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Ugly Bastard edition
Previous: >>31485030
Why have women decided to tear down civilization?
I won.
What does your perfect date night look like /atoga?
Wow that’s so awesome anon. So happy for you
...the losing contest
Nah that was me
First we go out for dinner and then we get frozen yogurt to walk around town with and talk through the night :)
Or we make dinner together at home and watch Star Trek or X-files which is essentially every night (and I love it)
Would you date a fat and balding guy?
liquid shit squirting out my ass
Dude, wash your hands before you eat.
Digits confirm
I dated a guy like that, he was very sweet too. But we had to split because he wanted to move countries.
He's in a relationship now though, I'm happy for him
I invite her to my place with the promise of a home-cooked meal and then ambush her with a several hour long lecture on the lore of my homebrew TTRPG campaign setting.
I lol'd
This unironically happened to me but the guy was lecturing me about his job
Was his job something interesting like a marine biologist at least?
Aw, that's nice. I'm happy for him too. Hope you're in a new relationship as well.
No sadly. he was a IT manager for a bank, so he was telling me about programming principles
I also work with programmers for a living and I stand by my principles: put programmers on a tight leash

I am, and in a happy, long one too ^^
This would humanize her for me, and I would not care.
Though maybe that just proves men have no standards and women are the only ones who care about unwashed ass.
But Anon, she's the one with shit on her ass.
We go to a hockey game, our team wins, we grab something to eat and sit in the car laughing and eating fries.
In reality it's
>We go to a hockey game, our team loses, we grab some alcohol and she begs me not to beat her senseless because it did not come home
I know a 40 yo indian guy at work who wants to get into CS because it’s a respectable career in his country should I tell him what’s going to happen to him?
Me on May 4th when my team lost and I broke up with my ex a week later. Fucking cunt hockey.
Question for the ladies:

I'm a guy in his mid 20s. While working as a clerk/receptionist, on numerous occasions I have seen really pretty teenage girls, aged 16-18, give me flirtatious looks and smiles. The common thing between all these girls was that they all had a strong and masculine father. Of course, these girls would do this while their dad wasn't looking or wasn't around.

I wanna know if these girls actually like me visually or are they just looking for attention, maybe even trying to stir up trouble?
He will redeem the sissy cock cage
England will be muslim by 2050 inshallah
I fucking hate the oilers, anon. I am genuinely sad that they're going to win.
All CS incels become faggots working from home and being subjected to sissy hypno from their female boss in their spare time
Why is your sister like this.
>I like Gary's Team TM over the hardworking Bertan squad
Select one.
Happy Caturday anons.
All white assholes both male and female belong to browns now enforce sharia law in every local country town pub
Reminder that if she wanted you, she would text/talk to you herself and make it very easy to date.
Post your sissy clit for the vine
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Arranged marriage, desperately trying to be the best for her, but she falls for the enemy prince and plots against my downfall.
I get assassinated on out anniversary.
WDYM? Men invented gays and trannies, women just followed their lead.
Today on subway I saw a jacked guy with a springtrap tattoo.
>4 1OA picks in 6 years
>gifted the best talent of this generation
>trash fans
Yeah, I'll take any team over them.
getting dressed up all hot, a nice restaurant, after we go home and play vidya together in pajamas
Getting pegged in clitty cage by my muslim daddy owner and his friends RIP Natalie Mars you are our queen! XD
He ghosted me. Now what?
Sippy sip
Happi Happi!
Move on, what else can you do.
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I should have said no arranged marriage. Oh well, I was hoping to storm the castle. See ya after the race anons. Maybe.
You will never find yourself in a happy relationship when arranged marriage
If you were alive 20 years ago you'd have cried about Sidney Crosby too. Just be happy the Cup is coming home. Also fuck the Panthers, literally the most n word encoded team in the league.
Please no leave us alone we’re sorry
What doth life?
Nah. Fuck Canada, fuck the Oilers. Also fuck the Panthers, tho, really dislike them.
To be completely fair, I hate both teams too. Oilers are by far my least favorite Canadian team, but I despise the Panthers for the way they beat the Leafs last year. Sam Bennett choke slamming Matty Knies made me hate them forever. God I hope they get blown out on Monday. Another 8-1 game, please.
Walking to a nearby restaurant, eat something, go to a movie theater to watch a dumb comedy or something and then idk, maybe arcade, maybe going to home, maybe a bar, depends on the person.
You're not funny. Fuck off.
wdym by easy to date? I told a guy I wanted to wait a bit more to know eachother before we become official:( I do not want to be surprised by incompatibility so soon or at all
Life was shit
Life is shit
Life will be shit
and did it work out in the end?
If you're not a virgin, you can't make demands like that, dumb cunt.
NTA but god I wish I could have your narrow mindset. Seems so easy.
Yeah, Bennet is a piece of shit and I get angry every time I see Tkachuk chewing on his mouthguard. I do like Barkov and Bob a lot, and can't help but love Paul Maurice.

I am fine with most Canadian teams. I was hoping to see the Canucks win this year.
>I was hoping to see the Canucks win this year.
After the May 4th incident, me too. Vancouver's squad is too loveable. As much as I can care at least, for the teams that aren't Toronto. I wonder how the Canucks fans will seethe if the Oilers do get it.
If she wants him as a bf, it's disrespectful to make him wait for sex. I would only ever put up with it if she was a good virgin female, even then I would doubt her words unless she was very young.
Sometimes I think about the things I do that have an impact on the environment and my little things I do to try to damage it less but then I think of, like, people like Taylor Swift that take a 10 minute plane ride and erase all of it. How do people reconcile this?
Yeah, they were so unlucky with the injuries, in true Canucks fashion.

Who do you think you guys are trading out this summer?
Why is so much violence allowed in hockey?
She literally said she wanted to wait before becoming gf and bf, smart guy. Also, wtf? So, when is it okay to wait until marriage for sex?
If you live in a first-world city, just look outside.
Everywhere is covered in garbage. Taylor Swift's frivolous plane rides are small beans compared to littering.
It needs to carry a much harsher sentence than just a fine, a few years in jail at least.
Normal guys that like a girl are happy to wait for a bit if that means she's a lot more confident and happy and relaxed to have sex. They do not want to fuck her whether or not she wants to because they are technically entitled to it by the boyfriend label. They want to have sex that is fun for BOTH of them. So yeah there are definitely men that would only care whether they think it is doable personally and not pry into whether or not she has the right to want what she wants to feel comfortable.
We aren't trading anyone. Dregs already reported that they want to extend Marner. Which I'm honestly fine with. The money getting gobbed up was always a product of Tavares, and when he's up, if they do the Bergeron thing and resign him for way under his market value then we're actually in a position of strength. Lowkey with the timing of the Marner and Tavares deals we might be able to keep Domi and/or Bertuzzi and have a pretty loaded top 9 again, especially if Cowan or Minten or both jump up big time. Of course the issues are still D and goaltending but from what I've seen in the past few Cup runs, goaltending is such malarkey. If Woll can stay healthy, we have goaltending. If we can find a solid top 4 RHD, we've got good D. I'm really just sick of losing to Boston. What a god damn agony.
this is why negging works by the way
Part of the culture and entertainment.
>I'm really just sick of losing to Boston
I did cheer a little when the Panthers eliminated them last year after their historic season. It was really funny.
Thoughts on petite women in thong or cheeky bikinis?
Not petite like short, petite like I have a small booty
This reflects my experience as a woman pretty well. Guys who like you don't mind waiting, it's mostly guys who are in for sex and not for you that will push for sex immediately.
Maybe a swimsuit would suit you better idk
Not a fan of bikinis as a whole though
now flip the gender now it's fuel for the other side of the gender war
I didn't. I wanted to beat Boston so fucking bad. I cheered when the Leafs drew them this year. I screamed when we went up 1-0 in Game 7. Of course, in classic Leafy fashion, they imploded. God, Marner was so insanely useless. That Pastrnak OT goal will haunt me for the rest of my life. I hate my dad so much for a lot of things and forcing Leafs fandom on me is near the top.
Unless shes me and needs you to literally love bomb her to convince her you actually like her
>Guys who like you don't mind waiting,
Want to add to that that (anon you replied to) that if they like you and are reasonably in touch with their feelings, they can usually also tell how much you're into them. It is a lot easier not to feel cucked or rejected if a girl doesn't want to fuck you straight away, if it is clear that she is super into you.
So this guy at work walks around pretending to be on the phone talking to his friends all day but the other day he got up from his desk and left his phone behind and had his airpods in but when I checked his phone it just showed the lockscreen no call was active and he was all the down the corridor far out of bluetooth range to be talking to someone but continued talking to his apparent friends? Did I just witness a schizophrenic autistic moment? He known around the office to be on the phone to someone most of the time but is he just talking to himself this whole time? I’m scared guys should I tell my boss what if he gets fired and finds out it was me who ratted him out?!
If you're looking for sex, that's how you get sex.
It depends on your skin color, the color of the bikinis / thongs, your build, etc..
You should know by now, that just like with bras, there is no 1 fit for all.
I don't know, but he still initiates every day with good morning and calls me cute names?
he does not want sex right away at all even when/if he becomes bf
I just don't want the heartbreak but I have been catching feelings
this lol
>Guys who like you don't mind waiting,
>Girls who like you don't make you wait,

endless shit
How? lol

Yeah. I adored my now husband immediately, and while it was frankly obvious I did, I also made it clear that for me sex is a serious thing and I didn't want to rush.
Have you ever been a Homosexual in America?

Except most females will get the ick if you don't show sexual interest on the first date. It's you foids who created the dating culture where men need to always push for sex and get offended if a guy doesn't want sex whenever you want it.
We aren't talking about raped trash bitches on 4channel who love virgin guys and small dicks because of their abusive childhood, we're talking about normal females in the real world, retard.
Judicial Duel. I had a dream last night that I was dueling with a relative, but we used umbrellas. Umbrella jousting. Bring it back!
You act like everyone's a binary. They're not. There's just guidelines, not rules.
Showing attraction is encouraged, but I've never heard any of my friends complain because a man didn't try to sleep with her first date.
>he does not want sex right away at all even when/if he becomes bf
He is the one that wants to wait? Is that also what you are worried about then or not? Because he sounds into you.

Heartbreak is always a risk, but without risk of heartbreak you get no feelings in the first place and falling in love is pretty grand.
I didn't, I didn't come up with that line, go talk with the other anon
As someone who grew up around crazies
Just forget it, leave well enough alone
I did not say that, I did naht.
I have heard girls complain of a date feeling like a job interview for being so dry and serious. No flirting, no touching, no jokes, just "so where do you see yourself in five years". That can be a turn off.

I have never heard a woman complain a guy did not fuck her or try to after the first date. Any mention of that has always been positive.
>let's ignore the totally unequal risk that both parties take on by having sex
men do not regularly worry about becoming pregnant or getting hurt during sex. they never think shit like
>will this guy try to strangle me during sex
>will he try to stealth me
>will he try to sneak pictures or video of me and share it online or blackmail me with it later
we are not the same.
Mark's not here, Anon
are you going to go after her? >>31488145
If you're smooth and have nice skin it will still be hot
Do girls that like small dicks really because they got raped as a child and fear big cock?
No, why would I?
do female perverts like nerdy guys or just chad
I laughed out loud and I'm sorry for that.
Wish you the best anon, fuck the oilers and fuck the panthers. Going to go do work.
why wouldn't you?
do it for the vine
Thanks bro, at least something good comes from my misery lol. Take er easy.
I told one of the other girls at work the same the thing and they’re going to the manager we don’t really like him he’s kinda creepy but after this I don’t think I’m comfortable working with him anymore she’s going to tell our boss on Monday
NTA but no, that's retarded. Some women can have a preference for "cute small" penises in combination with being dominant and loving to feel in control. It can also be a huge source for humiliation and men that like humiliation sexually also tend to be into having their dick critiqued ("I will just fuck myself with this toy while you watch, your dick is useless anway"), which just works better if it actually is small.

But if you ask me if you look at the group of women that prefers a smaller penis, for 90%+ it is simply the physical fit as they have a smaller vagina. Guys are very bad at holding back and not thrusting balls deep if they are too long to fit and unless you are of the rare minority that loves cervix bumping, this means most sex will hurt to you and only a smaller penis can happily fuck you without that risk.
Cuz it'd be dishonest cuz I agree with her. My ex was like that, she slowed down the pace. We still fucked a lot, though. By slowed down the pace I meant for terms like bf/gf, not sex.
women bullying autistic people is alive and well in 2024 I see
keep on
Both are possible, if anything I think female perverts are more likely to enjoy both.
>Guys are very bad at holding back and not thrusting balls deep if they are too long to fit and unless you are of the rare minority that loves cervix bumping, this means most sex will hurt to you and only a smaller penis can happily fuck you without that risk.
And other guys wonder why I say having a big dick isn't as good as it sounds.
They all like Chads, anon.
It's weird for sure but if other than this incident, he has managed to play it off as normal, he is probably not actually totally unhinged because he apparently has pretty good control over his behavior.

It sounds to me like he just really enjoys finding ways to spend time at work NOT working.
>wdym by easy to date?
You are undoubtedly one of the most difficult and unpleasant women in the world to date. You refuse to take any action yourself, you expect him to magically read your mind and inexplicably somehow know what you want him to do differently. You refuse to even talk to him about what you want him to do differently, and instead you talk to us about how you don't understand him (but you won't talk to him to try to understand him). You complain about him behind his back, complaining that he acts in a way that hurts you (even though he doesn't know that it hurts you because you won't tell him). You pretend that you want advice both from us and from your real life friends, but it's really your real life friends that you treat like an emotional tampon when you just vent to them and ignore everything they tell you, just so you can continue complaining about him behind his back. And you continue on with this pattern for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks.

When are you going to have a conversation with him where you actually make your feelings clear to him?
Difference is that she will still see you again if you have a big dick. She won't see the small dick guys again and it's sad to think about that she would only prefer small dicks after getting destroyed by a big dick that reached places the small dick guy can't imagine reaching.
and the irony of the women violating his privacy first and are now trying to get him fired
Actual comedy
I know there's a lot of incredulity around that but from a female perspective, it is just that men know a lot about penises and standards for penises and they don't really know a lot about what sex is like for a woman. So the best penis in their eyes is the biggest or most aesthetic because they have no idea how it feels anyway.

For the record though, you can buy a toy (oughnut) to bridge the gap if this is an issue for you. Of course it won't feel 100% the same as going balls deep all the way, but it does mean you both don't have to hold back and she won't be in pain.
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A woman will still respect a man whose penis is larger than her preferences. A woman will not respect a man whose penis is smaller than her preferences.
You realize for by far most women there are definitely places you don't want reached, right? Yeah in theory a dick that is juuust short enough not to bruise up your cervix and juuust long enough to fill you up all the way or whatever is perfect. But you can still easily have very fun sex with a smaller penis and not with a penis larger than you can take well.
Uh, what you're thinking of only works in very certain positions that smaller dick guys can do in all of them.
I'd almost prefer to find someone who likes cervix bumps and/or has a big butt. But that's rare, I guess.
that;s how qt got fired, they caught him
>I'd almost prefer to find someone who likes cervix bumps and/or has a big butt. But that's rare, I guess.
Hard to say, it is not uncommon to hear love for cervix bumping but I think it is also because by far most women HATE it and a strikingly different opinion is always shared more easily and usually also gets more attention. If I had to make a wild guess though I think it's between 5% and 10% that enjoys it, a minority but not super super super rare.

