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Bullied by low level RPG enemies edition


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Previous Thread: >>8468091
Anyone know any good stories lately? Looking for ones involving machines/robots.

I like it when you can't even plead for the wedgie to stop.

Swirlies are good too.
Hot take, but the chubbier Dorkbrie draws her the least appealing it looks...
Fat is ugly, this is not news
I think Brie looks cute as chubby, especially when her butt is really nice and big whenever they stick out when she gets wedgies.
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Oh it can be adorable... but lately they've been drawing her TOO round and chubby for my liking... speaking just for me
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Got another "literally who" comm
Not a fan of how friedsuu has been doing faces recently honestly, though maybe that's just how they're doing them only for western characters.
Well that's basically what she looked like in the reference I gave her, so idk about a trend but this time was my fault if anything
s'all good, comm what you like and if you like the result then that's all good too
Agree with you. For me it's that it doesn't even look chubby. Just made her ass look wider and randomly drew a blob under her chest, but it's not following through into her hips. Looks very awkward and not cute enough for my liking.

If I can pin it to something specific, in >>8496508 the ass looks like it's the whole leg, and I just don't find that appealing
I love tf outta fat Brie, the roundness is cute and I like that it’s incorporated in how the other characters teases her. But I am a chubby chaser so I kinda have a biased for fatties getting wedgied
It's gone from adorably chubby, to just... a blob
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How she looked in this comic in particular is like top tier for me
“Just a blob” is a bit of an over reaction desu
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Tbh* not desu, Jesus sorry for the cringe autocorrect
Stop fetishizing obesity
Why? Not like it was my choice to find fat bitches cute
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Why haven’t anyone made a 9/11 themed wedgie piece? Like two nerds hanging on two flagpoles right by each other and have them get hit in the head with paper airplanes, like that is something you wouldn’t forget 23 years later
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It's definitely the bullying part.
Thoughts on monstergirl wedgies?
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Cause that's what I want to think when Im jerking it. The worst terrorist attack America ever exeprienced
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We need more
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I have good news.
You’re saying this like fetish art has never been horribly insensitive of real world events and tragedies, plus if Bush was smart he could have used cute nerds to inspire more young adults to die in the Middle East for oil by having the bullies be Arabic
What are their ages?
>terrorist attack
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warhero (I think)? your stuff is some of the better furry art out there, and I don't usually like the stuff, keep it up man
“Nerd Elastic was an inside job done by Class President Georgina Bush, search up the Pantsing Israeli”
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I don't know any and I think a swirly would damage a robot. You should search for any franchises involving robots though, like Nier or something, if deviantart search engine even works for stuff like that anymore. I don't think it does, actually, so appealing stories are pretty hard to find.
Fucking lmao, that’s clever
Wedgies given by Monster Girls is an untapped niche.

Spider girls using crazy web bondage stuff, Lamias using their tail and arms to wedgie both sides at the same time, ghosts doing all sorts of things, Harpies giving flying wedgies, etc. etc.

I've been brainstorming my own stories with that stuff. It's hard to write long-form smut, however, when there are only so many ways to say "the wedgie hurts". Kinda why other bullying classics are useful. A slime giving a wet willy or a something else giving a swirly. Adds variety.

