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stalker edition

last: >>31500939
Makes me wonder how many people ITT had 4chan stalkers..
Why is my boyfriend so rough and mean to me when we have sex, but so sweet kind and attentive outside of the bedroom?
It's literally night and day. I feel like the most important person and thing in the world to him outside the bedroom, and he treats me like a princess. When we have sex, I feel like I'm nothing more to him than a warm hole for him to have sex with or a sex slave he makes do anything he wants.
I'm female and this is literally the dream, I'm sorry it isn't what you want.
does this person have a fetish of the digestive system? h-h-h-h-ot.......
goodnite atoga, 12:00 AM eastern standard time
Sweet dreams, see you again next time.
i have had three.
To the guys who like black women
Think about it this way
If you breed all the black women
There will be no more black women
They will all be mixed
Never had one, since I'm ugleh.
>I'm female and this is literally the dream, I'm sorry it isn't what you want.
Nta, but I'm sure having someone force their cock into you doesn't actually feel good when you don't want it. Especially if he uses her asshole.
She sounds like she can be bent over or pushed down, used and fucked at his will. Outside of a fantasy, that can be very painful and exhausting. I had a bf that I loved deeply, but he would use me and keep me up all night to fuck me. It left me exhausted, sore, and constantly tired.
Orgasming when you are forced to have sex feels shameful.
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What would you do if your son formed a strong bond with his mother?
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My lady
>They will all be mixed
That'll be the next generation's problem.
wtf I literally just saw this posted on Twitter, stop stalking me
no idea about stalkers but we do have profilers. ever heard of airy?
I'm sorry, you're just a really cool person and I hope good things in life will come your way.

t. stalker
We're in the same part of twitter, bro.
Airy balls GOTTEM
>tfw no native gf
thanks anon. one was actually from this thread kek. i don't think he was necessarily malicious, just autistic with no sense of boundaries. like a child.
How do I cope with not having pretty privilege as a woman? It's not like men care about anything a woman does. They don't even care if you cook anymore.
Idk ): discuss it with him though
>I had a bf that I loved deeply, but he would use me and keep me up all night to fuck me. It left me exhausted, sore, and constantly tired.
why are women so fucking stupid, to the point of letting their fucking boyfriend sexually abuse them without consequences?

how can women make mistakes like that and live with themselves?
These posts don't sound like they were written by sentient human beings.
You still have women privilege.
I told him I want to make out with him and he completely ignored meeee does he hate me. I still want him
Trust me, men still care if you cook.
>It's not like men care about anything a woman does. They don't even care if you cook anymore
That's not true at all... find a dude who does care
Or just fitness and stylemaxx if you want to try get some more pretty privilege
I would dump a woman who can't cook sorry
As long as you understand that I-- I mean he-- didn't mean any harm, then I'm sure he can go to sleep at night.
>I told him I want to make out with him and he completely ignored meeee
Maybe he's just shy...
Lmao can you not cook bro
So I found out why I'm getting cute black girls on my timeline, I'm in south affrican twitter
I have never felt more alone.
Fr. I think I need to lie down after seeing this shit lol
we're all alone
Good thing booze exists
that shit does nothing, only kids be drinking
I’m really drunk um. Help LOL
What type of rough sex is he having? Where is the line drawn between whatever kinky shit you're into and kinks you're genuinely not into? Communication is key and you both can use that to your advantage without doing the "I consent" bullshit every 5 minutes. It's a sad reality that e-thots and attention whores have made the "choke me daddy" shit popular, and it's stupid to spontaneously hurt with your partner just because he/she saw it in some porno.
>t. another woman

Watch how she acts with the other women outside of his family, especially his girlfriend or spouse.

>They don't even care if you cook anymore.
Why do you think so? That's a MAJOR advantage to men considering you're living in the vast sea of thots who are constantly DoorDashing or say "yeah, I can make a mean Mexican rice!" using that pre-made crap you can get off the shelf. Most mens' standards are very simple and favor towards women who can look after themselves (keep a reasonably tidy place, don't be a landwhale, decently groomed).

This. Her first problem is not saying anything to him in the first place (unless that was the reason for their breakup).
I'm a stalker but no one has stalked me
Leave more clues then.
clearly you're just doing it wrong
But we already made our several times because he asked
I have left an incredible amount of clues
Lonely, I'm so lonely
I feel so alone
I feel low
I feel so
Feel so low
I feel low, low
I feel low, low, low
I feel low, low, low
I feel low, low, low
I feel low, low, low
I feel low, low, low
Low, I feel low
I feel low
I feel low
I feel so lonely
I feel so lonely
I feel so lonely, lonely, lonely, lone
Lone, lone, lone
I feel so lonely
So lonely
So lonely
So lonely
I’m not a stalker and I kinda got stalked.
atoga my morale is low, be funny?
I'm fasting right now.
The only think keeping me going is coffee.
look at this retard lmao>>31503321
Shut up, Sting
coffee might be a good idea despite it being night time now
I've definitely had one. She even lurked my Instagram
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Have a black woman instead.
Can I have one too? I’m about to do something incredibly depressing.
Who needs love when alcohol is good enough?
I know
this helped a little
They look like apes bro I don't get what your whole obsession with them is
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Nothing's coming up on my timeline, you can this instead.
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oop, never mind.
I want to kiss him im so pissed off about it
I juts realized that I listen to The Police a lot without realizing because they play the songs at the grocery store i work at. subliminal messaging
Multiple. Some for over a decade.
But where's Queequeg?
Must... colonize....
>posts the most lightskin bitches ever
I started running
Down the railway track
Could you help me?
Police on my back
They will catch me
If I dare drop back
Won't you give me
All the speed I lack
She has gigantic hands
Love them ladies with big hands.
Holding them feels nice.
Thank you man.
Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.
I've been running Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
I think it is the ((average)) woman poster that is just trying to trigger people, kek
Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the Moon
I hope my legs don't break
Walking on the moon
We could could walk forever
Walking on the moon
We could be together
Walking on
Walking on the moon
Anyway, I'm apparently in south african twitter. so that might be it, it's weird how the only two south africans I knew were both white.
>Why is my boyfriend so rough and mean to me when we have sex, but so sweet kind and attentive outside of the bedroom
He's meant to be
When I was long distance with my ex, I’d stare at the moon and think about how she could see the same moon, and it made me feel closer to her. How pathetic is that
I think it's kinda romantic...
>If you breed all the black women
>There will be no more black women
>They will all be mixed
They would also all be my sons and daughters.
such a good song
No one wants to kiss me and I'm so pissed off about it

Said you blow my mind, you sure look fine
You make my heart beat sweeter than
The honey that replaced the rain
Since I met you
I wanna know if it's good to you, baby
When you do what you do to me
I know that it must have been good to you, baby
'Cause it sure feels good to me
That is the most cliche romantic thing since the beginning of time anon. Not pathetic. My ex and I would exchange pics of the full moon too
the guy i am talking to now, who is long distance sent me a picture of his sky/clouds and said at least we shared the same one even if we are far apart

what did he mean by this
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A bit dramatic, ain't it?
What would you do if your partner showed you an OF model they found attractive to you?
>atoga my morale is low, be funny?
-1/12 mathematicians walk into a bar.
im too stupid to understand th ejoke
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>tfw no girl to join me in the sensory pea pod.
life is hard.
I'd play this and stare at the moon lol
Really not looking forward to deleting our pictures.
my guy is open to wearing cat ears and a collar for me. what are some petplay things we can do because I have always wanted to explore being an owner and having a submissive man/catboy
Ask him if I look like that to him. Wonder if he has a type. Fair since I have one too
>some hoe is insecure and wants it to be someone else's responsibility
I've seen a old man have a heart attack in Manhattan
Well he died while we just stood there lookin' at him
Ain't he cute?

I don't care about you!
I don't care about you!
>she could see the same moon
i NEED one of these so badly
She's looking at a moon, just not out moon.
A child? Yeah...
>gifts for him
need to pod him
I'm only moderately drunk. What do you need help with?
>But we already made out several times
Oh, that changes things then lol
They're black compared to the pasty white bois who post here from their basements
The cashier at the store complimented my tan yesterday though and says she wished she could tan like that. All that sitting in the garden drinking beer is paying off
>what did he mean by this
Take a wild guess
This seems like a logical upgrade from my weighted blanket
I'd share sunrises with my long distance. I think this is a common rizz tactic in the modern era. Not pathetic at all.
The sui is a bit dramatic, but using OF when you're in relationshit (or just in general desu) is pathetic
This is how I've heard it:
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers.
I'd be scared of getting trapped in there.
I've been a very VERY bad boy...
You gotta get him a tail
We need to just start killing people
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Go for a race around the house
Let him purr and lie in your lap as you watch Hello Kitty
Idk man
Dump her.
time to look at his pictures and listen to nsfw amsr

i love stress relief
Does he know you're doing this lol
Also what are you stressed abt
"stress relief" yeah sure...
Like a game if you lose, go to jail
>I'd share sunrises
Fuck me mate I'm not getting up that early
We didnt sleep, we'd be up all night
go back to >>>/sci/ lmao
>tfw no oral fixation gf who uses my dick as stress relief
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Ok so when girls do this it's cute and romantic but when I do it suddenly it's "creepy" and I'm "actually insane"
Is this the society we live in?
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Roofie them
Zesty ass nigga prayin 4 his soul
Do moths shit?? a moth landed on my wall a little while ago an now theres a weird wet grey spot on my wall
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Wait till you hear about the sensory body sock.
I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I don't consider autists humans.
I'm not human.
Wtf is that edge?
>that precum stain
Why do americans make houses out of wood?
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Real. We have left humanity behind.

do you like men in uniform
Adding on to this
What kind of uniforms
fuck you, I don't need that shit
Cheaper to rebuild when a tornado knocks it over
make sense, I would want to watch some of her stuff, I do OF too
being in the service
MtF hands
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getting wisdom from black ladies on twitter
fighting for israel
women whats the coolest thing you've ever done?
Need a cute boi to service my pussy
Technically it's not hers, she just found and shared it
lol nope, that’s all it took for you to cope?
anyone else?
>What would you do if your partner showed you an OF model they found attractive to you?
Tell her to not find the model attractive.
Pain job? oil change?
I didn't read the post
idk if he would be into that but I honestly feel like the buttplug tails are kindof retarded since it's in the ass and not above like ith some sort of harness wrapped around his hips/thighs, sortkf takes away immersion. yet at the same time i am interested in maybe exploribg it with him, it's weird. idk how to describe it.

we aren't at a too much stage to discuss graphic sex or do it yet. babie steps. I'm here to vent it out lol. no rush.
I would just idk about plugs as tails mentioned above
oh those are cute ideas he likes hello kitty slightly, need more ideas like these. they don't have to all be explicit, as I would like to gently incorporate age play/age regression since he is okay with being called a good boy and seems to enjoy little things
ok when
he doesn't know about the asmr part
I feel like that's revealing another powerlevel
no really what else is it for
who said it was cute and romantic
why don't you think I'm creepy or insane
jokes on you I like clowns
>Service my pussy
Is it broken? Need an oil change?
200% chance your are ugly, male, or both
a man wearing an apron is very attractive to me
Honestly I can't stand dealing with autistic people. I know they can't help it, and I don't feel this way to be mean. I can sympathize with being socially awkward or lonely but I can't deal with the:
>inability to empathize
>poor intuition
>poor abstract thinking
>inability to tolerate ambiguity of any kind
>requiring everything to be perfectly categorized and the inability to understand anything outside that category.
I wouldn't care about them if it weren't for the fact that society as a whole is genuinely becoming more and more autistic every year.
Women what would you do when your husband dies before you in 50 years?
sue my mom’s estate and contest her will
Counter question why are euros such stuck up cunts about this?
>Verification not required
kys manwhore
I'll make sure to kill my wife so that this never happens
e z, if I had one I would have ghost sex and still be with him

have you ever had a paranormal sexual experience? I have, it's real.
some rich people shit
based euros can make Americans seethe with just three words
>Why do Americans
Original question asker here. Not European lmao.
Stop being retarded
I'm not you stupid faggot
I’ll kiss you
spend the remainder time with our wife, trying to live the best life we can
plz don't be him
I just want this spcific autistic guy
to be my bf
I wasn’t, but now I am
thats not very nice

Sorry femanon, but thats not real

>our wife
You kill yourself if you saw me in real life
down with the bourgeoisie!
I surely would not. That’d be a stupid reason to kill myself
>thats not very nice
How? I'm preventing her future suffering and making sure she dies by my side, seems pretty merciful to me.
three way relationship
I can’t wait to have a wife I get to play with and make cum
>I have, it's real.
story time
I want to _______ femanons.
we live too far anyway
plus I'm sure you WILL hate me at some point
I genuinely have to disagree and say it is real
The solution is to breed mixed women
Aight, but you wouldn't bring you lips anywhere near mine
>Not European lmao.
Then where are you from?
State gender
What do I even do now?
Tbf I've just stayed up til 6:30am so
I’m F and my male friend has started being meaner and meaner to me. He sometimes teases his girlfriend but he says insane shit to me and talks to me like I’m a retard which he knows I really hate. Why is this happening? I’m trying to be cordial and mature but he takes everything as a slight and is super sensitive. All in all he can dish it out but he can’t take it, and expects constant reassurance and coddling while letting himself be an asshole downer
Find the real names and addresses of
nah, that's crazy
who is he to you, why you taking shit from a dude who's got a girlfriend, nigga ain't even your boi
Why not? I’d kiss anyone teebh if I knew they were clean/no diseases. What do you look like?
Rock the hard jams, treat it like a seminar
Reach the bourgeois and rock the boulevard
Even just a kitchen apron?
its eggs ewwwwwwwwwwww
He's just treating women the way they deserve to be treated.
He’s a longtime friend. I think he just is getting more comfortable around me but in a weird way
what do you mean anyway? you wouldn't ever consider one of us moving closer to the other? why are you so sure you say I will hate you what are you telling yourself when you are alone :( I really like you
Doesn't sound like a very good friend lol
Idk whatever you want I'm not your dad
I wonder what my wife’s job will be
I would do anything for kitten licks from an anon
there are other types? yes please feed me little treats and eat them off of my body
kiss and cuddle
I think I will watch the saddest anime deaths compilation in order to feel something.
Okay, well then don't be afraid of terminating this relationship and just tell him you don't like how he's treating you and you're not going to talk to him anymore until he improves.
This'll probably be the end of that relationship.
You fucking suck. This is what you deserve.
I miss the way he kissed me. He was the only man who could stand to touch me. I don’t think I’m ever going to find something like that ever again
God i want autistic bf NOW!!!!
Tie to a post and fuck
I hope you never get them.
I live in the southern cone
I'm sure you will hate me because women hate me when I open my mouth too much

where are you from? are you F?
do you actually
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Sorta like the guy on the far right
The next logical human evolution.
Autistic boyfriend sounds like fun and games until literally every little thing you say is taken the wrong way and you have to deal with retarded meltdowns in a grown man constantly. It is insane and not worth it
how profitable is it? like how much do you have to pay to some electronic vultures and how much will you actually get?
Do women with autism cum harder?
How hard is it to make autistic women cum?
Cute as heck’ll
I’d kiss you. Also stop being so mean to yourself
I don’t want to give up because maybe I’m just being unforgiving and judge mental. But I don’t know how to fix this
What did I do?
To everyone suffering from anxiety/autism/bpd/other mind shit that makes you do weird shit
Just don't do that stuff. It's not that hard. "Oh I have meltdowns" then stop having meltdowns, literally just don't do them
>male friend
>What did I do?
what do you talk about when you say open your mouth too much? you aren't him but you get the idea of what he's like. f yeah.

do people with autism not like sex or relationships or just burnt out by previous bad ones
howdy emotion changer
how come you keep doing 4chan while you could simply change your mind to neverending orgasm?
I'll even wear a leash <3
>please feed me little treats and eat them off of my body
It's all about the presentation ;P
Won't it tickle? You don't want me to save any for you?
>saddest anime deaths compilation
Spoilers though...
>Just don't do that stuff. It's not that hard
Thanks bro I'm cured
OF takes 20% of subs, so it’s a lot. that’s why most of us also do dm’s and private streams etc
This 40 y.o. woman has the following phrase in her bio
>looking for men who got over their ex
I can send her a comment, a compliment...

I'm thinking of something like this:
>I would forget my ex in 1 second if I could be with you
Rate this pls.
Fuck the "men and women can't be friends" ideology. I have a few female friends and they are great! They're always nice and give me advice and stuff
An orgasm is a reaction to a physical sensation. Your actions are wholly determined by you and what you choose to do.
>I don’t want to give up because maybe I’m just being unforgiving and judge mental. But I don’t know how to fix this
If you truly care about him, you'd tell him how you feel and put your foot down
Otherwise you're just another one of those people not curbing this kind of behavior and one day he's going to go overboard and do some real heinous shit to some random innocent womin
women do you prefer the testicle that hangs lower?
Women, say you had a male friend who is a decent guy, not creepy or weird and not gross or anything like that, but he has no luck at all with dating and as far as you know, he's never had a gf. You've noticed he's been different lately, not angry or mean, just aloof, withdrawn, just goes to work and comes home and doesn't like to talk to people. You're pretty sure it's because he's so lonely but he doesn't talk about it and you haven't asked. What would you do? How far would you be willing to go to help get him out of this funk? And would you think less of him for any of this?
Ventilate yourself.
Your mind is malleable. Mold it.
nah, you are meant to have forgotten your ex long ago.
just be a cool, independent male. not desperate
How do I avoid being cucked by a woman?
here we go, you stop making sense the moment you are called on your bullshit
Women if you could grow your clit into a penis, would you? it can't go back. And you still have a vagina btw
>you aren't him but you get the idea of what he's like
wat. I literally am the guy that posted that...

