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Collateral damage edition.
>A giant woman sat on website...
>Our website!

Previous: >>8445565
Repository Archive
>Active contributing creators



>Giantess clips in media
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The tiny could only whimper as he looked up at the giant nipple. Little did he know he had a secret admirer who was obsessed with him, a homely looking girl with big heavy tits who wanted him all for herself. Waiting for her moment to use an experimental serum she stole from a lab she worked in, she shrunk the object of her obsession so small he was smaller than her pinky finger nail. Seeing him so small and helpless made her gasp in arousal, she quickly secured him and eagerly went home. She was giddy in excitement, the tiny watched in awe as she placed him on her bed and removed her brah, revealing the biggest tits he’s ever seen in his life. They were impossibly huge and she had long thick nipples that were so sensitive that she could orgasm from it, she loved playing with her nipples when she masturbates thinking of him and it gave her a wicked idea. She told him his new life: from now on he belonged to her and she belonged him, that he would be with her at all times close to her body. She said they would be always making love in some way and that she always wanted him to be cumming for her at every waking moment so that he could feel good and show her how much he loves her. She laid back and placed her screaming little lover on her giant tits, she began to breath heavily in arousal at the sight of his tiny body against her big, delicious nipples. She buried her hand in her panties and told her new little boyfriend to fuck her nipple, the tiny held on to the enormous nipple as her tit wobbled from her frantic masturbation. It only picked up in intensity when she felt him press his puny body against her nipple, the tiny looked up and couldn’t believe how small he was, he was dwarfed by a nipple of an insane woman who took his life away. Tiny sobbed as he humped the nipple to keep this new “girlfriend” from hurting him, she took this as him accepting his new life and urged him to cum endlessly for her
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She moved her finger to watch her little man humping her nipple in earnest, “fuck my nipples, cum for me!” She said as she worked her slobbering pussy. “I want you to cover my nipples in cum, I want to make you feel good” she said as she watched her little boyfriend continue his humping. The tiny fucked her nipple with everything he had, wonder the whole time if he was doing anything or if the mere sight of him trying to do anything was what gave her pleasure. “You’re going to stay on my nipples from now on, I want you to be making love to me everywhere I go” she moaned as her orgasm built up. “I can’t wait to feel your little body mounted on my nipples while I’m at work and feel you cover it in cum, I’ll make you so happy and we’ll be together forever” she nearly yelled as her climax came over her. The tiny blew the first of many loads on her nipple, it went unnoticed as she groaned in pleasure from an intense orgasm. She relaxed and watched her little lover holding on to her nipple, “did you cum? Cum for me again” she giggled as she gathered her tits up with her arms so she could watch her tiny fuck her nipples. “They’re all yours, cum as much as you want whenever you want” she said. Much to the tinys dismay he found that his senses were overloaded by her pheromones at this size, his cock ached in arousal and he found that he almost needed to rub his cock against her for some kind of release. She smiles wide as she watch his little body tense up from an orgasm against her big, thick nipple, “that must feel so good, you must really love me, cum for me again! Don’t ever stop” she said as her heart fluttered in her delusion. The tiny panted and sweated as he continued to hump the nipple, trying to relieve his arousal that he was no longer in control over. His life as he knew was now over, all that was left now was worshipping and fucking a giant delusional woman’s nipples
I appreciate that the big girl was interested in the little guy and wanted to make him happy. Thank you for that, nipple slave anon. I still do hope some day you will come around to the tiny guy being bigger than the nipple, even if he's just the size of the areola, for the kinds of lewd stories that you write. That would make them even better to me.
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Mamizou foot bullying some tiny guy.
Why are these the only Western characters in the thread?
Bea is from England
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Because segregating content by origin or ethnicity of artist is retarded
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>needs a new pet
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It's a scam
>Ask to get eaten
>I just got mouth play
>Then she spat me out cuddled me and called me a good boy
>Now I feel confused and dont want to be food
>Many Such Cases

It's starts out cruel, degrading and humiliating, then she starts treating you like you have worth, like you're an equal even.

This a powerful emotional manipulation technique known as "love" and unfortunately many tinies fall for it and end up in supportive relationships based on mutual respect and admiration.

If you are trapped in a loving relationship with a Giantess, please call Tiny Infliction Services. We will see that you are immediately placed in immediate jeopardy with one of our antisocial workers.

All of our staff have specialized training in dominance and sadism. They undergo a strict screening process to assure they hold strong misandrist beliefs and a burning desire to dominate, subjugate, humiliate and obliterate tinies.

We recruit staff from a variety of hostile, bitter and hate filled backgrounds such as:
>Certified Nursing Assistants
>Women's Prisons
>Hair Stylists
>Lesbian Biker Gangs
>Retail Workers

