyper, snuff/guro, hardcore bdsm, men being pegged/inserted (gay or 'straight'), beastiality, QoS/blacked, scat, or AI content.
Spammer buzzword filters @ https://rentry.org/kanchelle

>Previous Thread

>SFW/Main Thread
>Homo Thread
>Futa Thread
>Fetish/AI/ERP/QoS/Repost Thread

>Lewd Modding Resources, Guides, and Discords [Needs Update]
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more hroth, ill make some new ones at some point tomorrow
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there is such a thing as too much
cry bitch
Those breast stretch marks are cute but the tummy ones look odd.
>TT converter works on skin mods now so larger areola work again
I love the OG mod importer for the game has come back as the savior years after it was pushed aside.

Also, nice to see a rape free thread for once!
shant be using textools (unless penumbra takes like a whole month or something)
You only need to use it for converting penumbra files, I'm sure as hell not using it to run the stuff.
Nobody uses textools to install mods, bro, you use it to make mods.
On that note, anyone has a funcional mod for Alphinaud and/or Alisaie to be used with normal bodies?
I don't think so other than the NPC mods in the fetish/erp thread OP and the face replacement mods like https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/59868
Yeah, those are pre-EW and are all broken. I tried fixing a couple myself but can't seem to make them work without a big fuckoff neck seam.
Also, no Meteion, which is a shame. I honestly hate when this game makes these characters wear unique or demihuman bodies instead of just being normal NPCs with unique faces, and I'm glad they made Sphene the latter.
yay bunny in OP
need this bun
spread your moist pussy lips for her throbbing bun+
i wish collageanon would stop being a coomer and come back to /xivg/
i doubt it’s the same one
there’s been 5+ different collage makers of varying quality
I think you’re thinking of Korkana’s edits, and he doesn’t come here.
why are you like this
that pic isnt even you anon
you just reply randomly
why are you like this
nobody asked for your mentally ill indian esl thirsting replies
Why would anyone want to go to that cesspit? It manages to be worse than even xiverp was.
I asked for them.
Post your tits
Post your juicy pussy
Spread wide for fat gock mistress lady bitch beautyful. ;*
More and album pls?
I'm deprecating my pre-DT stuff since the game looks a lot better now. I don't have much atm
unfortunate that my skin mod didnt survive the update, so ill have to live with lighter nipples and no freckles for the time being
Try running it through the TT converter lately? I had a skin mod that didn't work at first but a later update made it work.
The femra looks pretty plappable. Take more pls
I just had to update the file redirections for mine to work, have you tried that?
how do you do that?
Are you using penumbra or textools?
Oh I only know for bibo based bodies. But in penumbra you go into the advance editing for your skin mod than file redirections and update the diffuse location. So for bibo that would be chara/bibo_(Your Race Here)_base.tex.
Example viera = chara/bibo_viera_base.tex and make sure to hit apply changes.
ok, i'll give that a go. thank you for your help!
ok running it through the converter seemed to work, i tried running my eye glow mod as well but i guess it still came out wrong, im not too bummed about that since i like how they look in vanilla

In DT eyes were completely redone and can glow vanilla, red channel on eye mask is a glow mask, and EmissiveColor constant 38A64362 on the iris material is 0-1 decimal representation of RGB value of the glow (it doesn't pull the color from the eye)

TT can only generate diffuses, not sure how much Loose Texture Compiler can do with it's EW -> DT porting tools
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My bimbo wife has the best pepperonis bros
we are so back
cute and breedable
nice cock, king
Holy moly...
what boobs are those they are so cute omg
Y-you too
It would be the default option from this mod.
i like this bun a lot
Cute bunny.
did you shrink her head or am i wigging out
no, the scaling i used doesn't mess with the head just the rest of the body, its probably the angle or something
I love you
So how does one go about posing raid bosses? I always see people who post pictures of it, but I have 0 clue how you're supposed to do it, especially if they transform after they're killed.
Sexo hroth
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wheres all the feet twitters
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alleyway sex
Cumming here today was a good idea
lmfao pornsick niggas really think this is attractive
mind broken
fuck off
these vanguard goons are so rough..
did you forget to rotate it
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Gonna miss those scales wonder how long it'll take for scale mods to be updated.The new tbse/tbse-x body textures look a bit too grainy or maybe i fucked up somewhere.