>what do you talk about when you say open your mouth too much?
I hurt you unintentionally, because you women tend to interpret shit in the weirdest ways.

>just burnt out by previous bad ones
I slowly build resentment towards people I live with. I memorize all the bad shit that I experience with them and then one day I explode and shit gets bad.
does this mean I am an autistic female if I take an autistic guy's words wrong

I really like him :( :(
I've never had a single female friend in my life
Literally just don't do things that are bad. That's it bro. It more less effort to do the bad action than to not do it.
It takes more effort*
You should try it! take a language class. Those always have way more girls than guys. At least in my experience
I had a female friend once, I think.
Women would you rather have a whipcrack sfx play outloud everytime you make a fast arm motion or have a loud guitar rift play everytime you say fuck?
You get $1000 for every discharge of a stun gun on your nutsack. How many times are you getting zapped?

You get $1000 for ever discharge of a stun gun on your clit. How many times are you getting zapped?
I'd have that motherfucker taped to my nutsack
Sorry to disappoint but only 1 lol, if even that many... I don't think i would survive that
no thanks I’m good
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I dunno.
as much as I can take I guess.
Get a doctor on standby and just let me pass out, zap away bro
Women what was the last sin you committed?
I’ll take the whip, it might come in handy in my future profession as lawyer
>kicked out for disorderly conduct
Men if you talk to a girl with the intention of dating her and she is receptive to your advances how soon does it take you to masturbate to the thoughtof her

I don't want to be alone lol
Bro if you want to jack off just jack off, nobody even judging you until you started talking about it.
I would go for 5 then give the 5k to charity
see, I'm so autistic, I scared away the girl who wants me as an autist with this post >>31503703
I’m the sin, not the sinner. and it’s all the time baby! *>>31503716 whip crack*
I got you homeboy
I'll lay eyes on a random chick in public for five seconds and jerk off to her later
>how soon does it take you to masturbate to the thoughtof her
Not long at all lol
is this the south african guy again
I may be autistic, but one thing I never do is talk to women.
I just wonder if there are any signs if I can tell if he has done it because I want to feel wanted by him even if he are taking things really slow irl

I want to be his prime material and desired
Honestly just tell him that
do you even know what the southern cone is? have you tried googling it?
you aren't autistic enough for me...
What, you think you're going to be able to smell it on him or something? The only way you have a shot of knowing is broaching the subject yourself
>Do you ever jerk off to me?
Do you think the world would be better if women were the horny gender?
Aight, thought you were a dude, my bad.
I don't know about this shit.
Probably considering men do most rapes and stuff
sorry I'm project my own autism boi
yeah I feel like I am kind of dizzy and brain damaged so idk I am forgetful sometimes and insecure

I was asking if you ever had gf. there are 2 guys who have like me who were diagnosed autistic so now I am curious about that side of them
If women were the horny gender then you wouldn't be as eager to fuck them and therefore your dream scenario wouldn't work. I don't think you thought this through.
wow I never hated a video that fast before, also I’m not a boy.
But then women would be the ones doing the rapes n stuff
A genie offers you a deal. You get a beautiful woman who’s loyal and exactly your type. She’s literally your ideal woman.
The only catch is that every day she’ll kick you as hard as she can in the balls.

Do you take the deal?
>also I’m not a boy.
They just can't help but correct it.
I don't get it.
For women, but not for me.
The upshot is that the people most motivated to rape would no longer be the ones more capable of doing it. But the drawback is that more women would be whores.
>your dream scenario
>I don't think you thought this through.
Huh? i just asked a question
No, because the genie is likely omitting other shit.
Imma chop her leg off
Ye but it's easier to stop a woman raping you
>The only catch is that every day she’ll kick you as hard as she can in the balls
Jokes on you I'm into that
Let’s say he’s being completely honest
I'm not diagnosed lmao, I just call myself autistic because, well, there is no other way to explain my shitty social skills and my obliviousness
I did have a gf until some months ago. broke up with her because... I'm retarded
btw, I'm 35.

are you still interested in me?

you didn't tell me... age/location?
>Ye but it's easier to stop a woman raping you
the thing makin them horny bout to make them strong too
Pretty obvious that it came from you dreaming of a fantasy land where many women want to have sex with you
No. Why do you keep asking CBT related questions?
No. Even leaving aside that it would be way too jarring for my "ideal" woman to do that, I'd prefer to keep my balls intact.
You can’t
I hope you’re trolling
>You can’t
the fuck I can't LMAO
She my lil stumpy now
She would destroy my balls pretty quick and turn me into a eunuch, om gonna go with no
I’ve only asked 2. I’m bored and it gets the thread poppin
Genies are honest and do what you ask because they're bound to serve you, monkeys paws on the other hand twist your wishes
The genie prevents it
He is
Hypothetically you suffer no permanent damage, just pain
>The genie prevents it
No he don't LOL
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>I hope you’re trolling
I'm not, I used to ask a friend of mine to kick me in the balls for the thrill
What causes a man to stay with a women for a year and a half but not want to talk about the future?
Genies are the original monkey paw, they twist your wish unless you are very careful with your words.
Alladin told me otherwise
he's not interested in marrying her and doesn't want to have kids with her
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He doesn't not want to talk about the future, his future just ain't with you.
You know he having that conversation with someone else.
I've suffered daily intense pain before and I do not want to do I again so still no
you need to talk to genies just like you'd prompt an AI bot

>You know he having that conversation with someone else.
not necessarily.
>not necessarily.
Nah, he probably doesn't mind telling his friends that he doesn't plan on marrying her.
I would never admit that to a girl because it feels gross to say that stuff out loud before you have actually had sex a few times.
If she was teasing me about it I would act flustered and refuse to answer straight but I wouldn't deny.
lol really
i'm worried he's not doing it to me I want him to find m attractive being called pretty/gorgeous/beautiful isn't enough!!! I want to keep his interest and send him selfies
i am being the creepy girl since he has som issues with sex/intimacy but he has joked about sex and sent a dick pic once

I sent him an xxx pic back and he said i was hot but like he shut down the next day due to his trauma and said he couldn't be intimate with me but he still talks to me and calls me pretty so idk if I am friendzoned or not or if I just have to stick by him to see if he gets better
people correct you when you get the gender wrong, what’s so surprising with that?
get useful advice on how to start dating the girl I like from
Nothing, it tickles my autism when girls don't want to be my bro.
How long is it gonna take me to get over my ex? I wish it was today!
planet is gonna drown and I'll survive and I'll look at the underwater cities and think about which one of you I was supposed to find b efore it happened
Why waste so much time with someone you see no future with?
The genie of Aladdin both versions is kinda an exception. Most of the myths of genies is them being assholes about wording and details.
Short term fun
>autistic girl ITT tells me she wants me because I said I'm autistic and posted a question detailing my plan to become a manwhore
>want to flirt with her
>reply to her posts
>the more I talk, the less interested she seems to be
this is also the story of my life. I need to shut my mouth forever. maybe I should be mute. things would be easier for me that way, probably.
It's like eating
You eat food everyday because you need the nutrients, but you don't store shit, you poop it out.
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If your man bought you pic rel, would you let him tie you to it and make you cum repeatedly
Dumbass, people come here to be anonymous. You are not making a connection beyond it unless someone asks.
T. Someone asked for my email and I declined
>getting attached to anons on /atoga/, then complaining about it
It's so over for you. I don't know if it ever even began for you.
>waste so much time
anon... life has no purpose. why do you even care about time? also, why do you think a relationship HAS to have a future, especially in 2024?
I'm gonna change that into a monster dildo and strap you in it, bitch
Dragging something out for years ain't short term
what am I actually autistic
no sorry I meant to say I am projecting over the autistic guy I met on a dating app but he is ACTUALLY autism I think

u will be fine anon, I am just dumb
is that an autism thing? I can be your sis, bro
Turns out negging works.
what does it mean when people AGGRESIVELY care about where you shit, but not like it's you're always shitting? please tell me your gender or sex or whatever
she didn't even give me some basic info about herself.
she clearly didn't like me as much as she said she did.
1.5 years is short term compared to a lifetime of marriage
If you can overpower me sure. If you can’t I’m gonna tie you to it for at least 20 minutes
Nah, I don't like having women around, so it's either my bro or nothing.
Women make me uncomfortable, I'd like to forget that sometimes the people I talk to here are women.
yes except for being tied to it
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This is so sad, install Tinder.
Do women really? How is this different from rape?
And yet here you are bitching and moaning about her nonetheless. Pathetic.
already did. see >>31503528
ah cool let me help you out
Very cute
>Nah, I don't like having women around
>Women make me uncomfortable
Based, women confuse and frighten me so I try to avoid them as much as possible
So where are you shitting?
What are you trying to hide?
Are you shitting on the table again anon
Some women love it
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If he's having sex with you and/or saving money on rent, then from his perspective, he's not wasting his time. Don't assume that all men are interested in getting married or settling down, let alone that they want those things with you.

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. All it's done is enable sociopaths and narcissists to inflict themselves on others.
Idk, selfishness?
how is that negging
I was larping you as him :>
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>all of these people actually defending dating someone for over a year that you see no future with
Jesus christ what a bunch of degens
I mean, I'm not defending him, I'm just telling her how it is
Doesn't matter anyway since if she wanted to leave she would've already left.
Anona told me herself, this is not the place for a serious connection.
anons for the last part >>31503817 do you think I am friendzoned or what because I swear I have been using his pics for months now with asmr and I feel so degenerate now
I don't think anyone's defending him, simply explaining his thought process.
>marrying in 2024
>settling down in your 20s in 2024
are people ITT really this delusional?
your wife will fuck some random guy and have his kids while telling you they are yours. then she will divorce rape you and you will live in poverty forever.
imagine wanting THAT future.
Imagine being this cynical and blackpilled
Fair do's
Still degen tho
You are a fascinating individual
sorry your mom did that, most of us don’t have that experience
Women, if your man bought a collar and leash for you to wear for the bedroom, would you do it at least once?
>autistic retard hasn't though to talk about this with her before buying
you dudes deserve to be lonely
What if he brought it up before buying it?
Then go use it with her, lmao
touch grass and grab some pussy, Anon, this isn't healthy for you
Women what do you have to say to me?
are you autistic?
>Imagine being this cynical and blackpilled
the amount of things I've seen that happened in m family is enough for me not to trust women, or anyone, really. I've had women tell me repeatedly how they had a set of values, only to try to fuck me in the ass (with money of course) simply because they could.. I've also had my gf complain to me about me being stingy and about the large gap between my wage and hers, as if I was her employer. this only shows that women are interested in money above anything else.
I'm sorry, I'm not trusting anyone. mind you, I didn't learn that shit from this retarded forum, I learned that from direct personal experience, from people who are close to me in real fucking life.
I am open to it once but I just want to dress up a guy. unfortunately I am a switch that leans more softdom for this and want the guy to wear the collar and I handle the leash
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What's up with all these summerfags asking anons if they're autistic
What website do you think you're on
yeah let’s get weird baby
We're all autistic here
Some are just chadder than others.
>I've also had my gf
Holy shit he has a gf lol
Poor gal
>dress up a guy
>want the guy to wear the collar and I handle the leash
Based and Makimapilled
Is there something that men wear to the bedroom that would be equivalent to stockings/lingering/other shit that would make men diamonds? Or out of the bedroom too.
what do you mean by that? dense? i mean I feel very degenerate here it's everyday I do it solely thinking of him and I want him to open up to me and feel safe and tell me how much he wants me one day

I want him really badly i amnot sure if he knows how badly though like idk what the scales are looking like
Didn't mean to reply oops
Both genders:
Who are your ops?
I'm not with it enough to know what that means.
I haven't played baseball in a while but I feel like I'm not a big slugger, more of a singles-hitter. I do draw a lot of walks, though, so maybe my OPS would be around 800-850? Not sure though.
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women... can i hold you?
I've just never encountered anyone who's as deep in the throes of infatuation (and goes to such lengths) as you
Grape street watts Crips nigga
Dis a blood hood nigga fuck you mean
We on top nigga we out here
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I wanna hug her so bad you have no idea
Wrap her in my arms and feel her warm body pressed against mine
Make her feel safe and protected
i think those are both boys not sure though
Those are definitely both men.
Didn't mention any boys in my post bro
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you mentioned yourself though
I suppose it is a "newer" slang, but "ops" has been used to refer to enemies for a long time

this guy gets it
Would you fuck a woman who’s legit 4’4-4’9? Assuming she’s an adult, is proportional, and doesn’t have a disability
2x pimpy
How tall is that in cm?
I don't see why I couldn't.
Nah, OPS stands for On-base-percentage Plus Slugging. It's a pretty useful stat
Probably. That is literal midget territory, but women around that height typically dont really have the deformed(?) look
My guy +8/10 Chad anon for calling me a MAP and spreading other fake news
Bro will get cheffed if he crosses my ends
oh damn, that's short.
4'9 is totally fine, but 4'4 is like almost not okay.
>Would you fuck a woman who’s legit 4’4-4’9?
Sure, I like mini girls
I'm only like 5'7" myself
Dated a girl who was like 4'11 which was cute
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I'm going to put you into a waffle iron and crush you to death
The highest is only ~5%? Damn I was expecting much higher desu
Destroy with my Monster cock
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I guess I should be glad I didn't marry my ex.
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I love old people. They look so cute
They are cute, but then I think of all the sex they have had and its disgusting
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We need to go back in time!
4'9" is the very fringe of acceptable, but even then, probably not.
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I got nothing to offer today, sorry atoga.
Tbf I still see plenty of gals walking about in crop tops and booty shorts like this
Hot girl summer is starting
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I think that's per year per total population multiplied by 1000
unironically yes
what are some reasons a woman would be mad at you but doesn't want to admit it, even though its really obvious...
That's OK, neither do I
Yes, I’d fold her in half and completely dominate her
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data in pic and >>31504018 from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/dvs/marriage-divorce/national-marriage-divorce-rates-00-21.pdf

data in >>31504000 >>31503981 from https://divorce.com/blog/divorce-rates-in-the-world/
she found the gay porn
it's aight, I'm entertaining myself with twitter today.
What I do miss about this era though is the short hair fashion. Bring short hair back!
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is it possible to massage the ovaries through the abdomen? that would be really hot
It's over, bro...
Also the one closest to the camera is a babe
I drank a beer just so I could fall asleep faster, but got distracted by trolls in this thread
I seriously need to reconsider my life but I haven't been able to...
hip to waist ratio
Are there websites that show popular papers? Like image a typical website that shows you trending or popular topics, but its actual academic papers instead?
Bro been watching too much x-ray hentai
>got distracted by trolls in this thread
Paying the troll toll I see...
I want a beer but it's 8am
of course, how could I be so blind
Maybe haha she has a fantastic physique
But really I just think she has the prettiest face
ah, yeah, she looks very "of the era", like a movie star face
there's instapaper.
i also like the 2-minute papers youtube channel
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but like her figure tho
That would be incredibly useless and weird. Might as well roll your balls between my fingers like dice.
She puts the booty in booty shorts
Crazy to think at the time they probably didn't realise they were taking such an iconic photo
>"sexual incompatibility" not even on the list as relevant
Imagine my shock

The divorce rates for the states are the raw rates, as in, divorces/1000 population.

