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>Drukhari Office Lady Edition
Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8563040/
/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive
40k Kink Meme
Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection
Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection
Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites
Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. rentry.org). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.
>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!
Write. Write. Write. The mega.nz links are there for a reason. The more you read, the more comfortable you'll be creating a story of your own. For any more questions, check the 'Writing Resources' post below or simply post a question in the thread.
>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
It's been more than three years. /tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons were against it, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods gave up and set the threads tagged with '/wst/' on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.
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=== General Writing ===

Creating a Story

General grammar tutorials and key notes

How to Write from a Second Person Perspective

Tips for Writing Grimdark


Body language

Facial Expressions


Guide to Constructive Criticism


=== Erotic Writing ===

Smut 101: An Introduction

Writing Erotica

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Thesaurus for Male and Female Sex Organs

Thesaurus for Sexual Action

Thesaurus for Erotic Description

How to write an Orgasm

/wfg/ Community Thesaurus
Art Megas
>>https://mega.nz/folder/yn40jYbB#7qJ-ZAXEgFw-FixizevWBQ - Blindwildcat WH art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/H99m3IhY#SbpRVp2fghX8OABqHX5yOg - Lewdanon art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/8skznaBS#ibTA-IlvIaDtIl7asqOR9Q - Geabull art
Stowaways in Eden
>daemon princess OC

Queens Don't Quit
>Escher x Mastrain Genestealers

Ancient Evil smutty texts
SOB corruption

let me know if I missed anything.
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didn't necessarily plan on doing Zulidian for 5 straight posts, but someone's been busy and it's pretty great.
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hehe trips
as if I'm not basically the only person posting on /aco/ right now
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not technically smut but she's so pretty
mandatory WHFB post
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>That could be read as an implication that they actually rip off their armor and are clad only in faith when they used it.
You know you can do a LOT more than just Naked Battle Sisters, right?
Like, would it be out of line for a small sect to believe the Emperor was actually an Empress?
i just want her pregnant man
>would it be out of line for a small sect to believe the Emperor was actually an Empress?
uh yeah? that sounds kind of retarded
>kind of retarded
Welcome to 40k!
I believe there was a canon intra-Imperial Conflict over what color the Emperor's eyes were.
>I believe there was a canon intra-Imperial Conflict over what color the Emperor's eyes were.
Roboute started a civil war in the Administratum by asking how they knew what year it is. I love the retarded Imperium.

That said, there's a quadrillion depictions of the Emperor, people know he was a man.
>That said, there's a quadrillion depictions of the Emperor, people know he was a man.
Can you be so sure considering there is a quadrillion of those depictions?
Depiction that WILL vary wildly thanks to Big E manipulating people's perception of them?

It's not nearly as bad as my other idea on the subject, an ACTUAL Female fragment of the Emperor.
40k is autistic, not retarded
>Depiction that WILL vary wildly thanks to Big E manipulating people's perception of them?
I appreciate leaving room for a your fic or whatever, but come on man. The Imperium fought TWO galaxy wide civil wars over how to worship the Emperor the right way, there's not that much interpretation allowed.
>The Imperium fought TWO galaxy wide civil wars over how to worship the Emperor the right way, there's not that much interpretation allowed.
There are also countless smaller wars all the time. The Imperium is too decentralized to enforce a single very narrow interpretation of the Imperial Creed. The theology gets all muddled up from absorbing local traditions, senior clergy following political agendas, autistic theologians pushing old or new interpretations, etc., kind of like how real world religions evolve.

Stuff that gets too far out of line gets declared heresy though, and femEmperor is probably a step too far for most regions unless they are incredibly isolated
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Hi wsg, I wrote another story, this time with Drukhari instead of my typical craftworld eldar or mechanicus.

The Sybarite is Loved
(F!Sybarite x M!Kabalites) tags: drukhari/deldar, bound/tied-up, physical abuse, free-use, drugs, choking, primarily M/F, some F/F, piercings, aftercare

If you like dark eldar stuff you'll probably enjoy it. Please let me know what you think, and thanks for reading it!

