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Last Episode: >>31495754
how do i convince my fat wife to let me eat her out before she showers? i love the smell but she insists on showering before
Is it just me or did women fall off?
its sunday night
just a reminder that people asking for advice can be really more incompetent at life than you could ever imagine. saying it because i keep forgetting myself
savor the flavor
So true king.
They're busy with sex.
I wish I could know what it feels like to kiss a woman. I have never felt a woman's lips connect with mine.
are you trolling?
Would you rather date a fat and balding guy or die alone?
it feels soft and tastes good
M or F
Favorite animal?
I may or may not be experiencing karmic law at the moment so just to be safe
I am deeply sorry to anyone I may have hurt with my shitposts this morning they are always exaggerated and not to be taken seriously, please forgive me. I'm sorry.
chill bro, stay unkarmed
Apologies only work if you know who you're apologizing to, it's not a free get out of jail card. :^)
Too late. You've brought intense anger and suffering upon us all and if there's any justice in this world your life as well as your soul will be lost forever.
are you?
It feels meh because most bitches don't know how to kiss. But it's amazing if she does know.
There is a good chance I will kill myself by the end of the week if the pain doesn't stop so you'll get that.
I think your wife is right on this one desu, unhygienic much?
Though I suppose it depends if it's fresh sweat after a workout or whatever
But if she's not comfortable with it then sorry buddy
They fell into bed to zzzzz
Same (at least making out...)
The few seconds I did do it it's soft and warm and nice
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Oh I can imagine it all right
What is this, reddit?
>apologising for shitposting on 4chan
Someone get this guy a fuckin' puppers
You will never be qt MAP.
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um ok ? ;(
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I thoroughly enjoyed his meme lel
Get help dude wtf man
You're not missing much.
Do you want to be a snail stepped on by Makima
Tbf sniffing your gf's armpits after a sweaty workout is based
Huffing em after a week of bedrotting and stewing in their own stale coochie sweat is just nasty
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>Do you want to be a snail stepped on by Makima
Also can we stop spreading fake news pls
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This is why you should take a girl to McDonald's btw. You can get her chicken nuggets and Happy Meal toy
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M or F
What are your thoughts on this?
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Would you want a paternity test?
F. Sex as a reward is fucked up.
>average married cuck
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Women, why aren't you as based as her?
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or burger king if theyre based
What fake news? You said how you want a loli gf, you post young anime girls and said how you play with kiddos at the park. Sounds like a MAP to me. Dw bro, you're part of the LGBT+ now.
Honestly if I learned anything in my life its that most of these men deserved it. He'd probably say you were insecure for living by no hymen no diamond.
How do you spot that?
>the results came back negative, I am NOT her father
Eesh, poor motherfucker
I mean I don't want kids (M) but hypothetically I would like to be able to trust the woman I'm planning to have kids with enough such that a test isn't necessary
So is the pic guy staying with the wife? Admirable lol but I would not stay with a cheater/lier, fuck that noise lol. I'd pay child support and visit the kid but I'm not staying
Nope. Get fucked. My vision board is doing exactly what I asked it to do.
no need. my kids have my ears.
>paying child support for a kid that isn't yours
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This is the kind of couple you see in the news as serial killers
Maybe she was on 9anime
The Zulu curses are working...
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M or F
Thoughts on surge pricing?
Unrelated, thoughts on shop lifting?
Mindfulness isn't African.
Oh wait no I'm dumb I just realised we wouldn't be related LMAO
Yeah fuck that then. Her and whoever knocked her up are responsible for the kid. Out of my hands
US executives really looking to get their heads chopped off, eh
you wouldn't recognize a meme if it lmaoed right at ur life
oh well then thats not piracy
I see you on /pol/ all the time, why are you here?
Mumu ogun thunderstrike you!
Kek, yeah, famous tripfag “sage” is here. That bastard.
>thoughts on shop lifting
From small mom and pop stores, fucked up. I always paid in full from them and often bought extra shit they were pedalling just to help support the stores
Stealing big-brand items from huge supermarket chains on the other hand... yeah fuck that stealing a few overpriced beers isn't gonna kill em lol
Fuck you.
>thats not piracy
I mean it technically is right? Not that I care
JH why don't you answer the shoplifting question? Looks like your area of expertise
neodymium magnet goes brrr
I'm sorry, please don't visit me in my dreams.
Publicly traded companies have to constantly be growing to appease shareholders, there's no helping it.
I won't be stealing but I don't really have a problem with people taking from big companies like Walmart.
>that soulless serotonin stare
>paired with a broken cuckold of a man, henpecked to oblivion
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>JH why don't you answer the shoplifting question? Looks like your area of expertise
Ok this is based
I still take a crown when I go to burger king because we are all kings
Kek, that monkey bitch is a shoplifter? She's really not helping her case of "I'm totally not like the other blacks because I don't listen to black music".
Surge pricing with a capped range within reason could work for items prepared to order, otherwise it's stupid. And shoplifting is bad. Also fuck you, too.
I don't want to know what you fucks dream about anyways.
i had a job interview today and i have a good feeling about it but now im nervous waiting for the results
what do? i have decent savings so im not worried about that
>I don't want to know what you fucks dream about anyways
ouch, that hurt me.
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You know what I meant. I bet you dream about fucking anime girls or something. Idk.
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F. Horses.
I dream mostly about running away, dying, and my teeth falling out. Very occasionally, I'll have a nice dream where I have someone to talk to; those are my favorite ones. :)
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This is how I imagine the average reddit couple
I must response to these allegations
>you want a loli gf
Like a smol petite one, not an underage
>you post young anime girls
Bc they're cute and make good reaction images
>said how you play with kiddos at the park
Not just randoms that I don't know that would be weird af
>Dw bro, you're part of the LGBT+ now.
LMFAO where's my rainbow bumper sticker?
You can't change the outcome so there's literally no use worrying about it. I always assume you didn't get the job unless you hear back (then it's a pleasant surprise lol). In the meanwhile keep stacking paper. (I need to start working in a min)
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>I bet you dream about fucking anime girls
What's wrong with that?
no your favorites are when I make you suck on my hairy nuts and lick my butt
Weird, my dreams are usually way more surreal than that. A lot of nudity, too.
Those are your favorites, Anon.
I don't judge.
Why do I keep stumbling into Eating Disorder Twitter? What is Twitter trying to imply here? I'm fat as fuck.
Nothing, as long as you concede that dreaming about alien gangbangs is also not weird.
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just trying to figure out if i want to keep applying to other places or just wait the 3 days he said it would take
Tbf iirc it was more like "tagged along with friends a few times who nabbed a few clothing items at the mall", not like she was planning a heist lol.
>What is Twitter trying to imply here?
Run fat boi run
Mine aren't really that surreal since they're all rooted in game and tvshow logic.
You have an eating disorder, just in the other direction
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Also apparently the new hip trend in ED tiktok is girls talking about how much they eat to show it's cool to eat.
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>Nothing, as long as you concede that dreaming about alien gangbangs is also not weird.
sounds like a party
Well you say you have a good amount of savings so if it's only 3 days and you're fairly confident about how it went then fuck it just wait back and hear. If you're keen to start working again though it's worth shooting off some more applications, you can always turn them down if you do land this job.
Nah, I'm just extremely sedentary
If I had a social life, I'd probably be a lot slimmer since I'd have a reason to go outside and walk.
>"tagged along with friends a few times who nabbed a few clothing items at the mall
I'm pretty sure she said makeup, and one time she was almost caught and it make her heart pound so hard she never did it again
>Bratz pfp
>eats like a fucking unit
Dream gf lol
What's disgusting here is not the quantity of food, it's the absolute slop she's eating.
If only people truly understood this.
ok i guess ill wait
ty im just freaked out a little
Seeing that it's tiktok, there's a chance that that girl is like... 13
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Women how do i find a fat gf with a low body count?
It's natural to feel a little overwhelmed and anxious in the interim when you're between jobs and not sure what's going to happen. Just do something nice to treat yourself after the interview, then see how you feel later/tomorrow about sending out any more applications, if there are other jobs that interest you. But really I wouldn't stress. I did the same thing recently where I wasn't in a rush to start a new job so just said fuck it and waited a few days
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I don't see what's wrong with having some slop.
The reason why people slim down when they go to EU is actually due to the fact that they walk everywhere.
Her uncle was right to do what he did.
>is actually due to the fact that they walk everywhere.
This is cope.
Will women be able to tell I've never kissed a woman at 25
Am I retarded for asking a German guy who he is rooting for in eufa?
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ED twitter is freaking me the fuck out. lol
>I've never kissed a woman at 25
Damn bruh, you're literally me
MAPs have a different flag. The rainbow flag means gay only, I think.
They don't call him qt MAP for nothing.
I hope niggas rob them blind
whats the explanation for being lacking in self awareness? as in, you have no concept of how others view you?
None of us have kissed women, bro
I'm 26 KHHV.
Eh well you could make a case against the ethical integrity of most makeup brands anyway
>almost caught and it make her heart pound so hard she never did it again
RIP. See honestly the thrill of that would just make me want to do it even more
I've only shoplifted a few times while manic but no one even tried to stop me booo. Then again I'm not black like JH
When you actually do it, maybe, or at least that you're inexperienced. You can always just tell em beforehand, some girls find it cute
upbringing or iq, usually a combination
i have kissed 3 or 4 and im 23
only fucked 1 tho
oh no...
she's a cute black girl. it's over. my weakness...
All the Chad anons are currently sleeping with their gfs but will be out of the woodwork soon to shitpost about sexo
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Guys, could you fail at dicking down a woman so much that after 7 years of marriage she turns lesbo?
>Then again I'm not black like JH
*skull emoji* Stop, she's already dead.
If this helps I'm 18 f and I've never kissed anyone.
>They don't call him qt MAP for nothing
>MAPs have a different flag
*Googles it*
Ngl it looks fucking gay, like someone vomited a washed out Brickbreaker layout from my Atari 2600
I'm sticking with my pirate flag
The cycle always goes like this:
>learned behavior or response to problem
>fatigue with said behavior or response leads either to unsustainable overcorrection, or "mental health" #positivity coping mechanisms
>actual problem remains unrealized and no real change is made
Look at American fitness and diet culture and this is it.
what if she's been dicked down so well she has fulfilled all her dick desires and now she needs to pursue new ways of excitement
It wasn't just makeup. I did finally get scared straight and stopped that shit, though. Also donated the clothes I stole.
Fuck you, whitey.
Mmmm panini
Anyway I think our food in EU is just healthier and has less sugars and shit than you Americans
Also you guys don't subsist on cigarettes and beer for most of the day. Or maybe that's just me
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sounds like cope
Ah shibal. What a degenerate thread.
you shouldn't concern yourself about it, you'll probably otherwise "ick" away the first woman you kiss before forming any sort of relationship anyway and you move on no longer being kissless
Hypothetically, would you have a problem with dating a guy with experience at 25?
>scared straight
I'm in Commiefornia, here you can yoink $995 worth of stuff a day and the cops won't even arrest you
with NO experience*
>donated the clothes I stole
Wait I totally forgot about this
So you're literally Robin Hood? Holy based
Nah, you say that, and then next week you'll be like
I'm getting married teehee
I feel like the age gap between 18 and 25 is too big
thats why you need to visit a premium escort if you didnt get any action by the time you are 20. To learn the ropes
>Fuck you, whitey.
Gotta whip some discipline into your black ass
That's fucked. Both the stealing and the pricing.
For my own peace of mind, not out of the goodness of my heart. I can admit I wasn't very nice back then.
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You should have gone back to the store and admitted that you stole from them, bad monkey.
everything from 19-25 has flown by so fast I feel like I'm years behind my actual age
She has a Bratz pfp though, those dolls and Bratzillaz were discontinued in 2016. Are zoomer girls getting into it again or something? Based if true. I always kinda preferred Bratz to Barbie desu
I hate you.
no you don't, practice gfs are free, just don't get attached to the first girl who agrees to go out with you LOL
isn't that fairly normal?
You know you love it
I wish I could go back to age 20 and date an older woman
I wasn't going to have a record for grabbing clothes as a kid. I did what I thought was best. Also go fucking drown.
No, sharp pains don't make me horny, only dull, achy ones.
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How did you fare when she told you her past?
Same bro. I went out with a French girl a few years older but blew it. Now I'm a 26 year old wrinkled old man, too young for zoomer girls with daddy issues but too old for shotacon MILFs...
I wish I could tell which guys like older women. Would make hitting on guys at work so much easier.
That makes me your senpai
The worst part about growing old, is watching that gap disappear.
Jesus Christ bro you're relentless lmao
I thought you said you were a gangsta? Why are you being a snitch nigga?
What do all the H's stand for bruv
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>too young for zoomer girls with daddy issues but too old for shotacon MILFs...
I want and need those years back
I'd probably be too mousy and shy to even get noticed by the women that want to do that
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Ya frfr. The French girl would pick me up from my house because I can't drive. Now in my late 20s it's not cute anymore it's just lame
Shoplifting isn't gangsta, real niggas don't respek that.
>dey all talk that murder shit but niggas really shoplifters
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>I wish I could tell which guys like older women. Would make hitting on guys at work so much easier.
Look for guys that look up to you but are also slightly intimidated by you
She had a little blue car also like Misato come to think of it haha
You'd be surprised. I don't want to sound predatory, but the quietest guys are the ones I end up watching more.
Only chads get the shinji experience.
No wonder you want to fuck your mom
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>in my late 20s
You're in your mid 20's, not late, don't age yourself qt
That was my last exbf. We really had a great dynamic until the whole him not wanting kids thing ruined it.
She wasn't a loud beer guzzler though like Misato
That was another MILF I went out with 2-3yrs ago
This is the real kicker
this is totally me.
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Gotta learn how to manipulation maxx
Tomato tomato bro. 26 is officially late game. The tail end of the tiger. The second act after the intermission. The butt of the cigarette. One step closer to the big dirtnap
>MILF I went out with
Chad shit.
No way. The hot thing about all of it was getting to see him make those sorts of big decisions and discoveries in real-time. Manipulation would've ruined it. I don't want to date a puppet, I already own a bunch of stupid dildos.
It's over knowing that I'll be far too easily discouraged to even bother with a woman unless she is direct, outright and aggressive with desiring me.