I think the bigger issue is recognizing them upfront...
>wall of cope woke disinformation campaign
Oh my god so it is true
>cope woke
Man, it's people like you who act like a penis cannot possibly be big enough that ignore simple biology and how a vagina is designed.
Yes let me use my cervix bumping radar to find the ladies that are size queens. I used to joke about turning my ex into one since I took her virginity, so there's that lol. Sometimes I hope she gets with an incel and is permanently unsatisfied but that's just me being a douchebag and isn't serious.
I never understood why society acts like it's the men who are discriminating against the neurodivergent, when usually it's women.
The Neurodiversity Movement really should release more PSAs showing the reality of the situation, weird women getting accepted by men, and weird men getting exiled from society
But hes being creepy and never told anyone about it we found him by mistake? This has to be against company policy
How is he being "creepy"
Men don’t belong in the office unless they’re gay or castrated we run your world now buddy boyo
i'm married with a kid on the way. i should be so happy... i am, but, i also feel like my life is over, and miss my old freedom.

no more late nights doing nothing but video games and porn
no more travelling the world and exploring wherever i want
no more freedom

can anyone give me some perspective? i'm 34 if that helps, its probably time for me to grow up i suppose, but something here is difficult for me
My gf loves my fat dick in pussy so you’re obviously wrong broken dolls don’t get played with
>Yes let me use my cervix bumping radar to find the ladies that are size queens.
Yeah. But I have to say I think if you have a date where the vibe is already loose/horny, you can definitely ask if she has a "good pain" category in sex and if she says yes, ask if she means having sex while incorporating something else or that the sex self hurts a little. If she is into that then you know enough. Not really upfront but I guess before you might totally fall in love.
Neat, I saw a dude beating off
He’s talking to himself and doesn’t have any friends or hobbies this has to be a crime somewhere
>She won't see the small dick guys again
is that were true, little cocks would have been eliminated from the gene pool ages ago
OK so what exactly does that prove? That every woman's vagina is as big as your gf's? It's not one size fits all in there.
They are, cocks are getting bigger and bigger.
Yeah that's not a bad approach. Might even give her some imagination to work with if I say "i'm a handful" or whatever. Sounds fun, thanks for the tip.
>This has to be against company policy
I would reckon that it is against company policy to spend a lot of time having personal conversations unrelated to work, anyway, regardless of whether they're fake or real.

If you want to be realllly technical I actually don't think you had the right to check his phone. But no boss is going to care about that as much as they will about him finding bullshit excuses not to get shit done.
Is one of you that Alberta guy I was talking to a couple days ago
Lmao my gfs pussy is tight asf she cries when I stick it in too far and she tries to get me to stop by hitting me but I keep going and it turns her on even more I’m convinced every girl also has a monster rape fetish
Yeah I am.
You're welcome, just make sure to put the focus on her preferences (first). It is super common for guys to imply they're huge and usually it is not true and just a way to brag so I would not necessarily expect a woman to take that super seriously. Plus if she already tells you she likes it when it "hurts good" then you have a better indication anyway. Good luck!
I'm a girl, from Europe.
Our boss is pretty strict and he cares about us girls alot more than the males we outnumber them 6-2 at work anyway so it’s only a matter of time until he replace them
We're so back
>she cries when I stick it in too far and she tries to get me to stop by hitting me
Okay thanks for proving my point. If your girl is into painful rapeplay sex fine, most women aren't.
imma be honest bros
girls feel better when they're not so wet
doesn't feel like much when they're too wet
You don’t speak for any women you’re broken and sexless stay in your lane Becky ass nigga
Are you saying you raped her?
I would just tell him you have often noticed him having lots of personal phone calls during work time and recently you have found reason to believe he's even faking them. Probably is enough to get rid of him.

Obviously he's being weird and it says something about him that he does something so out of the norm so openly. But again the fact that he apparently manages to keep it limited to these fake phone calls, make me think he is not actually unhinged. There are lots of kind of crazy people, you only have to be afraid of those that are either actually aggressive or have big impulse/regulation issues.
>gf wants us to watch porn during sex
Is that normal for girls?
What are you implying, sir
I would never rape any girl I know.
I am an upstanding citizen
Don’t believe the hype woke feminist bullshit girls just want to be choked and spat on by chad
I can taste your tears from here.

Yes we are.

This is not uncommon I think, less wetness = more friction, you can just take small breaks where you dry off a little if you want and she's okay with that.
"Small Genitals" genes are propagated through women, because there is no selection against women with small genitals.
So you have. Wtf
You like the taste of my ‘male tears’ don’t you haha
I can neither confirm nor deny any allegations. All I will say is that any coincidences are purely accidental, and I assure you that I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct. Any further comments will be addressed through the proper channels.
I'm not picky, but sure do.
I’m not reading all that I just want him fired
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My dear foids, what do you think of "sexualized characters" in vidya?
Do they disgust you or smth, or you simply don't mind?
NTA but kinda pointlessly edgy for what reason? Trying to bait women?
OK good luck!
it's a joke mate, chill
I'm literally the nicest guy around
I'm not going to rape woman I know.
>nobody tell her
It's awkward to play those games in front of my family members
They're cool. I'd only wish there were more sexualized male characters in vidya
Why tho? Just because he talks a lot? Is he a shit coworker to boot?
Women are even worse they go after childrens movies
Yeah him and the other guy actually do the majority of our work combined so if fired him they would find someone else to replace him so the girls don’t have to do any work
>I'm literally the nicest guy around
Sure mate sure
Too much bait.
I sure am. :^D
I felt super depressed when I adopted our kitten, very akin to this lol and mourning my "freedom"
after a few weeks it passes. It's the same shit with a child.
Especially because they're annoying, need 24/7 attention, etc. And then it gets easier. And they they grow up. And when they're 18 you'll wish they wouldn't leave. What do you think post partum depression is about? being pregnant and actually having the baby go around demanding the world of you is very different. I know damn well I'll have a reaction like this with a child as well.

What you need is to look at men your age, who are alone and have nothing, and just drift through life. Then look again at your wife and child. Commitment is what brings happiness in life. And nothing great can be achieved easily. This too, will pass. You'll feel like you want to leave. And this is why so many fathers leave. But if you stay, and let this period of a few weeks to a month pass, you'll see how much of a fool you were being.
Oh man you got me lol
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I haven't played vidya in a long time because I'm super prone to getting addicted to it and it just eats up my life in no time. But I used to play the Prince of Persia series as a teen and I remember having super mixed feelings about the sexualized characters. On the one hand (mind you this was before I could enjoy any porn, it all looked too gross to me, and I had never had real life experience) it was super exciting seeing female beauty so overtly sexualized and on display. (This was also before I realized I was bi.)

At the same time it definitely gave me a super intense message that women have no business being around unless they bring huge boobs to the table and make everyone horny. That we could not be main characters so to speak. Even though PoP (especially Warrior Within) actually features two women that are pretty badass in their own way, but that's more "technically the truth", it was easy to miss their narrative arcs.
You laid it on way too thick lol but also I'm NTA so he might be seething.
We got a new cat too Cat Poster will be so jealous haha
Nah you were seething I saw you peekaboo
>I haven't played vidya in a long time because I'm super prone to getting addicted to it and it just eats up my life in no time
Based and selfcontrolpilled.
No no no, moids deserve to be put down. I'm an ally, promise!
>be me
>first year in uni
>roommate bring her friends in our room
>the snuck in a champagne bottle but can't open it
>someone mentions feminism for some reason
>I say that I'm not a feminist and tell the only guy in the room that he should open that bottle
>everyone looks at me weird
>"your not a feminist anon?"
>"haha, of course I am, just joking guys!"
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Look at that little demon!
Mine is also, a small creature of hell
Thank you! By now it's been so long that I feel people tend to assume I'm overreacting, but even the most simple point and click games can keep me glued to the screen for hours under the right circumstances. The only way to have peace of mind is to never start playing them. I also don't have a smartphone for this express purpose, I'm sure candy crush would make me hate myself.
>plays arma 3 like a typical psychotic BPD male
Hey, Anon, you should join me in some friendly vidya sesh.
It'll be fine, I promise. :^)
>What was this friend's life like?
Weeb, a bit a loof, sweet, cutesy sense of humor. His hobbies consist of playing with his dog and watching anime.
>Did he always have friends and was just down on luck when it comes to love life?
He never had a gf. His first one was this girl at 35. He always had *some* friends in the weeb community but they're all mean girls.
>Does he have a job? A good sense of humor? Charisma? He clearly has something going for him that makes him stand out from the rest.
Odd jobs. Right now he's a security officer at a mall. Ok sense of humor. Charisma? Not that much actually, he's just very vanilla sweet and never got contaminated with The Edge.
I'm listening to classic rock and soitunes again. Does this mean I'm healing?
For me, it's the Reward System. I can't give myself a reward if I haven't earned it. (I haven't given myself a reward in weeks because I haven't earned it in weeks.)

>I also don't have a smartphone for this express purpose
Now that's crazy.
Aw that’s so cute I’ve always wanted a white kitten bless you entj.
Just a lil hit of the vidya games, I lil puf
I really hate this trend of being callingwhateveryouwantafuckingpillpilled. There are only 4 pills. The blue pill, the red pill, the black pill, and the white pill
He has a girlfriend let that sink in…
Gm bro
you mean the pics he stole online?
>muh red pill
I really enjoy that additional pills irritate you.
wtf is wrong with you, ofc I am an emotional tampon for my friends too, i hear them out all the time as well. but we also don't discuss him 24/7 because we have interests and lives other than dating and get silly together hang out etc. I am not going to be rushed with this as you can tell I am sensitive too about all of this. I literally am trying to grow a spine right now and getting perspective is helping me little by little yes it's taking to long (for you)
yes he wants to wait, which I am fine with but he feels under pressure due to his past gfs and has self esteem issues. idk if I should remind him that I am okay and it doesn't have to be framed as "waiting"

I have truly fallen in love before so I know how wonderful it is, but the heartbreak, especially one like that, is a forever scar.
You’re forgetting the pink pill
Absolutely pillpilled
>At the same time it definitely gave me a super intense message that women have no business being around unless they bring huge boobs to the table and make everyone horny.
It kinda does but its a video game so everything is exaggerated. are men supposed to lug around giant swords and slay monsters?
nerds are solid material
Morning bro, how goes it? Any luck on the job hunt?
>Now that's crazy.
That's most people's response, but it helps me. I enjoy shitposting, but it is very good for me that I literally cannot do it most of the day because I am not near a computer. I really enjoy being forced to read a book or watch the view on the train. I am generally prone to overthinking and having a hard time relaxing and I can only imagine how much worse it would get if I had access to internet (including my email and maybe emails from my boss etc) 24/7.

That said, I've never had one and I do feel if I had grown used to having one at some point, it would be hard to come back from.

I am unfortunately not AS disciplined as you are, but I totally know what you mean and it is a great way to live your life. (As long as you can resist getting stricter and stricter over time.)
State Gender
Thoughts on Pakistan?
They just burned a tourist alive.
t. an man who has never spoke to a woman much less touched one
>are men supposed to lug around giant swords and slay monsters?
*chair clattering*
L-literally me!
>idk if I should remind him that I am okay and it doesn't have to be framed as "waiting"
Yeah, I think it wouldn't hurt to say something like "I also only want to have sex with you when you want to" if the word waiting comes up.

>is a forever scar
It certainly can be... But I take it you still wouldn't wish that you never had that experience, right, even if that also meant not having the scar?
I'm more like a Saiyan myself. Ki attacks and martial arts.
I have no trouble saying that there's some cultures that are definitely inferior than others and shouldn't be respected.
You have a gf too, let that sink in..
What’s wrong with having breakfast?
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>Grills: that woman in the game is so pretty, I'll never be that pretty. I hate this.
>Me: that sword must weigh 500 lbs, way too heavy to swing. I better hit the gym.
no. thats just a drawn out suicide
NTA but
as an europoor I'm not sure if this is just a meme or if people actually eat eggs and bacon for breakfast...
>mfw feminist media tells people to visit india and pakistan as a solo traveler
>mfw no face
Yes. Are they lunch foods for you?
>It kinda does but its a video game so everything is exaggerated.

>are men supposed to lug around giant swords and slay monsters?
No... but I guess that's the hard part about it. At fifteen if I had those thoughts, I would also tell myself "who cares, it's fantasy". But it's not just one game. It's a lot of things. E.g. I was super super into the Lord of the Rings trilogy and spent years fantasizing about that, but when I watch the movies now it also stands out to me that Arwen is literally just a pretty face whispering her way through the movie and acting like a teenager towards her dad despite being centuries old and Éowyn is a 2D "strong womyn" character that has no traits other than being strong and brave and good. There is no female Boromir or Gollum or Denethor, characters that are not ALL bad or ALL good, that are just flawed and complicated.

The issue is that exactly because every time you consciously have those thoughts, you dismiss them as arbitrary, it's fiction. Until you wake up one day and you realize you read 100 books and saw 100 movies and played 100 games in which women shut up and were pretty and it did do something to your own idea of what a good woman should be like. Because when you think "whatever it's just a game, it shouldn't matter" you also don't really get to challenge those ideas.
Actually got an interview lined up for a janny role in some office shithole today, so I can't stick around today. But it's a start y'know? Gl of your prospects too.
Right??? As a woman, you could never convince me to go to any of those countries alone. Shit's already tough where I live for women, if I went to India I'd probably leave there in a coffin.
>I am sensitive too about all of this
Imagine how he would feel if he found out that you've spent weeks complaining behind his back about how he's hurting you. Are you sensitive about this too?

You are not getting any new perspective. Every thread you are getting exactly the same perspective: Talk to him clearly, talk to him explicitly, talk to him about all of it, talk to him now. You want a different perspective? Here's a different perspective: Don't talk to him, keep complaining about him behind his back.
Okay well I hope you enjoy eating week old hard crackers and pork brain pate europoor fren
Fucking rights dude, that's great. Good luck. Appreciate that, I'm boutta pass out myself, working nights is a fucking bitch. Have a good day bro, you're gonna kill that shit.
If everything outside of Europe, NA, and Australia sunk into the ocean nothing of value would be lost.
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State Gender
Who was in the wrong here?

Men, would you break up if you found out your gf did this?
Bacon to me is a very once in a while food.
But I may personally be an outlier because a lot of my countries recipes involve chorizo in foods, etc. But it's usually lunch. For breakfast we don't typically have this much fat.
We're toast and coffee type of people. I myself eat a single toast with peanut butter and coffee for breakfast. That or granola and yogurt.
You would probably enjoy it so much you wouldn’t leave at all
F, why in the world would the man be in the wrong? I guess maybe if he went out of his way to hide the fact that he was enjoying solo time that made her paranoid, but the whole idea of hiring a P.I. to check on your boyfriend is batshit insane to me. Just break up at that point.
I kill two birds with one stone by reading books on my phone. It's nice to have an entire library hidden in my pocket, so that I am never in my life without access to a book. But whenever I start reading, I also betray myself by switching away from the book to see what's going on on the interwebz. So it goes.
No Australia needs to sink
>female Gollum
You... you want this?
100% she's in the wrong. I don't get this shit. If you can't trust him, leave him. This running around after people is ridiculous.
Good luck
May you do it for free
Anacels need representation too.
>Men, would you break up if you found out your gf did this?
Holy shit theres an old homeless lady on campus that looks like this and tries to pretend she’s staying back to get some work done when we all know shes sleeping rough in the labs because her shitty car is full of old junk
>I also betray myself by switching away from the book to see what's going on on the interwebz.
Yeah this would be me...

I guess part is also FOMO. When you have everything on your phone, you always COULD be working, so what's your excuse not to? You always COULD be replying to that thorny email you've been avoiding.

It feels unnatural to me to have so many options all the time. It gives me a sense of peace and surrender when I feel "this is all I can do or am supposed to be doing right now".

Though ngl "never in my life without access to a book" did give me a brief ache.
m. on one hand its insane but on the other it shows she really cares and is more likely to be faithful herself
Is she getting help? That's a nightmarish situation...
I go out with someone where I don't have to lead the entire conversation, the date feels like a tennis match of ''what do you do" and other boring, dry conversation topics that leave me counting down the minutes until I can make an excuse to call it a night.
At work cafeteria they have bacon daily but usially due to prep time it is a weekend thing.
I have eggs pretty often, natural fays like them are good for you its the artificial oils that get you
>she really cares and is more likely to be faithful herself
No she's not. People who are this insane about others cheating are much more likely to cheat.
My cousin is like this. Very controlling and is always on the edge of cheating. In fact I suspect she already did cheat.
Men, I've just bought CALVIN KLEIN underwear. Do you want to marry me already?
No our prestigious campus has turned into a shelter for at risk crisis housing literally all you need to get accommodation here is claim your exams are making you suicidal and we give you a free room for a week
are people actually using threads
Eggs are great, to me it's the bacon that really "icks" me.
I'm not beyond boiling or frying an egg for breakfast.
Fuck yeah I would! Gollum is an amazing character, one of the best if you ask me. On the one hand he started out as "a normal hobbit". Then again at least I from the scenes of him as a hobbit, always got the impression that he had always been opportunistic, never a very friendly person.

