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Last Episode: >>31492968
How many virgins do you know above the age of 30?
Women would you date a man that only cries when he hears/sees other people crying?
None. Everyone I know over the age of 30 is married or in LTR.
Women, do you think it's pathetic if a man feels like a loser because he's barely had any sex at 30+?
>Fern is always mean to Stark
Why do women hate us so much?
I know 6 people and 4 of them are 30+ virgin women
I will be next year!
I only cry when you're not looking, hide my heart until it's full of burning...
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M or F
Thoughts on bikinis?
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State Gender

The female figure makes my pp hard
M, I prefer one-pieces.
WW1 is way more kino
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She's just passionate
I'm more of a modern warfare type guy
I miss him
Women make pp hard. I like
It was a good man trying to save the world from the ultimate evil, truly heartbreaking.
State gender
Thoughts on this?
I miss you too babe
Bit slutty
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I like em
Too fat for them
Cringe. I like gentle femdom, but calling women mommy will always be cringe
>great good vs evil narrative
>come from behind win
>amazing advancements in technology
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>be 6'2" 220lbs of lean muscle, but usally dressed like a slob
>decide to dress more masculine (e.g. look like Toguro)
>Women seem to instantly respect me and move out of my way
>Feels like my opinion is valued more by other men
>Feel incredibly powerful and noticed when I go through life

Huh, femanons is this what you mean when you say men have life on easy mode?
Not you, hoe
Women what are your opinions on boners?
Fuck it, I'm gonna say it, I'm glad Hitler lost. No fucking way I'm learning German. Nah. English is much easier.
I don't know. People tend not to advertise that fact.
I am literal bitch boy for at least one woman irl and even I am not this hard up.
This is porn poisoning.
accidentally posted in the almost dead thread
>female coworkers casuallytap my lower back or upper back when passing by to signal to be careful so I don't bump into them
>once trailed a finger from mid to upper back
>see a graph that the upper back/shoulders area is a zone that women like to grab sexually
have I been raped?
>have I been raped?
Imagine you’re a wife in the bathroom or kitchen doing something and your husband comes up directly behind you.
Would you rather he
>smack your ass
>grab your hips
>grab your breasts
>press his junk in your butt and kiss you
stop lusting after your coworkers
Let me finish my housework and then fuck me.
baby, did you really think I could leave you?
Smack my butt. The rest distracts me too much.
Hey, that's my line! >:)
If girls rub one out do you have a come down period where you perhaps aren't as wordy/interested in a conversation? As if often attributed to "post nut clarity"
My ex used to get post nut clarity where after sex she'd get really pissed if I tried to touch her/cuddle and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the night
Women what are your opinions on flaccid peen?
lmao it turned her into a femcel
What's the best sex you've ever had?
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I had a similar experience when I started cutting my hair short and wearing flannels, jeans and boots (I call it Edmaxxing). I noticed an immediate change in the way I was perceived by others
How does it feel to have a WORK HAREM?
F. Hot on tittymonsters, not on me.
WTF? How can you know so many femcels? do you have a club or something?
Hot when they're attached to someone I like and get hard for me.
I would rather have you and your warm heart than all the bikini'd tittymonsters in the world.
Add a beard for super powers women will never have.
I'm not the work harem anon
Girls, do you appreciate how lucky you are that you are able to experience lesbian sex?
It was a couple weeks ago and I hooked up with this milf (profile said 42)
She was extremely vocal and easy to please. She was wearing a black garter belt, stockings, and heels only. She liked me going deep and being a little rough and it ended with me shooting my load in her mouth as she stuck her tongue out and looked me in the eyes. I need to see her again
Thoughts on this? :3
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28M two more years to go. yay….. i want to die
>modern warfare kino
this is the autistic homebrew Axis and Allies map I’m currently trying to make for our current world. I plan to play the WWIII A&A game before i get drafted and die on Taiwanese shores fighting in it

do women like autism like this?
I was the anon that asked the hex color question that day. Idk, this is kinda weird and cringe
I know, you always say it to me
I wish there was a dating app for cuddling without the fear of getting raped. I want to watch movies/documentaries or anime/cartoons in a cool/cold room with a blanket and pillow and plushies with a pretty man again. :(

I hit up my old cuddle buddy and wr got late night eats together but idk how to bring up I want intimacy to fuel and fill up my happy points
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Do you Spanish Colonial architecture? How about little stone chapels nestled into suburban neighborhoods?
You already posted this in the last thread
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these tricks will not work if you’re fat
if I go through a bunch of psychology lectures and books to understand social behavior am I autistic? also what's a good resource to understand the female mind?:
Have you tried not being fat?
So you get the bf experience but he gets none of the emotional payoff because you're unavailable and uncommitted. Next you're going to blog about your "cuddle basket" and "dating basket" and "sex basket"
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I wish there was a eay to know which women are going to scream you're trying to rape them if you ask them out and which won't, I guess neither of those things will ever happen though.
>with a pretty man
They have dumb sluts like you lined up for their dick. You're not special, dumb cunt.
I hung out with the nerds in high school and uni and the ones who were below average as well as a little odd just never got into dating when they grew up. Most of them are well adjusted, they focus on their careers and hobbies and friends instead. They never get approached by men and they don't see a relationship adding anything essential to their lives so they don't pursue it either.
State gender
If I say PLAP PLAP PLAP what's the position that comes to your mind?
Post gender
What's the weather like where you are right now?
Woman volcel is not and never will be trucel.
this isn't a relationship question I'm doing completely fine with my wife
Men. Do you get hard from seeing attractive girls or platonic interactions with them?

Cause I don't, and I'm wondering if my testosterone is gone or something.
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i lost 35 lbs. and went from 235 to like 196 at least weight over eight months, but then i lost my job and climbed to 284. i now weight 273
Just date a premature ejaculator
Tried it, it was great, but I really miss dick. Like really really badly.
Women, have you ever replied to an anon here while getting fucked?
M, prone bone
Hot as hell
terrified of kidney problems
All of the above
I just don't understand
You keep saying she was the best fuck you ever had
Women would you date a loser?
Sometimes I do, most of the time no
JH occurrence
No wtf
Chin(s) up anon, if you did it before then you can do it again.
Seeing them and talking to them? No. If they make any kind of prolonged contact, however, I'm hard as a rock.
Did kissing a girl feel much different to kissing a guy?
Ws. I'm probably only going to have time/energy for one of the following on a day...
> Clean the house, make dinner, watch
> netflix cuddling and kissing before going
> to bed without sex. Though possible hand / foot massage.
> Use my years of experience with tongue,
> fingers and dick to make you cum
> several times.
Explanation of circumstances why would also be handy.
Both genders who have done 69, is it a good position?
Well, they're 30+ virgins, not incels. As all femcels, I'm sure they could get laid if they made Tinder profiles reading "will someone, anyone please fuck me" but women have a lot to lose and nothing to gain from that so they don't
Hotter than a femanon
>Know cute girl for a while
>She is nice to me a few times
>Suddenly infatuated
God damn it.
Based Antarctic research station poster
I will clean and make dinner, you will make me cum several times, we will watch Netflix before/after
Women would you rather date Lucifer or Satan?
During sexy shit in general, yes. Not specifically while getting fucked, though.
She was great at doing exactly what I was hoping she would, but none of it was the same as PIV. I don't see how that's confusing.
Bite me.
Yeh. Definitely more delicate, even when we roughly kissed.
Talking to them will tell you. It's a good way to rule out lots of them.
This except I didn't become infatuated until she was mean to me a few times.
would it be corny if I sent an ambiguous compliment to the group chat just to see who takes it
What are you, 14?
what sort of compliment can possibly work like that
That pic of "be ugly and happy with a smile on your face" is complete bs. People will just take advantage of you and still disrespect you. It's way better to let people know they shouldn't fuck with you and tell them to fuck off as soon as they test you.
To be fair, I used femcel, she didn't.
None that I know of but it's not like I go around asking people if they're virgins lol
I have an older ol' friend nearing 30 who's asexual. Gorgeous girl too. She seems happy with her bf tho. Idk what their arrangement is lol, maybe he's ace too, fuck knows
Who tho??
Hot girl summer is here!
Too bad I got no beach vacays lined up this year... Last year tho I got some serious eye candy
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I just got this ??
passing light showers, generally pleasant
Atoga on a screen is but an element of the setup. The rest are phallic.
yeah kinda
I'm a little too nice sometimes at work and the bratty teenage girl would tell me to do her work for her and I told her to fuck off then the next day she helped me with my work unprompted
What the fuck do you mean talk to them?
About what? Everyone says "talk to them." What does that mean?
nope, not at all
Lol hope you get decapitated by flying debris love from Khazakstan.
Women do you believe the one piece is real?
>She was great at doing exactly what I was hoping she would, but none of it was the same as PIV. I don't see how that's confusing.
Did you not try strap-on sex, or is that still not the same?
I've been at work for 16 hours straight
Women, thoughts?
Mentally yes
WWII was pretty shit dude I mean loads of ppl died
Ok but like who
Has AI gone too far?
It's chubby girl summer tho
Honestly dude it's probably also your confidence and the way you carry yourself that's having this effect
But yeah no one likes a total slob
They're just being friendly dude
I miss when my work crush used to grab my arm ):
I do miss cuddlin and watching movies
Usually the girl dozed off before me tho
Just get in some reps dude
is it actually true
and if so, exactly how am i supposed to dress like?
Girls would you watch someone else have sex?
Zero your carbs. Don't eat anything with oxalates. Drink plenty of water. Take a magnesium / potassium supplement if low.
Idk it's dark outside
Not raining tho
When I was having a ciggie I saw loads of bats flying around
I wish I could be a vampire and turn into a bat
>Do you get hard from seeing attractive girls
It's more if I'm talking to an attractive girl and there's a bit of flirty tension there, I gotta try not get hard
unironically yes but he is also receiving cuddles too also getting a nice physical/emotional comfy time
I want cuddles no sex rn unless i can be convinced I would have a good time and maybe leadto relationship

dating is le scary and potentially draining if it doesn't work out
yes i am everyone is special
maybe :3c
>I do miss cuddlin and watching movies
Watch anything good with her?
>exactly how am i supposed to dress like
Find fictional characters who you think dress cool and copy their outfits, it's literally that easy. I get complimented on my style all the time when I'm pretty much just cosplaying as someone each day. So long as it isn't an iconic outfit no one will know.
damn are raspberries really going to give me kidney stones
What pic?
>16 hours straight
Wtf do you do for work bro
what you're missing is that attractiveness is subjective but self esteem is not
We tried it. It sucked for both of us.
Thanks anon
>I want cuddles no sex rn unless i can be convinced I would have a good time and maybe leadto relationship dating is le scary and potentially draining if it doesn't work out
What the fuck does that have to do with what I said.
Why are you poor?
good thing you are a safe basement dweller
how much coffee do you drink in a day
women have you ever peed in the bushes?
>Watch anything good with her?
Yeah we watched Little Witch Academia once
Her boobs jk
Idk just hug her I guess
Just install Tinder and stop being le quirky. You like being run through anyway.
How did you know I'm on the first floor?
This does not bode well for my pegging fetish
Way too much desu
I run on coffee, cigarettes and crippling anxiety
I like your thinking but she's out for the day tho. Probably gonna be tired so I'm leaning towards 1.
1 coffee in the morning
What was you expecting?
>Watching Little Witch Academia with a girl
You've lived the dream...
ok but what if my favourite outfit is 1. not really fitting my body 2. not really reflecting my actual lifestyle?
I'm just doing some passive system monitoring from home, overlooking the upgrades and checking in if anything goes to shit
Women, why do you have fetal alcohol syndrome?
Shoulders or waist
>to make you cum
>she's out
Cheating manwhore
Two espressos, minimum.
From what?
Tbh better than that was when I watched Duck Tales with a MILF. I think that was the peak of my life jk
does it matter what you say
I already have it and added that to my profile recently, I just don't check it often. I kind of want sex but cuddles are just somethinging else
Explain the outfit or post a reference pic or something.
>not really fitting my body
Elaborate. Are the clothes not the right size or do you have a strange-shaped body?
>not really reflecting my actual lifestyle
People who don't know you aren't going to know that. No one will bat an eye if you act like you should be wearing what you're wearing.
quiet, cool, dry, also midnight.
State gender
Make a confession
anon, i am WATCHING the movie. i sit alongside her, but if we started cuddling we wouldn't be capable of FOLLOWING THE PLOT
No it doesn't matter what you say it matters what I say, this is why you get no cuddles.
male superpowers
you don't matter
You're not stupid enough to believe that the hot boys you can find on Tinder have time for cuddles. That's good.
Femanon sisters, how will you celebrate when men finally die out?
Hand over shoulder squeezing upper arm or rubbing side of her torso, other hand free to play with her free hand.
See >>31495805
I have worn my sister's underwear.
What would possess you to do this?
This was my biggest problem with Netflix and chill with Tinder girls desu, I think they wanted me to escalate or something but I just wanted to watch the movie
Women do you look down on men?
I have also worn your sisters underwear
0, I don't like coffee
F. I've fucked produce I've grown then cooked with it.
I have a lot more wealth than people know
When I see pictures of my mother when she was younger I think
(If we weren't related ofc)
Only the short ones
M I have the elliot rodger mindset of it's not fair that I didn't get optimal genes and women are evil but I manifested ego instead of distorting so I have a wife now and am friendly with women while still holding onto those ideas
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>eating with parents
>waiter intentionally hands me the check
>acts like a smug asshole about it
>winks at my mom
How much tip does this retard deserve?
That's why she should swipe on us mid bois
I matched with my cuddlebuddy on tinderlike a year ago but we cuddled a few years ago for awhile

ofc people want sex I just want to be treated softly too sometimes
It used to be 2-4 cups, now its just 1 cup and some tea
when i see younger pictures of my mother i get sad because she had a terrible life before she met my dad
Women do you look up to men?
If we forget sex, I'm curious what a man could offer women like these. Are they really satisfied with their lives? No loneliness?
Bitch you are running back to your ex for cuddles and crying over no cuddling app existing, I matter far more than some touch starved, sensory deprived, autistic thot, and nothing you say will change that because despite my insults nothing Is ay will be any less awful than what you already told everyone about yourself.
Was curious about wearing girl's underwear and that seemed the best way to try it.
He wanted to give your mom the tip if you catch my drift
It's just banter bro
F, don't know if this is the best/worst confession I could make, but I have masturbated at work while technically on the job.

And while at it >>31496120
so often, I also got caught once (if you can call being so high on MDMA that you don't realize you're in plain sight and don't notice people approaching "getting caught").

To top it off, I guarantee you would never guess this if you met me.
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something like that, though then there are also completely different modes of my functioning that require wildly different outfit (flashy coat with a fuckload of pockets that i am actually having tailored for me right now)
i am slightly fatter than pic related (something like 10kg too much) and also i am a complete hunchback. For the reference i'm also really fucking short
>People who don't know you aren't going to know that.
true, but the entire purpose is to attract women to get into my life
Yeh, I'm pretty short.
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I unironically watch Ben Shapiro
Freud ass niggas.
I see my mom and think damn that bitch was ugly on the outside as much as she was inside.
Way too much. Like three cups on a regular day off but when I'm working it totally depends on the job, I've definitely topped 10 overall if I worked night shifts and getting shitty coffee was just about the only thing you could do to stay awake and stretch your legs.
Everything matters. Nothing is important.
State gender
Explain this phenomena
Why does this look like eminem?
Not for being men. I have known plenty of men I looked up to for the person they were, though.
i drink 4 normally
ikr, why not just play some music instead if you're not going to actually watch shit
yeah, guess i actually am
i like merit, i like doing things with purpose and i like acting in a straightforward fashion.
is that not redeemable?
I watched him destroy college students on Israel.
It was a job where I worked at a call center basically in case there was some incident during the night shift(s). But between like 2 am and 5 am shit all would happen because no trains were running, the stations were deserted etc. So you basically just sat there "~just in case" and so they could say there was 24/7 back up available.
Nonexistent thanks for asking.
Lol based
I had to be the pee guard for some gals pissing in the bushes on Friday night cause we couldn't find any public toilets that were still open
Just noticed I didn't specify properly but I was working for the railroad company.
you think we’re only here?
Any girls interested in joining my sex cult?
a singular of this word spells 'phenomenon'

and the description doesn't fit me at all
I dont look at them so whatever
girls how do you feel about making your man pasta
>girl dozed off
I'm into that
he not really my ex though
nothing I said was awful
amazing wow
You provided a good service. At least where I live, public urinals for men are common (in order to avoid drunken men pissing against houses during festivities etc), but there's no equivalent for women so if you stay out until the last club is closed and then need to pee badly you're shit out of luck. Whereas women already are prone to bladder infections and holding it (especially if it's cold and you're wearing someting to dance in...) is a big risk for that.
It is a joy
Pasta is like the easiest shit to make, I'd expect her to make something more complicated if she's trying to impress
I'm not posting my secrets here
Very good, I can feel like a good nurturing partner and eat pasta. I also really like cooking as long as nobody rushes me (or says shit like "oh... so you cut it that way... you see, I always-").
no. i am craving pasta but cannot have it very soon so i am posting about it on 4chan instead
who said anything about impressing
>there's no equivalent for women
Well that's some bullshit lol
Yeah there were these unisex public toilet things but we put some pennies in and they didn't open lol (maybe they were padlocked or something idk). And all the pubs on the way back were closed
Anyway eventually they just said fuck it and bushmaxxed
>or says shit like "oh... so you cut it that way... you see, I always-
This is the worst. It makes me so anxious and I wind up fucking everything up
Because you're retarded
because you refuse to womanunderstand
>who said anything about impressing
Me nigga
Girls how patient are you if your man is trying to get over performance anxiety, ED and the like?
>(or says shit like "oh... so you cut it that way... you see, I always-").
I hate doing lots of mundane shit in front of people because of this. People deciding they need to tell you your way of doing something is wrong.
Does anyone actually give a fuck if I double text them? Makes me feel like a harasser but I don't know.
F, perception bias. If female posters just agree with posts or joke along, you either don't think about their gender or assume they're male. It is only when it is specified or implied that they are women, when they make posts criticizing stuff from a female pov, that they stand out as femanons.
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Thats pretty hot
Men would you eat a vegetable that's been inside a woman's vagina?
Im wealthier than >>31496192
Nothing worse than feeling like your every move is observed and judged. And how hard is it to just run with it if someone is cooking you food?!
No, just dont be retarded
That very VERY much depends on the woman
Yeah ofc, if she was my gf. If its some random woman, then ew no
it's some kind of murrican thing, i had to look up the term and i have never seen it actually happening
I don’t make food, I can order him some
weather, current affairs, their day, work, food, travel, health, books, movies, fashion. Also listening to their responses and exploring what they say.
I'm like 90% introvert, so I used to have a card with a list of topic headings I could switch to one after another when chitchat dried up.
Don't need the card any more but it's a good way to probe the thoughts and personality of women you're interested in.
I >>31496284 never thought about it before but now that I have, yes.
Maybe. Not yours though
If she was pretty.
absolutely, so long as it's actually a tasty veg
so according to my sister im being rude if I refuse to interract with women irl
Nta but do you even need to ask
Women what would you do if you saw your bf spreading his legs in from of a fan to cool down his cock?
Personally I couldn't conceive going "oh... he texted twice... in a row..." inside, in any scenario.

What is really really really bad though, is the
>[completely mundane, normal text that doesn't sound urgent/doesn't ask any question, like "haha yeah I also really like those"]
1 hr later without response on your side
>hey so sorry if I said something wrong
or any variation.

