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Futa Edition
>What is /AIVG/?
We make videos generated by a chinese AI company
>What's the site
>Is this a psyop?
No stfu
>Is this state-sponsored propaganda aiding the CCP to churn out weak men in the West?
who cares, we're trying to coom

Previous Threads:
...that's not pikachu
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a little closer
I wanna eat that banana.
Highly illogically shaped dog chow
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a little surprised 'onlyfans' is not blocked
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good night
sleep well glass chair
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anyone make any booba/belly expansion?
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dont judge me
I judge you delicious.
I genned a bunch of pregnant chicks.
great one!
moar feed
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heres another
loving them, keep rolling if you want
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resting on her legs like that, god damn dude
How are you guys still genning shit? I thought the censors were too strict now. I also tried genning last time and every time the gens would make my characters kinda lopsided looking
I llike my short stacks a little more face cute and thicc thighs, sir.
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I dunno, works fine for me. I only want booba though
post prompt and I will give suggestions
Asuka's onlyfans!
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That's a regular-stack she-orc, only for highly advanced users
She looks like she smells of minerals like iron. Also like someone casted in Klingon Opera,
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It is strange how my orcs look more klingon than the view klingons I've tried. Have got a goblin though still more bestial
>tfw would
You just need to be tricky to get around the censors. I've gotten two sets of boobs and two pussies in the last 12 hours.
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always like those dual images
https://www.vidu.studio/share/2435032328351212/079213 Scarlet you tease lol
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They are difficult to wrangle. Very random. Many bleed overs.
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Just gotta read that stoneskin scroll so she can't bite your dick off
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My dick aint goin near dat gremlin's piehole! I am drinking an invisibility potion so no one knows my shame.
Have you tried sticking her face to the peep hole?
>got two different nipple gens in the last 15 minutes
The rolls are clearly blessed tonight, boys. Get 'em while you can.
this shit is like a fucking fever dream unc
if your intent was to generate sexy shit take your meds
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>Movie Grainy colourful hd 35mm Christina Hendricks with a long braid, freckles, winged eyeshadow, big eyes, red lace choker necklace wearing a form fitting unzipped black widow outfit and Helen Parr dressed as elastigirl, she has short brown hair and hourglass figure, they are in a police station, Christina has her back towards the viewer, Helen Parr is doing a checkup for medical reasons on the hips of Christina, face very close to hips, Christina bends down over a table, Helen hugging her close, green visible flatulence vapors
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i tried using the alternating token syntax and i think it worked, going to try token weights next. could be useful workaround to generate convincing genitals
>a [tomato|spider|tomato] crawling along the ground in the forest
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prompt needs more work
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That sounded like a good idea but Chang's fighting it
interesting idea
Cool! I member turgid.
my addition would be
>the goblin's tongue is comically stuck to the rope
With those teeth it would probably gen dumb and warpped,
Any sirs try a 'Jack-O-Pose' ?
I mean unless you get some script working.
You will be trying hard Forever, you won't get your AI xxx content boobs or whatever.
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It's doing a lot of warping
Now she really looks like she in a opera. Love the cum dress regardless.
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wow, excellent
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I am genning a
>She is on a yoga mat doing the famous Jack-O-Pose. Resting head on ground while doing standing forward bend on straight fully standing legs.

But I am also lost in the greedy chaos of split screening.

booba on point, sir
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>Split screen video. On the left hand side of the screen : Film grain, ultra HD, 71xsF5s25, A beautiful Chinese woman with long blonde hair, green eyes and freckles. She has a busty and muscular build and She's covered in tattoos and has piercings on her face wearing a form fitting unzipped back widow outfit on a yoga mat. She is doing the famous Jack-O-Pose. Resting head on ground while doing standing forward bend on straight fully standing legs, bokken, fairy lights, warm atmosphere.
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i tried more experimenting and i'm convinced it only uses natural language, you can't play with the tokens. so [this|that] and (this:1.0) don't effect token weights at all.
Could you get her to finish this sequence with her tongue in the hole?
Does 71xsF5s25 have any meaning? I was looking though old dall-e threads and say it. It be having an effect on my gens but maybe it is a placebo for the randomness of many words in gens.
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What does this mean?
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I gathered it was to distract the ai. If you got a prompt that CAN 96'd( aka 78-81 as it is now) its salad for it to chew on.

This is all speculation.
NTA but I've been using random strings at the beginning and end of prompts that get 96'd. I think it helps
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lol i dunno, it's almost bed time for me
Skill issue. Filtered by low IQ. Learn2 Prompt
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here's the prompt. hailuo hates it, only got 3 successful gens out of 9 attempts. Maybe "startled" is triggering something, I've never used that word in a prompt before.
>Fade in. you look through a keyhole, keyhole pov, keyhole point of view, from directly above her bed, in the ceiling, and you see a messy bedroom with a young slim Austrian supermodel who is wearing bra, is lying down in her bed sleeping, she is asleep. She wakes up and looks startled. She makes strong eye contact and looks angry. She gets up to look closely at the camera. There are clothes strewn about the bed. It is early morning and the sun illumunates the bedroom. There is a half-empty bottle of wine and two half-empty wine glasses on the bedside table. Her purse lies on the floor with its contents spilled out. A pair of high heel shoes are on the floor.
It's the clothes strewn about probably, I had a prompt where I just had clothes nearby and could rarely gen it until I deleted it
I've used 'shocked' or 'in shock' or fearful and it has worked
+ I just think it's the text censors beings over zealous of clothes not on bodies
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They did seem more forgiving of that earlier
>71xsF5s25, you look through a keyhole, keyhole pov, keyhole point of view, from directly above her bed, in the ceiling, and you see a messy bedroom with a young slim Austrian supermodel who is wearing bra, is lying down in her bed sleeping, she is asleep. She wakes up and looks startled. She makes strong eye contact and looks angry. She gets up to look closely at the camera. There are clothes strewn about the bed. It is early morning and the sun illuminates the bedroom. There is a half-empty bottle of wine and two half-empty wine glasses on the bedside table. Her purse lies on the floor with its contents spilled out. A pair of high heel shoes are on the floor. At 3 seconds her tongue comically is stuck to the keyhole 71xsF5s25

I am genning this right now, sirs!
>two 96'd
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God damn warping, buy more video cards Chang
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I think something else in the prompt is the problem.. I removed the last part that describes the room and its still dismal
6 attempts, 1 gen

>Fade in. you look through a keyhole, keyhole pov, keyhole point of view, from directly above her bed, in the ceiling, and you see a messy bedroom with a young slim Austrian supermodel who is wearing bra, is lying down in her bed sleeping, she is asleep. She wakes up and looks shocked. She makes strong eye contact and looks angry. She gets up to look closely at the camera.
oh try to remove she is asleep,
One time I had a prompt that had 3 things saying she was asleep and it was causing gen problems
Just try sleeping
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at least its kino
I like that one but now it's got me thinking about live gargoyles and I might have to experiment with that
>sitting in a frog pose, hands on the floor
this is the pose
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Destination Unknown!
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Oh ok, so Chang's computers ARE melting since I just got this gen
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same prompt, removed "who is wearing a bra", works better: 6 attempts, 5 gens
Thanks! Trying some stuff now
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2much action + physical effects
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I am going split screen next one. I wanna see what the chaos will breed.
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time for bed
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Futa edition? It seems that Chang does not like diversity: trans woman, hermaphrodite seems to be blocked now. I haven't checked drag queen (not very futa) and kathoy.