Our program has a less than 3% survival rate so rest assured that you will meet a fitting and entirely deserved end you worthless, disgusting little worm.
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After spending the entire night wrapped around his new “girlfriends” nipple, the tiny was put in her bra cabinet for the night. The next morning he awoke to her excitedly plucking him out a bra cup, she placed him on her already erect nipple. The tiny screamed as he looked down and realized the drop was hundreds of feet for him, she mistook him holding on to her nipple as him being desperate for hump it. “Oh I know you missed me, don’t worry you’ll be there all day while I’m at work, you can make love to me all day long” she said giddily as she grabbed a bra. To the tinys dismay, being this close to her made him yet again insanely aroused and he quickly became erect. “There you go, just relax and enjoy yourself, cover my nipple in cum” she said as she clasped her bra. The tiny watched as his world went dark and he barely had space to move, all he could manage was laying flat against the hot flesh of her nipple. She went on with her day, feeling her little lover against her hard nipple as she sat through research meetings all morning. For the tiny the heat in her bra was smothering, he was covered in sweat, both his own and hers and every now and then his cocked ached so hard in arousal he humped her nipple out of desperate relief. She eventually returned to her own office and shut the door behind her, feeling her little boyfriend humping her nipple was amazing but also made her incredibly horny. She sat in her chair and began to play with her wet pussy, she unbuttoned her shirt and pulled her bra down. She felt flashes of heat straight to her pussy as she watched her tiny stand on her nipple, he was so unbelievably small and her big nipples absolutely dwarfed him. “My nipples are perfect for you, it must feel so good to just be fucking and cumming for my nipples all day” she said as she worked her pussy. The tiny was learning it was best to give her what she wanted and laid spread eagle against her and began humping her nipple.
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The tiny humped and fucked his girlfriends nipple while she frantically masturbated in her office, the humiliation of having his sex life reduced to rubbing his cock against a nipple that was so much bigger than he was was made worse by the fact that he needed to do it to feel any sort of relief from the intense arousal he experienced when he was close to her. She had never been with a man before and finally having one that was all over her nipples was a dream come true, she cupped her huge heavy tit to watch her beloved tiny fuck her nipple. “This is just the beginning baby, I see how much you love my nipples, I’ll keep you there all the time so you can make love to them alway” she said between her gasps and moans. “My nipples are so sensitive, I can feel your little hands and tongue playing with and your cock grinding against, please cum for me again” she said as she approached the crest of her orgasm. She threw her head back as she began to ride the wave of her climax and focused in on her tiny boyfriend playing with her nipple, the tiny blew yet another load as she covered her mouth due to the intense orgasm she brought herself to. She sat panting in her chair with her tit out, the tiny stood and watched as all cum he shot on her stuck to her nipple and to his crotch in strands. She looked down and saw this, “just like that baby, cum just like that for me all day, my nipples are all for you” she said as gathered herself. The dropped to his knees as it truly hit him that this was it, his life was now reduced to being a little cumboy for a girl he would’ve never been caught dead in public with. He whimpered in defeat and felt himself getting hard again, he mounted her nipple again and began to hump, this time without any restraint as she put her bra back on, sealing his fate as her nipple lover. She went on with her day, barely able to hide her smile as she felt her boyfriend squirm and thrust against her nipple.
Just imagine all the kinds of teasing she would give to a tiny desperately struggling between her flexing toes. The auntie raccoon monster lady makes for a great giantess.
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Days went by and melted into weeks for the tiny, every day was the same, plucked by his girlfriend and placed on her nipple for her morning masturbation. She would carefully ensure he was cumming for her before putting her bra on and going to work, the tiny would surrender to her pheromones and mindlessly rut into her as she worked. Every now and then she would masturbate at work with her tits out so she could see him, spread eagle against her nipple and humping with wanton desire. She would end the day with a nightly masturbation session before going to sleep. One day the tiny found himself being pick up but instead of being put on her nipple, his giant girlfriend placed him on her dresser. “Look baby” she beamed at him with a smile on her face, she took her shirt off and the tiny watched in amazement as her huge tits wobbled. She lowered her tit until her nipple was in front of the tiny, the tiny froze as he noticed something different about her nipple. Drops of milk were leaking from her swollen nipple, that looked like they were almost as big as he was. “Isn’t this great? Now you dont have to leave my body to eat, I’m making milk for you!” She said happily. The tiny was floored at this development, before he could react he felt her finger pushing him into her nipple. “Drink it baby, it’s just for you” she said with a bite to her lip, the tiny barely let out a scream before he was pressed against to nipple and into her milk. Left with no choice but to drink her milk or drown in it, the tiny drank and, to his humiliation, began humping her nipple as he did. “Oh this must be a dream come true for you, drink from my nipple and hump me, don’t worry baby I’ll keep pressed against my nipple today, you can drink and fuck as much as you want today” she said at seeing her tiny lover begin humping. Just when he thought he couldn’t get lower, the tiny found himself in a new pit of despair, becoming totally dependent on a giant nipple.
I wonder how she'd react when she finds out I like it and her feet
1. There have not been any good new western style characters in the past decade or so. In both design and characterization.
2. Asian created or inspired characters from anime, manga and video games rule the manga influence styled artwork these days.
3. Western cartoons, comics and video games are currently dead.
The first times pressed against his giant girlfriend’s nipple was difficult, her engorged nipple smothered him against her bra and totally immobilized him. The jiggle of her huge H cup tits made it feel as if her nipple was fucking him all day, he helplessly came against her nipple all day long. Eventually it became too much for the tiny, his sense were overloaded from the pleasure of cumming constantly. After nearly a month, he was completely mind broken, all there was in life was his girlfriend nipples. It came to the point that being away from her nipples was utter torture, he couldn’t cum anymore unless he was wrapping his puny body around her gargantuan nipple. Long nights were spent in her bra cabinet masturbating but he could not cum, he nearly shed tears of joy when she would finally place him on her nipple. She would watch happily as her boyfriend finally gave into her completely, he would instantly wrap himself around her nipples and fuck it without hesitation. She finally had what she wanted, a lover that she could take everywhere with her, one that was thoroughly obsessed with her. Watching him cum over and over again for her was the attention she yearned for, her weekends were spent masturbating almost constantly while her little man pleasured himself against her. “Don’t ever stop cumming for me, I’m the only woman who can ever make you cum, show me how much you need me” she said to he as she sensually massage him into her nipple. She smiled as she did, knowing he was dumping load after load for her, all she needed to do to give her man impossible sexual pleasures was use her finger. The tiny groaned as he came for what felt like the 20th time that day, now all he could think of was cumming for his girlfriend again. He ground his hips against the enormous nipple as she lifted her finger, he was desperate for release again and quickly came again. This was it for him and he didn’t care anymore, all there was now was her nipples.
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Forgot the image
Haha imagine is she squirted a stream of breast milk directly on you and it was powerful enough to knock you over and leave you soaked in puddle of her creamy hot milk and she's laugh's that you look like a little anime figurine that received a shot of cum
More teasing and squeezing for sure. Might give you a ride between her boobs after lots of footplay of course and asks which part of her do you like getting smothered by better?
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The tiny groan and his toes curled as an orgasm took hold of him, he hornily licked and ground his twitching cock against the flesh of his goddess’s nipple. It had been months now, he was pressed up against her nipple as she was out and about. The line between pleasure and pain was blurred long ago for the tiny, being smothered against her nipple made him moan in aching pain and pleasure. The combination of being so casually and sexually dominated by her thick, turgid nipples and her overpowering scent kept the tiny in a horny frenzy all day long. Milk would leak from her nipple and cover his body, the tiny would greedily lap up and what ever got on his cock would serve as lube for his desperate humping. His goddess would feel this throughout the day and could not be wait to get home and rip off her bra to see him worshipping her. Her heart would swell and her pussy would begin to slobber at the sight of her little lover in such a state of ecstasy, she was afraid that she would bore of it but it never did. She would whisper encouragements and sweet nothings to him as she played with her pussy all while drinking in the sight and feeling of her little boytoy frantically fucking her nipple and blowing load after load. Once she had her orgasm she would lay there and watch her tiny continue, every now and then massage him gently into her nipple and overloading his broken mind further before switching nipples. She left her freshly fucked nipples as they were, swollen and covered in a mess of, sweat, milk and her lovers cum. He would cum so much that she could actually see and feel it on her nipple, her little boyfriends sign of his love, desire and lust for her. Having him was even better than she could have imagined, to her mind they were just to lovers in a perfect relationship, always together and always pleasing each other
I wonder if I could fluster her by fawning over her and complimenting her so much
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It's funny how, despite generally liking breast/nipple-play, something about the way this anon describes them is so fucking unattractive it's kind of impressive. I can't quite describe why though, strangely enough
I don’t think that’s likely considering her age and experience therein. Besides, if you do somehow make her blush she’ll quiet you with another disciplinary squeeze of her toes around you and a bit of chiding as you get smothered between her digits.
My stories are fucking trash and are just excuses to post nipple-tiny pics, I was actually hoping to get bullied until I hate this fuckin fetish lol.
I want you to know that aside from him being smaller than her nipple this is hitting VERY close to an ideal kind of story for me. I really hope you save these somewhere, I think a lot of other people would like them.
Haha oh nooooo