Also hard to think of a decent background for all of it.
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All the Monogatari girls need to be wedgied
You know what really grinds my gear? When a smut fic has the main character feel embarrassed about wedgies and hate their bully for most of it only to do a third act “I had a wedgie fetish the entire time” reveal, like I don’t mind if a character doesn’t like to get them, think their fun, or get turned on by them but I just prefer for it to stay consistent without the rug pull
your mom deserves a wedgie
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Rude af and uncalled for dude
Nuh uh, I called for it
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Does anyone remember that old South Park wedgie comic where Bebe gave Principal Victoria an atomic wedgie, in which she mistaken her panties on her head to be a hat?
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None of the megas are working.
Does anyone have a pic of KillerWC's? It had Lady/Mistress Death from Marvel bent over a table, panties stretched out and a note from Deadpool was on her butt.
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is miku 39 years old?
It’s suppose to be March 9th. Miku day
What fanboxes/similar would people recommend for artists not on deviantart
Pun, I think
ミ has three dashes, so 3, and ク is “ku,” which is an alternate pronunciation of “kyu,” or 9. ミク becomes 39
this deviantart spammer is so gay how do I mitigate it
Nuke India
block. block. block and block
i just blocked the wedgienude tag, he uses it on every post/account
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Early part 2 Yoru would totally try to convince Asa to make a panties sword, but Asa would fail at transforming it and it only results in them riding up to her shoulders
1 more
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kinda lame ending desu, especially considering the huge panties she's wearing
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I don't watch Monogatari but Koyomi definitely needs a good wedgie too.
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Oh yeah
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God, when did Semi get so bad at panty physics?
He was always pretty bad, but I've never seen an artist fumble their own artstyle as much as recently. It's like how that one really good artist became an SJW artist and started drawing the avengers with big pecs and birthing hips.
Kinda scary how many artist haven’t improved
Coxxy got dramatically worse over time
out of all those wendy doesn't belong, she definitely improved.
actual artist who I think has stagnated/gotten a bit worse is moriya
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They were always more of a fart/diaper artist anyways. Kinda hate how they're seen as adjacent to wedgies.
Given the words of your post, I was scared as hell to zoom in on the pic lmao. Turns out, it was peak instead. Based.
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For the longest time, I only really had one fetish. Then someone I don't really like made an image edit and insisted I had a wedgie fetish. Now I have a wedgie fetish. I will never forgive him for this.
Fr tho lol. I cannot see the overlap.

When someone watches me on DA, I like to go and see what else they have favorited, and a handful of times the user I'm checking has 80% diaper bs and a few wedgies here and there in their gallery
Share the image that did it for you mate
I can understand the other 4 but wofwendy? She doesn't really need to improve on anything she's pretty consistently competent. Her major malfunction is that she doesn't upload which could be for any number of reasons. Please god don't let my reply be what derails the thread.
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And Misato?
what about >>8505185 's mom
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Wedgie edit, anyone? If I say please?
a no no no nono
You take Wendy out of this list
An edit of a parody of Scott Pilgrim, I think, where it's Scott giving Giden a wedgie but they're both edited to be girls.


I don't have it or the original.
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Was thinking the same thing when I saw this (for anyone interested in the original post: https://x.com/GJH_1_/status/1834577625248850140)
No source for pic related I got it from a previous thread
Fucking tempt fate again and I'll derail the thread myself
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>Fr tho lol. I cannot see the overlap.
Butts. Juvenile in nature (infantile in diaper's case.)
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This isn't an edit request but this guy's OC is practically begging for a wedgie, always sagging and getting bullied by the guy's other characters. Perfect victim. https://x.com/tomonaku22/status/1807809571513160047
I'm obsessed with how this ass looks, I was put it on my face
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I wouldn't say it got worse
but it got simpler
This comic is from 2021 and this >>8505911 from 2023
And that isn't a bad thing
It’s a bad thing when the artist could draw better and they decide not to.
Cope harder, faggot. Not only does simple not mean worse, you don't get to dictate how anybody but yourself chooses to approach art.
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some of the comments mention wedgies too, she's definitely asking for it
yall got anything babysitter themed? like the sexy evil babysitter gives constant wedgies. idk why i but i need that
Pic related was fine, but that face was giving me the hibbie jibbies, so I made a quick edit to try and fix it
Again, if the artist could draw better and they decide not to. That's objectively bad
you invited that "cope" loser to the thread
lol whatever you say Timmy Turner
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I'm so sorry
Hey, that looks really nice! I have to admit I really didn't like the face, just posted it for any collectors wanting some bottom of the barrel stuff.
>Grown ass girl with braces
Definitely wedgie-coded.
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tried my best, I think I made them too small. the stitches were a bit of a pain
I usually only make edits for panties with plain colors lol, hope its a good recreation.
Nice, that always slightly irked me about the piece too.
Hey that's pretty good! Thanks
Any girl over the age of 15 who has braces needs to be wedgied at least once a week by law
Looks like the original artist responded to some wedgie comments positively. Let's track this development.
ran out of stock and had to order some more
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>Any girl over the age of 15 who has braces needs to be wedgied at least once a week by law
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Mahiru is such a Bully Magnet
you know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
>just posted it for any collectors wanting some bottom of the barrel stuff.
hey that's me
That is enough. I am satisfied
Wait did you draw this or have it already comissioned or? Honestly I have never watched that show I just liked the l*liposting. So thank you, that is cute
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Can anyone help out a brotha and edit this one? Make it big, please!
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People who like girls in childish panties, what are you favorite designs? I'm getting a comm soon and need ideas
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Dreamer sometimes uses a princess print where the panties have several crowns and fairies printed on it. I don't have a drawing of them close by but it's one I've been enjoying a lot recently. Or something similar to Ann's All Out Attack in P5R
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i doubt anything more will come of it but here's hoping
Hearts, bunnies, colorful candy (like Candy Corn) the classic pink stars or polka dots... the list can go on and on
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Yeah, the problem I'm having is that there are so many options, but I don't particularly care for childish panties so I'm struggling to pick one that people who are more into them will really like.