Everyone has been there, it is 1000% normal to overthink even the most mundane stuff when you really like someone or are even just really insecure generally.
But this instantly communicates to the other person that this is someone who cares a looot, will quickly think the worst of things - basically that there's a lot at stake for them and it's really easy to disappoint them. If there is anything you do not want to convey to someone you are just getting to know, it's that.

I kill homeless people with laced drugs
We are raised to take care of everything and most women don’t do anything, fix anything or know anything. I say this from experience, even well educated women are clueless when it comes to day to day things.
tfw no bf to cuddle me and eat me out cumming my brains out
How exactly are you refusing to interact with women IRL? I'm nearly a wizard but deal with women every day (and kinda like it)
Nta but I wouldn't say that's particularly shameful if nothing was happening anyway
I have a more shameful one for fapping at work desu
In my late teens I had a job where I would run kids' parties as part of the job, and some of the moms were hot single moms who would sometimes even give me a tip some of the birthday cake etc.
So on a hot summer's day a few times I just said fuck it before the end of my shift and rubbed one out in the bathroom (there was this hidden bathroom downstairs that barely anyone used)
As long as you wash that shit idc food is food
Now that's evil
That is a bit rude desu
It's a made up thing for certain extremely boring narcissistic women to try to convince themselves their unhappiness with their own lives is someone else's fault
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>eat me out
Dunno, but since I followed the protocol above I haven't had a single kidney stone, and I've had a couple before. ... You don't want them.
doubt it
No not really but I'm doing it anyways
>How exactly are you refusing to interact with women IRL
just ignore them. if its a cashier/waitress situation type thing I just do what im supposed to do but I dont talk
>current affairs
I am racist.
>their day
Too personal
Too personal
They never eat atound me the ones I like I mean.
Hate it.
Lol no.
God no and who just asks that outbof the blue?
No good ones exist past 2010.
I have no clue how people can say this and not find it absolutely strange, if a woman did this to me I would find it jarring and uncouth at worst and friendzone her at best.
This is all unironically totally gay.
Gay gay.
Gay gay.
Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.
I'm just gonna die alone thanks or maybe get shot by police for asking a woman out someday bluntly because it's less gay than this.
I like throwing rocks at dogs
ive never had one. ill avoid them. i dont tend to eat anything with oxalates much anyway besides raspberries and leafy greens, but they arent a constant in my diet.
f, I like ageplay and petplay
I am a switch but slightly more dom sometimes.
Holy shit there's a huge moth I'm the room I'm scared
Should I just sleep on the kitchen floor instead
wat da world comin 2? niggas tellin on dey potnas, y da fuk dey break da rulez?
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No I've barely had any sex and I'm 30+ too
Well written post.
Moths are friends, they're chill. Take a picture for me please
Women would you make the background on your phone a picture of your bf?
I would and I have
He can be my friend OUTSIDE
I'm trying to lure it away with light but it's not working
yeah, that's quite rude
lying spooning behind her, nuzzling her neck, arm over her midriff.
I tend to not come back if there are waitresses instead of waiters.
but I just point at the items on the menu
>>Fern is always mean to Stark
She wants to be corrected.
just call me
only sometimes
He doesn't have that much time to live in the first place u_u

Just leave your hallway light on and hide under the blankets
a friend of mine used to be the funniest guy ever. Whenever we'd be out, he was always the life of the party, making the whole table laugh, teasing the prettiest girls, doing the wildest shit.
A year ago he moved countries to pursue a relationship, which failed, but he remained abroad for work.
Every time he comes on holiday, he is literally the shell of his former self, he drinks alone, doesn't engage in conversation or jokes anymore, pays zero mind to women who now actively wait for him to tease them. Like literally, there's a 10/10 milf who is a buddy's wife he always used to make fun of, she approached him earlier today and asked
>Aren't you gonna call me fat or old today? I haven't seen you in a year, smile a bit come on
He's just broken.
I tried asking him if he's okay, but he just says he's fine and brushes it off. At times he does do the haha look at me schtick, but I can tell he's faking it to get people off his back.
I want my bro back.
I had an e-gf do that to me back in the day because she stalked my Facebook.
Weirdly enough, my best friend freshman year of college (also a girl) did the same by it wasn't her background, just my contact picture
I need to have 3 non exclusive gfs I can bang in rotation for a few hours until they're too exhausted to continue
idk, I have a picture of me rn
my ex used to do that
dunno if I would unless it was a really nice picture and he was actually a great guy
Tbf I don't have many clothes here anyway I'm couchsurfing rn lol
OK I got him to leave the room in the hallway woo
But I have to open the door again to go to the bathroom soon...
Not a man and I'm sure this is not the only reason but to be totally fair, men also mansplain each other if you pay attention to it. Men love conversations like
>So you know what you do - if you know what you're doing, of course - you do XYZ first.
"Naturally! I found myself telling my neighbor just the other day that it was no point doing it the other way around."
>And what some people THEN don't understand is that you...
"Shoud always XYZ!"
>Yes, yes, you should, because...
Not filled in with a specific example because these are usual technical details on how to do a specific job (which can also be incredibly mundane).

Basically hyping each other up that they both get it and lots of people don't.
Put two women together and you get this

>so this might be stupid but I was kind of nervous about coming out tonight
"Are you kidding me?! I'm so happy you said that because everyone seems to know what they're doing here and then you have me and I'm just like..."
>Did I miss all the previous meetings or something?!
And can basically end up one upping each other with their own self-consciousness or incompetence.

This is not denying that men can also be patronizing with women in a way they would never dream of being with a man, of course, but I think there is also just a misunderstanding in the mansplaining thing where men do not nearly always actually expect you not to know.
M. Basically underwear and too revealing. Bikinis are meant for sluts and prostitutes (that's why all women wear bikinis now).
I dont think it is honestly
Why would you be mute?
Get drunk and go to the strip club. Or go camping
>tend to not come back if there are waitresses instead of waiters
Are you gay or something bro?
RIP moth boi
Well I can't leave stairway light on cuz people sleeping but the dumb boi flew out there anyway so I closed the door
That’s dealmaker right there
woman here
how do i know that a man likes me for me and wants a serious relationship with me
this is just a general question as im not dating anyone at the moment
I can learn ASL, thats not a problem for me
No, I'm pretty quiet myself so...
If I really liked her I'd learn sign language
anon, you give so little fuck about others that you most likely WILL be rapey in a one on one situation. your fear is quite justified
It is really like that.
Our personalities/worldviews are a jenga: take away the right piece and it all falls apart, never to be the same again.
that's the thing, he won't. He cut down on drinking, and just basically listens and observes in our hangouts instead of actively participating like before
Hold off on sex initially and see how he reacts. Most guys who are only looking for something casual won't be willing to wait. Also, if he wants to introduce you to his friends/family then you know he's serious
impossible to say
If she's a good girl, no. But the two mute women I've met were arrogant and off-putting. Dealbreaker.
Sorry atoga ex gf, I am already taken and was using you for advice on what my gf might prefer on returning. My deepest apologies for leading you on. How can I ever make it up to you?
Give it time, he probably got his heart broken badly and he obviously invested pretty much everything in this relationship, tried really hard for it. He must feel very deeply defeated on top of the heartache.

You can do no more than be the best friend you can be.

Whatever you do, do not actually tell him anything he could easily interpret as "you're no longer fun". He knows and it will hurt him, but more, if he gets tempted to push the hurt down super hard to keep up the pretense, it will only harm him all the more in the long haul.

If we get very badly hurt emotionally, it just takes time, like a physical injury that is very severe also does. Just keep a close eye on him and make sure there is some improvement over time, let him know he can hit you up anytime for anything and back it up with your actions.
Maybe he was putting on an act before trying to be le funny clown but he's actually an introvert
Or maybe he's bipolar or something cause that sounds a lot like mania vs. depression desu
or you could just woman up and just ignore it
why would that make me gay
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An incel song from the 11th century.
Women, why are you like this?
I'm glad I told him to stop calling me a term of endearment when he tells me goodmorning, he said sorry he would stop and has left me alone the rest of the day

I feel like my body is starting to recharge now, it feels really good to not be used as a therapist for someone who isn't even compatible with me

should I unfriend him in a few days since he will probably never get better/take accountability, should I message him right before I do explaining or just ghost
>the two mute women I've met were arrogant and off-putting
Are you sure you didn't just misinterpret their inability to speak as arrogance?
>woman up
Ah yeah cause I'm def a woman haha...
Because why would you rather go somewhere with male waiters than somewhere with sexy waitresses you can flirt with?
What’s wrong with being a manwhore.
literally me fr
Look, I'm trying to lose weight here but whenever someone says "looksmax" I unironically want to die of cringe.
no, not really
fake your death
Nothing, that's why it makes women seethe
this sounds legit
the introducing to friends/family seems very true ime...
Alright great, I'll die alone then, not my problem or I'll juat be killed by cops and start the incel revolution which finally revokes womens rights with my martyrdom, whichever comes first.
Bro was down bad s m h
OG sadboi hours frfr
Yes, that all sounds good to me and I'm glad you are taking better care of yourself now and setting boundaries. Rock on anon
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congrats on your journey of looksmaxing, next step is picrel
>sexy waitresses you can flirt with?
if im going out to eat im going out to eat not to flirt with some minimum wage student.
whats the point of flirting anyways when you dont get anything out of it
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>I'm just gonna die alone
Sounds good to me.
There is a saying.
Women can fake an orgasm but men can fake a whole relationship.
Okay that's a legitimate reason, please be my gf
I don’t know. I think I just need to date someone.
have done.
tfw I’ll never have someone care about me like this because I don’t hit all the social cues to make people entertained and laugh
are you actually, completely mute right now and until the end? or is it hypothetical question

i suppose it would be a challenge but then i do enjoy challenges. do you have sweet personality?
This is not the same problem, loving hags is natural and good.
Every young man needs to go through an older woman phase. It’s good for personal growth.
>Women can fake an orgasm but men can fake a whole relationship.
ive never heard this before but ime it is true as well(ive never faked an orgasm though), how do i sniff this out early?
>atoga ex gf
Don't call me that
Women are incapable of friendship
nta but that's actually informative
Here's the sung version:
I recommend listening to the whole of Carmina Burana. It's a masterpiece.
So fucking true
>specified twink zoomers
Lol. Women will refuse to date anyone who isn't a pretty boy and then act like it's over for them because that is the only demographic they like.
Honestly thank god, I love whenever my incelist hatred is justified.
if only anon, if only
I feel kinder to myself today
but should I message him before unfriending or just ghost
are you treating men in same positions the same way?
i mean if he introduces me to his family and friends as his gf than isnt that a clear sign hes being legit?
what should i watch out for?
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I don't particularly like bugs either desu
But I do enjoy doodling them
Because we don't want to have to come back and do your job for you again.
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Meanwhile my school made me see a speech therapist/psychologist when I was little when in reality I just didn't want to talk to anyone
Self loathing.
I have a gym buddy who did this- he broke up with a girl as soon as she started asking about marriage after a year of dating. He was dating her to fuck. It disgusted me. Like as much as I want to have sex, I'm not wired to do shit like that where I'd get into a relationship I don't really care about just because I want to stick my dick in a girl. Like why waste a girl's time like that? We might not be on the biological clock, but she fucking is.
VEry good, now draw him a girlfriend
not really no
>tfw twink zoomer
Where is my hag gf
>with some minimum wage student
What's that got to do with anything lmao
U looking down on someone trying to pay their way through school with an honest job
>whats the point of flirting anyways when you dont get anything out of it
Because it's fun?
I'm shlicking to his voice right now
I agree
Trust your gut. People can fake a lot of things, but not how soft someone's eyes get when they look at someone they truly love, or whether or not they legitimately blush, whether there's a sparkle in their eye.

When you are in a relationship with someone, you are so close, so intimate, nobody normal would be able to keep up anything close to a 24/7 pretense that they truly love you when they don't.
The people that can are actual Ted Bundy types and the thing is, the sad thing, that those people that truly just don't feel empathy etc are usually recognizable to others, they do feel there is something "off" about them, it is just that manners (but he has only been polite!) and rational arguments (he looks normal and put-together) make us not listen to the voice saying it's bad news.

All you have to do is only start a relationship with a guy who truly makes you feel in everything he does, including how he looks at you, talks to you, everything, that you are important to and loved by him.

If you really like the guy for other reasons, but he does not make you feel loved, do not tell yourself stuff like "maybe I am expecting too much, guys are more stoic right". He's just not it.
>U looking down on someone trying to pay their way through school with an honest job
im not looking down on them, I just dont want to interact with them
>Because it's fun?
like licking ice cream trough glass
>Selective mutism
That was what they called it yeah
Male hands
i mean men do have a biological clock, but generally it isnt as short as women's is. i get your point though
how much did he invest in their relationship? have you met other men that do this? what are they like?
Weird coincidence. I'm schlicking to some compliments I got ITT earlier.
well, it would be quite easy with me because i would have just told you straightforward. and the reason you would know it's not a lie is that it would be yet another of a hundred straightforward , insightful things i told you.

i would say if he can hit with a good, deep compliment that you yourself find on the point is a decent clue, since that means he thinks deeply about you.
then there is of course his previous partners and how long has he been together with them
M I think it was slightly cooler today than it had been today. Last week it was about 90 everyday, about 10 degrees above normal. Weather app says 78 right now, this one thermostat says 75. Looks like it’s about to rain right now.
Why won't he listen to my telepathic yearnings and come over uninvited?
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Skill issue
>Hold off on sex initially
this is bullshit.
i am only interested in lasting relationships and nothing casual but i only choose women who are sexually conscious and open and don't play these sort of games
tfw will never give a woman happiness
tfw will never be the life of the party
tfw doomed to be brooding (unlikable)
tfw sealing my own fate with my own self hatred
This is my exact weather. Neighbors?
I’ve been faking this relationship for 8 months now and I’m probably going to fake a marriage soon.
I am thought I was gonna get caught in a tornado in April.
Too loose. I'm not big on tight clothes so you probably can't tell and my breasts technically don't need support (at a given moment), if I want I can also go braless for weeks and not have my breasts bother me. It would just be useless.

Too tight is very uncomfortable though, it presses on your rib cage so you'd feel constricted a bit.
I don't want a bf who is the life of the party because I will get jealous of the attention he receives and of the women who give him attention.
I want to be the life of the party, he can just be hot and brooding in a corner, silently admiring me
Lift and eat. Same as a guy.
>Ah yeah cause I'm def a woman haha...
you clearly are a man and being a man is failing you miserably.
so why not woman up?
This but with the gigachad photo or maybe the Gojo floating pose.
The bliss I feel knowing I am justified in my hatred of women, my despair, my incelism is far greater than any minor joy that true love could bring.
I get such an awesome rush of a dopamine hit every time a woman proves me right nothing in the world compares to it.
Its my time to shine!
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Do you think its a retarded idea to save money for a portion of the year until I have like $20,000 and lose weight and read during that time.Then use that money to hire and expensive escort (like $12,000 for 48 hours or whatever). The plan being to learn as much as I can from her during that time about conversations and social play.

I'm unironically not planning on having sex with her. I just feel like meeting an expensive actually skilled escort is a very unique opportunity and it might be worth the money. If I have her for 48 hours I think that's enough time to genuinely read her and have some good conversations. Maybe even head out and have her give me advice and feedback to learn while we're out in public.

Specifically hiring a girl who is older and seems experienced. Like late 30's early 40's or maybe even older.
Dawg dear hoes ain't shit no mo
Be kinda weird because it’d probably mean you’re at 50. Mostly boomer farmers around here.
Probably eat as much more as she can muster and drink ice cream shakes throughout the day in addition to that?
>just be hot
All women want Chad.
If she doesn't want party Chad she wants brooding Chad.
That’s nice, thanks. Too bad I will never be chosen for that. I’m pretty sure if I killed myself today I wouldn’t be remembered aside from family.
>at 50
What did he mean by this?
meh, i would give it a shot. not sure if i could make it through, but willing to try.
So long as you are up to having crazy adventures with me that is, cause that's my thing
Nigger just get an older woman as your gf
Fuck. I meant at least 50.
Lesbian sex obviously
then quite clearly, it is.
this place is not really helpful if you just come here to fight. you have been advised, you will do whatever you with with the advice
Ugly guys can be hot and brooding too.
It's not about your face it's about the smoldering look in your eyes that betrays a deep, aching soul. It's an energy thing, an aura thing, if you will. You wouldn't get it because you're a boy-princess
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>$12,000 for 48 hours
>I'm unironically not planning on having sex
>late 30's early 40's or maybe even older
This is genuinely the stupidest thing I've ever read ITT and that's saying a lot
Why do young women play the text message waiting game
tight, I like tight clothes anyways
thinking about zoomer twinks stealing my would-be mommy gf makes me anxious
Then I remember that she wouldn't even date me because I was 14 years younger than her
I'm not reading any of that but good for you, hope you find your anti social pretty boy luv I will continue to be invisible to everyone just how I like it.
Hire me instead. I will teach you everything you need to know but I will not touch your dick.
I will likely commit suicide before age 30 by throwing myself into the bottom of a oncoming train.
My crush is 15 years older than me but one day, we'll cross paths again...
thanks this is really true. its hard to find guys like this, most have less than stellar intentions. and i figure most men on dating apps are lowkey just looking for sex or maybe a relationship if the girl is super attractive to them
we don’t, we’re busy and/or you’re not a priority
camel milk, not joking
I'm 7 inches shorter and the same weight, fml I miss being skinny
Sure is a “why was I born” day.
Obligatory “that’s not a question!” Replies when
Women do you like facials? Why or why not?

That's not even close to the same thing. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, I'm looking for someone to teach me about manipulation and social dynamics. I'm looking for someone that literally plays the romance game for a living.


Are you actually skilled? Have you ever sold yourself before and seduced someone into feeling for you in order to get money?

Being able to view people as marks is a prerequisite because if you view things from a relationship standpoint you're already giving skewed advice.
Me too anon, me too.
You're welcome! A good green flag to look out for is if a guy respectfully and thoughtfully disagrees with you on something. This shows apparently he's not just saying whatever he thinks you will like most.

Other than that I can only reiterate to trust your intuition. When someone is actually crazy about you, you just know, you can see in their eyes how you feel yourself.
no sex for 3 months. minimum. This is like a 90% filter, some may still get through.
Talks easily with you.
He talks about the future. Months, years ahead, not only days or weeks.
He shows you off. You get to meet his friends and family.
>how much did he invest in their relationship?
Not sure. He's still friends with her sisters though so I guess it wasn't that bad of a breakup if they're still talking to him. He's a weird 6'2" Australian fuckboy living in America who wants to slam anything that has slanted eyes and weighs <100 lbs.

>have you met other men that do this? what are they like?
Fortunately, not many. They're just dumb 18-22 year old guys who say "a hole is a hole" in private and think that any pussy is better than no pussy. I did know one girl who met her bf freshman year, got an extreme case of FOMO as a senior and dumped him to go have a hoe phase when he thought they were about get married after graduation.

I'd say it helps if you're religious, but honestly even in my church group there's girls with horror stories about how they got engaged to guys who just wanted to rush into marriage so they could have sex. I'm REALLY worried about a couple of friends I have that got engaged within 4 months of dating, and their wedding is next month. The girl moved here a year ago, so that's how long we've all known her for. I don't think my friend's a sleezeball like that but still they're moving way too fucking fast.
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You just need to have that dark, antisocial and mysterious but also daring, playful and fun brooooder energy then she'll think she can fix you (and vice versa)
Why do you want to learn about manipulation and social dynamics? A woman can only teach you how to manipulate *as a woman*. You'll have to hire a man to teach you the ways of a man.
if you won't tell him exactly what your problem is, he will keep repeating the mistake. just tell him, or, even better, write him a letter
Skinny women give me the caveman monkey urge to grab them in one hand and throw them into the air then punt kick them. I don't know why any woman who weighs less than 150lbs just induces that urge in me I wouldn't call it hatred just the urge you get to throw a bug over and over.
The state should place a legal restraining order to keep all women at least 7 feet away from me in diameter and place a neck collar hoop that size around me.
yes, this is precisely what they do for living
I'm not skinny though
The annoying part is that I have to shrug it off because it’s a work day
I fucking love Shadows outfit there but no I am an actual mentally devoid freak who is an absolute subhuman physically and mentally, and my existence alone is why women hate anything about men, so that will never happen I lie back because I know just being alive is enough to cause all women torture.
Seduction is a feminine art. I also just think it would be a good experience for learning.
I don't know and you would have to find out how skilled a super expensive escort would be at actually conversing with people or explaining the dating game for a male frame of reference.

