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previous >>8333223

Repository Archive
>Active contributing creators



>Giantess clips in media
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There are so many characters I'd love to do this to me, it's so hot
Can one of you degenerates help me find something
There was a music video from the early / mid 2000s, pop music, where there is girl who is drinking a milkshake in a futuristic setting and finds an alien creature hiding in her drink, and then proceeds to eat it like a cherry. It had other GTS content as well.

All I remember is that it was on TV and it might have aired on the channel TeenNick around 2010.
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I need desperately to be Charlie's eternal foot slave and fuck the shit out of her soles on a daily basis
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Holy fuck. What's the sauce?
do you watch gts themed art livestreams? or would you
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I would be interested in watching, there's a lot of people out there with different schedules and obligations so don't expect a huge audience, but drop a link in the thread whenever you feel like sharing it

I'm 90% sure it's the same artist who made these poke girl feet animations "jinouga97"
i understand the turnout wont be grand, but seems like a good way to draw longer if theres an audience there
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Yee, it's Jinouga
That's a gorgeous Miku model!
same and I love the juicy textures of the model's soles
For those who want to see more of their favorite characters as giantesses showing their beautiful, sexy barefeet looming around several tinies.
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Will have some new stuff to share when I finally finish the animation I've been working on and move on to the next
Read this in an Indian accent.
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Hot, though not 100% in love with the face.
Alright, remember to break's and have fun so you don't hit a mental wall, love your super thick style
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I already went through a little burnout recently, so hopefully I'll be good for awhile. And thank you!
I fucking love how plump her feet are
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I am glad you enjoy
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Is the Overwatch size community going to like her? They don't seem to like anyone new.
Haven't cared at all for most of 2's girls (Aside from Illari, maybe JQ) but this is the first girl who's done something for me. Would absolutely want her to trap me in her helmet and save me as a snack, or trap me in her suit on her ass.
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Junker Queen absolutely does it for me. I just hate how all the porn of her and Zarya is futa because the majority of the content creators are filthy normies. It's a normie instinct to see a woman with some muscle and only think "futa"
We suffer, anon. She's pretty great too, just not the craziest on her hair. But would absolutely be her protein.
Also just gonna add here >>8392762, her tummy looks fucking stupendous. Want her to press me against it to feel her stomach's workings.
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sneak peek of a comic series im working on
Me on the right
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It begins.
How'd you get the model so quickly? Can you do more with her?
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Her concept art leaked a long time ago, so the model was made from that. It's not from the game.
That ass kino, can't lie
I didn't do it, but if anyone who renders wants the model, here it is
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Hot, but be warned - jannies flip out when they see anything they can call 'furry' even though this is a character from a cartoon
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Artist? Searching "World of Giants" doesn't come back with them
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Thanks anon, this shit slaps
Saw the oreview for eskoz' new animation, what are your thoughts on it?

