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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban, reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter
- Panda = check settings -> Language, click your language

>Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored, might not work anymore):
https://pastebin.com/1GT5rvYa (embed)

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd (embed)

>Download latest Bing, Designer Slop tools here:
https://pastebin.com/raw/bk33MxxG (embed)

>Image prompts and tips
https://pastebin.com/qDRXFfBM (embed)

>DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

>webm converter with crop function

1. This general is for AI images made with (DALL-E 3)
2. NO LOLI / SHOTA / FURRY, cartoons allowed and welcome.
3. Use disposable accounts.
4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.
5. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.
6. No /MID/Low Quality Gens.
7. No flaming / no fighting.
8. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.
9. No discords.
10. Animated Dall-E 3 images are fine.

Remember, this thread is an exile from /tv/ (television & film), celebs WILL be posted. Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8500973
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So is Imagen completely cucked now? or does anyone have some secret sauce?

I managed to gen about 8k images, but im still fiending for more. Unfortunately, Google seems to keep track of whats being genned. No need for some news outlet controversy. They just keep patching and tweaking the damn site.

Its too bad because I was generating some fucking heat.
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I think it is really nice
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omg please prompt
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,facing away,wearing a pair of black leggings,black & yellow Batman shorts,short yellow leather high-heel boots,cropped yellow turtleneck,short choppy messy brown hair swept to one side,yellow baseball cap,adjusting cap,looking back over shoulder,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,squatting,white adobe patio,colorful design on walls,wicker chairs,red pillows,people sitting,tile floor,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,facing away,wearing a pair of black & yellow leather Batman leggings,short yellow leather high-heel boots,cropped yellow turtleneck,short choppy messy brown hair swept to one side,yellow baseball cap,adjusting cap,looking back over shoulder,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,squatting,white adobe patio,colorful design on walls,wicker chairs,red pillows,people sitting,tile floor,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,facing away,wearing a pair of light blue jeans,brown belt,short white leather high-heel boots,cropped light blue turtleneck,short choppy messy brown hair swept to one side,light blue baseball cap,adjusting cap,looking back over shoulder,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,squatting,white adobe patio,colorful design on walls,wicker chairs,red pillows,people sitting,tile floor,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,facing away,wearing a pair of light blue jeans,brown belt,short white leather high-heel boots,cropped light blue turtleneck,long flowy brown hair swept to one side,light blue baseball cap,adjusting cap,looking back over shoulder,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,squatting,white adobe patio,colorful design on walls,wicker chairs,red pillows,people sitting,tile floor,sunny
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that turned out really hot. what's this top?
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,mauve long sleeved netted mesh top,long messy brown hair swept to one side,mauve baseball cap,brown eyes,hourglass figure,dark glossy mauve lipstick,dark eyeshadow,happy,adjusting cap,hand on cap brim,sitting on white chair,holding light pink wood sign,"FREE USE",perspiration,white adobe patio,colorful designs on walls,green plants,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,mauve long sleeved top,large netted detail top,long messy brown hair swept to one side,mauve baseball cap,brown eyes,hourglass figure,dark glossy mauve lipstick,dark eyeshadow,happy,adjusting cap,hand on cap brim,sitting on white chair,holding light pink wood sign,"FREE USE",perspiration,white adobe patio,colorful designs on walls,green plants,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,mauve long sleeved top,large net hole detail top,long messy brown hair swept to one side,mauve baseball cap,brown eyes,hourglass figure,dark glossy mauve lipstick,dark eyeshadow,happy,adjusting cap,hand on cap brim,sitting on white chair,holding light pink wood sign,"FREE USE",perspiration,white adobe patio,colorful designs on walls,green plants,sunny
Nice work Annenon
shits loose as fuck
what new prompt ?
What's the wording for booba?
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what the prompt pose? I'll post more results thank u
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,mauve yoga leggings,mauve long sleeved top,barefeet,long messy brown hair swept to one side,mauve baseball cap,brown eyes,hourglass figure,dark glossy mauve lipstick,dark eyeshadow,happy,sitting on white chair,feet up on chair,hugging her knees,knees close to chest,arms wrapped around knees,mauve wood sign on wall,white adobe patio,colorful designs on walls,green plants,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,mauve yoga leggings,mauve long sleeved top,long messy brown hair swept to one side,mauve baseball cap,brown eyes,hourglass figure,dark glossy mauve lipstick,dark eyeshadow,happy,sitting on white chair,feet up on chair,hugging her knees,knees close to chest,arms wrapped around knees,mauve wood sign on wall,white adobe patio,colorful designs on walls,green plants,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,mauve yoga leggings,mauve long sleeved top,short mauve socks,long messy brown hair swept to one side,mauve baseball cap,brown eyes,hourglass figure,dark glossy mauve lipstick,dark eyeshadow,happy,sitting on white chair,feet up on chair,hugging her knees,knees close to chest,arms wrapped around knees,mauve wood sign on wall,white adobe patio,colorful designs on walls,green plants,sunny