MA and IL also have very low marriage rates(46th and 48th place, respectively), which explains some but not all of the lower divorce numbers. Also, from the CDC's data, Louisiana has the lowest marriage and divorce rates. 3.7 marriages and .7 divorces.
>Paying the troll toll I see...
yeah, I'm a retard
>be me, within this range
>no disability due to it
god I wish I was smaller I want to asian babygirl fairymaxx
Dw I do the same shit all the time
Hell I've just pulled an all-nighter
busy jacking off?
>within this range
If you are 4'9" or below you are already a little babygirl built for upsies and throwing around the bedroom
That sounds like it could feel good yes
NTA but this reminds me I'm so un-flexible lol
The biggest blackpill is that there's some unquantifiable charm to call it in some way which is what really governs whether you have success with women or not. I can't explain it otherwise, I look at other men and I see guys that are uglier than me, do not have jobs, have less education, do not have hobbies beyond videogames and they all date just fine. I don't mean this is in a "I am such a catch, women only want assholes" way, I just mean I'm a reasonably average guy. But they most likely are charming and fun to be around and I'm simply not, and I have no idea how to fix that because that's just how my personality is.
I only jacked off once actually
Busy doing WFH and making techno
what do you mean by goes to such lengths with infatuation
I have a photo album just of him in my phone now

>See a cute girl
>Day ruined
It never ends
That's cute, would you wear a fairy costume? Would you want to have tea parties and cast spells and stuff?
Envy people that can make music
I don't got that rhythm, everything I do sounds like shit, lol
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>Might as well roll your balls between my fingers like dice
>Envy people that can make music
I mean anyone can make techno anon (making good stuff is hard though)
Got anything you can share? I'm sure it's not as bad as you say
>Got anything you can share? I'm sure it's not as bad as you say
Nope, lol
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Idk I like seeing sexy girls, maybe I'm just a coomer
The other day when it was boiling hot I saw two highschool(?) girls walking past basically dressed like picrel
if something is predictable, the date is july 8th
I'd have to research whether it would impact my fertility, but if it doesn't then probably at least five.
What did you whack it to
Has anyone managed to date/make friends in their 30s? Interested mostly in men's experiences.
I don't understand why women want me to kill myself, but it's the only explanation for their behavior.
try jestermaxxing
No, 30+ is impossible mode for those things.
what is upsies? i can't be thrown around too harshly I want to be treated like a little princess too maybe..

for the fairy part yes but probably a mash up of my heritages' versions of them or independently, I would like to incorporate historical costume and eastern dragons, very elegant and pretty
I love you
what do you mean deep
I mean you're "down bad" for him, as the hip kids say
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be honest, bro.
I fapped to sissy cuck porn
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>what is upsies?
When I pick you up and carry you up the stairs if you're sleepy
>can't be thrown around too harshly
Dw I will put a fragile sticker on you jk
>historical costume and eastern dragons
Now that sounds interesting and more fu than just basic costumes etc.
England lel
As soon as we have a ""heatwave"" all the chavvy girls start barely wearing anything, it's great
gimme a link
A link to what, the episode lol?
Come on, don't tell me you whacked it to a non-r34 episode of the show.
Jestermaxxing is the key. Just laugh. Women mirror you.
Sometimes you're just in a more vanilla mood brah
If you want to gooon that much just go on paheal
Bro is gonna become Joker and start laughing maniacally
Learned helplessness
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As autists are want to do.
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This photo is definitely edited, right?
Ye lmao
Honestly don't see the appeal of shit like this
How does it feel knowing my dick is more than 10 percent of your height
>shit like this
What, black girls?
Well that and this mega nuclear over the top exaggerated shit
Does a full 180 and becomes unsexy again
>tfw no babygirl gf
life is a cruel mistress
You should get more flexible so you don’t get broken by a guy going rough
What's wrong with black girls?
They are sexy.
I wanna stalk him but I don't know how...
They look ugly
Wow, wtf.
Actually rude.
Am I insane or does German sometimes sounds like English?
Start with googling his name to find any info that will lead you to an address
I'm a pro at this baby
I mean English is a Germanic language so
Problem is that I don't know his name....
You're thinking of Dutch, the fake language.
Don't care
I will literally never find them attractive. They look closer to beasts than people.
I love black babes but that OP pic just looks uncanny like it's edited
She's very pretty tho
State gender
Thoughts on dry humping?
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Probably more enjoyable for women than it is for men
Then learn it. Better get to it sweetheart, he ain't gonna dox himself
Dutch mentioned!
I wish I was funny but trying to be funny without charm seems like a bad idea
Well I'd like to help myself but I don't know what to do. I've done the whole start lifting go outside talk to people thing and still no dice
>I wish I was funny but trying to be funny without charm seems like a bad idea
What does that even mean? Treat it like a game, who can crack first? Humour begets charm.
How do shy, anxious, socially inexperienced, and justifiably self conscious people go to the gym?
yes i am
how can successfully keep this man coming back forever
At night.
Home gym
late reply, but thanks!
ooh, I was gonna say that there's no 24 hour gym near me, but apparently there is.
That's what I do, as a shy, anxious, socially inexperienced, and justifiably self conscious people.
women would you swim in cum for $1billions?
I've never been to a gym before...
You can see the ground warped near her hips. But yes not even very curvy women have hips wider than their shoulders
It’s no big deal. The first time is the hardest but at night there’s no one there. You’ll feel really good when you get into a rhythm and start to see your body change. And it makes your brain happier.
Hot to me, I want to dry hump a girl in cute little shorts or something and cum all over them
Not very well...
I found it easier to go at night or just do workouts at home
I mean we've all cringed when someone who wasn't funny made a joke that didn't land and didn't know how to deal with it
I need to fuck a girls mouth
Yeah, but I'm fat as fuck though.
I bet they'll try to shill me courses and sessions with personal coaches, thinking about it already terrifies me.
thats not a question for the opposite gender...
It doesn’t matter if you’re fat as fuck, honestly. Don’t try to psyche yourself out with stuff you don’t even know the surety of. That’s just your bad voice babbling at you to keep feeling like shit. Ignore it. Take that first step and you will feel amazing.
I know you're right
but I'm gonna run away, this time.
I think I'll set a personal weight loss goal of 10 kg, before I try going to the gym, no point in wasting money if I don't even have the will power to nail down a routine first.
But thanks for taking the time to answer my shit
Eh, if you keep running you won’t find happiness. Trust me, I know. But I get it. Hopefully you find the self love inside you to do what you want to do. I believe in you.
yea, i kno
Why can't I just cry
You're dehydrated sweaty
time to up the water intake
Will a Dr Pepper suffice
only water will.
Yeah, I can guess what most easy german words mean just by knowing english and I'm italian
Some words are genuine salads though, it's ridiculous
If you insist
How long until I can cry after I drink water
Half an hour to a day
Hopefully sooner rather than later. These sad anime scenes aren't helpful.
That applies to nearly all relationships, platonic, professional, romantic. Some people are likeable, even lovable. Self-conscious and withdrawn people are often not.
The sole outlier is male sexual choice which disregards everything that applies to the rest of interpersonal interaction in favor of selecting a partner who is simply young and attractive.
When will I get to fuck a girl’s mouth?
The internet will have you believe that everyone lies and cheats
Lmao social media is so bad rn
The internet brings out the worst in people.
Social media is trash, I wouldn't use it beyond talking to IRL friends and putting out content/following particular creators desu
Sometimes I will doom scroll and see all of these videos and next thing I know I’m like damn maybe my gf is cheating and I have to pull back and be like wait a second lmao
Yeah that's why I deleted it all awhile ago. It's a bit sad, though. It's kinda required for some socialization.
I have an IG but I never post
My gf also has one but she’s the same way
But my ex really did lie and cheat and the guys I tried to date after him also lied and cheated
IG is the bare minimum yeah. I deleted mine, idek when or why. Probably for my ex, she hated social media.
Sorry that happened.
Yeah my ex cheated too.
I am now in a relationship with someone who seems way more solid and stable and I am not used to at all and my insecurities cause me to over think quite a bit
It’s weird man
>Probably for my ex, she hated social media
Where do you even meet people like this
Most girls I dated were constantly on Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok etc. meanwhile I don't use social media at all (besides 4chan) lol
I met her through a /soc/ discord.
>I EXCLUSIVELY date douchebags
>they cheat and lie
>whyyyy does this keep happening to me? :(
Why not just kiss her mouth instead like a normal person
Genuinely. I don't think cults like inceldom could exist without the unique dynamics of the internet. Hell even weird fucking cults back in the 90s like Heaven's Gate were web developers and recruited people online
I'd rather die.
>I don't think cults like inceldom could exist without the unique dynamics of the internet.
I agree. It would be very, very hard to create such a bubble around yourself. Real cults usually spawned in a town and moved around from there. A lot of the fractured nature of internet subcultures allows for cults to arise very easily.
>met through 4chan
Okay that's fair enough lol
I will kiss her too
only if it was all provided by guys I find attractive- then it would be gettin paid to enjoy myself baby
It's very rare. Not really worth chasing a girl through 4chan. Even if some of them are lovely, there's a reason people are here, and it's not because they're mentally stable.
>Not really worth chasing a girl through 4chan
I wasn't planning to lel
poor Rainbow Dash did it for free.....
Good, cuz I'll never LDR ever again. Not worth it.
I think you'd need to pay the men that $1 billion for producing enough coom to fill a pool
NTA, I wonder what would help them to achieve that
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you vs the girl he tells you not to worry about... the virgin refuser vs the chad cumswimmer...
Konata would ""accidentally"" knock Kagami into the pool
we're gonna need a lot of zinc and probably a lot of fruit
I regret pulling an all-nighter because now I'm horny
How are those correlated?
Women, where are you?
I'm in a serious need of a 10cc dose of love..
We'd need to figure out the quantity of coom we need the woman to swim in, the amount of men it takes to achieve that, and we'll need female assistants for each man, we'd need to optimize their diets for like a week prior
i'm c- chad! woah..
I'm not a scientist but I'm pretty sure there's a connection, at least for me
You're Chadette
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how do I overcome the desire to have been born a thousand years ago as a medieval vagabond/ barbarian. Wage slaving is boring and gay and this would have been exciting and based. Do women have similar autistic desires?

Is it normal for my Myers-Briggs result to change as I get older? I take the free quizzes online.
Apparently. But the last one I took gave me the same one I got when I first took it so, idk.
Your MBTI type does not change. The tests and online quizzes do not exist to dictate to you what type you are, they aren't that accurate because they are measuring your behavior and NOT the cognitive functions. They're there to, guide you as to what type you are.
If you want to understand MBTI, you need to study the 8 cognitive functions.
who woulda thunk it
I'm just grateful there are women out there who are so disgustingly foul in their preferences that they can distract the equally gross and cum-obsessed men. That way I can find decent guys who don't want me to gargle their jizz to somehow prove I love them.
Yeah they cancel out and the rest of us that are slightly mentally ill can come together.
Exactly. I want a freaky guy, but not one obsessed with his excretions.
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Quite. I would like a switch gf who I can overpower, not a fujoshi coomer. We'll get ours, I'm sure.
Deep inside JH knows she cannot compete with cum-loving women
If a guy seems enough of a "catch" then women invariably end up intoxicating in his jizz. If they didn't seize the opportunity, someone else would (possibly a more attractive and smarter woman, in which case it's game over).
I don't need to compete with them. I can use their faces as a receptacle for the stuff during sex. I'm happy, the guy is happy, and the stupid cumsucker is happy. Everyone wins.
it's not obsession, we just don't want to feel the shame of nutting into a tissue when we have a girlfriend
You're confusing it. It's the cock smell that becomes intoxicating, not the jizz.
It's not shameful to be hygienic and clean about sex with the person you love.
It probably shouldn't change drastically but I think it's only natural that it changes a bit
I always used to get INFJ, maybe the impulsiveness from the P is just my mental illness lel
Maybe someday.
>It's not shameful to be hygienic and clean about sex with the person you love.
If you're afraid to embrace the fluids and wetness of sex then you will never make it
>It's the cock smell that becomes intoxicating
real girls are into ball smell as well
hey bud don't call me stupid
Women have a lot of ways to reveal that they are willing to share attractive men with each other. This is one of them.
I choose to believe that that I'll find the perfect woman. I think it's possible.
>tfw no gf to huff my ball smell before a shower
Honesty not to toot my own horn but it's pretty good
You will never be an ENTJ we are the rarest type for a reason seethe uncontrollably bitch haha
I like the grossness of sex in every way except the stupid goo. Don't pretend like it's universally critical to want to suck it up off the floor or something.
Also cock smell obvs includes huffing balls. That should be a given.
Oh fuck you could read my post with all that jizz in your eyes? Sorry then, my bad. You're not stupid.
Why is that your takeaway from my post?
I think perfection isn't reasonable. I do think you can find someone who makes you happy and shares your life goals for sure, though.
I thought INFJ was more rare? But only by a bit
Do the balls need to be shaved, or trimmed?
>tfw no bf to tonguebathe his balls after he comes home from a walk
Scissor trimmed to the skin is fine. Of course shaved would be most convenient, but I understand it's a lot of work.
>I think perfection isn't reasonable.
When I say perfection, I mean to me. Someone I can love for their flaws, not in spite of them. It's not "perfect", but perfect for me, you know? But I'm also a bleeding heart.
>tfw no gf to huff my ball smell before a shower
>>tfw no bf to tonguebathe his balls after he comes home from a walk
god god lord in heaven above i need this
>Scissor trimmed to the skin is fine. Of course shaved would be most convenient,
I have no idea what trimmed hair down there would look like. Wouldn't it look weird?
I wanna try having smooth balls but I'm scared of sharp objects down there.
Sounds wonderful. I understand everyone has varying degrees of wants and needs, so it's hard to judge how realistic it is to want perfection by any metric, but I do hope you find someone you're happy together with. Even if that includes cumming on her.
Thanks. I'd just like someone that I can be myself with, and hopefully to marry and have a family. One day I'll have a daughter named Rose.
>Why is that your takeaway from my post?
Every day it's possible to learn more about what it means to be a 'decent guy'. Here's the quick rundown: he's a player who can get multiple women on his cock at the same time.
It's more about practicality than looks. Balls end up looking like a porcupine, but at least the hair isn't so long that it gets stuck between my teeth or something when I get up in there. Same thing with eating out a woman. The shorter the better for oral, even if it looks half-assed.
How about a son named Isaac, also?
I wouldn't say that's especially "decent" at all.
>How about a son named Isaac, also?
I'm not picky on boy names. As long as I have a daughter named Rose, I'd be fine with my wife picking the boy names. Isaac is nice.
I must err on the side of beauty rather than practicality
Smooth balls it is!
wish I was a lighthouse keeper
>be late 20s
>playing an old online game
>meet a girl
>says she's a social worker
>I assume early/mid 20s from that kind of job
>chat for a bit but she says she might not come back onto the game again
>oh well, goodbye
>about a week later see them again
>we chat sharing music and movie interests
>we both like cheesy songs
>we eventually listen to music together and stream a movie
>find out she made up that persona about being a social worker
>she's actually 18
>I kind of mentally skim over it, after learning more about her just reminds me of how I was at that age
>eventually become uncomfortable with the whole situation and civilly discontinue hanging out online

Is this weird? At first I thought she was an employed 20 something... find out she's actually 18, everything is civil online but it does not look good when I finally thought about it. Thoughts, Fs
NTA, but masturbating to actual porn is for casuals
So the situation is already resolved? Why even post about it? You want some good boy points or what? Or is this some kind of rage bait for the pedos?
Your post feels weirdly charged. Probably not an F, either
>tonguebathe his balls
Okay that's hot
You don't think they're gross and sweaty though?
Fr that would be a sigma job if ever there was one
Someone who gets it
>daughter named Rose
I assume you live in the US in which you're prolly fine. In bongland only grandmas and posh birds are called Rose lol
Because i do not get the point of it. What even is your question? You want green light to go back and fuck her pussy or what?
can you read or
Nah I'm not American.
Yeah i can. Your question is wether that was weird. No it is not weird to not accurately guess someones age online. No it is not weird to end contact when you find out they are too young. What is weird is you making posts about it for whatever reason.
Whereabouts then?
>Is this weird?
NAG but people lie to say they're older online all the time, did you never do that when you were younger?
Canada. I guess it's basically American, but not really.
I'm in my 30s and I can still cum 3-4 times a day just fine. It's a fucking crime that I don't have a similarly horny gf to share these things with, I even have a comfy big bed.
There are very few people with truly unlikable personalities but they do exist, and pretending people can just change their personality is cope anyway.
Holy shit I thought I was the only man who knows how good at sex I am and how angry I am about not having a girlfriend to share it with.
I know that feel brother.
>You don't think they're gross and sweaty though?
That's kind of the turn on. Assuming he has good hygiene, it's always going to be the hot kind of gross after he works up a sweat.
>he doesn't understand the power of your lover's sweat
State gender
What pushes you forward in life? What are your dreams?
Tomato tomato for me across the pond
>even have a comfy big bed
Can I take a nap in there bro...
I mean I also fantasise about sniffing a girl's armpits after a workout like a degenerate so I get the gist of it
>What pushes you forward in life?
Being able to afford a 4-pack of beer at the end of the day
F. I am going to have a baby someday. Everything I do is in pursuit of that dream. And I won't give up until I'm physically incapable of having one.
nothing degenerate about it
>who knows how good at sex I am
You've had sex before?
I mean, that's subjective...
You're right though it should be natural
>sniffing a girl's armpits
But my armpits don't smell like anything if I shower regularly.
No no I want to sniff them after you've had a workout or been running errands in the summer heat and are all hot and stinky hnnnngh
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Ugh tonight's pub night and I want to rizz the barmaid but I'm flagging hard from this all-nighter (didn't sleep much the night before either), keep dozing off as I'm working
Should I just sack it off and stay in to snooze when everyone goes out? I'm worried about falling asleep at the pub at like 6pm lol
I hope that one day my life will be better, so I cant hit the rope just yet, even though the deadline for that is long overdue.
Like I said, even after I come in after mowing the lawn for two hours, I don't have any BO. Just soaked in sweat and smell like grass clippings.
>soaked in sweat and smell like grass clippings
I'll take it (I am allergic to grass clippings though)
Stay home and hornypost. We deserve you more than some barsluts.
Chad shit
>tfw no allergic bf who can shower with me and give me the sniff test afterwards to make sure I'm not still covered in grass
>using your boyfriend as a dog
You will never beat the allegations
I'm more of a horse girl, but I see what you're saying. I'd be sure to return the favor so we're just both weird.
I always wanted to be a sniffer dog in another life
Is it tho
>We deserve you more than some barsluts.
>Is it tho
flirting with JH right after saying you're gonna hit on barmaids is top chad shit
>flirting with JH
When did I do that
Why does sniffing have to be a dog thing? If you're going to go there, I'm going to start making knot jokes.
Also good thing you're staying. Shows you know where your allegiances are.
>talking about sex stuff ITT is now flirting
I always figured it was an advanced form of masturbation
>I'm going to start making knot jokes
You just know...
>good thing you're staying
I haven't promised anything yet
I would nap now on the sofa but my sister's bf has been playing vidya on the TV since yesterday morning lol and said I could kick him out of the room whenever but I don't want to throw off his groove
Hey, all I know is that the toys feel neat.
And do whatever you want, as long as you come back in one piece.
What kind of toys are we talking about here...
>as long as you come back in one piece
OK I'll try not to get mauled by wolves on the way back
Why do boys bully girls?
it's just him
state gender.