Yall got the full image? Been looking for like an hour
the images are thoroughly unappealing too
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Yeah, I got it. Took like three seconds to find using the same technique you use for anyone who has a patreon.
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Half size is underrated.
It's just the images that are repulsive to me. I'm sure they've kept numerous people from participating in these threads
If giant close ups of boobs and nipples scare them away, they might have they are free to post butts
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Even more repulsive
okay what exactly do you want to see
although maybe a tad smaller and with my BBW wife instead of jugs mcgee
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Not the original anon but I feel like there's a size threshold where it goes from hot to just awkward and weird. Especially when it's not stylized and trying to be as hyper realistic as possible. It just comes off as really gross, but different strokes and all I guess
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Meant to reply to >>8478013
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Good for you bud.

Just posting some stuff that I haven't seen posted in these threads yet. To each their own.
>Wiking is an AIslop guy now
I don't even have a problem with the stuff, I've probably lost more cum than I want to admit to character.ai sessions but him stooping that low feels like such a waste of his talents. At least he's making content again, I guess.
Not AI trash
Has nothing to do with the sizes for me

Yeah the hyper-realistic dudes really do take any hot aspect out of it.
I can’t believe I’m reading this from spergs who want to get stepped on and eaten, it’s all weird and unattractive lol
Anyone knows what happened to UnseenHarbringer? Had a whole forum setup for his series, consistently put out stuff in past, his DA and stuff still there but there’s just… complete silence and forum gone