All it takes is
>wow she's really extraverted and normie and I don't fit in here
>wow she's really paying a lot of attention to that guy
and I'm back to zero
>this has never happened to me
maybe I'm not as handsome as I think I am
>wow she's really extraverted and normie
Sometimes these girls are easier to date though
There's only one chad amongus, and it ain't me
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>Only chads get the shinji experience.
QT stayed true to the Shinji experience
I'm totally fine with her being extraverted, it's just that I have a hard time entering into an already established social group
It doesn't happen. Quiet guys have never been desired, she's baiting for simps.
>is he afraid of women?
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>It's over knowing that I'll be far too easily discouraged to even bother with a woman unless she is direct, outright and aggressive with desiring me.
I didn't say I approached them. Don't want to spook them at work.
You don't have to be best buds with her friends, if she introduces you at events though you're already kind of pre-vetted, just be chill and most people will try to include you
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>tfw you're a shy, introverted, socially awkward, khhv and woman don't want to talk to you.
I must consult the council of the KHVs... virginity and handholding with someone you're dating are self-explanatory, but the kiss has to be a real make-out with someone you like right? If it's just a peck on the lips or a few seconds or something you go along with that doesn't count right?
The fat girl stole your H card, bro.
it's over.
I didn't hold hands with her though iirc
and the K card, and the V card.
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I don't think I've ever had a woman look at me like that either
I don't know. I've never had any type of kiss like that
Euro Girls :3
Makima poster is the only posts I read in this thread, the rest of you bore me.
What are you on about?
Bro you need Jesus
Surprised he's not b& for avatarfagging desu
You don't remember what happened at the gay bar?
I thought we were having fun...
you told me you'd call...
women, what sport has the hottest players?
I mean I kinda avatarfag with my bloody Yuno but only at home.
I like JH but she's racist to my people so she'd never like me.
Sorry bro I'm not gay just a bit fruity
Thanks for the drinks tho
Argentine ?
>have only received compliments from gay/bi men
>I'm straight
should I feel blackpilled by this or what?
I want to hear that a woman thinks I am handsome at least once
No matter how honest I am about how I'd like to eliminate all Canadians and Australians, I could still like one for the right reasons.
It's easier to compliment the same sex when you're bi. Like it feels more natural and less weird, even if it is sexually motivated still.
Yeah, she hates Asians, I cried when I found out.
Some gays are just a lot more forward bro
Doesn't mean a woman never liked you
I don't hate Asians. I was just traumatized by being told by my childhood crush that he couldn't love me because I wasn't also Korean, so since then I've just plain never found Asians attractive.
>so since then I've just plain never found Asians attractive.
Why do avatarfags always use the lowest of the lowest entry level shit characters?
State gender if you manage to answer this
Sorry? Blame him, not me. I did literally everything with him, even went to his all Korean church. I told him I loved him and he pulled the race card on me. Tell me that isn't traumatizing for a kid.
you know how asian families be like
Yeah, I guess I see why you'd hate asians after that.
That korean should've been ME!
if I ever get a time machine...
Sure lemme just swap to Aryon or Visas Marr.
I didn't until then.
I don't hate them. I just naturally block them out of my dating pool is all. I think I could still fall in love with one, I just think it's more of an uphill battle to get to that point just based on our mutual preferences. Asians don't want someone like me.
Am I the only white man in this thread? Is this how Columbus felt?
Worse, it's how natives felt as they were colonized by whites, and soon we'll be the ones in reservations.
Hot, imagine being a BWC breeding stud for a Black Queen like JH
Checking in, white brothers. My white blogpost is that the fucking Asians at the McDonald’s burnt my sausage and egg McMuffin.
Can't imagine.
Do men really believe it's possible for a woman to rape a man or is it just another male psyop?
I can't tell how satirical this is vs if it's just fetish posting. Either way, fuck you.
What was your New Year’s resolutions, and how is it holding up now?
Not this larp again. Shit actually bothers me.
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>for a kid.
Maybe you should have been playing games instead of dating at that age lol
Imagine being traumatized because of something a kid said
>7 years of marriage
Can you imagine having to fuck the same woman for 7 years anon?
>I don't want to sound predatory, but
Statement followed by negation ...
To kill myself by the end of the year if I don't do anything with my life this year
I tried a few things, all failed, back to square one, not looking good
>until the whole him not wanting kids thing ruined it.
You work this out in the 1st month or less. It's basic compatibility.
This is terrifying.
They really burned all 3 of my god damn McMuffins. What’s a white man to do?
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Is it true that most men don’t get bjs from their women?
It’s simple. We, uhh, conquer Evropa.
what the fuck is hawk tuah?
How can I know, I'm khhv
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>he doesn’t know
yeah, I dont know the meme of the week
From talking to your peers?
ive only had one gf and she gives me head all the time
weve been together for 2 and a half years btw
this is why i want a gf who genuinely loves giving bjs even for her own pleasure
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>interviewer “what is your favorite secret when it comes to the bedroom?”
>girl “well my favorite is sometimes, you just gotta (hawk tuah) and spit on that thang!! :D”
Idk every girl I’ve had has sucked my dick.
women have you ever had sex with someone right after meeting them in the street?
Was my ex gf bad ar bjs?
They literally felt like nothing and she even said she was good at it.
I'd cum tons of times in her pussy though
I am in my first relationship for 2 years now, and I have never ever had a bj before
This world will never be
What I expected
And if I don’t belong…
have you asked her for one????
oh and do you eat her out?
if not you literally cant complain
I don’t know what this means
No, but I have offered and she says no
>just eat her out
never leads to more blowjobs from a woman like that, it leads to more pussy eating
i mean at least its fair lol
It’s a song. About suicide.
I just found out about it last night. Ben Shapiro needs to talk about it so it can be added to his WAP.
What are you currently listening to?
Imagine being her dad, boomer scrolling Facebook and seeing pictures of your daughter flood your feed because she said that she loves to spit on the cock
Judge me

It's different for men and females. If you eat her out, she will lose respect for you.
Some roblox background music.
I fell in love. Fucking sue me.
He wasn't sure at the time. He made a decision based on the trajectory of his career after we dated for about a year and he had gained more understanding of what he wanted and where he was ending up.
that song was about suicide?
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Why do so many women post bait for incles on social media?
Pity from women, attention from men
2000s butt rock, very nostalgic.
Not really, it’s about resisting suicide.
watching this twitch streamer absolutely fall to bits watching live aid.
Gross, I dont understand women at all..
F. EDM remixes.
I don't see the appeal of listening to kpop.
If you wanna watch korean sluts, sure, but the music itself though? Bland
>He wasn't sure at the time.
ok, this is a "no".
The time between a "no" and a "yes" could easily be 10 years, depending on things like income, confidence.
Recommend you filter out any guys who are not "Yes, I definitely want kids in the next N years"

girls if a man listens regularly to the above link, is that beta?
It's tough to figure out when to ask.
You all have terrible taste. I am not entering any of my music into the fray, just judging from above.
The only place I cum now is her mouth or else she gets mad
I'm so completely done with being alone. Where do I go to beg and grovel for a gf?
Yes, it's pathetic, but I don't care. That's where I'm at now.
White boi check-in
Not rape, but there's sexual assault
Resolutions schmesolutions
Not currently listening to anything but CCR's Bad Moon Rising is currently paused on Spotify.
Can you tell the difference between fingering her pussy from her ass? Do they feel different?
Early. It's a fundamental life goal compatibility issue. It always, always comes up as a deal breaker. As soon as you think this might be someone you could see having kids with you need to know what their position on that is. First few weeks latest.
You must have a bunch of "deal breakers" already. These should be out front to scare away anyone who isn't compatible with what you want.
she gets mad if you don't sperm in her mouth?
NTA but say some shit like "how you feel about kids?" Not "how you feel about having kids together?" Just in case you missed that.
I'm slavic, so white by proxy
How important is sex in a relationship? Meaning, you have a great partner who you really fit well with, but the sex is only mediocre, its never extremely fulfilling, but its also not completely terrible either.
yes lol
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This is rarer than it seems. Good sex comes from being open and honest. It's a very intimate experience. If you're in a good place but with bad sex then one of the people is traumatized or the relationship is a paper tiger.
I don't want to scare anybody, nor do I want to make someone feel like I'm only after his baby.
>If you're in a good place but with bad sex then one of the people is traumatized or the relationship is a paper tiger.
don't see how that is at all related
Birds chirping outside and my cat purring next to me :3
Dealbreaker for some, not a big deal for others.
If they're both super horny and sex is mediocre, it's only a matter of time before things fall apart.
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Because, like I said, what makes good sex is openness and honesty. If you're in a good place, but bad sex, then you're not actually in a good place, you're just pretending you are.
Men are most open right after sex, when all his barriers are down and he’s basking in your womanly aura
the horniness will decrease naturally tho as time in the relationship progresses
that may not be true tho, some people just aren't completely sexually compatible, they may be great partners to each other, but their sexual chemistry may not be the best fit.
What’s not to get? It’s free lube!
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>they may be great partners to each other, but their sexual chemistry may not be the best fit.
I lived this. The reality of that is compromise for most, breakup for me. Depends how much you personally value sex.
Should I go ride my bike at the park at 4am in the morning?
you don't think it sounds retarded to dump a great boyfriend, when 90% of the relationship is great? a 100% perfect relationship doesn't exist. Sure, maybe your next boyfriend will give you mind shattering sex every single time, but that doesn't mean he will be as good as a partner for you as your ex.
yeah kinda, I assume he'd be a submissive shy 4chan using type.
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I love how you assume I'm a woman. Really adds to the whole "I'm insecure and need reassurance" vibe.
>I am not entering any of my music into the fray
If it's light out, yeah it's fun
I used to cycle to work at like 4am with my bike lights blaring techno lol
nta, but how is someone suppose to know their sexual chemistry? If a guy is in his first relationship, how is he suppose to know what he needs?
Fuck you Qt.
>nta, but how is someone suppose to know their sexual chemistry? If a guy is in his first relationship, how is he suppose to know what he needs?
You'll know. It'll feel good, or it won't.
I used to torrent TV shows and music, but now I’m depressed and don’t enjoy TV so I just browse 4chan in silence
Also my boobs aren’t that big
Waking up surrounded by animals honestly sounds like a nightmare
That’s the fun part, you figure it out together. It’s like learning to ride a bike, but sexy.
"Sexual chemistry" is a meme. Of course some people have preferences and those preferences may or may not align well, but preferences also change over time, so a couple who are committed to each other, communicate well, and genuinely try to meet each other's needs can be sexually compatible in time even if they started out with wildly different sexual preferences.
Also true, hence the openness and honesty thing I was banging on earlier.
>I don't want to scare anybody
Yeah you do. You could have the perfect guy but if you waste multiple years of your life with them on something fundamental like kids, your life is going to suck later no matter how good it is to begin with.
Your real dating pool are only those people who match your non-negotiable deal breakers. Everyone else is wasting your time, no matter how awesome they otherwise seem.
> feel like I'm only after his baby
Sure. You slip these things into conversation while you're talking to each other, you don't tie them into a chair and point a spotlight on them.
>it'll feel good
what do you mean, of course sex feels good. But I've heard many people say how sex is so different depending who you are with. I don't have anything to compare it to, so how do I know that what I have is actually good?
I never learned to ride a bike either…….
If she seems happy and wants to do it again, then you did good, it’s that simple.
>I don't have anything to compare it to, so how do I know that what I have is actually good?
Does it feel good enough to stay with one person? Yes or no? Pretty simple. You don't need to have a goth chick rock your world with their kegel-strengthened pussy while she chokes you until you see stars if you don't know that exists, you know?
Wicked track <3
But also fuck you too anon
>so I just browse 4chan in silence
You're a real one for that
>tfw can ride a bike with no hands around verts with my eyes closed but never sex'd
nta but willingness to change is part of good chemistry
an inflexible autist who refuses to accommodate their partner won’t have good chemistry with anyone
>no response
Oh well. I guess it's rope time. Goodbye, anons.
honestly I'd say women don't care about abs ENOUGH

It truly is chemistry. The way you interact with each other's scent, pheromones', and taste. You could deeply be in love with someone, but that doesn't mean your going to have a more intense horniness for them than someone else. I love my wife deeply, shes the best woman i've ever been with. However, the sexual chemistry I had with my uni gf was far more intense. I deeply love my wife for who she is and we have a great marriage. But when I compare her to my uni gf, my uni gf (who turned out to be a bitch), she tho would get me hornier than ever. Every time I saw a text message from that girl, I would instantly start leaking loads of pre-cum. Just from seeing her text. I would be so fucking horny around her that there were several times i came in my pants just from being close to her.