Ty anons

thats a hot pic, how do you get the skin to shine like that, i tried out the oiled up mod but it didnt really seem to work much, maybe i'm doing it wrong
Made for breeding.
I haven't kept up with the male body mods. Which ones are working right now? I only remember the basic tbse not ones that give you a bigger dick to work with.
Got the clothing mods working but all the new face bones are messing with me. I'll continue some other time
>slutty Studium teacher having her way with teacher's pet
Hell yeah, these threads need more Alphi.
oh i never bother rotating but i prob should've so it doesn't look so goofy
i used this with the shine x2 option i believe https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/110542
smooth x2*, sorry
Hey kumo are you interested in collabs
TY anon, managed to find the issue and fix it

Most of the tbse based ones seem to be working fine atleast those on XMA that have been updated for DT, idk about body mods on other sites
Kinda. Stolen character data.
I thought IVCS broke in DT. Is it working or are you using something else to pose cocks?
works fine for me so idk what to tell you try it out if you haven't already I loaded it up and could pose fine
Which dick mod do you use? I have the base tbse and its like half that.
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that is made to be buried in my femra
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Good morning
Good morning hot bun, which bodymod is that?
didnt use any dick mod at all just plain ol tbse and se-x, You can use ivcs to do get it scaled and positioned to your liking really.

breeding femras is always fun.
I haven't seen this cat in a while, what happened to her?
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I need someone to teach me how to update makeup mods cause I might actually be too dumb
did the lalafell mods get updated yet or what
whats messing up when a couple of outfits i downloaded have this weird glitching/flickering thing going on? the pages say theyre DT updated.and I reloaded them.

I had the same outfits before DT and they looked fine. How do I fix it?
Run them through the TexTools updater. I had the same problem on pretty much all my outfits but they're working now.
Eorzean Nightlife for DT
if you don't want to redownload just run through TexTools upgrader
works with mare, enjoy raping your fuckstick
What's Eorzean Nightlife? Animations?
Cute and hot

Is she fucking Koana?
how are mods coming along?
currently trying to settle on a body since I'm redoing all my mods for my middie, so may as well...

YAB seems okay but if it were my choice I'd like smaller breasts, and the small size on it isn't my favorite...

are there any other bodies worth checking out? I know about bibo+ tre, it seems alright... and there's at least some support for it

I'm just looking for like small to mid size boobs with big hips and ass...

the dream desu would be any body with the entire vanilla gear collection upscaled but haha that's never gonna happen

actually in this modern era where you can just use glamourer to look like anything at any time there's no real reason to worry about such a thing, but it's still nice to at least resemble what everyone outside your mare see right
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I use YAB small myself. You can try AB Body, though I'm personally not a big fan of it. You could also try Nymph for full flat since I'm fairly sure you can turn the cock off.
Starting to re-do my mods, had to clear my whole folder buuuut here, new expac, new pubes.
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Nature is (almost) healing
We're getting there.
What about femqote?
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>Savage starting up in a week
>also crafting day 1
>Just want to gpose
I still need to figure out the new face bones
be the mother of my children
>working on a pose for seemingly forever
>connection to the server lost
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Proposals can wait until after Savage.
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thanks anon>>8402839
thank you! and ye, that’s him
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Moonies are timid creatures, let them come to you...
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Guide them with a gentle touch and encouragement...
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Then claim the feral whore's throat, let her know who's in charge now.
what body freckles do you use?
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Breeding catgirls is always fun too. Honestly i'm open to plappling everyone aside from lalas.
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I'm afraid this character's face didn't survive the DT transition. I'll have to figure something out.
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new mouth bones are nice but man i need practice with the lips... there's so many
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I've been playing around with cum/precum edits and getting accustomed with tools like GIMP.
All I need to know is whether it looks okay or not and what needs to be fixed so that I can improve going forward, because I'm not sure i have the experience at the moment to notice any of my mistakes.
gross futashit
Kill yourself
looks good to me. need help cleaning that up?
how long has this gock been on hrt? i hear your cum gets sweeter as your boobies grow in :3
Some troon mentioned the thread on xivg, so enjoy the tourists coming to spam until they get banned as usual.
not my hecking sekrit kluberino.
Bwos...noo.. ive been here for 6 months newfag tourist and im the xqueen for these threads, better watch yourself kiddo
lord above
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B is for breeding time. (1/3)
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My editing abilities are limited due to my inexperience and lack of Photoshop, so this one probably doesn't look as good as it could have. (3/3)
cute heart pubes
Was calcabrina always floating back there in that duty?
Yeah. A bunch of random cutesy minions are back there.

I heard pineapple makes semen sweeter and fried chicken makes it taste foul, so something has impactful as whatever in hrt prob does alter the taste
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I'm not a fan of rape but this is pretty well-executed.
bros... I need to pose Alisaie again...
have you tried using the face mod with the updater
I haven't. I always thought that face mod that added those NPC heads was okay, but didn't look as good. Wonder if there's a better method.
Big fan of her god damn
the one for alisaie isn't fucked up like the gaia one
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Very cute cat, anon.
I guess that it does kind of look like rape, huh? I did make these because of how annoying I find her raid, so that'd make sense. I wasn't really thinking about it while posing.
What would we like to see more of here?

Races, kinks, pairings, lore characters?
more femroe would sure be appreciated
I want to see more canon female characters hanging out together in slutty clothing.
I haven't looked into Roes since the graphic update, maybe I can make something I like, anything you'd like to see Roes get up too?

Shtola and Alisaie get plenty of love around here, wouldn't mind doing some Hilde stuff, or maybe the Gridania leader.

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