Did he get gotten during Pandemic?
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I remember he made nearly every paid comic he did free just because of the pandemic, don't know if maybe if he was feeling sick and that was his final dying wish?
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Speaking of missing artists, whatever happened to TD/TheSpaceSpeck? I heard someone say he did it before but always came back, anyone happen to know if he did?
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To have someone shrunk down so small that you could toy with them while someone else is in the same bed as you. Their voice wouldn't even carry far enough to be heard by the other person.
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Anyone has the new link to Karbo's mega ?
Man I don't remember him making his comics free. It feels awful to not know but that might be what happened. Even his patreon got nuked so its that most likely...
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No idea. I really miss his stuff.
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Despite all this time I still love the silly cat girl.
what was the prompt for this
Same would bust loads under her giant feet
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>Ok you can keep this stolen land
>But I'm going to keep all of you.
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The tiny screamed as the giant walls of flesh slowly closed in, just earlier he had gone to see his favorite escort. She was exceptionally tall at 6’3 and had the biggest tits he had ever seen, he quickly became addicted and showered her with gifts and money. The handsome young man was a wealthy businessman, he had little time for dating and found that escorts satisfied his needs perfectly. He was not expecting to be shrunk down by his favorite girl, he was gently picked up by her and set down by her bed. She gave him a choice, he could provide for her from then on and she would make his every waking moment one of sexual ecstasy or she could crush him then and there and move on to the next wealthy client she finds. He fell to his knees and begged her to grow him back, she laughed and picked him up. “Maybe I’ll just show you how good I can make you feel” she said as she began licked between his legs, mercilessly working his cock. The tiny tried to resist but he quickly came all over her tongue, she continued to play with his cock and felt him twitching in mind blowing pleasure. She let off and looked at the panting tiny and smiled, she laid back and put her little plaything between her huge tits. “This is where you’ll be most of the time, I know how much you love them, I’ll keep you between them or in my bra cup, right against that nipple you always loved to play with” she said and she slowly began to bring her tits together. The terrified tiny whimpered as her huge heavy tits slowly enveloped his spit covered body, relishing the power she had over the wealthy tiny and genuinely enjoying the mind breaking pleasure she was giving him. The tiny groan as his body was worked by her tits, to his humiliation he came against her soft flesh and couldn’t help but feel insanely aroused by the ordeal. She let her tits fall and watched as the tiny stuck to her, a strand of cum stuck to her as a sign of a job well done.
I didn't make it, so not sure what the prompt was.

Here's the link to the giantesscity thread.
Who's a good size artist taking comms RIGHT NOW?
Does anyone have TheWiking2000's Mega? He deleted all of his animations on Google Drive
what are you looking for?

What kind of work are you looking to have done? Drawn or 3D?
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so it was AI? or like, request prompt from forum users
It's a thread under the AI sub forum of giantesscity. It wasn't a request, just someone posting stuff they made.
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Need someone to do the other foot at the same time? I volunteer
Drawn, bigger the better, but I'd also be interested in anyone who /makes/ 3d models.
Better get to work before you end up squished flat into her sole
Ok, this was super hot, controlling and forceful while also having a genuine interest in making the tiny guy feel good, while trying to convince him with her body this is for the best. It's hottest when the giant gal likes delivering mind blowing pleasure to the little guy for mutual horny benefit. There was even mouth play in addition to boob stuff! Plus, I really appreciate that you didn't explicitly describe the tiny guy as super tiny, it being that way meant that I could just picture him as the size he is in the image you posted this story with, which is a really hot size for me. Keep it up, anon!
Haha oh noooo
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Nicely done! Did you draw this?
I wish, a kind and rad anon drew it for me a while back
I wish I was her training partner , id keep her motivated like that
I remember. They did a Lapis one for me!
u mean this one?
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She relentlessly spent the rest of the day making her new plaything cum for her. His weakness for her breast was made painfully obvious from how much he had cum just in the past hour. She would slowly envelop him up to his waist with her huge tits, she would spit on him and watch him hump her tit until be blew his load. She would sensually massage him until he was hard and begin again, eventually she peeled him off her tot and placed him on her nipple. At this point the tiny got on his knees and furiously rubbed his aching cock on her big nipple, he quickly came and she massaged him into her tit. “See? It’s not that bad, I’m going to make you feel so good” she said as he little man came from her massaging. The tiny had long given into his desires and continued to hump the thick, hard nipple. She allowed him to indulge himself, watching in amusement as he literally covered her nipple in cum. “I knew you would love this, I remember how you always wanted to cum sucking on my delicious tits” she said as the tiny shot load after load for her. She smiled at how easy he was to control, she was able to sexually enslave him with just her tits, she hadn’t even brought her pussy into the mix yet. After allowing himself to tire out, she picked him up and put a lacy face top on. “You covered this nipple in your cum, now you need to do the other one, my bra should put you where you need to be” she said and she press him cock first against her unfucked nipple. She smirked as she felt him mindlessly fuck her nipple as soon as her bra went on, he would become thoroughly obsessed with her after he spends a day in her panties.
I wonder if they post them anywhere outside of here
this but it's not a fucking Steven Universe character and just a chubby girl
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>tfw Disgust will never be so completely repulsed by you that she gulps you down to get rid of you for good
I hate it here
Thanks for continuing this, really enjoying this one so far anon. It's up there in some of the stories I've read in this thread that I enjoyed, and you know how to paint a fun scene. Definitely fuels my nipple fucking desires.
Anyone for vore?
At any given time
Seconding this. Loved his animations
>tfw into the idea of a black giantess BLM type who crushes people
>tfw can't make a character like this because my friends are all woke (i am also woke)
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I have literally never seen a claw hammer with a face like that but I'm still fappin
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Maybe you can just avoid her killing anyone. Have her just gently over power enemies, take their stuff away like toys. Pin them down with 1 finger, shake them out of cars, she can sit on people to pin them if she's not too giant, she could spray giant graffiti on a building. She could blow a could blow a cloud of tear gas back at cops. You could have a bunch guys trying to work together to push her back with riot shields or battering RAM and losing a tug of war. Just make it more playful than cruel
can we just have a cute black giantess without that other bullshit jesus
Giant black girl who calls you sugar
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If someone's asking for very specific themes most likely that means they've done vanilla stuff already and want to experiment a bit
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Who's the animator?
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Artist SQWE

