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Previous: >>31487967
Senpai finally noticed me edition
700 posts too early
Both genders,
Thoughts on candy cigarettes
Women, do you find intense eye contact hot? Assume the guy looks decent and you're attracted to him.
Are the femcels still in the wanting a bf part of their cycle?
One time I had a crush on a my male friend... I was too shy to tell him, so I just made intense eye contact with him... He got creeped out and stopped hanging out with me.
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no retard
I hope janny deletes this thread btw
Only during sex.
What does it mean if a girl will only let you have Anal sex with her?
I am not a retard.
Cool as fuck almost as cool as real cigarettes
I've confided with him and I have bad news...
how to interact with men respectfully
i used to sort of stalk(not in a serious/dangerous way) boys in middle school and obviously that was wrong, and i feel shame and regret about it. but i never figured out another way to get male attention so idk how to get a date or anything. i dont really have the social skills most women have.
>be zoomer boy
>one bad thing happens
>go trans
seriously these kids are like stubbing their toe and swearing off life as a male. whats up with that
All you gotta do is talk to em honestly
Be nice and hope they ask you out is usually how most women play it
I want sex
Zoomer here should I shoot myself with a 357 magnum instead
When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done. Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.
This is so sad!
How can I tell whether my male friend is purposely trying to seduce me?
no just carry on as an alive male despite the macaroni and cheese not being perfectly cheesy
i do talk to them in a normal casual way with no problem
im just confused on the flirting interactions
muslim or tranny
Men are so pathetic, gay and soft this days...
Gay moid hands (bottom)
what are some important things to spend money on considering the economic collapse that will occur within the next decade?
neither I've seen her vagina in person.
So gay, and soft, and leaky...so weak and easy to overpower...
Men what's a casual way to find out how big your dick is without asking you?
On the premise that we're so far off
Lies the reflex to tear you apart
I'm drawn to exile myself from hatred
But I always give in
But I always give in

Wow I can be sad too..
Dried grains and dried legumes and dried/jarred fruits and vegetables. Be shelf stable or be dead.
Women should be soft and men hard!
women would you date a man shorter than you?
Sadbros...you're a little late I already pivoted to listening to my rock music. Sorry, should've been around when I posted about my dream of killing Lalo Salamanca and turning into a Shohei Ohtani that could fly.
>i used to sort of stalk(not in a serious/dangerous way) boys in middle school and obviously that was wrong
It's not a big deal for women. Women, in general, aren't threatening to men. As long as you weren't literally brandishing weapons or trying to ruin guys' lives by things like false rumors to isolate them, what you did is far less of an issue than if a guy did it.
It's not worth beating yourself up over. The main thing to realize is that it's not a very reliable strategy; it makes you seem mentally ill, and will tend to attract the wrong types of men.
Have sex with your bf
>male "friend"
There you go.
Women do you like men?
Probably not. Not attracted to guys less than 5'.
is it stupid to want your partner to show you off on social media
Idk a stalker gf is probably the only way a girl is gonna get my attention
That's not how you spell husband
what do you pay attention to when browsing dating apps?
what red flags get an immediate no?
what green flags make you check out the profile?
I like their arms and cocks and voices and backs, if that counts.
invite me to sauna i guess
Say to him that after much consideration you have decided he's going to be the one to get a free and confidential penis inspection, then bite your lip and swallow. Ask him to think about it and schedule said inspection with you at the earliest convenience.
theres no makeup for your rizz girl, its a doggy dog world out there so watch out, cus chads arent a diamond dozen and for all intensive purposes I am your competition
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As a child, I did not understand the appeal of the salad bar.
As a man, I LIVE for the salad bar.
go on tinder, match and get to know them there
Degenerate europoor detected
i dont beat myself up over it, it was in ms and i was naive. but i was so embarassed by it after it happened and i realized the error of my ways that i was developmentally stunted in terms of figuring out how to date/attract boys normally. after that i just decided dating wasnt for me and clearly i didnt understand how not to be a creep
>wahhh my ex/hook up keeps harassing me
Did females ever think it's not a good idea to give every man your location or contact details? This should be basic shit or just stop picking bad men.
NTA but I hate you.
I don't have a bf
guns and ammo
books on farming
liquor (trade goods)
Invite him on a coffee date
Slip sleeping pills into his coffee when he isn't looking
When he's asleep get him hard and measure
Foolproof method.
Then get a bf
poor chap....
How long do those last? Any other advice?
Why don't you get a gf?
Marriage, you harlot
No thats just objectification
Deftones aesthetic sure is disgusting but it just makes me think of DBZ. Am I endearingly autistic or just autistic?
Each product will have a different expiration. Check on the packages.
I'll wait for a week then.
Getting a reservation at Dorsia is not an easy task, I know.
Would you hawk tuah and spit on that thing?
Try getting a reservation after I steal your crypto wallet.
>actual useful question gets posted
>nobody fucking answers
everytime, its actually insane
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I don't think women actually like men or sex. They just put up with them for money. These threads are just men trolling other men to be quite honest.
Then sorry. Idk if I understand what loving a demographic means, then. I can and have fallen in love with men, but I can't say that I understand how anyone could love men as a concept beyond the individual, unique aspects that make men attractive to me.
Man shut up bitch you've posted this comment a ton of times and people always answer it. Stop being a negging faggot.
I don't use dating apps, sorry
I bet most of the girls here don't
both genders

at what point in a relationship do you start greeting your partner with a kiss
The hawk tuah girl and her friend both have side pieces but her friend is a bigger slut. Why must it be like this?
The women in these threads aren't the women who use apps.
Try stealing my cryptos after I dismember you with an axe you fucking stupid bastard.
Speak for yourself bitch ass nigga, I'd love to be objectified by a woman.
I'm a nice person.
F. Once we've had our first kiss, I try to kiss as often as possible, including greetings.
I was planning to sadpost with Doncamatic next, but you're no fun..
You won't date me
10 years marriage
What's with the correct grammar, Bateman? You got a foid? Lil atogan woman? Heh.
I'm literally listening to Paramore, sorry to burst your bubble.
That doesn't exist anymore. All women now initiate divorce when they get their seven year itch.
How about if I date men instead
Why don't you go gay?
You've done it, Holmes, you've cracked the code!
I don't get it
i see
my girl started doing it like the third time we hung out and I kinda just went with it
Women, your age and opinion on "hag lovers"
Gross I'm also going to switch, but to BMTH then
You're saying that you feel shame and regret over it, probably because you're assuming what society (correctly) condemns in men is just as bad when women do it.
> i didnt understand how not to be a creep
It is extremely difficult for women to be creepy without making a conscious effort. Being creepy isn't just about being socially abnormal, but also being potentially threatening. Women are not threatening by default. They are both much less likely to commit violent offenses, and less capable at inflicting damage even if they do become violent.
What you did as a middle schooler deserves mild self-cringe at your immaturity, if that.

But as for dating guys, just make yourself approachable (as in, be willing to talk) and get to know guys passively through whatever you're doing. Basically, try to make it so that a guy has a reason to approach you other than how you look, and so that you know a little bit about the kind of guy who's asking you out before you say yes.
Things to avoid are either collecting 'guy friends' (who get in the way of your actual relationships) or assuming that a guy dating you means he is actually interested in you as a person. Lots of women get manipulated by the latter, where a guy tells them what they want to hear just so he can get sex. And, of course, pushy guys. Men who don't take no for an answer or who try to guilt you into doing whatever they want are NOT men you should try to appease.
I'm probably never gonna kiss or be very physically touchy with a gf because I'll just be too self conscious about it
>he @s the femanon so that she'll give him attention
oh nono no
The hell is BMTH?
Phil Mahar bros..
M or F
What's your opinion on the morality of eating lamb?
Oh lmao, Bring Me The Horizon. Fucking gay! If you want actual intense music listen to Revenge lmao.
You live too far
eating animals isnt moral when we could survive on vegetables, its just convenient and tasty
the actual fuck
you don't have saunas in burgerland or something?
You got me. Cutting my testicles off as we speak.
Sheep are one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. Their milk, their wool, their meat are all precious.
Men owe me sex
And not just any sex but mind blowing sex, and often
I just wanna be your favourite, baby.
Lamb is the ONLY animal that we should eat, for Christ is the Lamb of God, and Christ commanded that we should take and eat of his body.
i know right

fuck off,i'm reposting since there was just a single thoughtful answer and we're very far from getting any sort of clear picture here
it's kind of crazy most of us guys will put in thousands of hours into improving and honing our handjob techniques but we will never know how it compares to other dudes.
I eat infant children with the Clintons every Sunday so I don't have a problem with it
After the third date
May you burn in hell
I have a long penis and will frequently prod your cervix with it. You still wanna do this?
Is it a good or bad idea to meet someone from online for the very first time at a (anime, gaming, etc) convention?
That's better than nothing
>paramorefag lecturing others on gay shit
Aint no way
soo.. I matched with some woman on a dating app and now she says she's been alone for almost a year and doesn't want anything with anyone. most likely because I told I separated from my ex gf some months ago...
is it over for me?
the lamb has sacrificed itself for us knowing full well how sinful we are and pardoning it all up front, it only makes sense to eat it as much as possible
I listen to literally one Paramore song, and its Idle Worship.
As long as there are other people around it's fine
I don't have a big pp though
F, 33. They're dumb. And I say that as someone who's also dumb for liking young guys.
That's the problem though. I don't want her to get stolen by Chad
Call me Vlad the way I'm impaling these hoes
Singling out lamb when veal is so commonly eaten is retarded. Sheep and goats are usually not factory farmed which is good.
I don't care just put it in already
i literally keked
Is a kiss goodbye on the first date ok if it went well?
Nay, but thou didst not.
a little, you tryna be a trophy wife/husband?
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What if /atoga/ was taken over by posters who never reply to other posts and just blog/flame the entire thread?
I'm in the wanting to kms part of my cycle, sorry anon.
Yes, but 5 inches shorter than me is the maximum. I'm 5'9 myself.
I like some of them.
Social media in and of itself is stupid. But the underlying urge of wanting to be taken seriously and shown of is as old as time.
Keep being a doomer I guess. I like sex with a willing and enthousiastic partner that likes complementary things in bed.
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I imagine this is what hell looks like
And you're permabanned and can't reply or post
No it's not over for you. Maybe it's over between you and this woman, but if you've swiped one you'll swipe another.
anons, its been a year since i started dating this guy. i have only seen things getting worse.
im living on a fucking boat because he insisted he had a plan, and he needed me here for morale. im often accidentally ignored or a burden. how i can help is often ignored for the very specific vision he does have.
more than anything, it illustrates the age gap. with every day, i find myself struck with how much of a mess he is. how im so young, that i dont know what hes trying to do, and i just want to go home.
am i greedy, for wanting to go home? i didnt ruin his life. ive been rubber banded through this whole relationship. i just want to swear off romance and go live with my sister, at this point. he'd hate me if i left, but at this point, im starting not to care.
fuck. god damn it. i just want to be a good girlfriend, but i want no part in this. ive been in the fucking hospital and can barely recover.
Kill her
Wait a minute, I've seen this YouTube channel...
Bitches be like hmmm today I will date a boat house schizo
Haha, you too huh? Its a lowkey banger that's for sure.
>im living on a fucking boat because he insisted he had a plan,
fucking sick but since it was not planned on your part that blows. dump his ass. didnt read the rest
Women which do you prefer?
Shut the fuck up
I'm gonna find and kill his ass and then ship his severed head and asshole to your door if you keep posting this
>im living on a fucking boat because he insisted he had a plan
Is he one of those /pol/ schizos who want to live off the grid?
I'm guessing the first one also fucks best, so that one.
>tfw no boat house
Im going to manifest him a girlfriend and it won't be you
Strap a brick of it to her while she sleeps
women what do you feel like?
Not typically mixed-gender ones.
Hoes stay mad
It's wrong. Not quite as bad as veal (which is made by torturing a calf), but still messed up.
Disclosure: I don't eat meat.
I don't have a big pp so I'm just gonna seppuku
I agree
I never post and I'm hardly active
but I like the idea of my girlfriend showing me off on social media
granted we're not there yet and I doubt she'll do that any time soon as she hardly posts either
Not a woman but when I was 13 I used to shave one leg and rub it and pretend it was a woman
I'm feeling sushi tonight.
I've decided to change tactics, I will now manifest him another girlfriend while you are dating
I'm a full on nigga bro
I'm only gonna marry a virgin girl and none of you are gonna change my mind
how the fuck do I stop thinking so negatively
>she'll find someone better
>i'm just a temporary fling until something good or the real thing comes along
>she's just using me to fill a void and everything she says is just part of an act
>she'll get bored of me soon
>living together outside of marriage
Like a plastic bag
Lsd heroic dose
I fully support your decision
You seem nice, I like you. Before you kill yourself, can you take a chance on me, as a last resort?
Mushrooms 3.5g and a dark room
I personally don't go for kisses until the second date at the earliest.
You will never afford the $150,000,000 Castle in the Sky penthouse in Manhattan. How do you cope?
yes it is more than fine i would encourage it
All of this is true though
Moid or Foid?
How will I know if my date wants a kiss or not?
Green wristband = Kiss
Red wristband = No kiss
>still only get hard to porn when the actress looks like my ex
when does this shit end
A single kidney is worth 40000 dollars and most humans have 2 + all of the other organs in their body. Get cooking.
Monkmode for a couple months
Your brain is malleable
Form it
How do I seel kdiney
lesson learned... don't ever fucking mention your ex if you want to date someone BEFORE a date.

just leave him. why do you even care about the opinion of such a lowlife?
haven't taken acid since I was 19 after a horrible trip
i did take it once when I was 18 tho and literally felt like I could do anything for a week after

haven't taken mushrooms since I was 24. gives me insane anxiety

saying its true is pretty stupid cause you never really know but self fulfilling prophecies are a thing
At first it will take a lot of effort to dismantle and replace thoughts like this. But if you keep at it, it will become second nature at some point.
Try reminding yourself of these kinda thoughts
>She chose me to be with
>I trust my partners words and will not harm that trust by doubting her words without reason
>I love her and she loves me.

Good luck fren!

Thanks, anon. I'm not actually planning on anheroing. I'll try to sing out this part of my cycle and once I menstruate I often feel better. So I'm waiting on that. But for now I hate everything and wanna cry.

Ask her, you can do you in a teasing or flirtatious way to not make it awkward. I always appreciate people asking if I'm comfortable and I do the same to others. Make sure you'll know ahead how to react to a no without making someone feel bad, though.
Stop trying to create other freaks like you.
You must get into fetish porn and forcefully rewire your brain anon
2 large black men, a step van, and a dark alley.
>sing out
What did she mean by this?
I've never taken drugs I just like giving bad advice
>Ask her, you can do you in a teasing or flirtatious way to not make it awkward.
Yeah I'm just not gonna try
I feel scared
Pick a song and shout it at the top of your lungs. (Fuck the neighbors.)
It's an expression in my mother tongue that I translated directly into English without realising it won't work there. My bad. I'll wait it out and it's implied in the expression that I'm not happy with that and that it'll be somewhat of an effort.

Don't be discouraged, I believe in you!
Question for women (or men if you happen to actually know).

Do women like sperm, or is that just a porn cliche?
Can one of you girls have a conversation with me so I can practice talking to women
Are you the lesbian Mexican?
Sure, hey anon!
nta but thats sweet
Need it inside me
Are you the Sneed's Feed and Swede?
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And you're complaining?
how is your day female?
Uh.. my day is fine, male
How's yours?
All the sperm I've tasted, tastes different. I liked some of it, was neutral to most and repulsed by some too. The idea of sperm entering my body or being shot over me is hot to me.

No I'm the European that posts here when I can't sleep mostly.
Women are all bi or gay
No straight women left
Back to blackpill music aka Green Day. I'm so edgy and different, no one will ever pierce my veil of self inflicted anguish.
>No I'm the European that posts here when I can't sleep mostly.
What makes you think there's only one of those?
Yes, very.
You should be interested in what your partner thinks of you. Not what everyone else thinks of you.
Women do you want to be princess carried?
Fuck women, I hate women
There are at least three.
And they're all super special awesome!
Looks like he pussied out lmao
They're not common, and as the other anon said, they're usually separated by gender.
I don't think that. Maybe I should've used a instead of the. But last time I posted in one of these threads for a while someone sussed out that I wasn't American due to my use of the English language, so that is the most recent thing that I was known for in these threads.

