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Last Episode: >>31498755
Friendly reminder that men are gay and hate women
I think vaginas are gross and this does NOT make me gay!
Where is this from?
Shut up faggot.
I like women! Love them in fact!
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Is it just me or are black women who prefer white guys hotter?
Generic Animu #52799321891
Why the fuck are you using so much Freiren
Even still, i think men like vaginas more than women like dicks. Lots of guys watch videos of women masturbating. "Orgasmic contraction" porn is a whole genre. Little to no women get off to penises
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women, do you like milk?
Exact opposite vibe
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Not op but its Frieren

>Insulting one of the best anime in the last decade
take frieren's advice
probably because they don't want to fit to black standards (huge ass, big hair, hooker earrings)
>one of the best anime in the last decade
I give it 3 months before people start forgetting about it
Ladies, would you be moved if I recited poetry to you?
Guys would you tell your girl if she stank (bad breath, BO, smelly vagina, whatever)?
Yes. And don't make it sexual.
disgusting anti dungeon meishi propganda
Does the wider public's low attention span somehow affect the quality of a show?
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Oh, fuck, alright, look, ladies I have a problem ... I attract crazy women. Not just sorta crazy, but insane.

Can you give me some womanly insight into the puzzle? I'm a fuckin introvert but I'm extremely good looking, at least for the area. I'm probably a 7/10 in Hollywood, so a 9.5/10 in the south.
No because you’d get offended and pout and hate me for telling you the truth.
Yes, I would call her stinky if necessary
no bully
Yes, perception is everything. When SAO first came out people thought it was the best thing since sliced bread only to realize that it was dogshit after letting it settle for a bit.
Girls don't smell
For some reason i thought that show was gonna be a light hearted cooking anime. Definitely surprised me lol
While men’s standards tend to be, hot or cute, not obese, and nice. Black women who fall into that mold are attractive, especially if they have white teeth
>perception is everything
I disagree
what gender are you and how do you feel about damsels in distress in fiction
The only thing keeping me going right now is looking forward to the 4th of July holiday off of work.
I like them if they aren’t overdone. I don’t understand why women hate them when a lot of them would love a man to come and rescue them
I like them as long as they actually have personality and character arc and aren't just a glorified plot devise
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I prefer sexy evil girlbosses
What the hell is love bombing

They literally optimize for a slow and gradually degradation of stupidity. Most shows, at least one episode per season, will be highly reminiscent of the planned direction for the show. Think the pickle rick episode of Rick and Morty.

The better the reaction by the stupids to that episode, the heavier they lean into whatever aspects of that episode the public liked the best.
they rarely but can. From surface rarely but they can have same bad breath as men. Our digestive system are not different
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What's worse: this
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Dear women, what do you think of Justice's 2016 album, Woman?
How can something that doesn't exist smell?
Heh checkmate
I don't really mind them. Its kind of cringe depending on how its done i guess. I'm kind of tired of princess peach. The opposite is more annoying in my opinion. Strong female characters are great. But when its just "heh look how badass this woman is, she can beat the pathetic man's ass", its forced and boring
i have a strong desire to save them
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or this?
cult tactic where they are falsely overly affectionate to sucker you in
Did you take the 5th off too?
No, I'd just get rid of her.
Where do I find cute black women into white guys?
Probably this. I imagine larger women are probably kind of smelly
It was!... Until it wasn't u_u
Women, should I try dating if I'm over 30 but still not really "established"?
Dude please, this was me. She was actually pretty hot, but she was crazy and fat. Huge tits though, my God. The envy of every man, everywhere.

It's too painful.
I would try to, yes. But i'd definitely be scared about hurting her feelings
As a fat woman, I'll never date or have sex with a man. I could never subject another human being to this pain.
what are your best examples
dead trope. Today's damsels are kick ass boss babes with cats, travel plans and stacks of wine and pills.
I always liked her story
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unironically, probably zelda. Most of the time she needs to be saved in some way, but she still helps in her own way
Ah shit I am guilty of that to the MAX
I always called it my "affection fetish"
People wonder why ED is on the rise. This is the reason. Literally your dick nopeing out.
asoiaf was still good when only a few thousand people had read it, long before there was an HBO TV show planned
Lose the flab.
I believe in you femanon!
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She’s hot but for my money it’s Cecilia lion
What's flab?
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What are your thoughts on this?
Paper cuts in the mouth
Anyone with anxiety? M or F

How are you holding up this summer?
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Why do all white men in asia look exactly the same?
I'm not sure which is more degenerate, fucking a sentient mushroom or fucking an Italian.
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I have the need, to breed
How come nobody capitalizes their sentences anymore, or uses proper punctuation? You know, like this?
I got that General Anxiety Disorder and I can rizz women all day but still go home and want to drink myself to death.
Trying to cut back on the booze though I've gotten super fucked up like 3 days in a row now
I've never been diagnosed or anything, but i get butterflies in my stomach literally anytime i go somewhere other than home or uni. I'm talking like, the feeling of wanting to shit before you go up on stage.

>How are you holding up this summer?
Doing alright i guess. Playing video games
I usually don't have the chance to experience anxiety, but when I do I do.
I'll try getting over it I guess
Based if true
shift is too hard so is dot
State gender
Have you ever been the one to find someone who died?
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>Having anxiety
Have you tried just telling the truth all the time?
No, but both of my cats died in my arms
>Anyone with anxiety? M or F
M. GAD. besides a lot of things.
>How are you holding up this summer?
No idea what will happen after 1-2 month when my emergency reserve will run out. Mental health already detoriated
>Verification not required.
Took the missus out for dinner tonight we had japanese she has the katsu bowl while I had the salmon nigiri all with the 3 rounds of grape soju to wash it all down then went back to her place for play fighting and sex for the next 4 hours now I’m home can’t wait to have a long nights rest why can’t everyone be this happy :D
I don't think this counts, but when I was on a double date with my ex gf and a friends couple while waiting for our friends we saw a guy who looked like he was dead lying on the ground in front of a barber. 30 mins or so later an ambulance went there and picked him up.
We only checked from afar, but the guy looked kind of dead
GAD is unlike any sort of social anxiety or stress, my man. For me it's closer what I imagine schizophrenia is like with being unable to push the intrusive thoughts out of your mind to the point that you're ready to off yourself just to stop the pain.
Gen Z? They are simply lazy, and stupid. They will say the all lowercase writing style is intentional, reflective of their casual and easygoing nature, but that is cope. They are stupid and lazy, it’s as simple as that.
barely fucking counts
I am so afraid of telling the truth that I once went to therapy, internally panicked, fed the therapist a bunch of bullshit and never went there again
I guess if they took so long he really was dead.
Stop bitching and post some real hot black babes
probably some quality head
>barely fucking counts
I like girls with real hair, not weaves
>barely fucking counts
they are really fucking cunts
Kid at my school OD’d behind the basketball courts after the gym teacher bullied him for being fat, my friends and I found him lying there sometimes after class because we used to smoke weed there, at first everyone thought we done it because weed was still frowned upon at during this time but later it was revealed he left a note saying it was the gym teachers fault, safe to say that dude was fired in the blink of an eye without notice
Easier to make white looking babies with
It's because phone keyboards are shit.
Oh man, can you imagine being that guy's wife?
>complaining about the generation after you in a you will never get a girlfriend thread
Damn. At least he got fired. What an asshole.
lasting damage from homestuck
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>asshole gym teacher
you don't say.
sad story though
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State gender
What would you do if you saw this?
>so how was your day honey
>i made a fat kit commit suicide
>oh wonderful dinner will be ready at 6
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>Easier to make white looking babies with
genetics doesn't work that way
I'd fap to it
be afraid
Ask it about the demiurge and how I can integrated Gnostic practices into my sex life.
M. Probably faint.
White man and lightskin woman have a better chance at a lighter baby than white man and darkskin woman
Women do you think the penis is evil?
>"yeah, don't have sex, retard."
Imagine being so self absorbed you kill yourself because someone points out you're fat.
You are going to hell...
Lmao at chad coach cleansing the gene pool by removing lardass bussin no cap
No, it's usually the balls you remove from animals to make them stop being evil
Yeah but should I fap and spill the seed to prevent procreation which fill further the plans of Yahweh?
>>>/pol/ You will never have sex faggot so why do you care anyway?
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My friend asked me to be his date to a wedding and I of course said yes but it is unclear if he is taking me as his actual date date or as a friend, either way I am okay with but I don't want to ask and embarrass myself in case it is just as a friend way. When he asked me he said something like "I don't have anyone else I'd rather bring and I know we'll obviously have fun" so this sounds like he just means it in a friend way right?
I told my other friend about it and she said it sounded like a date so now I am overthinking it
Is men dribbling precum the same thing as a woman getting wet?
Lmaoing at blackpill christcucks lies built by jews to control the masses through man made satanic worship
I hope you enjoy hot temperatures anon
Ok Rico, unbunch your panties. It’s not that deep
I would try to befriend it, maybe offer it a snack
Your over thinking this. Just go with him and enjoy the free food and drink. Whatever happens happens.
Not 100% the same, but generally yeah, kinda.
Yup. If her ancestors were light skins at least 4 generation before. As I said: genetics doesn't work that way. Heritability is not always linear. Traits can skip generations, or change branches.
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>obsessed with mexicans
Your country doesn’t belong to you anymore why bother
Its not 1:1 but its probably the closest comparison you could get. Arguably, being hard is closer though.
Ask it how I can be a better Christian
I'm doing fine by doing everything I can to avoid things that cause anxiety
Who is this one person?
>leading on a frienzoner
Based Stacy enabler
desu you're right, those girls are likely both majority white by blood
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>his sounds like he just means it in a friend way right?
Yeah, but that's deliberate.
As I guy that's exactly what I would say if I wanted a date with you but was too scared to ask you, and a wedding is a perfect opportunity.
> I am overthinking it
Yes you are. What do you want it to be?
>she thinks I’m American
4chan is literally a failed Futaba clone.
I think boners are probably closer.
>he thinks I’m a woman
Kill yourself desperate simp you will still be posting here while I’m playing outside with my mutt kids
It’s more likely to end with a lighter baby, nothings garunteed.
Sounds like he wanted plausible deniability and was vague on purpose.
You most likely want that if you like that person and are too scared of getting rejected.
But hey this guy could be manipulative and be stringing you along.
But that is a lot rarer for men.
>America belongs to Indians
okay boys and gals im drunk, want some sex, and im shipping off for the military next month.

what do i do?
It’s okay to kill Christians they won’t fight back regardless
>im shipping off for the military next month
Why do you want to die for Israel?
Those with blue eyes, would you ever consider having kids with a brown eyed man/woman? Even if it meant that your children's eyes would be ruined and be brown?
Take your Zeldox queen
>le internet memes

nobody has died in the military for 8 years (except from suicide) and i dont have faggotry opinions like polsters have on politics
Femanons, can you recommend me a chick flick?
Based total indian domination of the service industry sector
Thank you, you're right
I really would be happy either way
Nobody is leading anybody one
So what? It's an internet forum, just like many other forums out there.
>nothings garunteed.
agreed. But that would be look like a gypsy what's here is even worse than a black lol
For us, death has no sting
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>they won’t fight back regardless
sad but true
yeah. Eye colour wasn't on my list of must haves.
Unless it's really bad, no, she has hugged and smelled me quite a few times after intense training and sucked me without taking a bath first, I should be able to do the same.
Not yet, but it's probably going to happen.
Let me guess, you're also going to circumcise your son if you have one?
>Even if it meant that your children's eyes would be ruined and be brown?
Also you know that there's this thing called recessive genes, right?
>I really would be happy either way
Well that's a "no" then, innit.
This would have been fine if they left out the white guilt thing. Its pretty common for christians to do that whole "let me wash your feet like jesus did" thing
Imagine spending so much time on 4chan you become gay, incel to tranny pipeline is real kek
Maybe not the best person to answer since I don't think I want kids but I will anyway. Their eyes still could be blue, and I don't really care about eye colour when dating so I would
I just watched 10 things I hate about you again, it is a classic!
Good afternoon
I hate women so much
Girls, is 3.8 inches a good size?
no. simply because its a violation of bodily autonomy not le jewwwwss or some bullshit like that. btw dont plan on having kids though
Good there is no woman waiting for you on the otherside
Enjoy your darkskins I guess
>dont plan on having kids
>fight for Israel
holy kek
A no to what?
If all of your parents and grandparents had blue eyes, and if the same is true on your wife's side, your children will not randomly get brown eyes.
You sound like you have poop eyes, so your opinion doesn't really matter anyway.
I have had plenty of sex with white girls but I still prefer my big booty latina, y’all women are unmarriable it’s no question why white birthrates are plummeting
blue eyes are recessive in the first place lol. you need the genes coming from both parents
Good afternoon, i love women and i wish for their happiness
soo... I matched with this girl on tinder, talked to her a bit last week but nothing happened and we stopped talking. but I still want to smash. what should I tell her?
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>left out the white guilt thing.
That's what Christianity is now
Imagine spending all this time and money trying to have the perfect child and she ends up dying in a terrorist attack at a Ariana Grande concert or something
No amount of media propaganda and psyopping will convince me to date a female with male friends. If she's with me, I should be the only man she's talking to.
Latinas are white
Case: late 30, not virgin but little experience. NEET for a while, mental disorders under diagnosis. Feel like shit, broke, frustrated, meltdowns. Appeareance not bad but still max 6/10
Problem: not so close but friend girl seems to like me. Not sure her intentions but definitely interested in some way. Don't want to ditch her because I don't know her much but seems nice. But I am 100% sure in my state now I would fuck it up epicly.
Any advice, opinion or insight on this?
Maybe I should I get a good Christian girl to kiss my black feet wouldn’t that be a surprise lol
Yeah, I'm aware.
All women are bisexual and therefore she can't be talking to women either
>>>/pol/ how would you know you never have sex with one begone feral incel clense yourself from the gene pool at once you will never be chad
Just ask if she wants to fuck. At this point the worst case scenario is she says no or unmatches and you end up pretty much right where you are now.
Incel opinion discarded despite this literally being me with my gf she has no male friends because I’m too scary lol
Xes a very angry latinx today
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The real surprise would be you raising the kid
You're not scary. What have you done in the streets?
Hey christians, was foot/feet really a euphemism for genitals in the bible?
Lmaoing at this tranny you were a man once what happened little guy kek
Why is it always a black kid?
Get plapped, get pregnant.
Don't you just need a wife to have a child?
I transitioned from boy to man when I fucked your mom
not always
Not since the 60’s
No. Stop being so porn brained.
yeah, you are right. guess I'll ask her if she wants us to meet...
I would be the most strict drill sergeant dad fr no cap my daughter will be daddy’s little princess
Nothing I can’t do in the sheets fambam
You say it like it’s so easy lol
>still trapped in his Xbox live childhood
Oh boy dis gone be gud
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who knows
>walk in public
>see yet another lesbian couple I could have turned back straight and into my mini harem
>still never had an ffm threesome
Why is life so difficult and how can we overcome the difficulties?
I had a threesome with two asian girls in college they’re both married to separate husbands with children now
>doesn’t have sex despite living in the most sexually liberated era in history
Skill issue
Move to an area with more sexual “liberation”
Horny degenerates tend to congregate
Turns out sexual liberation doesn't help most people get laid.
Either gender.