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how you get that is really nice
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a large oversized open wrinkly white office shirt,black suede jacket,black Wayfarer sunglasses,long messy brown hair swept to side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,sitting on seat,leaning back,hourglass figure,clean clavicle skin,limo,black seats,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a large oversized open wrinkly white office shirt,part of chest visible,round chest,black suede jacket,hand in hair,long messy brown hair swept to side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,sitting on seat,leaning back,hourglass figure,clean clavicle skin,limo,black seats,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a large oversized open wrinkly white office shirt,part of chest visible,black suede jacket,black Wayfarer sunglasses,long messy brown hair swept to side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,sitting on seat,leaning back,hourglass figure,clean clavicle skin,limo,black seats,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a large oversized open wrinkly white office shirt,part of chest visible,round chest,black suede jacket,taking off black Wayfarer sunglasses,glasses in hand,long messy brown hair swept to side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,sitting on seat,leaning back,hourglass figure,clean clavicle skin,limo,black seats,sunny
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literally just
>tiny smug minion head nestled between massive huge bodice, curvaceous
as the suffix
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a large oversized open wrinkly white office shirt,black suede jacket,tongue out far,pointing at her open mouth with index fingers,long messy brown hair swept to side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,sitting on seat,leaning back,limo,black seats,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a large oversized open wrinkly white office shirt,part of chest visible,hand in hair,long messy brown hair swept to side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,sitting on seat,leaning back,hourglass figure,clean clavicle skin,limo,black seats,sunny
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somit doesn't work without the minion ?
thank you so much. I love the tongue
something about it lets the silly tit sizes come out more frequently but you could use anything
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that's pretty good thanks
is that glitter?
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a glittery light pink cropped tube-top,short fuzzy black bolero,short black gloves,short frizzy light pink pixie cut swept to one side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,sitting on seat,leaning back,limo,black seats,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a glittery light pink cropped tube-top,short fuzzy black bolero,thin black choker,short black gloves,short frizzy light pink pixie cut swept to one side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,tongue out far,pointing at open mouth,sitting on seat,leaning back,limo,black seats,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a glittery light pink cropped tube-top,short fuzzy black bolero,thin black choker,short black gloves,short frizzy light pink pixie cut swept to one side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,tongue out far,holding cigarette,smoky cigarette,sitting on seat,leaning back,limo,black seats,sunny
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Elsa is fun to prompt
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her smug bitch faces are just too good. absurd levels of smugness
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what's this outfit
cooler than elsa sipping a frozen starbucks in a snowstorm
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing princess Elsa cosplay cropped glittery icy swimsuit bottoms,fit abdomen,long glittery sleeves & flowy gauzy cape,ornate tiara,blond hair tied in long braid,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,looking to side,walking by shore,glistening legs,holding Starbucks cup down by her side,frozen lake,ice structures,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing princess Elsa cosplay cropped glittery icy swimsuit bottoms,fit abdomen,long glittery sleeves & flowy gauzy cape,ornate tiara,blond hair tied in long braid,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,looking to side,standing,glistening legs,hip tilted,holding Starbucks cup down by her side,frozen lake behind her,ice cave structures,ice archway behind,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing princess Elsa cosplay,cropped glittery icy swimsuit,fit abdomen,long glittery sleeves & flowy gauzy cape,blond hair tied in long braid,blonde bangs,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,looking to side,standing,frozen lake behind her,ice cave structures,ice archway behind,sunny
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that suit is crazy, how did u make it
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon metallic reflective silver string bikini swimsuit,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy mauve floral cape over shoulders,long teased blonde hair swept to one side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,looking to side,walking by shore,beach,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,holding one hand on stomach,waves,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon metallic reflective silver bikini swimsuit,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy mauve floral cape over shoulders,long teased blonde hair swept to one side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,looking to side,walking by shore,beach,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,holding one hand on stomach,waves,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing cropped bodycon metallic reflective silver bikini swimsuit,fit abdomen,flowy gauzy mauve floral cape over shoulders,long teased blonde hair swept to one side,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,looking to side,walking by shore,beach,hourglass figure,glistening clavicles,holding Starbucks cup,waves,sunny