I'm nothing special.
Never gotten one so far.
If I had to guess sometime after a year (I haven't made it that far yet).
Is it true that pussy smells like fish?
I can't speak for the other two, but I'm pretty average in most regards.
>I'm nothing special.
Typical Euro humility. But you guys are actually pretty sweet. Nice to hang around with when I'm stuck in the graveyard.
Lamb is good, I like it.
>I'm nothing special.
You're special to us.
>Is this a motherfucking YGO:TAS reference my guy?
Yeah I've been rewatching it. It's also European so it fits.
going good.


well see ya later.

real talk tho im wasting it on 4chan when i should be doing anything else and soon it'll be 9pm and i'll regret not having done anything all day and then say it'll do it tomorrow i even have a list im not following. what kind of music do you like?
Nobody likes you!
Everyone left you!
They're all out without you, having fun!
Same as any other animal.
It's the circle of life.
I would rather eat an animal than become an iron deficient twig.
>It's also European so it fits.
nta, what
No they're not. Euros are shit.
>someone sußed out that I wasn't American
wow rude
Little Kuriboh is British.
>I thought they were just a bunch of stoner emos
Since I'm quirky I only like Homecoming which is very blackpilled.
You know you could ask us and probably succeed 80% of the time.
Honestly an ok idea because it's in a public place. I would be concerned if it was somewhere secluded, like their house.
Green Day is garbage. Billy Joe Armstrong is a literal child.
Brits aren't Euros. They held a vote for this.
That's actually way sweeter than I expected from this place. Genuine thank you.
Made me giggle. Not my country, though.
No, you fucking don't. Leave me alone, disgusting foid.
>Little Kuriboh is British
Oh I never picked up on that
big surprise, just like in europe
M here.
I might be weirded out by that.
Seems way too forward imo, even if I really like her.
Periods smell like fish to me yeah I believe you could call pussy fishy
Yet they're still just as shitty, Satan.
I'd say this depends on the country. Most saunas are mixed in my experience.
We're sweet because you won't tell us where you're from. We wait until we can make it personal before we start talking mad shit.
I want to marry a non-virgin girl because only virgins are really young and consequently dumber and less attractive than the older women who probably are not virgins.
Virgin thing is over-hyped too.
If I'm walking really close to you and positioning myself face to face a lot I'm asking for it.
I shlicked to his voice and now I'm going to sleep...
blink182s better and far more blackpill-y. not quite emo till the later albums

fuck this place i lost the war i hate you all your moms a whore where's my dog cause girls are such a drag
What has you scared anon?
You're asking for something, that's for sure.
Fuck Youtube playlists this system is trash as fuck.
>how is your day female?
Anon, don't call people male/female during a conversation.
Your cadence is actually pretty good, but this is poor choice of words.
That's like your opinion man
>Made me giggle. Not my country, though.
Are you the anal-only girl from Eastern Éurope?
Would you settle for our new prototype sperm? You have to sign a waiver though
>got drunk and dumped an entire Starry in my mom's floorboard
why does this keep happening what are the odds
Too bad, it'll never happen.
for us to live we must consume the living, no way around it
What's on your list, anon? I like all kinds of music really, but mostly listen to indie rock/folk. Hbu?
Do you think i can become the next demon lord?
Also no. With what >>31490680 said it sounds like it's in my best interest to nit disclose where I'm from exactly.
too late already did
>(I) Fuck women, I hate women
Hatefucker detected.
No, Soma. Just wear the Talisman.
What if instead of millions of tiny sperm we shot out one super sperm about the size of a small worm? Would this be more or less pleasurable? Our current strategy is quantity over quality and I think theres room for improvement.
*vomits all over your dick*
Damn, girl, you have a good head on your shoulders. They must have some good schools in Europe because you're too clever for our tricks.
Question for girls, or guys who know the way.

How do I get to know a woman who I might want to date/am attracted to? I'm not looking for a hookup/relationship for sex. I'm looking to actually get to know someone. However, I'm aware that if you get to know a girl normally, you're just deemed a friend, and that's kind of the end of it.

How do you get to know someone without being "friendzoned" as the kids say?
*sperm swims upstream you vomit like a salmon*
Too subtle for me sorry
I'd keep them in an aquarium. A new pet every time I nutted
f 20
don’t know what that is
Ask her what the power level multipliers are of the 3 main Super Saiyan transformations.
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Jokes on you, I'm a bottom so punching me is gonna make me like you more.
imagine how much worse the pony jar would be in that universe
Fuck no. Throw me around all you want, but don't carry me for long. I'm scared of heights, embarrassed by my weight, and don't like being treated like I'm delicate.
the self hatred is real
Keep your secrets then.
I have a guess, but I'm not gonna say it.
I'm not trying to say anyone who wants a virgin is wrong. I'm just arguing why it's a non-factor for me.
I don't hate myself. I hate the dumb shit I'm sexually aroused by. I am not my sexuality, it's just one annoying aspect of myself.
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The potato sack carry it is then.
Gagh jar
Women, do you wish your boobs were bigger? Smaller?
What if women were the size of action figures, and they had to defend themselves against these worm-sized spermatozoa in melee combat?

Hold on, Japan just called me on the phone, apparently they want to buy my idea and adapt it for the Winter 2025 season...
Not a woman but I wish they were all flat chested so I could make fun of all of them for it.
I'm not very strong. Is it ok if I use a forklift to do it?
After all, I am forklift certified.
>and don't like being treated like I'm delicate
boooo girls ARE delicate and cute!
As long as it's only for a moment, fine.
Bigger. Way bigger.
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femanons, would you fuck Lucifer?
I wish they were a little smaller when I'm exercising but other than that I'm good.
There would be no reason to make fun of them if it was the norm though.
I'd still make fun of them.
Fuck you, I'm tough. I could beat you up.
I view anyone who has gone to parties above me and I feel insecure talking to them always. I have a girlfriend, job, have gone to concerts and events, but never a party. Maybe it’s also the fact I don’t drink or smoke that makes me feel lame too.
If they were less of an impediment during exercise then would you be a baller?
>I have a girlfriend, job
You are above them then anon.
Uh... no? That doesn't look much like the Lucifer I picture.
Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
I want them to be two cups bigger
Sorry, what?
Yes, they are. I don't want to be seen as delicate and cute. I want to be tough and sexy.
Do you wish they were a little bit smaller and wish you were a baller?
What size are you now?
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I wish I didn't have boobs, to be honest. Then I could walk around shirtless when it's hot and people would just assume I'm a long-haired guy.

I'm sure that if they'd always been that way, I'd have insecurity about them and feel terrible and like that's the reason I'm not attractive. But I'm at the point where I'm content being single and would really just like to not deal with boobs.
What is a baller?
Well I know some with girlfriends/boyfriends, though their relationships have lasted short compared to mine.
The equivalent of a 32C
>tough and sexy
These are mutually exclusive, though.
I probably outweigh you by like 150 pounds JH
Pop culture reference.

I've been to plenty of parties but I was a NEET for six years and I've never had a girlfriend. I simply happened to be friends of people who hosted parties.
Then my dreams are for nothing and I should just kms since men will only ever think I'm cute.
Ok, fair enough.
I have similar feelings about women. Suicide pact?
>I wish I didn't have boobs, to be honest. Then I could walk around shirtless when it's hot and people would just assume I'm a long-haired guy.
The general "shape" of womens' bodies can be discerned regardless of your weight and boob size. I don't think this would work.

>But I'm at the point where I'm content being single and would really just like to not deal with boobs.
Ok, joking aside, I'm sorry you feel this way. I feel like social media and the internet as a whole have made us very superficial, and it's really hard to find a good partner. This is to say, I get where you're coming from.
It's not about weight. It's about conviction and planning. Your stupid ass wouldn't take anything seriously and it'd get your ass beat.
NTA but you can be a badass quite easily you just need to get some combat boots and black clothes and some ink. Maybe some defined muscle tone.
I actually can't kill myself until I'm provably infertile, so you'd have to wait a while.
>their relationships have lasted short compared to mine.
Exactly. Partyers are basically highschoolers who are still trying to "score" the hottest guy/girl at school. They aren't looking for the long term stuff you have.
nah I’m happy with mine
>Then I could walk around shirtless when it's hot and people would just assume I'm a long-haired guy.
I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work. I'm a beanpole, like no curves at all, and I still look like a woman.
Someone who plays basketball.
I already have boots and a tattoo. It's not especially badass, but it's ink.
Women, would you prefer a man or a futa?
A little smaller would be great. They're physically uncomfortable sometimes.
Shit, I forgot I made that post. I'm awake.
In a better world, JH would be a gigantic giant-breasted amazon who princess carries the men she likes and kicks the shit out of the men she doesn't like. It's difficult to believe in God when He didn't see fit to let us live in this world...
Men, would you prefer a woman or a futa?
Very nice. I guess you are a real badass bitch.
>had sex with my ex
>now she wants to get back together
Should I go for it?
You couldn't reach my head
But spunky attitude is why you drive the men crazy I'll give you that
I'd take either one at this point.
Any lonely, single femanons in this thread right now?
>I don't think this would work.
This is true, my body is definitely female-shaped. But I've seen FTMs with top surgery get by fine being shirtless, so I figure that there's probably some wiggle room for social accepance re: being allowed to be shirtless as long as you don't have obvious boobs.

(It turns out it's legal to be shirtless as a woman in many places, but the reason we don't do it is because social convention/draws bad attention and you're liable to get the cops called on you for causing a disturbance).

> have made us very superficial, and it's really hard to find a good partner

I think there's a lot that goes into it. I think living is just harder in general right now than it was, say, 50 years ago. A lot has changed economically and technologically, and I feel like our culture hasn't quite caught up and taken a moment to properly reconcile it.
I wouldn't want to be so tall that sex would be too awkward. Everything in moderation. Also I choose to believe that I'm living this life this way because it'll end up being the happiest possible. I just can't see the big picture clearly yet.
You have no idea how much I would like to hear that from someone not being ironic.
Fuck you. Wanting to kick your ass isn't "spunky". It's just reasonable to want to put someone so dismissive in their place.
futa, easy
>You have no idea how much I would like to hear that from someone not being ironic.
Good thing I wasn't being ironic.
>I wouldn't want to be so tall that sex would be too awkward.
Your boyfriend would be a gigantic creep from a horror movie (not a creep for you though).
saying it again doesn’t change anything
State gender and favorite Universal monster.
Well then good. I'm saving it.
Idk how that dynamic would work out. Never read anything like that before. Idk if it'd work for the right reasons.
Universal, like the company?
women do you see men as a nuisance?
Yeh, the black and white stuff. Or just monster type I guess.
Man here. I do.
After they stop being a big deal, around a day or two after the first one
>Well then good. I'm saving it.
Nice I made it into JH's hall of fame. I feel special now.
F Creature from the Black Lagoon
He falls in love and works on mending his ways when he meets the one woman who can hold her own in a fight with him. Has nobody ever written that before?
>I think there's a lot that goes into it. I think living is just harder in general right now than it was, say, 50 years ago. A lot has changed economically and technologically, and I feel like our culture hasn't quite caught up and taken a moment to properly reconcile it.
That's so true. I wish I could've paired up before this period.
99% of the time, yes
Tom Cruise
Purple Minions.
Ehm, in that case... I guess werewolves.

I used to read a lot of werewolf lore. Stuff about men making deals with the devil and being given wolf belts, or being cursed and having to roam once a month and unable to turn back because an enemy stole their clothes. Or how the seventh son of a seventh son would be born a werewolf.

There's a ton of weird werewolf lore out there and I just soaked it right up as a kid.
You're supposed to feel used and manipulated since I'm saving and using your words without permission.
Different man here. I'm not disagreeing, but I would like to know what some of the things I (or other men) do that annoy you. That way I can watch myself in the future and not unknowingly bother you gals.
I've never read a story with that premise, at least. Most of the stories with big scary guys are firmly rooted in the "he fucks her (up) pretty unilaterally" direction.
Oh of course, my bad. I feel very used right now, very helpless. How dare you.
Just woke up
What's the thread theme
I choose to attach it this to the screenshot so when I come back to it a month from now I'll actually think it's how you felt. Ha, get fucked.
Men larping as women so we can have a false sense of hope.
ah, tuesday
Does it mean anything if a girl heart reacts to your message thanking them for coming out and that you had a good night? She's never heart reacted to a message before.
>Ha, get fucked.
Hey don't tease me like that. My weakness is badass bitches, you know.
Big Scary Guy meets Big Scary Girl, it's the ultimate love story. You're sitting on gold right now, you know.
I hate to say this, but it means nothing.
Had a girl start hearting stuff from me. Odds are more likely she just discovered the heart reaction, and is using it as a quick acknowledgement.
Now I'm just being patronized.
I'll do some digging, there has to be something like that by an author I know somewhere.
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Her name is literally Lucifer, coomer
Xe uses neopronouns now, bigot. Stop intentionally misgendering xem.
There's a good chance you're not the kind of guy doing the things that annoy us. I say that because I get the sense that most anons here don't go out of their way to impose on other people, and it's those impositions that are rude and annoying.

For example, manspreading on public transportation and effectively taking up three seats. Or bugging a girl who's clearly preoccupied with a book and/or has earbuds in, and not for a good reason (i.e "You dropped your wallet"). Or deliberately standing so close in line that your briefcase keeps bumping into her ass, and refusing to back up (that one was more infuriating than annoying).

Or, when you're walking on the street, you're walking on the wrong side (if you're a in country that drives on the right, walk on the right; if you're in a country that drives on the left, walk on the left) and clearly expect women walking in your direction (who is walking on the correct side) to step aside for you. I've actually done an experiment where I just decided not to move out of their way but gradually slowed down, and the guy kept walking toward me, then veered only at the last minute to avoid collision. Some of them deliberately hip-checked me as a kind of "fuck you" for not stepping out of their way.

Obviously, this would be rude behavior from anyone. But it always seems to be guys who do it.
>Now I'm just being patronized.
Literally no. Black hair, boots, tattoos? Oh my.
If it makes any difference she only used to thumbs up react before? But yeah I figure it doesn't mean anything.
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Honestly, how do UK people survive?
Depends. If she insist maybe after the first kiss. If depends on me, when I want to get her even in the entry hall.
You okay? Need me for anything?
Just your eternal love :/
>If you want actual intense music listen to Revenge lmao.
>Architects, Combichrist, Dimmu Borgir, Zatox.
heh, aight, nice talk. :)
Ah, so just generally rude things.

Full disclosure, I do this sometimes, but only when it isn't busy.
It's you >:(
Who am I?
>taken literally an ancient middle eastern sheep herder (stolen) book.
Yeah, it was the same thing for me, but I was just a friend. She made it clear she didn't like me romantically when I asked about it.
Take it, its yours
Just went band 4 band wit a lil nigga. U can guess who won lmao!
State gender.
Would you think it's weird if someone you were dating didn't like fish and wouldn't eat vegetarian stuff?
>but only when it isn't busy.
If it isn't busy, then it's totally fine. Just like putting your bag on the seat when it's an open bus. It's just that these dudes will not only do it when it's busy, but they'll do it even when people are already sitting next to them, knocking their legs into these strangers and forcing them to kind of squish backward to get away from him. Total assholes.

So yeah, just generally rude things. The problem is mainly that there are things (certain kinds of) men will do to women that's rude that they'd never do to another man, and some of them would be very offended if another man did it to them. So it's not that these guys don't know they're being rude, they just feel entitled to be rude toward women in particular.
>and wouldn't eat vegetarian stuff?
What, he doesn't eat normal vegetables?

Or do you mean like tofurkey/fake meat?
What do you mean wouldn't eat vegetarian stuff?
you mean like they won't drink milk and eat vegetables?
That's a little too wild for me.
No fake meat. They eat veggies of course but they very rarely eat a meal that doesn't include meat.
Not really.
There are numerous reasons for eating a lot of meat.

>vegetarian stuff
Are we talking just fruits and vegetables, or are we talking like fake meat (synthetic food, lab grown, vegan burgers, etc.)?
If it's fake meat, I won't eat it either.
I don't see a problem with that. I'd hope they're trying to eat healthy, but if it's just a food preference (you happen to like meat) and not a "own the vegetarians!!" thing, then I don't care. I have my own dietary peculiarities too, so I get it.
>but they very rarely eat a meal that doesn't include meat.
Piggy American oink oink oink.
What is their definition of fake meat
ultra-processed factory food stuff made to look and taste like meat, or even just using cauliflower to replace wings is fake meat
>using cauliflower to replace wings
>No fake meat. They eat veggies of course but they very rarely eat a meal that doesn't include meat.
I see no problem with this. I eat like this because it helps muscle growth, and prevents lots of vitamin and mineral deficiencies from developing.
Tries to avoid ultra-processed stuff, but won't touch things like Impossible meat or plant based meat replacements, etc.
Honestly I just don't like fish, lol. And I do prefer meat in every meal, at least for dinners. I also skip lunch often so that's not as important.
>even just using cauliflower to replace wings is fake meat
I still wouldn't eat it because it's tricking my brain into thinking I've eaten meat when I haven't. I'm serious about my protein and minerals, so I make sure to get at least some real meat in regularly.
Then yeah, that's not a big deal. Honestly that would be a total non-issue for me.
>Tries to avoid ultra-processed stuff, but won't touch things like Impossible meat or plant based meat replacements, etc.
But you'd eat the cauliflower wings
>they very rarely eat a meal that doesn't include meat
That's pretty common. Even I rarely eat food that has not contain meat. Or at least cheese or egg.
Probably not. Wings already aren't really my thing, and I'm not a fan of meat replacements at all.
hi men

so I finally ripped the bandaid off and asked him about us and he said i would be wasting my time on him if I was still feeling that way. he has too many problems. he still said he liked me around though. i feel like he really might not want me to fight for him like was suggested. I still feel pretty crushed so now I am asking for ways you got over someone. him telling me helps and I'm drinking a beer to feel better and outside with a friend talking about life. I am not a big drinker but going outside and not isolating helps. since covid happened and more I have been very introverted and come here to reach out for help. thanks y'all.
Now you're coming off like a zealot.
Overall I have always loved 80s and as a musician-singer i hope to keep the spirit of it alive.
Here's a few randoms from the list I've heard recently

>shallow water - papa satch
>becoming insane - infected mushroom (i usually dont like EDM but they are really creative and this song borders on rock along with, like 6 other genres)
>tidal wave - taking back sunday (not what i was expecting from the emo band at all)
>recovery - frank turner
>bleed - meshuggah
>waiting for a star to fall - boy meets girl (my ideal gf has to like this song and fuel her innocence with it)
>king of wishful thinking - go west
>learn to love the lie - four year strong
>james dean - the wrecks
>i wanna be a dog - teenage bottlerocket
>fall back down - rancid
>livin on the run - scott grimes
>fix this - colorist (is this indie rock?)
>13 stories down - bombpops
>dreams - van halen (one of my all time favs thanks power rangers. I wanna go up to the roof and perform it on 4th of july cuz thats what dreams are made of baby)
>4th of July - stephen kellogg (this is folk right?)
>fog machine - white reaper (great classic-style talent riff rock in the year 2023 wtf i hearing this right?!)
>at the break of dawn - arion
>dystentary gary - blink182
>phantom pain - rave the reqviem
>the lamb lies down in sacrifice - ember falls
>faithful - go west
>Day 11: Love - ayreon (this is kinda folky but really you gotta hear the whole album in order it tells a story)
>eyes of a stranger - queensryche (also gotta hear the whole album)
>light up the night - protomen (another amazing rock opera and a 4chan classic)
>hollywood hootsman - gloryhammer
>used to be - have nots
>millionaire - the push stars
>because im awesome - bowling for soup
>45 - gaslight anthem (helped me get over my ex)
>spare me the details - offspring (this too)
>who have i become - best coast
>luigi's ballad - starbomb
>in a big country - big country
>2am - bear hands
>hard to love - kacy hill
I'm glad you finally had the talk. I'm proud of you. Now you can move on and look for someone who'll appreciate you properly.
Men, would it be weird for your new gf to ask for anal before piv?
Only one of those is me. I wouldn't eat the wings because like I said, I already am not a big fan of wings, and things like that never taste like the real thing which just makes it even less appealing.
Well, at least you spoke up. Sorry to hear that's how it went.
Why are we having this conversation if we're new bf/gf? How long have we been dating?
Why are we having sex before marriage?
it would be weird. a lot. i would almost immediately ask, why she want to do that
We all know yo broke ass ain't winnin shit and second of all you don't go flexing on a real nigga like that nigga pipe down this ain't the opp block
How long have you and your bf been dating?
because all of your sheepherder doctrines are obsolete by TWO MILLENIA
Other guy here now.
I don't necessarily care if it was "artificial, made in factory, etc. etc."
I just care about making sure I'm healthy.
I know I need meat to be healthy because a lot of vegetarian friends of mine are iron deficient (yes, they've told me this), and look like sticks.
I'm not very strong, and I'm working on muscle development, so I need protein.
Long enough to be intimate in ways that could reasonably lead to sex, so she's bringing this up before your first time together.
Clearly you don't respect my values so we should break up
I'm disgusted by butt stuff.
Not necessarily weirded out, but the answer is gonna be no.
What sort of answer would make you least offput?
If a guy accidentally creampies someone can't he just shoot water up there and rinse it out?
Men, have you fed pigeons sunflower seed lately?