What's something a former partner said that made them an automatic no?
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never had a chance
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Bro, they're literally doing you a service.

You nail them and then their friends girlfriends.
Atoga, state gender and please share a picture of your stuffed animal.
Mosquitos love me.
They find me irresistible.
Can't stop kissing me.
Mean Girls is an evergreen for a reason if you want a true high school movie. At least chick flick makes me think of the kind of movie you'd put on during sleepovers in high school...
No that’s sounds like a you issue
Blonde tomboy ex wanted to enter an open relationship with a rich chinese cuck so he could pay her bills and rent while we fucked in his bed
I don't have any
Americans worship these monkeys to the point where they apologize to the killers if their daughter gets raped and murdered.
I'll neck a beer for pops out here
I'd try to be tactful about it but yeah I prolly would lel
Gal u stankin
Tho once I told a girl she had bad breath and she cried
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If it's detectable in public (i.e. other people are turning their noses up at her) then yes. If it's just at home then it depends on the severity. Bad breath can be ignored. BO I'm probably gonna say something. Smelly vagina I can ignore unless I'm putting my face down there, then she needs to clean it.
It's not just me saying this. There's data to back it up. More people are single and celibate now than has been the case for decades.
Not my thing.
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Today, I will remind the thread
These are my two favourite stuffed animals
Purely socioeconomic factors, chud.
Geranium oil.
I used to want to save them. At this point, I'd just let them die/get raped/be enslaved. I might even enjoy it.
I still do it.
My friends act like it saves time, but I think the more formal appearance is worth it.
My gfs friend literally got married this year has it ever dawned on you that you be an irl loser?
Ask for help fixing my life.
>I'm a fuckin introvert but I'm extremely good looking
Not a woman but that's fucking why lol. They know you're prolly not gonna leave them for another gal if you're that introverted. But if they're vain they can still show you off to their friends for being good lookin'. So basically you're fucked unless you set some boundaries and screw your head on straight. Sort yourself out brother. The hotness crazy scale is real though... it's like playing in a casino you might hit the jackpot or you might be paying your fuckin' debts. Over and out
same. I wish I could fuck mosquitos. oh, well.
Half expected to see a tranny blahaj
Absolutely jealous and seething kek
Precum usually requires some physical stimulation. Getting hard is probably more similar to getting wet, as just a visual stimulus is enough.
State gender
What would you do if every ex of yours became gay?
This is pretty good
Pajeet casually posting his gf's tits on the internet
Can you please fix the screen caps. They are too wide for me to read. Also it would be even better if you made a tiktok in which you read them out with some motivational music
She was already bisexual so it’s not that surprising
I can fix her-
Fuck you Americans getting an extra day off work
Enjoy it tho
>ruined and be brown?
Hell yeah.
I think brown is the best eye color girls can have.
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>This is pretty good
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Are fat girls easy lay?
Tits or GTFO amiright?
NAG but Cross was amazing, then Justice progressively became more commercial disco wank shite, like Daft Punk
Who here Meeks-pilled?
Yes, one anecdote disproves a bunch of data showing a societal trend. Idiot.
It used to be easier but its still easy compared to normal women
She had political views that clashed with mine.
I really hope you guys don't have blue eyes
She asked if she could kiss her female friend in front of me
Feel relief that I didn't do something wrong.
Why are Europe's right-wing parties led by women?
As soon as politics came up in discussion it was over.
>j-just look at the muh-heckin statistics
Shut up incel sex exists lol
Question for men.

What high heel height do you find most attractive?
>What's something a former partner said that made them an automatic no?
She did "not believe" in black holes. That's no question of faith. It's fact, measured, photographed.
Who denies proven facts are definitely not my partner.
The highest
Humiliation Ritual
3-4” nothing too big but still high heels
Im too stupid to know the difference but I like when shes comfortable.
I don't really care for heels. 1.5-2" maybe?
If you're gonna larp as a Chad next time, maybe don't claim to be a pajeet lol
Go build toilets in India or something.
If you can find me a blue-eyed wife, I'll gladly make blue-eyed children. I can't afford to be picky about eye colour or anything else for that matter.
fucking kek
The big 5" platformy ones are really hot looking, but I would say anything above 3" is more than enough.
Don't wear something you're not comfortable in though. If you have the "I can't balance," or "I'm straining my muscles" face the entire time, I'm not gonna be turned on as much as I'm gonna feel bad for you lol.
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State gender
Thoughts on this?
I do try, but periods are for pansies
I'm happy for you anon (totally not jelly) <3
Whatever height she's comfortable next to me.
>periods are for pansies
missed your chance to say periods are for women
no idea about height but ones that raise the feet 30-40 degrees
>inb4, engineer, yes.
Whatever it takes to make her at least half an inch taller than me.
Tell them to fuck off I'm tryna sleep
For God's sake London, he wants to fuck you
Anything other than stilettos looks like fat girl shoes don’t get me started on steve maddens
Whatever puts the foot at a 45 degree angle to the floor.
M, I don't want kids, but in theory yes, I don't give a shit
>hate women so much
Why bro
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We should elect female Hitler
I’m pacific islander but I guess it’s just easier just to say brown lol
Thank you anonie <3 I will take you next time XD
Question for women.

Why don't y'all ask for sex when you want it? Like, you would probably succeed almost every time.
Maybe just ask if she wants to get coffee? Don't overthink this shit
I like how they draw attention to the fact that he's a loser because he's jobless, not because of the fact that he butchered a woman with a knife
Classic Daily Mail innit
3/4 inch or less. I hate heels
Can i have sex with her? (i am not white)
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Half the replies to this post are longer than their penis that was the joke you retards
I wish I was a gay boy
Should I fuck his best friend or his worst enemy for revenge?
My cock is 6 inches. That’s not a very common heel length
She said she didn't want to have kids.
Do women actually think they have less rights now?
>larping about dick size on a lesbian dating board
It's not a joke mate.
I want her to be able to sound me with the heel if she decides she wants to.
>ones that raise the feet 30-40 degrees
>>inb4, engineer, yes.
anon... if you can't calculate that, then you must suck as an engineer.
My friend, it’s no larp
>lesbian dating board
NTA, but why are lesbians so much hotter than straight girls?
3 of the 5 girls I've ever found attractive ended up being lesbians.
Joe's dementia is acting up.
Ignore it.
I’ll shove my charger cable so far up your ureathra i’ll use you to power my new iPhone 14
>anon... if you can't calculate that, then you must suck as an engineer.
It depends on the length of her foot. Anon is still probably a shit engineer though.
How do I make a woman addicted to my cock?
>Maybe just ask if she wants to get coffee?
In fact she asked me for coffee if she's around. I said that glady then, but we stopped here (she lives in other city so nothing to rush fortunately)
Honestly I'm afraid to meet her yet. I am pretty fucked up mentally recently, definietly not bf material.
Shock my boytubes mommy.
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>but why are lesbians so much hotter than straight girls?
idk but it drives me nuts
They’re just bullshitting you because they rather sleep with a bear than you incel ass how can you people be this dumb kek
Put a little giggle powder on your cock every time she gives you head.
Lesbians are probably hotter because they don't give off the submissive energy that straight girls do. You femboy bottoms want a girl to dominate you (gay af), and the only dominant women are lesbian.
>you can't calculate
KEK, I can, It's just an uper/lower limit for different versions.
It's literally just exposure. There's something innately great about dick, and if we're dating, eventually your dick will literally be the only thing I can possibly think about when I think of dick.
My female coworker is sick with a cold. Should I pay her a house visit or is this not acceptable anymore?
Make her addicted what you can do with that. Tease, edge, orgasm control. When you have to grab her hands to not take the control over you know she won't forget that.
Because the best sex would be with someone who loves me, and randos don't love me.
Dominant women are cringe thank god my gf is a superwife
>Why bro
Because they deserve it? They don't respect men, they treat us like shit and take us for granted, as well as everything we do for them.
How do you even make friends after high school? I hear about all of you here having male and female friends, but it just seems impossible to make friends now. I try to start conversations but nobody really wants to start conversations with me. M 20
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>the only dominant women are lesbian.
They can all be attractive depending on her outfit, the occasion, and other factors. I really like 3-4" heels though in terms of how they make her legs look.
You don't know that! Does this mean you think it sounds datey?
Actually care about what people have to say instead of being stuck in your power vacuum echo chamber
Not a partner but I went out with a model who told me she fucked a different guy every day of the week once
That was kind of a turn-off, like woohoo another notch on the bedpost
I think she just assumed I'd go home with her cause, y'know, professional model. But not today bitch
Women, thoughts on me potentially dying alone?
I used to be into femdom but I don't respect women enough for that anymore.
>Could have lost virginity to a model
>instead is a virgin at 26
Also, typical bong woman
But I do care, other people just don't want to talk to me
I follow the Daniel Jackson school of diplomacy: I smile, wave, and say "Hi!"
F. An ex asked me to have sex with someone while she watched. We played it off as more of a joke or sexy talk, but I knew she was serious and I should've read the writing on the wall before we broke up later.
No one gives a shit what you think.
You’re posting on 4chan that means you’re a racist asshole by default get better hobbies
Women who die alone, die alone by their own choice
>F. An ex asked me to have sex with someone while she watched
JH dated a cuck?
>How do you even make friends after high school?Workplace. Not collegues in workplace but with collegues that I can go along even after. Meaning outside of worktime too but mostly if we contact even if we not work at the same place.
Hobby groups. Hiking, boardgame, etc.
Events. Exhibition openings, conventions, conferences. Same with collegues. Art museums and phyilosophy debates are really good to find people with knowledge based opinion not just popcultural shells.
Clearly you do, since you bothered to reply to me.
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Meet Moo Moo (she got given to charity though ))))): I used to cuddle and kiss her every night and sleep like a baby)
I like when my gf sleeps over
She’ll literally sleep with her head on my chest the entire night
And when I get home from work the next day I think about how comfortable I was.

Getting feelings is crazy
Disappointed but not surprised
Most girls I dated were bi anyways
As in Jeremy Meeks?
Eh, maybe slightly but in my experience it was actually harder to get with fat girls lol
>She’ll literally sleep with her head on my chest the entire night
fuck, how much I miss this.
I once had a guy ask me to send him a video proof of me taking the emergency contraceptive pill, this same man said to me once during sex that he wanted to impregnate me
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the higher the better (just don't fall or get sore feet)
I am a simple man I love long legs and high heels
Um maybe neither
You have the most cursed horror dating experiences lol poor thing
I'm not a woman though.
There are other bis ITT.
You’re supposed to be married lmao I knew 4chan relationships never work out I was right again!
Hey, he still tapped that ass, he won
curious that only the boys are sharing. i have determined that women are heartless.
>tfw you look so cute you get dazzled looks from women in public but deep down you know that despite that, none of them would really want to be your mommydom owner
Women... I'm sorry
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>am pretty fucked up mentally recently, definietly not bf material
Mood, but you can at least have a nice time hanging out with eh
>Could have lost virginity to a model
>instead is a virgin at 26
Keeping it real bro
I usually hate high heels. The sound they make causes me to cringe.
Moo Moo is being loved by another and gifting them with good sleep. Gone but not forgotten.
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F. I don't actually have it yet. I'll share pics when I finally get it.
Trying to live in the moment
Last night she told me she doesn’t care if any of our co workers know we’re together as she’s leaving the company soon anyway and she doesn’t want to hide it anymore
Felt so good hearing her say that
Do you just come here to brag or something painter boy
But happy for ya
What a tosspot lol
>tfw you look so cute you get dazzled looks
At least you're confident lol
Im happy to know that you've committed to purchasing this fine fella. He will unironically have had more sex than most of this thread.
Awwww foxy woxy
I really hope so ;_; I'm sure Moo Moo is in a good home now X
BTW don't let word of this get out on the streetz
>turns out she wears makeup
it's over
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is Li Shang based or cringe?

Li Shang is a homo
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Idk but girls seem to drool over him
If she's not plastered in makeup I'm not interested jkjk
Shh don't spoil it. I want that part to be a surprise when I share the pics of it.
That would be kinda weird. I don't think that's something people do nowadays.
I think its funny that he breathed a sigh of relief when he found out Mulan was actually a woman
>house visit
Yeah that's fackin weird bro just text her asking if she's alright
what did that mean
I don't know but I want to see those heels up in the air
Lips are now sealed until the big reveal then
Bro had been duped by one too many ladyboys
I think I won because I avoided pregnancy
Lol they aren't too bad but I just share the worse, I wish I knew why I attract these types
No a lot of it is me still feeling immensely insecure about the entire thing and trying to make myself feel better
We caught eachother at the shop at the end the day and we were flirting and she was waiting for me to walk out while I was helping one of my apprentices gather materials and I told her I’d talk to her later
And she walked out with one of the guys on her division
And then my apprentice and I walked out and I over heard the other guy say “something something tomorrow” or like “let me know tomorrow,” and I immediately internalized it as the two of them having plans but had to talk myself out of that way of thinking as he has a girlfriend anyway
She also mentioned him getting a little friendly the night we first went out and my brain took it to a bad place
So yeah immensely insecure and trying to make myself feel better. Lmao.
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Porn doesn't mean they are real. Those are actresses.
Let's be real everyone in that movie was fucking gay
Like more than usual for a Disney movie
They definitely had some fujoshis on the storyboards
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why are younger girls attracted to crazy 30+ y.o men who have disfigured faces?

NTA, there are some dominant bi women for sure.
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I got nothing to post.
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yeah! milk is yummy. horchata is even better.

i mean i daydream about being rescued sometimes, it's a fun fantasy. it's lame when she's not just a person in need of saving but a completely useless loser though.

why are you asking us? do what you want to do. it's your life.

when i first learned to type on a keyboard i thought the caps lock key was the only way and i didn't see why adding two extra key presses all the fucking time mattered when it communicates identical information regardless of letter size. don't you think capital letters are kind of a funny concept? anyway, by the time i learned about the shift key i couldn't be bothered.
>I used to be into femdom
Bruh, I'm still into it.
I know it's a fake fantasy invented by porn, and that dominant women aren't real.
I need help becoming normal again.
How does one make oneself have less respect for women?
>why are younger girls attracted to crazy 30+ y.o men
Crazy cat uncles, it's only just beginning.........
Have you played any Rika hentai flashes bro
>I wish I knew why I attract these types
Mental Asylum
Girls I have autism hehe
if we are long distance just happen to not videochat or call is it over if it doesn't happen for 3 weeks

I wanted to with him again just I either fell asleep before we could or other bad timings but now I am feeling mentally like he doesn't like me and I am upset/kinda anxious on the connection between us because I need that vocal range/tone and facial expression

so I have been a bi moody in that I feel like he likes me less and idk why I caught feelings so retardedly
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she is very very soft
Deep breaths anon, you can video chat another day lol, it's all good
>The sound they make causes me to cringe.
Bruh what?
The sound is the best part.
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Good. Now come here and rail me sensless
i take back my earlier comment calling women heartless
Emmy Rossum was 17 when this was filmed, she played a 16 year old character. Gerard Butler was like 32. He literally say "I own you" and she smiles
What a lovely sweetheart bunny <33 what's her name?
Bro is obsessed
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>So yeah immensely insecure and trying to make myself feel better
Aren't we fuckin' all here buddy...
>turns out she wears makeup
This is every girl.
One of them.
Learn to ignore it.