Also, here's my last two stories updated and put on ao3:
Ulthwe Exposure Therapy
(M!Eldar x F!Eldar and F!TwinSister x ThePsychicSensationsHerSisterIsFeeling), tags: shared sensations, public humiliation, squirting, impregnation)
It's the second story in a series, so instead of splitting them up into separate works like I did my Lexmechanics, I'm just going to include it as subsequent chapters to the old story. That works well for me since I intend on writing more of them in the future. Let me know how you like it!

and the side-story to Ulthwe Exposure Therapy:
Something Wicked
tags: (M!Eldar Guardian x F!Guardswomen), tags: rape/non-con, condoms, group sex, temporary domination loss
And that's all for now, since it's 1am here I'm going to keep the post short. Enjoy!
There's lore that turns from autistic to retarded if you think about it too much.
>femEmperor is probably a step too far for most regions unless they are incredibly isolated
I mean this is where I'm wondering; I already figured an Ecclesiarchal sect that catered to my fetishes would be rather radical, so how far I could stretch the suspension of disbelief is always a question.
Certainly being accepting mutants and Xeno while consorting with Daemons SHOULD be a step too far...
...But in the "modern" 42 millennia, there is the Great Rift cutting off half the Galaxy, so the situation is certainly desperate enough to warrant a "Whatever works" approach...
Add the backing more benevolent Warp Entities like the Tau'va and possibly an actual fragment of the Emperor, I'm hoping its JUST plausible enough to work.
just make it a semi-heretical derivation that exists only because of a biggest-fish-in-a-small-pond deemed it so and there aren't sufficient forces or people to redirect and correct them. that's basically the state half of the semi-heretical sects exist in anyway
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Ha, ha,a ha! Yes! Yes!

I noticed in the Zelkodar and Drukhari stories you went for the "condoms as fuck-trophies" theme which I've liked in drawings and visual imagery, and which works surprisingly well in written stuff.

Also I'll have to reread it, but when Marri wakes up in a sensory deprivation hood, he first reaction should be panic and she should feel visible relief and comfort at being touched, regardless of whatever else she feels, because sensory deprivation is one of the scariest things for Dark Eldar.
I feel like you were leaning towards that anyway, but making it more explicit can be useful.
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Does anyone have any submissive dark eldar stories or pictures? I like the idea of a deldar having a taboo submissive romance with a human.
SoB or random gaurdswoman Slaanesh corruption?
Have an idea for a story but can't decide on the MC.
Well what kind of corruption?
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SoB will probably get you more clicks for the story purely because its SoB. Guardswomen stories tend to not do as hot from what ive personally seen.
Guardsman would work but she's gotta be bitchy. Or a general. Nobody cares about an ant being corrupted
You would if the ant got corrupted into a sex-ant and crawled up your genitals.

It's all about how they write the corruption.
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>It's all about how they write the corruption.
Indeed, Hapless Guardswoman Quest was all about a Guardswoman getting semi-corrupted!
So daemonettes have crab arms, and "crabs" is slang for genital lice, so what about a darkmek magos biologis turning genital lice into daemonhosts and releasing them into Kreig trenches?
You get to build your story from all the descriptive minutia of ww1 soldiers dealing with lice.
(The twist is that the platoon skank is mysteriously immune to the attack, because she's the only one who shaves regularly)
(Her head was shaved immediately before the attack as a disciplinary measure related to her being the platoon skank and unauthorized fraternization with other units)
I can see it as plausible.
>World goes through countless generations of religious brainrot and preaching. Especially if it's a feudal or pre-modern tech world.
>Operative identity feature of the Emperor is the Twenty/Eighteen/Nine great Children they had.
>Mix the idea of the children they had, plus a matrilineal succession of rulers or heads of state, or even a simple regional dialect of High Gothic that doesn't gender its terms (Because really who uses -ix as a suffix) and now the image most people attach to 'Imperator' or 'Emperor' is a pregnant woman or somesuch.
>Hapless Guardswoman Quest
tell me more, looks fun
>Tall, elegant and captivating.
>So much so that normal humans, even some psykers fall for her charms.
>Her aura of dread is potent, but doesn't make her abhorrent. Rather it makes her seem intimidating or 'out of ones lane'.
>Struggles to communicate to her sisters because her hands shake too much to use thoughtmark clearly.
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Thus an unregulated sect of the Ecclesiarchy, possibly only reinforcing such believe due to receiving a Sororita contingent a few centuries ago, could really start getting out into the weeds...