That has never happened with my wife, and that is okay. But for you to say there is nothing about chemistry,you're just wrong
Just get an AI robot gf bro, this is the future
ok i see that. but what about me?
I mean i don't know. I've heard both girls and guys say that one needs to try out different things to see what they like,that makes this confusing
I'm just gonna find a random dude and pork his ass instead.
Dumbass, its both. Chemistry can be instant or develop over time. Guess how it develops? Open and honest communication. Guess what changed since your slut days with your uni slut? Your age! You! There's way more factors than just "this uni slut was damn hot!"
>I mean i don't know. I've heard both girls and guys say that one needs to try out different things to see what they like,that makes this confusing
(You) might not. They say that because that's what they needed. I needed it. You? Maybe not. You won't know until you try.
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how can i get my gf to rp this with me
First, that's not the kind of chemistry that was being discussed. Second, I don't think you actually understand the chemistry you're talking about, and I don't think it was the only or even the primary reason for the difference in your sexual attraction to these two women.
>but what about me?
Er, same thing really. Did you enjoy it? If not, thentry something else. If yes, then hooray!
ZOMG, is that a reference to my favorite obscure, extremely popular animu!? You, sir, you get it. You are an epic legend!
Stop pretending to be me, faggot.
Tried that. They're not convincing enough and I can't kiss or cuddle with them.
>Wicked track <3
Yeah it makes me speed, sadly. Your track fucks hard too, very nice.
>Stop pretending to be me, faggot.
no u
people die when they are killed
Nuh uh
Prove it
I mean that sounds pretty fucking gay bro but you do you
Just get a star wars nerd gf
>They're not convincing enough
That's where imagination comes in
>I can't kiss or cuddle with them
Just fap
>how do I know that what I have is actually good?
This is the most stupid question I've heard in a long time.
I remember my ex gf being insecure telling me "Sex with me might feel good, but you won't know if it truly is good until you have sex with someone else" because she was my first and only partner.
It took hours of me SINCERELY telling her I would have never wanted anyone beside her because I cared about the emotional connection and not the penis feelgood rush. She was a coomer though and kept being suspicious of it because she couldn't understand me
Bruh I spent literally all of the week before last RP'ing with AI chatbots and jerking off to it but it's not a replacement for an actual woman.
>Open and Honest communication
Chemistry is biological science, idiot. Not mental. "Open and Honest communication" doesn't change physical biological properties. The uni gf, I was so addicted to her body, scent, and taste. She was a bitch which is why we broke up, but you're missing the point, it's literally just science.
>They say that because that's what they needed. I needed it. You? Maybe not. You won't know until you try.
how did you know you needed it if you had never been with anyone else?
Would you be okay with your boyfriend having female friends who disapprove of your relationship? They don't want to fuck him and he's not attracted to them but they have a common interest in politics and he maintains friendship with them and hangs out with them but you know that they don't like you. He doesn't like that they disapprove but he just avoids the subject with them so they don't argue.
extremely STEM post
its good I guess. But it doesn't seem the same as I've heard others describe
>The uni gf, I was so addicted to her body, scent, and taste.
I get it man, but I'm saying that you changed. If I took your brain now and stuck it back in your body back then (just in case you're giga autistic that means all your sensibilities are the same as they are now, but we're transplanting you back there) you might not necessarily feel that way.
You don't. And why would you care? You wouldn't know. Very very few people stay with their virgin lovers forever, you know.
>but he just avoids the subject with them so they don't argue.
I don’t like this, he should be defending me. I do it with my friends, so I expect the same from him.
>I would have never wanted anyone beside her because I cared about the emotional connection and not the penis feelgood rush
nta but that sounds so beta lmao. Imagine saying that shit. Why wouldn't you want to feel an emotional connection AND bust the biggest nut of your life into her
yeah and its a true fact. There have been studies on this. Body properties make a huge difference in the laws of attraction.
yeah I have change, but it's not that long ago. The sex with my wife is not as good as it was with my ex. Which is fine, I just don't have the same sexual chemistry that I had with my ex.
>AND bust the biggest nut of your life into her
Because I already did? Sex felt satisfying enough
It's speeder anon haha, how's your shitbox holding up? (Unless this is another speeder)
>Sonic Youth
Nice one, you got taste
This is another great speeder album https://youtu.be/KxJ831hZRMk?si=YxjEPPQMt8fBsHC-
>spent literally all of the week before last RP'ing with AI chatbots and jerking off to it
OK yeah you are down bad bro ngl, go out n get some play
>wow neutrino bros I heckin' looove science
>Why wouldn't you want to feel an emotional connection AND bust the biggest nut of your life into her
Life's a bitch eh
>Sex felt satisfying enough
beta lol
thinking bout plappregnating femanons
Become a billionaire
They're all in their 30s. Even if you do manage to get one pregnant, the child would end up with mental issues or as some physically mangled mess.
Bend over, I'll show you what a beta lol man brought to his limit is capable of doing
>It's speeder anon haha, how's your shitbox holding up?
Terrible, Qt. It's atrocious. When I gear shift it clanks now, and my engine is making some very sussy noises. Bitta good album, is this what they call DnB?
Here's my range, at least.
Honestly i am more into abs than anything else but it feels unfair to expect/ask anyone to have nice ones
>I just don't have the same sexual chemistry that I had with my ex.
Yeah that's a reality of it. I always viewed relationships as 3 Boxes. Values, Enjoyment, and Sex Chem. My ex, I had the first 2, and we lasted 6 years. You don't have to hit all 3 all the way, obviously. But I'm hoping I get lucky enough to hit all 3.
It's all about the pheromones. There are actual studies on this. Science is powerful.

Today I wish I lived on easy mode (female mode)
why do i have to be a billionaire to have my gf dress up as slave leia and have a collar on
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Maybe take it to the garage? But I suppose you like to life life on the edge
Naw that's acid techno; this is dnb https://youtu.be/mEljEXCd1cI?si=0Qup5WYO5DuGeHgq
Nice smooth Lil B track too <3
no relationship can be 100% perfect. It's impossible. I'd say out of the 3 you posted, my marriage has 2.5 of them. The sex live is not the best of my life. But it is enough, the other 2 factors of my marriage are highly satisfying. I am grateful for what I have. A lot of people ruin their marriage over sex, which is absolutely retarded. You may have a mind blowing sex life at the beginning of your relationship, but 10 years in, it's not going to be the same. Whereas, having matching personalities and quality of life together will over become better over time.
Glad I'm living on easy mode today (male)
I can believe it desu. All of the girls IRL that've told me I smelled really good, were hot af lol
and maybe you're an ugly looking guy, but you might just have superior pheramones, which alters how women see you.
>maybe you're an ugly looking guy
What did you just call me bro
You're on 4Channel.org/adv/ bro. You aren't giga.
>Maybe take it to the garage? But I suppose you like to life life on the edge
Well I've been trying to slow down a bit after another anon expressed some worry and concern. I actually started therapy today, went well, very enlightening. That DnB is sweetness.
You've probably heard this, soundtrack of my youth.
>Bend over
Classic song lulz
It's sad they ruined his career because he exposed the globetards.
>no relationship can be 100% perfect. It's impossible.
I want to believe you're wrong. But you're 100% right, the first 2 are much more important and harder to smooth over than just sex. But I still got hope to hit the 3/3 lmao

if your boyfriend didnt feel satisfied with the sex, would you want him to tell you that or would it be better if he just kept it to himself? For the record, you feel extremely satisfied with the sex.
I'm not giga but I'm not a ni-
Also haven't you heard of the hotness-crazy scale?
Unreal Tournament was the shit lol
Really glad the therapy felt positive. Keep it up g
>Really glad the therapy felt positive. Keep it up g
Cheers Qt, thanks.
Sex slows down with age. Just because the first year of your marriage is sexually intense doesn't mean it will be at year 5. More than likely, it won't be. Sex is a losing long term investment. The investment should be in the person
You're welcome my guy
Respectfully though can you stop calling me a nickname pls, this isn't facking reddit <3
Have some more jungle https://youtu.be/T_wi9PNrQxU?si=ZzbWHRut1Q3fYy5j
Girls, suppose your male friend asked if you would donate eggs to him so he can have children on his own (he would hire a surrogate). He chose to ask you because he thinks you have perfect genetics. Also suppose you love kids.
Would you be creeped out?
Oh my bad, Qt MAP.
>Sex slows down with age.
Yeah, that figures. But I'm still young so, hoping I got some degeneracy left in me.
>Respectfully though can you stop calling me a nickname pls, this isn't facking reddit <3
Kek, my bad.
Random song I found.
What if he did defend you to them, and they never agreed and kept arguing, and literally stopped talking several times over it, so eventually stopped discussing it because they couldn't agree ?
i would need him to tell me that. preferably he would suggest different things he wanted to try or change first and then tell me it’s unsatisfactory as a whole if those changes/new things don’t fix it.
Despite everything going really well with my current girlfriend I am so insecure about her leaving or ending shit for some random reason
>very affectionate
>tells me how much she likes me
>telling all of her friends about me
>sees me a few times a week
>lots of sex
>she was over last night and told me about how she was bragging to her friends about how well everything is going with her new boyfriend
>wanted to plan our next date while she was laying in my bed
>spent the night
>makes jokes about how we should both just call off and spend the day together
>kisses me goodbye a lot before she goes

And for some reason I’m still like really anxious she’s gonna text me out of no where and be like “hey I don’t think we should se eachother anymore,” or she’s randomly gonna cancel our plans and then I won’t hear from her anymore
nta but i could understand that. i also love my weird lil autistic homies that think they have perfect insight into every situation.
>ex wants to be friends
I don't have any negative feelings towards her, honestly I kind of pity her a bit. She's a fantastic person but life has dealt her a bad hand.

I kind of feel responsible for her sadness. I know I could be her friend, but if I did I'd be doing it soley for her benefit. Not because I really wanted to. This is a bad idea isn't it.
yes, don't be friends with somebody if you don't want to be
what if he doesn't know what should change
not him, but what if he just loves you for who you are. but maybe he just doesn't have the sexual chemistry with you, that you have with him?
You need professional help. No amount of reassurance from her or us will help you. One therapist helped me by having me repeat “even if john leaves me, i will be okay” at the beginning of each session. You have to face your fear and tell yourself you will be fine and believe it. You can’t shortcut it and just kill the part of you that cares. It would hurt immensely and then you would pick yourself up and be fine again. This site will have you believe you will only meet one person that suits you and she will walk out on you without warning and then you will be forced into marriage with some obese harpy that hates you. None of these things are true. Your girlfriend loves you and you are so happy that you are terrified of it ending. You should love her like she’s the only woman in the world for you when she’s there and acknowledge that that’s not true when you’re panicking
Femanon been a nasty girl (nasty)
Femanon been a nasty girl (nasty)
Therapists are degenerate. I had a therapist tell me that opening up the relationship is "ethical".
Perfect Blue <3
I have to respectfully agree with the other anon painter boy that you need professional help at this point
She is doing everything one could ask for and you are worried about her ditching
It's paranoid and I do the same thing, but don't wait til it's too late and sabotage yourself
This girl in my class keeps making jokes about seeing me too often because we have many classes in common. We have a good relationship and I know she is just kidding (she even says so every time ), but what’s up with that? Is this some way of telling me she likes me?
Hard to tell if it's flirty or just friendly. If you do like her though and she's just a casual acquaintance you could make a move (might be a bit awkward though if she rejects you and you share class...)
Yeah it’s fucked up man she’s like really great and I am completely aware that I am over thinking and being paranoid but I will conjure some false reason in my head that maybe it’s all BS and it’s dumb.

Idk man I know I’ll be fine if she leaves ultimately but I’m not used to shit going this well and it just feels really good but also scary at the same time.
I fuckin like her a lot man and she clearly feels the same way.
She was literally talking about how she was telling her friend how happy she is about everything
And it’s sweet but like I’m so afraid to get hurt
i think he can find at least one thing we haven’t tried that interests him.

i have been in his shoes. if i’m honest i could have been more open with the person i was with about the lack of chemistry. if he had been more hygienic i would’ve felt more attracted to him. that felt so difficult to bring it up that i chalked it up to chemistry. that being said, i’ve met someone since then that has a different standard of hygiene from me, but i would rip the crusty ass clothes off his body because he makes me feel absolutely feral. so i guess i would understand, but it would sting. life goes on
>tfw sister's bf might be starting another full-time job out of the house
aaaah it'd be so nice to have a few hours a day where I don't have to deal with the constant anxiety of being around people
>i have been in his shoes. if i’m honest i could have been more open with the person i was with about the lack of chemistry. if he had been more hygienic i would’ve felt more attracted to him. that felt so difficult to bring it up that i chalked it up to chemistry. that being said, i’ve met someone since then that has a different standard of hygiene from me, but i would rip the crusty ass clothes off his body because he makes me feel absolutely feral. so i guess i would understand, but it would sting. life goes on
so i guess you'd rather not know that he doesn't feel the same about the sex as you do?
chad shit
more time to choke it
Where is my gf to finger her pussy then lick my fingers in front of her?
not what i said. losing faith in your ability to communicate, bud.
>How long do many of you wait ''to get back on the horse'' after a breakup
It's been almost 2 years. I definitely don't feel any better about it but I acknowledge there's no point feeling bad about ancient history.

I haven't really tried to date since, I would probably only consider it for a confidence boost to start with. Go for the low hanging fruit. I can see this is a pretty dick move but I really can't see any other way to get some confidence back. How common is this for people? Should I really feel bad?
Just date people you actually like and try to build confidence that way
sexual chemistry can't really just be changed. You already said it yourself. Your ex you think you might have wanted sex more if he was cleaner. But your new man, you don't care if he's grimy and dirty, you just badly want his cock.
I wouldn't date anyone I didn't ''like'' but I probably wouldn't consider a relationship with most of them.
I need to find me a productive member of society so I can leech off of them,
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>8am Monday
Thus begins the humiliation ritual.
Yeah that’s kind of the crossroads I am at, because we also work on the same projects in some of these classes. It’s just that there are also other indicators that make me believe she is flirting. Probably waiting until end of class to actually ask her out
I would say its a good sign!
You can always joke back "well, if you dont like seeing me i can move things around a bit" and see her reaction

If she says "noooo i dont mind" or something in panic, then you are in.

If she doesnt react in any surprised way then she isnt interested
I have 6.5inch dick but it doesnt look big or impressive at all

Is this my porn brain or would it just look bigger if in comparison with smaller woman

Also another small tidbit I’m not sure how to handle.
This girl and I are basically co workers. She works under different management and we don’t ever see each other at work and she is also leaving the company soon. She’s just not sure when.
But we more so agreed to act like we didn’t really know each other that well when we first started going out.
But now we’re exclusive and last night she basically told me she doesn’t want to hide it anymore and she hates pretending we aren’t close and she doesn’t care who knows and that it doesn’t matter cause she’s leaving soon anyway.

I don’t know how to go about that or what to do
That's prolly smartest
What do you do for work?
Lmao based
Meanwhile I wouldn't mind if someone leeched off me but I'm not interesting enough for them to stick around
Prolly, 6.5 inch is def above average
>it doesn’t matter cause she’s leaving soon anyway
Well she said it herself lol
So you're leading them on basically? Bleh

Yes, the pussy is straight and uniform width, the ass has a tight entrance but loose inside and you can feel curves and ridges
I did the same as you and dated around with people I didn't consider long term. I advise against it. You will want your time back just like the previous relationship from before 2 years ago. I have been single and feel healed after 5 years now and am dating again. Don't feel bad about yourself, but maybe if you really waste people's time with thinking they are "low hanging fruit" because what makes you different?
How can I tell if he is really over me/not interested and not just saying that?
Sometimes I wish I was gay, I could just be a bottom bitch for some chad and stay at home all day, but alas I'm only into women. And if a woman wants that they'll just date a girl
I haven't bathed in 3 days
Take a shower stinky gurl
Sweaty sex on backseat of the car
My dad gave me a hairclip he found in the garden but my aunt says it might be cursed...
that's only reserved for the pretty though
>sit on bench outside the church to daydrink and shitpost
>hot tomboy girl sits on the bench next to mine
Fuck's sake, now I'm too shy to do anything
i would understand but it would sting. life goes on. i’d want to know.
Trust your aunt, don't wanna get hexed by a witch bitch
Nicotine, caffeine, women. These are the things that fuel me.
I'm showering rn
Depends what you're after. Showing someone a good time isn't leading them on.
My boss already knows as he’s my good friend. He’s been very encouraging about it.
Her boss doesn’t know tho. And neither do a lot of our co workers. But she doesn’t want to hide it
I don't believe half the shit this guy says. Maybe you're sitting there alone and thought to yourself "what if a hot girl came along".
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This is literally a [REDACTED].
if you were actually committed to the parentless neet lifestyle you would suck dick like the rest of us
Puzzle games, theatre plays, women. These are the things that fuel me.
So what should he do, just tell you? Things will continue as normal after?
I got a job at the reception desk at a dental office. Will girls think I'm gay?
this makes me want a gf and makes me question my scale in terms of liking men/women ratio
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Sydney Sweeney has that effect on people.
Wait is your phone waterproof
Also is this doll collector girl
Right now for me it's nicotine, alcohol and existential dread
If he's not making an effort to spend time with you, he's not interested.