>Uhm, actshually some girls don't wear makeup.
Yeah, I know some don't. Said some are usually sociopaths. Ask how I know.
U finger assholes instead of pussies?
Li Shang was 100% ready for that bussy
Probably true
Full disclosure, I'm heartless for posting that first one. I can't lie to you that it's wholesome.
Your bf asks to fuck it while you watch. Your reaction?

would you fuck the phantom if you were single and horny, and he appeared to you in your mirror?

My breasts are so fucking itchy rn...
I'll help you itch em
>I can't lie to you that it's wholesome.
Its definitely gonna have some hole tho and I'm not sure how heartless that is.
idk how other women do it, I'd like to be able to do that but I get uncomfortable staying in one position too long. And he moves around in his sleep a lot too
He's literally my favorite actor and that's one of my favorite movies, so fuck yes.
...maybe hehe (I have never actually participated in any sexual activities)
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Do you know how many 1% chance things I've had drop in games?
4% is easy
>Bro is obsessed
I'm manifesting
i hope you dont

i can't name things i own because it makes it like a person in my head, but since they aren't it feels like they died and i miss them. like when i name stuff i own i get really depressed they can't come to life and love me so i have to make sure i think of things as objects or at least strangers.

w h a t
lol yeah
At the end of the day I don’t think I have anything to worry about. She was waiting to walk out with me after all
But it’s hard to turn my brain off
Tittymonsters humblebragging AGAIN. Fuck you.
How about a compromise?
I'll be your mommy if you rape me.
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The rape problem primarily affects women
High heels sound is like a nail on a chalk board to me. I hate their clanging noise and how they screech. They also look impractical. Its like the worst kind of footwear ever designed and we've all been psyopped into liking them.
If you ever suffered PTSD for any reason, how did you learn to get past it?
You'd rather be fucked by the Phantom than get fucked by Raoul?

My mom said that my boobs aren't big and I'm just fat...
and even the dominant females become submissive when encounter with a more dominant male. Powerplay is fun.
You linked the wrong post
>turns out she now knows i don't know anything about makeup because i didn't know the difference between daycream and moisturizer
it's so over, how can i fake knowledge of womanly habits
But would you let him?
It doesn't make me submissive if a guy wrestles me, wins, and fucks me into a hole in the bed. It just means I wasn't as dominant this time.
Is she wrong?
i don't even understand. how you would have sex with a stuffed animal OR WHY. i also dont have a boyfriend so i dont know the specific feelings id have about HIM saying that.
What caused men to become so insufferably stupid in the past couple of years?
I just had a fucking conversation with a guy trying to shill his intermittent fasting and the carnivore diet (which he isn't even on, he's just shilling it), and his arguments were just
>Intermittent fasting is good
and I agreed, because it's often a good strategy for people trying to reduce calorie intake, but no further benefits have really been realized so they would be marginal. And his further example was
>Like, y'know, tigers in the wild they don't eat 3 or 4 times a day They eat big meals once every couple of days, and they're super muscular
So I said that's true, but humans aren't tigers. We have different physiology, and that we ARE close to monkeys, and they sit around grazing on grass slowly throughout the day and they're jacked as fuck (which is not related primarily to their diet), so why wouldn't that example be just as valid to say people should sit around eating berries and grass or whatever?
At this point I'm not even disagreeing with his main point, I'm just pointing out that a variety of eating habits are fine, and often the impact of the various different ones is marginal as long as you're eating sensibly, and that his examples have no actual logic to them and could easily apply to other things as well, if not better.
Then he goes onto the meat died stuff and he says
>The good thing about the carnivore diet is that it's like a baseline to figure out any food issues you might have, because you might have some slight intolerances that you didn't know about, but there are no allergies or intolerances to meat.
Which is just like, categorically not true. I have no issue saying some people happen to have health benefits from going to an all-meat diet. Why can't people just SAY THAT?
Why does it have to be all this constant all-or-nothing dude-bro-science bullshit ALL THE TIME WITH EVERYTHING?!
This is far from the first conversation I've had along similar lines.
No I didn't. If I was her bf I would want to fuck that in front of her and it would be absolutely brutal
>he difference between daycream and moisturizer
I need a woman to explain this now. What the fuck is a daycream and what are its use cases.
>Have you played any Rika hentai flashes bro
No that would be weird
I haven't played hentai flashes since KLK was popular
Ur a joke
also, inb4 "wall of text. too long." you illiterate retards.
This seems like a semi-effective method for producing cuckqueans...
Oh god the super adorable anon is back
I can't I actually can't deal with this level of cuteness right now
>Why does it have to be all this constant all-or-nothing dude-bro-science bullshit ALL THE TIME WITH EVERYTHING
My.himbo brain only has so much RAM you gotta break things down to their fundamentals
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there is not getting "past" it anon. it's going to be a constant obstacle. you just learn tricks to make it through the obstacle over and over again.

i control my breathing and squeeze my fist together, and try to mentally visualize the sudden stress in my body isolating to just my left hand. sometimes it helps.
Only if you want him to win all the time.
But that still shows that the "dominant" women are mostly switch, true dominant girl is rare as a white raven
Idk either. What if he wanted to have it join you during sex?
Interesting. Observe the next move above
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Getting drunk and cooking just ain't as fun when you can't get drunk :(
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tldr please
>haven't played hentai flashes since KLK
You played the ZONE one right?
I'll have to lose weight and see.
What is so funny about me?
is there any other one? :]
Stop being an alki damnit
I'll drink for you tonight anon <3
My gf and I were laying in bed last night and we both start falling asleep and she goes “do you want me to leave,” and I said “you don’t have to,” and she says “that’s not what I asked you,”
And I said “no” and put my arm around her

Was this like a shit test or did she just want to hear me say that I wanted her to stay
Im like 80% sure when women lose weight they lose it from their tits first
When weren't men being manipulated and reduced to retards? The internet is full of retards brainwashed with fad diets, bullshit health advice, incel tier garbage social psychology and business shit. Modern man is one-dimensional. Women are the same really, brainwashing just effects them in different ways.

I find this 'health' argument for intermittent fasting a bit strange. Fasting is a spiritual and ethical practice. You do it to develop will, or refrain from gluttony, or learn humility, or as part of some magick ritual, unless your a boxer/MMA fighter that needs to cut weight before a bout.
M or F

Is anyone else an actual aspie? How's life?
I guess I'm a switch if I'm just happy to have sex regardless of the power role, right? It's fun to struggle, and it's fun to win but it's not necessary. I concede that SOMETIMES a man can get the better of me.
This is true, having a glass of wine or a beer in hand makes it much more engaging
>did she just want to hear me say that I wanted her to stay
Bloody hell painter boy stop overthinking everything
But also I'm the exact same so mood
Never gotten diagnosed but pretty fucking sure I am desu I get like 40 on the AQ test
>How's life?
Uhhh fab in some ways dogshit in others
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no offense anon but i think you might be into retarded women
screams insecurities for me. If I were you and she were important to me I would ask her next day why asked she that. Talk to her. It's worth.
dude you cannot be asking shit like this without even knowing why
Cheers anon
I'm on a t-break because it was taking an uncomfortably large amount of hard liquor to even make me feel anything. Maybe by the weekend I can start again (if I make it that long)
she didn't call me out on it but she was telling me about moisturizers
apparently one goes under makeup and the other doesn't
Why can't they just think shit that's ambiguous instead of literally wrong? Even when doing something arguably fine their reasons for it are all objectively wrong.

I'm sure you're fine. I trust men who post Ayaya.
So I should just remain a fat bitch?
nta but this adds up
You have a big heart that's what matters <3
also you honestly seen very thoughtful and intelligent desu
You'll never get your pussy eaten with that attitude.
She probably wanted to take a shit but was too nervous to come right out and say it and breaking up a snuggle session would have been awkward.
What attitude? I just asked a question
>ask her
Nah that’s insecure

You think it was a shit test?

I am over thinking so much right now it’s horrible lol
Depends whether you're actually fat or if you just have self image issues
why do people fall for the self improvement meme? how do people not realize that that shit is for fatties, illiterate retards and other such people?
I'm not saying the meme is necessarily bad. exercise, reading, therapy and so on can be good. but they don't automatically make you a better person. in fact, just like many other things, they could also damage you if done wrongly. and you might not even find a partner or become more social that way anyway.
You sounds fun. And yes, a switch too. And excitingly unpredictible.
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>I trust men who post Ayaya
Based Kinmoza enjoyer <3
Yeah I mean tbf I just throw my hat into the ring in a discussion but I never try to hammer down my points or whatever. Cause often I'm wrong about stuff and people LOL at me anyway
Diagnosed 2005. Life is pretty shit.
How do I find insecure gf who is constantly worried I'll leave her?
>you seem thougthful and intelligent
well, yeah, i'm retarded, i'm not stupid.
It's a turn of phrase, babe. And no guy wants to eat fat girl pussy.
I really don't know. I just felt that if my gf showed me this then that would be my reaction lol. I mean yes it's really cute but at the same time I wanna do really sus things to it. Does that even make sense? Also what about it joining in on the action?
>we ARE close to monkeys
No we're not. If you try to live on grass you'll starve and die.
Idiot. I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your bullshit.
If it's a one-off and in private, probably not. But if she were going out in public, then I'd give her the warning and frame it that way.
you have some kind of problems in your mind that plague you
Not diagnosed yet, but noticed some concerning symtomes. The ADHD is sure, so ASD would be just a DLC lol
I mean it feels like we are a thing when we aren't we are taking it slow but since we haven't videochatted I feel knocked down a few pegs in terms of feeling attractive and how I want to see his face

like I getvso confused with him saying stuff like I deserve better or I might be wasting my time and he frames it as him having self esteem issues but I am trying to figure out his attachment style since that is a new thing for me to learn about because that scared me away a UT and feel discouraged

like he don't even know I cried like a baby the other night over him and being confused. I have to remind myself he has literal autism and I am also weird so I need to do deep breaths

maybe I am anxious attachment?
First off nice nails, one of the few times I've genuinely noticed and had an opinion on that
>Wont share her plush but will share her sentient animal
This doesn't add up
Regardless, cute cat. She looks like I could throw her very far and very fast.
I would say the exact same thing as her because I wouldn't want to impose if you wanted to be alone
Why? Is it bad?
Get a normal gf then randomly ghost her and forget dates etc and then give her excuses like your phone was out of battery
Cute kot <3
>I wish it were mee
>you might not even find a partner or become more social that way anyway
If that's why you're doing self-improvement, you're doing it wrong
You do it for knowledge and power
state gender
what's a profession that might disgust you or scare you when told by your date?
Yes. Fat girls are stinky and unhygienic, no matter how hard they try to be.
That's just any women bellow 7/10
>You think it was a shit test?
Im going to pull back the veil and admit that I was just trying to stir the pot. She probably just wanted to hear you say you want her to stay 8/10 times.
Is there a difference between fat girl pussy and a girl having a fat pussy? Was fat pussy an insult this whole time?
When you get the autism expansion pack
>i'm retarded, i'm not stupid
Haha I like that one, can I use it
Onlyfans, anything porn related, works for federal law enforcement or a political party or mainstream media
probably if he worked at the disgusting and scary factory
It's not like being fat prevents you from bathing...
That is literally 80% of women anon, its not that tough. You just need to find a gf.
Fine if done well (i.e. she is a sympathetic character and actually has a reason to need help). Even if it isn't, it's usually much less grating than forced girlboss characters.
sure, i dont have copyright on silly phrases
F. Prostitution, drug dealing, illegal shit like that. Also extremely unsafe manual labor would bother me.
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Bounty hunter would scare me but in a good way
>You do it for knowledge and power
see, yet more evidence of self-improvement being a meme.
you want power? you need money, to enter politics and
you want knowledge? knowledge of what? of people? of the society?
of how to manipulate people? again, money and politics.
Because there are so many black cats in the world you would never recognize mine
Thank you but please don't throw my cat
I know nothing about you but I doubt you could fit on my lap as comfortably
I know I do but thankfully I try to take care not to hurt others at the same time. I think you've still given zero reaction to this in total. If I was your bf would you try to help me somehow?
Off the top of my head my tolerance for that is pretty high.
I guess if she was the person putting the dogs into the furnace at a shelter that'd set off some red flags.
There's this guy I used to like but I don't want to contact him out of the blue cus we haven't seen each other in 4 years.
military, don’t like tools
>I doubt you could fit on my lap as comfortably
When there's a will there's a way
Hooray, thank u
Just hit him up gurl what you got to lose?
>please don't throw my cat
Its not like I'd throw it hard...
Okay then don't contact him.
women get scared whenever I tell women I'm a hacker through chat apps lmao
Politician. Worse than porn
Yes, regular sized women can have fat pussies, it has nothing to do with actual weight.
That's utterly irrelevant, fat people always sweat more and are stinkier. You wouldn't prefer to suck a fat guy's chode compared to a skinny guy's cock of the same size, would you?
What if he plans to launch a coup and redraw Europe?
Not the point. If you tried to live on eating gazelle carcasses you would also die. The point is that it's a silly comparison. You also wouldn't be jacked like a gorilla if you ate like one. If we aren't even close to monkeys with respect to diet effecting our health why would making a comparison to lions be more accurate?
>late-stage coomer brainrot
What a depressing sight
lol you wish, we find you disgusting

>Is there a difference between fat girl pussy and a girl having a fat pussy
>Was fat pussy an insult this whole time?
You sound like a good gf, you single and ready to mingle?
I don't care
What if he's in the coast guard or navy because he wants to be a pirate and sail the seven seas
>there are so many black cats in the world you would never recognize mine
There may be many black cats but there are none that are like yours
I wish there was a middle ground between "short men have literally no problems at all, incel" and "women despise short men and wish for their deaths". I don't know if one is a reaction to the other, but they're both annoying.
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Putin monke.
good luck, see you at The Hague
Also when she hit me up afterwards this was my response
2D >> 3D
what should I do?
Follow up question. Is there an equivalent comment about buttholes? Like is having a fat butthole a thing?
I like the subtle but clear bondaries. Also french nails are nice contrast with the black cat
"Short men shouldn't give up and should keep trying, but we should also accept that we're playing a game that we might not be able to win."
i don’t care I said I was out
Single, yes. I'm trying hard to mingle, but I'm focusing on guys at work currently.
Idk take a nap bro
Being short means you just gotta stand (lol) out in other ways. Orrr just date shorter girls
>Just hit him up gurl what you got to lose?
After 4 years my feelings have fizzled out a bit. Also, I don't think he was ever interested in me that way. I don't know if he even figured out I had a crush on him (a part of me hopes he doesn't bevause I did some cringe stuff to get his attention). He may have a gf. I don't feel like I'm attractive enough for him. We used to be great friends and if we meet again I just hope we can have fun like we used to.
>is having a fat butthole a thing
That just sounds like word filler. Im sure people have said it and meant it as a compliment but it doesn't really have meaning.
>Is there an equivalent comment about buttholes
Generally I would just call the butthole cute or pretty
You have to keep playing. But it's for others' sake, not yours. You lose. But society wants you to keep prodoocing and consooming
what do you mean, the middle ground is the norm you dummy
What if he used to sell some drugz but now he's a good boi asking for a friend
Instead of making a million assumptions you could just text him
>tfw you don't want to be tried and executed together after they uncover the genocides I was "responsible" for, as if they didn't leave mankind better off
Not much of a romantic, huh?
>Nah that’s insecure
Nothing is insecure about that you noticing her being insecure
>"I wish there was a middle ground"
>runs straight to the far end
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Being 5'11 really is pretty neat.

