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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8357095
/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive

40k Kink Meme

Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection

Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection

Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites


Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. https://pastebin.pl). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.

>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!
Write. Write. Write. The mega.nz links are there for a reason. The more you read, the more comfortable you'll be creating a story of your own. For any more questions, check the 'Writing Resources' post below or simply post a question in the thread.

>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
/tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons were against it, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods gave up and set the threads tagged with '/wst/' on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.
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=== General Writing ===

Creating a Story

General grammar tutorials and key notes

How to Write from a Second Person Perspective

Tips for Writing Grimdark


Body language

Facial Expressions


Guide to Constructive Criticism


=== Erotic Writing ===

Smut 101: An Introduction

Writing Erotica

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Thesaurus for Male and Female Sex Organs

Thesaurus for Sexual Action

Thesaurus for Erotic Description

How to write an Orgasm

/wfg/ Community Thesaurus
>Art Megas
>>https://mega.nz/folder/yn40jYbB#7qJ-ZAXEgFw-FixizevWBQ - Blindwildcat WH art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/H99m3IhY#SbpRVp2fghX8OABqHX5yOg - Lewdanon art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/8skznaBS#ibTA-IlvIaDtIl7asqOR9Q - Geabull art
New for last thread:
(Yrliet X profound grief and a crushing sense of loneliness)

Reposted from the thread before the last thread:
The Dragon of Starfall
>Asoiaf/fantasy crossover

By A Hair
ear play and body hair, Male human x Female Eldar

X Marks the Spot
https://rentry <dot> co/76m5oedr
F! Rogue Trader x M! Eldar Corsair

The Blade Bids The Bettor
F! Fire Dragon x M! Eldar, tags: haughty eldar, humiliation, forced marriage, naked dogeza
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(Yrliet X profound grief and a crushing sense of loneliness)
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>What boob size is that?
A or B cup.
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Just posting most up to date tzeentch girl wip.
I'm thinking, taking her height into consideration and how cup sizes are normally measured, those are 32C cups
Any advice on writing female on male non-con?
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Goddamn that pussy looks munchable.
If you're not afraid of rough stuff, try looking at The Satyxis' Kiss on Ao3. It's a Warmachine rather than Warhammer fic but might give you some ideas.
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Slaugth on Rogue Trader CRPG girls
These are the only appropriate answers.
Eldar exist to mog humans, and outfight overconfident (and unnamed) space marines.
They're engineered supersoldiers from a more elegant time. Not the brainwashed plate armoured gorillas with rpg's of the modern era.
>Eldar exist to
Be jobbers and cocksleeves for Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Tyranids, and occasionally Orks. Them being genetically engineered to be tall and athletic just makes their failures hotter.
I wonder what happened to that one anon many threads ago who said he was working on a Tau alien menagerie smutfic. I hope he's doing well.
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>cocksleeves for Imperial Guard
>Imperial guard
It's scientifically proven that imperial guardsmen and women end as cocksleeves for eldars far more than the opposite. The Ministorum merely suppress this information to the wider public for morale reason. >>8390377
Gay and boring.
We know eldar hearts bear faster than human one, but what about body temperature? Would it be comfortable for both to shower with aeldari gf/bf? What about cuddling?
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Almost all mammals on earth have roughly the same body temperature. So I don't think Eldar would be much different.

However the speed they're capable of moving and the energy they're capable of expending in a very short amount of time means they must have extremely high blood sugar levels. So all their fluids could be sweet to the taste.
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You joke but it is canonically the basis for a full third of the galaxy wide eldar economy.
You forget that Eldar, even the Dark Eldar, are boarderline psychic constructs.
The Dark Eldar lock their powers down pretty hard and mask the rest under sadism, but they're still psychically superhuman.
I believe when at rest, they're slightly more cool to the touch than normal humans are.
But I imagine after physical exertion they get quite hot. They move spooky fast, and are deceptively strong for their slender build, and all that work generates heat.
Orks are also canonically scared of this third of the galaxy wide eldar economy.
If I write AoS smut should I use elf or aelf
Aelf, so we know it's AOS. Moreso than 40k, the silly copyrightable corporate jargon is an essential part of the setting's atmosphere and aesthetic, lean into it!
You should use silly copyrightables names at every opportunity.
>he then engulfed his penine longreach into her quivering labian depths
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It doesn't make any difference, pick whichever you want. All that matters is you stick with it; don't chop and change between them
>captcha: RMBK
>not great, not terrible
Aelf. It's setting-specific terminology, use it.
Dracon's Pet Update
Chapter 21
10,438 words. Pushes my story over the 150k mark.