I know the romantic idea of a fancy escort who is not just a sex goddess but can also casually talk philosophy or history or politics, but it would not surprise me at all if nowadays you get very far just with being super hot, sexually skilled and being very good at reading the room, not needing to say much. I doubt many men nowadays dish out serious money specifically to appear with a woman who is a fantastic conversationalist.

And you would need a woman who can express herself easily and is generally thoughtful about these matters. Not just a woman who is good at being a woman and playing the social game, that can also be much more intuitive or otherwise knowledge that is not easily transferred. Plus I take it you don't want to learn how to seduce men or cater to their egos.
Cool story but I didn't ask.
Probably better that you don't. I have to see mine every day of the week and it's not all that great for my mental health.
How do I learn this skill
Teach me your ways
I don't care if you are 5'1 if you weigh 108 you are skinny to me and I could snap your neck using my index finger and thumb.
Yes, I get get one at an aesthetics spa 3-4 times a year, it's really relaxing. I do my own at home once a week. It's good for my skin and part of my skin care routine
You're not too busy to respond to a message.
But you know what? Fuck you, you're right. The Internet has ruined my mind. I fucking hate texting. I want to talk to people but I hate texting.

Thinking of what to say and how to say it. The feeling of my stomach turning as I wait in anticipation for the response. Feeling resentment when I see them in person because I can't ask them why they didn't respond to me, else I come off as an asshole. Not being able to properly gauge their emotions even if I do get a response. I hate all this shit. I wish I could make it all go away. I want to go back to not giving a fuck like when I was a kid.
My dude, it is the same thing. You haven’t been with a lot of older women have you?
I didn't expect much, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I don't weigh 108, can you read?
I weigh 114-115 now and I'm no longer skinny
Ah chin up bro you can't be all bad. You got good taste in outfits at least lol
No. I'm not submissive so not into that "having the face marked" angle and if he comes on my body I at least get to enjoy the sight. Plus semen is a pain to wash out of your hair and stings in your eyes and nose.

Plus nobody ever did it to me but picturing it I find it hard to imagine I would be able not to laugh when I am presented with the sight of a guy who either has very concentrated "I want to cum now" face or aim face.
Never, not even when I was a toddler.
I would rather tell a bunch of anonymous strangers that I want to kill myself over any of my “friends.” Today is bad.
Anyway, check out FMHY
this post triggers me. bah!
What's this?
Should I download tinder and order sex to my doorstep?
I've only done that once as an adult, with maybe a couple of close calls as well. So extremely rarely
If you are under 150 you are skinny to me clearly you didn't read my original post and I want to kick you in the spine even harder now.
Thankfully never.
Better get used to it, cause age makes all women leak
Do it
yes just like the piss
we met on a dating app, turns out he's super mentally unwell, and was giving me mixed signals and finally said he wasn't interested but kept using it to greet me every day anyway. also we have different family goals. he already basically knows i think.
Fashion won't help me with women my existence biologically sends them into deep rage.
I'm dead tired so gonna go brush my teeth and pee, hope moth boi doesn't ambush me on the stairwell...
moth boi is gonna sneak up your urethra when you're not looking
It’s not as easy as you think for a woman. Everyone here thinks Chad is a right swipe away from coming over to plow you but it doesn’t work like that. You’ll end up getting some mid dude.
I don't really need him to be Chad. I'm not Stacy either
Lmfao another case of women rxposing themselves.
Chad is only ever "mid" to you because you settle for him but wany Gigachad deep down.
Clown sex.
Of course.
Too bad women unknowingly always return to them.
showering, shitting, pissing, and teethbrushing, optional
I shower, brush my teeth, and plap down the gf before falling asleep with her titty in my mouth as she calls me her sweet boy.
Maybe it helps to tell yourself "okay so I don't know why I was born yet but I can revisit that question and at least I'm now doing something that helps [anyone around your work place or your customers or whatever] so I'm contributing that currently by being alive".
>Jerk off
>Brush teeth
Google it. It’s my gift to you if I jump into traffic.
Do men not wash their faces..?
In the shower, yeah.
Hey, why'd you purposefully ignore my post, rude af
I don't have acne and my skin is pretty clear so no need to do so outside of a shower
Sorry I didn't mean to
I wonder if there's a better way to find what I'm looking for then. You're pretty much right on the money with what I'm looking for. I want the chance to meet and learn from someone who actually interacts with the world from the specific viewpoint of sophisticated aristocracy, as far as can be matched in modern terms.

Escort seemed like a decent avenue since they live a life of interacting with wealthy people, traveling quite a bit, negotiating and selling themselves and hypothetically offering entertaining company and not just sex.

I don't really expect it to be the same as dating game classes or anything either. You can't REALLY learn a skill in two days regardless and I don't expect that. But I do think conversations with individuals who have unique experiences can literally shape your life and I'd be interested in that.

Maybe there's a better avenue, I don't know. I'll never naturally be able to interact with that sort of person so brute forcing with money seems like the main option.
these are all good ones. but ive heard that some women get "future-faked" and i have before as well
im not, at least not in that trad wait until marriage way. ill have to get lucky to meet a guy who is respectful in this modern dating culture.
There's a female friend who I like but I'm not sure if she is interested. We recently hung out in a group setting and we talked about hiking, I recommended a spot and then the next day she messaged me to say that she is going there, then she told me pretty the place was.

I told her that if she ever wants company to let me know as I'm always happy to hike. She replied "okay I will! I am going away soon for 2 months but I will hike more when I get back".

Was her last message positive or dismissive? I can't tell. And I'm not sure if her doing my recommendation so soon (when she had no plans to hike) are a good thing?
I'm a 32 year old kissless virgin.
M, I usually just pass out on the sofa for a few hours if I'm lucky
If he does that I'm whipping out the bugspray
>If he does that I'm whipping out the bugspray
getting kinky with it, eh
I used to once, I stopped the moment I realized hygiene did not matter, wimmen say it does because they date unhygienic but good looking men, I realized washing my face does not make me look good as it's all about the skull shape, so why bother. Women never gave me shit about my face but they never complimented it either as they never did.
Same as it ever was.
>Was her last message positive or dismissive?
At this point it really could be either one, only time will tell.
men, why do women want us dead?
What is it, Sugar.
They hate us cause we anus.

as in we're too UGLEH

put retainers in wash
wash face
put acne meds on
brush teeth
floss (I try)
put retainers on
>deep breathing until I fall asleep
Does this actually work?
M, underwear.
Don’t talk to me.
I LOOOOOOOOVE wiping my bear asshole on the sheets
My existence alone single handedly makes women irrationally angry. I have done nothing to them but women hate me just for existing anyway, their hate is so great that it spills over to all other men. You'll have to wait until I die for this to stop.
Holy fuck you have a pet bear?!?!?!?!
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>two days
Yeah that really is next to nothing. Especially because naturally it would make sense that you would both want to hear their meta thoughts and also see them interact with others and actually do their thing.

I am sure that in some incarnation, it must exist. But a main issue I think is just that people rely on each other less than they used to. Back when there was simply a lot less to do for fun and a lot more obligated social events, a lot more societal focus was placed both on obtaining knowledge and on stuff like being a good story teller or even just being able to play an instrument well enough to entertain guests. With the birth of the internet, incredibly rapidly a whole culture where lots of pride and joy was found in simply knowing lots of fun facts or having general knowledge beyond everyday life, became almost obsolete overnight.

Basically you have very rich people and you have very cultured people but they are less often the same people or even have serious overlap. I doubt a person like Trump would want to socialize with artists even for the sake of "seeming cultured" for example. And similarly I think a lot of high end escorts now (and they will inevitably be on the young side and thus less experienced with life in general) might have met lots of famous people, lots of important people, but don't necessarily know all that much about the finest nuances of social interactions.

What is then also hard is that you stated in another post that it also needs to be goal-oriented and not relationship-oriented. But a lot of people that DO specialize in stuff like power dynamics and conversation, like great diplomats (if you could even get access to one), are very much relationship-oriented because that is a huge part of their job - building relationships, not playing people.
Atm I got garfield and Tom n jerry
I would punch a woman if she said this to me, you have no clue how irrationally angry this makes me, just looking at it makes me want to rip out my eyes, you are very very lucky the two men you are replying to are not me but I am warning you, do not post this again.
Well? Spit it out dammit!
What's wrong babygirl?
>and i have before as well
This might sound weird but in a way this is the best thing because then you get to observe your past experiences in hindsight when now knowing 100% sure he was not totally serious about you.

All those red flags that you did not really want to see because you liked him, you should try to find now with clear eyes so they can help you find someone who doesn't resemble him.
All's fair in love and bugspray
To me it reads like she is positive about the offer and taking you up on it, just managing your expectations because it will take a while before she can take you up on it, so you won't start wondering why she hasn't yet.
Well I feel a bit better, got some fresh air. My bed head looks better than my normal hair for some reason. I hate Vegeta hairline. Be sure to subscribe
Just shorts, might evolve into a boxers only type fella
Fat and balding
Female, babydolls in the summer
Why do I find it much easier to join in conversations with groups of girls IRL than with groups of guys (I am a guy btw)
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:( ?
>sloth onesie
You're gay
like actually.
oh i thought you live together
How do I get my gf to stop scratching the fuck out of me. It was kinda novel at first but she’s starting to leave scars and bleeding into my shirts. She says she can’t help it when she orgasms and feels terrible afterwards.
You were warned.
Three days.
I'm lonely :(
People assume I'm gay but I'm not, that's the thing lol
Guys are always talking about shit like sports and cars and politics which idk how to contribute to
Girls talk about much more general relatable topics
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Okay man, but life would be easier for you if you just started fucking men instead of pretending you're not gay
cut her nails
Old t shirt and shorts.
I didn’t even think about gloves, 200 IQ anon, thanks
Eh maybe but I feel like it goes beyond that
Life would be easier if I was gay but I'm only attracted to gals
What do you want us to do about it, we're just little people who live in your computer
>but I'm only attracted to gals
Then why are you fantasizing about getting your pooper dooted by absolutely towering motherfuckers
I think you're the only one fantasising about it kek
OK let's do some Freaky Friday shit and swap for the day
What's happening in 3 days?
You won't do nuffin
Wanna cuddle?
Men, my nose is stuffy. Fuck you.
Do we need to get you a pair of the gloves too?
My old t-shirts and my old shorts?
Thinking about burning my house down for the insurance money
They know
Yess pls
My nose is stuffy too.
I think I have allergies or something, cause I'm leaking tears too.
You'll see.
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Jealous of all you people who have a bed to sleep in desu. I haven't slept in a bed in weeks. Make the most of it anons. You don't realise how good the simple things are until they're gone.
Purrhaps. They’re usually from work as part of anniversaries or from a 5k.
Nigga, stop doing coke, that's nigga shit
How was your latest run?
You could sleep in my bed if you wanted but u playin
You relate to them differently. I have been friends with two men who almost never got along easily/naturally with other men and in both cases they couldn't deal well with the sort of one upping and hierarchy forming among guys.

Of course women have our own kind, but as a guy you are kind of exempt from most of the social code there so you can feel like there's nothing like that at all.
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That's a shame, all I have right now are books. I've been working through a lot of them. The main books being "The Great Books of the Western World" set, but I also have books specifically on courtesans, prostitutes, etc, which is where I even got the idea of seeking out modern escorts. I also have a lot of biographies and books about and written by diplomats that I've been working through. I've almost finished Henry Kissingers Diplomacy for example. That made me want to pick up books on Bismark, Teddy Roosevelt, and Benjamin Disraeli to learn from.

I guess for right now books are just my best option. I've been working on pooling money in general because I figure money is sort of like having a military. If you have money on hand it doesn't actually matter whether it's deployed doing something. Simply having the money available creates leverage and opportunity.

I don't know, maybe I can solicit older women around my community to offer some insights. There's a few older women I work for that are ingrained in the community that might be able to help. Maybe I can literally contract some people for their time and take private classes basically even though its not exactly the same.
I don't have a car or a license
Currently couchsurfing
I haven't done coke in ages actually
It was alcohol that fucked me up lol
F nothing
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Empty threat
Keep that shit away then, also stop drinking so much.
disgusting, just leaking fluids onto your bedsheets
D: D:
Do you have a nice bed
>one upping and hierarchy forming among guys
>women have our own kind, but as a guy you are kind of exempt from most of the social code
Hm I didn't really think about that, very good points, thanks for illustrating it
Haven't lost much yet, but I jet feel it, the next hit I suffer is going to absolutely destroy me and send me into a never ending spiral of despair and grief.
i have lost myself in these trying times
>books specifically on courtesans, prostitutes etc
You will run into the same issue. While I think it is still true that most customers of sex workers also pay for the talking afterwards, the situation that was many times the case in the past where a person who was well-known could not afford to talk freely to basically anyone in his social circle because it was so hard to keep secrets (but nobody would care what some street hooker had to say) is not there anymore. It has gotten a lot easier to separate those things and just do a zoom session with your therapist and then fuck someone, for example.

It seems obvious to me that if you really want to meet interesting people and get as close as you can to a modern intellectual elite, you need to work on becoming as interesting as you can and provide good company (reading is definitely great for that) and concede that you won't be able to go straight to the top of the pyramid but get in from one person to the other.
I just lost the game
>Hm I didn't really think about that, very good points, thanks for illustrating it
You're welcome! FWIW I really relate, I never had this issue with gender but I super enjoy being in an environment where I don't "belong" (based on my education, or because I'm only watching as a researcher or whatever) for that same reason. It gives you an exemplary status where you can partake and feel involved, without having to worry (as) much about breaking social codes. Plus you ALSO don't have to worry as much about "fitting in" because there is already an obvious reason for you to not fit in wholly, one that does not hurt you, whereas not being recognized as the same by your peers would hurt a lot.
Would you date a girl who poops every morning right before you have to brush your teeth?
Does she understand that two can play at that game?
As long as she don't mind me calling her stinky every morning.
>stop drinking so much
Okay but can I finish this beer first pls
Now there's a fly in the room I'm trying to shoo away, fml
You just blew my mind anon
Ye whatev I can wait (or take toothbrush to work)
>Okay but can I finish this beer first pls
There was a thunderstorm so I didn’t run the last one. The skies opened up right at starting time and half the people headed for cover. Instead I did two separate 2500m on the rower today.
But I've already cracked it open so it would be a waste...
Too bad, better luck with the next one.

>Instead I did two separate 2500m on the rower today.
Nice. I hope you continue to have a successful Self-Improvement Summer.
Just let me have this
Not fat.
Not having this is how you manage to have anything in the future, bro
Okay to add one more: it also work the other way around and this is why you so often hear girls who are mostly or only friends with guys proclaim other women are just "too much drama" - because for whatever reason they cannot or don't want to keep up with the specific gendered expectations.

If this is also generally really your thing and you still have to decide what to do with your future, make sure to look into cultural anthropology even if just for the heck of it. It's literally a whole study field based on the principle of the person who learns all the social code but never really blends.
F. Basketball shorts and a tshirt.
Maybe there's a better way to reallocate the money then.
>It has gotten a lot easier to separate those things and just do a zoom session with your therapist and then fuck someone, for example.

I see this as a weakness that I deliberately would like to exploit. I know people are relying more and more on social media and easy methods of distant communication. They're losing their edge in direct physical interaction and being able to read immediate body language and communication.

I want to try and hone those skills and become strong at those skills that most people are letting die off. Mostly because my bet is that there's no replacement for them. You can't just rewrite millions of years of evolution with a couple decades of technology. You can get all the social media interaction you want but its not the same thing as physical contact or actually being near someone. I want to train those skills to give me an edge when I reach my late thirties or so.

Do you think just offering to pay for a lot of dates would be a more effective use of money? Like, hypothetically if you spend $400 a night that's 30 evenings of experience to be gained for the same $12,000. Which may be more worthwhile (hypothetically).
My future, my innocence.
>Do you think just offering to pay for a lot of dates would be a more effective use of money?
Not really no, also because the big issue remains the vetting process and knowing in advance that whatever person or persons you settle for can actually deliver that.

I mean, you're not wrong in your reasoning, social intelligence is only going to get more precious and sparse. It wouldn't surprise me if unless something big changes, in a few generations it would already give you edge to be able to make eye contact with strangers freely and sit through an uncomfortable silence without grabbing your phone.

But you are looking for a short cut for developing an intuition that is helped by talent and empathy and intelligence but mostly just honed through day in day out social interactions. Such a thing does not exist. Maybe to get you like a speed course on some insights, sure. But to actually be able to read others and live and breathe this stuff, absolutely not. It would need to come from grabbing every single chance you have to make hours and learn, the rough way, the way everyone does. The slow way. Look on the bright side, this also means if you do manage then you have less competition still - because no shortcuts.

My semen, (I just came), (it was a lot)
I've lost nothing that I can't regain
I'm a drifter, just blew into town...
On a coin toss?
I don't know I couldn't say.
Seriously though my ex.
What a waste
Basically, I had a house that I had spent a lot of time and money on, and then my dad backstabbed me and sold it out from under my nose. I had planned to move my girlfriend in there and start a family, but yeah, after my dad stole it from me, it all fell apart from there.
Not true, you can't regain your hymen
How'd you lose her?
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Would you date a 3'11 girl?
standing blowjobs...
I guess the best option then is to look for everyday opportunity and get hours in while deliberately practicing.
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Call it.
Yeah sure
Absolutely. And willfully. It takes will power. You are naturally inclined to explain situations in your favor. You have to learn to turn the camera around and ask yourself again and again "the way this person behaved made sense to them, what can I imagine that might have led them to have this as a sensible response". You have to learn to WANT to understand people, which is easier said than done because it makes the world more complicated, you also understand better why things are so incredibly much harder in practice than on paper and that is an illusion people don't like to part from.
All my friends
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>is how you manage to have anything in the future, bro
Bro my life is already fucking over why do you think I drink lol
I had a friend that looked respectable and intimidating in his suit and a sharp haircut.. He would say he's fat probably most here would. He could cosplay the stapler guy from office space.