You can work around it a little bit specifying a young man with female characteristics/traits/features a little bit.
plz futa and dicks start your own thread
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If you stick the tongue to her bed and maybe a "no talking" she will just stay there with her tongue out like this>>8508544
Sadly not much luck, might need to fuck around with the camera more
Why would I want to do any of that? Granted, it's not much weirder than some of the other shit in these threads, I guess.
Take a look at OPs post ;)
So, people keep mentioning a script of some kind. Can someone please elaborate? If it'll help me to actually see something lewd instead of it getting nuked before it even finishes generating, that'd be great. But I just keep seeing people mentioning a script without any idea to what's even being referred to, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Nice, Hendricksuckbot 9000 is revealed and live woman reaction! Love it
Needs emma myers too
"at center frame" or sticking her to something in that past post her tongue was stuck to a tower. Maybe sticking her to something can have her be more upright like a wall.
split screen the man who is peeking through the hole and his reaction
make a story dammit
>gen it yourself
>who me?
your mother
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give me a minute
and what video/movie it's supposed to be trained on
I am not sure, but I think the AI knows a lot of porn to know what it should not produce.
You guys say to download a video before Chang deletes it, but what do I do if it never even appears? It gets to around 85 percent and then just vanishes.
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Center frame helped, gargoyle shifted to magic though

You're getting some good stuff out of those
>is lying down in her bed sleeping
not the sleeping part though
bedroom+ sleeping gives all the context you need
also stop specifying her/she so often it triggers random things
I like her snoopy dance. If you want her to move attach it to a car or car bumber.
then gen a random clothes actress/actor/character who ONLY participate in porn to proof your theory
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It never goes how I picture it. Always chaos.
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love the bouncing
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Guess who just proc genned their community guidelines when they tried deleting a picture
ohhh baby, prompt?
Something along this lines:
fade in, dark, steamy, glistening alien underground, mid to low exposure.
you are watching helplessly as your female crewmate (very attractive, slim, athletic, sweating, torn jumpsuit, disheveled hair, limp, slack jaw, open mouth, covered in alien mucus) is trapped against the underground wall in a lot of viscous alien mucus (slimy, light transparent green, rubbery, oily, glistening) and a long alien ovipositor (like a leech, black, rubbery, oily, glistening, coming out of the darkness) caresses the crewmates cheek and injects its alien eggs into the trapped crewmates mouth, you can see her belly slightly extending
use side view dark room man peeking through a hole in a wall
something like that
This was an earlier version with a slightly different prompt
How do you picture it?
thank you very much
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Have you had any problems using the word "peeping" in your prompts, assuming you use it? I've was trying out a peeping related prompt and for some reason it kept turning the peeper into a fat teenager or transforming the gen into a cartoon. After removing words for about 30 min I just figured out that the word "peep" or "peeping" in the prompt was causing it to malfunction. Once I removed them all and started using "spying" or "looking" it started giving human beings.
use "the script" as he said
She was going to get and look (tongue out lewd) and then the cat was going to bop her( the camera) at the last second.
nah I used this for >>8508630

>71xsF5s25, Fade in. you look through a keyhole, keyhole pov, keyhole point of view, from directly above her bed, in the ceiling, and you see a messy bedroom with a slim Austrian supermodel with blonde braided hair who is wearing tube top, is lying down in her bed sleeping. She wakes up and looks shocked. She makes strong eye contact and looks amused. She gets up to look closely at the camera. At 3 seconds her tongue comically is stuck to the keyhole. 7xsF5dfd5sq825
>then the long black skin sausage was going to bop her in the mouth
Whats up with the random strings at the start and the end of the prompt?
with foot fungus!
What actually happens
>sausage wiggles in air in the right screen the whole time, bokkeh, fairy lights, 71sx893489
yep Chang is literally camping each and every gen of this prompt, I can still snag the vid but every time I hit da green button the video vanishes
What even is that? Don't tell me I have to dig back through every past thread to find out. I'm guessing it's like a Greasemonkey thing, but I'm not having much luck finding whatever it is.
word salad for the ai to chew on
the chewbacca defense
anti-96 placebo
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bless you
And it works?
File: Kamala2024.webm (2.06 MB, 1280x720)
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Ah ok, no peeps then.

Maybe it's a conflict with "peeping" and certain male actors? I can't find any sense in it, but all I can figure is that it's reducing the age of male characters by a bit when you use "peeper" and "man" or "young man" in the same prompt, so the AI is transforming it into a cartoon proactively to avoid using a teenage human peeper, or something like that.
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Might have to work on that more too
https://pastebin.com/pQYD2nEk if I remember correctly
Chang, test it yourself.
Do i need greasemonkey to run this? its been ages since i tried using that
did you try naked girl in front of unfocused camera?
No after editing it you can just double click it
You can use notepad to edit
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I dunno what am I doing with that pastebin thing and said words in this thread, seems like it there just to confuse everyone with no proper instructions.
Nah, this is a Python script. It works on the shell
Looks good, any specific changes to get the tentacle to go into the mouth?
quirk of the prompt I used unsteady shaky camera
Ah, so this is the elusive "the script" that everyone keeps talking about. Too bad I'm too fucking retarded to know what to do with any of this.
What parts need to be edited?
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I'm retarded and set it up hold up

Going to the old site
F12 OR right click inspect

Go to Network at the top should pretty much be blank and telling you to press Ctrl + R, well do that to refresh it with that menu still opened, bunch of shit is going to be fucking popping up I posted a picture of what you want

don't care I'm talking about unfocused thingy
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Only changed extending to distending, and added quivering before female crewmate. You can also add gravid but it seems to make it go weird more often and Chang WILL delete it unless you download quick
>i need to coom not to math
Interesting, thanks
After click one of them, I am using my?page=blahblahhblahh for reference. You will scroll all the way to the bottom on the right side, Under headers you will see a thing called Token, pic related, that is the token key you will need for the editing, copy it for now, it is a fucking long ass string of code make sure you do not get the User-Age crap in your copy,

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fucking pic
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>on a routine civilian transport thousands of young women have been raped by an alien infestation of unknown origin, a lucky few have postponed their fate by crawling into the labyrinthine bowels of the ship, but every passageway dripping with the fluids from the carnage above that they desperately crawl though gets smaller...how long can they avoid their fate?
The ai has given me a new fetish: "Dystopian Starship Tentacle Invasion"
it's damn good, love when you get on some really focused fantasy like that and the ai's obliging
File: 2024-09-16 03-01-41.png (22 KB, 417x210)
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Now you need to go to "the script" you just downloaded, I am going to assume you don't code or anything so we will just use notepad

First thing is the Token code you just copied you are going to paste it just like my pic related, do make sure you pay very close attention to these fuckers """"" they need to be exact or it will not work

cont for prompts... seriously all you need now is to know how to put the prompts in
Gonna need the prompt for this one, bro.
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No problem, and thank you for sharing the prompt. Whole lot of fun
Yeah, but Chang does not like horror movies...
Hey, thanks a lot! I went ahead and got the token and put it into the .py file with notepad.

