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/adv/ - Advice

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Ask the Opposite Gender Anything - lazy Sunday edition.

old >>31490226
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First for the grand art.
Men, would a woman eating two donuts during a first coffee date be a red flag? Assuming she's a healthy weight.
Would you date a fat and balding guy?
Not at all.
no. only mildly jealous. I can't do any carbs.
Fuck, why am I so god damn horny? This is fucking bullshit.
She can pick a steak and eat it whole with her bare hands if she's splitting the bill with me, that I care more about.
Why ask questions you already know the answer to?
No. But I married a guy with a chubby and bald dad, so it will come for me.
This was me last weekend but now I don't even have the motivation to jerk off, lol.
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>Why ask questions you already know the answer to?
I've literally jerked off twice today. Still want to go again. Annoying as shit.
Sounds like it's time for a goon sesh
clear your schedule and just keep jacking off
I've already done it thrice today
Get on my level
Those are rookie numbers. I literally spent all of Saturday and Sunday last weekend jerking off.
I don't think I'd even notice something so innocuous
Gooning sucks. I get bored fast. I need sex. Actually I need to bend my chubby blonde ex over and give her backshots.
one time, I jacked off so much I ripped the skin
I've still got a raw spot on my dick a week later lmao
>men bragging about bleeding from masturbating for a couple hours, while I can comfortably schlick for a day and the worst of the rawness still won't lead to open wounds
Truly the weaker sex.
Mfs be fat, unemployed, with a shitty haircut, dressing like a school shooter, using a 3 in 1 shampoo, no skin routine, doing no social activities, haven’t talked to a woman since they were forced to at work or school and complain that only Chads get girlfriends. Bro just help yourself nobody else can.

Coming from an ex-incel by the way.
You only bleed if you don't have enough lubrication. Which is a common problem for guys, but still.
Foid hands.
Only one of those things is accurate about me though.
I'm going to sand that clit off.
Continuing from last thread, I agree that getting first dates from Tinder actually is easy because Chads just want to fuck them, so foids appreciate going on dates more. The dates are often underwhelming though and the bitches always ask the same "gotcha" questions like "what is your most controversial opinion? why don't you have a gf? who did you vote for?". So the meetings never go beyond 1-2 dates because you somehow failed her shit-test.
I stopped bothering with dates for this year unless the girl is really special and shows that she doesn't play retarded games. I haven't met someone like that yet, so I only do hook-ups and cut off bitches quickly.
>Which is a common problem for guys
I mean, the dicks produce lubrication through pre cum, but it's like... only women make a mess when theymasturbate, I like my hands feeling clean and dry
Bitch do your worst. After half a day, I can strum it like a guitar and I don't even cry anymore.
Im just fat and poorly dressed tho
There's a rumor going around on /pol/ that there are foids on this board?

What the fuck are you doing on my incel appreciation site?

>Verification not required.
Need to find me a girl so I can finally live out my forced orgasm fetish.
It's only raped trash old hags in their 30s who come here to shit on lonely men after they get pumped and dumped for the 100th time. Nobody of value comes here.
To be honest, at that point, the orgasms stop feeling good and it just becomes a way to satisfy boredom, feel edgy, and subtly harm myself. Not something sexy or fun even with a guy involved.
Why does he keep calling me a term of endearment if he says I would be wasting my time??

he did it AGAIN with the good morning and I feel so so hurt is autism really this serious because this feels almost maliciously intentional.
Yeah, I mean it's obviously a sadism thing, for me, that is.
Oh, okay. I thought you wanted to force a gf to have a good time, not a bad one. Though I guess that's very mild as far as sadism could go.
Fix those things.
Nah but what does it matter in this case. All those are good points.
Yeah, I'm not so much on wounds and flesh getting hurt.
I squirm at the sight of blood.
uhhh bick a baby back >.<
Hey! I'm just old.
Same. I guess it's the best case scenario if I had to have a sadist bf. Already own all the equipment for it, too.
Are forced female orgasms even real? I've only ever come accidentally with a satisfyer and that only happened twice before I got used to it. Climaxing with someone else in the room still requires a herculean amount of communication and focus with the exact same tools I use to get off in 2 minutes on my own
>Nah but what does it matter in this case. All those are good points.
Foid. Hands.
Stop being old.
Can't, sowwy. The only other option is being dead, and I'm having too much of a good time.
Do female orgasms start internally before you start to notice them? Gf and I bought a toy for me to use on her. Everytime I tried to pull it away right before she came she would have an orgasm anyway.
Men absolutely do not give a shit about stuff like this
Never seen that before. Some guys have only one side red because of the way they masturbate but they’re not sores.
I think it's less about "forcing it" and more about helping a girl build up to it, but not stopping after the high, it's an overstimulation kink play.
so the girl has to work with you
It's like a sneeze at the start. Once the peak is reached, it has to be actively sabotaged to stop, not just left alone.
Wait, am i supposed to use 3 shampoos???
There's the real fountain of youth in Iraq.
Ok say I’m a woman then. So this means you shouldn’t better yourself? You showed them man.

Help yourselves before you end up like this guy.
Every single woman I know eats like a fucking pig and still looks skinny as a rail, not at all.
Green flag for me, I like a woman who can eat
>tfw once I bought a 5-pack of donuts from Sainsbury's and my housemate ate them all
Dated a girl with an eating disorder who was obsessed with keeping an hourglass and it made me sad. I would much rather date a fatso who didn't worry about eating
What do women think of /adv/?

What do men think of /adv/?
>I became Chad later so, so can you!
You were never an incel you were just a late bloomer.
>skin routine

Every man knows you only need that shit if you're caking your face in make up everyday and dying your hair. Roastie cunt detected.
>fat, unemployed, with a shitty haircut, dressing like a school shooter, using a 3 in 1 shampoo, no skin routine
Meanwhile I know guys like this with cute gfs because they don't skip this step
>doing social activities
Sounds like emotional manipulation to me lass, he is weaponinsing how kind/forgiving you are to continue his pity party
>What do men think of /adv/?
Probably the worst (best) place to get advice on the internet
>Every man knows you only need that shit if you're caking your face in make up everyday and dying your hair. Roastie cunt detected.
I'm a woman but no. I don't dye my hair, don't use make up, and I look 10x better with skincare and haircare. My husband looks so much hotter now that I take care of his skin and hair.
Nah it’s fine unless she’s fat or chewing with her mouth open. It’s attractive seeing a slim woman enjoy a decent amount of food.
Yeah I honestly come harder if the stimulation stops once I'm on the edge. Can't do it myself because I don't have the willpower to stop there. I obviously notice it but it's hard to communicate to a partner when I'm on the edge because it doesn't look like anything, might last for a long time and I'm just frozen and flatlining in the head while it's happening.
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>he doesn't use shampoo
I use water and soap you tranny fuck,
I miss you.
Nah just shampoo, conditioner and body wash ofc
Depending on your hair type, mousse, oils etc. if you want to be extra
Just pick up a face wash, face cream, and body cream for after the shower. Makes a big difference.
You wash your hair with soap? 19th Century much??
my physical body feels so tired and weak after dealing with him for weeks it is starting to be really painful. my chest feels really heavy lately and especially right now.
Who the fuck asked you, you cum dumpster cunt?
Don't take to thread mommy like that
): sounds like it is taking an emotional toll and very one-sided. Take care of yourself too lass
I have the same reply to you as I did for the guy who called me a female >>31493067. What if I was a late bloomer? That means you shouldn’t help yourself?
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>tfw doing AI grunt bullshit work
>tfw evaluating images for promoting stereotypes and homogeneity/unrealistic beauty standards etc.
>tfw the bot keeps generating images of sultry blonde Stacies with big blue eyes and boobs
noooo how could you do this where is muh diversity le heckin' AI is eeeevil also please show me more pics for science
Man here. I have bettered myself recently (am fitter, take good care of my skin, am confident in what I wear and have become more attractive as a result). My wife, at home, has lost any will to be “romantic” with me. Not even the right word, its just she wont stop slouching or burping or farting. I hold that stuff in when she is around but she refuses to for me and it is really off putting. I tried asking her about it but she gets mad when I broach the subject. I want to hit the reset button on this, i want her to do effort into being an attractive human to me at home, not just when she is out and about… im so desperate.
No. I got triggered by anons being nice earlier and now I'm stuck feeling stupid and confused.
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I'm busy in another thread so I didn't reply to "helping yourself" earlier, what people like you don't realize is incelism is biological, it is not about fitness, finance, or personality, especially not personality.
When I was my most well groomed I actually got asked out less. Women do not care about grooming no matter what they tell you, they will lick the shit off Chads asshole if he is good looking enough.
I love working out but women themselves say that it doesn't matter.
Financemaxxing is literally asking for gold diggers to be your only dating pool.
Women are only attracted to the biological and predetermined.
Even if you have an attractive physique (ie women only notice if you have a good looking face) then women will still feel turned off if you say you work hard to keep it up, many will actually find it an ick.
I better myself and help myself for my personal health, and for my own goals, but you are delusional if you think it will help you with women, and it might even inspire a sense of entitlement when your expectations are shattered and women still do not want you.
You are either an incel period or you are not, there is no inbetween.
Got dumped by ex gf in early march, amicably. I went no contact and she reached out for my bday in may and we chatted for a bit but the convo fizzled out and I didn't reply because I've been super busy with work etc. We share one form of 'social media' - she stalks my Spotify, listens to all my playlists, all the same songs etc. I'd say I'm pretty over her, and getting passed the missing her stage. What's the deal? Why is she stalking me on Spotify. Was thinking of asking her to meet for coffee to see how's she's getting on. Bad idea? Ideally female thoughts, ta
Good though I haven't been able to coom in a few days hence all the hornyposting
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I need to make myself go shit before I leave on this day trip but I lack the conviction.
They are precious princesses. We need to have a higher tax on brunettes for breathing the same air as blonde goddesses.
I find it ironic that you posted a Regular Show meme along with your incel rant
If Mordo and Rigby can get play so can you
I mean don't get me wrong I also love a brunette bad bitch
But if there's one thing that's based about you Americans it's your glorification of blondes
The AI is coming for meee
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Oh boy the stinky retarded Pajeet attentionwhore is back, what a joy
That's sarcasm by the way, ENTJ. I know your poo-in-the-loo caveman brain sometimes can't pick up on language complexities like that.
Not ED, more like sleeping on someone's couch and having no privacy lol
Actually wait I did fap last night I'm talking absolute shite rn (almost got caught in the act by the cat tho)
I don't really know what to suggest man other than to start enjoying her burps/facts
Idk maybe I'm just fucking weird but I find it hot when a cute girl burps in my face
I'm not American, I just recognize that the peak of female beauty are blondes with blue eyes. You can't mog a gorgeous blonde girl.
>Pornhub premium
But Rule34 is free
What a babe <3
Strong jaw = strong woman
Do men care that most blondes are not naturally blonde?
State gender
Would you date a model? A professional one, not an Instagram model.
Nta but racist much?? Indian YouTube tutorials teach me things every day like how to fix the boiler
Yes. I get the ick if I see your black roots.
Man why do you love Vera so much? She's bogged af. I get her ass is nice but it's fake now.
Implying I'm an incel.
He is Swedish?
F. Probably not.
Bad idea. Let her be and move on.
You’d be shocked at how hard it is to tell. Jennifer Anniston Sydney Sweeney Scarlett Johansson and Margot Robbie are all naturally brunette.
I just use hand soap for everything.
Nah, blonde is blonde and I'm here for it
M, yeah I went out with a girl (old highschool acquaintance) who did actual modelling gigs. Stunning tall black girl way out of my league. She was very sweet but I think we just wanted different things desu. She travelled a lot for work so I think just wanted to hookup when she was in town, I didn't want to catch feefees. She was also very insecure but then so am I lol. So I suppose it just depends on the situation and chemistry but there can be a lot of caveats
"Bogged af" is crazy. I don't think she had any work done on her face yet and her boobs are still small. She def got some butt work done, but I love that she doesn't have any retarded tattoos nor piercings. It's hard to find girls like that.
why do men use me as a therapist when I am trying to find someone to be with

I am physically affected by this now and it has taken a toll on my body and I feel weak, tired, and a heaviness on my chest.
She 100% got lipo and facial work. And her ass got fixed up too. Idk all those insta models are fake. Vera is damn hot but like, look at someone like Lindsay Capuano.
>get to torture qt by hornyposting about liking young guys so he can feel a single fraction of how horny I am all the time
Yeah. Fake blonde is worse than natural. Makes you look vain and insecure.

if you only ever had "ok" sex but never amazing sex with your boyfriend, would you leave him?
I'm getting ooold though Mrs. Hags
I don't care about hair colour to begin with so beyond questioning their priorities it doesn't bother me.
Jeez. cut him off.
Fuck you.
you are fine with mediocre sex?
world would be more peaceful if everyone were some shade of white and only had differing hair colors based on "race"
Basically anime
From seeing your posts, you seem like an empath with a very caring personality who puts others first. I presume some guys can sense that and unfortunately take advantage of it. Nobody should be making you feel this way though, you need to be strong and set boundaries and look after yourself. Relationships and such should always be a two-way street imo and it should not feel like a struggle or that you are guilted into looking after a person. It doesn't mean you have to be selfish but just know your own worth. I think once you start projecting more of that confident secure aura (not saying you are not but just theorising) the people you meet and your connections will be better for it.
>t. some asshole on the internet
Yeah. It's not ideal, but also not something I'd break up with someone over.
>world would be more peaceful if
No it wouldn't.
The horniness is actually deeper than just my dick. What the hell?
Yes, completely, I see blonde, I expect blonde, not dirty blonde, none of that, undyed roots are literally the worst, and if I saw them I'd throw up, actual bald women are more attractive than unnatural blondes. It is actually one of the biggest turn offs in a woman, maybe, maybe if she were a straight up bimbo who's getting implants and a bbl for me I'll allow it, otherwise no, absolutely disgusting.
It would change nothing, bigots would still be bigoted.
have you had "amazing" sex before? Or are you a virgin?

gf just broke up with me because sex is not good
Who was talking to you, smelly pajeet? Go make another tutorial video or go jump in front of a train while making a tiktok. Chop chop.
>have you had "amazing" sex before?

I'm sorry that happened to you.
>having preferences=bigot
Sometimes I get a heart boner and really affectionate towards women for no reason.
This is not a loving boner, this is a "I need to feel your sweaty thighs wrapped around my hips while I wrestle your tongue into submission" boner.
Thoughts on the male vs female gaze makeup?