Also, wouldn't kill you to make an effort either, I'm sure.
As someone who was a receptionist in a Dr's office for two years... yes probably unless you try to act super macho or whatevs
>Wait is your phone waterproof
>Also is this doll collector girl
>alcohol and existential dread
Life is good, because life is full of nicotine, caffeine, and women.
That sounds a bit gay though
Nah this actually happened lol but she just left a minute ago, phew
This is like asking "how can I tell if an employer who turns down my job offer actually does not want to hire me?"

If for whatever reason homeboy is madly in love with you but still firmly rejects you, apparently he has issues and shit's fucked and complicated, so it's still as effectively a no.

Let it go.
Oh fairs
Cool story chad
Girls, Me Espresso?
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State gender
Would you feel comfortable talking here?
How to consul a grieving 20 year old girl? I’m 80% sure someone died because she posted a snap of her wearing all black and looking like she just cried.
>Shiet nigga I slatted onna trans gyatt. Am I gay now? My moms would finna beat my ass cuh
Sorry for your loss, ma'am.
>she posted a snap of her wearing all black and looking like she just cried.
waaaaah look at me! I am sad!!!
BTW if a girl asks what you do for work you can bullshit a bit and say you do administration and front desk at the dental office
Idk just ask her if everything's ok
So what, people aren't allowed to be sad now?
elaborate please. I've only gotten a few pics because women are weirdly shy with me (or don't trust me, idk)
yeah I know
we are many miles away
no he has lots of issues but he still wants to be my friend, I just need to tell him my boundaries which I did the other day but after that I didn't try much for conversation
It gets funnier the longer I look at it. Fucking zoomers.
she posted that for attention.
NTA but clearly that's good for that guy, he wants to give her attention.
nta but people like to document so what? aren't you doing that by complaining
Sometimes people just need a lil love
Shut up Sabrina, I can't get your song out of my head
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Both genders,
What’s a favorite imaginary sex scenario of yours?
>Me Espresso
Is this some zoomer meme I've not heard of
>it’s another episode of the girls in the office shitting on men
The one where I got raped by my stepmom. Except it wasn't imaginary.
Negroes have unironically set back American gender relations by decades.
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>What’s a favorite imaginary sex scenario of yours?
Having sex
Once I actually asked out a pizza hut delivery girl and we went on a date and it was awkward
Whenever a partner is worn out from multiple orgasms, over sensitized or otherwise incapacitated so I can just go to my heart's content while they feebly try to get me to slow down or give them a breather.
Delightfully devilish
F. I'm home alone when a monstrous slasher villain breaks in and has his way with me after fucking me up. He leaves me alive and I fully recover, but he makes it a habit of doing it frequently whenever it's certain that nobody can save me. In the process of becoming his obsession, I'm also saving people since he stops being a murderer.
Women are wild fr
I'd dump her in no time.
Would love to read the backstory and what those "incidents" were...
Hey you're lucky I didn't pick the centaur fantasy to share instead.
...go on
Fucking hell lol
No girls here this morning. Even when they are here 99% of "Female" posts are men larping.
State gender, would you date a cigarette smoker? What if they quit when you dated?
Yes, because I also smoke. I really don't care if they quit or not.
f, where is this from
for research purposes
….I wonder if you ever listen to any of my gwa posts.
Nta but I presume it's from the gone wild audio subreddit, so just search the title there
Yeah, I don't care. I used to smoke anyway.
I put a collar and leash on a woman and treat her like a whore
Coming home from work to my girlfriend naked with her best friend waiting for me.
I haven't seen that one yet there so I was wondering if there was another subreddit

I went on /x/ in succgen and they recommended me it
It's just a funny name is all
F yes I smoke rn too
Now there's a scruffy depressed looking dude sitting on the bench tuning his guitar and smoking, this is more my speed lol
Man I need to back up all my trax but I just can't be fucked. Maybe if I have the house to myself in the daytime I'll get some backups going
Finished showering, I'm clean now
Prove it.
rn? Smoking is bad for ya
I'm not taking a fucking photo of someone sitting near me lol
I chain a woman to a post by her neck and arms before trying to get her pregnant
State gender
Do you like me lockscreen?
Yeahh it's pretty
Men, is it off-putting or gross if a woman can eat a lot? I will have the appetite of a bird sometimes but then randomly be able to eat a lot. I just ate an entire pizza by myself
Did you gorge yourself on a date again?
I personally think it's fine. It's one of those 'flaws' you can lovingly tease your wife about.
Not at all. I like a girl with a healthy appetite.
It's hot to me desu
Poor lad.
Have you ever had something in your ass while you were getting fucked?
I move from ED twt to chocolate twt now
The Algorithm is now serving me beautiful black babes.
Do you ever get horny and want to fuck but have trouble getting wet / relaxing at first?
My wife waking me up at 3 am in thew middle of our honeymoon in order to get the 7th load of the day, as she's trying to conceive.
should I even be his friend if he wants me to be since it didn't work out?
FWIW as a woman it has stood out to me all the time how often men commented positively if I was eating a lot and/or particularly joyfully.

I feel that part of it is that it can humanize you and make you seem less like little miss perfect. I feel like particularly guys that love to overeat themselves sometimes, find it really disarming to see a pretty girl pig out. Plus there's the "cool girl" factor, as much as men love slim women, they pretty much universally hate women fussing over food or being very overt about not being able to eat stuff because of the calories.

Another part that is less positive is that I feel at least for some men, the combination of a slim/normal weight woman and her eating a lot gives off the impression for them that she's actually "naturally thin" and can eat whatever she want. So basically that she's a good long term investment.

But I think for most it does not go beyond finding it cute. I would personally be super wary of a guy who insists that you always eat ladylike (portions). A guy like that probably has a lot more rules specifically for women.
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How normal is it that after I talk with a colleague and she leaves my cubicle, I think to myself "God she's so cute"?
Is that overly pathetic?
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Men: I like natural women
Also men when they see natural women:
Yes. Both happen, too. Sometimes my bf starts touching me and my body responds really hungrily whereas my mind is not focused on sex and slow to follow.

Or I'm going crazy in my head but for whatever reason my body is still catching up.

In most cases simply being patient and not assuming anything based on her level of wetness is enough to get her there eventually.
>What do you do for work?
I audit.
No, cringe.
I don't give two shits what any men thinks, I'm gonna eat what I want.
I can explain. They just mean "I like women that naturally look the way I want them to look".

And to be totally fair, men that back this up also exist. I've fucked three men and neither would give a fuck whether or not I had armpit hair or leg hair, for example. To the point where my bf was actually dumbfounded once when I interrupted foreplay specifically to shave my legs. They might not be the most common breed, but they do exist.
There is a difference between "natural looking" makeup and no makeup. They're usually referring to the former.
Also some girls look good without makeup.
My gf looks pretty without any makeup
Maybe pathetic but based
Get this man a bucket
Is it fun?
Why is this nigga so overrated
Why does everyone wanna fuck him?
Sometimes my gf and I go to fuck and she’s not that wet at first
This morning we went to have sex and she wasn’t really that wet and I felt bad and almost stopped but she wanted to keep going but I almost felt bad like she was just doing it to make me feel good
Can't be me.
I've never seen a woman in my entire life before.
Some women are more prone to this than others, it can have to do with being rested, well-hydrated, and hormones play a role, at some points in your cycle it is easier to get wet than during others.

You are a good boyfriend for wanting to make sure, but I imagine you might also feel insecure/rejected if you take a little longer to get hard and your gf suggests stopping altogether in response. Of course, it is only good and normal to only want reciprocal sex. But if her attitude is eager and willing and happy, then her level of physical arousal does not get the last say, especially because that's what foreplay is for after all right?
State gender
What's the worst thing about having divorced parents?
I need to bite the ass of some fat ass white girl with pimples.
Again? But no I was alone
When I was ordering I asked the guy if that size was big and he said that is what he eats when he is hungry lol
Thank you! I guess this makes sense
I had an ex once say to me when we were eating that i should be careful since my metabolism will catch me one day and it traumatized me lol.
This is the right mentality to have
it not happening soon enough.
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Fat bottom gyatts, are you happy with your results from Ozempic?
>see a woman with small ankles
>immediately think about pinning them to her ears and fucking her
>The constant fighting and using you as a pawn to get back at each other. Parents blaming each other and then you for their own problems. You feel guilty being swept up in the middle of it all.
This is happening to me right now
>Again? But no I was alone
>When I was ordering I asked the guy if that size was big and he said that is what he eats when he is hungry lol
Did you stomach get beeg and pregnant like when you finished the entire thing?
Phew, I'm safe then...
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NTA but
>My mom always used to tell me it was my fault my dad killed himself but deep down I know it wasn't
Holy fuck. I used to hate my dad for blaming me for marrying his ex-wife that abused me but wow. That is so fucked.
Why are you fat?
It’s funny you say that
We went to have sex and I was rock hard and she got on top of me and went to put it in and she wasn’t wet at all so I kinda lost my erection and then she got off and started blowing me
But I felt bad
But we ultimately had sex

I occasionally have performance anxiety which will cause me to go soft every now and then which sucks but it’s never got in the way and she always seems to enjoy when we have sex
>My mom always used to tell me it was my fault my dad killed himself but deep down I know it wasn't
I'm so sorry you had to go through that... my problem is no where near that bad
>I had an ex once say to me when we were eating that i should be careful since my metabolism will catch me one day and it traumatized me lol.
See, that shit's retarded to me. If he wants to be with someone for life, hell, you might end up having a completely different body after childbirth. Or getting into an accident and suddenly not being able-bodied anymore.

Yet he is super young and already this aware of avoiding the risk that he hooks up with a woman who will end up fat over time. That says a lot about him, more than eating a lot once because you feel like it/are super hungry says about you.

Basically if anything you should take this to heart as never to entertain another guy who comments like this.
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What's up with women's proportions, like GOD DAMN, the fuck is thiS?
No I would like if someone thought that about me
Yes, especially if I am stressed and my mind is somewhere else
taking shelter from a blizzard in a cabin in the woods where a beautiful woman lives and she has to cuddle with me naked so I dont get frostbite. And then we fall in love and live happily ever after
>the fuck is thiS?
multiple bbls
how tall tho?
I like them chubby
Bad bbl
Bro's handwriting is atrocious icl
>blaming me for marrying his ex-wife that abused me
That's fucking awful lol, I'm sorry bud. How is that your fault?? I try not to blame the parents too much either, people are flawed and products of their social conditioning yadda yadda, they were also just #coping hard. But it's not fair to guilt trip you like that and you shouldn't still feel like you had any part to play.
Eh everyone's problems are different and valid. That's the tip of the iceberg with my mom haha. Gotta love the time she handed me a knife and told me that if I killed myself she could be happy again
Are you me? My mom will tell me this probably like once a year too
this >>31499793
the domestic violence was pretty traumatizing
>Gotta love the time she handed me a knife and told me that if I killed myself she could be happy again
nta, but my mom handed me a knife and told me to kill her instead.
Yeah see >>31499781

I sometimes have performance anxiety too and it sucks

She is just finishing her period too btw
This is random but reminded me of Matthew Dickman, a poet and the only person I have ever heard express such love for ankles.

This is from his poem "Getting it Right":