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from a foot thread, no idea who made it.
Boyt on Twitter
Well would you touch it?
No. Never go near a giantess. You will die. There's no such thing as a "gentle" giantess.
Post tag anon im into this too
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Any giant Pauline pics?
Very few , even fewer with good looking models or not made in ms paint
Hello guys can you give me nice giantess games I want them to either be rpgmaker or renpy
Have you already played shrink high? And garden? I can upload those when I get off work.
Also have uru's size matters game
Got a request? Preferably for 3D cause my drawing gonna be rusty
Wait, Uru made size matters?
That just makes me sad about his art nowadays, because the art in size matters is miles above his normal artstyle
For Pauline or 3D in general?
Literally made of horrors
I guess if you're gonna do something with Pauline, how about her walking into the city as a giantess, with her barefeet cracking the road and crushing cars?
For Pauline yeah. And just a render
nta but could you have her pushing a tiny guy crotch first against her nipple, with him about finger sized to her?
Sounds good!

Maybe you could do Pauline, in her mayor's outfit, preparing to sit down in her chair, only to sit on the tiny in said chair?
A bit more explicit than what I typically do
I gotta see if I have her mayor outfit or if I can find it on smut base. If I can, I will
Yeah, there is one.
Thanks! This was the one I was gonna look for lol
No problem!

I was the one who requested the giant Pauline idea, so maybe you could use the lingerie version for it, with her stockings?
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Yuh yuh, how big is the tiny? And what kind of chair? If those things matter
I mean mine is the one where she's strutting down the city. But the tiny would be like the same as the video you shared.

Nice job on it, btw.
I was the one who requested the office chair idea, but she's in her mayor outfit, about to crush the anon underneath her ass.
Thanks. I'm confused though, what was the request of the anon who posted this >>8491271 ?
I posted that one. I'm the one with the office idea.
Okee, gotcha gotcha
I will see about doing this too, but no promises. Especially when it comes to the cracks
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No prob. If you can't do that one, maybe something like this instead for the big Pauline?
>A bit more explicit than what I typically do
Would you be willing to give it a go anyways? I'd love to see it.
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Still no promises, I gotta work on animations. But I'll keep that in mind
That was my way of politely declining
Ah, that's fair enough. Mainly wanted to see some boob stuff that was more gentle leaning than cruel but I appreciate you hearing me out regardless.
Is the version of this with sound available yet?
On Twitter or YouTube you can watch that same preview with sound yeah, but I haven't released the full animation publicly yet
This is the most recent public release:
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i will sign the waiver, im sure giantess are just misunderstood...the media probaly exaggerates the numbers... I sure theyre just waiting to meet the right human guy to approach them, and fill that emptyness they must be feeling
>playing Bayonetta 3
>get to this part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qox_RsOshY
>want her to slide those heels off and make me worship her feet so much
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>and fill that emptyness they must be feeling
I mean, that's exactly what's going to happen. So...yeah.
cant find it for the life of me, anyone have the image of a chick on a bench with a tiny in her mouth blowing loads into the back of her throat?
Was it 3d or 2d? Was it indoor or outdoor? Do remember the girls hair or clothes?
2D, sat outdoors on a bench, brown hair, don't remember the clothes but remember them being darker
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Darn This one's got me stumped
Anyone else get porn fomo? There's so many twitter accounts with dogshit archiving ran by artists who will delete shit upon a mental breakdown. I really hate it
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If you ever see gentle stuff from me, send help cause something's wrong.
Making a fun loop out of this
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This thread was ill timed

>TFW we'll never have anon kidnapped by his giant little sister, forced into doll clothes and forced to make cutesy gentle content on his tiny laptop during a tea party
What if it's as a joke?
>Top panel is Hallie as a kind, gentle giantess
>Bottom panel is the real Hallie catapulting awake from that nightmare
Looks hella sick!

Also, would it be okay if you posted the work in progress of the Pauline pics?
Someone actually had a kinda similar idea that I liked too where she does nice does she then wakes up from a nightmare to see that she squished someone in her sleep or something lol
Thanks! And no WIP needed for renders really. Once I have something to share it'll be done basically, but I'm not working on any requests yet if you were curious
Sry, was falling asleep while typing
I get the feeling Hallie probably keeps a box of tinies close to her bed to smush if she ever has a dream where she's nice (and if not, then she'll smush them in the morning anyway)
Kinda like the jar in the pic I just shared?
Yeah. Like that. (Missed it at first look: too focused on the tiny trapped against her feet. Is the robot guy anyone special, or just a smuck to get squished/crushed?)

Also, are you okay with others drawing fanart of Hallie (doing bad things to tiny people)?
I'm always honored when people wanna do fanart of her! And I appreciate you trying to stay true to her character
And yeah the little robot guy is LewdsSonk's sona
Thank you! I just wanted to try my hand at some giantess art, and I find Hallie and the way you have her victims squish and squash instead of blood and gore so hot.