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>Fuck you
I'm waiting
>everyone were some shade of white
Hitler is that you?
>Basically anime
It's ironic to me how anime has become more homogenous and whitewashed overtime
Anyway just no. Did you never read The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss? Segregation amplifies contention
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Thoughts on my cousin's cat, Eva?
>I'm waiting
You're lucky you're protected by an entire ocean or else I'd call your bluff, you dick.
What the fuck are you talking about?
They're better off than you realize.
M, idk she's a hottie tho
Didn't you use to swim? Put those breathing techniques to good use.
Unironically though if you come to my country I'll marry you
Terms male and female gaze are bs and I can't take anyone seriously who uses them.
Qt is afraid of sex and probably can't get hard due to anxiety.
She's not grumpy, she was just sleepy in that picture
How soon will you be ready to help support a family with a baby?
Life might be hard but anxiety makes he harder desu
The male gaze on make up is "I don't care."
>But no- men just don't reali--
Bitch shut the fuck up, we were fucking you while you had uncombed hair, a scar from a bear slash to the face, with weeks of dirt on your skin because the last time we found a lake was 12 days ago during the nomadic period in 40,000 bc, we do not fucking care. The male gaze exists, but when we tell you fuck make up we meant it, we do not care.
It would be funny if she did a clown face or something on that side, but no it's just a bunch of schizophrenic shit women think about men.
Every time women go "Men think we all want Chad they're so schizo." that is what you girls actually do when you talk about make up.
No bitch, no we don't care. We don't even know what the fuck a "brow wing" or "spot conceal" is.
I can fix hi(s dick)m.
tfw no will ever talk like this to me
Can't we just get a cat instead?
Ok fine, I'm supposed to be doing my online job rn so ttyl
inb4 moid hands
Just waste enough time being obnoxious on the internet and it's inevitable
Men will refuse to do housework in fear of appearing gay but make jokes about railing their friends.
>talking about a baby drives a guy away
Every time. Maybe babytrapping really is my only option.
OK what's 3959295858 times 2939593949
Didn't think so moron
Not doing housework is actually gay. So you want to use a toilet and the same kitchenware that your roommates/riends have used and you haven't cleaned? Hella gay
what would you say is the difference between mediocre and amazing sex?
In ancient roman times being gay was less about being fucked in the ass and more about reputation and how you carried yourself, the same applies today, hope this helped.
You clearly don't know where the clit is
I mean most guys want kids I'm just a nutcase
But it's not like I'm opposed to kids either
Are you forgetting that you don't like cum? Problematic much?
State gender
What would you do if you and your best friend fell in love with the same person?
>Just waste enough time being obnoxious on the internet and it's inevitable
Nah, my style doesn't translate over the internet at all like yours does.
Fight to the death
Jk let him have her
That's not how it works. You would start questioning if he finds you attractive. That's why qt has slept with several girls and never fucked them, nor dated them after that. His penis was completely soft while in bed with those girls.
I think my desperation for a kid could overcome my disdain for jizz. And in fact, my aversion would probably work well for babytrapping since you wouldn't expect it. It's the perfect crime.
For me, amazing sex is one where I feel deep emotional connection and intense physical pleasure.
white people are the most beautiful, I just want to put everyone at that base level of beauty
Nope. I could get it working.
Maybe try real life then like normal people
>His penis was completely soft while in bed with those girls
Nah bro I was harder than Dwayne
>It's the perfect crime
Maybe we should just adopt though? Do you really want a bipolar kid?
>Maybe try real life then like normal people
The outdoors scares me.
my best friend is a woman so I'd probably just let her have her and jerk off to the fantasy of them licking each other
Base... nevermind. Cuck.
Go to an indoor place outdoors then
I mean plenty of fish in the sea and bros before hoes
A female friend who I've been speaking to recently and not sure how to read the situation. She seems kinda interested in person. We were talking about hiking and I made some places for a recommendation, and then the following day decided to go to the place I recommended and she told me how much she enjoyed it.

I suggested another time if she wants someone to join her I'd be down, and she replied that she will let me know but is going away for a few months but will be good to go when she gets back. I responded okay sounds good.

Was my response passive aggressive/dismissive? I didn't mean it like that but I wonder that may be how it comes off. And is her response lightly letting me down or is she interested? Not sure how to read the situation, especially with her randomly going where I suggested so soon.
Is your bestie attracted to women
I am going to be pregnant someday soon, that is nonnegotiable.
How does one tell if you’re just the nice guy she’s settling for
F. I'd be concerned, her taste in men is trash.

Honestly, if we both got a crush on the same guy we'd probably both shoot our shot and let him choose.
>white people are the most beautiful
Hard disagree but OK
I wish you luck
At least if you get pregnant we'll have more material to tease you about
>Go to an indoor place outdoors then
Not like that. I'm not agoraphobic, just have social anxiety.
Do broken people just attract each other? Qt was molested by his aunt and jh by her uncle.
Nah I don't think so
To be honest we're not super SUPER close but I don't have very many friends and she's the only one I easily vibe with.
Idk. Probably admit I also love her and ask to have a poly relationship with them.
I already like brunettes more so to me a girl that is a fake blonde essentially ruined her looks for no good reason.
>poly relationship
That never works out
>just have social anxiety
Bro is writing his own headcanon
shut the fuck up already got damn
Thanks. Also if I were pregnant, I'd be so happy that absolutely no amount of shitposting could bother me.
Okay that's actually cute lol (':
Anyway I need to work now bye
I am already fucking over this day and it's not even 7am yet.
Who are you calling a faggot you ugly bitch
I know. But for the sake of the hypothetical I'd give it a try. If I'm going to lose my best friend ever over a mutual love interest, I'd at least admit my feelings to her and try whatever could possibly work.
I wouldn’t put too much stock into it especially because
>”I’ll let you know,”
>is also going away for a few months

“I’ll let you know,” is generally not a good indicator of interest.
You responded exactly how you should have and now you leave it alone and you wait to see if she reaches out. Don’t contact her unless she reaches out first.

Also for future reference, instead of recommending a place to her and then later telling her to let you know if she’d like company, ask her out directly instead by saying “I know a really good place to hike we should check out soon,”
And if she says yes or agrees you offer her a day or time or ask what her schedule is like.
Direct. Have frame. Be masculine
>There is nothing to be afraid of anymore it’s just women and children everywhere now
Yeah, I guess. You ever had a knife held up to you? Shit like that made me pretty spooked.
I don't have a best friend.
Mania in a nutshell.
You literally go to parties and raves. I get spooked leaving my apartment. We are not the same.
Good luck with work. Don't think about sex.
I'm a virgin. You however, are batshit insane.
Bruh, you said it yourself when you were having a meltdown.
It's a reasonable question. Should broken people even have children? A child of JH and qt would be a basketcase, but JH is too old to have children anyway, fortunately.
Thing is that where I grew up it's still shit, but it's slightly less shit. Idk man, where the fuck do I even begin to re-enter the world?
I rechecked the message she didn't say I'll let you know, that was the vibe I got from it but she actually said "okay I will!", not sure if that changes anything.
In a perfect world
every women would be black
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Normal pills. Now.
I'm fucking done.
My answer stays the same
Just offer her concrete plans man none of this “let me know” shit
Women generally like guys who will take charge of that shit.
That's actually not a bad idea. Thanks man.
I’d rather see a ton of incel shit posting than this garbage
If she already likes you, it doesn't matter how you ask her out lol
>My answer stays the same
Also with "okay i will!" being not a good indicator of interest?
thanks anon will be more direct otherwise.
Leave him alone, bro.
Yes I just think as a man you should be offering the woman specific plans when you ask her out.
She’ll make it easy for you but you still need to take the reigns

Maybe she’ll let you know. Maybe she won’t.
Why not just actually ask her out instead of telling her to let you know if she wants company.
>Why not just actually ask her out instead of telling her to let you know if she wants company.
Usually I would be more direct but we work together and due to some other circumstances around it I don't want to be too direct.
>literally go to parties and raves
Only occasionally now and I'm still really shy until I get warmed up and in the zone. Also, alcohol lol. It's a dark setting where no one is really looking at you, you can just get lost on the dancefloor in your own world
I struggle with more intimate social parties and pubs etc., last night I was so close to just going home cause I was on the periphery of every conversation, only after quite a few beers I started to joke a bit more and have a laugh with people, but it was still awkward. I ended up playing more with the kids and the dogs than talking to adults lol
Anyway, different degrees and all that, I appreciate you might have it a lot worse than me. Hell I haven't really eaten anything today cause I feel too awkward using the shared kitchen, might just go out and buy food lol
Thanks Qt. Its really only gotten bad since my ex left. I used to bartend for christs sake. My social skills die hard when they aren't used. But when I'm at full power I'm pretty damn good at being social. I have a lot of playful and IDGAF energy so I gotta get over the hurdle.
I met my current gf at work.
She already knows what you’re doing by trying to text her and make plans with her or offering her company.
Wether you were direct or indirect, she knows exactly what you’re getting at and the message is still the same.
You might as well own your shit and actually ask the woman on a date.

Or don’t. I don’t know what your circumstance is.
My girlfriend works in a completely different department under a different manager and we hardly ever actually see each other at work.
We'll have a storm now
and an earthquake if you like.
You must stand aside now
out of danger.
I was probably chatting shit. Also, rude, JH is pretty level-headed despite her quirks
>Don't think about sex
This is like saying "don't think of a purple elephant" and then you think of one
I guess you could say it would be blackpilled?
The Capslock key bro, use it
This reminds me of NPD anon, is it you bro?
>used to bartend for christs sake
I feel you, I have this weird thing where I'm fine in customer service jobs playing a role, but really shy day to day.
Sorry to hear about it ending with your gf. At least you can recognize your positive qualities, so I suppose it's just a case of overcoming those hurdles so you can showcase them
Yeah, JH is adorable, even when she's in a bad mood.
Nigga lmao. This is a bit far just to prove a point.
>Sorry to hear about it ending with your gf.
All good, been about 7ish weeks now. I've been blogging about it every step of the way here lol. Yeah I just gotta go outside. Its scary doing it alone but no one's gonna help me. Plus I've never had trouble making friends I just gotta put myself in situations for it.
No you don't lol
Yeah dude it sounds like you do have the skills if you've never had trouble making friends and have had a gf etc., just a case of getting out of your comfort zone a bit, good ol exposure therapy and I'm sure you can get back in there
What for breakfast?
Eggs and sausage?
Or slider burgers with an over easy egg on top?
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She is a cute tsundere. I've been bullying her for years
Thanks Qt, much love brother.
>Eggs and sausage?
Gotta go with this bro
Eggs and sausage.
They’re jalepeno cheddar sausages
Hello, women. Imagine that someone is trying to bother you and your boyfriend when walking in a public place and the boyfriend chooses to ignore the abuser and walk away. Would you be bothered by him not turning around to fight, or would you rather just leave the situation?
>NTR'd by QT
it's ogre
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Hey man jokes aside those eggs look absolutely perfect! Good for you bro
Retarded tripfaggots ruin everything
I wouldn't want him to engage in fights with random strangers.
No worries brother <3 no homo
I told you anon... I never lose...
chad shit fr
That’s sweet man. I think I’ve seen you post about your girlfriend before. Sounds pretty cool.

I just started seeing a new girl. So far so good. Hoping it works out in the long run lol
Why do people hate on Dane cook?
He gets such a bad rep despite being a highly successful comedian in the early 2000s
Joke thief, the cardinal sin of comics. And he was kinda like the normie version of comedy. Like the Skyrim of comics.
He was annoying asf
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>for guys
Do you actually have a hard time getting dates?

I don't, would be lying if I said many of them went anywhere but that's on me.
Explain tho

Nah man that dude was hilarious in his prime.
His humor is like being at a party and there’s some dude there who is just absolutely hilarious.
Never tried.
My bad mood this morning is eclipsed by my >tfwnotgettingdick feeling.
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you're a manlet also I think I've seen you irl before
Which part? I watched a documentary on it and apparently he came in at a time when the standup comedian industry was dying and brought it back. It's just that a lot of his delivery was based around screams and being retarded, not witty punchlines, so TRVKE comedy fans hated him. Like how Skyrim normiefied RPGs and the mainstream loves that game to no end.
Why are you even here then?
Thanks bro
It’s been like a month but we’ve made things exclusive. I’ve posted about it here before.
She says she’s not used to being vulnerable and open and it takes her time to let her walls down. I am the same way tho. We have fun together nonetheless.
She’s coming over later tonight. May cook dinner together depending on what time but we both have to be up early.
based truth poster
These faggots are obviously autistic and can't take the hint that they aren't welcome here.
Attentionwhoring, obviously
>screams and being retarded
Humor is literally just word play and tonality and syllables tho man.
He has some good punch lines too.
>bensons animal farm
>creepy guy at work

As some examples of his jokes with pretty funny punch lines.

Like have you ever met someone who was just really really funny irl? And they just sound and say funny shit and you can’t explain why? No punch lines. Just the way that they are and the way they talk.
>Like have you ever met someone who was just really really funny irl? And they just sound and say funny shit and you can’t explain why? No punch lines. Just the way that they are and the way they talk.
Yeah but that's not what the art of standup comedy is. That would be like saying that actors should be more normal and less animated, you know? It's a performance. Like I'm not dissing him, I'm just trying to offer you perspective. I watched Dane Cook growing up and enjoyed it. I'm not into comedy. I'll try and find you the documentary if you're curious.
You'll get your dick soon enough.
Watch this.
I hope so. She’s fun.

Well she’s vegetarian. So I was going to take some fresh tomatoes and make a simple sauce out of them and then hand roll some pasta noodles.
I make a fire ass fresh sauce.
I literally pray every day that that's the case.
No I see what you’re saying. I’ve seen that video. His life story is so sad lmao.

What do you think stand up comedy is then?
He gets on stage and performs and makes a lot of people laugh. Vicious circle was fuckin huuuuge.
Not arguing but just for the sake of conversation
Ah yeah. To me it's like theater, you have a set of rules that you kinda have to follow. Like most things, people (like Dane Cook) who break those rules are gonna be reviled. But Carlin is the most obvious example. I enjoy Chapelle and Norm MacDonald a lot. Its all about rhythm, timing, tone, delivery. I think that Cook favoured the latter two much more than anyone else, to the detriment of the first two that everyone else favoured. I just keep hammering the Skyrim metaphor cuz it fits so well. Mass appeal at the expense of a lot of rule breaking of fundamental no-nos.
man get ah next gyal uh bad
If I stealth make another /atoga/ do you think these faggot attentionwhores will stay in this one?
Yeah I see what you mean.
He definitely relied a lot on energy and presence. But I think it works.

Bill Burr is also one of my favorites. I think him and Dane are kinda similar.
He has a joke about marriages and coming home and “downloading all of your insecurities” onto the woman at the end of the day and it’s literally just him yelling and imitating a really mad exhausted dude. Hilarious imo
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More pictures of Eva
I genuinely fucking hate Bill Burr because so much of his material is same-y to me. It's pretty much every joke is like you described, middle aged man hates the life he made for himself. But I get the appeal. No shade to what you like, obviously, because at the end of the day, its all about laughs. It's like how Seth Rogan had a prolific acting career even though he just played Seth Rogan. People like what they like, even if its retarded. Norm was always my favourite because sarcasm is fucking funny to me and his stories were always kinda out there. Plus he bagged on trannies, based.
What does it say about me if I like Louis C.K., Dave Chappelle, and Norm Macdonald
I don't remember fucking a muslim women but that's definitely my dick. But it's also inverted.
cute cat, triangulating your position now
perfect, let’s all date
State gender. What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?
Its a long, long list. Eating raw peanut butter and homemade edible cookies then walking for 40 minutes only to shit my pants in public is a personal favourite, though.
Bill Burr hasn't been funny for 10 years. I liked him too. Chappelle became unfunny when he started his tranny and BLM rants instead of actually telling jokes, also hasn't been funny for around 10 years when he came back again. Norm was very good and had a unique style. Comedians just become shit when they become too rich or settled down, they all peaked when their life was in chaos.
Set off the school fire alarm for playing with an alcohol burner.
F. Put my hand inside a machine that I had been told to not put my hand into. It chopped off my finger lol
Also taking back my ex after I found out he cheated on me and lied about it.
Who are some do your favorite comedians?
did they reattach your digits?
They did. Hurt like fucking crazy for 2 years tho, 0/10 do not recommend amputating your own fingers.
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Does this prove I'm a girl?
To be honest I barely partake in comedy. Dane Cook was just a weirdly easy one for me because I watched vicious circle when it premiered. But Norm is the big one for me. Canadian (he's just like me), I loved him as Death, his style and sarcasm were good as fuck. You'd probably have a more in depth conversation with >>31493527 to be honest. This is not my area of expertise at all. I've heard of some obscurer ones, fucking some British cunt that I forget the name of who died young.
State gender
Thoughts on Brittany Venti?
That's crazy, any aftereffects?
full range of motion and sensations?
Are there any funny female comedians?
Margaret Chu has made me laugh once.
successful people aren't funny
The secret behind comedy is struggling.
Also side note I think Pablo Francisco is also terribly under rated. Dude was so good.
His bit about the movie preview guy is so fucking funny
Opening up to a woman I was dating, nothing I had done before has ever ruined my life (thus far) as much as that did.
Actually wait no sleeping with her probably was period, but no at least if she was still here I'd be forgiving.
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They're both sort of okay.
In terms of motion, I can't do 3 the american way (like pic rel) because I can't move ring and pinky independently without it hurting like crazy.
Everything else I can do just fine.
Sensation is fine, but everything feels a little off. I was trying to explain it the other day, but everything I touch with that finger feels slightly colder and sharper than it really is.
Also cutting my nails is hell.
Men, you are a disgrace when you only respond to F posts. Do better.
Shit. sorry to hear that, always heard that physical therapy is a bitch.
make more interesting posts
Also I don't reply to F posts because I hate /atoga/ women
>Also I don't reply to F posts because I hate /atoga/ women
Now why is that?
This is why negging ALWAYS works by the way.
It only works on insecure women.
State gender
Does everyone know that one girl that somehow always picks the most rubbish men?
I didn't do any physical therapy which when I think about it is insane lol
I work in healthcare and one of my colleagues is a PT specialized in post hand surgery rehab and I didn't even think that was a thing until I met him. When they took the metal rod that held the finger together they were just "oh you can move it? based, bye".