After a very short, perfectly reasonable eleven month hiatus, a new chapter of Dracon's Pet!

We do a little worldbuilding
Aerie: "Well well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"
It turns out that yes, these converts to a new religion actually care about their faith. A lot.

No smut, couldn't really find a good place for it, but hopefully that's not too upsetting.

As always, I wish to express my utmost appreciation and gratitude to all who read my story!
you shouldn't write it at all
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I'm looking forwars to start drawing eldar. Would you consider such bodies to be androgynous?
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Another question: Would?
>Yrliet has a bigger bulge than Marz
Is this swarm anon all over again
Yeah, I have few doubts about it
Marazhai actually has bigger ass
Meh, these just look terrible.
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I don't think anyone would be upset about a lack of smut, since you've supplied so much of it in the intervening months. I'd much rather read something you wanted to write over smut you didn't.
I've been out of the loop on JBR, she still drawing deldar?
the last deldar in her blog was a little over a month ago, so yes
Thank you!
I wanted to write things that were weirder and more sadistic and more Sadean than what suited the tone and direction of Dracon's Pet, but my main problem was that I finished chapter 20 and reread it and realized I had basically concluded the last major plotline I was focusing on in the story; Aniellah's and Vathan's courtship. I was like, "well shit, I could mark the story complete and it wouldn't even be wrong."
Except I didn't really want to do that, so it took a bit to get it started again.
Slapping Aerie around a bit to stir up some drama seemed like the logical next step. She's the perfect Aeldari maiden and the perfect Sadean heroine but that doesn't mean that she can escape a life of unrestrained libertinism unscathed. There get to be consequences for it. Because as much fun as it is to let Aerie victimize everyone around her and torment them for her own amusement, it's also fun to torment and victimize her for my amusement as the author. But she's a big girl and she can take her licks, and she wouldn't have done anything differently if she could.

Its also fun how Aerie and Aniellah grew into narrative foils for one another, Trueborn versus Halfborn, High Commorragh versus Low, a perfect being who is utterly complete in and of herself, versus an incomplete being who has always strove and struggled to make herself whore (and in doing so surpasses the one who was made perfect)
Similar to that is how Aniellah built everything for herself, while Aerie has built nothing and while she is perfectly suited to the role she was made for, isn't capable of ever surpassing it. It makes for a fun dynamic. And while she's known that for a long time, it's just now that she's met her sister that its really starting to bother her. So that gives me a new arc to explore.
As far as smut goes, it was starting to get a little repetitive at times and while I still have plenty of ideas for it, I'm only going to put them in if they fit the current story.
>an incomplete being who has always strove and struggled to make herself whore
I checked for typos and i still missed that one. Kek.
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In your defense I read it and it skipped right over my head too
What civilian clothing would eldar of each faction wear? How would it look like
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Do hormonal treatment and all genetic modifications affect the size of the space marine's penis?
I doubt it, they have all sexual desire burnt out of them during the conversion into a marine, so it's probably either unaffected, since there's no need for them, or it increases in size marginally along with the rest of the body. That, or it remains teeny, since we know stuff like steroids don't increase penor size, and can, in fact, decrease it.
According to the Gav novels, Craftworld Eldar fashion is a complete free-for-all of items taken from different periods of history, but mostly stuff that yuppy/artsy types would wear. Most of the Eldar in those novels were pretty young though, they probably graduate to more formal looking robes as they get older.