My end goal, I suppose, is, when I think my skills are good enough, to make a continuation of this - if that's okay with you, of course. And if so, is there a way you'd like to see it go (Gum-boy getting swallowed, stuck on the underside of the desk and left, spit out and stomped on, etc)?
Baseeed, I always wanted to make a page 2 for this. And any of those are good, honestly. We are definitely on the same page
Feel free to DM me somewhere if you wanna talk about art stuff or whatever
I was hoping you would too, back after you had just posted it lol. But I'm honored your alright with me continuing it. I'll try my best to honor Hallie's beauty (and nonchalant cruelty towards gum-boy).

And thank you for the offer too! I'll try to take you up on it sometime. But right now, I need to head off. Great getting the chance to talk with you!
>TFW we'll never have anon kidnapped by his giant little sister, forced into doll clothes and forced to make cutesy gentle content on his tiny laptop during a tea party
>Gum-boy getting swallowed, stuck on the underside of the desk, spit out and stomped on
hngggg. I fucking love gum tf bros. Also hallie's so evil it's great. I just love an unapologetically cruel character, being offered a gift and she just fucking murders the guy in question
Based. Liking gum tf is peak taste. I would share part of my gum/ball tf animation, but kinda off topic
Even though Hallie is 10ft tall without any magic
I think you can get away with a cheeky gum bully sharing
I blame the doll drama episode of Dexter's lab, and Sabrina episodes of pokemon
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The young man stood in shock as he stood next to a nipple that was easily three times his size. One moment he was going home with a busty hottie from the bar, next thing he knew he was waking up in a gigantic world. “You’re awake, listen to me closely you puny little fuck, I don’t care what you did or who you were, it’s all over now, this is you’re new life from now on” the tiny heard a booming voice. He looked up and saw the woman he left the bar with looking at him hungrily. “From now on you’re nothing but a little nippleslut, my nipples own you” she said with a wicked smile, “they’re very sensitive and little slaves like you are the only thing that does the trick for me, you’re going lick, suck and fuck my nipples for the rest of your pathetic life” the woman said cruelly to the tiny. “Seeing a grown man so small and pathetic makes me fucking horny, you’re only purpose in life now is to make me wet and worship my nipples while I orgasm” she said as she played with her pussy. “And if you don’t do what I say and fuck my nipples, I’ll swallow you whole or crush you under my big heavy tits” she said to the tiny. “Start humping now, this is just the beginning, you’ll fully submit to my tits eventually, that pathetic little cock will make sure of it.” She said to the horrified tiny. Seeing he had no other choice, the sobbing tiny mounted the enormous nipple and began humping it. “That’s it you little slut, it’s so fucking hot seeing you wrapped around my nipple in fear” she said as she began to work her pussy frantically. The tiny took getting used to that he now belonged to a deranged woman, she was obsessed with sexual domination. She kept him in bondage at every waking moment when he was fucking her nipples, he was nearly smothered to death when she felt he didn’t fuck her properly and spent the day engulfed in between her tits. It was only going to get worse for the tiny and he didn’t even know it
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did celton/renderanon ever give any explanation as to why they went dark? last DA update was december last year
I can verify that for you pagan faggots, female giants are regularly raped and brutally killed by male giants after breeding seasons the myth of cruel female giants is often due to survivors of the royal bloodline with a bit of sadism or comparing them to male giants or tomboy royal soldiers
Burnt out on daz/PC broke,got a new one and started to mess around with AI(SDXL,Pony,Flux) and got hooked. I think i will get back to daz if studio 5 comes out but AI is getting better every month so maybe not.
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good stuff Renderanon, glad to see youre doing good. i was afraid we lost you like so many other great artists. your GoT stuff is still some of my favorite 3D art out there
Seconded, the GOT content was always super fun.
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Begone NTR god
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Great pic, even with some ai weridness
I need more giant Kamala Khan
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Gonna try to knock this out today
Nah, I already feel like I monopolize threads too much when I'm posting; especially since I don't work fast enough to do lots of requests here
Gotcha! Can't wait to see it!
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Agreed! It's a shame that model ripping from that Crystal Dynamics Avengers game has stalled for so long, I was hoping we'd have access to all of the Kamala variants.
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Big bratt energy
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Needs more of a magical shrinking
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Would love to worship Urbosa's massive feet (they'd still be massive at regular size)
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It had been a week since the tiny was shrunk and forced into nipple slavery, every aspect of life was dominated by his new owner. The only time he was ever away from her nipple was when he was being punished between her deep cleavage, her obsession with domination meant that he never had a chance to escape or end his own life. He could not even begin to understand how one woman could be so horny all the time, he must’ve slaver away for hours on her nipple while she masturbated. Every now and then she’d focus on him to remind him that he’s nothing but a nipple slut. “Just like that, mount my nipple and hump it like a desperate little puppy, I knew you were a horny little boy” she said as the tiny ground his hips on her nipple. “You’re so pathetic, how can you even call yourself a man now? You thought you could resist but that cock folded for my nipple in no time” she said as she worked her pussy. “Be a good little slut and cum for me now, that’s all you’re good for now” she said as she felt an orgasm coming. The tiny fucked the nipple and held on for dear life as her orgasm spilled over, he gigantic wobbled as an orgasm took over his owner. “Fuck outs so hot that you’re so small, fuck my nipple you little shit” she yelled as her orgasm crescendos. The tiny blew a load on her nipple that went unnoticed, he knew better than to stop despite being exhausted and continued to work her nipple. “How many times have you cum? I don’t care, this is your natural position, wrapped around my nipple with your cock always hard. Just remember what happened last time you decided to stop” she said as she unwinded from her orgasm. The tiny picked up his humping at the memory of being smothered between her tits, to his humiliation he blew another load. “That made you cum? I knew being a nipple slave was going to turn you on, be a good slut and keep humping” she said with a wicked smile.
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Giant Maid has officially ended
barely anybody utilizes her despite her powerset, Kamala is a real guilty pleasure giantess for me
>barely anybody utilizes her
She had her own tv show.
oh and that tv show is fetish material?
need more giantess of this size and thiccness
Wishing the best of luck to nipple slave anon. Hopefully his owner doesn't end up hooking up with someone anytime soon. The impact may knock him off his spot.
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After nearly a month of nipple slavery, the tiny had fully submitted to his new role. He lived in constant fear of his owners unpredictable behavior, some days she would masturbate without even acknowledging his existence while others she would cruelly remind him of all the things he would never have again while forcing him to rut into her nipple. He had learned every crease, dimple and fold of her nipples, where she liked to be rubbed, licked and fucked to maximize her pleasure. His life depended on how much and how intense her orgasms were, if she was slightly unsatisfied then it would mean being punished for not being horny enough for her. One day to prove a point that he was just a little slut, she had him hump and cum on her nipple until his groin was slathered in cum. “Stop, on your knees you horny little shit” she ordered her slave, the slave stopped his fucking and did as he was told. His groin was a mess of sweat and cum, his cock was still twitching and dripping cum onto her nipple. “Look at you, so fuckin pathetic, you came so much you your cum is sticking from your cock to my giant nipple” she said wickedly to the slave. “You want to be my nipples slave, keep fucking my nipple! Your cum belongs to it, empty your balls and give it to my nipple you horny slave” she said as she yet again began to masturbate. The slave broke down crying as he realized that she was right, being so close to her nipple for so long had caused him to be in a state of near constant arousal. Even now he was hard and felt like he needed to rub his aching cock on the flesh of the giant nipple, he let out a hopeless scream as it became clear that she has rewired his little brain to actually *want* this. “That’s right, scream you little shit, your only purpose is to worship my nipples for the rest of your life!” She said, the slave mounted her nipple and began to hump in defeat, truly believing now that this was his only purpose in life now.
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Why nobody told me I can make infinite size smut stories on WhatsApp?
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Wait not like that nooo....
She's was supposed to stop her rampage and read my tiny confession letter with the heart on it, we were going to be together forever
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>She's was supposed to stop her rampage and read my tiny confession letter with the heart on it, we were going to be together forever