It's mostly fine at this point. Still, don't recommend cutting off your own finger.

Definitely not. Fuck you.
they're all damaged goods, physically or mental otherwise
all women are insecure
God I hate that PUA shit
Negging is a horribly forced version of playful teasing
no. trash dates but not trash relationships
I wish I was trans...
>they're all damaged goods, physically or mental otherwise
I mean, kinda? But literally everyone here is in some form or another. That's the premise.
>all women are insecure
Literally no.
When is it ok to open up to a woman you’re dating and start being expressive
Maybe it's something you can still do? It might help with the pain.
When you want to get cucked
no. index finger shorter than ring finger proves you have high testosterone and probably a tranny.
Hate women instead, they're the ones that can't stop themselves from engaging with neggers.
how do you even get a date without opening up?
>index finger shorter than ring finger proves you have high testosterone
NTA but based. I'm a high test male then.
Oh, like the guys on here are all shining examples of sanity.
I've considered asking him. At this point the only time it really hurts is when I cut my nails, everything else is mostly fine.

Meh, I see him at work Wednesday, I'll stop him and ask him if there's any exercises I can do to help.
You're sweet.
No? Maybe?
Girls, thoughs on three way relationship with your bf and your mom?
Gilda Radner was pretty funny.
Does that clear things up for you anon?
Sounds like a plan, hopefully he can recommend you some exercises that'll help.
>You're sweet.
lol, thanks
Stop being snarky. You know exactly what I mean. I'm not trying to siphon your (You)s but I do see a lot of depression posts that get no replies then you see "F, Cupcake!" with 12 replies. Grr!
State Gender
Do you respond to negging posts
F Just this morning I was emptying out some trail mix stuff and the bag puffed a certain way, sending trail mix dust into my eyes.
I like the fake blonde look desu
I don't come here to date or flirt so "b-b-but what about the moids?!?" has no bearing on what I do.
What are negging posts?
This is why homemade trail mix will always defeat storebought trail mix.
What kinda machine was it?
It's obviously some femcel who got her feelings hurt over being called damaged goods
>Stop being snarky.
Just an obvious observation for the oblivious.
Negging = negative compliment. Like "you'd look way hotter in this shirt vs the one you're wearing."
Yes. Her father also left.
Men, what's the best way to break up with a man if he didn't do anything wrong? It's long distance with no realistic prospect of getting together in person.
Ghosting >:)
I'm breaking up with you
No, Satan
>It's long distance with no realistic prospect of getting together in person.
That isn't a reason to break up, dumb bitch
>It's long distance with no realistic prospect of getting together in person.
Literally send him this. The truth.
>you have magically been transformed to the opposite gender, what do you do to your friends?
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It was a farm machine that processes corn. I don't know the name, sorry.
>That isn't a reason to break up, dumb bitch
Yeah it is, what?
F NOT hit on them. That's weird, dude...
Actually trying to poop rn but having a hard time... women?
State gender. Have you ever had lower-class neighbours?
They will throw their trash and waste on your yards and genuinely, unironically not understand why you would threaten them with violence or the cops over it.
When you tell them they should not do it on their yards either because of the smell/pests, they get fuming mad.
They will play the most obnoxious, braindead "music" at a high enough volume that the whole street can hear it, and genuinely, unironically not understand why you would gift them a set of headphones. They will never use the headphones either.
They let their houses fall into complete disrepair and ruin, and genuinely, unironically not understand why that would be a bad thing. They will get furious if you tell them and they will get even more furious if you offer to fix it FOR FREE. They rejoice in their ruin.
They will sit all day on their front yards, climb over fences, get on the roof, and more if it means they get even a second to spy on you: your personal private life is their greatest pleasure; what you do, say and have in your house has more value than their own lives.
They will refuse to acknowledge any real problem and its solution, but they will assiduously seek any petty squabble to fight over. They will go out of their way to gossip, slander, antagonize, to coax you into murder. Seeing their worthlessness, they long for death.
They will never leave you alone. They will do everything in their power to get your attention. They will get fuming mad if you ignore them and fuming mad if you do not. In their souls are carved the words "I AM TRASH; PLEASE DISPOSE OF ME AND BURY ME".
How else are you going to get some pussy?
Time's running out, your friends are the only one that can realistically let you hit it within the time limits
Idk, I haven't been on a date in years, but I also don't think I've asked anyone out in years, so...
Hi Sean Paul I love ur work
>Dave Chappelle
M, probably shoplifting in broad daylight because I wanted more beer
Ouch! How old were you? There's a femanon on here that lost an arm from farm equipment.
State gender
You've been transported to a room outside space and time where the time moves at 1/60th that of Earth. You have one year to beat all 3 Halo games on LASO mode. Who do you bring with you for the couch co-op? Hard mode: Splitscreen.
I think it was the summer I turned 11?

>There's a femanon on here that lost an arm from farm equipment.
That sounds horrendous, I'm really sorry for her. Hope she recovered okay.
Bwahaha... I'm sorry, but having sex with my friends as a dude isn't the first thing that would come to my mind. I'd find a random hooker maybe if I was really that interested. And who says they'd just let you?
uh, what's the consequences here
No but it proves you're overweight
F. Nothing. I'm not attracted to women nor to the men I'm friends with.

I'd probably just kill myself because I'd want to be with my husband but he wouldn't want male me lol
Are they really your friends if they're not going to let you hit it?
Also hookers have STDs
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NTA this is the only way I have ever gotten women interested in me, being aloof and uncaring, whenever I have shown emotion I act like a complete brain dead retard in a actual special needs, not cutesy way.
Of course this has mostly been online, women love short, simple, and to the point texts, while hating long formats. I just don't know how to do it in person, I'm not sure if there is a way to do it in person without sounding like a tryhard edgelord doing a Shadow impression going
>Hi, I don't need you or anything, but you're pretty enough, wanna go out sometime and see if you're bearable enough to be worthy of fucking?
The only time I maybe seen something similar work was on Narcos, where Steve Murphy asks a girl out on a dare, and it works, but I have no friends to back me up and have that as a "you don't matter at all but want to go out?" excuse, because my only friend hates going out, and the only girls I like are in areas we ironically both never go to in a planned fashion.
>Also hookers have STDs
So do my friends lol
Be obnoxious and get away with it because I'm not a male
Then why are you pretending like they won't let you hit? LMAO
Yeh, I think she said she was 12. So both old enough to remember it. I think she's mostly ok, she was making jokes about it and stuff. I don't understand how disabled people can do that. Does farm equipment not have good safe guards?
I'm not that anon, was just pointing out that plenty of regular people have STDs like herpes and HPV.
Bill Gates will kill all of humanity.
Nah, actually normal people don't have STDs, it's just the hyper sexual crowd being vectors
>same fucking millisecond
No it fucking isn't. What, you think he's holding you back? You going to break this dude's heart because you're bored? For fuck sakes, at least have something better lined up before you jump ship. Muh monkey branching be damned
>What, you think he's holding you back? You going to break this dude's heart because you're bored?
Sour grapes much? Some people need that physical connection. Its their love language, like touch and shit. Dunno why you're being so pissy about it.
honestly? for me, yes. who the fuck eats so much sugar and crap food? unless she does some kind of competitive sport and needs some fast calories, she WILL get fat if she does that shit every other day.
90% of sexually active men and 80% of sexually active women will have HPV in their lifetime. 20% of women have HSV-2.
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Meditations by Marcus Aurelius has become a meme in philosophy, the first recommendation to anyone who asks. I found the first portion funny, though, due to the stark differences between our immediate families and upbringings.
What have you learned or inherited from your elders? Write it like our lil' Marcus here, if you will.
As for me:

From my grandfather Louis, shortness of stature, for he was short and fat like a pig.
From my father, sobriety and self-control, for he was a drug-addict and neurotic like a woman.
From my mother, critical thinking and asociality, for she was autism and mental illness.
From my tutors, self-awareness and humility, for they taught me high scores in tests are worthless in the end.
Because she's gonna come crying here about being oh so lonely when she had a guy at her disposal and got rid of him for a shit reason.
I don't e-date so I have nothing to be sour about
F. Nothing. Just hide in my room and jack off and hope that it's not permanent.
just ask one of your friends over and have a little friendly sesh
Women, have you ever had casual sex with a friend?
Wanda Sykes's classic standup is brilliant
Based fake blonde appreciator desu. I dated a girl who cut her hair short and dyed it blonde (before we met) it was cute af
I felt like writing something in the style or tone of Proverbs. What do you guys think?

1. Like weed depression grows, like weed to be seen--for weed is the first to thrive in barren soil, just as depression thrives in a painful world.
2. Reviled, hated, shunned, they commonly are, yet not always wrong: Purslane is nutritious and feeds; Dandelion reaches deep and draws out nourishment for plentiful fruit; Plantain heals; Stinging Nettle makes delicious soup; Others drive away maleficent creatures.
3. Likewise depression will make you consume yourself, so that you get to know yourself; reflection will make you wise and prosperous; wisdom and prosperity will heal your wounds; healthy appetite will pleasure your body; and the colors of the malignant shall be revealed.
4. My son, be not afraid of depression, do not run and do not hide from it: behold it, embrace it, understand it, and you will be better than fools--for they run and run without knowing whither they go, tripping and getting lost, but the wise stop and consider direction, reaching their destination.
kys coomer, it's never gonna happen
Alright, since y'all are such annoying cunts
You'd TOTALLY let your bros fuck your pussy if your turned into a woman, right?Y
You'd TOOOOTALLY suck their dick, YEAH???
Why do you hate your friends?
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>long distance with no realistic prospect of getting together in person
I mean, this is a good enough reason to give lol
Also soz ):
What friends?
Idk have a slumber party or something and girl's night out
Long story, but I once had sex with a friend to stretch out my vagina.
>Does farm equipment not have good safe guards?
Lower than they should, especially on old machinery. In my case, I was a fucking moron about it too and stuck my hand somewhere I was explicitly told to never put my hand in many times.

But I'm pretty sure agriculture is the deadliest industry sector. And yeah, for a reason.
The only friend I have that I'm sexually attracted to is my bestie, and I wouldn't compromise our friendship by asking for sex now, so why the fuck would I do so while I'm also going through your stupid hypothetical scifi shit?
I don't have a male friend
No, I have no interest in casual sex.
You'd be a man though, unless you're lesbo right now.
in which case, cool.
I am the low-class neighbour
>throw their trash and waste on your yards
Nah that's bullshit and you should kick up a fuss about that
>play the most obnoxious, braindead "music" at a high enough volume that the whole street can hear it
Sometimes you just gotta have a party. But they shouldn't be blaring it that loud or late
>let their houses fall into complete disrepair and ruin
Can fix it l8r
>They will sit all day on their front yards, climb over fences, get on the roof
Gotta get my tan on boi, white boy summer
>but he wouldn't want male me
What about tomboy supremacy??
once again,
found the tranny
>I don't understand how disabled people can do that.
They're often the first to joke about their stuff so others don't. It's a defence mechanism kinda.
yeah, me. :^D
Being bi really fucks up these retarded hypotheticals you guys come up with.
>What about tomboy supremacy??
He likes that I'm a bit of a reformed tomboy, but he is straight and a big booba appreciator. Would never work.
ogey, so you literally have double the choices, no excuses.
Ugh I need to go on another t-break I guess, I've taken two doses today and the 2nd isn't doing SHIT
>The only friend I have that I'm sexually attracted to is my bestie
I like how you went from ""barsexual"" to just fully embracing the lesbianism
I have no male friends.
I only have platonic relations with friends though, so...
We were never really friends.
No one would ever sleep with you faggots anyways if they knew you took cocks in the ass for fun
>We were never really friends.
I'm intersex, had exercises to lengthen my vagina but sex worked better.
>not a tranny, guyz!
Did your tomboy dreams fall flat because of booba?
Girls, how do you feel about stud breeding? What do you think about a young, fecund mare being plapped full of virile seed, and creating the next generation of thoroughbreds?
Double the choices, double the disappointment when I have to deal with so many people who only want casual relationships.
I can admit when I'm wrong. I think about that time we went kayaking a lot and how I should've been truthful to myself then and done something about it.
it's not like they're going to continue fucking with you once you revert back to your original gender
I can't tell if you know I'm into buttstuff or if you think I'm a man.
No, I had a weird relationship with my femininity until my late 20s and eventually just grew into my skin.
Just have a beer and cigarette like me
I suppose a tomboy without boobs would be a disappointment
Ah yeah, the story with those light up thingys in the water
Should've tipped the boat and had a wet t-shirt contest
Anywho I'm sure she loves ya dearly (as a friend)
What does that even mean? You don't swap between being straight and bi like it's a temporary thing.
Is it possible to be a tomboy and have big boobs?
Justice has not been served then.
Womb havers.
Is a man who ask you out on a date above you socially? Or below you?
>(as a friend)
And I at least tell myself that that's okay.
>What does that even mean?
Isn't the original post asking what you'd do if you switched gender?
Socially? Above me, usually.
What does it mean to be "socially above someone"?
Switching what's on the outside doesn't automatically change what's on the inside.
Not for you, but to them it's like you turned from undatable to casually fuckable
Karma will get to you.
Anon, I have some bad news for you...
Whatever happened to all the cat posters? The true cat poster, the hag cat poster, the fake cat poster, the drawn cat poster, etc. ?
Did /atoga/ bully them into submission?
>namefag spamming/flooding
>The true cat poster
Yeh, but this about liking someone and having sex with them. I like to believe that, if she'd have sex with me as a guy for a day, she'd date me afterwards, too. She's not shallow.
So... you're saying that my friends would take advantage of me, even knowing my true sexuality, just based off how I look.
This is the future we chose.
we have Eva poster ITT. is that not enough for you?
some chink twink iirc
>Take advantage
bruh it's sex, it's like jacking each other off, you're not getting taken advantage of, you're scratching each other's back
No, but you will be shot. I know you better than you know yourself. Karma is a bitch.
>Eva poster
I didn't know who that is and I don't care.
ahh, that guy.
So you can groom me like those other kids? No thanks.
But I'm not sexually attracted to that gender. Why can't I just masturbate?
I just want to know what it means. No doubt most people are socially above me, I'm introverted and I have a handful of good friends I hang out with regularly but that's it.
Because you got a dick now
or you can go pork some poopers I guess if that's more of your speed.
Women should I let my hair grow wild? My mom keeps pestering me to go to the barber but I don't want to.
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Do you swear to cats?
Swear to me.
None of them are real, they're all me.
stfu fatty
Why did you reply to me
it's a vibe type vibe
intuit that shit, nigga
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a literal cat poster, you literal retard
ctrl+f "eva"
be more interesting and maybe I'll remember you
>not filtering the things I often say
I'm actually surprised.
You have to be over 18 to post here anon.
So you're saying I'm not big enough?
I want some beer too ngl
I'm 26 years old and I just realised that I hate people. Absolutely detest talking to and making acquaintance with people. I grew up being told I should be kind and generous, and then you do that and get used and ridiculed. Honestly just feel like I should kms. I didn't see things ever getting better, instead I think people will continue to become more and more selfish.