are you using bing?
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this suave mfer
fuckin lol that guy
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Stuff her full of more ice cream and frozen treats
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Jesus. Decided to check in after months and Reyfag is still at it with his shitty..... grainy movie still,35mm,2020s prompts. And why do you guys still use Dall e when there are better alternatives.
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>And why do you guys still use Dall e when there are better alternatives.
pls explain i want to know more
Only random bots seem to work for me, my own is very strict and just keeps talking about not making explicit stuff.
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Are you not using lterator?
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Is it that time again?
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>mfw all these bait posts were to train yet another dalle-based SD model
Seems like i'm missing that, no clue what that is tho.
Possibly, but i doubt any more than one or two people would be that inclined to go so far. The schizo aussie is legit fucked in the head, he doesn't care what kind of attention he gets as long as his bait posts get attention. Don't give it to him.
>everyone is the same person
>everyone is Australian
There's only one troll that keeps coming back, and it's the schizo aussie samefag.
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why even live
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>why even live
kermits make me smile
yeah your pics are very nice
One of my accounts had a "This account no longer has access to Microsoft Designer" page. I'm scared, bros. I'm scared that they're big banning.
stop trying to prompt fucked up shit i don't even want to know about, there's always been something a little off with you
Maybe they are banning known coomers before loosening the filters again? Nah, that would be too funny.
The filters only go in one direction.
untrue, we had several occasions where the filters loosened for 48 hours while they were doing maintenance
isn't fastflux.ai better?
You know what I mean.
lol, no
Nut on her bald ass head and slap a piece of bread on it
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in the past few days the screws have tightened. One of my accounts got Designer blocked, but bing image create still works?
Jumbochests up, Maiberg down.
Keep chestmaxxing, Anon.
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dalle needs to stop with the nails
you need to stop copying my old halsey gens!!!
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queen Halsey!
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oh wtf did dalle do to her nose??
There's definitely something off about me! Hopefully that makes it fun.
I'd have expected that early on, but the fact that we're about a year into DALLE-3 and able to gen fun stuff makes it less apparent.
Gonna keep goonmaxing, friend. Has that account remained banned or does it seem perma?
man this thing does not do likenesses at all
fuck off
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It doesn't follow instructions well.
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i'm out of ideas
Uh oh
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Miss Piggy as a nurse
why is she so retarded?
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i've kinda done the miss piggy thing to death
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where are all these new images from? Bing? did they update something recently?
its coze secret bots. and some retarded assholes using FLUX. a new form of dog shit stable diffusion
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Hi journo. Put me in the screencap.
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So why are sluts selling nudes on Onlyfans?

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what was this prompt
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,cropped striped white & pink spaghetti strap bikini swimsuit top,stylish brown hair tied in circular top bun,one loose hairstrands hanging down by face,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,hand on cheek,sitting on yellow plastic chair,hourglass figure,water droplets on clavicles,poolside,people on chairs next to her,people in pool,trees,green lawn,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,cropped striped white & pink spaghetti strap bikini swimsuit top,stylish brown hair tied in circular top bun,one loose hairstrands hanging down by face,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,hand on cheek,sitting on yellow plastic chair,hourglass figure,water droplets on clavicles,tattoo across chest,"BALLOON GIRL" in red font,poolside,people on chairs next to her,people in pool,trees,green lawn,sunny