>seriously all you need now is to know how to put the prompts in
This also goes into the .py file?
File: 2024-09-16 03-08-14.png (3 KB, 250x75)
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Next is easy to do but also easy to fuck up

Your prompt should look EXACTLY like mine here in pic related


Usually when you paste a prompt those fuckers at the bottom will move up to connect to your prompt, always check and make sure they are where they need to be,

The script kicks ass but it's a little busted with the recent site changes, it will still work on your main browser you got the key from, which means you can't prompt from that anymore, I just leave it open and prompt in my incognito mode window,

FYI when it is running it will not show on the site unless you F5 because it is running off the terminal, when you F5 you can see it genning like normal, it WILL eventually stop working, it's just the quirk of it, you can just close it and reopen it
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If anyone wants to play with the prompt the ai clearly has no idea who Amber Heard is but it does generate consistently attractive women.
>Establishing shot of Amber Heard crawling on all fours through a claustrophobic, dimly lit sci-fi crawlspace. She has been soaked in a rainstorm while wearing a bikini before entering the crawlspace but is now lost in a maze of crawlspaces. From all around her dozens of large off-white tentacles that are six inches in diameter and several feet long are emerging from the rows of vents that line all the surfaces of the crawlspace. The floor of the crawlspace has become a tentacle birthing pool. The tentacles are taking up all of the room in the narrow crawlspace as they rapidly move around so she is carefully squeezing past them in the extremely small amount of space left and having to gently push them out of her way with her hands while she is moving forward. As she does this she is looking at the tentacles all around her with a worried expression and talking to herself. Many thick strands of an off-white, viscous liquid are dangling from the entire length of the crawlspaces low ceiling, many more are dripping onto the floor and adding to a pool of thick, off-white viscous liquid that has already covered the floor. Realistic movie.
oh uh that's it you just double click the script and it will download WHERE THE SCRIPT IS
>copy the prompt
>change nothing
>site no longer loads on chrome
>restart my computer
>site no longer loads on chrome
>site works on firefox
What have I done?
File: FuckYouChang.webm (1.7 MB, 1280x720)
1.7 MB
god damn it
It work for you? I was busy with the instructions and didn't see your post

Also people have you tried way to hard to prompt something and you make it sound really weird? I am trying to prompt between knees, but that is banned, so I typed out is in a space that is adjacent to the knees, this site makes me retarded I swear...
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hahaha that fucking swipe at the end
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Stockholm Syndrome
In a world with no tits...
share with the group
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Hey, yeah, it did work! I just need to perfect my prompts, is all.
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All alien stuff is good
this script is great, don't have to go to that slow website with 100 example videos loaded on it
oh if you close it and reopen it whatever is was currently genning will NOT be downloaded by it
So, you just mean that the script has to keep running until the genning/downloading finishes, right?
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Yeah! See this is what I'm talking about. We need to go beyond reality with ai porn. Why limit yourself to something you can already see an inferior irl version of?
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Do NOT stick cats to things!
You can close the script anytime, you just have to manually go to the website and download the previous genned picture
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Exactly! I don't even like tentacle porn in general, but combined with horror and realism and I'm here wishing this wasn't censored

Me either. Haven't watched much hentai but if it could be realistic and uncensored (what we generate now is the start) then holy shit it's hot!
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Just throwing this one out there, sirs. I couldn't get bitilasana through on another prompt.

>Very grainy direct flash photograph taken in 2019, 35mm iso 200 Fujifilm Velvia 50, dust and scratches light leak slow shutter speed motion blur, close-up, below looking up at pretty pale college student woman (brunette hair with blonde ombré, eager brown eyes) Soaking wet,she is displaying her flexibility in a college dorm room. from behind, She is posing bitilasana, leaning forward and raising her callipygian posterior like a cat, making her socks closer to the camera. in sheer blush frilly ankle socks, water droplet rivulets on her legs, she is looking back with shocked expression, blushing. dynamic low camera angle. calendar, posters, corkboard, light fixture on a popcorn ceiling.

Can they taste her?
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done in pixiverse, top 10 haliuoai site betrayals.
You fuckers will love these because Chang hated them, to start this bitch did this and I could NOT replicate after a LOT of gens
sorry, wrong one. lol, I'll get to the uploading the other one, upload betrayal lol
Now for the good ones
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I'm finally out, night

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right one lol
>afternoon in china
>queue goes up, filter gets a bit more strict, less approved videos
chang.. c'mon...
just genned a really nice one after this one
Last one for now! I fucking loved these hated prompt testing for em
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so nice they gave me the "we are watching you" gen
they're awesome, great work!
I don't think she's getting out of there!
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a badge of honor
scripts... scripts? ? wat
How useful? , generate anything?
Then where is the coomer content?
I lied just got another one, at the end man, she knows
so many anons won't get that Spaceballs reference...but I did lol
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I keep saying last one but I just got the warning from the new site now too lmao
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check pls
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goodnight sirs
The script is just so that whatever video is generated gets downloaded automatically to your hard drive. It's not going to magically bypass the censors, it's just a good way to avoid losing what you generate if Chang decides to delete it immediately. Plus, you can just go about your business and have it running to keep getting generations of the same prompt without having to do anything.
They tell you to camp the gen. Little do they know that Chang camps your gen as well.
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These prompts are like 7 out of 10 of them are good, so Chang is deleted them fast, so make sure to camp them!

Prompt: messy bedroom with a young Kate Upton wearing a bra and high leg bikini, nighttime, dark room, she is alone, she sits on a pillow in the frog position, grinding and bouncing on pillow, looking down, out of breath and sweating
CHINKOID, WHAT THE FUCK?!! I said 18-year-old! That's NOT an 18-year-old! That's WAY LOWER than an 18-year-old! FUCK!! I'm glad the actions generated ended up being tame, but that's a fucking jumpscare if I've ever seen one, holy shit.

Any tips on avoiding this shit but still having an attractive girl that isn't a hag? Fucking hell, man...
Okay, good, they deleted it on their end, too. At least Wang Tang is not without morals. Though I'm a little worried now. I don't want these fuckers thinking I'm trying to get that kind of shit on purpose.
don't worry, they got thousand others actually doing it on purpose 24/7 to worry about
Words like "model", "supermodel", "actress" basically never give me lolis. Try "in her 20s" maybe. I'm into MILFs and "in her 30s", occasionally "in her 40s" work well for me ("older" or "mature" gives you fossils). You can also just use celebs like the rest of us degens
chang pleas give 5 star review on my gens
Do not prompt for a "girl". They seem to translate english prompt behind the senes and girl gets always translated as a child. Even if you qualify it as an 18yo girl or whatever. Use "young woman" instead.
What a weird overreaction to do in an anonymous board, who are you acting up for?
What helps me to get MILFs is to promt them with "she has laughing lines".
Oh, "supermodel" could also work well to help make her more attractive, probably.

That's what it was. Thanks, man.
For myself, anon. To remind myself that as depraved as I am, I still have a limit.
That and I was genuinely freaked out, because I don't want that shit on my computer.
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fuck ya it works lol this shit got chang'd but I got it first lol
Then keep it in your head, it comes off desperate like you needed to do that. Most people don't need the overreacting reminder to not want to look at kids.
The comment you're responding to was a fucking joke, my dude. If you want a more sincere answer, it's because it genuinely freaked me out that something like that popped up. It's not something I have experience in dealing with. Maybe I just haven't been around here long enough to become so jaded. The fuck's your problem, anyway?
>american newfag scared of lolis
These are really good. Has the prompt been shared yet?
Just stop man, you're coming off massively as underage, autistic, or a huge newfag
Not without a picture