Does it ever get better? Or am I overreacting?
meant for>>31493850
someone on /s4s/ said a good way to get high is to eat a specific cactus species, apparently it has similar hallucinogenic effects to lsd
I spent a good amount of money on it and waited half a month
ate it, nothing happened
turns out I bought the wrong plant
If anime has taught me one thing... yes <3
Ok but I kinda ship it
Justice for cats!!
>drunk driving can be a coping mechanism
Ayo what
You can sip on mine
>I'm 26 years old and I just realised that I hate people. Absolutely detest talking
When you finish your customer service shift
Be More Cool
The jews in power have engineered our economic, political, and cultural decline to make it easier for them to rule over us and destroy us.
One day it'll blow up in their faces. Untold violence will ensue, they'll be genocided as always, and then we'll return to tradition and regain our values.
you are not wrong anon. people are ungrateful, opportunist, immoral pieces of shit sometimes

>literally begging for a bunch of namefags to come back
what the fuck happened to 4chan...
this isn't reddit you bitch
What would your gf think of all your misogynyposting here kek
I just need to find a dick so I can stop stressing about friends and bi-ness and all this shit and finally relax for once.
Nah, you prolly got some weird ass bacteria lulz
Wtf this beer is fresh out the fridge pal
Fine I'll drink it all myself
If you’re referring to me the asian guy when you say “the true cat poster”, I’m still here
I’m also not real :p
I decided to craft that personality when I was bored
Those are like my photos from ages ago, I haven’t looked like that in quite a while, got bored so I stopped
and now I’m just part of the crowd

> The Jews
Fuck off. Not looking for advice from losers who think their problems are due to others. I am not white, so my fate is not due to Jews (even though that in itself is a retarded conclusion)
I'm literally responding to some fag who desperately wants to be known as "Eva poster" without having done anything to deserve it. You're probably him, so go fuck yourself and grow a personality while you're at it.
What you listening to right now?
What customer service shift? I don't work in customer service.
Yeah bro, it's all on you. The outside world doesn't exist; there's no cause and effect; there's no one controlling the system you're confined in.
You fell for the jewish psyop. Retard.
I was the one you replied to. and no, I'm not the one posting pics of a cat.
I was joking at the retard who was asking where the "cat poster" namefags are
and you are a fucking RETARD
Heyoo dude how are you doing
Still dealing with that crippling social anxiety?
I hope you get some dick
Or just buy another dildo for your collectiin
Which is also why I never flirted with anyone back then
Felt wrong and icky
I tried that once and had to bind. It got inconvenient so I just decided to stop and then my male friends legit treated me differently.
Be more clever
What's the best beer brand if I don't fuck with pilsner?
I have myself an substance addiction so that I would no longer care about women and it actually worked but now I feel like I might have fucked my health
Same old same old (plap ASMR)
what substance?
What substances?
>tfw a psychiatric nurse I met at a party asked me out once
Can they fix us though is the real question
Idk I'm just having a Fosters rn
Life is one big customer service shift though amirite
I’m chilling
can order food fir myself now without stuttering, still struggling with conversations but things are turning for the better, I think
You are very correct, thoughever don't kill yourself
Do you accept Serbia as the true heir to the Roman Empire?
Trevor Scott was litty af. He peaked with Astroworld and Kylie's prime pussy turned him shit.
Woman, have you ever had a substance abuse problem?
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>Or just buy another dildo for your collectiin
I was going to buy this, but I need to save up more money after a recent emergency expenditure.
Femanons, if I was your boyfriend, would you let me sit on your stomach (I'm not heavy) and explore and toy with your face? I really wanna do shit like:
>Pimch and pull at a woman's cheeks.
>Open her mouth and run my finger along your top row of teeth.
>Lift up your hair that covers your forehead and rub my thumb along where your hair stops and your forehead starts.
>Press my finger into the bottom of your eyelid and see how far I can slide it under your eyeball.
Normal shit like that, y'know?
Crazy shit
That contraption is actually going to ruin your life, girl.
>I am not white, so my fate is not due to Jews
You think jews are your friends just because you're not white?
For them it's jews vs everyone else. For them anyone who's not a jew is a goy, that is, cattle, a slave, an inferior creature for them to exploit and abuse as they see fit.
Yeh. Used to smoke menthols. Also I do still drink sometimes.
Why are women ruled by their clits ?
haha yeah...

Why do girls love to make fun of/bully men and women who are virgins? Guys will make fun of others guys for being virgins, but I’ve noticed women are much more harsh.

I’ve been bullied my whole life for being a virgin, but when it’s from a woman, it’s much worse
I'm an alcoholic. I can't drink, it's not good for me.
It's just a powered dildo attached to a pillow.
Aww what a cute polar bear
>retractable penis
Ayo what
I wouldn't really call that a substance abuse problem lol, you just liked to get litty
How long you been sober?
yeah, and it vibrates, expands, extends and twirls
ain't no dick gonna do that shit
I'm an alcoholic. I have to drink, it's the only thing that's good to me.
No. I frankly think I'm not particularly predisposed to getting addicted to stuff in general.
I love Asians, I love Asian women, but I don’t want to breed one and soil their respectable homogeneity. What do?
That's right faggot. Cry more about muh boogey man. One of the few things I enjoy in life is see you replacement faggots whine.

Reading comprehension is never you people's strong suit. I don't like people, period. There is no discrimination. Although, I tend to hate pea brained faggots like you the most. I swear people got even more insufferable after that faggot trump started running for office.
I don't really care as long as you're not one of those fake grifter trad type of people
Two years now. The first year was rough, ngl, but it gets so much better after that.
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Women how long did you wait for these things in your current relationship?
Men how long would you want to wait for thes things in a relationship?
Femanons will literally take a jackhammer to their hole then complain that no man can satisfy them and that piv is a waste of time
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>Reading comprehension is never you people's strong suit. I don't like people, period. Although, I tend to hate pea brained faggots like you the most
Bro thinks he's a villain
It's cute, right? And I think the line between substance abuse and recreational use is how much it fucks with your life. And cigs permanently fucked my voice.
It's also heated. Still can't possibly be as good as real dick attached to a hot guy I love and who loves me. But it's better than the fake dicks I have now.
Says the person on 4chan. :)
>Still can't possibly be as good as real dick
you say that, and then get it
and next you'll be asking your men to augment his dick
Kek. Retard.
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Wow congrats, that's rad <3 keep it up!
Ayy nice one man, congrats
Man I kinda wanna order a pizza rn
Glad you are getting there boi
Turn into an Asian man
>cigs permanently fucked my voice
I mean you still sound like a child
I don't see where to go from here... I have one year left of uni, but I hate everyone there. I don't have a single friend there, nor at home. My family are alright with me, but I'm so lonely. I always do anything enjoyable by myself. I have no hope of working in office because I can't stand people. I can't just sit at home and do nothing for the rest of my life (in fact, I can work independently, but that's also so lonely). Sorry for whining, seriously. I guess I also need to vent. But I don't see any hope for me.
>grifer trad

How can a virgin be a grifter. I’m 29 years old
Lol this.
Thank you. That honestly means a lot.
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Men bros
you feeling this?

Cry more. PLS it's making my Sunday desu. Talk about the deep state and how Trump will save you (this time fr, he promised!)
Yeah. You can post on 4chan without being addicted to it, I've stopped coming here for months at a time or years at a time.
No worries <3 it's not easy so big respect. >>31494027
Furry and tomboy should be GOATed
I've never been disappointed with dick, and I already have some crazy toys. But we'll see if you're right eventually, no point in arguing now.
You mean a child with vocal fry out the ass?
But the point is you always come back.
>no point in arguing now.
You're chasing the dragon...
Not good. My usual amount of voddy ain't working but I can't get shitfaced immediately because I have family obligations
>a child with vocal fry out the ass
I mean you could voice act for cartoons, they always need valley girls
Shalom moshe
Alcohol is lucifer's piss and cum.
Yes Jews made your life miserable. And I'm all for it. Matter of fact, I never gave a shit about them before, but I think I might order a star of David or something. Makes me remember all you failed faggots.
"Alcohol is a dick of Satan" -- The Qwhoran
Yeah, 'cause I want to and it's a mildly entertaining way to fill my time while I do stuff around the house. It doesn't have a negative impact on my life, I don't struggle to stop coming here or anything.
Wanna see something cute?
The literal Son of God parties harder than you, straight edge faggot
If it's your boobs then yes
Keep seething, kek.
All I did was point the finger to the cause, and you immediately started seething.
Lol, lmao. Bet you're a kike.
Are you comparing buying sex toys to being addicted to drugs?
I'd rather do my southern accent impression for cartoons.
only if its funny too
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you be the judge
Jesus turned water into wine. Everything in moderation.
>I'd rather do my southern accent impression for cartoons
I'm here for it
You ain't sipping wine, now are you.
Women, are your boobs "cute"?
The fourth gospel is fanfic, only the synoptic gospels are the Word of God.
I still have that edit with the western music in the background. It's weirdly nostalgic already.
No, sowwy.
Wine back then was pretty low in alcohol due to fruits/grapes with lower sugar content, no added sugar, no yeast, and no artificial/synthetic chemicals.
Nope. They're uggo and depressing.
>Jesus turned water into wine
Imagine how litty it would be to party with him
Anything after the old testament is headcanon ngl
I like how I inadvertently created a running meme with that lol
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my penis us straight up ugleh!
It wasn't just a meme, it was art. Same with the couple remixes with samples. Made me feel so happy to have contributed to something artistic like that. You have no idea.
So you finally admit you're a homosexual
anyone else doing no sex?
nosex day 7,474, LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO
Man, I feel you, fight on brother
I've been clean off of sex for like 2 decades now, still going strong
Oh you're a child
Seething for what lmao. Not a jew, not even American. All you did was try and recruit some other person to your retarded cause.

Look what people like you did

Nothing you do is constructive, but entirely degenerate. And yes I'm a kike. Ooga booga you found me out. A kike on your gatekept yugioh trading card forum.
Jesus and others in the gospels spoke in Aramaic but the gospels themselves are written in Greek. Who did the translations?
currently looking for a sugar momy, you down?
No, they're big, saggy, unwieldy bags of flesh.
Southern ≠ Texas
Do you feel this?
Nah, cheer up, girl. Those are my hopes and dreams you're carrying on your chest right there."
Idk I've never been in a relationship before
I am not having sex before marriage though
>forehead tattoo
Up until I noticed I was like "yeah this bitch is retarded but I still would try"
It actually made me laugh, good post.
Your hopes and dreams have awful areolas and nipples, then.
Texas is the only southern state that matters, culturally speaking. Maybe Florida but not for good reasons lol
That's so totally me.
>All you did was try and recruit some other person to your retarded cause
And you speak of reading comprehension. Damn, you're retarded.
>Look what people like you did
"People like you", he says, then posts some random tiktok tattooed whore. Damn, you're retarded.
>Nothing you do is constructive, but entirely degenerate. And yes I'm a kike. Ooga booga you found me out. A kike on your gatekept yugioh trading card forum.
Projection much. You literally live in a globalized degenerate world; you're a kike, and you went ooba booga when I pointed it out. Damn, you're retarded.
No sex day 11,674
That's just culturally ignorant
No it's not. Texas is hell and so are some of the people there.
What powers did you get upon entering wizardry?
It's the truth. I live here.
To be fair, when I said southern I meant my accent inspired by Texans.
When pussy isn't a option, where should he finish?
Texas isn't even the south IMO, it really is it's own thing.
Isn't Texas like 80% hispanic?
if PussE is not an option, then it's time for PussF
Bro are you so retarded that it took you > 1 second to notice a forehead tattoo?? God there is zero hope for you nation. Deserves everything coming to it.
Tissue or trashcan, please.
I'm personally more of a PussZ kind of guy.
Why? The Alamo?
assume you are still talking to an ex bf of yours.
of the following options, which one would you prefer?
- he tells you what he believes about the breakup in order to kill the resentment, even if some things might hurt you, or
- keep a friendly, diplomatic post-breakup relationship without inconvenient truths and strong discussions
I don't get it.
>What powers did you get upon entering wizardry?
The patience to read a lot. A job that's enjoyable where I work outside every day. That's basically it but I haven't dabbled in anything occult.
>- keep a friendly, diplomatic post-breakup relationship without inconvenient truths and strong discussions
This. I don't care to hear it.
I was mesmerized by ... Something else...
Nah, just the fact that it's referenced in so much media, I don't remember the word to explain it
Women's fear of conflict is truly crazy. It feels like they'll do almost anything to avoid cutting relationships off or face direct confrontation.
>mfw I give guys I don't want to deal with the number of a local Chinese restaurant just so they'll go away
I wouldn't go that far lmao but glad you enjoyed (:
I'm finally at 30 weeks!!! Woohoo not long now happy days!
I never said it in 6 years because for the first half I didn't know if he loved me back and for the latter, I didn't know if I loved him any longer. Heard it from him at the 4 year mark as a joke when he was trying to pressure me into fucking while his parents were in the next room.
Bitch please. It was art and you better fucking take the compliment when I say I like your musical inclination.
You on bedrest?
I don't talk to my ex, but if we had to maintain relationship for any reason I'd rather keep it friendly and polite than get in unnecessary fights over shit I don't care about.
Relationship's over, we said what we had to say, if you have more to add talk about it with your friends or your therapist. I don't care to hear what you feel about it or to get in fights with an ex. It's not even fear of conflict, it's just "why would I?"
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Ha, rookie, I'm over 9000
Idk as a non-American I just think Texas and cowboys yeehaw
I concede, king...
Honestly I would be happy with this. About to eat a leftover Chinese now lol
When I have a child my kid will make her kid a slave.
>About to eat a leftover Chinese now
post pics
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>2% getting pregnant in a week or less
That's a preggo woman lol
ye, I wanna see bri'ish chinese food
We're not talking about random guys, you dumb cunt.
No just waddling around as bub grows bigger haha
So do a lot of Texans to be honest.
It's just eggy brown rice and then the onions sauce mix with the mixed vegetables etc.
>whats her nane
I was actually pregnant before I got married and wanted to get the wedding done before I started showing.
ok girls.
I just got asked if I was a fuckboy... I mean... I'm a virgin, so... no...?
I asked a girl in class out, she asked if I was one of those "fuckboys". This kind of surprised me as an accusation.
What did she mean by that? What does a fuckboy look like? act like? What's going on here?
shh, less talking, more pics and showing
I know some women like sucking dick.
What about facefucking and deepthroating?
Some women like it. It's definitely not my favorite, tho. I'll still do it for my bf occasionally.
Are you kinda short? Is the belly overwhelming?
The latter. I always communicated all my problems very openly and concisely while he saw all our conflicts as debates and tried every manipulation and intimidation strategy to retain the right to keep acting like a douchebag. I don't see how my dumping him would've suddenly made him communicative and truthful.
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Ah right, only 50% (so far).
It doesn't look very interesting anon...
I like it, at least.
stop hyping it up bro
right, thanks