How many times does this lesson need to be learned?
So far I have manage to do living insertions both anal and vaginal, incest, anal fisting, full tour vore, cunnilingus and some slight body tf. It's very fun.
The last time I tried to do something erotic with AI writing it turned into a roleplay about a sexless marriage where she would cry if I tried to be intimate so I'm guessing things have changed since then.
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Zuckerberg is probably autistic enough to read through your individual giantess chats

How is the Pauline render coming along?
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Magical shrinking is so based.
I hope he's doing it. These stories are making me cum buckets.
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Time to take your temperature
Giantess art made by the user happylikeawall.
I hope its finished so
Eday but she said she'll only finish it at 100 retweets

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Fuck. Forgot the image!
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Yes, especially if it's done like pic-related, by a zap or a beam shot from a finger
I hear she's a rather unpleasant person.
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She is but she's also pretty good at drawing feet so I wanna see her complete this drawing.
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>giant object insertion
hell yeah
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when you meet the new girl
mamizou is so goddamn cute
Is that meant to be Cersei? Face looks like fucking Lord Farquaad.
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Think of the cozy feeling of getting warmed up by a giantess butt, can be snuggled in her back pocket, sat on like an egg, or nestled in the back of her panties with the cheeks bouncing into you, or inside the warm steamy cave
lets see you do better you dickbutt
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The tiny had become fully accustomed to being a nipple, his submission was totally and utterly complete. Months of being practically attached to his owners nipples was left him in a half awake stupor, her pheromones at his sight rewired his brain to be in a state of constant sexual arousal. He would be pressed into her nipple at every waking moment, he weakly rut at her sensitive flesh while she lived her life. At home she was undress and begin masturbating, most days the tiny went unacknowledged while she tried to sate her sexual addiction. Every now and then she focused her attention and cruelty to her slave, “So fuckin pathetic, is my nipple making a good lover you little slut?” She said mockingly as she watched her slave buck at her swollen tit. “I told you and now you see, this would be much easier if you just accepted that you’re just a little whore for my nipples now, this is your sex life now, just a horny little shit rubbing his microscopic cock on my delicious nipples” she said as her slave buries himself in her nipple. He spread his legs wide for feel the flesh of her nipple against his thighs, he whimpered as he frantically fucked at the nipple until he came again. He had cum so much that rivulets of his loads dripped down the nipple into a dried out puddle on her areola in a state of mindless sexual slavery. She works her pussy until she orgasmed yet again, she stopped to look at the slave spread eagle against her and starts to realize it wasn’t enough. She needed more, she wanted a second tiny so both her nipples could be worshiped and feel like a true goddess. If she had it her way should have a harem of slaves, grown men so small and pathetic that they’re only purpose is be wrapped around her nipples and treat them as symbols to her feminine power over them. She smiles as she realizes it may be time to go hunting again.
hhhhhHHHGH need
why the fuck is finding good giantess art on some sites so hard
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Sorry, still haven't gotten to it. Ran into issues with Blender that I'm still struggling to troubleshoot
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Everyone is fragmented to twitter/xitter and patreon/patreon clones. Twitter is not optimized for searching and collecting images, and patreon is a pay wall with every artist has a locked door and you'll never have enough keys.
AI is also flooding websites with quantity over quality
God I hate twitter so fucking much man. It actually ruined art posting. And now everyone is fragmenting off it to other sites as it gets worse, but it's all to alternative twitters and not to actually good art sites
Truly. And the living nightmare it is having to scroll through an artist's opinion on current politics when you're only there for their art.
How would she fit the building in her pussy without the pressure causing the structure to collapse?
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why is the giantess kink a thing, and why is it so good
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Getting to experience this fetish is a blessing.
Is there even any good GTS studio these days. I feel like we peaked 5-10 years ago.