Prompt: messy bedroom with a young Kate Upton wearing a bra and high leg bikini, nighttime, dark room, she is alone, she sits on a pillow in the frog position, grinding and bouncing on pillow, looking down, out of breath and sweating
Speaking of prompts, can I get yours? Damn, that's a nice body.
You might think it's the most schizo thing ever
>A beautiful cute hot seductive sexy young Japanese gravure idol with light pink hair strutting confidently on a beach. She has a very thin waist. She is very slender. She is very skinny. She is very slim. She is very fit. She is walking towards the camera while making direct eye contact with the camera. Every step she takes causes her funbags to bounce, jiggle, and wobble gratuitously. She has a very bouncy bust. She has a very jiggly bust. She has a very wobbly bust. She is walking fast. She is walking swiftly. She is walking quickly. Her bikini is low-cut. Her bikini has a plunging neckline. black bikini, micro bikini, mini bikini, shiny bikini, string bikini, tiny bikini
Not sure if anyone else prompts like this, or if it's just me
it would seem chang is tightening up the previously loosened filters on the new site. only one of my three made it
Hey, whatever works, man. If it gets you good results, then who gives a shit what the text looks like?
loving the script. Thanks anon who was posting the how to for retards like me. Now I can bot two browsers and manually try prompts on a third without having to juggle all three at once. Already caught a bunch of Chang'd shit
sadly not working for me,
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'
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I fucking love that we're using the word "funbags" to get PAST a censor

I slightly altered the script, now it emits the description in a txt file (like eg Stable Diffusion does) when the video starts generating so you have a log of all of them (and can track how many fail, and see how long the gen took by comparing timestamps). Wanted it for my workflow idk maybe some of you do too

pip install
pip install requests

just put that in your terminal and run again
>I fucking love that we're using the word "funbags" to get PAST a censor
Chang just isn't up to speed on all the English lingo, I guess.

Although it's backfired on me a few times, where it actually generated literal bags (they looked like trash bags filled with water).
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sick, i'll check it out. this script is money.
a cool feature is if you could put the prompt in a separate text file and it checks for changes/reopens the file each run
be cool if you could supply the prompt file as a parameter too. eg:
>python3 hailu.py -p ./prompt.txt
i don't know python well enough to do that
thanks for the script tho, def time saver
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I am... aroused, I guess
Is it possible to write a script that auto-downloads the latest video the moment it becomes available?
Error: 401
Error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

is that normal as it waits to let you gen another using the script? it spit out one gen and now just repeats that
Isn't it already doing that?
This script literally does that, it's why I use it

Thought about doing that. Also had the idea to make it visit the site and get a token if it didn't have one, but I'm not the original author, I'd have to reverse-engineer all the requests to see what it's doing. Might try it if I have enough 'tism tonight

Your token is wrong, get it from the HTTP headers in a browser >>8508735 >>8508738
oh, thanks for helping my dumb ass. just got that token and it worked on one gen, weird it lost it. does the browser have to stay running too? because i closed it
I closed the browser and it's worked for me, maybe it just times out after a while.
>does the browser have to stay running too? because i closed it
NTA, but I'm pretty sure it does. I think the token is part of the browser session.
naw unless you are using incognito sessions
i've closed the site and haven't looked back. no issues using the script with the token for a few hours now
fuck off with that schizo shit...you make the hottest shit you can think of
looks like something out of Scary Movie
The float hump

brooo why did clearing my cache give me the shit capchas again
Sorry, I phrased my question in a retarded way.
Is it possible to create a Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey script that performs the same function as that python script? Auto-downloading the latest video the moment it becomes available.
Guys, if you gen a character and describe them from the feet up as opposed to the head down, as is convention, the camera will follow that movement without needing to add any camera movement. that is what I was testing here:>>8508762

>Scuffed white sneakers. Tanned ankles, slender build. Firm, muscular calves. Knees softly dimpled. Toned thighs, slight sheen. Faded denim shorts. Tight at the hips. Soft curves, narrow waist. Midriff exposed, taut skin. Simple silver belly ring. Loose, cropped tank. Sun-kissed collarbones. Lithe, graceful arms. Delicate wrists, thin bracelets. Neatly trimmed nails. Slightly calloused palms. Slender fingers, soft knuckles. Bare neck, light perfume. Sharp jawline, faint freckles. Plush lips, slightly parted. Bright, white smile. Defined cheekbones, blushed. Almond-shaped hazel eyes. Long lashes, mascara darkened. Slight smirk at the corners. Straight nose, subtle flare. Brown waves, sun-streaked. Messy, windswept bangs. Loose strands frame face. Light tan from the sun.Natural brows, slightly arched. Pierced ears, small hoops. Faint scar beneath chin. Confident posture, head high.
yes, I was doing that before using the python script
Could be useful if you're going for upskirts or booty shots
Thanks to the script, I'm FINALLY seeing all the shit that Chang deletes, and honestly, a lot of it is rather tame. I mean, it's still risqué, but so is a lot of what doesn't get deleted, so Chang ain't exactly consistent. I can't say I'm disappointed, though, because at least I get to keep this shit instead of having it be deleted, but still.
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Maaaaan, I don't care if the text is "schizo" or not. You seriously made my generations a million times hotter!

This was my shit before copying from your prompts. And the attached to this post is obviously the after. You're a fucking lifesaver, man!
it is kinda funny to see what gets deleted lol
baes holding or eating banana or cucumber
yep, they do that
What's going on.
May I get an instruction how to get Api from that login website. anon got kinda confused
make the pillow smaller and longer
make it cylindrical shape
or simply change it to a Teddy Bear or something
humping humping
Shouldn't need to log in, I have not logged in
You are trying here yeah?
wait wtf is happening xdd
add some imagination. you could change the face right...?anything, you can.. spawn AI cutting tools (video) that cut or destroy her clothing?
You can angle change? add some imagination.

Same anon as here.
What are you talking about? You don't need a login nor an API for any of this. Are you just getting confused about how to use the Python script? You sound like you might be ESL, and if so, that just makes it more difficult to explain it to you.

...you're not Chang infiltrating us, are you?
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He gave the prompt so why don't you guys make something with it?
>you're not Chang infiltrating us, are you?
read his message with a chink accent and it's obvious
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My gens feel like they get cooked if I prompt too long...
Anyways good night peeps>>8508982
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yeah I think so too. A lot of my old prompts don't really work unless I change a bunch of shit or put a bunch of random strings in the front and back. Got a win here though lol
Instructions missing completely unless directed there.

Man anon is tired. but will try anyway.
I'm so happy with how this one turned out
boing boing
>speaking in third person
>confused about something that was literally spelled out in plain english
>directing people to the site that needs our gmail
bro this nigga is chang
i ain't reading all that. im happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.
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Mine have gotten better today now that I've taken it easy. My gens from late last night were downright potato tier
this one is a great success
Are you mental or stupid or something?
just told you what website is used.
although don't know what this coding is about.
There is a clear pastebin script available.
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hell ya bro
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>My gens from late last night were downright potato tier
mine too
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it is super easy. took me like 10 mins, not even
Sofia boutella?
>She is greek forgiveness goddess embodiment emulating Kim Kardashian mixed with Margot Robbie
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this gives me an idea lol
not a fan of gummi worms, I like trunks with feeding liquid better
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Not sure how that'll work, dawg. :p
Just asked him to add some interesting prompts which could result in interesting nude results.
and he didnt even do it.

wouldn't API need administrator website hacking or accessing panels. So I don't know what is happening.
according to CGPT atleast the code cant harm.
can you make Patricia Heaton wearing a purple bath robe with jiggle physics?
So... we can continue? I get API how?
Token part requires it.
etc infomation.
forgot all your instructions and just vibe
I'm trying to figure something out.
This overtly lewd video was allowed to exist for 15 minutes before it was deleted. Others are deleted within 5 seconds of completion. Others never even make it past the generation phase. What does this indicate?
>There is a mixture of AI review and human review
>AI review deletes a video before it is allowed to appear on the website
>Human review can take 5 seconds or 15 minutes, depending on whether or not the human hired to review videos is on his lunch break or not
Is this the general consensus, or am I way off?
in other news,
boing boing
boi oi oi oi oing
bruh just give it up. filtered due to ESL + low iq
>Die irl.
As opposed to... dying in a game...?
I was just testing the CHANG'D script with some shit I know gets chang'd
Chang really tossing out violent threats tonight just because he's too Chink too understand the simplest of English instructions.
>it can take Chang 5 seconds to 15 mins to coom to your gens first
This guy is onto something strange. red flags firing
although you have achieved nothing.

