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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8640225/

/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive
40k Kink Meme
Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection
Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection
Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites
Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. rentry.org). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.
>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!
Write. Write. Write. The mega.nz links are there for a reason. The more you read, the more comfortable you'll be creating a story of your own. For any more questions, check the 'Writing Resources' post below or simply post a question in the thread.
>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
It's been more than three years. /tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons were against it, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods gave up and set the threads tagged with '/wst/' on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.
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=== General Writing ===

Creating a Story

General grammar tutorials and key notes

How to Write from a Second Person Perspective

Tips for Writing Grimdark


Body language

Facial Expressions


Guide to Constructive Criticism


=== Erotic Writing ===

Smut 101: An Introduction

Writing Erotica

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Thesaurus for Male and Female Sex Organs

Thesaurus for Sexual Action

Thesaurus for Erotic Description

How to write an Orgasm

/wfg/ Community Thesaurus
Art Megas
>https://mega.nz/folder/yn40jYbB#7qJ-ZAXEgFw-FixizevWBQ - Blindwildcat WH art
>https://mega.nz/folder/H99m3IhY#SbpRVp2fghX8OABqHX5yOg - Lewdanon art
>https://mega.nz/folder/8skznaBS#ibTA-IlvIaDtIl7asqOR9Q -
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Stories from last thread

Queens Don't Quit update (Escher x Genestealers)
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>Eldar companion
>won't stop nagging and insulting you
How do you put up with this shit without shooting her or yourself?
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being honest with your feelings about her behavior
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Like this?
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Rank em.
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S tier
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Yeah exactly. I'm imagining each soul taking over the body depending on the situation. Like subtle corruption and more slaanesh spell casting being a Mistress thing while the maid takes control for fighting.
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Lewdpencil here, wishing you all a happy New Year!
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Morale building
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>arguing with a woman

Yeah, good luck with that
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An elf woman no less.
Same to you. Hope the new year is full of, if not joy, productivity.
then have sex with men if you cant stand women
Happy new years and cute Krieger.
So there's a random level in inquisitor matyr where you pilot an imperial knight against a drukhari realspace raid and it's pretty janky but it 100% should be its own game.
But, that's gay...
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Anyone got a full version?
that's just a matter of perspective
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I'm still working on it
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That's a very spergy outburst to direct at such a mild boomerism that's been said for decades.
Why is almost all the Fay Enchantress smut her being raped?
Much more appropriate punishment than simple flogging the skin off her back. I hope she at least for a second think that she should stop being such an Eldar douche and actually talk to humans as real people. Personally would have dressed her in Drukhari clothing/armor since apparently its intended to invoke SENSATIONS just by being worn.
delicious, happy new year
Kabalite armor basically has sticky velcro holding it on to you except its not velcro its just a bunch of barbed hooks that sink into your skin
presumably, most writers of smut(at least those interested in writing WF-based smut) are uninterested in trying to write Chivalric romance smut
I guess for many people a goddess (or her representative) of virtue / purity / nobility does "not compute" really with sex.
now I understand why the guard loves when they show up
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I need the source of this
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Recently was reckless with money. Give me a suggestion for a short 5 panel comic with one of my Deamon princesses (or the Uncorrupted form of the girl below).
Whilst I am opposed to Kerillian being turned into a breeding sow for Chaos; Yrliet has personally offended me to the point I no longer feel bad for her becoming a Drukhari torture plaything.
I agree
Which ones are yours again?

Don't you have ones for nurgle, slaanesh, and tzeentch?

I would say pick one and either have them corrupt/transform someone, or show their own transformation from human to daemon
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I do And a Khorne DP girl.
I recently Solidified how the Duel soul inside my Slaanesh girl works and the artist likes her so maybe her corruption (two women double dicked by a Keeper) or her corrupting/battling
My suggestion is to put that ovipositor to work.
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Im already getting that one~
although wouldnt hurt to have more...
working on Katarin losing to some orcs
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Another request from the last thread, Krethusa
That was my request! Thanks a lot!
looks fantastic
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Mossa did a painting of a, I assume, a Khainite Fantasy Elf some time ago. Just uncovered now.