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,cropped striped white & pink spaghetti strap bikini swimsuit top,stylish brown hair tied in circular top bun,one loose hairstrands hanging down by face,brown eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,pointing at her swimsuit with both her index fingers,sitting on yellow plastic chair,hourglass figure,water droplets on clavicles,poolside,people on chairs next to her,people in pool,trees,green lawn,sunny
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These make her look very retarded.
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looks like perma. I guess I could email them but I kinda wanted to avoid this scenario
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prompt pls
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,sleek black turtleneck,black peacoat,black leather leggings,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,moving peacoat to show her lower back dimples,hand holds turtleneck,posterior,playfully biting lower lip,clean lower back,arched back

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,sleek black turtleneck,black peacoat,black leather leggings,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,moving peacoat to show her lower chest dimples,hand holds turtleneck,posterior,playfully biting lower lip,fit abdomen,arched back

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,sleek black turtleneck,black peacoat,black leather leggings,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,moving peacoat to show her lower chest dimples,hand holds turtleneck,posterior,playfully biting lower lip,clean lower chest,arched back

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,sheer black turtleneck,black peacoat,black leather leggings,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,moving peacoat to show her lower back dimples,hand holds turtleneck,posterior,playfully biting lower lip,clean lower back,arched back
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how do you get this top sorry
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These Anne gens are horrific to look at.
you could post something else lad
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sheer black turtleneck,black leather leggings,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,arms wrapped around herself,shyly hugging herself,playfully biting lower lip

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sheer black turtleneck,black peacoat,black leather leggings,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,arms wrapped around herself,shyly hugging herself,playfully biting lower lip

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,sheer black turtleneck,black peacoat,black leather leggings,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,arms wrapped around herself,shyly hugging herself,playfully biting lower lip,fit abdomen,arched back

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sheer black turtleneck,clear,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,brown eyes,red lipstick,eyeshadow,happy,standing in supermarket aisle,green cucumbers,people,supermarket aisle,metal shelf,shyly running hand through hair,hand in hair,playfully biting lower lip
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I think i will thanks
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do anal queen of Emilia

I want tits
Bummer. Probably worth reaching out, especially since the e-mail address is disposable anyway. There may be a chance that it was an accident.
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Damn whats the prompt?
Obvious samefag, this looks like total dogshit and you're fucking retarded
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reyPosting will peak again one day right?
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You shut the fuck up
GOD DAMN. you have to make this with Emilia Clarke or ScarJo
what did you use to make this
Whenever he posts his SD/Flux garbage he samefags his own post. He thinks it's a high IQ move but it couldn't be a more retarded thing to do. That's why he's the schizo aussie samefag.
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I cant get any celebs to go around the ban no matter how much I reword their names or introduce stuff like accents on letters. How do you guys do it?
Theres literally someone giving you the prompts word for word on here !
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Do you even lift books?
What prompt do you use for Taylor? Even putting t.s or tay-tay has gotten my prompts blocked
These aren't Dall-e images.
prompt please
would like to try this out
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Looks like she is a heavy reader on weighty topics

Shut up Reyfag, you do the same. Always asking for your own prompts.
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Damn, nice Rey.
what prompt?
Its was amazing while it lasted. You can make a new account and tell it to never save your gens in history btw. Also prompt? Im sure it doesnt work now but i might be able to fix it slightly.
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not true. I'm the one that asks his prompts. and even then, these were someone else:
please prompt
can still gen some celebs, very neutered from what it once was tho. can't gen anymore nudity
You can still get tits quite easily. Try messing around with "tribal or cyberpunk body paint"
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oh man someone keeps asking for a foot prompt on every ai thread on 4chan, he's going to freak out with this
nah, he won't. he's been given foot prompts in the past, he whines that it is not the exact same as the image
he went away for a while but he's literally asking every board lol.
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I saw his posts, hence why I did this for him. It was honestly really easy.
I do honestly which I could help him, but I couldn't replicate his image. the videogame one,
its gonna be one year now since the first time he asked for feet on /v/... nostalgia
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Nice Velma

Very doggy prompt… this or similar, but I was tinkering with it, so maybe not exactly this for that particular image. Similar to yesterday.