F. have you ever dated someone with DID and what was it like? Guy I want to date has it and some of them are leaving him now so I am hoping he is okay.
Because they cute when they get mad
The knotted ones, of course. And wolves don't bother you unless you bother them.
>The knotted ones, of course
Still don't follow
>wolves don't bother you unless you bother them
Duly noted, I won't howl at the moon
>Still don't follow
I won't be baited into posting a dog dildo and getting a day ban again. I'm not that stupid.
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He has multiple personalities?
What do you mean they are leaving him?
Based BD enjoyer, I wanna get into them so badly...
Nothing pushes, time moves on regardless of how any of us feel about it.
To have dreams is to open yourself up to disappointment.
They're okay. Good quality and packaging, but holy shit they're big. Like I can only realistically use the small ones for anything penetrative. Got a large one just for the collection and it's fucking crazy. I'm a toy expert and I still don't see how they could be fun to use.
Quite a depressing mindset, if I may say so.
If you expect to enjoy life you're going to be disappointed. If you grit your teeth and bear it occasionally you're pleasantly surprised.
I disagree. Even though my life has been hard, and yours too, I refuse to not believe in a beautiful, kind world.
State sex.
What is one thing you wish more of the opposite sex would learn.
No not "humility, kindness, humanity" those are not answers you sexist.
Anyway M
from what he's told me yea. like they are going dormant/silent and I recently watched a video saying having this diagnosis helps deal with things that have happened so I'm asking for advice and experience from other anons

if any anons have this feel free to express your experiences too
So you believe a lie? Some things are beautiful and some people are kind but expecting that from everyone and everything sets you up for disappointment.
Pride. Not enough women take pride in their femininity. They just sell it, or are ashamed, or use it. They don't feel truly proud of womanhood.
>Some things are beautiful and some people are kind but expecting that from everyone and everything sets you up for disappointment.
It's not that I believe everyone is like that. In fact, I believe that the dark aspects add to the beauty. The terrible experiences make the beautiful ones more sharp. I just choose to view the world as framed by the beauty, not the pain. It's not a lie, in my opinion.
I would like if more of them took an interest in color theory
I'm only proud of things I accomplished. I didn't do anything to achieve my feminity that would be like being proud of my eye color. Kinda silly.
That's a cope and we both know it buddy. Genocide doesn't make flowers smell nicer.
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She got that DAWG in her
Wait are you gay?
>To have dreams is to open yourself up to disappointment.
Brutal pov
>I didn't do anything to achieve my feminity that would be like being proud of my eye color. Kinda silly.
I suppose. Not really what I meant, though. I'm not equivocating it to race or whatever. It's moreso pride in the fact that you are who you are. You are a woman. Desired. Cherished. The mother. All that jazz.
>That's a cope
What's wrong with a cope? Isn't pressing your face straight into shit also a cope?
>What is one thing you wish more of the opposite sex would learn
The lore of Bionicles
JH already got that one covered
F. Cutting their fucking nails.
I actually think it's based on a werewolf, but close enough.
>Desired. Cherished. The mother.
Weird take. Being sexually desired isn't anything to be proud about I could have a shoe for a face and men would still want to fuck me. I'm not currently being cherished so I won't speak to that. And being able to bear children is a feature of my anatomy not something I did like I was saying before. Nothing to be prideful about.

The cope is an issue if it allows bad things to blindsided you because you keep giving people and things "the benefit of the doubt".
What happens if your dad walks in the room while you're riding a horse cock or something
It took a lot of practice. It's genuinely an art. A stupid one, but still art.
>It's genuinely an art
More like a fart
Jk it's pretty cool
>shoe for a face and men would still want to fuck me
Footfacey is hot tbf
>actually think it's based on a werewolf
Dildo aura AWOOOOOO
He learned a long time ago that he better knock before going into my room. Not that he has even bothered to go to that side of the house in years.
>Not that he has even bothered to go to that side of the house in years
Do you have a big house or something
No. He's just very sedentary. The hallway with my room isn't directly next to the kitchen or his room with his bathroom, so he has no reason to go there. Not like he talks to me or anything. He just sits in his chair all day.
How do I find a hot bpd hoe gf? I want to be abused
What if he hears it, or worst, smells it
Dunno, Tweetney(?) makes them work somehow, I think it's more of a mental thing anyway, where you're supposed to imagine getting your insides rearranged by it.

>Wait are you gay?
No, I just enjoy different kinds of pleasures I can get from my body. Anal feels nice when in the correct mindset, but I will never ever be fucked by an actual penis, it's disgusting.
Your weird fetishes are showing.
Thinking of visiting prostitute again. Talk me out of it
Hears is probs normal. Who the fuck cares? He has headphones. Idk why you think smells go through walls that much, though.
I mean I can force a big one in me eventually, but it's not fun at all. It's a chore at best and painful torture at worst. The big ones are always sort of soft so they end up compressing if you force them, which is both unsatisfying and uncomfortable.
>Idk why you think smells go through walls that much
everyone recognizes pussy stank
Don't do it. Send me the money for my sybian fund instead.
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Okay, is this one edited?
Potentially, photo editing has come very far but so has nutrition and surgeries.
My door is closed and I have good hygiene and cleanliness. Nobody is smelling when I schlick. It's not like moids who jerk off and wipe their dicks on their pillowcases so their rooms reek of jizz for a week.
Will you suck my cock for it?
Probably surgery.
I can only assume it is but don't see any obvious mistakes.
No, but I'll put positive thoughts on my vision board for you.
If its real, who is this for? Who likes this? This is unnatural, uncanny and repulsive.
i cant tell if youre specifically writing about me or if i have overshared on this website enough that you perceive it as an archetype
Like what? There is nothing to be positive about
Why do you hate black people?
dropped into a bowl my first day at a skate park ever and had like twenty dudes cheering loudly because i didn't eat shit
Good health, success in school/work/romance/life in general, etc. Good vibes can do good work.
Can't help you. Never even met someone with DID.
Sorry, don't even know what that is.
I don't even know what DID is
people into body modification
I have thought about getting my ears pointed to accuntuate my elvish/fairy features
Get scammed, you put the thoughts already without receiving the money. I will spend it to get some std ridden pussy
I can put out more. I don't think paying for sex will make you feel better.
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Nobody hates black girls
Nta but paying for sex will definitely make you feel way better, especially if you cuddle
this is a ridiculously autistic answer but:
if it's a pool of semen that a bunch of strangers jerked off into, no. but if somehow you could magically summon all of the semen at once from a single source, i actively would want to do it.
some sort of do but it really is just about how the individual treats others, we all have to work on not being the bad influence of society and falling through the cracks
Maybe it was one of your posts that showed me the possibilities? Either way, thank you for existing.
i daydream about being a dwarf and going mining and killing orcs and dragons with my dwarf brothers who will never abandon me
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Having a drink to calm your nerves because you woke up too early doesn't count against you, right?
I won't count it if you don't count the bowl I'm currently smoking
can I be shrunk like a fairy and it be from a guy I like/find attractive/am dating?
if so yes especially if he consents
i've been miserable for a long time and i would like to be loved at least once before i die
youre welcome
The slim chance that I get a gf one day
Various creative endeavors
>to be loved at least once
Were you not asked out?
it's even veiny too
Canada is just America's twink little brother
>i want chad
I always hated the idea of mixed race kids but holy fuck.
Are you trolling?
I would fill that cleavage with semen
Since you know your limits, how do you decide what sizes of toys to go for? Always in the comfort zone, a little bit bigger so that it's easier to handle?
Also, have you ever tried poppers or weed when using the toys? This is very high on my bucket list, but I'm still looking for other people's experiences regarding this.
...no. are you?
Not her but I have been asked out one time in the past 4 years. If she doesn't go out much and is average or below it's entirely possible she's never been asked out.
What if the girl you like is a bit slutty?
It's not like she talks about guys and sucking dicks. She's actually very shy in that regard, but she dresses provocatively and is very outgoing.

I'm a guy too but so is everyone else here.
>but she dresses provocatively and is very outgoing
I wouldn't like her then.
a gf with a low bodycount but who dresses slutty is ideal
This is an anime character
What's a club promoter?
I wouldn’t mind it. I don’t really care what she does as long as she doesn’t cheat.
Nothing wrong with being confident in your body, as long as you realize that there are men who will see provocative dresses as an invitation for things.
>but she dresses provocatively
I hope she's open to suggestions.
As long as those men understand that attempting to act on what they imagine is an implied invitation is likely to get them removed from the bar we're in or pepper sprayed if they can't mind their manners.

You should smile more.
subhumans like this are why we can't have good things
madona/whore complex strikes again
I smile almost every time I make eye contact with a stranger.

Let me be clear I wasn't complaining about only being asked out once in four years.
that's like the opposite of the madonna/whore complex
this >>31504728
is closer to a madonna/whore complex
NTA but if anon is affected by the Madonna/whore complex then he's going to say that the provocative girl is only for sex and that he cannot marry such a person.
I just fell asleep for a few winks on the garden chair outside though while having a beer and a cig lol
>she dresses provocatively and is very outgoing
I love girls like this so
Someone who gets paid to promote nightclub events and bring more people to the club, they can often give you discounts or put you on the guestlist or whatever
They're usually extroverted Stacy party girls who know everyone. I was sorta friends with one and we got VIP a few times with free bevs behind the booth
One time I was driving and there was 3 girls in bikinis advertising something and they looked at me and I gave them a thumbs up and a smile and they giggled and waved. Am I a chad?
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Among countless others
"Provocative girl that's actually a bashful virgin" is a foundational character archetype over there
Virgin gyaru...
What's the appeal? Everyone else can see her too.
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That does sound like a chad moment lol
...We're so back...
I did actually go out with one girl like this who later on confessed she was a virgin while we went out. Honestly I imagined she had been with several guys cause she dressed slutty and liked partying etc. You never know really
Some would say a Qt moment.
date I was looking forward to got moved to weeks later (she works a lot)
cant help but feel she isnt that into me but I was wrong about this once with a girl who moved a date much later and we ended up in a relationship anyway

i guess im just tired of waiting
i got nothing else going on either
he said he needs to take some time to process stuff in his life

is this a rejection or am I reading into it too much
>Everyone else can see her too
Ye but they're not with her lol
Well I don't drive for one...
Eh yeah she could genuinely be busy busy or she could be blowing you off. Obvs don't cancel but don't hold out just for her either
So? It's not like they get to fuck her.
Confidence is sexy and so is a girl who likes to show off.
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Would you date him?
Sounds like one to me
Is art or nature less beautiful because others can view it too?
>is this a rejection or am I reading into it too much
Did he say yes?
>am I reading into it too much
Probably this
Anon honestly, to be blunt, it sounds like you have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with this guy who is kinda using you/being emotionally manipulative and just not really making an effort or in a good place to be in a relationship. I know you like him and have good intentions at heart but it's not going anywhere, you don't have to ghost him completely but you would really be better off if you cut your losses and focused your energy and loving nature elsewhere, to more fruitful pastures so 2 speak
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Madonna/whore is when you want to have kinky, dirty sex but not with your "pure" gf since it would "ruin" her
I do see a lot of guys on here talk about girls they'd fuck but not date/marry and yeah personally to me that's messed up. I can't separate the two and I love party girls. Issue is they usually don't want anything serious....
Idk, she's right and wrong. Men drive the demand but there's nothing forcing girls to be hoes.
>i'm not responsible for my behavior, here's why
I tire of accountability hot-potato
Yes but she's "mine"
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the prospect of enduring a staff meeting this morning is driving me to contemplate suicide
Online maybe. Can't say I've ever run into this issue irl.
the problem here is that "men" aren't a monolith here
the guys wanting pure virgin waifus aren't the guys going out to parties
I didn't do shit, lol
This is just another case of not being able to comprehend that there are people in this world that want entirely different things
I mean, it's clear the moment they used "men"
I go for toys within a reasonable range of what I enjoy. I also take into account the material, since how firm or flexible it is matters a lot. Also certain toys that won't be used for more than just holding/sitting on can afford to be a bit bigger since I can find a comfortable position for them where the stretch isn't too much.
I don't do drugs in general, though I've schlicked while drinking. It always ends badly. Usually it's just me scratching myself, but I've fallen on toys, too. It's never ever worth it. Good masturbation takes focus.
Sometimes, yeah. Generally I've found the guys that want a pure virgin waifu are either shut ins or degenerates, no in between. Both are insecure af.
Come on now, no need to go around insulting them just because you weren't what they wanted.
Men who go for party girls don't want anything serious with them, what's new here?
Huh? I've had pure virgin waifus. I've taken 2 girls virginites. They weren't what I wanted, it's what I thought I wanted.
>a small percentage of men are doing this and that highly-desirable-man-activity
>therefore, I'm going to generalize based on them as the other ones don't even exist anyway
Ime it's mostly schizos. Guys who clearly have some mental issue because no one normal talks about it, they just let their opinions influence their selections. Silently.
If he goes around telling people he needs a pure virgin waifu he's a creep. If he keeps his preferences to himself and would break up with a woman for having any sort of body count that's his prerogative and none of my business.
This discourse is always crazy to me
cause you can tell some people always feels some sense of superiority over how they choose their partners, and it's just creepy as fuck
Women, what would you do to get bigger boobs?

Men, what would you do to get an extra inch? (Also, don't reply if you aren't going to play)
I would hate my life because I'm already big.
i want a virgin gf because I'm a virgin and I'm scared of STDs
>Men, what would you do to get an extra inch?
It wouldn't change anything.
Bigger? Nothing. If I could make them perkier we can talk though.
use strange dickmaxxing herbs, angion method
I want a virgin bf
Go do 100 pushups so you can be less of a faggot
Yes really
I'm sorry you're insecure about your cock size.
yes to what?
we were talking about the stuff going on in his life for context, and for some if it he doesn't know how to explain certain mental health issues to me or even himself that he is having. so I floated a meek "let me know if I am asking too much" like a walking eggshells thing, and said it was like that with my exes and that's what he said :T
yeah, I have caught some feelings and I need to look more into emotional manipulation because I am very much a giver but he also hears me out too if I need to vent. it just sucks becaus i find him pretty attractive too and we have similar opinions on important things and likes/music.