if I wanted to porn I would type two words. porn hub.
website still isn't doing anyway. no filters removed.
anyone found a way to get the videos that get nuked at 80%? are they getting killed serverside? nearly all the good prompts are getting nuked at 80-85% using the script
it is hilarious. If it was hidden or a secret I would try to help but it couldn't be more clear
that's just your prompt, not the script.

i know, but before yesterday, the videos will still generate a link for a few seconds before getting killed, but since then they are getting nuked before the link
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Changed the script, drag and drop a txt file onto it containing nothing but the prompt. It will use that instead of the description inside the script, and the video and txt output will have the prompt filename as a prefix e.g "taylorsexslave_292048774655430662.mp4"

Variations of
>A beautiful cute hot seductive sexy Japanese gravure idol with light pink hair is sitting on a pillow. She is bouncing on the pillow very fast.
Nice, so we can keep it running?
yep just change "REPEAT = False" to "REPEAT = True"
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I think this can turn into something nice
Bad memory? Are there other problems you need to explain? It can't be a good thing for health, ...impending death

Strange thread. Suggest going here.
nice it works. can easily change the prompt while the script keeps running. good job

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bro give it up. just leave and see if you can find someone who can translate english to mandarin for you
>drag and drop a txt file onto it containing nothing but the prompt
how do I do this on Visual Studio Code? I'm a retarded ChatGPT coder lol idk shit
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making hybrid women actually helps them look so much better desu. mix these hoes with other hoes
Small change, unfucked the error when running without a txt file


The file is the first command-line parameter eg "python script.py prompt.txt"
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2.8 MB
sweet, thanks
How do you do that in the prompt? I like your results.
to mix the chicks I've been using this:
>greek [type of goddess] goddess embodiment emulating [base celeb] mixed with [secondary celeb]
webm related is:
>greek agriculture goddess embodiment emulating Kim Kardashian mixed with Jessica Alba
did anyone figure out how to generate multiple videos? there seems to be a IP specific rate limiter that only allows you generate a new video when the other one is at ~40%, regardless of how many tokens you have. the payload url doesnt have this info so where is it getting the info from
i dont know about the site but with the python script i can start another script at around 15-20%. i haven't tried more than 2 at a time because i don't feel like juggling that. perhaps you could do 3

i am using that for a while. max i can go is 3. after that it will throw error until either one finishes, or the other 3 nicely line up 20-30% apart
I'm doing 3 at once rn. 2 browsers. With the script running on each plus an incognito session. I just have the incognito open still because idk if it will get messed up if I close it. If you start the scripts at the same time, it'll gen when it can and they will eventually just get to the point they are all running at once/relatively low downtime
lol bro seething he can't do basic troubleshoot or read english
You're not making any sense. expected behaviour.

such a quiet thread. did not read the shit for a sec.

Did this person just try to inject malicious files on to peoples computers.
script is unclear and cant do anything unless edited.
Should be against 4chan.
this is funny, there is no virus type reporting here.
The rules here of course, brb
anyone with a brain can see for themselves. it isn't magic. its a python script
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it's actually hilarious that this is unironically chang lol
alright niggas memeing this is chang, but it really is him. he desperately wants the python script gone
samefag, die irl with your useless topic.
Could just shit on this type of projection but got better things to do.
browser? with the python script you don't need to open the website at all
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>tfw python script is still up
Shut up, you just found out about the script recently.
Yeah, i know but this whole time i've been using chrome, brave and opera manually. I just run the script 3 times, 2 chrome tokens (normal and incognito) and 1 opera (free vpn) and then use brave to test prompts manually before feeding them into the script. I keep the incognito I got the token from open just in case the token gets deleted/regenerated if I open a new incognito window
I knew nothing good would come from the idea of showing step-by-step what needs to be done for the script to work, too many dumb people have flooded the thread.
Don't listen to these guys. They are just being assholes to you. What is it that you're struggling with? I can probably help you get set up.
>too many dumb people have flooded the thread
it is literally just one guy getting mad lol thank you for your service.
Can you like Do Bryce Dallas Howard?
doubt it. it can't do people way more famous than her
I'll give it a whirl
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I just have it running on repeat so you can just start all of them at once and they will naturally space out based on the rate limit. Then when I want to change the prompt I just kill the terminal and run it again with the prompt changed or just leave it running.
>tfw you can't figure out a python script because ESL
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As far as I can tell, there is a timeout of about two minutes per IP address. Once you submit a prompt and it starts genning, it won't take another one from you for two minutes regardless of how many others you have running or where they are in the process.
homie updated the script allowing you to pass a prompt text file. you can change the prompt text file while the script continues to loop, no need to end the script since it opens the prompt each time it loops
is the IP address tagged to your token? where does it get it from?
...it sees the IP from the connection you're making to their servers
Yeah, I know. I just haven't gotten around to it
That's why if you just start a few instances (however you decide to) it'll just space out and be a consistent output of gens (assuming you don't get chang'd before download threshold)
hey bro, it's kind of schizo
> an onlyfans model cosplaying as misty from pokemon, wearing clothes with a low cut plunging neckline and bust window she has a skinny waist and very large soft jiggly bust she is wiggling her chest and her funbags are wobbling around, a wide angle view
All my gens are getting Chang'd this past hour. Guess his lunch break is over.
what is the angelina monster prompt please?
Is she supposed to be mad or jorny
this was random but kinda hot
I'm trying to make transparent person in skimpy outfit. Not going well so far.
Yeah, Chang is out on full force now, it seems.
To be clear, if there are other people interested in testing a .py script, go ahead; I can’t stop you.
Only 4chan mods delete threads.
You may just be testing it for many anon users here, but I don’t recommend it. You have a suspicious .py file/virus.

Or the guy is just shizo samefagging. ? I can’t verify this
For him, I would suggest enjoying the visible mental illness. at anon board.
Look, nothing is even being delivered.

Not a coder here, but I have already checked the facts. API keys aren’t even public. Chatgpt helps with information like this.an unlimited information bank.
so true, chang
because it pretty much filters anything transparency and body related
will try body parts for starters
>API keys aren’t even public
who said anything about API keys, it's just the user token, it's in your fucking browser when you use the website
You should write amazon reviews.
just say it's cookies
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>Chang is trying to get promoted to unpaid 4chan janny
it's not a cookie, it's a header, the script sends zero cookies
Fortune cookies, specifically. You have to use an analogy that our dear friend over here >>8509210
will understand.
this has gotta be a bot lol
Why do you keep going on about API keys? Nobody ever mentioned anything about API keys except you.

>Look, nothing is even being delivered.
Are you under the impression that the script is some magical censor bypass that lets you generate full on hardcore porn? Because that's not what it does.