Focused more on the background than the sex. How did you get the night sky like that?
>Khorne symbols are right here
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Khaine and Khorne are the same thing.
>Craftworlders can cope & seethe.
he did one of a bunch of diffrent chaos cult girl for fantasy
I like Mossa's art but I don't find it sexually appealing for some reason.
>Khaine and Khorne are the same thing.
Nulore, ignore.
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>everything is chaos
Old but cringe
Is this one of your WIPs? If so, I like the look of it
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Yep! Its going to be my main Nurglite Egging the Frog Nurglite
Lookin forward to it! Keep up the good work!
Wait sorry this isn't mine as in my art work. It's a commissioned piece. I do look forward to sharing it tho. I have this and then a Slaanesh girl x SoB corruption coming up soon.
Are the baby frogs gonna hatch through her back? You should make it more like the Surinam Toad
I mean they are supposed to be frog eggs, but im unsure if that would work as the eggs are being implanted into her womb. i guess this is chaos so it could work... although would it be from her back or from her belly. In this instance?
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Thank you! Gotta admit I just found some random photo of a night sky and eyedropped the colors
Eh, I'd go with the regular womb if you don't have Trypophilia kink...
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Any benefit in being hot when it comes to inquisitorial work?
Interrogating maybe? Inquisitors have access to every surgery in the Imperium so they can restructure their body as much as they want. If they have the slightest vanity, they'd already be a bombshell just because they were bored for 5000 hours during a space trek and had the time to design their ideal form.
I don't so yeah sorry to disappoint I don't plan to do that
Severely disgusting
Fits perfectly
>flashbacks about an inquiditor who remade his skull into a horse skull
Is that a kind of fetish?
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M41 Brony
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Amberly canonically looks gorgeous in large part because it means she gets invited to parties and people enjoy talking to her.
Also with Sororita's far higher resistance to the Warp, why not be a sexy woman?
sexy times with imperial women while strengthening our devotion to the emperor!
To my understanding it's just another manifestation of human-centric Imperial culture.
The Imperium doesn't have much of a concept of immodesty, so the aim of the game is to flaunt it if you have it, to show status and pedigree.
Ergo, the higher and higher one gets in the Imperium, logically the more you'd expect to see people being attractive.
Exceptions exist for those who don't have peers in easy access, and it's probably going to be less prevalent in men due to relative standards and conventions of sex appeal and social dynamics. But overall, you'd expect beauty as a hallmark of high status.
Use biomancy to make her boobs bigger.
>sexy times with imperial women while strengthening our devotion to the emperor!
AS Sexy Imperial Women, for that is PUREST LOVE!

>Use biomancy to make her boobs bigger.
Of course!
The blending between the shades is still very calming. The illusion the massed stars give of a halo behind Krethusa is subtle but draws the eye towards her face.

Also, is that a Scatheborne Harpy? She looks too happy to have been captured.
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Is it a good sign when a commissar is happy?
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You about to get nun'd.
such a cute pic
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Oh, no!
This is why i never let the sororitas alone with eldar women. I know what kind of aliens they are. Horny little bastard just want to lezz my chaste sister of battle.
Saint Celestine would never allow it.
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Tempted to get a set of comms with my snek showing off her variation depending on the controlling soul.
Is there any art of yremeryss without her ,with lack of a better description, being prettyfied?
There's not a whole lot of Yremeryss art to begin with but jbr did a sketch that might be close to what you have in mind
Wanna draw an eldar girl getting knocked up character or type suggestions?

Have her (the Aeldari woman) be topping from the bottom (ie have her guide her partner while they’re on top of her). And try to incorporate gentle femdom elements (eg kissing her partner’s forehead, reminding them that they’re safe, that what’s happening is ok, etc).

…What? I’m tired of the rampant, wanton, nihilistic rapine that the setting lends itself to. I crave the softer shit, man. Please. Lemme have this.