I'm like height Switzerland
That makes sense. I think I just assume fat is always a negative descriptor in general.
Dated a guy who was an ex-dealer. He started selling again after promising me he was done with that shit, and it broke my heart. I just plain don't trust people who do or did that sort of shit now.
>life isn't about getting drunk and eating chicken fingers all the time
This kills the british anons
If someone keeps writing exes to lovers stuff does that mean they are still in love with their ex?
Women: Has another woman ever said some shit about short men to you or around you?

What did they say, and how did you react?
Oh I wasn't the original anon. Just chiming in on a random post. I didn't mean to make him look bad.
You interested in a 25 year old switch?
That's fair enough, honestly can't blame you for that apprehension and integrity at all
I can't put a baby in you then soz
not online
What if I was an addict but ain't anymore? For reference, I was on prescription pain meds but once my doc found out about the abuse he cut me off and I can never have similar meds again.
Aside from commercialized vice (crime, porn, drugs, etc.), anything in show business or non-classical arts. They're filled to the brim with narcissistic degenerates.
Also lawyers and bankers. Especially corporate lawyers. Most high-powered careers put me off just because I don't want the lifestyle of being married to a woman like that, but those two genuinely disgust me.

Mafia don's daughter?
A left-wing activist isn't exactly scary, but I'd have to be careful about what I say unless I want to get harassed by lunatics.
Take this to /soc/, you degenerate
>I just assume fat is always a negative descriptor
Makes sense as a woman but Phat has been used positively before.
state gender
would you date an addict? what about a former addict?
Yeh, of course. Assuming compatibility in all other areas of the relationship and we found each other hot.
Well if he was serious about starting a family that'd definitely make him more trustworthy, I think.
Addicts are different than dealers. Someone who has overcome their addiction seems fine with me. He'd have understand that I'd always be worried about him relapsing if we had the stuff in the house for someone else, though. I'd expect that he wouldn't be offended by that.
nah it is romantic, you’re not included
I love vulnerable women
She clearly didn't use the ph fat. It felt like a deliberate choice of words.
Anon. If he wanted to have anything at all to do with you he would already have been in touch before 4 years.
Forget him and focus elsewhere.
Dont be pedantic
yes one time. this woman gave a hug on first date, if she could see over their shoulder there wouldn’t be a second.
It's hard not to be hyperaware of judgement when someone is spreading your legs and making comments.
WTF is a cake day?
you seek out the extremes and ignore the rest, good job retard. you sound like an incel
Ass day.

Its just another name for Birthday with origins from Crip culture due to their avoidance of the letter B.
You think the scenario I came up with is romantic but somehow I am not?
>if a woman offers me a hug, it's a trap

Thank you for sharing, now I know what to look out for.
define addict.
Alcohol? Almost sure (just depends on level). Coke? I alreready did almost
Former addict why not?
Do you avoid fast food? Do you judge those who eat fast food literally every single day?
I'm probably broad phenotype so talking about the struggles of being a autist almost feels like stolen valor.

I'm too good at reading social cues and understanding nuance to be a real autist but despite this I still suck at socializing, mostly want to be alone and have most of the assorted side symptoms like being obsessed with classifying things, being a picky eater, having various tics and so on.
Men can get hard when they just look at a hot girl or think of something sexual. It's very easy compared to precumming.

Men leak precum after some physical stimulation on a hard dick (even pressure from lying on your stomach). Without physical touch, it will be harder to leak, but he can still do it with a hard dick if he just thinks for a long time about something sexual. Like, if a guy is at a strip club and isn't allowed to touch, he might still get some precum given enough time looking at the girls. It ain't gonna be as much as touch though.

Compare this to a woman getting wet as you will. If anyone wants to give a female getting wet/hard nips, etc. treatment of what I gave above, that'd be cool.
WTF is crip culture?
can someone give me a plan to whore out or help me check if the one I have is good enough?
I'm planning on moving to a big city by renting a small studio apartment for a couple of weeks (if possible), paying plus accounts in dating apps and letting things happen. I want to fuck women from 21 to 45 years old. in dates, I'll try omitting as much as I can (or lying if necessary) because I'm autistic and every time I open my mouth I feel insecure, and I fuck up at times
I don't even feel "normal" anyway. I have a hard time understanding people, their habits and other shit, I have friends but I don't like them much and think they are hypocrites and retarded, I don't watch TV or shows or consoom media beyond some occasional movie and so on. and I guess women can detect this from afar so I'd have to either try to become a normalfag for a while or pretend I am.

>Is anyone else an actual aspie?
Yes; I got diagnosed more than a decade ago.

>How's life?
Somewhat okay-ish. I've never had a girlfriend and I'm a virgin in my late thirties, but things could be much worse.
moron, that was one woman.
No need to be mean, it's a harsh world and we're just searching for any way to survive.
Yeah 100%, had struggles myself so
>Do you avoid fast food?
No (though don't have it often)
>Do you judge those who eat fast food literally every single day?
I guess, but then I smoke cigarettes every day which are worse for you, so fuck it have fun bro
in that case you should be happy that so many women don’t care about your height, good thing I gave you such uplifting news
I would literally date anyone at this point
For the most part but I'll still indulge like once a month.
Only if its because they don't know how to cook. If they do know how to cook but they still choose fast food then that's their journey and I don't care.
guys have bro science. girls have their astrology
It's basically the same thing: lots of people are just dumbasses. No need to genderize or racialize stuff like this tho.
Awh, so true! I love him
Thank you I will pass the compliment along
>you should be happy that so many women don’t care about your height
Come on, let's not play that game today.
PLease give him a kiss on the head and a treat on my behalf
Why don't women come with instruction manuals?
Things like:
>information about their menstrual cycles
And the following facts (in a relationship)
>they usually want to go out on weekends (and fuck, when they are ovulation)
>they have mood swings because of their periods
>related to the point above, sometimes they will discuss random issues with you for no reason whatsoever and even blame them on you
>most of them are unable to understand things in the depths men do
>don't admit being wrong or be grateful to you about some things
I wish I had been born knowing these things. My (single) mother, my brother, my friends, my male cousins... No one taught me anything about women.
It really depends on what their addiction is to
Like I would feel bad saying an ex alcoholic if I still wanted to have a drink around him
You just have to look it up, like a manual you lost
My friend has a shorter boyfriend she sometimes refers to as her pocket rocket
You have to experience some things first to know what to look up though.
*slaps you*
Get ahold of yourself!
Yeah bro imagine not having women_ver_1.07.pdf on your hard drive BAKA
Why you screaming babe
The compliment is for you, having a good taste. Women amongst girls are rare nowadays
It sounds like you dislike women? Or have only met bad ones
how come ATOGA was really active some minutes ago and then activity just stopped?
did we have a bunch of bots/AI posting faggots replying to themselves?
Demonic shadows are crawling up my wall
The hornyposting vibe died down so I'm just reading smut while cooking instead.
I've had a hard time tolerating women (well, the few I've interacted with anyway) because I didn't understand them. Now I know they are not necessarily crazy and stupid... Some of their odd behaviors can be explained by their biology and social behavior too. But I still don't understand them.
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I can't tell what this girl feels towards me. She's so cute. She used to always just do what I said since we work (part time job) together. She used to try and impress with how good she is at work and it was adorable.

Recently she's started to banter/tease me. Playfully refusing to do shit I ask to start those silly "arguments." Talking shit about my work. Calling me goofy plays off my name. Trying to compete with me.
She also started to buy me food so I began reciprocating sometimes because I found that to be nice of her.

Is she starting to flirt with me or is it just her coming out of her shell?
I should make some black friends.
Even if they were black nerds, my street cred would skyrocket.
>would you date an addict? what about a former addict?
Not outside of very niche circumstances, like the addiction starting after being legitimately prescribed painkillers.
Everyone's stupid nowadays.
Nobody has survival skills anymore -> Nobody has life skills anymore.
People back then were smarter because being successful meant you had to figure it out on your own.
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Oops I read someone elses and thought you called him cute too, thanks then!
Look at his face now that I have had to take the compliment back
she likes you, retard
Don't do that. Don't give him false hope.
Hey, I'm a guy who recently became very fat. I'm not sure if it's an anti depressant side effect or I'm just a slob.

How should I lose weight? I've started eating only one meal a day with a side of fruit or a vegetable, and usually rotate whether my one meal is breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Should I cut my one meal down to every two, three, or four days? Maybe only one meal a week?

I'm not going to lie, I wish I had a male body type that looks like a CLAMP character design. And right now I'm very far from it.
??? are you trolling?
if you really believe that, why don't you answer him instead of replying to me?
She's not into you.
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>they usually want to go out on weekends
Where do you take them
OK maybe take a paracetamol and get some sleep
They won't hurt you they're just out to play
Exercise routine + talk to your doc
What med if I can ask?
Granted, your one black friend is now Leroy "Bruce Leeroy" Green, the original black weeb.

Girls, I’m more hype for the Trump debate than I am for the Stanley Cup finals ton. Thoughts?
I rarely compliment another fellow tomcat, but his fur shines like velvet. I bet you even cook for him
Idk wtf these blackpill comments are, it definitely sounds like possible flirting bro
You mean the Biden debate. And Biden will win. Trump is a weak and defeated specimen who will lose to a frail old man.
Can I have a lowkey manic phase without being bipolar?
that's Lexapro lmao
be careful coming off of it, it takes a few months even after you stop taking it and then you're in danger of crashing and trying to kys
Obviously it's better than wanting to kys all the time though
I'm hungry and horny
This is the first time I (a man) have actually noticed nails before. Exceptional work.
They look hot.
how much sweet food or drinks, trash food or oily/fatty food do you eat a day? do you catch yourself lying to yourself about the amount of food you eat?
try going to a doc or a dietitian maybe? also do exercise (youtube has a lot of at home exercise teachers) but be careful and don't overdo.
It’s Trump’s to lose. I just wanna see the Tangerine Tyrant work his magic again.
Now imagine those nails up your rectum, causing you internal bleeding and scarring. Or better yet, imagine one of those nails sounding your urethra.
>hear his voice
>stomach feels warm
What is this?
Any sex work.
I'm including modeling/acting as well.
IBS, probably
>how much sweet food or drinks, trash food or oily/fatty food do you eat a day?
I use olive oil when I have eggs or fish for breakfast. My usual snack food is salted nuts. Usually for dinner I have either chicken broth, or a teacup full of brown rice with canned corn or beans on top.

I usually skip lunch.
Yes; bear in mind that bipolar is a spectrum, and there is such a thing as hypomania (hence the distinction between bipolar type 1 and 2). Also mood swings in other disorders can mimic similar elevated states, like ADHD, BPD, or even just recurrent depression
Hm I think I had a little weight gain on that one, but then I was working a physical job and cycling several miles a day. I guess it's harder if you're sedentary but just watch what you eat, maybe try to incorporate a workout routine if you're inclined, and speak to the doc about adjustments/supplements if it's bothering you
I agree her nails are awesome lol
Sorry I had to get back to work. I'm hiding in the back room now
F. Professor, Editor, Teacher, Journalist, Doctor, Psychiatrist, Therapist, General Manager, or any other "career" that involves mansplaining how the world works to women
Facetious hands.
What if I'm a Professional Vagina Inspector?
Penis Inspection Day isn't until after the academic semester begins for the Fall. Hold your horse.
Why do you say this?
Why do you say this?

I'm going to be honest, I think I have autism. It's very hard for me to believe or recognize if someone likes me or is just being nice. She definitely started to sit on my mind more lately though. She showed me a couple songs that she likes and told me she wanted to sing the duets with me. She recently brought up the music to ask me if I liked it. I didn't bring up what she said about singing though... I'm afraid she's going to be like "Oh anon..., I was just joking."

I just figure that if she liked me wouldn't she text me or something? We only message each other individually every once in a while, usually about work.
How can I live in a culture where women are expected to boldly initiate flirting and attention instead of men?
Any lonely, single femanons in this thread right now?
That's easy, the more you come into contact with and observe them, the less respect you'll have for them.
Choosing to join the Marines instead of to form a Pirate crew and seek Gold Rodger's One Piece is the wrong choice.
Gross, why would I do that? Women are disgusting.
It sounds like you prefer male company instead of female. Since I'm lonely and without a woman tonight, how about I come over to your place and penetrate your asshole with my tongue?
Girls? Were you fed today? Were you bred today?
As a male man, I engage in sodomistic and buggery behaviors with my fellow men due to lack of positive sexual attention from women. Any port in a storm.

