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Previously: >>8375246
The cartoony side: >>>/aco/csdg

No DALL-E generated stuff.
No futa.
Report trolls.

General: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | rentry.org/sdg-link | rentry.org/rentrysd
Hires Fix: rentry.org/hiresfixjan23
Inpainting/Outpainting: rentry.org/drfar | rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Create LoRAs, TIs: rentry.org/59xed3 | rentry.org/simplified-embed-training
List of models/LoRAs:

>Auto1111 extensions
ControlNet: github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet | rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
Regional Prompter: github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter
Tag autocomplete: github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete

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is there an archive for these threads?
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Did you make this?
Forced deepthroat?
BBC slave tifa is the natural order
Can you gen her getting glowing large pink materia beads shoved up her asshole and glowing pink eyes?
Some hypnosis/charm kink stuff
they look pretty good. Could i get the prompts?
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Love this one, very classical Hollywood.
Hopefully the anon is still around that made these
Were saved a month ago
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If i want to train for a character should i include pics of their body as well as their face in the data set?
For body accuracy yes, but if youre like countless drooling retards on twitter you wont care about body canonical appearances and you'll end up giving starfire bimbo proportions
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Looks like a combination of Kirsten Dunst and Eva Green
I think it's inspired by a really old bondage pic I can't find right now
Or maybe just coincidence
Would be funny to hear from the genner
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oh hey I made that, my gens are img2img of a 3d render, that one I based on yennefer from the witcher using ip-adapter
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Thanks, now I see the resemblance heh
Which is the right ip adapter model to use with XL? ip-adapter_sdxl_vit-h or without vit-h? Or something else?
I only tried one of these once it it blows through VRAM
Replying to myself: vit-h actually works, it uses the smaller CLIP model
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i like these, are they all from a render? i'd assume so because the hand holding the cup isn't fucked up
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straight jorkin it at the jedi temple with my lightsaber cock
Can you please make a futa one? I know not everyone is into this and i won't spam this thread with requests but it's very rare to see Emma being dominated by female creatures in general.

Also can you "replace" the guy with woman on similar like left image?
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>hop in dude
no, go to /d/ for that troon shit
thumbnails made me hopeful that was candid Greta
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Question. When you are using inpaint with a mask, and you choose "inpaint not masked", does SD see the masked part of the image? If I take a random assortment of pixels and use those as a mask, would this work as a way to ensure consistent colors even at high denoising?
"Inpaint not masked" just inverts the mask
Either way, it sees the pixels under the mask because you set "Masked content: original"
new spiderman looking p good
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I've been having trouble with outpainting and getting "seams" and I can't get it right.

I've been maxing out the blur settings, using Soft Inpainting, and used the Mosaic outpaint add-on as well. 64 mask blur, 256 only masked padding. For Soft Inpaint: 4 Schedule bias, 0.5 preservation strength, 2 transition contrast boost, 0 mask influence, 0.5 difference threshold, 2 difference contrast.

How do I make it more seamless?
She really does look good being choked
10 internet points to anyone who makes Misty or May from Pokemon, but as real (18 year old) women.
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ok let me rephrase, is the model aware of what pixels it's not changing when it's doing the latent space thing?
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It's your lucky day.
https://litter.catbox.moe/m74ous.png there's never ending slop of this request type everywhere btw
The pixels outside the mask, which are to be unchanged, are affecting the gen as long as denoising strength is <1.0
A lower CFG should also help match the color/light in theory since it lowers the effect of the prompt
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Nice how the oily hair was resolved.
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Only realistic looking one so far. Did you IP-adapter the girl or the style? How do you get the subdued tones? Most gens are oversaturated as shit.
Are there any particular prompt phrases you’re using to get such a photorealistic effect? I’ve used epicrealism as a refiner and it is great for realistic people but I haven’t figured out how to generate a photographic effect like in that image
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Any recommendations for a pseudo realisitc model?
1/3 serendipity, 1/3 bemypony30, 1/3 Zonkey42
I'd put some voters in her ballot box.
its mostly coming from my custom loras. using all the prompts that pony knows still wont get the effect without the loras.