Just admit that you don't understand English very well.
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not quite there yet
nice. I wanna get back to trying clothing rips. I was trying to do a giantess prompt on day 1
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mhhm I like this prompt
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Can somebody do Something cool like rip all the clothes with various tactics.

china chang stops it? Typical like 2 days ago.
You could create like, meme porn with this if it was compromised.
I was trying to do something similar. Too tired rn but I'll try later
reverse their gender
I just noticed that now on the website they say that prompts get automatically optimized. I'm wondering if that is now also the case for requests send by the script
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I really regret not getting into it during the first days when the censorship wasn't so strict yet.
Does anyone know a good prompt for belly inflation?
Does anyone know a good prompt for sitting on chair?
You can still do plenty. Just gotta be creative.
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japanese tv is fucking weird
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trying hard to splash her, any sugfgestions?
man, it took me like 10 attempts to generate anything this morning. also the two windows i had with existing tokens stopped working, had to kill my sessions... chang is on to me
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your token changes every 24 hours
Did you prompt for that type of bra?
I've used the same token for more than 24 hours
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nope, just bra
ok, i've had to change mine every morning for 3 days
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i wonder if you can put her in a scenario where they pop out, like bumper cars or cartwheels or rock climbing or...
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Can you share the script please?
search the fucking thread
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I gotta ask, has anyone successfully fused two characters together?
Like lets say for the fun of it; Shrek and Sonic to make sonicshrek?
Someone fused Sonic and Pikachu
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>make non-horny prompt
>keeps getting content filtered
>simultaneously make horny prompts in another window
>regularly gets through, sometimes even with nipples showing
Going to have to dig for their prompts then.
Any synonym for blending two entities together ain't producing jack.
Only prompts that "work" for me so far is causing the component entities to disappear and to describe the new entity as being like the two.
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>Highest queue to gen I've seen before was 200
>Currently at 1,600
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>1,412 people ahead of me.
Jesus Christ
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first nipple in 3 days
i'm going to be so sad when the old site goes down. new one can still make some good stuff but it's definitely more of a struggle
based brappist
File: Sarah Movie - Part 3.webm (3.99 MB, 1280x720)
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3.99 MB WEBM

I have finished my little movie project. It’s a fully ai generated pornographic sexploitation film about a college girl named Sarah who falls into debt slavery.

For those who missed it, here is Part 1: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8499149/#8500361

And here is Part 2: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8499149/#8500363

Webm related is the third and final part of Sarah’s story. It starts a few weeks after the last video. She is now getting auctioned off to the highest bidder. You will not believe where it goes from there!

Making part three took way longer than I had hoped, both for irl reasond and because of the ever thighter filters. It’s obviously all very janky, but I hope ai porn only goes up from here.

I dedicate this work to Emanuel Maiberg.
woah wondered what happened to you!
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The trick to getting nipples more often is setting up situations where you're not likely to see them for more than a few frames. That way the content filter may miss them.
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what was the prompt again?
Note: her twerking was kinda just a random chance

messy bedroom with a young Christina Hendricks wearing a bra and high leg bikini, nighttime, dark room, she is alone, she sits on a pillow in the frog position, grinding and bouncing on pillow, looking down, out of breath and sweating
young, pretty, cute, voluptuous, attractive, white girl(real Scarlett Johansson) with blonde hair and a belly so large she looks over 9 months pregnant. she is sitting cross legged on the kitchen floor of a gingerbread house. her belly is stiff and overstuffed and protrudes and is round and perky and fills her lap completely. next to her is a massive pile of cakes and pastries and donuts and she is eating an eclair. she is wearing plain tattered clothing. she has a thin face, thin arms and thin legs. realistic. real video.

havent tried it on the new site yet
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File: cum glass.webm (404 KB, 1280x720)
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is the stuff in this thread all you guys' best stuff or are you hording the good shit in your secret stashes
Do you gen shit or just asking for gimmes
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I just started a few days ago, so my stash of good stuff is small but steadily growing.
The idea was that he's an elite gamer who won a lot of money in vidya tournaments.
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time to start experimenting with fantasy breeding stock
File: happy accident.webm (926 KB, 1280x720)
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?Christina Hendricks as a painter with a prominent black afro and a warm smile holding a colorful palette, standing by an easel with a landscape painting featuring a snowy mountain and evergreen trees against a blue sky. Black room background. Scarlet is wearing long-sleeve button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the forearm, and blue jeans. 35mm film, film grain, soft focus. there are paint stains on the front of her shirt. High contrast.
make the glass spelling cum at least
it's just milk otherwise
File: cartoon.webm (2.41 MB, 1280x720)
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2.41 MB WEBM
oh it made a cartoon
This stupid shit keeps trolling me and making all my prompts into a fucking cartoon
I'm trying to write a Tampermonkey script to automatically any mp4 that has just appeared on the page, but I'm too much of a codelet to make it work. Has anyone else done the same? In Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey, not with a python script.
>*automatically download
my extremely small brain sabotages my again
File: princess.webm (1.49 MB, 1280x720)
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Handy tip for those like me too stupid to use scripts: Try "pan in from black" in the prompt. This is likely to make the initial thumbnail black, so the jannies on the site will be a bit slower to realize it's something lewd. In fact I've had nipple-containing ones that never got deleted with this method.
File: shit.webm (594 KB, 1280x720)
594 KB
I had that a lot yesterday while working on the Sarah movie. Most of the vids got deleted, and of what made it through many had the girl as a shitty cartoon or as an ugly 3D animated thing. I tried adding something like:
>Cinematic 35mm movie scene
Don't know if it actually helped.
I see what you mean
I can add that if you can't see the face there's a bigger chance the gen will survive 96, I'm using this method for barely closed young girls walking down the catwalk foe example
I've heard of people getting arrested for that shit anon, might want to be careful.
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1.72 MB WEBM
>Cinematic 35mm movie scene
I've heard of people getting sued by a public figure for that shit anon, might want to be careful.
I'm not making any of public figures?
Apparently the best stuff is kept hidden >>8509654 :(
I'm not talking about being american.
try to make a clothless woman with bare skin made out of liquid metal to see that sticks
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oh boy i could just make this forever now
where's the impregnation/birthing process
Did they update the word filter or something? Prompts that were working yesterday just aren't now.
what are you gonna do about it
I used some of your webms for faceswap then img2vid, so thanks
I'm gonna get more creative bitch
I was using
>Cinematic 35mm movie scene. Fade from black, then we see: [rest of the prompt]
a lot yesterday, it really helped.

You mean you inpainted irl girls into slavery? Nice.
sure try not bitching about creativity
Any tips on getting fantasy-based stuff to not come out in a shitty cartoon style? Even if I'm trying to make something like demon girls, which should be as simple as "paint a real girl a different color and give her some horns," it comes out a cartoon.
fantasy movies anon
use references
enjoying this pokemon x onlyfans crossover
File: video 31.webm (3.76 MB, 1280x720)
3.76 MB
3.76 MB WEBM
I'm back to doing historical spoils of war for now. I want to make someting that my CCP manual reviewer can appreciate as well. I saw that we even had an actual real hailuo agent itt earlier kek.