I don't think typical civilian Dark Eldar clothes have ever been described in detail, but in fan art it tends to be goth/emo and/or bdsm inspired, with an emphasis on robes and/or body suits
The new Lelith novel also has a scene where Lelith disguises herself with a nice dress and a half-face mask (it doesn't work).
>The new Lelith novel
Stop right there
Old 40k has very pretty civilian eldar arts
I liked it. It helps that his version of Commorragh is almost exactly like my version of Commorragh.
It's also funny how the plot beats of the story line up to explain why various tabletop things are actually fluffy
>here's why Lelith can be in a Ynarri list
>here's why Lelith can be in a Deldar list
>here's why Lelith can fight Ynarri lists
>here's why Lelith can be on both lists in Matched play (Morghana is in a mood and self-concisely imitating her)
The only parts that differ are whether Ynarri need to be physically close to Yvraine to feel the effects of the whispering god or have their souls saved, because Lelith loses that ability on returning to Commorragh, but she isn't actually part of the Ynarri as a full member, and they never directly answer the question the poses to her followers about whether they also feel the thirst again or whether they're damned when they die.
I didn't go into it expecting to like it, but I did. It's at least more readable than Gav's novels.
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I've always thought of Saim-Hann eldar as wearing kimonos since they've got that 'honor' and 'wild rider clans' thing going on, and it reminded me of samurai. Plus, they're supposed to be the most barbaric of the craftworlds so simpler clothing kind of made sense to me. But you could probably use their features to make them more like a '90s red leather jacket wearing biker gang vibe. Even though their name is celtic, I can't see them wearing kilts. And even if craftworld eldar in general are super greek inspired in their armor, I don't know if togas fit their aesthetic all the time. Maybe on some craftworlds for formal events?
Anyone have an updated MEGA of the 40k books? I am looking for Helwinter Gate
post it here
Check in /t/, there's a thread of all the books and audiobooks
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>Dark Eldar actually enjoy having humans in Cormorragh, and there is a notable human population.
>This is in great part to garner some cheap and easy amusement/light suffering by heightbullying them.
>Because Dark Eldar society thrives and facilitates itself on being dicks to one another.

In other news, need me a Druchii 7-8 ft Goth GF
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>Dark Eldar shitpost on the interwebway that anyone shorter than 6'5" is 'certified manlet' just to savour the seethe from the human population
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It's not a shitpost, that's what they mark on your slave documents. Just pray they don't brand you with it, too.
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>‘A good hunt, my mistress,’ said Khulo Khale.
>It had been a good hunt, but Hesperax did not answer her lover to agree. She was imagining what she was going to do to Khale by way of celebration. The anticipation of his screams made her smile. If his pain pleased her, she might resurrect him and do it all over again.
>or it remains teeny, since we know stuff like steroids don't increase penor size, and can, in fact, decrease it.
True, but we're talking about super tech magic steroids created by an immortal psychic mutant in the 30th millennium using the DNA of his super mutant children, I don't think the same rules apply.
No, but the part about them having all sexual desire removed still remains, and with that comes the implication that Emp had no use or interest in doing much with their junk. Ergo, it's either atrophied beyond all use or grew relatively in size to the individual, since I don't think they even use it for waste removal. Obviously, I've never read everything ever put out, but I have zero memory of anything involving a marine needing to drain the lictor in anything I have.
>but I have zero memory of anything involving a marine needing to drain the lictor in anything I have.
I remember that the space marine suits recycle the marine's waste and liquids so that he can consume them on longer missions.
On a similar note I'm looking for a pdf or epub of Martyr's Tomb. Not because I think it will be a good book but because I saw an excerpt where the Sisters of Battle talked about how great Malcador was and that piqued my interest.
>I don't think typical civilian Dark Eldar clothes have ever been described in detail, but in fan art it tends to be goth/emo and/or bdsm inspired, with an emphasis on robes and/or body suits
Wouldn't it just be spikey BDSM stuff?
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So yay or nay on black schlera for space elves?
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It's canon.
you can even have humies with black sclera in shopclick
>make DEldar OC
>just draw Lelith
Why is this always the case?
Joke on them, I'm 5'3 that's already my daily life.
They're 6'2" - 7' as per Wrath & Glory. Eldarlets must be pissed too
Both. Craftworlders are even shown to change eye color as make up
What kind of eldar do you like the most? I prefer Outcasts (Rangers, Corsair and etc). They're most liberated without being complete freaks (sexually too)
Cute and funny!
There is specifically lore about emps not wanting them to replace humanity. He wanted humans to ascend to the heights that Custodes reach (which custodes are basically fast-forwarded evolutionarily). Astartes are tools. They are surgically hacked-together to be more effective killing machines. They are ALSO improved through genetic enhancement via warp magic which would almost certainly carry breeding risks. If hed allowed their libido to remain as a normal human's was, they'd out-breed everything in the galaxy and theyd sire abhumans with warp fuckery issues and none of the hypno-indoctrination that protects astartes.