>I always communicated all my problems very openly and concisely
do you ever have weird mood swings and throw tantrums and shit? if not, how the fuck do I get a gf like you?
At this point I think I'll eventually be okay with the idea of being knocked up by a stranger.
Girl, Self respect, please.
>do you ever have weird mood swings
nta but, like, periods, man. C'mon...
I'm getting desperate.
I don't believe you, unless you literally don't have a biologically normal female brain. What you're saying is literally against female biology.
Think about the baby, who's going to be the father for them?
Man, I'm still trying after like a year.
I'd guess not all women have them. or so they've told me in the internet...
I still don't believe that ALL the guys you have dated were fine with that. To me it sounds like such a humiliating thing and basically like you don't like me or men in general.
True. But I was thinking like starting with the pregnancy early into the relationship would lead to the full relationship by the time they're born.
Come on, you know that neve works
you can never force responsibility into a man, one either has it, or they don't
Hello, "girls", would you "want" to have "sex" with me?
I wouldn't believe them. The surge in hormones WILL mess up your emotions, even if you don't think it does.
Yeah that's closer to correct. Some communities are completely brown while others are completely white though
This is baby trapping basically and you are an awful person for thinking that would work.
I'm very vocal about my love and appreciation, especially during sex. I don't go "ew gross" when a bf cums, I just distract both of us with eye contact/words/kissing/whatever fits the moment. I'm nowhere near as blatant about how fucking disgusting that shit is IRL as I am here where nobody's feelings are hurt or moods are ruined.
I assume you are no longer together? What age range were you and he during this?
I'm trying to do things right. I really am. Idk where to even start anymore.
you can't rush these things
Going slow hasn't been working, either.
idk how to use the microwave here fml
maybe I'll just eat it cold
it will, you're sexy and shit, men will date you
By NOT getting pregnant out of the gate and hoping a relationship develops from that. You do it the other way around.
come on, please at least microwave it
>he tells you what he believes about the breakup in order to kill the resentment, even if some things might hurt you,
I don't know what you mean by "kill the resentment". Meaning he's trying to get something off his chest so he doesn't resent me anymore? He's trying to say something to make me stop resenting him? What do you mean by beliefs of the breakup? If it was beliefs of the relationship I'd expect something like, our dynamic was dysfunctional and here's why. If it's about the breakup, what? Is he trying to question my judgment of why I broke up with him? Say that I didn't have a good enough reason and I should retract it?
>do you ever have weird mood swings and throw tantrums and shit?
>if not, how the fuck do I get a gf like you?
Date old or introverted women.
I take naps and masturbate when I'm on my period.
I'd say this is sexist if I weren't intentionally pursuing fembrained men to make sure my partner isn't selfish, impulsive and socially retarded.
Does anyone actually use the popcorn button on a microwave when they make popcorn?
But for how long? After a year-ish guys always cheat or the incompatibilities become apparent.
Been trying that my entire adult life.
will another 2oz finally make me happy?
shes basically asking if you're just going to fuck around with her time or if you're serious
Yeah I'm 5'0 and it sticks out alot, husband said today that it's grown alot compared to last week and I certainly feel it
that buttton is like the clitoris on a woman, absolutely useless and you should avoid touching it at all.
I honestly want to see JH have sex
Not for the eroticism but just to witness how she's somehow this relentless cock gobbling monster but can't stand jizz
>After a year-ish guys always cheat or the incompatibilities become apparent.
The right one won't though.
Gotta learn from past relationships and spot the signs early on.
You're not treading aimlessly, everything that happened matters, it's all building up to your success, and you just gotta believe that shit, MANG
i have no idea how to quantify that but i doubt it
Just go on /gif/?
shut the fuck up attentionwhore
Only people with free will use the popcorn button on their microwave
Why do women INSIST that food is so much better warmed up in the microwave? Just let me eat my chicken tendies in peace.
I agree. But I'm just looking at all my options to try and figure out why I don't have a family yet.
oh my god i could leg lock it
I'm 33. I can't go through much more trial and error.
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I'm eating it cold lmao honestly it actually tastes pretty good, there's seafood in here too
>please at least microwave it
They are tiny and perky so I guess?
yeah but its pretty psychologically hellish
We can help you figure out the microwave
I've been working on it. It's hard alone, though.
Life goes on girl, the end is not the end
Plus lots of 40+ mothers
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May I have some tendies too?
Those women love jizz
Maybe I'm just becoming impatient. Painfully and depressingly impatient.
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Only for you, Cat Poster.
Where can I find this?
I rely on the guy to let me know he's close. I make it very clear that he needs to give me some sort of warning. Until the warning, I don't think about it.
Nah it's too late lol but thank you
My sister's bf probably already heard it beeping in the next room as I was trying to figure it out, I don't want to embarrass myself further
Your frustration is understandable, but you know you can't rush these things
samefag here. the idea would be to discuss things: the reasons for whatever resentment was left, to have some closure by having each one express their thoughts and to understand where each one failed in the relationship, or at least just to agree on disagreeing. in short, to reflect on the relationship.

>Meaning he's trying to get something off his chest so he doesn't resent me anymore? He's trying to say something to make me stop resenting him?
both of these.

>What do you mean by beliefs of the breakup?
what each one of us thought lead to it.

>Is he trying to question my judgment of why I broke up with him?
why would you assume that you initiated the break up?

>Say that I didn't have a good enough reason and I should retract it?
no. what's done is done.

>Date ... introverted women.
ok, will try.
Lurevibe. I haven't bought anything from them yet so I can't vouch for the safety or quality of their stuff, though.
Your sister's bf is not going to rearrange your shitter, just ask him how to use the microwave, please.
Anon how much salt did you put on the tendies?
Can't believe there's so many lonely women out there?
Why don't any of you live near me? Are you just hiding?
How do I tell the difference between my needs and my wants?
raping your sister doesn't count, streetshitter
I'm halfway thru the food and it still tastes good lol I'm gucci
Next time my sister uses it I will try and sneakily watch
Me and the bf moved everything in and out of the kitchen to redo the flooring so maybe I didn't hook it up again properly idk
If you ever really consider this then go to a sperm bank.
Why is it so hard, though?
Idk how else to work on myself at this point besides going back to school again. I have as good as a job as I could hope with my degree and responsibilities currently. I'm the healthiest I've ever been. I've stabilized the house and have found a good groove for taking care of it. No family drama, only mild friend drama. Idk what else to do.
>Why is it so hard, though?
That's just life, but you’ve got the strength to get through it. Just take it one step at a time
Go to church
Get good with God
Ask for a husband
If you have friend drama, how can you expect to not have relationship drama?
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I read stuff like this and it makes me cope and seethe. I listen to audiobooks learning about relationships and it makes me cope and seethe.

If I was in that position what would I care about cumming in a tissue or a trash can as long as the woman I'm with is comfortable and happy? What kind of retard takes it as a personal attack or rejection? In the relationship book it mentioned husbands throwing fits after menopause because there's a drop in maternal service, like doing dishes, or laundry, etc. But imo I'd be happy about my wife picking up other pursuits that she feels passionate about. The more amazing she is the more proud I am of being her husband. Plus relying on my wife to solely do laundry and cook turns me into a dependant child and I can't think of anything less attractive than that.

I read a couple books on sex, including a book on married sex and most guys literally just cum and then don't care if the woman finishes and they don't put any effort in at all to foreplay and warn up. I just don't understand.

The fact that all of these are facts means I'm even more retarded then them. The idea of just paying attention to the woman and caring about what she wants seems so easy to me. But I'm still fucking retarded.
>all the attention whores and simps instantly flock to her posts
I sincerely hope she has posted tits or proof of biological feminine fitness.
>fembrained men
> make sure my partner isn't selfish, impulsive
literal projection lmao
You're slipping, poo
redeem any Google play cards lately?
push the button anon...
I just want a path to walk that's more obvious is all. I can be patient if it felt like I was making any progress at all.
Idk if it's that simple.
The friend drama currently is only because of my last bad relationship. It was fine until the breakup. I don't think fixing it will do much, but I can try.
no. it's wrong anyway.
Needs are when you die if you do not get them met. The rest is wants.
Did you do the "let's still be friends" thing?
I never did get the full story
was it a clean, peaceful split?
or was it lots of crying and swearing
>Idk what else to do
Just go gay and date women
You're so desperate lmao
Keep seething, shitskin
Don't you usually have to put the cook time in first? Have you already started with the vodka coffees?
No. I tried dating a woman, she broke up with me out of nowhere, then blabbed about embarrassing details of our relationship after the fact to all our mutual friends.
See guys?!
Which is exactly what i said. The physiological needs are the ones that kill your pretty fast if they do not get met. Like clean air, water and sleep. The higher up you go the longer it takes for you to die from it. But even in the top tier it can kill you. If you get suicidal because life seems not worth living for example. Or if you get a terminal illness because you are constantly stressed.
Yep, that's woman for ya
so you're not gay now?
Your gf is fat af and uses filters like she just found out they exist. She is maybe a 4/10 at best.
It was sudden and unresolved with no malice. Then we talked it out and there was closure even if I still felt hurt. Then she started sharing information with our mutual friends and it has become one of the worst breakups I've ever dealt with.
Tried it. Honestly didn't seem more likely to lead to a happy family than dating men.
I guess that makes sense.
Small peepee?
>and it has become one of the worst breakups I've ever dealt with.
Rip, I guess the lesbians are evil thing is true
No that is not what i said at all. You might need to get your brain checked out. It is not working properly.
I'm still bi. She didn't ruin tits for me.
Happens all the time in Japan unironically.
Women. Talking shit after a breakup like that is common even when they're straight.
What made it the worst?
>sub5’6 women
Eww. Begone, human trash.
But I'm guessing you're not looking to date another woman anytime soon?
Are you not following the conversation? Not a guy.
No. I think I just loved her too much to see the obvious signs we weren't going to last. I do think I could be happy with a woman, just not one that doesn't value relationships the way I do.
Embarrassing cope.
Did someone spray paint that cat?
She told all our mutual friends about private shit. It's embarrassing as fuck.
I think I'd prefer to date a guy if possible.
Did she tell them you wanted to have a threesome with a guy? Or about your dildo collection?
Why the fuck would I end up like that? How are we similar?
Karoshi yep.
I got that, thanks.
What I'm wondering is what is it about me that makes her think that's me? As I see it there are a couple of options. Either I'm looking like or acting like a fuckboy, or it's a her thing.
We talked a couple of times but not much. I think I'm going to write it off as a her thing.
I'd marry JH.
Did she tell them you are a pedo?
I didn't want the threesome. She apparently mentioned shit like some of my toys and some smut I liked that I shared with her in confidence, among other things.
>samefag here. the idea would be to discuss things: the reasons for whatever resentment was left, to have some closure by having each one express their thoughts and to understand where each one failed in the relationship, or at least just to agree on disagreeing. in short, to reflect on the relationship.

>>Meaning he's trying to get something off his chest so he doesn't resent me anymore? He's trying to say something to make me stop resenting
>both of these.
Are there things you want to hear from her that you don't know the answer to, or do you mostly want to share your analysis? Do you think she has an analysis to share? Is that something she was forthcoming with during your relationship?
>why would you assume that you initiated the break up?
The one who was broken up with typically has more questions and less answers, had more of a blow to their self esteem, and wanting to get back together. Since you're asking me this, I assume you broke up with her.
>what each one of us thought lead to it.
>no. what's done is done.
If you were the one who broke up with her, it seems kind of cruel to lay out the details of how the relationship failed but say you won't get back with her. I'd be really upset.

In what capacity do we have to keep interacting? Classmates, colleagues? Do we only talk in passing or do we have to work as a team?
oh nooo
not the horse dildo
Oh god she told them about the horse dildo and the little boys porn? Damn.
The horsecock discord...
RIP Yoshifumi Kondo.
Jh is just like us fr!! Bitchy ex gf went crazy and tries to ruin your life. Many such cases
It would not have been an issue if she was not such a degenerate coomer.
To truly appreciate men, one must first date a women, the irony
I was angry before I was dating women. And also my anger isn't directed at any demographics in general.
Unironically, get a handle on that before you start dating.
Chad shit fr
>it’s your responsibility to find that punching bag
You just said that. You don't want the woman to be that punching bag.
chad hands fr
The absolute state of your yard...
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who here /incek/
Thank you! Lots of crazy machines and then their vibes are really cute.
How much weed does your friend do?
>The hands of a working man
post deck
I've had anger management therapy. This is as subdued as it will get. My reactivity hasn't been an issue in relationships anytime recently, at least.
What's yours?
If you end up buying one before me, let us know how they are. I'm talking shipping, customer service, toy quality, etc. and of course I'll do the same if I grab one anytime soon.
I've always like Road to Nowhere myself.
Do women like being immobilized during sex? Not with rope or anything but just held in a way to prevent movement
The problem with dating JH now as a guy is you'll never fuck her like her ex gf did
She overestimated the size of the horse dildo, too. Had to correct it to my bestie who was more confused about the fact I owned one than me autistically correcting the record of the size.
She didn't do it maliciously, I think. I think she was just oversharing then refused to backtrack and apologize or ask them to forget it.
>If you end up buying one before me, let us know how they are. I'm talking shipping, customer service, toy quality, etc. and of course I'll do the same if I grab one anytime soon
Will do. I'd never get anything big, though. Physically not enough space for it. Even if it's a cute polar bear it's still a big polar bear.
I was raped so... not me.
>She overestimated the size of the horse dildo
Now you got her curious
A cock that stays hard and genuine enthusiasm do a lot of heavy lifting.
>forget it
If you do not want people to know you shove horse cocks up your ass maybe refrain from doing it. Nobody is ever going to forget that ever again.
She made you melt without a cock
>he's still here over 5 fucking hours later
no way this dude has a life or a gf that isn't a prostitute
At least I have the excuse of being on an interstate train ride
Yeah, I like it.
Yes. I'm not one to fight it, so my bf is really good at letting loose if I put any resistance on it, whether I'm in an uncomfortable position or if I'm getting freaked out
Just grab and horse cock and knot double pack when you visit JH
"39 years later and we still haven’t arrived but what a journey it has been"? Yeh, ok, I could see that.
I wouldn't want to put someone down just to feel better. At least not chronically.
She was curious, but in a judgemental way.
I don't use it for buttstuff. Get your facts straight.
So clearly there could be an even better sexual partner. Imagine one with her enthusiasm and technique, but with a dick and actually loved me. He'd be amazing.
>She was curious, but in a judgemental way.
did you enlighten her on the ways of the dildo?
I obviously didn't linger on that topic with her.
Why not?
Nothing wrong with taking a horse cock up your ass, they're usually fun toys that feel unlike anything else
This, I've done it before it's not that bad
Hello women
>puts you flat on your back with your legs on my shoulders in missionary as I lean forward lifting your hips off the bed and fucking you as hard and deep as I can. (Consensually)
I didn't used to know how many carbs were in donuts. Before I'd probably not have noticed and eaten at least three myself.
Now I would notice, take note of her healthy weight, figure she knows what she's doing, and honestly be pleased that she's comfortable eating in front of me.
Some girls hide the fact that they don't subsist on air and salad.
Holy shit, that's so depressing. Wonder where they're at nowadays.
Would you a horse fleshlight?
Fuck it, I'll get a beer and some snacks too in support of my nigga qt MAP.
No, I'm not a brony. Horse cock dildo is fine though.
Because I was busy freaking out and crying that my deepest personal shit had been shared with people whose opinions I cared most about? Duh?
See, caring what other people think of you was your first mistake. But you're woman, I'm not surprised.
is this like a
>I'm so embarrassed to show myself in front of them
or a
>they all hate me now that they found out I'm a freak
kind of situation
I knew you's a freak
horse pussy enjoyer
Pass. Contrary to the current meme shit, I'm not into slavery as a concept.
Statistically, they've probably never learned how to have healthy relationships and have continued the cycle.
What’re your favorite positions for this?
ugh more attention whores
The former at this point. I'm afraid to find out how they feel and how many more people have heard.
How long ago was your last contact with them?
Did none of them reach out?
Having my wrists held while I'm on my back.
Eh, I imagine them being pretty long, which would be wasted on my pp length, but sure, why not?
>or ask them to forget it.
Yeah... that totally would make it okay. Women can share all our secrets with mutual friends as long as they request afterwards that those secrets be forgotten.
Does he hold it with one or two hands?
State gender.
Do you think it's wrong for stepsiblings to date/fuck/get married?
I was talking about you too, retard
One. He has big hands.
A week or so. Only talked to my best friend since.
At least it implies they won't share it.
>Only talked to my best friend since.
What more do you need anyway, one friend is enough.
I bet they're just as freaky as you
Cool, I’m sure that’s fun
>can't imagine holding a woman without raping her
Checks out.

It's nice, yeah. I still prefer other stuff.
>Are there things you want to hear from her that you don't know the answer to, or do you mostly want to share your analysis? Do you think she has an analysis to share?
I want to analyze and discuss. I'd tell her how she failed me and I'd hear her arguments of how I failed her.
btw, she thinks the breakup was mutual...

honestly, I ask because every time I initiate any conversation related to our relationship and the break up, she comes back with something that used to annoy the fuck out of me but I'm unable to respond because I know she will cry and shit, and I really want to help her understand WHY I broke up with her. most of the time I couldn't hold a serious discussion with her, and I still can't. I get emotional too, but jfc, I can't stand her when she cries and becomes unable to listen.