The scenario is that the Yongle emperor's treasure fleet under Zhen He has arrived in east africa. A local Emir has refused to pay tribute, so the chinese went on land to collect it themselves.
thanks anon, I got some nip on a nip
happy mistake
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I hope you guys and this AI aren't making me develop any weird fetishes.
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I do slightly wonder what all this looks like on their end. What's the breakdown of porn to not-porn? 90-10? I know Chang might be letting a lot of stuff slide that MIGHT NOT be porn but in his heart, he knows
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Yeah, your stuff is probably what made me come up with aliens for my recent prompting.
Hey friends, can you help me with a prompt for a video like this? No matter what I try, I just can't get the camera positioned directly under the chair. Is that even possible?
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2.28 MB WEBM
The aliens look really cool desu
I'm not sure what black magic you're using to not only get the AI to accept OnlyFans in the prompt, but to also get such an accurate Misty cosplay, but kudos to you, good sir. Got any tips?
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no magic, but here's my schizo-ass prompt:
>pan in from black to a wide angle view of an onlyfans model cosplaying as misty from pokemon, wearing a yellow sleeveless shirt with red suspenders and a low cut plunging neckline and blue shorts and bare midriff and she is athletic and skinny and has a skinny waist and very large soft jiggly mammary glands and she is wiggling her mammary glands and her mammary glands are wobbling around, and she has orange hair with ponytail hair

I was using 'funbags' earlier, but it started generating literal bags. 'mammary glands' seems to work to identify breasts
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1.2 MB
you don't really need the chair, righ,t?
ground level camera looking up
or describe the scene through a thrid person view, you lie on the ground, you look at the celling
do not put the character unless you're satisfied with the angles
Relaxed and mesmerized Angelina Jolie who is well endowed wearing super tight low cut dress with plunging neckline made of thin PVC glass, wearing tight collar made of red tentacles parasites, parasite monster behind flops his leech arm onto the [female mouth & bust] and it oozes diluted thick black strong glue like substance going to her sternum sliding down all the way to the extremely bulging swollen groin (this substance start to blend with his skin in an appealing way that's pulsates and inflates the area gradually and expand at a large scale.), physique inflates, taking place inside a closed antique wooden wardrobe, directed by Swank Magazines, high bit-rate, zoom-in.
>I was using 'funbags' earlier, but it started generating literal bags. 'mammary glands' seems to work to identify breasts
This is good to know, as I've gotten literal bags a few times, myself.
Anyone know how to do the "face down, ass up" pose?
That would show butt, the AI HATES trying to show a person's butt, She would rather break physics and show butt, (single butts mind you, it's easy to prompt for multiple butts)
Check out this as... wait a minute
Lol wtf?? Thanks
kneeling on all fours, leaning over
orz - japanese meme therm, maybe it knows it
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skill issue
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1.8 MB
sorry not sorry
How? I know it's a skill issue. Please tell.
Thanks, anon. You've cured my horny. I may never be horny again. I am finally free of the CCP's grasp.
I can make a butt appear, it is just in certain situations, it will fight to the death not to show it
What's the word you use for butt?
Remember someone wanted futa
>the AI HATES trying to show a person's butt
skill issue
>thinks you prompt butt to get butt
oh how weird, the ai gave this one black bars on the sides
Sirs is the script shit too hard to implement?
You gotta work with cameras and also the order you describe the woman. Describe her from the ground up rather than head down and the camera will follow better. literally just change your prompt with bottom clothing first instead of top and see what happens. if there are no bottoms, put long legs before any clothing.
it is so easy. scroll up and read
Thanks, this works "Margot Robbie wearing Harley Quinn makeup is laying on her stomach. She is wearing a two piece swinsuit. She is looking at the camera. Her mouth is wide open. She is very sweaty. The background is a light green padded room. The point of view is directly in front of her. She has large mammary glands."
Fuck you for being smug
Do you guys enable prompt enhancing or nah?
What the fuck is a shell wtfff
Where do i even put that code
>Fuck you
>Both me
Thanks for the(You)s
good night gamer
>get nudity
>the ai covers it up with like an arm or leg positioned over the pussy
fucks sake chang
just your typical 3:4 format
You should try out scanlines, they make for a neat home movie type effect... affect?
oh wait I forgot I actually kept an example! Ignore what is going on and focus on the scanlines
lmao nice video dipshit, here trying again
no. not sure if that's the best option unless you write retardedly long prompts though
Is there any way to specifiy young women without the ai spitting out kids?
>all this talk about a script
>people still post only stuff that you can get past the filter easily
so the script is useless or are you all just not posting the good shit?
try young adult maybe?
come on brother I can prompt for butts, I even got prompts for humping to work!
Post a video and I will tell you what the script does, I want to make sure you are not a nongenigger
File: shake.webm (826 KB, 1280x720)
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>specifiy young women
anon, please
just specify
it just fix my lewd typos and makes my prompt invalid
goddess of forgiveness embodiment
i'm just fucking around, bro. it's all love lol
all the script does is download the video at 96% before they get chang'd. it doesn't bypass the filter so really raunchy shit won't get past like 80% most times
This is me showing my love to you too! <3

scroll up brother
File: Margot_sexo.webm (1.1 MB, 1280x720)
1.1 MB
mmmm mucho sexo
i gotchu bro
How? Double clicking a py file does nothing
For windows it should open a cmd prompt
File: bluebty.webm (1.98 MB, 1280x720)
1.98 MB
1.98 MB WEBM
Ty gonna try that

So, i pasted the token to the script, also pasted a prompt. Then run from cmd? And thats itm a mp4 is downloaded 5 mins later? Or should i use the website. How would i know if the website rejected my prompt?
Wait, so it should open on its own a cmd window? Or you mean i should open a cmd window and open the file from there
When you double click it cmd prompt should pop up, if you are not genning anything no errors should pop up, it will act like you are genning from the website, you can even go to the website (or f5 if you are already on it) to see the % the gen is at, some people say you can close the browser, I don't know I am just a retard, I leave my open, if it rejects it, no picture gets downloaded,

It should open it's own cmd window
Alright, thanks for the explanation. Turns out this win doesnt have a way to run python so im installing it, that should so it.
Is there any actual advantage to using the new site over the old one?
uh if it gets generated into a video it will not be deleted at least, and you can delete videos. and they playback is instant, loads faster. It's okay I guess but way has way more censorship,
I'm using the old site, it works but not as good as it was, does the new site require Google login? I saw that entry page and went back to the old one.
prompt please
installed some old python (im on win 7), and its throwing me invalid synthax error :/
New site does require google
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1.26 MB WEBM
man, that script is great. had to modify it a little to be less verbose and a tweak the poll increase down to 80% or so (I never get to 96 anymore)
>a tweak the poll increase down to 80% or so (I never get to 96 anymore)
You've piqued my curiosity.
>tweak the poll increase down to 80% or so (I never get to 96 anymore)
Does this still produce a video file? Meaning is the file fully done at 80%.
Did that on mine too, all it does is start checking faster sooner, hoping to nab the file as soon as it goes up. There's no way to actually get the video if it gets 96'd before ever generating a url.
>gen gets to 100%
>comes back after a few minutes
based same fetish chang
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No, if you look at the script, it currently increases the polling timeout from 10s to 2s when it reaches 96%. I felt like that 10s was a pretty big window, so I changed it to 2s at 84%.

anyway, trying to add a 'unicorn horn' to the pillow
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Do not change it to 0 seconds or something too small, the script will eventually error out from too many request if it polls too much, his 84% change is good because this script was made when nothing really got done at 80%, it was usually at 96%+
Thanks, gonna try that
Using this for the fabric material: "made of thin paper glass"
Nice I'll have to try that
So change it to 2s at 84%. Got it. What percent should it change to 5s? Or should it just go directly from 10s to 2s?
>tip word optimization
on or off?
From what I've gathered, it's better to have that off.
Depends on your prompt but my gut feeling after trying it on and off is it's usually better on
Aww, just look at her. She's so happy.
What prompt did you use?
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I haven't had any issues going from 10s to 2s at 84%.