At the same time, it is hard not to pity him for his fate. He became a murderer, but is it really murderd when it's just a murderous neck to neck race? How much was the influence the ring had on him right away and how much was his natural egotism that made him kill Deagel?

Then as Gollum he is both pitiful and endearing AND gross and repulsive. He has the helplessness but also resilience of people who lived a super hard life, and yet you still don't want him in your sight either.

Just a wonderfully full mix of traits and reactions. Those are the best characters really.
Ok but instead of a 10k€ ring, you're getting a 500€ one.
Nah, girls who wear those always seem like cheaters to me.
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>break up
Nigga I would actually call the cops. I don't think "Personal Investigators" have clearance to stalk someone over petty claims and suspicions like these.
>Uhhhh yeah, I would like you to follow this dude around and silently take impromptu pictures of him without his knowledge. Why? Is he committing a crime? Oh noe it's actually I'm insecure lol
Take this hoe to a padded room asap
No more Taco Bell for you this weekend anon
M or F?
Would grills rather i talk about alesia than about the interview questions?
We get it you guys are obsessed with my girls cooking all you had to say was thanks for something
The "I'm deathly afraid of fiber" American Diet.
Girls always seem to say that around me.
F. Walk around the city a bit while flirting, stop for a quick bite somewhere with outdoor seating while teasing him more, then dragging him to the car before blowing his mind with sweaty car sex in a mostly empty parking lot. Then we drive home and watch YouTube videos while cuddling, which leads to more sex.
T-thank you anon's gf!!
I'm 7 inches schlong and these hoes got me thinking my dick is too big smdh
Please no you’re giving me engagement ring PTSD
What did you get?
That's adorable.

Watch that the little shit doesn't start biting on cords.
I could handle it if you were trustworthy and careful enough to avoid bottoming out.
CK is just rebranded slightly more expensive chinese shit, it doesn't really hold any value, at least to me.
I would still marry you, but if you're boasting about buying CK underwear, it's not that good of a look.
Checked and thank you!
Oh she does I just hit her and she stops very obeisant girl
Dear diary,
I finally found the answer to, "what do women want?"
Its "female gollum"
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How do you do deal with virtual rape?
>Grills: that woman in the game is so pretty, I'll never be that pretty. I hate this.
I specifically mentioned I very much enjoyed watching the boobs, that wasn't the problem.
This is the fate of all women who refuse to have children be warned
>Forced to be friends with fiances only female friend because their families are close
>He also happened to lose his virginity to this woman.
>From what I gathered from her he was basically her sub and she was his dom and liked being her protege and being told what to do
>He has never been like that with me

When I was out with her and her friends she got drunk and they started talking about how when they used to hook up she would always make him wear her necklace. And how he would get anxious thinking he upset her if she didn't immediately put it on him

Be honest, seeing that this was how his first sexual experience was, how loyal is he to her and how much of an impact would this have? And why hasn't he ever asked me to be dominant with him? She even straight up told me she approves of me and how she never liked his past gfs. Like why would she care to approve of me or not?
That's the thing, I've never had a gf but I'm afraid that if I do I'll end up fucking like a robot to avoid hurting her instead of getting lost in passion and just going nuts.
M going out with F

Truth be told it's just a chemistry thing. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with anyone like this, but it just makes for an awful date if there is none.
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Check it
Tbf I am now specifically looking back on fantasy and games I consumed, most from some time ago. I think the times have definitely changed in terms of complex or even unlikeable female characters. The series Girls had pretty much nothing but, Fleabag, movies like Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, recently Baby Raindeer... The tide's definitely turning.
Why do you keep posting this specific bait? It has been years.
yeah I just don't know when if ever he'll bring up the issue again and use the term "waitng" so I can properly tell him how I feel. I feel like inmight have to open the can of worms over this again and I just don't want to make him uncomfortable even though he said I could tell him anything, but I still get anxious too
I mean he could be doing the same with his friends about me. one girl already blew up at him for even being with me at the start of it all. but I think she liked him. I'm waiting for him to wake up again idk, what do you think he wants out of talking to me like this still? with the cute names he calls me but no label, selfies and pet pics etc
Holy fatass
I would have already been divorced
Love it.
It takes time and communication to be a good partner, no matter how much experience you have. Past sexual partners only helps inform someone of what they personally like and gives them ideas of things to try, that's it.
Apparently there are cushions that help limit how deep a guy goes? If you're seven inches on the dot, I think that's reasonable enough that you won't fucking kill me, but it'd still be worth being careful until we've figured each other out.
Casca Bros
Check this
Never seen it before, but it reads like an extreme flip of the typical "I found out my gf got dominated by her ex and now can't think of anything else". Like hoping women will say "that sounds like something I wouldn't like" so they can say "ha, see, you also don't want to feel cucked".
Do you still talk to your exes?
I think modern smartphones give you the ability to lock them down and restrict which apps are usable based on a schedule. In theory, you could set it so that only the (1) phone, (2) text messages, (3) clock, (4) calendar, (5) calculator, (6) camera, (7) notepad, (8) music, (9) GPS and (10) ebook reader are unlocked during the day, and every other app is locked down. This is something I would recommend if you ever started driving a car. Having a phone with GPS is a game changer.

But since you ride the train, you should keep on living without a smartphone. Have fun with those paper books.
I was literally going kms when buying my fiancé’s engagement ring she didn’t know what she wanted but wanted to be surprised because no one ever proposed to her so I said fuck it and dropped 10k on white gold and diamonds it took me weeks for my wallet to recover anyway here pic rel is the ring
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Is he right?
Not currently, there's no hard feelings and I would definitely make small talk if I ran into him, but he's the kind of person that regularly asks how you're doing, only to tell absolutely nothing about himself. After a few years of going through that stale, contentless small talk for a while, I just stopped responding to his "how are you" messages.

But I did for some years and would still not avoid him, he's my only ex.
I don't but my previous relationships ended in disaster. I can imagine myself talking to an ex from time to time if we ended on good terms though.
He has been posting some variation of the same bait for years.

Basically - guy has lost virginity to girl, childhood friends, family still see each other, she's married, he can't hold down a relationship because of this.
No, he's wrong. The thing about "your honor" is not that it is a personal compliment but that you are acknowledging that you are in a court of law and speaking to someone who personifies the law at that moment. That you show respect for how things (ought to) go.

The whole crux of the law is that it is all very standardized so to be as "impersonal" and fair as possible. Decorum and very strict rules about how to address each other are part of that.
>idk, what do you think he wants out of talking to me like this still?
It's not enough that you expect him to read your mind, you want us to read his mind? Stop waiting for mind-reading to become real. Stop waiting and take action. Only you can get the answers because only you can talk to him. Do it now.
>standardized so to be as "impersonal" and fair as possible.
That's not the case is it though?
I've seen judges be like "Imma fuck you up homeboy, you ain't never seeing the sun again"
no lmao, I would only talk to one of them but he also broke my heart so I feel weak because I would be tempted to take him back in the unlikely scenario he reached out
>random girl he has dated for like 6 months
>spends 10k on a ring
Still for me a tie between my earlier guess - wanting to bait women into saying that under certain circumstances, they would also care that their partner got dominated or was still in touch with an ex or whatever - or it is just a very sepcific fantasy, you get those a lot too, that people just get off on getting emotional ("that's disgusting how can you accept that") responses to their fantasy scenario.
I still refer to my ex-CO as Sargent even when we hang out everybody else in our squad does the same it’s just out of habit and sounds weird calling him by his civillian name
Breh, i read Sabriel back in 2000 or so and it had been out a while so there have been women in fantasy stuff for a bit.
Not sure if it would hold up today since im not a teenager anymore but shit was good, also very fun world building and magic.
This could’ve been you if you weren’t so delusional
Of course, individual judges can be mean or unfair or retards, they are still people. But the reason there are such strict rules about clothing, when which person can speak and general procedure are to avoid personal feelings of the judge or others involved influencing the process.

Also if the guy insists on not calling the judge your honor despite being asked (and, again, the judge won't care because of personal pride, he will care because the court of law is disrespected because the rules are not followed), it will be harder for the judge not to get a negative opinion on the suspect and depending on how good they are or aren't, it can lead to a worse sentence.
It's a bit over 7, maybe a half inch at most, but I just say 7 cause it's a round number. Not very girthy either, just long.
Shit sounds like a lot of work. Might just stick to my hand honestly.
She's a bit TOO hot
There's something not right here
I'm married already, don't worry. Just enjoy how bad your BPD is.
I don’t care as long as I like the game
Oh I don't doubt that it exists. I also remember positive exceptions like any Murakami movie. But if you were (like me) a casual consumer mostly looking at the most popular things or being asked to friends for the most popular things, you wouldn't just run into complex female characters "in the wild" the way I do now just by watching popular movies and shows.
Someone's tapping that
and that someone's not me, that's what's wrong
I’ll think about how much fun you would’ve missed out on
If I loved a guy, I'd want to have sex with him regardless of how much work it'd take. I'd hope the guy I love would feel similarly. Also hjs and bjs exist.
I like sexualized girls. But many times we don't get sexualized boys :(
We should objectify vidya game characters. They're not people, they have no agency, there's literally no harm. Plus we all enjoyed Snake's plump ass
>If I loved a guy, I'd want to have sex
Would you make him wait to have sex with you?
I think it is just that there's so many filters that she looks literally fake (AI generated or computer animated). If her skin had more texture and was less glossy and smooth I don't think you would feel the same.

Of course, it's mostly the combination between the textureless skin AND the perfect figure that gets you in uncanny valley.
All men are sexualized
you rarely see them ugly bastards men in the spotlight
Nta btw
>Murakami movie
Shit, I meant Miyazaki, of course.
I'm >>31488519 btw
No, I think it's disrespectful.
I wouldn't make him wait any longer than it takes for us to mutually agree that we like each other and seem compatible enough to try for a long term relationship. The moment I can trust a guy when he says he loves me, I'm ready.
Aight bro
>dead eyed autist with the nerves of a beaten orphan
>standing in line for my sushi at the grocery store
>woman in front of me
>she starts dancing to the upbeat 80s music coming from the speakers while smiling at me
>freeze, pretend I don't see her because I don't know what to do
what should i have done?
np bro
Nuh huh, they're not nearly as buck naked as girls are most of the time, they're just attractive, whereas the girls are attractive AND naked
As a woman who finds "regular" men more attractive than the model boy look, I concur very much. Sometimes you get a token chubby friend or something but out of arthouse movies every guy looks "perfect".
I have a female friend who I feel like I get mixed signals from. I invite her out to group things which she always agrees to. when we went out last night she deliberate sat next to me, and she laughs a lot at what I say (I'm not that funny) and seemed overall positive. Later on when we went some place else she didn't seem as interested talking to me which I have experienced before. She also doesn't really hold a text conversation well which makes me think she doesn't want to talk. but she heart reacted to my message which she has never done before.

Is she potentially interested or am I reading too much into it all?
Wanna fuck?
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How naked do you want them to be, bro
they're not gonna show peen
You should've at least smiled back.
And danced too. Yes it would be embarrassing. Yes, she's doing it too. If you're both doing it, you're in it together.
On this episode of "how women think men live vs how men actually live"
If you're a super impulsive and free-spirited person, in theory you could've started dancing with her, but that's the kind of thing that only works if it feels natural and obvious to you in the moment.

The most obvious response would've been a big smile.
Nah, I'm already fucking myself, HARD.
Dont suppose youve read sabriel, or perhaps dread empire's fall by jon williams (this is more space opera/ GoT and rome in space)?
I'm curious to get a womans perspective on complex women written by men.
>they're not gonna show peen
Well, they used to not show peen I guess.
I just remembered CP and BG
I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3, and I thought it was funny that there were different penis options in chargen and even penis physics, but I get to the sex scene with Karlach and my wizard's magic dong is nowhere in sight
What was the point of it all?
Just ask her to do stuff one on one or see if you can spend more alone time with her in group settings to get to know her better.

If there's a divide between how interested she is irl vs over text, the first is always vastly more telling. She could hate texting or she feels she sucks at texting and doesn't want to risk a stale convo that might make you less attracted to her.
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Real shit
I would still like perspective of other guys anyway if they were doing this
Do women actually like seeing dongs?
I remember giggling so hard when I spun my character around in the editor and his lil ding-a-ling flopped around.
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This is my cousin's cat Eva.
Your thoughts on her?
I personally like more subtlety, I was just being facetious. But, men usually are much more covered up in their outfits than women in vidya. I want the boyslut armor
>that eye
it's a good cat all things considered
Hi Eva you're very cute. Give her a smooth on her forehead for me
Did it approve of you posting pictures of her online?
oh also, I forgot to mention. I actually have wished for many times to have never gone through the pain of heartbreak with him. even recently i wished this because the last I heard him think of me was "I miss her" but I missed my chance to rekindle many years ago
Nah, I haven't. I have read a lot in general though and there absolutely are men who are amazing at it. Even some not especially known for it, Philip Roth's When She Was Good imo is one of the most deeply empathetic books written by a man about a "woman problem" (woman gets pregnant by boyfriend she now has to marry because she cannot get an abortion, even though his family hates her for "ruining his future").

I thought Gabriël Garcia Márquez crafted some amazing female characters; Amos Oz; David Vogel; Leonard Cohen (he also wrote novels, just two though); Anton Tsjechov (just short stories but still); a very notable mention for Tarjei Vesaas for giving the most heartfelt and true to life description by a man of a blossoming, instant friendship between two girls I ever read (in The Ice Palace).

There are many more, no doubt. A writer has the gift to imagine they feel different about things than they do or want different things than they do. Any man who is sincerely interested in women and has gotten to know them (some) well, observed them, will be able to portray them too.
If a date is connection and sex. Then it needs to allow for a lot of connection and be convenient to have sex after. I don't like movies because it takes the attention away from the person and towards the movie. In practice this makes me a cheapskate who likes talking. But it could be almost anything.
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nah, I thought about it too, can't see shit
Cats can’t consent to that kind of thing you fucking schizo WTF erm meds please?
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No. Full plate only.
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Nargacuga armor arriving on the scene
>Cats can’t consent
So you shouldn't have posted the picture huh
His nipples are gonna show
What a scandalous boyslut
I didn’t post that picture I’m just telling you the truth which you seem unable to handle. If I were in the room with you I’d flay you from head to toe and dip you in hand boiling water for second guessing me. IM SERIOUSLY MAD
If that is the case you should have just pretended you did for the sake of the online argument
I liked a SINGLE post on twitter, and now it's flooding my feed with muscle mommies and pit sluts.
Your brother is a scandalous boy slut bitch
no, he's prude incel
He a good boy
I forgot Patrick Modiano. Especially "La Petite Bijou" (probably translated as Small Bijou) really pulled my heartstrings. He is not the kind of writers to define his characters well, it's more like you are lost inside their head, but it is about a young woman who really misses her own mother (who left her as a child) and it felt incredibly true to life for me, without any false romanticism about womanhood.

Also I have never personally read him but of course Gustave Flaubert (from Madame Bovary) is also famous for being able to write women very well, apparently.
Why did you like a picture of a muscle mommy slash pit slut
Sounds like you wanna see muscle mommies and put sluts
Okay then maybe I was the scandalous boy slut this whole time and I was projecting
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I usually don't, but that girl made me weak, and now they're assaulting me with jezebels
Does male slutty wear actually make you horny?
We love a good self aware scandalous boy slut
Hard image. Mind if I save?
No you dont it makes you mad. Trust me I know you
But I also like men that are more covered up.
I just like men. ... and women.
Go ahead it is all yours
You can save it if you want to
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thoughts on this?
Would absolutely roast over an open fire
he was about to ask for bob vegana
... or I'm hoping he was gonna ask first
Do you enjoy being sexualized by men that you're attracted to?
In my folder now
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Poor sweet anita discovers DEI
It's a very nice ring, I hope she's happy with it. What was the process of selecting the ring like?
Depend on my mood really. I like to be sexualized by my husband. But I wouldn't really enjoy that a random guy I find attractive sexualizes me. I'd probably immediately put up a wall there.
essentially: if you're in a relationship with me it's fine.
Do not redeem the vegana
>We should objectify vidya game characters. They're not people, they have no agency, there's literally no harm.
Absolutely based.
You could make a moral statement that all forms of sexualization (both irl and in fiction) are wrong because they harm morality OR you could make the complete opposite statement that all consensual/voluntary sexualization is alright because you should have the freedom do so to your body/characters.
Anyone that tries to be somewhere in between by seething at fictional characters bodies while simultaneously simping over irl OF content is by definition, a hypocritical retard.
In general, yes, very much. It can go too far though. Whether I like him or not, if I am telling a story and he gets distracted mid-way through because I'm getting up and he stares at my ass instead of listening, I won't like it.