Is this a common male practise? I don't really identify with the culture of the flits, and I stopped thinking I might be gay or bi when I realized I prefer the feel of a woman's breasts in my hands and my cock sliding into her wet pussy.
>It's very hard for me to believe or recognize if someone likes me or is just being nice.
Same. That's why its safer to just assume she's not into you. That way your not risking any trouble that comes from misinterpretation.
Wagies.... it's only just beginning....
how come it is totally useless to ask questions ITT? lmao
>what's a profession that might disgust you or scare you when told by your date?
Priest, especially Catholic or Anglican/Episcopal
Fuck off. I'm not a degenerate either.
>She showed me a couple songs that she likes and told me she wanted to sing the duets with me. She recently brought up the music to ask me if I liked it.
bro make a move you might as well
They are?
>As a male man, I engage in sodomistic and buggery behaviors with my fellow men
Because you're on 4chan. Very few people here are well adjusted enough to give you helpful, actionable advice.
nice bait kek
Another day where it's just us men bros.
Men bros, we should love each other.
HR, teacher, therapist, professor, or anything similar that would indicate that her job likely has a lot to do with leftist nonsense.
kys faggot
I guess you're right. It's sad, I was starting to like her. I just can't really get a proper read. I used to think I had good intuition until this other bitch love bombed me and then broke my heart. Now I'm wary of everyone's intentions.
No thanks, probably just gonna kms soon.
Damn so you think that was her being insecure?
That makes me feel bad. I love when she sleeps over. Maybe I should be more expressive
Nothing to lose.
Send it.
Nah, you won't you love us too much.
My vagina sometimes smells bad after sex with my bf. It usually goes away after a day or so. Is there a way to prevent this?
Stop fornicating
Stop eating McDonalds
I don't.
might be an infection? go see a vagina doc

anon... just talk to her. be honest, open and vulnerable. but don't expect anything from her.
You literally wake up every day just to come see us, bro

this is an anonymous chatroom, newfag
I don't. I come here to yell at women on the internet.
aight man, but we all know the truth.
What are/were you addicted to?
>cigarettes, alcohol, porn.
Ok, sure. Promise you'll make an effor to recover though, ok?

>Fentanyl, weed, cocaine, (insert other hard drug).
Sorry, but no.
Leave me alone, degenerate.
Reddit account creation date.
Also just another word for birthday.
it's both a chatroom and a thread for advice.
but you are right, I replied to my own question after thinking about it
whacha reading/cooking?
>Do you avoid fast food?
I mean, if I can go without it, I will. I don't necessarily "avoid" it.

>Do you judge those who eat fast food literally every single day?
No. It tastes good, and it's quick.
I drank too much coffee and now my stomach hurts
how could this possibly be happening to me?
It's important to take a moment each day to appreciate the beauty of the natural world around us.
>how could this possibly be happening to me?
Women are to blame.
I feel so hopeless as an autistic woman, I just want to feel a personal connection with a guy. I just want a boyfriend. I'm going to a wedding reception, but I doubt I any of the single guys will talk to me, I also doubt I'll feel anything if they do.

There's also a heatwave outside, and I'm not sure where to go to meet people. Are people even outside socializing when it's 100F outside?
Dinner time.
unironically you're right
Your problem is that you only have hobbies frequented by homosexualist men who would rather drill each other's bums than have sex with you.
>I feel so hopeless as an autistic woman
just shut the fuck up and open your legs, got damn
if a guy has intimacy issues like sex is it ever possible for it to get better? he has real mental issues with it but I still like him and wished he would understand it doesn't have to be so sexual with me he says he can't be in a relationship with me due to his brain and said he wishes he could be fixed :( <3
Yes. There's a therapeutic practice called sexual surrogate therapy where a man has hands on sex with a sex therapist to teach him to overcome his intimacy issues after she coaches him over several sessions to not be afraid of touching and sex.
>anti depressant side effect
Yep. That'll do it.

>I've started eating only one meal a day with a side of fruit or a vegetable
No, that's not good for you. Stop. Eat enough food to function bro.

You have to exercise if you want to become Chad. Starving yourself just makes you a walking stick.
>do people's behaviors ever change over time and with help?
Then she will produce genetically deficient autismspawn. Do you want to pollute the gene pool with deformed monstrosities, or do you want genetic selection to result in strong and virile young men and fertile women for them to breed superior specimens with?
>doubt any single guys will talk to me
... that is wrong
Being "Chad" isn't a priority here. Not being fat, however, is.
NTA but why doesn't the Democratic party nominate someone who isn't senile? Like, can we get someone with some degree of self awareness?
I am extremely healthy, and haven't taken the COVID vaccine. I am not deformed or have anything wrong with my insides or outsides....just my brain.
>Starving yourself just makes you a walking stick.
you say that as if /atoga/ femanons don't fetishize the shit out of anorexic twinks
Kamala is doing just fine as VP and will likely soon make an excellent president.
Now I'm hard.
biden's most likely to win since he won last time
): try to just enjoy yourself at the wedding and mingle with the dudes. Might be able to make a friend at least who can in turn introduce you to other friends. Idk of there will be aircon at the wedding lol but hopefully it won't be too bad
>and haven't taken the COVID vaccine
Yes, autistic psychopathy is a genetic deficiency. It therefore must be eliminated from the human gene pool through selective breeding.
what the fuck is aircon
Wait, what would be an acceptable job? I feel like any job could fall under this category.
Who do you propose they nominate? Kamala Harris is an idiot, AOC is too young to run, Bernie's an old commie fool. Should they nominate Patrick Bateman from California?
Air conditioning I imagine
are you joking saying that I should try to be that with him? he is so very afraid and says he doesn't feel safe. he suffered abuse as a child. I want him to know he isn't alone and that I can be patient with him, that he is not a burden to me and I still like him for who he is.
he doesn't feel safe or confident and said he wishes he was different so he could be with me I that way. I feel for him so much.
I live in a state where most people are right wing.......
pretty sure she was being partly sarcastic
That sounds like heaven.
Why complaining?
Are you M or F?
They should nominate me
who gives a fuck?
I have girlfriends who will be there so that's not a problem, but they're all married.

They do....probably
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Why are women like this?
>That's easy, the more you come into contact with and observe them, the less respect you'll have for them.
I literally work at a place that's mostly women. I talk to one every 10 minutes. I don't think just interacting is gonna make me disrespect all of them.
Chin up, anon. I used to be in a similar situation as your man but I was able to get better with professional help. Good on you for sticking by him.
Made cheeseburgers on my new grill. I was just reading a quick Harry Potter fic.
Idk anon, maybe you're just too dumb to notice it.
Too soon bro too soon.
Government coffee filled with tracking beacons and estrogen.
AOC and the rest of the "Squad" are Hamas apologists and have a toddler's understanding of Economics.

Kamala Harris is just fine for president and is the one of the very few politicians I would trust to have good judgment in a crisis.
That looks like UK.
yeah, that's qt
Good bait, here's your (You)
I like the sound of the ocean.
Thank you for reminding me.
Air conditioning? What do you Americans call it?
i don't. it's normies who repeat this stuff.
You may have a condition like Gastritis or GERD. Those kinds of conditions can be painful and inconvenient but are usually harmless. You still probably want to see your doctor to make sure it's not tummy cancer, though.
>/atoga/ femanons
Those are men who are gay tops.
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Brother is visiting with his “very good friend” who is also his roommate. Male anons explain.
you don't "top" twinks
He wants to set up a threesome with you
I can top you. I can hold you down right now and begin sodomizing you.
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>used to be a cute twink who got a lot of female attention
>cut my hair short, put on some muscle, started dressing more masculine
>suddenly get zero attention from women
I'm more content with myself now but damn does it hurt to become a painfully average looking guy
Cat Poster please stop, you are bringing yourself more trouble than its worth.
>Should they nominate Patrick Bateman from California?
At least they are self aware.
You've never met a "Confirmed Bachelor" before? Because your brother just confirmed he is one.
you aren't the first to tell me that, which is how I know what I'm talking about, retarded coomer
Even if I lived in such a culture, no woman would approach me.
eh. I guess I start drinking at 5:30 pm today
Aye that's me bird having a cheeky tan after we scoffed some kebabs after a mad sesh in leeds
Stop projecting your fujisho fantasies
>used to be a cute twink
>used to
Can't relate desu
>Brother is visiting with his “very good friend”
That's called a cat,
>who is also his roommate.
That's still called a cat.
I'm not sure it's better to elect a self aware radical moron than a vegetable, and putting a psychopath in office just seems like a bad idea.
Better than me lol I started at lunchtime
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Who wants to join me?
Why do us males have such a primal urge to fuck butterfaces?
Like, if I see a pretty girl, of course I want to fuck her, but first and foremost I want to marry her and spend time with her. But with butterfaces like this, I want nothing more than to absolutely destroy them in bed.

Can someone explain this to me?
>used to be a cute twink who got a lot of female attention
any a you niggas watching the stanley cup? do any of you sports?
Looks like a Saw trap
Legit tho this kind of thing is very common to see in the UK. We had some madlad neighbours who used to tan naked on their roof with a few tinnies. As a kid I was like wow tits
I'm in my tipsy moods again. Saw my ex the other night at a game, she didn't see me at the time but almost certainly saw me as I was walking around. Should I text her? I haven't spoken to her in over a year.
that face is at least above average, though I'm curious to see what she looks like w/o makeup
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I knew I shouldn’t have posted tonight. Back to weening off /atoga/
A younger Bernie if he had ever become POTUS would likely have his "radical" impulses checked by members of his cabinet very soon after accepting office. It's like how Bill Clinton had Robert Reich and Madeline Albright by his side to tell him when he was a full of shit neolib Boomer, and Jimmy Carter kept being told to stop being a fucking fool in foreign affairs by Brzezinski.
>putting a psychopath in office
Every politician is a psychopath.
I'll stick to dumbbells, walking, and twerking, thanks.
I don't give a fuck about hockey but I literally went to a MLB game yesterday
I got shitfaced and don't remmeber anything after the 3rd inning, had to be woken up for the 7th inning stretch and told to clean up my shit and get ready to go home
Good luck. We'll miss you but we'll be happy for you.
I've been watching some of UEFA for my Euro football fix.
>successfully bullied the Cat Poster off of /atoga/
praise me, incels, for I am your king and have done what you could not
Thank God. Fuck off with your stupid attentionwhore shit. One less tripfag should be celebrated.
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No lie. Granted, it was from specific aesthetics (goth, arthoe, egirl, etc) but I fucking killed it on dating apps and women would approach me fairly frequently. Now it's been years since I've had a date
Euros are on bro
can I ask for how long did you consistently see profressional help for to start feeling better? he has to figure out his insurance, I kno everyone is different but it is such a delicate subject I want him to not hate himself. it's never a child's fault. should I re-enforce and remind him that I am in it for more than just sex? yes I find him attractive but I want to be there in the innocent sides too of intimacy like holding hands one day with him which he would like, to be just accepted. he keeps shooting himself down with his grief and idea of making me happy.
we are not. if that was the culture, guys would be capable of being receptive to girls initiating, but they aren't. its really fucked up but i think the only guys who initiate OR respond well to initiation don't view women as peers or give a shit about them, so they're able to operate smoothly, because there's literally no stakes in their mind. all the guys who are confident and caring are already taken. so all that's left is assholes and unattainable shy guys who are also split into "afraid to want things" and "bitter that it's not effortless" for some reason.

this world is so retarded.
I've met more psychopathic political science academics than I ever have psychopathic politicians. Politicians are just blowhards.

Professors who make their students regurgitate the work of Leo Strauss and Carl Schmitt to subtly propagandize them into illiberal political theories are the real monsters.
You're so fine you blow my mind hey anon!
Not a huge hockey fan, I'm currently watching the Sox/Jays game
holy FUCK
bro I absolutely would even with that face (which I still think is 7/10)
I don't even like butts but got DAMN I would get all up in that
There are plenty of shy guys who would gladly enter into a committed, monogamous relationship if a young, cute girl simply made the first move. What the fuck are you talking about?
Let me describe to you n detail what's going on. One of those men is inserting his erect penis into the lubricated rectum of the other. You can probably figure out who is who really easy.
>I got shitfaced and don't remmeber anything after the 3rd inning, had to be woken up for the 7th inning stretch and told to clean up my shit and get ready to go home
Jesus, dude. Get it together, based thougheverbeit,
And you're American, shameless larp absolutely disgusting
I saw a butterface with massive (fit) ass last week and had primal urge to impregnate her
I hate how they snubbed Andrew Yang during the debates, I support UBI which has appeal for everyone
I was on meds and in therapy for maybe four or five years before I hit what I consider to be my rock bottom, that was a huge turning point. In the year or two following that I was highly motivated to get better and was in intensive therapy, after which I felt confident/happy for the first time in ages
huh, is this a meme?
she just looks like a normal, attractive girl
that's based. you may proceed
That's not nice. The posts are weirdly innocent and naive in a way that's baffling and annoying but I'm here for the pictures of cute pet cats.
OK, but anyway, why do us men have this primal urge to REALLY BADLY want to fuck butterfaces?
>Jesus, dude. Get it together
I am literally abstaining from drinking for a week as repentance (I will make an exception drinking when I wake up in the middle of the night though, I can't handle that bullshit)
you're asking why a man should be attracted to someone with a great body?
Based on what?
I don't know what you mean, post a real butterface, otherwise you're just a faggot going "durr, why do I want sex hot woman"
>guys would be capable of being receptive to girls initiating, but they aren't
Most girls I dated initiated tho
>posts are weirdly innocent and naive
I imagine anons think that she's incredibly fake and find it sickening
I just disapprove of name/tripfags in general
How many women do you think John Lennon raped, beat, and abused before he met Yoko?
Let me explain again.

When I see a girl with a pretty face, I want to be with her, date her, talk to her, etc.
When I see a girl who is a butterface, I want nothing to do with her... EXCEPT specifically fuck her really fucking hard. I still want nothing to do with her afterwards.

Why is this?
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I dunno
but twt is giving me pictures of cute black girls again
Why is John Lennon pilloried for hitting Cynthia but Ringo gets a pass? Is it because he's still alive?
>tfw no black gf
Why even live bros
When I see a girl with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in my face I get sprung
butterface where??? are you selfposting(don't answer) but as a bisexual f, I would
Isn't ringo consistently the butt of beatle jokes?
Ah, it means you're an asshole with low self esteem so you feel more comfortable fantasizing with girls you perceive as UGLY and below you
So you're saying when you see a beautiful woman you want all of the things including fucking but when you see a woman with a great body but a lacking face you want to fuck but not really anything else

Huh I dunno that's just supernatural anon what a puzzling phenomenon
I love how no one brings up that fact in that movie where the poo wakes up in a world without the Beatles
like this faggot was allowed to spend the next 50 years beating his wife but its okay, right?
John used to be cruel to his woma
n, he beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved.
I'm no asshole, I'm nice.

