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A thread where all Movie/TV edits (requests and posts) can be found and asked for.
All kinds of western Movie/TV requests go here:
To remind you again, that this is a screenshot edit thread, not a redraw thread so keep that in mind.

1. Provide references for requested characters and keep them to one image/post. Please pick out high-quality and reference pictures.
2. Animation screenshots, from movies and tv are allowed to be requested and edited too
3. Requests should have the highest resolution/HD quality reference images that are NOT BLURRY. Anything made in 2010 and later should be at least 720p or higher. You're allowed to crop so long as the image was already in its highest resolution/HD quality.
4. Be clear on what characters you want to be edited along with details.
5. No line/sketch illustrations as requested.

Previous thread: >>8361856
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Requesting big boobs in iris
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Requesting Camila wearing outfit https://files.catbox.moe/bch2zn.png

Nice job, thanks
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Requesting Faora from Justice League Action edited into Earth 9 Powergirl from DC's Tangent Comics imprint. Plus a nude version too.
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I'd love to see some head-sized chocolate udders stretching out this gal's cheerleader outfit!
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Request give her a sling bikini with significantly big boobs jus with the nipples just being covered by the sling bikini.Franchise tenchy milio character Ayeka
request ruby and sapphire in a latex suit similar to this one: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8017398
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Requesting a nude edit
Forget it. If your request isn't Harley Quinn/Dee Dee Twins, Seth Macfarlane cartoons or old newspaper comics, it probably won't be done.
Requesting her naked and/or in a bikini
Requesting a topless edit
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Requesting a naked edit of Olive with huge breasts
I know technically not allowed, but requesting Nami fully nude.
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Otherwise, requesting Harley and Ivy fully nude.
stop firing your shit on people
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Requesting the spies edited to be naked, keep the boots
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Request a nude edit of Marcline
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Progress, sorry for the shitty editing skills, I am trying desu
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Thanks. Keep practicing. You’ll get better
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Requesting Kim and Heather naked.
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Nude Please.
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Requesting frankie nude and covered in cum
Requesting nude edit on Janice Em from Robotech: Prelude to Shadow Chronicles.
No pubes.
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Jenny Hart nude please. Have her naked wearing just the apron.
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Marceline the Nudist Queen!
A god title for her. Thank you for the edit^^
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I’d let them beep me!
Great job, thanks.
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Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl from Young Justice

Requesting her shirt lifted up a little so we can see her big titties pop out please.
can you try>>8388414
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Wow, I love Jenni Hart’s B.C. comics! No, wait …
So what is this from?

Sorry, but I usually don’t do edits on requests that are re-requested in the same thread. It eats up the post limit.
Also, i struggle to understand if you want these characters with black skin and in high graphics. It would look rather plain. That’s why didn’t do your request before.
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Request nude edit of The Dee Dee Twins
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Beautiful red, candy colored nipples!
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request a complete undress
Delicious. Thanks so much ^^
Sorry I couldn't finish this, I find the anatomy in the pic very confusing, but feel free to ask other anons for help
Love Rick and Morty though
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Hey edit-friend!
A hint for you: if you’re stuck on an anatomy question you could look for reference in /s/. I found this lady on a boat, and she is in a similar pose! I made some suggestion lines, but you should do your own research. Worse case scenario is that you get to look at pictures of naked women. Yay!
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Requesting Tara naked, but keep her wrist bands and the green collar thing.
I remember her. She was from the Herculoids cartoon.
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Good memories!
Thanks for requesting this!
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Okay, so we have an invulnerable Power Girl, but she has been outfitted with armor? I don’t understand.
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Also a nud version.
Because /aco/.
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Nude please
OR here, thanks for the edits, and yeah, it's a bit complicated to explain, but in short, in her universe, she's not from Krypton, she's an genetically modified super soldier from Earth 9. She was created by scientists in league with the Chinese Communist party. But she rebeled against them and joined the Earth 9 Superman and helped him take over their Earth.
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
Requesting Golden Glider and Malice topless, but keep their collars.
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Meanwhile at the Topless Villainess’ Convention …
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Requesting Mandie dressed as a leatherbound dominatrix
Well, new animated show = more r34.
Requesting Jessica fully nude.
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Request nude edit of Harley and Ivy
OR here, amazing, thanks
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Bad girls, bad girls, whatcha’ gonna do?
Whatcha’ gonna do when they come for you?
Bad girls in Gotham. Thank you ^^
Requesting all the gals naked
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request Nani to dress up like sandy cheeks aka this version: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/spongebob/images/7/77/SandySNN.png/revision/latest?cb=20220208070238
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Naked girls? What a great idea!
Thank you!
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Here she is!
Why am I thinking of Sandy and Stitch in a sexual situation? That would be a /trash/y thing.
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I forgot the buck teeth!
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And now naked.
Because /aco/.
thanks for these
Love it, thanks
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request Nani in this Maggie form amphibia school uniform: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10295736&tags=amphibia+school_uniform+solo
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Felt she needed bigger teeth
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Requesting Lois having huge tits that are hanging down and on the verge of spilling out of her nightgown. Thank you
She, Bugs Bunny, Timmy Turner and Olaf can make a club!!
request Tai looking like this version of gwenpool: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10068783&tags=gwenpool+
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Request nude edit of the Dee Dee twins
Request Frankie nude and cum all over her
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Requesting the Joe girls naked, but keep the butt feathers,
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can one of you guys give me a nude edit of this
I second this request.
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Requesting Patricia Banks in white bandage straps with her tits exposed and a slave collar.
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Aw, poor Dees. You look bored.
I have something here that’ll make you smile!