It can also be weird and jarring to realize stuff you don't like about yourself or want to change is sexual to someone. E.g. you try your hardest to train your faint accent away and he keeps calling it exotic and sexy.
>used to not show peen
Shin Megami Tensei had (and still has) a huge peen monster that I can't even show in this wholesome family board.
>R you could make the complete opposite statement that all consensual/voluntary sexualization is alright because you should have the freedom do so to your body/characters.
I'm 100% one of these people. People are allowed to be sexual if that's what they want. And yeah as for fictional characters, who cares?
Mara is great
I doubt that you googled "expensive engagement rings" and went for the one that looked the prettiest to you regardless of the price.
The money hiring a private investigator could’ve been spent holidays or weddings or fucking engagement rings
Is it okay for a feminist who supports LGBTQ and non-toxic masculinity to attack a man's masculinity, there fore implying that not being traditionally masculine as a man is something to be ashamed of?
Thank you!! Only seeing this comment now but yes this is my hope, that if one day I cannot avoid getting a smartphone anymore, by then technology will have made it easy to limit yourself... Thank you for the suggestion.
It was 20% off shes a standard O put two and two together you should know by now I’m not the smartest boyfriend
Doesn't matter how the night goes as long as after she's woken up, she is forced to eat boiled eggs
If male, yes (but be ready to be laughed at)
If female, no, masculinity is a different game happening in a different stadium that you aren't part of

has a parent ever compared one of your potential gfs to a family member such as a sibling??

I remember when I was in middle school I hung out with my friends and a guy who had a crush on me came over and as his mom dropped him off she noted to me that I looked like his sister

years later my fucked up mom said the same thing to me about a guy and my brother when they just wear glasses and a beanie and i only sent my mom one pic of him but they don't even look the same face or anything and now I'm mentally fucked up and pissed off and feel like she's trying to sabotage my feelings for new guy by trying to make that a thing in my brain when I look at him now
She voted for this. I loved that vid of the brown immigrant pissing on a bitch too, I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
My gfs has a friend who is literally that girl we tried going to a smash room to help her with her anxiety and she started crying while beating up a kitchenette
Justice for himbos indeed! Even in asian games that are a bit more liberal with sexualizing characters, this is the case.
It is hypocritical (because a lot of those things society associates with "real men" overlap with what is seen as toxic masculinity, e.g. never showing fear or tears) and you can call them out on being hypocrites.

People being hypocrites happens all the time though.
Kek this was so funny she must’ve loved it lmao :D
Never happened to me but apparently it is common to subconsciously feel attracted to people whose facial features resemble those of loved ones you have a good relationship with, including a parent or sibling.

Also protip, whenever you spot long term couples together, pay attention to how easily many would be able to pass for siblings if you didn't know they were dating. In part because you start copying each other's idiom and mannerisms and tics. But also because people tend to like people that look like them. The effect is particularly hilarious in gay couples who sometimes just look like twins.
>raspberry pi
Take this one away please thank you
Indian jumpscare
nothing scary, no gore.
what seems to be an indian man walks up to the girl, notices she's filming and runs off
probably was gonna rob her or rape her
Indian was sneaking up on a girl (who was bleeding out of her eyes for some reason) and then dipped when he noticed the phone was recording
Famous streamers last moments
Is this getting dumber or am I just getting becoming more normie
come on, he's an indian, sneaking up tot a white girl
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It doesn't stop

Also men, would you date a girl like this?
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The technology's already there on Android, I don't know about iPhones. You can set restrictions on what apps your phone is capable of installing, and you can set restrictions on the apps already installed on your phone (whether you want indefinite blockage, or 23 hours a day, or just while you're at work/school, etc). The only hard part is suffering the indignity of restricting yourself with a tool designed to restrict your family's children.
Okay, this is getting a little too crazy
first it was just cute black girls, muscle mommies and pit sluts, but now i'm getting straight up nipples.
Yeah, duh
I don't follow it closely as it's not relevant for me (yet), but from what I understood the issue with most of those is that you still need a lot of discipline because you can disable/enable them again very easily.

I have zero issue restricting myself like a child if I need it, dignity's luckily not the issue :)
Yeah, she could use me as a punching bag or we could work out together. Imagine the possibilites.
amusement park/fair, beach bonfire picnic under the stars, on a giant sandproof towel of course
Time to skip the middle man and conquer your mom, sexually
I am the main protagonist of this thread
I just don't view my brother as sexually attractive though, it just doesn't compute. also we're mixed so my brother has genes with different hair and different eyes than me, and is even lighter skinned than me so they both have brown hair/eyes but the shapes and hairtype is different and one of them their hair is a darker couple of shades I think. I started liking glasses on guys like in kindergarten/first grade due to a kid in my class my little brother didn't have them then.
>Time to stop being a coomer
You start bro, stop liking blondes :^)
Even the flimsiest lock protects you a thousand times more strongly than having no lock at all. The fact that you can easily remove a barrier between yourself and a distracting app doesn't stop that barrier from lodging itself in your mind. But if your life is going fine now without a smartphone then there's no reason to get one. I just hope it can be a little reassuring to know that you will have options if ever you do need to get one.
I’ve always wanted to professionally fight a woman like this for the lolz
>Blondes have more fun though
>Gentlemen prefer blondes
>Also if I date a brunette I can't say "blonde moment"
uh huh
I bet your mom is blonde.
I was surprised to know that they’re free mexican farmers market went broke or something
how is it possible that most/basically all guys I have been with in bed are larger than average down there :|

do they just seek me out since I am petite/tiny/short
>I just don't view my brother as sexually attractive though, it just doesn't compute.
That's the "subconscious" part. You don't have to like your brother himself to like someone who vaguely reminds you of him on a deeper level. Also because your brother will resemble your parents that you also love.

In general attraction is a combination between just the right similarities (compatibility, it feeling "right" and familiar) and differences (genetically a good match, exciting).

Obviously this does not mean that every single thing you like can be reduced to that and it's just a coincidence that your brother got glasses when that's also something you like.
Annoyingly true I have to be dating the most blonde latina ever
These antibiotics (amoxicillin) are making me feel like shit. I seriously feel like killing myself...

Does anyone else have experience with this prescribed drug? Should I just be taking probiotics while I'm taking it or just wait after my prescription is finished?
>I'm not answering that
Thanks for answering that, LMAO
It’s just a pseudo you’re actually depressed and suicidal
>I just hope it can be a little reassuring to know that you will have options if ever you do need to get one.
It does, thank you! And yes I do expect it is a matter of time until I can no longer put it off, but I sure enjoy my disconnected time for as long as I possibly can.

Fun fact is I came full circle, ten years ago little kids gave me incredulous "are you a boomer already???" looks when seeing my dumb phone. Nowadays kids have big eyes because they've never seen someone texting on a phone like that and they think it's something new.
>antibiotics (amoxicillin) are making me feel like shit. I seriously feel like killing myself...
where did you get this video of entj?
You seek them out because they're hot and confident. Having a big dick helps to be more confident. Being hot is a prerequisite to get to you. Simple.
Oh sorry I meant blonde as in personality she’s an absolutely useless bitch
amoxicillian? isn't that the pink ear medicine? that shit was delicious. best part of my annual winter ear infections along with lying on the floor in front of the fire watching animes
Kek I’m abo not jeeted lol
I'd heem him stiff
ENTJ (good morning sir) did your "gf" dump you or why do you stain ATOGA again?
> Ask to prescribe an alternative
I literally only have two left out of 15. I'm prescribed to take one every eight hours. It was alright at first, then for the past two days I feel really bad. I think I'll just use probiotics and natural fermented stuff rather than bothering asking for an alternative.
Ah right, forgot about natural stuff. Thank you
Incel incel incel
damn you ancient egyptians and your sibling fuckery

I also ended up losing my virginity to a guy with glasses and brownish hair that changed a lot in the lighting but even before him I lose my uhhh I guess lesbian virginity?? to an old bestfriend who also had brown hair and wore glasses

I feel bad for people who have to wear glasses it's literally they can't see correctly so maybe it's this need to nurture/tease thing
Guys. I'm really sad. It's a day before my birthday, and my brother whom I always give surprises to, and always make a point of buying cake for is asking what I want for my birthday.
This is in character for him, but it's still very disappointing to me. He didn't give anyone christmas presents either
He's you, he lives in your head.
it's over.
My gf wears glasses you know how weird it looks when a latina wears glasses
>is asking what I want for my birthday.
Yeah, a day before the fact. he should know, that's the point and it shows he's like fumbling trying to get me something last minute.
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Are woman nice?
Sounds like a him problems if he's let down people for Christmas as well
So you're upset he didn't surprise you with a gift?
is that it?
This has to stop.
>I feel bad for people who have to wear glasses it's literally they can't see correctly so maybe it's this need to nurture/tease thing
Tbf I never had a thing for glasses and it has still stood out to me several times that the 'blind face' people can have when they have poor eyesight and take their glasses off, is super endearing and attractive to me. It is such an intimate look, like you see how they look just after waking up or something.

Generally I think glasses are a common turn on and they got fetishized enough (including associations with intelligence and sensitivity) that it is not surprising for anyone to like them.

And yeah if you had (positive?) sexual experiences with people, that only cements your type. There will always be a subconscious part going "hey, go for that again, that worked out well for you in the past!". I have often noticed I found myself way more warmed up to someone than was reasonable, simply because they resembled an ex(-crush) of mine or even just a close friend I really liked.
I'm upset that I do so much more for him than he does for me. I'm upset he doesn't take time of his day to think about what I like for a second.
He thinks money can just buy everything. I'd be happy with something small, as long as he was the one thinking about it.

I know you're just trying to call me entitled, but knowing what your sister would like for her birthday or getting something ahead of time is the bare minimum.
If he asked me a week ago I wouldn't be so upset. My birthday is tomorrow.
why do stinky poojeet namefags larp as gf havers on atoga?
Some are, some aren't. This one clearly isn't.
I'm not saying anything, lol, chill
just trying to get why you're upset.
us uglies always catching strays from women.
It's not about getting a gift, it's about feeling like my brother doesn't care about me not even 1/10 that I care about him.
Inside your head? Oh boy...
She’s my gf not yours I do what I want with her
So you feel like he doesn't care about you, and that you're not getting rewarded for the effort you put into him, is that correct?
How fat and ugly are you?
Generally, in my experience, yes, but women are people, even nice people don't always behave nice and not every woman is nice in the first place.

This message is shallow, harsh and bitchy (and I fully disagree and would have no issues with a 4" dick on any day of the week) but from what she writes, the guy negged her and told her to get plastic surgery to fix herself, so I think this rant is more coming from a place of hurt than anything else.

Still I would not like to sit next to her based on this.
Yeah, it happens on /atoga/ too. Pretty funny how foids don't go after the actual abusers and other violent men, but the guys who are already suffering and struggling.
Bad miss at the end, but it was 90+ mins, I understand.
I love being an abuser and having other women give me looks with their man by their side in public it boosts myself esteem enormously
If we had lost, I'd genuinely be worried about my grandma's health.
He doesn't have to do the exact same. But I do wish I had like a sign that he cared. Doesn't call me, doesn't say anything to me if I don't ask him first. But he gets upset when I give him something he doesn't enjoy, he makes a point of telling me. Makes a point of making me trade cakes if it's not to his liking. Always has a grand opinion on what he gets for christmas, but then forgets to give anyone a present.
Nah. I'm not the one being demanding here.
>Partner is pretty much an alcoholic
She is incredibly firery and often when she gets upset, or sad or things aren't great between us or practically anything it's hard to tell she get shitfaced and basically goes on a drunken rampage. I think she's broken her ankle at least once, lost tonnes of phones, goes out walking by herself at crazy hours and is inconsolable.

I have tried to be understanding as there are some things in her life that are outside of her control that are terrible, but really it's driven this huge wedge between us and I can't really speak my mind to her anymore because I never know what might set her off. She's a lovely person when she isn't drinking.

I'm worried if I leave her she will actually spiral even deeper into this intense cycle and feel somewhat responsible for contributing to it. If she does something insane if I leave her, I will blame myself. What's the smart play here?
Foids like you are ugly af and smell like shit.
What no! She was just worried
sometimes I put on other's to larp until my eyes hurt so yes lol
same ibtold the guy my favorite picture of him was without his glasses, I feel like it really messes with how he really looks it's literally an obstacle.

I feel as if I have a moral dilemma when it comes to my attraction to this. just like you said with the tropes of sensitivity, intelligence I also like the nerd look which groups well with that. but at the same time the little eugenics girl in me feels bad for liking people with glasses like that because it feels wrong since it is kind of a disability on the outside and I just wish they could get better too and I feel bad they can't see the world like I do and I lowkey wonder if I ever had kids with someone with glasses if we could breed it out or if my hidden recessive genes just skip me and give the to hypothetical kids if my partner has them
I hear you, Anon.
Have you told him about how you've felt?
That's not Sweet Anita, is it?
Actually I got so fed up I just straight told him "I don't want to fumble and try to look for something for you to give me, I want you to think about me and about what I'd like".
I hate that I had to do this, but hey. He needs to get the memo
>I'm worried if I leave her she will actually spiral even deeper into this intense cycle and feel somewhat responsible for contributing to it.
This is understandable and applaudable, but once you reached this point, you cannot really have a relationship as equals anymore to begin with. This is the kind of reasoning a parent has towards a child. It has no place in a romantic, grown relationship. You cannot devote your life to making sure she doesn't kill yourself and she should have enough love for you and enough self-respect that she does not want that herself, either.

Your literal only option is to try to reason with her that her drinking is at least ruining the relationship for you (don't bother trying to argue whether or not she's an alcoholic, just leave it at that it's too much for you) and that she is driving you off. Say you don't want that. Ask how you can help her.

Best case scenario (unlikely): she actually wisens up and at least tries, which means both of you can have more peace with an eventual break up if it does come, and you might even save her and the relationship.

Most likely scenario: she is unable to stop, but you can break up with her at a point where you can say with a clean conscience that you tried your hardest and was real with her, and left when there was nothing left for you to do.
My gf said to me the other day she has fetish of me killing her during sex after I cum in her why do women just want to be abused you know cringe it is lol
State gender
Can you beat up your grandma in a fight?
I mean, it's good that you're communicating your feeling to him, but maybe a little less aggressive might've worked better?
I assume your goal is to help him understand your frustration, not to insult him.
Just tell him what you told me here today, your previous posts would be a great starting point for a conversation with him, you know.
Entitled cunt. Kys.
both my grandmas are dead so yes
>it feels wrong since it is kind of a disability on the outside and I just wish they could get better too and I feel bad they can't see the world like I do
This is sweet but imo you are waaaay overthinking it. Your attraction to glasses is not rooted in sadistic enjoyment of their imperfect sight. Not having perfect eyesight is probably the very best "handicap" to have as it is so easily solved and if someone really hates glasses, they can even easily have their eyes lasered nowadays.