>If you were the one who broke up with her, it seems kind of cruel to lay out the details of how the relationship failed but say you won't get back with her. I'd be really upset.
honestly I'd be willing to come back with her (but she's told me she won't... but I feel like she misses me a lot). but for that to happen I'd tell her to either correct her behavior (and I'd correct mine) and that we'd have to change the conditions of a new relationship (it'd be remote and I'd visit her. no cohabitation anymore, not for a long while at least)

>In what capacity do we have to keep interacting?
through whatsapp.
What other stuff do you like?
Alright I'm at a professional sports event, how do I attract women
>Why is it so hard, though?
Because both men and women have standards. What you want in a guy excludes most of the male population. And ... you are now running into men's standards for relationships and commitment, they are just as brutal as women's.
> besides going back to school again.
This won't help you find a guy. Men have money / education. What they are looking for is not another man. These are things you look for.
Guys who want to settle down are looking for a wife and mother. They want someone who's pleasant to be around and someone who they can get along with. Drama is not on the list of positives.
> Idk what else to do.
Put yourself into the social circles of likely men. That means getting off this site and saying yes to meetups, dinners, social events. Cut your hours on 4chan to 1 / day.
Don't talk about my bestie without knowing shit. I deserve to be made fun of, but leave her out of it.
aight aight chill
not talking shit
I'm a being on top enjoyer.
Based, maybe hold his arms down for a change
Femanons, do you hawk tuah?
I can keep trying new social circles, but cutting my 4chan time is not an option. It keeps me sane.
Good. I was about to google that Will Smith slapping gif.
But seriously, she's great and I'm glad she is only lightly judging me for the stuff I've never told her. I do think I need more friends, though.
Been seeing a chick for a month, we go out on average 1 time a week or more. She is out of a 10 year relationship. she says she wants to take it slow, I told her I wanted to see her more, and she said she felt a bit pressured. Do you think I fucked up irreversibly? she texted the next day saying she had a nice time etc. should I go a few days without texting and let her set the next date?
>I do think I need more friends, though.
we're all your friends. :^)
He just wrestles out of it, he's too stronk to be contained
Unironically I do think of some of you as friends as sad as that sounds.
Same, lifting is fun. Hope you enjoy each other
>some of you
only some of them?
We do, I love him very much and can't wait for him to come home from this fucking work trip.
I will not marry a boy boss next life.
There are many mean posters, they aren't my friends.
I'll just act delusional and pretend you think of me as a friend then.
Idk. I think I'm worse at this point.
Have we ever talked about silly shit and enjoyed the conversation? If so, probs.
Foolio got shot today on his birthday and died at 26
RIP :( hopefully, qt MAP won't die at 26 jk
This is something to work on.
It's a major turn off. Nobody wants that directed at them when they are with you.
>Have we ever talked about silly shit and enjoyed the conversation?
We might've.
Hard to tell with all the anonymity, sometimes I don't even know if I'm being myself to be honest.
I direct my anger inwardly when I'm alone or vent it online. I don't let it hurt the people I spend time with IRL.
That's deep.
What if it turned out that most of the posters you consider your friends have also posted mean shit?
>you've had like multiple relationships through the time I've shitposted here kek
And all I have to show for it is memories to schlick to.
God existence is pain... I hate people but I keep wanting company.
I had a girl do that to me once. Couldn't believe that bitch. Felt good but I came kinda quick (4 mins or so)
Still more than most of us have
I guess that'd devalue the good and bas aspects equally. So it'd be a pretty neutral development. At this point I do believe that a large number of people who entertain my stupid shit are just horny in the moment and stop caring about me the moment they go jerk off.
no. it's taboo for real siblings because of genetic problems.
Tru that, 26 yo khhv gang.
I can count the times a girl has willingly spoken to me on one hand.
Nah, I really do like talking to you and I honestly hope for your happiness, but lately I've been in a shitty mood pretty much constantly and sometimes I vent in here.
I'm 30. I'm not a virgin but I've never had a gf and never kissed or held hands. I regret losing my v-card though.
>pity hug
>a date
why are you flexing on me, Chad.
Well if being mean to me a little helps you cheer up, and you're sorry, then I guess I can forgive you. But you owe me some good quality hornyposting once you're out of your funk.
>if you really hated people you wouldn't be having sex

No idea what one has to do with the other. Sex is a biological need. If I didn't have this need I wouldn't engage in it
Better than pornyposting. That stuff is always too focused on the cumshots.
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It was a hookup, more than one with the same girl, in fact. We were just using each other and we knew that, so there was no kissing or cuddling or lovey dovey stuff. That's part of why I regret it.
If I ever get a gf I expect it'll clear all that crap away, at least over time. Maybe then I'll manage to write another story for you, lmao.
>Maybe then I'll manage to write another story
What if I just pay you?
I feel like people here think they are moral but they are actually mentally ill or have really weird beliefs about reality
What does it mean if he only responds to me when I praise him?
Nah, I wouldn't accept it, I'm not looking for money from it, and also I'm not in the right headspace for it right now.
Either an attentionwhore, only knows how to response to praise, or has rarely been praised before so it's something completely new and alien to him, so he needs to interact then
Forgot to add, sorry. I wish I could help.
That touches on something I'm even more embarrassed about, don't really want to go into detail but I also paid to cuddle a MILF last year.
It was worth a shot. Hope my desperation for good smut didn't come across as indifferent to your struggles.
What really happens at slumber parties?
Not at all, I know the struggle, lol.
People be shidding
speaking off
When I find the man I want to marry my first priority will be to befriend his mother
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> It keeps me sane.
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Yes, you stupid frog.
As long as you're a decent person and not likely to try to divorce rape me you'll have no problem being friends with my mother. She gets along with most people.
Is she racist? How does she feel about black women?
My mom is a psychopath..
Imma sex her up
Men what would you do if a girl but your pp during a blow-job?
>Do you think I fucked up irreversibly?
No. but yeah, back off and tell her the ball is in her court.
do you think I shouldnt text her?
What if she lives in another state? What if he doesn't have a good relationship with her?
I wonder if I kind of love her. I don't know what love is.
Depends how hard. If it was just a playful nibble that'd be kinda hot, but if she draws blood we're done and she's never getting near my dick again, and she'll be lucky if I don't reflexively smack her.
This place is a massive outlier. Nobody here in any way represents normies.
That doesn't mean we're wrong about reality though.
last bj ever
I'm biting her clit
Can someone explain why its an actual thing that black people seem incapable of changing their smoke alarm battery?
Is there any black people here that can explain?
hmmm ok...should I even reach out or just let her move?
Cuz fuck that shit nigga
Thank you, jannies.
I love you, jannies.
Is a cardiovascular surgical technician an attractive job?
>surgical technician
Your job is to push beds, carts, and equipment on wheels?

>be me
>see a woman therapist for depression
>therapist asks me what causes me problems
>say I'm a virgin
>"There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, when it's right for you, it's right for you"
>she asks me more questions
>realizes that I'm nearly 30 years old
>"let me clarify something, you said earlier that you're a virgin, but you're also almost 30?"
>"That is an issue"
I fucking hate women. The biggest blow is that even a fucking therapist says this shit to me
Assist and set up surgical procedures. I’d basically be helping out with surgery without doing the surgery
Why would you see a female therapist
>No idea what one has to do with the other.
Most people prefer to have sex with people.
Many prefer to have sex with people they like.
I'm not sure what you prefer to have sex with.
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You people are the only dudes I talk to.
Anyway, Imma go to bed now.
good night anon, sleep well
>nooo she's minimizing my problem
>nooo she's admitting my problem is a problem
What the fuck do you want
What was your question for the girls?
My in laws live in the states while I am european, my husband and I did long distance for a few years. When I got accepted into a fairly prestigious college program, his mom sent me a bouquet of flowers with a lovely note congratulating me on my achievement. We had not even met yet.
That's when I knew I had to marry the man. Too sweet of a mom.
>or just let her move?
communicate what you are doing
Ask her if she would help you out then.
I have so many cuddles to give and no women to give said cuddles too :(
>every time I initiate any conversation related to our relationship and the break up
How many times has it been? How long have you been broken up? It sounds to me that you've been trying to have the analysis conversation multiple times over and it hasn't gone well. Why do you think it'll go well at this next attempt?

>and I really want to help her understand WHY I broke up with her.
It sounds like you still want to fix her and change her into the girlfriend that you want her to be. I'm guessing that conflicts like these contributed, where you feel like she shuts down and won't hear you out? If cohabitation was such a challenge for you two, do you think she's the type of girl who would be happy growing old with a man living in different homes? Would you be happy to be that type of man?
Sounds like a job.
cause no male therapists were taking new patients where i go.
how can she change her tune so fast? "being a virgin is ok!' then all of a sudden "no thats bad!"
I guess it depends on what age they became step siblings, if they were teenagers or adults then there is really nothing wrong with it.
If they literally grew up together as siblings then it's probably not a healthy relationship.
Is that a bad thing? There’s room for career advancement
A selfish complaint. You do not truly "give" when you are receiving pleasure and rewards during that same act.
They don't hear it anymore.
No, most jobs are just jobs. It's fine.

Do you earn enough to support yourself with some to spare? Do you find it reasonably enjoyable? Do you have free time? If so, it's hot. Don't worry about it.
How do I turn off sexual feelings for my partner at will?
After the initial dating period I think his libido is going to be lower than mine and I don't want to be a creep or abuser.
No No No
That's rough for you buddy, I hope you find something better.
you can't. you'll just have to masturbate in private more. Why do you think he won't want sex
Went out with my cousin and her friend today and while they looked like Instagram baddies I looked like a lunch lady.
I’d be looking at about 1-2k extra each month to spare. It seems enjoyable enough. I’d be working either 3 12’s or 4 10’s, maybe more if I wanted to up my income. I’d have enough free time for the most part
>how can she change her tune so fast?
Because of your age. You just said it.
Being a NEET or a virgin is normal and common at 20. If you still have 0 experience a decade later then your life has diverted from most people's, and if you're actively distressed about it and wish things were different then there's obviously a problem somewhere that needs to be solved.
Lunch Ladies need love too. I love the Lunch Ladies!
its bs because how can she literally say to me "it's perfectly ok to be a virgin".
Sounds fantastic to me. Working 12 hours shift is horrific tho, I do 10 12 10 now at my job and by the end of the day I'm brain rotten.
I miss the cute Asian lunch lady at my old job.
With a little experience I might be able to travel the US making more money if I become a travel tech. It’d be easier with someone to support me physically and emotionally I’m sure
I think of sex and his body constantly and want to do sexual things with him in some capacity as often as possible, within reason (given my career and hobbies to maintain). I've been like this forever.
At first he seemed similar but it's starting to taper off and may have been more due to a dry spell.
I guess jerking it more has got me through this far in life.
I was just texting my friend that I am dreading this week because with my parents and my husband gone I'll have to make my own dinners every night after work.

I've meal prepped for the first time in a year.

Wish you the best, congrats on your new job!
Tried to explain to my gf what gyatt and rizz mean and she doesn’t get it :(
It's perfectly OK for a 20 year old for be a virgin, not a 30 year old
Thank you, it’ll be nice to move out
Are you 12?
It's OK to be a virgin if you have chosen to be a virgin. It's also OK and even inevitable to be a young adult who wants to start a sex life, but hasn't yet had the opportunity. There can't have been many opportunities for someone only 20 years old.
But if you're still an involuntary virgin at 30 the situation needs to be reassessed because by that age the majority of people will have had opportunities, and will have grasped some of them.
>I think his libido is going to be lower than mine
Don't borrow trouble from the future.
Stick to making each other happy now.
Women, would you mind it if you're sitting in the couch with your bf and he has his hand down your pants?
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>drank 5oz of vodka
feeling great
>30 minutes later
>drink a small margarita
>15 minutes later
>feel the worst stomach pain imaginable
>spend 15-20 minutes doubled over in pain trying not to puke or pass out
>pain suddenly disappears
What the fuck happened?
Men what would you do if you come home tired and late and asked your wife what was for dinner only for her to hike up her dress and spread her legs? (She's not wearing pants btw)
I'll fall asleep in 45 seconds. It's my turn off button.
He is trolling. No man is a virgin at 30, unless he lived as a monk his entire life, away from women.
A lot of people live as monks, only they consoom and read social media instead of studying religious texts
I'd get annoyed and ask the question again louder
Girls, you have exactly one (1) purpose in life: get pregnant. Why are you failing at this?
Women, do you have the biggest boobs in your family? Smallest? Somewhere in the middle?
Any cuckquean girls here?
I need to select a sperm donor and a protector and I can't even find a guy who manages to put all his piss in the toilet
I'd say I'm pretty average for my family.
Why don't you find a pisssittingdownCHAD?
Second biggest
I'm the biggest out of three other sisters, by a wide margin. It's kind of a running joke at this point that the boob fairy gave me everything that was meant for my sisters.
I am currently pregnant
How has that affected your mental health?
Do your sisters resent you for it? And are yours bigger than your mom's?
Congrats, femanon. Are you married/is the father still in the picture?
It hasn't, I don't care that they're small
How are those things related?
I'm glad to hear that. Personally I like small breasts just as much as big ones, maybe even more.
I am not failing. Do you have kids?
Yeah I'm married, this was a deliberate pregnancy
Femanons, do you watch porn? What kind do you like? What was the last vid?
That's awesome, hope it goes well.
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I have a problem.

I was thinking about getting a femcel gf but after lurking Crystal Cafe, not only has it exacerbated my personal insecurities, but now I’m even more attracted to this type of woman.

They seem so cool and creative and relatable, but their ideas and beliefs about men absolutely villainize me and make me feel weak and evil. It doesn’t help that I am the embodiment of a beta male and I have my own problems and immaturities.

Women: were you or anyone you know previously or currently a femcel? Is there a chance for a man to have a loving relationship with a femcel, or is this a type of person I should steer clear of? I feel like I’m falling for the “I can fix her” fallacy.
Only audio stuff from this one particular guy.
>What was the last vid?
Subby bf getting ridden while he rumbles about being in love.
They might have actually when we were younger. I think they notice some of the issues I have and have some sympathy for me. My mom's a little overweight but I might actually be bigger than her too come to think of it.
I'd go down on her, but insist on some cream or something to go with.
It's been 19 minutes, can I get an answer to my question?
I'm a femcel without manhate
That would depend on how hungry I was. If I was actually hungry I'd be a little annoyed, I'd probably still go down but expect something to eat after. Otherwise, it'd be kinda hot.
How many quests must a man complete for you before you start dating him?
Mine too. I always get ignored when I need real advice and t
What's your bra size?
I open my webm folder if I can't for the life of me finish otherwise. It's just clips I've saved off of /gif/.
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How do I go about meeting femcels in public?
Bring me a baby fluffy cow as a gift
He must find a random stranger, win a war with China and rescue me from my kidnappers.
How are we supposed to know? Could just be gas, could be a stomach ulcer. If you're really concerned about it you should go to a doctor.
>land war in Asia
Lol, femanon setting impossible expectations
Never get involved in a land dispute in Asia.
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Is…. is this a Princess Bride reference?
State gender
What makes a real nigga in your opinion?
Oh, wow... yeh, I can see how you might have some difficulties at that size.
Menthols, watermelon, fried chicken, 3 baby mommas, and a pair of lightly used Timbs with the tops unlaced
Oh god I just wanna pump endless amounts of babies into these girls
Not all femcels hate or villainize men. And a good portion of the ones who do are just venting their frustrations privately and are open if not desperate to date a guy who simply doesn't do the villainous shit they fear and expect.
I don't think a frustrated shitposter needs to be fixed either way, just proven wrong in your case.
Black guy here. A nigga is different than a nigger.
Can an incel be rehabilitated?
No it's a ვეფხისტყაოსანი reference
I think it means a stand up guy, someone who stands up for his family and what he believes in and supports his family.
You only need to initiate dating in the dialogue but the red men will keep spawning for as long as we date and they all have bleed weapons
atoga my morale is low, what can i do
It really depends on your charisma stat.
Men, how would you feel if a girl told you that hearing your voice instantly lifted her mood?
>red men
What do they have against me? Did I steal their mouthwash before they had a chance to drink it?
>go down my city's walking trail for the first time in years
>hordes of homeless every where
>glassy eyes and shriveled faces looking at me
>try my best to look tough and walk back home
never touching grass again
Thats an ego boost for sure
I would unironically wonder if she's feeling ok.
I would appreciate the compliment deeply, but I would wonder if she was just complimenting my voice or if she likes me and that's why she liked hearing my voice, but she's too shy to say anything.
It used to be high but I can't get rid of the depression debuff
But what would feel towards the girl?
Yeah, a lot of cities are overrun with that shit now.
Do you have any curses on you or anything like that?
I was more concerned that this was one of those "beer before liquor, never sicker" type things
I'd cry honestly
I wouldn't believe her
I have such a horrific voice and I mumble
Big boobed women, how are you generally treated?
a release of oxytocin, i am more bonded to her now
I failed my Incel saving throw
I don't know a lot about alcohol, I don't drink.
Fine? Some people are rude, most are generally nice but I'm a nice and cheery person myself. I don't think my boobs change much.
No one really helps me because everyone assumes I have someone else to help. Yeh, world's smallest violin, I know.
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They just seem so cool and aesthetic. I would be interested in meeting one, but it would be incredibly intimidating.
So I’m taking these women too seriously? This is just a form of online venting? That makes sense. I know I’ve shitposting a lot of things I don’t believe. Maybe I’m expecting unreasonable things from women instead of understanding them more as normal people. Maybe that’s my problem.
If we were dating, it would be a real positive thing. If we weren’t dating, I’d be confused and surprised and would probably sperg out and embarass myself and her. It’s a compliment for sure but personally I would not know how to take it and would start to worry about her.