I tried talking to another guy or two recently other than him the other day but they just aren't the perfect for either. kinda bummed but trying to open my horizons to other guys on tinder now sort of. i am trying to get better myself but I am a limited person since I can't drive or work which devalues me to some people
is that because you are a virgin too or are you a virgin hunter?
I don’t think it was DID but his mood changed frequently and he didn’t realize it.
Gummy teardrop implants, if I ever decided I really did need larger breasts. Maybe someday after I have children
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Nice try, but you're not gonna trick me that easily
That bad? You didn't get to flirt with the gals at all or make some nice coffee? How are your spreadsheets looking bro?
One of my favourite things about staff meetings a couple of jobs ago was seeing the top manager's butt when she presented stuff on the board, she had such a nice ass for someone in their 50s...
I was going to say something else, but instead I'm just going to say that you need to learn to respect yourself more.
Men have never done this, Chad did because Chad likes slutty women to pump and dump, they gave in and fucked him and then got mad after he left, a tale as old as time.
>Men who go for party girls don't want anything serious
tfw no party girl to wife
Where u @ bb
get pregnant. i don't really want bigger boobs but it'll happen anyway.
I'm a virgin too
how did it make you feel?
yjk qt was gonna be a heartbreaker playboy chad if it wasn't for his fakecel schtick
I want an inexperienced bf who has a million fantasies he wants to live out with me since his first and only gf was a prude who didn't appreciate him the way I can.
>I am a limited person since I can't drive or work which devalues me to some people
Don't think of yourself that way, you just got a different lifestyle/needs
> I am very much a giver
I got that impression haha
>they just aren't the perfect for either. kinda bummed but trying to open my horizons to other guys on tinder
That's good too but there's no rush, take your time with it
I ate a big sandwich and I got mild brain fog from the food.
Women did this to me
are you very horny and looking for a bf to take out your horniness on?
Nah bro that's never been my deal. I was the guy writing sonic romance fanfics in primary school. I've always been a sappy cunt
NTA but that's not all it's cracked up to be. He'll develop an unhealthy obsession with you.
>I want an inexperienced bf who has a million fantasies he wants to live out with me since his first and only gf was a prude who didn't appreciate him the way I can.
This is interesting, I'd say that the key point of this fantasy is the last part "since his first and only gf was a prude"
I can't tell if this insecurity or not
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>when it settles in that you can never truly be a handsome man no matter how hard you try
Nothing in life feels as unfair as this. Nothing makes me so depressed.
No, I can control my horniness. First and foremost I want someone I can fall in love with.
yeah, so you'd sleep with a girl, and then next week it'll be like I'm sorry this isn't working out for me
Interesting, what's your ideal size?
If he was actually interested in having kids I'd have taken him off the market by now.
>I want an inexperienced bf who has a million fantasies he wants to live out with me
god i fucking need a woman like this
I don't have any prior gfs though
>I can't tell if this insecurity or not
It is, one based on appearance
so instead of winning him over with looks, it's win him over with her openness to kinky stuff
Damn this nigga isn’t handsome
anything to do with male chests like this is extremely gay and gross
Also when one party girl I dated told me she only wanted fwb I stayed in bed for a whole weekend crying on and off lol
Wtf no
>since his first and only gf was a prude
the focus on an inexperienced guy instead of a virgin is curios
I know. The fact my last ex ended up dating a woman who looks like me makes it feel like I've influenced his tastes a lot.
It was more just a silly dig at the OP. I don't know why virginity matters to her more than compatible sexual values in general.
It doesn't disgust me the way bara does
That's basically the same thing
I'm more of a crazy uncle kinda guy (my niece-to-be is a g) than a have-my-own-hellspawn kinda guy
I'm fine with bara if it's a girl that's into it
It's nice when they appreciate masculinity
Oof. My first ex married a woman who looks like me but with glasses.
It's a lot of fun. My last exbf was a virgin when we started dating. Once we got past the initial awkwardness of sex, we tried lots of things together. He even introduced me to something I never thought I'd love so much.
>you can never truly be a handsome man no matter how hard you try
What makes you say that?
Also new Lois Lane is a qttt
Bara is like 4-5x more gay than that image
>implying you'd have a choice if we were dating
How strong are you?
I want to get my bf a gift certificate to this RMT clinic for his birthday, where he can go for some proper massages and even chiropractic treatments if he wants, because his back gets sore and he's been talking about going for ages but never does. Does getting him the gift certificate seem controlling, like I'm mothering him in a bad way and telling him what to do? I'm also worried he might be annoyed that it would be a waste of money because his insurance would otherwise cover it. Is it a dumb idea for a present?
And that is Ex’s name was Albert Einstein
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Mentally or physically?
Not very in either desu, you could probably henpeck me into having a kid
Wad da bombaclat
>other anons: JH ur so pretty n perfect pls merry me i luvz u so much
>JH: ...
>qt MAP: JH, you stupid fucking violent monkey thief *n word*
>JH: omgz he cute frfr i luv u too
what were you going to say?
thanks, I'm not really trying to rush I nerd time to recharge, but I'm just passively matching with guys for now until I get the energy to go meet someone for coffee or something. maybe in a month or more? I'm not getting any younger and it would be nice to find the right guy but seems pretty rare and unlikely
You're talking like they're totally different things.
No it's a super cute idea for a prezzie, I would go for it
One of my friends got her bf a spa day thing for a present lol and he enjoyed it
I wish they'd just fuck already, this romance subplot needs a conclusion sometime.
How can I find a guy who can match my freak?
>what were you going to say?
I forgot. :P
My worst fear is dating a woman who is a prude or having to fear asking what I want to try in the bedroom. That sounds amazing.
>>qt MAP: JH, you stupid fucking violent monkey thief *n word*
Bro is literally schizophrenic
>I nerd time to recharge
Ok nerd
> just passively matching with guys for now until I get the energy to go meet someone for coffee or something
Yeah that's a good idea, might help take your mind off it a bit
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Ugly face shape.
I'm used to living alone. Being a perpetual bachelor doesnt bother me, as I don't want to bother women. but knowing that I cannot be a beautiful person just hurts me
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It makes me slightly butthurt that people so inept that they need help from 4chan buying a present manage to date but I remain single. (Jokes aside I am happy for you anon if you can do it maybe there’s hope for the rest of us)
How is this fair?
Big boobed women, how do you react to guys looking at you?
Don't be afraid to show your freak.
If it wasn't 4chan I'd post pictures. This guy was obsessed with me from the age of 8 until shortly before we broke up.
>I don't know why virginity matters to her more than compatible sexual values in general.
It matters to me because I want to wait for marriage.
Qt is afraid of sex and would ruin the little self-esteem JH has left if they ever ended up in bed.
Nah, I bet they'd fix each other. Their traumas align perfectly. Your take = bad, my take = chad.
That'd be lame. Idk if you're the type of person who'd come around to it or just be resentful.
The joke is he isn't into me that way at all. Let me make him uncomfortable, it's fun.
>I wish they'd just fuck already
Can we not just get coffee or something first
Why is everything about sex with you people
>tfw you will never get pwn'd at Hatris by JH
I have no idea, maybe a couple of cups sizes larger than I am now, so a small D. I'm not sure I'd have the courage to go much bigger than that, although I might if my future husband wanted me to
They don't care because every other feature of mine is whack.
>I'm also worried he might be annoyed that it would be a waste of money because his insurance would otherwise cover it.
Get him something else. This would drive me INSANE but I would feel like an asshole for chastising you for wasting money but I would never be able to let it go.
You’d post pictures of Albert Einstein?
I don't mind if guys look, I know it's a little unusual. I just don't like when they stare. Especially if I'm trying to talk to you. In a weird way I find it kinda funny how guys react to them.
you just know they try some freak ass shit like sounding
Sexual compatibility really is important. Hate to put so much value on the fact I need a guy to make his dick available as often as possible, but it's what'd make me happiest.
>He even introduced me to something I never thought I'd love so much.
I want to ask but I think I know what it is.
If you're going to troll can you at least make it fun?
Kek, I'm thinking a stiletto in the pisshole.
Eh you can still look good even if you're bald, just shave it and wear cool hats
>he isn't into me that way at all
Oi I never said that
>Idk if you're the type of person who'd come around to it or just be resentful
I don't think I'd be resentful, I like kids (not in a MAP way like that faggot keeps saying), but... yeah my life is such a mess (though I did stack some paper today) it's just not on my radar rn
You did it to yourself dumbass
nta but you could always just get a boob lift after you have kids.
qt would definitely want his balls busted, and pegging.
This fanfic is getting too complicated.
I’m not your clown. I’m not here to entertain you.
Only time a guy told commented on my boobs was when I was in Middle School. It was my classmate and he didn't do it in a sexual way... his tone was more... accusatory? And he did it in the middle of a lesson, in front of our teacher and classmates.
I try not to react at all unless they're being weird about it.
>I need a guy to make his dick available as often as possible,
I would do whatever it takes to be ready for this
my dick would be free use
Guess I'd actually have to do alot back exercises and dress even more modestly
Yeah pegging for sure, maybe throw in "I'm sorry for being white" or vice versa.
I think JH is too short to reach anyway
These people need Jesus
I mean... life is meant to be lived eh
Bro acting like the circus though jk
How? How does that even make the slightest bit of sense? That’s preposterous frankly speaking
That's a crazy image.
>JH: qt, why aren't you hard yet? it's time for sex, let me try with my high heel, i know a trick ;)
Then she ends up making him bleed from his pee hole.
>In a weird way I find it kinda funny how guys react to them
i need a freaky gf
I guess it was more disturbing when I found out it was real. Actually I don’t think it was that frequent when I think about it now. At first, I thought he was just drunk or joking because that’s what it seemed like but he wasn’t. Sometimes he got aggressive.
Nah, JH wouldn't want that
she'd want him to make her apologize for being black.
>summer heat causes delirium in femanons, they now temporarily want a creep with weird coomer fantasies who doesn't even look good, hence all other women have avoided him
Yes you are? That is literally why I'm here. Entertainment.

Did I make you defensive for some reason? Do you date women that look like your first girlfriend?
Someone tell me who the fuck JH is before I go postal
Were you wearing something not very, um, appropriate for you size?
Reverse slavery would be pretty based desu
>Then she ends up making him bleed from his pee hole
That's going way too far brah
Someone who doesn't like jizz
Kek, that's on brand for sure. Gotta wonder what her dad would think.
i'm handsome though
Facesitting, obvs.
>Oi I never said that
>giving me even a sliver of false self satisfaction
Don't be mean.
And it's fair. I don't expect to force a guy to have a kid, despite the desperation in my shitposting.
Why do I miss him so much?
>Do you date women that look like your first girlfriend?
Do you date men that look like Albert Einstein? (Rhetorical question btw I know the answer is yes don’t bother answering)
I've actually never met a guy that was creepy about it. I guess I'm lucky in that way.
>Don't be mean
Wtf I'm being serious
That's sweet, I know some spas have couples treatments where you can go with your partner but then I wonder if most guys would just see it as one more thing they have to do to keep their gf's happy lol

I know, I'm retarded. You will meet the right person for you soon, anon
This is a little better. But Albert Einstein is such a bizarre choice. Why are you sticking with that?
Idk, you got a case of down-bad-itis?
And his name was Albert Einstein
>I don't expect to force a guy to have a kid
What would you do if you fucked while drunk one night, and a few weeks later found out you were pregnant?
>sniffing a sweaty foid's body on a hot summer day
Wait, we can look at a girl's boobs?
Jizz hater apparently? Some muttlatto or Caucasian chick that's either tall or short, she's either in nursing? Or some other job. She also is or was a lesbo. That anon probably found her nudies and went full goon rot tard and has thus become obsessed with her. He's legit trolling or she probably has a simp that does this to give her attention. Simply put that anon is obsessed
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I never wore revealing clothing, though I was known for wearing multiple layers, so maybe that day I wore a bit less and was genuinely surprised that I had bid boobs.
PS: captcha is pretty funny
I was told that boob guys are rare but literally everyone ITT is one.
Jesus can't save them.
Things stop being funny when I'm the butt of the joke.
fucking newfags
Ye just respectfully
The elixir of hot girl summer
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>you can still look good even if you're bald, just shave it
You know, I've seen people say this often. So I just shaved my head yesterday and I gotta say it looks even worse than my hair.
Thats kinda what put me in this .ood actually.
>I'm the butt of the joke
You did that on purpose didn't you
RIP I guess it'll grow back to how it was tho
That's fair. I think, at that point, it's less about sexual compatibility and more of a religious thing.
Of course, just don't blatantly stare. A lot of times we expect that and even want that if we have cleavage on display. It's way weirder if a guy pretends they aren't there.
>It's way weirder if a guy pretends they aren't there.
Oh no something else to be anxious about
I have to calculate the correct amount of book looking time
Nope you're a full retard that goons off to jh. Seethe cope and dilate dumbass beta cucked simp
JH bros
we lost the bowl
white boi qt won...
>that day I wore a bit less and was genuinely surprised that I had big boobs.
This is a thing yes.
So it would bug you? That's what I'm worried about, money isn't really an issue but for him it might be the principle of it idk. I'll have to give this some more thought

True, although I guess it would depend on how much there is to lift lol. I'm not sure if they can do lifts on small breasts. I'll just have to see what state my body is in when the time comes. I might want to go for a full mommy makeover, who knows
>You will meet the right person for you soon, anon
Apparently that’s WAY harder than it seems. But yeah I hope so. How does a person like you find a partner anyway? Maybe I can learn something here
not him, stupid newfag
Another W for Qtcels.
Wtf are you on about mate?
I'd happy and sad at the same time. Happy because I've finally reached that dream of being pregnant and starting a family with someone I love. Sad/worried because idk how someone would take that bombshell of a surprise, how prepared we are financially, etc. Also the idea that the beauty of conception could've been ruined by inebriation is depressing.
need gf with pretty asshole
What happened I'm so confused
nothing -cel about him
Something about this heat has made these kids get scary
Haha, don't get all autistic about it. That really depends on the situation. If I'm not looking at you and I don't have friends around me that might notice feel free to ogle.
>had two people compliment my asshole as cute
I'm so in.
What made you think he was joking, like what did he say? How did he get aggressive with you, and do you think it may have been because you didn't take him seriously? How many others did he say he had? Thanks for responding.
>simpcuckretard-fag is ITT right now
He will call you a simp cuck retard if he notices you being pleasant towards a woman. God bless him
I'm just glad I'm not well known enough to get identified on sight, even though I have a name.
Holy fuck this got me good.
but like, what would you do if he didn't want the baby?
You misunderstand
>nothing -cel about him
What did you just call me faggot
You suck at this game dude
Keep seething samefag
Any foids here actually want to get pregnant?
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I don't even have the energy to correct you here
I just lost the game
Simps and cucks from normiecord
It’s so over for him. I bet Albert Einstein would’ve crushed this game. That’s why you dated him and not anon. It’s over
I'm keeping it if that's an option health-wise, for both myself and the baby. I'd try to explain to him that we'll be alright with the baby at that point. I wouldn't be dating someone who said he doesn't want kids anytime soon.
See this guy is doing it correctly he's being insulting
So true. We did a poll on the Atoga women’s only discord server and qt narrowly beat JH by about 5 votes.
Albert Einstein got that tongue game though tbf
Can't believe we beat the Germans in the war only for them to get some W's
holy fuck I've lost the game like 5 times this year
Every single day I think about it.
suuure you did :p
lol I didn't catch that before I hit send, but it's true typo tellin on myself. XD

definitely. I guess I am also noticing maybe breadcrumbs or some other trendy word now. like he'll interact on my posts and comment on them, and he is aware of my guy friends so I wonder if in the back of his mind it's clicking that I'm actually likeable when he chines in too. overthinking but also not unheard of.

what are some green flags you can give me when dipping in the dating pool again?
>I wouldn't be dating someone who said he doesn't want kids anytime soon.
yeah, but talk is one thing
when reality of what it means to have a kid hits them, a lot of men gon bolt, that's a mountain of responsibility

also, if you're only dating men who want children, there's definitely going to be a few who will lie just to got some pussy
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>We did a poll on the Atoga women’s only discord server
What the fuck is this? Please tell me this isn't real
My ex certainly thought so.
>my Atoga husband died in Ukraine
Im an Atoga war widow
i mean nobody said gargle they said swimming in a pool of cum and obviously theyre not serious. you seem like the one with the problem.
I wish
I'm scaredof it but yes but I need big big support from the guy first always and through out my life if I am lucky to not die after posting this, for anything can happen! *surprise*
Honestly mine are already bigger than I'd personally like. Nothing.
I'm so glad that I know for a fact there's no atoga discord since I've never been invited and I've been here for years.
>what are some green flags you can give me when dipping in the dating pool again?
Umm https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/jan/28/62-dating-green-flags-that-shout-this-ones-a-keeper you got this Anon. And ye don't let him breadcrumb you and make you feel like ass
NTA but apparently Marilyn Monroe had Albert Einstein at the top of an ideal bf she list with Shelly Winters before she was famous, so you never know. Girls are more complicated than you think

Yeah, I know it can be tough out there. I'm rooting for you, anon. As for me, idk I just lucky I guess. I work pretty hard at keeping a tight lid on all my retardation irl but isn't always easy
I'm sending a psychic tracer to your brain right now.
I’ve said too much. We’re not supposed to talk about it
Men, back when you were 18, what was the best way for a 29 years old woman to pick you up?
I was never 18
I was born bald, fat, and old.
Sure, if I'm in a good position to with a guy and financially secure and all that. Seems fun.
>he doesn't know
With her car
I'm hoping this is a troll lmao
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don't make me depressed with this question again
I can't get those years back
I wouldn't fall for the lies, and I'd think the fear of leaving a kid fatherless is too intimidating to bail on me. Plus a guy who's dating me knows it'd make me very upset.
I don't want to entertain the idea of being knocked up and abandoned. I've put way too much effort into avoiding bad guys and pump and dumps to ever believe I could be a victim like that now.
Be extremely forward and don't expect him to pick up on ANYTHING, basically ask him out yourself
You're asking Chads and they don't want your wrinkly body when they have prime pussy on tap.
Why would they make a discord where they talk about and make polls about me without actually inviting me? I wouldn't join, but I would've at least expected the invitation.
why are you having polls about random people
creepy much?? touch some grass boi
Yes, very much so but I want to be married first. Hopefully someday soon
At that age I would have thought you were an old used up whore.
I would
Shut up chadfag go play with your toy cars in the other room. This is an 18+ website
We talk about you guys ALL the time when you're not around.
Why indeed...
Qt, I am not a woman. I just terrified them with "inner circle" posting for a while.
This is the hair you're deciding to split? Swimming in jizz vs gargling it? Also I take all hypotheticals seriously, that's the point.
Yeah, you're right, too much pessimism never did anybody good
I'm sure you'll be fine.
nta i'm 30 and have cute 18+ers really tryna vibe with me
me @ the discordfag meetup
He's not. It's retards that made the oh so exclusive retard atoga discord
>my biggest fantasy as a teenager: being desired, even pounced on by a woman in her twenties
>Age 25
>I have never received compliments from a woman (ignoring family)
We need to control the atoga narrative so that we can play match maker
I'm asking hypothetically
Thanks. I'm sure I'll be freaking out about the stress of not knowing how the guy who eventually knocks me up will react, but for now I'll put my energy into finding him first.
Women, ever had to turn down a guy because he was younger than you thought?
And then you shat on his dick. Lmfao
What part of women only don’t you understand?
No, I’m adopting.
dumb newfag
>I'm also worried he might be annoyed that it would be a waste of money because his insurance would otherwise cover it
How much money are we talking about to pay it out of pocket? What percentage would his insurance cover?

>money isn't really an issue but for him it might be the principle of it idk
Typically, someone who has money has it because they spend it wisely. Does he have financial goals for the future? Does he own a home? Does he have uni debt? Do you hope to get married and have kids?

If he's been wanting to do this but hasn't, it begs the question why. Is he hesitant to spend the money? Is finding a place and filling out paperwork a hassle for him? Is his schedule really full during their open hours? Is it a long drive? Is he just kinda stagnant and keeps reverting to spending his time doing what he normally does?

If it's going to be a welcome gift, you should be taking away something that's holding him back. If it would have been free via his insurance, that something needs to be non monetary. Is he the kind of guy who needs some external motivation sometimes and is grateful for a little push? There's the possibility he'd love the excuse to follow through, but there's also the possibility that he'd feel like you were nagging him.