I mean, I'm attracted to fat people, if you follow your reasoning I could beat myself up all day every day for being attracted to something that is detrimental to one's health and usually confidence. But I don't because I can't help feeling the way I do and it sure won't get in the way of encouraging my loved one(s) to get healthy and lose weight.
I don't support domestic violence, which is why I don't watch sports.
otherwise granny would be dead.
necrophilia is based is why, I had a dream a fresh corpse fucked me

also killing could also be peaceful why do you think some people want euthanasia to be even more legal (MAID)
I don't want to to have to teach very calmly to my brother who is 10 years older than me, who always gets good treatment from me on his birthday about how to be better, 1 day before my birthday.
I'm honestly too upset right now and it would've been something I'd have to calm myself down and talk in a few days type of thing.
My grandmas died before I was born, so they win by default
You have a fetish for being humanly executed by the state? What in the daddy issues shit is this
F no they are dead and I liked them :(
Okay, that's understandable, it is your birthday after all, I'd say to focus on yourself for now, do something that makes you happy instead of fixating on the fact that he didn't make you happy.
wouldn't want to ruin this birthday now, would we.
Only my ex 4chan gf who still posts ITT
not a fetish but I have been suicidal before and this life isn't that great for me. I deep down still believe in wanting euthanasa but feel I have to put up a front for the guyvi like who is also depressed and doesn't want to wake up

truthfully if I knew a way and someone to help me or go with me I would
please don't be him
How do I know if a girl likes me?
Go gym bro
My face is symmetrical and my smell is impeccable. Stay mad.
Make a lame joke and see if she laughs
what is that going to do
I do like cardio on cool nights though, outside my area

I am being serious and truthful about what I said though.
Woke up and immediately fantasized about holding a gun to a guys head and saying "fuck me like your life depends on it". Thoughts?
Do you think couples should communicate how often they like to talk to each other when they aren’t together?
Or is this something you should just interpret?
My gf and I don’t text a lot inbetween dates and I’ve never really asked her if she’s into that kind of thing. She doesn’t seem to be a big texter and I’m not really either
Bro, leave the incels alone.
You are friendless and lonely because like most ham beasts you are unaware of how bad you smell.
I think couples should be honest with each other, if that's something they want to talk about, then that's something they should talk about. :^P
I second this, please don't be him
Do you talk to her outside of the thread or only in here?
Boner killer and I'd rather have you pull the trigger anyway
Now it makes sense why he doesn't bother anymore. Gold digger with your own family members. Fuck off, your brother isn't some random man off Tinder that you can abuse and leech from.
I woke up with a boner and no woman to inseminate. Sad.
Pick heavy rock make sad head voice quite
If you’re going to live then live but you’re going to commit suicide just do our mental health services are at stretched far too thing, domestic violence shelter are at capacity if you really want to talk to an AI chat GPT about your problems then go head and let the rest of who want to live enjoy our lives
Just talk to her anon
Based if bmi is 17-25
Only in here, and I can already tell neither of you are her . Be not afraid
Pro tip: NEVER take advice from a namefag
How can you tell?
The real why divorce is so high nowadays is because couples talk to much and that’s initiated by the women everyone just needs to stfu about their feelings and move on
My name is silent, you can recognize me from the fact that women ignore my replies. UwU
No, people should never communicate with each other about how they actually feel. Just bottle it all up and expect her to guess it. If she guesses wrong then she's not the right one for you.
People take advice from here?
Pro Tip: Kill yourself haha
Cute bluff. You wouldn't press the trigger if he underperforms.
Why do I watch bbc when I watch porn? I don’t like it rationally but I always seem to watch a little when I do. I wish they made content like it featuring white guys
Need a hot woman to suck my balls
Why are you, as a woman, fat?
I wish I had an 8” dick. Women seem to like them in porn
Just graduate to Orc or ugly bastard hentai
They fill the same niche
You can watch irl
Why do women have a problem with men loving their mom more than them?
Why are you, as a woman, cute?
Question for either gender: anyone here ever tried intercrural sex? How was it?
No, I like cute women getting fucked hard and for some reason there’s a lot of bbc content that fits that niche
I just can't get enough of this clip
it speaks to me on a fundamental level

They literally get paid to look like they like it, that's their only job.
I would
Are you bisexual? What part of the porn do you focus on the most?
I don't understand the point of it
Talk to anyone who actually has that and they’ll tell you it’s not all what it’s cracked up to be.
They can’t be faking all of it.
>self professed cuck
You can watch while systematically eliminate the white race
Did you meet her ITT?
Yeah, not really as a specific act for its own sake, but my partner and I both like letting the tension rise as much as possible before first inserting it and we usually have a bit of thigh sex before he actually puts it in.

It won't make me cum unless I'm so close just about anything will do it, but it does feel good. It feels close to the experience of getting fucked only because you don't feel actual penetration you can pay a lot more attention to how good it feels to just feel his body press up against you and what not. It also feels really good to hear his heavy breathing and knowing he still needs to wait...
Because he reminds you of Otis Royale
They have a problem if the man hates his bitch mother also. As if the guy had a choice in getting a cunt mom.
I've never touched a woman in 29 years.
Intercrural seems overhyped though.
kill me femcel. UwU
I hate him so much
>Otis Royale
Who's that?
I will defeat him
Imagine not owning a drooling IQ woman and marrying her into your personal ownahole
I focus on the woman going crazy from big dick and cumming from rough sex. I don’t think I’m bisexual, I don’t like men.
I like white people, I just seem to not watch them as much
...they can? Plus keep in mind porn stars are specifically selected for either enjoying huge dicks (or double penetration or rough anal or whatever) OR for being able to fake very convincingly. They are not random women picked up from the street reacting to dick, they are professionals who excel at putting on a show of hot and pleasurable sex.

I've never heard a porn star comment anything else than that real orgasms during work were rare.
>tfw I'm not him.
Or he could take your gun away as he fucks you and then tie you up. Then the roles would reverse. You'd have to do a really good job for him at whatever he asks you to do.
Of course. Hbu and your 4chad?
Kill yourself degenerate scum
Are you trolling? Not even at the club or something?
Maybe, I would never know
Even amateur stuff seems to be enjoyable. I think it looks neat
Does anyone play Civ 6? I tried it and it’s fun
Do you watch produced videos or amateur? The 'going crazy' can often be fake.
What makes you think I leave my house at all?
>Even amateur stuff seems to be enjoyable.
About 1-10% of "amateur" porn is actual amateurs, the rest is professionally produced porn with actors and awkward angles and crappy lighting.

And the part that is actually amateur is people that actively get off on filming themselves so it is easy for them to have a good time while filming themselves.

As a woman it is rare for me to see moves in porn that look good to me. The fingering in particular is super fucking rough and makes me cringe even seeing it.
I met him here too
Anyone else get horny reading incest questions on quora?
I tried playing other 4x games
I didn't get it.
This never would’ve worked out smart women cheat because they can get away with it lol you’re obviously not a himbo
I watch both, I hate cuck stuff but it’s where I can reliably find women getting fucked hard by big dick. I watch a lot of Jmac too
I would pull the trigger as soon as he reaches for the gun 2bqh
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So you have never been on a date in 29 years?
It seems hot to me, I like the visuals. I can’t do a lot of things they do without a big dick
I sometimes play Civ VI and I sometimes play Civ V and I sometimes play Civ IV.

I will not play Civ VII because my computer will not be powerful enough to run it, and because three different Civs already meet my needs.
Fuck of Leyley
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
This guy gets upset when we give him the wrong thing and makes a point of saying it. Has made me go back to the store to switch cakes for him.
What I'm asking is that he thinks about what to give me, not just have it told to him the day before. I never said I wanted anything big, but something. Fuck, a $10 pen. A card.
>It seems hot to me, I like the visuals.
That's totally fair, that's what porn is for.

>I can’t do a lot of things they do without a big dick
Like what though? Because if anything there are a lot of acts (deepthroating, anal, going balls deep) that are a lot easier to pull off with a smaller size. And a lot of porn tropes like having a woman gag/choke on your dick during oral or yelp in pain during penetration, are not at all fun for the woman to experience, even if it's an ego boost for the guy.
Would you say it’s good for him? Would he be able to come that way?
Are you going to pass up doggy sex?
Anon, come on, you're ruining your own birthday by fixating on him.
>Would you say it’s good for him?
Yes, he initiates it most of the time.

>Would he be able to come that way?
Probably only under similar conditions, if I got him really really pent up, lubed up my thighs and then forbade him from going actually inside, he probably would cum at some point. But my boyfriend is not super young and sexually experienced and under normal circumstances he wouldn't.
Odds that he knows exactly how I feel and is toying with me because he's a psychopath?
I guess I am, you're right and I shouldn't be focusing on him. But fuck me if I want half the treatment I give them, I get called entitled.
What about the girls who asked you out over the years? Did you reject them all?
The problem is it would be an ego boost. It’d at least be more intense for the woman. If I didn’t hurt her I just think it’d feel better for both of us
Heh. See you at the lovers of /atoga/ convention!
Where are they supposed to approach me if I don't leave my house?
>It’d at least be more intense for the woman.
Okay but do you feel that way? If somehow you were sucking on a woman's boobs so hard that your mouth filled up with bile, would you think "wow so intense" or would you feel panicky and grossed out?

Most people simply like to feel pleasure during sex. Not real pain, no puke.
You know they're doing it on purpose right?
Have you ever been teased in elementary school by boys who liked you?
That's what they do when they want your attention.
High school or college maybe?
If you had one last chance to say something to her what would it be?
No, I haven't talked with them even in uni.
This way of thinking is baffling.
Can big dicks not be pleasurable too? I just feel like I could use less if I needed to but I can’t use more if she wants more, you know
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>What about the girls who asked you out
every time
If it’s big, she can’t take it all in and press her nose to your groin and breathe in your scent. So…
I am a virgin, it just seems celebrated to have a big dick and balls.
those are some poorest larps i ever seen n the internet
Do women like that? Seems like with practice they could
Because of porn. Porn is a visual medium. Exaggerated features are celebrated there because they’re more visually stimulating.

Something looking good and something being good to use are not always the same.
It's a trope in romance books too, which women are the majority, if not exclusive, consumers of
If it’s mentally stimulating wouldn’t it turn her on mentally more?
With an 8” dick? Fucking hell, no I couldn’t.

Actually with 8” I’m not sure I could take all of that during normal sex, he’d never be able to go balls deep. If he insisted on trying, he’d hurt me and that would be the end of our association.
Any femanons itt with roast beef pussy lips?
I hate you too
What about me though? I've been nothing but kind to you!
>tfw I am him now
Then what’s your ideal size?
No, you idiot.

Let me put it this way. You know those gigantic swords you see in anime? Oversized, fuck-off big with weird shapes and designs?

They’re common in anime because they’re dramatic and look cool. Try wielding a sword that’s ACTUALLY that big or weirdly-shaped and you’ll realize how awful it is.
Roastie supremacy
I think about ~5” is my preference, maybe slightly shorter. It’s average for a reason, and that reason is because it works well for the majority of people. I’m also kinda petite/short, so I don’t have a lot of depth to begin with. I can touch my own cervix when I finger myself, and that’s only ~3 inches. It gets a little longer when I’m aroused but not by much. If he’s banging on my cervix, that’s too deep.
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Wake up honey
New world order just got an update!
That’s the problem, they look cool. If women think they look cool it’s a good thing right?
he tells me he wants to spend his life with his female friend but doesn't "see her that way" so talks to me

why am I torturing myself with him now I feel bad and don't know how to respond or if I should just leave him alone
You’re on /adv/ and you still trust put this much trust in women good lord new fag
Bb i use a dagger for that sneak attack extra 3 d 6
If you insist on being this dense, I can’t help you.

I suppose it doesn’t matter anyway. You can’t change your dick size, so convincing you one way or another won’t make a difference. If you’re so dense that you think being painfully big and difficult to work with is a blessing, then have at it.
A lot of women like feeling full don’t they? Touching the back of the vagina is pleasurable for some.(isn’t the A spot a thing?) Plus what about a woman with a bigger vagina?
Yep, definitely not average life.
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Men and Women
What are your thoughts on this?
Is the original girl right or the reply right
I'd live him alone. he sounds like he's in denial. I'm sorry, anon...
You deserve someone who wants to spend their life with you, not live in the shadow of a "best friend"
Is 8” painfully big?
Kill him
They're both right
>why am I torturing myself
I don't know, Anon
Why do you torture yourself?
You keep asking questions about him, yet, you completely disregard every single advice you're given regarding him, what exactly do you hope to achieve here besides venting?
I have a feeling she's the decade girl
Feeling full doesn’t take much work. We’re not super loose, even a relatively average-size dildo (~4”) will give us a feeling of fullness. But being stretched too much can hurt, and it feels a lot like being stabbed from inside with a sharp knife. I’ve actually blacked out from that kind of pain before, it made me want to throw up.

The average vagina length doesn’t differ all that much. Not enough to make 8” suddenly seem normal.
What was the biggest penis you’ve encountered sexually?
What’s the most pleasurable penis you’ve encountered sexually?
One more chance to be deep? I would say that in hindsight our relationship was misguided, reckless, painful, and it took almost a year for me to recover from, but I regret none of it, and would not have it any other way. I appreciate what she showed me, and who I am now for having been with her. She holds a special place in my heart, and I will always love her.
There's truth in both these. It's hard to be a parent and work full time, and do house chores. That doesn't mean it's not possible.
I also think for a man/woman to justify being the sole "breadwinner" they really should at the bare minimum be making double the minimum wage.
People make do with what they have. I just don't understand why a guy would tell me to stop working when we have a family if I know for a fact we'll all be much better off if we both work. I like to spoil my family from time to time. You kinda need to be higher middle class and up to be able to sustain a wife/husband and the kids alone while providing a level of comfort.
It's obvious single parents aren't usually providing high levels of comfort.
6.2”. I measured because I thought he was bigger than he was, because it looked scary when I first saw it.

>most pleasurable
Smaller than the ~6” one, probably closer to 5”. I didn’t exactly measure but the difference was noticeable and much closer to my preferred dildo which is, according to the manufacturer, 4.9”.
yeah this really really stings...
I can't
people vent here all the time even if it isn't gioyc
I'm pretty sure these are contradictory statements, at least morally
I guess my thought process is
What if
>she’s got a big ass
>she’s got a big vagina
>her favorite position doesn’t let you go that deep
>she likes the feeling of it in the back of her vagina

Maybe I’m overestimating how big vaginas are
>people vent here all the time even if it isn't gioyc
Yes, but that's besides the point.
What are YOU trying to achieve here?
I’ve literally never posted in goyic
How so?
I'm saying a single parent is capable of sustaining a child, just not comfortably. It's hard to have all that responsibility without another parent.
Girls I was just checking my back and I noticed something concerning
There are no deep cuts from your nails anywhere, just old faded scars
Care to explain?
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I mean like we're all saying like single mothers have it so hard they need help, then to turn around and use single mothers as an example and go "shut up men, if single moms can do it, so can you!"
isn't that kind of undermining the first point?
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>stop trying to "get" the girl and just fool myself into believing she already likes me
That made it easier to talk to women. Of course I still don't know how to actually escalate into anything more than casual banter but at least I can get that far.

I'm assuming women can tell when you're trying to court them and if it seems like you're trying too hard they don't like it. It's kind of weird because you're just showing that you like them but whatever.
Doesn’t that lengthen when they’re aroused?
They don't need a guy to survive.
They would need a guy for comfort.
Need to dump my potent load in/on an open cervix.
Thanks for posting this. You're not him
I wanted different perspectives on scenarios I have gone through. I just don't get why he talks to me like he does. he says he doesn't feel romantically towards but something feels off. she's his favorite person because she was nice to him during low times. i feel like a terrible rebound.
Other people get stuck in a rut because complaining about their lives is easier than taking steps to fix their lives. What's your excuse?
You don't regret breaking her heart and abusing her?
You are a terrible rebound. If you deserve better then do something about it. If you don't deserve better then keep being the terrible rebound.
The single moms are not the focus here
The logic goes like this
Single mom = unsurvivable stress, right? hence they need help
but when they say if single mom can do it, so can you it means
Single mom going through unsurvivable stress means you can too!
except the first point is saying how stressful that is, you see what I'm saying?
It’s fun to shit on people struggling at something so easy as life
Yes, but not very much.

I don’t know that we have a ton of data on that phenomenon specifically because it’s somewhat hard to measure, but I know that mine (being pretty close to average) doesn’t gain more than an inch. Hard to imagine even the 5” girls gaining a whole goddamn 3” to their vaginas.