Exhibit A of "why stupid people reproduce so much" right here.
I heard you can do it with cola but never had to try
Why not?
I almost fed my homemade trail mix to some crows this week but then I remembered that they can't process salt like we do.
I'm straight up struggling financially here.
What's the oldest move you've ever watched?
Pigeons don't live where I live.
I'll occasionally feed ducks if they're nearby.
Men have you been fed and bred today?
I got so triggered by stupidity I wrote a list about how no matter how stupid people are, they can still reproduce.
I try but the asshole chipmunks keep taking it.
I have been feeding them dry rice so they will explode
I fed myself. No breeding though.
Do you still have some seed left? I want your seed
The Kid (Charlie Chaplin, 1921), followed by Our Hospitality (Buster Keaton, 1923) and Why Worry (Harold Lloyd, 1923).
Who is u? I could go M 4 M in this bitch cuh.. way I be moving. Niggas call me the Drink niga, I got liquidity
If we're at that point I hope we're talking about marriage, too.

To answer your question, I don't think I'd want to start off with anal. We could try that pretty early on, but I think I'd want the first time to be PIV.
Ya'll niggas fr need to wash yo asses and stop being so gadamn moist.
Please get yourself sterilized.
Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about Plan C (Diet Coke and Mentos up your hoohaa).
I just ate, but it wasn't very good. No futa gf to breed me though.
A Trip to the Moon (1902). It was alright.
>wouldn't eat vegetarian stuff
I would find it disgusting if a girl I was dating was overly into burgers and other junk food.
But why isn't that possible?
>junk food
You need your head checked.
Why is it so hot when a girl reminds me that I taught her something
What did you teach her?
It means she actually cares about what you say to her.
Am*rifat spotted. McDonald's isn't real food.
Why are moids so nice to touch?
This >>31491075
A marvel of technology cinematography for its time; mandatory viewing for all film students.
McDonald's meat is junk food, and we know it.
Now go on your rant about how our bread is "cake."
Hindus ARE Aryan, you absolute bellend.
I'm not talking about fast food. I'm talking about real food. I cook my own meals at least 4-5 days a week, and the rest of the time I usually do something like make a sandwich or heat something up from the freezer.
thank you! I just got a message from another guy who has been trying to talk to me for over two years now, but I also have been thinking of rekindling with my cuddle buddy from a few years ago who was really sweet to me who lives closer. I think a week or a few I may reach out to him and see if he would like to try again.
thank you for being understanding.
Femanons been a nasty girl (nasty)
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Male hands
Aryan food is slightly sour fermented milk and highly salted dried meat, and whatever “medicinal” plants they can scrounge.
What do you people guys actually think semi nomadic steppe people are?
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Because the sperm enters a place where you cannot reach-- it goes past the cervix. It's fucking basic anatomy. You wouldn't be able to insert enough water, with enough pressure, to meaningfully rinse the uterus out.
what do you think about this? >>31491136
I'm drunak af roghtt niow
You aren't Irish or German, you aren't even white.
Holy shit I can’t type today. The Germanic nice guys muse be using their Thule powers to disrupt my energy to prevent me from sharing their secrets
lit city mate... lit city
would you date a guy who goes through psychotic episodes from time to time?
What are your hottest political takes?
I'm not in the city rin noe,c voiu ty music fetisvgahl
I just built a 245 yard fence in the hottest day of the year, if I was your bf would you give me sexo if I asked for it? Do I at least get a lazy handjob? How about a pat on the head? Refusal will result in a break up.
I l9ve all women because they are cute
To women
Have you ever been dominated by your roommate and smothered with her stinky but cute feet
This is co fuysion h go me
I'm thinking of sending my gf flowers in a sort of "half a year celebration" because we'll be together for 6 months early July but I can't see her until August, it wouldn't be that weird right?
Congrats mate.
Most downbad post this thread has seen today.
But what if you do it before it reaches the cervix? Those little guys can't swim that fast
This is why we need one super sperm about the size of a small worm that could easily be fished out.
Soujd s like a goof plane to Mr a8, sh3lll love it bto. Gilrs love flowrtssdf
You wot mate?

Thank you good sir
For most men, probably
but I would love that, it'd confirm she's my type
>drunk larp
fucking cringe m8
Bro if you're into sounding you can just say that
Difinetivlet, withoouy a shadow of a douvk5
I am truoy lovr actone role plsyogng. My toye is. Adr7nkatee
To women
Have you ever been drugged by your female therapist and then woken up with your hands tied behind your back and your ass in the air being licked by her passionately?
You from Argentina?
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Why don’t make-a-wish kids just wish not to die? Seems kind of stupid to just say “hurr durr I want to meet John Cena”. Shit doesn’t make sense
No, sounding is scary, This is for the sake of a better future. One where we dont have to fear unwanted pregnancies. One where clean up would be easier. One where quality is more important than quantity.
Sounding isn't that scary. It would be better if pregnancy was guaranteed every time we had PIV.
We all die anon. Nothijy tlyyo csn do aboout it. Kust things to do before we dies
Hitler was vegetarian THOUGH
The super sperm could make that a possibility, given the fact that its the size of a small worm. It does not solve the issue of a woman's fertility cycle though
maybe 3000 years ago
I was working at Disney once as the blue fairy from Pinocchio and some kid wished not to die. Tore my heart out.
I love everybody , especially fema ons. I kiss you and hig yupu . This will be may last deynkpost
No one loves me, mate.
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Practing your creative writing, I see

Yikes. What was your job?
Wtf we have actual fairies ITT
Watcha drinking?
Because lads... it's coming home...
NAG but I want to fuck her
>My weakness is badass bitches
When she a baddie thooo....
Once again seeing this gorgeous young blonde and she looks at me intensly with her pretty blue eyes, with a slight smile.

Am i supposed to talk to her? Shes way too young
yeesh, what'd you tell him
You can say hi at least...
Iktf blondes paralyse me too
Imagine watching someone blink 182 times
I build a Castle in the Sky penthouse in Minecraft for free
>I'm only gonna marry a virgin girl
And I'm going to get a pet unicorn
>using Jewtube
A what now
Anyway stop getting dronk at your momma's
nta but its what sierra mist calls itself now
I mean if I lived on a fucking boat I'd want to go home too
Why are we dumb
Girls tend to lose interest in me before I get to the kissing part
M, perfect snacc after a real ciggie
Well you better scrub that floor boi, that'll be 50 lashings for you on the poopdeck
Woman, cuz I'm not a gaylord
M, no
Yes I went to a party and ate some great food
I took a baguette
Character meet and greets. Signed autographs, posed for pictures, that kinda thing.
Do people really get into committed relationships and become bf/gf before ever telling each other that they love them? Is that the norm? Seems backwards and retarded
Meanwhile I'm a partyboy (just got back from one lol) but I view anyone who's had a partner as above me... I was literally the only person there who was single ):
I have never wanted anyone else this fucking badly in my LIFE. There are crushes and then there’s this. I would gnaw my own foot off to have them.

Please tell me your stories of being Down Bad.
So, you aren't white.
Chad shit
Women, how often do you think about cunnilingus?
dating => exclusive => bf/gf => love
Love is a strong word bro, it doesn't happen overnight, takes time 2 build
"How do you expect to reach high ground, if you don't take the time to build..." - Fortnite QOTD
Men pick one
>girl who has had 1 partner before you but has had sex hundreds if not thousands of times
>girl who has a higher body count but has had sex less than a hundred times
I pick neither, teehee
It doesn't matter. I'm never getting a gf anyway.
hi how do I approach a cuddle buddy that liked me since 2010/2011? we were cuddle buddies a few years ago but he seems really insecure and his palms get sweaty when we held hands. last time we saw eachother he got upset at a party he took me to when I told him a guy tried to kiss me at it. a few years later now we recently matched on a dating app and he accepted my friend request

he is very cute and looks like keanu reeves and also sweet but should I start ith how I feel like how we stopped talking was a misunderstanding
>would gnaw my own foot off to have them
Then you'd better wear a bunny outfit as you hop around
Um I don't really care lol, first one I guess? Cause on surface level they seem more likely to be committed to something serious, and sex practice is always a plus
First one
Oh, Decades Schizo, will you never learn?
Any girl because shes gonna find out im boring and broke and dump my ass in week
Girl you have no idea
That's right, I'm such a Chad for being in my late 20s and never had a gf and I'm going to die alone with my cats but it's totally fine hahahah
Yeah, you've not gone more than 24 hours without hanging around women in a private setting
I said something about not being able to change his fate but granting him the courage and strength to face his challenges with the support of his loved ones.
plz tell me how to do better
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I'm sorry, but Argentinians aren't white. They might seem "white" to an am*rican, but no real white person (European) would consider them white. These people are not white.
Because she's had a lot of practice or is it the lower body count? Assume that the second one's body count is not outrageously high and she is still very inexperienced in bed
Women, why do you hate piv?
also that guy is not my ex lol
I knew him before him
I got no plans for Sunday though so will probably workaholicmaxx
The most action I got today was the grandma cashier at the supermarket calling me sweetheart
nigga that's chad
Sweaty plapping sex with this girl

I love darker skin women
Meanwhile back when I had never been to anywhere more exciting than a comic book store, had never had a positive reaction from a girl, never touched anyone, never been any social gatherings outside of my family, I STILL didn't view my many peers who had done all that and more as being above me.
I don't feel above others who haven't done what I've done either.
Life is what it is. The race is long and in the end it's with yourself.
I love but I haven't had it for almost 2 years now
No because I have them too. We’d both drown. If you ever meet a basic bitch that wishes she were edgier, that’s your target audience. Trust
Is it true that tall women tend to hate men that are shorter than they are?
me: *breathes air*
you: "CHAD"
With a biscuit hammer
Nta but wdym?
Can you go even a single week without having an unhealthy fixation on a guy who doesn't give a shit about you?
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>I STILL didn't view my many peers who had done all that and more as being above me
I mean tbf I view everyone as above me cause I have no self-esteem
Only gf I deserve is an abusive one desu
What's your type?
You're dumb because fetishizing someone solely for their age is dumb.
Fairly often. Not as often as I think about dick, though.
>You're dumb
Okay Mrs. Cradlesnatcher
Straight women, would you suck a tiddy for $1000?
>I have no self-esteem
>gf I deserve
Seems like you're still too confident
I didn't ask out that 18 year old at work the other day. Give me some credit.
most straight women do this for free, up the ante a bit
Which boards do you lurk and post?
State genre
I'd do it for free
/v/, /tv/, /vg/, /int/, /lit/, /ck/, /fit/
Which kind of non sexual activities would you perform with you bf/gf that you wont with anyone else?
State genre
That was a pretty good way to handle it. I couldn't imagine having to deal with that kind of stuff.
>girl posts stuff like this
>half of her ig profile is her showing off her butt or pics in lewd dresses

I do that with my own for nothing.
>18 year old
#BarelyLegal amirite
>State genre
Slamming brutal death metal
These days pretty much just /a/, /co/ and /x/
"my type" in this case would mean in the bedroom at least but
>likes anal a lot
>won't be so shy about her kinks/desires/preferences that I have to take the initiative bringing them up every time
She said it, Dreams, illiterate bro
can we watch for nothing?
So its true that all women are bi, huh?
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Did I say something wrong or fuck up
Someone can be really into buttstuff but still shy about other kinks. I'd know.
Mostly just /atoga/ and /co/. Black comedy.
No idea what you're even on about
this conversation makes no sense to me.
I won't let you make me seem like the weird one here, you old lady fucker.
If your girl got aroused by you, like, touching your elbow, wouldn't you do it?
that's some hard latino worldview
Honestly I just really want to not have to be the one bringing up anal in particular. I hate the "men like it women hate it" meme. If she's afraid of telling me about her giant monster tentacle fetish I won't sweat it.
When it comes to actual kinks you can perform versus fantasy kinks it's a different story anyway.
>girl who has a higher body count but has had sex less than a hundred times
Am I missing something? This is the only correct answer.
Sure, but i wouldn't kiss a man for her
even if they don't identify as Bi they're more open to being touchy and stuff. Simple as.
That's an extremely reasonable stance to have on kink sharing in general, and I totally agree. This is why I try and be open about the physical stuff and keep the smut stuff on paper and to myself.
If you're in grey it makes more sense but idek what this is.
I want to bust a nut, but porn is so boring i just cant. How do i bust a nut without porn? I cant get laid obviously
Idk I was teasing her

I can’t tell if she was trying to flirt or give me some kind of attitude with the last line
It's like a 2 minute conversation over the course of 9 hours
Torturous. You can't flirt over an extended period of time like that lol if neither of you are big texters it's just awkward to prolong the conversation
Guys seem to have this "being seen as homosexual" stigma. Not really a thing with a lot of girls, right. I guy we're more comfortable with our sexuality.
NTA but I think that's how it should be
men should be strict about their sexual behavior and women should be more fluid and free to do gay stuff with each other.
Idk you seem to be the only one to think so
do you play gatcha games?
it would take surprisingly little for a pretty woman to convince me to give her money.
Hahaha I see what you’re saying.
She’s supposed to come over tomorrow.
I just can’t tell if she was trying to flirt or not.
But yes neither of us are big texters
I would LOVE for two guys to start kissing and feeling each other up for my benefit...
Minigolf and other activities I’m not into, but would do for the person I love
^ anyone?
How do you spot NPCs in the wild?

i'm one
F dancing.
fujos aren't welcome here
It's usually the people that ask questions like that unironically.
I have reached monk mode. At 30 years old, I do not desire intimacy any longer. No tricks work for me, no skanky clothes or flowery perfumes will seduce me anymore, I am a man of no physical desire.
Men I used expired eyeliner and now I have a stye in my eye
Why did you do this to me?
Anon can you please have sex with me? I really need it :( please fuck me?
Because you look prettier without makeup
>Not as often as I think about dick, though.
Would you rather give oral or get oral?
This is unironically a huge brain play to get pussy. It's an inverse equation, the less you desire, the more you are desired.
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Your gender
Your thoughts about pic related?
women why don't you desire males like we desire you?
I’m just going to respond and tell her I’m looking forward to tomorrow
Does that sound fine
What? It made me laugh.
i have a hard time accepting money from people but i find men like this so fucking cute. the eagerness is irresistible even if i’m not going to take them up on it
I dunno, I've never dated before
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>tfw no abusive girlfriend
stop being a sissy
I do, really, but I don't let it consume me.
Im going to chat with this young cute blonde
Stay away from Twitch.
It reminds me a little of one time i fucked a big woman, it was disgusting and I couldnt stay hard, so i dressed up and bounced. Still haunts me, that experience.
Do you think drawn hentai and porn or actual porn is worse? It’s gotta be the drawn stuff right?
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how do you know if this other guy doesn't give a shit about me? how can intell if he does give a shit

please let me know, genuinely
I don't want to be a doormat anymore
Its not a play im afraid, i think i might have completely burned the fuck out. Funny how I wanted to be in control of my lust a few years ago but it seemed so impossible.
only if you aren't fat and balding though
>the less you desire, the more you are desired.
Not true at all. When you're not desirable yourself, ignoring women is only result in being ignored yourself.
I don't think you get that putting up this stoic front really makes women crazy. I didn't even get that bratty women liked me so much because I genuinely get triggered by teasing. I just saw it as bullying, same as you probably see rejection as just "I'm not good enough". Its your niche brother. Be the stoic, calm, wall that women need to just break down.
You know I'm not fat and balding, fat and balding anon.
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how do women avoid this from happening to them?
What quests do you have for me?
If you suck it for good 15mins prior, get it nice and hard, lube your pussy up, you can use my dick as I lay down on my back. Thats the best I can do im afraid.
Idk, actual porn is pretty bad for you depending on what you’re watching. Not to mention the industry
Sometimes it feels like time stops and I'm all alone in the universe for a split second.
don't ever watch Vanilla Sky, schizo bro
Quit living in the past and start meeting brand new people. Then we'll be just as ignorant as you.
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You are
I fear no demonic entities. I am nothing before the Lord, and your paltry assault is like a dog eating it's own shit.
I see it all for what it is. Exchange of services, which dont interest me, unfortunately. As a man, you have to put up with quite alot of time and energy consuming endevours just to keep a woman entertained, content, satisfied and happy, for them to stick around. Life of solitude is peaceful, perhaps too peaceful.
How was your day?
It was ok, long shift today
How do I command F on mobile
Doing what?
Pretty good, I made myself a nice breakfast and saw my family for dinner
HA I got you
Three vertical dots in the upper right, Tap Find in page.
when you say living in the past you mean reconnected with old flames? what do you man be just as ignorant as me? I definitely think I am stupid and easily used since I come with "pure" intentions
My wagie fast food job
My friends owe me so much money and I don’t know how to bring it up without sounding like an asshole
If you hit the 3 dots or whatever the equivalent icon to bring up more options is on safari there should be a "find in page" option
How much?
my mom kept calling me to come over and I kept answering half-asleep and telling her I'd be there soon but ended up sleeping until 3pm
I then proceeded to get drunk and am still drunk some 6 hours later
Like so
Not great. Period.
Try to view it moreso as a challenge to yourself. A game, to see how much you can be for the woman. They reflect us, you know. I've always viewed it in the lenses of a game.
>tfw your /atoga/ crush has no intention of ever dating anyone online, let alone 4chan, and is instead of obsessed with some irl hoe that will never love him like I do
It was a day. Did some writing.
Bro, leave him alone
>people have /atoga/ crushes
ngmi bros
I think I'd be interested in hearing her side of the story, and I also think anon has some problems. It sounds like there was a lack of communication and incompatibility in values, at minimum.