Your ankles make me want to party,
want to sit and beg and roll over
under a pair of riding boots with your ankles
hidden inside, sweating beneath the black tooled leather;
they make me wish it was my birthday
so I could blow out their candles, have them hung
over my shoulders like two bags
full of money. Your ankles are two monster-truck engines
but smaller and lighter and sexier
than a saucer with warm milk licking the outside edge;
they make me want to sing, make me
want to take them home and feed them pasta,
I want to punish them for being bad
and then hold them all night long and say I’m sorry, sugar, darling,
it will never happen again, not
in a million years.
The hack is looking at the rest of her legs. An actual fat ass woman will have proportions that smooth out, not a shelf.
>That's fucking awful lol, I'm sorry bud. How is that your fault?? I try not to blame the parents too much either, people are flawed and products of their social conditioning yadda yadda, they were also just #coping hard. But it's not fair to guilt trip you like that and you shouldn't still feel like you had any part to play.
Not to be edgy but wow I would like to bash your mother's face into a counter top. Props to you for being mature and rising above. I still dream about murdering my father for all the shit he pulled.
>Eh everyone's problems are different and valid.
True, but despite everything, I know my parents love me and would never physically harm me
>Gotta love the time she handed me a knife and told me that if I killed myself she could be happy again
Again, I'm so sorry... I hope you got help
Thoughts on getting laid on by a man you’re attracted to?
Do men ever like to just be friends with women it didn't work out with
I'm a shorty...
you sound hot.
Well, you gotta hand it to her :p
I'm sorry though that's super shitty
): what a beeatch
Eh if it makes you feel any better my mom is a miserable person who's alienated everyone from her life and is too stubborn to accept medical treatment so digging herself into an early grave. My sister has basically been no contact since she was 18
I will always love my mom, but yeah I think sometimes you have to separate the good aspects of a parent (cause she really was great in a lot of ways) with their mental illness
>still dream about murdering my father for all the shit he pulled
As long as you don't actually do it haha we all need a yandere fantasy sometimes
My gf wants to try new shit in bed
She’s kinda vanilla but says she’s open to whatever and just wants me to guide her
She wants to bring her vibrator over Wednesday night.
How the fuck do I use this when we’re fucking to make shit better for her?
Das Schwarz der Nacht..
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Now check this out
I am asking WHY are you fat.
I mean my mom didn't physically harm me (despite the odd spanking when I was younger but nothing uncommon). She's just mentally ill (had a *very* abusive childhood) and will say out of pocket shit sometimes
Anyway that's good that you can appreciate the good about your parents and that they love you (:
Yeah sure sometimes, long as there are no lingering feelings or difficulties there
God, I wish JH were real.
I'm really not though.
I gotta lose this weight.
I wanna bury my face in her hair
>As long as you don't actually do it haha we all need a yandere fantasy sometimes
We'll see. If I snap, he's the first one going down. The guy is a literal murderer, ran with the Hells Angels, one time bragged to me about how he killed 3 guys fucking with his trap line. Amongst the shit sundae that's the topper for me, not mentioning the fact he stole thousands of dollars from me and a house. He does not deserve to be alive. Sorry for the vent but hearing your suffering really sparked my own.
>She's just mentally ill
I figured... Did she get any help?
It's what inside that matters. uwu
but I guess being healthy is also really important, I'll be cheering you on from the side
That is all angles. Look at her upper arms, she's fat or she had lipo.
God I'm so glad I used to be a professional coomer. Women trickery doesn't work on me. Nice ass though.
Fat asses are disgusting
A great ass is just big enough to look good, but also has great shape
Posting these disfigured monkeys makes me want to vomit
Oh yeah that sounds next level, hooooly shit. The guy sounds super dangerous and awful. Hope you're holding up ok now and being the better man
I just slowly gained it over the years
>Did she get any help?
She's a narcissist so she refuses help, that's the problem
At one point she was on antidepressants but that was like over a decade ago
WTF is JH?
>Hope you're holding up ok now and being the better man
Sorta. Had my first therapy session today. Lotta talk about how my dad made me hate myself. He always talked about how I wasn't the son he wanted because he was super alpha male and I'm a sensitive type. I do have my own knife story though. One time when I was 12 I decided that I'd try to stand up to him for the first time. All I did was stare at him, apparently that sets off an animal's aggressive instincts. Or he was on meth, who knows? Anyway he screamed in my face and threatened me with a long butcher knife, rapt me on the knuckles. Good times. When I confronted him 10 years later he pretended I made that up.
>I'll be cheering you on from the side
Speaking of BBLs...
I had to tell him my boundaries yesterday so we could ve friends. like I didn't say that per se but asked him why he called me something because it confused/hurt me. he calls his friends that and I feel like i am more reserved so something like that just seems relationship territory for me. had a big cry over it by myself the other night
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Thoughts on this?
>Had my first therapy session today
Oh shit you're the other bipolar anon, the speeeder haha
>always talked about how I wasn't the son he wanted because he was super alpha male and I'm a sensitive type
Fuck that noise, what a machismo cunt
>When I confronted him 10 years later he pretended I made that up
Of course haha, what a coward
I'm glad the therapy was helpful. That's pretty heavy for a first session haha. Stick with it and hopefully it helps in the long run
It's good you discussed your boundaries with him and addressed what you weren't comfortable with. Sometimes ya just gotta cry it out lol. I'm glad you have made some headway and are looking out for yourself now
Why aren't there more black girls in /atoga/?
Yeah I'm the speeder.
>I'm glad the therapy was helpful. That's pretty heavy for a first session haha. Stick with it and hopefully it helps in the long run
Thanks. It's helpful to know that I'm actually worthy of love. Weird feeling! Hell he used to encourage me to cheat on my ex. Sure was real good at making me feel like a loser. Thanks for listening to my vent...whoever you are.
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I have an announcement to make.
I'm going to bed, that's it.
>he used to encourage me to cheat on my ex
What a retard lol. I assume that you didn't?
>helpful to know that I'm actually worthy of love. Weird feeling!
Ikr, shit's wild
>Thanks for listening to my vent
It's all good bro. I didn't mean to start shitposting about this shit after a few beers lol
>Sure was real good at making me feel like a loser
): at least you know you're not one!
Yeah my mom also had a wonderful way of just being negative and critical of fucking everything. Like whenever I did something good at school or drew something or whatever she'd make a snide joke and put me down. But we can rise above all that shit lol. Fuck what they think
Seneca a real one for that
Women are afraid on not looking sexy while getting fucked but little do they know we want you to look like a retard when we fuck you
Jizz Hitler
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That's nothing lol
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Someone posted this the other day so I gotta reeepost the simple reminder
Watch Owen grey videos he uses a vibrator on women in sex
>What a retard lol. I assume that you didn't?
Nah, but he acted like I was a loser for it. Like I needed to hit an arbitrary number of bitches fucked to even be worthy of being a man.
>Yeah my mom also had a wonderful way of just being negative and critical of fucking everything. Like whenever I did something good at school or drew something or whatever she'd make a snide joke and put me down.
Idk how you rise above that man, but I'm proud of you. Ain't easy.
Thanks bro, appreciate it. Karma is killing him slowly.
I have an announcement to make
I need to stop drinking and do some more fucking work
Both genders,
Favorite niche of porn?

Petite women getting powerfucked and creampied
>needed to hit an arbitrary number of bitches fucked to even be worthy of being a man
What a sad sack of shit lol. Prolly has a small D...
>Karma is killing him slowly
Fr. These people do eventually reap what they sow... I think my mom is also panicking realising none of her kids or exes or friends want anything to do with her beyond pleasantries
Femanons posting outfits
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holy shit women are addicted to their phones
How do I make a woman cockdrunk?
I prolly spend more time on my phone than any woman here desu
girls cumswapping and eating each other's creampies
Lesbian bdsm
you're gay lmao
Thoughts about being tied up and throatfucked?
What’s the difference between throatfucking and skullfucking?
One is an act of fucking a throat, the other is an act of fucking a skull.
Throat usually belongs to a person that's currently alive, skull is from someone dead.
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My screen time is pretty bad right now
Provided he is not too heavy for me (I am strong and can take a lot, but still, my ex could lay on me indefinitely and with my now partner it's like five minutes top) I love it. If he is light enough to carry with ease, it just feels very intimate, the feeling comes close to spooning someone, you feel strong and protective and like you have lots to offer, you can make him feel safe and cherished.
If he is so heavy that although you can take it, it's really quite a lot, it's like your mental horizon narrows and you feel like life is going on somewhere else and you are tucked in safe and very far away from it all. It's a very intense and for me very comforting and also strangely exhilarating feeling.
I’ve been convinced that sex is bad once again.
>Is it fun?
The parts of the job that aren't auditing are sometimes fun (like chatting up cute interns and getting high fives from sexy MILF boss women)
I've had worse jobs. My last gig was working in the basement of a factory with nothing but old women and boomers for 50 hours a week. I kinda miss the money but I had zero social life.
Yeah, it's quite common. Be wary though, because there's both good/healthy motives for this (despite not being attracted to you or romantically into you, he does enjoy and value your company and presence in his life) but also several that are not healthy. E.g. he can wish to keep you close and feel like you're his in some way despite not wanting you for a partner, which can turn into getting possessive if you start dating someone else (whether overly or just sabotaging relationships by talking prospective partners and/or how they treat you down).
It is also possible that he feels so bad about turning you down that he wants to offer friendship for that reason, so he feels he's a certified non-asshole despite rejecting you because how bad can he be when even you are still his friend? That can be a motivation to suggest friendship even when you might have nothing in common for that. People wishing to re-appropriate a failed romance into friendship is part of why male-female friendships have such a bad rep. Friendship is its own thing and should never be regarded as a consolation prize. And that's coming from someone who considers the guy who rejected me fifteen years ago still one of her very best friends today.
Every single time, personally.
MAP shit
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My heart has once again returned to the darkness.
>basement of a factory with nothing but old women and boomers for 50 hours a week
Yeah that sounds pretty soul-crushing eventually
Glad that your current gig is refreshing in that sense
Yeah. The only real female friends I have are the ones where we had some sexual tension, had sex, but then kinda went “meh” because we weren’t on the same wavelength
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>MAP shit
Akemi is in her 30s though
I feel like you're projecting with this MAP obsession
Learn some dark arts magic while you're there bro
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>work gf's femcel friend won't fuck off so I can rizz on her
>so I can rizz on her
You shouldn't do that in public jk
Hello ATOG, how are you going today?
What are you up to right now? I'm knitting and watching youtube
My two Atoga wives found out about one another and they are NOT happy
bad art, on the right it looks like the artist wanted it to look like they're fucking, but anatomically it's no way to have penetration from that position, her butt is against his stomach. or is he just holding her there for no reason? what a weird image.
Well if it's her vibrator then she probably already knows what feels best on her and you can just do that during foreplay. During sex, if you wish you can either use it on her clit or you can put it on the base of your penis during shallow, slow fucking, that way you can enjoy the vibration and she will also still feel some of it.

You can also ask her for a sexy demonstration of how she uses it's solo first, if that's your kind of thing.
Young student I was hitting on at work dropped that he had a gf. I'm dead.
F, chubby women putting on clothes that no longer fit them properly.
Honkai star rail then prep my daily meals then go to gym then study for 2 hours then game until I fall asleep.
Could never do that personally, I would just puke in no time, even on an empty stomach. I can't even do regular deepthroating.
>teacher hitting on her students
I'm guessing there are not that many black people on 4chan in general and even more that browse but are not vocal about their race. There is lots of racism here after all... and imo black women get some of the very worst of it.
How is that asexual fetish?
Young teacher, the subject
Of school(boy) fantasy
She wants him so badly
Knows what she wants to be
Inside him, there's longing
This girl's an open page
Book marking, she's so close now
This girl is (twice) his age
You broke anons brain. He glitched out and started replying in barely coherent poetry. Well done
It's not asexual, ties into weight gain/overeating kinks. For whatever reason I have just never particularly been into extremes and them being just chubby makes it more realistic/relateable for me I guess.

I know it sounds retarded to most people but I just prefer saving porn for fetish stuff, watching people have great seeming sex because yuo want to get laid has always felt like the equivalent to wanting to watch people eat because you're hungry to me. There's a lot that turns me off in porn and the rare times it absolutely looks very appealing, it makes the ache worse rather than making it go away. I'd rather fantasize about getting fucked instead.
These motherfuckers are so weird. This is worse than normal.
i think (s)he meant "a sexual fetish" not "asexual fetish"
There was a webm on /gif/ of a woman blowing a dude, then spitting his cum out on his dick in a line before snorting it. New fetish unlocked what the fuck is wrong with me
Woke up with a boner after a nap. Dreading work tomorrow. Thinking about applying for university.
Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Not for nothing but you don’t have the high ground given that you hit on your students. Unless it’s like a workplace training program and they’re all graduates or something like that, it’s a bit weird
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post age. Are you more like the top or more like the bottom?
That does make total sense. Thank you.

If that's indeed what you meant, insofar as my other reply didn't explain it, I also just find chubby women's bodies very beautiful and love how plush it looks when you get the love handles bulging over jeans for example. It looks extra soft and touchable to me compared to her naked or in looser clothes. Like cleavage but more for the whole body than specifically the tits.
neither, i dont do anything
What makes you think that I’m the creep who hits on her students? They’re underage for sure, hell no.
That sounds comfy as hell :3
Just doing some online "work" rating stuff for our AI overloads
About to have a coffee and go for a cigarette in the garden with cats
She's not white.
No, he'll lead you on and use you as an emotional tampon, eventually if his gf finds put, you'll get the blame. Many such cases
Stark wouldn't say that, he's a sweet and gentle boy
It's my day off, so instead of doing anything better with my life, I'm being here and playing video games
That sounds like a grand use of a day off tbf
I wrote a poem. Would you like to read it?
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Men, is this too forward?
Nah that's wicked lel
Not at my age it isn't
Do you have autism?
Gotcha. Thanks for the insight.

Yeah my ex and I used to use a vibrator and I’d use it on her while I was fucking her and she’d go insane and literally be creaming
This girl and I want to experiment and try more shit together.
But she’s pretty vanilla and doesn’t have a lot of experience outside of that.
What are some other things we could try that are kind of pushing the barrier a little bit?
Who isn't?
Yes I would
They're both me
I mean my sister's bf is late 30s and spent all day playing vidya and honestly he's a real one for that
Would you love your man if he was shrunken?
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I wrote this little poem inspired by picrel. Thoughts?

Be cold to me, you whore, and laugh at me;
Defame, scorn, slander, mock me, chilling ire;
For daring to adore you humblely,
Fill me with shame, presumption of desire--
Bring forth the winter killing everything,
An icy loneliness that drives insane;
Frigidly cold do your offenses sing,
And even colder freeze my tears with pain. ----
But know my flame will burn intense till spring:
In mine and yours will bloom the sweetest flowers--
The melting snow the purest water will bring--
Love you will show me, and with kisses shower.
Also, what games?
Only if you're ugly or fat. I'm sorry but that's how it is for me
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>Have a fat 7 incher
>Sometimes wonder what having a normal 5 inch dick would be like
>Hear horror stories from the women I sleep with about their ex bf's who could only last 5 minutes a piece
>Feel a wave of terror pulse through me
Women, how do you cope with small dick bf's?
>Only if you're ugly or fat
LMFAO bruh
You are very sad.
I don't get it. How can you call her a whore and say you'll love her forever at the same time?
I keep seeing people online express the sentiment that "not every friendship needs to become romantic" which seems to be a roundabout way of saying "a friend told me they like me and I wish they hadn't" and while I understand the discomfort of the situation, acting like it's something that needs to stop happening is insane to me. Like is this just a zoomer thing where they think the only ethical way to seek a connection is on a dating app?

I'm a fat foid, should I lose weight?
I mean you should do it for you, not for anyone else
Ngl I like a lot of fat girls so...
Yeah, you'll feel better.
Sure, but it sounds like he has his life sorted out, given how he has a girlfriend and he's clearly liked, given his opinion about him.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds and Chess, might play some of those finding cats on big pictures later
If you've never tried to then I highly recommend it, it boosted my confidence like crazy when I did
I once saw a video or gif here of a guy holding a girls head under water in the bath and I want someone to do that to me
Yes babygirl
Given your opinion about him*
I do miss making music though, it's literally the only thing I'm any good at. Rn I just need to keep stacking paper so I can
I mean yeah he is a great guy and tbf is planning to start another job this wk
But you say you have a job too? Nothing wrong with playing vidya on a day off anon. How old are you?
>finding cats on big pictures
Now this is peak vidya
The poem was inspired. It's not from my personal feelings/life.
I'm calling her a whore as an insult, not because she's really a whore. She's just a bitch.
Here >>31500061
Oh shit I accidentally posted my internal monologue here too pls ignore
yes I am ty
hmm no, he says he hopes the best for me if I find a new guy and wished me good luck earlier. he himself was venting to me how he seems to choose the wrong people and/or how a lot of the issues are him. we don't have the same life goals like i sort of want to have a baby before it's too late and he doesn't due to not wanting to pass on bad genes even though he wants to have a kid, he kept flip flopping on that. he told me he was a good liar though I think he just means about his feelings but idk. he's 25 I'm 30 definitely diff time frames.
cool. we never had sex.
>The poem was inspired. It's not from my personal feelings/life.
It was okay. 5/10.
Not a teacher.
I don't know what foid really means but I think you should for yourself and your health, I lost a little bit of weight I wanted gone and it helped me feel more confident
My boyfriend keeps saying shit like ‘ I always want you to know how pretty you are’ and it’s super annoying how do I tell him 2 quit it ? I’ve told him it’s annoying 2 me I don’t need validation from others but he just forgets it annoys me ? Is he doing it because he wants me to validate him or because he thinks I’m just saying it’s annoying 2 b shy or something ? Idk please advise
What’s hot about that?
>What are some other things we could try that are kind of pushing the barrier a little bit?
Don't skip the stuff that's not technically new but more of an upgrade. Getting a hotel room (if that makes financial sex) just for the feeling of a new luxurious bed and it being more memorable for being different. Or sex after you had a very relaxing spa day or a day where you had lots of long, intimate talks and already feel very close.