I feel like I'm not the only anon like this. Can you explain?
I just want to be a multimillionaire so bad, bros..
What is your opinion on baseball caps?
i don't want to do this song and dance for the hundredth time. you can say "it's super easy" as much as you want, but that's not reflected in reality. approaching men in a casual environment is completely unproductive unless you're incredibly charismatic and very very attractive and immensely persistent.

congrats, you're a unicorn.
>but they make fun of him!
yeah you're right that's pretty fair actually,
I thought they murdered Paul McCartney in the 1970s and covered it up, and all of his public appearances since have been someone impersonating him?
Mate, I don't know a single fucking guy would find a girl attractive but specifically find her unattractive because she made the first move. Not one. Not a single one.
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I just found another example of some negative rizz (after I invited an acquaintance to come along with me to something), what would you have said in this sitch to escalate it?
Hop on helldivers
he has been in therapy/psychiatrist offices before when he was younger, but when i met him he had to start all over again, so he is worried about me wasting my time with him. he says he ants to be with me but struggles with it a lot. do I just keep talking to him because he says he doesn't want me to waste my time jf he doesn't get better but I feel like he is just feeling negative about everything, probably shame? he said he needs to see someone in therapy twice a week
how many gigs is the download? I am limited on hdd space
>you're a unicorn
Am I thought? I think it's becoming increasingly common
Fucking chad shit
I should lock you in a basement.
i didn't say that. i just said you guys don't respond well to being approached first.
they are cool, used to wear them when I was little, not anymore tho
Yes we do, just stop being ugly.
Would you date a woman whos a model, and has some risky photos on her ig profile?

She doesnt do sex work or "promotions" and is faithfull but her pics on ig scream slutty.
And yes looks wise she ticks all of your boxes
>I should lock you in a basement
Are you a hot girl?
Does the basement have a bed, laptop, microwave and plushies? Then I'll take it desu
Yes, in fact it's better for me to know other guys want what I have.
Says 74gigs after installation :(
Who the fuck is stanley
I'm a disgusting 6'4 beast of a hairy man, and there's nothing but pain and suffering in that basement, no lube.
Have you tried wearing a shirt that says "I am completely sincere and not playing a prank on you"? A hat might work too but a shirt is easier to read from a distance.

If you don't wear the shirt or the hat, then really it's entirely your own fault that men think you're pranking them when you make the first move.
I cant tell if this is genuine or not
This is true
got damn that's like twice what I have available
M, yeah have done
That's not very nice
I think it has to do more with her approach to it desu. If she is cold approaching random guys, maybe more edgy/shy seeming guys (or very Chad guys), and is not so charismatic or smooth, etc., all those things can reduce the odds
No thanks.
I do not like to associate with that crowd.
Why are you like this
Risky like pointing guns at people? Juggling knives? NFT investment selfies?
I often get my foot in the door by being tall and intimidating and the girls are interested but i usually do something really autistic and scare them off, or dont do ANYTHING because im afraid to scare them away and they lose interest.

Theres no winning if you are autistic, you are just doomed to be alone
I have,, and I love model-esque girls, but I prefer my new situation where she has very little social media presence.
You are a living monument to what I could've had, You need to pay for that.
My sister's bf is playing rn lel
>You are a living monument to what I could've had
What do you mean? Depression?
Chin up gymbro you'll find da one
Flat Stanley ofc
Hi bb
we all depressed, we all mentally fucked
but only you're not a literal goblin out of a cave

we can't have that, you broke the covenant's code
Im soon to be 32, i think i can confidently say that the ship has sailed
Step One: Cure your porn addiction (that includes social media thirst traps). You smell like you just masturbated.
isnt that the shit with lead in it?
If he is truly putting effort into getting better then yes, stick with him. However, many people fall into depressive spirals and can never even attempt to get better. If that's the case, it may be for the best to cut him loose and let him fight his own battles
>all of these people saying they wouldn't date a model who checks all your boxes and doesn't do sex work/promos
Yeah you guys are full of shit lmao
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maybe a hat would be better
anyway that was just my point. guys don't have a mental "box" for a girl approaching him. girls do. even if it's rare or usually shitty. i've never been asked on a date but i would be mentally prepared to believe it's happening and i've literally practiced dozens of times what to say if it does happen one day, but guys will either tell themselves they're reading into it or find a reason to doubt my sincerity like i'm a homeless person who wants money or something, idk.

i wish guys didn't get mad at ME for saying it doesn't work because it fucks both parties over, but they react like i am saying something aggressive and mean.
Early 30s is still young bro, you can still date girls in their 20s even if you want
>you're not a literal goblin out of a cave
I mean I feel like one half the time
>broke the covenant's code
You gotta enlighten me on this code bro
you really think you can just steal my virginity and get away with it?!
How is stanley doing? Hope he's well
Posting slutty pictures online does not check all my boxes because it indicates a fundamental discrepancy between our ideas of modesty. Nothing against the girl for doing so, it's just a personal preference.
>i've never been asked on a date but i would be mentally prepared to believe it's happening and i've literally practiced dozens of times what to say if it does happen one day
Sweetheart... ):
Be patient you will find da one some day, I will manifest it
Why is "/atoga/" no longer used in the thread subject?
Popularity-Success Hypothesis
If you weren't popular in school, your course for life is really already set
QT was a chad when he bothered, so he's not going to suffer much now socially outside, also he looks like a chad too
i have dated a literal sexworker and it was the best woman i ever had
It normally is, the retard who made this thread simply neglected to add it in.
I mean he's a little flat but other than that
Holy based
Because summerfags
Fuck, sure. But date? At most I'll pretend to date her so she gives me money and buys me stuff.
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Why are black girls built like this?
Nobody ever said you had to wear a tight form-fitting shirt. You can wear a loose shirt with your message of peace and sincerity.

It's like you're not even trying. You may disagree and say that you're trying everything you can think of every single day and that you're refusing to give up no matter how many setbacks and disappointments you face, but because you will not try this 1 (one) suggestion I will insist that you're not even trying.
>wake up to snap in left shoulder
>right shoulder, which has been in constant pain for past 6 mos suddenly feels fine

What the heck is going on here
cause its a retard making the threads, it should be in there but they're too obsessed with shoehorning in freiren to make it properly.
No chance that's natural
he did warn me about if he never gets better. he says he wants to though, and I am trying to ask him now how his insurance situation is going to be a positive reminder for him. with this it just takes time to see what help he can get where he is right now, he vents to me about our healthcare system... how long do you think I should stick around for him? I'd like to. I don't want to regret something that could be a shared happiness together.
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That's nasty ): why u do this
She could just jump on the criminal and squash him
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I wrote this little poem inspired by picrel. Thoughts?

Be cold to me, you whore, and laugh at me;
Defame, scorn, slander, mock me, chilling ire;
For daring to adore you humblely,
Fill me with shame, presumption of desire--
Bring forth the winter killing everything,
An icy loneliness that drives insane;
Frigidly cold do your offenses sing,
And even colder freeze my tears with pain. ----
But know my flame will burn intense till spring:
In mine and yours will bloom the sweetest flowers--
The melting snow the purest water will bring--
Love you will show me, and with kisses shower.
disgusting makeup
it could be if she has glandular issues or something

when I worked at a grocery store there was a strange amount of women with insanely huge unnatural looking asses. not sure what was going on there
>She could just jump on the criminal and squash him
the mario
I like to think I have a huge ass, but that's still a lot through those clothes. I wonder what her secret is, but it's not just race clearly.
thank you. hopefully you're right! i'm hanging on!
If he's motivated to get better then there's no "time frame" for sticking around, simply do so.
Do less attractive girls have significantly different preferences than more attractive girls or is it about the same?
Why do a lot of guys look at the ground? Is rbf that bad?

It use to be mostly women but now it's rarely women and a lot more guys now wtf. I'm not even an asshole or anything just walking
i actually began replying to this as if you were being genuinely petty and obnoxious before the actual content of your post reached my brain and i realized you were doing a painfully good parody of how anons be like on this god forsaken website
it's roughly the same.
they settle for less, but they all want the same
Backwards long jump boys
Scoopa dat koopa boys
1-up level up crush the flag boys
Seems about the same
People like attractive people lol
Hang in there!
do I come off as a weirdo when I look at a girl when I'm walking so that I don't miss a chance for eye contact? I always smile if we do make eye contact
Yes, very creepy.
>Why do a lot of guys look at the ground?
I feel awkward when I'm walking down a crowded street. Where am I supposed to look? I don't want to make eye contact with any of these strangers, so I look at the ground.
>Why do a lot of guys look at the ground
Looking for pennies
My eyes hurt in the sun
Making eye contact with people is awkward
>If you weren't popular in school, your course for life is really already set
What a load of bollocks lol
>he's not going to suffer much now socially outside
Idk man I feel like I get worse every day
I'm all out of advice for today. Best I can do right now this evening is (1) tell you that I believe you, (2) acknowledge that your struggle is valid, and (3) shitpost.
shitpost accepted... wait, no. hold on. you forgot your shit postage stamp. i can't shit deliver this.
how the hell am I supposed to make eye contact then? I just want to smile and show them that I'm not a weirdo
Nobody's gonna do anything bros :(
If they say something just say they're looking too. Only people who would do sth are like some half homeless thug niggas but you can talk yourself out of that too desu.
Dope, thank you
>>If you weren't popular in school, your course for life is really already set
>What a load of bollocks lol
those who are popular in school often have better social skills, higher self-esteem, and more extensive networks, which can translate into greater professional and personal success later in life.
It's not that I think anyone will do something, I'd just rather spare myself that uncomfortable moment when you lock eyes with a stranger
Don't you look at where you're walking so you don't trip or step on shit?
Do you look at the sky while walking like some absentminded retard?
okay, you're memeing
I mean sure there probably is some correlation but it's nowhere near as cut and dry as you make out imo
eh. guess it's time to immerse myself in another creative project until something comes along and makes my life feel worth living again
Why do I feel like crying and usually do tear up when I see large crowds gathered and cheering for the same thing? Like a sports game or a protest or a concert
Because you're an empathetic person who finds beauty in the community of man
what the fuck?
I don't want to walk just staring at the ground, taht's beta shit
am I just suppposed to look in her direction and if she looks my way, then smile at her?
moved by the unity of people
nothing wrong with that
I guess I get it, if it helps they probably feel awkward too.
No floors are flat and I honestly haven't been on a side walk in a while
you're supposed look in front of you, and around you
Not beaming a hole into a woman's nipple just because she dared to show herself in public
I'm talking about when I happen to be walking in a woman's direction and she's facing me. I want to smile at her but if she looks up and notices me looking at her, does it creep her out?
oh, so you think it's okay to xray her entire body just because she walked in front of you?
yeah, that's creepy as fuck.
Do guys think you're trying to scam them for their money whenever you approach them? You can put their fears at rest by offering to give YOUR money TO THEM.

You're not sure how to do this? I can teach you. Let us be having the exchange of emails and credit cards. I'm a member of the Nigerian Royal Family, and I have alots of moneys in my bank acount that can be your's if your willing to make the initial investment for your future milions of dolars today!
are you fucking autistic or something?
there should be a filter by weight option on dating apps. I passed the height test.
if he's motivated but it just takes time with our bad healthcare system.. do you really think he wants me to stick around deep down? you did say you were in a similar position as him, and I want him to feel loved and heard. he admitted to having abandonment trauma and feeling like he doesn't deserve love. he says he is still very attracted to me but I guess he has conflicting issue with accepting his body I guess. or maybe mine too.

can i also ask you, how is your relationship life going? how do partners help you feel better and did you ever have someone stick round for you when you were getting help? what triggers you accidentally with a partner and what could he or she do to be better for you. I'm sorry you went through that, thank you for your help.
you got your answer, you can either accept it, or be delusional, make the choice.
its not enough
its just not enough
Creativity feeds the soul. Genuinely one of the only things that keeps me going at this point desu
>I passed the height test.
...for now.
>Would you date a woman whos a model
I wish they'd even consider me. it's odd, but IRL pretty women give me looks, but they don't care about me in dating apps
and I don't have the balls to even get close to pretty women in random situations, so...
fine then, I'll just fucking kill myself
then no woman will ever have to suffer my "creepy" smile again
Why do you laugh when we try new things? There has to be a secret fitness secret that the elites aren't telling us about. I've tried everything except consistency and nothing's working!
That's your choice
It is so embarrassing. I don't even feel overly emotional but I can't help but get teary
Same when I see gorgeous views in nature
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men who have had girlfriends before (and liked her,) how normal is it for a girl to have a bunch of irrational requests for things to be a certain way so she's happy? i worry a lot that my dumb hangups are going to be like dealbreakers because its too annoying
>do you really think he wants me to stick around deep down?
My best guess is that deep down he wants you to stick around but he might be tempted to push you away so you don't get inadvertently hurt. It's a self-sacrifice thing. Then again, I don't know the guy so I could be talking out of my ass here.
>how is your relationship life going?
>Did you ever have someone stick round for you when you were getting help?
Look, you seem like a caring and empathetic person. I'm sure this fella appreciates you sticking around, deep down. It sounds like he's motivated to get better, so just see how that goes and communicate with him. I'll be rooting for you crazy kids.
I'd recommend you not be near big crowds
I feel like you'd be the one that starts mass hysteria.
>irrational requests for things to be a certain way so she's happy
She asked me to always remind her that she is pretty and I asked her to not break my heart. Guess who failed their end of the bargain
That's not a weird girl thing. That's not a girl thing. That's a human thing. I would do what I can to make her happy. All I can ask of her is that she has self-awareness about the weirdness and irrationality, and ideally she would have a sense of humor about it too.
Hahah, I promise it isn't contagious! I just put on my glasses and wait a minute for it to go away, sometimes the tears don't even fall!
Yeah, that worked out really well for Carter.
And yeah, if Bernie had somehow become president in the 90s or something, he might have been reined in, but I'm not so sure in 2024.
>Would you date a woman
and don't hold back, I want real life examples.
>why are lesbians so much hotter than straight girls?
You need to encounter more lesbians.
Many look like dudes or weirdly large 13 year old boys.
I find you based as well anon yes very based

I just can't play video games any more. I feel like I'm wasting time
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What are your thoughts on this?
Do you agree?
They're called implants you retard
Does being open about yourself really attract women?

I don't talk shit on myself but I'm open about my weaknesses I don't think it's a big deal but I don't think I'll get a woman into me unless I omit or lie put on an act etc.

Is there a decent chunk of women not with the bullshit?
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Kek this, almost every lesbian I see looks like picrel, straight out of middle schools circa 2010
We just wanna make u happy bb girl...
Iktf lol, I barely ever vidya/anime these days, but don't kill the creative flame
There are some women who like openness and honesty, ye
he mentioned that too, like not wanting me to get hurt and how he has a savior complex like the self-sacrifice/martyr thing. right on the money there...

he says he finds it hard to get excited or motivated but he uses a few videogames as a outlet to be happy. I just wonder if he can see me the way too since I am a real person. and I hope he stays motivated to get the help he needs. thabks anon sorry I'll be in these threads for awhile... I have no one else to talk to about this
God she's perfect
I'm in love with her
>how normal is it for a girl to have a bunch of irrational requests for things to be a certain way so she's happy?
Pretty common.