>>8497701 is prolly the most embarrassing pair of panties I've ever comm'd, and they're a rarity among my catalog
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Might go with these
I wouldn't even call those that childish. Cute, though.
Nah, this one’s a miss
Your mom's a miss lmao
bet anon's mom was hot in her prime
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A Mrs. actually, but good try
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Based editchads, please give this reaper the atomic wedgie that she deserves
gain taste
"meundies" the website is prime for childish prints. people who complain about 'women don't wear childish panties' dont pull on enough of them.
meundies & cheekboss* but cheekboss has waaay more embarrassing prints.
A friend of mine got braces and she's 26. I'd wedgie her twice a day if I got the chance.
that videl?
Why is he wearing his underwear on the outside? Dumbass deserved it
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it is, she was requested
So, regarding my plans for a DnD wedgie story... I may have gone overboard with the planning, and I technically have three separate "campaigns" now.

War of the Painbow Guilds, think a sort of Naruto ninja war type deal, but based off the colors of the rainbow. Two characters per guild/town.

The Swirly Islands Treasure Race, two teams, pirates vs marines, on the hunt for the treasure at the center. Very One Piece.

Mystery Adventures in Pullhaven Academy, a strixhaven/gravity falls inspired type adventure set in a college for adventurers, in this one everyone is on the same team.

I am gonna write all of them, and eventually at the same time, but which one do you guys think sound more interesting, and want to see first?

I can post more details if y'all like, honestly just looking for an excuse to talk about it.
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asking again if anyone happens to have the full version of this old sakura hugging wedgie comic
and inb4 "don't work with the mentally ill" anon
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Damn, it's just sad at this point lmao. She's really going through it
move on. you already had your 15 minutes of fame.
I mean just don’t, you’re always going to regret it
If you're that anon, stop saying this retarded shit every single time that somebody says something about an artist you don't personally like.
Well now I’m gonna do it just to spite you
your mom must be hot af. since she gave birth to you.
She’s pretty cute for her age I think
No, you're actually going to do it because your IQ is in the single-digits. Nothing changed.
Ahh unlucky
care to share pics
You first
my mom ia ugly. now post pics or describe your mom for everyone
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What was her point on mock and call Semi a pedo if by the end she keep following him?
It’s the current thing to grandstand on. Assume that nobody who grandstands about the current thing actually believes any of what they’re saying.
he just want to all the pedo art for himself
Have you considered your suffering may be punishment for being ESL?
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One of Waz's best
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Ok fags
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The duality of man.
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This is actually Waza's best work because it looks traced and not his own ugly style
ive seen her show up now and then and thought the same thing. I wonder if they take comms
They do, not sure if they'll be receptive to a wedgie comm though.
It’s also because you don’t see any of his terribly drawn hands anywhere in this piece.
I know bothering with the actual physics of the wedgie is always a nitpick, but this one looks so wrong
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Ok let's hope my first attempt at this reply doesn't suddenly come through an hour later
I don't see why they wouldn't be receptive towards wedgies, I just know it'd probably cost a pretty penny to commission them.
Okay okay this Is gonna sound like total BS I know, but last night I dreamed with this character, this Is a crude and quick mockery sketch of the real thing I saw on the dream, It actually looked professional made and manga like thus the black and white, I decided to call her "Thongmask Girl" for obvious reasons, she looked like she liked it and I dunno if it's actually from somewhere or I made her up
No one is updating the CriminalKiwi kemono, and that upsets me
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Gonna cry?
sic the lost media and arg youtubers on it
>Wedgie human centipede
Now I've seen everything.
Yea seems that way, I’d love to see it but it’s out of my price range rn. I’ll just keep hoping it happens naturally lol.