This is kind of unfair but for insecure retard “””men””” like me a woman would have to handle me like nitroglycerine, which is kind of unfair to put on someone else. Maybe I need to grow up and learn to talk to people.
If it’s supposed to be a hint, there’s a 50/50 chance it’d go over my head or I’d suspect she is sending me a message, but my dumb ass would not firmly “get” the message, if you know what I mean.

I hope you get your man, anon.
>I don't think my boobs change much.
Pfft... hahahaha.
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Women do you look down on men? Pic unrelated
Why do you think so? Outside of my family, 95% of the people I interact on a day to day basis are women or children, I don't really think me having big boobs changes anything for them.

Men like my tits, but it's not like it changes my life dramatically.
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Fuck that manga. I have no idea how Junji Ito is able to strike such horror with black and white on paper holy shit. I ‘ain’t readin’ that shit ever again.
I don't think you realize how much having big boobs changes people's perceptions of you. They did a study once, the girl got more tips working in a coffee shop when she had bigger boobs. Even from women.
This one shot was based, I need some plain-cute pussy
I’d wonder if she was lying, I don’t like my voice
do you fear that any children you have will suffer from birth defects?
I met this girl and she said she cut off a lot of her friends because they all wanted to move downtown together and go out all the time and chase finance bros
And says she hates that and can’t stand that scene and likes hole in the wall dive bars
I don’t even think she goes out often
Change your circumstances.
only if he wants to be
Both genders,
What’s the weirdest thing someone has said to you during sex?
Had a woman say “jiminy crickets” to me
Women who want kids, if a guy you were dating told you that twins run in his family, how would that impact your likelihood to keep dating him?
Yeh, there's like a 4% chance in my case but that's too high for me.
Of course I do, I’d love them anyway
I'd honestly be ok with that. Twins run in mine too. Maybe we could get a girl and a boy on the first shot.
I don't feel there's such a radical difference in treatment as you're implying. At least, I don't experience it.

Kids are more concerned with their kids health than my appearance.
I'm male, but not particularly. It could happen, and if it does we'd deal with that, but I don't think it's likely.
Apparently my buddy’s ex girlfriend loved anal and one time she turned her head back as he was fucking her in the ass and she was like “I want you to fuck my dirty little shitter,” lmao
What's wrong with you, anon?
I would have him impregnate me posthaste
No point in me worrying about something I have no control over
nta but when I was a little kid, I was all about the boobies.
So I guess you're not that concerned about possibly having twins? It doesn't frighten you at all?
Wow.... that's hot, ngl. But hopefully you get married first, or at least engaged, lol.
Spina bifida. Wheelchair.

You kinda do though. Kinda.
State gender
Who's your favourite naruto character
Not really. I mean, I assume we'd have two at some point, why not speed it along?
I have never watched a full episode of Naruto and the full extent of my knowledge of the characters' names beyond Naruto himself is r34.
I'd love twins, it would make the amount of kids I want more of a possibility. Though increased risk comes with multiples
Heh, might end up with quads or something.
I mean, we all get patients who get crushes on us or find us attractive, boobies or not.
Ok, that might be a bit much.
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Bug Boy, so much wasted potential.
As for characters that actually got screen time I liked Shikimaru
Damn, you're just that ready to have kids I guess. More power to you, hope you find a guy soon and get him to knock you up.
How many do you want? And the health risks were more of what I was expecting women to be worried about.
I'm the OP but I'm not sure that would be a good thing. Taking care of two babies at a time is doable, four would make you both crazy.
Never watched an episode but from what I’ve seen, Gaara of the desert
I won't make any. This way nobody else will have to suffer as a result of my genetics.
Heh, I'd actually rather not have to go through birth a bunch of times to be fair.
I want 6 but due to my age (28) it's unlikely to happen. It's recommended to give at least a year gap between birth and getting pregnant again
Yeh, I don't have enough boobs for more than two, I don't know how that would work out.
>no partner, male or female, will ever fixate on and obsess over me as I do them
How do I fucking cope?
Each day in a relationship I’m happier than when single yet so sorely disappointed. They just want to use me for attention and whatever other benefits I provide like money, gifts, and an escape. Why is no one else in this world a lover? Why am I so undeserving of reciprocation?
Fair enough.
Wow, that's a high number by today's standards. I'd love to have 4-6 as well.
Lol, I wasn't even thinking about that.
Sounds like you're shit at choosing partners
Yeah I've always wanted a big family. I'll hopefully I'll have at least 4, I'm currently pregnant with my first.
You'd probably spend most of your day breastfeeding for the first year, haha
Oh, you're the pregnant femanon from earlier? Nice, happy you're at least getting somewhere with your goals. Personally I just turned 30 and the hope is slowly slipping away, but I'm a guy so I don't have as hard of a cutoff I guess.
You're getting with people above your league. If you date someone ugly you'll find they'll put in a ton of effort and worship you and you'll fail to keep up with your appreciation of them in return and you'll eventually take those benefits for granted.
pussy doesn't just fall into a man's lap. idiot
>To be honest, at that point, the orgasms stop feeling good
>Climaxing with someone else in the room
At this point I feel like female orgasms ade such a precarious thing that I could never get a woman off in the bedroom. If I ever got a gf she would probably be sexually unsatisfied and end up leaving or cheating on me.
One of the best places on this site but it's still a shithole.
It's a nice thing to hear. It's nice to know that your presence affects someone positively.
Yeah. Unreal, unreal.
Maybe they would just swell really big.
How many tampons do you go through per period? My sister keeps like 50 in our bathroom
Haha, I hope not. I'm already pretty big.
Get plapped, get pregnant.
Breast size doesn't really correlate to milk production, and she'd still only have two nipples.
>What do men think of /adv/?
I can't stand any of the other threads and generals here. There's that 'How to get women' one that pops up every time I enter the board (which I guess I didn't filter because it sometimes has a pic of a cute one).
Go away, ghost of Shinzo Abe
>How many tampons do you go through per period? My sister keeps like 50 in our bathroom
About 3-4 a day. But I don't wear them all day, at home I just use pads.
If I'm coming home tired and late and she does this I'll walk by and make some food.
Stop ghosting, and start procreating.
>What do men think of /adv/?
These threads are pretty much all I come to 4chan for anymore. Occasionally I browse through the catalog of another board like /r9k/ or /pol/ or /g/ or something, but I rarely open a thread and it's even more rare that I reply to one.
Yeh, we get it already... but would you produce more based on the number of kids you had? I'm thinking no, for some reason.
Like 6 regular tampons per period

your finance want's a pre-nup. what do you think?
Are tampons better than pads or something?
I'm not a woman, but I don't think so.
How long's it take for one to get filled up? Can you tell?
Women, if you were producing milk and your bf/husband wanted a taste, would you let him?

Men, if your bf/wife was producing milk and she offered you a taste, would you take it?
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Nta but you're supposed to change them max every 8 hours
nta Not at all. Toxic shock syndrome.
Absolutely I’d take it. I wonder how it fed for a woman to breastfeed?
Omg what the actual fuck anon? Holy shit
I've done that once.
Wtf? Are they toxic
WTF m8, fuck off
No, they're frankly worse. I just feel more secure in them if I'm at work all day rolling on the floor with kids.

You're supposed to change them every 8 hours max, and they feel uncomfortable when they fill up.
I usually put one in at 8 AM when I leave the house, change it at 2 PM, then take it out at 8 when I get home.
If it's my first day, I'll go 8 - 12 - 4 - 8.
If you leave it in too long it promotes bad bacteria growth.
M or F?
Then why do you prefer them when you leave the house?
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>Men, if your bf was producing milk
Male, definitely want to try it at least once.
I definitely would
LMAO, that should have been gf obviously.
Nice. Did he enjoy it? Did you?
Gimme gimme
Maybe. Probably.
They do like me and treat me as well as they are capable. If I were less intense myself I wouldn’t feel neglected, but no one goes to my lengths.
Every waking moment is spent thinking about them. In the past I have created complex plans in order to just be a part of the lives of two of my beloveds. I check on them constantly because I need to get as close as possible to living inside their brains.
I thought my current partner was similar because he pursued me so much at first, but it’s not even close to my attention to detail and all-encompassing desire to consume. And he stopped working so hard when I reciprocated.
How do I know this is the case?
In looks perhaps. My looks are quite average.
I love my current boyfriend of course, and his face is lovely. As far as I know we receive an equal amount of sexual/romantic attention from and success with others.
By which standards can I measure this? Ex. If I love something about him but it is generally viewed as unattractive, does that affect our circumstances?
Scorpio energy, either sun moon rising or Venus
He thought it was kinda weird. I didn't really care for it either. A weird mix of salty and really sweet, thought I have heard that the taste and consistency changes throughout the day.
Interesting, I didn't think it would be that sweet. But the act itself, was that enjoyable? Or did he get it from a cup or something?
deeply unsettling image
depends on the donuts
I got a cup, him drinking from the tap would've been too weird for me. I think it's sweet due to all the nutrients a baby needs at that age.
Nta but they are Boston cream
She did offer, and I refused. Just seemed wrong I guess.
Not really. I'd just assume she's got a really fast metabolism.
Dude, fuck you. Kys
Damn what's the point if he's not sucking it, what a waste
Yeah, that makes sense. Personally I really want to try getting it from the source, lol.
Because you were taking nutrients from the baby, or just weird?
Is pregoanon still on? Have you tasted your breastmilk?
I considered the first but it just seemed weird.
i would maybe try it once out of curiosity….. maybe…. i don’t know i think >>31495312 kind of has a point: it’s not really meant for me it’s for the kid. it seems kind of wrong out of principle
dirty talk during sex

"why are you doing this to me?"
"why are you fucking me like this?"

anything better than "cause youre my dirty little slut" or "cause youve been a dirty little girl"
she likes it real rough and very into getting punished for being a "bad little girl"
Sun Virgo, moon Libra, rising Sagittarius, and Venus in Libra actually.
(Mom is a horoscope nut)
My boyfriend is a Scorpio. He also enjoys astrology.
Men... :)
We used to flay people like you alive
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Rock Lee and Might Guy. I love both these goofballs don’t make me choose
I'm a woman actually
I've recently decided not to have children because I'm clearly an evil mess of a man who's only use to society is being used by women for my fat cock.
I actually had an overproduction, sometimes that just happens.
Are you offering or something?
Oh... OH! I didn't realize that was a thing for some women.
If you want someone to suck on your boobs I volunteer
What the fuck anon. I've been on 4chan for 15 years and this is the worst thing I've ever read. Going to wash my eyes with bleach.
Was he ok with having sex with you?
Her bf really put this private pic on the internet
Men are trash
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Do men find this lady too chubby looking? She’s a random influencer off my insta but very similar body to what I had 25lbs ago.
Why do men have such bad taste in comics?

>b-b-but that's a woman!
She's trying to impress men.
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SFW board, dude, come on...
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mods pls ban i dont want alphabet soup orgs checking in on this board
Perfect weight, in my opinion
Not even remotely. I'd consider her fit.
He was a trooper, yeh. Right till my due date.
>too chubby looking
no she has a great figure
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i think the poster in the thread said it was his gf
it was posted to /co/ and everyone was okay with it why would here be any different? am i just being a retard?
No, she just has a wide torso.
Women's clothes do a really good job at hiding folds, especially shapewear which she doesn't seem to be wearing. Don't really see anything to suggest she's fat. Got wide hips which makes her look larger. Arms look fine, belly even looks toned.
>am i just being a retard?
Yeh, you are. Nudity is for red boards. This is a blue board.
That sounds painful ;_; pls don't
Can't smoke indoors if you have a smoke alarm
Idk I'm just white trash but I assume some blacks are similar
Bro is Héros from Whatever (1999)
It's one of the jobs of all time
>not a 30 year old
I got 4 years left, tick tock...
I'd tuck in obvs
(Then I'd cook an actual dinner for us cuz I'm hungry fuk u bish)
I larp as a woman on CC but bro they're absolutely basketcases, why are you attracted to that
>Do men find this lady too chubby looking
Not at all?? She looks totally normal lol. Nice tits
M, ye
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Girls :3
I'd worry they have mental health issues (runs in the f a m)
Not having kids tho lel
My heart would melt
Don't exist
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I'm sorta a femcel
I love you.
She's hot
I'm not seeing any chub. Her tummy looks great.
She’s incredible hot
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Nope, her body is perfectly fine.
Not overweight or underweight.
I recognize her, she is a escort and onlyfans girl, definitely not someone's GF.
This is an average woman not wearing a bra in pyjamas. Is this really all it takes?
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>I larp as a woman on CC but bro they're absolutely basketcases, why are you attracted to that
There is something about them that is so alluring. They make the coolest art and seem like they’d be interesting to talk to every day. At least that’s what I imagine. They just seem like smelly cute homebodies I could play games with and cook for and live together. I don’t know what love is, but I imagine it’s like this.

Also normal women just don’t appeal to me. Every time I meet a normie girl they just remind me of my sister and I’m put off of them.
How would you react if you saw your bf screaming "ANSWER ME" at the sky?
No you don'
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How do I meet femcels in public?
>definitely not someone's GF.
I'm on Twitch but that hurts more than I expected.
Most guys would kill to get with a woman who looked like that.
Women would you date a man that only cries when he hears/sees other people crying?
"Are you having a mental breakdown at your computer again, babe? Do you need a blowie, a sammich, a hug?"
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Yearn for him to finish the cycle of eternal return
Maybe stop using your body to extract simoleons from pathetic simps.
I've actually dated a femcel, they're a mess, their lives are falling apart constantly from their own doing, drinking heavily, isolating themselves socially.
They are self destructive and they'll destroy the relationship you have together and ghost because they are embarrassed about the state of their life.
>Big boobs
>Flat stomach
>Presumably thick thighs/ass
Sure, she's "average"
Just showed up, why are people talking in morse code?
I'm a vtuber.
Post her IG please
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-.. --- -.
>aw baby.. come here
*get on my knees*
That might be worse, honestly. At least if you were using your body they would get something from it, even if it's just some porn/lewd images.
My post-femcelhood relationship was going great until I had to dump the moid because he was cheating on me. How do you even isolate yourself socially when you have a partner to share your life with?
.. .----. -- / .- / -.. ..- -.. .
Ok, average not in America I should say.
Can one of you computer science nerds make a dating app where I can easily find femcels near me
>Is this really all it takes?
Yes. Men love the average woman, whereas women are disgusted by the average man. Remember those statistics about attractiveness standards which you wrote off as incel propaganda? See the truth before your eyes. Men love what's average, and the thought of loving what's average makes you roll your eyes.
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Is there really no “fixing them?” I barely even have my own life together. I just have it in my head that if I met someone else, I’d get things going for them and me.