Good clothes that fit actually matter.
If you're buying your clothes from a circus supply website, you might have a point.
>Bro my life is already fucking over why
That's a lie.
I never lost it though, it was reabsorbed into my body
when i was young i used to genuinely feel like the people i talked to online were my friends. just anons in threads. i dont feel like that anymore, but i miss it. being lonely hurts. i miss being wrong and happier.
If you're a *oid then I am your friend.
When I got betrayed and broke up with the love of my life, I lost my reason of being, my motivation, my desire.
If I would count as your friend, then I guess the definition would not mean very much so I can't. But even as an anonymous stranger to another anonymous stranger, I do wish the very best for you.
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How do you know that?
I don't know shit, but you know it's true.
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>been talking to a girl for a few months
>she wanted to meet up with me when were both able to 2 months
>suddenly get insecure and can’t figure out whether she’s actually interested
>block her
She was willing to respond to my messages multiple times a day so I assumed she was just being nice
I think it’s pathetic to think that sex = success, yes
Probably? They take up quite a bit of room, and I’ve squeezed through crowded rooms before. A bit of boob contact is unavoidable.
>me reading this thread right now
I need to have sex with him one more time
Men, does it seem like your fingernails have been growing faster lately? What’s up with that?
I'm going to be honest, she wasn't a good person but I basically broke down in front of her and she left.
Call it?
Call what?
Thanks for the whitepill, next time a guy blocks me I’ll assume he just got insecure, and not because I did anything wrong
It's called a bf.
Not a man but this is happening to me rn
>I want intimacy
But not the kind where you take your pants off?
Can’t you just be touchy-feely with female friends? Women don’t even have to say “no homo”.
I haven't had sex in over a year and I just finished my period a few days ago
Did you change your diet recently? Getting more/less sun?
Kinda, I have to trim them every week or they hurt.
Nope neither of those things
Wallahi it is the second coming.
Femanon shall give virginal birth to the mahdi, he shall destroy Israels third temple and bring about a thousand years of heaven on Earth.
>Call what?
I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair.
your transformation is beginning
embrace your new form as a lizard person
*blocks you*
Nope I've always bit them off for as long as I can remember
This is the proper way to assess all male behaviour. Don’t consider your own actions, simply consider why he’s being stupid.
women: tell me please. when you take pics like >>31495786 (or, rather, have someone take pics like that), you absolutely know what you are doing, right?
superior female empathy and emotional intelligence on display
I'm not a virgin :/
Actually yes lol I felt this recently, had to cut em a few days ago
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Is this true?
Everything we do matters to us, lol
it doesn't matter if the world doesn't care

force feeding you some bloomer shit Foie gras style
Pure adoration
I had a crush on my cousin when I was a young kid
christcuck cringe post
A good tip for understanding the female mind is that their emotions are real. As in, if they feel something is true, then it's essentially true. Like if you feel like you are on fire, being informed that you aren't isn't particularly helpful.

Addressing the source of the emotion doesn't resolve the emotion.
If a woman is upset by an action, addressing the action does not resolve her upset any more than removing oily rags from nearby a furnace addresses the house fire it caused.

A woman's feelings are a real and separate thing from the reality around her that influences them.

None of this is to suggest that women are incapable of logic, reason, or rational thought. They're often simply using it, at various individual levels of skill, while regarding their emotions as real.
I need to get pregnant and grow my boobs
The thought behind it is “damn I look good” and that’s all. Yes it’s vain, but I’m mostly showing off to other girls. Guys will jerk off to me wearing a potato sack, so why would they factor in my decisions at all? No offense.
Now kiss
The only thing holding me back from murdering people is God.
Chest envy is cute
I post pics like this to show off my abs. If I had huge titties I would cover them up or zoom in on my tummy, since I know boobs are distracting lol.
How do women feel about men who don't
>jerk off to me wearing a potato sack
and actually care about what you wear?
I don't volunteer to help. Creating new life should never be taken so frivolously.
Murder me please
How do I get a gf with a natural tan but no tanlines?
I wrap it up in a lot of layers, you know. You'd have to convince me that you're genuinely evil or deserve it.
Kill yourself
I don’t think they exist. I mean, yes guys “care”, but not in any meaningful way.
I’m not saying men bad, just that you love women too much for our clothes to matter.
No, I put away my crush on my cousin when I was 12
Nta but some men actually do care. I think they might be closeted gays though
I unironically feel disgust when I see women wearing "lazy" clothes outside though
There are genuinely clothes and hairstyles that destroy my attraction for a woman.
Don’t guys show off their bodies like this? Women do too. In school it was “thinspo” but now it’s lifting progress pics. I’m proud of my efforts.
I deserve relief from this world
are you insane?
NTA but I can understand this. You’ll never see me at the gas station with pajamas and no makeup.
>destroys my attraction
Even if you can still tell she has a cute ass?
I pretty much need a sexual element to get hard, either dirty thoughts or sexy interactions. And I can become diamonds in seconds and stay that way indefinitely.

As a teen, a gentle breeze could get me hard. Now, I can have close quarters conversations with incredibly hot and sexy women and won't twinge until something sexy happens.
Oh… I assumed it was for guys, since it does nothing for me :/
>natural tan but no tanlines
Nudist colony I guess?
I appreciate the good sentiment haha
I just don't feel like anything matters anymore
>Even if you can still tell she has a cute ass?
"Waste of such a nice ass, dressing like that in public, she looks like she crawled out of bed"
>The thought behind it is “damn I look good” and that’s all.
>I’m mostly showing off to other girls.
[X] Doubt

>Guys will jerk off to me wearing a potato sack, so why would they factor in my decisions at all?
Some pics are far more suggestive and therefore make our pps harder than others. I bet you know that, at least subconsciously.
But I'm not here to criticize, I'm trying to understand you.

>I know boobs are distracting lol.
How distracting? Could you post a pic on >>>/soc/atoga please?
If you say so. I generally only feel the urge with sinners, though. Murder is in my blood, my dad killed people and my mom tried to as well. I just temper it by telling myself "only the bads" and faith in the Lord.
Lower back, slow circular rubs until she pounces on me.
1 pot.
I function better on two but it's not always convenient
>Some pics are far more suggestive and therefore make our pps harder than others. I bet you know that, at least subconsciously.
The most sexual comments I’ve ever gotten were on Christmas photos with my grandma in them, and I’m wearing a loose sweater with nothing showing. If there’s a way to tell which pics guys like most, I don’t know it.
I am a sinner and I can't stop sinning no matter how hard I try
it's one way of looking at it
i mean, the actual reason church is anti abortion is precisely because it makes more believers for it when believers have more children, simple.
not sure why would feminist be a believer anyway tho
woman wearing nothing but a potato sack does sound real hot actually
>but I just don't feel the need to be "on" for guys 24/7.
That's kind of the mindset that I hate though.
When you only value dressing well for a specific purpose, it begins, and ends with that specific goal in mind.
People should put effort into what they wear for the same reason we want to spend more time in a pretty place than an ugly industrial concrete dumpster.
Beauty for beauty's sake, fashion for fashion's sake. Not simply to attract the opposite sex.
I didn't put nothin up.
Entitled post. I’m not required to show off my ass at all times. If I’m at the gas station, it’s because I need gas. Or am I misunderstanding?

Ottermode is good, I was thinking of the huge roidbeasts who eat 5000 calories daily for “bulking”.
How do I get my parents to stop "hovering over" me? Like, I'm literally just going home to lie in bed and listen to weird shit on youtube. Yeah I have a history of drug abuse and mental issues but last time I got into a really bad place I was up front with them about it and we got through it without a lot of heartache.
they were written in greek, where they not?
Would you prefer a cold, emotionless death, or a violent, hot, sickeningly beautiful death?
That might be because we can't do shit like posting "love your tits momma" without being told by simps and other women to fuck off or even get publicly executed...
NTA but I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how painful that must have been
I long ago had a very confusing event with this. I was extremely inexperienced and I wasn't aware of what low class girls were capable of. Apparently, one girl was trying to show off my dick to her friend in the back of a public movie theater. I'm pretty sure.
It was difficult but I managed to keep my pants zipped and follow the entire film but not a bit of what they were doing.
I actually think it's entitled to think like dressing decent is a "service" in the first place. Anyway, see >>31497010
>noo it’s because I want the world to be a more beautiful place, me getting a raging boner is just a side effect
I’m wearing sweatpants and you can’t stop me
Very true. Fucking degenerates.
Have a good day at work anon
Do you live with them?
LMAO okay bro, it’s for deep aesthetic reasons, not because it makes your wiener tingly, I believe you
Ask /lit/.
I wrote a little poem inspired by >>31496406
Would you like to read it?
> but women's clothing that looks sexy is generally really uncomfortable
I don't think that inherently has to be, and this also doesn't just apply to "sexy" clothes.
weren't we just talking about how men are going to get boners from you dressing in sweatpants anyway?
>Do you live with them?
Nope. I live like 5 minutes away and they literally know where I am at all times because of this phone app thing.
I don't have a body like that, I honestly don't feel sexual or sexualized when I wear a bikini
I'm so sorry anon ):
Is it too much to ask to NOT leave those comments on pics with my dead grandma in them…?
um, delete the phone app?
Male hands
Violent, hot, sickeningly beautiful
Any ideas?
>ha! thinking that men like female butts is the REAL sexism!
ok, but can you understand why I think men do like them?
I don't give a fuck about the phone app, its not like I'm out meeting dangerous people or some shit.
I care more about the fact that they will constantly call me if I'm not at their house for dinner. Or if we went out for dinner, they will ask stuff like "you're coming over, anon, right???" even though I've just spent the last 12 hours with them
Just slip on a cotton dress
>hot girl doesn’t know she’s hot
That’s even sexier.
I think supermarkets should be destroyed
but seriously, I think the reason mentally you separate "just going to get groceries" from other reasons to go out is a result of the same utilitarian mindset that has made it impossible for most people to be able to live within walking distance of all the shops they need.
Half my life (shitty family, poverty, got raped, had (undiagnosed) depression, had cancer)
And I lost my gf some months ago because I'm a fucking retard.

Oh fuck, nvm, I misread.
I'm sorry for your loss and also sorry for my fellow men being disrespectful.

Not even a nice big ass?
Cotton in 95F weather?!
Women, why don't you wear skirts/dresses more often? They almost always look cute
The fuck are you saying? Are you here to be serious or just a snarky troll?
lol no worries. It’s ok to say I’m cute all dolled up for Christmas, but I draw the line at family pictures.
Bro, leave your dad alone.
that’s how I interpreted your post. I consider it a “service” because guys ask for it.
>Italy with an open air market
You do at least understand what the world should look like, though.
cotton is a hot weather fabric, so yes? what else would you wear? stinky sweaty polyester?
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Girls don't let a body part define you.
what i started doing with my family was getting
extremely straightforward. Like, addressing the elephant in the room and only the elephant, however everyone could feel about it.
>hi mom and dad, you keep calling me when i don't want to be called. i suspect it's due to the drug thing but it doesn't change the fact that i have a life otherwise and a need to privacy
and then just don't shut up about it. what do you think they will do? make another son? they are handcuffed to you just as much as you are handcuffed to them. if their behavior bothers you, bother them with yours. just be straightforward and not passive aggressive about it, otherwise it will spiral into the schizofrenia realms
Poetry isn't sincere if it's done with the expectation of (You)s. True poetry is created and even shared regardless of how little response it will receive.
The service I am referring to is "not looking like an eyesore" which a lot of people can't manage anymore.
Cotton is extremely breathable..?
Because I don’t own any and I’m poor
I'm in that mood where I don't even want to specifically effortpost or get involved with some sort of entertainment media, I just want to chill out and day dream for like an hour or two while occassionally checking my (You)s.
can anyone relate?
I'm going to start a charity that gives cute skirts to impoverished femanons
I do all the time and I just bought 4 more dresses and 5 skirts over the weekend
My mom is the one who posted them and tagged me, you know how boomers love their 60-picture photo albums haha
It makes me sick to write this but
A violent death would entail a complete breakdown, a death of the mind before the body. I'd slowly peel you back, learning all your deepest fears and forcing you to confront them. Psychological agony is delicious, the brain that murders itself. A slow, drawn out affair where I slowly lacerate more and more of your body, lapping your blood as you weaken, raping and taking your soul. Its all cold, you know. Your end will be cold, even if the path is hot and violent. Even while I caress you as you slip away, I'll whisper that into your ear. You are nothing, and you will become nothing. A choking, bruising, bleeding masterpiece that will amount to nothing but my kicks. I always enjoyed seeing the fear the most. Everyone feels it, you know. The terror as their bodies struggle, the writhing and screaming. Everyone gets to that point. You're no different.
What happens if I see a girl with big tits and automatically think
Thank you for your service
I've been doing this all day, yea
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Here's one for you, friend!
But that’s how I was referred to for 8 years of my life.

>women are eyesores unless they dress up
That’s your problem. Change your thinking.
The best part of the summer is seeing women in light dresses.
Do you agree?

Too bad I live on the other hemisphere and it's cold as fuck in here.
total skirts life
No, everyone is an eyesore without a decent dress standard.
If you're intent on being a troll I won't respond anymore. Peace.
I think most people look average at worst. Why so negative? If you like women, shouldn’t you enjoy seeing them?
I'm not doing it with the expection of yous. I'm asking because I won't post shit others don't want to see.
Several times in the past femanons here asked "what do you guys do in your free time" and many of us said "writing" or "poetry", then they complained that poems never get posted here.
But now that I'm offering to post something I just wrote, they don't want to see it. They're dead silent.
Why are women such hypocrites?
For me it's living near the beach and bikinis
>light dresses
*light clothes in general...
All my fears have come true. You can skip all that. It would be more beautiful if you held me and told me you loved me as you kill me.
What do you consider the minimum effort required to not be an eyesore?
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Honestly I just feel really defective when I read these threads, like a robot who's miserably failed at being a human.
I really need to stop posting here, and just talking to people in general
For me, it’s long bare legs and cute feet.
Girlies, thank you for shaving your legs and painting your toes.
This but me with my enormous penis.
Dammit, here's your (you)
>I think most people look average at worst.
I'm not talking about facial aesthetics.
>Why so negative? If you like women, shouldn’t you enjoy seeing them?
Usually the women I like seeing are dressed decent. It's typically dudes who are worst in this regard.
Not big in proportion to the rest of me, no. And not that other anon, but it sounds like you had a tough go of it. Hope you're healthy and doing okay, anon

I do wear them in the summer, but it's top cold to dress like that in winter
But you are, aren't you.
I mean same, but what’s your question?
I need a titty monster gf to forget about my depression in an instant. How do I get one?
Same, though I'm more defective than you considering I can't even manage to find a job.
You've got the skill and the drive, you're just struggling a little.
I unironically believe in #freethenipple maybe it would cure this
Think of yourself as a tank. You are solid. You are armored. You are impervious. All their negative vibes cannot penetrate you, they just bounce right off your side. If they won't get out of your way then you can steamroll right over them. If you wear a tank top then you are a tank, and you top those bitches.
I’m not talking about just the face either. Seeing men dressed casually makes me smile, and it’s sad you don’t feel similarly about women.
No, best part of summer is long days with lots of sunlight, and thunderstorms
>not wearing trackpants in public
>not wearing basketball shorts in public
>the sweatshirt/leggings/sneaker combo
>that lazy topknot
>wearing athleisure outside of exercise
Like a whisper in your ear about how beautiful your suffering is. How you deserve this, the knife in the back. I'm the only one that can see you. The only one who will give you the sweet release you need. I'm only doing this because I love you. I love that you are weak. That you are not worthy of life. I love your self loathing, your pathetic cries for help. It sickens me, enrages me how weak you are. You don't deserve this life, this gift. You never did. I will gladly take it, and destroy your consciousness, my last gift to you. A perfect death.
You will win another (You) depending on how tall you are
My question is why aren't we having sex?
Isn’t the point of skirts to show off your legs? I’m short with stumpy little baby legs. I can’t do skirts.
That's perfect <3
This isn't about casual/formal.
>sounds like you had a tough go of it. Hope you're healthy and doing okay, anon
I am, thanks for your best wishes.
Can't fucking forget my ex after breaking up with her and living alone for almost 3 months though... But I will survive this.
The best part of summer is the constant sweating, miserable humidity, and abundance of flying bugs in my house. And there are no cute girls with nice legs anywhere so all I want to do during summer is kill myself
I read that going topless was common in Japan until the 19th-20th century where they changed due to Western influence.
Can I wear basketball shorts if I’m tall? I really like them…
>all these morons going for huge tits when the best breasts are perky and fit a hand
baka fr
Nta but I wear long skirts
doesn’t browsing atoga make the pain worse? all these biological females with boobs and butts chatting away, and you can’t have them?
I really just want a gf with full lips and a round bubble ass.
What is it like to kiss a woman with sexy lips?
I have huge hands
women have been wearing skirts since before "showing off your legs" was a consideration. wear them if you want to but nowadays they are kind of an archaic clothing, like the suit and tie
It feels like her lips never end, then suddenly there’s teeth
NTA but yeah, I'm a leaf and it's legal to go topless in pubic where I live. I've only ever seen a couple of times on the waterfront, though
>doesn’t browsing atoga make the pain worse?
It kinda does to be honest. I'm fucking stupid and don't really know what I'm doing here...
I haven't been able to find a chat app to talk to other people though (other than dating apps... which I guess also make things worse). This is the closest thing I've found :(
Nta but post hand
How long are we talking? Below the knee length?

If my body image issues were miraculously cured I’d consider it
men do you think he would mind if I ghosted him since he isn't looking for anything with me and I think he already has enough female friends
Sometimes I think men ITT see us as floating boobs typing with our nipples
Pretty much at my ankles
Give yourself time, anon. It will get better
>sucking femanon's nipples as she types away on /atoga/...
you should ghost him whether or not he minds, he does not deserve you
>enough female friends
No such thing. Every girl adds joy to my life, even if we don’t talk often. Even if he doesn’t care about you, why change his impression of you from neutral to negative?
Yes, he would mind. Just shoot him a quick farewell and say that you don't think you can talk to him anymore because you need to focus on your own mental health (true).
The only skirts that length I have are super frilly EGL skirts lmao
I need to retool my wardrobe to look like a normal person
i have scabs around my areolas
i self mutilate them
I do not like women.
Good luck finding them, I have ghost nipples.
does that just mean you have hard to see aerolas? don't the nipples poke out?
like in a sexy way, or a weird gender dysphoria way?
Glad you enjoyed haha
I know he said that too
he kind of made me feel negative by being self centered and only complaining all the time without trying to get better and I feel lead on now.
I feel a lot better today since we haven't talked after I told him I don't want to be called a term of endearment. I'm thinking about how I will feel in few days and might do it then
Got told I look like Jack Altoff (?), a producer for Taylor Swift.
Was this a compliment? Women pls
How could that possibly be sexy to you?
Hmm okay, that changes things. Nobody likes being used as a trauma dump. And it’s good that you’re setting boundaries, calling you weird pet names is absolutely something you have the right to push back on. I’d say give him some time to listen to you and improve, and if he just ignores you, then yeah, ghost his ass.
I really, really, really like boobs
Self-harm scars won’t make me like them any less
women: would you go back with him?
guys: would you go back with her?

how long has it been?
I don't have a her and never have
because it has to be done while topless
>googled him
It’s over.
That's the question of the last 7 weeks. I'm leaning more towards no because I want to whore out, but I do love her. Not easy!
My highschool gf, if she was single yes, but deserves much better and has gotten a much better bf so...
This question seems to imply I’m the one who ended my relationships, when in reality I’ve been dumped all 3 times. I have no control over it. I’d love to go back to any of them, but they’ve made it clear I’m not their type.
I guess almost a year now
not sure if whitepill or blackpill that men genuinely don’t care if you carve up your tits
Jobs are overrated lol you don't want one :p (but I'm sure you can find something)
Thanks, you're a nice dude. Sorry I was just having a bit of a meltie
are you me? jfc this shit is hard, isn't it?

hope you find a good man, anons
I don't cut them. I pick at the bumps
He's cute. Lana fans don't like him, though
Oh and
>how long has it been
Broke up with her almost a decade ago...
Also at this point I would probably go back to the girls since who only wanted FWB. idc about getting used lol, I have no self-esteem left to lose
I think about him all the time still
>are you me? jfc this shit is hard, isn't it?
The hardest part is knowing that I'll never have her again if I choose the single route. There were issues, and she wasn't a perfect fit, but I truly do love her. Like I know I *could* find a better fit, and there's reasons we broke up, but 6 years doesn't disappear in 7 weeks.
ohh ok, “self mutilate” just sounded extreme to me, but that’s more on the level of chewing your fingernails
sure, I’d rather you didn’t, but it’s far from being a dealbreaker
Thanks anon. We’re all gonna make it.
it's 3 years for me. I can't fucking make up my mind between moving to whore out or asking her if she wants to restart things.
I still love her but some of her behavior was annoying to me and I doubt she will have a serious talk with me about it, but I haven't even tried.
What bumps??
I'm not the original anon. Idk what she does
>wake up
>realize that I am indeed a 25 year old virgin
>have no idea how I'm going to lose it when I'm actually in a position to do so
do women like taking men's virignities?
>I still love her but some of her behavior was annoying to me and I doubt she will have a serious talk with me about it, but I haven't even tried.
This was always the main issue with mine. She hated serious talks. She literally said it makes her nauseous and she needs to lay down and speak in a monotone voice, like she basically has to meditate to have any serious conversation. Very draining. At this point I'm leaning towards whoring out because there are so many different people. I kinda just hope we can remain friends somehow, even though she's said she can't handle that. But also she acts like she can so IDK. You should at least reach out, although 3 years is a while. Do you know if she still loves you? You guys talk regularly?
he explained to me that he sends all of his friends this in the morning with that name. I don't want my words of affirmation used as a just-friends thing. after I thanked him for reminded me how he felt/ripping the bandaid off for me all he said in response to that is "I wish my life was easier" and it just felt like he didn't care about me at all.

how long of a time do I give him to get better because I need to keep my boundaries now to keep my from feeling bad. I mean he needs to get doctors/therapy so appointments take time and even then, he did say if he was in a better place mentally he wanted it to work but that isn't reality
This one does. The ideal man would let me guide him, so I get to feel the moment when he goes from not knowing where to put his hands, to having his hands all over me.
Instead of feeling ashamed of being a virgin
Shame experienced women for not knowing how to guide a virgin to pleasure her instead.
>just approach girls in real life bro!
>hey I was wondering if y-
>go away creep!
>*calls 911*
>You have the right to remain silent
F maybe, but he has a child now so it could be weird/awkward.

like 12 years
>I think it’s pathetic to think that sex = success, yes
Wait, why's that pathetic?
This, you're the expert here, and you're telling me you don't know how you want me to pleasure you?
>all he said in response to that is "I wish my life was easier"
Lmao yikes, he’s taking something this personal and saying it’s just an annoyance to him…
Ok, it sounds like he’s had enough time already. Either keep insisting he address you properly if you have the energy to play hardball, or cut all ties and be amazed at how much better you feel.
Holy based
So hypothetically, if that kid was no longer in the picture…….
There are many, many ways to be successful that don’t involve your penis.
>But also she acts like she can so IDK. You should at least reach out, although 3 years is a while
I mean it's been a couple of months after the break up of our 3 years long relationship.