The average woman, and even people on either side of average on that bell curve, are not made to swallow 8” dicks up their vaginas. We’re not goddamn horses.
>ive already been with him for five years, why would i give up now?
from someone who is very clearly being cheated on. is this what stockholm syndrome looks like?
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Ladies (no guys, your social skills are useless, fuck off)

I recently got hot. Divorced a year ago.

Women are approaching me for short term relationships. They all seem to want to validate their beauty and value as women by sleeping with me. I am actually not sure what to do with this ... I ... keep misinterpreting their signals as friendship seeking.

Am I just a fuckin wuss? I don't wanna just fuck these girls and leave them to rattle around in the win of life.
How can you still like the opposite gender, after reading /adv/ posts, Twitter, viral TikTok/YouTube videos?
State your gender.
Then why are size queens a thing? I know they’re rare but they exist
>Twitter, viral TikTok/YouTube videos?
I don't look at these.

I still love women because /adv/ is not enough to make me stop loving women.
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I don't
Because i realize the internet isnt real life?
So, how do lady bits taste?
I'm not a lesbian
I mean I'm saying it's doable, just not the ideal. I don't think anyone disagrees that being a single parent isn't ideal.

In the first post, a woman is saying that single moms can and do provide for their families.
The 2nd post the implication seems to be that either men have been using breadwinning as an excuse to not take care of their kids and help around the house, or an implication that it was women who were pretending they couldn't work? (the first one is more common, especially because "weaponized incompetence" is something thrown at men specifically)
Women I’ve met irl are so much nicer than online.
Gib me a chance!
Women on the internet are horrible
Women IRL are incredibly lovely
Because bell curves are a thing, and there are people who exist on the tail end of those curves. Using abnormal examples to define your expectations for the other 95% of the shaded area inside the bell curve is asinine.
Reading what men type here really disgusts me. But thankfully I know a lot of good guys irl.
that's what he always does. I'm just listening to him complain about everything in his life too just like she does. no one can help him but himself. it just feels sad and numb and like a heavy feeling is on my chest. catching feelings is so fucked up for me.
I might take a nap or leave him alone for awhile. I don't kniw how to confront him about calling me couple if he us like this
Did you know that women on the internet are also women IRL?
>In the first post, a woman is saying that single moms can and do provide for their families.
Yeah, but it's not an ideal situation, in fact, it is a situation you wouldn't want to wish upon anyone else
so using them like role models like look at them, they did it, is kind of glorifying pain and stress, innit?
like, no just because they did it, does not mean it's something everybody should be capable of doing, that kind of stress is not something you should wish upon others
Like bosses telling their employees how Tom hadn't taken a vacation in six years, that's not normal, that shouldn't be the norm, other employees shouldn't use Tom as a role model.
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>If you knew your child was going to have a psychological or developmental defect, ie downs or autism, would you abort them?

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No, listen up you fucking sluts.

I've given great advice to you ladies over the years without a single blowjob in return.

You owe me empathetic insight.
Women, what's the secret to making you love me?
>that's what he always does.
No, that's what you do. You complain and you complain and you complain. But you don't act. You're going to take a short break, you might take a nap or leave him alone for awhile, then you're going to go back and let him treat you like shit some more, so that you can come back here to complain and complain and complain but take no action forever.
Yes my gf and I have both agreed and on this
If it's before 6 months, Yes, I will abort
No, they're not. Women act differently on the internet than in real life. Same goes with men. Same goes for most people who have a different persona when hanging out with large groups of people vs hanging out with only 1 person.
Right tranner
Because some of them have trained themselves to take abnormally large docks. The vagina is full of muscles and muscles can be trained.

Why they do this is beyond me but some of them really go through the work to do that. Most of the ones I’ve seen are either in some kind of fetish circle or porn though.
>so using them like role models like look at them, they did it, is kind of glorifying pain and stress, innit?
Not really, if I'm genuinely trying to meet her where she's at with the post and not being disingenuous, seems like she's saying "women make due, so how come men can't?"
>like, no just because they did it, does not mean it's something everybody should be capable of doing, that kind of stress is not something you should wish upon others
When you have a kid, that kid is your responsibility, and despite being a single parent is an extremely hard feat to manage successfully, it is the reality of having children. Your partner may leave you at any given time. Your partner may die. That's just the possibility. Your child wouldn't be any less yours if you're single. Like I'm trying to say: you have no choice in those cases. Unless you consider giving your child up to someone else or government entities an option, which I sure as fuck wouldn't.
Being a child of a single parent is hard, but it's even harder to go to the foster care system.

>Like bosses telling their employees how Tom hadn't taken a vacation in six years, that's not normal, that shouldn't be the norm, other employees shouldn't use Tom as a role model.
This is not applicable to parenting. Because parenting is not a job you log into, it's your obligation.
My gf does whatever I tell her to do including hating herself for not making me happy
State gender
Have you ever ruined someone's life? If you did it unknowingly would you want them to inform you?
alright, I guess we don't agree on this.
lets move on shall we?
I don't know what to tell you anon, I don't think you're a wuss, you just don't want to fuck them. That's valid, there's no issue here.
Women like going after men who've proven their worth (having being married means someone already liked you enough to go that far, so it's validating for them as women if you fuck them). Doesn't mean you have to say yes. Doesn't make you a pussy.
I made this dorky faggot drop out of our schools science project because I told him that girls were making fun of his robotic food dispenser when in reality he probably had the best project amongst the team even better than my baking soda volcano
I did, and it wasn't on purpose.
I informed her, profoundly apologized but I couldn't really do anything. I didn't need her to inform me because I noticed it before her.
you don't know that, stop being hyperbolic. and he does talk about his personal issues a lot. stop deflecting.
F. I don't like you
Girls u finna let a aryan trapstar goon in vril inside u or nah?
Its not that I dont like them
I just realize its something out of my reach so I dont interact with them
Standards are high these days and I simply dont reach
You complain about him every day, multiple times a day. What, should I now believe that you deserve his shitty treatment? I guess you must since you refuse to do anything about it.
What did u do
I was literally going to reply the same exact thing to one of his other posts.
I have a really hard time understanding when you say that standards are high for you regarding dating.
What do you think these standards are?
Do you think ugly poor average to short guys getting married are just outliers?
Skibbiti rizz
>Do you think ugly poor average to short guys getting married are just outliers?
uhh, yeah?
otherwise we'd all be ugly and short.
but since young people are getting better looking and taller, also their dicks are getting bigger, the trend for what is preferred is pretty clear.
F. same I was literally going to suck his dick
My FwB started to date her without telling me.
She moved towns for him, and even got a restraining order from her mom, because she wanted her to study at a better uni.
So she ruined her relationship with her mom, and went to a shittier uni, with near to 0 cash on her pocket for this guy.
When I found out I sat her down and told and shown her what was happening. And obviously stopped all contact with this guy.
Finna on that lvl 10 gyatt rizzler
She actually doesn't know I've been married.

I honestly don't ... I have no idea how to explain it. I kept a lot of secrets from my ex wife. I hated myself for it. I kinda lied about random stories because I met her online super young and was just trying to pretend to be impressive.

I ... kinda weirdly don't feel like I deserve real love? I have this weird desire to help these women feel good about themselves, the way I never was able to fully help my ex.

I'm a mess lmao.
>just outliers
You cant fix ugly, you cant fix anxiety and even if you do get to somewhat passing in those, women have enough options to shoot for better. As a woman you dont have to settle
Every women I interact with IRL seems to be already dating someone.
The only reliable place I know to find single women is dating apps.
Women on dating apps have high standards out of necessity, not because they're shallow or anything like that, but because high standards are the only way to wade through the torrential deluge of attention they receive on dating apps.

Maybe women have lower standards in real life, but real life women don't send me any signals that they want to be approached.
People really come here to post their average asf life and pretend like they’re the main character in a romantic drama like fr nah
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Look, some of us have huge cocks and have to wear tight suit pants all day.

Our lives are what they are.
I did confront him about her. I'm taking some of these steps now.
When are you going to confront him about how he behaves WITH YOU?
Delusional from some femboy faggot that posts his twink asshole on >>>/gif/
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Bro you're radiating pussyless vibes right now.

Imagine being literally astonished that some women use men like me to validate themselves.

Sad. Mant such cases.
Did you know only 35% of autistic adults marry? Autistic women have an easier time getting into long-term relationships. This means that out of every 10 autistic people, roughly 3 are getting married, and those 3 are all women. Out of 50 autistic people, roughly 17 are getting married, and only a small proportion of those will be men.
i don't know, nobody has ever loved me, so even the people i've felt love for never liked me back, so things never went anywhere. i think there's a lot of advice for making women like you, just like, being nice, being funny and exciting, be reliable and trustworthy. there's not much good advice for women who want to be liked by men. all you fucking say is "uhh its easy its literally so easy you dont have to do fucking anything", but when people still dont like me, people just dont BELIEVE ME.
And that’s all you will ever be a tool for women to use kek delusional virign
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Is this guy a troll or what.

I've been on 4chan since 2011 and I have no idea who this nerd is.
>but when people still dont like me
people don't don't like you, Anon
People you like don't like you.
>"I should talk to people more"
>talk to people more
>constantly agonize over dumb awkward shit I do
shid :D
Incels mad holy shit fuck off permavirgin take care of your sickly dying italian mother lmao
>all you fucking say is "uhh its easy its literally so easy you dont have to do fucking anything",
Listen, I'm not going to gaslight you. I just want to know what makes you think nobody has ever loved you? I'm sure someone has loved you but you didn't love them back just the same. Perhaps you're focused on the wrong people?
What's wrong with being a permavirgin?
yeah that's what people always say. you just don't believe me, and no advice is given.

i have no social contacts. i have two people in my phone that would reply to a text message, my uncle and my therapist. i've never had anybody try to be my friend in my life.
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>Do you think ugly poor average to short guys getting married are just outliers?
They got married before dating apps. We live in a different world now. It's time to accept that the world of our parents' generation no longer exists.

Dating apps won, and the rest of us lost.
I'm not going through this dance today.
my eyes are way too dry and irritated for this shit.
Just here to remind everyone of rear entry standing/bent sex against a chain link fence, also fuck female managers and outfield and FUCK pitchers.
I'm sortof doing that right now actually, but I am seeing if he can put two and two together and will expand on it himself
>chain link fence
That sounds painful
If I offered to be your friend right now you'd decline. I believe that you're struggling but I don't believe you're so awful that nobody has ever cared for you. You probably just don't take the opportunities.
>but I am seeing if he can put two and two together and will expand on it himself
He can't. Your hints are nowhere near as clear as you imagine them to be. You are the best at avoiding clarity and confrontation because you hope he will read your mind. Nobody is as good at being avoidant as you.

Why wait? Waiting isn't going to make you feel any better. Waiting is going to keep you trapped in this cycle of feeling like shit. Tell him now.
NTA, same position as him though.
I would accept new friends, but my issue is that most of the time, after the "honeymoon" phase ends, they just stop talking to me and I would always have to initiate any conversation, which gets tiring and boring after a while.
>they just stop talking to me and I would always have to initiate any conversation, which gets tiring and boring after a while.
I know exactly how you feel. If you aren't an extroverted person then you kind of have to push yourself to keep reaching out to people. It's something that I know be true for myself but still refuse to do out of fear.

I'm trying to be better about it now. I don't want to be old with nobody.
I've never hated anyone like I hate him and I don't know what to do with all this anger
I met my ex wife on 4chan.

Pretty sure it was the worst relationship any two humans have ever been in. My God.
whos him and why do you hate him
>Tfw I'm not him
>feels good
I respect your struggle, it's valid, but I'm a little wary of women wanting men to be "exciting". I think there are some stereotypes of women pursuing excitement through "bad boys" at the expense of pursuing what's actually healthy, and I think those stereotypes aren't entirely without a basis in reality.
how did you even manage this
I literally don't know where to start or how to organize my thoughts on how I feel about the certain things pertaining to him/me/us. I don't kniw where to start :(
>Have ADHD
>keep getting distracted from jacking off by /atoga/
>keep getting distracted from /atoga/ by porn I was using to jack off
such is life.
You could be him for all I know
>4chan relationship fails
>cries about it in blue boards
The irony kek
Nah, I'm not him.
He ain't a loser like me, I feel it.
"Hey, this is a little heavy, but can we talk? This has been weighing on me for a while, and even if it hurts I really need to get some resolution soon. I just don't know where I stand with you, and some of the mixed signals I'm getting are confusing and even a little painful. Without beating around the bush, could you tell me exactly what sort of relationship you'd like to have with me, and how you'd like us to get there?"
last time I got really upset I took a knife and started stabbing my door a lot and screamed here and there. that helped, felt good. pretend it's him.
That's how you stab yourself, sweaty, don't do that.
nothing wrong with that if you don't care
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We met on /soc/.

I was fucking around trolling people as a fucking 19 year old, and she was planning on leaving her boyfriend of 7 years and being slutty on /soc/.

She was ultra insecure and ... I don't even know what happened. We were two losers who fell in love.
how can i stab myself if I am stabbing a door
No he very much is a loser
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>Dating apps won
Dating Apps are dead in the water because their customers are running away. Contrary to what people on the internet tell you, women have never been fond of them and men are realising too that they hopelessly outnumber women on these platforms, meaning that most of them will be invisible. The entire concept is broken and by perpetuating the idea that dating apps were the only way to meet people you are making them seem bigger than they are.

I'm certain that dating apps will make a comeback eventually but they'll have to reinvent the wheel first.
You say that
and then it turns into
how did i stab myself if I am stabbing a door? when ur on the Amberlamps
Nah, he knew a girl, he ain't a loser in my eye.
I've never known any girl, can't be me, no.
I can't just stab a fucking door, anon wtf
>muh stock price
I will wait for dating apps to stop being the primary form of how people meet before I accept the downfall of dating apps.
I mean, you could, I wouldn't recommend it, but you could.
Free will is Freak will.
One cut for biebs
sorry. i'm very frustrated today. i barely slept and i think i have a cold. complaining in a thread like this one is not a productive thing and i shouldnt have done that.

my parents definitively did not love me and that has effected my whole life afterward. i do not really think i'm some unloveable freak, i am just super offputting to strangers which makes forming new connections very difficult and i haven't succeeded yet. nobody has loved me because not many people have had a chance to know me, but i am still a young person and i probably still have time, i hope.

sorry to have inadvertently posted like, bait, i guess. i feel it sincerely but its really jsut going to lead to conflict which i dont want anyway, i just feel like lashing out because i am frustrated.

i just have heard other women want excitement. i want to settle down and have nothing exciting happen to me again. i want to live a quiet life.
Unbelievably faggoted
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women... did i type something wrong? she hasn't responded to me since tuesday
she probably read into your message as "i dont want to hear about this and you are annoying" because she's very anxious. you didnt say anything objectively wrong or unreasonable, but a person's mind can make the reasonable unreasonable, even against their wishes.
It's so fucking painful to be completely neglected. I realized that normies have friends, cousins and family inviting them to things constantly and I have no one. I am forced to do it.
yes you can depends on your living situation. stab something else, I read someone has a stab box full of objects they fuck up. get that aggression out. stabbing door was really good for me to help release emotions.
not a woman, but I feel like that's a "do you want to hang out" moment instead of a "talk to your therapist" moment
But I'm an autistic virgin, so
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If everyone is meeting over dating apps you'd have to wonder why their business model is failing.

Take a look at the graph in >>31489409, it says "Online" it doesn't say "on dating apps". This may also mean "met on instagram", "twitter", "reddit", "4chan", whatever. And especially younger demographics aren't predominantly using online platforms to meet - why would they? They still get to meet plenty of people through school and social activities. Online dating is for desperate millennials and literal psychopaths.

>In two brief studies (N = 581) we compared Tinder-users to non-users in individual differences associated with short-term mating (i.e., psychopathy, Machiavellianism, narcissism [the Dark Triad traits], and anxious attachment) and mate value. We revealed that the men who were Tinder users were especially high in psychopathy and narcissism and women who were Tinder users were especially high in anxious attachment and rated themselves as unsuccessful in finding relationship partners.