Even if she does not like BDSM, you can play around with sensory deprivation, like if you use a blindfold or plug her ears, it will enhance the other senses and make it feel a little different and (to some people) much more intense. Or you can play around with hot and cold sensations, if you enjoy giving her oral then you can let her feel the difference between how your mouth feels right after you took a sip of hot tea vs right after you sucked on an ice cube for a bit. Or use those directly on her body (never too hot obviously).

Talk about fantasies, turn ons, even just moments she remembers finding hot in books or movies. I would recommend not framing it as kinks and just asking directly when she feels sexy, what she dreams about when she has sexual dreams, what her favorite sexy movie scene is, stuff like that. It will give you an idea of what gets her going and you can work from there. But first you need to find out the elements she likes.
So when men call a woman a whore they don't mean it literally? I don't understand the difference between saying it as an insult and saying it because you mean it. How can someone tell the difference? So you're lying?
Men I'm eating breakfast. Does this turn you on?
>Hear horror stories from the women I sleep with about their ex bf's who could only last 5 minutes a piece
? There's no correlation between dick size and coming early (or not).
Are you an autist?
No but it does make me think about how nice it would be to grocery shop and plan breakfast for the week with someone instead of alone
I'm 29 and yeah, I have a job, I was working all day yesterday so I have a few days off now.
But instead of playing vidya I should be working on myself, so that I can drag myself out of this hellhole, but there's no motivation.
Yes, I like girls who can eat a good meal
What are you having?
Men: what would you do if you needed a penectomy due to cancer?

Women: how would you feel about a guy that had to have his penis removed? Especially if you two were in a relationship.
Do it to him and see how he likes it.
Oh right, you won't, you ungrateful unappreciative bitch.
>which seems to be a roundabout way of saying
I don't know, I read it differently. I have several good long term friendships with men and people do tend to assume you're a couple. Like people talking to him and saying "your girlfriend" when they mean me, without asking anything personal beforehand. And people closer to you can pry and ask for an "explanation" why you are not dating if you get along so well.

I have often gotten the impression that people just tend to see a thriving friendship between a man and a woman as a shame, a waste of potential somehow. That's wild to me.

As for your actual question, no, I've been on this website for way too long and people were already fighting the "if you don't want to be friends after being romantically rejected then you were apparently never really a friend" vs "how can a woman say she cares about me and values me and not even give me a chance to explore my deep romantic feelings a bit" debate back in 2009. There's been a lot of feelings around it since then at least.
>what would you do if you needed a penectomy due to cancer?
Die of cancer.
Eh it's fine to have a veg day sometimes. You say you have a few days off so why not just make tomorrow a productive day?
>drag myself out of this hellhole
What hellhole are you in?
Iktf though when things are comfortably enough not-terrible so you just passively stay in your situation. But it seems like you have the drive there, you just need a kick up the ass. It's always good to have goals anyway, even if you end up veering off and doing something else because life can be unpredictable like that. Don't beat yourself up too much though as that can make it worse
>what would you do if you needed a penectomy due to cancer?
Well that's pretty annoying but as long as I can still piss
I'm a turbovirgin anyway so whatever
Might have to lay off the beers though cause having to piss that much through a whole or whatever would suck
Women, if it's so hard for you to have morals, why are you against men beating you up so you behave?
I absolutely do it is about no joke at least 15 percent of our conversation. Like I said if it was just me telling him I think he is handsome it would be fine.
I’d probably see if I could get a transplant or something.
A finger. Feels like taking dick and pooping at the same time. I don't understand how people find the sensation hot.
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>that awkward moment when you go to a restaurant with a female friend and the waiter assumes you're a couple
NTA but that's relevant info. If you praise him so much then that makes it easy to understand for me how it could get awkward to not reciprocate. And if the reason you do it so much is because that's how much reassurance he enjoys and needs, then it is even more understandable that he will feel like giving it is also important.
This it’s gross
Get a penectomy and eat more pussy
No idea, I wish I knew!
But I have told him it makes me feel gross like twice. Do I have 2 say “ I’ll only tell u how much I like you if you don’t say shit after “? Is it something he will grow out of?
My atoga husband has gone missing
ill replace him
Yes, vore me mommy
It's not so bad to me if it's staff because at least where I live they don't really talk to you much anyway beyond stuff directly relating to the meal. But one of my friends smokes and this scenario happens so often
>talking outside at some cafe
>guy comes over asking to borrow a lighter or bum a cig
>we enjoy talking to strangers so usually joke around a bit or whatever
>get the vibe that he assumes we're a couple, exchange a look, decide it's going to sound defensive to spontaneously declare you're not a couple so whatever
>suddenly guy says something cheeky about "later tonight" and you are then left to go "a-actually..."

Or what also happens all the time is that people ask where we met and when they hear we were high school classmates, they start an "omg and together all this time that's so romantic" spiel you have to cut off asap.
Depends who it's from and who it's to.
Because it's not normal to be a simp orbiter.
It is quite possible it is just how he expresses his love and whether or not he learns to shut up, he will always miss being able to praise you.

Knowing it makes you feel gross should be a strong motivation to try not to go there. But he can and is allowed to be disappointed that you feel that way. That applies to anything he does out of joy/enthusiasm that you find off putting.
You have a 'tarded boyfriend anon.
Why do you hang out 1-on-1 with a man you're not fucking then, dumb cunt? Does he have a gf?
It makes me feel like on a constant dominant/caregiver roll I think is the biggest problem. Like I don’t love how often I feel like a mother saying ‘ yes you can jump so high! Good work honey’ but it is not painful so I will do it without hesitation but ‘ you’re so pretty even when you’re tired’ like enrages me? I can’t stand it and I’ve tried expressing this but he won’t stop. Do you think it’s an unsolvable difference in values ?
See, this is why I keep telling /atoga/ to put collars on their moids. He's gonna end up in a shelter.
Make a "wanted" poster and we'll hunt him down for a reasonable fee...
I'm a simp because I had caring female friends who sometimes helped bring me out of a funk/bad day? Okay lol
Why are women so petulant about expressing and showing affection?
They truly are passionless beasts incapable of higher feelings.
Yeah people do like to write their own headcanon lel
It's called being friends. Yes he has a girlfriend, I have a partner too, we both meet up with four (or three) and just the two of us, mostly depending on what works out that specific time.
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You need to start punishing him if he won't listen
just so you know: I've rejected women because they were "friends" at work with some coworker. what kind of retard would think otherwise, or at least suspect that there is something else going on?
I'll just make an abridged version, too many things going wrong.
Basically, my parents control almost every faucet of my life, which has had serious consequences on my friendships (no friends), other relationships (KHHV etc..), confidence, personality and money.
Just to give you an example - I have a job, and I'm not allowed to spend my money, unless they (the parents) oversee the purchase and confirm it. I'm not even allowed to invest it or anything, I collect my monthly paycheck and the money just sits there, doing nothing.
I would need a therapist, but I have no confidence and I would have to get one in a way that bypasses the parent police.
So I thought I would at least try to work on myself, because I see some of my personal flaws, but there is no determination, confidence or knowledge.
What the hell lmao? I used to go for drinks and stuff with my female colleagues quite often, there was nothing there
So you're swingers, got it.
Because I am not a raging faggot why do men only care about broads and video games ?
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How do you know?

There's NO correlation, you say?
I've been with my boyfriend for four years and him with his girlfriend for five, we have been friends for sixteen years. Both of us were single during most of that friendship. If we had wanted to get together, we would have.
oh no I am missing how he used to like me a month ago idk if this friendship thing will last :(
>parents control almost every faucet of my life
Even the bathroom tap? Jk
>I'm not allowed to spend my money, unless they (the parents) oversee the purchase and confirm it
Sounds like my mom, I mean ok I had a bit of a drinking problem but she'd literally take my wallet, phone and computer which I could only use with her permission
Do you have no way to get out of that situation anon? I'm sure your parents have your best interests at heart (well maybe) but it's much harder to self-actualise when you lack that much freedom. Sometimes you need to learn from your own mistakes to grow as a person
M. Suicide.
I think you replied to the wrong post. Your post makes no sense in relation to mine.
>or at least suspect
*not suspect

I mean, occasional shit like that is no problem. but if you meet your friend every fucking day and do all kinds of stuff together (like going to the gym or whatever), then it's hard to believe there is nothing there.

it's good that you are able to explain, but the image of you being intimate friends with someone of the opposite on itself is enough to drive people away.
f. there is always oral. try to be supportive.
I thought you said you were 29, not 12.
Meanwhile as a turbovirgin I worry that that size isn't too much or would be painful
So it works in most situations you say?
I am answering ur question. as a woman “ do not show affection “ to the degree that men expect me to is because it is not important. My work is important doing the right thing is important feeling special about yourself of your partner feeling special is not important.
>Men: what would you do if you needed a penectomy due to cancer?
I'd consider killing myself.
>meet your friend every fucking day and do all kinds of stuff together (like going to the gym
Eh I agree that is a bit excessive, yeah, suppose it depends on the situation
Sometimes friends are just friends though, I had a female friend at uni I was studying / going to class / having dinner together etc. pretty much daily at one point but there was literally no attraction there between us
>it's good that you are able to explain, but the image of you being intimate friends with someone of the opposite on itself is enough to drive people away.
I have always been aware it is for some, yes, but a long term friendship is a very precious thing to me and not something I am willing to jettison just to be potentially appealing to literally as many men as possible.

Besides, my boyfriend is not someone who feels this way and he has a female friend of his own he will e.g. go to the cinema with without me (I don't like action movies or superhero stuff, they both do). Different things work for different people. For me as attracted as I am to my bf, the main reason I fell for him and our relationship works is a lot more than that initial spark, let alone after sharing four years of intimate history together.
I bet you never wondered why your kind never had rights for THOUSANDS of years.
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I'm being a bit hypocritical though because when I went out with a girl and she told me to ghost all my friends I did lol
Yes yes men are delicate flowers and should be treated as such. Will mine harden up with time or should I find one less soft? ( I really like this one though)
Well then. 6 years is over. Permanently.
Should I skip work today and fuck a hooker?
You know what I don't get? Why are his eyes normal and realistic and hers are bigger than his ears?
>he has a female friend of his own he will e.g. go to the cinema with without me (I don't like action movies or superhero stuff, they both do)
men what if I wanted to show him more affection but held back now regret him not being into me now

we still talk but it's over :(
Just treat him like shit and hopefully he will beat you up and put you in your place like men have been doing since the dawn of time.
But then again, we live in a globohomo society.
Not a man but if u don’t present the real u no one will ever really like the real u so seems fruitless no? Just b urself next time
Maybe it's not over yet?
Anon you will need many months to get over this relationship. 7 weeks is not enough.
>I worry
This is almost certainly your fatal flaw.
My first natural response and he made me talk abt my feelings for like an hour and a half I wish I was joking
Yeah, we just talked and officially broke it off. Not going to see her, we're fully done. No contact.
He has been brainwashed by globohomo.
If you want a traditional man, be a traditional woman and inspire your man to be traditional.
And guess what, disgusting roastie? A traditional woman is submissive, motherly and affectionate.
>fwb finds out im talkikg to another girl
>ghosts me
am i an idiot for admitting it to her. i thought women liked getting jealous
I have not had a conversation with another man irl since we started dating ( many months now)
I also don’t make him pay for anything ever. I work very hard and I expect to all my life. I work out every day. What else can I do ? He is somewhat a traditional man he’s just too sensitive
You are a retard for having a fwb in the first place.
ask him out?
>tfw no bf to milk me
Don't do it bro, it's not worth it
Go home and eat ice cream and cry like a girl then take a nap
This too shall pass or whatever that cunt gandalf said
Why u think I saved it ;p
Because she is a cat girl MEOW and he is a serious nerd jiiiiiiii
It's not your adult anon-kun, you did more than you should've desu
I mean yes I worry about literally everything but your point is?
>am i an idiot for admitting it to her
In this case yeah, if you were just in it for the casual sex, why throw a spanner in the works lol
Though if you could sense that she did want something more or was conflicted then it's probably best it ended. Not nice to use people
well shit I have the reading comprehension and memory of a goldfish. I had to look at our old messages and he said he doesn't kniw if it'll ever be over. but he gave me misinfo sort of himself...

like, he said when we first talked thatvhe would like to be married and would be open to having a kid and that's what'd he'd like, but later on he told me his health issues and he thinks he is a genetic fuck up, and so doesn't want kids now and frames it as his life not letting him be happy and get want he wants. ://
idk he said he said it was over because he has intimacy issues with sex and then later said he didn't know if it would ever be over but then said I'd be wasting my time if I wanted kids even though he wants them but he has health issues. :( he wanted to be in a better place mentally too before meeting me and idk I get very forgetful and confused maybe because scared but wanted to take it slow
>he’s just too sensitive
And you're just another dumb broad who is incapable of communication unless you're forced to.
You are wasting his life. Break up.
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Can I have a sip or two afterwards? I need my boner I mean bones to be healthy and strong
Would you let me buy a massage table and give you a romantic erotic massage with candles and oil? I only ask that you massage me too
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>I have slowly become the hot goth girl dom I wanted as a younger man
Now I just need a cock piercing and more tattoos.

How did having things taken away from you impact the drinking problem, if I may ask? I get that you wouldn't be able to buy your own bottles now, but couldn't you still go out and drink with someone?
As much as I want to say that there is no way out, there technically is - if my some extreme miracle I get a girlfriend or something, so that we could move into our own place, so that I could fuck off from my parents forever, that wouldn't be just a step forward, it would be a rocket leaving the earth.
But the truth is, I don't even know what I want from life, so it's hard to chase a goal, if you don't know what that goal is.