>Do you know if she still loves you? You guys talk regularly?
used to... not anymore since I told her (a week ago) that I need to forget her and can't because I keep talking to her and thinking she wants me back and then telling me she doesn't want a relationship anytime soon. I don't get her. I guess she's still in love with me but I damaged her... and it makes me sad for her.
that would make me feel amazing.
the problem is definitely him, he is so negatively minded it affects and distances others. he even told me that.

he told me he would stop and he said sorry. but I notice sometimes he vagueposts about stuff about what we talk about and he already did it again

after he said sorry we haven't talked since he said gold morning (endearment name) and his apologizing earlier today
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I love older women
Men, would you rather have your gf covered in moles or covered in scars from having them removed?

Do you like/fantasize more about the feel of being kissed, on the lips of course, and any other particular part, or more about you kissing the girl, her lips, neck or whereev?
The best thing for both of you would be to move on, imo, especially if you feel like you’re damaging her and have in the past. I don’t really feel that way with my ex, sure I wasn’t the best but I don’t think I inflicted any devastating wounds. Love is god damn complicated that’s for sure lol
>just approach girls in real life bro!
>hey I was wondering if y-
>go away creep!
>*calls 911*
>You have the right to remain silent
Maybe we have different definitions of ghosting, but I’d just not initiate contact until he does it properly. You’ve done your part, now it’s on him to respect you, simple as.
why wouldn't the kid be in the picture? that seems kind of shitty, doesn't it?
I feel like walking on eggshells thinking of being a potential stepmom and the interactions I might have with the baby mom and her family and wouldn't want him being weird about it either
As a woman I agree lol
Even if they're raised and you can feel them when you're touching her?
Usually I fantasize about what I’d do. I prefer to feel surprised about what I’d get in return, and I don’t want to add expectations. Whereas I know what I want to do.
The moles make her insecure? Then scars.
Scars. I don't like moles, but i feel bad about it okay
I wouldn't care if a man was a virgin, I'd be more concerned that he doesn't have relationship experience and is emotionally immature
I really want to eat a woman's ass
More about what I do to her
Lips, neck, back, chest, behind her ear or under her jaw, everywhere
I'm a virgin with no relationship experience but I also consider myself very emotionally and mentally mature in general
would any woman believe me?
I look at a lot of people with plenty of relationships and they are the opposite of mature
Aren’t moles just darker freckles? I have no problem with them.

It’s 99% about me kissing the girl and feeling her bare skin, since those are the sensations I remember most clearly. I don’t really separate it into kissing vs. being kissed.
progesterone/aspirin cures moles
I want her to admit that she wants it just as much
3 years ago is when it should've started and the last I've seen of some kind of a sign from her was last christmas. she's been in a relationship for about a year now.

I am broke and have no prospects though. I wouldn't want to trick someone into being with me so they'd need to understand the full truth.
nta but I’m finding it hard to imagine. does it really disrupt the feeling of her skin that much? like, is this girl totally covered in moles, or just the odd mole here and there?
probably. I didn't give him much to work with after he apologized.

he has already blocked me befor after freaking out about his abandonment issues then 2 hrs later added me back asking if I still wanted to talk to him. he said he was feeling manic
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being tall isn't so easy.
There is no way I will take fucking progesterone. Blow my brains out instead. Dude by the way.
I really want to text her, but she’s on vacation now, and I’m probably supposed to play it cool like I have better things to do and don’t care about her. We’ve texted every day since meeting, so it feels weird. I also just dont want to bother her.
A year ago, I likely would have said yes, now that I know she ruined my life, no, God no.
I don't want to remember how long.
>would any woman believe me?
It's a show, not tell thing
If I felt like you were mature enough I'd be happy to be your first. I don't really know what I'm doing in bed either so it would be nice to figure everything out together
This guy sounds exhausting and I really think you need to step back and let him blow up at somebody else for a change
it would make you not want to blow your brains out, though
also it's a potent anti-aromatase.
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>not knowing how to guide a virgin to pleasure her instead.
Makima fixes this
>posts 19 year old
ya ok bro
Ooh I want that..
I like getting insight into men's minds about romance so I can write better lovey scenes
Fuck off tranny
you are right. I know I fucked up. I'm stupid for trying to get back with her. I care about her and I love her but I know I shouldn't put myself in her path again. not as a lover anyway.
so whoring out it is, I guess.
but the pain, the sadness I feel when I think of her, both because of her and because of me... I don't know how to deal with it.
I need to forget her. ;_;
Not totally covered in them but there are too many for my liking. Like there are 10 on my stomach/hip area alone
Happy to help, if I can improve just one piece of smut, then I’ve made the world a better place lol
being a virgin after 18 bars you from ever getting close to a woman anyway
>Not into femdom
>Want to dominate a qt shutin femcel
What chances do I have?
Hm okay, there are certainly guys who wouldn’t like that, but I don’t think I’m one of them. Moles are natural, but the first reaction to multiple scars is usually “wtf happened?” which I consider to be worse.
I don’t mean to minimize your worries, but I strongly believe that something as small as moles will prevent me from enjoying how a woman feels. Women good.
Is it cool to put your hand on a crying woman's shoulder to comfort her or nah? Assuming you're not quite friends but acquainted and talk to each other sometimes.
This is hot too
yes thanks I am, was so exhausting it's wild how better I feel today. drank beers and cried really hard about it last night
Women, how would you feel if the guy you were talking to didn’t text you goodnight after a day of not talking while on vacation?
F, yes I think so. If you’re concerned she’ll react badly, just do a short “there, there” pat on the shoulder instead of leaving your hand there. The gesture is appreciated.
no, you should never touch a woman, period
He's probably with another girl
literally doesn't matter cuz he will say goodnight/goodmorning to just friends too

these men have no real passion for romance
No offense but this guy must be REALLY cute for you to give him this many chances, lol
I'm a woman and I need to be touched
Good luck writerbro. I did the same trying to get insight into how a woman would perceive the world, not in a romantic context but it’s still helpful.
Kind of put out, since that’s my cue to reply with a sexy picture, so I’d wonder why he doesn’t want one.
Sorry, can't do it. That is harassment. Can't risk it. Not touching a woman is much safer than touching her.
Women do you think life is worth it?
Yeah. My gf has moles and I don't care. No one's skin is flawless, mine definitely isn't.
True but they don't hit the same. People sympathize with someone who never achieved their dreams but a man who can't get laid is a fucking weirdo.
I guess moles? Doesn't rly matter
Kissing all over >:]
If we're only talking then there's basically nothing going on between us and we wouldn't be goodnight texting in the first place
>every time I shift gears I hear a crunch
>rattling noises
>don’t even notice when I’m speeding now
Guess I should buy Bitcoin so I can afford a new car.
>If we're only talking then there's basically nothing going on between us
Would you sleep with another guy while you're in this stage?
I like moles

One girl at my gym has a pretty big one on her lower back, but her body is so hot i would ignore it either way

Nobody is flawlrss
I think it's better not to think too much about it, because it's counterproductive. Better to focus our energy on just carrying on and remembering to take the time to notice and appreciate the things that make it feel as though life is worth living
Lots of girls have flawless skin
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What kind?
bumpy, skintag, discoloration
Sounds like you blew a tranny
The ones I'm talking about are red ones but I have smooth brown ones too (those I don't care about)
>Lots of girls have flawless skin
They really don't, you need to stay off social media
My favourite thing to fantasise about is kissing/sucking nipples. If I'm thinking about kissing it's about her bottom lip in particular, kissing it, teething it
Just had my tranny replaced. $10k (!) operation, totally covered by insurance. Good luck.
I see them irl lol
Perfectly smooth, even toned skin (legs, arms, any skin that's visible)
I've never used a dating app or dated online, so I've never really experienced a stage where I'm just texting with some guy for however long. But no, I've never slept with another guy while in the early stages of dating someone
Idk, all I can tell you about cars is I get a massive rush when I mog the other cars with my speed, and just going fast in general. Growing up ripping around on ATVs and snowmobiles at 60+mph will do this.
I’d rather just get a new car lol
he is my friend said he looked like old-school nevershoutnever(christopher drew) and he also resembles matthew gray gubler from criminal minds

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thanks for the insight
I spend literally hundreds of dollars every month on lotion to get this smooth :/
Both genders:
Is your mom hot?
Somehow I knew that was the actor who plays Spencer Reid before I googled it lmao
Ok I understand everything now
I would too. What lotion do you use? Assuming it cant get rid of moles?
I had one on my nose like number 2. I broke the skin with a needle and went to dig it out, managed to get a hold with tweezers, it was extremely strange how "attached" it was, I really yanked it with full muscle strength, now it looks like 6
yes and so am i teehee
women would you date a guy who hates needles
Used to be. Must’ve been to be a massive party slut and attract a gangbanger like my dad.
Both of my parents are really good looking, I guess they're hot but it's weird to think of them that way
Are you gathering wank material
That's pretty normal.
Did someone made you feel self conscious about them?
She used to be but she's really overweight now
Plástico skin perhaps, but it's not real
My dad is a fat ugly bastard while my mom looks good. I honestly wonder why she settled for him but i guess their all right since they haven't divorced and been married for 30 years now
yes I don't lik getting shots and have to look away when they do it

but also I want to learn how to sew again so I can make cute accessories and outfits including cosplay so maybe do that in my free time without him
No shit it was attached you ripped a piece of your skin off
Surprisingly no but I still hate them, I want to be as smooth as possible and they're just visually unsightly. I hate the ones on my chest too. I even have a small one right under my right nipple. I'm getting them all lasered off later in the year, idc if it costs thousands of dollars
Nag but I always starr at my arm when I'm getting a needle, watching the blood come out of my veins is always so surreal.
I hate needles so much, I can relate. As long as you don't any needed boosters or bloodwork
I mean, your body your choice, I just feel like your sense of what is normal has probably been warped by the media you consume.
Goku managed to get a wife so, why not you?
Several products really, but my favorite is Shea body butter. I don’t have moles to test with sorry, just lots of fast-growing black body hair :/
Not a woooom

I remember one time I had to get my blood drawn, and I drew the short end of the stick and got assigned a rookie nurse.
She took the needle and just dug through my arm like what must've been 10 times, just in, out, swirl, then in again
To everyone with a lot of moles what race are you? I'm Slavic and I have a bunch, and I notice that other slavs have more than other people I meet.
Does lasering really leave visible scars? I guess they’d be easier to cover with cosmetics if they were flat at least…
Not really, I see girls with beautiful skin in real life all the time. I also have really visible blue veins everywhere but there's nothing I can do about that
East Asian, I'm covered with them.
Eastern European
Um, mixed. Partially Chinese, which is what I blame for my moles and shortness.
high presence of moles probably means slower metabolism
if there are people with more moles from a colder country, could be why
You can't get rid of them with your ancient secrets?
Yeah, see, that's the thing, you think your skin isn't beautiful, but like it is, your idea of what is "flawless" and "beautiful" seems to be rooted in the clean like a marble statue kind of way.
They use make up to cover things up, ALSO, girl you're a human being, human beings have veins, that's normal.
I know plenty of Chinese people who aren't short, you racist.
I’m a whitoid with lots on my arms and some on my chest, including a nipple mole.
I was raised in the US so I don’t know the secret techniques of my ancestors :’(
white strayan
no moles
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I don't care about them, lol
Every one has them over here.
Also it's hot.
My secret is that all my acne is in places you can’t see……
What kind of white? Where are you/your parents from?
gender and how would you feel if your SO told you they lost their virginity consensually having sex with someone their parents age?
Apparently guys like veins, even the dreaded titty veins.
I only have moles on the back of my neck close to the hairline, other than that some freckles on my shoulder and maybe 3 or 4 on my face. english-irish mostly. i tend to tan fairly well
I thought a mole would just be an embedded scab or something, dirt and oil.
nta, but I wish I got the tall chinese gene instead of the short gene
>tfw 177cm
I could've been 185cm...
Dutch and Scottish. I’m Canadian, my paternal great grandpa was from Scotland and my mom’s family is Dutch. Pretty much down the middle.
I'd break up with them, that's something I don't want to know, and since they told me, I'm not going to be able to get over it, so it's ogre
>I'm not going to be able to get over it,
why not?
Female, as long as he was old enough to actually consent and it was a positive experience, then I wouldn't think too much about it other than it being a little unusual
lol see. are you m or f? he also kept joking about getting me off/his dick size to me but then denied himself flirting to me further each time yet he finally sent a dick pic

Ain't even shirt you gay ass nigga
I just can't.
They should've been mine.
White, Spanish descent
I’m F so believe me girl, I understand
Yes? Never said I was shirt.
Is she gonna eat him? Do girls love cannibalism?
it seems you’re getting far more benefit from this friendship than you told us at first…
Looks are everything
You know I meant short
tfw I miss my ex bf with moles
tfw no bf to draw on and have a map of inverted stars on his back
Oh yes, I am short.
Counterpoint: cash rules everything around me
>he finally sent a dick pic
Why did you not block immediately? At this point you deserve to have him take advantage of you and suck up all your energy and cast you into the pit of despair.
You ain't that short. Pull yourself together.
Attractive people acquire cash more
Ugly people receive generational wealth then make themselves more attractive
Women are you disappointed in me?
Everyday when I walk on the streets, I get mogged by highschool girls.
It's over, I'm not tall enough.
Aight then. Jump in front of a train.
That would inconvenience the world.
You living is a greater inconvenience.
Girls be like “my skin isn’t flawless :(“ when men would kill their own family just to eat a single one of her acne scabs

Tell me your favorite dessert.
Mine is Tiramisu, second place is lemon pie .3.
Women what irrational thing are you scared of?
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State gender
338 or 300 RUM?
Femanons, would you take a facial from your bf right now?
I like Gosling's Dark Rum
I dont know what those things are
You're gonna be scared when I shove my monster cock down your throat
>favorite dessert
If that’s unavailable, then homemade brownies :3
I dunno
I like the name lapua magnum, so that
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>She eats penises
wtf thats scary
how do i get a gf that loves to suck my dick for stress relief?
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YO, Check this out!
Being called "my pretty doll" by your bf during sex, is it creepy?
It's not that bad in my language but it feels weird in english
How do i get a gf that loves to have her butt squeezed groped and massaged as my stress relief
Goofy ahh squishy cat
How do I get a real job that doesn’t just require 2 hours of work and 6 hours of shitposting?
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Have another
Do IUDs plug up cervix or something?
It does sound weird in English. And it sounds like something you’d only say to white girls. Lol
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Yerp, goes right up there
>be invisible to girls for entire youth
>grow older, lift, invest into self, finally want to be a good guy for the right girl
>starting to get attention from girls
>they are 18yo