I'm a firm believer that there are four things that cause irreconcilable differences in couples: money, children/pets, sex and respect. It sounds like money was the major one here, but it seems like respect may have been an issue as well.
/atoga/, /biz/, /fa/, /sp/, /x/,
Can't relate. My baby loves me. Infinite mozz sticks for us.
you must be new here
This except the genders are reversed
Men bros, do you think women would miss us if we disappeared?
Not the healthiest way to crush on someone.
I don’t think he loves me anymore
I think a lot of them would
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I know for sure they wouldn't miss me
They'd miss some men, but most of us men in this thread would likely not be missed
how'd you know it was me?
He never did
No, not at all. None of them would.
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My legs all fucked up like pic related
except I didn't self harm, it was just consequence of a skin disease
how over is it for me?
Haven't worn shorts since 2 decades ago.
also soz I am kina tipsy rn
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I don't. :^P
M or F?
No one worthwhile cares about something like that, don't worry
Paint your skin on like everyone else
But he told me he did
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You're right, I don't.
Did you have a bunch of tumors removed or something?
Could be. Tell me, what other foods did I promise you an infinite supply of?
Human females, how do you hear with hair covering your ears? Would that not impede your hearing somewhat?
Yes. The past is dead. You already tried and already failed with the men in your past. Meet new people, and treat a man as JUST a man, not as The One Special Preordained Man On Whom All Your Dreams Depend. Don't fall in love with a man unless he falls in love with you too and unless you both treat each other as you deserve to be treated.
nah, it was psoriasis, it was very severe for me, and I scratched it excessively during my worst days, which left scars.
Not a girl but hair is pretty light and not very dense. Hold a few tissues lightly over your ear and tell me if you notice e a difference in volume.
tfw I'll never get crushed on by an atogan
I'll love you, homeboy
you moist as hell I bet
Nta but I believe you offered me air fried fries as well :)
Been there, done that, my young friend. Competition and challanges were never in my nature, ive always went for paths of least resistance. Competition is fun for a very brief moment, unfortunately with relationships, one has to compete everyday, for the woman to stay interested. Id rather practice my athleticism elsehow. Very freeing feeling being able to walk past women, and pay no look at them at all, you can almost feel them get baffled, disarmed, confuesed. (Especially when you look the part(well groomed, stylish, muscular & healthy).
He lied, babydoll
dis nigga good with colors
Nta and haven't followed your conversation but you should know that many men proclaim to be falling in love with you at the same time, treat you like a queen, and then do an about face
Ding ding ding
Hope you're holdin up well baby sweet ;)
Good times
yeah I feel like I need to have a guy show more interest in me than I do them now.

though, what about a guy who has been trying to see me for over two years now? not the guy I mentioned, but he just now surprised me by pulling the trigger and asking if I want to do something tomorrow. we haven't met yet so I haven't given him the chance yet. is two hours distance really that bad?
Light and not dense materials are the best at blocking sound. That's why foam is used for soundproofing.
Can someone please tell me when I will be over this asshole? I just want it to stop
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New strat
Seven months, twenty two days, thirteen hours, forty nine minutes and two seconds
Are you sure you're ready to evaluate him on his own merits, instead of comparing him against a fantasy version of him that exists in your imagination?
That's entirely up to you. You can be over him today if you want.
It's already been longer than that. You mean it'll take ANOTHER 7 months?
Yep, sorry. I don't make the rules.
I...will never be a memory.
I'm that anon
yeah, I'm partly to blame for not explaining more to her what I was doing at any given moment. but, seriously, if you love me so much but don't really want to get involved, at least do some effort and maybe ignore me while doing my shit instead of nagging me about random shit, no?
what about explaining your tantrums? am I supposed to put up with each and every single one of them? is it really difficult to be open and clear with me about what actually went through your mind or body? I asked her wtf was going on and she didn't say shit.
consider this: we both were 30+. how the fuck am I supposed to endure an adult woman and her tantrums?
and those are not the only things I had to endure... I wish they were, but there were so many other things... those are the ones that bothered me the most, because she clearly wanted to make me feel like it was all my fault.
Aight then chop off a lock of your own hair and put it against your head
Lmfao. I'm not a moist as you bitch ass bottom boi.
Yeah I guess that's just your approach. I do hope you find happiness man, you deserve that.
Lol turns out that is the birthday of my ex before him. Wtf are the odds.
The odds are 1/365, I guess
What is that supposed to mean?
Stop thinking about him. Stop talking about him. Drop him, emotionally, and move on.

Do other stuff with your time, energy, brainpower. If there's a void in your day because you spent so much time talking to him or spending time with him, fill it with something else. Read books. Go for walks. Join a gym or club. Whatever.

I don't know how else to explain it other than you just choose to take a mental knife to whatever emotional and psychological strings you have to him. Maybe I've had too much practice, but it comes easily for me. Snip. Move on.
What is a safe, non-destructive outlet to channel my rage against human females?
I do plenty of other stuff. There isn't a void in my day due to his absence because he's been gone forever now. The problem is I can't ever stop thinking about him and everything still reminds me of him even though it's been 35 millennia since I last saw him
Gardening :)
Kill me
First one
>has successful relationships and likes sex
How long until artificial wombs are a thing? I believe that sole innovation would shift society into completely new direction. It will rid of many of todays hierarchial nuances.
If the relationship ended it wasn't successful 2bh
so your son would just be a clone of you? actually, what would determine the sex?
Yeah that's what you want, isn't it you bitch? Always the fucking victim.
>kill me
So fucking typical. No I will not be gaslight again into thinking I'm an the abuser. Go fuck yourself.
oh, btw, money was never a "problem" on itself. not for me anyway.
but she made half of what I made.
I was trying to help her do the same as I always do: save as much as we could. for instance, we looked a for cheaper apartment, found one and moved there. but she wanted me to keep a bigger portion than her because I made more than her.
also, instead of saving, she kept wasting money on dumb shit. she even complained about me not gifting her stuff (I did, just not what and when she wanted it).
anyway, yeah, we clearly didn't have the same values. so, I told her bye. I loved her a lot but I seriously felt like she didn't give a shit about my values, my efforts and sacrifices, my objectives in life or anything about me other than my attention and some sporadic sex. and then she even complained about by telling me that "I was with her only for the sex". go figure...
>but, seriously, if you love me so much but don't really want to get involved, at least do some effort and maybe ignore me while doing my shit instead of nagging me about random shit, no?
You're gonna have to explain this more because I genuinely can't figure out what you're talking about.

> what about explaining your tantrums?
Hard for me to imagine dating someone who throws tantrums. I assume a tantrum are doing stuff like yelling, slamming doors, walking around being visibly huffy to make sure you see it, or giving silent treatment. If you can't talk to your partner, what are you even doing? I can understand if your partner is like "I need to be alone for a bit to think", but if so, they then need to come back and say "okay, let's talk".

So I guess what I'd ask is... it sounds like you dated this person for a while, but these problems sound like they were long-term and ongoing. What made you keep going? Because I wouldn't expect someone to endure another adult's tantrums, I'd expect them to have some self-respect and either give their partner an ultimatum (basically, tell them it's time to grow up) or just leave because they don't need to deal with that bullshit.
>The problem is I can't ever stop thinking about him and everything still reminds me of him even though it's been 35 millennia since I last saw him
If you're still thinking about him, it's because there's some void in your brain that he's filling. Find something else to fill it with.
You might be one of those rare 1/1000 females, who acrually fall in love once in their life (its normal, youre normal). Probably just get a few tattoos, start going to clubs with your besties, and just generally become a whore (its what other women do, it seems to work for them)
You definitely were the abuser
>so your son would just be a clone of you?
Imagine what kind of guidance you could provide if your offspring is an exact clone of you... youd be able to mitigate all of the errors you have made yourself and craft someone with complete potential.
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Go to war or a 15 minute conversation with a woman
yeah definitely and I appreciate you for being truly real with me where it matters.
I don't want any tattoos, I don't go to the club, I don't want to be a whore. I know everyone says finding someone else is the best way to get over someone but I don't want anyone else right now I just want peace
Why did she leave me on delivered
This doesn't really make any sense to me. If there's a void it's shaped exactly like him and nothing else will fill it
Good luck tomorrow. Don't be fixated on a fantasy, just be there in the moment and just be real.
>she wanted me to keep a bigger portion than her because
*she wanted me to PAY a bigger portion

>You're gonna have to explain this more because I genuinely can't figure out what you're talking about.
imagine you are trying as hard as you can to find a house to buy so that you can fill your most basic need while also save money and finally be able to do whatever the fuck you wanted in life with your money and your new house. and instead of celebrating and helping you, your gf nags you about not going to the gym, "not wanting to spend time with her", not doing chores (even though I did) and so on.

>it sounds like you dated this person for a while, but these problems sound like they were long-term and ongoing. What made you keep going?
she was my first gf... and we lived together for 3 years. I messed up by staying with her to be honest because she showed me this side of her very early in the relationship...
it wasn't that bad until the end though. she is a wonderful person when behaving normally (which is most of the time), but seriously annoying when misbehaving, when trying to have a serious talk, when criticizing her habits compared to her words.
in the end she made my life shit by making me feel stressed af, by complaining over random shit, by throwing tantrums during our fucking vacations, etc.
fat and balding
Im afraid you might just have to embrace the eternal doom. Let it consume you. If your thoughts are revolving around him, that means it has to be so. But remember, for better or worse, whilst you are in bed alone, he has another woman wrapped around him at night. Type shit.
Ok if that's the case then I have to kill them both
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femanon at the therapist be like
Pufflestein if you're here give me your address so I can tutor you and make you not a god damn NPC you disgusting animal.
Did you just draw this?
its a edited trace
Remember this however, you lost someone you love, but he lost someone that loved him. Did you really mean that much to him, if he was able to just let you go, and is happy with another girl this very minute, as youre typing on this board, he has her cheeks in his palms, exerting long, heavy strokes as she moans.
Why are you saying this? It's not helping
>imagine you are...
Was buying a house and saving money important to her?

Not criticizing you for doing that. That's my priority as well. But it sounds like you had one priority, she had another, and neither of you understood or respected each others' priorities.

That's not me saying her priority is necessarily equal to yours, because I certainly value buying a home and having the freedom and independence of it over going to the gym. But at the same time, it sounds a bit like she was trying to spend time with you, and you didn't value that as much as she did, which caused friction. And while having a roof over your head IS a need, owning a house (as opposed to renting, or living with family to save money) is a want. So it reads to me like you guys wanted different things.

That's just feedback for your next relationship. Don't stay with people who throw tantrums or refuse to communicate, it'll shave years off your life. But my feedback here is just to point out a disconnect that you might not have picked up on because you're so angry and frustrated over what happened.
we'll see! I reiterated asking him what he is looking for, because he wants to drive 2 hrs to see me but I don't feel comfortable giving him my address.

for any men looking at my comment, when dating how soon do you ask for a girl's address? I assume he wants to pick me up to hang out but I havetrut issues and want to hold off on my location. I dormant immediate sex
Truth sets you free. Let go of the fantasy you have created in your head, and come to terms with reality. Reality is cold, its dirty and hard to take, but its the truth. I mean, shit, its been 5 years and I still think about the little brunette that broke my heart, we were meant to be, but it could never be, so it goes.
I don't ask for her address. I find it.
How did you know?
>Was buying a house
>important to her?
yes, she wanted her own.

>saving money important to her?
no, her logic was: I can't save enough to buy my own house with my current wages, so why even try?

>she was trying to spend time with you, and you didn't value that as much as she did, which caused friction
sure. except, we lived together, and still did things together and stuff. she wanted even more of that.

>But my feedback here is just to point out a disconnect that you might not have picked up on because you're so angry and frustrated over what happened.
maybe I wasn't able to put it all together, but I sure as fuck knew that she had other priorities and values.
Just give him an address of a nearby location you can walk to , retard. Also, give him head in the car, its a long drive you have to appreciate his time.
Meet in public, hang out in public, say goodbye and part ways in public. Simple as.
The latter. I would last about 5 minutes in war, if we're being generous.
It's not truth because I don't know if he's in bed with someone else right now. I'm perfectly fine with hearing the truth but I don't know the truth at all. What you said is just another fantasy.
A random person joined my lobby and I got scared. What the fuck happened to my social skills?
I could make you feel better, im x10 the man that he is
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Made me spend 10 minutes on this
I'm sure you are
He was horrible to me and I want him out of my head
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No, No, No, No, let me ask you a question. When you came to this thread, did you notice a subject line that said "Random Bullshit"?
I fed pigeons once and they never left
I still hear them outside my window occasionally
> yes, she wanted her own.
> her logic was:

Right, okay, I think I see what's up.

So basically, she fell into the trap a lot of poor people fall into. I see it happen all the time and it astonishes me-- I'll see someone who can't afford new tires on their car (that they really need) decide to buy a goddamn anime statue and it drives me nuts, because on its face, it's just pure idiocy. But what basically happens is that they decide to go for short-term dopamine hits because they lack self-control.

If you ever saw that experiment with the marshmallow, where young kids were told they'd get a second marshmallow if they resisted eating the first, that's what I'm talking about. The ability to control impulse and defer pleasure for greater rewards. It sounds like you have that impulse control, she doesn't.

So that's something else to look at in future relationships. You value being able to defer immediate pleasure in order to earn greater future rewards. Make sure your partner also has similar values and self-control in that respect, because that's the kind of thing that destroys relationships (as you've just experienced).

Honestly, she doesn't sound like a super mature person. Maybe she was fun to be with? But in terms of long-term partnership, you couldn't actually rely on her to pull her weight. I had that discovery myself, where someone being kind and fun is simply not enough to make them a good partner.
Okay, then here.
State gender
A random person joined my lobby and I got scared. What the fuck happened to my social skills?
Anon, you know I ain't see no-
Four letter word for authentic, genuine and spirited.
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>it was like I was kissing my brother
can any anons shed some light on this?
there is documented evidence of siblings who were raised apart fucking each other and having no idea
Describe yourself to me, are you a good girl? Do you like getting petted?
I had a childhood friend I had a crush on. Things got sexual but we were young teens and didn't get very far. One day, we started kissing, we took my shirt off, he started touching my boobs. Then he told me to put my shirt on, gave me a long spiel about how he didn't want to take advantage of me, and that he saw me like a sister.

I don't know if that helps shed light or not. I guess it got too real and weird for him. Or what, I dunno.