god even with AI she's absolutely horrid
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Not slutty enough, must go further
i like that you have no problem posting your loras. you remind me of me.
I'm possibly liking inpainting too much
thanks for these! ewe appreciate you sharing your hard work. Ive seen in some instances where the lora filename has to be exactly as it was originally written otherwise it doesnt fully work as intended. Can we get the original exact filenames too?
thank you for the advice
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can it improve this composite edit pic i did?
the main thing that could use improving is the top of the stocking the area of the shirt where her chest is exposed. if you change the resolution please keep it to at least 1500 wide by 1000 tall. for reference you can find the originals at:

please make sure that the hands remain uncovered and visible. if the AI can't do that then don't bother posting the pics.
leonardo ai but still pretty good
fuck off
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Finally started playing with sdxl stuff. used the zonkey pony realism one. I will have to test with it more.
how do i get the controlnet to work for sdxl is there a specific sdxl controlnet?
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Mayb tis can be helpful? https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dxh7dz/controlnet_allinone_controlnet_for_image/
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For celebs you need LoRAs
The faces are far off the mark
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Henlo. First time posting here. Took a while to find a thread that suits my gens, I think this might be it.
The file can be renamed freely, it doesnt affect its use as long as the lora callout in the prompt matches the file name.
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Fixing nipples is just too damn fun

thank you kindly!
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if requests are frowned upon then that should probably be stated in the first post.
There was a gen with woman wearing a huge strapon in this style, anyone have it? Asking for a friend
the fucking blanket people... nightmare fuel
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i redeemed code for this
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thanks for clarifications
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lol i type big boobies
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You can shape the body any way you want: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_group%3Abody_parts
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How can I make those?
Is there a way to do it locally?
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Read the OP. Its all in there.
Unfortunately I'm too retarded to do what's in there.
I was hoping there was a magical auto installer or something like that.
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I can't be arsed to do all that stuff either (nor do I have a capable PC). I use perchance.org even though it's nowhere up to speed as sd or dalle but I still have a lot of fun playing around with it
The very first link in OP is for AUTOMATIC1111, which is wiki where the very first links on that page tells you how to download and run the one-click auto installer depending on your video card.

Read the OP. Its all in there.
Even the second link in OP, the rentry one, the very first link goes to fooocus which is even more beginner friendly and has an even easier one click installer since then you wont need to setup python since its embedded. You're not retarded. You're just massively lazy which is magnitudes worse.
download stability matrix, it will autoinstall various UIs and work as a package manager for add-ons from civitai, it even has a built in inference page so you can generate without installing anything else, it's just more basic than other software
I finally did it but all my prompts look like garbage and abominations.
Unfortunately we cant spoonfeed you creativity. Just go on civit and open a picture you like and study the prompts and generation settings they used. You know, READ.
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Fuck yes, I'd love those for a titfuck
I can make one, any suggestions?
>I'm too lazy to read just do it for me and build a machine where I press a button and it knows what I want.
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Top notch baking, as always.
Lemme in
holy SHIT
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spoonfeed a newfag here. How do you guys get such crisp real looking iamges? whenever I generate they have fucked up faces 100% of the time and the image has fucked up parts all over. im using automatic1111 if that matters. and autismmix. what am i doing wrong?
adetailer helps with deformities but it's mainly persistence
generate lots of pictures with your prompt until you get a seed that you like with minimal body horror, make variations of that seed and then run the best one through img2img until it looks good
What size are you genning? Starting small and upscaling can help
im genning at 1024, I should be generating at that resolution for sdxl models, unless im mistaken?
ive been loking at adetailer. does it work for multiple subjects at once, or just 1girl scenes?
I want to make a custom lora to insert a certain person's face in my images.
How can I do that?
I already have tons of images of that person.
every single one of us started by seeing fucked up faces and body horror (or that one asuka test prompt when NAI first dropped)… just takes some time and testing to figure out what works best, with some tweaking for different models etc. also keep in mind that SD 1.5 and SDXL models have somewhat different prompting than pony models, and autismmix is definitely a pony model. I use pony realism but that requires
some extra attention to detail and maybe a couple of loras, so starting with drawn styles in autismmix is a great way to learn. go forth and create!
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There’s so much to know it can’t be spoonfed all at once. I’m still fairly new but am way more capable now than I was even a week ago. You’ll learn the basics and look at images and see what’s possible and find out what they did then learn how to do it yourself. You’ll start rough then get better as you go. I’ve been using pony realism and I find that using very simple prompts at first is a good way to understand fine tuning the generation settings (1girl, wide hips, large breasts, nude, posing/kneeling/standing, white background).

Adetailers will automatically detect all the elements in an image that they’re designed to find. Face adetailers will detect and inpaint all faces it detects.