This idea that online dating was where normal people find their partners is simply not true.
You’re too boring she needs excitement and you’re too much of an incel to pleasure her
Women biologist who collects funkos pops or man with a part time custodial job that doesn't collect funko pops?
>i want to settle down and have nothing exciting happen to me again
Do you have any desire to travel to far off places, to wander through nature and see the natural wonders of the world, or to explore foreign lands and see the great paintings, statues and architecture of history? That idea excites me, but I feel like such a boring bore when my first concern is The Budget, how much we should spend on excitement and how much we should save on boring stuff like quality of life funds, rainy day funds, and future children's education funds.
you're in a MFM threesome
would you kiss the girl.
Sha la la la la la I'm too shy.
I don't mind my own dick, but someone else's dick been in there recently, so... nah
>you're in a MFM threesome
How did I end up in this situation? Give me something to work with!
>you're in a MFM threesome
No I’m not.
i want to go to waterparks with my kids and husband and i one day want to go to where my ancestors lived but i think that is about it. i just want people who are warm and let me hold them and care about me and i can take care of them, and i want to sleep peacefully and i want to be calm.
I would never be in a mfm threesome
That's just gay sex with a witness
All sizes are beautiful, girls.
XXS or Medium, you are perfect.
Nta but where else would I cry about it?
Very wholesome, I hope you find what you're looking for.

Even though it's unproductive, you can keep on venting when you're frustrated sometimes. Treat yourself occasionally.
see >>31489468
i feel like that is goin to REALLY suck after hit send
I just had a dream the a girl tried to stab me so i held her down and tried to get my friend to call the police. Then my friend told me she like me or some shit and i literally got gaslit into believing there was nothing wrong with her trying to stab me...

I'm going to eventually end up with an abusive bpd girl, aren't i atoga?
it doesnt make me any happier to be mad or argue with people. i think mostly what i want is a hug but thats not possible and being frustrated (even if its justified) just makes people mad at me.
Write your own version of it. Having answers will suck less then living in limbo where he treats you like shit for all eternity.
Bottle it up like a real man you fucking pussy
I'm not a man, dick
There are people who get frustrated and vent here every single day. If you only do it like once a month then you're far ahead when it comes to self regulation and healthy behavior.

>just makes people mad at me
"This too shall pass."
>women... did i type something wrong?
She wanted to talk to you, and you told her to shut up and talk to a therapist instead.
What's wrong with a little stabby stab anon? :)
Curse of being bi I suppose
right, but its like, dumb. to do that. if it just makes me feel unhappy, right? venting in a place that doesnt care about me and just stresses me out more is a bad move.
It's hard to feel bad for foids because it's your own choice to be alone. Fuck off.
>there's a lot of advice for making women like you, just like, being nice, being funny and exciting, be reliable and trustworthy. there's not much good advice for women who want to be liked by men.
I'm not sure I want a woman who is exciting, exactly, but all of those other traits are definitely things that would make me like you. I think that advice applies to both genders, really.
Actually, you're right, I was looking at it from the wrong perspective. I assumed you have both benefits and drawbacks from venting. If it's all drawbacks then skip it.

But if you ever do vent in a moment of weakness, don't beat yourself up over it. Even if you get some negative reactions. Everybody makes people mad on 4chan sometimes. I did it too recently, I think. I ruined some girl's thread and made her uncomfortable by acting too personal. But even after I creeped her and ruined her thread, I still think she's going to find her way to a good life somehow. I'll just try to learn from it and be less of an ass in the future.
how shitty do you think he treats me
Going to my favorite museum and then my favorite Italian restaurant.
You complain about him every day. Was it all in your head, are you just imagining your shit treatment?
Gross shitalian food is the same red sauce done 1000 times even more pretentious than fucking sashimi
so it is that bad
I’ve been masturbating 2-3 times a day. God I need a wife
i guess what i mean is venting feels nice, but this is a bad place for it. nobody here cares about me, which is normal, nobody has any reason to, and there's plenty of people who will automatically be mad at me just for who i am too. if i had people who gave a shit about me to vent to who would be kind, venting would be nice, but here it just leads to arguing and that makes me feel worse.

anyway. thanks.
I'm so sad about him idk if I can even masturbate now since he has been my fuel
>I’ve been masturbating 2-3 times a day.
>God I need a wife
how are those things related?
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Women, do you like cosplays?
Do you like cosplaying?
I've been masturbating 4-5 times a month, I'm soooo fucked up bros
If you deserve better then do something about it. Can you really say that you deserve better if you'll do nothing?
Wife means sex, satisfying my urges better
Why do cosplayers have such big tits?
The only people I follow are ones who post about hobbies. Social media hasn't put me off of women, it's put me off of people with no interests besides their own image.
I only come to /adv/ for this thread.
>t. eats cow shit
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>Wife means sex
My gf can cosplay as a latina velma it’s cute
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It's a job requirement
Most of my girlfriends and I have always texted when we weren’t together.
I am currently seeing a girl who is really busy all the time and doesn’t seem to be a really big texter and it feels really weird to me to the point where I question wether or not she’s actually interested.
When we’re together she’s super affectionate and expressive but I don’t hear from her a lot otherwise.
Like I wonder if it’s indicating low interest or something
If she's rightly ashamed of the Funkos I'll let it slide.
I think a lot of posters here care about a lot of other posters here, including posters who care about you. I can think of two reasons why you might disagree, (1) because we only care about the superficial version of "you" as you appear on 4chan, separate from the full true version of how you actually exist in real life, and (2) because it's easy for us to "care" when it's easy come easy go, when there's no stakes for us and no real investment of time or energy. But despite that, I think it says something that a lot of people are searching for ways to care for others however they can. People are the same all over. Someday you're going to find plenty of people who care about you in real life, because the people you'll meet are searching for ways to care and share their kindness too.
I miss you too, mommy. I love you so much.
Holy fuck that’s your gf?!
I would still use the word retard. Not on my child of course, but on anons and lolcows.
It does if you aren’t a retard and make her feel good
Yeah I thought I posted her before lol
Just came home after watching Bad Boys 2 in theatres
Holy shit this woman is your gf!? You lucky basterd!
Men, do you miss her?
Aight, see ya guys later. bed time.
NTA but good post
is it weird for a 27-29 yo to hang around 19-21yos online, platonically
I'm too fat for cosplay
Lol thanks man
You idiots. He keeps posting a streamer that he claims looks like his gf.
Yeah but only because 19-21 y/os are annoying
They are both men. I was asking the women.
Obsessed. My youtube channel has never been posted here kek
Help your uncle jack off the horse.
WTF is every e-couple breaking up?
I am confused.
This girl I’ve been seeing and I were texting / flirting and I basically said “sounds like you have a new boyfriend,”
And she says “:) and he’s a good one too!” And then she came over and spent the night and in my head we made things official.
But we were talking the last time we were together and she basically said she’s really slow to open up and be vulnerable but she wants to be and wants to work on it and it’s difficult for her to have serious conversations.
I don’t know if I should actually ask her if we’re exclusive or if I should just wait to bring it up. But I want her to be my gf and idk if we’re actually on the same page when I told her I’m her new boyfriend
I mean, i am over thirty and i hang out here with some idiots that are probably around 20. Kinda cringe but it is what it is. Likely i am immature af.
You watched it alone? Were there many people?
Oh my god is this is your gf?? Take the crown king!
If I wear a Burzum shirt as a swarthy boi, will people still think I’m a chud? Filosofem is a really good album
What is this trend of people saying that your attraction isn't real if it's towards someone you see on a routine basis, .i.e. classmates. Did the Internet entirely destroy people's perception of dating?
That is not what i said at all you moron. Now post her titts again.
Thanks bro all you!
Gtfo coomer like comment and subscribe faggot haha
No I was with my cousin. The theatre was half full
You were right latinas look so weird wearing glasses
Not yet
I will be reheating chicken soup that my mommy made. Should I cook up some pasta or toast some bread to accompany it?
What a cutie!
And that's a GOOD thing!
Oh that makes sense, I thought you were asking bisexuals, sorry anon.
Oh wow a 5/10 with makeup and filters on I'm soo jelly bro
Women, I just spent $200 setting up a skincare routine. Thoughts on this?
Should I study to become a physiotherapist or is it just gonna be me touching old people? I think there must be a way to get involved with athletes too, no?
Women do you think men are just a nuisance?
I hate talking stages so much. Met this cute guy, super funny and charming, always plans and pays for dates, brings me stupid shit like a can of coke or a flower 'just because' on a tuesday, and this has been going on for 3 months now.
Yesterday we were at a riverside park, chilling, and I asked him what are we
>friends with benefits I guess
I said what if I wanted more
>oh man here we go
he muttered, I asked what he meant by that, and he flat out said he got cheated on by a ltr 6 months ago and is not looking to enjoy the remainder of his youth and not commit any time soon. He's 31 btw.
Not just.
I absolutely hate being 30 and single but holy shit am I grateful to not be a zoomer having to grow up in this environment.
I’ll admit ENTJ’s girlfriend is cute
I decided on cooking pasta. Thanks for nothing.
Sounds like he’s just not ready for something long term, which sucks.
You can continue to spend time with him but atleast you know now what you’re getting into.
If you’re not looking to just be a fuck buddy I would just tell him that and find someone who wants to commit to you.
Sorry anon this isn’t fun and I know that really sucks.
He could also just not want to rush into anything and could very well just be afraid of getting hurt again so keep that in mind.

Any insight in this >>31489642 ?
I love these posts. Made my day better.
How can I finally make him ask me out?
I tried everything, showing legs, hiding legs, changing hairstyle, changing make up, being smart, being stupid, being shy, being smug etc. Nothing works
what else then?
you let him use you and when confronted he made up a retarded story to convince you that's he's a good guy lmao
Fuck you she’ll never be as pretty or as good as a girlfriend I would be to you fucker
I don't think so, he just got run through and broken by a whore.
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Why tf would you want a man that is not smitten by you naturally? Have some dignity.
I'm sure that's the truth
Lmao even
He cute
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to be fair he looks younger. No ex wives or kids to speak of.
It's easy to judge someone you've never met. Too easy, in fact.
I repeat, have some god damn dignity.
Ask him out yourself
sub5’6 women, please do the honorable thing and just cease to exist pls thx
Foids throw all self-respect out of the window when it comes to Chads, but they make 100 rules for average men and make them jump through hoops.
Is it normal to have acne on the base of the cock where your penis meets your pelvis? I have some even though I wash daily
I mean, he behaves like a teenager so it does check out.
I would die of fear and embarrassment
Sub5’6 women, please do the honorable thing and wear a cute outfit with heels and wait for me in the bedroom
Genderbent Baron Harkonnen maybe?
Unfortunately for you, men also get scared and embarrassed
I'm not that fat
Is it fordyce spots? i have some of those as well. I dont like it, but i think its normal
well its in an online game kind of environment, I'm not necessarily trying to be a keystone player in their personal circle.
Kinda but they actually pop like pimples
Any updates on Dantes and Laura situation?
Why do you hate children?
>they actually pop like pimples
Oh, well then i have no idea...
I'm losing weight hater
Girls ≠ women. If you are legal age and lacking sexual maturity characteristics like being a healthy height then you are a burden to society
>Straight men, would you want to taste another man's dick?
I'm proud of you, now hurry up and cosplay the Baroness while you still can.
Do you also have pearly penile papules?
My god dicks are so fucking disgusting.
Come on, pearly penile papules are hot as fuck
I might puke.
I hate men
I was never that fat bro
Think about how we feel sis, we have to carry the stupid fucking thing around all day
And I'm proud of you, I really am, but if you won't find the courage to cosplay her then who will?
Rent free :^)
I still love you
I don't think you're emotionally and mentally prepared for a frank and honest discussion about vaginas.
Met her sister last night. Wew lads I got fucking grilled. Meeting her other sister today. Women, need pro tips for impressing sister siblings.
alright, makes sense; thanks
>hang out
if you mean coming over and stuff, it's impossible because we're 4k+ miles apart
How can someone be legitimately smart but also a heavy stoner and drinker?
ur tweet :(
Can you take me higher?
I have an average sized dick (6 inches) but it’s still too big for my girlfriend, she grunts and is on the verge of tears whenever we try sex.
Are you asking how such a phenomenon exists or are you asking how to become a smart alcoholic?
I got nothing but that sounds cute as fuck, trying to convince someone that you love and respect the person they care about is such a sweet and romantic part of being together goddammit bro I wanna be in love so bad
State gender
What's your body count?
Ronnie the young trust fund manager left her >>31489792 on read. Again.
I know him, he’s me. Or, at least, was me. I reached 25 and had to put my money where my mouth was and do something with my life.
M, 1
F, 5
Higher on the street?
M, 1. And it's my cousin
M, 0

~250 +\- 30
I don't know what to tell you, most people who know me consider me pretty smart but I'm also a high-functioning alcoholic. A lot of great authors were major druggies/alcoholics
This one, no i don't

Vaginas have fordyce spots too you know...
i love women
Those are mutually exclusive.
>F, 5
That's a shame. I don't mind fordyce spots but I fucking love pearly penile papules
Ask any bum that goes canning and they’ll tell you the recycle bins that are filled with wine bottles are in front of the house of doctors/lawyers/engineers

My former father in law was a doctor. Also had his masters in philosophy. One of the smartest dudes I’ve ever met. But also a raging alcoholic.
0-1 if bjs count
Based and Bukowski pilled
>I fucking love pearly penile papules
Why? lol
I didnt think anyone would be into stuff like that . Different strokes i guess
NTA. Mine aren't even symmetrically distributed, a side of the head has more and bigger ones. I think I'm going to pretend that I don't like blowjobs from now on when the topic comes up.
Why do females hate nice, intelligent men?
>I think I'm going to pretend that I don't like blowjobs
What a waste
Explaining to someone that they're like genital warts but not contagious, and also not dried smegma or herpes, sounds like a fun conversation with a woman and totally not a mood killer.
Both genders,
Do you have a favorite porn scene?
My favorite is “Kristen Scott bound and machine fucked”
If you mean how can it be that they are smart but they still make an objectively unsensible decision - because anyone who is a heavy stoner and/or drinker is addicted and their behavior is based on that and not on any rational argument.

If you mean, how is it possible to indulge in a mind-numbing substance so often and still be a smart person - it takes a lot to actually destroy someone's mind, especially if someone still takes care of themselves in other ways (sleep, diet, social life, exercise...). If you get to a point where you actually e.g. never leave your house and spend the whole day smoking or drinking, then anyone would inevitably start either spouting paranoid complot theories/developing psychosis (smoking) or babbling mundane, incoherent nonsense (drinking) no matter how bright they once were.
I mostly wank to cowgirl and oral scenes. Does that count?
My girlfriend will kiss me in public sometimes if we are out a bar even if there are lots of people around
I’m not big into PDA but it makes me feel really good and it’s like she’s not afraid to be mine
what are your thoughts on men who don't have much bodily hair above the waist but a lot on the legs. Should they just shave it off
The PervMom with Syren de Mer
F, three if you count oral sex, one if penetration, five if you think making out counts.
Personally I like (all) body hair but you should do what makes you feel most sexy/confident, that is always appealing in itself.
Women do you get chest hair?
>Kristen Scott
I hope she'll let her hair grow back eventually
Faye Reagan Freckled Freak, gets me going
Which one was the best?
No, I get a few stray hairs around my aerola but not between my boobs or in the cleavage area.
If you want every woman in the room to check you out, have her wear lipstick and plant a kissy mark on your cheek.

I originally thought it would be a giant “fuck off” sign but it turned out to get girls eyeballing me from head to toe. Women are weird man.
Its been a few days since I've said it last but I think it bears repeating, I love you ugly women.
Good for you anon, enjoy it.
Women love a taken man, it's like a vetting process. If a man is with a woman that means he's relatively normal and well-adjusted, in the eyes of other women
>between my boobs or in the cleavage area.
I was curious cause i saw one of those "All natural look how hairy i am as a woman" posts recently, and she did have hair in that area. I had no idea women could grow hair there
>a few stray hairs around my areola
Does that hurt to pluck?
I don't like porn much so I don't, but my favorite sex scene from a movie is the one at the start of Mektoub My Love: Canto Uno which is probably still up on some porn sites. I think the actors have great chemistry, her body is unreal and it feels quite passionate.
Hickeys have the same effect
>Syren de Mer
This woman owned my penis when I was ~15yo
Fuck shes a cutie man good job
I just couldn't, bro.