Why tf i cant have a 25yo girl that wants me instead.
Do they like old ugly bastards or something.
Literally 10+ age difference, and some of them look so pretty i wouldnt ever dare dreaming about them years ago
:( really?
Wait seven more years I guess
I had an ex who also resembled him too
yes, yes i do
he originally want to be bf/gf but I made him wait too long maybe by staying in the talking stage
well he kept joking and said he was afraid he might break me so I eventually asked his size and he asked if I wanted a picture. he regretted it and felt super insecure and shutdown the next day. I feel better taking a break from him rn.
i get told i look like a doll on the regular so i would like it, especially if he dresses me up
>especially if he dresses me up
Ouch doesn't that hurt
I’m only slightly exaggerating
They all look pretty to me
I like the orange one on the right the best
Fuck I didn't even know it went up that far
Good thing I don't have a bf and will probably never have sex again. I had been considering getting this for my ex, phew
I unno
I'm not a Womin.
Apparently getting your cervix handled is quite the sensation.
Don't know if it's pain, I'd assume it's kind of like poking your own belly button by x10 if I had to guess.
.50 BMG for me please. If it doesn’t dislocate my shoulder I don’t want it.
He sounds too unstable to be a good bf. Maybe you can work out a FWB situation?
>will probably never have sex again
Says who.
You never know.
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It's all so tiring.
Think of your entire reproductive system as a building… an IUD is scaffolding on every wall of that building
I love him so much. With all my heart. With all my soul. He is perfect.
I wish he was real.
I want to hug him so bad, but I can't.
Because he isn't real.
It hurts so bad...
It's so over.
>had been considering major invasive body modification without knowing the details
Christ anon, and I thought getting a tattoo for a bf was bad
Okay Vanilla Ice.
There's no coming back from this
I’m sorry, honey.
You're exaggerating a lot anon
do you live in netherlands or something?
Dio is a piece of shit, though
I know a gay guy who had sex with a woman once and told me vagina feels much better than asshole. He is a bottom though and prefers to get dicked down. What's wrong with men who prefer anal? Are they gay?
He is hot..
Half my family is already dead from natural causes, so losing a few more wouldn’t be that bad
Looks like a gay vampire, a la Alucard.
Nah, them zoomers be getting BEEG I tell you.
Like actually, the girls are getting taller. The men are too, though, to be fair.
He is hot as well desu
It's common to call a cute and dainty girl "muñeca" in spanish, regardless of how doll-like she is. It feels more like objectification in english.
I see, it seems more appropriate if I have a reason like dressing her up
Was working at my gay chungus Target job earlier and I was running a register and I was ringing up this really cute girl and she was smiling and blushing the entire time, what the fuck was her problem?
Obviously I would do more research if I was actually doing it?? I thought it would be good to have when we were no longer long distance but I didn't look too much into it
An ex of mine was always telling me that if I wanted to do anal with her she'd let me but I have absolutely no interest in it. Why would I stick my dick in a literal shithole when there's a perfectly good pussy about an inch away?
Ha I knew it was spanish
Yeah I think it’s because the word itself is feminine, so it’s cute in a way that “doll” just isn’t
They ruined him in the anime. He’s not supposed to be a bisexual faggot. I much prefer him as Genya Arikado.
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>gay vampire
Technically a bisexual vampire
Tell me why this woman is so attractive to you. I don't get it
Her boyfriend was using a remote vibe.
You just got violated by being forced to participate in their kink
She really liked your Madoka Magica graphic tee
I have no idea who this is.
Have you considered taking BC pills? Maybe try a few for practice to see if they majorly fuck up your hormones
I’d rather pop a pill than stick wires up my vagina, but that’s just me
She looks fine I guess. Not really my type.
anything related to golf. the sound of whacking golf balls on a TV show has made me throw up before.
I was/am wearing a Bride of Frankenstein tee
Not a man but she'd look better as a brunette
Why are women so boring and bad tho?
Her face looks slightly off in my opinion, even before she got bogged. There are hundreds of other actresses I'd fuck before her, but I'd still fuck her because I'll fuck anything that walks
I guess she's not ugly
I don't really feel anything towards blondes, I like black girls more.
shit like this is why I need a gf who lets me cum in her ass
Yeah, it’s stupid. Sexualizing him at all was dumb. He loved Maria, and Sonya before her. Why make him bisexual? Damn fujos.
Um, she’s attractive in a generic way I guess? Pretty face, nice hair, slim figure…
No way I'm not messing with my hormones. I'm already an emotional wreck as it is
She's not a man and not hideous so I'd do her
never understood the pucci/dio being gay meme when he clearly selected pucci for his plan because he wasn't clouded by sexual desire
That’s why you test them first, instead of taking your very first one with your bf in slapping distance lol
There’s a good chance they’ll do nothing but lower your appetite a bit… and I mean your appetite for food, not for sex
Unironically crying and killing myself over this
Damn it, ovulation
Can the guy feel the strings in there?
well do it out of sight, god damn
Araki literally said Dio would be willing to seduce and fuck anyone to get power over them.
When will he seduce me?
nta but I’ve never considered this before
>new fear unlocked
why are fujos allowed to ovulate, shouldn't they be sterilized?
I'm scared they'll give me acne and worsen depression but it doesn't matter anyway bc I'm probably never having sex again
I doubt it, dickheads aren't fingers, they're not that precise in their sensations
Our fingers are unique in that regard
>because I'll fuck anything that walks
You should kys pedo
Yeah, that’s something he would do. He never actually did it though
he literally uses his charisma to charm and seduce all his minions
no, that doesn't confirm the second half of yours sentence to be true
C’moooon, just one pill, all the cool girls are doing it…!
And really, in the long run, acne vs. a baby seems like an obvious choice
Do you even know what fucking fujo means?
Being a simp over anime guy doesn't make woman fujo
With this logic men simping and jerkin off to anime women are yurifag troons
Shes okay, i guess a lot of guys like her because shes cute not outright sexy

Anne however, Anne i wouldnt let out of bed before she wasnt carrying my children
Same reason that lesbians ovulate
It’s God punishing us for failing to reproduce
Why would I take bc when I'm not sexually active?? Plus I've read horrible things about it, no thanks
What a forward young man you are! My goodness...
the string is probably smoother than most dude's hands
I mean come on, dudes be fucking socks, lmao
>it’s actually the actress herself, posting for a cheap ego boost
it is, I would also like to dress a guy up
most definitely so. he did say he wants to work on his issues, but it takes time/effort to change. maybe i'll see where he is at in a few months? he said he didn't deserve me and then I posted a meme about letting go people who say that and he shared it with his own words adding how people who say that just have really low self esteem who don't think they are good enough for love and haven't been loved properly and if someone(me I assume) would leave over that then they are misjudging the person. so a bit defensive, we sometimes miscommunicate
yes also pretty pretty makeup and accesories. I have been told I have porcelain-like skin and have been told I have the trendy glass skin look or that I have glowy/radiance to me and I am very dainty
Ive been seeing this girl, we spent Friday night together, the next day she texted all day, told me she had a nice time, and liked the way I touched her. Today not one text all, only responded with a heart to the text I sent. Is this bad sign? It's giving me a bad feeling
Im such a simp
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picrel is her peak
Guys like you should walk around wearing a sign in your forehead so I can approach you and date you
>dudes be fucking socks, lmao
Only americans do that.
most men with foreskin just jack off, like dry.
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Women, thoughts on this?
Sis plz, it’s just like trying on new lingerie before wearing it for a guy, it’s PRACTICE
You don’t need to have sex to test the pill’s effects
Damn those thighs, wtf?
Yeah it's a bad sign, she is pulling away from you for what could be many reasons.
Basically get ready to be ghosted.
Kill yourself
i really hate yearning, please do not try to prompt it when i am miles from any man let alone any man who would give a shit about me
Hyped for playable Zelda this year
Jokes on you, I never leave my house
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>man I really wanna fuck a woman in the ass
Crazy how much seethe this causes
>I would also like to dress a guy up
What kind of things would you want him to wear?
any guys ITT has had a similar experience to mine?
I'm M, about 40. I get praise from old women (according to my mom) and get looks from school girls. otoh I've only ever had 1 gf (we broke up a while ago) and a few casual/long lived things.
yet I am lonely and feel like shit with myself for having lived a shitty life, for being unable to understand women and for not having enough experience with them.

also, how would you label me? chadcel? inchad?
Diego easily mogs DIO desu
i mean to each their own but idk why people get so... superior about it. all sex is gross, you're just too horny to notice unless it's something new and abnormal.
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hmmm funny you say that. She even said she felt like she was pulling away the night we spent together. I don't think she wll ghost but I am expecting a message saying "i need more time and space" What gave you the thought she might be pulling away?
Obviously she was busy in church all day
>I'm M, about 40.
Sorry bro, can't relate.
I want a man who doesn't want to do anal with me but will let me peg him passionately and sweetly and rim him silly
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i dont think i will

do you live on an island or something?

Same! it looks very cute
Does dainty mean short? Or just skinny? Help an ESL out
that's just pathetic, date a girl.
I just don't see the need :/
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Women, when is cock on your mind?
uh. a particular week.
Anon made up a conversation in his head and shared it with the class
Why would I want a man who would rather fuck my shithole over my vagina which was perfectly designed to accomodate a penis?
depends what you look like but I would label you meh.

how long was the relationship and your fwbs thing doing on for and why did they all end
>the more you interact with him, the worse you feel
>the less you interact with him, the better you feel
Pull the plug.

Your deadline is July 1st. After you've wasted one half of 2024 on him, don't waste the second half too.
Now but pretty much every day
it was also perfectly "designed" to accommodate to making children
women does spit gross you out?
It just seems natural to me, it’s the first thing I did as soon as there was a remote possibly of Sex with Boys
Well not perfectly
Otherwise you'd cum easier from piv
did you even read my post? lmao

>how long was the relationship
3 years

>your fwbs thing doing on for and why did they all end
no FWBs (I WISH I had had multiple FWBs...)
they all ended badly and I only had sex with a handful of women only 1 (yes, ONE) time before my ex gf.
I really suck at understanding women.
phlegm, yeah. saliva, no.
i really like liquids. i like saliva and sweat and cum and everything

sex should be wet.
>did you even read my post? lmao
Nah, sorry bro
I just know that the age gap means I will be incapable of comprehending whatever it is you posted.
Wait, you’re 40? I was the guy with the 6 year long relationship.
He is my cute baby boi as well :3
When I can see one. I have no object permanence when it comes to dicks

Yes, covid made me hate it
Would you be willing to get a shot glass and drool into it, then down it?
woman after my own heart
I'm never having sex with a boy again
My womb will be empty forever
My eggs will dry up and shrivel and die
weird request but if it was for the man i loved, yeah, no hesitation.
No, some of my most profitable videos are ones with a lot of drooling
>>how long was the relationship
for >>31497790

Is drinking blood good for you?
Lapua, or .300 WM
Hey women?
That stress caused by ovulation right now?
That's what men feel every single day if it hasn't been minutes since we've cum.
Imagine having that feeling non stop, with the occasional period cramp anyway, and all the urgency, needing, and more it brings, every single fucking second of your life.
This is what men have to live with our whole lives.
Please shut the fuck up, because if we had to learn to live with it, you can hold off for the week that you have to endure it.
Nah, not a request, I guess that means i hate spit
like, I don't mind swallowing spit, but once it's left the body and has been exposed to the open air, it might as well be liquid shit to me.
You’re among friends here, anon
Let’s die alone together~
Shit haha, I thought you were mid 20s like me. Oh well, my point before still stands. If it makes you feel better I’ve seen 55+ year olds find love.
I want the knot....
Stfu you know nothing about hormones.
that seems a bit extreme but i think most people would say no to that request. the life i've lived has just moved my gross-out meter really, really far.
If blood came out of your dick, you might have a point
some of you women don't even know what progesterone is nta thoughbeit
Shit like this makes me feel a lot better about myself.
I'm American with a cut dick and I just jerked off dry, lol.
Just kill yourself, porn brained coomer
Neither do you, why do you think we're horny all the time when it's just a week for you girls?
women how often do you think about scrotums?
It’s not game over yet but you should be ready to move in just in case
I'm in my teens/early 20s emotionally and in experience lmao
Vaginas were designed over millions of years of evolution. They were perfectly designed to make men cum, shoot sperm and impregnate. They were designed to make women cum sometimes as well so women enjoy baby-making but not always because women do not need to cum every single time for baby-making to happen
Why are European women more mentally healthy than North American women?
> American with a cut dick
You’re basically trans
Didn't ask
Ok <3 that sounds nice :')
Wow, what a life, you've got stories to share I can tell.
What's the grossest thing you've done for a guy?
Sorry, you replied to the wrong person, you meant to reply to all the women above me complaining about ovulation, honest mistake.
Do you really think this lol, we are crazy as well. Just not American type crazy.
Hi. I want him so badly I want him to toss and throw me around
Lol you jerk off and your mental state is back to normal. Our mental state is normal for a couple days out of the month. I don't sympathize with you. Male horniness and female horniness are not the same anyway.
sorry, nothing fun like that. my father was sadistic, like a kid who tortures animals for fun, but grew up and had me instead.
Hah, young at heart. Don’t worry old timer, young girls love that. My ex’s dad is dating a girl younger than her.
They are much less so. They’re insane. It’s just that euros don’t seem to into sarcasm and lying so it seems more upfront.
.30-'06, I don't shoot none of those hipster bullets
No no, I know I replied to disgusting porn brained moid freak.
If women cause you so much stress leave the thread and go jerk off.
Nobody wants to hear about your disgusting porn brained shit, you fucking addicted freak.
>Europeans brag about their uncut dicks
>they're so effeminate and cucked they probably can't even get it up for their women anymore
Is this a “You just know” scenario or is this a euphemism for marriage
Never, I don't even know what that is.
I'm American and I disagree with this. American women, especially American white women, are totally fucked in the head.
Mediterranean area
aren't you posting about knotting right now sweetie
>thinking gary is european
How do you not know what balls are? lmao
Thats where you came from

>Captcha WRYYY
You're right, he's Canadian, which is even worse.
Eastern Europe is full of chads
Same goes for central
Western EU men sucks tho
I can't remember what all the clinical terms mean, I know what balls are
are u slavic
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>Eastern Europe is full of chads
Do women have the same compulsion to return to the balls that men have when experiencing vagina.
He is a badass scary monster actually
that's not fun at all...

You alright now?
Idk honestly, I'm in grey area when it comes to that. Why?
>le based redpill trad christian eastern europe!!!!
>long lived things
fuck, I meant to say "short lived things" here.
cat ears, collar with or without bell, maybe a tail but doesn't have to be plug. gloves of different styles, stuff to make him look robotic, strings to be a puppet, cute e-clown mamakeup, aprons, vaguely fantasy military camo cargo pants and black long sleeve/thin black sweater with black boots, low pigtails, hair clips, sheer stockings, and ribbon bows I could go on and on anon
idk but I can be both
I do have this one girl who hit me up for cuddling so if she ever visits the state again.. but ideally I would like a feminine/androgynous man
i can definitely do that. I hit up my old cuddle buddy yesterday and it was nice seeing him for a quick bite to eat, idk if it will go anywhere though. just getting the energy back to meet more guys again after investing in the one who is unstable
you are slovenian or romanian
women do you look at guys' buttholes?
move in?
Come here and see for yourself
yeah let me just go ahead and pay LITERALLY $3.00 PER ROUND
No, we like unbirth smut too
tfw I know the country
it honestly takes significant mental illness for a woman to end up this way, and not the good kind of mental illness.
one time a guy asked if he could by me a dog dildo
Uh how
You seem to have given this whole “dressing up boys” thing a lot of thought…
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I, for one, do not like unbirth smut.
Women really do hate us
>Our mental state is normal for a couple days out of the month
And that is why you are unfit to be leaders, drivers, or voters
Context clues from prior conversations we’ve had. Don’t worry I was just fucking with that guy, I’m not an asshole.
>anon has male AND female cuddle buddies
>meanwhile I’m alone and not even my cat wants to be held by me
What the hell am I doing wrong
sorry to be a bummer but like not even a little bit, no. it'll be uphill for the rest of time but maybe i'll get lucky along the way and someone will walk with me.
Beast ...
Beauty and beast :3
Move on*
>tfw no femanon to dress you up
Why even live bros
I just don’t know how the balls work exactly, whereas the vagina has an obvious entrance and exit
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staring at femanon trough a hole in the wall of the room i cant escape
nah, man, nah, never apologize for that
I'm sorry you went through that shit.
> from prior conversations we’ve had.
women when was your last orgasm?
who is getting unborn though?
fruity ass nigga
10:16am today
Y-you too…
I’m beta-ing out of here.
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Men, What do you feel when you watch this?
if you are croatian i will be so mad
Knot DEEEEEP in vagy....
5:21pm today
generic allergic to responsibility american woman
i dont really agree with what she's saying.
I think its women that don't want men
thanks. i guess i meant more like, sorry i even brought it up or made it relevant, dunno why i did that. sympathy appreciated.
Nothing really.
She wouldn't date someone like me, so clearly she's not talking about me.
>Men would rather jerk off to porn than have sex with a real woman
Can confirm, it's a hell of a lot easier/more comfortable
because that was my first guess before second-guessing myself
anime creates mental illnesses
What does knot mean?
>This only applies to men 7/10 or above
what's the gray area, why aren't croatians considered slavic?
I feel like she's right and I feel bad for her. The porn industry is used purposely to destroy the youth.
NTA, it means sex with dogs.
You did that because I asked, lol
It's alright, you didn't do anything wrong, Anon.
Ew wtf
I feel like webms don’t work on my phone
Even them Iphooooons can play webms now
My point exactly. At least we are not them. I may have my own predilections but I don’t fuck animals. I just fuck my car.
Im not croatian lol
women do you have a goon cave?
why are you doing this to me
If you could change one thing about the human penis, what would it be?
It means the two brothers from Supernatural having sex with each other as werewolves
I wish I can get pregnant with d-do-....g-g....
damn its that bad?
you're right. i was doing the thing again. oh well.
I don't really feel anything. I can't put my finger on why but it feels like it's pointed at some guy in her life rather than men in general.
I mean she wouldn't date me so how much sympathy am I supposed to have for her?
Is it LARP hour?
It's fun
I would make it a teleportation device
East Coast Sleep Hour
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whats the coolest thing you've eever created?
state gender
It’s disgusting.
Take care anon
East coast of what?
Make a separate hole just for piss, it’s weird sharing the same tube as jizz
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you've been lying to me this whole time haven't you?
My 2 novels.
whatever do you mean anon?
ofc I took theater and costume design. i want to make my own accesories/clothes. was almost an apprentice for leatherworking. letting go and exploring fantasy is fun and relieving
bisexual graces. my cat cuddle me too sometimes
find one find one!! what would you like
then we'd get piss all over our dicks
Nice projection. I wouldn’t even date someone under 21. You fuck DOGS!
Can I read them anon??
This woman 100% made eye contact with Chad, he looked back at his phone and walked off, she started crying because other women told her that a woman should never ever do anything more with a man to grab his attention beyond eye contact, and then made this video.
That said I agree the way we fundamentally approach human reproduction and mating is flawed and needs efficient rewiring that discards love.
>whatever do you mean anon?
you're gross
Women have a separate pee hole and we manage to do just fine, and we can’t even aim it!
Where do I find girls like you irl??
Sure, when I publish them you can have a first edition signed.
From Anon, I’m glad you don’t fuck dogs.
It's more like delicate
women piss themselves when exerting themselves too hard
Men how open are you to being pissed on by a gf and not passing on her?

a few exes asked/dared me to pee on them
Bisexual would just mean I’d be twice as lonely, since I have to GET the cuddle buddies first :[
I think I’ll spend another hour or two trying to like girls tonight
I don't like that signature :/ would be weird
>and not passing on her
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I just want a woman to look at me with kindness
Nobody here actually does that to dogs moron
It's obviously larp
Hmm, fair enough. How about: From Anon, thanks for the support, enjoy the Easter eggs
That’s icky and it would never cross my mind to ask that… a better question is, why do you keep attracting piss fetishists??
I feel nothing. Women aren't even real to me so this affects my emotions about as much as staring at a blank wall or the inside of my eyelids. How can I feel bad for something that doesn't even exist?
Sure it is big guy.
maybe if i'm fully clothed
I need a woman to spit on my dick, suck up the spit and spit on it again before sucking me silly
I can't piss on her?
Does she take facials from me?
That's better
>I think I’ll spend another hour or two trying to like girls tonight
Women are so tired of men that they’re trying to convert themselves to lesbianism
how so??
look for nerdy elegant girls who joke about domming
work on yourself and think about who you can achieve in your league realistically. sometimes I feel bad about myself too but surprises happen
I wouldn't fuck my dog but sometimes he hump my legs and when we play on the floor he tried to hump me behind my back lol
He should get sterilised, but I'm scared because it affects dogs energy apparently
Is my thread crush here?
Nerdy and elegant seem incompatible to me, like a true nerd wouldn’t spend time on making herself look elegant
Sure is, are you that moisty homeboy?
nice trips, inverted demon
Nah that’s me.
No but I am a moist homebody
I can't tell you people apart anymore
y'all so fruity, rawr
I’m F 5’’8 and quite thin but I recently took pictures with a friend who is like 5’0 and I look huge and beastly next to her. How do I fix this?
Don’t worry I’ll give you a cut of the royalties for being my number 1 fan and an inspiration.
You know 777 is the divine number?
Kinda rude, playa.
And female pigs are naturally turned on by male humans
It's just the way it is
A bit.
I would only want piss on my cock, or to piss into a girls asshole.
Neither desire is likely to ever be fulfilled.
That's super generous of you anon you don't need to do that
I'd love to read your draft though before you publish it
Anon must be claiming she’s naturally elegant because of her bone structure or something
You get over your insecurity and stop thinking 5'8 is a bad height for a woman
> or to piss into a girls asshole.
Careful, you’ll get her pregnant
Fully automatic submachine gun
I finally saved money to buy a horse.
Finally, I feel like I did something worthy in my life.
Console yourself with the fact that she looks like a girl, and you look like a woman
Give her a piggyback ride to really drive it home
I’d have to share that online somehow, the 2k character limit can’t really contain 600 pages lol
>You know 777 is the divine number?
no, but I know you are divine, girl :^)
You niggas are so weird
Stand next to your boyfriend and feel small again.
get yourself someone taller than you..

aka there's no fixing it, all you can do is play it as a strength for men who are way too tall for most women or short kings who are into it.