I don't suggest this being the only gift you give him. You could go themed and get him some at-home back relief devices that he might not get himself otherwise.
It was my ex gf who ate my butt, not my last ex bf. And you interjecting your weird fetishes will never make them true.
No, I've never met a guy I was interested in who was younger than I originally thought
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I assume you guys are all trolling about this trannycord nonsense but I honestly don't have the energy for this right now
Just get a life pl0x. This is not the way
>it's the atoga puppeteers that are making me fetishize white guys and get so desperate for dick
I knew it wasn't natural.
I don't have a vision board, but I just pretended to put a pregnant Black lady on it for you, lol.
Really? Don't like the birth idea or?
we share fanart of out favorite /atoga/ posters btw
is that breadcrumbing? idk, I just threw out a random slang I heard in passing lol. like the emotional drip feed or something.

thank you for being cool. :)
So you're a bifreak?
God no. My genes should not be replicated.
I mean as far as I'm aware of the term, ye it sounds like it
You too!
OK you are definitely chatting mad shit rn
No, for real. I'm honestly a little disturbed by it myself sometimes.
Yeah does anyone have that drawing of JH crushing a frog?
Never seriously.
>anon misunderstands and underestimates visionboards so hard that he gets some random black woman somewhere in the world pregnant
Truly moids can't be trusted with that sort of power.
Christfag, will you chimp out if I say something bad about america?
God I hope I make it there someday. Atoga Nirvana.
What's wrong with your genes, anon?
so what was the poll about anyway, who is hotter?
That was gift from Elsanon and you have no right to repost it.
don’t want to do that to my body, don’t want to bring more kids into a world that discard others
>you have no right to repost it.
Nta but it's what she would've wanted
Yeh, what are you going to do about it? Cry?
splitting hairs by distinguishing between a literal swimming pool of cum and just like 1 serving of cum you're right... next time i see a teaspoon i'll squint so i don't try to go swimming in it
You got me, I'd go mad tyrannical with this stuff.
Does anyone remember when Excel anon’s spreadsheet got leaked and there was massive drama on the Atoga discord and this general for days because there was personal information on anons on that spreadsheet meaning that someone on the server was a mole leaking information?
That was crazy. All the cryptic and vague posting for days…
Once, actually. I thought he was 20 really.
tfw I'll never be good enough for the true inner circle drama.
Would you be ok getting a kid of a different race?
qt would hog all the girls anyway and the discord would be dead within days because they all migrated to his DMs
That's not your call to make.
Fuck you. It's about the willful grossness, not the volume of goo. Someone who'd literally treat it like mouthwash would probably be fine jumping into it.
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Nothing exciting just bad brains and some nasty medical predispositions. Addiction, depression, several kinds of cancer, early onset Alzheimer's....
How old was he?
I'm trying to avoid the office ladies, actually. And yeah oggling the TnA of my MILFy coworkers is always nice but I'm just not up to it today.
My spreadsheets are fire though
I don't remember it, so you're making it up. I haven't been doxxed yet, so I truly believe there's no spreadsheet.
yes, I’ll take whoever needs a home, supporting loving parents and a chance for a good life
I don't even care about getting pussy it's just utterly fascinating how much content it would churn out.
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wtf is this headcanon about me not being a total loser
namefagging has gone too far... all I wanted to do was post cute anime girls...
No I'm glad I missed that. If there was any personal info on me I'd never come back.
Chad shit fr
get a pint and pick up mad bitches
Let me clear the air for the newfags on the discord shit:
>there was an /atoga/ dc created by Jaclyn, another raped bitch like JH, which qt MAP and JH were a part of
>that disc died eventually
>other groups were formed
>the foid discord and some American discord
>those discords have 5-10 people at most if they're not completely dead yet
Knowing you like foxes is information enough to find you.
You know kids of a different race than their parents tend to get really messed up about not feeling like they belong anywhere?
Aye lad I will get a pint and [drink it while listening to the extroverts make conversation and nod my head periodically as I stare at the walls wondering when I can go home]
Men how can I tell if my bf actually likes me or if I'm just a placeholder/settled for gf because he can't get anyone else
What? Wrong anon I'm not a fox fan.
I don’t know.
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Fuck it was worth a shot, would've been funny.
Boo, why spoil it?
>he steals girls away from extroverts
chad shit, just doing nothing and they just flock towards you
Here's the thing... men ALWAYS settle. That's not a bad thing, we just have unrealistically high ideals.
>anon says as he realigns the strings on his corkboard with drawings of stick figures
All adopted children get messed up in the head even if they are the same skin color as their parents so adopting a child of another race is probably the dumbest shit you can do for your family and the wellbeing of the child. I have never met a well adjusted adopted person, ever. They all have issues and most are resentful of their adoptive parents. They are pissed because their bio parents didn't want them so they reject their adoptive parents to regain "control".
In my defence, he was tall and I did break it off.
yeah but when someone makes a hypothetical where one of the parameters is outlandish it puts the whole hypothetical into the realm of jokes and similies. if someone asked would i swim in period blood for a million bucks i wouldn't be like PERIOD BLOOD OBSESSED WOMEN ARE GROSS because i know it's a joke. but the difference between u and me is i haven't been sexually abused so i'm not necessarily triggered by the idea of period blood obsessed women in the way that you are by these 'cum obsessed' men whom i can only assume you've had some kind of experience with lol
I was in that group too. It was pretty boring desu.
I heard the foid discord moved to telegram after the excel leak and there hasn’t been a leak ever since. Have you looked into that?
I still don't get it. Are you trying to imply that someone can be doxxed because they mention their favorite animal?

I've been here since 2008 and posted nudes kid you'll have to try a LOT harder than that to scare me lol.
Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply, anon. Good points for me to consider. I can purchase any amount for the certificate, I was thinking of spending enough for 3-4 RMT or chiro treatments. I'm actually not sure how much his insurance would cover, I think complete coverage up to a certain amount annually. If he liked it and got some benefit from it, then maybe he would continue going.

I think he just puts it off because he doesn't see it as necessary, more like an indulgence. He's a bit older, very secure and settled as far as fiances go. The clinic I found is close to his house, easy to get to, easy parking, and open evenings and weekends so he should be able to work it in. He's very busy all the time, I think he just doesn't take the time to do stuff purely for himself.

Seeming like I'm nagging him is the biggest worry I have. I do rub his back a lot, give him massages but it's obviously not the same as an RMT. I already have another gift for him, and planning to make him a special meal and homemade cake, etc. I'm going to think a bit more about the gift certificate
I agree with this >>31504677 Maybe not actively, but if it was all my bf's then sure. If it was random people's cum I'd give it a hard think. That is a LOT of money.
The two big issues are diseases and pregnancy. That makes it a bit of a horror show. I'm not willing to get HIV for any amount of money. Emotionally, non-bf cum in/on my vagina makes me feel awful. If I had some sort of waterproof shorts that would help.

I think how long I have to be in it and how much I have to submerge myself also matters.
I just don't like jizz. I don't see why there has to be trauma behind it. It's objectively gross.
Also taking hypotheticals seriously is more fun, makes you think.
I've looked on his phone and he has pics real/drawn of women similar to me but the way he talks about all the rejections before me makes me feel like he'd be happy with any woman as long as they say yes so I don't feel very special
Eh, I doubt this could get me doxxed but this is the best way to do it. I, at one time, adminned a /soc/ discord with like, 50ish active posters? Funny as fuck time. That's the fun part of it, when you're in control.
I'm more resentful of my biological parents. How would rejecting the people that actually give a shit about me make sense?
I don't even know what this means
Actually I do remember flooding RuleBreaka and he-who-shall-not-be-named's groomer discord with hentai a few times, good times
Bro keeps writing headcanon baka
I thought all this shit was just urban legend
Anyway I'm done with you harshmallows, catch you on the flipside <3
It's possible. I don't really care what post-wall roasties do in their le sekrit fight club larp, but it was very obvious whenever they raided this place.
by looked on his phone I meant it was when we were side by side and he was showing me pics and those just came up and he was embarrassed I wasn't snooping fyi
The joke is I was hoping you were a specific poster, so that if I got it right based on nothing, it'd imply there's some aspect of their posting that was unknowingly non-anonymous. But I whiffed and the joke was ruined.
arent you designed to fertilize that shit naw there has to be some trauma behind it. that'd be like if i hated boobs it doesn't just happen all by itself.
>Bro keeps writing headcanon baka
oh yeah?
then I actually DARE you to come back telling me that you didn't have a positive interaction with a women the entire time you were there
no girl approached you, or smiled at you, or talked to you, or invited you somewhere
you will fail this challenge.
That seems to be a difference between men and women. Women are drowning, men are dying of thirst.
Yes, but I have an active preference for older men
Why did you cover like this when no one was giving you shit about it, huh?
Blew my first bf. Got jizz on my hands, really didn't like it. So I avoided it since. It could be a situation where it just became a self fulfilling prophecy sort of deal where I hate it because I avoid it and not avoid it because I hate it, but at this point it's too deep to undo.
>I don’t really care
Kinda hard to claim that when you just explained the whole thing for new fags don’t you think? You seem to care more than anyone. The so called post wall roasties don’t even have a discord server. The women’s only Atoga discord is literally something I made up to troll new fags in this thread
Because usually with the security of the adoptive parents means the adopted kid feels more brave hating on them instead of the bio parents which have already demonstrated they will throw them away. That's why adopted kids will take the measliest scraps from their bio parents and lick their asses but get pissy at their adoptive parents for microaggressions
Exposure therapy!
my dream girl would ask me to give her a facial
>The women’s only Atoga discord is literally something I made up to troll new fags in this thread
Cool, I wasn't excluded then. Makes me feel better.
maybe you didn't really love your bf at that time
Because it's 4chan and inb4 is life why do you suck so many dicks
Guys, the reality of the situation is that if there is an inner circle, they don't post in this thread.
T. Been in inner circles from /soc/ and /v/ for a decade+. None of us visit the respective threads anymore except to laugh.
Do you ever see posts on here that could have been written by (You)? I feel like it happens to me all the time and it's always a bit freaky
>What pushes you forward in life?
The constant enjoyment I take out of art, improving myself and just plain drawing for fun. That's the biggest one for sure.
Right after, my husband and knowing we've been trough so much we can essentially face anything the world throws at us. I don't mind going through hell as long as it's with him.
>What are your dreams?
I want to make my own comic and/or videogame (both have the same theme). I already work in vidya so I'm close to this.
Oh man I wish I had a duplex too. But that seems more like a fantasy than anything.
Yeah, except the difference is it's written by a chad, which I am not.
Literally never because I'm too quirky.
Not happening. Tried a jizzing dildo before and the disgust alone made me have a panic attack.
Fuck you. Love doesn't mean being willing to take dick-snot shots.
You didn't make it up. It was a thing a few years ago. One of them literally told me lol
Bitches spill all the secrets when you rizz them up.
doesn't that just mean you're an npc? i always write posts that make people go 'what the fuck'
Then you may be more Chad than you realize, anon

I am pretty boring so that may explain it
>have a panic attack
You ever thought about actual therapy?
cause that ain't normal, that's definitely some deep rooted subconscious shit going on then I don't like jizz
>Then you may be more Chad than you realize, anon
No, lmao
I relate to the dude's emotions and plights in life, but not at all anytime they mention the wominz
Sometimes. I'm glad my fringe opinions and preferences are being normalized ITT.
i think it does though. it's not dick snot its babies in there.
Oh sure. Let me go up to a therapist and tell them I'm just there to find help getting over my aversion so I can take loads without puking. Totally reasonable and not stupid.
Lmao, fuck yes
>or smiled at you
People can't even smile now?? Not even the barmaid? This is hard mode
You're self aware enough to not fall for the madona/whore complex right? Right?
They're not babies, they're tiny little fucking suicidal swimmers with the sole goal of burrowing into anything they can get to. It's alien shit.
We hear WAY weirder stuff than that, anon.
They will be messed up being orphans or homeless, we can provide mental health options. C’mon anon, think.
Anon is getting thrashed in dms about leaking the women's only discord I see.
Why wouldn't it be?
There's nothing wrong with that, especially if you're getting panic attacks from them, not to mention jizz being a very normal part of sex, which I assume you are planning on having a lot of.
Probably, except I take comfort in the idea of being normal. I'm not sure if any of us here qualify, though

You'll get there, give it time

Same lol although sometimes it's pretty mundane stuff. Just funny to see
Literally yes. "I'm having panic attacks during sex when my partner cums" is 100% normal therapy talk
why don't you like cum? explain
>This is hard mode
You've just been living in chad mode
Literally no one cares about your discord e-drama bullshit your life is so boring your last resort to a social life is 4chan
I just wanna turn a hoe into a housewife is that too much to ask
I honestly do not know what that is. So... maybe?
Yes, but some of you have started throwing the term around incorrectly and don't know what it means.
That’s not how anything work
That just makes me think of the joke in The Killing Joke.
Normal mode is nobody smiles at you at the bar, not even the barmaid?? Where the hell do you live, Sadville?
Anyway I will honestly report back what happens. I pulled an all-nighter last night and barely slept the night before so I'm dead on my feet rn
Explain it to me
I don't want my girl to dress provocatively in public, and I don't expect them to be freaky in private.
NTA but if it was something you decided you did want to change or work on, for sure there are therapists out there who have helped people with the exact same issue
But it's probably more important as well as weirder. Learning to deal with dudegoo when I'm single seems like the biggest waste of time and money ever. Not to mention embarrassing as hell.
I only had a panic attack because I forced myself to do something gross. Anyone else would feel similarly if they did something they thought was so uncomfortable. Also sex is plenty fun without the stuff. I still don't get why it's so important to some people beyond parenthood.
Yes, that's what being ugly is like.
Make sense, can’t have a thought of your own because you don’t know what you are talking about
It's a well documented thing and I've known people in real life that demonstrate it well
I'll wingman for you bro
According to wikipedia, it means not being able to maintain sexual attraction in a committed relationship or something. I've never been in a relationship so i don't know, maybe I'd catch the bug.
it's the thought that a woman is either pure and worthy of respect (a virgin) or she's immediately a whore (anything between having had a relationship prior and having a high body count).
More like steal my bitch.
I've never had a panic attack with a partner. Just with the stupid dildo. Though I've also never had a guy finish inside so idk.
It's gross. That's the TLDR.
What kind of specialization would qualify a therapist to help?
I go back and forth every day.
One big thing is that if I have kids then that means I'm pretty much committing to never killing myself and it's kind of annoying taking that comfort off the table.
Nah bro don't worry I will rizz you up
My social ineptbess will repel her to you
>I still don't get why it's so important to some people beyond parenthood.
Okay, but imagine this
imagine you don't conquer this phobia, and when the day comes to getting you pregnant, the idea of having man goo inside you turned you off so much, that your body actively rejects impregnation.
that's actually a possibility
Oh, ok. That seems silly. Only a Sith deals in absolutes, etc.
More like repel me away from the both of you.
you're going to use your goofy rizz, or your awkward rizz, you'll some stupid ass shit about jacking it to cartoon animals, and then you'll smile and she'll be like "that's so hot, I love jacking it to cartoon animals too! teehee"
Women, did you have trouble inserting anything in your vagina the first time?
What percentage of men actually want to have a life time partner?
so you feel like the sperm is symbolic of some kind of violation of your being just like sex is, perhaps you feel this way about men in general, like you just tolerate them, but when it comes to sex you feel like you're just being used most of the time.
100% of men I know
is being Julius Caesar'd by your harem a respectable death?
>that's actually a possibility
Post a single bit of research that links non-physical stress during conception to decreased fertility rate and I will unironically look up a therapist in-network tonight. Otherwise you're just trying to scare me.
It's actually more specific than that. It's when a man sees his girlfriend as someone "too pure" to defile.
If you see a man say
>I could only do psex act] with a whore, not my girlfriend
That's a madonna-whore complex
When a man feels guilty thinking sexually about his girlfriend, it's a madonna-whore coomplex

Men calling women whores for the tiniest things is just being a prude or an incel
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This work?
Definitely not. I love sex so much I think about it very often. I enjoy being intimate with men despite the fact they shoot gross stuff when we have sex, that's how much I love them.
Remembered for all time, eclipsing the legacies of all who came after you and having your name become synonymous with greatness? Absolutely
I wouldn't mind it but it's honestly not something I'm pursuing.
I got mine goodluck everybody else
It’s well documented that it workout really nicely and obviously I know people irl too who have adopted and have been adopted that demonstrate that as well.
I've never actually done alcohol or drugs, but I've gone so deep into the research that it's kinda tempting, though difficult with these people around me. So while I agree that masturbation takes focus, I'm just interested in the "letting go and just enjoying" aspect.
Who the fuck is airy, BTW?
>non-physical stress
all stress is physical, as are all emotions, they literally affect you biologically.
Nope. To vague, no link with credible sources. Hormonal imbalance doesn't mean shit in this context. I appreciate the effort, though.
>I've never had a panic attack with a partner. Just with the stupid dildo. Though I've also never had a guy finish inside so idk.
That's good! Imo the goal I'd go for as a therapist in this situation is to just bring down the anxiety around what could happen. Any therapist worth their salt isn't going to force you to take loads unless you are specifically trying to get there. It's about going through with the precautions you take but there's less of a desperation behind it. And setting up some tools between you and your partner on how to respond/soothe if you do end up having a panic attack, eg if something goes wrong with your fail safes.