>tell me more, looks fun
Well the picture is /tg/ original character Jubblowski, a Guardswoman who's bust is too big for standard issue flak armor.

But Hapless Guardswoman Quest was spun out of a roleplay thread on /tg/, "Chocolate and Corruption," where Chaos subverted almost the entirety of the Planet via pamphlet quizzes involving some rather ruinous sounding Saints.
Hopefully this link works;
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I love how often Hapless Guardswoman Quest still gets brought up here

your link gives me some sort of privacy error, this is the link I found:

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>I love how often Hapless Guardswoman Quest still gets brought up here
Well I like it because it used my Daughters of Peace!
I've kind of been wondering this for a while since its been in the OP links forever, but what the heck is a 'Kink Meme' and do we actually use it for requests?

some bullshit with how the SSl cert. is made up means omitting the suptg. prefix causes it to not recognize the url as certified when the sub-domain is. I'm not a web-tech so don't take it as fact.

>40k Kink Meme
Holy fuck that brings back memories. I can't believe these things are still alive. Still remember when everyone moved over from livejournal and when delicious was used to create and index of the fills. God damn thats a shotgun blast of spicy peppers from the past.
I get what it is at a base level, but I'm wondering more how it relates to these threads. like why we link it if it appears to be used every 6 months for a request and almost never for fills. If there are requesters itt, they might as well post here directly like its a drawthread, and if someone fills they'd probably post it here instead as well.
Archival reasons. We'll add [Dead] onto the end of the description next thread, if we remember. It is superfluous but I don't want to trim history unless we absolutely have to.
That thing was so slow I ended up just writing my own stuff...
Which is arguably a good thing
>condoms as fuck trophies
I also think it can be pretty hot, but I didn't realize until I was setting up the ao3 for the cwe x guardwoman story that both of them featured condoms... and non-con... and getting tied up... and group sex... so hopefully despite featuring all those things, the two stories are distinct enough. I'd think so.

>deprivation hood
That's a good idea. I didn't lean into it as much as I could have, I'll do that for the final draft. Thank you for the suggestion!

I wish I knew, but I think when it comes to deldar and submission, you'd be hard pressed to find a romance with a dark eldar and a human in the first place. Then, the deldar would need to be submissive, which goes against their whole society of fighting to advance up an ever-more-painful ladder while kicking at those climbing under them. So any deldar that would be not only submissive, but romantically submissive with a human, is probably transitioning away from being a deldar in the first place. They'd be looking for an 'out' from that society so they didn't have to suffer in it any more. Maybe the human can offer them that, if they are a powerful enough figure in their own right?
>They'd be looking for an 'out' from that society so they didn't have to suffer in it any more. Maybe the human can offer them that, if they are a powerful enough figure in their own right?
Basically looking at a WH40K: Rogue Trader dlc where you get a Deldar waifu. She can fight with the normie Eldar when shes bored.
Ah. I should have been more clear. I mean a sort of break the haughty / fall from grace type story, as submitting to a human would probably be one of the most humiliating things for a deldar.

Either way, I thought your story was great.
What's the breast size of that mutant cutie?
Not big enough.
how is she a mutant?
You could try A Hundred Days of Absolution which has some role reversal and ends up with the drukhari quite submissive by the end. Male eldar x female human though.
>So any deldar that would be not only submissive, but romantically submissive with a human, is probably transitioning away from being a deldar in the first place. They'd be looking for an 'out' from that society so they didn't have to suffer in it any more