But big boy big dick pounding eldar poon and tau bussy wins out in these threads.
So, can Custodes breed?
No if we go with the theory the emperor made all of them sterile
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>Liber Xenologis/Xenology-like book that describes sexual practices of various 40k species
space marines are intellectually like 10 year olds they don't understand getting pussy
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mmm... I wouldn't say it that way, rather they don't know how to socialize outside the chapter (unless they are salamanders or space wolves)
Imperial propaganda and overrated.
Give me Eldar that are more comparable in size to Space Marines than normal humans.
I have a headcanon that it isn’t the sclera, but their pupils that expand to fill their entire eyes like cats when they are excited/aroused. So you can have the eldar gf with normal-ish eyes but the moment she’s horny you get the full black on black.
Wait… This isn’t 40k. What’s Anbennar general doing over here?
There was a moment in a book where I think some imperial fists had to attend a ball room dance and they were awkward the whole time and got angry at the questions the drunk royal people asked them
I think it must vary as they ascend in rank. Line Brothers are going to have very few social skills but Captains etc have to engage in diplomacy, negotiations, navigating the complex web of Imperial command structures etc. They're going to be better versed in social situations if only through decades of experience.
maybe you are thinking of "Brothers of the Snake"
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oops. someone posted that in here a while ago and I assumed it was a dark elf.
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How do you feel about Vagina Dentata? I wanna write a fic about a Wych who asked Haemonculus to incorporate teeth into her pussy for an arena trick and more
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I've got just the cult for you
>deploys snap sword
>Forgive me Greater Good, but I am addicted to imperial cock!
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>Serf: here is your sword, my lord, washed, dried and polished as the sacred rites dictate.
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>Serf: would you like another glass of milk, my lord?
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>Serf: my lord, I am ready to sanctify your muscles with the sacred oil.
Is that tattoo or pubic haircut?
>Is that tattoo or pubic haircut?
womb tattoo
It's a tattoo, you have to mark the Serfs.
I think it's a great idea. Here's the direction I took it,
People seemed to like how they were incorporated into the story so I suggest you do it. A Wych doing some acrobatic maneuver where she leaps out of a venom moving at spreed and lands on her victim's cock only to bite it off would be funny.
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>Ordo Eroticus
I see that everything works in this chapter, nothing sexual and within the codex astartes, as it should be.
nothing wrong with that
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Which miniatures do you think are the sexiest?
all men btw
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Ranger thighhighs UwU
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now I've seen everything
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>Trap T'au
Oh yes.
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speaking of t'au
Plug his urethra and give him to the Sisters as a living dildo
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FapTau after gooning for three days. Macha still hasn't beaten his record.
So I started writing a thing ages ago that was t'au adjacent, it was gonna be an outcast group of Guardsmen taken in by the t'au, something something Guard x t'au shenanigans, with musclegirl t'au, shortstack t'au etc. If anyone recalls.
I stopped because I'm fairly certain very few here would give a shit. Mainly, because I'm trying to be decent with the lore, but then of course people post t'au with massive tits and such else and I think well maybe it's fine then as I'm only making minor adjustments like that.
Either way, I'll post it on A03 soon to be judged and if it's liked then I'll continue it.