FWIW he's getting married this year. I'm still single and a virgin. So, am I that ugly? Quite possibly.
There is no tangible difference
I have no trouble conversing with women. Women have trouble conversing with me.
I love Amazon. I love buying all of my products on Amazon. I love making Jeff Bezos richer, because ultimately his business helps me get richer too.
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>tfw been a Cameron for all 29 years of my life
How do I find a Ferris to pull me out of my depressive shit and enjoy life?
The Real Ferris Bueller is the tulpa you make along the way.
How many posters itt right now? Like 3?
(You), me, and my 47 other IPs
That's an image counter. We don't have an IP counter anymore because the mods don't want people to know that 4chan is a dead website.
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And me!
Come here and lemme sneed you
I hate this. Just because no one ever sees you with any pussy everyone immediately assumes you're an incel.
Wallpaper anon?
Are they wrong?
Yeah, one of my many hobbies.
Sup I'm the nigga that showed you the moody blue ones.
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Guy doesn't have social media = red flag
Girl doesn't have social media = green flag

Explain this one
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Ayy those are gooders. I keep the Yuno one up but I saved all of yours. I added some reds recently.
Anything that can paint me in a bad light, does.
I don't have social media, but I also don't date.
>girls, has a guy ever lied to you about their job/employment
>how did you find out
I'm not working at the moment, kind of fine just being an neet for a few months

Have told a handful of girls I work from home and haven't been questioned on it. It's been pretty chill.
Zased. Luv me space photos.
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Lets take a gander and see what else I have. This one fucked hard for me.
I used to work as a mechanic at a shitty auto shop. I was doing a late night shift with an older coworker, business was slow so he was working on one of his own cars. He had it jacked up using some old pos axle stand Deathtrap, wheels off, doing something underneath, I don't know what as I never really asked about it. I'm sitting in the corner pissing around on my phone when sudden I hear a pound PING of a metal object dislodging and pinging across the room followed by a loud crash. That death trap jack finally popped and dropped the whole front end of the truck onto the guy's face, I'm pretty sure it killed him instantly. I was scared as fuck and had no idea what to do, the guy was motionless and unresponsive, after standing around in shock for a few minutes I just left and never came back. Didn't even email them or anything. Never fucking working under cars ever after that.
Dude that is fucked. What the fuck? Did they ever reach out to you?
They sent a few emails but I never opened let alone answered those nor did I pick up any of their calls.
Femanon, you keep hiding from incels in the world, and eventually the incels are gonna come to your front door.
4 including me
Moving on doesn't mean that you forget, but rather, learning to detach feelings from memories. This can be done through catharsis, by reliving the experience (can be by proxy, like through media) in order to process the emotions and detach them from the memories. Another way is by saying your part, either to that person or to the void. Like an earworm, it can work by "singing the song till the end", writing out your thoughts as a way to take them off your mind. I usually write them as notes in my phone and delete them later, but maybe saying to to that person helps as a way of dropping the load.
I hope they do, what are they waiting for?
Yeah I don't blame you, holy shit. Man, you ever talked to a therapist or some shit? That's a heavy experience.
I've written 300 notes in my phone. I think you're right. I have so much I didn't get to say to him and it's eating me alive.
No. I just try not to think about it. Been a few years so it doesn't come up as much but I get a rare nightmare about it.
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That's really fucked. Glad you've more or less repressed it though.
Maybe sending someone 300 notes worth of text is a bit too much, but eh, whatever gets it of your chest. Maybe condense all that into one note, and if you feel like it you'll tell him that, it can work as a final "goodbye" of sorts. Maybe take the time to spend the day in your head, doing a little spring cleaning, to dump away what you want to dump.
I would like to send him a letter but he told me not to contact him again
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Is this true?
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how do I get over my MILF fetish?
Luna could get it with her legs over my shoulders while I choke her.
Well, you also have the right to say your part. Maybe you can write that you don't expect a reply, that you only want to get it off your chest in order to move on.
Most older women I see irl are pretty gross ngl
I mean the dynamic is hot
But most require a lot more love
I just feel gross contacting him when he said not to, makes me feel like a stalker, but maybe I just need to get over that and do what's best for myself. Also I've been putting off writing it bc I want it to be eloquent and well written and not just emotional word vomit so that's been holding me back too
after being burned pretty badly in terms of reaching out to a guy who didn't like me as much, how do I build myself up again? any gender, how do you view selfcare? I am not sure if going out to meet another guy is the answer.
Realize that his reaction was a reflection of him, not you. Try doing things that make you feel good about yourself, physically. Have a self care day where you just shave every inch of your body or whatever helps you feel best.
I'm not attracted to internet MILFs like in porn and such. I am however DEEPLY attracted to irl MILFs I've met through work and such.
>Realize that his reaction was a reflection of him, not you.
NTA but what does this even mean? It always seems like an empty platitude to me
Maybe contact him some other way other than a letter, if you don't want him feeling like you know his daily life, maybe like a text.
And with regards to writing, let it start as a word vomit, but don't send that. Work it over time, correct it, refine it. Give it time, no one gets anything right on the first try.
>if you don't want him feeling like you know his daily life
What do you mean by this? He knows I know his address. I used to see him all the time. He lives 10 minutes from me.
I say it in the sense that don't do something that highlights the physical proximity between the two but rather builds distance. That is also helpful for you, as that can translate into emotional distance that can help you move on.
F who are late 27-32s, would you ever consider dating a 19-20yo?
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If a trusted male friend had his arm around you cause you were sitting together or on his lap how high would you let his arm travel before you got uncomfortable with it? Would you enjoy it if his arm was touching the underside of your boobs?
>imagine picrel but one arm
M why dont you want to deal with fresh pussy your own age? Im 35 and need the 27-32s if there are still good ones left.
Thought it was zyzz from the thumbnail
I'm not asking for myself, I'm trying to get the female answer/reason to it
No, never
It means that if things ended badly, you are in charge of how you view your end of things and that viewing how you think he views things does absolutely nothing for you.
can she feel what i feel?
what a pussy faggot
I call bs. how were you not asked by the police about the incident?
My gf sometimes takes like 6-8 hours to respond to texts. Sometimes she won’t respond til the next morning.

This makes me feel like she doesn’t care about me or I don’t mean that much to her. Is that bad
Can you hear the silence
Can you see the dark
Can you fix the broken
Can you feel my heart
Let her know, talk it out with her as adults
I just feel like so needy saying that to. It’s not attractive at all and I realize that.

She’s usually off work by now. We were texting back and forth lightly throughout the day and I told her I was looking forward to seeing her tomorrow and she never responded. It’s been like 3 hours
Would it be weird if I checked in with a girl just to make sure my jokes aren't actually hurting her feelings? She hasn't really done anything to make me think I upset her but I'd want her to tell me if I went too far.
I need sex.
>So that's something else to look at in future relationships. You value being able to defer immediate pleasure in order to earn greater future rewards. Make sure your partner also has similar values and self-control in that respect
I have no clue how to filter women based on this and other factors. should I really talk to all and every single women about her actions and thoughts regarding a lot of the shit I care about?
Hello, I am the sex.
Shut up faggot. I fuck dudes and girls and I wouldn't touch you with a 100 foot pole.
thank you, I really like doing cardio in my neighborhood while listening to music thinking. I can look at the stars at night and remember my dead friends and how there was real love there. I want to shave some weight too.
Hey! You can be mean to me, but please leave my 100 foot pole out of this.
lmao based
fuck that whiny attentionwhore
Shaving down weight will help you feel better for sure. Even the feeling of knowing you've set a goal and made progress will do wonders. Going for a run like you said will always help too. Don't be afraid to just chat with strangers as well.
>I can look at the stars at night and remember my dead friends and how there was real love there.
I know this feeling I actually do this a lot while listening to songs we used to both like.
nah, that's good communication practice.
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How do you prefer your sack hanging (or partners sack if you are female)?
Winter is easier, they're less prone to injury that way.
They had security cam footage so it was pretty obvious what had happened. The police did show up at my door but I didn't answer them, I was under no obligation to anyway.
Summer feels much better
m but that sounds like the rarest match in the social sphere. men only gain valor until 40 or something and 30yo women are still super attractive and have no problem getting men their age.
that being said you will always encounter cases of love that just doesn't give fuck about circumstances
The summer one sticks to ya legs and you can sit on em if you're not careful.
Gotta keep your friends close and your testicles closer.
Not really a preference.
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Women, why don't you look like this irl?
>people out there are fucking or already fucked
>I'm here alone, anxious, feeling lonely as fuck and wasting my time in this retarded website
I seriously need to get the fuck out of here...
saturdays are brutal when you are poor or have a crappy social life
that's why sometimes I feel comfortable coming here as anonymous to ask for advice. sometimes people can be helpful. can I ask what kind of music you listened to that reminded you of lost friends? I feel really raw right now but I'm glad some people care about loved ones who have gone before us. I hope we see them again. I just feel really low about myself right now.
yup. good thing I'm not poor anymore. the bad thing is that I live far from the city. in fact I had matched a girl... but, guess what happened.
>can I ask what kind of music you listened to that reminded you of lost friends?
Moonlight Mile by the Rolling Stones, Hey Moon by John Maus. Very nostalgic, melancholic music. I lost a good friend to suicide 8 years ago, and while it's gotten smaller, the grief isn't as easy as it was when I found out. I'm sorry you've suffered too. It's really hard, but we keep them alive in our hearts, and we will see them again.
>I just feel really low about myself right now.
That's okay. Some days are like that. You'll make it through this, I promise.
I really do recommend Moonlight Mile, it's beautiful.
she flaked out for reasons unknown?
she told me "I thought you lived in the city", talked a bit more and then proceeded to ignore me.
No, retard tripfag, I've never taken a dick up on my ass.
So are you like Exhibanon's evil alter ego or something? Some kinda mental break?
looks like the tripfag got confused or something lmao
She's a fat gross e-whore who posts nudes on 4chan.
yeah my friends were suicidal too and I have been as well. sometimes I feel like it would be easier to just die so I could see them again. I'll try to look up what you mentioned. I'm sorry that you and your friends went through so much too. may we all have that happily ever after.
link nudes
You wouldn't want to see them even if I was willing to go find them in the archives, which I'm not.
I'm actually every poster in the thread, good eye. How'd you catch on?
Doesn't shock me, just haven't seen her before. Foul beast, from what little interaction I just had. Its kinda funny how rare it is though, most of the femanons are actually somewhat pleasant.
>I have been as well.
Same, since I was 9 years old I've struggled against it. I promise it gets easier. You'll live for yourself someday, and love yourself. I believe in you. We'll find our happy endings, one day I will have a daughter named Rose and a loving wife.
>M why dont you want to deal with fresh pussy your own age?
They're dating Chad.
Women are disgusting by default, they can't be pleasant.
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How do I find a girl to be my dance partner
specifically latin and swing
Well that's just untrue lol. Not by default.
can you expand on wanting a daughter one day? I also want to have a baby but being 30 makes me think I missed the boat. what scares me is so many parents being predator i hear about. possibly why my friend ended up dying due to her trauma.
thinking about them unsightly, straight up abominable femanons. UwU
have you tried latin clubs or dance classes at the mall? mall by my place always has a bunch of people dancing.
Women, if you could have your crush for a night but you had to share him with every other girl that has a crush on him, would you?
>can you expand on wanting a daughter one day?
Sure. I grew up with 5 sisters, and my little brother didn't come around until I was already living on my own. So being a big brother to my little sisters was really special. I remember being 7 when my first little sister was born and I spent more time with her as a baby than our parents did. Ever since then I wanted a little girl, someone that I can raise and help grow into a happy, healthy, successful woman. Its just something I've always wanted, a little girl. People love to take that out of context and be disgusting, but really it's all because of my little sisters.
>I also want to have a baby but being 30 makes me think I missed the boat. what scares me is so many parents being predator i hear about.
My mom was 30 when she had me. You'll be a wonderful mother if you truly love and care for your child. You aren't a product of your parents, nor was your friend. It's really sad that she chose that extreme method to escape her pain, I'm sorry you and her had to go through that. But you will not be a predator. I promise.
Alright women I have arisen from hibernation. Did you shop while I was gone?
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>being 30 makes me think I missed the boat.
50% of women who haven't had a child by age 30 won't have children at all, so it's pretty much a coin toss. However, late motherhood is becoming more and more common, so you're far from alone in your position.
nah, good chance he would be mine if i wanted to anyways
That's cope
that’s too much intimacy for a male friend
Well it needs to be asked, why haven't you made him yours yet?
that's sweet. I hope you're a good person too.
is this a real statistic? I feel so useless and like I want to kill myself sometimes because no guy ever understands me enough to really get and cherish me. the rare chances I do open up to a guy usually end up in failure and like anons say here it is my fault.
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>how do I get over my MILF fetish?
Why would you want to do that?
>that's sweet. I hope you're a good person too.
Thanks, I hope as much. But if you trust anons here then I'm a bipolar narcissist. Who knows? Decide your own fate. Like Vegeta when he killed himself.
Makimaposter, Makima isn't a MILF.
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>is this a real statistic?

>like anons say here it is my fault
Why do you feel it is your fault opposed to there being a shared responsibility? There are two people involved, aren't there?
What does it mean when 90% of girls that swipe on me are weebs and koreaboos?
You're Asian?
busy with uni and work, and i don’t have a guy crush atm
or you just have insane luck
>20 years of fertility research
>barely any progress

The wall is unstoppable
makes interacting with business women hard (hehe) because I want them to talk down to me and punish me; also it means I'm more interested in chasing hags with no eggs instead of women my own age or younger who can actually give my family and heir
Women gain infinitely more from being fit / in shape than men do, yet gyms are generally occupied by men not women.

It really makes you think.
Well, the solution is pretty clear: egg freezing.
You girls cant afford that either
Its hardly a solution, given how effective it is.
I am but I rarely if ever get swiped on by normal girls. Does this mean I’m only attractive under the lens of a fetish?
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>Makimaposter, Makima isn't a MILF.
I don't like going to the gym for a variety of reasons (including how many men are there), but I'm very physically active. That's the case for a lot of my friends.
yeah I used to blow out my birthday candles as a cjild and wished I was never born.
because a lot of people don't like women even some women themselves and I feel like such burden to this world. I just acted to be happy and I feel like I can only find that when I might die. I have such a big heart but I keep getting hurt and they say I deserve it.
Does your profile make it obvious that you are a weeb or into weeb stuff or do you think its strictly race/language/culture related?
I notice a lot of Asian women prefer to be with their own kind. Im a brown skin so I tend to attract my own kind.

But arguably the same is true for many men. There are general patterns of attractiveness that appeal to 'most' but even for people who are rated generally ugly, they are often rated very attractive by some.
If your kind of look has a solid niche you appeal to, then that's a good thing, isn't it?
State gender
Thoughts on Dantes drama?
if I want a good workout I can’t go to a gym that have men, best to do it at home
I think my dating life would be easier if i didnt look like someone threw a brick in my face in my youth.

Well how old are you?
No problem fucking a hag with no strings attached
>yeah I used to blow out my birthday candles as a cjild and wished I was never born.
Wow that's so incredibly sad, I wish I could hug.
League of Legends players in a nutshell. Wtf did Lauren expect? He's a dumb groid, and tarzaned is a subhuman freak. It's like when I was friends with XJ9 and he would moonlight as a tranny for fun.
I read his Divine Comedy in full a few years book, it was very interesting but got pretty tricky to understand, especially towards the end of Paradiso.
I thought a lot of men at gyms were gays who just liked being around sweaty men.
Was this gay looking dude at my gym who either had a massive cock or was always walking around clubbed.
idk all sorts of people date
about to be 30 :(
>I have such a big heart but I keep getting hurt and they say I deserve it.
Who is they? People here?
>Dating would be easier if I was more attractive
Congrats Sherlock, you really cracked the case on that one.
I never played the DMC games, but I imagine any of their drama is pretty tongue-in-cheek.
>girl: i wish i had a guy who really loved me :(
>guy: i will love you
>girl: not you :) i want him :)

And this is why
don’t know what that is
I've only seen people mention this in this thread. I don't know who this person is besides the fact that he's a twitch streamer who broke up with his girlfriend.
>anon physically cannot understand that other people have standards
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>about to be 30 :(
Bruh, hags will be looking at you as dating material not a fuck toy
Why didn't you bang them in your 20's?
I really feel like I shouldn't be here. maybe my parents would have been happier if they could split without having me.
yes but I also have people in life who envy me and made feel bad for being better at art than them or more 'exotic' than them and I really feel like I shouldn't be here or american
Which is a great thing to have, until you get pumped and dumped around for 10 years and lose ability to not hate men
>Woman dates fuckboy
>Acts like a fuckboy
>surprise face
What the fuck was she thinking?
Why do women always fall for the biggest red flags lmao
Person who was beefing with him exposed that he and his gf had an abortion
I see. Well, I obviously are unfamiliar with the details, but when there are other people involved you probably shouldn't blame yourself exclusively.
>I really feel like I shouldn't be here. maybe my parents would have been happier if they could split without having me.
You know why you should be here? To talk to us. To talk to me. I'm happy you're here. I want you to be here. Its not your fault, whatever your parents did, whatever happened to you in your life. The only thing holding you down right now is you, that feeling that you're unworthy of live. You are worthy of life. I am a human being like you, so are all the other anons. We enjoy your posts. I enjoy our reply chain. If you weren't here, we wouldn't be talking. Little victories will add up into something bigger.
Why did tarzaned do that
Not really. I don’t wear clothes or accessories that scream “I love anime and Kpop” even though I do like the former. I don’t even get matches from Asian girls often.
I see what you mean. It makes me wonder whether or not I’m matching with a girl who just wants to get with an Asian and doesn’t have many qualms as long as the dude is Asian.
Because he's a disgusting mentally ill animal that mains autistic nigger champions. Subhuman piece of shit. TF Blade but in the jungle.
>Hey bro stop talking shit about me or I'll tell people what I know
>Doesn't stop talking shit
>Tells people the truth
>Le surprised pikachu face
Real question is, why is Dantes so retarded?
>the truth
If you're unironically saying it's cool and good that Tarzaned talked about Lauren getting an abortion and Dantes not being there, don't ever touch grass. Just stay in your hole and rot forever.
>eceleb worship

Bring back hornyposting
It could be, but isn't it ultimately arbitrary? Why would it be better or worse to be liked for being Asian than being liked for being 6'5, blue eyes, a masters degree, making six figures, or having a good sense of humour for that matter? If something about yourself appeals to others, because it resonates with their aesthetic sentiments, it's all good and equal.
fuck I'm so horny all the time I wish I could have a gf with a fat ass who likes cumming three times a day
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Alright, alright. Here's the horniest post in the whole thread.
Me too

Fat ass is love
What am I looking at here
What kind of shit was Dantes talking about Tarzaned?
A girl with a lotta horns.
Are hairy shoulders a turnoff for women
If you think it's cool and good to have irresponsible sex and then murder your baby because it's more convenient that way, instead od taking responsibility for ypur actions, especially when you have fuckton of money and resources then you need to touch grass.
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>see a very average looking girl in store
>But she has small waist and big and well shaped butt
>be attracted either way

Having fat ass is just an attraction cheat code.
Who would have known that 2 lumps of fat and muscle can make or break someones looks.