I'm sorry, ladies. I'm like some kind of warlord king with my women. You're literally my property in the bedroom and I need an introspective atmosphere to concentrate on the fine art of making you come as hard as possible.

Other dudes are fuckin awful at sex
Women, are lovey-dovey men cringe?
She’s considered fairly new to the porn industry kys zoomie coomer
>Does that hurt to pluck?
Nah, not nearly as bad as they can be around your eyes imo.

Yeah women can definitely be hairier, race and hormones can play a role, but there's also quite some women that suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome, there's lighter and more serious cases) and that causes extra hair growth too. E.g. I also naturally don't grow hair on my stomach (happy trail) or down my upper inner thighs, even though it's quite possible/common for women to grow hair there too. So it could be that some women do grow it naturally, I have never heard anyone complain of that but who knows...
I talked about this with a friend, the only way for this to not be gay is if each man has an exclusive hole and we're both only looking up or to the floor
Not necessarily. With these things (whether coming from men or women) I feel the difference between cringe or not is mostly whether it's forced/performative, because you feel like this is the way you should act, or that you really feel it in the moment and it's (more) spontaneous.
have you ever been in a psychotic episode
I spent a few months in a psych ward, so kind of
>>>/r9k/ fagoid
I've never acted in any tv show
Women should men shave balls?
Daniella Wang Due West Our Sex Journey
My favorite part starts at around 11mins in
Yes, for probably 6 months back in 2015.
If say this last year is when I've finally becoming successful again.
I have dissociative identity disorder and have blackouts when my other takes over.

Waking up with bruises, a broken nose, and vaginal fluids all over my dick and not remembering any of it is a special kind of existential crisis.
I’m not interested in any other women. I actually really like this girl.
It’s just a really good feeling.

On the note of hickies I left her a couple on her chest while we were having sex without realizing it and that night at the bar she made a joke about how I must have been marking my territory.
Idk man just makes me feel like she’s really mine
No, never. I saw a close friend go through it once, though, and talked about it a lot with her. It seems frankly nightmarish. Took her about a year to recover 80%.
congrats, man
Thank you!
I don't care, I'm fine either way.
what kind of spell did this nigga cast on you
Yes, in between boobs and around areola. I shave it. I realize I may have PCOS in general though, also I have pale skin and dark body hair, I'm Caucasian, and they tend to have more hair than Asian or black/African women. If you look at physical anthropology body hair is one of the most variable traits, there's women who have more hair easily than an Asian man or black/African guy.
My body is covered in bruises and scratch marks at the moment from her tearing into me like a mountain lion and I actually like it.
He has the loviest voice...
>Yes, in between boobs and around areola.
eww what the fuck
Voiccels.. not again
Well if atoga is good for anything, its learning about all the weird syndromes women get
My girlfriend is actually pretty vanilla but I’m kinda into it.
I was talking to her about if she’s willing to try stuff and experiment sexually and she said she’d be down to do anything with me and word for word goes “I want you to lead me,”
And I literally got so bricked
TFW no mid-sized queen, equal parts thin and equal parts lean gf
Time to take voice acting lessons I guess
no but just a few days ago my friend called me to say his staff house is bugged and there are people in black glasses watching him.
cray shit, you simply can't talk a person out of it
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should I fap to normal porn or my grotesque fetish that I keep dreaming about?
depends, whats the fetish
you know
dont be shy, share with the class
its scat, its always scat
Seriously though. And then keep in mind this stuff comes on top of the "normal" things (so decades of menstruating, pregnancy and child labor and then menopause).
Futa is not grotesque and dreaming of it is natural.

If you were flirting with a guy and he said “It sounds like you have a new boyfriend,” in reference to himself, would you consider that him telling you he wants you to be his gf
is there some website that would list dating app usage per country?
State gender
Be honest with me anons, how down bad am I if just thinking about him makes my pussy twitch?
Girls, give me your Me Espresso. No more asking nicely, this is a demand.
Men, plump or chubby?
Sounds like 8/10 on the down bad scale
Skinny :3
Is there a difference? I assumed it meant the same thing. But yes, i do admittedly like squishy women
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It’s entirely about weight distribution. There is nothing sadder than a chubby girl with small tits.
Thats not plump... thats literally just big boobs.

Inquisition: does your pussy react if you are suddenly brought into contact with an extremely attractive man?
Plump in all of the right areas ;)
It's not a lot, but some of it is terminal. Mine is like the third from the left for the chest section. I guess if I have PCOS I just don't see a reason to treat it, I have more muscle mass than most women without exercising(though I do) and have at least a higher sex drive and love exercising/sports, so I sort of think it's related. I have no balding etc, I just don't see a reason to treat it(if I have it). I also have an identical twin sister and her body is different from mine(large breasts, narrower waist, wider hips/butt, smaller hip waist ratio, she has less body hair) since puberty.
Whats the difference, gut feeling tells me I want a plump woman
tummy should be fatter
State gender, Whats your thing?
Not even remotely true. Sure, some of the first gay people were likely men, but women have not been following for centuries, they've been pushing us along this ridiculous path. They are way more likely than men to support this crap.
>some of it is terminal
You mean, there's women that die from that?
>I have more muscle mass than most women without exercising and have at least a higher sex drive and love exercising/sports
Does it just give you higher testosterone or something?
F, the real issue is not whether or not he makes your pussy twitch but how attached you have historically gotten to men that made your pussy twitch.
Kek no, terminal hairs are coarse dark hairs, then there are finer often light colored(but not always) hairs which are "normal" for females on their stomach/face etc
Why the fuck would I have a girlfriend? What would possess me to do that? Yeah, of course I'd break up, gross.
Plump, chubby sounds worse.
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girls do you like when guys talk about nerd shit that they like even if you arent into it
Women what do you NOT want in a man?
Being a PI seems like a great hustle, how do you build a client base
She has a very curvy body but plump suggests jiggle to me.
Women if you say a man is cute, do you have respect for him as a man?
Gotcha. Wasn’t sure if I was direct enough.
She was out at the time for a friends birthday but called me and said she wanted to come over and she spent the night
Men, are any of you terrified by any of these women? And if so, what do you think that says about you?
All kinds of things. Bad hygiene, bad manners, disdain for women or any other specific group for that matter. A sense of humor that's really not funny to me. Hang ups around receiving and/or giving affection.
Lame bait
That's worse
Being afraid of people who can have you dead in 30minutes is rational.
Someone I can lift.
I think so, but it also affects how sensitive your body is to androgens, like my body hair is more sensitive to
testosterone/androgens and grows more than average as a result, I think. That's how asian men can be strong of course without having as much body hair, their body hair is just less sensitive to the affects of testosterone/androgens, it's not like they have a lot less than caucasian men, and black/african men also never get as hairy as the max hairiest caucasian men but obviously aren't weak.
Yes. For me those two are totally unrelated. Hell even the most intimidating person could theoretically be cute in specific moments/reactions. If anything it would take little for something to be cute, coming from a total brute.

Every person can be endearing, even if it just by having a funny natural response to something. Being a person who is taken seriously does not mean you have to be serious 100% of the time.
Not plump enough to be her
I thought Greta was bad now that she spoke up in favour of Palestine.
I'm not familiar with most of them, or their work. I like intelligent and successful women, but not ones who are too proud and full of themselves.
Feeling's mutual. At least we can agree on something.
Male, 2
Anyone have tips for dealing with the Dancing Lion?
Bait, but it's more like those career females feel entitled to men who earn even more than them, not realizing that successful men have their pick of young girls in their prime. TayTay being the only exception and based Hillary met Bill in uni already and has stuck by him, don't know who the other monkeys are.
I'm a woman but I'm terrified that Hillary Clinton will murder me.
women what does boob fondling feel like?
you ARE being entitled, woman

I have been dating a girl for a month or so. We’ve made things exclusive.
However, she also expressed that she’s been fucked over a lot in the past and isnt used to being open or vulnerable and takes her awhile to let her walls down or open up and she isn’t used to doing so. But she’ll also express how much she likes me and likes spending time together.

I was telling a friend about this and he said it sounds like a cope and that the whole “it takes me awhile” thing sounds like she’s just settling until something better comes along. And that when two people like eachother there is no slow going or doubt and that they’re both all in.

Is he right or does she actually just want to take things slow?
Don't care. I've already given up on getting a gf/wife, so what does it matter?
Your virginity is gonna grow back at this rate
those females are boring and ugly
guy here but your friend is talking bollocks. people do have their guards up and they may or may not take their time to lower them. if you got close to a few people and got rejected out of nowhere after you make a bond and it hurt you you would be wary to trust again, even if you wanted to.

All that being said there is some things to consider:
>she may be somehow broken in that she does something strange once she gets close enough to somebody, hence the repeated experience
>she may be so timid that she will severe the connection for no good reason at all
of course that's not necessary true for her, but it can be.
Coworker that I have been flirting with (and she with me i guess) just showed up to a call, with just the two of us, wearing a sports bra and the first thing she did when I joined the call was readjust it (you know, when she kind of tugs at the sides). Am I stupid or is thisvery obvious?
I don’t like liberals
like i don't even know who these bitches are
Women i am entitled to your love and affection. Give me some, please?
flirting in what sense
are any of you close friends (vc/meet frequently/share details about life) with a chronic neet? Someone who's been neet at least +5 years/neet straight out of high school.

Do you find them tolerable?
how do I deal with a deeply depressed friend who has already tried suicide twice. He was there for me during a hard time, although he gave up on me after a year or so. We reconciled in the end. His gf broke up with him and now he's basically using me as his emotional tampon. I'm not sure what to do. I want to be there for him. But if I've had a fun day he brings it down with his negative emotions. I don't want to give up on him, although deep down I'm just enjoying the time I've left with him because I know one day he'll actually kill himself. I've already made peace with that.
Yeah I agree with you. I am the same way tho. It takes me a long time to feel like I can be vulnerable and express my emotions and I need to build trust so to speak. So I get it. But I want to. I’m just afraid of getting hurt or scaring her away.

I will say she is like very responsible and mature. From what she’s told me it seems like she had a phase where she was just seeking fun and didn’t want anything serious and she got bored / tired of it and it led her to into some BS and she’s expressed that she doesn’t want to fuck around or play those games anymore. Which is fine. I had a phase too so I’m not gonna judge her for it.
She’s basically said she’s just not used to being open and emotional. And that she’s never had an actual boyfriend since high school but she wants to open up more
What do you mean? Flirting in the sense of flirting. Do i need to explain the concept of flirting to you?
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I got nothing to post.
Do women actually date men that are uglier than them? Not counting obviously rich men, but just normal men?
some guy thiunk female coworker is flirting when shes just being nice
You clearly do, there's a cute anime girl.
bud i have never been more attractive than any of my gfs and am broke af and stingy af
F. Online, sure. Been talking with one from this thread for years now. And yeh, it's fun to talk about random things with him.
I’m awake. I had a weird as fuck dream where I was playing hide and seek with some friends then Lalo Salamanca came along and stole my apartment keys. I tried to be friendly and reasonable but he wouldn’t give them back, so I killed him. Tons of people watched and were just like “huh, should’ve given him back his keys”. I used a 9mm beretta and shot him twice. I remember being very cross because no one helped me. Then for some reason when I entered my apartment I transformed into Shohei Ohtani, and I had to get like, find the best lawyer to get out of this murder charge, so I hired two lawyers and they couldn’t stop fighting. One of them kidnapped me and left me in a snow bank but I came back because I could fly. Last thing I remember is being in my penthouse suite having a breakdown while my white family tried to get in.
What does this mean?
men look better than women at the baseline because they need to be attractive without makeup
Pain. But I think my shitty tits are just fucked up.
So you're the one telling him that he doesn't need to go outside...
No, I just know I will never be in a position to influence anybody on the internet to make a radical life change, even for the better, so I leave the topic alone. I'd never condone neetdom, but I won't lose a conversation partner by constantly bringing it up.
Women if you could have a familiar, what monster would it be?

>are any of you close friends (vc/meet frequently/share details about life) with a chronic neet? Someone who's been neet at least +5 years/neet straight out of high school.
I've spent almost a decade of my life as a NEET.

>Do you find them tolerable?
Given that I still had friends who frequently reached out to me, I suppose I was tolerable.

If you ask me, whether someone is tolerable or not is probably largely dependent on personality traits. If you're sufficiently agreeable, people will get along with you, regardless of what you do, since you tend to be very accommodating.
Centaur. If I can't have a talking creature, then a pegasus or unicorn.
You just know.
means you chad af, nigga
If he can communicate and consent, it's fine.
Her name is Rika and she does not exist :(
>get takeout for dinner
>mom sees it
>instantly starts to complain about me spending my money badly to my dad when she thinks I can't hear it
I hate it so much
I can't move out right now and this behaviour doesn't justify "just getting the fuck out", but I still fucking hate it. There's always complaints. All I can do is ignore it and suck it up but it just spreads negativity. I instantly just want to walk outside and chainsmoke like five cigarettes holy fuck.
Women, would you rather date a man or a futa?
Men don't understand how important voices are, they just care about muscles
nah, it totally justifies moving out. don't fall in a trap of the behavior being too little, it's the attitude that's always there
Somebody on my ISP is a brony...
I ain’t Qt.
I can improve my muscles. I can't improve my voice. If voice matters that much then I might as well just give up on life now, thanks.
What exactly is a futa? Like can they give me a baby or what? My answer is obvs a man, but I'm curious by how big a margin.
Who said you can't improve your voice?
>horse cock
women scare me
Is it a good or bad idea to meet someone from online for the very first time at a convention?
Women, have you become celibate yet? It's the new thing.

They're cool aesthetically, and toys with flared heads like that are uniquely fun, but PIV sex with a centaur would just be suicide. I've thought a lot about the fantasy and it doesn't involve getting fucked.
>PIV sex with a centaur would just be suicide
Why is my queen Taylor in the company of all those hags?
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How do I find a gf like this
Her body type is not plump by any stretch of the imagination
Only if I already know him and we have some kind of baseline connection
You mean a PUTA?
What are the keys to keeping a gf happy and in love with you?
two or three months. Housing is hard to get right now but I should be able to move out before summer ends.
I can cope but I just had a great day, felt amazing. And then the complaining starts and it ruins my day. Chainsmoked two already on to the third maybe the fourth. When my throat starts to hurt then I'll feel better.
Why is the thread so slow rn?
New thread when
I've been doing buttstuff for a while now and I'm still at the point where anything bigger than the practice plugs I first used hurts. I don't get how anyone can stick anything big in their butts.
Everybody is busy being productive. You can't waste your life on 4chan forever.
Women, how tall are you?
keep seething about Obi's Wan
I mean an ambiguously aged cheerleader
A new thread would not improve things
>I want a girl to cheat on me
That doesn't seem right. How are you supposed to reach things?
I don't get it, why did you stop there?
They like Korean drama chads
Stop being mean. This is average height for women in my country.
Is the dead thread proof that most of the posters are normgroids?
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What's the point of living, atoga?
Fuck you.
to enjoy a nice 4oz "shot" of vodka
tfw no smol cute gf to bully with my 6'2 length
>holding her head in my hand at arm's length and she'll be trying to swing but won't be able to reach me her short arms
>leaning on her head with my arms just ti make her feel even smaller
>whenever she's being annoying I just pretend I can't see her because she's too short
>patting her head when I want to annoy her
but ultimately
>giving her a kiss on her forehead and whispering in her ear that I love her and she's all I want in this world
>"I'll tease you over your size but I just love you so much"
Imagine her cute butt high in the air while she's bent over and her small frame just makes your dick seem huge
ahem that's hot.
Post a picture of your balls on /soc/ again.
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I... I have not done that
Is that required before posting here?
Here you go
It's an image of you (small girl) enjoying my massive bouncy balls :)
There is no point, make your own meaning

dead thread, dead general
It hurts a little bit at first but once it's in it stops hurting.
I think usually they have working balls too, so probably.

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