Have him be molested by a DEldar woman who specifically wants to "enhance him", [spoiler]specifically gives him even bigger dick and balls so he can impregnate her properly.[/spoiler]
I'd read it.
With lore accuracy, my policy is "break the rules, don't ignore them." Have your cake and eat it too.
If you want a big tiddy shortstack tau or a tomboy musclegirl tau, or several different castes living and working together, just come up with a reason these tau don't follow the rules for normal tau. A random tau with much bigger tits is easy to explain away without making every tau have massive tits. Or Like maybe the Tau characters are a bunch of misfits in something a step away from a penal Legion, who get stuck with the guardsmen because they aren't bad enough to get recycled but they can't coexist with the rigid caste structure of their culture, and they're on the same level of "what do we do with these idiots" that the guardsmen are as far as the tau leadership are concerned.
Like every society needs a way of dealing with the fuck-ups who aren't bad enough to merit punishment but can't be a part of normal society, and I could see the Tau using those people to liaise with the auxiliary species of the Tau empire.
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>Like every society needs a way of dealing with the fuck-ups who aren't bad enough to merit punishment but can't be a part of normal society, and I could see the Tau using those people to liaise with the auxiliary species of the Tau empire.
I had a thing I started years back and never finished with exactly this premise. A water caste lassie from D'Yanoi who got assigned to the gue'vesa protag as his recreational sex partner, because her sept is a backwater dump whose people were seen as yokels and got all the jobs they didn't want to give to 'proper' t'au.
She tried to put on a cheery air, but she found it all very degrading and realised that despite her hard work to try and prove she was as civilised and capable as any other water caste, she'd always just be second-class in the eyes of her superiors, nothing but a comfort girl for gue'la.
The protag would have started out very bitter (he only wanted to fuck a woman from a human womens' regiment) and would have initially been quite hostile and angry toward her, but after she blew up at him and let him see some of her own bitterness he'd have softened quite a bit and they'd have eventually developed some actual feelings for each other. and had some quite tender sex, hoping that eventually they might see each other again.
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If you're the anon I think you are then I was one of the previous responders. It was never my intention to dissuade you from writing the type of tau you wanted to write. Please share the ao3 link when you've finished it. We seem to be experts at chasing off artists but I don't want us to be experts at chasing off writers as well.
>I'm fairly certain very few here would give a shit
we can't even really know how many CAN give a shit since they took away the IP counter, but there's still a community of people who want to read in these threads, even if they can be mostly quiet or serial lurkers.
Fair doose. I don't want to say you did, but it was a bit discouraging as I believe some mirrored your sentiments. I'm not in the habit of writing what isn't going to get read.
But yeah, I shall edit accordingly and post soonish, I got about halfway through the first chapter before trailing off.
Interesting to know, well I have something in the story that I believe falls into that category regarding the guardsmen and the t'au.
The t'au do as well, though the musclebabe shortstack type stuff was generally fine anyway given the contents I see and saw last with t'au pics in the thread.
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this isn't going to turn out the way they think it will
Kerillian kills them all and then goes home to get railed stupid by Kruber?
yeah but they don't know that, do they?
That just makes it better! :D
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Kruber doesn't know that?
no, he's just going to wake up with his wrists and ankles already tied to the bedframe.
Ah, it's a normal Friday then, isn't it?
It's cute how tsundere she acts for our boi Kruber.
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Despite my best efforts I always manage to post these after midnight...