Do you think any mens bodypart can have anywhere close to same effect?

Is it height?
Shut the fuck up retard. You're putting words in my mouth. It has nothing to do with the actual abortion you autistic faggot, it has to do with Tarzaned acting like a woman and going for cheap shots because he has no morals. The fuck is actually wrong with you? Like actually. Are you really this much of a rabid incel that you would compromise your own "morals" just to feel some form of catharsis about a woman being hurt? Do you even have morals? Are you even human?
Its true, ass is the hack. A good ass adds, at minimum, +4 to the rating.
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>Here's the horniest post in the whole thread.
No its about hurting the guy
But hes just a popular pretty boy and hoes will love him all the same

Brvtal blackpill

I was thinking more of physical features.

Money can buy anyones ass, but not necessarily physical attraction.
only if you hornypost about women you know IRL
There is a phenomenon tall people talk about where they are at a party or whatever and are sitting down talking to a girl but when they stand up you can see them go from indifference to attraction
Women these days are freaks so it's still the ass. Watch your back and don't let them near yours.
Can confirm
Women have complimented me on my ass a lot. Like a surprising amount
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I don't see a single horn in that image. You are hornyless!
If you ever feel bad about yourself just remember there are people who jerk off to shit like this
Then maybe height but height is nowhere near as effective as money.
>Have money
>Women still don't give me the time of day
It's over for me, isn't it
>Tfw my glutes got pretty round and firm recently

Better ass than average gym girl :)
I like how you said some real heinous bullshit then try to play it off like a joke cuz "oh he was just trying to hurt the pretty boy hahaha he has so many girls who cares!" You know who does care? The bitch that her private business leaked by some autistic loser jungler who has mental problems. But I guess since she didn't suck your 3 inch pinch, she isn't worthy of empathy. Oh and she has a vagina.
I feel this world is too harsh.
butpeopl say ibshould kill myself here too. a lot of people don't like me posting or it's a few people and I feel really bad for reaching out. like you don't know me just like the other anons, I really have no impact on anyone it feels lik. like sure, I'm known as a local artist and get gallery offerings but people can be so real with themselves and harsh towards me for being "better" than them but art is subjective. my friend died and I miss her so much, and I feel so bad what she went through and what I went through as a kid. like I feel so fucked up that I feel like a by-product of war in vietnam and that I am here now because of that. and it hurts people say oh I attract lolicons because I am small and how they might not really like me except for the novelty of being small. I feel like a flower that was withered and shrunk my heart. maybe my birthday wishes re becoming more real.
That isn’t that bad all things considered, there are real people into abdl
I never said Tarzaned did nothing wrong. What he did was shitty. But that doesn't absolve Dantes and Laura from responsibility for their actions. Dantes reaction to that drama was fake as fuck, it was clear he didn't give two shits and only streamed his shouting match to save face. As for Laura, I do feel bad for her. But let's be clear, she is a grown woman, she should be able to make her own decisions. It's clear to me that while she was in relationship with Dantes she gave him way more than he deserved and got nothing in return. She upturned her life just to support his league addiction, she murdered her child, she tattooed his name on her chest. Clearly this woman isn't mentally well.
Nobody cares about ecelebs and your parasocial relationships with them

Bitch had it coming, dude is a piece of shit, and the third guy is a piece of shit too
More news at 10
It’s not lookin too good chief
>Bruh, hags will be looking at you as dating material not a fuck toy
is this a good thing?
>Why didn't you bang them in your 20's?
because I'm retarded and thought it would be funny to spend my youth working nights and never being social
Then your looks or personality must be so bad they ruin the money effect. Just how a fat ass is nice but if it is on an insufferable whore or an old fat woman it kind of does not have the same effect.
Nah, your fake as fuck false equivalency might work on retards, but not on me. You cannot, in good faith, try to tell me that somehow Dantes and Lauren's PRIVATE motherfucking business is equivocal to Tarzaned telling his audience about it.
>She upturned her life just to support his league addiction, she murdered her child, she tattooed his name on her chest. Clearly this woman isn't mentally well.
So what? Is this some extravagant incel post about how because she's a woman and got an abortion she deserved to have her dirty laundry aired because her ex-boyfriend was in a spat with some mentally ill streamer? Are you for real?
Hey retard, I literally only watched one video on it today, I don't watch streamers. The world doesn't just exist in your 3:4 aspect ratio view of it. Stay inside forever, please. Quit stealing oxygen from real humans.
>she should be able to make her own decision
NTA but that is exactly what she did. And she made the right decision.
>isn‘t mentally well
Exactly. Which is why not bringing a child into this world with these parents was the most mature, loving and sane decision she could have possibly made.
>So what? Is this some extravagant incel post about how because she's a woman and got an abortion she deserved to have her dirty laundry aired because her ex-boyfriend was in a spat with some mentally ill streamer? Are you for real?
I'm not an incel, I'm a woman. Also, If you read what I wrote you'd see that I actually placed most of the blame on Dantes and Tarzaned.
>butpeopl say ibshould kill myself here too
It's 4chan. They say that just because they're solipsists who can't conceive of you as a real human being. Try not to take it so personally. If it does help, I like you posting. I would love to see you post art somewhere, too. Like, gallery offerings? That's amazing, and you should take pride in that. You remind me of my best friend's wife. She drew me a picture of Customgrow420 smoking a bong and I've had in my office for years. You add so much good to the world in everything you do. Might not be what you want to hear, but it's true.
>people can be so real with themselves and harsh towards me for being "better" than them but art is subjective
They hate you because they ain't you.
>my friend died and I miss her so much, and I feel so bad what she went through and what I went through as a kid. like I feel so fucked up that I feel like a by-product of war in vietnam and that I am here now because of that. and it hurts people say oh I attract lolicons because I am small and how they might not really like me except for the novelty of being small.
That is awful. All of that. My heart hurts for you, I'm sorry you have to deal with people's cruel bullshit. You deserve to be uplifted and loved, not beaten down. Even if you've been venting here, posting, going through a cycle, you still deserve to be happy and break out of it. You'll find that belonging. You'll find the man/woman of your dreams that will love you for who you are, art, pain, and smallness. You aren't withered, you just need a nice stick to grow against.
>She drew me a picture of Customgrow420 smoking a bong
>I've had in my office for years
What in the white trash?
What if the world banned makeup?
Would you still go outside?
>Nah, your fake as fuck false equivalency
>So what? Is this some extravagant incel post about how because she's a woman and got an abortion she deserved to have her dirty laundry aired because her ex-boyfriend was in a spat with some mentally ill streamer? Are you for real?
You need to clam the fuck down bro, stop white knighting for some stupid hoe
You are the retard whos being farmed for clicks and views

Stop encouraging it
>Also, If you read what I wrote you'd see that I actually placed most of the blame on Dantes and Tarzaned.
You barely mentioned Tarzaned. You think you're slick? The fuck up is saying that Lauren had responsibility for her actions. What a load of fucking bullshit. You act like she just had a vacuum stuffed up her pussy and then it was like she didn't care. The victim is Lauren. The piece of shit is Tarzaned, trying to attack the lesser but still a piece of shit in Dantes.
>I'm not an incel, I'm a woman.
Not relevant at all. You sound like an incel.
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I never wear makeup but i also try to never go outside so it would have zero effect on me.
She murdered a baby. Not just any baby. Her own child. They baby already existed. It was living, it was growing and it could feel pain. And now it's dead. Spare me this retarded take that being dismembered in your mother's womb is somehow better than facing hardship in life. Tell me, if you see poor babies in the streets do you think the correct response is to murder them in order to put them out of their misery? And it's clear that that abortion fucked her up. She said she was crying and talking about wanting her baby back.
Never heard of Tarzan outside of the Disney movie. Why aren't you faggots watching actually talented streamers like Kai Cenat, Adin Ross or Xqc? Why are ya'll watching some niggas with 500 views?
>if you see poor babies in the streets do you think the correct response is to murder them in order to put them out of their misery?
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>They baby already existed. It was living, it was growing and it could feel pain. And now it's dead.
You are stupid as shit.
All of you motherfuckers are being farmed for views
i just fucking love a nice ass on a woman so much
The only streamer I watch posted his balls on /a/
Damn glad to know you're too above us to know what we're talking about but you're also secretly desperate to join in so you double post about how we're all sheep for streamer drama. Here's a free (You).
I prefer makeup world, but I would be fine either way
how do I stop myself from hating my curly/wavy hair? I wish it was straight
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Literally me.
YOU are stupid as shit. You don't know anything about prenatal development.
I watched the ishowspeed stream in Germany. He had 2 big booby white girls following him around, not sure about their age. It must be crazy being a popular youtuber in 2024.
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Remember Chat, the ABCs of a good relationship: Always Be Communicating!
find a curly style that suits you
Communication and meeting your partners needs will lead to successful relationships. No woman who’s stress free, heard, and consistently cumming is gonna say no to some reasonable hanky panky
Get a buzz cut.
You are one dumb fucker, I'll give you that. I bet you're like Ted Cruz and think that ectopic pregnancies should be carried to term, even if the mother dies cuz "muh ball of hecking cells that can feel pain even though its brain isn't even developed." Are you a vegetarian or does your boundless compassion only end at fetuses?
State gender
What was your favorite/most memorable craft project you did as a kid?
I have posted my art here and people said ibwas amazing/good but it's just art. sure I can decipt a portrait of someone or get into the eastern/western cartoon styles but like... I feel so empty and haven't created in awhile. there's so much competition and also AI art is a bummer, I have had my art stolen by a person before. my roomies used to loved that YouTube channel, but sometimes I feel he is hurting himself looking back on it.

you know, a lot of people say say that but I know people die suddenly of suicide or accidents and they were all alone. I could die randomly without suicide and not have anyone truly love me and I them in a romantic context. it feels selfish of me to think f that type of love when I know other kinds exist but it truly feels like I am here to hurt. I may never fight that stick.
She only cares about being vocally morally superior because she never was in that situation. She does not give a single shit about those babies.
I designed a T-shirt to represent our class. I lost and cried, and the girl that won was a black girl I had a crush on.
I was never really one for crafts, but when I was around 17 I built a concrete walkway behind my school through a shortcut a lot of people used to cut down on the amount of mud being tracked everywhere.
What did you put on the tshirt?
NTA, I was in a relationship for 10 years with the guy I lost my virginity to and I hate men more than any carousel slut could even comprehend
find* not fight
only typo I immediately saw, I have teary eyes sorry
a camel... :'^)
she chose a cheetah
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I made God’s eyes when I was a kid at church camp. I gave one to my day and I think he still has it in his car all this time later. Pic rel is an example
My ex was an artist as well. She made some of the most beautiful and thought provoking art I've ever seen, so I know the struggle of AI art. It's really bullshit, but nothing can re-create YOUR art, your touch and soul. You should really try to create again. Even if it's something simple, like a cat picture made in Paint (if I was gonna get a commission that's what I'd ask for lol).
>you know, a lot of people say say that but I know people die suddenly of suicide or accidents and they were all alone. I could die randomly without suicide and not have anyone truly love me and I them in a romantic context.
The reality is that this could happen, yeah. But its not selfish to want romantic love. We all want that, whether admitting or not. And you deserve that and I know you'll find it. You'll find that stick. Hell I'd date you, and I'm sure many people would love to be yours and for you to be there's. Please don't give up. You're not here to hurt. You're here to be you. If you were gone, you'd leave a hole for so many people.
Bow and arrows with my friends
We would then play firing arrows at a tree's trunk
Of course she doesn't. People who speak in arbitrary morality are never the ones who actually suffer from the choices they claim are so easy to make.
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Why aren't black girls real?
I want a black gf so bad bros
Sure. I don't wear make up much, maybe once a month if I'm going on a more formal date.
I wish we could just ignore them and they would not be allowed to vote.
What do girls think if a man who has been through a lot, including sexual violence thinks it's fun to call himself a survivor, especially when he shrugs off some kind of blow?
We had to make a small cow bicycle for children in the kindergarten. I drew, measured everything, cut out the cow head's and the teacher was impressed that I did it by myself. That's why I remember it.
delicious skintone
Democracy fucking sucks, doesn't it? Really lowers everything to the lowest common denominator. The Telvanni had it right. I bet that anon would think I'm some pro-choice shill with blue hair, when in reality I'm pro-life and much more about sexual safety. I'm just not a retarded fuck who thinks that fetuses are somehow aware and alive, nor would I ever in a million years say that the fetus's "life" is more important than the mothers. Idek. Nuance and critical thinking are too rare nowadays. It's like making your own opinion is too hard for people.
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Lol lisa is not black
It is all so tiresome.
This reminds me of an insanely hot black girl with green eyes and a baseball cap on an album cover. She was one of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen
Made a catapult for IA class in high school. Very good times, until the faggot Catholic school principal called it a weapon and we couldn't use it.
Women how good are you with hiding a crush or feelings that you may have for a male friend or someone you see on a regular basis in terms of avoiding giving off any signals?
She's black as fuck, she's just been using some black market korean skin toning shit to hide itt
I'm not. Why would I do that?
There hasn't been a democracy on Earth for over 2000 years.
That is why we must delve into our own lives and hobbies and try to build up ourselves to escape the bucket. It's annoying but what can you do? The best I can do is try to educate and help others, sweet fuck all if they decide to stay crabs.
I have no fucking clue who Ted Cruz is.
If a pregnancy puts mother's life in danger, then obviously abortion is justified.
No I'm not a vegetarian. I care about fetuses because they are human beings.
I get what you're saying
But I feel like there's definitely a lot of women out there who care more about being right and being a cunt than being "heard"
NTA and I'm male, but I always did this because I felt embarrassed by having crushes and worried they would be creeped out.
Why do internet boys practice these negging psyops and demoralization campaigns towards everyone?
>I'm just not a retarded fuck who thinks that fetuses are somehow aware and alive
But you're not aware for the first 3-4 years after birth also, does that mean killing babies is okay? You're dumb.
How is that negging
Crabs in a bucket
They want everyone to be as miserable as they are
>I have no fucking clue who Ted Cruz is.
Of course you don't. What even formed your opinion on abortion anyway? Where did you get the idea that fetuses can feel pain?
By your dumbass logic a person can't be against murder, robbery and rape unless they personally stopped a murderer, thief and a rapist.
I don't know, I'm pretty direct. If I like someone I want them to know so we can date lol
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They are amazing, indeed.
Sounds like a very retarded thing to do.
>But you're not aware for the first 3-4 years after birth also, does that mean killing babies is okay? You're dumb.
That's literally not true.
>By your dumbass logic a person can't be against murder, robbery and rape unless they personally stopped a murderer, thief and a rapist.
No, that's your dumbass logic. My logic is that it's easy to be on your high horse for a topic with a grey area of morality. None of what you mentioned is a grey area.
>1/4th black at most
What did anon mean by this?
I'm right.
>Where did you get the idea that fetuses can feel pain?
Not that anon, but they respond to pain and harm by at least 24 weeks, if not earlier.
You don't remember the first years of your life when you're shitting and pissing your pants. I'm using your logic of "hur durr a fetus not alive cuz not a baby yet". When does a fetus become a human then? None of you murder supporters can answer that.
Yeah, women can do this, but I don't think men can.
In my life, they might as well not be real
Also that's not really negging
That would be something like "black girls with white features" or something
There is nothing morally grey about murdering your baby
>I'm right.
>Not that anon, but they respond to pain and harm by at least 24 weeks, if not earlier.
So do insects.
>You don't remember the first years of your life when you're shitting and pissing your pants.
I remember gaining consciousness when I was 3. My dad said I could read or at least understand words on paper when I was 1. A fetus doesn't have sense perceptions. Dumbass. Your arguments are all just bad faith "gotchas" like 99% of 4chan. A fetus becomes a human when it's born.
>There is nothing morally grey about murdering your baby
Okay lol. You're right, haha! enjoy the (You)! Enjoy being a morally superior and benevolent being! I will continue to kill babies, and you cannot stop me! Even though I said I was pro-life!
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I ran 5ks on a broken leg, solved the Dirac Equation while surviving on donated tuna, and bounced back from terrible amounts of sexual assault growing up. Now what?
Do women hate sucking cock?
>posts spray tanned white woman
>absolutely no signs of african ancestry
>look how hot and beautiful black qweens are
the rapist
I hope this was enough to open your eyes
Lisa is Thai, Anon, aka, SEA, aka black asians.
Wow, what an argument. How can I possibly defeat such powerful debate skills?
>So do insects
But humans are not insects.

Fetuses do have sensory perception. They can absolutely, provably, respond to stimuli such as sound and touch. Their eyes are not open, mostly because they're surrounded by amniotic fluid, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be able to see earlier than 9 months either. Why does passing through a vagina determine whether someone is a human with rights or not? Does that mean people who are born through C. sections are not people?
Become rich.
Also, hurting yourself on purpose is cringe not based.
This is your brain on USA "culture"
I really don't care about you or your debate, man. You win! Good for you. You're so smart and well-read. You clearly won because I have no counerpoints and you just intellectually dominated me. Now I am going to shower and wack off to memories of soaping up my ex's fat tits.
Some do, some don't. I don't.