Many conversations where I use reductive questions to determine whether her preference is somehow better in a way that I can't see only to determine, no, she wants it objectively inferior because that's how she wants it because itisbetterthisway. So we do it her way unless it super matters.
Like not drinking uncarbonated water.
>tall blonde tittymonster bimbos stealing the cute guys once again
God I wish women were real
Wisdom brought on by experience brought on by hordes male attention brought on by being a tall attractive woman.
"I Hate My Wife" Boomers not welcome.
She's right.
Dating a woman taller than me is a fantasy for me, but I'd imagine irl that she would only be settling for me. So I don't think a relationship would work out.
I'm not even criticizing. It's just weirdly accurate description.
Sorry hun I can't hear you from down there
Not for guys like us, Anon...
not for guys like us.
That's a pretty convincing woman voice, nice job anon I nearly bought it
Chad's not like us.
Chad's not like us.
What the fuck kind of mother names her child JAUNDICE?
>freaky ass nigga he a 69 god
Ok fr have any of you heard a lyric as funny as this before? I know I haven't
Men, how handy are you around the house? If your wife takes care of all the cooking and cleaning could you do simple repairs and yard work?
>could you do simple repairs and yard work?
>how handy are you around the house
this sobriety thing fucking sucks
the depression is setting in
I see no reason to leave my bed
I'll slice your calves open.
I didn't even make the joke yet.
If it has tutorials on YouTube and WikiHow then I'll give it a shot.
>only time i feel alive is when i take
Its not the lyric itself but his enunciation
Sorry, Steve Jobs. Good luck curing your cancer with fruit.
Now my voice has been called every race and both sexes.
I'm so lost.
"If there is a Hell, I'm sure this is how it smells. Wish this were a dream, but no, it isn't." - Cowboy Bebop
men he just showed me his favorite anime vidya character and she is paler than me and has bigger boobs

how over is it for me i can't compete
Oh, sorry, you didn't hear that Steve Jobs has ligma?
>his favorite anime vidya character
>has bigger boobs
They all do.
Isn't he dead?
Sorry sweaty
I only simp for single woman that aren't talking to men.
>i can't compete
I'm gonna let you in on a secret: you can't actually date a video game character.
I don't hate my wife tho?
You have a funny way of showing it...
Yard work ye, repairs ehhh I can also use YouTube tutorials
Well that's good timing cuz my phone's about to die nooooo
where'd everyone go :(
Given what I know about you this is not the conclusion I would've drawn
I'm sipping on lukewarm coffee, made myself lightheaded from coughing too hard trying to clear out a phlegm.
Thread will be revived in like 30 minutes dw, listen to a podcast or an audiobook in the meantime.
At this point I never thought I'd actually have to think about the possibility that guys think I'm a man on 4chan again. That feels so much more like a /b/ thing.
Steve Jobs? Wtf are we talking about anymore?
Good. Die.
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Women, could you get a tattoo between your titties?
I'm right here but gonna do some online work til sunrise for pennies
Though I am tempted to sack it off and just rewatch Winx Club season 2
Oh yeah, Steve Jobs. He had ligma, didn't you hear?
>At this point I never thought I'd actually have to think about the possibility that guys think I'm a man on 4chan again.
You're a well enough established character that I'm pretty sure its just jokes
without my drugs I am nothing
just a sack of flesh on a bed in a rotting house
Chad shit fr
I need female attention tonight
Slow dancing with femanon where we basically hug eachother and slowly pace around.
>doesn't do sex work/promos
These are mutually exclusive. Modeling is sex work. Change my mind.
pic not related?
>constant pain for past 6 mos
You never thought to go to the doctor for this?
What song would you dance to
The top of that tattoo is in the ridge
Avoiding eye contact.
If I look at the sky I will fry my eyes and/or trip on something.
Looking down is best option.
What can you do?
Come a little bit closer,
Hear what I have to say.
Just like children sleepin',
We could dream this night away.

But there's a full moon risin',
Let's go dancin' in the light.
We know where the music's playin',
Let's go out and feel the night.

Because I'm still in love with you,
I want to see you dance again.
Because I'm still in love with you,
On this Harvest Moon.
This is a ligma balls joke but I don't get the expected set up line you want me to say.
I'm a human being.
anon, she has no tits lmao
Succubus crests are better
I sure did but then I didn't o well haha lol I am a man after all I am basically retarded wrt health hahahhahhaha
Something from the big band era, preferably with a female singer. Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Helen O'Connell, etc
>I passed the height test.
Discrete heels for men is gonna become a thing if this height shit doesn't stop. Mark my words.
I unironically have bigger tits than her
>t. M 21
Nta but I love this song. It would be so nice to slow dance to it :')
Tell me said dumb hangups.
If you can give a reason for why you like things that certain way, I see no issue.
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How is it that after all these years
No women has ever managed to surpass Frankie?
Have women peaked?

God I want a gf like her.
The next advancement in the dating game will be inserts that are surgically implanted in the sole of your foot.
>Many look like dudes
Maybe the lack of makeup and useless girly stuff is what I find attractive. IDK.
how bad is 1 to 2 drinks a day, really?
General handiwork stuff. Mount a TV on a wall, change the oil of a car, replace shingles, etc. I'm not a carpenter or anything, but I can do simple tasks like that.
the pendulum will swing the other way and men will be like, y'know what, maybe women should be the ones that are shorter
then they'll start breaking their legs for chad
>Modeling is sex work
Uhhh how is doing a photo shoot sex work? It has nothing to do with having sex though?
I've technically done sex work then lol
>Does being open about yourself really attract women?
No, nope, nope, never. This is when they get rid of you. When you try to express who you really are because you felt comfortable around them. They want you to be good at hiding your true self.
after hearing her voice i have just now connected the dots that she also plays azula in atla
>I see no reason to leave my bed
You'll have to piss or shit eventually.
>What can you do?
Rough and finish carpentry, intermediate plumbing and electrical, drywall, basic HVAC, a couple types of welding, soldering, small engine repair, and some automotive stuff. Also landscaping and simple tree work.
Of course you can't compete.
It's a fictional character with an unrealistically attractive body.
Good news is, she doesn't actually exist. Even if she did, she wouldn't date your bf. She would be dating an anime muscle Chad.
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An entire generation of men was raised by this woman.
Woah that's impressive
I heard she's a massive slut who bangs fans at conventions
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GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!
Bad. Try 1-2 per week, if you must.
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ZONE should've used this scene for inspiration...
I feel you though ever since childhood I bad a thing for Frankie
Think some of it has to do with Grey Griffin's (who I used to chat to on Twitter lol) voice acting
Don't we all
Alcoholic? What kind?
I mean I think that's totally fine desu if it's just one or two. But this is coming from a person who drinks beers and vodka coffees all day so take it with a pinch of salt...
>Uhhh how is doing a photo shoot sex work? It has nothing to do with having sex though?
>I've technically done sex work then lol
I guess it depends on the modeling.
If you're a Victoria's Secret model it's sex work.
If you're just a hand model/are well clothed I don't see an issue ig.
I have a piss bottle and I only shit every few days due to my diet
Thank you. :)
>getting her to eat you out while mocking you in her Mandy voice
Dreams do come true.
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I don't feel normal without it. I never really felt normal to begin with but my energy level is so low right now because I'm abstaining.
>What kind?
>you're a Victoria's Secret model it's sex work
Just because the person is wearing less clothes? Don't you think that's a bit of an arbitrary double standard? It's not like they're nude
>I have a piss bottle
Nahh bro sort it out
I've also heard her in a bunch of stuff not pictured here, she's one of those VAs who's just in everything https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_DeLisle_filmography
Cree Summer is another favourite of mine. If there was a black character in a cartoon, it was usually her lol
So like how many shots total are we talking?
You're both gonna make great husbands :')
women, have you ever brought home a man that your realize is more of a man than your dad? as in, less of a pussy or whatever.
>tfw fat
>want to run
>outside is too hot
>go to gym
>treadmills are all hogged by cardio girls doing slow jogs
>one of them leaves
>hesitate to go since it's literally the middle machine and the two girls are having a conversation over it

Why are women like this?
Nta but way back in the days on Twitter she used to repost some of my Billy & Mandy memes and give trivia about working on the show etc. She actually seems super chill
>So like how many shots total are we talking?
not that many, sometimes just an 1oz is enough to get me going
Thanks, that actually makes me feel really good
>Cree Summer
numbuh 5 gave me jungle fever, and made me like tomboys.
Now if only I could find someone who wants me to be her great husband...
I am taking husband applications
So like 1 shot of vodka? Bro I call that breakfast
>game 7 of stanley cup final
Looks like the Endangered Species' might prevail over the Fossil Fuels' this time. What an exciting matchup!
Ladies how bad is it if your bf has a couple topless women in his PC wallpaper slideshow?
should I admit to my ex gf that I became lazy and got into arguments with her because I wanted her to hate me so a breakup could be easier for me and for her (or so I thought...), or should I just shut up and leave her alone?
things were mostly fine before I got annoyed by her complaints, her blame me, her dumb ideology, her not listening to me or believing in me, her weird way of using social networks and chat apps, by how she talked to some random guy without telling me and when I confronted her she told me to go get therapy if I wanted her back, and I did...
>should I just shut up and leave her alone
I am only talking to him
but he could find a girl who has biggerboobs and looks pale like him
i have a golden/olive tan complexion and a-cups
What are you looking for in an applicant?
yeah, and I had like 10 shots yesterday plus a yard marg
I'm not trying to be facetious but my problem is trying not to drink
>he could find a girl
You'll just have to be so good he doesn't go looking.
As a self-indulgent Quebecer, I wouldn’t mind if we go another 30 years without a Canadian team winning, as long as Montréal are still the last and the best.
Do you miss the Expos at all?
Y'all need to stop sipping that shit
That's Lucifer's precum you're drinking
Based, Numbuh 5 was the best lol
Also she voiced my queen Catnip when she was just 17 https://youtu.be/gZveFj6bqIs?si=P_ICvEPV49kWgnTc true talent
is it a problem if I want to be honest and open with her and expect the same thing from her? she's the dumb one that wanted to keep talking to me anyway
Why would a young girl want a 30 year old

Did you ever have hots for a guy significantly older than you?
Do Canadians think of the west part of the country as like New Canada like east coasters think of the western US?
I'd understand if so
shut the fuck up retard, the literal son of God parties harder than you do
My grandpa sure did. I’m not a baseball fan, personally.
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A toast, to Lucifer, the king of cum
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Are the women alright?

Men, how would you feel if this was your girl's edc
Ol Luci needs to see a urologist...
Holup. Isn't wine part of holy communion?
why would a young girl want some retard that doesn't know what he wants to do with is life and has no money?
Yeah, Jesus's blood is wine
Lucifer's precum is vodka
Why did she put her phone in a toaster??
I dont drink alcohol
Smoke weed
Or other drugs

So im too boring
Kindness, intelligence, emotional intelligence, good communication skills, conflict resolution skills, a stable job/career, handyman skills, physical fitness, a healthy libido and the desire to start a family
I have no idea what the fuck I'm watching bit it looks very organised and cute and also she is sexy
And god's cum is Thai milk tea?
Ever hear the expression "let sleeping dogs lie"
Nah, just malk.

>Tfw all marketing targets women because they are willing to spend spend spend like crazy, whereas men would be content to live off minced beef and rice for rest of their lives
I do love milk it's very hydrating and a stupid cal/protein ratio

milk is great
yes you are very boring
you should at least find an alcoholic beverage you like, there's tons of different kinds after all
>minced beef and rice
I remember a phase of my life where I was like
yerp, canned tuna with rice and ketchup, this is fine.
That is exactly my question
He doesnt have looks either
For what it's worth, I drink, do drugs and smoke cigs frequently and I'm still a boring fuck
Bro I drink because I'm boring
Milk and milk products enjoyers unite
Today had 1L kefir that i slammed right after my workout
Being straight edge doesn't make you boring.
Using straight edge to define your identity makes you boring.
Be more than someone who doesn't drink, be more than someone who doesn't do drugs.
Quadboob is actually sexy. Busty women please keep wearing tight sports bras
Desu I'm not really sure what "emotional intelligence" is. I'm also in pretty bad shape. I check all the other boxes though.
I just open the fridge and see what's there for food
So usually just have cigarettes and beer for breakfast and lunch
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solid. active cultures good for gut biome

I pity substitute milk enjoyers, truly.
a couple weeks ago on the subway this woman would constantly bump her ass with mine. it wasnt necessary because there was a bit of space and the subway wasnt moving that much. is there a chance she got some gratification from doing that?
Nigga that is not a thing that happens in reality.
When the boob spills out over top of the bra slightly, unffff
how to be the goodest girl
i want to be the goodest girl for him
are you a ghoul? I want to ghoulMAXX, personally
When I went to the US, I was straight up freaking out because all the milk felt and tasted watery
he has experience and isn't boring to her, like you
Suck the soul out of his body
Women 2.0

it's hard to think of them but i know i have very strange things i do. there has to be at least two pillows on my bed or on the couch "so they don't get lonely" but, i objectively know they do not get lonely, but this is the right thing to do anyway. but when i take off their cases to wash them i keep them out of sight of each other "so they don't get embarrassed." again, i know that's not true, but it feels like i am supposed to do this, and i think if my boyfriend was doing laundry and i saw him not caring it would make me really sad. i think mostly the reason i feel this way about a lot of objects is because i don't have people to attach to so it's things instead. it's a lot of emotional hangups like that. even putting aside my feelings about ME and being sensitive to things said to me or done to me, i feel strong things about a lot of stuff that doesn't matter. i also don't know if it's emotional things i made up logistical backing for or logistical things i attached emotional weight to.

there's probably more and sorry for it taking so much time to reply but i wanted to give more examples but i am having a hard time thinking of more at this exact moment, i'm sure there's more but all of the things i do are very un-notable to me so while sometimes i have a moment where i go "oh jesus i'm being an idiot aren't i" i don't always instinctively know for sure
Support and uplift him.
Yeah I feel you bro I've also had more than I should today desu
I think so long as you're sensible and spread it out though it isn't so bad (but still bad for your liver of course)
Maybe tomorrow just limit it to half, e.g. 5 shots
It's really good that you want to cut down desu. Also try not to daydrink that can be a really slippery slope
>Suck the soul out of his body
slow dancing with anon where i put my face on your chest and hum to the music and listen to your heartbeat
A ghoul in what sense lol?
skinny, bad skin, etc
I mean it's a little odd but it's certainly not a dealbreaker. If I liked the girl I'd do those little rituals for her without complaining, although I might tease her a bit
How would you feel about us getting each pillow its own themed pillowcases that are unique to that pillow and which never go on the other pillow?
KEK, that's adorable, but bordering on mental.
A thing to keep in mind is, you are the way you are, and there's nothing wrong with that.
The right one will love you for your quirks.
Sorry, I'm not tall enough for that.
Oh, yeah when I was properly just subsisting off vodka and cigarettes I apparently lost a lot of weight and looked like shit, now people tell me I look healthier again
its okay. i am too tall for it anyway. i just like to imagine sometimes.
>listen to your heartbeat
Larp larp larp femanons don't actually like any of the guys here let alone fantasize about dancing with them
based truthposter
>there has to be at least two pillows on my bed or on the couch "so they don't get lonely" but, i objectively know they do not get lonely, but this is the right thing to do anyway. but when i take off their cases to wash them i keep them out of sight of each other "so they don't get embarrassed."
She's so heckin' cute why are you so cute I can't akelgofmwmgl4l
They like the fantasy version of male anons they constructed in their head.
They're like that female friend who goes "I'd date you if you weren't you"
I wish to be the man femanon imagines me as
>i am too tall for it anyway.
Breaks my heart to see you write that. I will break my legs to become tall enough for you.
what can I do to supplement my nutrition since my diet probably doesn't have enough vitamins and shit to help my metabolism?
I was thinking drinking V8
>"I'd date you if you weren't you"
The I want a boyfriend "just like you" effect is brutal

