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1. Post a bondage image when you request. Ignore requests without images.
2. Post female bondage only. Male bondage posters, you have your own thread, use that.
3. Don't feed trolls, ignore them. Ignore and report their posts for being off-topic. This includes off site drama bullshit, rumors, and politics.
4. If you post AI bondage be sure to say so either in the post or the filename.

Have fun!

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wew lad muh dick
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Truly there is no low commissionfags won't stoop to. Fuck this community.
I am very satisfied with how this turned out. Thanks, Psyclopathe.
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How do you train a gf to be into permanent bondage?

Like obviously it's impossible and would never happen and would get unsexy fast and all that. But the idea that she'd fantasize about it on her own and would happily press a magic button that could make it happen is hot as hell to me.
>have her endlessly repeat something like "I want to be kept like this permanently" during a session
>comm some ASMR person to read out a "POV: you love and want this" script and force her to listen to it in sensory deprivation
>hand her a pencil and paper and tell her I'll take her out to a fancy restaurant if she writes an essay about how and why she wants to be locked up
Any other ideas or thoughts?
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Just loa her lmao.
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Hi thread!
My friend and I want to try BDSM stuff in the upcoming weeks, but don't really know where to start. We're stuck renting out a hotel in secret and everything is difficult, but our main issue is we don't know what to start with or how to do anything.
I mainly like tape and want to do a panty stuffed tape gag, do some tickling and overstimulation with a vibrator, but frankly I don't know where to shop for BDSM shit. Any suggestions or am I already thinking of doing too much?
Lostonezero commission? Or just an AI in his style? Usually he tags unless the full zoom is more adult.
Sexy outfits, where'd you get your refs?
Did you try Amazon?
>where'd you get your refs?
Official art no less!
>That post date
Is /m/ normally that fucking slow? Good lord.
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I wanted to wait and give the artist a little time before requesting. But if anyone can place a link under the thread Coomas Tree, thank you!

The captcha!
By Telikor, name is not on the cover it turns out.
I wish she was more active.
The way she draws characters in skin tight suits in bondage just makes me FEEL some kinda way
Could be the only reason her art is so good is she only draws the characters she likes.
Good thing I like those characters too I just wish it wasn’t a 7 month wait in between works or even teasers.
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Can anyone edit a tape gag on this image replacing the OTN gag?
If someone does I appreciate you in advance.
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>try to use Grok for some proompting fun
>It’s censored
Fucking gay.
You’re still commissioning that AI using hack lol
Looks normal to me.
What does that mean?
Anyone willing to update Salmon on Kemono?
Pic for the request, thanks in advance.
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Sorry I was drunk.
Maybe he means Law of Attraction? Didn't know I was the only /x/ anon here if that's what he meant.
Been trying to use https://transpiria.com/boundhub but its been down lately. Any idea what happened to it?
Not really sure about the thread you're talking about, but Feliz Navidad, I guess.
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good stuff, thanks for the link
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Anyone got little sketch december 2024 from Raya100?
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seconding this, would love to see those asukas
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Does anyone have TiedTiki's RWBY artwork? (The one linked here)
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I’ll do it, but you’ll have to wait til January.
That board is both slow and in recent years obsessed with doxxing. It may as well be the 4chan retiring home because you won't find anyone born during or after the Clinton administration posting there.
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That is some unfunny cringe if true. Like if Kevin Hart and Jack Black starred in a comedy remake of Starship Troopers.
Anon, this actually got announced, replace Hart with Paul Rudd and SST with Anaconda. It's slated for next Christmas.
I wish fetlife wasn’t so full of insane people and/or uggos
Why’s it so hard to find a decently notmal woman that’s into trying bondage?
>tfw no big tiddy bare chested catwoman gf to lay on you while she’s tied and gagged
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Anybody got this one?
It's actually insane that despite how common the fetish apparently is, there are to many factors.
Wow a girl who actually loves getting gagged and shes cute? Gay
This one likes getting tied up but softly and no gags.
Oh this one seems super horny.... aaand it's a transperson (no shame to them, just not my thing.)
The thing is that there are normal ones too but the normal ones won't vocalize much so you kind of have to find them. You wouldn't tell people off the bat that you're into bondage right? Especially women, who have to play it safer to not end up in a ditch. You kind of just have to find a girl who is freaky and settle. If you searched for a girl specifically into bondage, there wouldn't be as many bondage videos. Those videos exist because those girls are usually down to do anything. Essentially, just try to find one with a relatively normal freak meter because normal/decent girl into bondage is just as rare as a diamond. Just settle for a cute girl and just hope she doesn't have mental illnesses packed with whatever her freak meter is.
I think where people are from also play a factor because bondage does seem to be a norm in Japan to the point where you can go to a cafe for it and the love hotels have S/M rooms.

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