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I’m thinking based edition

>Guides and resources

>Official Discord and community links

>How much does VaM cost and can I play for free?
The full version is $8 on Patreon and buy-once for each major version (currently 1.22). There is a free version but it is very limited.
>Can I play VaM without VR?
Yes, you can play in desktop mode. VR is a different experience and highly recommended.
>How do I install/load appearance/scenes?
Watch the tutorials.
>How do I animate stuff?
>How do I save my CustomUnityAssets so I can easily load them again?
>How do I share a scene/look with my vambros?
>When is VaM2 going to be released?

Previous thread: >>8344644 (Dead)(embed)(memes)
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Gonna try to make a new scene this week after being inspired
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What textures are these, especially nipples?
I wish there was better adventure style clothing in a fantasy setting. I like Qing and vam archer since they make a lot of chink shit from mmos but wish it wasn’t so stylized. Super tempted to get some clothing commissioned.
what do you mean you want adventure style but not so stylized
inspired by what?
I have a high end gaming rig with a i9 13900k and vam melts my cpu and gpu. Only game that's able to do this, damn you vam!
Which gpu?
I doubt you have 64gb ram. Really helped me a lot. I’m not sure if vram helps any
bump for answer >>8390278
Fast board!
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She is gonna throw up
It's finally the weekend
kek it does seem like she is drunk and about to yak
is it possible to port General Butch Mercy to vam do being based on genesis 3 morph
i have no idea if this helps or not
Surely I will finish my scene tomorrow
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Would you follow a catgirl into the woods?
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I'd follow *that* catgirl into the woods, sure.
looks like a monstershinkai skin but im just guessing
Woods always have dinosaurs in them.
She wears a mask so no.
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Another weekend of getting nothing done
one day gone and ive not touched my scene rip
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What scene?
pretty sure its just this with some different morphs texture seems to be the same https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/aco.46030/
I think they are using SupaRio's Layered Nips as well
cool nice find
how'd you tell
Because I always use them?
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>stay up all night trying to import a character from another game
>watch dozens of tutorials on how to use a wrapping software on a genesis 2 character
>finally get a morph into the game
>it looks like shit
And that was only the morph. Trying to get fucking textures into this game is another nightmare
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Who was it?
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What is this monster from?
theres no 8k nipples in there, schizo
>t. 8k nip user
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Are there anymore large pigtails like this hair?
Should be able to use same wrap software to transfer over textures.
looks like rocksteady from ninja turtles, but uglier.
wtb some interesting releases on the hub
A Milla and a Perfect Dark outfit or two would be nice.
hub down?
Looks like it is. Hope it's gonna be back up soon.
If the hub is down forever perhaps we might be set free from this hell
>works on my machine
What happed to the quality of these threads?
Why is everything here so shit now?
hello, samefaceguy.
put that outfit on one of the older girls and post results
Why you here then nigga
finally some new MMDs
I recently had to do a clean install from scratch after losing my previous install. There's a bunch of stuff that I must have pirated that I really miss, but the biggest of them are a huge set of individual muscle morphs. Do any of you know what these might have been from?
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No clue everything I have is from the free hub.
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Seems rather unsanitary. I hope a restaurant inspector doesn't stop by!
Maybe search for muscle on the hub?
this is a long shot but I'm requesting help looking for an old scene i lost when i did a fresh install. you were in an alley with an Asian girl in catgirl cosplay and she's kneeling at your dick. there were commands buttons to the right and shed do all different sex stuff. anyone have a lead?
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damn he's don a million of these. outstanding, anon, ty
That was the first thing I did, and I used as many alternate ways of spelling and conceptualizing the morphs as I could, and even looked in the paid sections and still found nothing.
What is this anyways, just a 3D model dress up and poser? or is it multiplayer like second life?
>3D model dress up and poser
with animations and interactivity, including sex simulation and VR features
There's a multiplayer addon but I know nothing about it other than it exists.
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Charges, officer?
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Being "cute" and "funny" in violation of State Code 420, Subection 69.
Do you or other anons have other content creator suggestions for ready-to-go scenes?
Looks like most of the old posters stopped posting. The ones posting now suck?

>rent free

So is he sameface guy or am I sameface guy or is everyone else who thinks this thread has gone to shit sameface guy? With so many sameface guys how do we know which is which?
to be fair, the vam discord, reddit, main web page,etc has all gone down hill. The interest in vam overall is waning. For example I'm waiting for ww3 that's where all the real fun starts imo.
Don't kid yourself the VAM threads were never good. Sameface guy spamming the thread with the same faces and poses when everyone else can make the same plastic bimbo brings nothing to the table. The only posts that made me chuckle were the spooky vr or the cute and funny ones.
porting models to vam seems like a gargantuan headache if you don't have previous experience. from what i can see, i would need to learn 3DS Max, Blender and Daz just to port what i want

not to mention all the little troubleshooting and fixing that you'll have to research as you do it
There are in-depth guides that get the job done but if something goes wrong or needs tweaking then having previous experience in those programs would definitely come in handy. I'll get back around to it eventually.
Weekend is still far away
>spooky vr
Tell me more
i swear to god that to this day the only person who i have seen figured out how to port a character with the god awful instructions on discord without some kind of tech background was mczippy and the guy disappeared a year ago
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Anyone knows of any panty hoses with the lines on the back?
Panty hose, not just thigh highs.
banned for pedoshit
Really? what the heck did he post?
Any good shrinking/size scenarios? If so where?
No idea, never saw it personally, don't think it was posted in public. I'm guessing it might have been behind the patreon paywall or tucked away on his discord assuming he had one like most creators do. Someone must have reported it to official mods which would have infiltrated his discord/patreon for evidence and then banned him.

payshit is all having to be submitted to hub now for approval if they want to advertise there. I'm sure the pedos along with the rampant thievery played a part in making all the hub changes happen.
what cellulite normals you using
idk man. Vam is kinda easier since you don't have deal with weight painting and rigging in general.
one eyelash has more eye shadow on it
meh I can't be bothered to fix that right now
bless you if you share
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Oh! new stuff on free hub!
Its da weekend!
It sure is! get ready for funposting!
I recently lost everything. I'm going to pour through the 6500 vars I've found myself with and mix and match some face and full body morphs. I might also then play with the alternative futa mod. When I am not doing this, I am going to be playing minecraft over the internet with my kids who are are their mothers house. I get to do my two favorite opposing things: be horny, and play with my kids. This is what being an adult is like I suppose.
new POE league I heard this one will actually be good for a change.
How do you make cellulite normals
wow its fucking nothing
well it is free.

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