>not being able to give that to a woman that's taller than me
Eat vegetables, and fruit.
that's not the same at all. i cant see you so making up a guy in my head is all i can do, making up a woman in your head is all you can do. its all we can do.
>was thinking drinking V8
Or you could just eat healthy meals like a normal person m8
I don't want to. I hate eating and only do it for maintenance.
okay, then blend a healthy meal into a smoothy and drink it, that removes all the pleasure.
>is all you can do. its all we can do
This sounds so ominous ngl
Just watch anime while you eat
I don't have a blender either
that would be okay, i kind of make fun of myself for it in my head too.

i hate to be a downer but that would look bad and i don't see the point of it but i guess i appreciate your attempt to engage with my crazy

>bordering on mental
yeah... i know
>the right one will love you for your quirks
yes, but like, in situations like this you consider if it's reasonable to hope for a "right one" because of how specific it would need to be to work and maybe it would be easier to try to get rid of the quirks sometimes.
Smash it with a rock like grug then
>Or you could just eat healthy meals like a normal person m8
I wouldn't be asking this quesiton if I waz normal, I obviously have an eating disorder but I'm tired of trying to make myself "normal"
i dont get how breaking your legs helps but i'm sorry you're feeling like that. bodies are stupid.
he can't be sexually yet
he is too pure
i'm doing my besbt I want to be his lil cheerleader rah rah
Your pillows have communal cases? Why do you hate individualism? Your bedroom truly is 1984.
>he is too pure
What's the female equivalent of the Madonna/Whore Complex?
not really, no. I had to google it
>avoid interfering in a situation that is currently causing no problems but may well do so as a result of such interference.
autism is making me question if I could fix her so we could go back to being happy maybe
but you are right, I shouldn't talk to her about this at least.
What does he do?
It's better to accept suffering for myself if it means that in any small way I can alleviate your suffering. You deserve happiness more than I do.
if me and my partner had the same body we would share clothes
i dont like this mindset at all
Can I be called a shy person if I like to look at the eyes of women I like on the street? I'm still very shy in other contexts
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When it comes to couples where it's an Asian guy and a White girl, is it just me or do a lot of them in particular involve Filipino guys moreso than other types of Asian dudes? Especially the couples where it's not a weeb/koreaboo living out her yellow fever fantasies, but a normal white girl with a Filipino.
Any reasons behind this phenomenon?
Qt MAP is more annoying than usual.
>i am soo drunk
>my mum is soo bad
>cigarettes lol
Fuck off.
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Women be like I want my man to open up and then pull this shit
If you were my partner and if you gave birth to identical twins then I would encourage them to dress differently (as part of an organic approach of encouraging them to develop unique identities without competing with each other), even though they'd have the same body.

I guess I'm seeing the pillows as children and you're seeing them as lovers.
I'm not even quite surewhat that is anon
he tries his best
you mean creepy?
NTA but I like a lot of the guys here
I guess I'm just pleasantly surprised that I meet most of the criteria
no, some women do the same and I find them looking at me first.
Which ones don't you meet?
the good looking ones.
I don't like it either. I would rather live in a world without suffering. And yet somehow suffering still exists.

The desire to relieve your suffering by taking it onto myself comes from the heart, not the mind.
What diameter of nipple is too large, including areola?
Yes but what does he *do*? What do you support him on?
Yeah yeah sure yeah like I've been measuring nipples with a ruler so I can see what's within the limit and what's outside the limit.
Primarily emotional intelligence. I know I'm good at reading my own emotions but sometimes I have a hard time figuring out people's emotions. I also often don't know how to act/console someone when they're sad, previous partners have called me "cold" even though I don't try to be
I don't know what they look like lol
2 inches max
I once saw a girl with giant areolas and it's just like, cool.
also I like it when their nipples are big.
How autistic do you think we are?
yeah you do, you can tell from their experience with women.
>too large
no such thing
I literally don't care
Small nipples are hot
Large nipples (areolas) are hot
I really don't fucking care so shut up, lol
>a healthy libido
no more than 8 inches in diameter
So over twice the length of my benis...
Anything larger than a coin gives me the ick and I don't like any birthmarks on her tits. Get them removed.
Your quirks are lovely and adorbs, don't change for anyone <3
Who shat in your coffee brah
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i agree wholeheartedly
Diameter should be 3x the length of the nipple
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are you sure about that?
that's longer than my pikachu ruler
This is why chestlets will be forever superior
You arent risking her having huge areolas
oops, meant for>>31503089
I mog your ruler with my dick length.
Yea that's a pretty important one for me. I'm sure I could love you but I would probably get hurt in the process and not feel loved myself, which is what has happened to me in the past. I'd be happy to teach someone how to console me but I am the exact opposite of cold usually
Too late, now I'm going to tell you all about the three point eight incher.

Ladies, is three dot eight too small?
Watch your tone, brother
that ruler is older than 80% of the posters in this thread.
bigger is better bro. in all honestly id don't care. big areola, small areola, ghost nipples, they are all suckable.
I wouldn't date a lead poisoned moron with tattoos
>mfw mine are 3-4 cm
It's over, you missed out on the love of a single Anon from 4chan. There is no recovering from this.
What if he was the one?
Is it older than you?
>not feel loved myself
Funny enough, pretty much all of my exes have said the same thing. Hm.
yeah, but you realize that typically 4 inches is enough to cover the entire booba, right?
8 inches would mean that the entire boob is the areola
If he had the wrong taste in nipples then he clearly wasn't. The one will have the right nipple tastes.
That's kind of strangely hot to me, I want to bump asses with a woman
Did you love them?
In spirit it is.
nta but anon. anon. uh. do you not know that nipples can be very long
big nipples are hot.
i absolutely will change if i think it will make me happier but thank you for the kind words
I dont get it
Are you one of those 30yo girls who are still obsessed with pokemon?
I dated one briefly
There are no girls around here.
Women, can you get away with your nipples?
i know men like gross things, but it's gross. they look like a baby bottle nipple top.
I forgot
Rookie mistake
Yes, very much so. I tried to express it to them but was often told that it sounded "artificial" and "obligatory," no matter how genuine my feelings were. I guess I have a hard time articulating my emotions, maybe I took this whole stoic thing too far.
Baby bottle nipple tops look like NIPPLES
Why does my hair only look nice and shiny when it's dirty? When it's clean it's frizzy, dry, and lacks luster.
complaining that your nipple looks like a nipple is crazy
I've been getting away with them so far, hopefully I won't ever get caught
Oils secreted from your scalp are washed away with shampoo/conditioner -- they slowly return to your hair over the next 24-48 hours, giving you a glossier look and more hold
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no its like the entire top stuck onto my boob.
Yeah, that's hot
I don't like the small nipples, they look like man nipples.
the big ones are exclusively feminine
left is normal for men nipples, why do you want men nipples
Well you can express love in a lot of different ways. It doesn't have to be an emotional display. Acts of service, physical touch, gifts, quality time, etc. I'm assuming you had a hard time with words of affirmation? Did they know you loved them?
>maybe I took this whole stoic thing too far
That's possible but I'm sure with practice and a patient partner, you could loosen up a little bit.
puffy nipples...
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no mens are tiny and flat
Sis my nipples look exactly the same, I think that's perfectly normal
y'all just finding whatever reasons to hate yourself now, huh
Attention bottlewomen:

Hello, I am baby.
Come here, babyboy
>waaaah pls coddle me and my insecurities!
really? my mom's didn't look like this and i haven't seen anyone else with them even in the random porn anons post on r9k. i kind of thought i was a mutant
>I'm assuming you had a hard time with words of affirmation?
Yep, that sounds about right. Although, interestingly enough, I think I'm pretty good at the other love languages you listed.
>Did they know you loved them?
Yes, I would try to tell them often.
>That's possible but I'm sure with practice and a patient partner, you could loosen up a little bit.
Here's hoping!
my nipples are about 1.5 inches in diameter, i hate them so much
Those look like tear drop boobs
Time to look at your father's mother's nips then.
What is this meme
Why are all the women hating on their own nipples?
Are you guys watching too much porn or something?
>Yes, I would try to tell them often.
That's good, it sucks that they didn't believe you :/
Good luck anon!
If you think this is bad, wait til we talk about vaginas.
sorry. it sucks hating your own looks. are your flat at least?
Don't bother telling these girls that they're beautiful or whatever, they're just worried that they're not good enough for chad, they'd be absolutely ruthless towards your body if they saw it.
>they'd be absolutely ruthless towards your body if they saw it.
I just feel like this might be true, never saw a girl comfort comfort a guy about his insecurities here, it's always "just fix it"
my dad says i have manly pecs but i think they are man boobs
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What book are you currently reading???
hitchikers guide to the galaxy
The Bible (KJV)

But as a curious agnostic, not as a true believer.
a shitty litrpg
My favorite book when I was a kid. I had and loved a recording of the radio show too. I hope you're enjoying it.
i'm not a strong reader due to poor education so i am struggling a little bit, but when i understand it, i enjoy it
I ate some very crispy low fat bacon and now I feel less schizo
Post a picture of it.
Nothing right now

State gender
Which of these books should I read next?

>The Red Book, Carl Jung
>Range, David Epstein
>How Music Works, David Byrne
>The Collected Poems of Robert Frost
>The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
>The Collected Poems of Silvia Plath
>The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
>The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien
>Les Miserables, Victor Hugo
>Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
>The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft
Those are nice, dont worryabout it
None of those.
i know you're baiting, but the girls do feel like they rarely give anything back
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>>The Red Book, Carl Jung
These are the ones I own but haven't read (aside from bits and pieces of the poets and Shakespeare)
Any other recommendations?
That's because we will only love your flaws if we love you as a person. Otherwise, we'll just tell you to fix them. If I was dating someone who was insecure about xyz I would kiss it and tell him he's perfect as he is. But a random stranger? Fix it
Was Dmitri Shostakovich handsome in your opinion?
>low-fat bacon
First Dresden Files book.
agree with the other anons, read Jung. might be of help some day.
Women hate ugly people.
How is it?
I remember reading Codex Alera and getting turned off from all the raping vibes in the later books
You might like the radio series then since it's almost entirely dialogue. The radio series tells books 1 & 2 in a different way with different stories and characters, so the books and radio complement each other, instead of one replacing the other.

Try it sometime, maybe.
Women, why do you like stealing our t-shirts?
A dog pisses on a tree to claim and assert ownership of that territory.
A woman stretches out her boyfriend's shirts to claim and assert ownership of that man.
I ate it
literally didn't even sizzle in the pan for the most part
Women expect one sided support, they are used to it all their lives, but hate ugly people, and especially ugly men.
They'll never give any support unless they're trying to victim blame you for being an incel and trying to tell you that you need to focus on other aspects of yourself to get out of it when it won't fix anything because again, women hate ugly people.
>I ate it
okay, take a picture of it coming out later then.
What does it mean when a guy says he can't commit to anything serious right now, but also wants an exclusive relationship? Doesn't exclusivity = serious?
serious means YOU go exclusive for him
are you a pushover simp?
He doesn't want you fucking other guys but he also doesn't want to meet your parents/go on trips/other "serious relationship" signifiers
He says he's not seeing anyone else and I do believe him...am I being naïve?
Is it possible to progress to a serious relationship in cases like this or is it hopeless?
It's a bit cheesy as you might imagine. I'm rereading it, still in the early chapters where characters are being introduced. I love the series as a whole though.
It's hopeless, he's likely just stringing you along.
I purposely change my capitalization and punctuation to obfuscate my typing style.
Unfortunately I woke up.
so no rapey vibes?
I might have to get into that then
>her pics on ig scream slutty.
No man with self respect is going to date a person like this. These women belong to fuccbois and incels.
>am I being naïve?
it doesn't matter what they say
the fact that he doesn't want it means he doesn't want you, or at least all of you, he wants some of you, most likely the attention and sex part, not the reciprocating feelings, commitment, and sharing responsibilities and a future together part.
new >>31503289
I think there may be some slightly rapey stuff in the later books, but it's mostly symbolic. Specifically I think mind control magic is compared to rape a few times.
>mind control magic
oh god, not the slave collars again..
>Don't you think that's a bit of an arbitrary double standard? It's not like they're nude
It's revealing a lot of your body to a lot of people. Glorified OnlyFans if you ask me.
>golden/olive tan complexion
Darker skin colors are hot imo. I can find anime women attractive because of idealized body shape, but paler skin is not an attractive trait. At least for me anyway.
It's nothing like that, don't worry. The only specific example I can think of is a teenage wizard using mind control to forcibly break someone's heroin addiction.
Okay, Imma add them to the reading pile then.
Why would an established guy want some retard that doesn't know what she wants to do with her life and has no money?

She also is significantly less physically attractive than the women closer to his age.

Girl pickiness is worse than ever thanks to social media, and it's forcing guys to date down significantly.
Does everything you do reflect all aspects of everything you feel?
>You’re supposed to be married
So was Daniel Jackson.
I think the most obvious tell is that you're still here. If you actually loved your wife, then I think you would have left this place long ago, for reasons both practical (to avoid a source of temptation that already led you to betray your wife before) and personal (it is continually disrespectful to your wife that you continue to have your fun in the place where you betrayed her).
rn just thuggin out his mental illness and health issues raw and just goes to work. I support him on getting help and he gives me attention everyday.
definitely a you thing? are you dark or pale? i have roots in places in asia where they bleach their skin i grew up wanting to do that too. he is so pale and pretty. makes me nervous me likes a darker girl like me
Kree Teal'c! Shal kek nem ron!
>Given what I know about you this is not the conclusion I would've drawn
Sometimes bad things are done without hatred or the absence of love. Sometimes they're done because of love.

If there are things that I hate, I don't think about them or dwell on them. I certainly wouldn't spend the rest of my life with them.
Shall kek 'n nom indeed.
You, and many other anons, have a bizarre perception of this place. 4chan is not a hotbed of titillation and temptation to me. I never came here seeking anything of the sort.

I don't think in terms of shame, guilt, or regret because I don't feel any shame, guilt, or regret over it.

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