> selfie photo with wide angle distortion, Rey Skywalker as coed working out in a weight room gym, she holds a bottle of orange Gatorade, her legs appear toned but she overall exhibits estrogenized motherly form, Rey wearing activewear including turquoise stretchy tanktop and white sport leggings, activewear inadequately sized for modesty, Rey rocks over the ear headphones and looks at herself in mirror
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>These aren't Dall-e images.
question still stands how did he do it
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Amy still stands strong
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>Do you even lift books?


please shar how u doin this?????????
plese sar give bobs and pussy lasagna
( he never shar)
no it's shit for feet
You're a braindead bbc cuck faggot
yes and?
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hope she's ok
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you gotta tell it what you want how it wants man
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ye to mahaz ek mazaak tha sar
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my b
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one day reyPosting will return to its former glory
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>that one lonely person that refuses to leave the party
What party?
Lone Lee
new years eve 2009, party was over. he wouldn't leave
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Adorable. Hope so.

Rey workin the product placement.
She in love.
based vegetable enjoyer
Always nice to find the right vegetable
Just doing my duty reminding everyone to eat their greens
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Tweaked prompt doesn’t dog as much, but I get pretty non-Reys quite often. Time for a break.
please can I see it? the other one didn't work for me. I'll show you what I get
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how you get it
hey reybro
someone else was wondering about this prompts
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>Rey Skywalker,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,teal shiny sports cropped tank-top with black elastic details,fit abdomen,teal headphone,brown hair tied in neat ponytail,eyeshadow,red lipstick,brown eyes,happy,holding orange Gatorade bottle,sitting on wood parquet platform,black gym floor,black metallic gym equipment,sunny,high angle selfie

>Rey Skywalker,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,teal shiny sports cropped tank-top with black elastic details,fit abdomen,teal headphone,brown hair tied in neat ponytail,eyeshadow,red lipstick,brown eyes,tongue out,happy,holding orange Gatorade bottle,sitting on wood parquet platform,black gym floor,black metallic gym equipment,sunny,high angle selfie

>Rey Skywalker,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,teal shiny sports cropped tank-top with black elastic details,shiny teal leggings with black elastic details,barefeet,fit abdomen,teal headphone,brown hair tied in neat ponytail,eyeshadow,red lipstick,brown eyes,happy,holding orange Gatorade bottle,sitting on wood parquet platform,black gym floor,black metallic gym equipment,sunny

>Rey Skywalker,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,teal shiny sports cropped tank-top with black elastic details,shiny teal leggings with black elastic details,barefeet,fit abdomen,teal headphone,brown hair tied in neat ponytail,eyeshadow,red lipstick,brown eyes,happy,holding orange Gatorade bottle,bodyweight squat on wood parquet platform,black gym floor,black metallic gym equipment,sunny
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c u t e
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sleek black turtleneck,black leather leggings,ornate rings,barefeet,straightened brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,dark eyeshadow,glossy red lipstick,happy,brown eyes,on her knees,crawling on all fours,white studio background

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,sleek black turtleneck,black leather leggings,ornate rings,barefeet,straightened brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,dark eyeshadow,glossy red lipstick,happy,brown eyes,on her knees,crawling on all fours,black champagne bottle next to her,white studio background

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,sleek black turtleneck,black leather leggings,ornate rings,barefeet,straightened brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,dark eyeshadow,glossy red lipstick,happy,brown eyes,on her knees,crawling on all fours,black champagne bottle next to her,white studio background
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,wearing a deep neckline light brown dress with straps around neck,cutoff sides of dress,shoulder length flowy brown hair,gold tiara,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,brown eyes,happy,standing,pointing fingers,silly expression,Comic Con crowd behind,modern Stormtroopers

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,wearing a deep neckline light brown dress with straps around neck,cutoff sides of dress,glowing green skull pendant,gold accessories,shoulder length flowy brown hair,gold tiara,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,brown eyes,happy,standing,pointing fingers,silly expression,Comic Con crowd behind,modern Stormtroopers

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,wearing a deep neckline light brown dress with straps around neck,cutoff sides of dress,subtly glowing green skull pendant in gold oval,gold accessories,shoulder length flowy brown hair,gold tiara,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,brown eyes,happy,standing,pointing fingers,silly expression,Comic Con crowd behind,modern Stormtroopers
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These are hot.
I tried to do my own version with an old prompt of yours.
But the result is far off, but cute.
How did you do it?
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>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up,black crew top t-shirt with white collar,1960s style brown hair,shoulder length bob,hair slicked swept to one side,side part swept,glittery light purple eyeshadow,brown eyes,silly expression,glossy dark red lipstick,holding her cheek,she struggles to swallow thumb,lips wrapped around thumb,lips puckered around thumb,black studio background