Just for fun, what would you commission of her? (wedgie, scenario, panties etc)
A wedgie obviously, gotta go big or go home.
Where i'm not sure if I should go big is the wedgie itself, just a simple big pull from another of their characters with a shocked/embarrassed expression or a full on hanging or atomic.
I like getting another character involved, it adds to the embarrassment.

At first I was leaning towards a big pull so you could see the expression but I think she’d suit having her undies stretched over her head a little too well
Any girl who crosses the sights of this community would be well suited to having her undies over her head, but i'm really starting to lean over just a big pull. Her schtick is already her nervous expression, so seeing her face as she faces the consequences for not buying a belt would be killer.
Gentlemen, how does one go about acquiring this unique fetish?
Get pulling
I love Sakura.
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i think she's had a belt in the past but still sagged, she's just a dork through and through

would you keep her in the shimapan or have her wearing something else?
Shimapan's what she usually wears so i'd stick with it
Speaking of Sakura, anyone save Exmile's most recent Sakura wedgie before it got taken down? The one with the ghost hands and countdown until she's added to Street Fighter 6.
Here you go.
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trace or AI bootleg, call it
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>Shimapan's what she usually wears so i'd stick with it

yea, though i'd kinda like to see them in pink, make them stand out from her outfit more
I think one of their pieces has them in a pink outfit with pink panties.
I can think of any multitude of embarrassing situations to put this girl in, but if I were to commission this guy for the first time i'd just do something in universe, like something the artist themselves would think up with a little extra effort and find comedy in.
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i meant contrasting pink panties on her usual blue outfit but that piece is cute too, looks like polka dots.

sounds like you've got an idea in mind, it'd be fun to hear about it
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Nothing too serious, just their spiky haired punk character underhand grip pulling up on her panties with both hands. Meadow's turned completely stiff with surprise as she's lifted off the ground by her shimapan panties. Tears welling in her eyes as Carmine's teasing her about her panties showing, their style could even allow for another angle (close up on her face?). Simple and effective, could easily be passed off as just "thinking it'd be funny" though I would never comm without disclosing it's a fetish thing.
God damn anon, I hope you’re rich cause after reading this it’s a crime it’s not real. Their punk girl looks like a great giver too. I just hope they aren’t put off when finding out it’s a fetish.

Is this just for fun or are you actually thinking about comm’ing this?
Wedgies are a very comfy fetish and I can’t explain why.
Thank you so fucking much for these resources. Undies are a major fixation of mine, and it’s so nice to have a place where I can find cute and embarrassing prints.
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For fun, again it'd cost a pretty penny to commission.
I am glad that you liked it, though!
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Damn! wishful thinking, but i get it.