I already really didn't like the redesign of clara but that accent is an absolute no from me.
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I liked the voice acting of his demon cookie video, I can't watch the new one because I'm at work
Yeah the voice acting for the succubus animation was great but the voice for this new animation really isn't imo. That accent kinda ruined it ngl
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Don't know if I love or hate that this fetish makes me able to go "Yowza" at the mere concept of girl and big number
Anyone have scragboy new Widowmaker - Big Guns animation?
Personally I love seeing things expressed in raw numbers.
>Needs to eat 84 people a day to survive
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We need some art gentle giant art with evil power girl/ super girl preferably in the black suit
cant get enough of this pic along with Hollewdz other works
dat snuggling hhhnnggg
Made for Big Lois Feet
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Would worship giantess Sarah Palin feet
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Ye she cute
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Yeah I don't remember a giant nurse character
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She's from a different comic by the same artist. According to the summary, there's going to be dimensional travel that brings them into conflict.
And unlike Nikki, she's not a psycho murderer, she just can't see without her glasses.
A deep rumble echoed in the city, announcing the monstrous redhead's approach. She appeared around the corner of a skyscraper, concrete cracking under her massive footfalls. Another low rumble echoed in the city not from her steps but, her stomach. She took the que and kneeled to the ground between the fleeing citizens. The road shattered beneath her legs as she hit the ground. The girl sat there for a moment, considering, then selected a man, pinching his leg between her fingers. His run was very suddenly stopped as he was raised above her face. Her lips opened beneath him as he dangled helplessly upside-down. Her breath became stronger and hotter as he was lowered slowly toward her mouth. The upper half of his body landed on her tongue and she closed her lips around him, still holding his leg. Her tongue assaulted him in the dark, crashing against his chest and sliding up to his face, covering him in saliva. Once she was satisfied, she let go of his leg and sucked him all the way in. He was tossed around her mouth as she played with him. Her tongue suddenly stopped and tipped up. He scrambled against it as it sent him tumbling down her throat. He landed with a splash into her stomach acid. It melted his skin, slowly and painfully stripping his bones clean. His skull became one of many, piled in the hungry redhead's belly while she continued her feast.
It had only been a few days since Ethne had become a giantess and she had already come to terms with eating humans. It was the natural order; she was the predator and they were the prey. Besides, it was that or cows and cows were filthy. So it was that she came into the city that would be her hunting grounds for today. She was careful not to destroy any buildings, it might make her hunting grounds less fruitful in the future, but didn't care for any humans that were on the streets. After all what were a few hundred people squished underfoot when she was here to eat just as many? She stomped her way to the center of town, occasionally stopping to scoop up a handful of people and toss them in her mouth. She loved being a giantess, especially the way humans would squirm uselessly in her hands and belly. It only reaffirmed that she was the apex predator and the humans were helpless against her. Once Ethne had made her way to the center of town she started her feast properly, chasing the humans and corralling them in the streets by blocking them with her feet. Hundreds of people found themselves trapped. Her hand came down every few seconds to scoop up a few more of them. She took her time now, enjoying their struggles and occasionally only grabbing one or two the she could dangle over her mouth for added effect. Even still, within minutes the hundreds of people between her feet were gone. She was finally full. She laid down in the middle of the street to take a nap while her meal digested. The scene inside her stomach was far more chaotic. Hundreds of people thrashed against her stomach acids, trying to pull themselves up against the violent sloshing, all the while the acids were melting them slowly. The screams of pain and terror went unheard from inside her belly but their struggles were just enough for Ethne to feel them. She smiled contentedly and rested her hand on her belly before she fell asleep, leaving them to their gruesome fate.
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I guess enough people ended up loving the crossover art of them to justify a full comic. Not that I'm complaining about more Nikki.
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Hopefully we get several pages of giantess lesbian making out too
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I'd prefer vore. Vore is good.
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I like big clown girls , evil and nice ones
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The tiny groaned in primal pleasure as he cums again, he’s little body squeezing and frantically humping the enormous nipple he’s wrapped around. His owner watches in wicked amusement and arousal, it was the 5th he’s cum for her since she had her own orgasm. She could feel her nipple become wet and sticky from how much her slave has cummed for her and yet she wants more, the sight of a grown man being so obsessed with her and shameless in his lust for such a small part of her arouses her to no end. She carefully spent the time to dominate her little slut with her nipples until he’s been mind broken to believing that his only purpose in life was to be sexually enslaved to her tits. She began to masturbate as thoughts of him continuing to shrink until his body is smaller than her nipple make her pussy wet, it’ll be then that her horny little slave submission to her will be complete. She watches in kinky amusement as her slave cums again, kneading him into her nipple and overloading the little sluts senses.
She laughs so much because she has a bunch of shrunken foot slave anons in her shoes
Can't wait for her to sign an executive order sentencing all cishet white male chuds to be shrunken and given to blue haired woke bisexual girls for mandatory reeducation or disposal
A real nightmare
Kamala is so fake that if she was a giant and trying to be sexy she would act like one of the actresses for a Gary Pranzo video.
Now Jen Paski comes across like someone who would enjoy dominating tinies.
>Squishes like a big on the podium with these puppies
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I didn't know I needed her to eat me until now but thanks for getting that in my head
>Tfw am not a cishet white male chud but I want to be given to a blue haired woke bisexual girl as a micro
Don't worry Anon, I'm sure they will find a reason you're problematic and shrink you too.
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did you guys know that men are immune to the shrinking virus
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Good for switches and folks into traditional power dynamics, nightmare for me, I would legit kms
Did you know that this was already posted in this thread?
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i did not, no. apologies
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Whoa, who did this?
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