You could also wear shoes with thin soles.
Two entire people

Ooh, what genre?
womanly women >>>> girly women
>tfw I get off a 12 hour shift and I don’t have an incredibly horny pent up wife who’s been thinking about me all day to flat foot squat ride my cock
stop coming to this retarded forum
What is your favourite sport? Are you athlete?
Sci fi for the first one, a more dramatic theme for the second. They’re blended genres but those are the overarching themes. I prefer supernatural themes blended with sci fi, and also writing noir is fun.
Photoshop the pics so she’s a foot taller, duh
What about masculine women
>nerdy elegant girls who joke about domming
I'll keep an eye out, thanks. Wish me luck
I miss being girly, but I can’t un-grow these boobs.
I like swimming
Idk does it count
Do a Freaky Friday and swap bodies with her until you both learn a valuable lesson about feeling comfortable in your own body.
Cut off your knee caps, and staple your feet to them, then go up to her again, and go "Ha well hello there Becky, looking tall and mannish as usual, it seems I have cute mogged you once again, I bet Chad will break up with you and date me now." while still bleeding from your feet.
That will be $200 per year, as well as sworn loyalty to my future fascist militia when I coup using my incel and femcel army for my dating advice, you're welcome.
I could try sucking on them to see if they get smaller over time
For me, it’s baseball. And no, I’m completely sedentary.
What's the difference? Cant I be both?
what makes a woman end up like this?
Beyond top tier.
it's more so I don't want a guy to start asking me if i will drink his piss. I feel like it depends on how he treats me if he peed on me the context matters, my ex asked me to pee on him during our bath and i said no so instead he peed in it and I regret not doing it myself
might be due to light age play and wanting to be humiliated by a pretty little woman, also yellow fever in a new layer
what makes that different whatvoukd you wear?
I don't want my eyes to burn but it can be more degrading, depends on the bf but I'm not into it all the time, larp as skincare. I'd rather lick it off his body like edible paint on his canvas body
>piss on cock
>pee in butt
Men would you date a girl with a … challenging profile?
Yes. I'm a jockey. Still not a professional.
What's your favorite team?
Alright fair enough one is better than none, you're free to pee on my penis if you'd like.
True, wow 600 pages is crazy
What is it about? You could maybe email me a link if you want
girly men >>>
you asked
yes I look very doll like and lux
good luck anon!
Don't fight it. Give in and unleash the beast. Don't be surprised when your man loves to see you in beastmode.
I feel like this post could have been written by me. There's nothing we can do about it, really. We just have to suck it up and cope
What does that mean
>tfw no height-insecure gf
breast reduction :33
I am already small boobed and am losing weight so I can be even more a cup
>what makes that different whatvoukd you wear?
being peed on is humiliating so it would be less embarrassing
normal clothes I don't mind getting a bit dirty
This is why negging works.
It’s about a man who gets chosen by a god to inhabit his power, and he struggles with the feeling of the godlike urges and his own mortality and ethics. I only recently finished it, but I’m writing again. Kind of a post-main story continuum.
I would except I wrote it all on down on paper because I’m a degenerate and I haven’t finished transcribing it to computer. I can post one of my noir stories here or something if you’re curious. Which sounds terrifying but why not lol
The difference between you and her is that it's all in her head. :^)
Some women can dress for both, but never at the same time. You can be cute OR sexy.
The one based in my state, stalker-kun.
making the best of our imperfect situations is a very relatable human experience. I have to do it with my small penis for instance.
>tfw no secure, confident, mature gf who is proud of her big tits and/or big ass
Ooh that sounds super interesting, kinda reminds me of death note. I'd love to read the noir story! I know it can be scary to share your work tho so no pressure
>breast reduction
Anyone who would intentionally reduce the amount of breasts in the world is the closest thing to pure evil I can think of
Your very existence makes me sick
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>womanly women >>>> girly women
Oh so the original post was just about appearance?
only on woman with low self esteem

If you compliment a girl with low self-esteem, she sees you as below her and therefore doesn't want you.
If you neg a girl with low self-esteem, she sees you as above her and will do anything she can to earn your approval.
Ok here, I wrote this on my break in my notes app.
The incessant rain pounded on my neck, my head, and my psyche. The shimmering nightlife of the city wove within the damned drumroll of the weather, the neon vibrations painting the water a sleek red.
“Unbelievable” I muttered, fighting the steering wheel as my tires flailed beneath the piss of the streets, choking on their own futility. “This cunt, I swear.”
She had demanded we meet, 3 am, bravo street. The little diner called Miriam’s or Maria’s. The name didn’t matter. The sheen of red was blinding, threatening to break through my windshield. My tires screeched as I slammed the brakes. A little old man, wrinkled, waved at me and hobbled across the street, a mockery of the gruesome visage of age. In him, I saw millions of years of humanity. I felt the pulse, but I moved on, having to dine on curse words as my very subtle vice.
“This bitch…” as the diner rose into view, I saw the trap. 3 cars. Her, her lover, and his entourage. I reached down and felt the lump in my pocket. 9mm, beretta. Dark as sin. She knew that who I was.
“Fuck that.” I’d slowed to a crawl, letting the car idle along on its own merriment as I drew in the diner. Same rickety door and broken lights on the porch, barely flickering out MIR*A*S.
That was all my brain allowed me to process before I saw her.
Would you like to recreate what those Oakland A's fans did last year?
I don't know why she is crying, women can stand being alone much better than men can.
I don’t think it’s a bad height it just doesn’t look good on me
I have smaller boobs than her so I look even more stupid
I don’t have a boyfriend. Never have
I guess
That sounds hard
I’m not very aggressive
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>How do I fix this?
hug her
realize that only you and other women care about women's height. men will still find you attractive regardless of if you're 4'11", 5"11, or 6'11"
Everyone knows short girls are for prone bone and tall girls are for mating press
Ah, so you're not from Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico or Oregon. Got it.
I don't think that's strictly true, most men have a range of ideal height and it doesn't include very small or very large women.
my repsonse :3c tehe
I personally find that all of women's problems are invalid.
Gee thanks anon lol. But I already know it's not in my head, when I'm objectively taller than most of my friends

This is true, and I also have to cope with having an ugly vagina so I know what you mean
Nta but my range is like 4’7 to 6’4 for women
this is the only place where I find people putting emphasis on how tall you are and how being short means the end of the world for men and shit
Based, me too
It’s not necessarily my height but my stature. I look like I have bigger bones than her and that bothers me
Women I find attractive: Very small to very large.
Women I would date: Very small to moderately large.

Even though I know very large women would turn me down immediately so there's no point to asking them out, I still find them attractive.
NTA but this actually hurt to read. I hate when 4chan posts hit close to home
I think so?
Men, when is the last time a woman acknowledged you?
Fuck… he’s good!
>taking break from mentally ill man
>feels good
>still want to look at his pictures and masturbate to asmr I find online

why brain/pussy?
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In what way? I just had a parfait with a couple female friends of mine less than 3 hours ago
5’8 is not “very large” in any universe
My high school gf was 5’9 and I just felt incredibly lucky to date a girl with such amazing long legs
>masturbate to asmr
Do femanons really?
to be fair that holds true for men
If you're under 5'6 good luck pal
Hm, do you have wider shoulders too? That can make your waist look extra skinny in comparison, which is very appealing
Believe it or not, but big boobs isn’t all that matters
I have low self esteem and the compliment part is false
3 or 4 days ago I talked to a girl at work and she talked back. I basically just asked what hours she was working and told her what hours I was working. She also asked if I was going to a concert in my town and I said I was just gonna stay home and drink (which I did).
.. .-..-. -- / --. --- -. -. .- / -- .- ... - ..- .-. -... .- - . / - --- / .- -. / .. -- .- --. .. -. .- .-. -.-- / ... -.-. . -. .- .-. .. --- / .-- .... . .-. . / -- -.-- / ..-. ..- - ..- .-. . / .-- .. ..-. . / ... ..- -.-. -.- ... / -- -.-- / -.-. --- -.-. -.- / .- ..-. - . .-. / .- / .-.. --- -. --. / -.. .- -.-- / .- - / .-- --- .-. -.-
I don't think I've ever been acknowledged by a woman, at least romantically.
I mean, your bones technically ARE bigger if she’s that small…….
I saw the opportunity and I took it.

Even though it's not in your head, the implications of it are. Being objectively one height instead of a different height doesn't make you any less worthy of love, and the people who love you do so because your height never had an impact on that at all. Your friends don't laugh about your size behind your back. Your partner doesn't fantasize about smaller women behind your back. They all see you as you are and they're happiest to see you as you are. You'll never need to be anything else.
no shit, you're 8 inches taller than her
low iq fantasy
high iq fantasy
Ooh very moody, I wonder what happens next
I liked these parts
>first sentence
>drumroll of the weather
>piss of the streets
>She had demanded we meet, 3 am, bravo street. (I like the rhyme)
>In him, I saw millions of years of humanity. I felt the pulse, but I moved on,
I wonder what this pulse is that he feels
I also like the image of the red light being so jarring that it threatens to break the windshield
.. - / -- .- -.- . ... / -- . / ..-. . . .-.. / --. --- --- -.. / .- -. -.. / .... .- .--. .--. -.--
That's right, that's right, you're all imagining that men's heights matter. I know a 5'5" man who sleeps with thousands of women every day. He can't find a long-term relationship with a woman who'll marry him and love him forever but h
You are also mentally ill. Was there ever any doubt?
I can tell you’ve never had a bf if you think you’re “beastly”… men are the real beasts, and while I mean that in an affectionate way, I promise you’ll feel like a delicate princess around any guy lol
Do women ever dress up like men to have sex with each other?
I'm glad that such a simple person cant be content
The pulse is him wanting to kill, basically. I’m glad you liked it, I was forced to write a part 2 lol because my friend demanded it.
i wanna shove my ice cold fingers up a girls ass or pussy
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sounds hot
no, clothes are generally unproductive when the goal is having sex, but my gf does look great in a suit
I wanna feed a turtle leafs I found on the trail
dude anybody can get acknowledged by a woman, just flail you arms around until she looks at you, bam, acknowledged.
For friendship? A woman acknowledge me today.
For romance? A woman acknowledged me 4 years ago.

>tfw 2020 was 20 years ago
Time keeps on slippin away...
yes for like two months it has been his pics + asmr that have been doing it for me
not nearly as much as him though. I wish I could sit of his face and fuck the depression away like he implied
What do you do when you masturbate too much and your fingers cramp up?
Ooh I see I didn't know if there was some kind of supernatural element
Post part 2!
We need to dispel the myth that large breasts = larger fertility
>not nearly as much as him though.
No, you're worse. Much worse. Citation: Your behavior in these threads.
we need to accept the truth that large ass = larger fertility
Okay. These are rough drafts, obviously. She was sin, the love of lust delicately atop a viper’s mouth. The sleek black dress left enough to the imagination to fill lesser men with wicked urges, all curves and dark lines, subtly hinting at an intoxicating dilemma beneath her scarlet red lips and alabaster skin. Her black hair guarded her neck in curls, and her jewelry screamed royalty, glittering like bullets in a blanket. Her lover was tall and mean, scarred from a long life of futile struggles that allowed him to dine on the scraps of powerful people. An efficient and ruthless dog, flanked by his pack of killers. “Stone” Frankie Corrado, wanted along the eastern seaboard for large scale drug movements. Harry “The Whip” Santos, Jr., aka the right hook of pain, and Mrs Juliet, the scorned ex-lover of a powerful rival mob leader who, when she discovered him with another woman, is said to have nailed his children’s eyeballs to his office door.
I felt my beretta again as they entered the diner. They may be demons, but they wore human skin, and skin could be torn by 9mm. Besides, no choice for me. I leave my car, and the rain immediately begins to beat on me as if she summoned it as a warning. I cross the parking spot to the sounds of car horns and yelling, the symphony of seduction across the heart of the city.
As I reached the door and lifted my hand to knock, it was opened for me and I was ushered inside. Miriam’s (according to the faded sign above the cash register) was a sad joint. Long overdue for an autopsy, it choked on its own spit with the grimy floors and sad stained white walls. She was there, in the booth second furthest from the front door, alone. The Pack was nowhere to be seen. She looked up from her newspaper, and waved me over.
“Oh, John…~ It’s been far too long” it was the damn purring in her voice, always gave it away for me.
Character limit forced me to prune it, but this is about half of part 2.
What would that do?
Not many people find me attractive
I probably do
I have wide hips too which I think isn’t helping
My legs don’t even look that long :/ bad proportions
I guess. I just don’t understand why I look so stupid. Like a different species
Yea but I’m like, wider and stuff
Aw. I hope so. But even next to guys who are bigger than me, I feel large. I don’t know what it is.
We need to accept the truth that tall women == better shoppers.
You fix this by giving me your number. I like tall women
>Yea but I’m like, wider and stuff
nta, but that's not a bad thing
I love hugging "big" girls, the hugs feels so much fuller.
they don't I use a plushie
as if other anons don't post wilder ramblings
>What would that do?
It would put your boobs in her face
>boo hoo i have an hourglass figure woe is me, I'm 2 inches above average height no man will ever love me
unironically kill yourself
>I have wide hips too which I think isn’t helping
Oh it's helping, trust me
All the women here are bragging, Anon.
Only men are truly suffering here.
>Yea but I’m like, wider and stuff
srs? you got wide hips and you're tall and this makes you feel bad about yourself?
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>Only men are truly suffering here.
You niggas falling in love with text lmao!
we need to accept the truth that short women = bigger jobbers
I don’t have boobs
I don’t look like I have an hourglass though
Not really, they don’t do much
But they don’t look good. I see other talk girls and they look much better than me
bigger jobbers?
Men need to accept the truth that fat women = the only women who will ever love you, and the only way you're not dying alone.
>implying dry humping isn't a form of sex
Do you wear the skirt in the relationship then? Since when guys dress up like women it's to have sex with other men, not to have sex with a woman in a suit.
They don't want me though.
>Having a good day
>See a cute girl
>Day ruined
Every time. Every fucking time.
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>resisting the urge to validate a woman's insecurities
just think about how they would feel about your insecurities if you were 5'5 and complained about it
we're all fat and balding here.
Men help Men.
>see a cute girl with a physical defect
>imagine myself having a chance with her if that defect lowers her self esteem enough for her to give me a chance
>hate myself for having this mindset
>hope she lives a very happy life without me
Oh, it's over.
You can validate them
I know there is truth to them and I don’t like everyone telling me I’m crazy. I know what I see and I can see that I look stupid
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Why do women or trolls pretending to be them continue to perpetuate this lie.
Fat women have multiple suitor.
30 year old women are the least single.
There is no "leftovers" it is either you have a girlfriend or you never will.
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Who was in the wrong here?
What kind of physical defects?
>he thought women wanted anything but a winner
Oh god oh my fucking god.
Y'all seem more unhinged than usual to me.
Holy shit what an ugly woman and what a deranged man.
They both dodged each others bullets.
>pick hair male
>Ugly ass looking woman
>Proposing after losing
>in front of thousands of people
I would but I would also do this with either sex or in a general sense because I like vests and bowties, maybe ties if tried. also trousers. need to buy some penny loafers. also if ge dresses crossdresses I woukd like that very much if my taste
Rich coming from you.
This is one of the uglier days I’ve ever seen.
a fat woman started talking to me on the bus once and I actually got grossed out by it
You want me to list yours but I can't do it because in my eyes you don't have any.
Dodged a bullet. Who'd want Voldemort for a brother in law?
well it's up to you to sort your feelings from here
State gender
What do people in your country have national pride for? Lets see if we can guess where you are from.
Saying sorry. Fuck this cuck state.
Can't think of anything tbqh
Canada lel
Thanks, anon. I do try to be rational about it, but sometimes it's difficult. When I can't trust my own perceptions on my size and how I look, it's hard to trust in how other's see me too. It's easy to believe if I were just objectively really short and tiny, then I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. But you're right, it's about acceptance within ourselves. Just for some dumb reason it's hard for some of us to get it through our thick skulls
Don’t be a coward, list them
>What do people in your country have national pride for?
Oooooooh this is getting better, very juicy. I wanna know what happens
Also this
>nailed his children’s eyeballs to his office door.
I gotta sleep but post the rest and I'll read it tomorrow morning!
This place is so gay. I’d love to relocate to somewhere in Western European or the east coast of America.
Uh, denmark?
pretending not to take shit from anyone when they are hilariously obsequious, while also resenting anyone that stands out too much by being better or more successful than them
how long after talking should one talk about becoming a couple/making it official?
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Fuck yeah baby
Yeah honestly when i think of canadians i imagine an even more cucked american.
Sure, I’ll post the rest, idk if the thread will 404 by then or not but here.
“Hello, Helen.” I said coldly as I sat down.
Her face slipped, and for a second I saw the woman I know. The succubus who fed on others bore its fangs to me, as if I had prodded a painful spot for her.
“It’s Helena now, John. Keep making remarks and you can talk to Harry instead..” she trailed off, the threat hanging so delicately under the sultry tones. “But since I asked you here, I’ll be the one to set the table…” she motions, and her lover puts a briefcase on the table. He opens it, and it’s full of cash. Hard paper bills, snapped together with elastics.
I cock my head slightly. “You got the wrong guy.”
Helena laughs. “Since when? This is the amount you asked for. 1.2 million dollars. Enough for your daughters operation, if I recall correctly…”
“My step daughter” I hiss, the air barely to escape my lips, heart pounding so loud that I couldn’t see anything but the briefcase. Helena flippantly twirled her fingers and rolled her eyes. Trivial matters like that mattered so much when you had no power. She suddenly leaned forward, a light in her eyes.
Then I stopped writing lol
Why do women like hitting men in the balls?
I know, right?
But seriously, it's like doomer incel circle jerk hour or something.

>it is either you have a girlfriend or you never will.
Like what does this even mean? This is some Ricky Bobby tier stupid.

Losers think trying always ends the same way.
The truth is that it only ever ends once. Everything before that is just progress.
Schadenfreude, until I remember that she's just an influencer doing this for views, and then I feel disgust.
Too bad I’m not educated or self employed so my value is astrolow. I’m also white so no libtard quotas either. If I had 50k I’d just get my degree and move.
You should keep writing, anon. Thanks for posting it here..must sleep now, goodnight
The suffering never ends.
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>When you check out of a relationship psychologically, can you ever really undo that?
I had been having problems with my partner for months (not together anymore). I felt like I couldn't talk to her, or do anything that would improve the situation. She'd write down her feelings in these huge paragraphs and send them to me and all I could think was ''oh god what is it now'' instead of actually being concerned about her thoughts.