Plenty of ways to do that, but at least one good story has the Emperor himself intervene. Makes it read like a Christian YAR novel, except for being entirely lesbian.
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Need me a longshank wife.
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Just finished blacktalon and I need either an autistic idoneth mage or a stormcast baddie to bounce on it
I wish there was more art of this longshank girl. She's so cute.
tell me about longshanks
why so tall
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Human populations that have spent many generations in low-gravity conditions. Typically void stations and clan-crewed starships with only semi-functional grav plates and such, so they're commonly associated with being experienced voidsmen.
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Just sliding in to post an update.
Pregs not my thing but it looks great man.
Lucky you im planning on getting a non pregnant version. with probably slightly smaller proportions but unsure.
Tiddy and thigh size shouldn't change, desu senpai. Just the belly.
And it would make sense for her to still be quite stacked even with no pregnancy. You have convinced me. Won't tell the artist to change anything but the belly.
aw that means their bones are brittle :(
It's 40k, there's some gene mod magic that can make their bones strong again so they can walk even in "normal gravity" as well.
Canonically speaking. Which species can the Imperium of Man breed with. Be it human male or human female, what's important here is that they can create viable offspring.
Genestealers, plus the two Eldar hybrids.
I say everything because this is porn.
>Which species can the Imperium of Man breed with
Votann lol
To the contrary, they're actually surprisingly resilient and strong despite their lanky nature. Not Ogryn or Astartes strong, but about comparable to an athletic human. They're great at traversing battlefields due to their elongated limbs and such are great at transporting important documents or messages. But being so abnormally tall that they mog even primarchs in height, means that they're very massive targets in the battlefield.
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Brittle skulls offend Khorne.
Any TTS base Warhammer Smut?
Genestealers. Nothing else.
Imagine impregnating a longshank GIRL.
I have a confession.
I like Age of Sigmar.
I've listened to several audio books aside from the Gotrek ones and I dig the setting.
To that end, I've got an idea for a Stormhost that are all women and they are either paired with an all male Free Company, or they have what basically amounts to squires as part of their host.
All of this is they need some holy snu snub after battle.
Anon, those are Voidborn you're describing. Longhshanks are abhumans (unlike Voidborn) from some low gravity worlds
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Well shit looks like I got my freaks mixed around. Thanks anon.
Seems like a Voidborn *could* be unnaturally lanky (among other things) but not as a rule, while Longshanks are uniformly lanklets.
Non prefers image. Plus showing off her eyes.
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Non preggers*
Also forgot image.
Bretty gud, I thought it was going to be this >>8591109 but not preggo.
The artist thought a different pose would work better for the different pose. I am tempted to just get a non preggers version of that other one as well tho.
Sorry different expression*
Both would be cool, but that's because the other one has a way better angle to see the thicc tiddy and thighs with the flat belly.
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I agree. Think I'm just going to ask. Also close image of her eyes.
There's no general writefag thread (unless I'm missing anywhere this would be more acceptable to ask), but I'm trying to write some dialogue for a scene where a SoB fucks a young Guardsman. The scenario is that she's 'teaching' him how to pleasure her, and I'm wanting to include lots of 'that's it, just like that' dialogue and I'm having a little difficulty with it. I'm trying to find fanfics that'd give me inspiration, 40k or otherwise, but I don't know what to look for. I'm thinking it's technically praise kink stuff, but nothing I'm finding quite hits what I'm going for. Any suggestions/recommendations or writing guides?
nice quads
digits aren't bad either
you might find what you're looking for in mommy kink stories or /ss/
Just reread the final version of Ulthwe Exposure Therapy. I really love this one.
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There is no general writefag thread on aco, so you're in the right place.

I tried something similar with my second fic, but maybe not to the same level you're trying. It is kind of praise kink but in general its encouragement, which isn't too weird during sex. Is your nun enjoying it as it's happening? Is he doing well and she's struggling to keep her composure? Or is she stone-faced and secretly loves it but in the moment is reciting her lines like they're pre-canned? Is she a self-assured matron who knows exactly how to instruct him, or is she a little inexperienced herself? All that could help you decide how you want to frame the dialogue and make it sound natural.

just try not to make it sound like picrel unless the story is comedy
Oh. An Unaligned Daemon Prince of Nature and flowers? Seems pretty goo-
Very nice.
I like her expression.
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NEED more chaos corrupted kerillian stuff

but its all nurgle at the moment, I wanna see something like her falling to slaanesh and getting a snake body like dechala
Dont worry she specializes in those domains of nurgle.as well as breeding~
And any disease you get will just make you hornier... i think.

Agreed really happy with it.
They're both into it, but it's like her secret kink is that she likes taking the 'sister' part more literally. She sees herself as the big sister to everyone under her command and occasionally she takes one to bed and gives them some 'advanced training'. He's one of the younger Guardsmen, 17 or so, she's a youngish SoB who's just a bit too nice, standard porn setup, you know the drill. It's such an obvious angle, that I'm genuinely shocked more people haven't done it, I'm just having problems nailing the turns of phrase that she'd use to encourage him, since I want it to be a bit more dialogue-heavy in that respect, and finding examples on Ao3 or Wattpad is difficult since I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for.
forbidden horse board has been writing smut since 2010, and I think they even have a general for aspiring writers, so if you're at the end of your rope you could try there. not that I would know, I haven't checked in there in a decade
Slapped in the face with the lutefisk of the past.