I like Antatheka because of the models, but even they barely put out videos any more
All you'd have to do to fix it is make the artists tag their fucking work, instead of positng textless imageposts
and what would be a good art site ?
DeviantArt ?
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I don't have the energy anymore to keep up to date with the latest GTS video and comic producers. , but my favorite ones from my recent memory are giantess ave, GSF Creator, and cinematic GTS.
GTS ave had decent effects, bearable acting, good tiny scale, and good variety of content. GSF Creator is 90% feet, but love when a character shrinks multiple times , and pretty much all his videos have that. Cinematic GTS, has nude content and good models. It's the only place that's I've seen do armpit content
My favorite in recent times has been Cruel Claudia, but her GTS content is kinda rare
how is this
I'm a fan of Vore Vixens.
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There's potential, i guess you can't ask it for straight up sexual stuff, hopefully it's not to frustrating to wrestle with, id like to try and make some simple butt content
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Something something handplay is underrated
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Anyone wanna talk about Micro/Macro raceplay. Preferably with myself as the tiny. Happy to just talk about the kinkin general as well. Into Footplay, Vore, CV, AV, NTR, Males, Females and futas.
Discored: xeniaromana
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Need more office ladies
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You just gotta walk up to her with confidence, look at her right in the ...toe, and tell her boys are for snugs not snacks. Then give it a firm hug.
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You know what? Go for it, pal.
Now that's the perfect size. Big enough to still be able to communicate, but small enough to slide in her mouth and get squeezed down her throat. He'd fit in her stomach like a sleeping bag, fighting for enough space to breathe while it kneads him, covering him in enzymes and acidic chyme. She might be able to even hear him begging to be let out, but he could definately hear her thank him for being such a tasty snack, before going about her day.
Nevermind, she decided to cancel it >>8522561
She really is unpleasant
It's all good. Take your time with it.
Why is she browsing the giantess thread in the first place?
Not sure why she was here.
I've noticed she seems to know when people talk about or criticize her pretty quickly though.
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Lost another one
bad artists are usually bad people too criticism is apart of the hobby
>Level of autism so elevated, I need to constantly use the archive to search for my name in all forums, so I know if someone is talking shit about me.
Why does this guy end every single comic the exact same way?
Artist? Model is nice at least.
First part not even remotely true
I wouldn't talk about her too loudly anon, she might start talking in these threads too.
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After going out to search for a new slave, she found the perfect candidate. He was tall, strong and loud, just the kind of man she needed. The thought of having a grown man like him being reduced to a whimpering cumslave aroused her to no end, she had to have him. It was too easy to lure him to her hotel, by the time he realized what was happening she was picking him up from the floor. The tiny screamed in terror as he sailed through the air, finally being placed on her gigantic nipple. The new tiny desperately tried to steady himself as his brain tried to comprehend what was happening to him, looking dow he saw what must’ve been a drop thousands of feet long. “I saw how you stared at my tits you horny little fuck, now they’re going to be your whole world” she said to the terrified tiny. “Look at my other nipple, you see him? That’s how you’re going to end up soon enough” she said as she brought her heavy tits together. The wobble of her tits caused the tiny lay flat on her nipple to avoid being tossed off, he looked to the other nipple and saw something that made his heart drop. It was another man on a nipple except he was fucking it desperately, he looked unkempt and covered in his own sweat and cum. “This little slut understands his place, you will too, start humping my nipple or else I’ll crush you under my tits” she said as she rubbed her compliant slave into her nipple. The new slave cried as he began to hump the nipple he was one, the old slave groaned in pain and ecstasy as he was massaged into his owners nipple. She laid back and watch her nipples being worshiped with cruel pleasure, she finally started to feel like a true goddess, little worshippers and all. “Keep going slaves, fuck my big nipples, your lives depend on it” she said as she began to masturbate. The new tiny would slowly be broken into a proper nipple slut in the coming weeks.
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Nightmare fuel image
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honestly, yeah. hyper realism in art like this is... a thing
I wouldn't say nightmare fuel but it is certainly unappealing. Thats why I prefer when the tinies are bigger in his stories.
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This is the ideal giantess size ratio. It should never be outside of this.

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