I believe good images are the result of a series of processes, some automated like adetailers and upscalers, and some manual like inpainting.
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adetailer is literally just automated inpainting btw
better to inpaint by hand for a while so you learn which settings you need for your adetailer
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short answer: copy prompts from civitai
long answer: there are only so many pixels in a face and the AI is picking from a lot of possible solutions for your overall prompt. to some extent, you can avoid undesirable results through prompts - e.g. if you have depth of field in your prompt, you probably won't get bokeh, or through negative prompts, like putting totem pole or amputee in your negative prompt will avoid head stacks and half limbs. However, if you are generating at 576x768, if you prompt for a portrait, your face will probably be fine, but if you prompt for a full body, the face doesn't have enough pixels for the AI to make one that passes the smell test. Prompt weights can also be a factor; increasing a weight too high can cause adverse effects. (Gigantic breasts:1.5) can give you an image entirely of tits.

Inpainting the face with the "masked only" setting will expand the masked part to the full size of the image, and then modify that. This is particularly useful for faces because of the aforementioned pixel thing. You can do this manually in inpaint, or automatically with adetailer.

Post some of your prompts (and model) and I'll see if there's anything obvious. Negative prompts are particularly important with some models.
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The other thing is that image dimensions have a LOT to do with your final image, more so than your model, even. If you're genning at 1024x1024 in a 1.5 model, you're going to get body horror, because it's trained on smaller images, and instead of expanding them, it will just fill up the extra space with things from the prompt (including things like "standing" or "tits").

fwiw i almost never seed hunt
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excellent point, I found this helpful

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i merged zony realism and pony realism checkpoints
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i meant zonkey
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you notice that some of the realistic checkpoints are more resistant to actual sex acts? Been merging a few as well, pic related.
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not yet. i havent messed with merging XL checkpoints until today. this one doesnt have issues with sex acts at least
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this does look great, nice work
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nta but something i noticed in realisticvision is that the models can do sex acts, but the tokens are extremely weak and will be overshadowed by basically any other prompt. I can gen sex acts if that's literally the only thing i prompt but once i start adding style prompts it turns into a generic 1girl, even at 1.5 strength
Are you using the danbooru tags for the positions?
Order in the prompt matters, move it closer to the start
Most pony models need score_9,score_8_up at the start, which will help with composition
What kind of style prompts are you trying? They might just not be supported by the merge
If in doubt, stay with danbooru tags
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i'm talking about a photoreal 1.5 model
Wow, this Goddess model is really great. What kind of language prompts it follows? I couldn't find the pattern in sample pics.
Whenever I try to generate prompts from a text file, it doesn’t seem to register the sampler I specify. That is to say the image doesn’t generate correctly and the sampler is not listed in the png info at all. Does anyone have a template that they’ve had success with for generating using a text file, or at least know how to specify the sampler?
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Fuuuck! More BWC-CBT pls!!
My bad, realisticvision is obviously not pony
You are not going to get good custom hardcore porn images from non-pony models
There is simply not enough training in those for it to have learned those promptable concepts
Obviously there are porn images even in the base model training sets
So what you see sometimes is how it's trying to make a sort of remix of those images
But you can't really customize details like poses, sex organs, number of partners etc.
Just use pony for that, it does it all and more

Pony models
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Is this thread only for "realistic" generations?
No, but anime-stye generations are more the métier of /e/, /h/ or /d/.
Gwen mask lora, trigger "gwen mask", adding "mouth mask" can help, as well as putting "mouth, ears" in negative.

You could not have chosen a more disgusting content to gen to advertise your Lora with. Piss should be banned to /b/

objective achieved, pissing off insecure kids
Is this the beta already posted or did you finish baking a new version?
That can go to the cartoon thread >>>/aco/csdg >>8399151
Semi-realistic renderings are kind of a toss up
This thread here is meant for photo or near-photo realism

Pony version
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Thanks, prompts correctly in zonkey 5.0 every time as long as I include a color
I noticed it hijacks arms above head and makes her touch her head instead
I'm working around that by adding the mask with adetailer after the fact, which also gives me more freedom with colors and materials without resorting to regional prompter

So... rip these threads?
Most gens would never pass as real
This should concern mostly nudifying of real images
Which already got a guy in jail in bongland cause the girl was minor
>Most gens would never pass as real
I don't know if this part is true. The bill specifies that a "reasonable person" could think the images are real and we know how bad "reasonable" boomers are at detecting even really shit AI images
It won't be up to boomers it'll be up to Mark, Ken, and Ahmed in the office who have to sort this shit
It's actually even worse. That law says that even labelling it as fake is not enough
I wonder why they include the other conditions then. Typical law maker retardation
Always post celeb pics without labels
Law fags can figure out the rest
I think it's silly to assume this would save you from the wrath of any feminists
But they would go after people that tweet those pics at them first
Also the law is worded for revenge porn/regular people, not public persons/celeb cases
And they would shut down civitai first
>Congress finds that:
>(1) Digital forgeries, often called deepfakes, are
>synthetic images and videos that look realistic
Easy fix: From now on, gen all celebs with giant milk tits, gaping holes, giantess/minigirls, futa, horns and wings
Always happy to comply with US Laws!
Let them explain in court why a reasonable person would believe that extreme prolapse was real
>Caring about feminists
Every AI image includes a UFO in the background, hence not real. If it is declared real, then UFOs are real. BOOM
That's the big hole in this law. They should have worried more about logic than spending multiple paragraphs on codifying victims feelings
They state that marking it as fake is not enough to be safe (what about Free Speech though...)
But at the same time it has to be a realistic image
So drawings are completely okay
And no matter how photographic it is, if the content is absurd enough it won't be realistic