Testicular Torsion
F! Mechanicus Adept x M! Mechanicus Adept, tags: under table, blowjob, size difference, workplace stealth sex, creampie

I tried to write the previous one of these silly mechanicum smuts with no need to have knowledge of the one before. I still don't really think that's necessary to enjoy the smut parts, but as I accidentally keep making more Lexmechanic smut the more the story baggage grows. So hopefully the character dynamics make sense from an outsider, but I don't want to promise they will. I've realized I should just say screw it to avoiding series and let the ideas come as they come, so now that I've finished this one, I already have plans for an eventual fourth.

As for this one, if you have any criticism or grammar critiques please let me know. Same for any other comments about its contents. Whatever you do I hope you enjoy what you're reading, and thank you for what you all do.

And for the MEGA archivist, here's the updated ao3 version of the previous story:
X Marks the Spot
F! Rogue Trader x M! Eldar Corsair, tags: kidnapping, drugged sex, eldar emotion-fucking, goth boy, verbal humiliation

Thanks to everyone who read this one and gave me all the grammatical critique. I hope the new story is better since I tried to edit it with this previous one's failings in mind. As for the next story I think I might continue the eldar twins that shared sensations, because that's fun.
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>Lelith is canonically a lesbian now
It's all tiresome.
I had no doubt in my mind that she was a bislut. That said we know why Mike Brooks did it so fuck him.
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Yeah it's just for brownie points. Diversity win!
>foremost champion in a cult of scantly clad gladiatrix lasciviously stabbing one another, where males are looked down as inferiors and mostly just fit for breeding
>fuck girls sometimes
I mean, yeah? I would have been more surprised if she did not.
I'd be more annoyed if(when) they reveal Eldrad or Yriel to be gay, dark eldars are degenerate and will fuck anything regardless of général, specie or sentience.
Wouldn't be too surprising. He kind of had a Frodo and Sam thing going on with his second in command. Which is naturally interpreted as gay by any modern reader.
She had a female concubine in "Shadow Play" by Rob Sanders (2012)
Gender, fuck
But anon, Eldrad is Emperor's ex. Emps came to hate xenos because they had a nasty break up
I think your programming broke, buddy.
They have to make everything lame and gay.
But it wasn't lame. And she expressed lesbianism before as >>8407966 said
I cant wait for the emperor to due and turn into the order god so we can make some canonical sin eater like corruption porn.
emperor will be reborn as a thicc milfy goddess
Still lame and gay.
With all her angels turning into golden statuesque women of varying shapes.
One hell of a crossover
If you could've had any AdMech GF what she would be like? What would her personality be? What rank and role? How augmented would she be? What implants would she have? Etc.
Very nice!
I will read them sometime today.
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The sexbotification kind
>t. that one archon spending half a hive city worth of slaves buying Lelith bathwater twice a month in the hope she'll eventually notice him
No one care, she had a bf in Valedor
I don't remember that, can you remind me? Like, chapter with that or his name?

So, she's bi?
See >>8399301 it's an excerpt
Also, why isn't Valedor in Reading Collection?
It's literally a one-line, throwaway comment about how she's fucking the dude who pilots her Venom, and that she'll probably kill him when he starts getting possessive or boring. Her entire characterisation in the book is one of the most generic femme fatale tropes imaginable so I'm quite happy to throw it out in favour of Brooks' depiction.

Also it gets all the sad fucks who ship Lelith with bland faceless protag-standin Guardsmen really mad, which can only be a good thing.
she's bisexual retard
>a proudly degenerate sadist from the most degenerate and sadistic branch of the most degenerate race in 40k does degenerate things
wtf, how could this happen!
I actually have the headcanon that, while druckhari sexuality is generally distributed the same as it is among humans in real life, sex is such a casual thing for them - more about power assertion, social currency, and sensation seeking than love/attraction - that being straight or gay is kind of a privledge for the most powerful and everyone else winds up being bisexual in practice, even if they aren't were they to have complete liberty to have sex with whoever they wanted
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That's it I'm calling Noldorfag to beat your ass
what have I done to deserve this fate? (nice art, btw, who's the artist?)
That would make the most sense in how everything is politics of pain and suffering. There isn’t straight and gay, there is who fucks and who gets fucked, with some of the dominant having preferences to display even more power and status to their fellows.
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Reminds me of how in the Malus Darkblade series dark elves don't care about incest. Your mom still looks like a teen and your sister is a gigaslut anyway.
Immortality and bad societies do weird things to you.
Found him
It is.
All I'm seeing in this image are
>1 regular to the club
>2 bouncers guarding the entrance
>2 random skanks who prey on any of the potential patrons leaving the establishment.
>imagine than GW add lgbt stuff to anyone but slaanesh
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My thoughts exactly

Thank you! dropping a follow!

have a craftworlder captured by the deldar
you mean the chaos god created by the eldar?
Would witch hunters consider fucking an elf heretical?
I’m sure Saltzpyre thinks so. Kruber just disagrees.
sorry chaos scrubs but that elf belongs to laggy rats and poorly telegraphed beastmen

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