>What kind of specialization would qualify a therapist to help?
Sex therapists. Anyone who specializes in sexual abuse and is actually well rounded should also, because figuring out how to have healthy happy sex after being SA'd is a HUGE challenge (speaking from experience). I'm sure they've seen clients having panic attacks over cum plenty.
I feel this so hard lmfao. This is a great example of >>31505204
Yeah. I was at a pool party so I needed to use a tampon. And when I say had trouble I mean made myself cry a little because it hurt.
I still do

Most do and don't. Men want the constant of a mother but don't want to put in the effort of maintaining a partnership.
Thinking about Ancient Rome again...
I was just trying to disqualify any research concerning the stress of rape or other unrelated topics by being exclusive in the framing of the sources.
What stage is it when you want to call him a selfish asshoke and that he needs to grow the fuck up? Is it the reality stage?
>links non-physical stress during conception to decreased fertility rate
Come one, anon. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6016043/ is the first google result. This is pretty common knowledge. Start looking for a therapist.
Not true in the slightest my gf said that if I was a nice guy to her she would probably think I’m gay or something
>/atoga/ is deader in summer this year
Shit, you're right.
My cousin's boyfriend is like this too her. He can't touch her, and has cheated on her. The few times in the month they do have sex is to reenact porn scenarios (i.e. having sex mid work call, or outside).
JH to JL transformation
Arguably a good thing. Maybe people are outside socializing.
Yeh, first time I had to put in a tampon was really difficult. I was really stressed out about it which probably wasn't helping.
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This website tries to make me feel like an unlovable beast of burden for being single at 20. But when I actually started paying attention to how normies act in regards to women and all the things they do I realise that I’m actually a pretty normal guy and you all were just making me insecure.
We’re all going to make it
A lady from the science faculty collapsed and died before medics could arrive the other day I’m convinced this is the real red deer summer
I really don't want to go back to a sexual abuse therapist. Been there, done that, it helped and I moved past everything. I don't want a therapist who will instinctively retread old ground when I know my aversion is unrelated. And idk how regular sex therapists operate.
women: what do you think about this?
I'm not making this stuff up, girl
Stress messes up hormones, and hormones control everything when it comes to conception
Today's my friend's 21st birthday and she's tryharding her celebrations this year (we're all dressing formally for dinner tonight, so I'm wearing my suit)

Should I give her a HBD phone call instead of a text since she's making such a big deal out of this one?
Kys newfag go outside then
It's honestly quite sad. I suspect that when I was younger I almost had that kind of mentality (maybe due to my religious upbringing) but only regarding my crushes. I couldn't think dirty about them and doing so made me feel guilty.
Thankfully I had the sense to realize I wasn't mature enough for a relationship at that point and avoided getting into one.
my issue is my sexual attraction to him, so it feels kind of like I'm a shitty person too for even dealing with him so long partly because of my attraction lol. kind of pathetic but we do get primal sometimes. big dumb.
Nta but maybe this is why I've never gotten pregnant despite not being on birth control for the past decade but taking zero precautions.
Your gf is non-existent and you are gay
could also just be you're infertile, have you gotten it checked out?
I wouldn't wait on these kind of things.
this is what incels on 4chan spread lmao
>noo your gf HAS to be pure and virgin and trad!
>you'll some stupid ass shit about jacking it to cartoon animals
Sshhh don't reveal my power levels IRL ffs anon she'll think I'm a beastialist or something
>that's so hot, I love jacking it to cartoon animals too!
That would be dream wide desu
Anywah don't sell yourself short anon (cause I'm prolly shorter)
Pick me pick me
Idk most guys. Over 50% for sure n dandy
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I found this to be really real. Getting real drained rn by a guy emotionally lately. It's kind of fucked up how common this is. We can't fix(probably) so what can one do?
I think the JH becomes a JL when deprived of stimulation
I'm not going to make it, but good luck regardless.
it's not like they're gonna get what they want (and they'd fumble it if they did) so
Women are shit tier nowadays I don’t blame her she hates white women because they make unfaithful wives, my gf might be bell curve IQ but at least she knows the truth
>Maybe people are outside socialising
I doubt it. I have normal cycles when I'm a healthy weight. Either way that would be a good thing for me unless it's caused by cancer or something.
Studies related to stress in general as it relates to fertility tend to be about chronic stress, not acute shit like a panic attack. I'm relatively stress-free in general, so idk if that's applicable. A quick skim of the study that was linked used biological markers associated with stress on a larger timeframe than the moment of conception.
That being said, I can see that it's more complicated and worth looking into than I originally considered.
Have you considered that you are just high maintenance?
What do I think about paternity fraud?

Find a guy that had a healthy upbringing with a good male figure in his life. That's why it's important to meet the parents.
Nooo he's escaping the incel crabs in a bucket, he's not gonna get away with touchgrassmaxxing!!11
Well sexy times aside you gotta do what's best 4 u. No need to feel guilty about it
I'm really chill women, I doubt you'd get emotionally drained by men
Why am I not taken?
No amount of horniness will make me want that stuff.
nta but did you actually read that? It basically says that infertility causes stress, not necessarily that stress causes infertility. A lack of stress resulting in higher fertility does not indicate that the opposite is true.
by me*
>I doubt you'd get emotionally drained by men
They aren't all the same. Yeah rehashing abuse can, in some cases, do more harm than good. Have you read The Body Keeps The Score? It talks about that a bit.
My therapist and I are more focused on the present. My reactions may have been formed due to what happened, but what's more important is teaching my subconscious is that that isn't what is happening now, here, in bed with my partner.
>Dating a non-white woman
Aren't you a pajeet?

Yes, but I'm not. As a matter of fact, my standards are unreasonably low. I just don't want to have to mother a grown man, especially when he gives nothing in return. Codependency isn't for me.
forgive typo...
I'm really emotionally unstable women, I think you'd get emotionally drained by me
Why am I not taken?
I’m Samoan in my country we still cook and eat white peoples
I mean, not to take this lightly, but acute stress is serious too, like women have had their menstrual cycles ceased following a sexual assault
What scope does the therapist end up reaching when it comes to sex? I don't want to have to talk about unrelated stuff like my self love habits and the smut I read or whatever.
>paternity fraud
Horrible, and taking cheating to a next level.
I've always been of the opinion that paternity tests should be normalized.
Were you dating a guy who didn't actually want you?
>Anywah don't sell yourself short anon (cause I'm prolly shorter)
That's just even more chad.
There’s too many useless women in the world today it’s scary to think how many of them are going to die childless and alone living a slow burning suicide
NTA but you don't have to talk to the therapist about anything you don't want to. Don't forget you're paying them.
Eh I would just text anyway, cause you're seeing her tonight anyways
I guess you could send a voice note if you want lol
>lady from the science faculty collapsed and died
Bro I'm literally dozing off and waking up again while posting, idk how tf I'm gonna stay awake at the pub lol
Now I judt need to fall asleep next to a girl with big boobs like pillows...
its over
>idk how tf I'm gonna stay awake at the pub lol
You're going to pull some chad ass moves where you doze off and wake up to a girl smiling at you kind of anime romcom porn scenario bullshit
define useless
>healthy upbringing
why do I keep attracting the opposite? maybe I just need to be pickier, my empathy is probably my detriment in some ways. even so, I'll meet the parents and he'd still be fucked up. I've been in one too many abusive relationships so it's like I have to make myself be fond of boundaries to protect my energy/time. I'm way too nurturing and feel like my positive outlook may even turn off some guys if I am too supportive. fucked.
P.S codependency is all women know without love and attention they literally start physically dying
can I want a mommy gf if I'm independent and don't actually want to be mothered?
You wouldn't consider panic attacks to be chronic stress? That's a symptom of anxiety, which IS chronic stress.
yeah it's called having normal expectations
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I want to buy this bag...
but it doesn't even have any strap, it's only gimmick is that it looks like lunch bag
Independent, infertile, stubborn if you are anything of these you’re not a woman anymore you’re an individual
>you’re not a woman anymore you’re an individual
Oh that sounds pretty based
do you think he'd be worth it as a possible fwb in the possible future? he's kind of a dud otherwise I'm realizing, because idk if I see him ever changing for the better. it is kind of sad to see someone so deep I despair though. idk he has to do the hard part himself and he recently told me he never had to do this stuff alone before so he seems really lost.
Sounds chill actually. I'm more inclined to mommy a guy who has his shit together because I want to treat him than to mommy a man who feels like he needs that from me.
What do you want from a mommy gf other than being mothered? :/
I still jerk off but I feel like I've lost the desire to be in a relationship and to have sex. Last time I met up with someone I wasn't able to nut, although I was able to when I jerked off later. Has this ever happened to anyone? Did you manage to fix it?
I would rather spend 4x on a leather bag. If anything, this is a bag that ls supposed to go inside of another bag.
>I'm more inclined to mommy a guy who has his shit together
That sounds really annoying ngl.
Yeah it's like the other Anon said. They might ask but they should never force you. Sex is a very touchy subject and they should be well versed in being graceful about it.
Knowing me, I'd get it anyway, it's really cute and it's gonna get fun reactions at work and from friends
Why would it need a strap it is a lunch bag.
whats wrong with her
If you just want the mommy body type (big boobs and thick thighs) then yeah why not? I like the bodies of these 'mommy' chicks too, but don't really want to be pampered.
Yeah, but the whole point of bags is that it frees up your hand, taking this thing out means that you actually tie up an entire hand
We only talk about what you're comfortable talking about.
nta but hell yeah this the one
I'm into light mommy stuff and would like a bf who knows boundaries and limits and respect
Some mentioned yesterday that all the ring wing parties in the EU are led by women because they’re desperately trying to bring the old world back and it’s fucking hilarious
A lunch bag is not going to make you the life of the party, anon.
Assuming he wanted that, like the other guy saying he wanted a mommy gf.

Idk what you're thinking but if it's like baby talk and giving him baths that is NOT it. You're saying you don't want your food and drinks brought to you instead of getting them yourself and don't want to be touched affectionately but not sexually ever?
Put it over your head so people don’t have to witness just how ugly you are when talking to you
More like wake up to the doorman kicking my sorry arse out being like "you've ad too much lad, joy on with yer now"
State gender. What is feminism to you?
we'll see, I just know you bout to share some chad ass shit when you come back, hell, I bet you wake up in some bitch's crib
It's a lunch box. It goes in a different bag and comes out when you put it on a table to eat. I don't see why it needs a strap?
>A lunch bag is not going to make you the life of the party, anon.
No, that's my job, not the bag's
I mean stuff like deciding what I'm going to wear that day.
>he'd be worth it as a possible fwb in the possible future? he's kind of a dud otherwise
Bitch you're gonna break his heart lol
A spectrum of archetypes ranging from Based to Cringe.
sounds like a mix of depression and antisocial, anxiety. how long has it been going on? porn death grip?
Well that's just fucking weird and didn't even occur to me. I'm talking like pampering, not weird fetish shit.
>I bet you wake up in some bitch's crib
Ye surrounded by thugs tryna mug me maybe lol
Jewish divide and conquer strategy, I would absolutely do the same thing if I was trying to take over a resisting country
So you're a legit crazy Indian pajeet
F The belief that both genders should have equal rights and opportunities.
Fuck yeah I’m a cannibal ape
Isn't that more egalitarianism?
Well I suppose it's what feminism was initially about before the SJWs took the reigns
Right now modern feminism is pretty much a meme. Especially US feminism.
But actual feminism never reached my country properly. Just 5 years ago a woman was beaten by her husband to a near death state, actually almost died, and the judge said it was ok because she cheated (obviously I'm not excusing cheating but this is barbaric; and she was cheating because she couldn't leave the relationship without this man killing her). The abuser got excused.
After some years this judge is still judging cases but was removed from violence against women cases. Didn't lose his job or anything.

The worst part is that we have chuds here inspired by US culture, and who act like feminism actually existed here to justify continuing being unironic abusers.
Imagine giving a slave freedom and telling them go do your own now you’re free
Then as a man shouldn't I have an equal say in abortion issues?
That's messed up ):
Eastern Europe?
Well, yeh, that's what it SHOULD be, not really what it actually is nowadays I guess.
Portugal if you can believe that. The EU's vacation spot.
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qt with the intrusive gay thoughts, guess the guy wanting to remodel your asshole really go to you
Girls, I’m hungry
It's not for that. I wouldn't bring a clutch to the mall I would bring a bag with a shoulder strap.
Oh man )): I can believe it desu
Lmao nooo
A period started during a nation's golden age that starts out as an attempt at equality but turns into 'women are better than men' and gradually leads to its downfall because subjugation isn't good for anyone. It's that feedback loop where a woman wants a man who makes more money than her, but that is also not fair, so he shouldn't make more money than her, but if he doesn't make more money than her, he's a loser, so where are all the good men who are more successful than her? Oh, we found one? Well that isn't fair he's making so much more money than his female peers...

>muh jews
But feminism is far older than judaism and happens to every civilization in a state of decadence
Dumbass retard
goofy, lol
How did that not go to a higher court?
I am the big sad, women why did you do this?
What's a clutch?
I'm not good with bro fashion, or any fashion.
F Wait, feminism means women are better than men? We're each better at different things, right?
Yes, this it.
>light mommy stuff
I think that's the right description for me. How would you define this, yourself?
I think you're using "mothering" almost as a pejorative. It's about a woman who is strong in maternal love and energy, who loves to nurture and care for others.
Those little bags that are like the size of a poptart with a wrist strap that basically only hold what a wallet holds and MAYBE your phone.
No, that's gender equality, recognizing differences.
Feminism is pitting women against men, feminism is saying a woman can do anything a man could, and better
Because nobody cares.
I've been followed by an old man masturbating behind me on my way to school and nobody in the school believed me, they just kinda made a weird face and went on with their days.
The police didn't take me seriously until I spoke to a woman cop.
Then years later I did get raped, did put a complaint and they did nothing until 2 years later when they collected 5 fucking other reports from the same fucking guy.
This guy looks hella fruity ngl
I'm sorry that all happened to you anon ):
Women didn’t collapse the late bronze age anon
Gf is worse she would probably drink human like her ancestors did
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huh, men carry these?
maybe I'm really really out of touch
No, that's what it devolved into. Obviously women are better than men at some things, while men are better at others things.
It's why we need one another and we haven't killed the weaker half yet.
That's Twitter feminism not actual feminism. True feminism is about equality of respect and equity of opportunities.
It’s because she’s broke and can’t afford a lawyer anon get with the program
corrupt and lazy system run by worthless people
Why can't young man with heart of justice beat such scum to death??
Isn't there a ton of corruption in Portugal? Bribery and stuff like that?
>men carry these
Not that I'm aware of.
But more to the point how many guys do you see walking around just carrying a lunch box?
>south europe
>run by lazy people who don't want to do their jobs
It's ok anon, I'm doing fine now.
I'm happy, have my place, doing what I love, etc...
It's just that I know damn well this country sucks regarding basic respect towards women.

I can't 100% blame my country since we did leave a dictatorship in the 70s and women/men used to be segregated. My mom was 13 when we finally had our first mixed boys and girls school. People are still extremely backwards
>But more to the point how many guys do you see walking around just carrying a lunch box?
surprisingly often, if we count fast food paper bags.
Lmao how am I gonna break his heart? Do you know how much emotional turmoil and bagged he has laid on me? Yeah I told him I wanted to wait to become official to get to know him more and WHAM now I know deep shit. But it's like, he even said so himself he doesn't deserve me when I could have "any guy" I want and he said he thinks I'd leave him anyway. We aren't technically together just messaging everyday about whatever.

I told him whenever we get a chance to meet(we live a few hours away) that some cuddle therapy would be good. I even told him to take a break from talking to me just now since he has mental stuff to process and he did for a bit and came back with a report of something he regrets doing whike gone and is in pain now like he just came up to mom.

I want someone down to clown with. Positive vibes too. :p
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What would you do if you found yourself in this situation?
>Why can't young man with heart of justice beat such scum to death??
You do hear of cases of people actually doing this, especially when it's parents taking revenge for their kids.

Bro we're so fucking corrupt. I pay 40% taxes for extremely shit pay (1300 monthly), and it's all funneled to private banks and other private companies. There's *some* nice things, but most of the cash gets eaten up by the smalltime rich people here.
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...Do white parents really?
>if we count fast food paper bags
In this case we're not. In this case we're not counting single use or repurposed multi-use shopping bags.

What do you want to carry in this bag?
I'd cease contact with them and get a fucking lawyer. I'd immediately tell all my other family members as well with proof.
they could be black, judging from the username
where do I meet a clingy girl to make my gf
No men do not carry these they are not interested in fashion
My mom stole $300 from me to buy Christmas present for my younger siblings. Never mentioned it I had to call her out, said she'd pay me back and she never did.
>What do you want to carry in this bag?
nothing really, it's just gimmicky
I can stuff all of my stuff into my pockets, keys, wallet, phone, airpods, and my watch.
You hear about vigilantes in America sometimes that go all Batman on people. I think the cops shut them down pretty quickly.
On campus fren
So then commit to the gimmick and carry it in your hand dude. Even better if you write your name on it in sharpie.
Is Detroit really as bad as I've heard?
>sucks regarding basic respect towards women.
I don't want to sound like I am downplaying any of your experience here, but is this really a gendered thing? Is it actually a result of sexism? If you were a boy who had been abused do you think they would have actually taken it more seriously?
Or is it a result of apathy and corruption?
I'm only making a point here because in most normal societies people are going to be more worried about the safety of their daughters rather than their sons, unless you're in a really stone age shithole.
Need a backpack also.
oh god, I want to do that so bad
except instead of guy with a quirky gag, I'll just look like an autistic manchild
I’ve been noticing a trend with parents backstabbing their children with money literally happened to gfs friends her parents asked her to take out a loan she her parents could go to the states they ran out of money and asked her to send cash lol
Have you considered leaving?
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Some suburbs have been gentrified and kicked out the drug addicted, the hipsters actually grew up and had kids
No contact and lawyer up. I would be livid and wanting to break something. Preferably stab an object and scream.
don't worry in north and west europe you can get away with a slap on the wrist for rape and child abuse if you illegally arrived on a boat
I agree
I would still think it was funny. The fact that it's a cloth bag makes it feel intentional no matter how autistic you look lol.
Depressed and stressed immature parents acting selfishly because their misery doesn't allow them to see the bigger picture or care for others the way they should.
Cancel the card and report it as stolen. If that doesn't fix it I guess I'd need to start googling how to pick a lawyer.
pajeets are the most low value men in the world
Mind you the poor girl is a full lesbian feminist with bright coloured hair but now I can fully understand why
>but is this really a gendered thing?
it is 100% sexism and general bigotry.
My family has some land, and when we need seasonal work, both women and men get upset at us if we pay the same to men and women for the same job.
The discourse is "obviously women can't do as much so that means they need to be paid less". And obviously women also parrot this because these are the men they come home to every day. They need to be on board with that, otherwise they start having issues.