Maybe this is delusional.

How did you even meet her? If they’re a shut-in all the time, how’d you meet? What was the impetus for her decline? Looking back, was there anything you could have done?
Ok, now you're just moving the goalposts.
.. / -.. --- -. .-..-. - / -.. .. ... -.-. .-. .. -- .. -. .- - .
The problem isn't the apps, the problem is that femcels intentionally hide from society and never leave their rooms, which is why you end up with four times as many men as women on every dating app.
>near me
Not my type.
All of it's wrong, so it doesn't really matter. And I don't feel sorry for you being insulted.
What's your type?

your boyfriend seems less and less interested in sex. He doesn't ask for it anymore. What do you do?
Be worried. He's getting it from someone else.
Assert my dominance and rape him
Tell him he needs to put out or I'm leaving him
Taller, skinnier.
Again, just personal preference.
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The closest thing we had was Duoliscuous, but like all dating apps, it rapidly became a sausage-fest.
>rape him
How do you plan to do this?
that doesn't mean he's cheating. wtf
Femcels, please stop hiding! We want you!
i wish women actually desired us like this
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I agree she’s hot.
I’m surprised that everyone’s saying this, in a good way. Maybe I’ll gain some weight back and start eating more of the foods I want.
Her face is above average she’s gorgeous.
This was written by a gay man
Just let me have my paranoia, ok.
Wouldn’t it be nice
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men need sex; women don’t
women think sex is okay but can honestly live without it. if a man loses his sec drive then that is a preferable lifestyle for almost any woman (only exception being those with libido conditions that create sex addictions)
Sorry babe I'm just developing latent schizophrenia and as a result am withdrawing from social relationships
lol. yes.
That isn't average these days though. She's maybe top 20%. Most women are very overweight.
That's basically what goes through my mind when I'm about to see a guy I like except it's not articulated so clearly like that. Like the general energy of omgomgomg but there's no time to formulate thoughts
This is a great body. Could use slightly thicker thighs but otherwise top tier.
nta, but maybe he just doesn't feel satisfied with the sex and doesn't want it anymore because of that.
Yeh, that's not chubby at all. Do you have an eating disorder?
I wish there was a dating app for cuddling without the fear of getting raped. I want to watch movies/documentaries or anime/cartoons in a cool/cold room with a blanket and pillow and plushies with a pretty man again. :(

I hit up my old cuddle buddy and wr got late night eats together but idk how to bring up I want intimacy to fuel and fill up my happy points
NTA but I honestly have a hard time believing this.
Bitch ain't fat just wide asf lol
That's literally just a normal, healthy weight.
She's hiding her arms in that pic. Def chubby
Just tell him that. There are also sites for finding people to cuddle with.
You can look good too, men aren’t a good judge on what body type is attractive, we like em all
>tfw you have no interest in sex but desperately crave physical contact
How the hell do I find someone to cuddle with who isn't a fuck-buddy?
Well it's true, idk what to tell you
My heart beats faster and I sweat and I get nervous unless I have a drink beforehand to calm me down
We made out a few times while drunk plus we fooled around on the way back from the airport and pretended to be boyfriend/girlfriend when we stopped for lunch. She’s at her boyfriend’s family for at least a week while he’s having surgery and she sent me this, I’m wondering how long it’s gonna take before she breaks up with him now that she’s getting overtly flirty in our texts and she has “turned off my notifications” or if I should hammer out some ground rules for cheating and be more active in helping her be sneaky. Last time I was in this situation she said she was gonna break up with the guy but that didn’t happen after two years (they got engaged and we basically just fucked and she complained about her life until I got sick of it).

Don’t wanna go down that path again. If you’re cheating with a guy and it’s pretty clear you’re both friendly and can talk about other shit besides fucking how would you like to have the “talk?” What would the talk even be?
Skinny women get batwings also, to be fair.
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if you’re referring to those dating app graphs you’re stupid. less attractive men use dating apps, thus explaining the skewed distribution. also, women biologically are supposed to be picky because they have to choose a high-quality partner who will father and support her offspring. it’s literally evolution, not good or bad. not every woman will think like this but this is the foundational principle behind the vast majority of women’s thought process

if you want to be happy you need to get out of the incel bubble
It's just hard for me to imagine a woman feeling that way about me.
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maybe. but that’s a sad and scary thought. then she’s just going to feel like she can’t please her man and she’s inferior; she can’t do the easiest thing in the world (making a man cum). fuck i’d hate to be in her shoes. : (
I miss him so much
I love those videos because they are literally me with women.

Not reading allat, but you should tell her to break up with her boyfriend. She isn’t worth getting into anything serious though. Messy.
Except not all women want kids nowadays.
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You know what hurts? Reading about how women talk about men, how they like this and that about them, how they make them feel. And knowing you'll never be that man, and no woman will talk about you like that.
>Spend an hour talking with clients
>They leave
>Made $800
>Sit back down and take another rip of my vape pen
Such is life.
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>I want to watch movies/documentaries or anime/cartoons in a cool/cold room with a blanket and pillow and plushies with a pretty man again.
>things I, 28M, will never have
I’m going to kill myself desu
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>Boeing when they hear you plan on witness protection
I don’t. She’s open about her weight on her stories as she’s trying to lose weight and I noticed she’s almost at what I was at my heaviest. My max was 138 shes 145 right now. And her body type is extremely similar to me. I felt disgusting and fat at the time so I lost 25lbs. It’s cool to know some guys could’ve found me cute despite being a little soft. From the shoulders down at least.
That's such a defeatist attitude. Unironically very unattractive.
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Amen brother
I hit up my old cuddle buddy and we got late night eats together but idk how to bring up I want that intimacy again to fuel and fill up my happy points
NTA but I feel the same way, and I know it's the truth, regardless of my confidence or lack thereof.
She's kinda broad, no amount of loosing weight will change her skeleton.
I want to become that guy but I don’t know how
just become he can "cum" doesn't mean its good sex. A guy could orgasm but it might feel weak, and unsatisfying
What's worse, knowing that you'll never be that guy or knowing that you once were that guy before you royally fucked it all up forever?
>a woman gets upset that men are highly attracted to "average" women
>this somehow means INCELS BAD
This was what okcupid was when it started.
It used multivariate regression to match people up.
Got bought out match.com and they lobotomized it because it worked too well.
Their business model requires you to swipe like a hamster. That's the "work" you have to do, so you will pay them to stop having to do it.
The problem isn't the tech, we knew how to do that stuff 20 years ago. It's the money.
this is how sex is for me and my gf. I don't enjoy it. It's not as good as i expected it to be, so I never ask for sex.
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being desired as a man is probably the most cathartic and confidence-boosting feeling in the world and in all of humanity. sadly, I am an impotent whiney fag who is offputting to every woman i meet
oh well
i’ll buy a gun one day and take that little black train out of this life my mother failed to abort
Then that's a self fulfilling prophesy.
I know but it's the truth. I can't seriously imagine it, it's just too unrealistic.
My man
I would literally kms if my bf said this about me
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the poster >>31495470 was literally pushing incel rhetoric wtf are you on about?
Don't set your goals too high at first. Like, don't imagine yourself having a gf. Just imagine talking to a girl. What would you say?
It's worse to have loved and lost. That aphorism is bullshit.
I'd say never having a chance is worse. If you've had it once then at least you know someone liked you, even just one person.
There's a quick and easy fix to this train of thought: women will say that about multiple men throughout their lives. Sometimes countless men. No point getting worked up because even if you had a woman, it would be in her programming to leave or become unfaithful.
>whereas women are disgusted by the average man.
This is false. We aren't disgusted by average guys. You have to notice them to be disgusted.
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question for ladies: should anon be open with his gf about this or is he doing a noble thing by keeping it to himself?
i wouldn’t want my gf to feel like >>31495619 , but I can’t help but find it difficult to believe that it’s healthy to repress this relationship issue
nta but, uh... uh... shit, this is hard.
It's not, it's just reality.
I can and do talk to women frequently without a problem, even outside of work, though, granted, not typically in a romantic or flirty setting/way. I've been on dates but never anything serious.
This poster >>31495425 is bothered by men going gaga for "an average woman".

"Is this really all it takes?" Yes, men are enthusiastic about average women, men don't feel like they're settling with average women, men don't see averageness as a bad thing. It's unfortunate if women have a negative opinion about averageness.
I don't know, I guess I'd just talk to her like anyone else?
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New Mexico sucks, but Santa Fe is alri
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I love women so much it's fucking unreal femanons

No matter had badly I've been treated, laughed at and made fun of, I can't go down the bitter hateful incel route

Do you girls ever think the same about men? I know we can be pretty bold at times
Hate it when people answer questions that weren't addressed to them
You'll get there, eventually. I felt like you once, too.
I'm F. I wouldn't say bothered, more surprised really. Ok, she does have larger than average boobs I guess, maybe that's it.
Bruh she's a 3/10 at best lmao
Sorry, meant to add a "NTA" to the front of that one but forgot.
i didn't tell her this. I just try to avoid sex, and never initiate.
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Are you even paying attention to >>31495470 ?
>whereas women are disgusted by the average man. Remember those statistics about attractiveness standards which you wrote off as incel propaganda? See the truth before your eyes.
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How honest should I be with this girl I'm talking to about my past mental health problems? I used to be super depressed, halfheartedly tried to kill myself a few times, institutionalized, etc but that was a long time ago and I'm much better now. Should I just keep this from her? Do I bring it up? I'd like to be honest but I'm nervous about scaring her off.
Not fat but definitely chubby and anyone who says otherwise is either fat themselves and never goes to the gym or men who have no concept of how we can make our bodies look in pictures. Stomach is clearly not flat and her arms are carrying fat - what you would call a healthy weight in America. Not noticeably fat but not very good either
Good for her and for you for losing weight. But yeah if she weighs 145 she should lose 15lbs at least because she looks to be around 5'3-5'6. I believe she is gorgeous but she could look even better
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you gay or something?
girl in >>31495641’s pic is cutie
women would you rather a guy who wants sex everyday? or once every month?
She's not a supermodel but she's not ugly either - I'm biased though since I <3 Middle Eastern Women
>I <3 Middle Eastern Women
I wish we could be emotional around women but I’m worried they’ll think less of me if I do
I would disagree with you if it wasn't for the septum piercing.
>I’m surprised that everyone’s saying this
Women never listen. I'm surprised you are.
> Maybe I’ll gain some weight back
Maybe you look just fine either way.
How long until women stop piercing their septum?
Every day, I want sex every day too.
I think her wideness is throwing people off.
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Nta but she is pretty ugly
Would you ride your husbands dick if he’s tired after a 10 hour shift?
Why is it bad? Why can't you make it better?
Every day
It's what we do to prevent guys from hitting on us.
I don't even think I'd be able to get hard after that
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what the fuck? women want sex? no /s
>Why is it bad?
it's just not what i expected
>why can't you make it better?
I have no idea how to do that
Why do guys get to complain that picking what position and hole to cum in "might feel unsatisfying" when I'm meant to genuinely love sex where I never come and where I'm expected to go to a sex shop and buy lube so that my partner can have his bi-hourly orgasm without me even being aroused. No way these posts aren't some femcel psyop
Of course
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This is a attractive ME woman, not that shit you posted
Yeah, dick's fun.
>If you’re cheating with a guy
then she would cheat on you too anon.
She's standing like that to accentuate her non-existent curves
>that shit
Men are trash
oh god, please dont bring that faggotry here
That's an indian woman
there is a difference. If a guy cums while using a condom for example, its a very weak orgasm. It's not the same as some girl sucking the life out of his cock and cumming, which can make his mind explode.
I might be the only guy who doesn’t hate septum piercings. I think they’d look hot when getting a blowie
Women who say things like this should have to go through an extended period of sexual and romantic rejection
>Men are trash
nta but fuck you
>thus explaining the skewed distribution.
No. It's been repeated independently.
Absolutely. The wideness is making people think thats the reason she looks chunky. You can tell the difference between wide but fit and wide with chubbiness.
Yup, been there myself before
nta but it has the complete opposite effect, the few guys who hit on women will like you cows more if you're branded and the rest just don't hit on you even if you look like le wholesome tradwife
If I was going to mutilate myself like that, don't you think I'd be ok with rejection?
I'm trying to sign up for discord and it's telling me to put my pronouns in. Part of me just wants to put she/her and be done with it, a part of me is sick of this woke bs.
What should I do?
That... wasn't what i asked
Body count is likely 20+
I don’t particularly want to date her, I just don’t want to fuck around with just fucking and listening to a bitch bitch. Like I wanna go to a baseball game like normal friends do and her boyfriend ain’t gonna go.
>female coworkers casuallytap my lower back or upper back when passing by to signal to be careful so I don't bump into them
>once trailed a finger from mid to upper back
>see a graph that the upper back/shoulders area is a zone that women like to grab sexually
have I been raped?
being honest is fine, burdening your partner with that stuff is not. So long as you can clearly set it in the past and just tell her how much better you are it actually shows you are a functional adult and i would consider it a good thing.
Also, jumping out of the blue and just saying it is sorta weird so i would just allow myself the wait until the conversation steers on the subject
been clean from porn for a month. today the temptation is hitting me like a truck
Women, have you ever accidentally brushed your boobs against someone?
I put I HATE THE ANTICHRIST in that field
You can just leave it blank I think
Go for a run instead
Thanks, that makes sense. Do you think I should bring it up if the conversation is about mental health or only mention it if she explicitly asks? Also, should I water down some of the nastier details?
This one has her phone buzzing the whole time. Next.
Yes and it's the worst feeling ever.
Me too man, it’ll only get easier
New thread
What does it matter? Her body count could be 100 and she could have tattooed every guy's name on her body and every m*id here would still pick her over a fat lass with unshaven legs, even if the latter was le trad virgin
Once in a crowded elevator.
I'm fighting for my life on the toilet rn
>man face
Drink more water/less coffee.
Boner and mood killer. I'd tune out and shrug at whatever she says so there wouldn't be sex anyway.
Women who say that are without fail terrible people. They're always delusional narcissists every single time.
i mean, reading here how men think about women it comes to mind you might be one of them, which would explain why women never want any interaction with you.
Fuck, even talking to some of my "normal" friends out of 4chin makes me feel fucking disgusted with how they think of women
I’m a man but I have something similar.
I work in a fast food kitchen that’s too cramped. When I move through people I try to turn my back to them because I feel awkward rubbing my dong on them, especially if they’re one of the many young women I work with. This has resulted in my (relatively large) ass smacking into people as I walk. I hate it but it’s better than my ween and we can all joke about it
just put 'fuck of with this bs' in the field
>maybe that's it.
nope. smaller tits are fine too.
We keep pointing out. "just don't be fat", and she isn't fat.
That's really all we want.
Why do trannies have so much priviledge on this website? You can't even type "tranny" without getting banned.
I used to work in a cramped kitchen too and my boobs squished into people all the time. Really embarrassing.
constant tranny posting forced mods to crack down on it outside of /b/ or /pol/ due to being low quality most of the time
I see.
They are terminally online and steer towards attention seeking activities like power tripping with their roles on forums.
> t. anorexic
>Do you think I should bring it up if the conversation is about mental health
totally. doesn't mean you have to go all-in either. If she wants to know more she will ask, just be cool about it so that it doesn't feel like you are not willing to talk, because most adults would never try to pull your tongue on something this personal.
> Also, should I water down some of the nastier details?
i don't know you bud, i don't know your details. there certainly are things so much in the past of my personal life that i never bring them up and i never will: it happened but it will not happen again and it doesn't really change much whether others know or not.
If something is kinda fucked up i would probably add some commentary, my reflection on how i consider it stupid now and why
>women want sex?
only like 10% of them anon.
Babe, I’m right here. Wake up..
No wonder.
This kicks in for them from age 35 onwards anon.
You have no clue what you're doing, do you?
Yeah happened to me as a guy. I asked her if it was good for her too.
Went bright red, I thought she was going to stroke out.
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White women :3
Not you

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