I said smile, not point and laugh!
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I left on shoes, hats, and butt feathers.
Is that okay?
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Requesting nude edit
It perfect, thanks
Requesting large titties in all of them
Same thing here
They want to play Batman some more, but doesn't bother with them anymore. Thank you so much for edit.
Requesting Golden Glider naked
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Sequel to the previous image, request a nude nude edit of Marceline and Finn happily enjoys lying on her back with an erection.
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There’s her Owl Boobies!
can you try >>8395112
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Request nude edits on people inside the pods.
Erections and pubic hair are optional.
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“Come on guys, give me another chance to win my clothes back! I’ll bet … something else!”
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How restful!
Best place to rest. Thank you ^^
Thanks for the delivery. Nice job.
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Request nude edit of Domino from Wolverine and X-Men.
Requesting Messua nude, with dark nipples, and pubes, and another version with hyper breasts, and wide hips, please?


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She’s naked! How lucky!
Lucky for us to be the ones to see her naked. Thank you. ^^
Requesting the ladies naked, and give Ethel a more ample bust.
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I usually don’t do breast enlargements, but Ethel deserves it, living in Riverdale, the American town with the highest concentration of hotties.
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From the look on his face, the lifeguard was hoping Kevin whatshisname needed saving!
Great job, thanks.
Fir context, that's actually Young Dr. Masters, recently sprung from the Archie Vault. He was filming a beach safety show and all the Riverdale THOTs wanted to be his assistant.
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Requesting playboy bunny edit and if your feeling generous reverse playboy bunny
character art from the videogame got extracted
does it count enough to request a topless edit??
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she loves it
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Step one: remove fakey luau outfit.
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Step two: add bunny suit!

Oops, I didn’t see your reverse bunny there!
Nice job!
Thank you kindly for both seeing to my request. I should've known requesting the queen of edits would be the fastest way to get one.
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Requesting full nude edit of Raven
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Cute smirk!
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Nude variant.
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Request a nude edit of Pomni
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I’m confused. Why did you want this?
Is there some connevtion?
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I did the edit because I wanted to do a nude version.
Also, I meant ‘connection’ in the last post.
I just love seeing characters cosplay as different outfits from disney
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Request nude edit of Harley and Poison Ivy
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Oh no! It’s the stereotypically stupid, ethnically diverse street gang!
Just because their causal naked girls, doesn't mean their defenseless. Thank you. ^^
where do you post stuff?
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I’m cheating, she’s still wearing socks.

> doesn't mean they’re defenseless.
That’s why the gang is stupid!

>where do you post stuff?
I don’t. Although I’ve noticed that folks have posted my edits on the paheal rule 34 site.
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Requesting Jellybean Jones naked in all panels
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What is it with Jughead and time-travel?
Great job, thanks
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Requesting a nude edit of the ladies.
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Request nude edit of the Dee Dee Twins.
Requesting Paulina and Ms. Tetslaff naked (leave the whistle), and turn Tetslaff's frown into a smile.
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Ya whipper snappers!
Back at her days when Harley was nude, she doesn't used her nudity for sexual game. Thank you for the edit. ^^
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I resisted temptation and didn’t give Ms. Tetslaff tattoos or body hair.
How do the girls look?
Overall great job, but Tetslaff's nipples have some flesh tones spots peaking through the pink.
forgot morty peeping thru window
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request bimbo camila_noceda edit like this: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10104721
my boy morty doesnt peep, my boy morty barges in through the door and takes.
But do it here
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Oops, sorry about that!
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Request nude edit of Rogue and Domino.
Requesting sluttier versions of Normal Beth’s and Summer’s outfits
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I enlarged the picture. I hope that didn’t blur it too much!
Thank you it's so much better in large.
Thanks, great job.
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Requesting Kara naked
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You will quack like a duck … and take off all your clothes.
Nice job, thanks.
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request ranma-chan's outfit changed to this:
Requesting topless edit
Requesting nude edit and the thing she's looking at turned into a dildo
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Request nude edit of Marceline and Ice King in a ball gag. Another version where Marceline as a futa.
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Slutty or super smutty?
Did I go too far?
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And naked, because /aco/.
Came out great. Thanks
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Oh Finn, that’s got to hurt!
"Uh. It's not not what it looks like". Thank you for the edit.
Requesting a mermaid edit. Feel free to remove the fruit if needed
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Requesting Justice League Action's Supergirl and Wonder Woman into Power Girl and Earth 2 Wonder Woman aka "Fury." Plus nude version too.
Requesting Golden Glider naked, leave her boots.
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Requesting all the ladies naked (save Mrs. Beezly, health codes ya know). Make the pink coat girl into Shrill and keep her socks and shoes, but make them black and purple. Make the tree top girl into Wendy Weatherbee. Make the guys pantsless in the bottom panel w/ their picks hanging out.
New screenshot from AD's upcoming season.

Requesting breast expansion on the woman on the left please.
Hayley too
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Wow, these girls have busy costumes!
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And a naked version, because /aco/.
OR here, thanks!! They look great! And the nude version looks HOT too!! :)
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request genderswap hunter
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Request nude edit of Supergirl from Superman tas
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Okay, here we have the naked version.
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Next we have the Wendy and Shrill version.
I’m still working on the naked Mrs. Beezley version you wanted.
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can i have a edit where the towel is removed and show her boobs?
OR here, thanks for indulging me. Great job.
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Water Woman!
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The adventures of Stripper Girl!
The hero we needed. Thank you for the edit ^^

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