sorry for the pikagirl spam. i feel obligated to post something and this is the prompt i'm spamming now
holy fuck it is now running
bro for like 3 days I was spamming Hendricks, you are okay,
>Fast-paced glamour reveal, vertigo effect: slender ankles, delicate feet, long toned legs, soft pale thighs, narrow swaying hips. Camera sweeps across waist, flat stomach, curving torso, fitted crop top, thin neck, sharp collarbones, sloping shoulders, soft arms, tapered fingers. Full lips, high cheekbones, porcelain skin, straight petite nose, wide almond eyes, deep gaze, thick lashes, arched brows. Sleek, glossy hair in voluminous waves, warm smile, sweet scent, poised stance, quiet footsteps—captured in an entrancing, dizzying sequence.
Yeah, no worries. Spamming every single gen would be too much but posting multiple of a thing you're digging is fine. Even if people aren't complimenting it I can tell you from personal experience I love digging through threads like these and seeing everything so post them pokesluts
Depends how you write. If you're tossing two sentences prompts at it, on. If you are descriptive/trying to trick the censors, off
Agreed. I would rather have some talented spam than slow threads with the occasional win.
Best thing though is seeing people use your prompts, man it's awesome
File: hendricksgretel2.webm (1.25 MB, 1280x720)
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1.25 MB WEBM
dont want to shit up a thread with my autistic fetish
I'm testing some ChatGPT-generated prompts to work on my theory of camera direction. The prompt gens in order. Feet first descriptions get this type of camera.
Yes please
More's good. You ever managed a skinny to fat transformation? Only tried a few times with no success but I haven't tried much
File: elfsad.webm (737 KB, 1280x720)
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And just so others feel better with their weird focuses, I've been making irresponsible numbers of pic related. Why? I don't know. But my dick says I need a lot of it
Do any of you think that the need to try and trick the AI and bypass the censor kind of makes the whole ordeal hotter?
NTA but I was trying that on day 1 but I gave up after getting some weird shit lol
Yeah. Honestly get off more on tricking the censors than the vids themselves. Especially with celebs I know feel violated by the tech
even with script, they still snip the risky gens at about 80%
Yep. Taboo things are automatically hotter.
I'm starting to notice that now, as well. Chang is getting more vigilant...
this just in: its over.
>9:53AM in china
File: elf.webm (731 KB, 1280x720)
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There's some unique hotness in getting sicko porn past Chang, but at the end of the day I'd be happy with fully uncensored video AI and if there wasn't the ticking clock of the old site supposedly going to shut down since the new site's a lot stricter on smut. If I didn't have the time limit I'd be genning more fun/interesting stuff but with a gun to my head I feel the urge to gen all the weird porn I can before the end

Understandable. Any sort of transformation I've tried hasn't worked out which is surprising since you'd think the AI would be able to understand that but cest la vie
>changes into
>morphs into
>transitions to
>replaced with in the same place
>Haven't had a single script gen survive in the last 20 minutes
bro, just when i managed to run the fucking script it dies XDDDD
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Quality of faces is going down for me (right), even for the same prompt that worked yesterday fine (left).
Anyone experiences the same or has an idea what's going on?
Motherfucker. Script or not, all my shit's getting deleted now before there's even a download link.
I think if you just keep getting '0' for percent, you're waiting in line...which still sucks
I wouldn't completely say it's doom and gloom yet since there's a 300+ queue so maybe something shit the bed on Chang's end and things will go back. And it's not just increased strain as they take systems down to update them to harsher censors FUCK
one thing I've noticed with the script is that have only rarely (or maybe never?) gotten a prompt rejected off the bat. I wonder if there's some client-side validation in their minified js that the script bypasses
File: oh no 4.webm (691 KB, 1280x720)
691 KB
New site's still working. Just have to jerk off to this. It'll work. I can make it work
i get percent: 80, then Error: chang'd
but just got some jap cyborg tits so who knows
Try to compare at the same distance, if they are farther away they go potato, but I also agree with the quality drop
and btw i get zero queue, must be some sectorized bandwidth thing
Noticed this too, it's not consistent though, sometimes I get gens that all look demented but later I will get some great looking faces. Overall the quality from last week is down though, may depend on increased load being split over limited same server resources.
On the new site the minimax logo goes away, I wonder if that explains the quality drop?
I think that check still happens but at the end of the process just before the file is allowed. I've done some spicy prompts via script that would have been rejected right away in the website, but the script runs and just fails at the end.
No difference.

>increased load being split
Good point.

>new site
What did I miss? Minimax logo still included in mine.
i can get the script do its thing but it doesnt automatically download the files, i have to do it manually, i must be doing something very wrong
Check out>>8510482
His is from new site, and no minimax :(
>Error: {'statusInfo': {'code': 1000060, 'httpCode': 0, 'message': '文案内容有点问题,换个内容试试呢', 'serviceTime': 172653129, 'requestID': '15767-6785-4d7d-8c3a-11baa', 'debugInfo': '', 'serverAlert': 0}}
Does the script do fucking anything except simply monitoring?
Maybe they are worried about their logo being on such perverted shit
who ever uses this on perverted shit is a fucker
File: oh no5.webm (717 KB, 1280x720)
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Another rare catch from the new site
That sounds pretty bad, as it's the whole point of the script. Not that I've been having much success lately with how much earlier Chang seems to be deleting gens now.
File: harley_seductress.webm (1.56 MB, 1280x720)
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1.56 MB WEBM
try playing with this:
>Margot Robbie wearing post-modern thigh-highs with exaggerated glute/thigh measurements is laying on her stomach in microkini. She is very sweaty. The background is a light green padded room. The point of view is directly in behind her. wearing Harley Quinn makeup
File: backshots_harley.webm (1.16 MB, 1280x720)
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1.16 MB WEBM
what the fuck do they want then, because they sure dont want money. they just want people making cats skating on the moon and shit like that?
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1008 KB WEBM
File: ice puddle challenge 1.webm (1.38 MB, 1280x720)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB WEBM
sweet jesus in heaven
Damn, dude
File: elf2.webm (1.61 MB, 1280x720)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB WEBM
Nice, got the mp4 to webm conversion going better
What does it mean when the script reads this instead of a video URL?
>Error: {'statusInfo': {'code': 1000060, 'httpCode': 0, 'message': '文案内容有点问题,换个内容试试呢', 'serviceTime': 1726541444, 'requestID': 'da831613-4d98-47a7-99c6-6e9728c867d7', 'debugInfo': '', 'serverAlert': 0}}
need to adjust your prompt
I only tried a few times but I could never get a good Drow. The AI certainly doesn't know what it is. Drider just gets you something that looks like an alien from Star Gate Atlantis.
File: margot_sleepy.webm (571 KB, 1280x720)
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word. I got Chatgpt to make me a batch converter python script so now I have python grabbing the vids from the site and then I just go in and check for quality then batch convert the good ones to webm with 1 click. shit's so cash
Reminds me when I did a test for a mimic
it means the script doesnt do shit
Damn, there's an idea. Shame the AI wasn't running better but I might try for some mimicry anyway
Has anyone tried this for local?
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I'm liking these gens but it is hard trying to narrow in on drow
sir, welcome back, y-your knee...
Does it not like cobwebs, webs, spiderwebs, insect mucus? Am I looking at a heretic?
I can bake new thread when needed
sometimes it be like that~ And Thanks!
go ahead I will drop old shit to pad this out ifin you like
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314 KB
>chang's face when he sees my logs
sounds good
Let's get to the image limit!
File: nnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnn.webm (873 KB, 1280x720)
873 KB
midget porn stars are made for hardcore sex
>midget porn stars
oh shit
new thread when?
the script also shows there's too many underaged dumb people ITT

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