Men can. Obviously if you're socially retarded you may end up making people uncomfortable.
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shut up, BITCH!
Nigga got the cold in the middle microwaved brain
This is what you do when you know you can't support your arguments and you want to bow out without seeming like you just completely embarrassed yourself.
libshit r3dditors are actually seething that she dared tan her skin because it's "rayciss cultural appropriation"
Men crushing on women like that is basically always creepy. Men who are attractive will have women pursue them, even if they don't actually ask him out.
State gender
Thoughts on blackfishing?
Whatever helps you cope. More like I cba arguing with 3-5 retarded American anons who are just arguing in bad faith and not at all considering my points while I try to argue in good faith. It's not at all worth it for me, you can have your opinions, I don't care. You're not giving me anything for me to engage with you on these topics.
>hurting yourself on purpose
Nigga I was doing the best I could.
In today's society passing your dick through a vagina is the minimum requirent to determine if an adult male is a human with rights
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State Gender
What are your thoughts on this?
What would you have done?
Im TA and a dude. Developed a bit of a thing for this subordinate at my workplace so downplaying it feels safer but I always wonder if she would go for it but is also downplaying or hiding her feelings.
>black fish
Like seabass? Seabass is based
How am I arguing in bad faith? Oh, wait, you're still just trying to claim the high ground without actually supporting any of your arguments. Carry on.
Hot when minorities do it, like Ariana grande. Cringe when whites do it
I remember seeing it too but I can’t remember what the album was.
Ariana is white
Are you really that lonely that you keep trying to draw me in or do you need to have the last word that badly?
>Does that mean people who are born through C. sections are not people?
Tell me how this argument isn't bad faith. And the "no real democracy for 2000 years" bullshit. Just, lmao.
the fuck is that?
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Fine I'll fix this

Why aren't black girls real?
I want a black gf so bad bros
You should not date a subordinate even if you have feelings for each other.
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Angela Bassett is 65 years old btw.
Would though.
I hate black girls so much
Planning for the marriage to fail is always a bad sign, and if she has no part in the company there is no reason whatsoever that she should be given half of it. She should welcome the opportunity to take on a greater role in raising her kids and be supportive of her husband and her family, but instead she's planning for what she'll get to take with her when they split. Yes, she's the asshole.
19th amendment should be repealed
T. Guy that has never had anyone draw him art. Nice judgment, faggot. Here's mine: I hope you get the shit beaten out of you.
No. She has valid points.
I love black girls so much
>there are attractive and unattractive men
>women are all attractive
>yeah i picture greasy femcels as hot 18 y/o gym bunnies with 0.4 whr, they too can just bat their eyelashes and grab any guy to marry
The "women don't see unattractive men" shit is pure projection
Her last name is enough of a disability that she counts.
It was a serious question. If it's your contention that a baby is not a human until it is born, does it matter how they're born? What specifically about leaving the womb determines whether an organism has rights?
And your lack of understanding of political systems does not mean my argument is bad faith either. The US is not a democracy, and neither is the UK, the EU, or any other country on earth in the 21st century.
I agree. Gyaru supremacy
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Why don't you check out dis ability to get bread you broke ass nigga
There's no real need since the judge will probably give her half of it anyways in case of no fault divorce
how hard is it to find a gf thats okay with you fucking other girls?
I don't picture all femanons that way though. And it's true that most women don't see most men as human. Not really.
Cry more faggot
Good for you. Here's my last (You). You are too smart for me dude.
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Black girls be like
Imagine owning her. Crazy
On one hand I support abortion because it kills babies but on the other hand it gives women a choice so I'm kinda conflicted about it
Women can't really comprehend how 90% of the female gender is fuckable to all men, can they?
i love sakura...
This is the way to be, minus the part about killing babies
50% is crazy, it should maybe be 15% but even that is high considering she can still get child support from him.
Basically she wants 50% so that if they divorce she doesn't have to work at all for the rest of her life.
She should get a prenuptial agreement that states he should pay her like 35k a year, then she can earn the rest of her money by working like everyone else does, so even if she makes less cause she has less experience the other money will supplement to a middle class livelihood.
How do I get with a female friend from my circle of friends who always seems to go from one boyfriend to another with hardly anytime in between. They are pretty long term and fairly stable I just dont understand how they got a place in line.
Bs. Men call women ugly and mid all the time.
Time to boop her pooper
You sound kinda mid tho lowkey fr no cap
Like deadass
Men really can't comprehend how 90% of the female gender doesn't want to be pumped and dumped, can they?
You’ve gotta stir the pot a little and position yourself as a shoulder to cry on
Femanon here. You made me mad and I'm leaving the thread. Enjoy your sausage fest.
if that's true
Chad wouldn't be pussy hopping so often, unless not wanting to be pumped and dumped just means as long as he comes back and fuck me every other week, all's good
Who specifically
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It feels like she plans her next relationship before any break up even happens. Shes already with the new guy before I even find out shes broken up with the previous one.
I didn't say gorgeous I said fuckable
And? A fuckable girl isn't gonna be considered creepy for asking a guy out
u nigga
What is the difference between a fetish and a preference?
Say less dawg
Rhianna is very pretty
It's a fetish if people make fun of you for it
20% of men report 80% of the relationships (long and short term) men have. For women the percentage is top 30% to bottom 70%. It's Chads and Stacies fucking one another and you think it's all women because you only see Stacies.
I see you, bitch, but you don't see me.
It’s hard to describe but if you see it you know it. It’s like niggas who can enjoy feet vs niggas with a foot fetish.
That would be hot. Imagine whipping her.
I just realised that when I get married my parents who are divorced and haven't seen each other in 15 years would have to meet.
I pursue literal fat and balding men. Even as you write to me you picture me as an attractive, desirable Stacy who gets approached by men because that is all the women that fit in your vision and brain.
I think this is the first time I've seen a baby that's not ugly
>I pursue literal fat and balding men
No you don't.
Astronomical shot in the dark but...Hannah? Did you go to a school in the South that started with the letter T?
Omg yes that's me!
Bro down astronomical.
I was going to ask how anyone could call most babies ugly I know some people do that I think those people are exposing themselves as inhuman because most babies are cute, because even though they can look strange sometimes they can look compressed specially post birth, most are cute. So I just generally dismissed these people as subhumans, of course when I went to your link I noticed the baby is black, so this is clearly bait kill yourself.
Nah, sorry
My dad is making me watch talent shows with him
Bro, what are you on about
That anon is trying to bait by saying only black babies are beautiful.
Is the vagina tight throughout or just at the entrance?
I have a rather passionate dislike for melanated individuals.
Nice bbc post, man. You are not a disgusting person.
You guys are actually insane.
I don't get it.
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Would you date this girl?
Sure. Beggars, choosers my friend
I can tell by the look on her face, that tattoo, her hairstyle, and overall which carries herself and puts herself on the internet, that she's well off, probably popular, likely has multiple women supporting her, and most certainly has a boyfriend already, stupid question no I wouldn't because she wouldn't let me.
>get a larger penis through pumping
>pick us woman under 5’0 tall
>ruthlessly destroy all of her holes
Yes, she’s pretty
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There is a chance she's not taken.
>Needing to pump
he's me so why do I have no attention from women
>that pic
Females are cappin hard with that. They get the ick if a man doesn't have IG already. When they complain about cheaters and abusers, they actually get off on that behaviour.
It's more like:
>hehe my bf keeps cheating on me and beating me up, he's such a silly boy, I wish he stopped hurting me :D
What women mean when they say that is they want someone that all women want
No that means she's complaining about a promiscuous boyfriend or regular boyfriend but she's just one of those girls who doesn't like them having any contact with the opposite gender. Regardless despite everything which is really not that much, she's just missing an arm, she's still too good for me and would never date me.
Just to ask how many gains did you get through pumping?
Mid girls are definitely fuckable. Even some ugly girls are fuckable.
Good. I'm glad.
This is a plan, not a retelling
Not all of us have baseball bats
>making fun of fat and balding men just to win an argument
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Women, would you date a guy who looks like this? Would you be capable of finding him sexually attractive?
NAG but is that a child?
Again, "females" referring to some elite of giggly hot socialites because those are the women you spend all day fapping to. You really picturing some 4/10 fridge-bodied Mexican girl with a 2-inch forehead saying that?
Oh I see, give me an update when you finish up, as a pro tip though, at least I wouldn't call myself a pro but, anyway as a tip the whole 5'0 girl thing at least if you think they're going to be as small down there as they are overall, probably won't work out, the only women I can say are reflective of their size down there, have to be like 4 ft 7 or lower, any taller and it's pretty much randomized, I've met 6 foot girls who couldn't take even half of me, and 5 ft tall girls who took it like Champs.
Stop baiting, faggot. Just fuck off.
I'd fuck her. I bet she'd scream.
A guy I like made a comment along the lines of "I just know you would give a stellar blowjob" and then something about how he "knows" I would be great in general. So then later on when we finally were about to escalate our kissing into more I backed out because I feel scared that I won't live up to whatever expectations he has in his head. How do I get past this?
Spit on that thang
He's probably already got some other girl to suck his dick
don't worry, you probably won't be the best, but you won't be the last among the girls he's fucked.
Sure why not? She's pretty cute
The what now
Hannah hannah-chaaaan~
Fetish = the needful
Pref = the wantful
What a brat
Chances are she wants to date and marry, not fuck. Why do incels keep talking as if being used as a fleshlight is a good deal for a woman? Doesn't the low market value of dick already prove that extremely few women are willing to fuck around in comparison to men? She risks violence and pregnancy, loses her social and physical value in the process and doesn't even cum.
I feel like a preference could actually end up stronger than a fetish
>How do I get with a female friend
Why are you people like this
Depends if you're happy for it to go both ways
You might as well just get a FWB at that point, lots of party girls up for that
There’s a 4’7 woman that I work with. I hope she likes white guys in her
She looks mixed to me
M, I build a waterfall thingy in geog class
I didn't say it was a good deal for her, I just said I would fuck her.
>doesn't even cum.
Please. Don't be rude. I'm a very generous lover. I love to give head and I love foreplay. In fact I get hornier if she is. I want to please.
You could rebuild both twin towers with all the foundation on her face
I want to! I am just too scared now is the problem
I don't expect to be the last person he sleeps with
Curly bois shall inherit the earth
>Kai Cenat, Adin Ross or Xqc
Zoomers are doomed
Go to salsa dance classes lol
>I don't expect to be the last person he sleeps with
You're afraid of being the worst, you won't
Summer breeeeze makes me feel fine
>gf sometimes takes like 6-8 hours to respond to texts. Sometimes she won’t respond til the next morning.
Wow imagine sleeping or having a job
NAG but at one point I had an internship at a nuclear weapons company, and volunteered for an animal charity on the side
Guess which one I mentioned to girls lmao
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Sleepy Eva
I am more scared of not being the best, or not meeting his expectations
With the amount of girls she's been with, he's got reasonable expectations.
Dude was just trying to hype it up.
Confidence is hot, act like you're a blowjob machine and give the most toothy shit ever, he won't care
How expensive are those classes in your country? Tennis, climbing and dancing are the most expensive here. Are you all trustfund babies?
NTA I'm pretty sure this is a very male thing to say, but who cares?
The best pussy I had came from a girl who wasn't tight, and lied like a dead fish in bed. Blowjobs aren't my deal, but my point is you'll never be the best in sex, no matter what, get over it.
20$ CAD per hour if you prepay for 8 hours which I assume means 8 lessons.
Searched for "Salsa Dance" on Jewgle maps.
Do you want my actual answer or my horny meme answer?
Just came.
Actual answer
What do women want from their husbands?
No, I wouldn't date him.
Thanks, I wasn't that anon btw.
Love, companionship, respect, support, cock, a baby, etc.
I'm realer than you.
He's my best friend, the love of my life, the man I want my kids to call dad, plus real hot and fun to have segs with. But I think the biggest thing is that he makes my life easier and nicer, and I try to do the same for him.
If black girls are real why aren't we married? huh?
Because you don't like me and we haven't met IRL. Honestly if I met a guy who was half as accepting of my stupid shit as some men ITT, I'd probs already be married.
>Because you don't like me
Says who?
It's more likely that you don't know/care about me than you do. Especially if the only thing you know about me is my skin color.
Everything's gotta start somewhere, lol
I'd rather it not start by being called slurs on the internet, but maybe I'm being selfish.
NTA but why are you always so prickly lately? I'm not even taking a jab at you or trying to be mean.
Nobody said any slurs yet
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This is how I'm posting by the way.
Gotta get my "exercise" in
Tennis is less accessible as typically you need a club membership before going to any classes
Dance studios are quite reasonable though from what I've seen. A lot of unis have dance societies etc. that non-students can attend too for a minimal fee
(I went with a friend a few times and don't remember paying, and they had Latin music nights at a club nearby afterwards lol)
He came, he saw, he conquered, or should I say he saw, he conquered he came...
Sticking out your gyatt for the jannies I see
>I am more scared of not being the best
I believe in you Ash Ketchum
where do i meet a clingy girl to be my gf
Single, lonely, sexually frustrated. That shouldn't be considered uncommon on 4chan anyways, right?
Give it like ten minutes.
>There’s a 4’7 woman that I work with
Holy... MINI
He's just trying to rizz you
I wish I wasn't built different
I want to be able to form meaningful connections with anyone I meet.
>Give it like ten minutes.
Do you want it to happen?
Nobody cares what I want. I'm just stating that it's 4chan so it's inevitable.
I would've not gone on reddit in the first place
My Catholic school suspended me for making a slingshot lol
oh come on, don't say that
People do care about what you want
Yeah, I guess I kinda expected that answer. I'd love to be able to help but obviously there's not a lot I can do. I understand though, I've been feeling pretty frustrated and depressed lately too.
I want you to be happy though, even if I can't actually make that happen.
I need sleep... slept like 3 hours again...
Thank you, this is hard for me to get over in general lol
He is not a very good rizzler I guess!
In the ways that already convenience them, sure. I know there are nice people out there. I meant more like what I really want. Maybe I'm being hyperbolic at 5AM like a retard.
>I've been feeling pretty frustrated and depressed lately too
I'll put you feeling better on my vision board, too. But it hasn't been working for me, so no promises it'll help.
And having people to vent to anonymously is everything I could ask for from people on here, so I appreciate it.
I'm sorry you feel that way, I really wish there was more I could do for you. :^(
The sentiment means more than you probs think.
why did he tell me he wished his life was easier after I told him thanks for ripping the bandaid off in how he told me i was wasting my time on him?

he doesn't even know I cried for hours over my failed attempt of a relationship
I haven't fucked anyone though (except fucked up my life)
>How do i bust a nut without porn
Use your imagination
Not currently but they are addicting...
Bro has transcended
Report back
Not great so far
People keep trying to talk to me when I'm in introvert mode
>tfw your /atoga/ crush
Based crosswooooooder
The appreciation is mutual. Honestly though I'm on the verge of giving up on dating entirely. I just feel like I can't keep doing it anymore.
I'm not going to tell you to cheer up because I know how life can be sometimes. Just know that you're on my mind.
>I haven't fucked anyone though
And I haven't fucked a guy younger than twenty. So neither of us can be called anything for the ages of our partners. Right?
The Sims
>playing online games and talking to people
Couldn't be me desu
>Just know that you're on my mind.
as much as one can be on an anonymous image board that is, lol.
Once you give up, it really is over. Even if there are catastrophically embarrassing moments like I had recently, you can't stop hoping and trying things to make your dream happen. At least that's what I tell myself to stay sane.
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Bro is cucked
And now we do a little trolling.......
At least they don't assume you're gay, fml
You can patronize me a little and tell me to cheer up. I think half the reason I'm in this funk is because I haven't really had my feelings challenged recently.
>DEEPLY attracted to irl MILFs I've met through work
I haven't seen her in months but I'm trying to manifest meeting my mommy crush again...
I get that, but like... I tried, I really tried, for years. I just turned 30 this month, so maybe that's part of the problem. But I put so much effort in for years and never even had a gf the whole time. Just lots of first dates, with the occasional second or third date thrown in just to get my hopes up. I can't keep up the effort and keep up my hopes and keep getting shot down like that.
>young guy who is okay with 4chan posting and doesn't scoff at manifestation and mindfulness
How much do you cost?
I suck at that, so I'll leave that to the other anon
She knows what she's doing
chatchatchatchatchat mods ban him he knows too much
It's the only option for us, though. I recently turned 33. Two more years and I'll be at the point I joked about where I said I'd either have a kid or just go full desperation.
Literally all we can do is keep trying z because the alternative is definitive unhappiness. And that sounds even worse than hoping.
>How much do you cost?
Just buy me a packet of cigarettes and a nice leash
What are you good at?
oh shit, uhhh.... you're really putting me on the spot here....
oh fuck... oh man..
oh yeah, I'm very good at ignoring advice given to me by people I really should be listening to.
How come guys with this attitude can't exist IRL? Actual young and inexperienced guys are awkward and make me feel bad for liking them.
>And I haven't fucked a guy younger than twenty
>I haven't fucked a literal teenager as someone in my 30s
Not inspiring the most confidence lass
It's ok to like shota
You're not wrong. Logically, I know that. I just don't feel like I can do it anymore, definitely not for a little while. And happy late birthday. I guess I knew we're both Geminis, shouldn't surprise me that our birthdays are close.