Please don't remind me that I'm wasting my life away, it hurts more than you think
I don't know how to feel about this desu
Breh why is feeling special something an adult needs? And I’m here developing tools for the communication obviously. I am still deciding if it is a permanent thing if his personality because if it is communicating would be pointless.
I wonder if the “everyone who has a platonic/non sexual relationship with a woman is a simp” crowd are aware of how much having women be easy going and comfortable around you in a social context helps with finding dates.
>your point is?
Its destroying your life. Clearly you have a personality disorder.
I’ve noted from this conversation to avoid female autists
>Don't do it bro, it's not worth it
Is it not?
I think i'm breaking up with my first girlfriend. I'm falling into a depressive episode, I was very close to killing myself yesterday and she has no clue about it. I just can't be in a relationship right now, I can barely be alive. How the fuck do you break up with someone amicably?
Just tell them the truth, tell her you want to break up
I’m thin with d titties and a nice face I am not asking men for much besides hang out and watch movies with me and not be weird and gay how is it that I’m the difficult one in this scenario
>How did having things taken away from you impact the drinking problem, if I may ask
It made it worse lol. I had my workarounds...
>couldn't you still go out and drink with someone
Nah I'm a friendless asocial person
>if my some extreme miracle I get a girlfriend or something, so that we could move into our own place, so that I could fuck off from my parents
Or you could just rent somewhere in shared accommodation or a cheap studio if you can afford
>don't even know what I want from life, so it's hard to chase a goal
Real, but that's another reason imo you should try escape your parents' stranglehold, so you can really figure it out
I am still traumatized by my ex bf trying to kill himself while dating me within 2 weeks, it has been like 15 years
Of course, that sounds hot if it comes right before sex
Nein (at least I don't think so)
>you're mentally ill
Bro do you think I don't already know this
>I’m thin with d titties and a nice face I am not asking men for much besides hang out and watch movies with me and not be weird and gay
The perfect wife doesn't exi-
"wasting"? At 29? No, "wasted" is the correct word.
Do you think you will ever be able to have a normal life now? You're still a child ffs, not even at teenager level. What exactly is the plan here? Be an adult by 50? It's over.
Nta but fuck off demoraliser lol. Anyone in their 30/40s and up will tell you that 20s are still young af. People at much older ages manage to turn things around and build great lives for themselves. It's never too late https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bmbi9wAl1Qw
why do predator eyes turn me on so much?
There's a guy at work, he isn't classically handsome -- short, dad bod, hands always bloody and full of motor oil, balding at the temples.
But his eyes, Jesus fucking Christ. I have yet to see a model or celebrity with such an intense gaze. Deep blue eyes, which turn steel gray in direct sunlight, and thick eyebrows with pointed ends which look angry even when he's at rest.
Is it just me or?
>developing tools
jfc. Words anon. You learned how to use them when you were three years old. You have literally regressed from the level of a fucking toddler telling it's parents what it wants.
Where is this from?
>>Sometimes wonder what having a normal 5 inch dick would be like
Hmm, had a boyfriend that could last like an hour in bed. Okay, he came after 20 minutes, but could keep pound town going for another 40.
It's more about being fit.

That said, holy shit 7 inches sound terrifying lmao, fat 5 incher already took a while to get used to.
Yeah, we both have to learn to give a good massage tho
It's time for squintmaxxing
Do bigger women have bigger pussies / need bigger dicks?
I want a tall mommy gf but is she going to be satisfied with my 5-6 inches?
>tfw I have eyes like this but I'm actually a submissive scaredy cat
You can't. If you have googly prey eyes, you'll only give yourself crow's feet and forehead wrinkles.
State gender
What the fuck do I do now?
I was joking, lol.
What happened?
why do I keep thinking this guy is rejecting me when he keeps saying he thinks I will leave him or that he thinks he won't ever stop having feelings for me just we have to go slow and see how he is later to be sure of being together I just want to go back to being cute with him I made it weird :( I also get jealous of his female friend(s)
Maybe because she has more fat, and you need to compensate for her fat giving you less room?

I'm very thin and 5 inches felt plenty big
No I tried really plainly ‘ it annoys me when you say stuff like xyz because it happens so often it feels disingenuous and also the things you say don’t make me feel good it’s annoying to me “ and I will have like a week before it’s just back to normal and I don’t just want to dump a guy who is very smart and handsome and funny and tasteful and neiche because he’s too nice to me. I worry my perfect life is like chilling non chalant on his lap while he games but his ideal is a big heart shaped swan boat and poems and shit but maybe that’s just me emotive reaction from an adult needing 2 feel special
pretty sure I've seen this posted here before...
wish I knew what archives got data from /adv/
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How morally reprehensible is it for me, a 29 yo salary man, to hit on a (presumably) 18 yo high schooler?
I didn't call her last week because I was very depressed and didn't really talk to anyone. She felt that I had moved on and ghosted her, but when I called her today, she said it hurt a lot and that we kinda had to move on, and it was clear I had already made up my mind and couldn't admit it. We cried, said I'll love you forever, no contact unless absolutely necessary (like brink of suicide thing).
I wanted to marry her. I spent the last 6 years of my life building our life. She was my best friend. I don't know what to do.
he's using you for sex because he doesn't think you're attractive enough for a relationship. You are in the male friendzone.
t.town bike with 40 bodies who strung along at least 20 of those
State gender
Do you plan on saving kissing for marriage?
M. Too late.
Girls used to get railed and pregnant at 12-15 for most of human history, bro.
Current age of consent and age gap are modern bullshit made up by jews to bring about white genocide. You can see cases where a man gets prison for life for fucking a 17-year-and-11-months old, but a spic or a nigger fucks a 12 year old and gets only 2 weeks.
but we aren't having sex... he wanted me to be his gf but i held off on his request because lol I got scared
ever since I got cucked by an older woman I settled for, I feel like my standards have shot through the roof.
I'm a good looking guy, 30, my ex was a divorced 45yo single mom.
I moved to a student town for work, and I'm being ogled at or approached by women from time to time. All I can think is
>ew too fat
>ew too thin
>ew brown race
>ew tattoos
>ew too direct
>ew danger hair
etc. Deep inside I crave intimacy, but I just don't want anyone, if that makes sense.
I'm only 4 months post cucking, so I'm certainly not healed yet.
I had told my ex gf for years that my place, family, town and social context are shit.
now she's telling me to go back to live in the big city. do you think she's telling me because she cares about me or there could be "submarine" intentions I'm not getting?
Retarded pedophile.
he's right, moron, people used to sell their daughters for a head of cattle or some grains not even 200 years ago.
Yeah and I could shoot you for looking weird. Why can't I do that now?
>not fucking anything that moves
wtf are you doing, anon?
Go ahead and ignore history. Also:
>tell white girls they shouldn't have children until they're financially secure
>young white men can't be due to the economy
>white girls look at older white men
I wonder what the consequences of this could be. I wonder if the people behind it knew the consequences, and purposefully did it anyway.
>people used to sell their daughters for a head of cattle or some grains not even 200 years ago.
And they sacrificed their sons to work the fields in place of expensive cattle. Men got so little action that 80% of humanity traces back to the same 3 men, because most of you died virgins.

I don't think you want that time back, buddy.
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Alright bros, my time has come. My coworker (who I'm pretty close to) has invited me to her daughter's wedding.
It's 7 weeks away. How do I prepare?
Should I hit up my dating apps and try to find a date?
Should I go stag and hit on her daughter's friends?
Should I go and hit on my other female coworkers?
Where did you take that from? If you did that back then, his whole family would come to your place and massacre your whole family for it if your head wasn't offered in a silver platter.
because I don't look weird and many cultures outside the west still practice dowry.
I never said it was right or wrong, but the fact is that your great grandma got railed by a middle aged man when she was elementary school age.
>80% of humanity traces back to the same 3 men
Do guys get horny when they're anxious or is that only a girl thing?
I just can't. Call me a faggot, but sex without emotions is glorified masturbation.
I should know, I used to frequent fetish websites as a bull for mature cuck couples. It's empty and meaningless, and I feel like shit after.
Don't ask.
Have you told him that's the reason?
My girl told me it was too soon for a relationship when I asked her to be my gf (a week later she accepted lmao). Everyone told me to move on and find a girl who's not playing games, even my family, but I knew she was bound to fall for me.
She later told me it was because she did not expect the question that day and that was the first thing that she could come up with.
Get plapped. Get pregnant.
>If you did that back then, his whole family would come to your place and massacre your whole family for it if your head wasn't offered in a silver platter.
Not my point.
>I never said it was right or wrong
Are you not the guy who said that white genocide was because pedophilia is frowned on?
State gender
Please post music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkeV0baeKI0
I get heart boners when I'm anxious. It's a testament to alcohols depressive properties that if I drink in the morning I will unintentionally ignore women all day.
You can still do that, anon. Just move to Africa or the middle east.

I hear Gaza needs more residents.
Nta, but you're misusing the p word slur.
Women, are you proud of your boobs?
>heart boners
What is that?
no. White genocide is due to plummeting birth rates and soft invasion of the undesirables.
Pedophilia and zoophilia are sick, and people who practice it ought to be drawn and quartered on livestream
>Current age of consent and age gap are modern bullshit made up by jews to bring about white genocide.
This isn't pedophilia to you? Sure.
>I just can't.
>sex without emotions is glorified masturbation.
ok, you have experience. good for you to realize.
>inb4 banned for contempt of jew
Piece of shit website with tranny mods
Must be nice to be so narrow minded that you just view things in platitudes like race.
Cry, Rajesh.
No. I plan on saving sex but it’s too late for kissing. Maybe I won’t make out again before marriage but I probably still will
Anxiety kills horniness. Maybe if I was with a woman and we got anxious together, it would be different.
I guess it's just a girl thing, or maybe a me thing
race is fact, dumbass.
When your transgender nigger fairy genius dies, future people will still dig up a nigger male skeleton with smaller skull displacement than humans.
Freely move to anywhere in Africa or the middle east and prove me wrong.
Does it matter what causes your anxiety?
Keep up that ad hominem. You definitely don't have a chud face irl.
Not a sexhaver but prone bone with the vibe tucked under her probably feels quite intense. Can any sexhaver confirm if my instinct is right or wrong?
He's obviously a retarded kike tranny. What they hate the most is getting called out. That's why he's seething.
yeah okay, homo habilis.
Niggers are dumb and violent.
Nice samefag. Why don't you go goon to your bbc porn?
Rude. I gave you a constructive criticism that would help you.
>post not even 1 minute apart
Newfag, go back to where you came from.
mind the timestamps, nigger apologist
yes I was blindsided by him asking me so soon after matching online and talking a bit. he made it public and everything, and just lik you he had a friend who hated the idea of me and got mad at him thinking I am playing games when that isn't the case at all!!

I have some self esteem issues and was abused pretty horrifically in the past. I also find him a lot more attractive than me but at the same time not, it's confusing. I have been cheated on before and I feel maybe a bit like kicking myself in the ass because now I am the impatient one who wants to meet him :( I so very much want a big hug from him to melt all my tensions away

I said I became attached/was scared and he told me I didn't have to do what I didn't want to and I could take my time with things (I just told him I didn't like this other guy back and felt for him instead yet scared to etc)

anons how do I become brave :(
free palestine
You mean those brown people you claim to hate? That doesn't track.
I don't think it happens when I'm angry or emotional. More like when I have a million things to do and I don't know where to start, that kinda anxiety
Why is there a self-preservation instinct? The very material that builds us goes against this principle. Protons have half decay, so they do not follow this instinct. Why is that so?
God I wish.
anyone is better than a jew, yes
Racism is so stupid.
Imagine how deranged and schizo your race has to be to get expelled and genocided thousands of times in hundreds of countries for thousands of years, and still call yourselves the chosen ones.
These people are psychopaths incapable of distinguishing between good and evil.
proton decay has never been observed, subatomic particles aren't sentient.
Go jump into a Gorilla enclosure
I'm 30 (M) and have never been in a relationship. Longest I've dated a girl was about 2 months and it was like 5 dates in that span of time.

How offputting is that? For context- I grew up moving around (dad worked in different cities for 6 months at a time) way too frequently to really make close friends or date, then I spent 18-25 learning social skills and the basic mistakes. I started going out on dates, made out with some girls and even fingered one. Then covid happened and I just haven't had much success finding a girl I vibe with: being on both sides of rejecting girls or being rejected by them, and I've felt better off just focusing on finishing my doctorate and worrying about dating later.

Right now all of the women in my life are either 5-10 years older or 10 years younger than me, so it's just an awkward place to be.
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Nice guy versus guy /pol/ autism showdown in the opposite gender Q&A thread.
so are kikes and niggers. They're like Pinky and the Brain
Thanks for calling me a nice guy. Made me smile a bit.
>Nice guy
Calling yourself nice, how pathetic.
I don't know a better name for it but it's like randomly getting really affectionate with women. Kinda like desperation but not that bad.
Fap to loli hentai
Very desu
At the rate I'm going I'll probably end up with another autist girl and we'll both be too shy to kiss til the wedding
Try option 1 lol
Bitches love a wedding with free food
Oftentimes ye
Probably why I like femdom lmao
I think limerance is focused one single individual (like a oneitis). This ain't that.
>Bitches love a wedding with free food
Do I put it in my profile that I'm looking for a date?
it's codependency.
>OMG she gave me a breadcrumb of attention, better imagine our entire future together, what we're gonna name all 3 of our kids, and what station wagon and sog we will get
You can if your main priority is just getting a +1 for the wedding lol. Make a lighthearted joke about it
I'm ovulating in a couple days and down so bad. Someone stop me from texting my ex for sex
Smut and schlick and sleep ya horny bish
Text /atoga/ for sex instead.
>Nah I'm a friendless asocial person
Same, do you wish it could be different or do you prefer it this way?
>moving out
Expensive when doing it alone, don't want to have roommates..
Even when I was little and people asked me what do I want to become once I grow up, I never knew. People wanted to drive trains, become farmers, become astronauts, etc.., but I never had an answer. Maybe there's just something wrong with me.