Seeing Kerillian fall into corruption is not something that can be adequately contained in a snapshot of her end-state. You'll need as story to go with her being mind-broken by the 28-day Slaanesh orgy.

Ah. Great. Just what we need. Rabies that degenerate you in body and soul into a mindless rutting beat. 'Rape Rabies' she calls it.
At least with rape rabies your not going to die. At most your just going to spread her other lewd diseases around like Expansionosis.
>At least with rape rabies your not going to die.
says who?
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it's a Warhammer fantasy sex comic where they ended up doing it with various lizard men.
>Rape Rabies
Become physically feral and obssessed with rutting and raping
No known cure
Difficult to contract w/o extended exposure
Comes in two types
Minor: Expansion of one attribute without affecting the rest of the body
Detested since it tends to inflate women's breasts to the point of immobility or men's genitals to where they pass out before they achieve full turgidity
Major: The entire bodyplan expands to accomodate the increased size of the attributes.
Desired due to the overall minor increase in sexual attributes being offset by them remaining in proportion.
>Horsecock syndrome
A collection of symptoms arising from the same source. Usually contracted simultaneously but sometimes arise independently to strange appearances

And then comes the fucked up shit you'd expect from CoC.
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>One of the lesser known strains of abhuman is from the Futanaris sector in the Galactic Northwest. Early during the age of strife, the sector had a population crisis as not enough were having children. In order to combat this, the denizens of rhe Futanaris sector turned to genetic modifications so that both sexes could bear and seed children. Thousands of years later, the great crusade found them and saw the futanari integrated, becoming one of the accepted abhumans along with ogryns, ratlings, and longshanks.
The futanari are capable fighters and hardy colonists, able to bounce back from near demographic collapse within a few generations. They can produce both regular humans and more futanari, depending on what is needed, for they never desired to supplant humanity but support it, keeping in line with the Emperor's vision.
>The physiology of the average futanari is comparable to that of regular humans. The surface level differences are that futanari are closer in physical strength to the males, with more outward appearance correlating to the females aside from height and muscle mass. The true quirk of their physiology is their genitals, in that they have both male's and female's, both perfectly functional. Both can be used to their fullest capacity.
>The truest quirk is that of their culture. During the great crusase, Imperial Army regiments served with honor, distinction, and professionalism in combat. After combat rituals and lesuire time however were not recorded all to often in Remembrancer accounts, mainly because said remembrancers and other Imperial Army attaches would participate in full. The ritual is called "Victoranis Multiplicatus" in high gothic, and it would involve mass copulation with everyone, from allies, prisoners, and liberated alike.
>During the Horus Heresy, the Futanari were split between allegiances, many sided with the Warmaster, specifically Fulgrim and the 3rd Legion. After the heresy, many could be found in the guard or sororitas.
I'm a secondary, what eldar hybrids?
>many of the imperium often judge the act of Victoranis Multiplicatus as barbaric and decadent, but however for futanari, it could not be further from the truth. Those who do not engage in it have perils regarding their mental health, physical health and overall cohesion. Mental effects can include distracting thoughts, wandering attentions, and at worst, a complete loss of self control. Physical effects can lead to increased libido, general pain in the nether regions, and extreme hormonal imbalances.
It's either Gene Steelers or oldWarhammer when half Elder was possible or malcador the sigillite made a dude who war part human part eldar for an assistant for fun.
Says the many people still currently alive with it rutting like crazy.

Exactly. The TiTs tier diseases are much more insidious. The ones you document are annoying but manageable.
Literally no idea what you're talking about
I think hes recommending you search the mlp board.

You could also go looking in /trash/ for the writefag thread, that one is more general than a thread for pony lovers
I want to see any females on boys 17 or below from any other free main franchises.
I want to see fictional drawings, not actual children.
>40k shota porn
don't think i've ever seen such a thing
I mean technically Kreigers qualify
I'm attracted to the woman, I just want to be the boy in that situation.
Your best bet would be to commission artists who draw that sort of thing.
I don't think any artist who frequents these threads are up for it though.

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