Also dead celebs are okay since the person has to be alive to sue
I don't see any carve out of absurdist. Only "realistic" and "lifelike". So if someone generated Leo DiCaprio naked that would be illegal, adding an alien to the image isn't going to save it.
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"Your honor, this digital forgery depicting my client is causing harm to his reputation and so we seek damages"
"How so?"
"It shows my client having intercourse with sexy aliens from outer space"
"It's of photographic quality and so people could think it's real!"

Just make sure that the test case that makes it all the way to the Supreme Court involves proper futa so we can all keep laughing at your joke of a country
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really nice style, share a prompt?
Using this model: https://civitai.com/models/597602/lusty-weekend-at-zavys
I basically copied the sample prompts.

>close up, Stevan Dohanos style painting, Stevan Dohanos painting of a jedi woman, wearing a sexy robe, with a lightsaber, see through clothes, 1960 style, (((by norman rockwell, Stevan Dohanos))), in style of Saturday evening post, classic pinup art posing, rough colored oil painting style, vivid color, thigh gap, <lora:add-detail-xl:0.3> <lora:NsfwPovAllInOneLoraSdxl:0.3>
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thanks anon, that Stevan Dohanos was a fucking gangster, appreciate it!
you're underplaying how much harm someone can do to someone with this tech
I need some more AOC’s to add to my collection so that they give me the noose when they catch me
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Can I make a request from someone who's better than me with Pony? I'd love some kind of public use bondage, preferably with creampie, in classical painting styles.
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what's /asdg/ recommended models for realistic images?
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Why is it so appealing to gen Hermione getting used like a hooker
WOW incredible, can you do it with scarjo or emili clarke
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Shout-out to any film connoisseurs in this rancid general who recognize her.
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It's not easy getting a convincing Milena is it
What's going on with the aspect ratio there
Common beginner mistake, mistyping the resolution
For A1111, I recommend sd-webui-ar_xhox extension
It lets you pick resolutions just like in Fooocus
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Looks like dalle shit
Show us where the milk comes from
Lustify is a good model for porn aesthetics.
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Yes. Emilia lora is working. Guess ill make a scarjo one from dalle thread archive.
nice!! Yes Im also intersted in seeing a good Scarjo one from you! Thanks in advance
Shut up

Toatazles not montroonn
Maybe a bit over the top
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hmm forgot to upscale
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these are amazing, I demand more!
holy shit
I was just starting to think my gens are decent lmao
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I'm fairly certain Milena Velba like the girls m8.
retarded ESL

1 spelling mistake != esl you fucking illiterate cuntswab.
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more casually nude office girls
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more of this please lord
stop making spelling mistakes then, esl. you're still retarded for thinking she's a dyke, too.
>you're still retarded for thinking she's a dyke, too.
>t. has literally never watched a Nadine J video...
How about some brace face blondes with pigtails
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Is that Texas chainsaw? She looks like the radio DJ
You think lesbians can't have kids either by adoption or previous relationships?
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yeah and most of their vids feature WOMEN sucking lactating/non-lactating tits of other WOMEN and (ocasionally) some pussy play.

bi maybe but defo enjoys sucking a milky tit. Why does it matter so much to you?
He's afraid his imaginary girlfriend isn't into him
>be anon
>buy you-beaut, top of the range pc with duck nuts gpu
>spend months on github, 4chinz and who the fuck knows where learning to gen
>dld gigs of models and loras
>get a decent library of Milena because macromastia and lactophilia
>start genning pics of Milena
>she says, "Yeah... nah."
>is coffee gud for you?
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july has been a heavy month for me generating.
so i have heard a rumor about Ai tools getting released in a big way after november when the election in US is over. I believe it.
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>Is that
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Requesting tight Japanese sluts getting blacked
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We can go further
She's actually running a retail business in Prague these days
I'd love to see her little bottom in hemmed, loose, but deep riding denim shorts. Sort of a holy grail for me. The kind girls wear at the beach with a thong, but no frills.
So does that go in one hole or both

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