I am curious what the recent embarrassing moment was but I'm not gonna be a dick and ask about it. Personally the last time I had a date was sometime last year.
Tinder bitches piss me the fuck off. I reported another bitch for having a septum piercing.
>Actual young and inexperienced guys are awkward
Awkward in what way?
>I reported another bitch for having a septum piercing.
What the fuck lmfao
That's a pretty common skill around here, I think. Any other talents?
I'm defending myself against the cradlerobber allegations and succeeding, so bite me.
>It's ok to like shota
Don't open up that can of worms unless you're prepared for the consequences.
If you were into the same kinks as me I'd have that attitude, but that's rare and the few I have found like that have ignored me.
>Any other talents?
I have an uncanny talent when it comes to ruining my own life.
Nah, I've got nothing.
>Actual young and inexperienced guys are awkward and make me feel bad for liking them.
but I want you to like me even though I'm awkward and pitiful...
>unless you're prepared for the consequences
That's a risk I'm willing to take
>the few I have found like that have ignored me
Ignored you in what way? Are you sure they're not just shy lol?
I never initiated a conversation with my mommy crush because scary
>I reported another bitch for having a septum piercing.
If it's a mental drain, take a break and focus on what you enjoy. Better than burning yourself out. If it's an issue with time/money, of course you can take reasonable time to figure shit out before diving back into dating. And thanks.
Recent embarrassing thing was I kept being called a professor by a guy I wanted to hit on at work but didn't want to make him feel there was a power imbalance thing. In the end he totally ignored me correcting him so he was probably just shutting me down because he could tell I was being a creep. I whined about it ITT.
>why did he tell me he wished his life was easier
Sounds like he's having a pity party and being a faggot
It's not your fault lass *hug*
How long can you hold your breath?
I do. But then I feel predatory and manipulative for liking it.
>That's a risk I'm willing to take
Yet I'll be the one who ends up with a day ban again. Not fair.
>But then I feel predatory and manipulativ
That's the kind of predatory I want
devour me
JH you are being way too negative about this
The two most likely possibilities here
>he's a bit ditzy and forgot to stop calling you professor
>he was making a (flirty?) joke by saying "bye professor"
>How long can you hold your breath?
no idea, guess we're about find out.
Don't wait for me if I don't come back. :^)
Being enabled doesn't make the shame go away.
If I picked up a single good vibe between us during, I would possibly agree. It was a plain failure, it happens.
Aw well, maybe you just didn't have chemistry, get 'em next time tho. Who could resist that gyatt
Fuck I walked right into that one, I wanted to make a facesitting joke, not a suicide one.
Gotta try somewhere else other than work, maybe you're starting to build up a reputation
>Being enabled doesn't make the shame go away.
So let's be full of shame together
I doubt she's building up a rep at this rate but yeah, she should go out with female friends more or something
>I wanted to make a facesitting joke, not a suicide one
Why couldn't it be both? hmm?
but apparently it's 1 minute since I actually did try to find out.
>Ignored you in what way?
I tried to get into my local kink community last year, spent a lot of time trying to go out and socialize, but every time I even hinted at trying to set up something with a woman I ran into a brick wall. None of them would even entertain the idea. I did this for about six months before I got frustrated and gave up.
I doubt that he thought you were creepy, honestly. That's not something guys usually feel about women unless it's really overbearing or they're really, really unattractive. I don't disagree that he probably isn't into you, but I don't think it was as bad as you're thinking it was.
It is draining, but what's most draining about it is the constant rejection. I can handle the money side of things, and outside of work I have no commitments so time isn't much of an issue either. But it's reached the point where I can't even really enjoy the things I used to enjoy most of the time because I'm so down.
>local kink community
Bro that sounds like a sausagefest
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Westernized Asian women, where are you hiding?
>set up something with a woman I ran into a brick wall
When did that become a term for ass? Also I didn't have many chances to showcase it sitting down the whole time.
>maybe you're starting to build up a reputation
I can't even imagine that, it'd be the worst. I'd be so worried about being fired I'd quit.
I'd prefer to stay on this side of decency and out of jail, thanks.
Not as much as you might think. It was probably 60/40 or so.
My female friends are pretty much all my ex's friends too, and lately I've been too embarrassed to hang out with them.
That's a good starting spot. With practice, it could be longer. I'm at almost two minutes, personally.
>I'm at almost two minutes, personally.
Damn, that's actually impressive, I guess that means you got a lot of practice in.
sadly facesitting isn't an option for me, guess it's just plain old cardio time
How does a kink community work?
And I understand the rejection thing. Maybe I just used to be more resistant to it. Or maybe I've just been really good at bottling it up and now I'm facing the consequences where every new failure feels like the end of the world. Regardless, I think small breaks to remind yourself of why you want a partner in the first place would be reasonable.
Oh, it was a skill I've been working on since I was a kid. It just happened to be helpful with facesitting eventually.
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Women, which if any of these men would you consider attractive?
I'm reminded of why I want a gf constantly, lmao. I think for me it was the fact that I put in a lot of effort for more than two years and at the end of it I didn't even manage to get past the third date with any of the women I dated. I've still never had a gf at 30 years old.
>How does a kink community work?
There are sites where you can find people in your area that are into different kinds of kinks and dynamics. Different groups will meet up for social events sometimes just to hang out, chat, get to know each other, etc. There are also parties sometimes that involve kink, BDSM, and sometimes just sex, but at least in my area getting into one of them is basically impossible unless you already know someone who is very involved in the community, especially if you're a dude. But anyway, once you get to know some people you can just chat about the different things you like, and if you meet someone with compatible kinks there's a chance you could arrange something. Some people also date within the community. Problem is, women are so selective that if you're a guy and you're not highly desirable you have almost no chance of actually getting anywhere.
Cool, were you an avid swimmer?
Got any other unique skills from childhood that managed to help you later in life?
Sounds like he was trying to be funny and create an inside joke. What’s your job?
You okay man?
All girls are clingy.
Let me fix your back man.
Sweet cat. Even though she looks like a stroke victim. How old are you?
If he likes you he’ll think you’re a sex goddess even if your skills are meh. Are you a ginger?
Nah, fuck that.
Then there's Aussieland
but y'know
>too embarrassed
Why tho?
Maybe you can make some new friendos
Wtf I love nuns now
>didn't even manage to get past the third date
Mood, I hate this because it implies you weren't that ugly but some other personal defect must've turned them off, and maybe you were just the backup guy
I’m at work with nothing to do and you’re all being boring as fuck.

What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve done or want to do?
>Let my ex gf pee on me in the shower
>I hate this because it implies you weren't that ugly but some other personal defect must've turned them off
Chad privilege is being able to go on a first date with a girl
Getting the first date is easy, getting more is hard lmao
Focus on work, bro.
>Getting the first date is easy
Now that's some chad shit.
Sounds like an even more shallow version of dating apps with even less of a chance of commitment. But I guess it was worth a shot. I'd be worried that I'd be blackmailed, though.
No, I just held my breath because I liked feeling lightheaded.
Idk what qualifies as an actual skill, though.
>I’m at work with nothing to do
Get a real job brother
More like some SAD shit
S omehow
A lways
D ropping the ball
Solo: ballbusting
With a partner: Anal (giving)
>want to do
Maybe pegging? Or get pissed on. Not sure which is kinkier.
>held my breath because I liked feeling lightheaded
All that brain damage would explain why you keep posting here jk
>No, I just held my breath because I liked feeling lightheaded.
oh... I assume you like breathplay then?
>What’s your job?
Lab tech at a college. I was just overseeing his use of lab materials and equipment outside of a class setting to make sure he didn't break or steal shit.
>Why tho?
It's a long, stupid story now. Highschool level "she said she said" shit. Bottom line is everyone knows too much and I don't want to deal with any awkwardness.
I wouldn't say it's more shallow than dating apps. At least you're getting to meet these people irl. You're right about the low commitment thing though.
Also, I feel kinda bad because I convinced you to try dating apps, but that was before I had a lot of experience with them and realized how much of a waste of time they are. Sorry about that.
>I'd prefer to stay on this side of decency and out of jail, thanks.
but i'm legal!!!
We're all "anonymous" here
no better time than to air out them dirty shit
come on, feed me the gossip, please?
They sound like a pretty immature group desu, maybe time to branch out
Sucks that you can't even hang out with your friends. I hope it hasn't been too hard on you.
My students running late so I have nothing to do.
You're probs right, but fuck you.
I used to. After the second incident I stopped fucking with that shit, though. Now I just naturally end up holding my breath when I'm close and that's enough for me.
>After the second incident
The what now?
What did happened?
>but fuck you
I'll even waive the cost uwu
>so internet, my ex gf pissed on me
Imagine this man teaching your children
She nearly choked herself out with a belt and ended up in the hospital.
It was worth the experience, so I don't regret my time on apps at all. Would you suggest the kink sites too or would you say they're most likely a dead end?
Them kids got a bright future
At the school?
The Finn and the Croat, maybe the Russian. The rest of them look like little boys, other than the Cypriot who just looks like an aging fuckboy with a big ego
Lmaooo I’m a chiropractor he’s a chiropractic student.
F. Car sex, I guess.
My exgf shared details of our time together with friends. Not much to expand upon without getting specific about shit like how individual friends apparently responded. It's all secondhand shit based on what my bestie told me, anyways.
I have no idea if you'll be able to get anywhere with them. I imagine it's easier for women, but I honestly don't know, especially since you're not really close to any large population centers. I can tell you though that you're very, very unlikely to end up in a committed relationship from them, mostly it'll be a lot of hooking up and/or setting up scenes.
No, lol.
I'm old. Making new friends is hard.
I'm surviving thanks to the internet and staying busy.
No my hair is dark brown, what does my hair colour have to do with it?
Get a clue - very, VERY few women use dating apps.
oh damn, that's what I have nightmares about, getting personal shit leaked into my social circle
>I'm old.
Now that's hot.
See >>31492860. After the second time, my dad out me in like a suicide prevention camp thing at a hospital for like two weeks even though I was clear that I was just stupid and horny z not suicidal.
Fuck, that's shitty. Was she doing it to be mean or just gossiping? Either way, that's rude.
I wouldn't call 33 "old", but yes, making new friends at this age is difficult.
Please tell me you weren't naked, God...
He might've saved your life to be honest, that shit is dangerous.
I let an ex tie my ankles and wrists apart before
That's a shame. Meeting someone who likes all the same kinks sounds great on paper, but I guess it doesn't guarantee compatibility otherwise.
And she was apparently gratuitous about it to. Using being drunk and not using my name as an excuse to get detailed while bragging. Made me feel sick to hear about.
Fuck you.
Idk what her intentions were, but regardless she shouldn't have said anything. At least when I talk about sex stuff it's actually anonymous.
>Women will reject you or cheat behind your back.
lmao, even
read a book.
Jane Roe of Roe v Wade?
She regretted it and later opposed abortion.
what does even being a faggot mean in these contexts? I feel so terrible I have contemplated suicide again

I spent so much emotional energy into him hearing him out too I feel worthless
>Fuck you.
Yes, please! You can sit on my face all day, sugar.
Naked waist down. It was pretty shameful even if I don't remember it. And I am glad that I stopped, it's not worth risking my life just to get off harder.
You know they say now that even light choking can give you permanent brain damage.
>tfw execution by smothering isn't legal
>Naked waist down.
I think I'm having a physical reaction from the second hand shame.
Well, I guess that's what being a parent is all about.
I'm probably brain damaged then. Wouldn't be surprising. At least that means my brand of retardation isn't hereditary.
Yeah, it really is unfortunate. Part of my struggle recently has been that I'm interested in trying a lot of things, but I also want a committed relationship, and I find it unlikely that I'll be able to get both. The website I was using was FetLife though, if you want to just look around and see what's there. Be warned though, there's some wild stuff on there and it can take you down some rabbit holes.
>Ted Cruz
Do you think FEDERAL Senators draft STATE laws?
And not even the Catholic Church thinks surgery to stop an ectopic pregnancy is abortion, you twit.
To be honest, that was already well past the point that I stopped caring what my dad thought about me, so it didn't bug me as much as the idea that the emergency people saw me pantless.
I used a dating app for 4 months and never met anyone but
>what do you pay attention to when browsing dating apps?
Life and attachment style cues in bio
>what red flags get an immediate no?
No bio or some shitty pickup line in bio
Insufferable bro pics like posing with hot chicks, flipping off the camera, gang signs, drugs
>what green flags make you check out the profile?
I always check out the profile. If he seems affectionate and indoorsy and easy to talk to, then I take a closer look at his pictures and try to see if he might perceive me to be below his league and try to sweet talk and pump and dump me.
Tell us, O Master Biologist, when does a fetus start living?
I feel like I've saved the link before but forgot about it. How anonymous is it before you meet someone? Not saying I'll try it, but I do need some new options.
They see that shit all the time. I was in the hospital a few years ago after a car accident and I had a whole team of doctors and nurses around me in trauma after they cut my clothes off of me, then they wheeled me into the ICU and three nurses gave me a towel bath head to toe, lmao.
OH okay, just pantless, you got undies on, that's cool, whew, that's actually so much better.
I mean, they've seen some fucked up shit, you probably brightened up their day significantly.
instead of shotgun to the head, it's just a girl and her masturbation journey
There’s a stereotype that gingers are good at sucking dick and they’re just sexual in general.
Makes sense. Could be he was into the power dynamic.
Your brand of retardation is cute as fuck though.
Yeh, I know. I saw literal dozens and dozens of dicks in clinic, I understand nudity is a given sometimes. But the fact that I was in that sort of compromising position and the context of it was the most shameful aspect to it.
You can keep it completely anonymous if you want. You can make your account free of personal details, there's a messaging function on the site, and you could even use a fake name if you really wanted to be anonymous, lol.
LMAO, man touched a live wire and didn't even know it
I know it.
Oh, no pantless as in nothing on my bottom half. I was masturbating during, obvs. And yeh I acknowledge it's not the worst thing they probs saw that day given their profession.
You want to suck on her skintag that's hanging from her anus?
she my cute chocolate princess. uwu
>Could be he was into the power dynamic
I didn't pick up on that vibe, personally. I think I just made him uncomfortable by hovering.
I hope you have good health insurance.
JH, do you remember the dirty talk between you and your uncle?
NTA but I'm curious, do you have the same reaction to words like "adorable"?
F does falling asleep during sex count?
Removed that a long while ago. Get with the times if you want to make fun of me.
The uwu really devalued the triggering-ness of it.
>come back from shower
>12 or so (You)s
I'm real good at this 4chan thing.
you mean being rapped?
Why do you do this? Do you actually have nothing better to do?
Morality doesn't come into it.
Either you eat meat, including lamb, or you get sick trying to eat an inappropriate diet.
Humans are obligate carnivores. There are essential fats and vitamins we cannot get naturally from any other source.
Our stomach has very low pH, our gut is similar to carnivore's guts, it is far shorter than herbivore guts and has no capacity to ferment fibre.
Our brain requires more energy than can be supplied by only vegetables.
It's obvious that our ancestors millions of years ago were herbivorous, but we are not.
I react with equal disdain to any sort of patronizing comments or words. So yes, given the right context.
Hey, don't group me in with the rest of those people.
JH is cute and she knows it, AND SEXY, SUPER SEXY, gotta say that part extra loud for JH.
How bad was the sex and/or how good were the drugs?
No it wasn’t rape really. It was consensual I just fell asleep for a few minutes.
The new plan is to ignore him until he starts spamming so it's reportable.
I'm the first guy. It's a reasonable question. We must know if the uncle was romantic or if he was violent and choked JH, which would explain her fetishes.
>when we could survive on vegetables
We cannot. All you have to do is look at a 5 year vegan to see the degeneration. They rarely make it to 10 years, and certainly not without supplements.
They look like little boys.
Fallen asleep during a dicking is a level of disrespect I didn't know was possible.
Retard. I'm not an Amerilard, I was thinking of a meme with either him or Rand Paul or whatever that said something like "if you're gonna die from that ectopic pregnancy, shouldn't have gotten pregnant"
Sounds more like a chore than fun.
I didn't assume you were in the same boat as the spammer guy. Though when "sexy" is used as a qualifier for other comments, I think it no longer qualifies as a compliment. It's the biggest "BUT" ever.
I'm not JH but I've always wondered what drives you to bring this up constantly.
This made me laugh, I have done this before too
Come on, cute shouldn't be viewed as patronizing
I knew a guy who fell asleep eating his gf's pussy.
He's just trying to get a rise out of her.
Honestly I've done it before too. I spent an entire morning once insisting that she was gay and needed to admit it. I even wrote a little poem and was a little annoyed when it got no responses.
It undercuts any maturity and authority I attempt to showcase while simultaneously devaluing my efforts to portray myself as mature and sexually desirable.
Mate...you still got that poem or what?
Why are we all so obsessed with her, we should marry her together
I would kill myself if the woman I was with did this.
No one's trying to undercut anything; they just think you're being... silly, adorable, a little charmball type shit, you know?
New questions go here
She's just an easy target to bully because of how pathetic she is. The simps always defending her are even worse.
All I've come to realize is that most moids ITT cannot handle JH. Only I can because I recognize her badassery, everyone else wants to change her.
And you can see why that's an issue when I'm trying to be respected as a teacher/professional/datable adult/whatever, right? Kids and pets are cute, not someone you listen to.
> the creepy 14 year old chaser
Kek thanks.
Come on, you know if you're dating someone, they should already respect you and listen to you no matter if they think you're cute or not
You'll always be cute in my eyes, and I'll always respect and listen to you, except when it comes to not calling you cute. uwu
>you know
The only thing I know is that being called cute makes melt brain mad.
Alright alright.
I'm sorry, you're not cute at all. :' I
Doesn’t really feel like much and guess he didn’t realize.
Absolutely RUTHLESS post
Well now THAT feels like an insult, too. Instead of saying I'm not cute, you could just imply it by saying I'm inspiring and hot and fuckable.
Now you're just being adorable, but alright, I want you to know, despite what I might do in the future, I do find you inspiring if not anything else.
Good. As long as we're on the same page I can be happy.
And you being happy is all I've ever wanted. <3
Why does he keep calling me a term of endearment if he says I would be wasting my time??

he did it AGAIN with the good morning and I feel so so hurt is autism really this serious because this feels almost maliciously intentional.
I thought this was a meme job ngl
>new friends is hard
Maybe try Bumble friends or something idk
I'm just saying, while I respect he has issues, he's really not treating you well in this situation, making it about him and feeling sorry for himself etc. when you've tried to help him a lot and are clearly upset. You're not worthless, you sound like a lovely person, he just needs to work on his own problems more instead of using you as a therapist lol
(You) can't keep getting away with this!!
I think I'll just go to more random events around campus and hope I make friends that way. I really, really want to get back with my longer term friends, though. I just know how to look them in the eyes after the shit they've been told.
>So you're so fucking dumb you think only in memes?
a reasonable response
Whatever helps you cope, Christcel.
>Femoid is a toy for "Chad" with "autism"
Many such cases.

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