No, I will never be able to live a normal life, even if I manage to turn things around right now, but hope is the last thing that will die.
If there was a plan, I'd be able to follow it, but there is none. Probably looking at suicide in around 10 years time, if not sooner, assuming things don't improve.
Shit happens, you know?
Why don't you have a boyfriend, slut?
he's your ex for a reason...
I want him so badly I feel like running away from him and misunderstanding everything because I am upset he lives so far away it's not fair I want him near me
>no longer able to make friends
>lost the ability to hang around with girls

anons, i think it mostly comes down to self loathing, the thing is that it has been going on for so long i cant seem to remember having it some other way. how do i get out of this loop and go back to being able to get along with other people?
I don't understand you women with exes on the backburner.
I literally HATE 75% of my exes, and would never ever indulge them in the privilege of taking my dick while not together.
The other 25% are normal well adjusted women with husbands and families that still say hi from time to time.
>Someone stop me from texting my ex for sex
I don't get it. what's the problem? just message him.
State gender
Do you agree with this song? Is this song true for you?
>see title
>gear one second of banana peeling and shit flinging
>turn off
fuck no, 32m
Already did twice, still horny
Why don't you have a girlfriend?
I know..but
If he rejects me I'll feel like utter shit
/atoga/ can't give me actual sex
if he's beta, he won't reject you
It's not really that either. I just get really giddy and want to give women compliments and make them laugh and stuff. And it's usually multiple women, including those I don't know at all.
I do that all the time when I'm drunk.
Then I turn pale the next morning after opening my phone.
>If he rejects me I'll feel like utter shit
better than being horny and thinking of your ex, no?

are you being ironic? I've rejected my ex because I'm insecure as hell.
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Chubby chasers, Explain yourselves.
NTA but this is why I wish I was American, I'd literally fuck you for the rest of the day.
>better than being horny and thinking of your ex, no?
No because I'll prob still be horny and thinking of him but now with added mortification and regret
>I've rejected my ex because I'm insecure as hell.
Rejected in what way?
They're the only ones who say yes.
that's on you, buddy.
I would never ever go back to an ex.
Do you take a shit then try to force it back up your asshole?
??? I'm not american though? what does that have to do with being betas, insecurities and shit?

she clearly wanted... something, and I didn't let it happen because I wasn't sure. I only realized afterwards.

>I would never ever go back to an ex.
it's just sex, faggot. you'd be a real beta if you fell for her again...
>Make a lighthearted joke about it
any ideas?
>??? I'm not american though?
Oh. Yeah I made two errors then. I am simply very heartbroken and I want to fuck the pain away. But you're NTA lmao
it's never just sex, also, why would I plant my dick where another man has been after me?
Fucking with an ex is never worth it.
Because you went horny on main? I don't do that unless it's a dating app and even that's a tad bit different
What’s your preference?
Rope bondage, chain bondage, or restraint bondage
>Why don't you have a girlfriend?
You are a woman, if you have an ex you can ALWAYS get a new boyfriend in a week tops.
>I am simply very heartbroken and I want to fuck the pain away.
I do the same thing, I don't like myself/my social skills, so I avoid people, and the reclusion becomes a vicious cycle...
I wish I had an easy fix but it boils down a lot to mentality and positive self-talk. Don't expect yourself to be perfect in social situations or this amazing exciting guy, just try to enjoy people's company, focus on what they are saying and learning about them, etc. Both extroverts and introverts have their role to play, Judt because you're not the life of the party doesn't mean you're not valued or liked
>it's never just sex
says the beta faggot

>why would I plant my dick where another man has been after me?
do you only fuck virgins? because if not, I have bad news for you...
men really live in a different world. I would say it wouldn't even take an hour for an average woman to get a new bf. They always have someone who has simped for them and is ready to commit to them
Yeah, I even text my mother's friends if frisky enough (it worked once)
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State gender
Have you ever been in this situation
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They're cuddly and comfy to spoon
They can squash you which is also comfy
You can keep feeding them..... all of your dishes and cakes and more desserts
They'll never leave you...... ever.......
Not exactly but once I was cuddling with a girl and kissed her tummy and then she tried pushing my head down there I was like wtf nah I'm gucci I just ate
I'm assuming she, like a lot of other women, likes to toy with potential partners and make them wait. Unless it's ovulation time but for that there are hookups. If she can't manage to get a boyfriend in advance, that's on her even if Tinder has the easy fix.
holy BASED
That must have been awkward AF.
TBF to her, if a guy kisses you bellow breasts, most girls assume he's heading towards their pussy.
I didnt use to have any of those problems, it mostly comes down to having fucked my life by dropping out college, but i ended up going back and I just turned into a senior for the next year, feels good kind of like im unfucking myself

I just want to know what would a good role model to stop being so cynical and judgementall all the time, someone like Keanu Reeves or someone i can look up to
my ex looked exactly like that.
Yes, I know :(
Eh it wasn't too awkward desu but maybe a bit
And yeah maybe I was giving her the wrong idea lol oops
I can't give up my KHV membership that easily

Got to the bedroom and my courage failed me so I bailed. I feel bad for letting it get that far, probably fucked the poor girl up.
That is brutal.
Ah yeah I'm also a college dropout lel (well they expelled me and I can't afford to go back but nevermind)
>feels good kind of like im unfucking myself
Keep up the momentum bro
>someone like Keanu Reeves
Yeah he's a cool guy look up to him
it's funny because I have relations to the sinosphere

no but really we have only messaged this month I'm dying to videochat or hear his voice again I should of woke up earlier for him to do it a few days ago ugh I feel worse not hearing his voice or seeing g his face but idk how to tell him

it makes it slightly more "real" when so far away
>need a +1 to a wedding so I can look normal to my friends, cute girls please apply, wedding dress not included, but there will be food
Unfortunately yes. Thankfully I got out of that situation
I had an ex like this, never did anything with her tho.
how can I tell how open a guy is to eat me out? he boasted about getting women off before but he has only had sex a couple times with one person. do guys count oral as sex at all because I want to be eaten out very badly by him
Eating pussy is beta behavior and increases risk of throat cancer
Yeah I'm pretty dumb desu
Then at a party two girls were talking to me like "omg you've never been with a girl?" I was like "nah not really", then this other girl (the one I had cuddled with) who had just walked past got annoyed so I went for a cigarette to hide
So I think they thought I was a fuckboy or something (cause then the hot one tried to get with me another night but I was too awkward)
Thank you for reading my blog
tell him "I like being eaten out" I guess?
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>all this talk of hooking up with exes, messy breakups, seeing prostitutes, practice gfs, cheating with friends, getting ghosted from one night stands, hoe phases, preying on highschoolers, gooning to pr0n, rape and monster fantasies, and that's just the tip of the iceberg
you people honestly disgust me
hey it's the anon who appreciated me posting AJJ when I posted body horror song to make women on here insecure
what do you do for fun?
>rape and monster fantasies
Why are black women named Shaniqua and LaShawnda and such?
My coworker likes being scheduled with me and we get along well enough. She'll work later shifts just to work with me for longer. She's talked about how our work group should hang out but she seems like she's afraid to actually meet up outside of work. Do women just suggest plans because they like hearing themselves speak or is something wrong with her?
I’m vaccinated for hpv, I’m immune from the consequences of eating non-diseased pussy
Girls like this reddit shit?
>cute girls please apply
I ain't the most handsome lad so I might have to omit that part
I shit you not, I've met two white women in the last year named Lashanda
What makes a woman do porn for sicflics?
Femanons whats the largest object you can fit in any hole?
yes it is me, good to see you're also here still anon
damn nibba you really expect me to listen to a full album? Sounds cool though
In the 60s blacks were desperate to reconnect with their African roots, the problem was that at the time they didn't have internet, and there was virtually no media or books on the topic. A lot of black "academics" stepped in with fabricated lists of "traditional African names" which were in reality just mixes of French names and a few sounds that were common in a few African languages, ironically most of them being East African and therefore unlikely to be connected to American slave populations.

To sum up imagine if there were a bunch of Chinese descended people who had no concept of what China was and desperately wanted to be a part of it, so they started naming their kids Ching Chong and Ling Ling and General Tso and shit, that's effectively what American blacks did.
I don't think I will ever be able to leave willingly
Need to adapt to the foid controlled dating market in 2024, innit? I hate it too and I bet Chads aren't happy also because they have to settle for mid bitches.
You will only lose that awkwardness if you actually ever commit to going on ahead with it to the end. For me it took me like 4 or 5 different girls, but even then im no longer an awkward fuck when performing but since i never really dated any of those girls i still manage to be an awkward fuck when trying to get along with new people.
RIP, Nipsey had some motivational bangers.
>under no condition, would you ever catch me slipping
I’ll miss her. Thanks, atoga.
Why would you even do that? May as well get virgin tatted on your forehead. Lie.
What the fuck is wrong with me?

Specifically, why do I live in the past?
>Femanons whats the largest object you can fit in any hole?
It's definitely not your dick
My ex girlfriend.
Qt MAP is good-looking enough to get away with it, he still slept with several bitches and steals hoes from guys at the club. But he was molested by his aunt and is afraid of sex because of that lulz
Judge you people
Just wait til JH gets here jk
Built for white nerds
Yes, bitches love reddit, have you never met one?
>ain't the most handsome lad
confidence counts more than handsome
Also it's not like I'm saying "hot"; "cute" basically just means don't be a cunt
>What makes a woman do porn
$ + 18-25ish is horniest time of people's lives so young people often aren't thinking straight.
>I like the feeling of tight pussy
>that means she’s not very aroused
Why does the world work like this?
the past is far behind us
the future doesn't exist
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Women, what's it like being a slampig? Do you realize you are one and do you enjoy it?
From a guy's perspective, we wouldn't want to date a girl who looks like that, but we'd all gladly sleep with her.
Sometimes I feel sorry for girls like that. But I just hope they get that slampig physique on purpose because they like the sex or something.

(Any orgers here btw, iykyk)
I don't think women are controlling all the degenerate shit the men on here do lol, it's a two way street
Unless the council of women has actually finished their mind control manifestation ray unbeknownst to moi
Oh well I don't meet girls anymore anyway lol
>have you never met one?
That is true, a lot of women I work with use reddit.
What if I changed "cute" to "funny"? I just feel weird telling girls they gotta be cute
>Why would you even do that
Do what? I'm just shy
Is this my official lore now or something
Femcels, why not just pay a psychic to draw what your soulmate looks like?
OK funny works too but I feel like the average Tinder girl would feel that's more pressure
Also, it's just bantz
Fuck you
Wish my ex boyfriend missed me
It's not even just anxiety per-se, I'm just so socially awkward I don't really know how to escalate to that stuff
Like at a later date we were pre-drinking in the kitchen and my roommate was trying to set me up with the hot slutty one, and she was basically like "well if you''re up for it at the end of the night I won't say no..." and I was like "maybe idk" and we hung out at the party that night but just as friends basically and then it felt too weird to make it sexual
I texted you 10 times over the years and wanted to meet up.
Men, do you like women or just their vaginas?
I'm not her
Yeah I like most women quite a bit
Idk vaginas are kinda weird desu, like I'd be afraid of losing something down there
I hate their vaginas. They look gross to me. I like women if they have soft, smooth skin.
I like the women at my workplace, outside of a few weirdos, they're actually fun to be around
me too brotherman, me too. maybe one day we will be freed from our chains but it is not today.
Wtf mean
As a guy I think she's pretty cute, would date
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Unless something more pressing and important comes up in your life... picrel
>steals hoes from guys at the club
It doesn't really count if their male friends are gay lol
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>I hate their vaginas
You're homosexual
I like you for your butthole
I love women more than anything else.
I like women, they’re nice
Not gay. My first ex had the perfect innie pussy with no weird folds. Others all had weird foldy pussies.
Oh yeah I like their boobs too
Weirdly enough, I like women but don't like pussy
No, I am not gay.
Have you seen your dick? How can you mind some foldy flesh when you have a whole ass soft lump of skin flopping around in your pants?
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Well hoes, I made it to Los Alamos, but apparently their HR system is gay, so I have to wait another day to get my badge. May you please wish me luck tomorrow?
KEK, liberals.
Who excited for the Tangerine Tyrant redux? 47!
Do women ever get envious of other women when they watch porn?
Like, “damn she’s getting fucked good, I wish I was her rn”
I love some women and I love vaginas
Not gay unlike some anons above and probably some below
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I said my first ex had a nice vagina.
>want to partecipate in an event
>free to join, but have to submit a form
>can only see the link if you have an instagram account
What do I do brothers??? I don't want the devil to pull my soul out of my body
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This image is on par with Rembrandt and I don't meant that sarcastically.
Why do you like this image?
I have a fake account made with a shady email years ago and it still works like a charm. Facebook/Meta has never seen my face, proud to keep it this way.
I got weirded out because I saw red mark creeping out from her groin area in her bikini

Women, what are they and what does it mean? Is it a bad thing?
I'm not sure if I like women. Some of them are agreeable, smart, hot and I respect them a lot. But the romantic side is nebulous.
Vaginas are pretty likeable and aesthetic, especially outies.
Does she work out?
nice try girls
It might be a stretch mark, if so she’s got a fat pussy. It’s harmless but it can be a bad thing depending on your stance on fat pussy
I have a moustache and beard.
no, I just enjoy watching it. sometimes I see stuff I want to try
Why does it feel much better to get your dick grabbed from behind?
NTA but, WTF is a fat pussy?
You know
Almost puffy outer labia and mons. It can happen on any girl.
No I don't, that's why I'm asking
Femanons, is the food worth it, is not being a "racist" worth it?
You sold out the safety of your daughters for a pat on the back and a kebab.
Elections have consequences, and you voted for it.
you might be gay
>accidentally wasted my SuperSwipe™ on a single mother
is there a female equivalent?
yes you definitely are lol
No one voted for this faggot
If this happened in my country, people would've stoned those rapist men to death. Germans are just cowards.
The people who voted for Angela Merkal and the current leader did.
They are elected officials who flooded Germant with these people.
Nope. Only skinny girls for me.
they voted for it by not being white supremacists
Democracy is an illusion
Leaders will fuck you over no matter what
Even if people elected right wingers, nothing would change
They voted to let child rapists into their country, and the foreign countries obliged.
Vaginas. I've met a couple of women I liked, in fact I can think of three, but 99%, nope. Women are something I have to deal with.
Hope you die alone
but I don't like dudes
Women would you throw your wedding ring in a fight with your husband?
If dicks were not aesthetically pleasing, why would they make phallic symbols everywhere?
and if you ever get married you will too
Agreeing with my men bros here. Dicks are hot, vaginas are icky.
>He didn't put atoga in the OP
>I have to control F "ask the opposite" to find the thread
i hope you stub your toe
Yes. I divorced her and life is so much better.
This is directed at you too >>31500945
I had a single mother try to use love bombing on me, it was the most terrifying experience of my life.

It was heartbreaking.
state gender
how do you feel about damsels in distress
I feel like one and it's killing me
>go out n get some play
>like it's just that easy
Vagina's are gross. I like women's thighs and sometimes their bellies but otherwise I don't like anything about them.

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