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>Previous Thread

>SFW/Main Thread
>Homo Thread
>Futa Thread
>Vanilla Thread

(Update Required for DT):
>NPC Mods
>Mikitten Mods
>Lala Mods
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damn that's hot
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>someone saved an image of mine
I'm flattered!
cute binky babu
you have that copyright thing?
Copyright thing? Might have to clarify for me anon
the vertical one on the left...unless that's some vanilla thing I've never known about
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Ohh yeah that's the vanilla copyright info on screenshots, I dont use any shaders that hide it
I never knew it could be vertical like that, I always thought it was just the bottom left
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Yeah if you rotate the orientation in /gpose, it rotates the watermark accordingly!
good to know!
and cute outfit, i haven't done much with that one yet but that new diaper does seem really nice
cute bab
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when is the lalafell pack gonna get updated
what lalafell pack
the one in the drive link to this thread
never probably
Does this elezen have a gallery or something?
anyone know where to get good hyper/fat mods?
hyper cock?
Are there any discord servers for mods that you cant find on the archive? I see a lot of mods but they are almost never on the archive.
What are some good ones for more degen mods?
Huaji and blacked eorzea
Wish there was just a mod dump from the second one without having to join
Any idea were I can find the invites for those at?
Man I wish I could find some dirty girl who actually wants to take some fat Lalaboy cock...
Has anyone made NPC head mods for Alisaie/Alphinaud yet for DT? I wonder if it's easy to do myself through textools or something.
one of them is in the first few results in google
Huaji's easy to find but the blacked one requires a temporary invite link. It's annoying to try to get in
i'm not able to create invites
I figured it'd be extra tricky like that. And they probably would kick me for using an alt account anyway. Just gonna hope someone makes a google drive or something.
I wish you luck in this endeavor.
Someone’s done it before pre-DT, so it’s likely still possible. Just need to know how it was done, really.
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Does anyone have a linked to some "BLACKED" branded underwear
I can't navigate for shit in Textools to even find the model. so anything modding wise is a feat for me.
Considering there are artists on twitter posting new pictures of them, presumably someone did it already.
I would say maybe the pictures could've been taken pre-DT, but their faces are very different and much more detailed, so it's post-DT for sure.
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Let's fill up eachother's Gaia and Ryne folders. Starting with
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I wonder why they made Ryne an adult midlander in the files, but Gaia isn't. At least we can pose Ryne without NPC head mods.
I must see if it fits
I presume it’s because Gaia’s face is not achievable with the normal character models, specially her lips and eyes.
At this point I'd be genuinely willing to pay for a working Meteion mod.
Sphene is hot, but it's not the same.
>want to pose Alphinaud
>tbse seems to work on his model
>posing him stretches his butt and fingers all over the place
It couldn’t just be that easy.
Also looking for this and anything similar
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Accidentally deleted my /XIVERP/ folder so I need ALL the Gaia and Ryne pics back ASAP.
vacation with aunt y'shtola
does anyone have those duskie femezen albums? people on /vg/ talked about them but I couldn't find anywhere
ysthila chugs shota cum
people on /vg/ said she had pics with dogs and bug monsters
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Thoughts on my Bun?

I don't have much Solo stuff of her sadly
looks smelly
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She's cute. Would love to see more of her
hawt! take his innocence you slut
Uncanny valley
You have no idea what that means, retard.
Bump for lala cunny
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Dumping this here before I delete it.
Cute bun + nice to see a Maleroe...
What bodymod is this?
Need more of this.
Pity about the glasses
cute glasses
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Balencilala is the bodymod. They got a discord called milkymilk you can download it from.
I'll just also leave a drive link as well:
No prob
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Post more her in bimbo clothes anon, I'm turned on
I need sex with shortstacks!
need to see gaia blacked
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Lyse enjoyers rise up
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where ponytail
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