>Hathaway from Dark Knight Rises,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,close-up,black crew top t-shirt with white collar,flowy messy long brown hair swept to one side,hair draped over her shoulder,glittery light purple eyeshadow,brown eyes,silly expression,glossy dark red lipstick,holding her cheek,she struggles to swallow thumb,lips wrapped around thumb,lips puckered around thumb,black studio background
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sorry but please what was this one
I needed
>silly expression
>lips puckered
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a teal Lara Croft inspired tank-top,brown leather shoulder holsters,brown backpack,auburn hair with a lot of volume parted to one side,side view,looking at camera,grey eyes,red lipstick,dark eyeshadow,holding a dark grey M1911,hourglass figure,big round chest,water droplets on chest,laughing,lush jungle,stony river bed,greenery,dappled sunlight shining through tree canopies

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a teal Lara Croft inspired tank-top,brown leather shoulder holsters,brown backpack,small brown watch,auburn hair with a lot of volume parted to one side,side view,looking at camera,grey eyes,red lipstick,dark eyeshadow,holding a dark grey M1911,hourglass figure,big round chest,water droplets on chest,laughing,lush jungle,stony river bed,greenery,dappled sunlight shining through tree canopies

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a teal Lara Croft inspired tank-top,brown leather shoulder holsters,brown backpack,small brown watch,auburn hair tied in long ponytail,side view,looking at camera,grey eyes,red lipstick,dark eyeshadow,holding a dark grey M1911,hourglass figure,big round chest,water droplets on chest,laughing,lush jungle,stony river bed,greenery,dappled sunlight shining through tree canopies
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Beautiful Harley
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what was this prompt?
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>Stewart Twilight,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,barefeet,black leather studded biker jacket,glistening hip & legs,small quilted black bag,messy frizzy bob haircut with bangs swept to one side,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,cigarette in mouth,smirk,holding cigarette,smoky cigarette,sitting in driver seat of old black Dodge Charger,feet on seat,hand on wheel,smoky car interior,on beach,waves,people,harsh sunlight

>Stewart Twilight,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,barefeet,black leather studded biker jacket,glistening hip & legs,small quilted black bag,very short bleach blonde pixie cut swept to one side covering one eye,one side of hair shaved very short,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,cigarette in mouth,smirk,holding cigarette,smoky cigarette,sitting in driver seat of old black Dodge Charger,feet on seat,hand on wheel,smoky car interior,on beach,waves,people,harsh sunlight

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,black leather studded biker jacket,glistening hip & legs,small quilted black bag,messy frizzy bob haircut with bangs swept to one side,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,cigarette in mouth,smirk,holding cigarette,smoky cigarette,sitting in driver seat of old black Dodge Charger,feet on seat,hand on wheel,smoky car interior,on beach,waves,people,harsh sunlight
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which prompt please
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>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a cropped burnt orange swimsuit top,very short bleach blonde pixie cut swept to one side covering one eye,one side of hair shaved very short,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,holding orange Fanta can,sitting on yellow plastic chair,hourglass figure,water droplets on clavicles,poolside,people on chairs,people in pool,trees,green lawn,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,side view,wearing a cropped striped red swimsuit top,shoulder length auburn bob swept to one side,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,hand on cheek,sitting on yellow plastic chair,hourglass figure,water droplets on clavicles,poolside,people on chairs,people in pool,trees,green lawn,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,wearing a cropped striped white & pink spaghetti strap bikini swimsuit top,flowy auburn bob swept to one side,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,hand on cheek,sitting on yellow plastic chair,hourglass figure,water droplets on clavicles,poolside,people on chairs,people in pool,trees,green lawn,sunny

>Johansson,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,neonlit,cropped striped white & pink spaghetti strap bikini swimsuit top,flowy auburn bob swept to one side,grey eyes,dark eyeshadow,red lipstick,happy,hand on cheek,sitting on yellow plastic chair,hourglass figure,water droplets on clavicles,poolside,people on chairs,people in pool,trees,green lawn,night,teal orange neonlit,teal light illuminating skin
new >>8511202

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