>If you were a boy who had been abused do you think they would have actually taken it more seriously?
Absolutely not because a boy/man being raped would mean he's gay.

Portugal doesn't just have the sexism issue, it's a bigotry in general issue.
But misogyny is 100% a thing. I get spoken over by men a lot, every woman does. In dinners it's normal we get spoken over so much that we separate between the women's side of the table and the men. Not because of different interests in topics, but literally because we get spoken over. I have to actively have myself and another guy call attention to people speaking over me to get heard. Also things like being excluded from activities immediately, being called "the girly" at work (I'm fucking 30), and general dismissal.
And of course, every time I am followed (doesn't happen so much because now I know better than to walk alone back home), none of the men around me believe me. They IMMEDIATELY doubt it. They don't entertain the thought of it and immediately write it off as women being dramatic. They actively push back against """"feminist"""" ideas such as "this guy fucking followed me", as if there's even been a feminist push to begin with. Most women here dress conservative, think conservative, and to not really dress "scandalously".
>safety of their daughters rather than their sons
Yeh, MY daughter. Why would I care about someone else's?
your randian-hoppean utopia everyone
Would you be mad if you learned your boyfriend talked at length about wanting to breed the panfaced Vietnamese women at his job who are ugly as fuck and he hates Vietnamese women and that makes him want to fuck and breed them like worthless fuck meat and listen to their little yaps and squeals? He doesn't actually try to fuck any of them he just fantasizes about being a white man colonizer of their yellow pussies.
>otherwise they start having issues.
Like what? Fear of being murdered? I'm only joking a little.
The great reset is the vigilante in this case cleaning up the streets means kill everybody that isn’t essential to the plan
What the fuck
Reminder to ignore all questions that address women specifically.
I mean I've paid my mom more than that in rent lol
I was saying that with some sarcasm. But it's true that a lot of people have a "not in my backyard" mentality.
The techno is good https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uH7u1ZeRK34
Unironically kinda yeah. Might not get fully murdered just a bit bruised-
Thankfully in big cities people are conservative but not really monsters most of the time when you look at the numbers compared. In smaller villages people really tend to be more aggressive per capita.
You've never touched a woman, get a better hobby than writing this bullshit
What is wrong with you?
How do I get a toxic bf and then out-toxic him?
Britney Spears karaoke dance party
Because I come from an anglo country that's an experience very alien to my own. I'm sorry to hear how shitty it is. People are retarded and act how they're programmed to act unfortunately.

Perhaps this applies more to my own culture but I honestly believe that in general, there's a real animus from the old towards the young, that applies society-wide which leads to that dismissive mentality when young people complain or point something out.
Is there anything I can do to convince the women who have to occasionally be around me that I apologize for my existence, and if it were reasonable for me to be further away from them I would be?
Paying your parents rent is crazy
Get a league of legends player
Are you the same anon that did the Randian post?
Why do moids think a walk is a good idea for a date? I'm not a fucking dog
something like cuddles while telling softly how happy I am he's here and and how proud I am of him, with little sweet kisses every which where. his head in my chest or preferably lap while he rests for comfort and I play with his hair and trace my fingers over him like his jawline and ears etc. playing dress up and having plushies around, enjoying stuff like pokemon and cartoons/anime and maybe making cute crafts or building legos, doing puzzles and drawing on paper or eachother. get into edible paint? watching him play games and being the supportive cheerleader/soccer mom on the sidelines. light food play, bubble baths. watergun fights.

I had an ex who wanted me to tell him bedtime stories or sing him a lullaby before bed.
kek, yes
what makes you think this?
I feel so attacked rn stay away from my peoples
>tell me you're overweight without telling me you're overweight
it would be so hot if you were wearing nothing but a collar and leash though
Isn't the point of a date to get to know each other better?
Am I supposed to take you to a haunted house to have a conversation? Or a movie theater?
Walking or coffee will do just fine.
If she's too good to walk with me...
If you live with your parents and are working you should at least be paying for any of your expenses somehow. Just ideally you are paying way less than renting a place of your own.
People that reference Ayn Rand and words like "animus" seem kinda pseudo-intellectual.
This might be the autism talking but I like a walk as a date. I find it easier to talk if I'm doing some other mindless task (like walking), don't feel pressured to make so much eye contact because I'm not sitting directly across from him the whole time, and I feel like it's easier to fill awkward silences because you can talk about something from the environment around you.

Go for a walk get some ice cream and stop being such a bitch
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Can I get an assessment on this reply lo

Because the social contract has agreed that modern first dates need to be extremely casual and in a public place. There are only so many options. Asking a girl out to an actual sit-down dinner everyone just thinks is cringe now so nobody does it.
I hate ice cream
NTA. Expenses sure but not rent. If your parents want you to move out they shouldn't be charging rent it's antithetical to the goal.
Yeah, my parents love me
they be giving me shit to this day.

That's the secret to generational wealth.
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How come autistic men usually never have a girlfriend let alone any contact with the opposite gender but "autistic :3" women always have a boyfriend
Oh absolutely. And these are all very much "old people ideas".
The "problem" here with my country is that it's only people my age and younger that are more open minded. That is if we speak English and if we socialize on the internet. People who only speak Portuguese here, despite being educated just end up what we call "Betos" (to translate, typical haughty school/university kids, that live comfortable sheltered lives and subscribe to all the catholic conservative values). They're them kids dressing Lacoste shirts, going to Starbucks, who have all their schoolpapers written by ChatGPT, and before that they were paying people to write them.
The non educated only-Portuguese speaking folk then end up just plain oonga boonga sexist.
To give you an example, my ex was one of these uneducated boys, and he had no issue grabbing my hands and saying things like "oh haha I could beat you up right here and you'd be defenseless", thought it was ok to spout sexist shit like I shouldn't be going to uni because I should be home after having kids anyway and that was my duty, yadda yadda. It's not like this was just him either. Men here at 18 have this idea that they really have to provide for women. Women are seen as these delusional idiots. Despite even here we succeeding much more academically.
F but they do?
Who gives a shit?
autistic men have trouble finding a gf but have little problems keeping her

autistic women have little problems finding a bf but have trouble keeping him
autistic men, duh?
I am the league of legends player, you stupid fucking bitch.
>something like cuddles while telling softly how happy I am he's here and and how proud I am of him, with little sweet kisses every which where. his head in my chest or preferably lap while he rests for comfort and I play with his hair and trace my fingers over him like his jawline and ears etc.
This is how I want to cuddle every time.
> watching him play games
Would you watch him play a game that's a little spooky?
Walks are nice.
I'll look into it.
Not really. Most people just want to live their lives. There is a lot of fun stuff to do down there too. Would I live there no I live in macomb county but do I go there for events and to visit friends or hook up, yes.
>tfw hooking up with guy at his (pretty nice) loft apartment in inner city detroit
>leave but realize I left my phone inside and the building is passcode only to get in
>stand outside sketched as fuck for 20 minutes until a woman leaves the building obviously sees I'm well dressed and normal and lets me in
>knock on his door go dude I forgot my phone
>him: why didnt you call me
This is quite common in Europe, right?
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Why are black girls built like tanks?
I mean I didn't mind but ye she was overcharging me lol (double what I was paying before moving back home), also considering I was doing most of the housework and childminding...
I'm built to take a pounding.
I'm not sure if it is, but I've seen pretty insane shit from my German friends and Spanish friends. Also seen stuff like this from UK friends.

It just goes to show, that despite me not being a feminist or subscribing to feminist ideals, my country and many others would really benefit from it.
In the US a lot of the feminism is just performative. But here we really are in dire need of proper gender egalitarian feminism.
Fucking kek fatass
nta but is she an alcoholic?
It's a scrote shit test and shows how they value you
"if her daddy's rich take her out for a meal if her daddy's poor just do what you feel"
They see you as easy if you accept the walk date
You will never be smarter than a man it’s biologically accurate
I'm not too big on spooky stuff in general but sure, just he knows I am easily spooked so I may squeak. I guess that plays into the prankstery part in getting a rise out of someone. I don't want to be pranked and irritated otherwise though. That's annoying
You would look cute in a collar though...
she's not but my grandfather is
Literally my gfs body but she’s fatter
That's pretty much how it is in Russia also.
>men here at 18 have this idea that they really have to provide for women.
I can't quite blame them for this in particular to be honest.
In more progressive countries, we have women who are want equality but still expect men to provide anyway. Men still have to perform their traditional role even women don't. I don't think that many women are willing to date a man who isn't willing to play that role either.
We haven't actually gotten gender roles and relations right.
Omg please dont milk my prostate haha I would cum so hard~
It’s socially unacceptable for women to not have a romantic interest whereas men are expected to be working on their career or business, since I can remember I’ve always the idea of keeping a woman around because I literally just need her for sex until I met my wife who is basically a mother and bratty little sister combined in one lol
You are gay
I've observed that as well.
In my company we have a Russian sector and a lot of them came to live here. I love my Russian women colleagues, they're the best. Incredibly smart (most of them are programmers here) and they're very real. They do have what you'd perceive as "feminist/leftist" ideals, but really they have all the reason to and they don't take shit from retarded men. Very aware of men following them, being assholes, etc...
Especially here in Portugal, the fact that they're blond is also a magnet to shitty pervs, so we end up hanging a lot in big groups.
Meanwhile, you've got a ton of women in North America that don't even know basic cooking skills.
That's what I thought
>It’s socially unacceptable for women to not have a romantic interest
Is it? :/
>stealing from your own 18 years old kid by "retroactively charging for rent"
I honestly think I'd react violently...
Literally every single girl I know their parents hate them and their friends are all wine aunt tier social retards
It's interesting here. Because every woman I've known in Portugal works, and would be shamed if she wouldn't work and have her own wage.
We're very much the people who keep everything together here. Men work, but they expect women here to do house chores and raise kids all alone. And we do.
Fuck, my mom always had 2 jobs and she raised all 3 of us with my dad coming home after his hobbies at 11pm.
He actually wanted her to stop having a career and stay home, but she never did that. Good thing she didn't because he cheated on her.
so words you don't know are scary?
See, you're doing it again.
Your society is halfway into living as progressive and modern while halfway trying to live with traditional gender roles, resulting in confusion.
Also it's ridiculous that anyone needs to work more than 1 job to live.
stop replying to yourself, fatty
nta but can you actually have both?
NTA but I love that song lol
All progressives become trad as they get older and more redpilled working more than one casual job is great for young people to incomemaxx
This is the second night in a row my gf has magically woken up at 5 am and texted me about it. I'm getting bad vibes from it, am I reading too much into it? Do women really just wake up at 5 am sometimes?
At this point it's needed. Minimum wage is 700 monthly, and rent for a single room in our capital is 800. You'd think people in the capital get good pay, but "good pay" is like at most 1400 monthly. Half your money still goes to rent.
In smaller cities, towns, and villages, a single bedroom is still 300 to 400 monthly.

My mom did what she had to do. She had a base salary of 1600 and worked on her own after that. She was a psychologist. My dad was actually stacked but he pissed all the cash away in hobbies, as men here usually do.

I would say that at this point, people my age are just focused on surviving, so they don't get hung up on "oh no you have to stay home and birth my children" because we can't live on a single paycheck unless it's like 4k monthly. At which point you pay 50% in tax as if you're a dirty rich millionaire.
my ex used to wake up early in the morning to go to the bathroom. I think most if not all women do so
I wake up around there to jog. Less people to ogle me at that hour.
I don't think so. You'd have to be specific about what roles remain unchanged and what roles get replaced.
What we get instead is "gender roles for he, not for she".
Men who earn money have status, which is masculine. That guy is going to be more attractive, generally speaking, to women than the guy who has no job and does chores.
Wtf is she texting you at that hour? Kinda rude imo.
Maybe they’re looking because it’s so unsightly
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You can't deny that your milkshake brings all the girls to the yard.
Anons just like to forget that, once in proximity to said girls within said yard, nothing of note occurs.

They are the Grape-kun to your Hululu.
Essentially, I am accusing you of having the alluring charisma, and numbers score, of a flat anime girl stand up.
No offense intended.
Well that's just mean...
It's crazy to think income tax basically didn't exist before like the mid-19th century. Crazy to think the government gets half of your paycheck just because.
I'm not much of a prankster, I just get tingles showing someone else a cool story that I love.
It's more like "I'm not spending money on you when we've never even met face to face"
Would you rather we go back to Victorian work standards?
You know how many ugly girls I see in my gym at this hour like why should anyone be subjected to that this is my workout I didn’t come here to see you jiggle around and smell like cheeseburgers women have no right to be awake at this hour unless it’s domestic duties or babies are awake
She literally just tells me she woke up and that she's going to try to go back to sleep. She's also been "falling asleep" before saying good night to me, and it's not that I need her to do it, it's that she used to do it every single night.
I frankly wouldn't be complaining about taxes if we had actual proper good management of said taxes.
We do have public healthcare but it needs a lot of improvement. The public education sector at least is pretty good. Both on schools and universities. People aren't sent into homelessness because we do things like social buildings with programs that finds these people jobs. It's just that there's clearly not enough investment in these things, we should have much more. It's mostly sent to corporate pockets.
This isn't a woman thing. Some people just wake up and can't get back to sleep. Assuming you're not Australian, it's also the time of year with the most daylight, so sunrise is way early.
What kind of bad vibes are you hung up on? Occult? Cheating?
>you'll have to try a LOT harder than that to scare me lol.
>I truly believe there's no spreadsheet.
>it'd imply there's some aspect of their posting that was unknowingly non-anonymous.
Such is the essence of The Spreadsheet

Going on 4 years now.

strange non-sequitur.
Greed is a thing, yes. It's why stuff like communism looks good on paper but never works in practice.
>tells me she woke up and that she's going to try to go back to sleep
Literally why
I don't think you even need that high taxes to have good services and stuff like that. It really is just plain corruption.
Is it? Do you know what income tax is used for?
I preferred the version where there was a paid tranny janny discord army. Quality schizo lore ramblings.
As someone in my own situation in this shit country, I do hate communism. But, a mix of socialism and capitalism works very well, even in our shit corrupt system. All our best doctors are in public hospitals and public buildings. All our needs are 100% met if we don't have money. In that regard, it does at least work.
Nigga, I don't know, to worry me?
Cheating more than anything
Do you actually think that bigger tax = more put to use?
Yeah this is definitely the case. The proof of that is that we do have a good standard of living and we enjoy good things despite the corruption
Where's the info dump about ME though?
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tfw not on the spreadsheet
Live innawoods in a cabin or something the
No. But some IS actually put to use. If you don't like it, go live off grid somewhere and stop complaining about it.
M or F

How do you get rid of temporarily sunken eyes
I'll choose to ignore your bait.
Yeh, that's right. Go back to your bread and circuses.
You don’t, embellish your predators genes
I dunno
water, sleeping, icing it?
Makeup usually.
Are you F? Women actually do have thinner skin. Makeup.
>the way he talks about all the rejections before me makes me feel like he'd be happy with any woman as long as they say yes so I don't feel very special
How is his self esteem and worth now?

Actually, a way to tell might be a sort of positive version of a shit test.
Men who are settling for "what they can get" historically leave or cheat when they can get better.
So my advice is to build him up. Make him see his worth and improve his position in life. Work to have him, and yourself, become healthier and more attractive. Then if he doesn't drift away he's a decent guy who likes you.

The more common alternative is to have him dress like a loser man child or sexless neutered fanny pack mannequin so that other women won't want him.
nta I did that with a guy and he dumped me.
Does she do other weird things?
>You once breathed the same air as an attractive woman? ...CHAD!
Kill yourself annoying incel why do you continue to post dogshit replies skibiti faggot
Nah, women ruined it for each other.
Like what?
Absolutely. My Dad actually tried to more or less instill it on me.
The sex talk he was given and gave was literally: "Never treat a lady like a whore or treat a whore like a lady."

And at my young age I was mentally like: "....cool story bro. But, uh, wasn't Jesus pretty cool with treating whores like decent people? And I want have kinky sex with a girl I actually like and respect. Where does that fit into your little grandfatherly advice? Good joke."
I was honestly surprised to find out later he thought it was good advice.

I mean, "treat something like what it is" is good advice. But making assumptions about what a person is based on your perception of whether they're a whore or a lady is pretty stupid.
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I'm not taking requests at the moment
You’re an incel I’m glad your life sucks atm
>hb doesn't have time for me
It's truly over.
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You keep using that word. I dinna think it means what you think it means.
Skibiti rizz yourself faggot
>Men are smarter than women
Site we are currently on is biggest counter argument to this

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