It was a massive tease, you described it really well lol. I kind of want to message and see if they'd actually be down to do it but I'd probably just scare them off the idea
don't just message an artist a really specific idea like that unless you're willing to pay for it
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This. Remember, it's a business for them.
i just meant a more general inquiry but yea, you're right
man why does the real life content scene for this fetish suck so bad now. everything professional or amateur pretty much is worthless and behind a paywall and anything 'candid' is locked behind a paywall by a gooner with an instagram or twitter account. shit sucks
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It's so funny how right this is. From my observation, there was never really a point where that kind of content prospered to lead one to think that this is the end of a golden age. It's just getting worse for no reason lol. Maybe they just don't care anymore.

Small tangent: does anyone remember when wedgie vids were all over 4shared before they cracked down on them? I have a lot of nostalgia for that time.
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The golden age was definitely when wedgiebabes was a thing
It's between Alexis Diamond and any current wedgie OF creator for some of the worst content. At least Alexis tried to act for these adult movies. Don't even get me started on all of these "goddesses" on twitter or insta.
Here's what's behind one of those gooner paywalls btw
Thanks anon, you rock, I'm sorry for the loss of your 60 dollars.
If we're going that far back then yeah maybe. I assumed we were taking something more recent. Seems like all the good stuff was made before 2020.

Never followed OF stuff, by every time is see a goddess, it make my brain do a flip. I thought I was supposed to be the simp wtf

Much appreciated
Speaking of, anyone have kittenthenerd's stuff?
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Yeah, it's a shame. Stuff been ass on the IRL front for us for a looong time.

Based king
1st or second imo
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On the topic of irl content, does anyone know why there aren’t more Asian girls doing wedgie or spanking content? I’m referring to like Asian-American girls btw, I know wedgies aren’t really like a thing out in Asia. I’ve been searching for vids/pics with Asian girls getting wedgies but there’s barely any content. Just seems strange that there’s plenty of white, black, and Latina girls that make content consistently but seemingly no Asian chicks.
Fair enough, any particular reason why those two and not the Academy?
I feel like Penny from Pokémon would be a good target for a wedgie.
I have a few videos of some Japs and a Filipina getting wedgies
Show us the Flip
you do a flip
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She is picking NOTHING
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Anyone got a source on this?
Who’s the character?
where do you get this stuff? kemono?
I remembered that comic. I don't know if it's still on DeviantArt or if the account that made it is deactivated.
These were posted to Kiwi's Twitter. I think all the full colour stuff from Kiwi's Patreon gets posted there, its just the sketches that are exclusive. rv
Wait, BTC's back? Alright.
Great, does this mean that the 40 year olds will stop using them to virtue-signal at community members that came later on? Because everybody's super tired of being blamed for a certain few.
Did you reply to the wrong thread on the wrong board
No he isn't. And thank god he isn't, he was dogshit at writing.
Never read his stories and they might have been dogshit but it's obvious you're the guy who seethes whenever BTC is mentioned at all.
1: we get what we deserve, no one is updating Kemono anymore for our thing
2: I'm not surprised faggots are still complaining about something as inconsecuential as a BTC revival
>pretending that literally only 1 person knows that BTC was shit, instead of the reality which is everybody who has a brain

Cry hardwe
The only faggots complaining are you and >>8529315
Lol, I just wanted to expose that the person who always posts "Cope" in reply to everything is also the one who cries about BTC whenever he's so much as mentioned. You fell for the bait excellently.
I just dont see what was so good about BTC. People speak of him as if it was fucking Alex Ross, but this shit's average. And is the same girl like two hundred times. There is literally less bulma briefs depictions from jessie's than BTCs carrot head, but nobody seems to care about that because My BTC Can DO nO WronG.
who is Alex Ross
Why are we mad?
someone said three letters in a row
What you have 4chan but you don't have google?
Regardless of who commissioned it, I like this piece. I'm a major sucker for briefs colored pink like this.
(Unfortunately pic related is the only one I could remember explicitly having pink briefs like this)
some fag's girlfriend cheated on him for BTC and now its our problem.
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New Thread:
unrelated but i fucken love alex ross so, based of you to know him
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No, I'm implying that there's several 40-year-old-virgins in this community. Every time somebody says anything about here, there's a group of power rangers here to defend them like the secret service.

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