(As for the Aeldari’s partner, as long as they pass the “This Character Is Easily Over 18+ Because They Don’t Look Like a Goddamn Child” test and/or the more general Harkness Test, I’m solid; male, transfemme, transmasc with functional dick, masc-presenting enby, doesn’t matter)
mon-keigh mating press. make her extra bitchy.
The duality of man.
Both are nice ideas though, especially if she's mating pressing the mon-keigh.
Iyanna Arienal, sentenced to forced impregnation with her wraithlord bodyguard Althenian, in order to increase population of Iyanden and restore her dynasty, but she enjoyed her punishment. Cowgirl, handholding, public sex
Might sound weird, but Jain Zar. She's a flexible lady, can have her feet bent all the way back behind her ridiculously large hair while she spreads her lips.
I can't cum unless I'm thinking about a broken Sororitas apostatizing.
I will probably just do human male on Aeldari Girl, I unfortunately don't have the skills to do large/complex characters. Mating press or back shot sounds good, do you guys have anymore references for a good Aeldari girl?
Do you mean official or fan art?
Ghaelyn's art in Warpforge is one of the clearest and most recent official pics of an Eldar lady, and she's the named character for the refreshed Autarch.
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Remember, deprogramming religious zealotry is always morally justified.
-Anonymous Dark Eldar Wych
Decided to do farseer macha after looking at some art, I'll post some WIPs soon
Personally, I prefer how Rogue Trader depicted them

>human male

Again, as long as the guy can pass the Harkness Test with flying colors (ie not be drawn like a fucking child), I have no problems.
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Tall eldar woman (say 9ft tall) domming a human boy half her height. I don't mind if it is /ss/
>Rogue Trader
Thought it was funny that the peak romance with the eldar chick was dream hand holding
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How do you go from this
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to this?
he got lessons from his mother
first time doing a warhammer character so its practice.
macha a cute
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Thank you! It's commissioners drukhari OC
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>>8676338 treacherous vassal plan to rebels against Malekith
>>8676339 Malekith asks his mom to punish her
Very nice Macha.
is this based on that one genestealer fic about the necromunda gangers? nice
love the forced kissing
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Abelard, Rank these wenches for me.
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watch out, Abelard is probably putting Jae at the top because she's the only normal person, relatively speaking.


Argenta is a baseline human but Abelard would put her at the bottom for [spoiler]shooting at least one and possibly two of his best friends on the ship.[/spoiler]
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abelard is at the top
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Well, at least Morathi's happy.
Lord Captain. I believe if you intend to solidify your dynasty, Mistress Cassia would be the optimal choice for a political union, as though she is not capable of producing an heir, the Orsellio house is a powerful political ally and she is a member of nobility like yourself, so you would be equals and not sullying yourself with a lower woman.
However, in the interest of ensuring that the warrant of trade remains within your immediate bloodline, Mistress Heydari would be an appealing choice for a young man such as yourself. While she is a lowborn scoundrel and engages in the cold trade without the protection or right of a warrant of trade, she is presumably capable of providing you with children to inherit should you wish it.
Sister Argenta, while a pious and faithful woman, is entirely devoted to her duties as a member of the Sororitas. Additionally, she has already proven in the past to not respect the sacred warrant of trade, and would represent a potential threat to your life if you ever engaged in behavior that she personally disapproved of, regardless of your right to do so. I've known more than one man in the Militarum who ended up on the wrong side of a battle sister's temper and paid with his life. Therefore, she is unsuitable as a romantic partner or mother of your children.
Yrliet is a xenos and while you have the right to trade and diplomacy with xenos, I would strongly recommend against attempting any romance of the physical or nonphysical variety with her, as she is still nonhuman and therefore completely unsuited to helping continue your dynasty or dissuading rumors that would criticize you.
I hope I have been of assistance, Lord Captain.
Your input is noted, Seneschal.
Now have both Argenta and Yrliet sent to my quarters. Inform Argenta that holy oils, purity candles, and leather straps will be necessary. And a whip, if she'd like.
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Are Eldar officially cute?
i want to suck the milk out of Ulfar's titties
They used to be, GW is just filled moronic DEI retards nowadays and as a consequence hire retards who can't draw/paint good looking female faces.
Like all true sons of russ, he doesn't have milk. It's pure mjod.

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