How does one prevent this?
Kek. I have a thing for succubi, as you could probably tell. Good night, I’ll probably fire out a part 3 sometime tonight while I’m working. Lmk when you wanna see it
It will sometime, surely. I just need to get back into grinding. Maybe I should bartend again.
>leave us alone
>ok fine :(
>why do guys not like us as much? It must be their fault

I wish everyone on earth had more humility.
Sounds like it's time to break up anon
No, but I'm curious as to why you think so
Usually when I try to reassure anons on here about their physical insecurities, I get attacked for it. So now I assume most of the time, those types of posts are just bait
Men how would you feel if the girl you used to talk to told you you were exhausting?
More honest communication. You should’ve tried to find a way to tell her you were overwhelmed, and she should’ve been able to communicate in a way that worked better for you.
>I felt like I couldn't talk to her, or do anything that would improve the situation.
Why did you feel this way?
I doubt that would ever happen, kek
I'd feel bad and would likely never speak to her again out of shame/embarrassment
>"...because it's easier."
>"I'm done."
I felt bemusement at her not realizing that "being done" is quitting and the easier path.
People talk about the Lone Wolf melody from Halo Reach but it sounds way better in the intro cutscene to the package. Does literally anyone else know this feel?
You didn't even read his post and this is the first thing you say.
has happened to me yes
there's also a particular yanny that spams how "she" is so insecure about being 5'9 who is 100% baiting
This is literally the female version of
>all women are whores, I hate them
Whenever I spoke my mind she would get upset, get really drunk and do insane things.
I'm speaking from personal experience, when it got to the point in previous relationships where I wasn't emotionally invested in my gf then I'd break up with her
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It’s midnight where I live so I get to post this
Female. National pride is a big no-no. It's only acceptable when it comes to an internationally owned coffee chain and a particular sport. If anything, we are encouraged to take pride in who we are not, and in not having national pride
Hello fellow Canadian. Do you enjoy the Dalit invasion, or are you on the west side?
>pretending not to take shit from anyone
They love doing war crimes to intimidate.
>when they are hilariously obsequious
They are south slavs. There is a reason the word slave comes from slavic.
>while also resenting anyone that stands out too much by being better or more successful than them
MUH HONOR whilst just being perpetually war torn and never achieving anything

.....I'd be confused and probe and question and prompt to explain why and what I did that was so exhausting...
...and I figured it out on my own. Nevermind. I see it. My bad. As you were.
what goes through your mind
would you want to, though? if you felt shame or embarrassment why would you not want to get better
Maybe, I don't know. I've posted a fair bit about my physical insecurities on here, sometimes it feels good to get them out anonymously, and sometimes it leads to feeling worse. So I can't blame anyone for posting about that stuff. I just don't like it when it used as bait to start picking on people
I’d wonder why she thought I was exhausting, what was wrong with me
>"Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn't a skill... it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer."
- George Carlin
>would you want to, though?
No, I'd feel like a burden.
>why would you not want to get better
I'd get better by not being so needy with the next girl.
Tennis, watches and pretending to be oh so civilized.
Why are there so many Canadians here?
>Also Canadian
similar shit happened to me. I have no clue what I'd do if it happened in a new relaitonship.

he already broke up with her, dumbass
No idea. I’m trapped in a pisshole western province though.
Or, more eloquently,
>The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen.
Anyone here know what the best brand for glycol free lube is?
>he already broke up with her, dumbass
Whoops, didn't see that part. I'm a few Moscow mules deep, sorry!
jesus christ, but then again this is the level of intelligence i expect from MKG
>>The cheapest sort of pride is national pride
By that measure, racial pride is far cheaper yet. Which is why very often racists are those without any education or qualities of their own beyond their skin to take pride in.
>uses lube
>needs some weird ass raw organic micro plastic free lube because he gets allergic skin rashes
Not looking too good for you.
woah it's the real machine kelly gun
Nta but Switzerland. Hope you're enjoying your taxes :)
Just because it didn't work with one person doesn't mean it won't work with another. A lot of people break up due to circumstances, not incompatibility
>back in 2015 I introduce my friends to Sam Hyde and MDE
>3 of them became incels, one of them genuinely white supremacist
>the other 2 leave the group, one is still a white supremacist but is more normal
Did I ruin their lives?
I tried, not thick enough, trust me.
My mom had me when she was 45, quit blaming me, yes I am a genetic defect with awful epidermis but I am entitled to masturbation.
Not much better in the east
in my case I would want you to start actually doing the work to heal so you could love me properly, as in get professional help too and make an effort in wanting a happy life with me
>get better for next girl
i hate this mindset and feel replaceable so then it(us) was never anything to guys like this
Jokes on them i do not make enough taxable income to pay any.
I know all about it, hence the Dalit invasion. But at least you have a party scene and shit to do.
kek what country are you from? i know serbs and they're fucking strange
....my name isn't George Carlin, anon.
That's Carlin. With a "C". Not a "K".
>uses lube for MASTURBATION
>has grandma as mom
>skin is rebelling
Like pottery
>i hate this mindset and feel replaceable
Reminds me of when my ex talked about the next girl while we were still together lol
Swiss anon!!!! We’ve missed you in the /soc/ chat
Probably pretty accurate for a lot of guys.
If a girl bluntly told me "you're exhausting" then I'm going to assume she's fed up with my shit. If she broached the subject gently, then sure I'd definitely work on getting better for her, but otherwise I'd assume she was done with me.
Slavs are the n*****s of europe.
I prefer to not go back there again.
gawd same he was like I just choose the wrong girls and I am like but.. you know you are a big part of the problem??
>in my case I would want you to start actually doing the work to heal so you could love me properly, as in get professional help too and make an effort in wanting a happy life with me
Fair enough but it's usually both people in the relationship making mistakes.
Why? What pushed you away? Was it that guy who was mean and only liked you for your boobs?
Wow that's so rude. For me it was "I should learn how to ____, girls would like it"
Haha no, that comes with the territory.
I guess i grew out of hornyposting.
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How do we encourage women to be hornier online with us?
Dang, that sucks for the rest of us. I at least wish you well. I am going to miss your tongue tho
not sure why but this post reminded me of that time that some camwhore masturbated while on her period for a bunch of thisrty guys to see. fun times.
Do women like male solo masturbating like we like female solo masturbating?
>wish you well
Same to you.
god i need a gf who can orgasm from her nipples and give me nursing handjobs
Women don't actually like dicks bro
Do tell
>Women can't even rotate an object omnidirectionally in their mind
Women, is this true?
I just rotated deez nutz in your pants.
he has a lot more worms in his can so to speak, sometimes I would hold up how I really feel and tell him about miscommination issues but calling me a term of endearment after saying no to me and giving me mixed signals while venting to me as his therapist kinda hurt ngl
he has apologized for being rude but he also has like multiple personalities so idk if "him"
I haven't told him but I have been encouraging therapy and doctors appointments but he needs to figure out his insurance so it is a bad timing thing
I'm a wordcel, not a shape rotator. So yes, it's true for me at least
I hate you
Why do women hide their horniness?
But why?
Because we don't want to be seen as whores
You can never hate me more than I hate myself
Everything you did
But why not on an anonymous website like this? Why are you worried about guys here calling you a whore?
I haven't spoken to a woman in years.
Because it still hurts to hear
Nearly a decade and a half for me.
rightfully so.
Have you seen them around Chads or Tyrones? They don't.
I made the mistake of fapping to a pic of some random girl from a dating app and then watching porn
I hate being so horny because it makes me feel lonely as hell
You’re a whore if you sleep with men for money. You’re not a whore if you’re just horny
Like what?
I love you <3
Haha hahahahhaha
women only worry about stupid shit like this . nobody thinks you're a whore if you masturbate to otome games. its the 21st century—nobody cares about some made up thing called "pure maidens" anymore
how do I find the man of my dreams if he visits me in them 50 times so far, and I feel the sleep paralysis demon spooning me and using his hands down me with a boner with his breathing on my neck and he fixes my sleeping posture at seperate times when I can't move
Meds, now.
ive never had a dream involving a person i know sexually.
I want women to be open about their sexual feelings
how do I find the man of my dreams if he visits me in them 50 times so far

and I feel the sleep paralysis demon(him??) spooning me and using his hands down me with a boner with his breathing on my neck and a seperate time he fixes my sleeping posture when I can't move
how am i the delusional one? you're worried about things that exist only in your mind, like some methhead worried about cia spies in his walls. You're a disgusting whore slut bitch CUNT
Yeah no shit. You want to pump and dump them and get free handouts of their sexuality but then you judge them for it.
fuck why did it post twice

for what?
shame shame
>You're a disgusting whore slut bitch CUNT
Case in point.
The fuck is with these schizo hours?
sucks to be a prostitute bitch. yuck
Blame the chick rambling about her sleep paralysis demon
I don’t slut shame
Not wanting to date them long term after you got your fill is slut shaming.
I wish i could, Ill refrain from fapping and try to think about a girl i'm crushing on but then ill have a wet dream about a video game character or some person i dont even recognize. I literally only dream about fictional characters
I’d date a girl with bodies, just no disease or kids
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Thought on this?
why would i want to shack up with some whore? she'll just cheat on me anyways so the pump and dump is the best thing for both of us.
Not saying you should. Just pointing out that being openly sexual as a woman will always be social suicide.
What if Hannibal Lecter was a horny woman?
And that's a good thing. in fact all women should be asexual
do you ever dream about fictional characters when they are actresses from a movie/show you like? that has happened with a celebrity and singer/musician for me which felt odd

my type is very specific so it is basically the same guy every time it feels so real and I think with all the supposedly billions of people out there there is bound to be some sort of energy resonance going on here
Ruining my life
No you don't
As i said, as a woman it will always be in your best interest to pretend to be asexual.
How did i ruin your life?
Men do you squish yourself? I like poking and squishing my fat, is that weird?
Yes I do. You’re beautiful.
Not you
sometimes, but i don't watch as much tv or movies as i used to. mostly i just dream about being close to a woman that i don't recognize when i wake up> I can describe her features but I don't know her. For example a few weeks ago I dreamed I was holding hands, then making out with a pale dark blonde haired girl with a white t shirt on, but I couldn't tell you her eye color or facial features looked like. i guess its because i don't really look women in the eye very much so their faces aren't in my mind when i dream
I think about cutting it off with a knife sometimes.
state gender
have you ever asked someone for a pity fuck?
No but I've thought about it
No wtf
M, no. I'm a sad, pathetic man but I'm not that pathetic
i hate her weird small face
>there are more childless women at 30 than there are women with children
I'm considering asking a random girl... :(

wanna try with me?
j/k, we probably live like 1000s of miles away

>I'm considering asking a random girl... :(
Come on man...
is this when they get a boner from seeing me cry? no but they try to give me them probaly
I would only ask one person. I can get anyone else just fine. Where do you live?
she just looks cute
4B movement!! :^)
are we winning yet
You can lol me, but you are. Stay gorgeous!
>I would only ask one person.
may I know who? your ex or something?

>Where do you live?
I have very little fat but I squeeze my muscles sometimes.
hmmm today I will not hatepost
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Foids all thought they could jump from cock to cock and just get a Chad when they hit the wall, but Chad has moved on to other 20yos.
well, what the fuck can I do? I live in a shitty town, 1 hour away from major cities, matched her on tinder, she thinks I'm good looking, knows I broke up with my ex recently and she's the only young woman I've talked to in a while...
This is the girl you're going to ask to pity fuck you? Just try to woo her like a normal person
Women what's the name of a Transformer that isn't Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream or Bumblebee?
NAG but Ultramagnus
already tried lmao but she stopped talking to me when she noticed I lived far from her... and I told her I broke up a few months ago.
I suck at this shit desu. I'm sure the distance thing was enough for her to discard me, and I'm not good at avoiding giving too much info.
>approach a group of teens at work to tell them we're close
>"excuse me"
>all 3 girls in the group turn around and laugh at me
not sure why things like this still hurt me
Rich baby
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wtf transformer universe has ULTRAmagnus?
I said isn't.
I’ll be honest I only know the name cuz of AVGN lol. Not into transformers.
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I'd call him a nigger too
In this context it also means you had sex with him
I'm a dude but I'd break that buck
but he liked talking about his black daddy dick??
women how would you feel if i called you my "paizuri slave"
Dunno, I never got into Transformers.

Kids are expensive, housing is expensive, food is expensive, medicine and medical care is expensive, cars are expensive. Most families have to be dual breadwinners, so kids spend all day being raised by strangers. Not what I'd want for my kids.
why are men so rude to me is it because they felt rejected after awhile
How the fuck are we supposed to know
well, are you rejecting them?
>approach a group of teens at work to tell them we're close
>finally freed that ingrown pubeic hair
I think he meant closed, and he was working there
Yes rejection makes people go insane. I spent about a month on a crusade here over it.
maybe in japan
this is called prostitution
I'm pre-emptively rejecting you before you can reject me.
oh that makes so much more sense now
are you retarded?
no need to answer, btw
oh no, bad demon is spooning you
truly a devillish fiend
i'm not but you seem to be indeed
I barely have any fat to squish
I would find it funny and endearing, but only because my anatomy is insufficient for tittyfucking
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Will I ever be worthy of love and sex?
>making bed with autistic gf
>i come up close behind her when shes bent over
>try to flip her skirt
>she tells me to stop
>i keep going
>she gets angry and pushes me away
>i back off
>she apologizes and says i just suddenly got up behind her and she was startled
>as if i dont do that shit to her at least every hour and she never gives me shit about it for real
im anniyed and my night is ruined. women why are you like this? why cant you just make me feel desired like i do to you?
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Women, why do you get belly button piercings?
It's genuinely awful
You are both severely autistic.
yeah, prolly
>>she tells me to stop
>>i keep going
>>she gets angry
reeeee why are women bad
I should have clarified, it was a "noooooo stoppp" not "stop"
Women, which transformer would you fuck?
If I saw a dude raping a girl in some dark alley, walked up to him and asked him can I join and he said yes
Would I be breaking the law if I started fucking his ass?
He did say yes
Past the honeymoon phase it's extremely annoying when someone keeps pestering and obstructing you when you're trying to get through basic tasks like eating or housework.
And it's also annoying if "heh, ok, stop" doesn't work and you need to intimidate your partner with the serious conversation voice every time you want to be heard.
If it were me I would give you a good spanking.
Probably but there's no way anyone in that trio would report it
I'm sure you would be breaking a law. I'm not sure exactly what law though.
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>she tells me to stop
>i keep going
>she gets angry and pushes me away
Yeah, what did you expect? lmao

>women why are you like this?
She was doing something, you interrupted her. I don't mind it generally but sometimes I just am not in the mood - mainly, if I'm tired and I want to finish what I'm doing so I can rest or if I'm cooking something delicate and I don't want to be distracted.

>why cant you just make me feel desired like i do to you?
She didn't feel desired, she felt annoyed.
Damn, why even pay for therapy when AI do it for free?
No reason both are bs
pretty sure consenting to a part of the act is not yet consenting to some other part not mentioned before. like you can't just go full bdsm on a girl who simply accepted a sex invitation without any mention of ropes
Not for me, mate.
ladies would you rather date a gentleman, or a bad boy?
meh, speak for yourself
The AI is a machine that tells you what you want to hear. Great for entertainment but I'm not sure I'd rely on it to maintain my mental health
But how would you know it was rape and that she didn't enjoy it? A lot of females have a fetish for it and like to play pretend rape with their bfs. It would be best to just mind your business and walk away, not to mention the rapist could beat you up.
Gentlemen only <3
You just speedread any post that mentions rape to get to post this, don't you? Come on man, it isn't ok to shoot boys just because they like to play shooty games with their friends.

Am I a disgusting repulsive incel if I'm a white man who has never been with a white woman? It took living in Asia to realize I'm totally unattracted to Asian women and I've been fucking my whole smv up. I've been with Blacks, Asians, latinas... I've ruined myself and now I wanna settle down with a white woman but Asia is calling me back for work. Even white women recruiters don't want me and literally laugh at my efforts to get a job here. Do I try to stay in the US and build my social credit score enough for a white woman with a kid? Or do I return to Asia for the job opportunities and low CoL and hope I get a white tourist from Germany or Russia?
My lady *tips hat*
Also should I never tell a white woman I've been to Asia? I have a feeling it doesn't help. I literally went there for peace and break from all the bullshit, I never wanted to date
idk I jus be asking
I mean I can get insecure if he mentions other women and then feel like I have to forfeit my appearance of attraction to him maybe
he's so mean
why that really hurts me
This is my strat too
Better to punch first than get punched
Dont worry I still love you
as a wasian I say go where your heart and dick and brain desires most.
Women, especially white women, are more conservative in partner choice. Many more women are going to take issue with that than men would if a woman said "how do I settle down with a white man? Been suckin and fuckin African and Arab men all my life, they just love me, you know."

I wouldn't lie about where I've lived and worked and what kind of women I've dated but do not bring race up. Communicate it as a matter of circumstances, not that you've especially sought out exotic women.
Yes and no. It can still rely on judgment calls. It’s not like I was like “oh it’s so good that I want to hurt myself” and it agreed. I think the disconnect in thinking about AI is where people think AI want to help = AI want to reinforce. It’s not true.
>he's so mean
This guy >>31498654 is your goal
how do i get a wasian girl to like me
I'd definitely be with a wasian, my last gf was wasian. I figure there's got to be more of you at this point in Asia to settle down with. Still, during my last weeks in the US, I'm depressed walking past so many blonde, blue eyed, pale skin women everywhere. It really hurts
It's not like they go "yesss, hurt yourself more", no, but rather, they're empathetic and take your side and tell you you're doing the right thing, you've done nothing wrong, etc, when you seek comfort.
They aren't going to analyze the situation and your issues like a human professional would, they only analyze what you expect to hear based on the cues you've given. Is that not reinforcing?
>can't post audio webms on /adv/

Yeah I definitely don't mention racial stuff at all unless I've had sex with a woman a few times or months in. I just focus on fun and games at the beginning my concern is that she'll hear "I've been to Asia" as "I'm a passport bro"
I suppose that issue would arise, if I wasn’t being so vulnerable and honest. I’ve done a shit ton of introspection about my issues, and it was interesting to hear the AI’s take on them, a lot of what they said I hadn’t even thought about. But yeah, for sure, someone who’s only seeking validation will only get validation. That’s not what I’m looking for though. I just was honest and asked for an assessment and got one.
no you don't :( you don't kniw what love is
where do I find one like him? who doesn't to this to every girl and wants me to be special to him.
please spare the wasians and go for the blondes and leave my dark haired light eyes/dark eyes girls alone
>where do I find one like him?
Idk, that’s an over time build up. You’ll have to build yourself up.
theres absolutely nothing hotter than a girl sending you a nude on a dirty mirror
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>you don't kniw what love is
Why are you so mean?
I'm 25 and have never received a nude from a woman.
You can buy those, you know.
not even close to the same
I'm 30 and same.
Though I've never even spoken to a woman, so that doesn't help.
Haha, have you tried before?
tfw 42 and never even seen a woman before
because you made me feel bad on purpose
tfw 57 and not even in the same dimension as women
You guys give me hope.
It's the easiest thing ever, honestly. You just need to rizz them up a bit. I've seen hundreds of body types for free.
And don't listen to pathetic simp faggots like this one >>31498716
You don't need to pay for it.
Dumb fuck I was joking. Way to reveal your insecurity.
I'm not joking though, other that job related things, I havent had an actual conversation in like 15 years
tfw 68 and women are just a myth I've read about
So funny. Are you a professional comedian?
Your gender
If you've received nudes or dick pics, how did you get them?
how do i convince my fat wife to let me eat her out before she showers? i love the smell but she insists
No, but you’re a snarky twat. Reddit is that way.
New Thread
It's not a matter of difficulty, I am just cucked by life
tfw i'm 120 and women
Haha! imagine going in
your house, wearing your clothing, laying in your bed, looking through
your windows at your street. I would
BE YOU. I would be you.
Would that be mean?
I may or may not be experiencing karmic law at the moment so just to be safe
I am deeply sorry to anyone I may have hurt with my shitposts this morning they are always exaggerated and not to be taken seriously, please forgive me. I'm sorry.
that's pretty chubby, ngl

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